tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 20, 2014 6:00am-8:01am PDT
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and love coming home. because i think deep down we know... all the bad things that can happen in life... they can't stop us from making our lives... good. ♪ ♪ welcome back. kate will continue her reporting on 370. but it's now time for "newsroom" with carol costello. >> thanks so much. "newsroom" starts now. happening now in the "newsroom," is this it? >> we now have a credible lead. >> brand new satellite images taken more than 1,000 miles off the coast of australia showing
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debris floating on the surface. >> it is probably the best lead we have right now. >> the american navy and a group of 18 ships scouring the area. aircraft taking to the skies. storms at sea, though, hampering efforts. >> dealing with white caps, bigger waves. tough to see things. ships move more slowly. >> families just finishing up a press conference. >> should a miracle be required? that's what we're hoping for. >> as malaysia manages expectations. >> for the families around the world, the one piece of information that they want most is the information we just don't have, the location of mh-370. >> here live in the cnn "newsroom." good morning. thank you so much for joining me. i'm carol costello. this is a special edition of "newsroom." this morning, breaking news and
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a possible big break in the search for that missing plane. the latest lead satellite images of two large objects floating nearly 1500 miles off australia's southwest coast. one of the most remote areas on earth. the debris, one large, one smaller, is triggering a race by sea and air to get a closer look. here's what we know right now. the larger object on the left measures about 79 feet. that's roughly the length of a wing on a 777 but again, there can be no confirmation until a ship actually retrieves these objects. the first ship has just reached the area. it's a norwegian vessel named the "hoegh st. petersburg." it was on its way to melbourne when it got a request to assist in the search. cnn's andrew stevens is in perth, australia. a hub of this new search. so, andrew, aerial searches ended at nightfall but those efforts face big challenges. wild weather, strong currents
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and the fact these satellite images are already four days old. tell us about that. >> that's right. at this hour, it's the weather that's proven the biggest problem, carol. we've just had the third of the four search planes landing here at this australian air force base behind me. and our cameraman was on that flight. he said that the weather wasn't too bad but they weren't over the search area for too long. they did drop a couple of buoys and came back. that gives you an idea how far it is. it's four hours to get there and four hours to get back which doesn't give them a lot of time on the target area. we were getting tweets from one of the planes that landed back here a little earlier and they were saying that the visibility was a big problem. there was rain. it was low cloud. we know that there is a cold front moving in there and these two objects if they are there, behind the cold front. so aircraft are going to have to go through that. it's not going to be an easy
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task. i mean, this was a very, very difficult task in the best of times. this is one of the most remote places in the world. and to get a bearing is very difficult. just to get there is very difficult. there was warnings from the australian maritime authority. they are the people actually leading the search. and they were saying today, even though this is the best lead they have had, they are still saying it could be days before we get anything further. and certainly, the news coming back from these long range reconnaissance planes, including a p.a., which is a very sophisticated u.s. navy plane turning up nothing at this stage. so tomorrow, the search begins anew. the flights will head out there once again. we do know there is a commercial ship in the area. we do know the australian navy is sending one of its vessels there. it's going to take another day to get there. we also know the chinese are sending ships as well. this stage, we think it's two ships. that's going to take two or three days to get there. all this time, that -- those
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objects, the debris if there is any, moves further away and will become more and more difficult to find. so it sounded good a few hours ago. sounded promising but we're really no further forward since then. carol? >> andrew stevens, thanks so much. with me to talk about this latest clue we have experts and reporters, you name it. but i want to start with tom foreman in washington. tom, this is roughly 2800 miles from where the plane took off and kuala lumpur. tell us more about this remote place on our planet. >> carol, you recall yesterday we were talking about how this would be the place that produced news of the day if anything did. not simply because mathematically it's where the searchers believe the probability was the greatest to do it but because where they were focussing the most effort. u.s. officials haven't wavered in days in their belief that of these two routes, these two arcs, described by satellite data, the northern route could be ignored more than the southern route. the southern route is where they
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thought it was possible and doing very careful mathematics, essentially, they narrowed it down to that square you are looking at right there and that is indeed where these images have emerged. we're taking a look at them because this is something that's troubling to a lot of people. we've been looking at them all night. talking about this. you know the analysts have. there's not a whole lot to be told from this. but the data around them, everything that leads to this discovery, that does give us an ability to break down the pros and cons. the first one is credibility. the simple fact that the government of australia came out and said so clearly, we're interested in this. this seems to matter. they're not going to say that if they don't have some reason to feel they'll look okay with this. they have a reason to do that. but doubt, every guest we've had on since last night said the same thing. you have to have healthy doubt because the other thing is you get wishful thinking to a
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degree. here's another factor. the size. you hinted at this a minute ago. the size in this case is a pro and a con. this plane is a big plane. about 200 feet across. about 200 feet in length. the bigger of the two pieces is about 78 feet long. can you get a 78-foot piece out of this plane? absolutely you can. there are plenty of places. but here's the puzzle of that. it came up in the chinese debris when it was spotted. when those images were released. if you have a piece that big from this plane, can it float out here in stormy seas for 12 days? many people wonder about that. many of the experts and aviation people say that's a difficult trick to pull off. seat cushions can float. life rafts. all sorts of lighter debris can float for a long time. but they are lighter, harder to spot. big pieces like that could come from the plane, yes. could sink, yes. last part, location.
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let's talk about location in this case. the location is good as we mentioned. this is where they are looking. but locating it is hard as we're already seeing. four days old and a difficult part of the world. and everybody keeps talking about the pingers. they keep saying let's reach out and listen to the pingers. let's bring a reality check to this. if you fly in here and think about all this vast amount of ocean here, the range of these pingers in the best conditions may be about two miles. there's a whole lot more ocean out there and if it's at the bottom of the ocean, that limits how far they can go, especially in warm waters. carol? >> a little glimmer of hope, but it's good to be skeptical because so many factors have come into play. we'll talk about all those factors in a bit. we want to focus on the weather. it's 9:00 at night in australia. the search for more debris has ended. and not just because it's nighttime but because this area is known as the roaring 40s because it's so windy there. indra petersons is here to tell
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us why this area is so dangerous. >> first before i touch on that, i want to talk about the weather that's actually been affecting the region specifically, even just today. very easy to see right now as you look at the satellite picture. this long line of clouds. this is the cold front they've been having to deal with. it's passed the region where they are looking at potential debris. but notice anyone trying to fly into the region will have to pass through that. of course, once they get closer, the good news is conditions will be improving as visibility will start to decrease. here's the concern. a gyre is located in this circular fashion. you can see all this red. you are talking about strong currents and strong winds in the area. you mentioned the roaring 40s. that's what we talk about. the latitude of 40 degree latitude n 50 degrees latitude could the furious 50s a lot of times. they can take advantage of that. keep in mind you have strong winds. that's difficult for flying conditions. it also can produce some rough seas out there.
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as the cold front has passed now already this morning from the region, winds are starting to die down a little bit. we're talking about 20, 30-mile-per-hour winds. not out of the question at any point in time you see 40, 50-mile-per-hour winds kick into that area. winds correlate with those wave heights. they go together. so a lot of times you start to see very strong surf out there. right now seeing about eight-foot surf. many times especially farther down to the south you see 20-foot waves and you can see those make their way into the area. a lot of white caps this morning. further south, you can see 40, 50-foot waves. the reason we keep saying further south is where some of these boats are coming from. they may have to navigate through rougher waters. rain that was handering this morning, it looks like the rain is dying down. the system making its way out. you are still having to fly through that rain as you make your way from australia. a lot of people touching on this. we've been talking about the surface. in that region where they found the aircraft potentially, two to three miles of ocean depth there.
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keep in mind, the satellite images are a good four days old so you have to take into account where the potential debris was four days ago. look at these currents, all these conditions and manipulate where could this have been 13 days ago? that's the concern and where would that debris now also today moving forward in time. that's all the things they'll have to factor in. very difficult situation with very strong winds typically in that region. >> i think difficult is an understatement. indra petersons, thanks. malaysia airlines scheduled to meet with the families of the missing. atika shubert is inside the briefing room. we'll have an update for you next.
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this morning, breaking news in a possible big break in the search for malaysia airlines flight 370. the latest lead, satellite images two of large objects floating nearly 1500 miles off of australia's southwest coast. in one of the most remote areas on the planet. the debris, one large, one smaller, triggering a race by sea and air to get a closer look. it will not be easy to find the debris or anything nels this part of the world because of the sheer size of the area, the weather and so many other factors. with me now cnn aviation correspondent richard quest and mary schiavo, former inspector general for the department of transportation. richard, a few things to keep in
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mind here. the satellite images of this debris, four days old. why are we just seeing them now? >> we're seeing them now because that's the length of time for them to realize what they had. remember, australia only was invite invited to -- in that region. we don't know which country provided them but we know it was the australian geographic society or the agio as it's called, that actually did the work of looking at those pictures and determining that there was, in the words of the prime minister, credible reasons to believe that they might be from mh-370. and that's the issue here, carol. the reason we have all sort of grabbed on to this isn't just some false hope and a wing and a prayer. it's because last night, the australian prime minister, even though he caveated his comments, he did go before the australian house of representatives.
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he did describe them as credible and he did say they've been identified. in other words, they were sure they had something. they just weren't sure what it was. and then we had a very long news conference later on from the australian search authorities in which they basically said this is the best lead we have. and that's why so many assets were not only being redeployed from the north to the south but also everything was being poured into going to that part, going to where the debris had been and trying to see to find out what it was. >> mary, are there other images? can they zoom in closer? >> well, i think they have. you know, you look -- it's like google earth. if you pay for the service you get clearer images. if you get the freebie, they aren't as clear. and they have, i think, most likely clearer images. and we ran into that in the 9/11 investigation, too. they would purposely degrade them so the general public are
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more appropriately, the criminal element out there won't know how good their images really are. so i suspect they are better than what we see, what they've released. >> so mary, do you think that this is a credible lead? >> i do. and they gave us a hint. i'm always looking for little clues in what they are saying. in the one of the press conferences in the wee hours of the morning they also said they credited the ntsb. they said the u.s. ntsb had also given them some of these paths and looked at the data. so it's pretty clear there were a lot of heads put together on this, on the path. looking at where they should look on the data. so i think there have been a lot of minds put together and there is hope, by the way, some of this can still be hoping because boeing on these planes takes great pains and we want them to, hopefully they did on this one and all planes, they seal all the seams even in the composite wing and they seal them up inside and they -- it's not calk. it's lots better than calk.
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they should be pretty buoyant. now for how long on composite pieces, i doint know. but there's a chance that wing is still floating. >> everybody around the newsroom is talking about this endlessly. we came to the consensus that investigators must know something they're not sharing. is that a reasonable thing to guess? >> i think it's reasonable to say that they know more than they're letting on. but they don't know whether this is or is not. you have to remember, if they knew that this was definitively part of the plane, they would announce it. there are 239 families or so who are desperate, grief-stricken. there's an entire aviation industry that is waiting to know whether there's a problem with a plane. and the world is watching. so i think they may not be telling us every little nook and cranny of what they know. simply because that will be improper and the rules won't
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allow it anyway. but i think that they've got a -- i'm sure they are keeping something back for themselves. but ultimately, i don't believe that they are keeping, quote, the secret. i don't think there's a fact out there that is so definitive that they're not revealing. >> mary if the plane did, indeed, fly this way, where was it on its way to? the south pole? there's nothing out there. what does that tell you? >> well, to me, it says they were -- that the plane, the mystery here is the lack of motive. the lack of what was going on in the cockpit. but i think it tells us the plane flew until it ran out of fuel and crashed into the ocean. why it was doing that, because the pilots were dead or because hijackers took over and the plot went horribly afoul, who knows. but i think, to me it seems very clear the plane was flying on until the fuel was exhausted. and it's, of course, really sad news for the families, but, you
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know, that's -- after thailand said it did not enter their airspace and it was clear they didn't go north, this was the only route left and there was nothing to be heading to except antarctica where you can't land in march. >> mary schiavo, richard quest, thank you so much. still to come -- if this is debris from that missing plane, how did it get there? we'll check in with martin savidge from inside that flight simulator. hi, martin. hi, mitchell. >> morning, carol. refueled with seven hours of fuel. we'll take our 777 and point it in the direction of the debris. could it actually reach that area. we'll test the theory coming up. thit's not the "limit yoursh hard earned cash back" card .
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for the first time in several days, the satellite images of this potential debris have brought hope. the head of the australian agency leading the search warns us all not to get our hopes up too much. >> this is a lead. it is probably the best lead we have right now. but we need to get there, find them, see them, assess them, to know whether it's really meaningful or not. i caution again, they'll be difficult to find, and they may not be located -- associated with the aircraft. and we have plenty of experience in that in other searches. >> but the families of
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passengers on board flight 370, the wait for answers has been agonizing. some are holding out hope their loved ones will be found alive. others say they're prepare forward the worst. malaysia airlines is supposed to meet with the families at a hotel in kuala lumpur. atika shub cert at that hotel. she joins us now by phone. has the meeting taken place yet, atika. >> my understanding is the meeting has just started. we've seen a number of families arriving and officials and grief counselors. the meeting is under way. now we don't know what's happening inside. it's closed to the press. i have spoken to some of the family members before going in. and, you know, i think there's a lot of caution about this news that's come out. one father told me while he's thankful to malaysian and australian forces for the search, he still holds out hope that everybody on board is alive, but he said he will
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accept, you know, whatever the fate is. if this is in fact, the plane. others say they don't want to make any decisions. they want to know the facts. so we'll have to see what happens as a result of this meeting. it's interesting to note there's quite a bit of security here as well as an ambulance. a lot of concern about the well-being of a lot of these families that have been waiting now for more than a week, carol. >> after yesterday, when that poor mother broke down and screamed out her agony. i suppose that's why malaysian officials felt this need to hold this special conference just with the families today. >> yeah, it's interesting because malaysian airlines has been saying they've been keeping the families, you know, abreast of all the information and they've had daily briefings, but the family members i've spoken to say they've not had daily briefings, and they have to chase malaysian airlines officials to get more information. this is the real first big
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meeting we've had. i have no doubt this will be brought up with airline officials and families that want more information. there's not enough clarity. what do you know about what's been found off the coast of australia. >> atika shubert, we'll check back with you. those new satellite images show what could be debris from the missing jetliner. clues are trying to get a closer look at two objects floating more than 1400 miles off australia's coast along the southern search corridor. the question now, how could flight 370 have ended up there? it's in a remote area on earth. martin savidge and pilot mitchell casano join me from inside that flight simulator. if it flew on for seven hours after its last communication, could it have made it to this debris field? >> that's the beauty of this simulator. what we've decided to do and for the experiment for your program is to essentially set everything up as 370 was, we're sitting on
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the ground on the runway in kuala lumpur and take off in just a moment. fuel will be the real consideration. we believe they were loaded with seven hours of fuel. let me show you something here on the dash board. i can call up the fuel load. it's listed here on this tv screen and these are the wing tanks. it's got, well, nearly 20,000 kilos of fuel in each wing tank and nearly 30,000 in the center tank. our total fuel is nearly 70,000 kilos. that's not anywhere near as full of fuel as this plane could possibly be. but it's a good start. we think that's what we were at. so if you would, please, take us off, mitchell. and the whole idea here, carol, is to, again, this aircraft is simulating everything we know about flight 370, including, of course, they took off at night and were originally headed to beijing. that's what they fueled for. they would have given themselves extra fuel. every pilot would do that to build in for any potential
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delay. if they had extra fuel on board. nowhere near as full as they could be. we will take off. we'll climb out and then we'll make the turn and head south. we'll be approximating the route. once we're in the air, the thing about the simulator, we can make it do whatever we want. but we always have to take off. it's part of just synchronizing everything with the computer. hence why we started on the ground. once in the air, we'll be able to fast forward and take you to the area where the debris is believed to have been found and find out, okay, is it feasible? could the plane with that fuel load have made it? i have to warn you, a lot of things interfere. weather, winds, all of that. altitude could impact the fuel range. it's a test. we'll see how far we can go. the next time you come back to us, we should be in the area. >> i have a question for mitchell before you go. mitchell, from a pilot's perspective, that area is so remote. there's nothing out there. as a pilot, what goes through your mind when you think about
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that? >> i think a lot about running out of gas. there's such few options. as long range as this aircraft is it's a long way to any suitable airport out there. there are some small islands, you know, that you could possibly land at, but that would really be pushing the limits of the airplane. so i would really be worried about running out of gas. >> just a sense of how far this plane can go, it can go 16 to 18 hours if it were full. it was not. incredible range. >> yeah, i think that from kuala lumpur to this place where this debris was found, again, we don't know if it's debris from the plane, but it's about 2800 miles. as the plane would begin running out of fuel, alarms would probably sound. what would that be like? >> what would it be like if the plane was running out of fuel? >> first of all, you have every indicator. you'd see fuel consumption here.
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that's carefully monitored. you'd be well aware in advance. this isn't like something is going to sneak up. there isn't a fuel meter that says met "e." you are always calculating as is the computer. it will alert you. >> you'd see well in advance you are running out of gas. the airplane will start talking to you that the fuel is low once it gets below a certain point. and you just run out of gas you run out of gas. >> eventually, physics takes over. you will run out of gas. when you do, depending on the altitude you still have a great deal of distance this aircraft can cover, even without engines running. >> it becomes a glider at that point. these wings are designed for very high amount of left. so you'll be able to glide hundreds of miles with no engines but eventually, sooner or later, you are going to hit. >> and then what -- i don't know. i don't even want to ask this next question because i don't want that image in my mind. i'll let you go.
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in australian defense minister says the search is now, quote in one of the most isolated parts of the world. in an area known for high winds and rough seas. joining me now, former tsa administrator and secret service director john mcgaw and tom fuentes. welcome, gentlemen. >> good morning, carol. >> so, john, one of the pieces of this debris is 79 feet long. that's roughly the size of a tractor trailer. an australian maritime expert says there's all kinds of debris in this area because things fall overboard all the time. what do you think? >> well, it seems fairly large to me to fall over. and so hopefully, you know, as an investigator you are thinking, this may be something that will help us. it's very, very large and pretty hard to fall over. it would have to be put over by
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somebody on another ship or something. >> so you are saying it's likely not a tractor trailer and it's likely, may possibly be something valuable in the search for this plane? >> well, i think that that's a very good possibility in my mind. >> i'm going to ask you a rather grisly question. as the plane hit the water, wouldn't it crash into many smaller parts? would there be a part so large left over? >> well if it hit the water at an angle, from my understanding, if it hit from an angle, it would -- it's like hitting concrete, but it would still penetrate way down. but the initial impact would be very, very hard. and so a piece of something like a wing, if they are saying it's that big, could very well either stay on the surface or come back up very quickly. >> and the reason they think it might be a wing is because the wing of a jetliner like that is
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about 78 feet long. >> tom, the australian prime minister says, too, this is a good lead and they are throwing all the resources they have into this. but it does beg the question, did they know, do investigators know something we don't? >> that's a very good question, carol. i watched the coverage last night and coverage of that press conference -- not press conference but the release of his statement to his parliament. and i thought that, you know, and then the coverage afterward. i thought it was very optimistic that we have almost probability that that's part of the plane and it led to the probability that it was going to be a matter of going out there and grabbing those pieces and then determining if they were from the plane and then trying to determine where they may have floated from to identify the original crash area. then you hear later that it's a four-day-old photograph and with those turbulent waters, it could have -- it could be very
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difficult to locate under the best of conditions and then the distance that the planes have to fly 1500 miles can only stay on search or on station for a shorter period of time before they have to return 1500 miles. and then the limitations of daylight and weather. so i thought -- what i heard this morning sounded from probability to possibly and much less optimistic. i'll put it that way. i'm just trying to look at this realistically and not be emotional in this, which we all are to some extent and say, are we going to even find these pieces? >> right. and, john, we understand that a norwegian ship is in the area. of course, it's nighttime now in australia so there's really nothing on board that ship they can do. it's at least in the area but still has to find the debris. it hasn't found the actual debris. let's say it lucks out and does. that's still -- they still have to get it out of the water some
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way and that can't be easy. >> i don't think we'd expect them to get it thoift water. i think we'd expect them to help us with the identification in terms, is it pieces of the aircraft? and then we would -- or the investigators, whichever country would be the closest, would get a ship out there that has a deck on it that then the helicopters could fly on and off of and you could do some kind of retrieval work at that point and better identification. you'll have to have a sea deck out there. you can't fly these planes until they are almost out of fuel and then have to turn around and go back because you only have a few minutes to search. we've got to get a deck out there that has helicopters and that on it that can go for quite a few miles and so it would be a sea board airport. >> and then let's say even after they do all of that and they determine that this debris came from this plane, now they have to search underneath the water. the ocean in that part of the
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world is very, very deep, tom. and, you know, i heard they have to get these like special robot submarines to go underneath the ocean to search down, down deep. and they move very slowly. like four miles per hour. sort of like a lawn mower. that just seems impossible to me. >> and cnn had an individual on yesterday morning that talked about, there's only about 30 of those robotic submersibles in the whole world. and that if you had 20 of them searching, you know, how long it would take. he stated he could only search an area the size of manhattan in new york city. so you would have to really narrow down where that plane went in the water for that to even be, you know, a close possibility. having one of those find that. now if they actually recover this debris and determine that it came from the plane, then they'll be trying to have all of the experts of ocean waves and
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currents and climate and wind, surface wind and try to backtrack where it actually may have entered the water. but by time they get to that point, could be 13, 14, 15 days from the date of the -- from the night of the incident, the night the plane disappeared. so if you find the pieces, where were those pieces two weeks ago. >> right. >> tom fuentes, john magaw, thanks very much. still to come, for some, the disappearance of flight 370 has drawn parallels to egypt air flight 990. that jetliner crashed into the atlantic ocean in 1999 killing everyone on board. i'll talk to a man who lost his loved ones aboard that flight. it's a growing trend in business: do more with less with less energy. hp is helping ups do just that. soon, the world's most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance,
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unfortunately, with the weather conditions as you experienced on the flight, unable to locate any wreckage or debris but other aircraft are continuing to search up until last light tonight. >> for the families of those missing on flight 370, the wait is, of course, agonizing. fruitless searches and links that go nowhere. now their best search at a possible clue hidden under the dark of night for at least nine more hours. very few know the desperation of this waiting game but one of them is james brokaw. he lost his father and step mother when egypt air flight 990 crashed in 1999. it took investigators days to find the plane off the coast of nantucket. the ntsb said the co-pilot switched off the auto pilot and deliberately crashed the plane into the atlantic ocean. as that plane went down, the co-pilot repeated, i rely on god more than 11 times. james brokaw joins me now.
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good morning. >> good morning. pleased to be with you. >> thank you for joining us. we really appreciate it. >> the investigation into what happened to egypt air flight 990 in your mind remains unresolved. why? >> i think it's quite firmly resolved. the statement by the co-pilot that you mentioned is, in my mind, a red herring. there's nothing on the cockpit voice recorder that indicts al batouti. what's not on there any mayday call, and clearing of altitudes below the aircraft. any response to the captain's question of what happened. and together with the data inputs make it quite clear that the airplane was deliberately destroyed and that the relief first officer is the culprit. but that's not the reason i'm here today. i want to say quite directly to anybody who has lost someone
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aboard malaysian 370 that i and we, the families of egypt air 990, are right there with you. we know exactly what it's like to lose someone into thin air and to wait for any confirmation whatsoever of their demise. those families are facing what many of us faced, which is immediate and devastating economic as well as emotional consequences. so that means, for us, that meant that many people were forced to sell their homes and the homes of their parents who they lost aboard the airplane immediately. there were some people who were stay-at-home moms in scottsdale, arizona, who needed to relocate immediately to egypt because their husband, their sole means of support was aboard the
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airplane. so the reason that i'm here today is to speak as directly as i can to the malaysian government and to its insurers that you need to take care of your families. you need to do so by immediate and substantial across you cannot afford to wait for the families to come to you. >> so far, describe how you think the malaysian government has handled the families. >> well they've had -- the only information i have about that is the state of the investigation which has been from outward appearances quite disordered and rather chaotic and understandably so. it's extremely -- it's an extremely unusual and, at this
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point, confusing situation. the thing for everybody to keep in mind -- and again i'm speaking directly to those families affected, it's easy to go at the airline. the thing to keep in mind is that they want desperately to do the right thing. the way for the airline to recover its image is to con speckously and prominently help the families. >> i really appreciate you joining me this morning. >> it's a pleasure to be with you. >> still to come in the newsroom, the partner of flight 370 phillip wood compares the investigators to a bunch of teenage girls. she is angry. we'll be right back.
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at farmers we make you smarter about your insurance, because what you don't know can hurt you. what if you didn't know that taking pictures of your belongings helps when you have a claim? or that farmers offers a policy that'll replace your car with a new one, if it's totalled within the first two model years. and that parking near a street lamp deters thieves. the more you know, the better you can plan for what's ahead. talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. we are farmers. call 1-800-470-8502 and see how much you can save. it is now 13 days since the malaysian plane disappeared. an eternity for family members desperate to hear word from their loved ones. phillip wood is among those on board. his partner appeared on "new day" a short time ago and talked about the discovery of possible debris. >> it i strikes me as just one more lead that may or may not
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come true, so it's enough to make us anxious again after a couple days of quiet. you know, i'm cautiously pessimistic it's not a piece of the plane. i keep hoping somebody took this flight for a reason which means they would have preserved it and tried to hide it some place, take it some place. if this debris is part of that plane, then it kind of dashes that wishful thinking to pieces. i really hope it's not a part of the plane. you know, if it is, then at least we can go down another path of deciding that maybe we need to start preparing for another scenario instead. i don't necessarily think the people investigating the situation are particularly caring about what the families feel like. they care about finding the plane. that's probably as it should be. they should keep their focus there. the way the national
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investigators have been working together is kind of like a bunch of teenage girls running around a locker room all trying not to show each other what they've got, right? it's a false sense of modesty. if we would have had a little more disclosure and a little more open cooperation earlier in the cycle, we might be at a completely different place now. 13 days. that's a long time to have something so big just disappear. >> she says her intuition tells her wood and the other passengers are a live. we'll be right back.
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>> we now have a credible lead. >> brand new satellite images taken more than a thousand miles off the coast of australia showing debris floating on the surface. >> it's the best lead we have now. >> a group of 18 ships scouring the area, aircraft taking to the skies, storms at sea hampering efforts. >> they're dealing with bigger waves, tough to see things, ships move more slowly. >> females finishing up a press conference. >> should a miracle be required that's what we're hoping for. >> malaysia manages expectations. >> for the families around the world, the piece of information we want most, they wanted most, is the information we just don't have. the location of mh 370. >> you're live in the cnn "newsroom." >> this is cnn breaking news. good morning i'm carol costello. thank you for joining me. want to go to perth australia to
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talk about the debris possibly from the missing plane. two pieces of debris. one 79 feet long, the other 16 feet long. those two pieces of debris, 14 miles apart. these were taken by satellite. these were taken by satellite four days ago. ships down on the ocean have not found any sign of that debris yet. we understand the norwegian ship is in the area. of course it's night fall in australia. the search for debris has now ended. earlier today, a cnn photographer went up with the royal australian air force on a plane so he could watch them search for this debris. this difficult, difficult search. andrew stephens is on the phone now to take us through what you're seeing on your screen now. this is on board that plane. tell us more andrew. >> reporter: that's right carol. this is footage taken from the
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cameraman here. he went up on the hercules aircraft. their task was to drop buoys into the zone. their role is to get data on the movement of currents and the temperature of the water to give an idea of where the sea, southern part of the indian ocean is moving, how it's moving. whether they can trace the area where the debris was given the currents and movements of the sea, trace it back now 14 days to where that plane, where the plane may have gone down. we can't overemphasize, this is still not a fact. it is the australians that said it's the best lead they've got. the prime minister said this is new, incredible information
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coming to them about the possibility of these objects being linked to the plane. it took four days to actually release these images because there was so much analysis done on these objects. now the footage you've seen there taken from inside the cockpit also the crew there lowering the back ramp throwing the buoys in. they'll start transmitting information back and hopefully give investigators a better idea of where this plane may have gone down. it's almost working backwards. it will give an idea of where the movement of the sea would have taken those objects. night has fallen here. the search is off for the day. there are four long range sur y surveillance planes in action including a us p 8. they all came back empty handed.
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not getting any reports of success at all. in fact we've got a tweet from the australian aircraft saying bad visibility, rain, low clouds really hampered the search today which means they'll be going back up tomorrow and will continue to go up until they can get some sort of lock on what the objects were. it's important to get a visual id on what these are and more important for those to be picked up at sea by vessels. at the moment, there's one vessel in the area. there's 18 vessels now from 26 countries involved in the search. they are in the southern corridor which we're talking about. they're not yet at the scene. this is at the far end, southern end of that area we're looking at. going to take them some time to get there. there's an australian warship heading out to sea now. it will take another day, they
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say, before it gets to that zone as well. at the moment, the vessel are converging. the search will resume at first light. since we have the announcement from the australian prime minister, there hasn't been further developments to back up what the objects may have been. >> andrew, stand by. want to go to tom foreman to give an idea of where the satellite spotted the debris. it's one of the most remote areas on the planet. tom, take us through that. listen to what andrew said about the ships. you have a race on the high seas happening now. in addition to ships there's nearly 30 aircraft to join the four that went out and searched and didn't find anything to join that cargo ship also out in that area that's trying to get close and see if there's anything to find. all of these assets are brought into the area. yet, those are not yet finding
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anything. this is the big question. the big ark out there and whether they can get to this target area and do they find anything? in the process, can they answer these basic questions? carol, we broke it down in a simple way. you have to look at the question of credibility first. you have officials saying there's a credibility, credible reason to believe in. there's also doubt that remains. that doubt is important. so the credibility matters. they wouldn't say it if they didn't have four days of analysis. the fact it took four days pushes the idea of doubt. there's the issue of size. this does make a big difference here. if you're talking about on the pro side and con side. this is a big plane. 200 feet across, 200 feet in length. the tail alone is about 60 feet. so there's the possibility of getting a piece about 78 feet long out of this, but it's hard
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to do. whether or not that could float, that's a different question. lastly let's talk about the issue of location in all of this. location also matters. this is generally in the right location, but locating it as we know already is going to be a challenge. beyond that, i want to talk about one other thing. when you talk about currents and everything else there. remember if this scenario plays out and this were the plane, you're not talking about something that broke up in flight in theory. the you're talking about something that ran out of fuel and hit the water. if both pieces were related, how are they 14 miles apart from each other. that's unusual current work to separate them that far even over this period of time. we'll see if they plunge into the waters and see if this raises answers. >> this seems like an impossible search. let's show the pictures of the
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australian air force up in the high-tech plane desperately looking for anything they can find on the ground. we'll keep pictures up while i talk to indra petersons. planes can't stay up in the air for a long period of time in part because of weather in this part of the world. really rough here indra. >> the difference in the region is pretty far. we had the storm system move through. problems with visibility and high ocean currents. we were able to pull map as. we have a large search zone everybody was looking for yesterday. a lot of people were asking how did we hone in on the smaller area? we looked at -- remember at 2:15 in the morning was 2 last tithe time we had contact with the plane. what we actually looked at, the
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bottom portion of the ark. the connection of the last radar connection with the ping of the satellite. if you look at the fuel time left. if the plane went straight down and took an hour for each time period moving an hour forward, you came to the last point. that's where they would have ran out of fuel. that's where they came to the region or assuming how they honed down on that search area. one of the things people have been talking about is something called a gyre. a lot of people say, is the potential here this could be debris, a lot of trash potentially in that region as the trade winds pick up a lot of stuff from ships and move in that region. one of the things i want to point out. it can take 50 years from one plastic bottle to go from the beaches to this circulation. it breaks up to small particles like a thin film at the top of the ocean. when you talk about large particles, it could have to be
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cargo that fell off a ship or something like the tsunami wreckage that piled up. unless something like that happened, it wouldn't be typical to see a piece of debris that large. we're talking about 75 feet. that's the concern. of course something that large. if it was a plane, would it have sunk? these are the things we talk about. two and a half miles deep ocean depth. that's a huge concern. currents in the region, we keep talking about the roaring 40s. what is that? latitude between 40 and 50 degrees we start to get strong westerly winds. that's the reason sailors like to take advantage of currents in that reejgion. that means hair wind and high surf as well. stronger the wind, the stronger the high surf will be as well. this morning even white caps in the region further south.
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waves as high as 20 and 30 feet. ships trying to mike their way in. they are dealing with the cold front. keep in mind that cold front is moving out. that's good news. anyone going to that search area, they're still dealing with the cold front. they're flying through it. you can see on your computer screen or tv, winds have calmed down since the winds have left. since you're so close to the area with strong wind, they're still dealing with it in the next 48 hours. things are calming do you think. >> indra, thanks. i want to explain what we saw in the video. you saw the crew a board the royal air force plane throwing something overboard. long tubular things are buoys. they're marking where they've already looked so they'll know that. it looked strange. wanted to explain that.
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welcome jim, cnn analyst. >> thank you. >> so these pieces of debris described as 79 feet long, the other 16 feet long. they're 14 miles apart. what do you think of that? is is that consistent about what you'd find if an airliner crashed into the sea? >> there are no rules, and there's no history we can point to to determine just how large pieces of debris will be. those are consistent with the size of the airplane. unlike the information we got some time ago about another satellite view the pieces were far too large and wrong shape and everything else. there is a possibility that we have really found part of the debris field. i want to underline the word possibility. i'm really trying desperately to make sure none of us gets our hopes up and gets our eyes squarely focused on something that doesn't pan out. >> right.
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because again, these satellite images are four days old. no one has found the actual debris. we don't know what it is at this point. >> no, we don't. there are all kinds of things it could be. i'm hopeful this is something from the airplane. as you know i'm sure, if they did find that it was, that's good and bad. it's good that we would finally get to a place we could begin to backtrack a little bit and find the main debris field and maybe get a hold of the boxes that tell us what happened on that airplane. it's bad in that, one, it might be misleading information again for those with loved ones on that airplane as well as narrowing down the fact that well the air hit the water and everyone perished. what they're going through is unreal. just unreal. >> yeah. i'm with you.
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i don't know how to describe it. >> jim tillman, thanks so much. i've got to take a break. still to come in the "newsroom," if this is debris, how did hit get there? martin is inside the flight simulator. hi martin. >> hey carol. we've moved magically in time thanks to the simulator, four and a half hours ahead. we're approaching the area where the degree was spotted. we'll tell you what we found with this aircraft coming up. check it out. i can't believe your mom has a mom cave! today i have new campbell's chunky spicy chicken quesadilla soup. she gives me chunky before every game. i'm very souperstitious. haha, that's a good one! haha! [ male announcer ] campbell's chunky soup. it fills you up right.
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put it on my capital one i earn unlimited double miles. hey, you're not the charles barkley? yes i am. nah charles barkley is way taller. there's my picture on the wall. yeah that could be anyone. what about my jersey over there? oh yeah, that's your jersey. there's my bobble head right behind you. alright well let me see you bobble. yeah, i'm just not buying it man. earn unlimited double miles with no blackout dates from the capital one venture card. my brother john, he works here. john, you know this guy? what's in your wallet? all right. before we get back to our plane coverage. a bit of breaking news. president barack obama expected to make a statement on ukraine
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in the 11:00 a.m. eastern hour. earlier the president said the united states is taken military action off the table. as you know, russia has honed in on crimea and essentially taken control. violence is on uptick. some say the united states ought to get more involved. the president will make a statement on ukraine in about 0 50-60 minutes. we'll take him live. the president says the united states has taken military action off the table. now back to the missing plane. satellite images show what could be debris. two objects floating 14 miles apart off the coast. mitchell and martin join me inside the boeing 777 simulator. last hour you said of course from kuala lumpur to this debris
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area, where do things stand now? >> well, let me just tell you. this is based upon raw data a carol. we should point out, there's a lot of factors that play in here. we were told the fuel load was seven hours. we don't know specifics on that. that's guest mating. there were no waypoints listed specifically to get them down here. we do not know whether condition at the time of the flight that night. head winds. all that can affect the fuel path. we are roughly 1,000 miles to the southwest of perth. let me show you on the rough map. kuala lumpur is up here. we've flown four and a half hours. we're roughly here. perth is over here. generally the area of where debris was found. what's interesting though, doing
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math in our heads and doing figuring, mitchell and i believe, we have how much fuel left? how much time left? >> two and a half hours. two hours 45 minutes or somewhere around there. >> in other words that we could continue and again, this is all very loose, for another how much further? >> another 1,500 miles or so. >> we could go a lot further to a remote region at least based on information we have. this raises the question, if the plane didn't go that far, why did it come down? was it out of fuel or something else? we don't have the answers to that. these are gentle directions the simulation points you to. raises more questions unfortunately. >> so, would the plane be on auto pilot?
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is this a known flight path or would someone actually have to be flying physically in this direction? >> the plane could be on auto pilot, what we call heading mode. there doesn't have to be a flight plan for the flight to be on automatic flight. you could point in a direction at 360 degrees at altitude and speed and the airplane would just fly that. you don't actually need a path. it can still be on auto pilot. >> what was toautopilot when the plane runs out of fuel? >> auto pilot will disengage. it will keep gliding until it hits. >> it doesn't go to a nose dive? >> no. it will start to -- >> even without intervention without the pilot touching the control? >> right. it will gently slide down to the
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water. >> a horrible thought. thank you so much. i appreciate it. martin savidge and mitchell. still to come in the "newsroom," malaysia airlines meeting with the families of the missing. we'll check back when we come back. marge: you know, there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. they're delicious, and a good source of fiber to help support regularity. wife: mmmm husband: these are good! marge: the tasty side of fiber. from phillips. how we looking here, charlie? all sectors are looking great. excellent. hey, what are you guys doing? oh, well we're double checking the distributed antenna system. so when all you fans post to instagram, there will be more network to handle it.
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with the family members at a hotel in kuala lumpur. has the meeting begun? >> it's been going almost an hour. i don't know what's happening inside. i can tell you after speaking with family member, there's a lot of frustration and anger understandably. at the same time, especially with this news of debris being found, one father i spoke to said he's hoping for the best, but that if this is the plane, he would accept whatever they find. so i think family members are taking it all in different ways. we don't know what's said inside. we are hoping that a somebody will come out and make a statement. they said a spokesperson for the families will come outside. malaysian officials want to give a full briefing and keep them up to date with the latest findings on the debris. >> i talked to one man who lost
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his stepmother and his father on an egypt airliner that went down. he talked about the financial cost to these families. he said he wanted to say to the government of malaysia, help these people economically. soon they're going to begin hurting in that sense. have you heard anything about that? >> there's been no discussion of compensation yet. i think part of the reason for that is we simply don't know what happened to this plane. if for example it is a confirmed part of the plane, that may be a part of the discussion. for many families here, they're still hoping in some sense that my racko that the passengers have survived somewhere. i spoke to a father of one passenger, 36-year-old it engineer that supports his own young family, two young children and a wife but also his parents and sister that just graduate
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add. it's that kind of a breadwinner of the family. he was the first graduate out of college in generations that it's going to be so hard to help to compensate. they were really earning for the entire family. >> we'll check back. thanks so much. still to come in the "newsroom," families of france flight 447 that crashed in the pacific ocean five years ago are reaching out to families. we'll tell you why they're calling for an independent investigation and how that could work. i reckon a storm's a brewin'. reckon so. reckon you gotta hotel? reckon, no. reckon priceline express deals will get you a great deal. wherever you...mosey. you reckon? we reckon. vamonos the spring hotel sale is on at
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lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. [ m'm... ] great taste. [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.® it's been 13 days since flight 370 with the 239 on board have gone missing. for some, part of that delay is due to the perceived incompetence of the malaysian government. one group is encouraging the the families of the missing to ban together and order an independent investigation. in an open letter on facebook, the family ocean of air france flight 447 that crashed off the coast of brazil in 2009 writes in part, quote, your as families should feel entitled to approach your respective national governments to put pressure on the malaysian military and civil authorities. we also encourage you to demand
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a neutral investigation to be carried out by compartment experts of your choice in order to safeguard full transparency. joining me now, daniel rose. are the families right? should these families demand individual investigation? >> absolutely. it's one of my pet peeves. as soon as our ntsb is, and they're very good in disaster cases, one of the biggest issues i have is that families don't have a say or representative involved in the process. at a minimum it imp dalicates t pa transparency. if you hire experts with extreme
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knowledge in unique areas that can further the investigation and do that in a productive and meaningful way, then what's the reason not to allow that to happen? it's something that 's really troubling. >> how old wow families go about doing that though? >> it's very difficult. it's difficult in the the u.s. i can only imagine it's tenfold as difficult in malaysia where they're dealing with their first major disaster. but every time we're involved in a aviation accident that leads to a litigation, we effectively conduct our own independent investigation. we go out and hire our edown experts that have practiced in the field that all ntsb experts are practicing in and have excelled in those fields and now pinnacle in those fields of knowledge. they contribute very meaningfully to investigation and often times find things that are overlooked by the
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governmental investigation. it happens frequently. >> it sounds like it would cost a lot of money. >> well, it does. i'm not saying you go back and reinvent the whole wheel. obviously you don't go out and look necessarily for more wreckage or anything to that extent, but when that information and evidence is collected and available, it's very important for another set of eyes to take a fresh look at it and really see if something was missed in the official pass through or approach with a different view about, well what if this happened? this piece of evidence may mean something else. that's where the value comes in. yeah, it's expensive, but it's money well spent getting to the truth and getting the answers to the families that they deserve. >> daniel rose, thanks for your insight. i appreciate it. >> my pleasure.
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still to come from the "newsroom," investigators and search crews are shifting their foe focus to the indian ocean. how likely is it that this debris is the real thing? our experts weigh in next. co: i've always found you don't know you need a hotel room until you're sure you do. bartender: thanks, captain obvious. co: which is what makes using the mobile app so useful. i can book a nearby hotel room from wherever i am. or, i could not book a hotel room and put my cellphone back into my pocket as if nothing happened. i don't need it right now. but when we start worrying about tomorrow, we miss out on the things that matter today. ♪
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new satellite images are giving hope to crews searching for flight 370. two pieces of debris spotted 1400 miles from the coast. a norwegian ship in the area ready to resume the search when day breaks. it's nighttime in australia now. let's bring in our experts. our former fbi assistant director and author rosenburg, aviation lawyer and pilot. welcome to both of you.
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tom, i want to start with you. satellite images of the debris four days old and just now, just yesterday they started looking for them. australian officials say they're hopeful. it seems like a long shot. >> i agree carol. it seems like quite a long shot especially because not only the four days old, but when they fly out to the site to actually use the specialized equipment to search, they can only stay a few number of hours and of course they're limited by the daylight hours. but even during daylight, they can only stay so long and have to return 1,500 miles back to perth, australia. >> still author, officials mentioned ntsb saying it had offered suggestions about where to look on this data a. australia's prime minister went before the parliament and announced some hopeful signs had been spotted by satellite.
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that gives some credence to this report. >> that's absolutely true. here's my take on this. at this point, this is the best clue that we have at this moment in time. this clue being what it is, is not -- should be taken with a grain of salt. cautious optimism for some, cautious pessimism from others. you have an object that was 80 feet long. if you compare to 777, wingspan is a few hundred feet. could it be a section of the wing? maybe. what about the horizontal stabilizers? they're 60 to 70 feet long. i don't think this object could be that because the object is bigger. in addition, this particular area is known as a area in the sea where debris, containers, a lot of stuff seems to coalesce.
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in terms of whether this is a piece of wreckage, it's hard to say. could something be floating? there's a lot of composite in the 777. the stabilizers uses composite. honey comb in between it, airtight, it floats. if you look at the vertical stabilizer floating in the water. it could be this, maybe not. at this point, with airlines having come out looked at it, don't see anything. i know the weather is bad. i'm somewhat pessimistic this is a piece of the wreckage. if that's the case, these poor families are back to square one as the to get answers and clues as to what's going on. >> i know. doesn't a lot of this depend, tom, on how exactly the plane crashed into the water, if it did? >> that's true carol. it depends on all those factors.
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are there a million pieces floating on the ocean spread around the whole area by currents and wind? or just maybe a couple of large chunks, current and wind sank. there's a number of questions that come up. we're not going to know until, if and until it's found, where they can do the detailed forensic work on the pieces of the aircraft. again, i completely agree with author. i lean toward being negative about the pieces then i would being positive that that's it, we found the airplane. >> they seem so sure about the general area. it's a large general area. i realized that. because they've sent everything but the kitchen sink there to look. they've got to know something we don't know. isn't that possible arthur? >> yeah, it absolutely is. the best piece of evidence we have right now is the satellite
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photography. when the satellite photos they showed to public are probably not the precision and clarity that they're actually looking at. they do that for military reasons for secrets. if we assume that the photographs from the satellite -- we've all heard our satellites could see the number on a license plate from space. you think the satellites could have beamed in and given a crisper picture. when you take that information with the flight path of the airplane that we know. we know the last point from military radar at 2:15. if we say they took the southern corridor. if you take the ping from the satellite and look at the range from the airplane, when you put it all together, they're kind of in the right area to be looking. but it's a lot of assumptions. it's a difficult analysis.
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the airplanes haven't found anything yet. ships are on the way and obviously will loiter in the area and have a better chance of seeing something. i still think it's a long shot for finding the plane. >> yeah. let's talk about the theory they're working under. i'm going to ask you this because you are a pilot. let's say the plane was flying along until it ran out of fuel. what would happen? >> yeah, sure. well, you know first off, you look at how much fuel is on board. from what i've heard, we're all working with eight hours of fuel on board. the plane was actually in the peninsula area, flew east, flew back, burned off about two hours of fuel. that leaves six hours left. if the plane is going 500 miles per hour on average which it probably wasn't because we know there were altitude excursions. that gives a range of 3,000 miles which puts you in this area. what happens next?
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let's assume the plane ran out of fuel. well, if the plane made a controlled descent which it may have, it could have made something like a landing in the water in which the plane may not have broken into a million pieces. if the plane was nosed over in a final effort of suicide like something like egyptair, we look at a plane scattered all over the place. the debris field could be hundreds of miles long. we really don't know. i come back to these poor families and they really want answers. they really haven't been given any which is why these people really do need legal representation in some form to guide them. >> i know. i'm with you. i know malaysian authorities are holding a conference with them. they have them in a hotel room, all families together.
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it's been going on more than an hour. we don't know what malaysian authorities are telling them. we have someone covering that for us. i'm with you arthur. tom and arthur, thank you. >> thank you. the southern indian ocean is one of the remote areas on the planet. why is the search for 370 focused there? we'll dive deeper to that when we come back. how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going to have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagine how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪
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7:52 am
coming up in just about ten minute, president barack obama is expected to make some sort of announcement on the ukrainian situation on the south lawn of the white house. michelle, our cnn white house correspondent is there to tell us more. what do we expect the president to say? >> it would seem likely this would be announcement of expansion of sanctions. the white house has been looking at that possibility, been talking about it. they said basically this would come in coming days unless russia did something to indicate it was going to reverse course in crimea which seems extremely unlikely to impossible or if it changed the situation in a positive way that western nations have been calling for. because to our knowledge, nothing has changed on the russian crimean swaeituation.
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we don't have confirmation of the announcement. at the same time the announcement was indicated here, we heard from david cameron announcing he was going to expand the sanctions very similar to the sanctions that the president of the united states announced this week. he was going to expand the number of people affected by the asset freezes and visa bans. because the u.s. activity has been really in close concert with what the eu has done in terms of reaction to russia, even though the u.s. was first to impose sanctions, because the uk is announcing expansion today, seems the u.s. could be doing the same. we'll hear directly from president obama before he bounds the plane bound for florida on another topic we know he'll speak specifically about ukraine. after he delivers that statement, we'll hear more detail in the background briefing by senior white house officials. >> michelle, thanks so much.
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we've been talking all morning long about two big pieces of debris that investigators are looking at off the coast of southern australia in the southern ark if you will. there's got to be more to it. investigators and countries have thrown a lot of resources into this area. we've been trying to figure out if they know something they're not telling us. let's led to washington and check in with rene marsh. >> we're talking about at site images ma may possibly show the debris. they diverted the search to the vicinity where they believe the satellite images show what may be the degree from the plane. you're looking at images now. they're being cautious, but what
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make this is imagery more credible than the chinese satellite imagery we talked about days ago is it essentially places the debris in the same general area where ntsb data says the plane may have made the last known satellite connection. that makes it credible. the size of the debris makes it credib credible. it's 78 feet. that could be a part of the 777 carol. >> we'll keep on. rene marsh, thanks. >> thanks for joining me today. i want to give it over to wolf blitzer in washington. carol, thanks very much. we're a waiting the president of the united states. we'll have more on the mystery surrounding the malaysian airliner coming up. now you're looking at live
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pictures from the south lawn of the white house. the president will walk out to marine one that will fly the president to joint base andrews outside washington d.c., getting rod to fly to orlando, florida for a series of events including political fundraising. in the meantime, the president will make what the white house is describing the statement on the situation in ukraine. u.s. deeply concerned about what's going on now. the official decision from russia from the parliament in russia, the vote nearly unanimouslily to annex crimea and make it part of russia and in effect take it from the sovereign nation of ukraine. michelle is standing by. this was a late edition to the president's schedule. the president clearly wants to make a statement now. i assume he'll tighten sanctions on russia. >> it seems this will be an expansion of sanctions we saw
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monday. this week the asset freezes and travel bans on certain individuals. we know the white house is working on this, talking about expanding in the near term. right after the sanctions that we mentioned were imposed this week, there was a long meeting to discuss how they could be furthered. just as this announcement by the president was announced that we knew he was going to be speaking in a few minutes, we heard the prime minister, david cameron announce he was going to expand the similar sanctions. what the eu and u.s. have done so far is extremely similar. the eu had 21 people on its list where as the u.s. had 11. they've been closely coordinated. now that we see the uk expanding sanctions, it seems likely at least that president barack obama is going to announce something similar if not the same.
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