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tv   Wolf  CNN  March 14, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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people. when us people hear that, we want to have faith in our justice system and it's hard to do so. can you tell me one thing that will lead me to get that back, judge? >> one thing that's happening across the country and this is a matter and creature of state law is that more and more states are placing a burden on a prosecutor to reveal -- >> oh, i think i just lost the signal for the judge. my apologies, everyone. we're flat out of time. my thanks to judge michael hawkins for that. you can hear more about gloria's story this sunday night 9:00 p.m. eastern time. have a great weekend. thanks for watching. wolf starts now. hello, i'm wolf blitzer reporting from washington. there are new theories emerging right now about what may have happened to that missing malaysia airlines jet seven days
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after it simply vanished into thin air. here's the latest information we're getting. u.s. officials say an automatic system on the plane was pinging satellites for hours after air traffic controllers lost all contact with the aircraft. investigators think the plane continued flying during that time. a senior u.s. official says there's a significant likelihood potential at least it's now at the bottom of the ocean but no conclusions can yet be reached. a reuters report suggests the plane was deliberately flown hundreds of miles off course towards the andaman islands near india. there's heightened suspicions that increase the opportunity that foul play may have been involved. and the search area for the missing plane has expanded further into the indian ocean as well as the south china sea. the united states today sent the destroyer the "uss kidd" to scour the indian ocean in search of the aircraft. let's bring in barbara starr.
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does the ship movement seem to give credence to the comment by a senior u.s. official that the plane may be at the bottom of the indian ocean right now? >> well certainly it is one working theory at this point, wolf. you know, malaysian officials -- countries from across the region sending their ships, their aircraft to look for any sign of a debris field from this aircraft. that's going to be the first thing they're going to look for. and actually, a u.s. navy aircraft, a longer range surveillance aircraft flew its first mission into the indian ocean earlier today. flew out about a thousand miles, didn't report seeing any debris field and came back. the "kidd" will use its helicopters. there will be more surveillance flights. they'll look at this from the surface of the ocean, from the air, anything they can use basically, though, they want to stay with ships and aircraft at this point because that's their
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best chance of using those very specialized radars to look out and see if they can find anything that looks like debris on the ocean surface. if they find it, then they will hone in on that area. but a number of nations participating in this now as the malaysians are beginning to share more information clearly about what they know, some of those pings, some of that data received by satellites now being used to calculate perhaps where the best opportunity to look may be. >> barbara, yesterday i spoke with a commander, commander william marks of the u.s. navy's seventh fleet in the pacific, and he told me that the search was expanding dramatic going, from his words, from a chessboard to a football field. give us an update on how extensive this u.s. and international search operation has now become. >> you know, wolf, it started on the east side of the malay
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peninsula, if you look at the map in the gulf of thailand. relatively speaking, that's a fairly constrained piece of water. they had a lot of ships in there, a lot of aircraft and within days the expression you heard is it's saturated with searchers. they were able to look very quickly at every bit of that water, they say, and didn't find anything. some of the data now pointing them to the west side of the malay peninsula, into the indian ocean. that is thousands of square miles of ocean. i think it's safe to say they won't be looking at all of it. they're able to calculate how much fuel might have been left on board, the range of the aircraft, the data they got making them focus in on a much more specific area. it's still very large. it's going to take a lot of time, but perhaps, perhaps with the information they have in hand and the clues we're seeing, they can begin to focus in on
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it. i should add the indian military, the indian navy and their aircraft are coming at this from the other side, through the bay of bengal sort of at the northwest top end of this piece of water. they are joining the search very actively, they're looking in the more northern area, the u.s. looking in the more southern area. wolf? >> barbara starr with the latest information from the pentagon. thank you. so is the missing plane deliberately flown toward that remote island chain in the indian ocean. could it have landed somewhere or is it more likely that it crashed into the indian ocean? let's discuss the latest theories with tom fuentes, he's the former fbi director he's now a cnn law enforcement analyst. if this reuters report is true that the plane deliberately seemed to be moving toward the andaman islands in the indian ocean, part of india, what does that say? >> the question would be how far did it fly in that direction and
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whether it turned at all and how precise is their information about knowing that it flew that way? because if it flew over indonesia on its way over the indian ocean, indonesia has 17,000 separate islands. we see on the map here the large islands of sumatra and below it ja java, but there are 17,000 islands the majority of which are not even inhabited. if the plane crashed on one of those on an uninhabited island there would be almost no one to know about it and it would be hard to see through the jungle canopy to see the debris. the 9/11 hijackers with the crash in the field in pennsylvania, that plane dove into the plane so deep it was barely visible in an open field. it was difficult to see from the air much less if it would have been a wooded area or jungle area with leaves and trees blocking the ground view. that's another issue. >> let me bring john golia into this conversation. a former ntsb board member and
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aviation security expert. what's your assessment of these various theories? because it seems to be getting more confusing by the hour. >> well, based on the information that's been running around and we have to look at it with a very jaundiced eye, it clearly indicates a purposeful act, something turned the transponder off, somebody attempted to disable the acars system, we know the airplane turned off course. we have reports of signals being emitted from the airplane in a different course than what was originally set for the flight. all of that indicates somebody did that. not the airplane. it wasn't a catastrophic failure. somebody has accomplished these tasks, especially the ones that were accomplished over time. so it clearly is beginning to look like a terrorist or an act of piracy.
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>> or foul play. >> or suicide. >> yeah, tom, go ahead. >> yes, i would agree with that. >> the notion of catastrophic mechanical failure less likely, the notion na someone deliberately turned off the transponders and directed this plane in this direction for whatever reason more likely? >> yes, and that requires two things to be true. is one that, you know, it was deliberately turned the direction it was turned and deliberately continued to fly, which would indicate that it didn't explode over the original flight path where the original searches were conducted. and secondly, though, the data would have to be accurate concerning the tracking and whether it was going to one way point or another, that would require knowledge of the sophistication of the radar system, malaysian air force used, compared to the sophistication of the airport at kuala lumpur. we sent over ntsg and faa experts to look at the data, how
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modern is the equipment they're looking at, how high is the resolution to know that it's accurate enough to make these kind of judgments? >> so john, if a plane was flying for five hour hs afts af losing communications contact with ground control, how accurate are these pings that have now been detected pointing this plane in this direction of the indian ocean? >> well, they're pretty accurate, to give you that something sent a signal from some point. and the point has to be triangulated. it's not being broadcast on lat/long and giving you that data. it's just telling you that it's out there. now there is systems that can provide that information, but we're told that malaysians didn't pay for the boeing health monitoring system. it's a fee-based service. and they only put it in for their engines and the engines will tell you a number of
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parameters based on the engine's needs not so much the airplane's needs but one is the altitude. they can tell us how high the airplane is, but it won't tell us what direction the airplane is going in. there's a lot of deduction going on. >> yeah, go ahead. >> a lot of deduction going on based upon -- deduction based upon the scarce information we now have. >> i want you to stand by, john, and i want tom to stand by as well. we'll take a quick break. up next we'll go inside a boeing 777 cockpit simulator to find out what the pilots who fly this jet have to do to keep it in the air. plus another possible lead into the whereabouts of flight 370 involves a seismic event off the coast of malaysia. we have details of that coming up as well. we learned that technology allows us to be craft oriented. no one's losing their job. there's no beer robot that has suddenly chased them out. the technology is actually creating new jobs. siemens designed and built the right tools and resources
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key question in the disappearance of malaysia flight 370, exactly what happened in the cockpit that night. martin salvidge is joining us just outside toronto. he's inside the cockpit of a boeing 777 simulator. that's quite an array of buttons and lights for pilots to worry about. what pilots would have been doing that fateful night. >> yeah, hello, wolf. you're right, it does look very daunting initially when you look at this. but much of the systems aboard this aircraft are automated. i won't say that anybody can fly this plane, that's certainly not the case. but the days of when you used to have to fly in the old analog world, they're a world away from this cockpit. we've loaded in this simulator everything we know about flight 370, that's the malaysian
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airliner that's now vanished. we loaded in the destination. we took off from kuala lumpur, we're en route to beijing. we're essentially following the same route they had mapped in, we've got it logged in on the very complicated gps system that they have here, castada who is the pilot here. we're quickly going to auto pilot. >> what's pretty shocking to me and i'm sure a lot of our rurs is how easy it is to turn off
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the plane's transponder. that's the transponder that sends signals to ground control stations telling where the plane is, all sorts of very important information. first of all, show our viewers how easy it is for a pilot or someone who gets into that cockpit to turn off the transponder. >> sure. yeah. okay. so here's the big huge dashboard. the transponder you're talking about is located right here, right next to my knee. it looks relatively small. it is. but it's hugely important to the navigation of the airplane, as you point out. the way you would turn it off -- and you would, i stress, never do this while flying in the air, but to turn it off, you would take it and turn this small switch three clicks to the left and boom, you've turned it off. that essentially means this signal in is no longer broadcasting telling the air traffic controllers on the ground who you are, where you are or what you're doing.
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doesn't mean you don't show up on radar, you do, you're still a blip, but now you're an unidentifiable blip. one other thing i'll show you about the transponder, if you put it back on and if it was a hijack situation, someone's now in the cockpit with a gun to your head, it will send a signature. you reach down, enter a code. this is not that code, but it could go like this and now you're transmitting an emergency message that everyone on the ground immediately gets, alarm bells, you've been hijacked. the plane is not in your control. >> what's chilling you remember reading the 9/11 commission, of those four planes that were hijacked on 9/11, three of the transponders were shut down right away by the hijackers. they obviously had training in a cockpit, they knew what they were doing. they immediately shut down the transponders, how long would it take to shut down or disable the plane's other key instruments giving indications to air
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traffic control or others on the ground where the plane was? >> the transponder's very easy because of the fact that when you're on the ground you are supposed to turn it off. you're no longer needing radar. so that's why the on/off switch is so accessible. the other equipment you talk about, whether it be the radios, and there are many frequencies that they could be using, whether they use the acars system, that's the system that basically transmits what the airplane is do, even the engines are reporting in without necessarily the pilots input. to disable those, that's something far more complicated. not as simple as an on/off switch, you might have to get into some of the circuit breakers and the other more convoluted systems to try to shut that down. what that says is if somebody was shutting them off and in a series over time, they knew what they were doing. it wasn't just somebody who happened to stumble in on the cockpit. this is someone that's familiar with the flight deck of a
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777-200. >> martin savidge in that simulator for us. a good explanation. thanks so much. was the disappearance of flight 370 a deliberate act? that's a key question. we'll speak live with our national security analyst about the role of the cia in this investigation. piano...
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as investigators try to figure out what happened to malaysia airlines flight 370, they're looking at a number of possibilities including the possibility of terrorism. the cia director the other day said they're not ruling out the idea of terrorism, in his words,
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quote, not at all. our national security analyst robert behr joins us from irvine, california. also joining us to discuss what's going on, tom fuentes, our cnn law enforcement analyst, former assistant fbi director. how likely is it that terrorists may have commandeered this aircraft and done with it whatever they wanted? what do you think, bob? >> well, you know, that's sheer speculation at this point. i always discount the conspiracy theory, but now that it's clear, it's fairly clear that this plane's been diverted and somebody with knowledge of a boeing 777 did divert it, it's terrorism or someone in the crew had other motivations. that's what the cia is looking at, who on that plane would have an interest in crashing it into the krouground or stealing it? they're going through the passenger list, they're founding
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on the malays to give them full disclosure on who got on the airplane. who else besides the two iranians got on with fake passports, there could be others? and then looking at the chinese individual passengers trying to figure out motivations. >> there's a lot they have to go through. there's a paragraph, tom, that jumped out at me from today's "wall street journal" lead story. i'll put it up on the screen. u.s. counterterrorism officials are pursuing the possibility that a pilot or someone else on board the plane may have diverted it toward an undisclosed location after intentionally turning off the jetliner's transponders to avoid radar detection, according to one person tracking the probe. at one briefing, according to this person, officials were told investigators are actively pursuing the notion that the plane was diverted, quote, with the intention of using it later for another purpose. that sounds, you know, obviously we have no confirmation of that, but if that's what u.s. officials are briefing various national security types, that
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would be explosive. >> it would be, wolf. you're talking about not crashing it into the ocean, not crashing it into land but taking it somewhere where it could land without detection and mentioned that indonesia has 17,000 islands, but the radius, given the flight, fuel and speed of that aircraft, if it was in one piece and flying capable, you could go 3,000 miles. so that plane could be on the ground, it could have been taken back east, they could have turned the direction route again and landed in the philippines or northern australia or taken it to ind xwra or taken it to another part of china. the areas of possible landing, now you have to look at is there a flat open area big enough to do that? but the other thing about if you're going to steal the aircraft, once you land it, you're going to have to be able to refuel it, service it and still have 250 people to deal with. what would you do with them? and especially you'd have to make sure for
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another purpose. how far-fetched do you think that theory is in. >> i think it's farfetched but not completely impossible. you can take an airplane like this we used to do that in the cia, especially with helicopters. and you can fly it, use it as a weapon by flying it behind another airliner in a flight route and in an american city, for instance. so it would show up rather than two blips on a radar screen, it would show up as one. i've seen this done with five helicopters coming in in the coast in the middle east showing
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up as one blip. but you know, that would take such sophistication, almost take the sophistication of a government to do that and also to beat the radar and landing this airplane, you'd immediately have to cover it up before satellite coverage started the next day. you'd have to make sure there's no i.r. coverage so they can see it at night. this is just enormously complicated. if this was an individual group like al qaeda, it's a capability i can't imagine that they have obtained. >> bob baer, thanks very much, tom fuentes, thanks to you as well. we're learning more and more about the data signals that flight 370 sent out for several hours after the plane disappeared. are they significant? our panel of experts getting ready to weigh in on that and other new developments emerging right now. over the next 40 years the united states population
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the mystery vousurrounding disappearance of malaysia airline flight 370 is going on day eight. the military and india now expanding its search in the andaman sea toward the bay of bengal. two navy ships and two coast guard vessels have been deployed. a reuters report suggests the plane was deliberately flown hundreds of mile office course toward the andaman islands in the indian ocean part of india.
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that's added to suspicions about foul play. a senior u.s. official says there's a, quote, significant likelihood the plane is at the bottom of the indian ocean but no one seems to know for sure about any of this. so there are plenty of clues out there, but no concrete answers. our richard quest is joining us from new york, also joining us a veteran pilot who durcurrently flies a 777 jet. also joining us is john goglia, an aviation safety expert. what's your opinion of all these pings that have now been documented showing that this plane was continuing for four, maybe five hours after this transponder sending communication to air traffic controllers? >> well, continuous pinging suggests that the plane is still in flight and still operating
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somewhat normally. so that would sort of rule out the idea of an in-flight breakup or a crash into the sea. >> so if it was going for four or five hours, so it was flying -- would it have been flying, john, i'll bring you into this conversation, would it have been flying because pilots were flying it or was there an automatic flying operation under way? >> well certainly the auto pilot could still be operating. just because they operate and opt to turn off the transponder doesn't have any effect on the auto pilot. a knowledgeable crew or knowledgeable person could certainly continue to use the auto pilot. in some ways we should be able to tell that by the tracking of the airplane. because it is rather difficult to maintain a straight and level track with the auto pilot off. >> richard, malaysian officials now confirm that two key communications systems were shut
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down separately 14 minutes apart. what does that tell us? >> it tells us that the two systems were either shut off or they failed. this is a crucial distinction here because -- and everybody's jumped to the conclusion that the transponders must have been switched off, but there's also a perfectly logical explanation that the transponders could have failed and the nature of the way in which the plane degenerated could also have led to that. look, wolf, on this question, we are in a very, very clear area here. on the one hand you have the eastern side of this investigation still avowing the last known area of the aircraft still down towards the south china sea. then you have this western front which is where the "uss kidd" is, it's where they believe that these pings have led to a plotted chart which suggests way points and if you like a managed
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flight path out towards the west. but to be frank, they're not saying -- nobody has actually come out and said definitively, yes, it is to the west and the indian ocean. and they're quite properly -- and this is crucial. they're quite properly, the malaysians, investigating both. because until there is a hard fact one way or the other, they really have to deploy assets both in the south china sea and in the indian ocean and elsewhere. >> we've got to look all over the place, a huge, huge operation. this reuters report which sites unidentified sources familiar with the investigation suggests the plane was purposefully deliberate i flying toward the andaman islands in the indian ocean hundreds of miles away. if this report was true, we haven't confirmed it, let's sue the reuters report is true, what would the significance of that be and how could they tell that it was deliberately going toward that location, the andaman
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islands? >> well, the andaman islands might be located along a route to a further destination. there's no way to tell that the andaman islands is the intended new destination. i did read the reuters report. one interesting thing was it said the radar plots of that target were going from way point to way point, which leads me to believe that an airway was reloaded in the flight management computer so that the airplane would track one of the published airways rather than if a destination only had been put in and direct to that destination had been entered, the aircraft would have crossed across the airways and not over any particular of the way points. so it leads me to believe that it was programmed intentionally that way. >> do you agree, john, with that? >> yes, i do. >> so what i hear both of you
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saying -- i want richard to get involved in this as well -- keith, let me go back to you. the more i hear from you, it sounds like foul play as opposed to some catastrophic mechanical failure caused this disaster, is that right, john? first, to you. >> yes, i believe that based on what we have available to us at this moment, that it appears human intervention has taken over this airplane. >> and keith? >> yes, human intervention, whether we want to label it foul play or, you know, something certainly occurred in the cockpit to reprogram the route. >> and what's the latest you're hearing from experts, richard? >> that the route that it took over those way points, one expert -- in the last hour one person said on ashleigh banfield's program, there's enough way points out there that you could plot any particular route and it would seem to look
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at if it's going over a way point. i take on board what everybody's saying. i think we come back to this core point of the reliability of these pings. because what they've done here, they've taken these interrogation pings that have appeared on the radar scopes or at least on the map, they've then plotted on top of it the route which it shows the way points and that's how they've come up with this particular scenario. and so we do come back again, yes, it's certainly looking like these gentlemen have said, looking at the facts presented here, there is a deliberate nature to its course if those pings are actually the plane. >> good point, richard, thanks very much. john goglia, keith wolzinger. thanks for your expertise. a seismic event has been reported not far from where flight 370 vanished. does that offer any clues to the baffling disappearance?
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it's been exactly a week since malaysia airline flight 370 vanished. today investigators are sorting through new information that could possibly, possibly help find the plane. one of the possible leads happened the day the jet disappeared. chinese researchers recorded a flight seismic event in the waters around malaysia and vietnam about an hour and a half after the flight's last known contact. the event happened about 72 miles from the plane's last confirmed location. joining us now from denver is a geophysicist and seismologist with the u.s. geological survey. harley, thanks very much for joining us. what do you make of these chinese searchers who call the location of this flight tremor on the sea floor a nonseismic area and say it possibly could have been caused by the plane
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plunging into the sea? >> well, based on the report this morning, we at the national earthquake information center looked at the data in the area and using two stations on northern sumatra and two stations in malaysia, we're able to find about the same origin time a seismic event, which was located off the west coast of sumatra, with a magnitude of 2.7. this is an area that has earthquakes of this size daily. it's one of most seismically active areas of the world. and the signals they looked at and the signals we looked at were very consistent with it likely being an earthquake. >> so the likelihood of this being the plane is unlikely. if a plane were to plunge into the waters in those areas around that time with high velocity, what kind of seismic event if
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any would we expect to see? >> well, in that part of the world off the coast of vietnam, we don't have that many stations, and i'm not sure whether we'd be able to record signals seismically, we might, but it might be on one or two stations. we're more likely to see the impact of an airplane into the sea on hydroacoustic arrays, basically cables that run on the ocean bottom and can measure pressure waves in the ocean or on infrasound, when you have an explosion it produced a wave in the atmosphere that can be recorded. we don't have that data available to us. but from looking at just the seismic data from malaysia and in northern sumatra, what we locate is very consistent with where we expect earthquakes, and it looks like a natural occurring earthquake off the west coast of sumatra. >> so it looks like another false lead, the chinese experts
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have provided to us. i really appreciate your expertise, harley, thanks very much, harley benz joining us from the u.s. geological survey. holding out hope at the last place the malaysian passenger plane was seen. we'll show you a tribute that's been springing up for the missing passengers an the crew members. also a last-ditch attempt to ease the crisis in ukraine as diplomats meet russian troops. they are taking up new positions inside crimea. uld build that shelf you've always wanted? or fix a leaky faucet? or even give you your saturday back? the new snapfix app revolutionizes local service. just snap a photo and angie's list coordinates a top-rated provider to do the work on your schedule. the app makes it easy. the power of angie's list makes it work. download snapfix for free. cut! [bell rings] jane. her long day on set starts with shoulder pain... ...and a choice take 6 tylenol in a day which is 2 aleve for...
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we'll get back to the mystery surrounding the disappearance of the malaysian airliner in a moment, but there's other important news we're watching right now. as russian troops patrol the crimean peninsula, diplomats are scrambling for a last-ditch solution to the crisis in ukraine. sunday voters will decide whether to decide to remain part of ukraine or to go to russia. john kerry met with his russian counterpart in london for six hour, then had tough words. listen. >> if russia does establish facts on the ground that increase tensions or that threaten the ukraine people, then obviously, that will beg an even greater response, and there will be costs. >> let's go straight to nick paton walsh who is joining us from simferopol in crimea right now. the russian foreign minister also spoke out and putin is now speaking in a phone conversation
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he had vladimir putin with the u.n. secretary-generaluz,ykxujá warning for the spiral here where as you mentioned yourself, referring to how they agreed to stay in contact. the referendum will be legal and they spend to recognize it.
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it is bizarre how diplomacy has failed ahead of the vote and i think john kerry wants to try to hold some sort of hope out. it seems given the final timing to vladimir putin, there could be sanctions or response from the international community on monday after the referendum is held. he did seem to want to wait for the skigz as to whether or not he will accept crimea into russia before this larger response happens. that leaves it to the russian period to make that call. we don't know when he will do it. it's clear that what is happening is happening at his behest and whether he will seize that opportunity to not welcome crimea into the federation and we will have to see. >> how worried are people where you are. the russian troops won't simply stop in crimea when which is part of ukraine and move easterly and take over other parts of ukraine.
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>> interestingly enough, here people are most of the time fairly relaxed. the pro ukrainians are here and they are worried about the idea of a foreign army. it's a surreal world in the government. despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, as you point out, the key focus is on the east of ukraine. the russian troops conducting exercises on the border. the violence that killed person and another strong eastern city whether pro russians and the fear as we heard, john kerry expounded upon that and russia is eying up ukraine. a lot of them concerned that the troop movements and i think also how we are hearing similar assurances that we heard before the intervention that have no
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intention of moving into eastern ukraine. that is not coming obviously because it wasn't honored when it came to the case of crimea. >> on the scene for us, we will continue to check back with you. clearly we will see what happens on sunday with the referendum that takes place and what follows. when we come back, waiting and wondering in malaysia. families express frustration over the lot of plane. many are building a tribute to their missing loved ones. thinking up game-changing ideas, like this: dozens of tax free zones across new york state. move here. expand here. or start a new business here... and pay no taxes for 10 years. with new jobs, new opportunities and a new tax free plan. there's only one way for your business to go. up. find out if your business can qualify at
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. >> >> as the search widens, the search has been agonizing for family members and friends. now where the plane was last
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seen, a tribute has sprung up. we have a report that while there may not be a lot of answers for many, there is still hope. >> hundreds of people are coming here to leave messages on this wall of hope set up inside. you can't feel it, but you know it's there. that is the message that until they find this plane, they are going to hold on to the hope. there is a message from the family member of the daughter of one of the passengers. it says dad, i miss you, please come back. many, many messages it seems from family members and simply from passengers passing through about to board their own planes saying please come back. mandarin and cant these, arabic and japanese.
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this message here, with love from the secretaries from the company that runs this airport. you are in our thoughts every minute. of course they will hear news of what happened to the flight. they endured long days and long agonizing waits to hear from them. please come back. we believe. dear god, you are our savior. got is great. allah is great. this is a muslim country. so many messages full of hope waiting to hear what will happen. dear god, don't take them away from us. don't say they are missing unless you are going to return them to us. >> what a heard breaking story.
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these are hoping and hoping their loved ones may be alive. we leave you with this iconic image, a picture capturing of joy following the end of world war ii. an unforgettable kiss between a sailor and a nurse taken on august 14th, 1945. now we are getting word the sailor in this photo, glen edward mcduffy has died in texas. he joined the navy at the age of 15 in 1942. his friend forged his mother's signature on the recruiting papers. his famous photo was so beloved, it was recreated decades later. glenn edward mcduffie died sunday at the age of 86. what a picture that was. i will be back in "the situation room." we have a special two-hour edition and we are taking a very, very close look at all of
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the theories and all of the latest information coming in on the mystery of malaysia airlines flight 370. a special two-hour edition later today. we will have all the latest information. thanks very much for watching. newsroom with don lemon starts right now. >> thank you very much. we will be watching you today at 4:00 eastern and 5:00 eastern. my goodness. i'm don lemon for brook baldwin. vanished without a trace. we have reports of activity from two different oceans. this as fear grows that something very sinister happened on this plane. was it high jacked? here's what we are hearing. this is the latest. not only did it keep flying f


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