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tv   Piers Morgan Live  CNN  March 19, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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lumpur. we'll get there in a little bit. mary, let's follow up on what richard quest just said. you wouldn't have the prime minister coming out if they didn't think that this was a very strong development. >> i think that's true. there have been so much false leads and starts and backtracking in the investigation, i think that is exactly right. he wouldn't have come forward and said if they were not fairly certain. so i'm encouraged that perhaps this will be the break that we need. but i agree you wouldn't have the president of the united states come forward and say anything unless his advisers were sure. >> mary, thank you very much, it is midnight here in the united states, it is noon in perth, australia, close to where they believe two objects have been found in relation to flight 370, the prime minister coming out
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saying they have two significant pieces of objects found in the southern indian ocean off the coast of australia, and of course this plane has been missing since march 8th, the missing developments now, live to kyung lah in kuala lumpur, kyung, if this new development is true it certainly changes things for the missing families here. >> reporter: certainly, the families here a short distance behind me. they have been waiting, waiting for this. but this is really going to be -- it is hard to explain. it is just going to crush a lot of these families. there is a big banner that is in the lobby of this hotel. and it may be inexplicable to a lot of us who have watched this unfold in the last two weeks but the banner says pray for their
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safe return. with all the theories out there, starts and stops some of these families have really hoped the that the plane would be found intact. so the families want an answer. they want it to come to an end. but at the same time, don, this is not the end that they want, even though many of them knew that this probably would be the end of the story. >> stand by, i want to welcome our viewers, our international viewers of course here in the united states and around the world. i'm don lemon in new york, of course you're watching cnn 12:02 in the united states, what we're hearing is that they have found two objects in the southern indian ocean that they believe is connected to the missing airliner, flight 370, it went missing on march 8th, for 13 days now with no clue. hundreds of thousands of people have been searching for these, at least 23 countries in the search for this. now they believe they have found
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it off the coast in the indian ocean. specifically they say two objects possibly related to the search for the missing flight, and that is according to the australian prime minister, tony abbott, he said it is new and credible information. it has come to light nearly three weeks after this plane has vanished. he said the australian air force has been diverted to look into the area to see exactly what the objects were. he did not specify what they were but australia has taken charge of the search in the southern indian ocean just announced a couple of days ago. the australian maritime safety authority has received information based on satellite information of objects possibly related to the search, abbott said, and following special analysis of the satellite imagery, two possible objects he says related to the search has been identified. cnn's richard quest is joining us here in new york.
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richard, we had just finished up our special broadcast and got word of this and immediately came back on the air. by far this is the biggest, biggest development in this particular situation. 13 days, we have been waiting for this not only us but 239 families, at least. >> that is the sort of grief and anguish, last friday, don, you and i talked about the chinese satellite pictures and then we hoped they were accurate but they proved to be released by mistake and not relevant. and when vietnamese war ships went there, search ships got there, there was nothing there. this time it is very different. and australia, let me remind you don and viewers both in the united states and around the world, the malaysians requested the australians join the week at the beginning of the week, once we got the two arcs, the northern and southern arc,
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australia was requested to take over the primary search. and the australia military got to grips with that. they very quickly realized it was a vast area but they got to grips in cutting it up into manageable chunks. as the commander said on many times, it was easier to do thousand-mile searches from perth, because you had a much better location from which to search the south indian ocean. and that is why -- but this is the interesting bit tonight. don. tonight, it is the satellite imagery, we don't know whose satellite it was. was it the u.s., the australians? the brits? we don't know. but the satellite imagery which i'm guessing they have pored over, and they made sure the sizes were right. because if you recall don last
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week the experts said the pieces of debris floating in the south china sea, there was no piece of the plane big enough to justify that. so a lot more credible stuff tonight that moves this into perhaps the single most important development since the plane was lost last friday. >> absolutely, 12:06 eastern time in the united states and we are receiving that significant developments in this story from australia, specifically the prime minister saying that they have found objects that they believe to be credible in the southern indian ocean off the coast of australia. my colleague, anderson cooper is here, as well. anderson, this is significant, you would not have the prime minister coming out if they didn't think it was an important development. >> there is no doubt bit. but we should caution we have been here before. you remember last week china put on the website what they said was debris from the crash. that turned out to be not the case. they backtracked on that within about 24 hours so we want to be
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very cautious what we know at this stage. and really what we know, you have been reporting on australia's prime minister, tony abbott saying that based on satellite information and satellite data they have identified two pieces which could possibly be debris. this of course comes really in the last 24 hours where the search for what happened to flight 370 really has focus on this area west of australia. this off the coast of perth in australia. so there is a lot we don't know at this hour. we have reporters all throughout the region in australia, in malaysia, as well. our kyung lah is here. we have been talking to richard quest who spent time actually reporting on malaysia airlines before this incident occurred. we have mary schiavo here, as well as experienced pilots. we have a lot of experience to draw on. but i do want to bring in richard quest, you were just talking to don about the scope of the resources which have been
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deployed. i was talking to a u.s. navy commander earlier tonight who focused on this area. this australia area because they really felt they had exhausted a lot of their search areas further north in the bay of bengal. they really felt this was the area that they had the best chance at this point of finding something. but again they didn't know and they were facing a scenario if they didn't find debris of just constantly expanding that area of search. >> and that is really interesting, and crucial because it was the uss kidd and i think it might have been on 360 where we were learning about the fact that resources from the kidd were being transferred to western australia because it was easier to search the indian ocean from land on the western coast. now malaysia asked australia, australia accepted the duty to marshal and coordinate all the search operation. but throughout the week, u.s. officials have told barbara
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starr, we've heard from jim sciutto, we heard again and again that they believe the plane came down in the indian ocean. the northern track was there, and they still add supporters to its theories. but as the week went on it became clear it really was the south indian ocean. but the difficulty, anderson, was the size and scale of it. particularly 13 days on. because now once the australia ships and planes and as the poseidon is on the way, once they get there and although it is credible and although it is identified, once it is confirmed to be flight 370 wreckage then they have to work out the tides. >> and i -- as you said i was speaking to a commander from the fleet earlier and he said that is a crucial point, richard, because even at finding debris on the surface, given the amount of time, this is not the air france flight 447 which crashed from rio -- from rio going to paris several years ago, which
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was found after five days, wreckage was found, ultimately they found the aircraft itself after two years because it was in 13,000 feet of water. but given the length of time, the more than 11 days, it is going to be very difficult for them. possible but very difficult even if they find debris on the surface of the water to try to triangulate, the tides, sheer amount of time that has passed. >> but they can do it. what you're looking for if you have two pieces of debris already. now you start working back. when is the tides? the water temperature, the winds, and you start looking for a much larger debris field which will probably be there, because as we've heard many times over the week from people like mary schiavo, the plane seats, cushions, life vest, part of the tail, part of the wing. once they find that.
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you talk about 447, they found the debris field and actually they went backwards and forwards over the plane several times before finding it two years later. they did. it is an art, not a science but it is science that will come into practicing that art and they will be able to re-trace with a degree of certainty. the way they have done this so far, anderson, is at the extremities of science. they triangulated this from pieces that were designed to do this. so they're already accomplished looking at the next stage. >> we have new information coming into cnn, the malaysian military is checking on this new information from the australian authorities. the source tells cnn, verification could take time to locate and verify the objects. but richard as you know and as we have been reporting in the last several days and we'll
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probably to to kyung lah who is on the ground there souther, ma airlines has come under scrutiny, from media around the world and outside observers for a lack of transparency and a lack of coordination in terms of the information that they were putting out. i talked to a number of people who were involved again in that search for air france flight 447 and french authorities who were in charge of that investigation were very careful about the information that they put out to the public. whereas malaysian authorities, one day we have been told one thing, contradictory information, then released the following day. >> two issues, what they have been telling us, the media and the families and what they tell the other investigators, the ntsb, the fiaa, the australian equivalent to the ntsb.
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but the reports that we heard later in the week from law enforcement and search officials was that they were not seeing raw data, they were seeing analysis data. they were not being privy, but then all of a sudden that changed. the malaysian prime minister and the transport minister basically said nationals, we are putting aside national security issues. we are making all the raw data available. this is not about politics. now, was there an element of chaos? has the been the most well managed or well constructed? that will all be for the investigation. tonight we have facts and they are the first facts that we have had in some considerable time. >> and again for viewers just joining us, we'll take a short break as we gather information. but before we go to break we're waiting for a press conference to try to get the word, if you're just joining us, the word
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we have gotten from australia's prime minister is that objects have been spotted, according to satellite information. they're sending information. as we have known for the past 12 hours or so we know this has been an intense area of focus for the search operations. u.s. authorities, australian authority, as well. as we know there are some 26 countries involved in the entire search area for flight 370. we're going to take a short break, our coverage continuing on what could be the biggest development in this case, in this missing case in many, many days. we'll be right back. [ coughs, sneezes ] i have a big meeting when we land, but i am so stuffed up, i can't rest. [ male announcer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. they don't? alka seltzer plus night fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a decongestant. [ inhales deeply ] oh. what a relief it is.
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good evening, everyone, it is 12:17 here on the east coast, 12 hours ahead in australia,
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that is where the focus is right now, australia's prime minister, tony abbott, saying that from satellite information they have identified two pieces of debris, possibly, possibly, that is not verified. they're trying to identify what the debris is. as you know if you have been following this case now for 11-plus days we have been here before. we have chinese officials or at least what they said was satellite data showing wreckage from an aircraft. that turned out not to be the case. so we caution all of these reports because they are very early. this just starting to break about half an hour ago or so. we do anticipate a press conference from australia's prime minister at any moment. we obviously are going to bring that to you live. it is 12:18 in western australia where the focus of this is. we have a correspondent, andrew stevens there. we'll talk to him shortly. we have all the assets of cnn
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deployed on this. kyung lah is joining us from asia. i want to show you what australia's prime minister said earlier this evening, earlier this morning australia time. let's watch. >> the australian maritime safety authority has received information based on satellite imagery of objects possibly related to the search. following specialist analysis of this satellite imagery, two possible objects related to the search have been identified. >> i want to bring in a former faa investigator, author of the book "why planes crash." david, can you explain why if this is in fact wreckage and again we do not know, if this was in fact wreckage from the flight why this flight could have ended up in that region of the world. why the focus so much of the search has been there for the last 24 hours or so. >> well, either one of the most credible angles or theories
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could explain why it is in the area, one, because there was a fire on board and the pilot just continued into that area, but as far as if somebody took over the plane i wouldn't have an explanation about that. one of the areas i'm concerned about, if that was debris, coming from the raff, i would say if they made this announcement they are very credible accident investigators. they did the quantas investigation, and many of these, this coming from the experienced investigators means a lot. the biggest investigation is the clock is now starting to tick. if it is truly wreckage they have to get on, figuring out where it came from and start to get close to the boxes, because to find the black boxes the under water beacons will only be there for 30 days. we have what? 17 days left? and they only have a range of between three and seven nautical
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miles. >> there was so much comparison, it took a full two years to actually find the air france flight. >> there is quite a variance in the area, as far as the topography in the area. the reason we had so much trouble with air france, the fact it was so deep. 13,000 feet, you have already given up close to three miles locating the under water beacon locaters, the black boxes. >> i have gotten conflicting answers and would like to hear your theory, if the plane ended up in the water, crashed in the water, is it etl -- >> elt devices, which are supposed to -- basicaly act as
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beacons almost once a plane hits water, life rafts are deployed automatically. if this plane hit water why would those beacons not have gone off? >> it is very perplexing, because you have 16 satellites circling the earth, looking for the frequency. the fact it didn't pick anything up is very perplexing to me. you have two -- a deceleration trigger that should be able to be picked up. when the rear one of the aircraft touches salt water it would have given off a signal as well. it is very concerning to me that we had not picked that up if this is indeed the wreckage. we have to ask ourselves if the system is working or not. >> it is salt water as you
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mentioned, the response to salt water triggers that secondary one in the rear. my question, though, is if the aircraft hit at a great speed, would the elt go off? i don't know if it did in the case of air france? >> absolutely it would. in air france, i can't answer to that. i don't know what was equipped. the elt is not a required piece of equipment by the afr. it doesn't have to be on there. it is just this particular aircraft in this year, the manufacturer had this installed on it. it is more for a general aviation, small aircraft. they have the transponder on it, they have the aircraft, the tracking in commercial aircraft. so therefore it is not required by afr 121. >> and that is not a device that could be shut off by a circuit breaker? >> no, not a circuit breaker but if you have the arms on it it can be by that model.
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some are made to be taken off the aircraft for use in another situation where you had a remote landing or something like that and the crew had to take it with them and use it for a signaling device subsequent to the landing. >> that is certainly one thing that makes for investigators such a bizarre and mysterious circumstance that every theory you start to explore, that investigators are looking into. each one raises questions that can't be answered, in particular if the plane hit water why didn't the devices go off, transmit via satellite. again, we're waiting for a press conference by the prime minister, he made the announcement that two pieces of debris or objects have been found in the water off northwestern australia, they're trying to verify what the pieces of debris are, if they're in fact from this flight. we'll take a short break for this press conference momentarily. i reckon a storm's a brewin'.
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ago, because that is a mouthful, as a possible indication that they were seen south of the area that has been the focus of the southern operation since monday, the 17th of march. the image is in the vicinity of the search area defined and searched in the past two days. further, images are expected after commercial satellite were redirected to take high resolution images of the area. these will be provided in due course. four aircraft have been
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reoriented to locate the object, approximately 3,500 kilometers southwest of perth as a result of this information. a royal australian air force arrived in the area about 1:50 p.m. this afternoon. further, three aircraft have been tasked by rcc australia with the air laser today, including the united states poseidon aircraft. the poseidon aircraft should be on scene now, the second, the royal air force base should be on scene at 6:00 p.m. this afternoon. the new zealand orion is due to depart at 4:00 p.m. this afternoon and should be on scene at 8:00 p.m. a royal australian air force
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c-130 hercules aircraft has been tasked by rcc australia to drop data markers. they are providing information about water movement to assist in drift modelling. they will provide an ongoing reference point. if the task of relocating the object becomes protracted. the deployment on monday is expected to arrive in the area of 6:00 p.m. having been diverted by rcc australia. the royal australian navy war ship is enroute to the area but is some days away. she is equipped to recover any objects located and proven to be from 370.
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the focus is to continue the search operation with all available ships and aircraft. the ships and aircraft are searching for any signs of the missing aircraft. weather conditions are moderate in the southern indian ocean where the search is taking place. however, poor visibility has been reported and this will hamper both air and satellite effort. there continues to be grave concern for the passengers on board. i must emphasize these objects may be very difficult to locate and may not be related to the search. >> what do they appear to be? >> the objects are relatively indistinct on the imagery. i don't profess to be an expert in assessing the imagery but those who are expert indicate
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they are credible sightings. and the indication to me is of objects that are reasonable size and are probably awash with water, bobbing up and down out of the surface. >> does it appear to be a size -- like the size of a basketball or much larger? >> no, much larger than that, the largest perth image is assessed at 24 meters. there is another, the images and in the general area of the biggest one. >> did the aircraft arrive -- have you had any reports? >> the aircraft is reported on scene, that is where i get the information that there is poor visibility in the area. and they will talk about the implications of that separately.
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>> there have been no sightings yet. >> [ inaudible ] >> do they pick them up? >> the most likely scenario is that an aircraft will find an object, if it is findable. and then report back at an accurate gps position and they would proceed to the area and attempt to see it. that would be our first chance to get a close-up look at whatever the objects might be. and progressively advance the identification of whether they're associated with this search or not. [ inaudible ] >> we were provided it from the australian ago this morning. but i might ask the air commander to speak about the
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imagery. >> so the imagery is being progressively captured by satellite passing over various areas. the task of analyzing the imagery is quite difficult and requires going through frame by frame. at the moment, this imagery was discovered to reveal a possible object that may indicate a debris field. we have passed the information for their action. >> is it fair to say that you believe that it is credibly debris from the plane, or something that we consider drawing conclusions -- >> quite simply, it is credible enough to declare a search and promising on what might be wreckage from the please. >> the only elaboration i would make on that is we have been in
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this business for search and rescue and using satellite images before, and they do not always turn out to be related to the search even if they look good. so we will hold our views on that until they're sighted close up. [ inaudible ] >> i'm unable to advise on that, i simply do not know. >> can you mention further -- >> well, ago will continue to provide all possible support for this operation. the ability to reach our commercial and others to unable us to focus in on an area, to support this search will become a priority, but i'm unable to give you any advice on additional imagery or whether that additional imagery may even hold any further clues. >> the assumption is the water is very deep, do you have specifics on just how deep the water is? >> i apologize, i remember
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taking that question but i didn't check it any further. i understand it would be several thousand meters deep. and i'm speculating, i will check it. and i will get the information back to you. i will check it and get the information back to you at this time -- >> the kilometers from here, how many are flying out to make sure -- >> so that area is now four hours approximately time, it enables us to spend two hours perhaps or a little more on station once we get into the search area. >> do they know how much fuel -- >> it twice hours of search time that we can devote, i can't give you how many pounds or gallons of fuel. >> what would you advise saying to the families who have been waiting for 12 days. >> i would advise that the
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answer is, they are doing their level best to find anyone who has survived if indeed the aircraft came into the southern corridor and if indeed these objects found by satellite are associated with the aircraft that will put us into a more accurate search area than the one they have at the moment. >> you described the situation as trying to find a needle in a hay stack. is it surprising that you possibly have detected these objects closely related to the search? >> i don't want to draw too many conclusions on this. we have two separate forms of analysis on here, you might recall on the slide here the two yellow arrows done by the national transportation safety board about the movements of the aircraft that has focused the search. and we have now seen satellite imagery of two objects or a number of objects there. and i don't want to draw too
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much from that. this is a lead. it is probably the best lead we have right now. but we need to get there, find them, see them, assess them. to know whether it is really meaningful or not. and i caution again they will be difficult to find. and they may not be that assis >> we continue to work with those nations to see how they
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can assist. >> the chinese -- >> we are aware of the chinese taking an interest in searching in the southern area, but we continue to work with nations to facilitate their integration into the current situation. >> we provide regular briefings for the countries that are involved in this search. including in the rescue coordination center. where attaches come in on a daily basis so we can keep them informed about what is going on. >> in the specific area, you will continue to search in the area -- >> you're correct, this is close enough to the national transportation safety board's assessed area.
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to the possible sighting, we want to find them. >> in terms of this area of ocean, how possible would one expect to find a large piece of debris like this? is this a common occurrence? or for the aircraft -- floating -- is this quite unusually large? >> our experience is that there is debris out there. from ships, for example falling overboard. and other objects of that type, have on this particular occasion, the size and the fact that there are a number located in the same area. and really makes it worth looking at. but i don't want to speculate about what they are until we get there and we see them. >> could there be more about --
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mentioning the -- >> i can't tell anymore about that at the moment. >> sorry, when you say 25 or 24 meters earlier in the press conference, do you mean length wise? what sort of object? >> the satellite image has a blob with an assessment of 24 meters against it, which is the assessment that has been made by the experts that assessed it. >> is there anything around it or anything like that? >> you can't tell that from the satellite imagery. >> when do you think you can bring that plane, that object back to -- >> there are many steps that happen before we get to that point. we have to locate it, concerned that it belongs to the aircraft,
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recover it and then bring it a long way back to australia, so that would take some time. what we're looking for is a confirmation that it does belong to the air craft or it does not. and we'll consider what follows from that. >> are there windows that -- markings, anything that you believe that can -- >> the imagery is not that precise. >> we're working to provide imagery for you. now, i don't have it with me at the moment. we are working to provide imagery that we can release for media purposes at the earliest opportunity. >> when will you release it -- >> information will be released, the media statement as usual. i suggest you talk with the
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media people after the conversatio conference. >> when do you realistically expect to have more information? >> it is in the nature of search and rescue operations that i can't answer that for you. we have four aircraft out there this afternoon. the weather is not playing the game with us. we may get a sight, we may not. we may get it tomorrow. we may not. but we'll continue to do this until we locate the objects or we're convinced that we cannot find them. thank you very much, everyone. >> okay, you have been listening to a press conference given by john young, the australian maritime safety authority administrator. a lot of information. i just want to run through it for you. the satellite information possibly related to the search. they saw two objects in the water, one of them as long as 24 meets or some 62 feet.
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the objects were indistinct in the words of john young on the satellite imagery. but they did determine them to be credible sightings and what he called a reasonable size. as i said, one was quite large, 62 feet. the "the new york times" is referring to this only as a modest clue but it is clearly important enough to australian authorities that they have redirected basically the focus of their search to try to locate these two objects. now remember, they were objects only spotted on satellite information. satellite information which was originally collected by australian geo-specialist organizations, you heard them referring to ñragio, the specialist intelligence organization. they are the ones who identified or tried to identify what the debris actually was based on this satellite information. they said it was in the vicinity of the search area, they have redirected commercial satellites to try to overpass this area,
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try to get more satellite imagery. they have four aircraft that have been reoriented to be involved in the search. the us poseidon aircraft on scene already and has been, has -- a p3 estimates the flight time over the search area, he says it may be difficult to locate this debris. they have not seen it with their eyes. they have only at this point seen it based on this satellite information. it is about 1500 miles southwest of perth. 2500 kilometers. one thing that will make this very complicated. this is very deep water. we referred to air france flight 447, that was found in 2,000 feet of water, john young was of the water, you multiply it by three, obviously, we're talking about very, very deep water here. that will make the search very
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difficult. an expert in all things under water, he was closely involved in helps to spearhead the search, of flight 447 which crashed taking off towards paris. david, that was found in 13,000 feet of water. do we know approximately how many thousands of feet of water this is, and what happens even if this is debris from the flight. and that is a very big if at this point. what happens next? >> if they're inside the search box that i have seen, the water depth there ranges from about -- i know in meters -- 2500, 7500 feet down to 4,000 meters which is on the order of two and a half miles. so -- but the thing that gives me encouragement, those depths are -- we're very familiar with
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are working at depths in that range. the topography is very difficult. >> i am just getting information from the fleet commander who says that given the amount of time that passed, for you to find the air france debris, we're 11-plus days in on this. how complicated is it to figure out given that amount of time, given the tides, the wind, the weather as john young said is not cooperating. how difficult would it be to locate the plane? >> these are relatively big pieces. it gives me a little bit of concern. it is a third of the aircraft. that is a big piece of aircraft to survive something like that. but let's hope for the best. i talked to some of the best modelers on earth.
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back tracking things like this. you're pushing it at about 12 days. it can be done. in fact they told me that. it looks like the past week or so that the currents and the winds have been relatively mild in this point up in that area. maybe there is a chance. even if they're close, anderson, it will cut down that incredible search area to something more and more reasonable. >> david, given the amount of time is something like that the black box, which does send off a signal, although i think that only lasts for some 30 days, given the depth of this water and t
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objects are relatively indistinct on the imagery, i don't profess to be an expert in assessing the imagery, but those who are expert indicate there are credible sightings. the indication to me is of objects that are of a reasonable size and are probably awash with water. moving up and down out of the
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surface. >> that is john young from australia's maritime safety authority at a press conference that ended just a short time ago. there is clear and concise information. there is a lot australian authorities do not know. but he pointed out what information they do have comes from analysis by australian officials of two objects from satellite data. they redirected a number of satellites, commercial satellites to pass over the area again where these two objects were spotted to try to get clearer pictures of them. they have also reoriented a number for australian aircraft. there is the u.s. poseidon aircraft also on scene, a p3 is on scene with about two hours of flight time over the area, the largest object was thought to be about 24 meters which earlier i misspoke. i actually made it smaller than it actually is, it is actually
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79.7 feet, quite a large piece of debris. which in past instances which china released pieces which they said were debris, which turned out not to be. a lot of aviation officials said it was simply too large to come from this plane. if you're just joining us at


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