tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 29, 2014 7:00am-11:01am PDT
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sure would have meant much more. so i'm guilty as charged. i bet we're all come police is it in the lack of the personalization these days. and while i can't condone the text informing loved ones awaiting news nor can i condemn it when viewed within the context of today's use of social media. that's all this morning. i will be hosting at 9:00 p.m. starting all week long starting monday. i hope you tune in. otherwise, see you back here next saturday. all righty. grab your breakfast and just hunker down here. we've got an awful lot to talk to you about. so glad a to have your company. >> 10:00 here son the east coast. 7:00 out west. you are in the "cnn newsroom." we're starting this morning with a breaking news in the search for that lay shmalaysia airline.
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the new search zone for the missing airliner and this is a first. chinese and australian aircraft spotted multiple objects. the state media reporting three suspicious objects seen by chinese were white, red, and orange. however, so far none of those objects, nor the ones taken up from the sea today, have been confirmed as having anything to do with the lost jet. >> we also know new this morning that searchers covered 97,000 square miles today. to give you perspective, that's the land area of oregon and they're concentrating on a new zone, almost 700 miles northeast of where authorities last focussed their hunt. this shift was based on a new analysis of radar data. australian authorities say today's search has wrapped up at least for the day. we know there are four ship there's right now. more ships due to arrive in a zone tomorrow. >> meantime, as families of missing passengers demand proof of official claims that all
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lives were lost, a top official inspired some hope, telling relatives in kuala lumpur, quote u , miracles do happen. >> cnn's paula newton joins us from perth, australia. paula, that's where we believe the objects will be brought to be examined. is that right? >> yeah, absolutely. some of it though is pretty obvious what they've been taking out of the water is what they describe as garbage and nothing significant so far. but as you point out, within hours we will have the full contingent of at least six ships in the area and they can begin that process of actually retrieving the objects out of the water, taking a good look at them and really going back to those spots that were first spotted by the planes. i don't know if you can hear behind me, the last of the p-3 orions just arrived here at base. that's after spending a lot more time on the scene. because of those different locations, better weather, before they were spending an hour and a half to two hours on
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the site. now they're spending closer to three and four hours. we have no word yet if this last flight spotted anything up there that's worthy of going back and checking up on but we should expect more information in the coming hours from the us a veil yan authorities. >> paula, i'm wondering, we've heard about the process of throwing down a flare and going back to positions once things are spotted from the air. is it fair to assume that we're going back to wherever these items were chosen or selected out of the southern indian ocean tomorrow? >> well, it certainly depends on the validity of a lot of the photographs they're seeing. definitely when they're not orions i'm just talking about, sitting in their chairs, yell, mark, mark, mark, they put down the smoke. circle around again to get a better look to see if it's something worth sending a ship in for. i have to be clear here. there hasn't been much that's been worth taking a look at so far. but now that those shifts are in
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the air, you have to think, you've got the search happening on the ocean surface with the ships. you've got extra spotters in the air. it really is coming to a critical mass in this new zone that's identified. and we should point out the malaysian and australian officials tell us every hour that search area is being further refined by more radar data by satellites and we're hope that that means that the more they can narrow the scope of the search, the more success they'll have in actually finding something. >> all right. paula newton live in perth for us. thank you. talk more with two cnn aviation analysts, jeff weise and peter goals. peter is the former ntsb managing director and robert renault, veteran aviation correspondent. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> so, first, we want to say again that we don't know yet if these items pulled from the water are parts of or involved at all with flight 370.
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but does it sound like we're getting closer to finding something or is this just another week of i see something here and there? let's start with you, peter. >> well, you know, this new area of search was identified by a new team of fresh eyes looking at the data, extrapolating it out in a more detailed way. this is really the last best hope we've got prior to the batteries of the data recorders expiring. and so i think it is -- i think we've got to be optimistic. we've got to search. my contacts at the ntsb have told me this is their best shot. they think this is the spot from the data they've got, so i'm happy to see the resources being applied. >> so, jeff, let me ask you. how long do you think it could take for officials to either
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confirm or deny if these new objects have anything to do with flight 370? we know as paula just said, you can tell and throw, you know, or get rid of some things because you know that it's trash. but to be really definitive how long do you think it will take? >> well, i think if the answer -- the answer is no, if this stuff is not aircraft, that should be able to be determined pretty quickly. and likewise, if it's got a serial part number on it, it shouldn't take very long. there's only certain number of kinds of parts that are in an airplane like this. so it shouldn't be very hard. i would say in the next day or two. but i mean, we have to be patient. we have to bear in mind that the ocean is huge. there's -- if we've learned anything over the last week, there's a lot of stuff floating in the ocean. we should expect a lot of false positives. >> so, robert, i wonder, why is this -- we heard the optimism from peter and his ntsb contacts, his sources. why is this area and why are officials more optimistic about
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this search area than the last four or five? >> so what they've done is they've gone back and looked at the speed of the aircraft. the boeing 77 basically has a long range cruise which is roughly mach .84 and high speed cruise. pretty fast aircraft there. at this faster speed they believe they ran out of speed earlier and crashed earlier. the major problem here is data i don't know connectivity. so we have the pings as they left kuala lumpur and then the swoop and the hourry pings and the last one. the governments have been secretive about the quality of their data that radar data. did the plane go to 43 or 45,000 feet. how long was it there? most importantly, did the parm
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go to a series of waypoints. was that all programmed into the computer which would have said someone was at the controls and deliberately took that course? in any company there's a problem with connectivity. here you're looking at malaysian radar, chinese radar and the various pings. i think the family is right. they have to be more forthright with coming out with this data. if you take a circle route it's going to be a straight line. if it was on a magnetic heading it's going to be on more of a hunt and seek line, curved line. that's going to tell us more about what went into the's. i don't think we're being told enough and i don't think the families are being told enough to figure out. if this data had been made available weeks ago i think there are lots of smart people around the world, lots of big data analyst who could have looked at this and come up with fresh theories much more earlier
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than the last ditch effort. >> peter, i want to know from you, though, i mean, we have to assume that they know a whole lot more than they're releasing publicly. how much do you think they're holding on to and are they doing that because they really don't want to compromise the situation in any way or is it because maybe initially this search did not go as it should have gone, the investigation? >> robert's made a great point about transparency. that's one of the things about the u.s. system and the uk system of investigating accidents. the facts are on the table as they are discovered and confirmed. in this case, there has been a great reluctance on the part of the malaysians to release facts or to let even the group of investigators say, this happened. we don't know, as robert mentioned, whether this plane did use waypoints as navigating
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trumt. that would have been important for us and we just don't know it yet. you hope that the investigators have more information. i'm not sure they do. i mean, this is a very, ve investigation because of lack of facts and they're in new territory. no one has tried to analyze distance and direction from these pings. i mean, this is new territory. >> good point. >> i was going to say, too, you know that boeing is always very, very quiet during these investigations. and clearly there's a lot they know. they talked about an aircraft fire. as a pilot i go and train for this. they'll put in 30,000 feet and say there's a fire. it's not like swiss air anymore. you don't go and check switches and hunting for where that fire is. in my plane you take that master electronic switch, it is off. you cut everything. then you're going to go and depressurize the cabin to kill the fire. of course the 777 is more sophisticated so it would have fire extinguishing systems and
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suppression systems there. then you're going to dive. i might go down at 4 or 5 or 6,000 feet a minute to get to the nearest airfield. the rule is to put it on the ground. we haven't had any of this. why do the acar system and the tran transponders go out? is that the national sequence? so so there's lots they know about the procedure and handling about this aircraft that boeing is not telling us. i think at least it's -- this is information due to the families. i think they have a right to know. i think the boeing is going to be a lot more forthcoming as does the malaysian government. >> cnn aviation analyst peter goelz and jeff wise and robert arnott. thank all three of you for being with us. >> we pleasure. >> so this hunt continues for the black boxes. and the search for them, of course, could help solve the mystery of malaysian airline flight 370. we're going to take you to the
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ntsb lab and give you a demonstration of how this works. >> have you heard about the earthquake that rocked los angeles for the second time in two weeks overnight? we're going to show you the video that we're getting in this morning. i've quit for 75 days. 15 days, but not in a row. for the first time, you can use nicorette even if you slip up, so you can reach your goal. now, quit on your own terms with nicorette or nicoderm cq.
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ido more with less with buless energy. hp is helping ups do just that. soon, the world's most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance, using forty percent less energy. multiply that across over a thousand locations, and they'll provide the same benefit to the environment as over 60,000 trees. that's a trend we can all get behind.
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that's the price you pay for being world famous. he meant sign the receipt, fool. greg anthony. haha. hey man, could you sign my hat? he wants my autograph. earn unlimited double miles with no blackout dates from the capital one venture card. what's in your wallet? let's talk about these all important flight data and voice recorders because a lot of people are saying how much information do they really contain, what can we glean? >> as soon as searchers find those two black boxes they will get answers to the questions of when, how, where, and if anyone was involved. cnn's athena jones has more. good morning. >> good morning, christi and victor. there are only a handful of laboratories in the world that are capable of retrieving data from a black box that's been damaged. here's an inside look at one of those labs. >> this is one of the more advanced labs in the world.
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and for that reason that's why we tend to help other countries. >> reporter: here at the national transportation safety board state-of-the-art laboratory a demonstration of what it takes to get vital information from the all important black boxes. this is what the pinging of one of the data recorders sounds like once it's made contact with water. even after a lo pro longed period in saltwater data from these devices is still retrievable. >> we've had a good success rate with recovery. all of the recorders, you know, go through different stresses and -- but overall, we've had a very good success rate with water recovery. >> have you ever not gotten data in a water recovery? >> i can't think of one. >> reporter: recorders found in saltwater are first baitded in freshwater and later carefully dried and taken apart to reveal this, the device's memory card. even a damaged card can be useful, says recorder engineer erin gromly. >> the data does jump from chip
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to chip. even if you have one corrupt chip because it's cracked or t gotten corrosion on it we should still be able to build the information back. >> reporter: information from the flight data recorder's memory card, the pitch, altitude, and speed, is downloaded on to a computer system where the team makes sense of the data. to us it just looks like xer rows and ones. >> we get information from the manufacturer of the aircraft that has a data map and that data map translates all the zeros and ones into actual paramet parameters. >> reporter: for the cockpit voice recorder a team of six to eight people help transcribe the device's four channels which picks up not just voices but a door opening to a seat shifting. the work is difficult but it's key to understanding what went wrong in airline disasters. >> we want to make sure this never happens again. >> the director of this lab says it's incredibly rare for them to come across a black box too damaged for them to access the
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data. and it's not water but high intensity, high duration fire that's most likely to make that information irretrievable. >> athena jones for us. thank you very much. blake ne breaking news. video of three suspicious objects spotted by chinese pilots. the breaking news overnight. we have that video of these orange, white, and red objects. we're going to have that for you coming up in just a moment. also, live report coming to you from washington state as there's still this frantic search for signs of life in the rubble after that landslide. again, taking you live to washington on the other side of the break. stay close. hey guys! sorry we're late. did you run into traffic? no, just had to stop by the house to grab a few things. you stopped by the house? uh-huh. yea. alright, whenever you get your stuff, run upstairs, get cleaned up for dinner. you leave the house in good shape? yea. yea, of course. ♪ [ sportscaster talking on tv ] last-second field go-- yea, sure ya did. [ male announcer ] introducing at&t digital life.
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just a moment, but first, if other stories we're following this morning. to hear about this, the 5.1 magnitude quake that rattled southern california last night. okay. so there were no major reports of damage. however, damaged some homes and knocked plenty of stuff awful store shelves. >> this is the second quake though for l.a. in the past two weeks. they may be a little jittery out there if latest was just southeast of a slightly smaller earthquake earlier this month. thanks to all of you who have tweeted and facebooked posted us about what you're experiencing there. heavy rain, strong winds, they may be a real problem for rescue work today at the site of the washington state landslide. >> hundreds of volunteers are still looking through this mess. imagine all the work still ahead. searching for any signs of life, but officials are worried the bad weather may cause another landslide. paul is live from arlington, washington. paul, how badly is the rain impacting the efforts there?
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>> well, victor, it just compounds things. we've had these reports from first responders and firefighters and volunteers that they're often wading through waist deep mud. one firefighter earlier in the week saying it took him about five minutes just to walk 50 feet. so this is just going to get more soupy as the recovery effort goes on. it's a vast, vast area about a square mile. this is just going to make these even more difficult today, victor and christi. >> paul, if they fear it could cause another landslide, what precautions are they taking in their efforts now? >> reporter: well, they suspended the the recovery effort at one point when they thought it was getting too dangerous. so if for some reason they think this is problematic they will just stop. you can also imagine though you've got on the other side grieving family members who have this sense of i've lost one of my loved ones, i want some sort of closure, can you please help me find this person.
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and perhaps nobody suffering more on two different levels than a young woman who lost her mother and then just recently saw the firefighters recover her 4-month-old baby. let's take a listen. >> and i got to hold her, and i maybe dropped a couple tears because i was so excited that we found her and all i could do is grin because we found my baby. >> reporter: it's just an unimaginable what these people are going through. there's an official death toll of 17 but another least athd other bodies have been located and they will be back out there in this soggy mess again today trying to recover more bodies from this slide. >> paul for us there in arlington, washington. paul, thank you. >> thank you, paul. we're going to get back to
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the search for malaysia airlines flight 370. we have new pictures to show you that have just come in to us of objects spotted by chinese aircraft in the indian ocean today. but first, a promising young hockey player overcomes a broken back and becomes a world champion figure skater. cnn dr. sanjay gupta has the compelling story of max aaron in today's "human factor." >> looking a t the grace of these jumps and turns you probably never guess that 22-year-old figure skater max aaron started skating on a different kind of ice. he started as a toddler and he fell in love with ice hockey the first time he picked up a stick. he started figure skating with his sisters during the off season to help his game. soon he was starting his days in figure skates and ending them in hockey skates. by 2007 he was well on his way to fulfilling his dreams, he was on the elite usa hockey development team. but in 2008 he had a major seth
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setback. >> my back was constantly bothering me. lifting weight. did a dead lift. my back seized up. >> the back was broken. had to come back slowly and wearing just one pair of skates. >> i decided i will figure skate. >> reporter: the medals started adding up, blonz in 2010 junior nationals, a gold in the 2011 junior nationals and a gold in the 2013 nationals. he was the u.s. men's first alternate for the sochi olympics and now skate for a world tight until japan. >> i was talking to doctors and they say, you know, glad you caught it earlier when you did. you know, you could have been paralyzed. i don't take that for granted. >> reporter: dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, reporting. [ male announcer ] this is the cat that drank the milk... [ meows ]
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...and let in the dog that woke the man who drove to the control room [ woman ] driverless mode engaged. find parking space. [ woman ] parking space found. [ male announcer ] ...that secured the data that directed the turbines that powered the farm that made the milk that went to the store that reminded the man to buy the milk that was poured by the girl who loved the cat. [ meows ] the internet of everything is changing everything. cisco. tomorrow starts here. the internet of everything is changing everything. ido more with less with buless energy. hp is helping ups do just that. soon, the world's most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance, using forty percent less energy. multiply that across over a thousand locations, and they'll provide the same benefit to the environment as over 60,000 trees. that's a trend we can all get behind.
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new video we want to share with you regarding the search for malaysia airlines flight 370 now. this is just in to the "cnn newsroo newsroom". what you're looking at there is debris that was spotted today by a chinese plane in that new search zone for the missing airliner. we do know, as we look at this, also, that two ships pulled several other ones from the indian ocean today. that's crucial because now we're understanding they're actually getting their hands on some tangible pieces of material out there. australian aircraft also spotted multiple objects as well. >> chinese state media is reporting the three suspicious objects seen by the plane were red, white, and orange. you saw the video there. we'll have it again for you in a moment. however, so far none of the objects you see here nor the ones taken up from the sea has been confirmed as having
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anything to do with the lost jet. >> let's talk to cnn analyst tom fuentes and pentagon correspondent barbara starr about the new findings and what's next in the search. >> tom, look at this debris. is this anything that you would be suspected would be involved with this plane? they took pictures of these orange, white, and red. what do you think? >> victor, i have no way to really tell that for sure. they just need to pick up the debris and have people actually closely look at it and try to make a determination if it's just trash or it could be related to the flight and then start the analysis from there about verifying it as a piece of the airplane or luggage or some other material. >> okay. professor, again, nothing has been identified as being from this plane. we just want to make that very clear, so far this morning. if debris is eventually connected to it, how soon might
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it be and how would you go about trying to pinpoint where the rest of the plane and remnants are? >> once we find a piece that's verified as from the aircraft, then we get the oceanographers involved. what they have to try to do is backtrack how the debris got to where it was, move it day by day based on the current activity, prevailing winds, all the other data they have to crunch to literally put it back in time as to where the aircraft might landed the water. that gives us a much tighter area to then go down and start dragging sonar slabs and devices that we have to start trying to find the aircraft. >> barbara, what will be the u.s.' role when debris from 370 is confirmed, collected there, or in any other area? >> well, you know, victor, when they work it backwards, as bill was just saying, what they're going to try and do is establish essentially a new very tight
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search box. work it backwards. calculate where the additional debris may be, where the data recorders may be. once they do that, they will then very likely quickly begin to use the u.s. navy technology that is going to the scene. and that is first that pinger locator, if you will, the device that will be put in the water and towed around and it will listen for the ping from the data recorders. there is also a navy unmanned remote piloted vehicle. essentially a mini sub, if you will. very small underwater drone. it will have the capability to map the ocean floor and begin to calculate where there may be objects there that may be part of the debris. but again, working backwards to establish that new tight search box once they determine that this debris we're seeing on the air or debris in the wider area is from the jet, use the
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oceanographer's calculations, work their way back wards and hone in on there. >> tom, there's been criticism from the experts saying they don't have enough resources out there. if they find that some of the debris is from the plane, do you expand your resources or, because we're working internationally with multiple agencies here, is that a time when maybe you condense things a bit? >> no, i think, christi, if they had a good lead that they've got actual debris, you would think that they would be able to intensify and maybe apply more resources. but, you know, that's a decision, a policy decision by every country that's involved in this, including the united states. and particularly australia that's running the search effort. that will be up to each country to we decide if they have more resources they can devote to this from other normal duties that those resources would be performing. >> professor, the australians, malaysians seem to have an increased level of optimism and
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confidence in this new search area based on the new analysis. what's your level of confidence that they're searching in right area and that in two days we will be draw another screen on for you a new search area? >> this is how the longer term searches evolve. you constantly refining the information you already have, occasionally you learn new information but you're still looking at everything you know at that time. and that gives you the ability to get closer to where the airplane might have gone under the water and move the search box in that area. i'm reasonably confident the australians would not have moved the entire search box all 700 miles north east if they weren't confident in the analysis of the data. >> tom, we know that this new search area is closer to australia. so it gives them more time to search because they don't have so far to travel. the water isn't as deep. the weather isn't as extreme. but the floor of the ocean there
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is a lot more rugged. what do you -- how do we tackle that to make sure we don't lose any more time? >> i don't think there's anything they can do differently. they're searching as many hours on station as the planes can stay up. they've been able to get more ships closer to where debris fields have been seen by the airplanes. and i think that's the improvement in the situation, is that before we were chasing satellite data that was four or five days oel and not really easily seen and then the ships were nowhere near it. the airplanes went outlook for it. couldn't find it in the rough seas. so at least now it's the aircraft that are seeing it. it appears that the ships are now closer by. and that's a big improve 789 over what we had the first couple of weeks. >> all right, tom fuentes, buy waldock, and barbara starr, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> glad to. >> we appreciate it. coming up on "newsroom," the crisis in ukraine takes center
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stage as president obama travels overseas. but his trip ended without a dip diplomat trick breakthrough. why putin called the president. you'll only know you're taking fiber by the way good digestive health makes you look& and feel. benefiber. clearly healthy. my dad has aor afib.brillation, he has the most common kind...'s not caused by a heart valve problem. dad, it says your afib puts you at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. that's why i take my warfarin every day. but it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate)... ...was proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke. and unlike warfarin, with no regular blood tests or dietary restrictions. hey thanks for calling my doctor. sure. pradaxa is not for people with artificial heart valves.
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the two leaders agreed to have their top diplomats discuss proposals to resolve the situation peacefully and discuss next steps. according to u.s. officials there are 40,000 russian troops along ukraine's border right now. the white house has urged russia to decrease its military presence. in the meantime, the u.n. secretary general says putin told him no military moves were coming. >> now, the crisis in ukraine was unavoidable during the president's last trip to europe. while reaching a diplomatic solution is still one of the top priorities abroad for the white house there are other challenges that await the president back here at home. >> cnn's jim acosta has the latest for us. good morning, jim. >> christi and victor, the president's trip to europe and saudi arabia ended with an unexpected phone call from vladimir putd tin. what was not a surprise is the white house and the kremlin had different takes on the call. another reminder of just who was on the president's mind all week long. traveling across europe and saudi arabia, it was the foreign
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policy baggage president obama just couldn't unload. >> russian troops that are along the border of ukraine at the moment. russia's violation of international law is an assault on ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity must be met with condemnation. we're going to do everything we can to support ukraine and the ukrainian people. >> reporter: just how to convince russia and its leader vladimir putin to stand down in ukraine. >> by taking the military option off the table are you sending a signal to vladimir putin that other parts of ukraine are his for the taking and why not send multinational peacekeepers to the ukrainian border as a deterrent? >> i think that i've been very clear in saying that we are going to do everything we can to support ukraine and the ukrainian people. but i think that it's also important for us not to promise
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and then not be able to deliver. >> reporter: trying to rally nervous european leaders to action, the president made a clear distinction. if russia threatens any nato nation it will be met with military force. but for now, the u.s. and its allies would rely on sanctions and international isolation like russia's suspension from the g8 to force putin's hand. >> the sanctions the united states and the european union have imposed will continue to grow. we are continually hopeful that russia walks through the door of diplomacy and works with all of us to try to resolve this issue in a peaceful way. >> reporter: because of russia, mr. obama had little time to tackle the issues on his original agenda, from nuclear security to trade with europe. but in rome, the president spent nearly an hour in his first meeting with pope francis, exchanging gifts, discussing immigration in the u.s., and their shared concerns about income and equality. vatican officials did raise
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concerns about contraception coverage and health care reform but that didn't stop the president from inviting the pope to the white house. then it was on to mr. obama's final stop, a meeting with saudi arabia's king abdullah. the visit at abdullah's lavish desert retreat was aiming calming saudi fears around iran's nuclear program. while they did not discuss global concerns about saudi human rights abuses, the president honored a saudi woman with a state department award for combating domestic violence. president obama has another policy challenge waiting for him when he returns to washington. monday's enrollment deadline for obamacare. the white house has touted the fact that 6 million people have signed up so far with another crush of consumers heading to the government's health care website in the last couple of days. christi and victor? >> jim acosta for us. jim, thank you.
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we've just gotten word that there was a conversation today by phone between u.s. secretary of state john kerry and russian foreign minister sergei lavrov. we have not yet received in readout of that call but we do know that secretary kerry initiated the call. of course, this comes right after president putin called president obama and they agreed that their top diplomats, of course, sergei lavrov and john kerry, would have a conversation and find a way to resolve this crisis peacefully. we will get more on that as we get more information and bring it to you. we do want to get back to malaysia flight 370 because the question is, did the passengers leave a digital footprint behind and is it retrievable? i know it's hard to think that no one tried to use their cellphone if there was an emergency on board. up next, one expert says it is possible to retrieve cellphone data once search teams locate that debris. i've always kept my eye on her... but with so much health care noise, i didn't always watch out for myself.
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we have some brand new video we want to share with you in the search for malaysia airlines flight 370. this is just in to the "cnn newsroom." >> take a look. it's of the debris spotted today by a chinese plane in the new search zone for this missing airliner. it's described as red, white, and orange. now, we do not know if this --
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these ones, we're describing them, are part of 370, involved with the passengers or crew at all. but we do know that these pictures are being analyzed and we'll get you more as soon as we get more information about what the analysts determine about these items. >> and remember, there are ships out there right now, and they will most likely be getting this information and be on the lookout as well as they are in the search area currently and have pulled up some pieces of objects that were there. so far, none of them have been connected, but this is the first day that we are hearing they're actually able to get out there and physically get their hands on some sort of tangible items in the ocean. >> and without confirmation that those are part of 370 or the black boxes, you know, there are all kinds of theories that are out there when it comes to the vanished flight. pilot suicide, mechanical failure, zombie flight. but if there was some kind of
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emergency on board, why didn't any of the passengers try to communicate with their family? >> or maybe they did. some experts say that they could have tried and there is a chance, believe it or not, that those final messages could be retrieved from the ocean floor if they can get to it. cnn's ted rowlands has more for us. >> reporter: paul weeks left his wife and two sons at home in australia to start a new job and boarded malaysia airlines flight 370. now his family and others are left wondering if their loved ones tried to use their cellphones to send a message before the plane went missing. but so many questions still unanswered, texts and e-mails could provide crucial details about what happened to flight 370 and all of that information could possibly still be retrieved. >> absolutely. i'm sure there are text messages, i'm sure there's drafts of e-mails, video, testimonials that people made. >> chad gough is a partner at
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ford discovery, a computer forensics company in chicago. he says even after several weeks or even months in the ocean, unsent texts, e-mails and videos can still be retrieved from electronic devices. >> it's a matter of finding the devices to determine what kind of damage was associated with them and handling them properly. >> reporter: handling them properly is the key, just like retrieving a flight data recorder. a cellphone or computer would have to be kept in water until it's ready to be analyzed. even if a device has been smashed, as long as the data cards are intact, the information is still there. >> it's getting them out of the saltwater but actually keeping them wet and putting them in special solution that would dissolve the minerals that are in there, dissolve the salt and clean off the components. >> reporter: finding the devices will likely be the most difficult part of the equation. it took two years to locate the flight recorders off the bottom of the atlantic ocean from air
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france flight 447 which crashed in 2009. . no cellphones were recovered. but if flight 370 wreckage is found over the next few months, passenger texts, e-mails, and videos could possibly help solve the mystery of what happened on board, while also providing some grieving familys a final message from a loved one. ted rowlands, cnn, chicago. still to come in the "newsroom," a chinese warship brings back several objects from the indian ocean. this is a first. could they be pieces of flight 370? we've got live reports from australia straight ahead. hey guys! sorry we're late. did you run into traffic? no, just had to stop by the house to grab a few things. you stopped by the house? uh-huh. yea. alright, whenever you get your stuff, run upstairs, get cleaned up for dinner. you leave the house in good shape? yea. yea, of course. ♪ [ sportscaster talking on tv ] last-second field go-- yea, sure ya did. [ male announcer ] introducing at&t digital life. personazed home security and automation.
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because that's what they need the most to get better. >> what audrey has done for moms of cancer is to give us hope. >> how much do you love mommy? >> 100. >> i'm going to win this battle. >> what we do won't take away their illness but it will certainly make their journey a lot easier. >> amazing work. now, each week we'll honor a new cnn hero. and if you know of someone who is making a difference go to cnnhero to nominate them. they're kicking us out. >> yes. time for us to go. >> no. we're not kicking you out. we're just here to share space with you. >> oh, okay. i'll take that. >> thank you. we'll take it. you make some great memories today. >> that's right. all right, christi and victor. thank you so much. we've got much more straight ahead in the "cnn newsroom." it is the 11:00 eastern hour of the "newsroom" which begins right now.
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>> this is cnn breaking news. >> we're following breaking news at this hour. for the first time now ships scouring the southern indian ocean for flight 370 have retrieved objects seen floating in the search area. here's what we know right now. two ships, one chinese, the other australian, have recovered several of the objects but we don't know yet if they are plain debris or just ocean trash. chinese search planes spotted three new suspicious objects today. china's official news agency says one is red, the others are orange and white. that's in addition to about a dozen other objects seen in the search area yesterday, including an orange rope and a blue bag. it's unclear right now if they are connected to the plane but seven ships are trying to track all of this debris down. and most of the passengers on board flight 370 were chinese nationals. and many of their family members staged a protest today in the streets of beijing demanding
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more answers from the malaysian government. other families in malaysia voice their concerns directly t to the country's transportation minister. he met with them today and promised that he will do, quote, whatever it takes to find their loved ones. well, now, everyone is wondering if those families will finally get some answers from search crews that are chasing down these mystery ones in the indian ocean. will ripley joins us from perth, australia, where the search operation is based. will, what have you learned about these items, how long it will take for them to figure out what they have retrieved? >> yeah, well, this is a pretty interesting process, fred, because we actually have video of it that's just come in from cctv. they're out on one of the ships as they are trying to recover these objects, bringing them on board. we know as you mentioned the three mystery objects, white, orange, and red. the video particularly shows a good view of the red object. what's going to happen is basically these ships are going to retrieve the debris, take
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them to australia and then the royal air force here will await instructions from malaysia about how to handle this. they have experts they are bringing in who will be able to determine exactly where these objects came from, are these objects sea trash, debris from a jetliner or something completely unrelated. those are all questions that we can't answer right now. it is encouraging that now these planes after weeks of coming home empty handed is flying over this area. they're spotting items that have the potential to be jetliner debris. they're flagging them, dropping down bowies and marking the location and the seven ships will be ready when the sun comes up to start looking and tracking the items down. >> thus far, will the weather, seems like it will cooperate even when these other ships make it to the area come sun up? >> at least for the next 24 hours the weather forecast is good, although there are some changes in the forecast that could bring rain, that could drop visibility down.
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so literally every hour counts here and as soon as the sun rises you can bet that those planes will be up in the air over the search area. the ships will be out to maximize the daylight hours to search. we spoke with one pilot just after he landed, explaining how this process works. >> the objects that were potentially saw yesterday, they've been -- their position is being recorded. they've dropped drift bouys in the area to try of get an assessment of what the drift is doing for those objects and other aircraft in the area are attempting to relocate those. >> so we definitely need to point out that these are objects that are not confirmed to be jetliner debris but keep in mind these planes that have been flying for weeks now they've seen a lot of debris over the past weeks that they just were completely able to write off immediately as not connected to the disappearance of flight 370. the fact that they're flacking the items have the ships in
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place ready to retrieve them is a promising sign but still a lot of work ahead. >> all right, will ripley, thanks so much. let's talk more about the retrieval of these objects and what happens from this point. john is a former ntsb board member and aviation safety expert. david is a cnn safety analyst and john is a security analyst and former tsa undersecretary. good to see all of you, gentlemen. john, why don't i begin with you? how encouraging is this to you that there are these objects? we know at least about the color of the objects, them being white, orange, red. but no real confirmation of what they have retrieved. >> well, the -- >> it is encouraging. >> i'm sorry, john goalia. >> i'm sorry. >> it is encourage that we are getting some debris. and i hope that it is from the airplane so that we can start narrowing the search down. but given all the effort that's put into this i have no doubt we're going to get to that
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airplane. >> sorry. forget that we had two johns here. in your view, with the retrieval of these items, tell us what the sequence of erchs will be, once they collect them how does anyone discern what it is, what it means, what they're looking for in order to identify these objects? >> you would bring in all the personnel from boeing who understand every piece of that aircraft and each part of the aircraft is marked. not only with a number but also the boeing on it so it can be identified. back in twa 800 when we put that back together, i was the director of atf at the time and we worked closely with the fbi and with all of the ntsb, all the agencies involved, and piece by piece put it back together. if we're that lucky this time, then we'll be able to, just as we were with tw 800, say it was
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a spark in an empty fuel tank or almost empty fuel tank. we will be able to pretty we'll decide what caused this craft to go down. >> david, what makes this further complicated is because you have so many jurisdictions and entities involved here. we heard from our own will here that said those items they have been retrieved, plucked from the water, the royal air force will be involved and await instruction from malaysia. explain to us how this will work. who has the lead in an investigation like this when you're talking about international waters? >> malaysia has the lead in the investigation. however, australia has been clear about the fact that all the parts need to be taken to australia to be centralized not only if it's a china ship, it doesn't matter which of the countries involved. they have to take it all back to australia. australia is in charge of the information gathering. >> john goglia, do you see potentially there being a problem with these countries working together because at the
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beginning we did see some tension between countries being revealed about working in the early stages of the investigation. now if we have items, do you see a greater cooperation between countries? >> well, now that we're starting to follow the rule which all of these countries involved in have signed on to, it's a treaty, now that we're following those rules it makes things easier because those procedures have been in place for more than 50 years. they've been well vetted through a number of international accidents. if we just follow them we will have a good outcome. >> john magaw, do you feel like there is progress here? are you feeling like even though we don't know what the items are this is bringing us closer to something concrete as it pertains to this investigation or is it your fear that this really is sea junk? >> well, i don't know whether it's sea junk or not. we'll have to wait and see on that. but, fredericka, it does give me very positive feeling that
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everything they find now is going to go to one place. and that is so important. that's what should have been happening long before now, from the very first days. but it's going to go to one place and then the experts from around the world will be examining it and seeing what they -- what they find and what kind of a case that they can build. just like i said, tw-800 we were able to tell right where that explosion took place in that aircraft. now, you have to get a lot of parts in order to do that. but this is -- this is a good start. everything to australia. i can't see anybody now not doing that because they're not giving away any of their secrets. >> yeah, so a good start now three weeks into it. your feeling is there was some time wasted? >> oh, absolutely. a lot of time wasted. probably 14 or 15 days when you take them piece momeal and put l together. when you think back to the very first day, all the changes, all
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the adjustments, no, this really didn't happen but this happened and, no, that didn't happen either. you didn't have any central command. >> yeah. >> which should have been from the beginning. >> david, do you agree that a lot of time was wasted because doesn't it seem as though at least in the first prior -- first couple of weeks it was all about discover coverry and trying to figure out which direction to go, trying to understand the trajectory or potential trajectory of this plane. so how was time wasted in your view? >> well, you know, i don't feel like it was time wasted. i feel more about the fact that any investigation team takes time to gel. i don't care if it's all just in the united states or if it's across multiple countries, especially across multiple countries. it takes time for the team to understand and negotiate with each other and figure out what they're going to share, what they're not. it's typical of an investigation to have those types of delays. it is a long time though but, remember, there's not a lot of
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information. so unless you have confidence in information, under the circumstances really hard to move forward and with as little and as sketchy as it's been it would be really hard for that to happen. >> david soucie, john square since i have two of you here. we'll talk to you later on in our programming. thank you. all right. so this new search area allows planes to fly longer but does it also mean better weather? meteorologist alexandra steel compares the positions for us. what will it take to retrieve the wreckage? i'll talk with a salvage expert next. hey there can i help you? shhhhhh (whispering) sorry hi, uh we need a new family plan. how about 10 gigs of data to share and unlimited talk and text. oh ten gigs sounds pretty good. yeah really good. yeah and for your family, it's $160 for four lines. (breaks whisper) what! get outta here! (whispering) i'm sorry are we still doing the whisper thing? or?
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the aerial search for malaysia airlines flight 370 has wrapped up for today. the new search area is now closer to land and that means the planes can actually search for longer period of times and overall weather conditions are less volatile there. meteorologist alexandra steel talks to us more about that. how do the conditions compare now to the old search location? >> you know, they're much more beneficial on really three note, weather, water, and waves. and beneficial is the wrong word. it's more like less detrimental.
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let me show you. this was the old search area. and the key thing here is what we call the roaring 40s which is the 40-degree latitude mark. and there we have very strong westerlies, big storms, big wind, big waves. and the storms move through completely uni'munincumbered. the new area, the weather here is certainly a lot easier in terms of the waves. on average here, wave height in the new are, about six feet. on average farther south, 700 miles south, they're about 16 to 19 feet. big difference when you're out there on the water and white caps. so also in terms of the water, the depth of the water, farther south it's a lot less chartered, a lot less mapped. so it's really as we look toward the farther northern area we know the topography of sea surface and below the water much better. here's the difference, old surface area, new surface. you know, of course, it's much
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closer to perth where all of the flights are emanating from before they were spending an hour and a half searching. now they get to spend between three and four hours searching. less flying time and more search time. here's the size of this, the search area. about 123 square miles. about the size of new mexico. so the search area is massive. no question about that. but look at, also, kind of this dillen nation of blue. it's the broken ridge versus the plateau. on the northern portion of the search area it's more shallow, less rough. southern portion, it is much rougher and about four miles deep compared to one or two miles deep into the water. in terms of the weather, we've had two nice days. next storm coming in sunday night into monday. so, fred, it's bringing more rain, lower visibilities come back. 30 to 40-mile-per-hour winds coming back and two to three inches of rain. it all adds up to trouble. we've had a nice break but that will change.
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>> right. okay. well, i'm sure they appreciate the break but they know they got to seize the opportunity when they can. >> right. >> thanks so much, alexandra. appreciate that. so once searchers find debris that is linked perhaps to flight 370, that might help investigators locate the area where the plane went down. then another phase of the salvage operation will begin. kevin walsh is with global diving and salvage from los angeles. good to see you. >> good morning. >> when crews find objects and they confirm that, yes, it is connected to this plane, help me understand what the next step will be. >> well, the next step is going to be to try to locate the place where the plane crashed. the challenge here is going to be when we think back to the air france incident in 2000, it's important to know in the air france incident it was a similar plane, very sized, it crashed and the next day the searchers were out in the field, in the
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ocean, they had the area defined to 40 square miles, 40 square miles. right now i think it's something like 97,000 square miles, something like that. >> right. >> so they had it narrowed down to 40 square miles. they had people on-site one day later picking up pieces of the plane positively identified nape recovered bodies from the ocean. they knew where it impacted and i'll stit took two years to search and locate for the wreckage and recover the black boxes. two years. >> remarkable. we're talking about an ocean which has greater depth and currents compared to that of the atlantic where that air france plane went down. so if it comes down to finding debris and then mathematically being able to pinpoint because perhaps they're not going to be able to rely on the ping device coming from that flight data recorder and they are able to
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locate some concentrated area of wreckage, that's where you and your kind of expertise would come in. how would one go about retrieving something in the depths of the ocean because, clearly, retrieving the stuff on the surface is far different than retrieving that that may be at the bottom. how do you go about that? >> well, yeah, actually the very first step is locating the debris obviously. but that search is going to be part of what our companies, our salvage industry does. we do that work. and we would search with side scan sonar, underwater vehicles, search patterns, looking on the seafloor for anomalies which would be indications of the nonnatural pieces on the seafloor. if we saw something like that we would turn around and go back and identify it. based on those images, you would have to come up with a plan b
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based on what you saw in the sonar. you would have to look at that, analyze the sizes, the pieces on bottom based on the three dimensional sonar data you developed and you would have to make up a plan to go recover that. obviously the first order of business is going to be getting the black boxes. so those -- that piece of the debris if it it was bottom would be located and accessed by remote operated vehicle from the surface that would go down and get on the wreck and use manipulators to open the wreck and recover the boxes from the wreck itself. >> you're talking a lot of apparatus here. are all of those kinds of assets already in the region or on the way just in case some of these items are located because, you know, time is always of the essence and it sounds as though it's going to take time to transport all of these things. >> well, i think that -- it's my understanding that the u.s. navy provided a pinger locator, that that is on location and they're probably towing it. now, that device can go to
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depths of 20,000 feet and the pinger itself as a range of three miles. so it needs to be passing nearby that thing and the pinger needs to be operating to be effective. >> and are there barges that would be involved in retrieving, collecting debris or pieces of any kind of plane wreckage? how do you do that? >> the water depths are too deep for barge ragoperation. you would uses ves sales, it's able to stay on spot. you would it over the location and turn on the dynamic position and stay within ten feet or so of that position throughout the operation. >> all right. kerri walsh, very comprehensive situation. thank you so much for helping us get a clear understanding of what's at stake and what may be ahead. thank you. >> you bet. coming up, a quake hitting california. we'll tell you how big it was and how bad the damage is today.
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we'll have more of our continuing coverage of flight 370 in just a moment. here are some other important headlines we want to tell you about right now. earthquake that hit california friday night was about ten times stronger than the one that struck the same area on st. patrick's day. a 5.1 magnitude earthquake cause nod major injuries, just a lot of major clean-up. it threw items from shelf, let a couple thousand people without power and broke some water mains. it also triggered a rock slide that led to this car flipping over. nearly two dozen aftershocks followed. and it's what caused washington's killer landslide and it's what is slowing rescuers down today. i'm talking about rain. again, it is falling in the oso,washington area where a big wall of earth simply dropped one week ago today. before and after pictures tell the story. what used to be green valleys are now drowning in mud and at least 17 people were killed. cnn's paul is live for news
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arlington, washington. paul, i understand that some water is receding and teams are able to get to some areas that were once inaccessible to possibly even search for, what is it, 90 still missing or unaccounted for? >> reporter: that's right, fredericka. that's the number that's been given out daily. you were talking about the water receding a little bit but those workers were able to get a little progress and now the river behind me. just downriver from the slide zone. the water is moving fast again. this is just going to compound the effort by the search crews. they talked about wading in waist deep mud. others talking about four hours just to fill four buckets of mud. this has been a very challenging and difficult time. let's take a listen. >> i believe the crews are finding bodies in the field. it's a very, very slow process. it was miserable to begin with and as you all know it's rained
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heavily the last few days. it's made the quicksand even worse. i cannot possibly tell you how long this will last or when or if they will find more bodies. we hope that we do. but right now there's no telling. >> reporter: and they will be back at it again today. don't forget they're also dealing with a propane, gasoline, septic tank stuff, all of it mixed together as they continue that grim task, fredericka. >> yes, so this is very dangerous for all those involved, potentially dangerous. thank you so much. all right, still ahead, ships recovering several objects from the search zone. and a search plane spots new items. could it be linked to the missing malaysian jet? i'm beth... and i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online
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there are several new developments this morning. here's what we know right now. two ship, one australian, the other chinese, have recovered objects seen floating in the search area. we don't no if they're plane debris or just ocean trash. but the fact that crews didn't immediately discount them like they have with other objects just might be promising. chinese search planes spotted three new suspicious objects as well today. china's official news agency says one is red, the others are orange and white. you're looking at new video of those objects. and about a dozen other objects were seen in the search area yesterday including an orange rope and a blue bag. but again, it's unclear if they are connected to the plane. seven ships are trying to track all of that down. meantime, family members staged a protest today in the streets of beijing demanding more answers from the malaysian government. other families in malaysia voiced their concerns directly to the country's transportation minister. he met with them today and
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promised he will do, quote, whatever it takes to find their loved ones. several countries are working together to find and retrieve the objects from the water including the u.s. our barbara starr is at the pentagon. so to what extent, barbara, is the military helping out in this new search zone? >> well, there are those u.s. navy pa long range surveillance aircraft, fredericka. they're able to stay up in the air for several hours. and joining the hunt, this has been the big challenge. as you were saying a moment ago, now that at least they've been able to bring some objects out of the water, the experts can assess whether or not those objects actually are part of flight 370. if they are, then two key pieces of u.s. navy equipment swing into action. one is the so-called pinger locator. this will be on a ship. it is essentially an array that is towed in the water and will
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listen for the data recorder's ping, a pinger locator. there also will be a small navy submersible, sort of a minisub, an unmanned drone underneath the water. it will be able to map the ocean surface and look for any objects under there that may be part of the debris. but all of this first depends on finding debris from the plane, verifying that it's from the plane, and then the oceanographers will work very quickly to look at the current, look at the wind, and figure out where this debris may have come from in the last several days. essentially, work their way back wards, where might it have gone into the water, and then all that technology swings into action and starts looking there. fred? >> all right. very complicated. thank you so much, barbara starr. appreciate that. we're going to bring back our panel in a moment and talk more about that effort and what will be done with the debris that's already being collected.
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david soucie, john magaw. with these items on this chinese ship, what do you suppose is -- how are they being handled right now? is it likely there are some dial lo log taking place between the crew on board the ship, photos being taken, transmitted to someone for some sort of quick identification? what do you guess is happening on that ship right now? >> all of those kind of things as you just mentioned, plus a very detailed description in writing. it is exactly the time and where it was found. and all the details which would then make this a piece of evidence that could be later used in a court of law. so all of that recording, you pick it up and the first thing you're trying to rush it to australia and keep records. every place, so that it doesn't lose its chain of custody. >> so, david, i wonder, why
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wouldn't that shipper happens just stay in the area, awaiting some instruction on other items that may be spotted, because we understand other items have now been spotted in that same area, so that all of this material can be collected at once as opposed to going back and forth because it seems because of the currents things are going to move, right? >> yeah. they have multiple ships out there, remember. these crews can't last forever. you've got to rotate crews. you've got to put the right people at the right place. you've got to fuel the ships. remember, trying to get out there in a hurry at flank speeds, they could burn up their fuel really quickly. there are things like that they've been trying to get from position to position. there are reasons to bring it back. >> and, what are your concerning about how these items might be handled? there are so many ships representing different countries that are in the area, but not all of them may be specific to retrieve sal of potential evide.
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what are your concerns about how they would be handled, how they would be contained while in transit, kerry? >> that's really not in my area of work. but my concern would be that they would document very precisely the size, the location of the pieces of debris that they recover off the surface so that we can hind cast that back and look through the set and drift data to figure out where the plane actually impacted. that's very important. >> and john goglia, what are your concerns, if any, about how items might be retrieved, how they're investigated, how they're handled, how they're transported? >> well, every step of the way they have to be documented as was meng edmentioned earlier. when we recovered tw-800 and egypt air and john f. kennedy accident, every piece of teal brought up had to be identified, carefully handled, and then examined again in a laboratory
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to make sure that there was no trace evidence left anywhere in case there was something like a bomb or any other flaw. so it all has to be very carefully coordinated. you know, the malaysians are controlling this so they're calling the shots. they're the ones that allowed australia to collect this evidence. they're the ones controlling where the ships go. you know, it's not really 50 countries out there. it's malaysia out there and these countries are operating as an extension of the malaysian government. they are under the control of the malaysian government. >> so, john magaw, malaysian authorities want to take the lead on this investigation, but clearly there might be some other countries including australia or the u.s. who may have better technology in which to investigate or retrieve the items. how do you see malaysian authorities working in concert with these countries, particularly at this stage? >> i believe that the malaysian
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tho authorities are now going to work closely with all the entities because of the different situations that they've had that they weren't productive. and so i believe that they will work closely and, like was said, these parts all going back to australia, that gives me an indication that they are. what we have to be careful of is that we don't have 40 pieces on 40 ships and as they're coming back to australia, they're not cataloged. >> and, david, does it seem as though there is a new pace that we're seeing because over the last couple of days we talked about different satellite imagery. now we're talking about airplanes that are flying some 300 feet above surface that are spotting things, taking pictures, and now we're seeing almost a more rapid pace of the attempts to retrieve items. is this -- >> yeah, absolutely. >> are you encouraged by this? does this seem rather typical or does it seem as though suddenly
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there's a keener interest or keener eye being placed on this investigation and location? >> yeah, this investigation is going to have ebbs and flows like every investigation does. and right now, yeah, i see that there are some movement forward. again, because i think that this group, this investigative team, the malaysians have started to accept and understand the importance of having the other experts involved. i think it's very important to get that information. one thing i wanted to mention about the parts you were talking about is there are some things even without being expert that would be very important on this aircraft. one is in the cargo compartment of this aircraft it's distinctively green when most aircraft are still painted white over. so that and these parts as john goglia mentioned before are all identified with a 200 part number or 300 part number. there's some identification that can be done in the field before they bring it back to australia. >> gentlemen, thank you so much.
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members walked out of a meeting in protest. one even accused malaysian authorities of hiding facts. cnn's davis mckenzie was with family members in beijing. >> reporter: the trauma of waiting. for weeks, hundreds of family members of those on board flight 370 have been stuck in a hotel in beijing. a pressure cooker of grief and emotion. when they were told the plane went down, some via text message, it was overwhelming. then grief boiled over into anger. these families have banded together and leaders like steve wong have emerged. without physical evidence, he believes his mother could still be alive, but the wait is weighs on them all.
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>> it is a hard time, all of us are exhausted, both mental and physical. we just have to wait. so it's really a hard time. >> reporter: retired u.s. air force colonel gordon peters has deep experience helping family deal with trauma, he calls the situation terrible. >> they're not even able to say let's deal with this, let's discuss it. they still have confliction of is my family member dead or are they alive? >> reporter: many tell me they still believe their family members are still alive, even if logically, the chances seem quite remote. >> they go to bed at night and probably logically know it's happening, but they don't want to give up. they want to have the good
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moments with their life. they want to continue to hope for the best. >> reporter: and in a culture where family is everything, they are refusing to give up because the consequences are just too great. >> well, my mom used to say that where there are people, there are family. but one's lost, so it's a disaster to my family. >> the grief of losing a loved one can be devastating, but not knowing their feet can be even more traumatic perhaps. heidi knows this just as well as anyone as she lost her husband in twa flight 100. she started a support group for victims of air tragedies. good to see you heidi. >> thank you. >> this is clearly torturous for
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victims families, at week three now, no bodies, no confirmation of plane wreckage, are there loved ones that are still hoping that passengers and crew are alive? >> i remember so well this point in time, we were gathered at the family assistance center somewhat the way they are, just holding out hope for answers, for some type of confirmation. for me it took five weeks before his remains were actually found. and i kept going back and forth, i held out hope. all of us at access, we have got thousands of calls for help, from hundreds of air disasters back to 1950, everyone goes through this hope phase, the next hour, we hold on to hope and really believe that maybe they are gone, but it's so hard to even imagine facing a life without our loved ones, with a future that's planned and what's really difficult is usually the people who are in grief over
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this have lost the person that they would turn to during a time like this. so if they're in crisis, this loved one that they have lost is the person they need most. i remember that, really needing him to get through it, yet he was the person that was gone. and so many people say that in our book. i have interviewed hundreds of people and they all speak of the fact that it's so difficult because the person they really need during the hardest time in their lives is the person who's gone. i feel for these families and i just remember being at the site, we had people who were angry, we had people who were sobbing, we had people who were just completely in shock, even this many weeks out because there are no answers. >> yeah. >> and i just remember waiting to hear, did they find my loved one's remains? and we actually had to leave the family assistance center and go home, which is going to happen at some point with these families with nothing. so i went home and tried to live
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my life, but i still didn't have any confirmation that he truly was on board. >> just listening to you reflect, it almost seems as though this new experience, this search, is making you kind of relive everything you thought and experienced as if it has just happened again to you, am i reading that right? >> yeah. and we're finding that our phone lines have really heated up since this first occurred from people from past air disasters who are all reliving their losses and wanting to talk about their loved ones again. and a lot of people have come forward to volunteer and be there for others, because they remember it so well and really want to help these families and be there for them. so it really bringing us all back to day one. and i'm seeing the footage on tv, i really recognize and remember so well what it felt like to be there and just not
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have confirmation and to be waiting and to be all together withholding out hope but at the same time, at this time, it starts to dissipate a little bit. and that transition is extremely difficult as well. >> and then, malaysian authorities admit, they said all are lost, they said that just days ago, if not a week ago, the plane ended. but then today, when meeting with families, officials said they remain hopeful. and are they doing this out of a need of the victim's family members, or does this continue to confuse them or does it indeed comfort them? >> i think at this point, there's nothing concrete, so any kind of answers they're given or beliefs they're given, none of is it tangible. so without any remains confirming that their loved ones are actually gone, and without any physical pieces of reck
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cad wreckage, none of these words really make a difference. they're going to hold out hope riling now and then go back on the reality that they really could be gone. >> heidi snow, and your organization, access for those who want to check online and hope to get a better understanding of what you and other victims of plane crashes have been going through. thanks so much. >> thank you, fredericka. all right, happens if searchers find the black boxes from flight 370 and what happens if they're damaged? can that vital information ever be recovered. we go inside a lab to find out.
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welcome to the cnn newsroom. it's the noon eastern hour. we begin with a potentially promising new development in the search for flight 370. today for the first time, ships patrolling the southern indian ocean got their hands on floating objects that could possibly be plane debris. here's what we know right now. two ships, one chinese, the other australian have recovered several objects, we don't know yet if they are plane debris, but the fact that crews didn't immediately dismiss them as trash, could be a hopeful sign. chinese search planes spotted three new suspicious objects today. one is red, the other is orange and white. they found an orange rope and a blue bag. again, it's unclear right now if those items are connected to the plane. but seven ships are trying to track all of that down. and anger over malaysia's handling of the crisis spilled
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into beijing today. family members staged a protest accusing malaiysian officials from keeping information from them. >> translator: they're all still alive, my son and everyoe on board, the plane is still there too, they're hiding it. >> other families in malaysia ask -- calling it the most difficult part of his life right now. he promised the families he will do whatever it takes to find their loved ones. search crews scoured 97,000 square miles of the southern indian ocean today alone. the search picks up tomorrow again at daybreak. we now have plane spotting objects as opposed to just satellites now. ships have been able to retrieve some of those objects that i mentioned still in clear weather
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us indeed plane debris. help us understand what is taking place here. how much more encouraging is it that ships are -- and planes are spotting and then picking up these items for further investigation? >> this is a huge step. up until now, the searchers relied on, you know, the reinterpretation of the original hand shake data and then the extrapolation of information from satellite imagery. but to actually have some tangible evidence, something that you can put your hands on, you know, if this is linked to mh-370, this is a huge step forward. the reason why is that because for the first time it gives us a real start point. up until now, we have been looking around to -- we want to get our search equipment into the ballpark. up until now, we have been
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looking around to find out which state or which county the ballpark might be in. but this would be the first start point, if you like, for a retro navigation exercise and an underwater search area. >> it's not as simple as retrieve those items, take them back to australia, and then figure out how they further investigate. but there also has to be note taken as to where those items were retrieved and how significant that might be to connect other debris floats in the area or whether there may be other sunken material in that same vicinity, right? >> that's correct. because not all material is equal when it comes to drifting around on the ocean currents and as a result of the weather conditions. so for instance, something like a seat cushion or something like insulation is going to be up on
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the surface of the water, propelled by waves and by wind. something like a wing tip or a tail is going to be pretty much submerged and propelled mainly by current, less so by the wind. so all of these objects will have different drift patterns, different drift rates which is very handy when you want to apply some retro navigation to work your way back upstream or upwind to where the stuff would have originated from from the initial impact site. >> i want to bring in other members of our panel. a safety analyst who joins us from new york and a former accident investigator and the author of "finding amelia" he is in oxford, pennsylvania. gentlemen, let's continue this conversation, talking about different drift rates, which helps explain why different debris would be scatter about. as you retrieve these items that
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have so far been collected, how important will be for experts to go back to that same location to see whether there is sunken material in that same visibility where material may have been plucked from the sea? >> it's very important to document where it comes out of the water. i'm curious with the ocean experts that we have here, if it might be worthwhile to leaf some of those objects in the water and see what track they're on going forward. maybe he could address that. but as far as getting the objects up on the ships and getting them examined, it is an incredibly tedious process to make sure that they're documented properly. the important thing is to get them back to the boeing experts. >> is it ever wise not to
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retrieve floating objects? >> the last significant aircraft that went into the sea, air france 447, there was a lot of modeling using both real material and also artificial material which had been created to mimic the original material. again it gets us into the ballpark, but it won't give us the actual search area that we need. that's probable more the domain of oceanographers and perhaps if we could go back to ocean satellite data to go back to its start point. >> david is bringing up a lot of great points that are helping to spawn some more questions as it pertains to how boeing will help identify potential parts that may be retrieved from the sea. so is it your understanding that boeing will already be in australia, be able to identify
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some of these markings right away? or is this something that comes down the line after retrieval of several items that might be in another country? how do you see this happen? what would be the sequence of events? >> it would depend a lot on exactly what type of wreckage, debris was recovered. if these were part of the airplane, i would expect the boeing people to be able to identify it as part of a boeing airplane, specifically a 777 quite quickly. if it's other material that was aboard the aircraft that happens to be floating, that makes it a lot more difficult, did floating debris come from this airplane or did it fall off a ship? that's pretty tricky. so it will depend a lot on how big the pieces are, what they're pieces of and the complexity of the piece that's there. i spent all day yesterday at the
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united states air force museum in dayton, ohio doing exactly this exercise with a piece of metal that we think may be from amelia arehart's airplane, which is a much colder case than this. but you would look for the type of aircraft that it came from. >> you've got boeing officials, you've got government officials representing different nations, australia, even the u.s. military and now malaysia and then of course rolls royce having to do with the engines of the plane, if it turns out that there are engine parts that might be retrieved. is there an issue on who takes the lead on this? or is it just simply an understanding that all these people, all these representatives will have to work together? because typically that's what happens in any plane crash investigation? >> there are some conventions between the countries that force them to work together.
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but more importantly, the -- currently right now, the malaysians have handed over the responsibility of gathering this material to the australian civil aviation authority and what they have done, is they have made a clear announcement to everybody that's in the search, whatever's found has to be returned to a singular point, a singular location. that's where i would expect they would have these boeing experts to be able to determine. because remember, boeing has been part of the international team that helped them determine where the new search area was, so they are on site. >> then, rob, there's the issue of the shapes of these items, the shapes can tell you a lot about whether it is indeed plane wreckage or other components as you say that may have been on the plane or not that could immediately discount whether this debris is from this
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wreckage, right? >> we really lucked out in the finding of the tile that has the air carrier's monogram on the tail, so there's no doubt at all what you're dealing with. if could find something like a seat cushion or a door with a serial number on it, then that gets us down the track quite quickly. and i think that that's likely over the next few days if this is indeed from mh-370, the search area zones in on this particular area, and you'll start finding a lot of stuff quite quickly. >> thanks to all of you, we're going to of course talk further on all of these potential developments. >> and there are only a few labs in the world that can actually take part in the handling of the recovery of data from a damaged black box, we'll take you to one of those labs and show you exactly how it might be done. plus new details from flight 370. crews recovering several
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will ripley joins us from perth, which is where the recovery operation is taking place. what do we know about those items? >> reporter: step one is the ships that are in the area, seven ships at this hour that will be working to recover objects throughout the day. those objects will be take on the a central australia lab where analysts will analyze them. we know that objects that were recovered just in the search efforts from earlier today,
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those items are on two ships, and as far as we know from authorities that are speaking to reporters here, no items yet have been verified to be from flight 370. we had some video that came in of three objects, a white object, orange and red, that was spotted by a chinese plane, we don't think those objects have been recovered yet, but a buoy was dropped down to mark that area so when sun rises the ships will be able to go there and look. we have some new sound from them. >> after entering the search area, the air lifter flew for about 20 minutes. we found an l-shaped debris in orange color right below the plane's right wing. then within about three minutes, we found a strip shaped object. we immediately reported our findings to the captain.
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>> reporter: okay so you heard it there, describing the objects that were found, and so the steps will be now for the ships to go in there and rekocover th. >> we understand there might even be video being made available to us shortly about the items on that chinese ship. so we can't wait to be able to look at that and share that with everyone. come daybreak is when ships and planes can get back out and conduct their searches. what is the forecast? because as we know the forecast has been standing in the way in other search areas in other parts of the ocean, but what about this new search area for tomorrow? >> reporter: the encouraging thing about this new search area is that because it's closer to the australian coastline, it's farther north than the search earlier, the weather was very
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volatile and could change in a split second. the weather's still volatile, but we have had some pretty good weather, but at least for the next 24 hours, the weather forecast is good. but then there could be some weather in this area, so this is a critical time tomorrow. they plan to start taking off around 6:00 a.m. local time, so about six hours from now. those seven ships that were arriving throughout the day. there were two ships that had been there from the sun rise yesterday morning, but we had five other ships that were moving into place. now all seven ships are in place, eight planes will be flying over head and spots. so we're in a good position now that if something is spotted, a ship should be able to get over there and pick it up. we hope other objects will be recovered so we can determine where they came from. all right the u.s. military
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is ready to help if and when those objects are linked to flight 370. our barbara starr is at the pentagon, so to what extent would they be assisting? >> reporter: if they can pick up objects from the ocean, if they can verify that they come from flight 370, then the next step will be this, oceanographers will very quickly begin to calculate the ocean currents, the wind, the drift, the number of days elapsed and they will calculate a new search box, if you will, on the ocean, where to go look for actual debris on the ocean floor, where to go look for where the data recorders may have sunk. they need the debris to begin to go back and calculate it. if they can do all that, the navy will step in with two key pieces of technology, it has that pinger locator system, that is essentially a piece of equipment that will be put in the water, towed behind a ship
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and it will listen for any beeps, any pings from the data reporters. time is running out so there is still time, so they will put that in the water in this new search area, they will calculate and listening for any kings in data reporters. they will have a vehicle that they will put into the water and that will able to look and be able to determine if there are any large pieces of debris in the ocean floor, anything they at all that they can recover from the plane. that is the next steps everyone is waiting for. >> barbara starr, thanks from the pentagon. we know the flight 370 families are dealing with a lot of grief and anger, and our sanjay gupta has more about what may be involved with this. your eyes depend on a unique set of nutrients.
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part today to discuss the crisis in ukraine. kerry is now headed to paris, ahead of a meeting early next week with russian foreign minister surgei lavrov. buildup around ukraine's border has created a tense situation. >> reporter: dim lights cast long shadows over this border checkpoint. just beyond, thousands of russian troops amassing. the u.s. fears it's old cold war foe may be ready to roll into this corner of northeast ukraine. >> it may simply be an effort to continue in the ukraine, or it may be that they've got additional plans. western palates have no stomach for war, they're building
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trenches where they fear may be the last line of defense. >> translator: if we don't learn the lesson of crimea, we will be a nation of idiots, we are in the middle of a geo political struggle. >> reporter: most men here say they have had some military training, they picked up secondhand uniforms from surplus stores but they're short on real weapons. showed me a stash of molotov cocktails, he hints they have explosives too. >> translator: we're preparing for guerrilla style war. our government is too passive and we can only hope for the support of ordinary ukrainians. >> reporter: it's clear they are winning that support when you see passers by donating supplies. >> our troops need some help, so i have a decision to bring food for our troops. >> reporter: up the highway, a
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detachment of ukrainian troops, they say they're on high alert. a tank and personnel carriers pointed to the nearby bridge, the order, defend it or blow it off. in ukraine's crimea region t army did not put up a flight. not clear if things here would be any different. intelligence experts still don't really know if the russians are coming. among the ukrainian soldiers here, there's very much a sense of disbelief. they said that during soviet times and afterwards, they trained alongside the russian troops. but now they're facing them down the barrel of a gun. >> reporter: there's been times of high thrills for boys from the nearby village. for now it is only they who create havoc and let slip their dog of war. >> carl penhall, live with us
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now, you've got new information about the buildup, what are you hearing? >> reporter: yeah, well we have spent the afternoon driving along the ukrainian-russian borders to visit these small potato farmers. we came across a ukrainian military listening post with sophisticated listening and observe vego observation devices, he said for the last few days now he has been watching this military buildup on his radar and on the various pieces of equipment he has. he says just across the border, about 15 miles from where we are in fact, there are many, many troops, but he says also worrying they have attack helicopters, they have tanks and in his words they also have missiles and artillery pieces as well.
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when i said to him, is this just a drill? is that just a normal military exercise on the other side of the border? he shook his head and said i can't get involved in political affairs, but it was quite clear from his gestures and his comments that he really believed the military presence of the russians on the other side of the border is simply too big for a drill. he maybe thinks an incursion could be coming. >> all right, more objects have been spotted in the new search area for flight 370. white and orange, but are any of those objects linked to the missing plane. we'll look at what just one of those ships collected. next. benefiber is clear, taste-free and dissolves completely. and unlike other fibers, you'll only know you're taking fiber by the way good digestive health makes you look& and feel. benefiber. clearly healthy.
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a new clue in the search for flight 370. here's what we know right now. a chinese ship and an australian ship have seen objects floating in the search area. this is brand-new video of some of the objects being scooped up from the water we understand from the chinese ship. we don't know yet if the onlies a objects are indeed plane debris. then soon, these objects will be handed over to experts at a lab for analysis in australia as we
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understand, for starters. meantime chinese search planes spotted three new objects today, separate from what you're jut seeing in that video. one object is red, the other is orange and white. about a dozen other objects were seen including an orange rope and a blue bag. but again, it is unclear if any of these objects are being connected to that potentially doomed flight. seven ships are tracking down the objects in the ocean as we understand it, there in the indian ocean. meantime family members staged a protest today in the streets of beijing, demanding more answers from the malaysian government. other families in malaysia voiced their concerns directly to the country's transportation minister. he met with them today and promised that he will not abandon the search. so if these latest sightings in the new area pan out, it could help narrow a desperate
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underwater search for the plane's black boxes and data recorders. time is running out to find these locator pings coming from the boxes, but if they are damaged, the boxes, can the data still be recovered? >> reporter: there are only a handful of laboratories in the world that are capable of retrieving data from a box bllax that's been damaged. here at the national transportation safety board state of the art laboratory, a demonstration of what it takes to get vital information from the all important black boxes. this is what the pinging of one of the data recorders sounds like, once it's made contact with water. even after a prolonged period in salt water, data from these devices is still retrievable. >> we have had a good success
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rate with recovery. all of the recorders go through different stresses but overall, we have had a very good success rate with water recovery. >> have you ever not gotten data in a water recovery in. >> i can't think of one. >> reporter: recorders 230u7bd in salt water are first bathed in fresh water and later carefully dried and taken apart to reveal this. the device's memory card. even a damaged card can be useful. >> the data just skbrujump from to chip, so even if you have one chip that's gotten corrosion on it we still should be able to build the information back. >> reporter: information from the flight memory card is downloaded on to a computer system where teams make sense of the data. to us it just looks like zeros and ones. >> we get information from the manufacturer of the aircraft that has a data map, and that
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data map translates all the zeros and one into parameters. >> reporter: channels pick up not just voices but everything from a door opening to a seat shifting. the work they do here is difficult, but it's key to understanding what went wrong in airline disasters. >> we want to make sure this never happens again. >> reporter: director of this ntsb lab says it's incredibly rare for them to come across a black box too damaged for them to access the data. and it's not water, but a high intensity fire that's likely to make that information irretrievable. >> so again now, we have new images that have just come in from the chinese ship, there were two ships that apparently had retrieved some items in the indian ocean in this new search zone, and now you're looking at the video, night time video that we have just received, you see a net being scooped into the water there and retrieving what appears to be a very small
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object in relation to the net and the hand there. it almost looks like a piece of plastic, but then you also see right there the examination of this paper or plastic item, perhaps there are words on it. you see the chinese officials there aboard that ship looking at it. but again, we understand this material will make its way to perth, australia and potentially into a lab where other experts will further examine it and see whether this is just trash from the sea or whether it is information thoos connected to potential plane wreckage of malaysia flight 370. let's talk more about this find, this little bit of video with our panel which is back with us now. david, i understand you were able to watch with all of us there, that video, rick or rob, you're unable to see the video, so we're going have to rely on your expertise based on our explanations of what we're
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seeing from that video. so david, what does that say to you, this video? because right away, it almost looks to be trash, but of course there could be potentially valuable information on it. does the writing, does ill indicate anything that may be common place on a flight such as 777? what do you surmise when you see this video? >> fredericka, as an faa inspector, i look at the processes, i can't get much about what it looks like without inspecting it closely. but what concerns me is the meth they use to pull it out, which is a net, that is acceptable. but paper or thin evidence like that needs to be kept in salt water until it can be appropriately cleaned and put into fresh water. that concerns me that they're already touching it, they're contaminating that evidence. it needs to be taken out, carefully stored and put into an evidence locker of some kind, a
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change of custody, all of these pieces are very important and i'm very concerned about how it's been handled right now. >> so you're seeing a real conflict between the intention of this crew to retrieve this information, but they don't have the expertise on board with which to handle it. that might be a concern on the australian ship or any of the ships that are in the area for that matter. how would that be controlled? >> the australians are actually in charge of the gathering of this material. it surprises me they haven't done some kind of training how to retrieve these items from the ocean. there's some basic things there that concern me a little bit. and hopefully, if they hear this broadcast, they'll start taking more care in that. >> okay, rick, i know you're at a disadvantage in that you're not able to see the video that's playing riling now. but based on our descriptions, what are your concerned about how material might be retrieved
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from the sea, the apparatus used, the handling of it and whether in any way, potential evidence is being compromised in its transport? >> well, fortunately, cnn has been able to e-mail me screen shots so i have seen some of this. >> great. >> and my concerns are the same as everyone else's. there are hands here touching things that's not being put back into salt water, conservation measures aren't being taken. it's a simple matter of just putting on some latex gloves to prevent contamination. at some point, if it gets to the point if somebody is looking for contact dna, to see if we have a passenger identified on one of these things, it's contaminated, these people are touching it. so, yeah, it's a problem. >> so rob, is that contamination immediate, as soon as these hands are on it or is there a
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period of time in which -- set in of these objects while it's being transported to the coast, to the lab? >> you know, it's always important to try and maintain the chain of evidence, particularly when you're dealing with stuff that's been in the sea a long time. you know, recovering something like evidence from the titanic, o whatever, it deteriorates quite quickly when it's brought to the surface. >> quickly? within hours or days? >> it can be minutes, in the case of something that's exposed to air. but this is very new material. so i think the dangers are less. but what's interesting to me, is whether the objects and i can't see the objects, whether the object is floating below the surface of the sea or whether there's a portion of them that' sticking out in the air. that's very useful to us later on when we're trying to backtrack, we really want to know if every single item, was
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it propelled by the wind? or was it propelled by the current? because which knowing that we can work our way upcurrent or upwind and depending on the object, so will be different pathways back to the original source. >> i think it's extraordinary if these are representations of the items being transported, it's remarkable, that as small as they are, that they could be spotted by the naked eye or by any other means, because you're talking about those search planes flying 500 feet over the surface of the water. it's extraordinary to be able to spot something so small. so rob -- also up next, searching for justice, one father who lost a son on that flight. moving forward with a lawsuit and it could be just the beginning. the great american novel.
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whose son was on the plane. it's a discovery action which means the lawyers are trying to get information, specifically they want to find out the manufacturers of various plane components. they also want to know the company or the person who last inspected the fuselage and provided maintenance. other potential defendants could be named in days to come this. could be just the start of a long legal fight by families. let's bring in our legal guide to talk more about this, avery freedman, a civil rights attorney and law professor in cleveland, and this week we have arthur rosenberg from new york. nice to have you both gentlemen. comment first on this legal action that this chicago firm is already involved in, premature or is this the way it goes? >> it's right on the money, fredericka, the importance of trying to develop initial discovery at this juncture,
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because there are so many questions unanswered, at least try to find out what we do know. so they're zeroing in on product issues, on boeing, we have a long way to go, but it is a critical first step in how to approach this absolutely tragic situation. >> let's reexamine this information that we have just received, this video from this chineseship that's showing the potential retrieval from items from the eindian ocean and it's unclear if these items were indeed from flight 370. but say a lab says, yes, it looks like this information that is being retrieved by way of this net here, what appears to be some plastic or some sort of paper, you see the fingers on it, you see the flash light now. will attorneys, will families be able to make a case or say the mishang mishandling or the fact that
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potential evidence isn't handled in the most optimal way could impact the overall investigation about what happened to this flight. do you like the way the information is being handled thus far? >> what you're talking about is the change of custody, how this evidence is being taken out of the ocean, it's going to be tagged, it's going to be identified. each element of the path or the travel of that piece of wreckage or whatever it is from the ocean to it's depository is going to be well identified and marked. i want to go back to something that avery said, i could not agree more whole heartedly that this lawsuit started by the firm in chicago is nothing more than a grab for publiclity, we don't know the scenario yesterday, we don't know if there was mechanical malfunction, we don't know if there was some nefarious
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act by someone in the cabin. we just don't know. this was a preaction discovery, for every single document, basically, that go into a boeing 777. if boeing complied with this, this law firm if they had enough money could build a tr777. this is nothing more than a grab for publicity, this is irresponsible and it dud not bode well or look well for the legal community. >> it kind of set a tone on legal cases that are likely to come involving this as a result of whether it's premature or in one view or just simply early or timely in another? >> right, well, here's the bottom line, we have two years to file an action under the montreal convention, two years, there's plenty of time. and after we file an action, there are going to be issue where is this action could be brought. who the passengers were, what did their tickets say?
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was it the place of ultimate destination? the principal place of business, can it be brought only in malaysia, in the united states, possibly in the united states, where this wreckage is going to be collated and put back together. >> very simply, they have everything to gain, nothing to lose. from the stand point of the victims, starting this discovery is an appropriate thing to do. i actually think under the convention, here we have another example of technology doing better than where the law is, time to amend that 1999 convention so that there is a possibility of getting to the truth. >> all right. avery freeman, arthur rosenberg, thank you so much gentlemen, we appreciate it. much more straight ahead.
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we'll have much more coverage on the search for flight 370 in just a moment. but first to check the other top stories we're following. a quake that hit southern california last night was about ten times stronger than the one that struck the same area st. patrick's day. the 5.1 earthquake caused no major injuries. it also triggered a rock slide that led to this car simply flipping over. nearly two dozen aftershocks followed. and we're following new clues in the search for flight 370, including objects pulled from the waters of the indian ocean. we'll have the very latest moments away. ...return on investment wall isn't a street... isn't the only return i'm looking forward to... for some, every dollar is earned with sweat, sacrifice, courage. which is why usaa is honored to help our members
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10:01 am
hello again, here's the top stories we're following at the cnn newsroom. new developments in the search for flight 370. australian officials will soon have in hand pieces found in the south indian ocean. this is brand-new video of some of the objects being scooped up from the water, we don't know yet if they are considered plane debris or if it's just ocean trash, but experts will analyze them and chinese search planes spotted three new items today. one is red, the other is orange and white. about a dozen other objects were seen in the area yesterday including an orange rope and a blue bag, a crewmember described what they looked like. >> translator: after entering the search area, the air lift ever flew for about 20 minutes,
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we found an l shaped debris in orange color right below the plane's left wing. and about 30 seconds later we sighted a strip shaped only. >> it's unclear if those items are going to be connected to the plane. seven ships are trying to track them down. and families of the -- families in malaysia voiced their concerns directly to the country's transportation minister. he met with them today and promised he will not abandon the search. all right, let's bring in now a discussion, jim tilmon is the aviation mechanic and a retired united airlines pilot. and arthur rosenberg is an aviation lawyer, engineer and a pilot. and a former investigator for the air force, he's also the author of the book called "air safety investigators."
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so, gentlemen, we're getting a look at these new images from the chinese ship that apparently has retrieved some objects, again, no confirmation whether these n'objects were indeed related to flight 370. from what you're able to gather here, it looks like that maybe paper products or plastic material, you see the hand taking them out of the net, and then you'll see by way of a flashlight, another hand looking at what may be some writing on those objects. jim, what strikes you as interesting here? >> just the fact that the flights have been much more fruitful. i mean, let's face it, this is the first time we have actually put our hands on objects that we have found out there on the sea. i have great hopes that we're going to find that yes, indeed, these are things from that particular flight. >> and bob, are not these items are making their way to perth,
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australia and along the way we have heard other experts say they hope that what we're not seeing in this video is that these materials are being put in salt water, some kind of containers, since that is what has kind of preserved them potentially. and that if not in that water, the evidence might be compromised. do you agree with that? or do you have any concerns similar to that? >> really past the kind of debris that they're looking at here. the interesting situation is are they seeing light plastics, or life vests that float on the surface to make some kind of sense of this. there's been prevailing westerly winds but there's been eastern winds as well. so it's going to be a -- what we're more interest in is stuff that sits just down below the surface because that's going with the ocean swell and it's easier to retro grade back to where the heavier pieces of airplane are. but i think the big question is,
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do we really believe this data? after all they've been wrong three times before. there's a very good article in the "wall street journal,"al they want -- of course are pulling their hair out because every time they tell them something, it's leaked to the news media. so what we need is we need data integration and that means when you look at the three pings at the kuala lumpur airport, you look at the radar that picked it up, thai rardar, malaysian rada, that has to be integrated. i'm not convinced that there's been a world class effort to integrate all these subjects. so bottom line, you know, these poor families are right, the data has to be shared. there has to be data transparency and connecttivity so we really know that this is
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not another false start. >> part of the problem is trying to verify, get a better understanding of what this data is, in order to integrate. so if you're looking at information here, chinese ship collect this is kind of information, it will, so to speak, kind of integrate by taking that information to australia and then authorities will there examine further. are you seeing the level of cooperation today that perhaps we didn't see in the early stages because this caught everybody by surprise, so to speak. >> well, fredericka, this has been pretty much bungled, i used to be with the ntsb. when we -- the short answer is no. when we lost that 767 over the atlantic, egyptian president w mubarak called the president and said -- they're in the big leagues and thigh don't have the ability to know what ask for.
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so yes, the australians are doing a great job of jumping in there, they have great investigators, i helped train them years ago. but this is not an integrated investigation as bob just said. >> arthur, how about you on this? is it your view that perhaps in large part because this is an airline that's owned by the malaysian government and perhaps it, the malaysian government wanted to kind of avoid the embarrassment and instead wanted to be very secretive about their own investigation? >> yeah, well, look, coming us of the starting blocks, i don't think there's any question, no credible argument that malaysia was behind the 8-ball and was slow to get this thing on track. but at this point, with the data, with it's most recent refinement with the help of the national transportation safety board, the aaib from britain, from the australians, they have,
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i believe, refined this data to the best that they possibly can. and if you look at what's happened, the physical evidence and the mathematical calculations of where we believe the wreckage is has kind of coalesced into this area now. i think this gives us some tantalizing opportunities. hopefully this will be fruitful. i think at this point, the investigation is on the right track. >> okay, maybe a new kick start, so to speak, thank you, gentlemen. appreciate it. the u.s. military is waiting to find out if the objects are indeed related to that missing plane, our barbara starr is at the pentagon. barbara, at what point will the u.s. military be involved if, say, the items rethr s retriev?
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>> reporter: if any of these objects can be identified to be from flight 370. that's when the united states kicks in with high gear that will be put in place. they will look backwards, they will find verified debris, then they'll look back into the ocean, where might be the plane have hit, where might the data recorders be, where might the heavy parts of the plane be. when they calculate that search area, where it all might be. then the navy moves in with two pieces of equipment. the pinger locate for, we have been talking about, it is in western australia, that is this device that gets towed in the water behind a ship and listens, if you will, for the pings from the data recorders. there's only a few days left before that runs out. so that's a ticking time situation at the moment. but they have another piece of equipment on hand, a small under water robotics device, if you
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will. it will go into the water and it will start to map and calculate where those pieces of debris may be on the ocean floor. so finding this first piece of where it may be floating on the surface, only the first step. then the rest of this kicks in to go ahead and look for the data recorders and begin to calculate where you might really find parts of the plane. all right, the families of the passengers on board flight 370, well, they're not the only ones who feel malaysian officials are mishandling this investigation. one exairlines official believes the same thing, find out what he said. and one teenager's twitter account, tracks thing a guy of flight 370. she's the daughter of the chief steward and her tweets will simply break your heart. benefiber is clear, taste-free and dissolves completely.
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. the families of flight 370 passengers and crew are getting more aggressive about speaking out against the malaysian government. sarah, the partner of phillip wood one of the americans on board the plane. on cnn's new day, she questioned their credibility. >> we haven't seen any evidence of transparency or full confidence so far. and given the symptoms, at least, that we could see of what appears to be a bit of a cover-up activity, whether that's to avoid embar embarrassment or to relieve liability, i don't know. it almost seems like there's an attempt to not find the answer.
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>> after saying all lives were lost, today's announcement left families with a slim sliver of hope. >> reporter: three weeks ago, these two iranians traveling on stolen passports triggered interpol's investigation of flight 370's passengers. now, in a statement surprising for its frankness, the international law enforcers are lambasting malaysian officials for lax controls. the truth is that in 2014, prior to the tragic disappearance of malaysian flight mh-370. malaysian immigration department did not conduct a single check of passengers' passports against interpol's database, the agency said in a statement. and they are not alone in their criticism. >> the idea that somehow governments don't want to query the interpol database because it takes too long is frankly just
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plain absurd. >> reporter: politicians here are also heaping on their criticism. >> it's quite clear that the impression given earlier by the government that it's not practical, it takes too long to check the database, obviously not an acceptable answer. >> reporter: it comes as malaysia's government is increasingly taking heat for their entire investigation. >> i don't think we have done anything different from what we have already done, and i think, like i said in our earlier press conference, no matter what has been thrown and leveled at us, history will judge us as a country that has been very responsible. >> reporter: but still, there are unanswered questions. a lot of them. for instance, the transport minister wouldn't disclose the altitude of flight 370 over the last six hours. despite acknowledging it flew
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faster earlier in the flight. key because it could date if someone was in control of the flight. and while the australian government said it was immediately shifting the search location, based on the new speed data, the malaysian government spokesman said it would continue to review all satellite imagery, especially debris identified by french and thai satellites, spotted hundreds of miles away. >> the malaysian government is incompetent to handle this investigation and so you have to ask when any of this information comes out, what's the factual basis behind it. >> one former malaysian airlines executive, told cnn, while he is proud of malaysia, and proud of the airline, the investigation is tarnishing the country's image and could have and should have been handled in a much clearer way.
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nic robertson, cnn, kuala lumpur, malaysia. and coming up, here twitter account is being called the saddest ever. the daughter of a flight 370 crewmember has been tweeting the world about the dad that she misses so much. her story straight ahead. i have a cold with this annoying runny nose. [ sniffles ] i better take something. [ male announcer ] dayquil cold and flu doesn't treat all that. it doesn't? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms plus has a fast-acting antihistamine. oh, what a relief it is!
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for exactly three weeks now, the families of these passengers and crewmembers have not been able to hold, kiss or speak to their loved ones. and that includes the husband of this flight attendant, a mother of two. the children keep asking for her. >> i even promised them i'm going to bring her home. i really don't know where she is now and i'm not sure really i can bring her home. >> another flight 370 family member is sharing her grief in a different way. not through reporters but twitter. she's been tweeting her thoughts since the first day her father went missing. >> reporter: maybe you think of twitter as a superficial silly
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way of communicating, not when it's a teenaged girl, using it to talk to her dad missing aboard malaysia airlines 370. her twitter handle is f gorgeous and she's the daughter of andrew nauri. she began tweeting her heart out that first day, god, the only thing i want is my father, nothing but my father, i want my father back. punctuated with a crying emoticon. >> no wreckage has turned up. >> reporter: by day two, she's tweeting daddy, you're all over the news and the papers, please come home so you can read them, don't you feel excited? immediately her tweets were met with supportive replies from strangers. >> the government has released new flight images of what could be malaysian flight 370. >> my dad must be busy serving
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the passengers food and drinks. >> the airliner disappeared ten days ago now. >> reporter: that sunday she was watching their favorite soccer game. she said daddy come home so you can watch the game, you never miss the game, it's your very first time. gorgeous, her real name is myra, on day 18. >> the malaysian government said the plane crashed into the e indian ocean killing everyone on board. >> i don't know what to say, what to think, i feel so lost, so blank. myra's tweets have echoed the plane's final transition. >> the last ever heard from the cockpit, all right, good night. >> reporter: on tuesday, she wrote, i am still hoping for a miracle, but hmmm -- good night, daddy. for the world it's a mystery,
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we're following major new developments as the search formfor malaysia flight 370 moves into day number three. it's the first time items have been picked up in this new search area. will ripley joins us now from perth, australia where the search operation is based. so will, what's the timeline as to when the images we just saw from that chinese ship, when those items, and perhaps there
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are more, will make their way to a lap in australia? >> reporter: yeah, that's exactly what the plan is, but right now there's more searching to do, we know that eight planes are here right now getting ready to take off at first sunlight and we have seven ships also on stand by in this area. the planes were out yesterday, a number of them spotted potential objects that they think could possibly be jet liner debris. of course we have to emphasize possibly because we don't know just yet and the objects that were retrieved that were on those two ships, we were told specifically there's no confirmation yet of any connection to flight 370. this search is taking on a new sense of urgency, one because we know the pinger in the flight da data recorders are running out of battery life but there are families who are holding out hope that their loved ones might still be alive. so whatever is found in the indian ocean, it's more than an object, for these families it may finally bring closure.
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search planes are spotting more objects in the indian ocean, but we still don't know if any of them are from malaysia airlines flight 370. >> the position is being reported repor recorded, they dropped drift boys to mark the spotty where they found those objects. >> their mission, find the objects, bring them on board, and determine they're sea trash or jet liner zree. >> they're all still alive, they're all still on board, the plane is still there too. >> families of -- even as his no prime minister announced that there were no survivors, malaysia's acting transport minister struck a different tone on saturday. >> i told the families because i cannot give them false hope and the best we can do is pray and we might be sensitive to them, that as long as there is even a remote chance of a survivor, we will do whatever it takes.
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>> changing weather could limit the search in the coming days, so crews are doing everything they can to hunt for clues in the vast indian ocean, clues that could finally bring answers. it is heart breaking to imagine the anguish that these families are feeling right now because there has been no physical sign of this plane recovered yet, nothing tangible that they can look at, that they can say, okay, now i know what happened. they don't know what happened and so that's why search crews are working so hard, fred to get them the answers they so desperately need. >> thank you so much, will shipley. let's bring back our panel to talk further on one thing retrieved from the ocean, or perhaps what's not. jim tilmon, arthur rosenberg and doctor allan deal, welcome back to you. so the images that we're seeing, by way of the chinese vessel, clearly there would have to be other objects, bigger objects,
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more significant objects that would be retrieved from the ocean spotted from a lane to take back to the lab. so i wonder to you first dr. deal, do you feel like this cannot be the only built of evidence collected. do you think this is just a sample of many more items that perhaps this chinese vessel has? >> well, who knows what's aboard the chinese vessel. you would think they would notify the australians if they had found more objects. but the real issue is finding the pingers and we're not looking very hard for those. the resources assigned to the pinger hunt have been totally inadequate. in my opinion. the u.s. navy has over 100 of these p-3s, i don't know how many are still operational. but they could spare a couple dozen of them to look for the pingers. and they're going start toeing that array, which by the way
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travels at 3 miles an hour, these nuclear subs travel at 30 miles an hour, it can cover a lot more area. >> that's part of the problem dr. deal is, we don't really know what kind of resources are being poured into this. there may be some u.s. submarines that are used in this, in search for the pinging devices, but because generally submarine localities are kept secret, we wouldn't know. so is part of the frustration its just that there may be a lot more to the search for this ping, but just publicly, we're unaware of it? >> if you're asking me, the answer is of course yes. i would just hope that the white house would inform the australians and the malaysians that we have these resources available and that if you want them, we'll send them. >> uh-huh. okay, so, maybe bob arnot, if you could chime on in that, there might be a lot more to this search whether it be for the black boxes or perhaps even for 2 debris, but perhaps, that information wouldn't be made
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public because they still would await some kind of confirmation or would there be fear that publicizing that kind of end of the search would compromise any kind of potential developments. >> what's amazing about this is that the national security agency here, the cia, all attributes of the federal government really have been on the case, they're very interested in this, they really wanted to deploy those assets. i spent a year in bahrain looking at all the various resources and it's tremendous. the thing that's so interesting to me here is that in any one corporation people are very sort of suspicious about hairi ishar data. when the malaysian officials say we know it's gone down there in the southern indian ocean, the ntsb were pretty much out of the loop. boeing still feels they're not getting the data.
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when an airliner like this travel to that part of the indian ocean, they have way points, they have five letter identifiers, they could be palio, or any variety of different. so was it actually going to those way points? they have never given us the latitude and longitude there,'s a lot of people that could crowd source this trying to get a sense of what this is. when you look at those hourly pings there, it should be fairly easy to figure out the air speed. it's mach .89 would bhai speed crews for that airlines. we're very late in the game for this information to be shared. >> okay, so i won't, i guess, jim, let me bring you into this because there's very little that can be done about maybe those missed points or missed opportunities, but now as we
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look at perhaps this video coming from chinese authorities as to what they may have retrieved, we don't know if this is a microchasm of other items, but if you look at the objects retrieved, whether this is valuable, whether it will help us determine if there is wreckage in the area, are you disappointed in this kind of video, that it doesn't seem very significant? or might we be able to glean a lot more from this simple plucking of a paper or plastic from the sea? >> as long, fredericka, as we get something, anything, that says this came from that airplane. that's going to be a major thing as far as i'm concerned, because to this moment, we don't know, we really don't know anything about what happened to that airplane. we're only guessing. we are making assumptions, one assumption after another. and many times they are based upon information that was sketchy at best. so we need something concrete. we need something we can hold on to, we need something we can
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examine, anything at all, just to say yes, this did happen. now we can move forward from there. by i can understand the families, because they have got to be saying we don't yet know for sure that it crashed. >> right. and it's extraordinary, here we're talking about week three and still nothing concrete to appease you all, the experts, and certainly the family members of the passenger and crew. arthur rosenberg, bob arnot, dr. allen deal and jim tilmon, we're take a break right now and come back and talk about how countries are cooperating in the search. will that cooperation now help enhangs the investigation. [ telephone rings ] [ shirley ] edward jones. this is shirley speaking. how may i help you? oh hey, neill, how are you? how was the trip? [ male announcer ] with nearly 7 million investors...
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the massive three week search for that missing malaiysa airlines jet, has involved countries that don't always get along. >> reporter: the search for flight 370 compelled rivals across asia to come together as partners. >> an area in southeast asia when we were fighting over a rock in the middle of the sea, now working together, i think that is a great achievement. >> reporter: from the sea of japan to the malaka straits, disputings over the island, oil and gaddis puts and -- vanished
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airliner with 239 passengers captivates the world. >> basically i think all the governments in the region think that this tremendous pressure put on by their public to do something about locating this plane. >> reporter: do something, planes and ships from china, japan, south korea, australia, new zealand and the united states are searching, steered by satellites in space. while it's own technology and resources fall far short, malaysia is using diplomacy to bring two dozen nations into the search for flight 370. >> i think never in the history of malaysia have we had 24 countries helping us out. it's like the international airport of various military aircraft. >> reporter: there have been problems, china whose citizens made up nearly two-thirds of the missing passengers openly criticized malaysia's handling
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of the crisis, repeated protests, had government approval at the very least. malaysian officials reminded bejing, it's own satellite pictures squandered precious search time. even threatened to boycott. not everyone offered full cooperation. national security kept some from giving up their military radar records, even as they joined the search. >> we also saw a level of distrust among many countries of the region, countries close to malaysia like indonesia, thailand, cambodia, they all thought in the first initial hours, where it was crucial in finding out which direction the plane was flying. >> let's bring back our panel now, jim tilmon, robert arnot, arthur rosenberg and dr. allan deal. arthur, when at first, it appeared as though there was a lack of cooperation between
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neighboring countries at the early stages of this investigation, are you comforted or are you hopeful that now the coming together of some 20i lik very thorough, full investigation? >> i would say at this point the cooperation in the asian peninsula is unprecedented between china, japan and malaysia, i just wanted to comment on one thing. in malaysia, the ideas of a free press, the disseminationle of information, the authorities being challenged is somewhat alien to that culture. in this instance, for the malaysian government to be challenged on the release of information, timeliness, possible military secrets with this plane flying over the malaise peninsula, it's somewhat unusual for these people. i think what they should do is show the world the radar data, that key radar data when the
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plane flew westerly back across the malaise peninsula, let us share the information. we know the ntsb, the british authorities and malaysia have all been working on it but it would go a long way towards a transparent investigation if they released that information. >> but now finding any semblance of the wreckage and getting to the bottom of what happened? >> obviously if we found the wreckage, any part of it as captain tilmon just said in an earlier segment, that would be important, we would know the airplane's in the water. but then we still have to work all the current and wind algorithms to try to find a general location for the pingers. keep your eye on the price, those are the prize, because they're going to get to us the wreckage and there's three reasons why we need to do this, fredericka, obviously the humanitarian reasons. secondly, we have over 1100
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worldwide of these 777s flying, if there's a problem with this aircraft, and i'm not suggesting there is, we need to know about it. and boeing has brought out a superversion of this called the 777x, but two or three years from now if we're still wondering whether or not this plane has a fundamental flaw, this could cost boeing jobs. >> is this an issue of all this has to be done simultaneously to dr. deal's point, that there are flights that are in the air and if there was a problem with this flight, people need to know so as to avoid another calamity? >> fredericka, this is uncharted territory. just like that indian sea is uncharted, this whole process is uncharted. we're going into some areas now, diplomacy between countries and all. we're also going into a problem that is inherent in that, we
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don't know crucial things about this. we don't know how long, what altitude, how steep, what speed, we don't know the heading that that airplane ended up on once it made its first turn. and we don't know how many turns it did make before it was over. we need to be going along several lines at one time. we need to be concentrating on, okay, is this salvageable, something from the airplane? is this a situation where it's the pilots who had some real responsibilities they didn't fulfill? was this a bona fide accident? is there something wrong with the 777? all these kinds of things we can't get to because we keep getting into something, when we find out later, we didn't have all the facts, we didn't have all the information. >> sorry, dr. bob arnot, not able to get back to you on this segment, but gentlemen, thank you. and we'll keep you updated on the search for flight 370,
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also ahead, new talks and increased tensions over the crisis in ukraine. top diplomats prepare to meet as ukraine's military prepares to fight. d sportier. eed something annnd done. ok maxwell, just need to ah contact your insurance company with the vin number. oh, i just did it. with my geico app. vin # is up to the loaded. ok well then jerry here will take you through all of the features then. why don't weeeeeeeeeeee go out to the car. ok, i'll just be outside... ok, yeah. his dad is my boss. yeah. vin scanning to add a car. just a tap away on the geico app. bentaste-free andr, dissolves completely. and unlike other fibers, you'll only know you're taking fiber by the way good digestive health makes you look& and feel. benefiber. clearly healthy. did you run into traffic? no, just had to stop by the house to grab a few things. you stopped by the house? uh-huh. yea.
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headed to paris today for a meeting on the crisis in ukraine. the state department confirms kerry and russian foreign minister sergei lavrov will meet tomorrow morning. discussing ways to diffuse the situation in ukraine. and russia reiterated today it has no intention of invading ukraine but its troop buildup has increased tensions along ukraine's border. here's the latest on that. ukrainian border guards are increasingly nervous about the russian troop buildup. civilian volunteers are forming a self-defense committee. a military officer tells our karl penhaul hawaii also detected russian attack helicopters and tanks near the border. and a popular opposition figure today pulled out of the race for president of ukraine. he says he'll support billionaire businessman petro porishinko seen here. and in the u.s., quake that
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hit california friday night, stronger than the one that struck on st. patrick's day. >> a major earthquake at 8:00. one that was about only a 3.6. this felt like about a 10. i have never felt one -- >> actually, magnitude 5.1 and obviously rattled nerves. no major injuries. it created a mess, leaving a couple thousand without pow around breaking some water mains. >> everything's fallen over. cracks inside our building. the floor separated from the walls. everything fell off our kitchen is a mess. it gauss worse as it went on and didn't think it would be bad as this or so much damage. >> the quake triggered a rockslide that led to this car flipping over. nearly two dozen aftershocks followed. minutes ago, a moment of silence took place in oso, washington. this marks the instant hillside
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collapse that killed at least 17 people one week ago today. the memorial comes as the search for survivors and bodies continues, and rain again is hampering rescue teams. cnn's paul vercammen is live for us in arlington, washington where a command center has actually been set up. so, paul, tell us briefly about that vigil and what could potentially happen today. >> reporter: well, fredricka, first off it's almost been exactly one week to the minute that the slide hit, and behind me you see the river is moving by all accounts they say the river looked like it stopped after the slide came down. we're just up river from the slide, or down river, i should say. in a moment of silence, the governor said everyone should stop and reflect and think about this just a short time ago. people throughout washington state took time out and just quietly, somberly, reflected about what happened here, and as
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you pointed ous o eed out, it's again here in washington state. we're into record rain here. that is absolutely compounding the recovery efforts. it's so difficult for these workers who have been wading through waist-high mud on their hands and knees, using gloves, to sort of scoop out the mud literally, if you will, in their effort to recover bodies. they are really having a tough go of it and the mayor talked about that. let's have a listen. >> i can't even express to you how difficult it is. they are searching for friends, and they're searching for families, and it's very tragic. >> reporter: and later on today, they will have a press conference. they intend to update the number of people officially dead. they've had that set at 17 for a while. we know that there's bodies that have been found, but not identified. they say they're waiting for the medical examiner's office to make all this official. the death toll, about 25 right now, but sure to rise,
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fredricka, as there are so many people missing in this tragic landslide. >> gosh, terribly tragic. thank you so much, paul vercammen, arlington, washington. all right. straight ahead, more objects have been spotted in the new search area for flight 370. getting our first look from one of the ships. also, the race to get to those black boxes. is the technology used for detecting underwater devices dated? our experts will weigh in. and cnn did some investigating about how the industry might change in light of this disappearance. it could impact how all of us fly. i'm fredricka whitfield. much more in the "newsroom," straight ahead. you have time to shop for car insurance today? yeah. i heard about progressive's "name your price" tool? i guess you can tell them how much you want to pay and it gives you a range of options to choose from. huh? i'm looking at it right now. oh, yeah? yeah.
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11:00 am
welcome to "cnn newsroom." in about five hours search planless take off from earth, australia to begin another long day of searching for flight 370. they are looking for any sign of debris, and today we got our first look at some of the floating objects found and retrieved from the southern indian ocean. the first items picked up from the search area. while they look a little bit like trash, it is possible that this could possibly be debris from that plane. experts will analyze them as soon as the ship returns to land. chinese search planes spotted three new suspicious objects today. china's official news agency says one is red. the others are orange and white. about a dozen other objects were seen in the search area yesterday, including what appeared to be an orange rope and a blue bag. again, it is unclear if these items are connected to the plane, but it does give searchers hope. seven ships are trying to track down these objects. most of the passengers onboard flight
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