tv CNN Newsroom CNN April 5, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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theories colliding with absence of evidence, and after four weeks like everyone else, i only have questions and no answers. have questions and no answers. jim clancy, kuala lumpur. -- captions by vitac -- you are in the "cnn newsroom" and i'm brianna keilar in for don lemon. today, in the mystery of flight 370, search planes should be taking off to pursue the latest leads a. chinese search crusade that earlier today, their equipment caught some pings on a frequently usually used for flight data recorders. there is more information about that though, and we will get to that in a moment. p but at the same time that those pings were detected, a crew flew over white objects. and so the debris is 90 miles from where the pings were heard.
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this is adding new cautious new energy to the frustrating search that has lasted four weeks. military and civilian airplanes, 13 in all, have crisscrossed the search earea today, and 11 ship with high-tech scanners have worked the ocean surface. in perth, australia, our cnn international correspondent is there. matthew, you are at the head quarters of the search, and how much weight are the commanders putting on the new, but unconfirmed pings of the detectors of the chinese? >> well, they are reluctant to take it seriously, and certain ly, they have not deployed any assets or sent any aircraft to ships in that location, and perhaps that is going to change when dawn breaks and they start to deploy the aircraft. but certainly what the australi australian-led team said they are going to be looking for more information, and they have tried
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to contact the chinese vessel who mon for the or theed the apparent pings, and has not done, that and they are trying to get more information and make contact, but so far, they have not managed to make contact, but they have been in contact with beijing and the relevant authorities there, but so far, they have not got enough information to conclude that this is anything to do whatsoever with that missing malaysian airliner, and so they are looking for more information before committing to the adding resources to that area, which is outside of, remember, the designated area that we were told that the international team was in fact searching in. >> yes, and david, in beijing, these new details, they are not coming from the search crews directly, but they are actually get out via chinese media, and why this communication gap, and it is not coming from the australian-led search, guess sort of headquarters there where matthew is? >> well, brianna, it is too early to tell probably the
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reason for that. often, it is state media that acts as the mouthpiece of the government to put out the information from the search, and through the weeks we have had it quite often and it is xinhua, the main chinese media here that is putting out the information and circling around the official process. we don't know yet what the communications are behind the scenes between beijing and perth, but it does certainly appear that they have jumped the gun, somewhat. excuse me. they have been pretty early on after the initial announcement of the signal that was detected, there was follow-up, official statements from government ag t agencies saying that this does not necessarily mean that it is connected to the plane. so, it does appear that this was effecti effectively kind of getting out on the limb, and then retracting somewhat. so we will have to wait and see. as the day progresses here in asia, what exactly they were trying to do by putting the
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information out. brianna. >> yes. and matthew, the sun will rise soon there in australia, sunday will begin momentarily, and will the focus today on this search, it is going to be where the new pings have reportededly been heard? >> i think that there is certainly a lot of pressure for the australian-led search teams to refocus their efforts on thatter a ya. because, you know, no matter what the questions are that have been raised by the chinese disclosures, they are possibly the best lead in several weeks, so there is a lot of pressure, both in china, and elsewhere in the world, and malaysia and of course in the media for the australian-led teams to be involved as much as possible on these leads so that they can show that they are doing everything that they can. but the other point that i wanted to make is that this underlines the complex nature of the international search effort, and eight countries engage edd
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the search, and seven of them the report directly to the australian led teams, but it is china who refuses to do that and instead channeling information through beijing which is leading to the confusion, and it is potentially a source of friction in the few chu, briau chew chu , brianna. >> yes, david. can you speak to that, because there is pressure from the families, and many of the people on the plane are chinese, and so much interest where you are in trying to figure out what happened. what is the reaction there from the folks in china as they hear the news coming from the state media? >> well, it is worth reminding people that more than 150 passengers on board the plane were chinese nationals, and hundreds of the family members of those on board are here stuck in a hotel in bay jipg,eijinbei have remained here through the weeks. the initial reaction is let's wait and see.
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and they have been through it many times, brianna, in what seems like a credible lead, and that lead has been dash ed and leaving the emotions raw here over the weeks as they have dragged on to find the missing plane. as matthew says, this is the most credible lead in terms of the possibility of being something credible that we have had in many week, and so certainly, there is a sense of waiting foreboding for most of course, because when you finally get that confirmation that this is the data recorder if that is the case, then it will extinguish all hope that the family might have, and though certainly that hope has dimin h diminished as the days go on and the people are waiting, they do realize at least privately, i think that, there is very little chance that the loved ones are ali alive. but they are certainly overnight here in asia have said to us that they want to wait and see sh, and see a physical piece of debris or credible piece of evidence, and that is maybe one reason that the chinese are channeling the information out
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through chinese media, because they have a very important group here being the loved ones of the families on board, and once that information, they want it. so they are effectively speaking to the audience, brianna. >> yes, so many ups and downs they have been through. and matthew, and david, thank you very much. we appreciate it. for a month now, it has come down to this, find the pinger, and find the plane. so can these pulses heard by the chinese ship be the real thing? let me bring in jeff who is in charge of the underwater beacons, and the cnn government and regulation correspondent renee marsh. jeff, what do you make of the chinese hearing a pulse signal. are you confident that it could be the real deal? >> good evening. i don't knt no't know if i'd usd confident, because we need more
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information, but i am hopeful, as i am sure that all of the families are, and everybody wants to get to the bottom of this and understand what happened. so finding the recorders is a very important piece of that, and we need to know what was heard, how long it was heard and what type of signal to better understand if it is the locator beacons themselves. >> and sure. and the analysts are saying perhaps, and also expressing some hope as you are. renee, you are learning new information about the chinese equipment, right? i mean, if the folks had been following this, they know that the big pinger locator was the u.s. piece of equipment that was lent to the australians and the tpl-25, the giant underwater microphone, but this is something different, and what do we know about it? >> it is also an underwater mic microphone, hydrophone, but it is not the same capabilities as the tow pinger, so we talked to
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the maker of the hydrophone that the search crews aboard the chinese ship were using when they defected a ping on the 325 kilohertz frequency for about a minute and a half. and this is so advanced to track underwater pingers. it can be used by divers or handheld from the surface like the chinese were doing in the video there. if we put up the video, you can see it exactly, there because it is clear when you look at the video that this equipment is not going as deep as the tow pinger can go. and remember that the tow pinger is what is on board the australian ship "the australian shield" and the tow pinger can go some 25,000 feet deep underwater, and when you look at the video there, that is clearly not going 20,000 feet deep, and the maximum depth of the chinese hydrophone can operate in is 600 feet according to the maker, and it is not going anywhere near that, because they were doing it
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from the surface, and lowering it by the pole. the reason that the depth is so important is because, again, as we have been saying, you have to be within a one to two-mile radius to detect the pings from the black boxes, however, and there is a but in the story, and always a but in the story, but one surveillance ocean expert says that there are certain conditions like water temperature that could allow the sound to travel a longer distance, such as cold water, so that might fudge the numb bears a little bit when we talk to the one to two-mile radius, brianna. >> jeff, if i'm listening to the news of the pinger, perhaps, being located or the idea that they are hearing this chinese crew has heard something that could be reminiscent of the pinger, could it be something else? are there things that could impact the signal? i mean, i have heard this devibed as the second hand on
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the clock, a san diego this really unmistakably a sound or something else making the sound? >> obviously, with we nethat we to wait and see what was heard and the evidence of what was heard. it is a unique sound and in a distinct frequency, and it is like the ticking off a clock, and very repeatable, and continuous in that way. so even if they heard it partially over the course of 90 seconds, it would be unique to the device itself. obviously, many things in the water that can generate sound, but this is unique in what it produces. >> yunique. and we will be getting more information no doubt as this goes on. and thank you, rene and jeff. is this pipging actually belonging to the flight 370? we will bring in our team of
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well, for some people, the chinese ship detecting a pulse signal is unlikely. why is that? well, the ship was outside of the search area, and using a more modest piece of equipment, and the experts have said that finding a ping without having found confirmed debris first would be very, very difficult. so we will bring back our own experts to talk about this side of things. cnn aviation analyst miles o'brien, and cnn regulation and government correspondent rene marsh back with us, and cnn correspondent richard quest. miles, let me start with you he here. if i told you that the ship would find the ping without finding the debris first, what would your reaction be? >> my first reaction would be what are the un -- nonpublic satellite images that got them on target, if you will. i suspect the chinese have employed a lot of assets that they don't want to talk about to assist them in locating this
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particular find, if it is indeed a find, and i think that they have been playing independently, autonomously outside of the investigation, because of the concerns about their sharing some of the methods for gathering secret information. and also, frankly, because of the acrimony that we have docume documented thoroughly here on cnn between the malaysians and the chinese as this investigation has progressed. so, that is what is sort of p my first inclination is that the chinese know something they have not shared, and that should not come as much of a surprise to us. >> no, i don't believe it does, and that is an interesting take on thing, because there could be some debris that we don't know about or may never know about if it plays out this way. and richard, this information that we have gotten so far, it has come from chinese state media. are you surprised that the information could have come out like this? how do you any that this affects
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the search perhaps if all? >> nothing surprises me about this story anymore, brianna, and i'm not being facetious when i say it. the truth is that, of course, it shouldn't have come out like this. and it was supposed to be reported to the jacc in perth, the coordination center, and they will determine if more verification needs to be done, and they would make the announcement, but the chinese don't play by the same rules as everyone else, and that is not a chinese understatement, but a comment that basically, all of their information is not going to go directly to perth, but via beijing, and for good reason. they did have the majority of citizens on board this aircraft. they are to some extent if not shutout, they are tangential to it, and that i have -- they have to be seen taking a stern and strict way to it. ultimately, the chinese the government will have to answer for what they did and how they
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reacted. one potential thought of course is they may want to find the box first, and i can't see how they would. i cannot see an argument that would let them, but maybe they would try to claim the investigation. >> we will see sh, and obviousl many steps ahead, but rene, when you look at this, you know, miles did bring it up, you would expect that if this is the pinger that they have located, there must have been some other information. you have followed this from the beginning and the idea of how these things work and can you imagine the ship crossing the black box coincidentally and randomly here? >> no, i cannot. and honestly, whoever was on board that ship should truly go ahead and buy themselves a lottery ticket, because it is re really about the same here. i mean, this vast, vast ocean that we are talking about here that they have been searching now for about 30 days, and they have happened to stumble upon the exact area where they hear the pinging sound.
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if a that is true, and truly the case, those are a bunch of really lucky folks on board that ship. so it begs the question, were they working off of other information that we are just don't have access to? did they have additional satellite images or whatever it is, other data that we didn't know about that led them to that specific area, and why was the ship in that area? was it on the way to the designated search area, and happened to hear this? or again, were they working off of the other information? that or was this truly the real thing that we are talking about here or was it a false positive, and going back to the maker of the equipment that they are using, the maker did admit to us on the phone that there is a possibility of picking up a false positive with the equipment, and it could very well pick up other equipment that is in the area, but then that begs the question, were there other ships nearby emitting a sound that perhaps this equipment may have picked
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up on. >> and/or was someone from the chinese ship in a way, i guess you could say to borrow your metaphor some intel help them in picking the lottery numbers. richard, and miles and rene, thank you to all of you. and now coming up, could this ping be from the mh-370 ship? for that martin savidge is standing by in the flight simulator to explain why this plane might have taken this path. ♪ ben! ♪ [ train whistle blows ] oh, that was close. you ain't lying. let quicken loans help you save your money with a mortgage that's engineered to amaze.
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simulat simulator, and what have you been able to figure out from the reported pulse signals? >> well, brianna, i think that initially when i heard about the ping, i was skeptical, but now that we have sort of looked at it and plotted it especially, mitchell has pointed out to me, that it is very close to the arc that the aircraft is alleged to have flown. >> yes, that is right. it look likes the predictions that the scientists were making is bang-on and very, very close. >> it was right on the southern arc and this is the information gleaned as a result of the amorsat communications, and so the airplane was not only just checking in, but sending a signal, and when they plotted them on course, they found that it led to the south, and so this i identification here, it was right in between i thought two search areas that had already been checked. >> that is right, martin. it with was right smack in the middle. so it looks like they were looking in the right area. >> and so from sheerly looking at it on the maps and look agent
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it -- looking at oit and the charts and the maps, it fits well, brianna. >> and this is the area that you might expect, and it is very interesting to note martin savidge and mitchell casado. and you know, some of the fam thely members are still clinging on to hope that their loved ones are still alive. an update on the developments next. it means unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase, every day. it doesn't mean, "everything... as long as you buy it at the gas station." it doesn't mean, "everything... until you hit your cash back limit." it means earn 1.5% cash back on every purchase, every place, every occasion, all over creation. that's what everything should mean. so consider... what's in your wallet?
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for flight 370, a chinese ship has reportedly detected a 90-second string of pings con sis tent with an airliner's so-called black box, but it is too soon to say if the sounds are linked to the missing plane. in response to the report, malaysia's acting minister tweeted, another night of hope, and praying hard. in fact, some of the families say that the latest reports strengthen their hopes that the family members are a still alive. >> i think that i have come to a realization that for sure that the flight is intact, and the passengers are still alive, because the sequence of information that we have been given points to that, and that is the common theme at the meeting with the families. i believe that all of the other families feel the same way i do. >> and now for the first time
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people who are not investigators are listening to the recordings of the final conversations of the cockpit from flight 370 to air traffic control. and cnn's joe johns is joining me from kuala lumpur. just to be clear, it is not the flight data recordings, because those are what we expect in the ocean at this point, but these are the recordings between the pilots and the air traffic control, and who listened to these recordings? >> well, what we are told is that investigators have allowed friends of the pilots, and perhaps even other pilots to listen listen to the audio records of the conversations with the cockpit and air traffic control, but family members of the pilots have not been allowed the same courtesy, because it is still
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first, we are watching an important story developing in aftz where voters turned out in large numbers for historic elections despite threats of taliban violence. this is the first democratic transfer of presidential power in the country's history. there were no major attacks in the capital, but 20 people were killed in violence in other parts of the kcountry. preliminary results will be announced around april 28th a. short time ago president obama issued a written statement, and he said that he congratulated the thousands of afghans who voted in free elections which is an important part for afghanistan to secure their country as the united states around our partners draw down our forces. and now, a chinese ship did detect some pulses that were similar to those that would come
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from a black box. and now, rosa flores, we are anxiously awaiting information, and tell us what happens if these pings are from plane wreckage, what will happen first? >> well, brianna, i am fascinated by this technology, because it is used on a regular bae sis in the oil and gas industry. how do i know this? well, i used to work in tv land in louisiana and that is oil and gas operations in the gulf of mexico, and so what are we talking about here auvs and rovs. and auvs are underwater autonomous vehicles. they go underneath and probe the ocean floor. what would they be looking for? probes on the ocean floor that are oddities. that would help to the find the debris field. then once you find it you step it up with a rov, a remotely operated vehicle. this technology is pretty amazing. and you are looking at/on the
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screen. and what it is, it is these machines that are equipped with high definition cameras, arms and jaws. so these high definition cameras are your eyes in the deep sea. this equipment would actually be able to the look for the black box. once you see the black box, and then what dow do you do? you use the arms and the hands the jaws to retrieve the black b box. and brianna, if the black box is under debris, you can rig the rov with the lifting equipment, and the cutting equipment to get your hands on that black box, and then retrieve it up to the vess vessel. of course, all of this has to, we have to find the black box and the wreckage before any of this comes in. brianna? >> and exactly. even rosa, folks who have worked on the shallow situations will tell you that it is painstaking, and i spoke with one person who said that these vehicles can take one hour per 1,000 feet as they descend or come up. i don't know how deep certainly this area is where the chinese
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crew found the ping is, but we are talking about some of the search areas as 20,000 feet. how long can the devices work underwater? is there a time limit for some of them? >> well, it is a great question, because when it comes to the auvs, they are unmanned probes and a lot of times they are operated by batteries and it depends upon the battery life of the auvs and go down to work the battery life and come up, and the good news is that once they come up, you can connect it to the computer, and you will get the high resolution picture of the ocean floor, but the rovs, those areteterred to the ship, and they can be underwater working for days, because the rov ships are equipped with the 24-hour staffing. they have 12-hour shifts and as long as the 12-hour shifts keep going, then you can keep the rov in the deep sea working. so that's the good thing about that. once the debris field is identified, then the rovs could work around the clock the to tr
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find that black box. >> rosa flores, thank you for explaining to us. no one knows for sure at least not yet what happened to flight 370, but there are already calls to secure better measures for a cockpit, and the latest proposal here in the u.s. next. inspired by the freshness of the season, our chefs have created a new spring seasonal menu at olive garden. dive into our pappardelle pescatore with the best of the bay. salmon bruschetta grilled to perfection, or fall in yum with our chicken primavera made from scratch by our chefs every day
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yeah. what's the... guest room situation? the "name your price" tool, making the world a little more progressive. among those making the mark this week, senator bob casey of pennsylvania acting on a request by ellen saricini who died in the 9/11 attacks. it is a bill to provide a secondary gate in the aircraft. and he told us why it is needed
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to protect the crews in the cockpit. >> well, they need it, because the evidence shows that there is not enough security even after all of these years after 9/11, and the faa and others who have looked at it have indicated that the secondary barrier is the most cost effective the and efficient way to provide a full measure of security. i think that it's essential that the airlines discontinue the opposition to this. even in advance of passing legislation, but we are going to continue to move forward with the legislation. >> senator casey introduced the bill last year on september 11th, and he says he e hopes it will become law. let e let's talk about it more with the cnn aviation analyst miles o'brien, and les abend, cnn pilot analyst. and so i know ta you have real issues of why this secondary barrier has taken so long to be
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approved. tell us about the process? >> well, start with the common sense thing that we can all agree on, this is simply a good idea. since 9/11 and the discovery that unsecured cockpit is a huge v vulnerability, and the idea of reinforcing the cockpit door is great, but eventually the crew has to come out on a long flight to relieve themselves or whatever, and that is a vulnerable moment. all of the reinforcement is for nought if a determined hijacker decided to hurdle through the top heavy drink cart and the flight attendant behind it, so it is a failure of the reg regulatory system. and the faa should be held accountable for this, and why did we not get rules put in place after 9/11 that would require these additional kind of light netting devices which would be a secondary barrier. the faa which we have been accused repeatedly of in the past of not properly enforcing
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the airlines because they tend to be sympathetic to the airlines who don't want to do this, because it costs them money, and now congress is going to go around the system which is broken and congress, fluenced i the money. they don't want it to the happen, because it cost them money. >> and what do you think, les, well sh well, first off, i want you to explain to lay people, where would this gate go? if you are talking about something that is mesh fabric, miles said, and where would this go, and what do the pilots say when they are talking about the need for this. is this something where they feel vulnerable, and wonder what the holdup has been? >> well, yes, we have been pushing for this for ever since 9/11. what we have moved ahead forward with was the federal flight deck officer program, but it is a last resort thing, and that is if the entry is gained into the
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cockpit, and miles is right, this is the most vulnerable time that we have, e regahave regarl whether or not there is a weapon in the cockpit, because once that door is opened, we are back to square one, and the entry can be gained very, very quickly, and the barrier that they are talking about from my understanding is of wire mesh thing that can be be attach tached to according to whatever airplane model we are talking about, has to be modified and adjusted accordingly, but it is a simple solution. the airline's argument is of course cost. we compare ourselves to el al, but their airplanes compared to u.s. airplanes is a lot less, but the airlines are going to have to say they pass it on to the customer, but it would be a negligible cost compared to the price of the ticket and what passenger would not pay extra knowing that they have a more
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secure cockpit anyhow. >> and to that point, you mentioned it that el al has it in place, and even if it is expensive to do it on so many planes, losing a plane is expensive as well, and the liability issues that come with that if there is a precaution that the airline could have taken, and i mean, assuming, and we don't know the kausz of it, but if it were this and they could have take n this precaution, that is a also a very expensive venture, right? >> of course. of course, it is. if you add it up per airplane, but it is saddening me that we have to get to this point and revisit it. ellen saracini's push for this all of these years over something that we were speculating might have occurred, but it is great from that standpoint that this is one benefit of the tragedy that might be flight 370, but i'm re really big endorser as my colleagues are in the airlines to have this in place. >> and we will see if it pushes some new momentum into this bill
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that senator casey introduced in september. les and miles, thank you, both. next, we will take you for an update from australia, and plus the desperate search for the black box as the battery life diminishes next. ...we'll be here at lifelock doing our thing: you do your connect to public wi-fi thing protecting you in ways your credit card company alone can't. get lifelock protection and live life free.
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important developments of flight 370 and the same pulse signal discovered as a black box, but as chad myers explains the indian ocean is such a remote area, that there is no easy map to follow. >> when you talk about how much you know of the moon or the mars, it is because we can take a picture of those, but you can't take a picture of the ocean floor, because you can't see through the ocean floor especially 12,000 feet deep. so we have the send pings down to the ocean floor and they ping back and give us a look at what the bottom is going to look like. it is a five-mile wide strip in any one area, and the hship is moving 5 miles per hour, and then you will get some ridiculous mapf of 130 million square miles. and it would take 593 years to map all of the oceans, and that
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is doing nothing else but mapping. let me show you what it looks like here in the indian ocean which is crazy. say that the search area sup here, and there is one ship that did a ping through here sh, and another one here, and look at the blue area through here that does not have one single mapping of it here. and back out here, and not one map ever, and not one ship ever drove over that area mapping that part of the indian ocean. and now, closer to home, the united states has most of the east coast and the west coast and the gulf of mexico ships that have been all over the place thanks to noaa to know what the bottom looks like, but out there in the indian ocean, absolutely not. >> thank you, chad myers. let's are bring in our cnn analyst miles o'brien, and pilot expert les abend, and what problem does this pose with no map? >> well, they will make one now in this particular area now,
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won't they, because if this pinging is verified, they will probably drop in the what they call the side scan sonar which has the ability to map the ocean floor and this is how they discovered the air france 447 wreckage a couple of years after the debris was discovered and ultimately discovered the black boxes on that particular crash. and the side scan sonar is an invaluable tool, but you don't want to plunk it down into the water unless you have a good idea where to go, and the ping ing might do that, and if it is all verified, that is the next step to get that side scan down, there because the pinging is go going the stop pretty soon and maybe it already has, and maybe this is the place that you begin the side scan sonar before the winter comes, and after that is done, you will have a very good detailed map of the ocean floor. >> and les, this is a sort of shot in the dark here, but when you look back to the air france flight, and in some of the immediate days after the crash, there was some debris found, but
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much of it at the ocean floor two years later, and similar issue there where the ocean floor was not mapped, and did that play any role in it? >> well, i'm sorry to say that it is beyond my expertise, but you know, it is that was my understanding that it is true. that is pretty vast in that particular area where air france 447 went down, yeah. >> but as, so they do the sort of side scan, sonar, what are they really getting back? what kind of information do they get back, miles, and do you think that this is something that they do now even if they are not for sure that it is a ping? >> maybe, yeah. i think that it is kind of given the time constraints and the pressure, and all of the issues that we have been talking about, just the families and the fact that winter is coming, and i would not be surprised if it gets done regardless. even if you can't recreate the pinging noise which the chinese claim to have heard, you might want to do it, because the
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assets are in place, and that i c -- they can begin the process, and think of where they are 10,000 feet of depth, and pitch black and cold, and the sonar is the only way to see anything, quote, unquote, and you are really hearing the returns and the echos, and it can paint a picture, and it is very distinct when you run across wreckage. it would be something that would stand the out if you were in the right place. >> all right. and les, just to put a button on it in the last 20 seconds to you, we are waiting to the figure out if this ping is the ping. are you hopeful? >> i'm very hopeful. i have been hopeful this whole investigation, and i'd like to see it come to fruition, and we can begin a real investigation at that point. >> and yes, we certainly all would, and fingers crossed for sure, and thinking of the family s. thank you, les and miles. i'm brianna keilar and thank you for joining me. "cnn newsroom" with don lemon "cnn newsroom" with don lemon begins right now.
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-- captions by vitac -- thank you, brianna. it is 7:00 p.m. here on the east coast of the united states. and we are talking about a deep search looking for the malaysian flight 370, and now people are trying to figure out whether this new something is worth pursuing. this is wa we are talking about. earlier today, the chinese ship said they found something that was collected on a frequency that is normally used by the flight data coordinators. >> this afternoon the rescuers have heard a ping every second, and it lasted for one minute, one and a half minutes. however, the government says that these kinds of signals could be from other equipment, but at this
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