tv CNN Newsroom CNN March 31, 2014 11:00am-1:01pm PDT
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recall two million vehicles until this year because of cost. the new ceo is set to testify before congress tomorrow. that's it for me. thanks for watching. i will be back at 5:00 eastern for a two-hour edition of the situation room. newsroom begins right now with brooke baldwin. >> good to see you. happy monday to you and the search conditions for flight 370. what did malaysia know and when did they know it? for weeks and weeks we have been led to believe that the final few words all rig"all right. g night night.". instead good night malaysian 370 were the last words.
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the actual transcripts of the munication between the pilot and the flight controller still not made public yet. we will talk more about whether this is significant and why that has not been made public. as for the search itself, time is running out on that emergency locator pinger. by next week, the 30-day more or less battery life of the plane's black box pinger will likely expire. this is the clicking sound they are listening for if it's not silent already. right now an australian navy ship outfitted with special equipment to detect the critical clicks or pings is now heading to the search zone. it could take this ship three days just to get to that area. we here at cnn spoke to australia's and he tells us the search is intensifying. >> the effort is ramping up, not winding down. we will have more aircraft in
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the start tomorrow. we have more shapes in the area. we are ramping this effort up. >> for now it's another dark night for the families who have known only disappointment and grief since flight 370 vanished now back on march 8th. at the launching point for the searches there in perth, australia. 2:00 your time. we know this vessel, the ocean shield will be out looking for the black boxes. we keep reiterating the fact that the batteries will be gone in a matter of days. why is it taking so long to get this thing out there? >> reporter: the first step was it had to get here from the united states. it had to make the journey here. when it got here and it was loaded on to the ship, the ship had to be retro fitted. they had to build the a-frame for the tpl to sit on it and it had to be inspected. it sounds tedious, but this is a
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normal process that had to happen for this device to get out to the search area safely and intact. yes, these are frustrating delays, but a step by step process thrd to in order to ens may work when it's there. >> the timing itself, the pm of australia said he won't put a time limit on the search, but it can't go on forever. have you heard of a finite ending point? >> reporter: not yet. not publicly. no one is even whispering about it. the prime minister said in this exact language, there is no time limit. what he wants to do is make sure to keep the pressure high. he came out here and he was shaking hands with the search crews. he wants to keep morale high. it is frustrating. the truth is it's a giant space out there. they haven't found anything. a lot of ocean garbage, but on nothing of the plane. it is a tough task and he wants
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to keep morale high. >> thank you. these potential leads and again they are just potential thus far. they continue to come, but so do the setbacks and frustrations. today we learned new information about the final words spoken from the cockpit not "all right. good night." as originally reported. we will talk about that and kicking that off, david, now that we know it was good night malaysian 370, hearing experts and make sure you corroborate this, the wording change is actually relatively insignificant. the issue is why didn't they make this public and stop the speculation weeks ago? >> that is my concern as well. it seems like it makes more sense. that's more in line with what should have been said and more structured than what i have witnessed here in the united states. what bothers me most is when we look at investigation, we look at the credibility of the evidence and put ratings on that
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and based on that, we use that for the most possible case. right now if i'm looking at the information, i have to reduce the credibility or the confidence. >> as we learn about that, we know that the actual words spoken determined what said it when we thought it was "all right. good night." and it was the copilot and now they are not sure. why does it really matter. that's my question for you. >> for it occurred under duress or in another manner, it may change one way or the other, but the pilot in command would not have been making the radio communication. it would have been the opposite person. it might have been an indication of who was at the controls. that is still speculation on my part. >> the transcript itself, the back and forth from the cockpit to ground control. we are hearing from malaysia officials saying nothing
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sinister. yet the public has yet to see this. this is obviously an ongoing investigation. i'm not surprised maybe that they haven't released it, but at the same time do you think they should? >> yeah, i think they should. you said nothing sinister. they are coming out saying there is nothing sinister, but what about other parts of the investigation. they weren't aware of something else going on on the aircraft or make us aware of some some inoperable equipment. i'm not a 777 captain, but some might understand language that goes between there. there clues you can get when it's translated. >> what about the talk about the pings and you get to do the black box and get answers to what happened on the plane. the black box could have been stored improperly. can you explain what you mean by
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that or what they mean? >> that was working on aircraft and malaysia and he did the audit and how they store them. the pingers that are changed out every 1,000 hours and when that happen, they take them out of stock and replace the old with a new one. they are supposed to be stored in a cool dry place. the manufacturer said if it is stored in a hot place, it reduces the battery life significantly. it's possible in their estimation or my estimation from what they told me, these pingers could have been replaced with pingers that were improperly store and reduce the battery life. >> even further than the more or less 30 days. not what families want to hear. thank you very much for joining me. from your perspective. now this. >> i even promised them -- i
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really don't know. >> his wife was one of the performs on board flight 370. he said he didn't know what to tell their children. his emotional story is coming up. plus, some are calling it a hail mary pass. crews bringing in all this high tech equipment from the united states to listen for the pings from the black boxes here and the cockpit voice recorder. they evaporate even found the haystack to find that needle. we will talk about that process to see if it is a long shot. also ahead we are keeping a close eye on, north korea firing hundreds of shots towards south korea and the south responded. tensions are escalating. stay right here. you are watching cnn's special coverage. yea. try alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heart burn and taste awesome. these are good.
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. welcome become. i'm brooke baldwin. i am watching special coverage of flight 370. the ocean shield may be close to 350 feet long, but this is a small underdog compared to the vast ocean. the ocean shield is the australian ship carrying crucial high tech equipment towards the search zone. remember this is a massive search area still even though they are honing in on this particular part of the world. this is more than 100,000 square miles. against all oughdds it will dep the tpl 25. here are the basics on this. we have been over this. as a ship tows it behind under water, the yellow thing listens
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for pings from the black box and the cockpit voice recorder to figure out how the plane went down. how close does it need to be? here with me with answers and how long it could potentially take it sea operations specialist tim taylor. nice to have you back on here today. let's begin here. they will deploy the tpl and listening for the pings. we keep going back to the analogy of the needle being the black box. if they don't know what the haystack is because let's be real, they don't. how is this supposed to work some. >> it's such a long shot. it's like looking for your cell phone thrown out the window of your car from new york to florida by yourself. it's not good. i don't really believe that -- they are looking for debris to satisfy the families.
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tracking the debris back with current modelling and searching the bottom of the ocean without narrowing the flight pattern down, it could be lot of forever. >> wie mentioned the search area about 100,000 square miles. we talked to the producer and we said if this search area were 10,000 square miles with everything perfect and weather conditions and technology equipment all a-ok, how long would that search take? >> i have exact experience with a blue fin 12 inch vehicle that we launched for three years and mapping 1800 square feet of bottom. based on performance of their systems, they don't work every day. they have maintenance days and weather days and you have to refuel. if you do the odds, do you every three days you will get a mission in. if you successfully launch off of the boat and you only have one, you can do the math and cut
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it down. one ship. if you launched it successfully every day and you were only covering 100 miles by 100 miles which is 10,000 square miles, it would take you two years of every day. 666 days or something like that. if you really were doing it, it's a six-year project because of the time you will get it to bottom and lock and scan. then that's just a low resolution picture. you will have to go by and find targets that are high probability and relaunch to look for them again. the numbers, i am being conservative, but that is 10,000 square miles. it's 100,000 square miles? do the math. if you want to do money, you are in the hundreds of millions just for that two-year search. >> we are not hearing from the prime minister about when the search would end yet, but i have to believe this would be incredibly expensive to continue
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as long as it could take. let me add this. we are all waiting to see if the debris they pulled out of the water amounted to anything and thus far it was just trash. i feel like so far, we are three weeks out and the real spotlight of this story is trash in the ocean. that's it. ocean junk. >> that is kind of the story. what the prime minister is saying is we need to give the families closure and in order to do that, we need to find a piece that is identifiable. that could happen two years from now washing up on the beach. that's the mission. if they had a zone narrowed, the ships would be on the way. they are not not telling us something. even if they are keeping something secret, they would be deploying assets and it doesn't from my standpoint, i don't see that rush to get the search assets down. it's still a debris search and still for closure.
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this could be an amelia ehrhardt catastrophe type thing. >> that is what some are fearing. appreciate you coming on here. this is about the families of flight 370. they are being denied a look at the maintenance records of the plane, but officials are revealing other information. we will share what that is and also ahead, the world knows kim jung un as unpredictable, but his move today as the world worried. firing shots to the south and my colleague wolf blitzer in studio with me. you know this region well. we will talk about what this means today, tomorrow, and the u.s. role. stick around. >> i'm ready. >> wolf blitzer in the studio. so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? that's right, no hidden fees. it's just that i'm worried about, you know, "hidden things." ok, why's that? well uhhh...
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. it is getting loud once again on the korean peninsula. very loud. [ gunshots ] >> that is live fire from the south koreans. hundreds of mortar rounds fired from land out over the sea. watch this. all of this happened after they fired hundreds of shells into the waters and nothing hit anyone so far, but wolf blitzer is here with me in studio.
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you have been there how many times? >> a few times. >> north korea once? >> yes. >> we are used to the ralging between north and south. >> the worst incident. the tensest moment since 2010. that was a tense time. at that time as well, they shelled a south korean war ship killed a bunch of sailors and they shelled a town in the north korean town and the north koreans claimed it was north korea. i was there with him. six days we spent and it was a tense time. this is tense right now. there a million troops along that and third,000 soldiers along the dmz and if they miscalculate, given the thousands of pieces and tanks and both sides have.
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let alone the nuclear bomb. they have a nuclear capability. it could explode. cooler heads have to prevail. >> i believe the adjective you said, he was feeling extra frisky right now. they were basically saying that president obama perhaps being otherwise busy with other world affairs and maybe not quite on this ball at the moment. do you think that's fair? >> kim jung un as previous leaders, they want attention and want the world to know what's going on. when they feely in dplekted, they do provocative acts to get the world's attention. chuck hagel will be in china in the coming days. the chinese have a role because they are the only country that has any influence over north korea. we will see what happens. i'm worried about a miscalculation. when you fire hundreds of shells
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from north korea to south korean waters, hundreds of artillery shell, if one hits a populated area, 100 people are killed. this could escalate big time. >> a bunch of sailors were killed in one exchange and it was tense. we didn't know if we would get out, but we got it. >> i remember that documentary. we will see you with more on north and kouth korea. "the situation room" at 5:00 eastern. good to see you. >> coming up next, we will go live to the flight simulator to demonstrate the weather conditions they are up to in the south indian ocean when they will be taking off a short time from now. 2:30 in the morning in australia and the flight instructor is standing by live. also ahead, the husband of a flight attendant who is on board doesn't know what to say and how to explain it to their children.
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change. good night malaysian 370. it's not clear if it was the pilot or copilot speaking. the search itself here, time is running out. by next week, the 30-day badly life of the pinger that helps searchers find the crucial black box is likely to expire if it hasn't already. right now a australia navy ship is searching and on that ship is very sophisticated u.s. equipment to help listen for and detect the ping and find the boxes. government officials say they plan on asking the u.s. for more help. here is what defense secretary chuck hagel said about that. >> i don't know what additional requests he will make of me. i certainly will listen carefully to whoever those are. i think the australians as you all know now are in the lead on this. they have been doing a t
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tremendous job. the australians have this now and they are doing quite a good job. >> as for the planes searching for debris, the families of flight 370 search for information. like the team, loved ones are coming up independent. families were given a technical briefing, but officials deny the request for maintenance and repair record, citing the ongoing investigation. outside of the briefing, officials also declined to meet demand from the families. an apology. many families are outraged that malaysian authorities said it crashed with no response to back it up. the response is it's not helping. live for us in kuala bumpure. some families flew from chine to meet with airline and government officials. did they get that apology?
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>> no, they have not gotten that apology. dozens of families and the persons on that flight did fly on sunday. they wanted to be here because this is where the investigation is going on. this is where the press briefings are going on. they believe if they were physically here, they might get more information. they are asking for an apology, saying that the prime minister shouldn't have said that the flight had crashed, but the response that we heard from the acting transportation minster is he department use the word crash. he used a different word. that's not what the families want to hear. the technicality of a word is not interesting to them. they basically want an apology. from the malaysian authorities's point of view, they don't have the answers to the questions that these families want. it's a very difficult situation. >> so you have the families there, some have chosen to be in kuala lumpur and you have some who opted to stay home and some
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of them are having a tougher time. >> absolutely. we are talking about the husbands and the wives and the relatives of the passengers. there was a cabin crew which we haven't heard too much about. i spoke to the husband of one of the flight attendants and this is what he had to say. >> her 10-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son keep asking where she is. 18 years as a malaysia airlines flight attendant, she was working aboard mh 370. >> mommy is going to take longer to come home this time. i even promised them i am going to bring her home. i really don't know where see is now. and now i'm not sure whether i can bring her home.
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>> he asks me what he should his daughter. he said she is caring and loving and speaks in the present tense. >> i am still hoping for miracles. god's miracles, but it's just like what we want is the reality. the true story. >> showing me mobile photos of his wife, he said he is angry at the way he is being treated. his wife was part of the cabin crew, but he feels they tell the media more than he tells them. he gets most of his information from televised press conferences. part of the reason he hired a lawyer. >> it is not their fault that this happened to the plane. therefore they have to be compensated for damages. >> they were together for 20 years. he said they were happy. now she is lot of. lee said he lot of all direction.
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>> so i asked whether or not they had discussed the possibility that this plane would not ever be found. he basically said for the sake of the families and out of respect, that's not something they can talk about publicly. at least not yet. brooke? >> how do you respond to that. in kuala lumpur, thank you very much for sharing that information. the families and the facts and the timeline. we put this timeline with the twists and turns in the investigation to show you how really frustrating this mystery has become. plus it is being called unprecedented. southern california rocked by a series of earthquakes raising fears that this one fault line in particular could be devastating. we will explain next. woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him
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. >> rescue teams keep hunting for survivors of a deadly landslide. it caused the river to rise a foot since friday. infection and contaminated fields are a major concern. chemica chemicals. most people taped their boots and pants together. we are worried about disenterry. the last thing we want to do is take contaminants out of here and take them into town back to the family. >> the u.s. army set up decontamination sites so the crews can wash off and keep working. the number of confirmed dead stands at 30 people. southern california is counting up the damage from a weekend of quakes that start e8ed people
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for two straight days. three quakes rocked the l.a. basin within a 24-hour period. seismologists are describing the one word as unprecedented. this is a broad area that runs up through downtown los angeles west towards hollywood and beverly hills. when you see that map, the danger here if a major quake, not even the so-called big one everyone is talking about, but a sizable earthquake hits along this fault line, this is an example of how far it would spread. the damage and loss of life in the heart of los angeles could be catastrophic. chad meyers is here with props to help explain the danger from what i understand. the shaking.
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>> the normal san andreas fault will do this. it's going to slide. you have seen the pictures of the fence that no longer lines up with the fence. it's like two or three ring notebooks. when this fault shakes, this plate or part of the plate is going to go higher. it could be jolted up a foot or two. everything gets pushed up and this is thrust up this weekend. it jolted people and everything was pushed up. not everything gets pushed up. it would be great if everything stayed together, but over here goes up by a foot or two. as the earth goes literally higher into the sky by a couple of feet. >> so with this thrust fault
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that would be the most dangerous given the maps and what it runs through, how active is it? we believe four big earthquakes in 10,000 years. these are two things that are getting pressurized every day and there is a little bit more pressure and some day they will pop. it popped this weekend. little earthquakes are better than one big one. all the faults all along california from san andreas down here to southern california. they are past the river site. if the big one happens it will be 30 miles from l.a. rupturing along the san andreas fault. if this ruptures at a 7.1 or 7.5 accident it will literally pop los angeles up like a cork. it's going to take that three-ring notebook and slide and the whole area is going to pop up. think about this. we are talking from la habra to
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hollywood. if this pops up, the foundations are not straight and power lines are not straight and infrastructure would be a mess. only found in 1999 and haven't heard about this very much and it hasn't popped often, but this weekend it did. >> there is no heads up. >> no. not really. there systems that will say okay, an earthquake happened here and 20 miles away and will be to you in two seconds and there is the alarm siren, but there will be no warning at all under l.a. >> thank you. coming up next, we put the timeline of all of the twists and the turns from this investigation in the past three weeks of flight 370 from the night the jet disappeared. you will see this emotional roller coaster for these families. plus this. >> in just the last few hours, this machine with an armored vehicle is armed with a cannon as well.
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has been dug into a position and pine trees over the top to hide it. the border is that way. five miles. >> that is our correspondent. karl is on the border of ukraine and russia. yes, he is standing next to a tank. that tank is one of the military vehicles ukraine is moving into position to defend itself from a possible invasion. we will take you live to the border for a closer look at what military moves both sides are making. stay with me. with so much noise about health care, i tuned it all out. with unitedhealthcare, i get information that matters... my individual health profile, not random statistics. they even reward me for addressing my health risks. so i'm doing fine... but she's still gonna give me a heart attack. innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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. >> we are in week number four for the hunt for flight 370 and we learned that the final word spoken from the cockpit were not "all right. good night." but good night malaysian 370. another confusing walk back by malaysian here. each new lead bringing more mystery. taking a look at the timeline of twists and turns where the plane first vanished from the are dar. >> on march 8 at 12:41. 239 people on board. it's bound for beijing and it never arrives. >> it was expected to lajd at 6:30 a.m. local time. the plane is 2 1/2 hours late. >> two men registered as passengers come forward saying they were not on the plane.
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the passports were stolen. >> at least two passengers were stolen raising fears that terrorism may be involved. >> as for the search, the gulf of thailand comes up empty. the two performs who use the the stolen passports. no connection to terrorism. an explosive development. flight 370 made i mysterious turn to the west. >> was the missing plane deliberately flown towards the chain in the indian ocean? >> malaysia's prime minister confirms flight 370 flew for about seven hours. the news enough to end the search in the south china sea. expanding the search zone some 4500 miles. the focus turns to the pilots
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authorities raid their homes. confiscating the flight simulator by the santa an. our first satellite pictures of two objects. >> the prime minister saying they have found objects they believe to be credible. >> the next day is drawn around a section of the southern indian ocean. a possible crash site in one of the most hostile places on earth. >> it's the most inaccessible spot you can imagine on the face of the earth. >> this would be the first of many sightings. fresh satellites, thai sightings and more from the chinese. each possible debris heading nowhere. march 24th and malaysian prime minister calls an unscheduled press briefing. >> image 370. ended in the southern indian ocean. >> worry no evidence of plane itself, a text message went out from malaysian airlines
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confirming the prime minister's grim announcement. none of those on board survived. the news just too much for the grief-stricken families. others fainting and taken out on stretchers. march 28th, three weeks into the search after days of scouring the section of the southern indian ocean, search crews find out they have been looking 23489 wrong spot. >> the search zone shifting by hundreds of miles. >> as soon as the search moved, possible debris is spotted and another, more and more sightings, most turning out to be trash. as the satellite and visual sightings come in and the search continues, the world is still waiting for the words, the plane has been found. cnn, atlanta. >> amy, thank you. bad weather made it tough for these pilots searching for the missing plane.
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martin savage join me inside the flight simulator. guys, can you show me when you talk about the bad conditions, what's it like flying low? >> we can. we will simulate it as best we can. what's need about this is it ties into the weather so that it knows what the weather conditions are in any part of the world where you can program it. we have essentially taken off from perth and headed west in the direction of what would be this new search area. now the simulator replicated the weather conditions. it is night time there, but for the purposes of visualizing it, we made it daylight. when you look at this word about it, it's 2,000 feet up. >> we are 2,000 feet up, 177 miles out from perth directly west. nothing but ocean. >> if you look out on the verizon, it's difficult to where
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the ocean ends if you will and the sky picks up. it's very mixed. i will point out why don't you take us down lower. the weather conditions like this, it is not that bad, you don't have the blinding sun hitting your face. you instead have more of a gray like cloud cover overhead. that diffuses the light and allows it to be less harsh bouncing back. if you are looking by the naked eye which in many cases that's what they are doing. not terrible conditions. there is light rain and at times it can be obscuring by the rain. otherwise certainly conditions could be worse. this again is what the simulator is replicating what it knows are the weather conditions. we are talking about fatigue. you are looking out at something like this. there is a relative fatigue you
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can get. >> you are staring at a style and it's like flying over the arctic with a lot of snow with white out conditions. you can't discern the horizon from anything else. we take frequent shifts. 30 minutes, 45 minutes max. you get in. >> if you drop it down on the deck and you see the sense of speed and the other factor that comes into play, search aircraft are not going to move thea a tremendous high speed because otherwise the terrain and everything else will whiz by you so quickly you haven't been able to get a good assertation of what you saw. this is simulating the sky conditions and you can see from here and know with the camera, it may not look the same. a good distance here as you look out on the water with these conditions. interesting. >> we know that the conditions once they establish that new search area they have been
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better to maximize flight times to look for possible debris. thank you as always martin and mitch. we appreciate that. coming up, as we learn the actual last words from flight 370. we are accident told there was nothing sinister in the conversations between the pilots and air traffic controller. why not release the entire transcripts? there may be a very good answer for that. also ahead as fears rise, russia is getting ready for more action here against ukraine. moscow reportedly beefing up the presence along the ukrainian border. live picture, cnn is there for a firsthand look. do not miss this next live shot. this is mike. his long race day starts with back pain... ...and a choice. take 4 advil in a day which is 2 aleve... ...for all day relief. "start your engines" the was a truly amazing day. without angie's list,
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your chance to watch full seasons of tv's hottest shows for free with xfinity on demand. there's romance, face slaps, whatever that is, pirates, helicopters, pirate-copters... argh! hmm. it's so huge, it's being broadcast on mars. heroes...bad guys... asteroids. available only on mars. there's watching. then there's watchathoning. ♪ . >> russian troops are ready to go. should flood mile an hour putin
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order a land invasion of ukraine. the pro western website is publishing links to show the western tanks being hauled towards the border. in a phone call today with german chancellor angela merkel, he pulled forces back, but russia is reportedly moving food and parts and medicine into position and erected a field hospital. ukraine is trying to toughen up the border, but troops are staring down 50,000 russians. that number keeps growing. cnn is live with me now and within five miles of that extremely tense border. were the russians to come hurdling over the border? what kind of fight could the, cranians give them. >> that are really is the question because of course we know about russia's military might. the americans and ukrainians have told us in the last few
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days they have been well-equip and have a well-funded force and a force that can move quickly. we also know that out in crimea when it came to blows there, the military didn't fight. they surrendered and defected across to the russian side. here i think things will be different. the ukrainian military spent the day here digging in. they certainly think things are getting worse and not better. they think the threat of invasion is a very palpable threat. bigging in vehicles like this. this has a cannon on the front. there t 64 soviet era tanks as well. they have been pulled into strategic positions in case they advance and have attack helicopters as well as tanks. that's not the only one here. there is the civilian response and we spent days traveling
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along the villages along the border. the young men are dividing themselves up into self defense committees. they say if the russians roll across, they will launch a partisan guerilla war using the swamps and the forests as their bases as well. even old ladies want to do their part and have been bringing big jars of pickles and food and rice and other supplies to support the ukrainian troops as well. i think the sentiment is if the russians roll across, the ukrainians will give a fight. >> they are readying themselves from them miles from the border. thank you so much. >> hour two, top of the hour. we just learned malaysian officials changed their account of the cockpit's last communication. for weeks as we have been
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reporting, we have the transcript and they have not corrected the belief that the final few words were already, good night. today we are told the final words were actually good night malaysian 370. the ship carrying a ping detector departed today en route to the search zone. 3:00 in the morning their time. they are working on borrowed time. the pinger could run out of batteries next week. >> typically the batteries last for 30 days. usually they last longer and that's what we are trying to find. what is critical is that the teams that are out there searching if are the debris get good position data and they feed it back to the oceanographers to help us determine a probable point of impact. >> it's probable point of impact, crash site first is needed before the real search can begin. high hopes were pinned on a
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sighting of bright orange objects. they turned out to be fishing equipment and a dead jelly fish. that's it so far. australia's prime minister insist there was no time table, but day after day the flight crews are assigned to the particular mission. live in perth, australia. 3:00 in the morning your time. we know the ocean shield, the ship has days to find the black boxes before the juice potentially runs out. then what? >> well, then they keep looking. what happens to the particular sea vessel is okay, let's say they don't find the debris field for the plane. it's going to be part of the search. there a number of ships in the area crisscrossing the area back and forth and checking the objects that are spotted by the planes. even though it has the high tech
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equipment on it. until you have a debris field, you can't use this equipment. if becomes part of the regular fleet. >> you have learned about the equipment. the ships and the tpl and everything that is beingful involved, malaysia asked for more resources to find the plane. will they get them? >> certainly doesn't appear they will be losing any resources. we don't know if there will be more ships or planes coming in, but if this past week is any indication. resources will only increase. we heard from the prime minister as he spoke here at the air base, his intention is to keep putting resources on this. at least in this next week where you that are clock ticking on the kinger and whether or not they will be emitting the pings. more resources at least from his viewpoint. he wants him here. >> thank you so much from perth for us.
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talk about going against the odds. about 240 feet long. the search area, more than 100,000 square miles. the size of new mexico. here's what tim taylor said about how hard it will be to find the black box before it runs out. >> such a long shot. like looking for your cell phone flown out of the car from new york to florida. not good. >> the odds worsen when the black boxes flight data recorder and the voice recorder when they stop pinging. joining us is mary schiavo from the u.s. department of transportation that represents victims and families after airplane disasters. correspondent richard quest. let's get to the search in a moment.
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i'm sitting here and we are talking so much. so much about the "all right. good night.." now we know the phraseiologist was different. you say that is relatively insignificant, but they didn't correct it weeks ago. >> yes and the reason you you don't correct every bit of reporting or everything that you hear in the investigation. you don't go through that. otherwise the investigation would have nothing else but to do but to continue doing it. those words, "all right. good night." took on a folklore of their own. the daily telegraph printed the transcript and even though, even though at the time the malaysians said that was incorrect, they didn't take the opportunity then to say that. there is not a huge difference, already, good night or good night malaysian. is more correct and still not perfect. that is why i think you have to say that this is rather -- it's frustrating and infuriating.
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they should have taken the opportunity to correct it sooner. >> do you think they, malaysia, should release to the public this transcript? >> no,i don't. >> the ongoing investigation is not necessary? >> let's go back to as asiana in san francisco. she quoted from the transcript and the transcript itself was not actually released for another six months. it is part of the investigation. it's too soon to reveal it in its raw state. what i think we should be looking at and i think we will get before too slong a statement of facts. the first preliminary report. call it what you will. we are getting to the point where they experienced about these things. we are getting to the point where the investigation is going to have to provide the first document.
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>> what would that entail potentially. >> you post several relevant kinds of documents. one is a typewritten recording. a typewritten transcript such as survivability. you have human factors and aircraft performance and all these different working groups and they post the relevant documents and those are posted before the first hearing which is a fact finding hearing. that's how it usually goes. >> we are listening to the daily briefings from malaysia. question was asked which was what if you never find the plane. his response was we have a plan in place. what might that entail?
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>> the plan in place would be to search if they haven't found debris. to continue to search for a reasonable time there after with the side scan sonar and continue to look beyond the 30 or 40 days for that. beyond that, what they will probably do is issue some sort of fact finding or report if it goes on for sometime. i don't think they will give up right away. i don't think they can. >> how long can they go? how long does it last? a couple of years? >> the work can. they can't search the ocean for a couple of years, but the work on the case can last a couple of years and look what we have already. new information comes out here, there, and everywhere. now we have the transcript corrected. today that they adopted the policy that when one comes out the flight attendant goes. that is policy here for years and not for terrorism. what if the pilot gets sick or passes out? the flight attendant is there to let him back in.
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there is lots of information coming out. >> did you want to jump in? >> what will happen is once the weather makes it so that the winter arrives, they regroup. they don't all just go home. the assets may leave, but the working party regroups and everybody then does very detailed work. we have this with 447. we have it with these incidents. they look again and again and refine so that they get around to doing it when they go back out to search it. there should be debris. no question about it. there should be something there. if that plane went into the ocean, if that plane went into the ocean, there should be something. it really is just a question of finding it. >> what do you make of the fact that now that we than this locator is going to be heading into the region and that is listening for the pings of the black box, so if they are looking for it, don't you need
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to find the debris in the current? >> read the ta statement of what they said last night. they said we want that pinger locator in position so the moment we find the debris, we can get to it. we don't have to spend two or three days waiting for it to get there. >> i'm sure families would be using the word waste. >> it was wise to deploy assets and get them going. i think now that additional requests have come in the united states for more assistance in assets. i think australia taking over and setting up the joint task forces brilliant. that's what they needed to do. >> they will be ready to g. >> thank you both so much. >> coming up, we will go back inside the virtual room of the most difficult area of the search both above and below water. stand by for that. also ahead, is north korea
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taking advantage of america's focus on crimea. kim jung un's military firing shots at south korea and they responded in the sense situation unfolding. stay right here. this is cnn's special coverage. ♪ [ cellphones beeping ] ♪ [ cellphone rings ] hello? [ male announcer ] over 12,000 financial advisors. good, good. good. over $700 billion dollars in assets under care. let me just put this away. [ male announcer ] how did edward jones get so big? could you teach our kids that trick? [ male announcer ] by not acting that way. ok, last quarter... [ male announcer ] it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. ♪ makes sense of investing. those little cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex.
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or special financing on select lennox home comfort systems. offer ends june 13th. and download our free lennox mobile app. ♪ lennox. innovation never felt so good. . >> welcome back to cnny special coverage. the search for flight 370 resumed under decent weather conditions. they are sending the pinger to sea, but it's of no use until they found the debris as richard quest was explaining. let's go for more on the difficulties of these searches. we are talking about not just
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below water, but above water as well. >> there two different searches if you think about it. right now the that matters is above water. the one above water is based on conjecture, not so much on clues. look at the different places that this spring spread out to. all of that in the general place where the plane disappeared. now we have moved to where we have perth over here and some distance over here with 12 or 14 hundred miles depending on which area you are looking at. it now shifted again and the locations. they are around to 95,000 square miles. there is no way to be doing a very thorough search before they move to the next one. it takes too long to cover that
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area. again, all of this has to be based on conjecture. they don't have any physical clues to tell them where to look. that's moving beyond on the surface. you have to looka the surface covering the ground. does it get like that. >> they are bringing the pinger once they find the debris and they are looking for the pings from the black box. so much of the search area is on tap. >> it's untapped. here's the difference. when you are above the water, you can talk about at least doing a reasonable cursory examination with all the boats and the planes. you have a chance.
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it's a reasonable something. when you get down to the environment, if you were moving at 5 miles an hour and you have a range of two miles that way and two miles that way, start doing the math here. if you had a range here every 24 hours, you eat up about 500 square miles. you have a search area of 91,000 or 100,000 square miles at 500 square miles a day. months and months and months. the second search, the under water search is so fundamentally different than the above water search that they don't dare enter this environment unless they had success up here. you and i both know they have yet to have any success. they covered a lot of water and haven't found anything yet. conjecture up here, you must have clues down there.
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>> so much for the view. both above and below. a couple on board just got married. the groom saved up for his first trip abroad. we sit down for the emotional lock at the couple's final days and the worst moment since the disappearance. peoi go to angie's listt for all kinds of reasons. to gauge whether or not the projects will be done in a timely fashion and within budget. angie's list members can tell you
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that is live fire from the south koreans. hundreds of mortar rounds and now watch this. the south you can see holding drills as well. all of this happened after north korea fired hundreds of shells into the same waters. nothing has hit anyone so far. let's talk to bill richardson. this man knows north korea. it is dealt on occasion with the reclusive north. nice to have you on. >> thank you, brooke. we are accustomed to the grul belling with one another. this seems louder than usual. why is that? >> what north korea is saying is number one, hey international
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community, we are around. we know you are preoccupied with ukraine in syria. the second message i believe is to the u.s. and south korea. we want to have a dialogue and talk. what the u.s. is saying to north korea and south korea saying the same thing, what has to be on the table is you are limning your nuclear deterrents and rocket launches and missile tests. north korea is trying to crave attention and want attention right now. this is dangerous because these are hundreds of shells and a provocation can be a trip wire for more involvement by the surrounding countries. >> so if you are saying that lock at me, look at me. we talk about a possible dialogue, i have heard that it is said by engaging, you have
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the u.s. president barack obama that he is distracted. what do you make of that? >> i don't think that is the case. i think we are capable of focusing on a lot of issues. what president obama can and the administration said, we are not just going to get into a dialogue with you unless you want to terminate or reduce the talk. the north koreans effort to get attention, worldwide attention. the problem though is the new leader, kim jung un, we don't know where he is am can be from. these are bad signs and it seems he is playing up to his military. on to send a message and don't mess with us, these live artillery shells provocative by the north koreans and a bad signal.
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they are catering to the hard liners in their government. >> not everyone can come to the table because of the stubbornness and because of the new leader. who knows if they could hit a town and then what is my question. >> then what is up to china. they have the leverage over north korea. they provide food and fuel and all kinds of assistance. sometimes they don't listen to them. i think it's up to china to say to them look, you have to stop these provocations. it affects our region. our part of northeast asia. calm down. get into a dialogue with south korea to stop these hostilities. i don't think it will escalate more. this is a familiar pattern of
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the north koreans. at the same time since we don't know about the new leader, he seems to be catering to the military and the hard liners to like this back and forth militarily. that's not a good sign. >> they like the noise. thank you so much. >> we will take you back to the special coverage of flight 370. there eight lessons to be learned from the mystery including why focusing on terrorism is in the skies. the real reason for the majority of plane crashes might surprise you. that's next. we asked people a question,
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liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? . it is the bottom of the hour. you are watching cnn and the words we keep going-over, "all right. good night.." we believed these were the final words from the cockpit and today we learned that was not the case. malaysian officials clarifying the words were good night malaysian 370. we don't know the significance of this and even the pilot or copail on the who said it. they are waiting to release the transcripts. as the u.s. sends in equipment to track down the ping from the plane's black box. the navy being realistic about how tough the task really is. >> if you compare this to air
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flight 447, we had better information of where the aircraft went in the water. we supported with the locator search. the pingers were nonfunctional. it then took over two years conducting sonar searches from autonomous vehicles to locate the debris. it can be a long effort. >> this could be long. that black box pinger could run out of battery for the next week. it could take three days to reach the search zone. much of the conversation is focussed on what needs to change in the airline industry and the way airline beings are invest gated. willi william mcghee is a contributor for attention all passengers and how to reclaim our chis. sir, welcome.
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>> thanks very much. i appreciate it. >> read the list you wrote up. the eight lessons you heard from the case and number one, you said focusing primarily on terrorism can ob cure other threats. it is actually pilot error half of the time. that's the cause of airline accidents. >> yes, it is. the biggest concern is pilot error. the piece that i wrote for yahoo news outlined eight operate lessons that we continued to learn. unfortunately in some cases over and over again. the next of kin, the family members of the passengers. we saw here back in 1996, the passage of the family assistance act and saw last month with the u.s. department of transportation saw asiana
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airlines were fined for the mishandling of the accident last july. in this case the treatment of the next of kin by malaysia has been horrific. >> they're want an apology and so far they haven't gotten that. let me move on from next of kin. we have taken a lot of questions and a lot of people are asking about black boxes. you pointed out the mix of the black box and posed this question. do we really still need them? are there alternatives? >> absolutely. there have been for years. the so-called black box have two boxes and they are orange, not black. no question we need the data that they capture. that data, there has been technology that existed for years to catch it in other ways. primarily air to ground system so we have it in realtime. as you just heard, that air
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france accident in the atlantic ocean in 2009, they were not found until 2011. in that case we were much clearer about where the general area of where the airplane went down. the boxes are either not recovered or when they are recovered, they are damaged or completely useless. the technology exists. >> why are they not being put in use. sorry for interrupting. >> not at all. the answer is simple. it's cost. this is an old issue in the airline industry. cost versus benefit. as i pointed out last week with the national transportation safety board several years ago, they recommended that there be cameras in all commercial airline cockpits in the united states. the federal aviation administration took that and said no, we are not going to require that. we have seen that time and again and the technology exists to do
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things better and the cost factor comes in. we also heard from the faa in 2010 that gps should be on board every airliner in the united states by 2020 and now we are hearing that we are behind schedule and it's only 2014. >> we talked so much about the black boxes and the battery life. there have been changes and some are mandate and this plane didn't have that kind of battery. all that we're learning and all that can change is because of cost. william mcgee, author of how to reclaim our skies, thank you. take a look at this australian ship. it's equipped with the fanciest stuff with the navy. the u.s. navy just left the search area a couple of hours ago. coming up, we will take a closer look at what's on board and how it can help find the elusive
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black boxes. a series of earthquakes rocks part of can california and experts are concerned it could activate a fault line. if that happens, one expert said it could left-side to $250 billion in damages. we will talk to him, next. ♪ [ cellphones beeping ] ♪ [ cellphone rings ] hello? [ male announcer ] over 12,000 financial advisors. good, good. good. over $700 billion dollars in assets under care. let me just put this away. [ male announcer ] how did edward jones get so big? could you teach our kids that trick? [ male announcer ] by not acting that way. ok, last quarter... [ male announcer ] it's how edward jones makes sense of investing.
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. >> southern california is counting up the damage from a weekend of quakes that startled people for two straight days. two earthquakes within a 24-hour period and one word seismologists are using is unprecedented. look at the map. the earthquakes happened along the puente hills fought line. it runs downtown l.a. and hollywood and beverly hills. when you consider that, the
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danger here if a major quake and i'm not saying the big that everyone is talking about, but a sizable one that strikes along this fault line. this is an example of how far it could spread. the damage and the loss of and the heart of los angeles could be catastrophic. joining me now to further examine this is dan vergano for national geographic and also chad meyers here in studio. first to you. maybe you necessary agreeance in the unprecedented frightening category. me why. >> this fault is sitting with the western edge on downtown los angeles. it's that people have been worrying about. we only figured out what was going on in 1999. it's still sort of new and when they saw how close it was, the tension got up. when they see the quakes now, this is a warning of a very dangerous quake that could come.
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>> how big and chad i'm getting to you in a minute, but how big would the quake have to be to cause devastation in downtown l.a.? >> we are talking about a magnitude 7.5 quake, hundreds of times stronger than the 1 that hit on friday. that would cause shake over a 25 mile wide switch over the san gabriel mountains and cause a lot of damage. >> show me what you have here. >> two different slip, strike, or thrust fault quakes that are out there. this is in three-dimension. we will have a little bit of this and a little bit of that. an earthquake where it slips. >> these are the plates. >> this is the chop saw that i just did. that's how it happens in a slip strike like the san andreas fault. what we had here was think about now this in the vertical because it was thrust upward.
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no longer are we here, but in the buildings in a regular quake do this. in this one the buildings do this. if they are two feet up, they don't have the ability to absorb him as well as the shake back and forth as they are made to wiggle and wobble. >> it's one thing to have this 5.1 magnitude on friday. it would be another as you talk about a 7.5 or more. the thing with earthquakes is i suppose with tornados and other things like that is they are not -- you don't get a heads up, correct? >> that's correct. >> there is a demonstration early warning system that gave about four seconds of warning to pasadena. yeah, it starts shaking quickly and this is a populated area where this quake was centered on. it's happening right now. a lot of people live there and it could be dangerous. >> quickly in terms of mitigating problems, i know the
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buildings have been retro fitted and that couldn't with stand the magnitude you are talking about, correct? >> it depends on how the earth moves. there is a lot of retro fitting and people need to be prepared for a quake. people get the warnings, but they need to take it as a serious warning. >> the big stories from the overseas. it is march 31st, does that date ring a bell? not just the bell that jake tapper is returning for vacation, but the obamacare deadline. wouldn't you know it, there jake tapper, issues with the website? >> there were this morning and i was on a few minutes ago and it was being used so much you were asked to wait in line in the queue. so there have been problems, but the white house said they are trying to work them out as much as possible. >> given that, how is it looking
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so far? >> the originally stated goal was seven million by this day. they will get more than six million. they achieved that last week. it's unclear if they will get up to seven million with the website problems. they should point out with the number of people enrolling. we don't know whether or not they paid the premiums or will pay. we don't know if the percentage works out in terms of healthy people and some of whom are called young invincibles who will pay for the older sicker people who are signing up. we don't know those details. hopefully in the coming weeks. >> we will have more on that. did you have a nice vacation with the fam? >> it was a lot of fun. we were swimming with the kids on the peach in puerto rico. very beautiful. >> good deal. the lead with jake tapper starts in a couple of minutes.
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coming up next, finding the block boxes could hold the key to the mystery of flight 370. the navy is sending sophisticated technology to help with the search. it's on this boat that left for the search area a couple of hours ago. it's night time and part of the world here. what exactly is the equipment and how does it work? how could it find the black boxes? we will explore that next. the day we rescued riley was a truly amazing day. he was a matted mess in a small cage. so that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. from contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angie's list. we found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angie's list. join today at hey there cashhhhhhp you? (whispering) sorry hi, uh we need a new family plan. how about 10 gigs of data to share and unlimited talk and text.
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. australia's prime minister did not shy away from what he thinks happened to flight 370. tony abbott said that the evidence suggests that the plane went down in the indian ocean and all life was lost. he insisted that australia will find the plane if it can be found. >> the effort is ramping up, not down. we'll have more aircraft in the sky tomorrow. we've got more ships in the area. so we are ramping this area up. we owe it to the families of the 239 people on board. we owe is to those who want to know what happened to their citizens. we owe it to everyone who travels by air and wants it to be safe. the whole world has been trans fixed by this mystery for quite some time now and we owe it to everyone and that's what australia is doing.
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>> tony abbott there. for now, any chance of finding flight 370's black box may depend on this ship. it's called the old shield. it's carrying a detector that can pick up the pings by the black boxes. there is no guarantee it will be successful. >> we are heading away now from garden island off the coast of australia where the "ocean shield" began its three-day journey to the indian ocean where it will attempt to locate the wreckage of flight 370. this journey -- this ship has a lot of crucial technology on it. technology that could be the key to solving this mystery. there's a black box locator, a giant underwater microphone that is towed behind this boat listening for the sound from the
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in-flight data recorder and voice recorder. but the problem is, that giant microphone, as powerful as it is, can only hear for about a mile around. we have to be within a mile of the black box to get a signal. and with only about a week of battery life left and still no clear leads as to where 370 may be in this massive indian ocean, the technology pretty much will be useful unless we can narrow down that information. there's other technology oh this ship as well. an underwater drone that can scan the floor of the ocean looking for debris but again that can only cover about 50 square mile as day and we're talking about a search area that is well over 100,000 square miles. the task of finding this is still too difficult for even technology like this. nonetheless, the journey for the "ocean shield," if we can get it close to the area and then if one of the search planes or one of the search boats spots debris, something connected to flight 370, this ship will be
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ready to help solve the mystery. will ripley, cnn, off the coast of australia. >> thank you so much. coming up, a couple on board that plane had just gotten married. a groom saved up for his first trip abroad. cnn sat down for a chat with the family of that couple. [ male announcer ] it's here -- xfinity watchathon week,
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apologize, arguing that without direct evidence, malaysia had no right to announce that the plane had crashed. but for the family of a pair of newlyweds on board that plane, all they can do is pour over the couple's wedding photos, waiting for news and praying for a miracle. here is sara sidner. >> reporter: this was supposed to be the happiest time of their lives. newlyweds were on their way to their honeymoon in beijing. he was particularly excited because after saving up for a whole year, he was taking his very first trip abroad with the woman he adored. >> first time going outside the country. >> reporter: the first time they had been on a honey mood, shaari said. the honeymooners never made it to their destination. the flight left on march 8th, flight 370, from kuala lumpur to
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beijing. he was so excited to go, he was already on the plane. it was just a matter of reaching his destination. i just feel so helpless, he says. we really don't know and we have never experienced these things before. he says that he's been to every family briefing, listened to every detail and felt every bit of heartbreak has the days change to weeks without any signs of the missing plane. >> when we met you, you were smiling and talking with us. how do you stay so positive during all of this turmoil? be. >> translator: it is difficult. only god knows what is inside of me. he says unwith of tone of the w for the family was this day. >> it is, therefore, with deep sadness and regret that i must inform you that, according to
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this new data, flight mh-370 ended in the southern indian ocean. >> reporter: malaysian officials then informed the families all lives were lost. but a few days later, the acting transportation minister talked about the remote but to be chance of finding survivors. >> i'm always hoping against hope and i'm praying and if there has been any remote manner has always been to find for survivors. >> reporter: who do you believe? >> translator: i prefer to believe because he promises to carry on and search for the plane while the prime minister says the plane ended in the indian ocean. though, he didn't say it crashed or anything like that, leaving a lingering hope that this
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marriage did not end in tragedy. sara sidner, cnn, kuala lumpur. >> that is it for me. i'm brooke baldwin at the cnn headquarters in atlanta. "the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. malaysian officials change their account of flight 370's final communication. if they've been wrong about that for weeks, what else did they get wrong? jake tapper. this is "the lead." the credibility of world leaders questioned yet again when they altered the claims about the last words emanating from the plane. with time running out to find the black boxes, why does this story keep changing? and as scrutiny keeps circling back to flight 370's pilots, a magazine talks about theil
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