tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 13, 2014 6:00am-8:01am PDT
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thing. >> community. quick reminder. watch the latest episode of our new original series called "chicagoland" at 10:00 eastern, 9:00 central here on cnn. we'll be back tomorrow. tgif, almost. in the meantime, gleets let's gr colleague carol costello. >> that's right. it's friday eve. have a great morning. thanks so much. "newsroom" starts right now. happening now in the newsroom, the mystery of flight 370 deepens. >> the plane vanished. trust me when i say -- >> searches come up empty. this turned out to be nothing. >> it was near 370's flight path in waters between malaysia and vietnam. approximately 140 miles from where the plane's transponder went silent. >> is the search back to square one? >> why have you got such limited
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knowledge as to what happened to flight 370? >> new claims coming out claiming the flight was still in the air some four hours longer than previously thought. >> the revelation could force a further expansion of the search that already spans 27,000 nautical square miles. >> this as american investigators are on the ground trying to find answers. you're live in the "cnn newsroom." good morning. i'm carol costello. thank you so much for joining me. the search for malaysia airlines flight 370, more twists, more doubts. in an investigation that seems mired in confusion, this morning new claims that could vastly stretch the already sprawling search area. "the wall street journal" reporting an engine on the missing airliner sent data for
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four hours after the plane vanished from the radar. that means the plane could have traveled another 2500 miles in any direction. malaysia is dismissing that report, though. >> those reports are inaccurate. the last transmission from the aircraft was at 0107 which indicated everything was normal. rolls royce and boeing teams are here in kuala lumpur and have worked with investigations teams since sunday. these issues have never been raised. >> still, the notion that flight 370 flew for hours undetected is intriguing. let's talk about that. cnn's richard quest is in new york. in washington, bob francis, a former vice chairman of the national transportation safety board and oversaw a number of airline crash investigations. welcome, gentlemen. >> morning, carol. >> bob, i want to start with you. unnamed u.s. sources told "the
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wall street journal" that rolls royce, which makes the plane's engines, picked up pulses of data from the plane's engines after it disappeared from radar. can you make sense of that for us? >> well, i think that's entirely possible. you know, its engine monitoring and monitoring the performance of the aircraft and it's a known -- it's a known quality, quantity. the interesting thing is that the story comes out so much later than, you know, here we are four or five days later. what was going on in the meantime? >> what was going on in the meantime? nothing because i've often wondered. i know ntsb investigators are in malaysia help with the investigation, as are faa investigators. but how much input do you think they really have? >> well, it's -- i would hope they have a lot because there's certainly nobody more competent
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to do this kind of thing. on the other hand, from what one hears, there's a lot of politics going on out there. and the malaysians are at least, for the moment, in charge of the investigation. and so you go and do what they tell you to do. >> so richard, what are you hearing about the level of involvement of american investigators? >> and, well, we know for a fact that the malaysians, because they said yesterday, are asking for the expertise in looking at radar tracks and interpreting the data from the americans and others, from the ntsb and the faa. so my guess is that the ntsb and the faa have their shirt sleeves rolled up and are absolutely in the thick of it. because they are the ones who are absolutely the most qualified to look at this data and to actually interpret it and assist the malaysian authorities who are normally in charge of the investigation.
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on this rolls royce question, whether the engines continued to send telemetry and data via the a-card system, it's possible they could have done except if the -- if the plane had kept flying but we've heard from the -- we just heard from the malaysian transport minister that they did not receive any information. so this -- i mean, put it as blunt as i can, carol, "the wall street journal" quoting unnamed sources at rolls royce in britain says they continue to receive data. the malaysians say they did not. so it seems that the a-car system, this is the automatic reporting system which the plane transmits morning, noon and night while it's in flight stopped at the same time as everything else did at 0127. >> so you are saying bluntly "the wall street journal" report is wrong? >> i'm not saying it. the malaysian department, the
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minister of transportation, is saying it. you just heard it. you can play the sound bite again. >> we just heard it. we did hear it but i'm just saying the investigation is -- has been chaotic. and you really don't know what to believe. >> exactly! that's exactly the situation we are in at the moment. it is actually worrisome that at this point, carol, at this point, we are -- we're basically back at square one. i heard your introduction at the beginning of the program asking, are we back at square one? and the answer is, yes. which is why the involvement of thee ntsb and the faa is so important because bob is absolutely right there is no one better anywhere in the world at interpreting this data of what they are getting. and the data is so incomplete and it's so partial and it's so random from what we understand that this is crucially
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significant that the ntsb is there. >> let's talk to bob as an ntsb investigator. bob, you mentioned that politics is involved. of course, that always makes things a lot more complicated. if you were on the scene, what would be different about the information coming out of malaysia? >> if we were in charge of the investigation? >> uh-huh. >> i guess that we would have an authority there who is competent to deal with everything that's going on and wouldn't have any ax to grind. the ntsb is a technical agency. the u.s. government or the u.s. itself doesn't have any interest in this other than finding out what happened. i just find the andy pastor article remarkable. and it's one of a series of remarkable things that we
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continue to come across in this investigation. >> let's go back to that. you are talking about "the wall street journal" report. you find it remarkable why? >> well, andy pastor is a very reputable journalist who knows this stuff in aviation as much as anyone. and to have, for him to have created this article out of whole cloth, stretches creduality. so i -- you don't know where to go. i would go with what andy said because i have great faith in him. and he doesn't have any political ax to grind as do the malaysians. >> so a question, if "the wall street journal" report is credible and the plane flew on for four hours undetected, that means someone probably commandeered the plane, right? >> someone commandeer it?
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or the pilots decided to do what happened. you don't know necessarily what it was. but certainly somehow inside the airplane, a decision was made either as a result of force or as a result of volition to fly on. >> richard, you wanted to say something? >> i do. i really want to pick up on what bob's just said because bob is enormously experienced in these matters. and if what bob is saying is right and "the wall street journal" article is correct, then this investigation is in very deep trouble indeed because if we are in a situation where the head of the investigating ministry is basically saying it's untrue and it transpires to be accurate and the man closest
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to the story, the man closest to the investigation is so wrong on this fundamental fact of whether the engines continued and whether there has been information, then this investigation is well and truly in deep trouble. >> i know cnn is digging for its own information on that angle of the story. richard quest, bob francis, many thanks to both of you. >> you're welcome. also this morning, malaysia knocking down another possible lead. these chinese satellite image that appeared to show some kind of debris. malaysia says china released the images, quote, by mistake and search crews have found no sign of flight 370. david mckenzie is in beijing with that side of the story. hi, david. >> carol, hi, carol. these were really a strong lead yesterday. these images of three objects in the ocean around the gulf of thailand which a chinese official said were potential the
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crash site. they scrambled the vietnamese jets, vietnamese search planes to the area. they say they found nothing and then the malaysian authorities said that this was all a mistake. take a listen. >> when the chinese satellite imagery, a maritime enforcement surveillance plane was dispatched this morning to investigate potential debris. shown on chinese satellite images. we deployed our assets but found nothing. we have contacted the chinese embassy who notified us this afternoon that the images were released by mistake and did not show any debris from ma-370. >> it's obviously a very serious allegation from the malaysians saying the chinese don't have their house in order and that this agency released these images without coordination from beijing. the ministry of foreign affairs earlier today told cnn that they
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weren't aware of the photographs. and we contacted chinese officials who aren't commenting. it does speak to the potential chaos of this investigation and also finger pointing certainly from malaysia to china about this indeed which was a very strong one, one has to say, yesterday. >> and lends further credibility on what mr. francis just told us moments ago. still to come -- searchers turn to high-tech tools to find flight 370. rene marsh has that angle of the story. good morning. >> the questions remain, where is flight 370? and why can't search crews find it? coming up, we take a closer look at how they are going about this search and the tools they are using. [ male announcer ] you've never watched her like this before. but something about spending this time together -- sailing past ancient glaciers in alaska -- makes you realize how old time is and how short life is.
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dozens of ships and planes have joined the search for the malaysian airliner now missing for six days. while eyes scan the waters, teams are also using high-tech tools to cover an area of nearly 36,000 nautical square miles. it's the size of portugal now. rene marsh is in washington with more. >> reporter: good morning. a lot to cover this morning. malaysian authorities have handed over both radar data and other information to the ntsb and faa. and the agencies have seen the data. based on that, they agree it was reasonable to extend this search area to the west of the peninsula. but the main focus is still the south china sea. and as the search continues for the sixth day, this morning we take a closer look at exactly how they are doing it. from the sea, air, land and even space, search teams are using everything at their disposal to find malaysian airlines flight
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370. the first question figuring out where radar last picked up the plane. >> it's a big task because you have multiple radar sites and possibly multiple different countries. so they're not all in the same format. >> some of the top radar experts in the world are helping analyze every possible blip. but searching can also be low tech like looking out a window for debris. >> most of the search is being done either by air, airplanes flying over it because they can cover the largest area. >> the u.s. military is even searching in the dark. >> we're looking at tonight actually flying night mission which can use its radar infrared and even night vision goggles there. >> and high above, it gets even more high tech. devices that look for nuclear explosions and missile launches were checked to see if the plane blew up. and satellites were focused on the area. nasa says it's using weather
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satellites to look for wreckage. along with a camera on the international space station. besides these photos released from the chinese government, the pentagon is checking its satellites. but below the waves, the plane itself could be calling if anyone is close enough and listening. >> there is the acoustic pinger which is on the flight data recorder. but that requires that you have a -- basically a microphone that will work in the water. most ships don't have the right equipment so you have to get ships to the area that have the right equipment to start looking for it. so the longer it takes for them to find the plane, the harder this search becomes. currents and winds plays into this in a big way. so if the plane is in the water, currents are moving it x many miles per hour, multiply that by 24 hours and multiply that again by six days and you have a search area that has expanded hundreds of miles every day that goes by, carol. >> renee marsh, reporting live
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from washington. not just official government teams looking for that plane. millions of you are going online to try to spot the crash site. digital globe, a u.s.-based earth imaging firm activated its crowd sourcing platform and asked for your help to search through satellite image. as it turns out, the entire world wants to help. the firm estimates some 2 million people have logged on and started looking through those images. the response so overwhelming the site has crashed multiple times. bret larsen, editor of tech bites joins me now. 2 million people. that's amazing. >> the site is down. i just tried loading it up here on my smartphone to take a peek at it again before we went on. the site has now crashed because so many people are going on. it's kind of an amazing concept. they've got these five satellites. they are in the sky. they've pointed their cameras down at the ocean where we're searching.
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any answers and they've turned over what they have found to the public and you can go on and you can look at the pictures. you can look at the images and you don't necessarily get to say, oh, i think i found x, y or z. you tag a picture that looks interesting or looks like there might be something there and then they'll go back and look at that data. look at where there were heavy amounts of tagged data and try and figure out twhat is. >> so 2 million people have logged on and are looking for this plane. so how many people does digital globe have who were going through all this data that's coming in? >> they've got their entire staff there out in colorado will be taking in all of the feedback that they are getting from these 2 million users across the globe right now looking at all of this information that's coming in through their satellites. >> so they are rejecting certain satellite images. can you tell me about that? >> now they're going to -- they are possibly looking at images where they are going to reject or going to be things that
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aren't clear, where maybe there's too much you can see on the screen right now where there's a lot of clouds in the way, an obstruction of some kind that you can't get a clear image down to the sea. and they are also, as i mentioned, you know, they are using an algorithm where when you tag the photo, it makes the photo more popular on their end. so when their computers, they'll see, oh, hey, this one image has been tagged, we'll say, 100,000 times so, clearly, there's something here that we need to take a better look at. and they may even take a better look at it and then send the satellite around to get more photos, more high resolution photos to give them a better idea of what they are seeing. >> so a lot of good-hearted people are going to this site to help. is it worth their time? >> i definitely think it's worth the time. if you want to pass a little time if you just want to take a look at what's going on and get this really amazing view and participate in this search for this plane that's been missing now for over a week almost.
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>> brett larsen, thanks. ukraine struggling to keep its crimean region from slipping permanently into russia's grab. a secession vote is scheduled for sunday, but is it already too late? i'll ask a senator who will be heading to ukraine this weekend. i quit smoking. i've quit for 75 days. 15 days, but not in a row. for the first time, you can use nicorette...
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seized oil and gas fields and offshore ukrainian assets. this as officials prepare for sunday's referendum. voters in crimea are poised to decide whether the region will unite with russia or remain part of ukraine. senator john mccain told cnn he thinks crimea is already in russia's grip for good. mccain is leading a group of senators on a trip to ukraine this weekend. one of those senators, chris murphy of connecticut, joins me from washington. good morning, sir. >> morning. >> what are you guys hoping to accomplish by going to ukraine? >> i thing first thing we hope to accomplish is show the ukrainian government they have strong u.s. support in conjunction with our allies. no matter what happens ultimately to crimea, that's only about 5% of the country. if we consolidify the rest of ukraine on a pathway to joining with the european union, that is a serious blow to russia. they need right now some pretty significant economic support.
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we passed a vote that would do that. we're going to talk about what else we can do to not only react to he russian incursion on crimea but help to support and prop up this new government in kiev. >> do you think the vote that's supposed to take place will be fair? >> it's a total sham of a vote. you know, it's ridiculous to think that you can have a free and fair vote at a time when your country is being occupied, when guns are literally being held to the heads of voters. and russian propaganda is flooding the air waves. ukrainian television has been shut down and replaced with russian government-led propaganda television. so the idea that this is a referendum that anyone should pay attention to is absolutely ridiculous. prime minister yatsenyuk is here and he will have a strong message from the united states from the top on down that no one in the international community should recognize this absolute fraud of a referendum. >> so we'll assume the referendum will go russia's way,
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right? >> yeah. pretty good bet. >> i think that's a pretty good bet. so president obama has promised consequences if russia doesn't pull out of crimea. a lot of people wonder if that threat is real. is there anything the u.s. can do? >> there's absolutely steps the u.s. can take. he marched on crimea because he doesn't believe the united states and europe are going to stand together to exact consequences on the russian economy. i think we're going to prove him wrong. i think we with europe have the ability to freeze bank assets to take sanctions on the big petro chemical companies in russia and essentially bring that economy to its knees over a period of time, which can make him rethink his decision in crimea. he's had a history in other types of incursions like this like in georgia in 2008 of marching in and then after the international pressure was ratcheted up, marching back in part. i think that's our hope is these
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economic consequences can, maybe not in the next several weeks but over the course of the next several months make him change his mind. >> isn't the question remains, will europe go along with these sanctions? >> i think it's an open question. and, you know, europeans have been concerned about the quality of the transatlantic relationship over the past several months, especially with these allegations of spying on european governments. here's their chance to prove that this is still relationship and alliance worth investing. i get it that if the germans were to cut off gas imports from russia, that would hurt the german economy. ultimately you don't stop putin now you have to ask who is next. it was ridiculous to think that russia would march on ukraine five years ago. five years from now, we have no idea who may be in his sights in europe. >> well, hopefully you'll check back with us when you get back from the ukraine. senator christopher murphy, thanks for joining me. an islamic jihad leader says a cease-fire has been declared after two days of rocket fire
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from gaza and air strikes by israeli forces. four palestinian residents were critically injured when the israeli military launched air strikes on what it called terrorist sites in the gaza strip. israel says it was responding to rocket attacks on southern israel. israeli defense forces say two rockets hit israel today. and roughly 65 have struck since yesterday, including five in populated areas. still to come, the search area for flight 370 expands greatly. tom foreman taking a virtual look for us. hi, tom. >> hi, carol. this is unbelievable how this thing is blossoming. it is going in all directions at the same time literally within hours when we thought it might get smaller. we'll be back with all the details on that. hey, buddy? oh, hey, flo. you want to see something cool? snapshot, from progressive. my insurance company told me not to talk to people like you. you always do what they tell you? no... try it, and see what your good driving can save you.
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malaysia disputing the mystery plane was in the air four hours after its final communication. >> let me be clear. there's no real -- for a situation like this. though plane vanished. we've extended the search area because it is our duty to follow every lead and we owe it to the families and, trust me when i say, we will not give up. >> if flight 370 did fly on for four more hours, that plane could be anywhere in a radius of
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2500 miles from its last known spot. that stretches from northwest india all the way to mainland australia. "newsroom" continues now. good morning. i'm carol costello. thanks so much for joining me. it is day six in the search for flight 370. still no sign of debris from the malaysian airline. but a new report from "the wall street journal" suggests the plane could have flown for four hours after its last contact. if that's true, that could widen the search area by thousands of miles. we want to talk about that possibility with mary schiavo and tom foreman. tom, i want to start with you. where are we talking about? give use lay out the landscape for us, if you will. >> well, i'll tell you this about the landscape, it's changing every single day. let's bring in the map and talk about what we know about this tragic story and the huge mystery that continues to swirl
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about it. here is what we know. we know the plane took off. right? we know that it flew for some 45 minutes to an hour roughly n then we know it completely vanished somewhere around here. now we know from last night the chinese took some pictures from somewhere over here, which they say they should have never released. those were some 140 miles away. that automatically raised questions about, could it really be that far away at the time they took these pictures or said they took these pictures? maybe ocean currents could affect where the wreckage would be and that would be true no matter where the wreckage might go down. if this plane crashed you'd have to look at currents especially after six days. things moving around. that sort of thing. but the real question was, could that piece of debris that we saw, that tiny thing there, come from a plane this size. well, that's not so tiny. really if you take all three pieces and average them out, about as big as half of a basketball court. so the question was could you get something like that from something the size of a 777.
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the 777 is a very big aircraft. no question about it. about 200 feet wingtip to wi wingtip on this plane. to get something this big or three pieces that big out of this, not really that easy. so you are correct. we'll move the airplane now and look at the space again. once again we're back to all these competing questions about what happened. we have the image from the chinese which has been discounted. the mystery of where the plane went. the errant radar ping which drew the whole search over into the strait of malacca. it's all very confusing. and i want to point out something, carol. you talk about how far this area goes when we talk about the big map and the idea that perhaps this has expanded from india, i'm going to turn way over here. from india all the way down toward australia. that sort of thing. a map like this is not really accurate because the proportion of the places is off. to give you an idea, if in fact, this were true, this thing the
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malaysians are saying is wrong in "the wall street journal" if it were true, you'd now be talking about a search area that would be -- i'm going to guess at least three times as big as the continental united states. so this is an absolutely unfathomable amount, and an impossible amount to search. i've been on a lot of airplane searches for a lot of missing planes missing for a lot of days. never, never, never have i been near a search area that even begins to border on something like this. and it truly cannot be searched at that range. so, carol, once again, another day, another layer to the mystery and still not the slightest clue as to what happened to these more than 200 souls who have simply vanished and families want so badly to know where they could be. >> tom foreman, thanks so much. i want to bring in mary schiavo, former inspector general of the department of transportation. now an attorney for victims of tran portation accidents. welcome. >> thank you. good to be with you.
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>> nice to have you here. let's talk about this "wall street journal" report. here's the scenario. supposedly a u.s. source told "the wall street journal" that the maker of the plane's engine, rolls royce, received pulses of data from the plane's engines after it disappeared from the radar. which means, i suppose, it could have been flying for up to four hours after it disappeared from the radar. i mean, what do you think about that? is that a plausible scenario? >> well, it's factually possible. the plane, the 777 is like the 340. the airbus 340 was the plane on air france 447. that plane did the same thing and in the aftermath of that, we had a print out. it's actually a data printout that shows these systems status reports is what they are. they are supposed to go back to the airline. they go back to the engine manufacturers. 777 is the same way. so it is factually possible. but it is not factually possible if what happened when the transponder stopped is there was
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a catastrophic loss of the aircraft. there would be no further data. so what has to happen now is what happens. the second thing that happens in u.s. crash investigations, the first thing is to send the go team. the second thing is to gather every piece of data, every maintenance report, every engine speck, every engine log, plane log. every piece of data about the maintenance operation, performance of that plane and study it. that needs to be done next. and if this data exists and it hasn't been provided to the investigators, frankly, i think that's almost criminal. >> you are echoing what bob francis told us earlier. he's a former ntsb investigator. now u.s. investigators are on the scene in malaysia and i've been asking everybody, how much input do you think they really have? >> well, they are not in charge. there's a treaty, international civil aviation -- icao. it sets forth how this should be done. the u.s. follows it. most nations follow it but it is
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supposed to be -- here we have so many cooks in the stew that perhaps they are not speaking with one voice of authority. and they may not have the domestic rules in place. for example in the united states if you tamper with an accident scene if you withhold information, anything like that, not only can you have a civil penalty, it can be criminal. we take it very, very seriously. we need one voice and we've got to get this data. these wild leads are plausible because we don't have the data. if they would have gathered the data, we'd know that's a wild hare. this isn't possible. this is possible. follow the hard lead. they need to go right back to where they thing catastrophic event happened. >> okay. so i'm just thinking about all of the different pieces of information that have come out, right? and then malaysia shoots them down. for example, yesterday we were told that authorities searched one of the pilot's homes for anything that might lead them to maybe a psychological problem he
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had or whatever. today, during the press conference, the malaysians said, no, we didn't do that. it's just confusing. >> but they should have. what's amazing is they seem to be embarrassed about investigating a horrific accident. of course you should search the pilots' home. look for data. when the ntsb and when we do an investigation in the united states, by the way, whenny in ntsb is done, people like me pick up, we depose everyone. we go back over and re-create the accident. you should have the -- the log books searches, contributes, what did he do in the previous week. i mean, there's no -- there's nothing to be saying they didn't do it about. they should have done it. if they haven't, i want to know why. >> mary schiavo, thanks, as always. >> thank you. still to come, malaysian officials respond to the latest report that flight 370 flew on for hours and hours after it disappeared from the radar. we'll talk more about that when we come back.
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malaysian officials are knocking on "the wall street journal" report that flight 370 may have flown for four hours after the last radar contact. jim clancy has more from day six of the search. >> reporter: malaysian officials say they found nothing. >> let me be clear. there's no real precedent for a situation like this. the plane vanished. we have extended the search area because it is our duty to follow every lead. and we owe it to the families. and trust me when i say, we will not give up. >> reporter: in the hopes these clues would lead to answers now, not as promising. vietnamese searchers came up empty after scouring the coordinates where chinese satellites spotted three floating objects. it was near 370's flight path in
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waters between malaysia and vietnam, approximately 140 miles from where the plane's transponder went silent. the images were from march 9th, one day after the aircraft went missing. adding to the mystery of the missing airliner, "the wall street journal" reporting that u.s. investigators suspect the flight remained in the air an additional four hours beyond its last confirmed location. malaysian airlines' ceo denies those reports. in beijing, china's premier said his country would not give up on the pursuit any of clues. earlier this week, malaysia's defense minister admitted it could be some time before they are able to answer all the questions. another clue being pursued, the possibility the plane veered way off course. officials here hope the u.s. can help sort out malaysia's military radar records to prove or disprove that theory. it all adds up to agony for the
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families of those missing. paul weeks was on flight 370 heading to a job in mongolia. before boarding, he handed his wife his wedding ring and watch to give to their sons if anything should happen to him. his wife spoke to piers morgan live last night. >> i'm praying that, you know, i can give that back to him. so i can hold on to it because there's no finality to it. we're not getting any information. >> the hunt for the plane and the answers continues. >> jim clancy joins us now from the malaysian capital of kuala lumpur. a question for you about who is in charge of this investigation. it seems like the military is taking the lead. oh, my goodness. jim clancy is frozen. his shot is frozen. we're having technical difficulties, obviously. we'll get back to him as soon as we can. the malaysian military does appear to be in charge of the investigation. along with civilian authorities. we're going to sort that out a
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little later in the "newsroom." still to come, rescue crews search for survivors as the death toll rises after that blast in harlem. we'll took a former new york city fire commissioner about the search and whether older buildings could be at risk. it's a growing trend in business: do more with less with less energy. hp is helping ups do just that. soon, the world's most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance, using forty percent less energy. multiply that across over a thousand locations, and they'll provide the same benefit to the environment as over 60,000 trees. that's a trend we can all get behind.
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malaysian airliner in just a minute. let's go to east harlem where the community is devastated. these are pictures taken earlier. these are people on scene covering their faces with masks. a little bit ago, major de blasio went to congratulate responders on a job well done. they dealt with a earth shattering blast, killed at least seven and sent dozens to hospitals. families of those kill ready only beginning to grieve. >> the icon of the family, always kept this family up. she was one person to look up to. we miss her. >> some families mourn, others -- all families are desperate for answers. nine still reported missing probably trapped in the rubble. joining me to discuss this, former new york city fire commissioner. tom, welcome sir. >> thank you. >> those nine people still
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missing, could they still be a live? >> probably not. if they're in that rubble, it would be very difficult to survive. it could possibly be that someone is under a piece of heavy steel or something and some air underneath and haven't been affected by the toxic fumes, by the water, by the heat. there's a remote possibility. that's why the firefighters will continue to search until they get all that rubble cleared and make sure no one else is in there. >> while they're doing that, the investigation continues. can you kind of take us through where that investigation goes? >> we all start off assuming it's a gas leak and assume it's an old gas pipe. it could have been a water main that broke the gas pipe. a new gas pipe that was installed recently in the building up to five floors. there's all kinds of possibilities. there are reports of people
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smelling gas for a considerable amount of time before yesterday. con ed said that's not the case. they have had a good record the last 10 to 15 years being honest. there are pipes underground that are old and need to be replaced throughout new york city and throughout many older cities in the country. they've never had the money or will to just go around. it would be billions of to start a plan to rip up the streets and start to replace many pipes that are 100 years old. the average age is 60-70 years old. >> a lot of cities are dealing with that a same problem. going back to residents smelling gas in the area and reporting to con ed, this building had a number of violations. doesn't that change the picture some what? >> it does depending on what kind of violations they were, depending on if they were minor. they may not have been with the gas. they could have been in recent
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renovations or minor construction issues. there could have been new people moving into an apartment, new tenent with a permit they should have gotten. the investigation goes forward to find out who is at fault, if anyone, and certainly try to prevent it from happening in other buildings. >> tom, thanks so much for joining me this morning. >> you're welcome. ahead in the next hour of "newsroom "newsroom," new questions and doubts. families of those on board growing ever more frustrated. >> i am upset. very, very upset. i am really hoping they will find this plane. >> still to come in the "newsroom," we explore whether the desperate search could turn into a criminal investigation. the second hour of "newsroom" starts after a break.
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happening now in the "newsroom," the mystery of flight 370 deepens. >> trust me when i say we will not give up. >> overnight search crews come up empty. this turned out to be nothing. >> it was in the flight path 140 miles from where the plane's transponder went silent. >> is the search back to square one? >> why have you got such limited knowledge as to what happened to flight 370? >> new reports just coming out claiming the flight was still in the air some four hours longer than previously thought. >> the revelation could force a further expansion of the search that alreadiy spans 27,000
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nautical square miles. >> you're live in "newsroom." good morning. i'm carol costello. thanks so much for joining me. the search for malaysia airlines flight 370. malaysian authorities are back to square one. six days have gone by. flights 370 left kuala lumpur 12:41 a.m. saturday. at 1:20 a.m. it dropped off the radar. at 2:15 a.m., something showed up on the radar far from flight 370's route. that's all they know. let's focus on that. let's focus on this wall street journal report. what if something -- what if that something was flight 370. what if it flew on hours after it drop ed from the radar.
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what if it landed somewhere for some other purpose? that's what the wall street journal is reporting this morning. let's talk about that. richard quest and kirk flyer, the president of saraso soew -- sarasota. >> good morning. >> the paper is quoting u.s. investigative sousive sources t the plane was picked up by the descriptive manufacture. >> let's understand what the information would be if it's true. the engines are designed to continually transmit information via the aircraft's system, the automatic system of reporting. so it's all things like the speed of the engine, revolution, temperature. basically maintenance and performance information on the engines that help both malaysian
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airlines and rolls royce in deals with how the engines perform. here's the problem. that relies on the aircraft system to send out information. if that failed as we've been told, the other information -- we have basically here, carol, one side and the other side. the wall street journal says rolls royce have told them they have it from unnamed sources that the engines continued to transmit information. malaysian authoritys say at the news conference this morning this is not true. rolls and boeing have said nothing of the sort. >> kirk, do you care to tell us what you make of this? >> also the a card device would send abnormal flight conditions if there were stall, a deep dive or something abnormal in the
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airline. it would have went to malaysian airlines and bows. what happened to the elt, emergency locater beacon? if it crashed there should have been a signal it sent out. unless it was a complete explosion or something, the a card or elt couldn't have worked. >> there's so many questions. they're also reporting counter terrorism. that means the plane's transponder would have been deliberately shut off. it could have been. they have a couple transponders on board. had the hi jackers had known the system, they would have known how to turn that off. if the pilot and co pilot knew the hijackers were coming, they should have hit the international code for hijacking on the transponder. hopefully they would have seen
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that come over the transpond her even if it got turned off before. >> if the transponder was somewhere turned off, could that plane land somewhere and no one know about it? >> well, yes. if the transponder was switched off and the plane was no longer transmit squawking as it's known, yes the plane -- the transponder has nothing to do with the ability of the aircraft to fly. it's literally i'm here, this is who i am. what would have happened, as that plane was flying, there would be full scale full throttle radar tracks. yes, the 777 could have flown low and tried to evade. you're not talking about a fighter jet. you're talking about the largest twin engine jet in the world. that's unlikely. there's one other point.
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if they wanted to switch off all the reporting systems, the transponder, the sat com, a card systems. if they were all going to be switched off, yes pilots tell me that's possible but not easy. you have to know what you're doing. again you come back to the fundamental flaw in the hijack argument -- hijack and landing argument. there's no radar trace. you can't just fly a 777 and not have a radar trace. >> you'd need a big landing strip too wouldn't you? right? >> yes. you need a minimum of six, up to 10,000 feet if you're going to land that plane safely. >> kirk, you're the expert. what do you make of this? like all of it? kirk, can can you hear me still? darn. i really wanted to know the
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answer from kirk. richard, i'll ask you that question. we have so many bits and pieces of information. malaysia kind of shoots all of them down. we are back to square one. what should we make of all of this? >> i'm going to be marginally more optimistic. we're back to square one at one level, but where we are -- carol, the investigation has now tightened up. you can feel it in the press conferences, feel it in the information. the initial shock and crisis and the rabbit in the head lights has gone from the malaysian authorities. there's a sort of a much more intense way in which they're answering questions and dealing with the information. i'm guessing partly because they've gotten into their stride. i also think -- and i have no evidence other than a gut feeling from watching these over the years, i think it's the ntsb, faa and all those people
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extremely experienced investigating flight crashes, they are now on the ground and now having -- they're getting their hands dirty in helping the malaysians on this. >> i hope so. there's no organization better than the ntsb. they're amazing. kirk, i'll ask the question you couldn't hear. in listening on -- to all that's gone on in this investigation, what do you make of it as an expert in flight? >> it's just amazing. that type of airplane completely disappearing. it's like the bermuda triangle or something. i can't see that airplane flying 2200 miles landing at an airport without somebody knowing. that has to land at a big airport which is usually a major city. it's unreasonable that airplane flew somewhere else unless it's some secret military base or something, for it to just disappear. with the technology we have
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today with ultrasound into the water and radar penetrating systems that we can't find it even if it is on the bottom of the ocean. it's amazing they can't find it now. >> amazing and quite sad. kirk and richard, i appreciate it. >> thank you carol. earlier this morning i spoke to the former ntsb vice chairman to get his perspective in his agency's role on the search for the jet, the politics involved and the wall street journal report that sparked questions about what happened after flight 370 disappeared. >> i know ntsb investigators are in malaysia helping with the investigation as are faa investigators. how much input do you think they really have? >> well, i hope they have a lot because there's certainly no nobody more competent to do this kind of thing. on the other hand from what one hears, there's a lot of politics
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going on out there. the malaysians are at least for the moment in charge of the investigation. so you go and do what they tell you to do. the ntsb is a technical agency, the u.s. government or u.s. itself doesn't have any interest in this other than finding out what happened. i just find the article remarkable. it's one of a series of remarkable things that we continue to come across in this investigation. >> let's go back to that. you're talking about the wall street journal report. you find it remarkable, why? >> well, andy pastor is a reputationabrep tabl journalist. for him to have created this
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article out of whole cloth for me stretches. you don't know where to go. i would go with what andy said because i have great faith in him. he doesn't have any political acts to grind as to the malaysians. >> so a question, if the wall street journal report is credible and the plane flew on four hours undetect that means someone probably coman deered the plane right? >> someone did or pilots decided to do what happened. you don't know necessarily what happened. somehow inside the airplane a decision was made either as a result of force or as a result
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of volition to fly on. >> malaysia rejected the wall street journal report as false. still to come in the newsroom, the data recorder, black box is key to the search for the missing plane. the battery is slowly expiring. bill, the science guy joins me next to explain that part of the story. ♪ ♪ so you can have a getaway from what you know. so you can be surprised by what you don't. get two times the points on travel and dining at restaurants from chase sapphire preferred. so you can taste something that wakes up your soul. chase sapphire preferred. so you can. starts with freshly-made pasta, and 100% real cheddar cheese. but what makes stouffer's mac n' cheese best of all.
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malaysia is knocking down another possible lead in the search of the missing plane. these chinese satellite images that appeared to show debris in the sea, malaysia says china released quote by mistake. search crews have no sign of flight 370. david mckenzie is in beijing. china released images by mistake? >> carol, that's pretty funny when you say it that way. china doesn't generally release anything much about anything. the last few days we've been used to vietnamese authorities putting out statements about what they've seen in the ocean and malaysia debunking it. yesterday this was one of the strongest leads we've had to
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date, carol. these images taken by the official satellite by the chinese government were released saying this was a potential crash site. later the malaysian authorities swing that back to china. take a listen. >> when the chinese satellite imagery, a malaysian agency surveillance plane was dispatched this morning to investigate potential debris shown on chinese satellite images. we deployed assets but found nothing. we have contacted the chinese embassy that notified us this afternoon that the images were released by mistake and did not show debris from mh 370. >> well carol, that's from the malaysian authorities blaming the chinese for releasing this by mistake.
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the chinese haven't said anything to us. the ministry of foreign affairs in beijing said this morning they weren't aware of it. they hadn't passed on the information. certainly a bit of a muddy issue in fingerprinting from china and malaysia. with all these countries involved and ships and planes looking in a huge area for this plane. it's certainly understandable there's some level of confusion but also diplomatic spat between the two countries. >> david mckenzie live from beijing this morning. so far nothing from the flight data recorder often called the black box. it has 24 days of battery life left. bill the science guy joining me now. welcome bill. >> hi. >> i'm glad you're here. you worked on flight data recorder technology at boeing. is there anything you haven't done? >> well, no. i was an engineer at boeing and
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an engineer at another company called sun strand now part of honey well. it's closely related. 24 days is a long time. all of us are doing nothing but speculating. what i would do is go back to the original last reported position, last known position. i would listen very closely underwater. listening to the reporting, watching the rofeporting, i thi the key is listening for this pinger. you see that on the end, the silv silver cylinder. you have to be a nautical mile, pretty close to hear it. i believe the u.s. navy as an example has the equipment to listen to this. i can't tell from the reporting
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if the u.s. navy has been allowed in there. it doesn't seem as though people are relying too heavily on underwater microphones, hydro phones to help you find this thing. we've got to also -- i know this is your business -- find out out what the facts are. did somebody really get a message from the engines four hours later. it seems extraordinary. as you pointed out, where are you going to land such a plane? you need a couple miles of run way the to put the thing down. >> exactly. according to the wall street journal, this came from ros royce. they made the engine. the engine sent data pulses. supposedly they picked them up four hours after it disappeared from radar. the problem is, you need to know the exact location and then go underwater. i don't think anybody knows the last known location of that plane was. >> here we are.
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it is charming, remarkable, how fascinated all of us are even today with plane crashes. there's something still very compelling. we in the west in the developed world have the expectation that everything is on radar all the time and that satellite images are accessible to everyone in the world with the way we experience google maps. there in the developing world it's not clear if things really could disappear from the radar. i can tell you in the space business, the chinese space administration has a strong connection with the chinese military. they're reluctant to share how much they know. so this is also led to all the speculation about that debris that was apparently observed from what they express as
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weather satellites. >> the other problem, there's no independent organization in charge of the investigation. you have the military and civilian authorities in malaysia. it's not like here when the ntsb takes charge of the investigation and throws polit c politics a side and just concentrate on the data. that doesn't seem to be happening in malaysia right at the moment. >> as i say, we have different traditions of transparency. as much as we all complain about -- for example the united states government involvement in this thing or that thing, this is a case where our traditions affect our expectations. we expect that people would find this plane, listen for the pinger, and just go get it. especially with the water being not as extraordinarily deep as it is in many parts of the ocean. i am hopeful that the negotiations will continue and
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the u.s. government will allow the united states navy to get in there with hydro phones and find this thing soon. 24 days is a long time. >> yeah. >> if you have a pretty good idea of the last known position, my expectation is we'll find it. man, what a remarkable story. the mystery, i mean -- it really is compelling. >> it is. the good news is ntsb and faa are on the ground running now. right? they're going to get their hands dirty according to richard and look at radar data coming in. hopefully they'll find something and help malaysia get it together. bill, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> as the search goes on for flight 370, a new question. could this turn into a criminal investigation? i'll talk about that next. if you wear a denture, touch it with your tongue.
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female announcer: what will you get during the big gift event? ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ the mystery continues with few answers and lots of theories including the theory this missing plane could have flown on four hours after it disappeared from the radar. that's what the wall street journal is reporting. my next guest is a captain and serves with the airline pilot association international. his name is shawn cassidy. help joins me from washington. good morning sir. >> good morning. you've heard the latest theory i'm assuming? >> yes, i have. >> is that possible? >> well i suppose anything is possible at this point especially given the fact hah there's so many sources of
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information now. it was a limited radar environment in that portion of the world. i've flown over there many the past. i think the one thing that's obviously now is there's all these silos of information we're getting. there needs to be one comprehensive picture built that takes the most authentic details and data points and starts there as the means to kind of solve the puzzle as to where the plane actually is. >> the wall street journal is citing u.s. investigative sources. the malaysia government shot down the wall street journal report saying it's absolutely not true. they've said that about a lot of bits and pieces of information coming in. it gets more and more confusing doesn't it? >> it really does. that speaks to the first point i was discussing. this situation is evolving literally by the minute. there's so many different information sources. we just saw the other day that
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there was a report about chinese satellite imagery which spoke to the need to focus the search and rescue effort on a certain portion of the ocean. then we heard about the engine reports on substantiatioctiates. we have blocks of information but they're not coming together to draw one clear picture. >> as you sit and take this all in -- and i don't think this kind of investigation would ever take place here in the united states. do you? >> i seriously doubt it. we have a very unified approach to how we deal with accidents. the type of coverage, type of technologies that we have here in the u.s. is such that it would be highly improbable we would have something like this. >> i want to talk about the pilots for just a second. something else the malaysian government denied this morning is they searched the lead pilot's house.
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that would be something you kind of did as common practice in the united states. shouldn't they be searching the pilot's house? >> i think that's a question that's going to be -- have to be answered by the regulators, by the investigator, by the officials overseas. obviously everybody wants to know what was happening up on that flight deck. everybody is looking for data points which might speak to motives. right now there's still too many unanswered questions. that's going to perform one portion of the puzzle but won't create the whole picture. >> i'm sure you're talk act this mystery flight with your pilot friends. have you guys come up with a theory? >> i think as tempting as it would be right now to make declarative statements about what we think happened, i think because of the fact like i said -- almost by the minute there's a different piece of information that comes out -- it would be premature to try to hang our hat on any one thing.
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the details keep on changing. >> is it likely in your mind the plane did crash? >> it's highly probable it crashed if it went off the chart so to speak. if they lost contact with it. and they haven't received contact since. there's lots of theories about flying to another place. that's a very large plane. it would have to travel a fairly large difference. there's only specific facilities to handle a flight like that. surely somebody would have witnessed that or been cognizant of the fact the plane ended up somewhere. >> captain sean cassidy, thank you for being with me this morning. >> you're welcome. is malaysia mishandling the search? officials there are defending
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their investigation. we'll take a look. means advanced technology. we learned that technology allows us to be craft oriented. no one's losing their job. there's no beer robot that has suddenly chased them out. the technology is actually creating new jobs. siemens designed and built the right tools and resources to get the job done. what does an apron have to do with car insurance? an apron is hard work. an apron is pride in what you do. an apron is not quitting until you've made something a little better. what does an apron have to do with car insurance? for us, everything.
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it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts, that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people. so you have time to focus on the things you love. ink from chase. so you can. >> good morning. i'm carol costello. thanks for joining me. it's day six in the search for malaysian airlines flight 370. efforts to find the boeing 777 have suffered blows. malaysia says china released these images by mistake. search crews have found no sign
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of the jet liner. the engine is said to have sent data four hours after the plane vanished from radar meaning it could have traveled another 2 2,500 miles in any direction. jim is in washington. good morning. >> good morning carol. >> it seems like we get new information and malaysia disputes the report. do we have anything solid that's n new. >> this is a pattern. it happened with the radar data showing the left turn continuing several hundred miles toward the indian ocean. it happened with the satellite images, raised, questioned, denied. it's happening now with the report about engine data coming from the engines raised in the newspaper and knocked down immediately by malaysian authorities. often times you have different views of things between the
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malaysian government and chinese government, the two involved in this. chinese had so many on the plane. it was a malaysian airliner. it's frustrating for us, but must be for the investigators as well. there's so much inflicting information and interpretations of that information. >> ntsb and faa are on the scene to get more involved. can you tell us more about that? >> i think that's key. we have heard from the authorities in malaysia a call for help. even on interpreting the data. they had trouble interpreting it and lack of confidence in it, right, because when they got the radar data that showed the plane took the turn, they still kept their search areas on both sides of the peninsula. the initial search area close to where the plane lost contact and also here. they have questions about where it lost data.
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we've heard they reached out to american investigators including the ntsb to help interpret that to see how much they should take into account. i think that will make a difference. the trouble is, they are the lead. this is a malaysian lead carrier. when it dropped into international waters, it's the flag carrier that leads the investigation. there were many countries with people on the plane and many countries offering assets to help search for it, including the u.s. navy. >> jim, thanks so much. we appreciate hit. >> could this search turn into a criminal investigation? we'll talk to our expert on the matter. tom is next.
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flight 370. initial reports said police were looking for evidence of strange behavior by the pilot in days before the flight took off. malaysian transportation minister said those reports were not true. even so, the question remains when does this go from a missing plane search to a criminal investigation? cnn law enforcement analyst tom join us now. good morning tom. >> good morning carol. >> when would it go to a criminal investigation? does the absence of evidence -- does that lead to a criminal investigation too? >> carol the investigation began when the plane disappeared. this is kind of the equivalent. if you report your child stolen or missing to the police or fbi. they don't tell you when we find the body we'll start the investigation. it begins immediately. that's what happened in this case. the fbi has agents assigned full time in kuala lumpur and every
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major country in the region. the agents in kuala lumpur were invited into the malaysian command post the first day. they have the ability through the u.s. embassy offices to send secure classified information back and forth to all of the u.s. databases and to communicate with other offices around the world. so the investigation into the people involved in this, the passengers, the crew, other circumstances. that would have begun the first minute it was missing. >> what i meant by the absence of evidence, for example the communication abruptly ceased, no evidence of explosion, no debris field. the plane might have made a curve. all of that absence of evidence, does that more point to sabotage? >> possibly. it does point to where we were in the beginning. it points to everything and
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nothing. so i know that's a horrible answer and been a horrible answer for six days. they do need the black boxes. they need to try to hear what went on in the cockpit at the time, whatever happened, happened. they don't know if it's mechanical, human intervention by the pilots or someone that got into that cockpit and took over the aircraft. we don't know that now. we may not know that. who knows if we're going to know that for sure. certainly it's a possibility, something that all the investigators from the very beginning look at. now i know this whole thing looks like a massive ball of confusion. i think that one of the biggest problems is what's going on in malaysia. they don't know how to communicate what's occurring in hair investigation during a crisis. they don't appear to have a unified command and public
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affairs system to be able to show timely and accurate information on a regular basis and know what they're doing. this is as much a public relations nightmare for malaysia. >> it might not be as chaotic as it seems then? >> right. >> thanks so much. the families of the passengers languish in limbo. >> very, very upset. i am really hoping they will find this plane. >> day six in what must seem like an eternity for loved ones waiting for word. we'll take you to malaysia next. ♪
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officials confirm no plane debris was found from china satellite images. for families of those on board, the exhaustion is taking a toll. >> i'm trying not to take too much in. it's a bit of a roller coaster. one minute this and the next minute, that's not confirmed. that's the toughest part. waking up and looking on the news and seeing that there's nothing and no calls from malaysia to say we've found something. everyday it seems like it's an eternity. absolute eternity. you can only go minute by minute and just try to get through the day. i hope something comes soon. >> danica's husband was on board the plane. we're in malaysia's capital where officials spoke to reporters earlier. what did they say?
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>> reporter: carol, they are being incredibly transparent and sharing the information when they get it. they tried to say our top priority is a, finding the plane, and b, taking care of loved ones on board missing from flight mh 370. they took us through point by point all of the various reports that we've had over the last six very long days and heading into a sixth night for the loved ones waiting to hear any news. obviously there's going to be speculation. people are trying to investigate what could have possibly happened. they took us through the points. can did the plane carry on hours after it was believed to have gone missing and disappeared off the radar? no, they say. they've spoke ton boeing about it. did it turn west? yes, possibly. they have to investigate. did the chinese satellite pick up debris? no, they say that wasn't from the aircraft.
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as we hear so much little information, really, we've heard what isn't connected to the aircraft but not much what is connected to it. families now getting to the end of their character. i met one of the family members on board one of the flights. >> frustrations are starting to brim over. he's been asked not to speak to media. there are support groups on hand to help them through the difficult time. moments ago, an elderly man who's lost his son on flight mh 370 approached the desk. the consulate team here and told them we don't want your compensation. we want answers. i spoke to 60-year-old a short
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while later. he's visibly agitated and exhausted. >> translator: i am upset. very, very upset. i am really hoping they will find this plane. >> reporter: his son is just 29 years old. >> translator: my son is a normal happy guy. he called and told me he was going to beijing. less than 24 hours later, it happened. the plane went missing. >> reporter: i asked how long he's prepared to wait here. >> translator: my plan is still to hope authorities, government and others can find the plane as soon as possible. i will wait until the malaysia airline comes out with answers. >> reporter: those answers are few and far between. six days in, the malaysian government working with the fbi and mi 6 as well as intelligence agencies from china have failed
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to come up with concrete evidence of where the plane might be. instead of narrowing the search operation, it's expanded each day. it's the lack of knowledge and answers that's leading to the kind of frustration we witnessed here. >> translator: this morning they were supposed to give us the latest updates. they were late. that's what made me really upset. >> reporter: while the world's media watches on and you shalas answers, the families do too. still full of hope. >> translator: my family is hoping they'll find the plane and really hoping all on board are still a live. >> reporter: a lot of frustrati frustration carol. one man has two brothers, his younger and older brother on board the flight. they have young children, both of them. the 4-year-old keeps saying when
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is daddy going to come home? >> thanks so much. >> searchers turn to high-tech tools to find flight 370. we'll have details on that just ahead. i reckon a storm's a brewin'. reckon so. reckon you gotta hotel? reckon, no. reckon priceline express deals will get you a great deal. wherever you...mosey. you reckon? we reckon. vamonos the spring hotel sale is on at save up to 60% on any express deal hotel, when you use code: spring '14. i reckon this is one deal you won't want to miss.
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miles. r rene marsh has more. >> the first question figuring out where radar last picked up the plane. >> it's a big task because you have multiple radar sites. possibly from multiple different countries. they're not all in the same format. >> searching can also be low tech like looking out a window for debris. >> most of the search is being done either by airplanes flying over because they cover the largest area. >> the u.s. military is even searching in the dark. >> we're looking at flying night missions to use the radar infrared and night vision goggles. >> high above, it gets even more high-tech.
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devices that look for nuclear explosions and missile launches were checked to see if the plane blew up. satellites were focused on the area. nasa says it's using weather satellites to look for wreckage as well as a camera on the international space station. besides the photos released from the chinese government the pentagon is checking satellites. below the waves t plane could be calling if anyone is close enough and listening. >> there's the pinger on the flight data recorder. that requires you have a basically a microphone that works in the water. most ships don't have the right equipment. you have to get ships to the area that have the right equipment to start looking for it. >> rene marsh reporting. it's not just official government teams looking for that plane. millions are going online to try and spot the crash site. a firm activated the platform
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and asked for your help to comb through satellite images. urn temperatur turns out 2 million people have logged on and have started looking through the satellite images. the site crashed multiple times. keep trying. they value your input. our newest cnn series "chicagoland." on the next episode, it's summertime. some kick back and relax while others prepare for violence that heats up in the summer. watch tonight on cnn. thank you so much for joining me today. i'm carol costello. "at this hour" with berman and michaela starts now. hello and good morning.
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i'm michaela pereira. >> i'm john berman. 11:00 a.m. in the east. developments in the mystery surrounding the jet line their vanished with 239 people on board. we're this many day six of the search. right now malaysian fiofficials are denying the flight may have kept flying four hours after it reported contact. this comes in a response to the wall street journal that says rolls royce engines a board the jet automatically sent data to the manufacture as part of the maintenance program. the report sites two unnamed sources. >> all that unfolding as v vietnamese crews have found nothing where with chinese officials say they spotted debris in the water. they now say those reports were
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