tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 17, 2014 6:00am-8:01am PDT
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costello. thanks so much for joining me. ten days and still nothing from malaysia flight 370. no plane, no passengers. this morning we've learned australia will now lead the search for the missing plane in the indian ocean. another bit of information. the malaysian airline ceo believes it was the co-pilot who said those final words to air traffic control, all right, good night. then this the "new strait times" says malaysia flight 370 flu down to 5,000 feet through three countries to avoid radar. we're devoting the next two hours to this ever changing mystery. we beginning our coverage with martin savidge. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, carol. here's the scenario we set up for you now. given that new information we were talking about, the 5,000 feet or below to avoid radar. we are flying over pakistan,
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we're headed north. this is that northern route that's been spoken of and we're at 6,500 feet. the terrain here so mountainous we're only 1500 feet above the ground. you can -- it's daylight we've set up in this scenario. it would have been nighttime for these planes. these are the hazards you run up against. in many cases you are not flying over the mountains any more you're flying through them. that means mitchell here is flying manually and you can feel us banking and yanking as we literally try to find our way through the mountain passes. at the same time the aircraft is sending out all sorts of warnings to us he's way too low. are we landing. mitchell describe flying? >> an extremely fast pace, unforgiving environment. low to the ground. not a lot of time to react. >> reporter: alarms continuing signalling like right now we're
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going too fast. he's got to pull back on that. also being told, look, if you're flying this low why isn't the landing gear down, which i can put it down, right? >> go ahead put it down. >> reporter: we put the gear down. this way to try to satisfy the airplane. to reduce some of the alarms but this creates tremendous drag. >> absolutely. more drag, more fuel consumption. very inefficient way to fly an airplane. >> reporter: it's hard to imagine -- let's put it up again, that an aircraft, especially at night flying through the mountainous region of pakistan, afghanistan and any of the other stans that are known in this region to do that would be almost suicidal. i'll point something out. military radar are still going to be following this aircraft. they may not know who it is, but they are certainly going to be alarmed that you have a large aircraft flying through disputed
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airspace. we're very near kashmir a heavy militarized region between pakistan and india. again, this is 5,000 feet and it feels like you're on the deck. >> let me ask you something else. for a plane to fly that low and this plane flew four to seven hours after they lost track of it by radar. the air is denser the closer to the ground you get. wouldn't fuel burn off faster in denser air? >> reporter: yeah. this is something that mitchell and i have been talking about. fuel consumption at this altitude. how does it compare to say cruising altitude. >> we're doubling fuel consumption especially with the landing gear down that's a tremendous amount of drag. you're going to cut your flying time in half. >> reporter: of course it means you cut the range in half. so no telling how far you could have gone when you're burning up this much fuel, carol. >> another question. there were more than 200 passengers aboard that plane.
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so what would they be doing if the plane is cruising along at 5,000 feet? >> reporter: again, this is something that mitchell and i have been talking about. if a plane is down this low, any passenger would know it's irregular, there's something wrong. what would you expect them to be doing, mitchell? >> the passengers are going to be freaking out. they are going to be pulling out your phones. what would you be doing? you would be calling your friends asking what's going on. they would be freaking out. this is insane. >> reporter: the passengers are awake and have the ability, it would more than likely seem they are trying to communicate with somebody even if the plane is not. >> because the theory was the plane went up to 45,000 feet. at that point the passengers would pass out. as the plane lowered would the passengers gain consciousness then? this is all speculation mind you but these are things being brought up. >> reporter: right. but, again, that altitude, when they went above 45,000 feet it
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was well beyond what is normal operation for this aircraft. we're trying to clear this mountain range. what would happen to the passengers? it's possible they could have passed out, the systems were providing oxygen and air at that altitude wouldn't have worked as well especially if they went through that very steep, steep dive supposedly 45,000 feet and then i don't think anybody would have with stood that and stayed conscious. >> martin savidge and pilot mitchell we'll get back to you throughout "newsroom". thank you. investigators agree who whoever took over that plane knew what they are doing. they knew the intricacies of flying a boeing 777. malaysian investigators are focusing on who was aboard that plane. finally more than a week after flight 370 van jashd malaysian plain-clothes officer searched thunderstorms of both pilots,
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first the co-pilot who lived with his parents and according to the ceo of malaysia airlines, uttered the last words to air traffic controllers at 1:19 a.m. last saturday. "all right, good night." >> initial investigation indicates it was the co-pilot who basically spoke the last time it was recorded on tape. >> tinting twist at 1:07 a.m. a full 12 minutes before the final words, one of the plane's a-cards or communication systems had already been shut off. these are pictures of the co-pilot on a previous flight. there's nothing suspicion about him except for an incident in 2011 when two australia passengers said he allowed them into the cockpit. neighbors said this about his mother. >> i pray for her and him, the
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families. >> patience. >> patience. >> investigators searched the pilot's home. they card out his home maid flight simulator. >> the captain is a very socialable person. a person who loves people. enjoys his work. as far as his job as a pilot he's a very committed professional pilot. ♪ >> the family post ad youtube tribute to their father describing the captain as loving, reflective, generous, cool, sporting, intelligent, supportive and the list goes on and on. you see the t-shirt he's wearing in this to, to it says democracy is dead. he wore it in a may 2013 rally on kuala lumpur where supporters
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protested charges of boat tampering by the majority party. let's bring in former ntsb vice chairman bob francis. thanks for joining me. let's focus on those pilots. malaysia airline says the last words "all right good night" probably came from the co-pilot at 1:19 a.m. on saturday after some communication systems were shut down. why wouldn't air traffic controllers ask the pilots about that? >> i think they would. and there seems to be the communication seems to have just ended at that point. >> what would have been done in the united states if this had happened? let's just take it from there. if a communications system so important was shut down and you heard from the co-pilot after that happened, what would you do?
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>> well, i think that you try to make sure -- i mean there's so much redundancy in terms of communication. you want to make sure you don't have any, have any communication and at that point i would imagine that there would be launching of aircraft, military aircraft to see what was going on. >> as far as we know, that wasn't done in the malaysia situation? >> that wasn't done in the malaysian situation. although i think a lot more justification than just the loss of communication. >> but the pilots family, they released that youtube video about their father. he lived in an upper class community. he was passionate about his job. he made home made videos of fixing air conditioners. what do you make of this? >> i make a little bit of something, the age of the co-pilot and that may be unfair.
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but 27 years old with, i don't know how many hours but can't be too many is really very, very young for somebody in the right seat of an aircraft like that. you would never find that in most places in the world. >> i think he had just finished his training and had some 2,000 hours and then there was the incident when he let those teenage girls inside the cockpit to pose for pictures with him. so, in your mind as an investigator, would suspicion be focused on him? >> well, i think -- i think suspicion probably when you got two pilots and so many things going on that you would be focusing on both of them. but i think given his age and given his previous actions that he would certainly warrant a good deal of focus. >> so, would it be of added significance that he was the one who communicated with air traffic controllers the last
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time they heard from the cockpit? >> i wouldn't think necessarily. >> we know there was a flight simulator in captain shah's home. and the plane flu at 5,000 flight to avoid radar detection. could it fly for a sustained period at a low altitude? >> i think that anybody that's become a captain of a 777 probably would be as competent to do that as he was. >> do you put any credence in that theory that the aircraft managed to flight 5,000 feet for hours and hours? >> no. >> i just can't believe it either. it came from a malaysia newspaper, unnamed sources, a whole bunch of theories are coming out. why does this defy credulity in
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your mind? >> because of the amount of fuel you would be burning at that altitude. you know, it's an awful lot more, and what's the rationale? i mean the difficulty with this is nothing seems to -- nothing in the whole what's happened seemed to fit together. and that makes it difficult for any of us whether we have any expertise or not to really be terribly accurate about what we're trying to -- what we're trying to -- we can say what we think but that's about all. >> thank you so much for your insight. i appreciate it. still ahead in the "newsroom" american fill lp wood is one of the 239 passengers aboard that flight. david mckenzie talked with his partner who is holding out hope he's stale live.
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>> reporter: good morning. he's a texas native on that plane who is missing and his long term partner believes he's still alive. i talked to her about phillip wood after the break. the man who drove to the control room [ woman ] driverless mode engaged. find parking space. [ woman ] parking space found. [ male announcer ] ...that secured the data that directed the turbines that powered the farm that made the milk that went to the store that reminded the man to buy the milk that was poured by the girl who loved the cat. [ meows ] the internet of everything is changing everything. cisco. tomorrow starts here.
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don't wait, call now! ten days into the search for that missing plane families of the 239 people on board are, of course, desperate for answer. american phillip wood is among those passengers. wood and his partner have been planning to move to kuala lumpur in the coming weeks and getting married. she believes woods is still alive and being held hostage somewhere. >> the entire u.s. population is
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reliving things like 9/11 in this experience, right? if an unthinkable thing can happen even after we've taken all these precautions, what could happen next? this is a planned activity. somebody wants to do something and make a message out it and it would serve them no good to be seen as callous and brutal and just start killing people unnecessarily because then they won't have as much bargaining power, i think. i think. i mean, i can't imagine to put myself into the mindset of somebody who would even possibly contemplate this, but i've got to believe that the hostages are valuable to them. and as the only adult american on the flight phillip would be a valuable asset. he's very calm and very put together and he would know to step back and, you know, not cause any conflict so he wouldn't be somebody that they would want to get out of the way
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as a trouble causer. if there's anybody who can survive a situation like that it's him. very level headed. and i think he is the kind of person who would help to calm a really chaotic situation. of course, i have to prepare for the worse because no matter what i have to go forward. and no matter what his family still has to go forward. so, we need to, to know where that fork in the road is going to go. and we're not ready to take either branch, but we have to know what's coming because otherwise when it comes you won't be prepared and that's when you get into trouble, i think. >> you need to be prepared for whatever the news is. >> my bag is packed and ready to go. it has been since saturday morning. >> ready to go where? >> wherever he is. my son even helped me pick out
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which dlots bring for him so i have an outfit for him in my backpack. because he wouldn't want to wear his dirty old stuff any more i'm sure or wouldn't want to wear a hospital gown if that's the case, so, yep, it's all ready. >> just heartbreaking. david mckenzie joins us now from beijing. is she hearing anything from malaysian authorities about what's going on? >> reporter: she done seem to blame malaysian authorities, carol, or the airlines at all. unlike some of the people we've spoken to. you know, it is that heartbreaking, not knowing, that belief that really the love of her life is alive and well or alive and hurt somewhere. she honestly believes that. she said her friends say she must be in denial. the likelihood this plane
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crashed and she's willing at some point to believe that. but sarah is a very logical former high flying business woman who believes that she can figure this out. she started a facebook page, twitter page, finding phillip wood and she's trying to gather crowd sourcing to know anything she can to get comments or tips or understanding or watching cnn which she's doing a great deal to try to get a sense to logically believe he's alive and also deep down inside she feels her presence. >> i can't say i wouldn't do it differently. i can't. thanks so much, david mckenzie. we appreciate it. still to come in the "newsroom" as the search area expands u.s. naval resources have joined the hunt for flight 370. we'll join a commander aboard
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the "uss blue ridge" on how the search is going so far. backboard-breaking, cash back card. this is the quicksilver cash back card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, every single day. i'll ask again... what's in your wallet? so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 a month? yup. all 5 of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line, anytime, for $15 a month. low dues, great terms. let's close! new at&t mobile share value plans our best value plans ever for business.
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the search for flight 370 now covers at least part of 11 countries, an enormous swath of ocean. some more than two miles deep. the "uss blue ridge" has joined in the hunt in the south china sea. joining me by phone from aboard that vessel is commander william marks. welcome, commander. >> thank you. glad to be here. >> thank you for being with me. latest evidence suggests this plane flu way beyond the south
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chooip sea. you guys are still searching there. why? >> well, right now we moved the uss kidd to the indian ocean. we started out in the gulf of thailand. they went through the strait of malacca and they covered as much of the sea as they can which is to the south aefr west of burma. as you move from a small area like gulf of thailand which has relatively defined boundaries in to an area like the indian ocean it's a new ball game. the kidd and its helicopters are relatively short changed. fortunately we do have a p 8 divide and a the 36r7b. those are our long range search aircraft. our ship can travel 300, 400, 500 miles in the course of a couple hours.
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the p 8 flew about is 1,200 nautical miles. it covered 10,000, 12,000 a square nautical miles. looks like our long range assets are our rafael betancourt. >> it sounds hi-tech. what does your crew do. >> i'll give an example. our p8 was flying yesterday and they fly at about 5,000 to 10,000 feet. we have a very advanced surface search radar, to give you and example. we can see from our radar sma small wooded crates. we'll get a radar return.
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it pops up on our radar. we either fly lower get one of our optical sensors on there or fly lower and get a visual identification. the first thing we do is we see it on radar. >> how many times has this happened? >> all the time. so yesterday the p8 was flying and it comes -- it sees very small specs on its radar. a lot of it is a judgment call. a lot of it is the decision of the pilots and air crew. they were flying and had a choice, they could either fly over an area let's say not yet searched or fly to this area where they were getting very small radar returns. what they did they decided to check out what those radar returns were and it actually turned out it was just some trash and debris not associated with an aircraft wrecker. you just keep doing that over
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and over, like i said, their flight is nine hours long, so it takes a lot of concentration, a lot of focus on the part of that air crew. >> i know some of the debris from the plane if it did indeed crash in the sea would float up to top. what sorts of debris are they specifically looking for? >> well, you know, if there's something out there, we fly over it. we're definitely going to find it on the radar. at this point we're looking for anything and then when we do find it we go get a visual. if we get it on the radar and we don't know what it is we get closer either with the p8, p3 or if there's a helicopter nearby we use that to get a closer identification. first is the radar and then you try for a visual identification. it really doesn't matter what we see on the radar. we'll take a look at it
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visually. >> i know you have good hearts and you desperately want to find something and resolve this matter but this search must be incredibly frustrating for you and your crew. tell us about that. >> it is challenging, and i have to give so much credit to those, about 400 u.s. navy sailors out here right now and this is a 24 operation. and these sailors are so dedicated. i heard yesterday they are volunteering their off time, they have doubled some of their watches, they have cut short their meal hours to search and taking on extra people on deck looking out. so i give so much credit to those sailors. this is what we do. this is what we train for. in the seventh fleet we have exercises, more than 80 exercises a year to practice these type of things and we build these relationships so that when a crisis occurs we can
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immediately move in, coordinate with all these other countries and execute the plan that we trained for and that's what we're doing now. >> we're proud out there. commander william marks thank you so much for joining me this morning. >> thank you. we do have a bit of break being news out of california. a large earthquake was felt there. paul, what happened? >> well, it was significant enough to rattle my house and a couple of yards. the other indicator is a backyard pool started sloshing with water. it was a jerky motion from side to side. i live in the east san fernando valley so whenever you're on the inside looking out you have no idea how widespread it was. but it was a strong jolt. >> as you look out your window can you see any damage? >> no.
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we don't have any damage. there were not a bunch of items that came flying off the shelf contrasted with other earthquakes we had, particularly back in 1994 when it was a severe earthquake. not only the small items so did big things like tvs and it was obvious there were cracks in the walls and things like that. it was not that severe of an earthquake where i'm standing right now which is in east san fernando valley. >> we're getting a bit of information for clarification. we understand from usgs the center of the earthquake was from westwood, california, 4.7. not real big but big enough for you to take notice if you live in california. >> good to hear it wasn't huge. >> that's true. paul vercammen.
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morning i'm cost -- carol costello. a magnitude 4.7 earthquake struck westwood, california. it's northwest of down los angeles. we just spoke our reporter in the area, paul vercammen. he said it knocked some books from book shelves. 4.7 magnitude isn't huge but enough to rattle nerves and rattle things around house to. no reports of any major damage. we're keeping an eye on the situation out of westwood, california this morning. also, a stunning report on that missing jetliner, a malaysian newspaper citing unnamed sources reports investigators believe the plane could have flown down to 5,000 feet to avoid radar. seems imimportant, right? cnn kate bolduan joins us now from kuala lumpur where she talked to the editor of the newspaper, kate tell us more.
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>> reporter: yeah, carol this is one of many theories that are out there and why are there many theories? it's because right now there is no hard evidence that has been revealed to honestly prove or disprove anything that's out there. we spoke with the editor of this malaysian newspaper where they have their unnamed source they say are close to the investigation and why they think this is a significant new theory being put out there. as i say it could answer the question, one of the many questions that's out there which is how could this plane fly for so long possibly over three countries without being detected by radar. and that's what they are looking into. here's a little bit of our interview. sum it up for me what you've heard from your sources about your report that they dipped below to an area of 5,000 feet and talk to me about what is terrain masking, why would they do it? >> okay. this would be the closest way to
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answer this question that everybody is asking how, where is it? and how did it -- if it did pass the last point of detection, how did it pass through this airspace or these countries without it being detected. we spoke to those close to the investigation and they explained how it's done and investigators are looking into all possibility, this is one aspect that they could be looking into. terrain masking, obviously has to be up north. and when you go that low you would have to have the kind of aviation knowledge to fly to their destination. it's all speculation at this point. >> one of many theories you guys are chasing down as well as the government has not confirmed. >> the best we can do is make sure this information that's coming in in bits and pieces makes sense. everybody is trying to make
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sense of what's happening, what happened to the plane. >> i think a lot of people -- you've heard and we talked about this earlier there's been a lot of criticism on the malaysian government on malaysian officials on their coordination and communication with other countries and with, you know, publicly with the media. talk to me from the malaysian perspective do you think that's fair criticism? >> as a journalist i understand that first of all new information but as we enter into this 10th day of the search the criticism against the malaysian government has some kick back and i think people are beginning to appreciate that information that's coming from the malaysian government are verified. and if you would have noticed the first few days was the harshest because that's when all this unverified reports were coming in from vietnamese side
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or china. the information was not verified, it wasn't true. >> reporter: so with all of this, i mean the focus has to be where do things go from here. that still remains a huge question mark, carol, as the days progress the search area rather than narrowing seems to now, of course, be expanding as you've been pointing out and the questions just continue to be even more. that's one theory that's out there and then latest theory, another big thing that is now in dispute is the timeline where the communication systems shut off and when we heard that last voice communication from that cockpit. that, "all right good night." malaysian officials gave what they thought was a confirmed corroborated timeline which seems to suggest whatever was going on was already under way when they gave that "all right good night." and now they are not entirely sure that's exactly the way it
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played out. little comfort to families who still have no detail, no better information to find out what happened to their loved ones. >> kate bolduan, many thanks to you. back to our breaking news out of westwood, california, magnitude 4.7 earthquake struck there. ate very densely-populated area, so although the magnitude isn't all that great could it have caused damage. with me now on the phone is a geophysicist paul caruso. good morning, sir. >> good morning. >> tell us that area and how a 4.7 magnitude earthquake could affect it. >> we have reports it was felt strongly in the los angeles area. magnitude 4.7 magnitude, i would expect people felt significant shaking, probably things falling off shelves, chandeliers swinging back and forth that sort of thing. >> the way the buildings are
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constructed is it likely any buildings were damaged? >> i can't say that for sure. >> tell me about a magnitude 4.7. i know what you said that it would knock book shelves but on a scale of one to ten, how serious is it? >> to give you and idea. we generally don't see significant damage orca results until earthquakes get up to magnitude of 5.5 but it varies from region to region depending on the construction codes, and also the soil and rocks underground. >> gotcha. paul caruso joining us to talk about the 4.7 magnitude earthquake that struck westwood, california. i'll take a break and be back with much more in the "newsroom". [ male announcer ] how can power consumption in china,
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26 nations are now hunting for flight 370 along the search curve that extends as far north as central asia and as far south as the deepest part of the indian ocean where the sea floor drops more than two miles below the surface. key to the sprawling hunt could be detecting ping from the flight's data recorders. talk about this, i'm joined by chuck scofield. welcome, sir. >> good morning. >> you know, you make equipment to make sure scenarios like this don't happen. as you sit back and watch this what goes through your mind? >> well, you have to think that maybe they are just not close enough, maybe they are not in the right area because the range of the equipment that we make is approximately two nautical
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miles. so you just have to hope they get close enough to where the rays they toud to pick up the signal can find it. >> is there anyway to manually turn off the signal that's being emitted from those flight rec d recorders. >> this is not transmitting a signal. it's an audible signal heard by listening equipment other than disassembling the part, be very difficult to manually disable this product. >> there's a lot of ships out on the ocean searching for this, helicopters in the sky, planes looking for this thing. and you have to get fairly close to those black boxes to catch the ping, right? so what sort of equipment do those ships, planes, helicopter, need to detect the signal? >> well, the equipment produces a specific frequency. and organizations such as the
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navy, coast guard, et cetera, they have the equipment either on an a surface listening device or a towed array on the ship itself which goes to a depth and listens for the equipment. so it's important that they have the equipment that will listen for the specific frequency. >> literally an army of people are looking for any sign, any ping emitted from these flight data recorders. i know it's a very large area but are you surprised nothing has been heard as of yet? >> it is surprising. with as many people out looking for this signal it's extremely surprising they haven't heard anything yet. >> what does that tell you? >> the only thing i can assume they are not looking in the right area. of course our equipment doesn't work if the aircraft is on land, it only operates if it's in the water. so right now it's just fairly speculation that, you know, our
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equipment will work as-needed. >> if the wreckage is in the water, if it's on land not so much. >> correct. >> chuck scofield, many thanks to you. we really appreciate it. still ahead in the "newsroom" we'll check back in with martin savidge who will show us what it's like to fly a plane at 5,000 feet and if it's even possible over three countries. co: i've always found you don't know you need a hotel room until you're sure you do. bartender: thanks, captain obvious. co: which is what makes using the mobile app so useful. i can book a nearby hotel room from wherever i am.
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. . the mystery continues. the latest theory is that this huge boeing 777 could have flown to outsmart those on the ground. we have martin savidge with mitchell casado. it defies logic that a plane could fly at 5,000 feet over three countries and no one notices. >> the great thing about having a sim mu lay tore, we can try it. if somebody says this might have been, could it really have been
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done. this is the best way to test it out. nobody gets hurt if it goes wrong. we are actually at about 6,600 feet or 6,000 feet. the terrain here, this is northern pakistan, one of the routes they may have taken, the terrain is so mountainous, that we are only about 1,000 feet above the ground. so 5,000 feet doesn't necessarily mean you are that high off the ground. 1,000 feet in this terrain, you have to fly manually. >> very difficult, very unforgiving. to do this at night, very difficult. >> we should point out if they did make that trek, it would have been at nighttime. >> the mountains here all around you, trying to literally thread a commercial airline through mountain passes, not po mention the taxing wear and tear on the pilot. extremely loud, alarms going off all the time, constantly having
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to be alert. i can't imagine how anybody would have been able to do this, carol. >> we're going to step away for a minute. anger, frustration and grief, the families of the passengers and crew above flight 370, are in agony as they wait for prove. we met one father in malaysia who is refusing to give up hope. >> reporter: for the families of the passengers on flight 370, the wait is excruciating. if i had two or three, this father tells us, i might be able to accept it but this is my only son. he is waiting for his 34-year-old son, an i.t. specialist headed to beijing for
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a new job. surely, they must find the plane. the whole world is out looking for it. i ask him, what if they don't? he answers, if not, only god knows. it is in god's hand. it is fate. he tells me he worked 20 years as a security guard to put his son through college. at home, a wife and two young children also wait for him. he was responsible for everything, even these clothes i'm wearing. whatever country he was in, he would call and come see us with the whole family. he really took care of us. he was telling me that the two younger children didn't want to see his father go to beijing. they clunk to his legs until he promised to bring them chocolate
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and presents when he got home. it is very sad. before we leave, he tells us to call any time with any news we have. he hardly sleeps, he says. now, he never turns his phone off, not even for a moment. >> matica schubert reporting. we'll be right back. an apron is hard work. an apron is pride in what you do. an apron is not quitting until you've made something a little better. what does an apron have to do with car insurance? for us, everything. [ male announcer ] even more impressive than the research this man has at his disposal is how he puts it to work for his clients. morning. morning. thanks for meeting so early. come on in. [ male announcer ] it's how edward jones
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flew down to 5,000 feet and across at least three countries. >> reporter: if it did pass the last point of detection, how did it pass through this area without being detected? the terrain obviously has to be up north in the search. when you go that low, you would have to have the kind of knowledge to fly to your destination. >> malaysian officials announced australia would take the lead in searches the indian ocean. the head of the airlines believe it was the co-pilot that said the last words to air traffic controllers. all right, good night. it has been ten days. we are digging deeper. we begin with martin savidge in a flight sim mu lay tore along with flight instructor, mitchell
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casado. it doesn't sound possible to me it could have flown 5,000 feet over three countries. >> i think you are right, carol. that's the simulation we have discussed. we are in pakistan flying northbound and even though the a altimeter says we are 5,300, we are only 7:30 feet above the ground because it is so mountainous in this particular region. we have set it up so it is daylight. from the view of the cockpit, it seems like you are almost flying down in the dirt from the perspective of the pilot, which, in this case, is mitchell. what's it like to try to navigate here? >> extremely treacherous terrain, very high-speed, unforgiving. it is very difficult to control. i can't imagine how difficult it would be at night. >> to do this manually, you are not going to do this kind of
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flying with the automatic pilot. if the time was right, they did it at night, feeling your way through those mountains with a commercial airliner. it would seem nearly impossible. testing that theory with a sim mu lay tore that reflects everything that a real triple 777 would do, this seems unlikely. >> if the plane did fly up to seven hours after it lost contact with air traffic controllers, how would a plane that large evade radar detection? any theories? >> there are a bunch of theories out there. one is that they took a path like this, that they tried to stay low, that the pilots had trained maybe on another sim mu lay tore and practiced over and over until they really knew it down to where they could almost do it in their sleep. that's one theory.
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another theory is shadowing another airliner. turn off your transponder and get near that airliner so any radar blip you come up as is interpreted as being a regular commercial airliner. it's sort of hiding in the wide-open. the question is, could that really be done? it makes an interesting theory. we are trying to figure out if we can simulate that one to just try it. another idea, just turn your transponder off. flying on the regular commercial highways in the sky, you might not be picked up as being a threat. military would say it has to be a commercial airline he at that altitude in that room. maybe the general aviation would ignore it. it is hard to say. there are all sorts of theories. we are trying as many as we can plug in. >> there was no extra fuel on board. so, by now, the plane would have to be on the ground somewhere and wouldn't someone have scene it, know it, suspected there
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might be a big plane where it wasn't supposed to be? >> right. that gets us back to what we are doing here. flying at the 5,000 foot level. you are going to raise a lot of attention. on the ground, a big commercial airliner like this is going to be making a lot of noise. we do pass over sometimes populated areas. the passengers are going to notice they are flying at tree top level. you think they are going to be communicating with someone on their cell phones. so, sure, after so much time, it is impossible to believe that no one has said anything, if, in fact, this plane has touched down on the ground. >> martin savidge and pilot, mitchell casado, thanks as usual. investigators agree whoever come an deered that plane knew the intricacies of flying a
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boeing 747. they are focusing on who was on board the plane. finally, more than a week after flight 370 vanished, malaysian plane closed officers searched the homes of both pilots, 27-year-old fariq habdul amid. he said, all right, good night and uttered the last words. >> in this investigations indicated it was the co-pilot spoke the last time it was recorded on twist. >> the interesting twist, a full 12 minutes before hamid's final words, one of the plane's acar's, commune systems are shut off. these are pictures of hamid. there is nothing obviously suspicious about him except for an incident in 2011 when
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australian passengers say they allowed him inside the cockpit on a 2011 flight. neighbors said this about hamid's mother. when we do the prayer, almost every day, every night. i pray for her and the family. i think he is quite good -- patient. >> investigators also searched the pilot's home, captain zahari ahmad shaw. >> is a very sociable person, a person that loves people and enjoys his work. as far as his job as a pilot, he is definitely a very committed, professional pilot. >> reporter: his family posted a youtube tribute to their father, describing captain shau as loving, reflective, generous, cool, sporting, intelligent,
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supportive. the list goes on and on. you see the t-shirt he is wearing in this photo. it says, democracy is dead. he wore it at a may, 2013 rally on kuala lumpur where supporters protested charges of vote tampering by the majority party. >> which may mean something. it may mean nothing. joining me now is mary schiavo, former inspector swrerl fgenerae department of transportation. she is also an attorney for victims of transportation accidents. good morning. >> good morning. >> let's talk more about these pilots. there is nothing overtly suspicious, is there? >> not at all. the fact that the co-pilot made the last transmission is even more ordinary. usually, the pilot works the radios. the co-pilot was doing the radios. and saying all right, good
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night. i have been wished mahappy birthday. he had codes he could utter. all right, good night, was not any kind of a code. it was just a pleasantry. >> here is the thing. he said that, all right, good night at 1:19 a.m. on saturday. 12 minutes before, one of the communications systems was shut off at 1:07 on saturday. this also happened as malaysia turned over control to vietnam in the skies, right? >> tell us what that might mean. >> it is very confusing. acars, the aircraft communicating and reporting system. you don't shut it off. you have to turn the circuit
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breaker and pull the fuse. would it really shut it down or alter the display in the cockpit? there is a big question over what that really means. you don't just switch off acars. you do turn off the transponders. there is a big question as to what was happening with acars. if the screen went dead, they should have noticed it. would they have told that to the air traffic controller, probably not. that's the communication with their company. it is just another mystery. it makes things seem more normal, not less normal. let's focus on captain shah. everybody sooemd seems to have loved him. his family said he was a normal, great dad. he wasn't overtly religious or
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overtly political. as an investigator, where do you go with this? >> they looked at things like problems at home, gambling debts, bang accounts, big debts, recent purchases of life insurance. they looked at personal problems that might indicate somebody would have an inkling to die or join some kind of a plot or any kind of association with any separatists or terrorist groups and they did that? they looked immediately after 9/11 for everyone on the planes. apparently, we have heard nothing from the investigators, none of that has come out. by this time in the 9/11 investigation, we had tons of information. information was pouring forth about the plot and about these people, the terrorists on the
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plane. the eery silence is almost deafening. >> that tells you something, doesn't? >> yes. sometimes i am an old prosecutor. sometimes nothing is nothing. you look for every possible piece o piece of evidence but you also have to have motive. every crime is motive and opportunity. here, we are not finding in he motive. sometimes, if you cannot find any evidence, perhaps there isn't any to be found. at some point, someone is going to have to wonder if we are maybe looking the wrong place. why don't we see who else. look at the malaysian airline. if as much went wrong as they said, are they examining people who touched the plane, security at the malaysian airport, people who catered the plane, people who loaded the baggage. at some point, you have to wonder if they are looking the
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wrong place. >> one of those places that at least my gut tells me is wrong, this plane was flying at 5,000 feet over three countries to avoid radar detection. it just doesn't seem plausible. does it seem plausible to you? >> no. i think the problem is the satellite, not really pings, just data fixes. these satellite data fixes are better on directional but not on altitude. we haven't gotten the same indications on altitude yet. what i'm hoping they can do and i'm sure they are working feverishly on this. this is really important data. i think they have to smooth out the data that they are getting and clear out the white noise and see if they can't refine this altitude issue better. at one point, it was 45,000 feet. 5,000 feet, if it is true. who knows what's true. you have two paths, one north up
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towards very mountainous countryside and one south into the indian ocean. there is no way. if they are flying at 5,000 feet, you would have a tremendous fuel burn and they have to go into mountain nous regions. they couldn't have done it. you would be out of fuel. you would be in the himalayas. >> thanks for your insight. much appreciated. 26 countries from around the world are assisting in the massive search for ta vanished flight. so, well, let's go to cnn's tom for man. he has the latest on the search area. good morning. >> good morning, carol. we're going to take a look at not just all the countries that are looking but all the possible places that people think this plane could have put down. as mary pointed out, there are some real challenges to reaching some of them. we'll have that in just a moment. motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain
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the crimea referendum is giving a boost to the dow. allison, make sense of us. why would wall street be going crazy because the people of crimea voted to break away from ukraine? >> because for one, there wasn't any surprise in how this referendum ended up. this is how wall street expected it. you are seeing wall street react to no surprise here. it is more of a relief. there is more in play here. we got some economic reports. that is a big reason why you are seeing the dow up 179 points. we got a report on industrial
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output. it showed an increase in february. also, a report on industrial production. that beat forecast. it i showing a couple of months of soft data come out of the u.s. we are seeing a pickup and rae leave happening in the numbers right now. wall street rarely focuses on those kind of reports. they are focusing because it has been worrisome data. there has been worry that maybe it wasn't the weather's fault. there is hope going on that maybe, just maybe, it was the weather's fault in the first place. carol? >> that makes more sense to me.
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another word on ukraine and crimea. the united states has imposed new sanctions on russia. that's happening right now. the president issued an executive order that names 11 individuals, seven in the russian government and four others. it authorizes additional sanctions as the need arises. our michelle kosinski is on this story in a white house briefing. when she gets out of that briefing, we'll take her live from washington and she can plain in more detail. let's ge gt back to this new an stunning report about flight 370s flight path. >> according to the new strait times newspaper, they believe the missing jet could have flown down to 5,000 feet in an attempt to avoid radar. tom, take us through such a scenario. >> we talk about all the countries involved in helping to search for it now. there are nearly as many countries that it might have run into if it went this route that
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people are talking about now. if the plane ended up coming out of the basic area, it vanished. we have expanded, expanded, expanded and now we're talking about this idea. it could have tarken a southern route or a northern route. in laos and cambodia and china and india and pakistan and kazakhstan and tu kazakhstan and turkmenistan. i want to talk about what mary said a little while ago. that looks like a tremendous number of countries it could wind up in based on 7 1/2 hours. think about what mary said about
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the flight of the plane of this. if you have a plane flying along at 35,000 feet using fuel for 7 1/2 hours, yes, it flies for a very long time. that is not true if you have a plane flying for a different level. now, you are burning an extraordinary amount of energy. you may be having 30%, 40% efficiency you had at 35,000 feet. planes are meant to fly at the stratosphere. so much more density of molecules. fly low to the ground as mary pointed out, you are going over the himalayas.
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if you were to apply that, you could fly for a long time in terms of hours but you wouldn't cover nearly as much ground. you start saying somewhere around western china at the most. this plane is probably out of fuel or it is sitting on the ground somewhere during part of this process. we don't know which. you know, carol, this is a constant calculation. in western china. thanks for making things so clear. more breaking news on the situation. in ukraine and crimea, the president is expected to make a statement at 10:45 eastern time in 40 minutes. he will probably announce more
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sanctions on russia. there was a referendum over the weekend in crimea. they had 83% turnout and some 90% of voters in crimea voted to break away from ukraine and join russia. russian troops have tightened its presence around crimea. the president is about too announce new sanctions against more government officials and more wealthy individuals within russia. he will probably announce those sanctions at 10:45 eastern. we'll carry the president's remarks live. back to the plane now. malaysia airlines calls the search unprecedented. by using airplane signals, they are confident fright 370 continued the flight long after the plane lost contact with radar. let's bring in william walda. he is a safety science professor. also joining the conversation richard quest. welcome to you both.
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good morning. wi william, first to you. they are examining all sorts of satellite systems. the latest is the theory that the plane escaped radar and all satellite by flying at 5,000 feet for a period of time. does that sound credible to you? >> well, if they flew toward land, that aircraft is not equipped to be able to do something like that. military aircraft have the ground search radar and train following radar which allows them to dodge things in their path like mountains. if they go down to 5,000 feet, particularly in the dark, i would say they are more likely to hit a mountain than anything else. >> richard, tell us about the latest on these satellite signals that experts are picking up. >> what we now believe is the way in which this worked. the so-called pings or the so-called signals. what was happening is once the aircraft had made an established contact, with a stat light, then the satellite continues to look
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for that plane. it does so every hour we understand. what happened is even though the transponder and the acars system were disabled and not transmitting. note, i don't say switched off. we are still not sure. we still do not know why. all we know is that they were not transmitting. the satellite continues to look for it. in a very fundamental, basic sort of way, it is a bit like the plane is still discoverable. the plane is still got its antenna out. i am not suggesting it is blue tooth. it is the idea that the satellite looks for these things and sees, oh, yes, there is a plane there. it can recognize which plane it is. now, in this case, carol, the plane is not responding. it is not sending any data. these blips, these pings, whatever we want to call them, they are the satellite
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recognizing a plane and recognizing which plane it is. the problem is, from what we understand, it can't tell you exactly how high it is or even exactly where it is. >> so much confusing information. i'm going to have to interrupt this conversation. we have to take our viewers live to washington and michelle kosinski. as i told you a little bit ago, president obama is expected to make some sort of statement at 10:45 eastern about added sanctions on russia in light of this referendum that took place over the weekend in crimea where supposedly crimean citizens voted overwhelmingly to split from ukraine and join russia. what's the president expected to say? >> well, he signed an executive order just this morning listing individuals who now will be sanctioned under the two executives orders. the most recent one today. it expands the pool from which
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the u.s. can choose certain people to sanctions. there is a total of 11 people that the u.s. government has sanctioned. they include deputies of the russian parliament, an aide to president vladimir putin, one of his advisers, other people that the administration calls key players politically, as well as cronies of officials of the russian government. when i mentioned that pool that they are expanding now as part of this executive order, that includes russian officials, arms dealers and anyone who materially supports those individuals. so they made it very clear that sanctions will increase as russian actions increase but they felt like this sends a message, as they put it, that real costs will be imposed upon russia if these actions continue. if diplomacy fails.
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z. just to make clear, these new sanctions are only meant to send a message, not to cause real pain for the russian government. >> reporter: these are real actions. first of all, to freeze assets and bar anyone from doing business with the people named. there are 11 named but the european union named 21 individuals that they are going to sanctions. the u.s. and the eu have been working closely, senior administration officials said that the two lists of people that will be shaanctioned overl but are not identical. freezing of assets and barring entry and revoking visas to these individuals. real action is going to be taken. the question has been since the crisis began, will this be a real impact. these are real actions. it is sending a message and they
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pointed to harm already they believe russia has suffered, the stock market dropping, ruble falling in relation to the u.s. dollar. i think they wanted to preempt criticism for people that are saying, is this enough? russia doesn't really seem to care. they made clear this sends a message that real action is being taken. they believe it does impose a cost on russia. and that this action will continue and grow in its severity as russia continues. >> all right, michelle kosinski, stand by. i appreciate that. joining me now, senator john barosso. welcome, sir. >> thank you, carol. >> you just visited ukraine and a delegation of bipartisan senators led by john mccain. do you think these sanctions go far enough? >> it is a good first step, carol. vladimir putin only respects
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strength and power. i don't think he has made a final decision about what he is going to do. he has continued to take account of the credibility to his actions. he continues to have troops lining the border of eastern ukraine and i believe he is ready to pounce if he sees the opportunity to do so. >> that sort of seems like what he is doing right now. russian troops certainly aren't retreating from crimea. they are overtaking some gas facilities. they seem to be settling. >> that's right. the first thing they did saturday night, they seized a gas facility in southern ukraine. there were riots in the street which i believe were agitated by russian thugs who came in there so then putin could move troops
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in to say he was there to keep the peace. there are marines from the ukraine still surrounded in the crimea, in indoe see ya, 600 that could be massacred by the russians. putin is still making calculations on a daily basis. we need to continue to up the price of his activities through additional pressures, economic sanctions and anything else we can do to bring world pressure and specifically with our support for the people of the ukraine. >> if vladimir putin continues, progresses in ukraine, what is the next step for the united states besides sanctions. would it be arming the military in ukraine. would it be money? would it be something else? >> talking with the prime minister while we were there, he needs help rebuilding the
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military. yanukovich, the former president, has weakened the military to the point the prime minister says, we don't have anything that runs, shoots or flies. they will need specific help in rebuilding and we should be part of that solution. >> senator, thanks so much for being with me. i appreciate it. >> thanks for having me.
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move into a new house, or add a car to your policy. personalized coverage and savings. all the things humans need to make our world a little less imperfect. call... and ask about all the ways you could save. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? . >> we would like to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. joining me now is wolf blitzer in washington. president obama in just a couple of minutes is going to come out and make some sort of statement on russia and the ukraine. these new sanctions that the president is going to put into place by executive order to
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punish russia for what it has done in the crimea. >> this comes after this significant move where almost 97 people that voted, voted that crimea should become a part of russia. it has deeply irritated the united states and the eu and others. the europeans are ready to take steps. it does send a powerful signal that the united states and europe are ready to take steps. ukraine's sovereignty has been undermined. they see this referendum as a violation of international law. they are ready to take steps. they are relatively modest.
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if the sanctions get too tough, the russians will retaliate. they have 30%, 40% of their energy resources from russia. these are potentially significant developments. >> the press is going to impose sanctions on 11 governmental and oters. >> these are people that would normally be welcomed in europe, around the united states and the world. it is going to make it difficult for them to travel. it is also potentially going to open up the door to freezing assets. it is going to undermine russia's movement towards a greater economic growth, if you will. these are very influential folks. in russia. now, has the president imposed travel restrictions on the president of russia, vladimir putin, or the foreign minister, sergei, lavrov? not yet. that hasn't happened. these are important steps.
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it will send a powerful, political signal other folks that have a lot of influence that if this situation continues to deteriorate, your wealth and economic well-being. this is potentially a punitive measure that will have some impact. >> we will be back with much more on the situation unfolding. there will be much more on the missing jetliner. we will be back. an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts jim at a greater risk of stroke. for years, jim's medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but now, with once-a-day xarelto jim's on the move. jim's doctor recommended xarelto. like warfarin, xarelto is proven effective to reduce afib-related stroke risk. but xarelto is the first
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the world. momentarily, the president of the united states, president barack obama will walk into the briefing room and announce major new sanctions being imposed on top russian officials and others whom the united states believes were complicit in what the u.s. regards as this illegal referendum that taook place yesterday in crimea, a referendum that turned out that 97% said crimea should be a part of russia. the white house released a formal statement of 11 top russian officials that are being sanctioned by the united states. >> there were sanctions issued in the past few weeks. it identified people that were viewed as contributing to the destablization of ukraine. four individuals were identified under that but not really identified fully until now.
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now, this new executive order, basically, expands the sanctions. the frool which they will draw now and in the future will include russian government officials, arms dealers and people seen as contributing to those individuals. the people named specifically in this new executive order, there are seven in number. a total of 11 people between the two executive orders issuing sanctions that have since been announced. among the people that were named today, include an aide and an adviser to russian president wu continue, deputies. the question is raised over and over again. why not name president vladimir putin? senior white house officials explain that saying it would be an extraordinary action, very unusual for the u.s. to impose sanctions on the head of a government. they are not taking that step now. they did say this sends a clear
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message to those involved in the activities in ukraine and crimea. it bars americans from doing business with these people. this will continue. sanctions will expand. it sort of lays the ground work for expanding sanctions if the russian course continues, wolf. >> it is interesting. if you make a good point. among these 11 people, who have been named in this white house president relieve. sechlt serko vth is being sanctioned. so if the top aides to putin are being sanctioned. why not putin himself? your answer is u.s. officials are not ready to take that dress tick step. they want to make sure these are key political players and
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cronies, people close to vladmir putin. they wanted to emphasize that. this is hitting at the heart of russian government and the action that has been taken. some of the people not named on the new executive order included in the prior round of sanctions include the former president and prime minister of ukraine, as well as the acting prime minister of crimea. today, the eu sanctioned individuals as well. 21 of them. in total, the u.s. has sanctioned 11 people. if the u.s. is so much in coordination with the eu, as the cord has continued, why would those lists be so different. officials said that they are very well coordinated and that these lists overlap. with so many governments contributing together with the european union, they had some categories of sanctions that the u.s. hasn't tackled but could. >> one of those listed, victor
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yanukovych. the former u cain yan president that has now sought and received refuge in russia, in the stage, yanukovich is being designated for threatening the peace, security, sovereignty of ukraine and for undermining their democratic institutions and processes after abandoning kiev and fleeing to russia, yanukovich called upon russian president, vladmir putin, to send russian troops into ukraine. name very much on the list. that's a significant development. here is the president right now. good morning, everybody. in recent months, the citizens of ukraine have made their voices heard. we have been guided by a fundamental principle. the future of ukraine must be decided by the people of ukraine. that means ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity must be respected and international law must be upheld.
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russia's decision to send troops into crimea has rightly drawn local condemnation. from the start, the united states has mobilized the international community in support of ukraine. to isolate russia and reassure our allies and partners. we saw this international unity again over the weekend when russia stood alone in the u.n. security council defending its actions in crimea. as i told president putin yesterday, the referendum in crimea was a clear violation of ukrainian constitutions. and international law. it will not be recognized by the international community. today, i'm announcing a series of measures that will to increase the costs on russia and those responsible for what is happening in ukraine. first, as authorized, we are imposing sanctions on specific individuals responsible for
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undermining the sovereignty, territorial integrity and government of ukraine. we are making it clear that there are consequences for their actions. second, i have signed a new executive order that expands the scope of our sanctions. as an initial step, i'm authorizing sanctions on russian officials, entities operating in the armed sector in russia and individuals who provide material support to senior officials of the russian government. if russia continues to interfere in ukraine, we stand ready to impose further sanctions. third, we're continuing our close consultations with our european partners who today in brussels, moved ahead with their own sanctions against russia. tonight, vice president biden departs for europe where he will meet with our allies and i'll be traveling to europe next week. our message will be clear.
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as niato allicees, we have a so commitment. we will with hold this. further provocations will just furth isolate russia and diminish their place in the world. the international committee will continue to stand together and continued russian military intervention in ukraine will only deepen russia's diplomatic isolation and exact a greater toll on the russian economy. going forward, we can calibrate our response based on whether russia chooses to escalate or to deescalate the situation. now, i believe there is still a path to resolve this situation diplomatically in a way that addresses the interest of both russia and ukraine. that includes russia pulling its forces in crimea back to their bases, supporting the deployment of additional international monitors in ukraine and engaging
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in dialogue with the ukrainian government, which has indicated its openness to pursuing constitutional reforms as they move forward towards elections this spring. throughout this process, we are going to stand firm in our unwavering support for ukraine. as i told prime minister yatsenyuk last week, the united states stands with the people of ukraine and their right to determine their own destiny. we will continue to offer them economic support that they need to weather the crisis and improve the daily lives of the ukrainian people wech. we will look at the ways we can help our ukrainian people to have their rights, security, prosperity and dignity they deserve. thanks very much. we will be available for questioning. >> so there is the president of the united states making a
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normal announcement in the white house briefing room outlining a series of steps to try to punish russia for its move into ukraine, specifically into crimea to hold this referendum yesterday and to make it clear that the united states and the european allies will not recognize this move by the russians in crimea. michelle kosinski is our white house correspondent. christiane christiane amman poor is standing about i. >> he has listed the president, 11 individuals. the eu plans to target 21 individuals, all of hoom are related to whom they call violating the territorial integrity of ukraine, being involved in this referendum. including the prime minister of
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crimea. very importantly, the german chancellor, angela merkel, has become much, much tougher as president putin continues his military and other designs on crimea. that is really important, that europe stands pretty stalwart in realizing that this poses a big threat to europe as the germans are saying right now and that they need to be confronted, obviously, not militarily. that is not on the table. economically and diplomatically, they believe economically, it will hurt given time. >> this is just step one. if this stalemate continues, phil black is in moscow. how are these sane sanctions. >> there will be retaliation, wolf. no doubt about that. it is just a question of how long we have to wait for them and to what extent the
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retaliation is equal or perhaps greater. russia often talks about coming back a symmetrically. coming back and hitting harder and coming back from a completely different direction. what is clear from this list put out by the u.s. administration today is that it is a list of the influential, not the most powerful. there is still room to escalate and to hit people with even greater importance. two names stand out quickly, ladislav sirkov. he is said to be the chief architect of putin's system where he has managed to dominate political life. another key figure who is a deputy prime minister, a former russian ambassador to nato.
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he is influential but also significantly powerful as well. so this is a first shot. it is a significant one but it is targeting influential figures within the regime, more so than those that yield direct influence within those closest to vladimir putin himself. wolf? >> now, we will see how the russians retaliate for these u.s. and european sanctions. let's go to crimea. nick paton walsh is on the ground on this day after the referendum. what's it like there today? >> reporter: well, certainly, i don't think what we just heard from the white house will change the course of what's occurring in crimea. swift parliamentary decision after yesterday's remarkably predictable vote to join the federation and appeal to vladmir putin to make that the case.
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what we can see coming out of the white house today is a possible avenue for deescalation here. when john kerry met sergei lavrov in london, he was clear vladmir putin could decide not to incorporate crimea into russia. another wave of sanctions for the key decisionmakers. this list you have seen, the seven there, the people influential within russian society, they are not the security heads, it the former kjb agent, they are not the former kjb head who is head of the national security council. there are a lot of people that could still be included. there is no move against russian business at this point. that is so heavily integrated and ground into the global economy. it really could get hurt. what we are seeing today is an opening salvo. it has not had really any impact in crimea.
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a tell gags is headed to work on the practicalities of getting crimea into russia. wolf? >> let's go back to christiane amanpour. the vice president, joe biden, would be traveling to europe to meet with the nato allies in poland, and other countries. people are pretty nervous about what's going on. they don't anticipate the russians would move against them. i understand he is basically going to reassure them of nato support. >> reporter: exactly. this is an international show of support and diplomatic cohesion. you are absolutely right. amongst the most outspoken is the prime minister of poland. they want a lot more help a lot of more support. they are saying, the poles, that this is a definite potential, a threat to europe's sovereignty and, indeed, its security
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specially to germany and the rest of europe's dependence on russian gas. >> let me bring in michelle kosinski at the white house. is there a timeline here? there is clearly an effort to ratchet up the pressure. initial steps taken a week ago. now, some more steps. they are clearly ready to move further down the road. officials haven't given you any specific timeline or anything like that, have they? >> it is all based on as the situation allows and as activities on the ground necessitate. we saw the initial round of sanctions against certain people who were then unnamed. we see two weeks later, a total of 11 people now sanctioned by the u.s. what happens next, that is what we are waiting to see, wolf?
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we are waiting to see what the russians do in retaliation. phil black anticipates there will be russian retaliation. there is breaking news out of the white house and breaking news following the mystery with malaysian airliner 370. we will continue with much more right after this. sacrifice, courage. which is why usaa is honored to help our members with everything from investing for retirement to saving for college. our commitment to current and former military members and their families is without equal.
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>> the entire u.s. population is reliving things like 9/11. if an unthinkable thing could happen, what could happen next? if there is anybody that can survive a situation like that, it's him. he is very level-headed. i think he i the kind of person that would help to calm a really chaotic situation. of course, i have to prepare for the worst, because no matter what, i still have to go forward. no matter what, his family still has to go forward. we need to know where that fork in the road is going to go. we're not ready to take either branch but we have to know what's coming. otherwise, when it comes, you won't be prepared and that's when you get into trouble, i think. >> you need to be prepared for whatever the news is. >> my bag is packed and ready to go. it has been since saturday
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morning. >> ready to go where? >> wherever he is. my son even helped me pick out which clothes to bring for him. so i have an outfit for him in my backpack. he wouldn't want to wear his dirty old stuff anymore. i'm sure. he probably wouldn't want to wear a hospital gown if that's the case. so, yep, it is all ready. >> just heartbreaking. . we'll have much more on that missing jetliner in the next hour. thank you so much for joining me today. i'm carol costello. "at this hour" with berman and michaela starts now. hello, everybody. i'm john berman. >> i'm michaela pereira. it is 11:00 a.m. in the east and that means it is 8:00 a.m. out west. right now, we are tracking down new information and investigating new theories in the disappearance of
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