tv CNN Newsroom CNN April 3, 2014 6:00am-8:01am PDT
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much to get to in the news today. let's turn to carol costello for "newsroom." >> good morning, michaela. have a great day. "newsroom" starts now. happening now in the newsroom, deadly rampage. >> take shelter immediately. >> ft. hood, texas, home to thousands of american troops front and center again. >> they have an active shooter currently on ft. hood. >> three are dead. at least 16 injured. and this morning, we're learning more about the gunman. >> he was undergoing behavior health and psychiatric treatment for depression. >> and the nation comes together. >> we're heartbroken that something like this might have happened again. >> we ask, what made specialist ivan lopez snap? also -- black box deadline. >> those pingers that are out there could be already dead. >> a key ship in the flight for
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370 now delayed. >> it is a very difficult search. the most difficult in human history. >> special edition of "newsroom" starts now. good morning. i'm carol costello. thank you so much for joining me for the second time in almost five years, the community at ft. hood in texas must come to grips with why a soldier opened fire inside the army's largest base. three army personnel were shot and killed. 16 other army personnel were injured when army specialist ivan lopez armed with a handgun entered two buildings on the base and just started shooting. the 15-minute shooting spree only ended when the shooter committed suicide. wednesday's shooting took place not far from the spot where an army major gunned down 13 people back in 2009. and this morning, three victims remain in critical condition. we don't know yet if the shooter
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knew his victims but he did open fire in battalion's command buildings. we know ivan lopez was new to ft. hood, moving there several weeks ago with his wife and daughter. a neighbor tried to console the shooter's wife before anyone knew who was responsible. >> we were outside, you know, me and a few of my neighbors. we were all outside talking about it. and i saw her come out of her apartment. she seemed to be -- she was worried and she was crying. and she had a little girl with her. so, you know, i walked over to her and i tried to console her and comfort her and let her know everything was okay. but it didn't seem to, you know, pretty much sink in. and so we sat outside with her. tried to keep her calm until the family came. and that was pretty much it. >> did you know at this time that it was her husband? >> no, we had no clue. no one had a clue. she didn't even have a clue until a few hours had passed and we all heard it over the news.
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>> brooke baldwin is outside ft. hood in texas. tell us more. >> carol, good morning. i think the sentiment really here standing outside, the main gate here in ft. hood is it has happened again. talking to a few people and really i've only been on the ground a couple of hours. the sense is this incident is much different than the one we covered five years ago here at ft. hood. the big question, obviously, this morning, who was the shooter and why? we don't know the answer to why but let me tell you more about this 34-year-old army specialist ivan lopez. he served four months deploying in iraq back in 2011. and you mentioned recently coming here to ft. hood. he just transferred here in february. a lot of questions as far as his mind-set, emotional evaluations under way. so we know he's been in the process of being evaluated for possible ptsd. i want to be clear he's not been diagnosed with ptsd. just under evaluation. but we do know from sources here
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at the post that he was under treatment for both depression and anxiety. and we're learning a little bit more, carol, this morning, about his background here. he came to ft. hood in february. we know that he had initially enlisted in a puerto rico national guard. this is according to the national guard before then transferring to the u.s. army. and he was assigned here to the 13th sustainment command which, you know, translation, that means he was dealing with logistical responsibilities here at ft. hood. and i want to bring in my colleague george how whoell who been working this story with me this morning. people around here shaking their heads. you can't quite wrap your head around why this would happen here, let alone twice. and there were initial reports there might have been some sort of argument that he was involved in, correct? >> yeah. and those were the initial reports. and just set the scene here. when you think about it, this is a community that dealt with this before. they had to go through it again. the sirens went off.
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people were told to shelter in place. this entire base, the size of a small city, was put on lockdown. and people just had to wait for this to happen. what we understand at this point, brooke is that this shooting, the shooting happened in multiple locations. between two different buildings. so it's between the medical building and the transportation building. we understand that lopez allegedly went into one building. fired several shots. then got gointo his own vehicle, fired shots from the car. then went into the second building, fired shots. again after all is said and done, 16 people injured. three people were killed in this. that does not include lopez. lopez, we understand, used his own weapon to take his own life after he was confronted by that military officer. >> let's take a look at your report. >> we have an active shooter currently on ft. hood. multiple gunshot victims. also people escaping through windows. >> reporter: tragedy strikes again. the army's largest u.s. base put on lockdown for hours as shots rang out wednesday.
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the second deadliest shooting on the ft. hood military base in texas in nearly five years. >> it's unreal. really unreal. because in 2009, i was here. and this happened again. >> authorities scramble to the scene, shutting the front gates, backing up traffic, urging everyone to stay put. >> take shelter immediately. >> the lone shooter identified as specialist ivan lopez, an american soldier toting a .45 caliber smith & wesson semiautomatic handgun purchased recently. >> he was undergoing behavior health and psychiatric treatment for depression. and anxiety in a variety of other psychological and psychiatric issues. >> dressed in combat fatigues, lopez allegedly opened fire killing three people and injuring more than a dozen before taking his own life after being confronted by a military police officer.
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>> clearly heroic what she did. at that moment in time. and she did her job. and she did exactly what we would expect of a news army military police. >> victims were airlifted to nearby hospitals. >> any shooting is troubling. obviously, this reopens the pain of what happened at ft. hood five years ago. >> ft. hood, the site of so much pain. in 2009 when major nidal hasan opened fire on base killing 13 people and injuring 32. president obama's touching words on the events of that tragic day almost five years ago sadly relevant again. >> so we say good-bye to those who now belong to eternity. may god bless the memory of those that we have lost. >> just a few minutes ago, we were talking about his medical and background. combat background. he was in iraq in 2011. there for four months. we understand he self-reported
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that he suffered from traumatic brain injury. now we know that he was on medication. he was getting treatment here. but as you mentioned, he was still in that evaluation process for ptsd. >> george, thank you. carol it was interesting. actually ended up having part of my breakfast this morning here with an army major, just sort of asking him about what he thought about the story. and he said really just two points i took away. one, no one can jump to conclusions as to whether or not 234is 4-year-old army specialist had ptsd, period. we just need to be careful as we're reporting that and looking into his mental evaluation. his mental state. and, two, and we're going to get into this later on in your show. the notion of how he clearly broke protocol, broke the rules by having this gun on base. you cannot bring your own personal firearm on base unless it's registered, which he had not done. and interestingly, just talking to this army major. he said i can't speak for the entire army but he was saying, we don't really want to have firearms on base. he's like, if i just want to go hunting, i can keep my gun at
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home. but this is not some big push. at least according to this army major i spoke with over breakfast, that people really want as far as any kind of change here on post around the country. >> let's talk about that some more. the reason that soldiers aren't allowed to carry weapons on base is because there's a big suicide problem at ft. hood. and they don't want these soldiers who may have depression problems, who may have suicidal thoughts to carry around guns. that's the biggest reason why guns are not allowed to be carried in most parts of the base, right? >> right. it's not just ft. hood. sadly, suicides are an issue within members of the military nationwide. so that is one issue. then -- yes, it's a huge problem. and then you had, i think we both were covering the navy yard shooting in washington, d.c. congressmen here from texas, republican steve stockman had proposed this legislation because he was saying basically a lot of these bases of vulnerable to terrorism as was the issue here at ft. hood five years ago with major nidal hasan
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wanting to wage jihad in the processing center because all those people were leaving for afghanistan. this feels different and so i do not know if some major change, you know, will really happen. but again, according to this army major i talked to this morning, he said i'm fine with not having to carry my firearm on base. law enforcement have them. security have them. that's it. and that was fine by him. >> we're going to talk more about this later. brooke baldwin, thanks so much. new developments in another big story. the search for malaysia airlines flight 370. we've learned the australian ship "the ocean shield" is due to reach the search area tomorrow. a full day later than expected. of course, this ship is equipped with that pinger locator that listens for the beacon transmitted by the black boxes. it runs out in just a few days. in the meantime, investigators now say a review of the captain's in-home flight simulator was inconclusive.
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cnn's paula newton joins us from perth, australia with more. hi, paula. >> hey, carol. the "ocean shield" won't be in the search zone for a few more hours. the british royal navy ship "hms echo" was in the northern search zone today and it was so interesting that they actually were looking for what they call sonic transmissions. they heard something. it was a false alarm, but good news at least. the relatives of the missing could use any measure of good news. the malaysian prime minister, the australian prime minister were here on this base touring the operations today and both of them couldn't have been more blunt about what they are up against. calling this the biggest mystery in aviation history -- >> good morning. prime minister of malaysia. >> malaysian prime minister toured search operations at australia's pierce air force base thursday.
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this as the search zone moved again. this time slightly north. >> the new refined area of search has given us new hope. and i believe the courage of the crew is more than equal to the task. >> reporter: today both leaders blunt about the difficulty of the investigation saying they have no guarantees they'll ever find the missing plane. >> it is a very difficult search. the most difficult in human history. >> reporter: in the search zone thursday, at least ten aircraft and nine ships scouring for wreckage in an area about the size of minnesota. officials coordinating the search here tell cnn some search areas have been abandoned with the lack of new sightings. despite the continued sense of urgency and malaysi's prime minister announced no news or credible leads on where flight 370 may be. >> we want to provide comfort to the families and we will not rest until answers are indeed
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found. >> as comforting as those words might be, carol, some are starting to question whether or not this search is even in the right place right now. it seems almost a month after this plane went missing, extraordinary that right now all we're get, all we're dealing with is still an educated guesses too where it may have come down. >> paula newton reporti ining l from perth, australia. a deadly shooting at ft. hood. a soldier suffering from some sort of mental illness. are we doing enough to prevent such tragedies? i'll ask congressman peter king where we're falling short, next. ♪ ♪ make every day, her day with a full menu of appetizers and entrées
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good morning. welcome back. i'm brooke baldwin work with carol costello live this morning outside the main gate here at ft. hood. and officials here on base say they are scouring the background of this 34-year-old army specialist ivan lopez after the second soldier on soldier shooting spree here at the base in nearly five years. lopez killed three army personnel yesterday afternoon before taking his own life. as far as numbers go this morning and injuries, 16 others are hurt. we heard from a trauma surgeon this morning saying the first 24 hours really are critical. multiple surgeries to go here. as we watch their conditions, it's really not clear if lopez actually knew these victims or what his motive was. but we want to just back up and really look at the sequence of events. how they played out here on base at ft. hood. not even 24 hours ago. so let me bring in cnn's tom foreman joining me with a virtual view, tom. i know this involved multiple
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buildings before he was ultimately engaging in gunfire. female police officer engaged him in a parking lot and he ultimately took his life. >> brooke, we're still trying to sort out all the details of the map. this gives you an idea, north of austin, south of dallas. ft. hood is out there in a wide open space because that's where it was put back in world war ii as they were starting to use it for tank warfare methods there. this is a sense of where the main part of the base is. sort of fits within this little area here. basically is a sideways rectangle. this is the main gate right here down. the one you are at right now, brooke. we thought yesterday based on what the commander said that the medical area right over here was really the beginning area and over into the motor pool area. it may be a bit more off to some other areas up in here. so let's go take a look at some of the closer in pictures of this. going to fly into that gate where you are stopped right now, brooke and we'll go beyond it.
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in a virtual sense here. you see there are other gates up here. this is where the command headquarters are located in sort of the middle of the whole base there. and then a short distance off you get to the medical center. this is the main medical center and the outbuildings. and this is called tank destroyer road running right down the middle. we're not entirely sure right now. we're trying to build the map as to what happened here. but what we believe may have happened is that the shootings took place -- i'm going to draw a very big picture. basically in this general area. that's far too big for where they actually happened because we know they started at one building. apparently he shot inside the building, got into his car. moved some distance. not a huge distance. than into another building, shot some more and then the parking lot was shot afterward. we're going to build this map throughout the day and try to get a much sharper on when and where and how this happened, brooke. >> tom, i'll be checking back in
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with you as we start to narrow in what happened. and, carol, as we're learning more about this 34-year-old specialist how he'd been part of the puerto rican national guard, joined the u.s. army, came here to ft. hood just a couple of months ago back in february. has a small daughter. approximately three years of age and a wife just absolutely shocked, according to neighbors when she learned of the shooting and learned it was her husband who was the shooter. >> we're going to talk much more about possible motives a little later in the newsroom. also, still ahead, less than three days until the batteries on the black box starts to fade from flight 370, the ocean shield still making its way to the search zone. but it's getting to that search zone a day late. what if we can never find those black boxes in we'll talk about that next. put it on my capital one i earn unlimited double miles. hey, you're not the charles barkley? yes i am. nah charles barkley is way taller. there's my picture on the wall. yeah that could be anyone. what about my jersey over there?
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day 27 in the search for the missing malaysia airlines flight 370. officials have again narrowed down where they think that plane likely went down. some 1100 miles off the coast of western australia in that remote part of the indian ocean. on a less positive note, the australian ship "the ocean shield" will not reach that area today. it's not expected to arrive in the search zone until some time on friday. that means the ship with the pinger on board, the pinger detector on board, will have one day to search for those black boxes. and after that, the batteries start to die. australia's prime minister says the search is not only difficult, but the most difficult search in human history. >> this is probably the most
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difficult search ever undertaken. the most difficult search ever undertaken. but i can assure people that the best brains in the world are working on this. and every day, working on the basis of just small pieces of information, we are putting the jigsaw together. >> ron mccallum helped lead the search for air france 447. good morning. >> good morning. >> okay. so they shifted the search zone a little north, but not much. at this point, does it matter? >> oh, yes, i think it does matter. it shows that there's a willingness to take into account the latest information that they'll be getting from reinterpretation, or reanalysis of the handshake data. but also they are building on
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from the search efforts that have been undertaken to date. so it shows responsiveness. and it shows a willingness to try something new. >> you heard what the prime minister said. we're slowly getting pieces of this jigsaw puzzle to put together. then he said on the other hand, this is the most difficult search in human history. what are we to take from that? >> just that. that it's a vast body of water that we're dealing with. and there wasn't a lot of information to go on right from the beginning. in the case of air france, we had the information from the aircraft right up to the moment that it impacted the water which gave us a very good headstart. but in the case of 370, there's very little to going n so it's been a very difficult start indeed as the prime minister said, it's the largest since perhaps the 1930s when they were out looking for amelia earhart. >> and we know how that turned out so we won't talk about that
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for just a second. the australian ship is now delayed a day. won't get to that search area until friday. on saturday, the batteries start to fade in those black boxes. so what will be the ship's first order of business? >> you know, it's a real gamble. the pingers were only ever designed to help searchers locate the black boxes from within a wreckage field. they were never designed to have the range or the endurance to help actually locate the wreckage field itself. so in all honesty, i don't think there's a great deal of hope of being able to find the pingers. i don't think really that it matters in the long run. in though case of air france, the wreck was located a couple of years after the pingers would have died out. >> so in other words, even if they don't find the black boxes for years, that doesn't mean they won't be able to figure out what happened to that plane?
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>> that's correct. i mean, the finding the wreck is going to be an exercise in itself. the pingers were only ever designed to help searchers locate the black box within a wreckage field. you know if a wreckage field was spread over some distance, the pingers help guide the rov, the remote operated vehicle into the black box. in the case of air france 447 it wasn't required at all. the pingers probably never actually worked. >> ron mccallum, thanks for your insight. i appreciate it. >> thank you. still to come -- tough gun rules were put into place but security checks seem to have failed a second time at ft. hood. so how do we keep our soldiers and their families safe. we'll ask congressman peter king next. mine was earned in korea in 1953.
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we want to take you back to ft. hood, texas. late yesterday afternoon, three people on post were shot and killed. we know very little about the victims as of yet and the 16 others who have been injured in yesterday's attack. brooke baldwin is live at ft. hood this morning. do you see investigators at work yet? >> carol, good morning. let me set the scene. just beyond that is the main entrance to ft. hood to get on to the post here. just outside of killeen, texas. and so i have not with my own eyes seen investigators but i have to imagine since the
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shooting broke out around 4:00 local time here, investigators on base have really been trying to put the pieces together and reconstruct what happened. this involved two separate buildings. and we're also learning this morning that ivan lopez, this army specialist, 34 years of age, who was the shooter, who ultimately took his own life in addition to that of three other people, had apparently been assigned to some sort of logistics post, responsibilities involving one of the buildings in which those shootings took place. that's what we're learning this morning. here are are a couple other bits of information on this young man. father of a young 3-year-old. husband and had just come here to post at ft. hood in february, carol. so that's really the latest we have here on base. but the big question is why? why did he do this? >> exactly. and, brooke, i want to bring in congressman peter king right now. welcome, congressman. >> thank you carol. thank you very much. >> thank you for being with us. have investigators totally ruled
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out domestic terrorism in this case? do you know? >> terrorism has not been ruled out. right now there are no indications of terrorism. but i can tell you that all avenues are being explored. and until it's officially ruled out, it's still technically possible. but i have to say right now there are no indicators of terrorism right now. it's probably still too early to rule it out entirely. right now looks as though it's not going to be terrorism. >> it was interesting that we, and i'm generalizing, tend to jump to terrorism when it probably, most likely, was mental illness that prompted this attack. specialist lopez was being evaluated for ptsd. suffering from depression. and anxiety. he was taking anti-depressants. should we be paying more attention to mental illness when it comes to these attacks? >> there's two issues. one, we should still be very concerned about terrorism. ft. hood was attacked once before and an attempted attack in july of 2011 that was stopped by private first class abdel.
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there was a hearing within a threat into the military. having said that, mental illness among our veterans returning warriors is very significant. hundreds of thousands suffer from ptsd. there's a significant number of suicides committed every day by veterans. it's an issue i've been working on bipartisanly with congressson steve israel and even elements of major league baseball to try to coordinate the veterans administration and private foundations, private groups, private hospitals who want to work with these returning veterans. i don't think we're putting enough effort into it. you have to look at it much more carefully. even though specialist lopez was only in iraq apparently for four months you don't know what a person sees when they are there or what that triggers. we have to find a way to speed up the process. i heard general honore on cnn earlier today talking about how long it takes someone to be
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classified as having ptsd. so i think we have to make it -- we're way ahead of where we were in world war ii and vietnam. but more has to be done as far as mental health of our military. >> congressman, i want to bring brooke baldwin back in. she's at ft. hood. and suicide is a big issue at this post, brooke. it's part of the reason that soldiers aren't allowed to carry their personal weapons on post. right? >> that's exactly right. congressman king, nice to talk to you as well. here at ft. hood, here at ft. hood and elsewhere in the country, suicide is most definitely, as we've been reporting in so many years, an issue among members of our military. but, you know, i was explaining earlier and congressman king, i'd love to hear your thoughts, as we talk about this, we know it happened at the naval yard in washington, d.c., last year. you know, part of the issue here on base is and on post is that you are not allowed to bring your weapon on post.
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you have to keep it at home. if you have that, you have to register with a commander. i know that security folks are allowed to have it and law enforcement here on post are allowed to have it. but that's it. do you think that that is fair because i'm sure there are members of the military that say, i'm going and serving my country in iraq and afghanistan. you know, is it fair that i cannot be armed on post? >> first, we should look into the precinct security at checkpoints and also at -- is more security needed within the base itself. as far as carrying weapons, i think we should look at that. i remember just from my days in the army, and certainly an element of discipline involved, people in close quarters. you have a situation where in a barracks on saturday night you may have arguments, fights. and i would like to talk to the sergeants, the ncos, the officers on the ground to see if they feel that would interfere with the discipline that they need with the control they need. but i agree with you. if you have such a large base
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and people walked in apparently with weapons, should those on the base be allowed to defend themselves. >> before we go that far, we really want to look at it again. it was a long time ago. just on base. i don't know if i would have felt comfortable if the guy in the bunk next to me had a gun and we just had an argument or discussion. and also with ncos and sergeants, they have to be pretty tough on their troops at times. again, do they want those men and women to be having weapons with them at night after something occurs? to me, it's something we have to look at. open it up. it has to be reopened because there's all the factors i just gave which could be negative. but if someone had a weapon yesterday, they could have stopped this perhaps right away. we have to open it up and look at it, yes. >> last night, congressman, you said in an interview that if military personnel really wanted to commit violence, they probably have the capacity to do it. so that said, how are we left to keep our men and women on base
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safe? >> well, i think we have to do better screening as far as psychological testing. we have to make sure that the people on the ground, the platoon sergeants, company commanders, they are watching very carefully for any signs of mental illness or psychological disturbance. any cases of anger management. and that is being treated, i think, more seriously than it has up till now. and also, i think as far as getting on to the base, we have to, while probably they can always get a weapon on, we should make it as difficult as possible if we're going to restrict weapons. then we have to make it as strict as possible they not be allowed to bring them on the way, obviously, specialist lopez did. but this is a complicated issue, and that's all the more reason we have to address it and address it openly and take nothing off the table. >> one last thing, congressman. frustrates many americans. we always talk about dealing with the issue of mental illness in this country and nothing happens. there have been so many instances of a mentally ill person who somehow got a hold of a gun and then participated in a mass shooting and no law
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changes, nothing happens. nothing changes. >> well, in the military, we are getting more money appropriated for more programs for mental health. suicide prevention. for ptsd. that is being done, but not enough. we also have the issue of the national guard and reservists who don't get the same level of treatment as far as mental health that the regular army does. that has to be increased. i've been working on that. it's hard to get people excited about it, enthused, i hate using that term, focused on it until something like this happens and then they realize the importance of it. if something good can come out of this tragedy, let's use it. >> brooke baldwin and congressman king, thank you. the bobblie it possibility terrorism strikes fear into so many, but is the real challenge treating mental ill innocence our own children. we're going to talk more about it accident next.
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in tifirst incident was in 2009 when hasan wounded 13 others. at that time they nut the strictest measures of any base. soldiers cannot be armed on post. soldiers cannot carry personal firearms. they must register firearms. and keep the firearms in an arms room. i want to bring back brooke baldwin. barbara starr is here and major general james "spider" marks. brooke, those rules were
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supposed to keep soldiers safe but they obviously failed. what are people saying about that this morning? >> you know, i talked to an army major this morning actually over breakfast. i asked him exactly about, you know, these -- the protocol and i'm sure barbara starr can really add to this from the pentagon. you cannot, as a member of our military, come on to post here at ft. hood, even if you have, you know, rightfully owning your own weapon. in this case, a .45 semiautomatic pistol. you have to register with your commander. you have to keep it at home. you cannot be on base with it. >> brooke, i'm sorry, i have to interrupt you. i want to take people to washington in the senate armed services committee. general mchugh is speaking. let's listen. >> -- happened just yesterday at ft. hood. as you all understand, any time the army loses a soldier, we all mourn when that loss comes at the hands of another soldier. and indeed, when that event occurs, at the very place that
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suffered so much pain, so much anguish, just 4 1/2 years ago, it only adds to the sorrow and the all-consuming sense of loss the army is feeling this day. our first responsibility is, i know you share to the families of the fallen. also to those, of course, who have been wounded and those close to them, their family, their loved ones, as they make their way, hopefully, on a road to full recovery. our thoughts and prayers, but most importantly, our actions and our every effort will be with those families. will be with those survivors. whatever the struggle. we have ordered all possible means of both medical and investigatory support as well as added behavioral health counselors. i want to give a tip of the hat to v.a. secretary rich konseki
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who reached out support to members in respect to needed personnel and in speaking as both the chief and i did late last evening to lieutenant general mark milley. for the moment, the immediate needs seem to be met, but we're going to monitor that very carefully. as i know all of you recognize, this is an ongoing investigation. and one that occurred just 15 or so hours ago. and even at this point, the circumstances remain very fluid, but we recognize we owe this committee, particularly, but also this congress the facts. what we know and when we know it. and i want to promise all of the members here this morning that we will work with you as we go forward together so that we can effectively -- you can effectively discharge your oversight responsibilities. if i may, mr. chairman, i would also like to take a brief
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opportunity to say to the ft. hood community and to the army family worldwide, this is a time once again to come together. to stand as one as they have so many times before drawing strength from each other. as this committee knows so well, the past 13 years have been fraught with much loss, with much pain, much suffering. but through it all, men and women of the united states army, their families, the civilians who support them, have come through the storm together. and i know as we have in the past, we'll come out the other side of this tempest poorer for the losses but stronger through our resolve. mr. chairman, i can take a moment now to give you the updates that you requested and then defer to the chief for the purpose of the posture statement if you'd like. >> that would be fine. thank you. >> based on our discussions last
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evening with lieutenant general mark milley, subsequent conversation i had about 10:45 with the secretary of defense, these are the facts as we understand them, but again, things are changing even at this moment. the specialist, the alleged shooter involved joined the united states army in june of 2008 when he first enlisted in the army. he was an 11 bravo. that's an infantry soldier, as most of you know. he later, upon reupping transferred his mos to an 88 mike truck driver. we are tracking at the moment that he did have two deployments, including one four-month -- approximately four-month deployment to iraq. as a truck driver. his records show no wounds, no involvement -- direct involvement in combat, as general milley said. no record of purple heart or any
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being looked at very, very carefully. he had a clean record in terms of his behavioral. no outstanding bad marks for any kinds of major misbehaviors tha we were yet aware of. so you know the conditions of those who were involved in the incident. there were three victims who have tragically lost their lives. the other killed in action in that moment was the shooter who took his own life when confronted by a military police officer, a female.
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16 others wounded. others were considered by in large stable. we obviously are going to continue to make sure they get the best of care because we want to insure absolutely no bad thing comes out of this more than already has. so that is pretty much what we know at this moment jeremy. >> thank you very much. >> if it's appropriate i'll yield to the chief for comments. >> chairman, if i could just add a few comments. first, once again, we talk a lot in the army that we have an army family. we've lost young people who are part of our army family. we take that incredibly serious. this hits close to home. i've spent a lot of time at ft. hood personally.
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i was a brigade division commander and core commander at ft. hood. i understand the resilience of that community, the resilience of people there, how proud the soldiers are of what they do. we'll do everything we can to make sure they move forward. i'll say some of the procedures put in place following the incident four and a half years ago did help us yesterday. the alert procedure, response, training that has gone in the forces responding contributed to something that could have been something much, much worse. we'll continue to monitor the force of the army and the resource of the army will be behind ft hood. we're confident in the leadership of mark milley who as many know just returned from afghanistan as the commander of
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the core over there. he's an experienced commander. we'll continue to support them. the only thing i add to the facts is that the secretary provided this was an experienced soldier. he spent actually nine years in the puerto rico national guard before coming on active duty. he was an experienced soldier, had a one year deployment to the sinai with the national guard. then had a four month deployment in iraq. it was the last four months at the end of 2011 from august to december 2011. we will continue to work through this issue and continue to investigate. as we do that we'll provide information to all -- the other thing i'll say, this great cooperation, fbi has provided significant assistance as well as state of texas and veteran affairs as the secretary pointed
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out. so we'll continue to work this. we have an incredibly tal a een resilient army. we'll move forward but also reach out to families of the victims in this tragic incident. that's all i have. if you want me to continue, i'll continue with my statement. >> thank you. i think that would be appropriate to give us now your posture statement. >> chairman, ranking member and further members, thank you so much for allowing know speak with you this morning. i first want to thank you chairman for your 36 years of service and all you have done for us as the chairman of this committee. your leadership, bipartisan leadership always supporting soldiers and families and also holding us accountable for doing what's right for our soldiers and for our national security. i want to thank you for that. >> thank you. i very much appreciate that. thank you. >> despite declining resources,
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the demand for army forces -- >> all right. they're going to return to the business of the day at the senate armed services committee. they're going to talk about general items like spending for the military and things like that. we're going to step away and try to determine when this all means, what we heard. let's bring in spider marks, brook, barbara star at the pentagon. general marks, i want to start with you. we learned a lot from the general. what struck you? >> the secretary indicated he laid out the details and reiterated what mark milley indicated last night at the press conference. what we realize is primarily we're going to get to the bottom of what happened and why it happened. there's already an ongoing deep investigation. i can tell you, they know more about specialist lopez now clearly than before. we'll be able to start to
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unravel why this took place. i think what the general indicated is that as a result of we learned from the shooting in 2009, ft. hood was more readily able to respond and be in a position to take the challenge. the question is how did the soldier with mental issues and challenges was able to get a weapon on post and be able to do this heinous act? frankly it's not difficult if you want to do this to make it happen. clearly he demonstrated that. >> barbara, what struck me is when the general was describing what this man was going through. was depressed, had anxiety problems, sleep disturbances. he saw a psychiatrist in the last month. the plan forward was to monitor him. that sounds so familiar like what happened at the u.s. navy yard.
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>> a little bit different perhaps because it's not at all -- it's not clear to us yet how deeply his problems were actually noticed carol. i take your point. one of the things that jump out at me from what the secretary said. he said the soldier was on a number of different prescription drugs including ambien. now this has been a continuing issue in the u.s. military. i'm sure general mark s is awar of it. in society as well. people getting multiple prescription drugs, perhaps not taking them right, going off of them. ambien as we know, many reports that it has a lot of effects, a lot of side effects. look, we don't know if that was part of it here. in the military, over the years, there have been stronger and stronger controls on multiple prescription drugs for troops, especially those suffering from post-traumatic stress or traumatic brain jury.
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it's been an issue. i feel confident that's going to be one area they're going to look at. what drugs was he taking? what interactions were there? was there potential for abuse of prescription drugs? they're going to look at all these issues about behavior and what was noticed. one of the most interesting things perhaps since the 2009 incident at ft. hood is is military came to understand it didn't have enough assessment of soldiers when they came home from deployment about whether they might be indicators if you will they could engage in violent behavior. there was an effort to try and work on that and in post deployment evaluations really get a better look at their mental health situation. again, for this soldier he was in iraq four months at the end of the war. we do not know if any of this -- he wasn't in combat. we don't really know if any of this was tied to his military
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service per se. >> we've hit the top of the hour. i'm going to take this opportunity to say good morning to all of my viewers. i'm carol costello. i want to recap. for the second time in five years, ft. hood has been attacked by one of its own. first was in 2009. you remember when major hasan shot and killed 13 people. yesterday tragedy struck again. we heard from the secretary of the army john and chief of staff ray. they were scheduled to appear before the arms committee hearing and that took a turn. army personnel killed and 16 injured. the shooter, army specialist ivan lopez. he was confronted by a police officer. after this he took his own life.
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this happened 15 minutes after the first shots were fired. victims remain in critical condition. he opened fire in one of the command buildings. here's what we know about lopez. he had two deployment, one in iraq. he was a i truck driver, did not serve in combat. he served in the national guard in puerto rico. he was undergoing treatment for depression, anxiety, sleep problems. he was seen last month by a psychologist or psychiatrist. nobody saw sign of possible violence in him. the weapon, a.45-caliber handgun. this man lived off post background check shows absolutely no sign of extremism. at this time, terrorism is not suspected. some sort of mental health issue obviously is. let's bring back in our panel. brook baldwin outside ft. hood,
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barbara star in washington and major general spied spider marks in new york. >> i'm outside the main entrance at ft. hood. we have not had access on base. we are now learning a little more about this shooter here from not even 24 hours. 34-year-old ivan lopez. what we just learned and i know barbara star went over this. what jumped out new to me according to the secretary of the army, when he was deployed in iraq for those four months back in 2011 he was a truck driver. no knowledge of tbi, traumatic brain injury. not involved in combat. he was transferred here to ft. hood in february with his wife and young daughter.
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we know the question is why would he do this? he was undergoing checks for ptsd. we need to be clear reporting this. it was not said he was in fact suffering from ptsd. we do now after barbara made the point that jumped out to me he was on drugs including ambien. i'd like to throw out a question to marks. an army major was in the parking lot. there was a shooting at ft knox not long ago. to reiterate what the general was sayed, the preparedness and readiness of folks responding to this was excellent because of changes made after the since accident by hasan in 2009. to his point, this man had been in iraq four months and just
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wasn't quite sure that anyone should jump to conclusions about this man suffering ptsd. i'm curious your thoughts on that. >> brook, you're spot on. it's far too soon to determine whether he was suffering from ptsd. in fact the doctors in the process were about to reach a conclusion in terms of what his state and how they would describe the condition he had. ptsd might have been one of the conditio conditions. he was not there yet. in fact this is an example of how the process worked tcht soldier came forward and said i think i have a problem. came forward. he said i think i have a problem. the army embraced him and said we're going to help you work through your thing. in other words the army and military wants a positive outcome with any engagement of precious resources, the soldier
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and his family. this demonstrates the guy really had issues. he was able to conduct this heinous act and do this in a way that location and process frankly working well. there are a number of gaps that we're going to have to uncover. >> general, i want to talk about those gaps. it seems strange to me. the general said in the last hour that the new rules put into place after hasan went on his shooting spree worked. yet this man did approach military, did say he was having problems. he did see a psychiatrist. he managed ed td to buy a gun,t on post and kill three peep. something wasn't working. >> absolutely carol. the frustration is that he was in the process. he had not been diagnosed. there had not been a finding
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that he would have popped up on anybody's list that precluded him from buying that weapon. that's the challenge. the issue i'm looking at now is this individual moved to ft. hood in the last couple of months. he was in the process before he was moved. in terms of care, it would have made better sense. i'm not second guessing the army, never will. it's important to ask why was he moved permanent station while in the process of being evaluated and arguably in the most delicate type of medical evaluation and challenge we have. the indicators are not always as clear as they can be. >> barbara, let's talk about how the man got the gun on post. you're not allowed to carry guns on post. he lived off post. he bought the gun and managed to get it past. you have to go through security
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to get on ft. hood. he had this weapon. what's the answer to that? >> there are several threads to that. ft. hood, tens of thousands go in and out of the gates everyday. if they have a permit that allows the sticker in your car window that allows you to go through. reality is your car is not going to be searched. your assumption is engaging in legal behavior to be a functioning military insulation like any public space in the country. people have to be able to come and go. not everybody is stopped. if he had a concealed weapon, then for sure they -- that's how he got it on post. he wasn't waving it around as he went through the gate god forbid. this seemed to be a series of acts he undertook that evaded the practicalities of how any
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military base works. there are three threads. one is how he acquired the weapon and whether -- >> he bought it legally. >> -- well those are the gun laws in whatever jurisdiction he bought it in. so it's how he bought it. would anybody have known about his mental health issues? how he purchased it. getting it on ft. hood in concealed fashion. what the military knew about his mental health -- >> they obviously knew about his condition. he knew he saw a psychiatrist, knew he was on medication. >> not clear he had a weapon. >> i'm talking about preventing someone with problems from buying a weapon. i know we don't have the answer now. i'm trying to sparse that out. >> that's an issue of gun control law in this country, not an issue of security on military bases. >> i understand. >> i know brook you talked to
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people on base about the issue of carrying guns on the grounds of ft. hood. what did they tell you? >> reporter: if you're lawfully carrying a gun and living on or off post. in this case the 34-year-old was living off post. you can be living on post and legally have a firearm. you have to keep it in the privacy of your home. you have to as we just heard, they want you to register it with commanders. help us understand if one were to buy a gun perfectly a-okay mentally and want to take that to their private residence on post here or elsewhere in the country, that's legal is it not? >> it can vary from base to base. rules are strict.
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personal weapons owned by a military member, if going to take them on a military base, they have to be registered. >> reporter: let me add one other point -- >> i'm going to take a -- go ahead. >> reporter: i asked if he thought you should have these fire arms on base? he said no. i keep mine at home. i think anyone would agree they don't want to be driving around on post with these weapons. >> thanks so much. brook baldwin, barbara star, general spider marks. i've got to take a break. i'll be right back. tthe will..., mobilizing to take on the world? you don't know "aarp." aarp and its foundation are taking on hunger with 29 million meals donated. drive to end hunger teams with local agencies
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malaysian flight 370, authorities are stepping up rules for cockpits never allowing the pilot or first captain to be allowed alone at the controls. could adding cameras inside the cockpits make our flights safer? stephanie elams investigates. as pilots guide commercial planes across the skies everything they say is recorded. unlike of modes of transportation, we can't see what's happening at the controls. cameras have shed lights on accidents like when the bus driver was caught on surveillance camera texting before rear ending an suv. now the mystery surrounding
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malaysian flight 370 has reenergized the debate of putting cameras in the cockpit. >> the information they're deriving now from the aircraft exceeds anything from other transportation industries. >> the airline pilot association says cameras would be intrusive. >> why not put them in the cockpit? >> current technology allows you to monitor other parts of the aircraft that it's not necessary. >> in 2000, the national safety transportation board recommended the aviation administration require airlines to record image, data included in two data a recorders. one in the front of the plane, another in the rear. in the last 14 years that recommendation has gone nowhere beyond being a suggestion. >> this information would be limited to accident investigation use and otherwise
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would not be available for viewing by anyone. >> jim hall was chairman of the ntsb when the recommendation was made. after the investigation of several crashes, found there wasn't enough cockpit data to determine what went wrong. >> cameras would not be on the face of either of the pilot or the co-pilot. they would focus on the instruments and on the manipulations that are made. >> we constantly see edging towards taking away privacy from the pilots. i would rather focus on doing my job that what people are seeing. >> though others see this as a priority more than privacy. >> i hope we don't wait until we have a similar incident involving a united states airline and united states citizens to take the action that's necessary to provide for the safety and security of the traveling public. >> stephanie elam, cnn.
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let's talk about this. i want to bring in martin savage and mitchell casado. welcome to all of you. >> good morning carol. >> david, first question, do we need cameras in the cockpit? >> i don't think so. you know, when the ntsb put forward the rule the years ago, the number of aircraft flying with old technology data recorders was quite high. today with literally hundreds of hundreds of data points every single system on the airplane continuously reporting to the data a recorder what has been going on. first you have to recover the data recorder at the crash scene. that's obviously the problem with the malaysia mystery. anything you see from the flight deck isn't going to tell you anymore about what was going on with the aircraft at the time of
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the crash. not only excessively intrusive, when you figure 13,000 hours of 777 flight time with few accidents, ntsb is leaning towards pilot error in san francisco and now the malaysian flight. it doesn't make any sense. >> mitchell, do you agree? >> i do agree. a camera is not going to add that much. i can't see that it would hurt, but i don't see -- it's a waste of money if they're just looking -- like he was saying cost benefit is not there. >> so david what if -- >> mitchell has been under scrutiny. i was going to say mitchell has been under scrutiny by a television camera three weeks straight for everything he does.
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not the same as being in the real cockpit. after a while, the camera is not something you're aware of. >> david, i was going to ask you, what if you could see what was on the camera on the other side of the cockpit door. would that be helpful? >> it would be nice to have a camera to look back in the cabin from a security standpoint, post 9/11 environment. we have view windows. what's happening in the back of the airplane in an incident or emergency is less of a concern to the captain and rest of the pilots, the other pilot on the flight, than it is to basically fly the airplane. our job is get it safely from a to b. in an emergency, i don't want to think, do i need to look at the back? i want to fly it to the ground safely. there's clearly negatives that aren't worth in my mind -- the cost benefit isn't there. doesn't pass the smell test.
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>> would a camera in the cockpit distract you? >> i wouldn't say it would distract. you're focused on the high speed environment on the jet. you're not thinking about other things other than flying the airplane. but the benefit of having it there in case of accident i don't see it. >> david funk, mitchell, martin, many thanks. still to come in the nurp, friends and family of malaysian flight 370 are stuck in limbo hoping their family members are found safe but probably know they won't be. we'll have their stories ahead. probably know they won't be. we'll have their stories ahead. g greater with miracle-gro. what will you grow?
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we'll get back to our special coverage in a moment. first a check on top stories. chile's president is touring. overnight the 7.6 magnitude aftershock jolted the coast. chile's fault lines have seen increase in activity lately. geologists warn a larger quake could be on the horizon. 47 million are on the path of severe weather and possible tornados. the thread from texas to indiana. the national weather service is working to determine if this was caused in st. louis by the morning twister. the warning is expected to
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continue throughout the afternoon. s&p 500 and dow hit record highs as the opening bell rang this morning. what's up with that? can the rally last? let's head to the floor with allison. good morning. >> good morning carol. one said it's air that held up the rally. others say it's opt mitch. dow trading at a fresh record high. s&p 500 is at a record hi too and has a lot of people talking about a new level for the s&p 500. 1900. why not? look at bold market now. it's been running five yours. it's tripped in value in that time. what's up for the sudden turn around for stocks? a lot of it many believe we are in the middle of a spring thaw after brutally cold temperatures in the winter that slowed the market. those temperatures coming up, data a getting better. car sales all doing better. all hopes are riding on the job
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report tomorrow for march. the expectation we'll see 200,000 or more were added for the month of march. if we get that good number, that would be the first time we got that high number, since the fall and many carol believe it is the spring thaw that things may be churning back to normal. >> i hope so. many thanks. still to come in the "newsroom," how could a deadly shooting happen at the same post nearly five years later? more on the ft. hood investigation coming up. e, cour which is why usaa is honored to help our members with everything from investing for retirement to saving for college. our commitment to current and former military members and their families is without equal. as a police officer, i've helped many people
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. good morning. i'm carol costello. thank you for joining me. families are grappling with another tragedy at ft. hood in tex ex the. an army specialist opened fire killing three people and injuring up to 16 others. so far no motive. we are learning more about the shooter who committed suicide after being confronted by a military police officer. brook baldwin is live with more. good morning. >> reporter: carol good morning. we're outside the main entry way onto post at ft. hood. we heard the senate armed services committee this morning and learned more about the shooter here. this 34 year-old army specialist ivan lopez that took his own life yesterday afternoon.
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let me get to that new information. we deploy eed to iraq in 2011. he did not see combat to their knowledge. no tbi, traumatic brain injuries, no purple hearts of nothing of that nature. he was a truck driver for those four months. he had been undergoing mental evaluation. he's been here since february. he's got a wife and 3-year-old little girl that live off post. he had been treated for depression, anxiety. apparently he was having a tough time sleeping and had been given a number of prescriptions. they mentioned at this hearing, ambien. he was seen as recently as last month by a psychologist. no suicidal ideations was the phrase. they ultimately decided carol, to just monitor him and again he did have this.45-caliber semi
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automatic pistol which he used in the shooting. but you know, he took this gun on post illegally. you have to register it with the commander from which they said he had not done. quickly finally obviously they're looking into any sort of -- they don't want to entirely rule out terrorism motives. this is looking more like an isolated incident. so far at this hearing they said he has no ties with extremist groups whatsoever. >> i wanted to bring in analyst tom fuentes to talk manslaughter about th -- talk more about this. good morning tom. >> the new rules put into place at ft. hood worked in part. do you know what he's talking about? >> actually i don't. i didn't hear the interview. i don't know what he said or why. >> the new rules put in place r you can't bring guns on base, right? you have to register them.
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>> i would ask you to ask brook baldwin now at the main gate. are they searching vehicles coming on the base right this minute? are they searching every individual that enters the base as we speak? if that's not happening, how do you keep a gun off the base if someone wants to bring one on? >> brook, do you notice anything like that? >> reporter: i'm standing here at the base of the entrance. we're not allowed on. let me make that clear. there's traffic backing up as folks are turning in. that's a good question. i don't know. we were discussing this earlier with barbara and spider. if you live on post and legally carry a gun you can as long as you register it with the commander. you have to take it home. i'm turning around. i can't tell if people are checking cars. we'll definitely get to the bottom of that and see if they are. >> i'm not advocating they do. i think it's possible, the point
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i'm trying to make. you can't turn a fort into a u.s. penitentiary and is do that search for thousands that commute on and off the base everyday much less the people that live there. as general spider marks said, you have 90,000 people on that base. that makes it a small city. roughly a little smaller than peor peoria, illinois had had 19 homicides last year, 13 by shootings. >> let me ask you this tom. what if you knew an army specialist was having problems, depressed, suffering from anxiety, seen a psychiatrist. what would you do as that person entered the post? >> how would you know that? he's not going to wear a sign saying he's labeled -- >> i'm saying if army personnel knew those things about this person. >> i don't understand how it could be do stopped. much less what could be done to
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prevent him from going into town and buying a gun as he did. two congressmen on earlier started talking about the second amendment. you know there's no change with that policy. you have someone diagnosed by the army at least having psychiatric problems requiring medication even though not yet diagnosed as ptsd. at least known to have psychiatric problems. had no problem going into town, buying a gun, bringing it on the base and shooting people. >> reporter: let me jump in. >> go ahead brook. >> reporter: if i could just say, we know -- our big conversation with general spider marks saying by all accounts surface level, it looked like the army was doing its job. this 34-year-old specialist had been going to a psychiatrist, taking medication, undergoing a possible ptsd diagnosis. we can't jump to that conclusion. he was having issues with anxiety, tough time sleeping. they were monitoring him.
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no suicidal tendencies. to tom's point, this is the largest armored duty poesz in the country. i don't understand they search every car in the -- >> that's not what i'm suggesting. if military personnel knew he was suffering, on medication. he bought off post. he had to drive through security to get in. should he have been flagged for a special check or something? that's all i'm suggesting. >> reporter: i understand. i'm sure there are a number of people here suffering similar issues, tom. >> that's true. you're talking about a facility training, housing, deploying war fighters. it's not -- i compare it to another city this had more homicides. here you have a place where people are in an environment designed so they can be deployed for combat or to a combat zone
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even if they have a non combative role there. it's a tough environment to try to enforce all that. i just don't know -- you're asking something are they going to put a label on somebody or something with their id that's going to change if undergoing treatment. most people that undergo treatment are never going to be violent. that's the other thing with this issue. even if they're diagnosed with ptsd, doesn't mean they're going to be violent. but, you know, people without the psychiatric problems and the diagnosis of any kind of mental illness can potentially be violent. >> you're absolutely right about all that tom. it's so frustrating because it seems there's nothing we can do? >> i don't think there's nothing we're going to do. >> and there's a difference there. that's the distinction right. peter king kept telling us --
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brook remember -- that they're going to look into this, special studies underway, going to vote for funding. these incidents have happened before. you're right, tom, nothing has change add. >> right. >> so we're left speechless which is also a sad thing rooig? >> reporter: i know. you and i have covered off post, shootings in this country. it broadens conversations we've had on krocnn when it comes to mental health issues. whether a member of the armed services carrying a weapon or not. you have talked to a lot of people and i have. that needs to change. >> okay. i'll wrap it up there. brook baldwin, tom fuentes many thanks to you. >> you're welcome carol. up next, a look at how the
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media attention affects the victim's loved ones. and that's an accountant, loved ones. scholarship recipient,nix who used our unique --scratch that-- awesome career-planning tool. and that's a student, working late, with a day job, taking courses aligned with the industry he's aiming to be in. ready to build an education around the career that you want? let's get to work. crestor got more high-risk patients' bad cholesterol to a goal of under 100. way to go, crestor! yeah! getting to goal is a big deal, especially if you have high cholesterol plus any of these risk factors. because you could be at increased risk for plaque buildup in your arteries over time. so, when diet and exercise aren't enough to lower cholesterol, adding crestor can help. go, crestor! ♪ ♪ oh, yeah
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the friends and family members of those on board malaysia airlines flight 370 are making their voices heard. most are demanding answer, all expressing grief. many share one thing in common. the hope their loved ones might still be alive. >> she has been flying on malaysia airline ten years. she's a lovely lady, lovely wife, very caring mom for my two kids. yea
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yeah. >> she's the glue that holds things together, my sister. it's a roller coaster ride, difficult for family members. we are hoping there will be survivors. if it indeed ended somewhere in the indian ocean, we hope there will be survivors. we hope she is among the survivor, yes. that's the only thing we can do. we hope thats that a light at the end of the tunnel. >> it isn't easy for victims to go on camera and talk about pain. it isn't easy for most reporters to ask those in pain about going on camera. i read about approaching victims and vice versa for a part of this. quote, picking up the phone to call someone who's suffered a loss are things i loathe.
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it's part of our jobs. have i made the right call 100% of the time? the best i can tell you is i tried. they're put in that position everyday. sarah is making decisions in malaysia. she joins me with heidi snow that lost her fiance in a plane crash. we lost heidi. she's the author of "surviving sudden loss stories of those that a lived it." sarah, i'll start with you. you're living this journalistic quandary now. what's it like? >> reporter: we're here to tell stories. the stories of those directly involved, the families simply waiting to find out any details no matter how small about what happened to their loved ones is a powerful story.
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some want it told. the difficulty is when there's a lot of media in one area, for example, i've been outside hotels where the families are. i've stayed in the hotels where families are. there's a real balance that needs to be made there. yesterday for example carol, i was standing outside waiting for families to be briefed. we have been talking to families. we have people that speak mandarin talking to families. of course some speak english. i've been speaking to them via o mail and online on facebook. i saw a scene that disturbed me. you see this all the time. you could clearly see this family member did not want to be on television. she had a newspaper over her head. suddenly she was surrounded by three or four people. she couldn't move and started screaming. this woman obviously did not want to be on. there was no reason for me to approach. she made it very, very clear. that's where you get the feeling that we're doing something wrong. you have to decide yourself whether or not to pull back. in that instance i didn't
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approach. it's clear she doesn't want to talk. we were actually injuring her by going up to her and trying to get her to say something when she covered her head making it very clear. i think there's a decision, a personal decision, you make with your crew as to when to pursue and when to pull back. usually we try by calling, talking in person without the camera. if the families say we want our family's story known, that's when you say, would you be willing to speak to us? we've done interviews on camera, with their faces blacked out and on the phone, however they want to tell it carol. >> the situation was clearly wrong. the reporters should have left the poor woman alone. that said, when you shoot an emotional image of a family member, that's a powerful tool, the kind of thing that may make the malaysian government give more information to families, right?
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it's powerful. >> reporter: it is absolutely powerful. it is the story as far as i'm concerned. some want to concentrate on technical aspects and look at the investigation. that's also a story. ultimately this is about the families, right? the families of everyone on board. the families of the pilots, flight attendants, passengers there. we got a lovely e-mail from one of the family members. we did a story about her son. nobody had contacted her. she felt relieved someone cared about her family member. she thanked us. some days you feelle awful. you're knocking on a door, know a tragedy has happened. you feel intrusive at the point they either slam the door in your face or tell you they're not interested. we're thougaught, treat them asr
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own family. if somebody doesn't want to talk, leave them be. leave your telephone number. if they call, that's a different thing. often times people do want to talk and express something the rest of the world needs to know about their loved ones. in this case, they have been missing since march 8th. >> the most powerful is when the families marched on the embassy in beijing demanding answers. they wanted malaysian authorities to see how angry they were. we were able to provide that voice for them. the most important thing we do, give voice to the voiceless, power to the powerless. those images make me feel we're doing our job. >> reporter: they wanted their message out. it is one of those again balancing acts where when someone wants to say something and it's relevant to the story generally that's our job. we're there to let people
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express themselves through the media. sometimes they're able to speak to those directly with the airlines or government. they don't feel they're being heard and come to media. it's a balancing act. sometimes same families turn around and say we don't want to be shown anymore. you have to know where the balance is and where that respect is. it's having conversations on a human level off camera with them to know when to go forward and sometimes you have to ask pretty tough questions as you know carol, in these scenarios. we interviewed the mother of the a iranian young man with a stolen passport and boarded the flight. we ended up doing the story. >> difficult conversation to have but quite important. thank you. we regret not being able to get heidi snow on the air. perhaps she'll join us next week. i hope so. if you want to read my opinion
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which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need... ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza. it's covered by most health plans. welcome back to our special coverage of the shooting atdwin post. we're starting to get a look at the injured in yesterday's attack. patrick miller is one of them from new york. tell us about him. >> reporter: carol, we're finally getting more information about those injured and those killed. four killed including the shooter. 16 or so injured. let's show this picture. we can talk as much as we want about the shooter. i want to talk about the victims. look at this picture. we know his rank major patrick
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miller. his mother tweeted last night, please say prayers for my son who was shot at ft. hood tonight. quickly barack ground, we know according to his facebook page, he graduated in 2003. this young man has mba from syracuse, received in 2009. according to this facebook post, he had been a member of the u.s. army since 2003 and presumably stationed here at ft. hood, just one of the faces impacted by this terrible tragedy not even 24 hours ago. carol? >> as we learn more about that victim and who the shooter was and how he was undergoing treatment for depression and anxiety, issue of mental health will be raised again today and coming days. the question of whether we're doing enough to prevent these shooting. katelin dickson and psychiatrist
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rigsby. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> thank you for being with me. >> i want to start with you. the shooter was diagnosed with anxiety and depression, evaluated for possible ptsd. an army psychiatrist said he had no signs of violence. could we have prevented him from going on this shooting spree in prevented in any way knowing what we know now? >> clearly it's too early to answer that question. after these shootings there's usually a major investigation. that's precisely one of the questions asked and perhaps answered. i will say in general, people with the milder mental illness like anxiety, depression, post-traumatpos post-traumatic stress disorder, it's not associated with violence. there are symptoms such as delusions and irritability and
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anger that are more associated with violence. that's a type of thing the investigators will look at. was he simply depressed and anxious or actually have delusions and paranoia? >> brook, we understand from -- go ahead brook. >> reporter: i wanted to ask katelin on this topic. i read a daily beast article of yours to bring this home and put a face on this story. you wrote about this interesting phone call you got from a mother that told you about her young son, 18 years of age, ezra walking to school, shot on a different base in texas. she has been unsuccessfully trying to sue the military because why katelyn? >> because after her son was killed, the man who allegedly shot him was diagnosed with combat stress disorder and
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determined unfit to stand trial. apparently through reports following the shooting, he had been showing signs of distress and mental illness. she feels if something was done to treat this man earlier her son would be alive today. she reached out to me because she was so frustrated. she had tried to sue. her case was thrown out at every level up to the supreme court. this is the ways with a lot of victim's a families. there's not recourse. you can't hold the military responsible for things like this. >> how would you respond to that? >> my heart goes out to her and all victims of gun violence. it's such a tragedy. we've have so many mass shootings in five years. one at fort hood five years ago, navy yard this last spring -- correction this last fall.
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then one at camp liberty in iraq in 2009. we definitely see things going on with easy access to weapons when people get angry or irritable. so it is a big issue. unfortunately there's not easy solutions to prevent it from happening again. >> brook, i thought you had a question in there. >> reporter: i'm sorry. no. >> you said there's no easy answer but is there suggestions? >> absolutely. i have lots of suggestions. one is we talk a lot about don't drink and drive. we don't talk -- we being the military everyone though i'm now retired and no longer on active duty. we don't talk about responsible gun ownership, trigger locks and gun saves. we have signs on the highways
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saying this is the time since the last car crash. we really need to have more emphasis on gun safety. i don't think that the people are going to take away guns especially in states like texas, but we have to learn how to use them safely to protect ourselves and other people. >> thanks to all of you. thanks to you for joining me today. i'm carol costello. at this hour, berman and michaela starts now. hello everyone. i'm john berman. >> i'm michaela pereira. we have many stories at this hour. >> we're minutes away from the hospital news conference on the victims of the ft. hood shooting spree, the nation 's largest military insulation rooeling again after a soldier
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