tv CNN Newsroom CNN April 4, 2014 6:00am-8:01am PDT
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i wore my special suit today for special good-bye. our technical programming manager courtney davis. >> we love you. >> we love you, courtney. >> thank you. >> thank you for everything you do. >> run up there and kiss the 3 by 3 in just a second. time now for the "newsroom" with kyra phillips. >> good morning, guys. thanks so much. thanks so much. "newsroom" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- good morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining me. we begin the hour in the southern indian ocean where the search for malaysia airlines flight 370 has now moved underwater. a critical piece of equipment has finally joined the hunt this morning. the australian ship known as the ocean shield, and on board a u.s. navy pinger locator which is battling the clock in a bid to find the plane's black boxes. the batteries for those pingers are expected to fade starting tomorrow. on the surface teams continue to
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look for any debris related to that missing jet. the man in charge of coordinating the mission says there is still a chance that something will be discovered. >> i think there's still a great possibility of finding something on the surface. there's lots of -- lots of things in aircraft that float. i mean, in previous -- previous searches life jackets have appeared. >> and a total of 14 planes and 9 ships are scouring the search area today, which totals some 84,000 square miles or roughly the size of idaho. the specific region, 1,000 miles off the western australian coast. cnn's will riply is there. he has more on the conditions faced by the teams. >> reporter: kyra, after a day of fair weather in the search zone where we saw somewhat low clouds but calm seas, we're starting to now see light rain here close to the coast of
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western australia and the weather in the search zone 1,000 miles from here, very unpredictable as well. the good news for searchers today visually, they weren't seeing the white caps over the waves. the white caps that can be so distracting when you're spotting objects. you can't tell if you're seeing the top of a wave or the debris. the search continues 24/7 now even though the planes have flown home for the day. the ships that are in the area, specifically the ocean shield that is towing that pinger locator, the british submarine and the british ship, the echo, that is sending out sonar signals, that search, the sonar search underwater is continuing throughout the night and will continue, we're told, for the next 10 to 12 days. they're going to be listening as long as possible just to see if there's any chance they can detect some sort of ping from the in flight data recorder from flight 370. here's the problem though, the search zone is still massive. it needs to be at least 100 times smaller than it is right now for this equipment to effectively zero in on a signal.
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we just don't have answers as to where any confirmed debris may be. kyra? >> will ripley, thank you so much. despite the challenges involved in the underwater search, the u.s. navy's top individual says they're confident they can get the job done. >> i'm confident in my equipment. this terrain is not as mountainous as other terrain is so you can relatively add just the search depth as you need to. it's a gradual change more than, you know, a drastic change so i have confidence in our a equipment and our ability to tow the equipment at the optimal depths. >> cnn's paula newton live in perth, australia. paula, the families certainly want that confidence, that's for sure. >> reporter: absolutely. in speaking to one family member here, danica weeks, she is the wife of engineer paul weeks. kyra, very sadly he was on his
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way to mongolia on a mining job. he was on flight 370. he didn't make it home. can you imagine the fact that here danica weeks, justen minutes from this base. she's been watching all of this unfold. she says she's confident that if there's something to be found, she will find it. i think like all of us, kyra, she echos are three looking in the right place. the fact that no one has any idea how it ended up. listen to her talk to me about how, you know, her feelings get all confused when you start thinking about the fact that they have no idea what happened to this plane. take a listen. >> slight hope, you know? sometimes i catch myself, you know, seeing the excitement of him coming home and i have to get rid of that out of my brain quickly because i can't let myself go to that level of excitement because it would only -- it's only going to make
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me crash further when i find out the real truth, which we're all expecting will be that the plane has crashed. >> reporter: you know, torture going through this. i mean, when she describes in terms of talking about the search and everything being done, you can imagine how difficult it is. kyra, she has two young boys. you know how they keep your spirits up. she's doing as well as she can. she feels in terms of speaking for all the families out there, they want something to be found as soon as possible. they're very hopeful now that the search has moved underwater. >> paula, you talked with the u.s. navy's top ocean engineer. we heard from him right there saying that he's confident, but there has to be challenges also. what did he tell you? >> reporter: well, you know, he's been very blunt with me for the entire week as we've been going through this. he's happy to get the towed ping locator in the water. he has the blue fin out there. i asked him, kyra, i said, is this a shot in the dark?
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he actually said, yeah, paula, this is a good way to characterize this. obviously that doesn't come with a great sense of confidence, but all they're working with are those last pings from the flight and they're very blunt about they have no clue. this is the first time where that's happened where they have no clue in that search zone where that plane could have gone down. right now they're doing the best they can. frustrating situation all around. this search though, kyra, has entered a new phase and what commander matthews is looking for now is a little bit of luck. >> yeah. paula newton, thanks so much. well, the families of those on board the missing jet are increasingly frustrated with malaysian officials. cnn has learned that they've denied their requests of recordings from the cockpit and control tower. on tuesday the department of civil aviation put out the transcripts of those recordings, but not even the pilot's families will get to hear them due to the investigation process. cnn's sarah sidner is in kuala
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lumpur, malaysia. how will letting the families hear the recording hinder the investigation, sarah? >> reporter: well, look, investigators are simply saying this is part of an active investigation and just like there in the united states when there's an active investigation, they're looking at certain things. they do not want to release this to the families, not to anyone. you just mentioned just there. they're not even releasing it to those that would be able to recognize very quickly who exactly made that very last communication, the pilot and co pilot's families, to show you how close to the vest they're trying to keep this recording. but i do want to explain to you why the families want to hear this so bad, because there is a huge and widening trust deficit with authorities here in malaysia, both the chinese families and malaysian families that are here are trusting the government less and less, and they want to hear it and see it for themselves. and part of that is because of some of the discrepancies that have come out.
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it's been now almost four full weeks since this plane went missing on march 8th. the families are very frustrated because the information keeps changing. i'll give you an example. one of the families have brought this up. they said, look, at first they heard from the civil aviation department that the last words coming from the cockpit were all right, good night. that is what they told the families. that is what they told the world. a few weeks later you look at the transcript that was released by the department of civil aviation and it was something different. that was located from the cockpit. it was good night malaysia 370 so the families look at these things and right now all they have is what they don't have, the answers to the two things they want to know the most, and that is, where is this plane with our loved ones and why did it go missing? who was at fault or was this an accident? they don't have those answers. they are desperately seeking those answers and they want every bit, even the smallest
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detail of information to try to decide for themselves instead of being told by the authorities here at cnn. >> thanks so much. joining me, cnn analyst peter ghoal. peter, let me ask you. we've got these transcripts. why can't we get the audio? >> well, that's been perplexing from the beginning. if it were the united states, the faa releases these kinds of tower transcripts promptly following an accident, and it does raise the question of what else is on the tape that the malaysians don't want others to hear. the reality is this investigation has been mishandled from the beginning and there is no trust between the family members and the authorities, none. >> interesting. so, peter, do you think they could be hiding something then by saying, sorry, no recording? that there actually could be things that have been deleted
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from those transcripts? >> no, i don't -- i have no idea, but what you want to hear is at the very end when the pilot was signing off, were there any other noises? was there -- could you hear perhaps the cockpit door opening? was someone else in the cockpit? you know, what voices were taking place? but in any case, this has just been, you know, a pattern of mishandling and the malaysians are paying the price. >> can i ask you, you know, even with all of this data and even the u.s., you heard the head of the u.s. navy there who's on this search operation, you know, what's the reality of really finding something today as they go underwater with these submersibles? >> listen, this is -- this is a long shot or shot in the dark. that would be an uptick. this is extraordinarily difficult. unless they are acting on some
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degree of classified information that is directing them to this location, this is a day of futility. the pinger can only pick up one mile, one and a half miles to either side. the vessel can only travel at three to five knots. it is painstakingly slow. you only put it in the water once you have a good idea where the pinger is. this is unfortunately an act of desperation during the final days that the pinger is emitting its signal. >> appreciate you putting it into perspective. peter goelz, thank you. still to come, 192,000 jobs added to payrolls last month, but were they the kind of jobs that can help rebuild the american middle class? we're going to talk about that next. after a bit of winter hibernation -- ♪
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here's a little bit of a winter hibernation. the job market is waking up. the jobs report shows 192,000 jobs were added to payrolls last month leaving the unemployment rate unchanged at 6.7%. more importantly, returning to prefinancial crisis levels. we go to collision teen romans and alison kosik. take us through the headlines, christine. >> kyra, you nailed it there. you've got the thaw from the spring and even we found out that january and february were a little bit better than we had thought ahead of time. so you've got 192,000 jobs created last month, 197,000 the
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month before. little bit better than we thought in january. the weather wasn't as quite as terrible as many had been expecting. you look at the unemployment rate, 6.7%. you want to see that coming down. i want to say it's a slowly healing market. it's almost like goldilocks for the stock market right now. these numbers aren't so disappointing that you think it's going to hurt business, right? businesses are going to suffer, their stocks are going to suffer. but it's also not strong enough that the fed can really take its foot off the accelerator too quickly, right? it's just right right here. that's why i think you're seeing stock futures up. within the numbers you saw temporary workers increase, 29,000. that can be a sign that maybe companies are going to add to their payrolls down the road. they hire temporary workers, kyra, before they go in and hire permanent workers. you saw the work week a little bit longer. they tend to add hours before they add new workers. these are little tiny tea leaves that we read to say maybe things
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might accelerate going forward. i'll tell you one thing, one economist told me, look, these are mediocre numbers consistent with a performing economy. this is consistent across the sectors. there you go. two completely different looks at the same set of numbers. and that's what always happens every month. >> what about wall street, alison? how is wall street looking at today's numbers? >> one more opinion. >> yeah, you're seeing the same dichotomy that christine is looking about. traders say the jobs report is more reflective as the economy as a whole. it was good, but not great. the economy is doing good, not great. yet we see stock futures up before the bell rings up 60 points. overall it looks like for the moment wall street giving a thumbs up to this jobs report. by the way, if it gains hold the dow could hit the highest mark of the year. we shall see. let's go back to the jobs report. the way wall street sees it, it's not outstanding.
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192,000 wasn't as good as expected. also, how much people earned at their workplace, it fell. so that's not a good thing either. also the number of jobs ticked lower from february but on the other hand, the way wall street sees it, it's also not a terrible report. the number of people looking for work or the number of people who have jobs, that went up. all private sector jobs lost to the recession. they've been gained back. all in all, steady as she goes. it is improvement but many telling me five years out of the recession still not good enough. kyra. >> all right. we'll keep tracking it, christine and alison, thanks so much. still to come, no signs of debris from flight 370 as that search for the black boxes goes underwater this morning. martin savidge live with mitchell cassado in the flight simulator. marty? >> good morning, kyra. one of the things that people have been talking about now, if there's no debris, maybe the plane landed intact in the water? we'll show you at least one scenario that might work coming up. [ male announcer ] at his current pace,
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it's been nearly a month now to the investigation. still no credible signs of where this plane might be. the searchers have been looking for debris, but what if the plane didn't even break apart? cnn aviation correspondent richard quest says that the lack of debris suggests that it might be possible that the plane hit the water and stayed somewhat intact. >> the lack of debris on the surface either means they are completely in the wrong area or the plane entered the water and remained substantially intact. >> cnn correspondent martin savidge and pilot mitchell cassado join me live inside the
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flight simulator in canada. what are the thoughts, you guys, between you two with what richard had to say? >> reporter: yeah, we've actually talked about this, mitchell and i, and it is actually possible for a plane to get down near the water. it's the last final feet. let's show you a way this might happen. we'll set it up here so that the aircraft, we're going to shut the engines down and simulating in essence the engines running out of fuel. we want to show you something that's rather interesting. it's the way the aircraft is engineered because for this scenario the engines are spooling down, there's no way to gain altitude. you have to go down. we've taken the auto pilot off, right? give us an indication we know we're no longer going up. >> we know the engines are dieing because you can see it on the display. everything is rolling back. all these numbers are decreasing which means the engines are basically dieing and soon enough they will stock completely and we'll be in a glide toward the water. >> reporter: it's the glide part we're talking about here, kyra.
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that's warning us we're getting down to around 2500 feet, but notice without doing anything, we're not touching any of the controls, mitchell does not have the auto pilot on, this plane is level. it's steady. and it is descending. what's the rate of descent? >> we're descending at 2,000 feet per minute. >> reporter: that's the way the plane was engineered. with no one at the controls, with the auto pilot off, it is meant to fly level and it is meant to descend gradually as best it can with the nose up attitude. but here's the issue, what happens when we get down to the water? >> when you get down to the water you're going to want somebody in control because the plane should be as slow as possible. you want to be putting some flaps down and go ahead and pause it for me so we don't get -- >> reporter: we're going to hit the water if we don't do this. you want to make sure you don't have the landing gear down. of course you want to be landing this plane in the water. >> right. >> reporter: for it just to glide into the water it doesn't work, why? >> no. because the wind is going to
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affect it. it's going to throw it off balance a little bit. if the wind hits the water it will slew in. nice and level, reduced flap. reduced incidence. the body angle. slowest as possible on top of the swell. that takes a hand. >> reporter: but if that were done, as we've already seen with the miracle on the hudson, kyra, you can have an airplane that survives intact with people on board. again, we have no idea if that really happened. >> you guys were saying 2,000 feet per minute, right? >> reporter: yeah, roughly. >> okay. >> reporter: that's the problem when you hit the water, that's too severe. >> that is too severe and there's no way you can have a soft landing and that plane not break apart if you're talking 2,000 feet per minute? >> reporter: right. but if you have someone at the controls who would, of course, level it off, eased it back, slowed that descent once you got down towards the level or got down to the water, in theory
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this plane could be set down in good shape. >> you have an 88% chance of surviving a water landing. you have a greater chance of dieing in the water if you have someone at the controls who levels the plane, keeps it -- you know, a pilot who's flying it to the water. >> reporter: controlled landing. >> thanks for taking us inside the cockpit. once again. martin savidge, mitchell cassado. much more on the plane search. what happened to the fort hood shooter before he went on the rampage. george howell following the investigation for us. george? >> reporter: investigators are looking into a verbal altercation along with a list of several other factors that could be important. i'll update you on all the latest live from fort hood, texas, next. irst day of work. and his new boss told him two things -- cook what you love, and save your money. joe doesn't know it yet, but he'll work his way up from busser to waiter to chef before opening a restaurant specializing in fish and game from the great northwest.
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because our competency-based curriculum is designed for your profession, giving you what you need to get to the place you want to be -- your point "c." capella university. start your journey at all right. good morning. thanks so much for joining me. i'm kyra phillips in for carol costello. opening bell on wall street. moments ago, early trading expected to head higher as investors react to the news of 192,000 jobs were added to payrolls in march. good news. online food ordering service grubhub making its public debut today. trading from the new york stock exchange for the first time. ceo matthew maloney ringing the opening bell there. we begin this hour, however, in the southern indian ocean
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where the search for malaysian airlines flight 370 has moved under water. it's a critical piece of equipment that has finally joined the hunt this morning. the australian ship known as the ocean shield on board the u.s. navy ocean pinger which is battling the clock to find the plane's black boxes. the batteries for the pingers are expected to fade starting tomorrow. a total of 14 planes, 9 ships are now skowering the search area today. that totals some 84,000 square miles, by the way, roughly the size of idaho. the specific region, 1,000 miles off the western australian coast. for four weeks the families of the missing passengers have held vigils. they've also held on to hope desperate for any signs that their loved ones are still alive. cnn's pauline chiou have set down with some. >> mau is an early water color artist. in march he went to malaysia to
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exhibit his landscape paintings. his daughter and wife never spoke to him during that week-long trip because the international calls were too expensive. they rushed to beijing as soon as they learned he was on board the missing malaysian airlines flight. his daughter says, i'm really afraid my mother cannot bear this any longer. what if my dad's gone and my mother follows him? what would i do? under the weight of so much anguish, her mother does hang on to moments of hope. there's an old chinese saying, she says. if a person is alive, we need to see him as proof. if a person is dead, we need to see the body. we relatives haven't seen anything yet so how can we give up hope? while hundreds of relatives wait for more definitive information, they shuffle in and out of regular meetings in beijing with malaysian officials. briefing after briefing after
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briefing. most begin with a slide presentation. one skeptical relative has asked, how can you draw conclusion from a powerpoint presentation? as relatives continue the wait, they pray, they reflect, they hope drawing strength from being with each other. the most painful thing in life is to lose your loved once, this man says, but we believe we haven't lost them. they must be alive. all we have now is a lie saying that the plane crashed. privately many relatives say they are realistic and trying to prepare for the worst news. one family member explains the nuances going on. he says there's a difference between hope and belief. hope for the best possible outcome and belief that outcome may not actually materialize. pauline chiou, cnn, beijing. i want to bring in now pauline boss. she's a psychotherapist and
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she's an expert in the field of ambiguous loss and relief. pauline, thank you. >> good morning. >> we're dealing with a lot of cultures here. for instance, the majority of the passengers on this plane are chinese, and the wife of one of them actually spoke to cnn about how the culture is impacting the grieving process. i want you to take a listen to what she said. >> translator: there's an old chinese saying. if a person is alive, we need to see him as proof. if a person is dead, we need to see the body. we relatives haven't seen anything yet so how can we give up hope? >> what are your thoughts, pauline? >> that is so normal, what she is saying. people need to see the transformation of their loved one from being alive to being dead. they need a body to bury. they need remains to honor and to dispose of as they want, and when human beings don't have
that from antiquity people have been troubled by that. and what she is saying is very wise and very true and it cuts across cultures, by the way. >> well, you know the other thing that we've been talking about this morning are these cockpit recordings. officials have now denied the family request to release the audio. there's been a transcript released but not the audio. they said it's part of an ongoing investigation. so if families were able to hear those moments, do you think that would help in any way, hurt? >> well, right now the families are just trying to survive after a disaster, and may i talk more generally about the other disasters i've worked with. families are just trying to survive it first, and perhaps hearing the cockpit -- cockpit recordings would be more trauma right now. and what they need right now is each other.
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there is no closure so the rest of us need to stop using that word because it pressures them and it misleads them terribly. this is a loss without any finality. may i say that even if they found debris, they might not find the bodies so that would still leave them with the ambiguity of knowing if their loved ones are on that plane or not. my realization has come to be this, that unless families have a body to bury, unless they see the person in front of them, they still have a sliver of hope, perhaps for a lifetime, that that person may have floated to an island somewhere, that that person may be alive on the streets somewhere and that this is natural. the brain does not like ambiguity and when we use the word closure, we are harming these people. >> yeah. it's learning how to deal with it that definitely never goes
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away. it never, never closes emotionally. psychotherapist pauline -- >> we need to hold it. >> amen. pauline boss, thank you so much. we're going to get back to our flight 370 coverage shortly. first, a family struggling with the death of a loved one in the fort hood rampage. sergeant timothy owens was one of four killed in wednesday's soldier-on-soldier attack. the 37-year-old from illinois worked as a counselor at the post. he had served in iraq and kuwait. owens had just gotten married last year and his family is devastated. >> he didn't answer the phone so i left a message on his phone, son, call me so i know if you're okay or not. well, never got no call from him. i thought, oh, god, please don't let it be. >> he was just a very honorable, you know, individual. and like i say, i don't think he knew any strangers. everybody that he met, i believe that tim got along with them.
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>> cnn's george howell is following the investigation of the man who killed his brother before turning that gun on himself. what's the latest, george? >> reporter: well, the more we're learning, kyra, about ivan lopez, you start to juxtapose two very different personas. soldiers who knew him, knew him as a very good person, a person with integrity. investigators are piecing to the the puzzle of a mentally unstable man who went on a shooting spree. >> reporter: now looking into the moments before ivan lopez set off on a shooting rampage on fort hood saying it could shed light on the iraq veteran's motive. >> could have been an altercation with the soldier or soldiers. there's a strong possibility that that, in fact, immediately preceded the shooting. >> reporter: officials say there is no indication he targeted anyone specifically. we also know lopez was undergoing a variety of treatments for depression and anxiety and ptsd.
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doctors prescribing the 34-year-old medication, including the drug ambien and anti-depressants. those who knew him say lopez was an extraordinary human being with lots of values. co-workers are in disbelief. >> to us, one of my best soldiers in the mobilization. >> reporter: lopez, his wife and their 2-year-old daughter lived in this apartment. one neighbor says she spoke to him just hours before the shooting. >> he didn't seem like, you know, the type that would do what he did. >> reporter: another neighbor was with lopez's wife the moment she found out the shooter was her husband. >> she just broke down. i did as anybody else would do, i ran and i comforted her. >> reporter: around 4:00 p.m., lopez armed with a .45 caliber handgun like this one, opened fire killing three and injuring 16. the gun purchased at the same gun shop where nearly five years ago major nadal hasan bought the gun he used to shoot and kill 13 people at the same place.
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>> you have to wonder five years later, have we learned anything from the shootings that happened with us. what progress has been made? >> reporter: sergeant timothy owens, one of wednesday's victims, was working as a counselor when he was shot and killed. his mother says the death of her 37-year-old son still hasn't sunk in. >> he was a good person. why would they shoot a good person that was helping them? >> reporter: of the three people who were killed, 16 injured, we know that the injured, there were three who were in critical condition the other day but now we know that they've been upgraded to serious condition so some hopeful news. it looks like of the 16 injured, all will survive. kyra. >> george howell, thanks a lot. here's what's ahead. grieving families wait for any news of flight 370. does a great group of u.s. lawyers who want to jump into the law and constantly battle over compensation?
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>> these lawyers launched within days, maybe even hours of the crash, ambulance chasers in essence. they're ambulance chasers on a global scale. >> the stakes are high. we're talking billions of dollars, and that's all next in the hour of cnn "newsroom." we asked people a question, how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going to have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagine how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪
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well, communities in the nations mid section are getting slammed by tornadoes and a lot of other strong storms. residents in denton county texas actually ran for cover as the sirens blasted out the warnings. officials reported a tornado last night. severe weather also shut down this baseball game you're about to see as storms rolled through just north of dallas. and in kansas, heavy rain and
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golf ball size hale pummelled part of that state. torrential downpours caused flooding along the missouri/kansas boarder. andrea peters joins me. >> we have gone to the severe weather season. what are we looking at? yesterday, eight tornadoes were out there. a lot of times you get strong, straight line wind. we saw about 133 of those. also very large hail back through texas yesterday. a lot of people think this is a yesterday incident. that is not the case. in fact, we are still looking at the squall line with the weather. you can cisse veer thunderstorm watches currently out there. the threat is still there for isolated tornadoes but less than yesterday. nonetheless, if you're in charleston, roanoke, asheville, farther again the tail section is down to the south. back to new orleans, you still have that threat for severe thunderstorms and isolated tornado. that's the concern today. the back side of this has been heavy rain.
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heavy rain in short periods of time producing heavy flooding around st. louis, around missouri, indianapolis two inches remember in a short period of time. that can be devastating. we're also looking at that system making its way into the northeast today backing up exiting off shore by this evening. that's the good news. keep in mind by the end of the weekend another storm is pushing in from the south. with that we're talking about potentially more severe weather by next week. that we will be wanting to hear. we just got on the air, kyra. >> still to come. the batteries on the plane's black boxes. the pingers, they're about to run out. why finding that flight data recorder is key to solving the mystery of flight 370. ♪ ♪ ben! ♪ [ train whistle blows ]
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up to $423. call... today. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? tomorrow, flight 370s black box pinger expected to start fading. once that sound is gone, it will be more difficult to get information. zain asher is joining me with more. families are on edge. >> the black box is crucial in terms of figuring out the flight's maneuvers, talking speed, altitude, what controlled what during that flight. i spent the day in buffalo with an engineer who walked me
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through the process on how you go about downloading information on a flight data recorder and reading it on a computer to figure out what may have happened on a flight like mh-370. take a listen. >> crash protected and shop mountd. >> reporter: this is what investigators will see once the black boxes are found and day da downloaded for analysis. >> we will see the data in a tabular format and graphic cal fa for matt. >> reporter: they contain hundreds of analysis. all displayed with a series of graphs. >> every flight data recorder records the dates. it is a series of ones an zeros. in order for humans to understand that, we need to convert it into engineering units, altitude, ear speed recorded at knots. >> it is through graphs like these that will learn if someone
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on board deliberately nose-dived the graph. >> there would be all kinds of indications. they would be able to determine which engine turned off first, if it was because of fuel starvation, they would know that versus if it was intentionally cut off. >> this line represents the plane's altitude. if flight mh-370 suddenly dropped to a lower flight, here is where we would see a change. if someone on board deliberately altered the flight path, with he would see this start to dip or rise depending on the direction. >> one of the important things that people will be looking at is who was in control of the aircraft. when we look at the data from a flight data recorder, you can see if the inputs were coming from the autopilot or the left seat or the right seat. the pilot or the co-pilate. >> reporter: technicians can use latitude or longitude positions to pinpoint where the plane was located. although the memory chips are rarely ever damaged, airlines
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still need to perform regular flight data maintenance and pre-flight testing to ensure the black boxes are up to par. the biggest challenge is to locate them before the batteries die. >> the pingers that are out there could be already dead. to find that pinger in those trenches or to find it after the pinger has stopped is going to be extremely difficult. >> it is absolutely crucial we find those black box before time runs out. people are talking about using deployable black boxes so that if a flight does crash, these are black boxes that would basically break away and float, obviously making it easier to find in a situation like this. we have been talking about the efforts going on under water to try and find those black boxes. we hope we can do that before it is too late. zain, thanks so much. >> still to come, march madness giving way to april's final four frenzy. andy scholes is in texas for the big game. >> the big games are finally
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here. two huge match yupts tomorrow night. we will break them all down after the break. [ female announcer ] right when you feel a cold sore, abreva can heal a cold sore in as few as 2 1/2 days when used at the first sign. without it, the virus spreads from cell to cell. unlike other treatments, abreva penetrates deep to block the virus, to protect healthy cells so cold sores heal fast. as fast as 2 1/2 days when used at the first sign. ♪ learn more at don't tough it out. knock it out! fast. [ female announcer ] only with abreva. then a little time to kick back. earn double hilton honors points with the 2x points package and be one step closer to a weekend break.
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6:57 am
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they are playing tomorrow for the chance to move on in college basketball's championship game. something andy scholes loves. he is at at&t in arlington, texas, feeling the fire. >> the anticipation is building. tomorrow, the bottom four teams in the ncaa tournament are going to hit the floor to battle it out for a chance to play in monday's championship game. today, they are going to come to the stadium and hold one final practice. this year's final floor consists of florida, uconn, kentucky and the gators are a team we saw but the other are surprising. kentucky, their third appearance in the final four. this one by far the least expected after bringing in yet another stellar group of freshman players. kentucky u the pre-season number
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one team in the country. the wildcats did struggle through the season losing a number of games. they have started to resemble the super team kentucky fans were expecting at the start. this team is one of the youngest to ever make it this far. the average age is just under 19 years old. when speaking with cnn's rachel nichols, john calipari said, despite his player's recent success, he wouldn't be surprised if they are still overwhelmed by the huge stage at the final four. they are all freshmen, they are going to go out in front of 75,000 and probably pee down their leg to start the game. we playering seven freshmen. i don't know if that's ever been done before. >> you can watch coach calipari's entire interview with rachel nichols at 10:30 eastern on cnn. for the first time in final four history, both games are going to be on our sister network, tbs.
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the action gets started at 6:09 eastern with florida taking on u conn. >> who do you have winning it all? >> i'm still caught up in the coach saying pee down their leg to start the game. what is that? >> i think he was overexaggerating. >> i think so. sounds like my toddler on the basketball court. andy, thank you so much. i'll get to my back keracket la. the next hour begins right now. good morning and thanks for joining me. i am brianna keilar in for carol costello. nearly four weeks into the search for malaysia flight 370, it seems we are no closer to solving the mystery of the
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plane's disappearance. an underwater hunt taking place in what authorities call the area of highest probability where the plane may have entered the indian ocean. that area is roughly the size of idaho. it totals some 84,000 square miles. on the surface, teams are looking for large objects that could indicate plane wreckage acknowledging the leads from satellite so far turned out to be other things. with just days left until the black box batteries begin to fade, a u.s. navy pinger locator has joined the mission. deployed by the "ocean shield." good morning, paula, as well as good evening. >> reporter: it is the end of the day here. the search is done for today except for the towed pinger locator. i talked to the commander
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leading that. captain mark matthews from the u.s. navy. he was very blunt with me, brianna, saying that, look, this is a shot in the dark. they want to give it a shot, their best shot that he can to look for those black boxes. we have been thinking about the families so much through all of this. a lot of their questions about this are the same as any one of us would have. i spoke to danica weeks just a few hours ago. she is the wife of paul weeks. he was an engineer going to mongolia for a mining job. she describes the tortuous last few weeks. her issue is she is confident if there is something to find, they will find it. she has that same nagging doubt. are they looking in the right place? at the same time, she is dealing with some very mixed emotions about wanting so much for this to just be a big nightmare that goes away. take a listen.
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>> sometimes i catch myself seeing excitement of him coming home and i have to get rid of that out of my brain quickly, because i can't let myself go to that level of excitement, because it would only -- it's only going to make me crash further when i find out the real truth. which we are all expecting will be that the plane has crashed. >> you can really put yourself in her shoes and think to yourself, that's what you would want this to be, some awful mistakes. danica weeks was here on this base having a look for herself at the search operations. she is confident that now with the australians leading this, they will do their best to find some answers. she told me, brianna, she wanted to be sure that in her words,
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they were looking for pauly. she is convinced they are doing their best to find out what happened to that airplane. >> so many family members were going through the exact same thing. paula newton, in the australia. officials involved in the search were cautioning. >> we still have a long way to go in terms of the searching. when you are searching these vast areas of ocean, it takes a lot of time, a lot of effort and depending on the weather conditions, it's incredibly difficult to do a visual search. dealing with the quickly changing conditions on the southern indian ocean is a key part of this operation. cnn's will ripley is on a boat off the western coast of australia. >> reporter: after a day of clear weather, we are starting
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to see some light rain off the coast of western australia. the weather about 1,000 miles from here in the search zone, we are told, has been similar. relatively calm seas which is did good for search crews. they weren't distracted by the white capps. even though the visual search is over and these planes from a number of different countries are flying back to pearce air force base in perth. we know the sonar is going to be active 24/7. the pinger locator is going to function 24/7 under water listening for any possible signal from the inflight data recorders from flight 370. the problem is, with all that sophisticated technology, the gpo and submarine and ship, all of that technology is just fine but it needs a more narrow search area than what we have right now. the search area needs to be 100
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times smaller for this technology to effectively locate possible debris. those are answers that we simply don't have right now. brian brianna. >> families on board the missing jet are becoming more frustrated with malaysian officials. cnn has learned that authorities denied their request for reportings of communications between the cockpit and record tower. the transcripts have been released and will not get to hear them, at least not for now. cnn's joe johns has more. >> brianna, officials issued a three-hour meeting for malaysia passengers. they were not able to say for sure whether the plane had crashed. unanswered questions leading the frustrations and a sense among some of the family members that these briefings may be a waste of time. >> it's been weeks since mh-370 disappeared and the malaysian government is still struggling to meet the needs of the passenger's families. >> we owe it to them to find, to
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give them comfort and closure to this rather tragic event. the world expects us to do our level best. >> waiting for word on the fate of the plane, the cry knees families are channeling their anger and frustration. >> translator: we want evidence. we want the truth. we want our family back. >> reporter: they have now made public more than a dozen highly technical questions and requests that go to the very heart of the investigation, questions so tough the authorities can't or won't answer. which makes the families suspicious. distrust is not uncommon for the relatives of passengers in airliner mishappens as authorities work to uncover the truth. >> the reality, there is generally less going on than meets the eye on this. there is the fog of the investigation, how hard it is to get facts right. at this point, the trust is zero with family members. >> even though malaysian
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officials have released transcripts of cockpit communications from flight 370, the families are asking for more. they have demanded records of all communications between the plane and the malaysian military. they want a three-dimensional of this. they could va by as much as 1,000 kilometers. the families were briefed by officials at a closed-door meeting which was live telecast to families gathered in beijing. the briefings failed to satisfy the families who said, we were fooled once again, accusing the authorities of trickery, complaining they did not receive direct answers. >> some of them cannot be answered. that's part of establishing a level of trust with the family members over time of saying, listen, we don't know the answer to that yet. we are going to try and find out
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that answer but as of today, we just don't know. >> the malaysian government continues to insist it is doing the best it can to keep the families informed. it is difficult to come to any conclusions until the plane is found. brianna? >> joe johns for us. still to come, the stock market soared to a record high after today's strong jobs report. we do know this. a healthy stock market doesn't always mean a healthy economy. right, alison kosik? >> you are right about that, brianna. a milestone. all the private sectors lost are back. stocks are trading at record highs. is it all it is cracked up to be? story coming up next. android plan from tracfone? check the weather. borrow ted's wheelbarrow. post big tomato pics. buy a birdhouse for sparrows. download gardening apps. answer my wife's texts. search how to sculpt hedges into a t-rex.
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the stock market just roared this morning. 132,000 jobs were added in march leaving the unemployment rate changed at 6.7%. to talk more about this, let's bring in business correspondent, alison kosik, at the new york stock exchange. let's talk to monica medda, the management principal at seventh capital invest. monica, walk us through the jobs. >> there really is one headline that stands out. that's the number of private sector jobs lost during the recession. they have been gained back. here is a picture. we lost 8.8 million jobs in the recession. we gained back 8.9 million. that means we are back at the break even point, back before the recession. you know what it is. it is a reminder that it took almost five years just to get to
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the break-even point. this is the loaningest recovery on record. it has some questioning how really good this milestone is. a lot of things is changed since then. the government continues cutting jobs. the population has grown. this doesn't account for that. it is not totally back to what's considered healthy. although, you wouldn't get this by looking at the market today. the dow is trading at record highs. brianna. >> we are going to talk to that in a second, allison. monica, when you look at what allison said, last month brought us back to these pre-financial levels for unemployment for private sector hireings. it isn't all it is cracked up to be. >> it is an irrelevant psychological milestone. it is the same way as saying graduating from kinder garden is some sort of milestone in your academic career. it's what allison said. people move into this country, get older and enter into the workforce. just because we created the same amount of jobs we lost in 2008, doesn't mean we have absorbed
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the population that is here and ready to work. it is going to be 2018 before we can absorb all of the people that are looking for work that need work. a lot of the job that we are creating are low wage jobs in retail food service and frankly, 50% of the jobs we created in professional service are temporary hires. they are not breadwinner jobs that call for a solid economy. >> there is this issue of long-term employment. some folks, you wonder, are they ever going to be able to preenter the job market. it has changed so much. allison, when you are looking at today's report. is this going to keep pushing the market, to keep knocking down records like we did last year. >> no one is really expecting the 20-30% gains we had last year or the 50 record highs that we saw. it was incredible. that is not necessarily a bad thing. you really don't want to see the market rise too fast, too soon. today, the fact that the record is slowly creeping up is a good thing. the dow may get to its first
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record clothse of this year. it has gotten closed a couple of times. as far as wall street goes, this report shows it is stealth steady as she goes. one trainer told me, this report is really reflective of the economy as a whole. the economy is good but not great. this trainer telling me the jobs report was good, it just wasn't great. >> monica, telling me, a lot of people at homer looking at the stock market going, okay, fantastic. i am not feeling any of this. there is a disconnect between the way the stock market is performing and the way people really feel personally whether it comes to the recovery. >> the stock market is no the a great barometer for how the economy is doing and how the average joe is feeling in terms of their outlook. >> 50% of people in the u.s. have absolutely no participation in the market. 80% of stock market wealth is held by 10% of people. what makes the market go up in this case and one could argue
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is, an idea that we are going to continue to get sweeteners from the fed. that has nothing to do with the average joe who is sitting there and thinking, i'm barely getting by, paycheck to paycheck every month. the average person is spending less because they are not making the wages and they don't have the money. >> sure. they are wondering, where is the wage growth? where is that extra money i can feel when i need to provide for my family. monica, allison, thank you so much. still to come, "ocean shield" arriving to aid the underwater search for the black box. with battery set to die soon, in a matter of a couple of days, what other options do search crews have? why relocating manufacturingpany to upstate new york? i tell people it's for the climate. the conditions in new york state are great for business. new york is ranked #2 in the nation for new private sector job creation. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york - dozens of tax-free zones
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the search for the black box from flight 370 shifts to under water but with no sign of debris from the plane and the batteries for the pinger set to run out possibly by the weekend. where does the search go from here? richard quest joining me live. where do >> very good question. they are in a south indian ocean in a search zone that shifts every so slightly. the dramatic shift, a good 1,000 kilometers to the northeast. what we have seen are various madfy kagss in ships, first to the east and then to the west. we are told by the asserting
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authority and by the royal australian forces, we are told that they amend those just because they have obviously looked at the water, found nothing. you can see there the three red boxes. when they find nothing, they just alter where they are actually going to search next. also, brianne a, in conjunction with the refinement of the data coming from the international working group, the technical specifications that are taking place. >> the other issue is the sort of painstaking process of doing this. this pinger, locator, as it searching this area can only go about 2-3 not. it is very slow. it is a very large area. it is almost like if you had a metal detect tore on a massive beach and you were searching for something you had to go very slow that is going to disappear in two days.
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>> the pinger is transmitting a very high frequency signal. it does have mechanisms to translate the high frequency sounds to a noise and register it. when we heard it, it is like ping, ping, ping. you can't hear it if it is in the room. it is so high frequent sichlt it has to be done slowly and at a distance of no more than a couple of kilometers away from it. the difficulty is the depth of the water versus the topography under water, what the actual seabed or ocean bed is looking like. put all this into perspective, they might as well look for it using the pinger. frankly, the thing is going to run out of juice in the next week or so. you have ocean shield there. it has the locator putting it in the water. it has to be regarded almost as
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drinking at the last chance saloon. >> it will be remarkable if they find it but it is obviously worth a shot. thanks so much for explaining that to us. still to come, at the beginning of this investigation, the mother of one of the passengers had to face the painful suggestion that her son had something to do with the plane's disappearance. >> i need to know what happened. next, what she now tells cnn in an exclusive interview. ♪ oh-oh, oh, oh, la, la-la, la-la, la-la ♪ ♪ na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na some things just go together, like auto and home insurance. bundle them together at progressive,
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good morning. i'm brianna keilar in for carol costello. thanks so much for joining me. in the mystery surrounding flight 370, it is the one thing we know for sure. the words spoken in the cockpit before the plane disappeared from radar. a transcript from those remarks. today, malaysian officials have denied a request to hear the audio. they say it is part of the ongoing investigation. australia says it will continue the search for as long as there is hope of finding the aircraft. that hope rests on this ship,
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"t the "ocean shield" it is called. the chief saying his focus remains on the aircraft and reports of criminal investigation are not relevant to his team's work. let's talk more about malaysia's decision to deny the family's request to hear the audio. mary schiavo is cnn aviation analyst and the former inspector general for the u.s. department of transportation and tom fuentes is cnn lawenforcemental sis and former fbi director. >> how would this hind der the investigation, tom? >> there might be a noise heard or a click or something that might cause people to believe the cockpit door opened and closed or an alarm was going
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off, something else that was going on that they don't want the audio heard at this point. they may never want it heard. we don't know yet. >> is that what you think, mary? no matter what's on this audio, it is going to prompt rampant speculation? >> not at all. in the united states, we have two different recorders that are very common. one is the cockpit voice recorder and then air traffic control. we take the position that air traffic control tapes are public, because it happens over the public air waves. you can get them. you can foia them. here they go online almost immediately. i don't think it is the kind of detail and sounds that you would hear in a cockpit voice recorder. i think it is really untree unreasonable to deny it to the family members. i think they are just keeping control on the investigation. it is their investigation. they can do that.
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it would never happen in this country. >> do you see it that way, tom, when you are seeing the difference between perhaps how the u.s. or other countries would handle this. malaysian officials have already had such delays, been criticized for how they have handled this. is this just another one of those things. >> it is. mary is exactly right. it wouldn't be handled that way in this country. the recordings would be released very quickly. everyone would be able to hear what's going on. there are a lot of aspects of this criminal investigation part of it and the aviation part for that matter that they have not released that we might have released much sooner to our public. so it is a different system. they have a different philosophy, if you will, of how they are going to release information. different legal requirements. they are not used to this. unfortunately, over the years, we have developed how we respond and how we handle releasing information to the media in this country. as mary finds out, we have
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freedom of information act and the government knows, it is going to have to release it pretty soon anyway. we will go ahead and do it. >> you see this in some of american airlines practices a buddy system where you have people in the cockpit. that is more of a frequent practice here. not the case when it comes to malaysia airlines. mary, when you listen to angus houston, who is heading up australia's search efforts, he has said that criminal investigations aren't relevant to the search. does that tell you that no matter what the cause here, the recovery mission is the same or should we read something else into that. >> it is helpful to the investigation that australia is not accepting, buying into or denying either it is a criminal cause or not a criminal cause. i think it helps to give the world reassurance in their focus. their job is to search as the prime minister said, until hell
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freezes over and find that wreckage in those black boxes. if anything, it boosts their credibility. we look at angus telling us that. he has one mission and he is going to do it. i think it is a wise decision to say that. one mission, thank you. >> thank you to you, really appreciate it. after four weeks, the families are still suffering from the weight and the lack of answers here. one mother endured an additional layer of suffering. the suggestion that her son might have had something to do with the disappearance. cnn sara sidner spoke exclusively with that mother and she is joining me now. what did she tell you? >> brianna, you know how the other families are frustrated with the information. at least they are getting the information, those in beijing and those in kuala lumpur. the waiting and watching is killing her. this mother is tormented by the words she saw used in
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conjunction with her son, terrorism and suspect. she has asked us not to show her face for fear her family will be harassed. >> my son isn't a bad boy. wanted to study. he wanted to work and he wants to be freedom. >> her eldest son was initially expected in the disappearance of malaysian flight mh-370. he and his friend managed to board the flight with stolen passports. investigators later determined they had nothing to do with the flight's disappearance. >> maybe they caught him in the airport. >> reporter: were you hoping they had caught him? >> yes. >> reporter: it turns out he was try tog leave iran quickly to be with his mother who has cancer. she needed his help. because he is 18 years old, she couldn't bring him to germany legally, where she is awaiting
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refew g refugee status. he decided the quickest way to get to his mom was it use a stolen passport. >> did you think you were going to die? >> yes. that sickness reminds me, we have short time, short time. >> reporter: shorter than she could have ever imagined. >> to lose your son is hard for every mother. i'm here alone. are are she can't travel to malaysia to be close to the investigation and information like the other families of passengers aboard mh-370. she is also still undergoing cancer treatment. these three weeks was more difficult than the rest of my life. i need to know what happened.
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>> reporter: after reading our story by her eldest son online, she decided to speak to us via skype. >> i felt that you understand me. i felt you near me. i appreciate you. >> reporter: thank you. a mother with no support system at home crushed by the burden of waiting to find out what happened to her firstborn son. she says no one has contacted her. she has received no information, for example, from malaysian airlines. malaysian airlines say they have not contacted her. she feels deeply hurt. she feels nobody cares about her. brianna. >> sara sidner, thank you so much. still to come, lawyers are fighting for the chance to represent these families of those on board flight 370. we are following the flex case.
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jean. >> reporter: the families wait. they wonder. they have no answers. something new has entered into the equations, the lawyers. we'll have a look right after this. use doctor recommended gaviscon®. only gaviscon® forms a protective barrier that helps block stomach acid from splashing up- relieving the pain quickly. try fast, long lasting gaviscon®. relieving the pain quickly. making moves that would put an adult in the emergency room. yet all they really want to do is grow up. it's funny, everyone i know wishes they could go back and feel younger. sound familiar? then test drive one of these. current non-gm owners and lessees use your $1,500 allowance to lease the 2014 cadillac ats for around $359 a month with nothing due at signing. ♪ with equity experts... who work with regional experts...
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time to make the call. 800-501-6000 comcast business. built for business. when the families are ready, there is no doubt that many will fight for financial compensation. already, teams of lawyers are waiting in the wings. they are gearing up to go after the airline and other companies who may have played a role in flight 370s disappearance. jean casarez is joining me now with more on why this case is so complicated. how are you expecting this will play out? >> it already has started to play out. it is so complicated emotionally. it is also complicated legally. you have lost someone you are very close to. in the blink of an eye, they are gone. a lawyer comes up to you. i can launch an investigation.
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the lawyer says, i'll only take one-third of any moneys you roux he cover. the images are heart wrenching. families of the missing slowly coming to terms with what is beginning to seem inevitable. >> we must now accept the fateful reality that the aircraft is now lost. there is also another group on sight waiting anxiously, the lawyers, ready to scoop up clients and begin the long battle for financial compensation. >> reporter: right now, in malaysia, in china, the families are being misled by some very unethical u.s. lawyers. >> reporter: attorney justin green has tried aviation cases for multiple years. he is aware of multiple law firms that are in malaysia soliciting families earlier than united states and ethical rules would permit. >> these lawyers launched within
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days, maybe even hours, of a crash, ambulance chasers, in essence. they are ambulance chasers on a global scale. >> how high are the skates? a possibly limitless windfall of millions, perhaps even billions of dollars in cases that could potentially be brought against malaysia airlines and boeing, among others? a legal victory is by no means guaranteed. >> there are many legal challenges that grieving family members may not understand. they can recover some moneys. $100,000-160,000 with a death ser. to really be compensated, they have to show airline responsibility for the disaster. where is that evidence? for the manufacturer of boeing, the same thing, what evidence shows their wrongdoing? in fact, one firm already initiated a suit in illinois. the judge threw it out as improper and warned attorneys not to do it again. >> these families don't have
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closure. >> reporter: psychiatrist, gail saltz, says the lack of answers leaves grieving relatives vulnerable. they come in and say, we have someone to be held accountable. we are going to hold the airline accountable and sue them and the airlines for what happens. that is very appealing to anyone who is struggling with, i want someone to be responsible. i want to blame them. i want them to pay. >> dr. gail saltz tells me that families really have to mourn and accept the loss and understand the loss that they shouldn't make any major decisions that have to do with money. the statistics also are that they should wait one year actually before making any major life decision, which would include a lawsuit. under the montreal convention, they can have two years before they follow suit. >> jean casarez, thank you so much. planes and ships aiding in the search for the debris from
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flight 370 as the search for the black boxes goes under water now. martin savidge is live with mitchell casado in the flight simulator. >> hey, brianna, one question being asked. why no debris. is it possible a jumbo jet can go down without creating a massive debris field? >> we will show you one possibility coming up. i'm sinora and this is my son, chris. i'm a messy person. i don't like cleaning. i love my son, but he never cleans up. always leaves a trail of crumbs behind. you're going to have a problem with getting a wife. uh, yeah, i guess. [ laughs ] this is ridiculous. christopher glenn! [ doorbell rings ] what is that? swiffer sweep & trap. i think i can use this. it picks up everything. i like this. that's a lot of dirt. it's that easy! good job chris! i think a woman will probably come your way. [ both laugh ]
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nearly a month into the investigation and no credible signs of where flight 370 might be. investigate tors have yet to find any debris from the plane. the chief coordinator says it is still a possibility that something will surface during the search. >> i think there is still a great possibility of finding something on the surface. there is lots of things in aircraft that float. i mean, in previous searches, life jackets have appeared. >> what if the plane did not break apart, allowing things to float? >> cnn correspondent, martin savidge and pilot, mitchell casado, joining me from insight a flight simulator in canada. what do you think about this, martin? is this a possibility? >> it is a possibility to a
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point, brianna. i think a lot of people believe that when a 777 runs out of fuel, it would simply nose dive into the ocean and create this huge debris field. let me show you one example. we will have mitchell shut the engines off and give us the indication of the fuel running out. you do that by simply using the fuel cutoffs here. as a result, the engines begin to shut down. you can point this out. >> all these numbers decreasing here means the engines are winding down. >> without engines, we have turned off the automatic pilot, we are one huge glider and not unstable. mitchell is not touching the controls. i'm not touching thechl.
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the there is no automatic pilot. it is built to be stable. even as a glider. we are still descending. there is no way to avoid that. >> it is inevitable. >> we are going to hit the ocean but don't think it is a nose-dive or some wind turn down into the water. it cob a gradual dissent. what happens when we get down to the water if there is no one controlling the aircraft. >> we want a minimum dissent rate. if no one is controlling the plane, we are going to hit at 22000 plus feet per minute and that's very violent. >> it wouldn't be just this sort of dive from altitude. instead, it would be more like a tumble. that could explain possibly why there isn't this dramatic debris field. it may not create this massive field of leftovers from a
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demolished aircraft. that's one theory. brianne ya. >> it could be a needle in a haystack. martin, mitchell, thank you so much. now, we will be right back. i'm nathan and i quit smoking with chantix. when my son was born, i remember, you know, picking him up and holding him against me. it wasn't just about me anymore. i had to quit. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. chantix didn't have nicotine in it, and that was important to me. [ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away, as some could be life threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke.
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say it ain't so, dave. the comedian that wrote the script for late night tv has composed a swan song. "david letterman" has announced he will retire sometime in 2015. michelle turner here to celebrate the legend of letterman. >> i hate to be debbie downer, brie yan. it is so. he is retiring. he announced it matter of factually like dave does, full slick humor thrown in. he did say in all seriousness that he and les moonvez have
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talked about this. >> it is great. you have been great. the network has been great but i'm retiring. >> you actually did this? >> yes, i did. >> the latest late night shakeup. "david letterman," late night's television longest running host surprised his audience thursday night by announcing he is signing off next year. after 33 years, the 66-year-old host is retiring when his contract expires in 2015. >> thank you. the surprise announcement comes after his new top-rated competitor took the reigns of "the tonight show" nearly doubling the late night in rating. >> i'm jimmy fallon and i'll be your host for now. >> he still has an impressive audience every night at cbs. it was not creating in you fans
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the way jimmy fallon is. >> reporter: letterman started off as a weatherman in indianapolis. he launched late night with "david letterman" on nbc in 1982 following "the tonight show" with johnny carson. letterman's idol. always the heir apparent. he was stunned when nbc chose jay leno, sparking a rivalry that spanned more than two decades. they never told dave they had made this deal with jay. it was a huge blow-up, because letterman felt like they had stabbed him in the back. >> reporter: letterman's heated departure from nbc led to the creation of "the late show" on cbs in 1993, taking leno head on. >> he has been hosting stupid humans, singers and some of the biggest stars. >> you thought i was an -- >> an a --
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>> and delivery, his signature top ten list. >> the top ten list. let's go. it hasn't been all jokes. he took us through life changing heart surgery in 2000, his first show after the 9/11 attack serving as a key moment to help americans move forward. >> if you didn't believe it before, you can absolutely believe it now. new york city is the greatest city in the world. >> through all the ups and downs, letterman continues to do what he loved. his run behind the desk eclipses johnny carson's 30-year reign on late night. truly, debonair. >> reporter: i said, when this show stops being fun, i will retire ten years later. >> that's dave. everybody might be wondering, who is going to be his successor. some people might thing craig ferguson, because he hosts the late, late show after letterman.
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there are a lot of industry folks that aren't sold on the fact that he can carry the franchise. jon stewart, stephen colbert. i say, what about the ladies. it is no the a coincidence that chelsea handler announced she is leavi leave "e" when they are contract is up. >> making herself available. what about some west coast love for late night? what about moving it to l.a. >> l.a. wasn't happy when leno retired and "the tonight show" came back to new york. mayor garcetti sent a letter to les moonvez and said, he is sorry davis retiring but when you make the replacement, how about bringing it back to l.a.? they would like "late night"
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back in l.a. to complete and fill that void. it could. they could get a comedian that loves being in los angeles. >> maybe a gal. you never know. a nischelle. thank you so much. a microphone and a robot join the hunt for flight 370 as the search goes under water. could they succeed where the satellites, planes and ships have failed? >> it is official, prit vthe pr sector recovered all the jobs lost in the market. >> new details on the soldier that opened fire at fort. hood killing three. those that knew him speaking out. could that shed light on his
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