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tv   Death Row Stories  CNN  April 6, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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droo mattock new developments in the mystery of malaysia flight 370 in the past four hours. we continue our coverage of this
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developing story. to our viewers from around the world and in the united states, thanks for joining us. let's go first to nick who is following the developments and then we'll talk about the search in the indian ocean and what they may be finding there. nick, first to you and the new information about the flight path of this 777. >> yeah. we have new information about the flight path that context the whole of the flat path, fills in some very important blanks. this information coming from a senior malaysian government official. what this official says is that after the malaysian airlines flight 370 took that left-hand turn, deviated from its path to beijing, flew across malaysia, the official now says that they know from looking at radar data from neighboring countries that the flight then skirted the radar air space of indonesia, flew around the north of
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indonesia, didn't fly over indonesia, flew around indonesia before coming on to that southernly route that took the aircraft all the way down to the southern indian ocean. what is significant here? it shows another turn of the aircraft. it shows the complete route flying back across malaysia and then going up and around the north of indonesia before flying down off -- way off the indonesian coast to the southern indian ocean. what this senior official tells us is that it gives the appearance that whoever was piloting this the aircraft was trying to avoid detection, trying to avoid radar detection of indonesian radars as it flew down and off the coast of indonesia on that southern path. a significant development. we now know all of the route that this aircraft took and we
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know, again, not just that one left turn the, but we now know another turn the aircraft took, turning in a southerly direction, after apparently intentionally flying around indonesia. natalie. >> and, nick, have malaysian authorities said how they've been able to figure that aspect out, that part of this the puzzle? >>. >> yeah. they're saying they now have neighboring radar from other countries. they can put that together with what they have themselves, what they've been provided by others in the investigation, and that has allowed them to see clearly the path that has been taken skirting around indonesia. this for the investigators would be significant because they've been trying so ascertain from the outset was that initial left turn of the aircraft, turning
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away from the flight path to beijing, was that because of some mechanical mishap? certainly now the appearance is what they are saying implicit that someone was at the controls intentionally flying around indonesia and making another significant turn in the path of the aircraft. natalie. >> and aviation expert that i just spoke with said that kind of flying of this highly technologically advanced 777 would take a very, very skilled person at the controls. and does that not put the focus back on the pilots, nick? >> it certainly would seem to. we've known from malaysian officials that they have said all along that they believe that whoever was at the controls of the aircraft knew very well how to control that aircraft. that's been a significant thing that they've said all along. now it would very much appear to point towards the people in the
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cockpit with the most knowledge of flying that aircraft, the captain and the first officer. the captain had a lot of experience in the aircraft. the first officer was just on his first unaccompanied, if you will, flight in a 777. this was his sixth flight in the cockpit as first officer. the previous five had been monitored as part of his about the build up in that process. so we've heard from the investigators that they've been looking at whether or not it's sabotage, whether or not it's hijacking, whether or not it's a personal issue on the plane or a psychological issue. certainly now hearing from this senior malaysian government source that there's an apparent effort to avoid radar detection flying around indonesia, it's going to provide investigators a lot more insight about who could be responsible and potentially -- potentially help them try to figure out what may have happened at the end of its path, if they have an idea that
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the intent here was to avoid detection in this whole flight path, natalie. >> unreal, this news. and, of course, after this turn, that put this airplane on a track to virtually nowhere. and i know that, nic, just yesterday, you pointed out that they've been expanding the investigation and organizing it in a way to look at the different aspects of the operations of the cargo and the people on board. they still, though, even though they've been looking for something with these pilots up until now they just haven't gotten anything that would explain any action on the pilots to do something like this. >> they haven't. what they have been able to do, investigators, is they've played the air traffic control conversations with the cockpit to friends and colleagues of the
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first officer and the captain. focusing on them. they want to know essentially the important information, who made that last radio communication, the good night malaysian 370. because within two the nights of that communication, that's when the transponder data was turned off, that's when the radio silence began, the implication being whoever is making that last radio message potentially was the one in control of the aircraft when it took the left turn and when it took this passage. the investigators having played these audio recordings to friends and colleagues say they are unable to at this stage to tell who it was making that last radio communication. we do know that the first officer would have been in control if of making radio communications on the ground when the aircraft is pushing back from the stand when it was taxiing. but in the air, of course, we're told that it could have been
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either the first the officer or the captain. and once that information is ascertained, it will allow investigators to further focus on this flight path that seems to have been an intentional to avoid radar detection to almost nowhere in the middle of the southern indian ocean, natalie. >> and we know now that when you say investigators, are you talking about not just na laboran investigators, but also uk, france, u.s.? you know, all of the people who have come together to try to piece this together? because there have been some analysts listening to what malaysia has put out in the past month that have pulled back on believing them and questioning their credible as they've made some missteps. >> there have certainly been missteps and perhaps in time malaysian authorities will see some of those.
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one came yesterday. the minister of transport who essentially has been the face of the investigation here for reporters and further for everyone, really. said yesterday or implied that no one had been ruled out from the investigation. took clarification to have it reiterated that, in fact, the passengers have been ruled out from the investigation. the crew was still under the scrutiny of investigation. so it's things like that that are apparent missteps in the heat of the moment, words not as clear as they could be that led to that criticism. but in terms of the investigation, marsat has been providing valuable information in terms of the location of where the aircraft may have come down. we understand from malaysian officials that the international investigation now is aided by china, united states, united kingdom, france, australia,
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other countries they say that have had pull support of all the asean countries, the neighboring countries in this region and a few others that the help they've been getting is significant. but they seem to be -- they are the ones leading this investigation, as they're mandated to do under international standards. they continue to lead it and it's their investigators who really seem to have control over the vast majority of the information. at least as it pertains to how this all happened. perhaps less so about the whereabouts of the aircraft now, natalie. >> all right. another unbelievable aspect coming out about the flight of this plane and we still don't know why. nic robertson, thank you for that information, reporting that this plane purposely avoided indonesian radar after making these turns and going on a path
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south. that's where we're going to take you now to look at the the developments that we are learning from the area where we last had data from this aircraft. aaron joins us from perth, australia, and we certainly have had some amazing developments in the last four hours, erin, perhaps picking up some under water pings. what can you tell us? >> that's right, natalie. there have been significant developments in the search efforts with authorities deploying more assets to the area of the haixun 01 detection with angus giving a report earlier, he's the man responsible for leading this investigation at the joint coordination center. he says this is the most promising lead that they've had so far. the chinese vessel reporting not
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one, but two separate acoustic events some two kilometers apart within a time frame of 24 hours. what makes that more significant is the location. houston saying that a team of international experts has revised the area in which they think the plane went down based on new information that they've obtained about that in marsat satellite. they've revised that area southward which houston said is very close to where the chinese vessel detected these acoustic events. in response to that, authorities are deploying more assets to the area, including the hms echo which is a british vessel with high technology that is expected to the reach there in the coming hours in which it will investigate and try to authenticate what the chinese vessel was able to detect. now, the ocean shield, which is an australian vessel, which is about 24 hours journey away detecting a separate, a third
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acoustic event. authorities saying that that vessel will stay there to thoroughly investigate that occurrence. houston saying that, you know, this is raw data at this moment. it thoroughly needs to be looked at, thorough le needs to be investigated and that we are a long way off from being able to draw any conclusions from this information. natalie. >> and what's really remarkable about this the possible break through, and yes, we definitely want to emphasize this has not been verified, but it came in the ninth hour. it came when time was virtually up to be able to hear anything. so this is -- if this is something, it came -- it couldn't have come at a better moment or the most critical time. >> that's right. it's less than a day until that battery life of the black box pinger is expected to begin to fade, begin to decline. as they redeploy the assets to
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this the area to try and authenticate what they're characterizing as an acoustic event. it is still possible even past that 30-day mark that they could still hear something. 30-day mark doesn't mean the battery is going to shut off, it simply means that signal will begin to fade. it is possible that they will have some more days to figure out what exactly is going on in that area, natalie. >> all ships steaming to the that particular area. erin there for us in perth, we thank you. so what we know about this area is this is a very, very deep part of the ocean where they believe these pings are coming from. pedran joins me now because ooefb looking at what that brings and because of the depth there couldn't be anything else making noises. >> very unusual to see that. you would expect that 37.5 kilo
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onhertz, it is specifically designed to weed out other issues. there's very little we know about the oceans. there could be something we have yet to come across. but at this point, it is the best lead that we have. when you get down to these depths, water temperatures 2 to 3 degrees cell seus, just a hair above freezing, crushing as far as the pressure that is exerted here. the only life you would find typically, sea cucumbers, giant squid, the frequency, we're going to have to verify what comes out of this. but if that puts the scale in perspective for you, one world trade center, 541 meters. you would have to put ten of these atop one another to get down to the depth that we're covering here. of course, the eiffel tower, you see the perspective there. you see all of them compared to the depth that we're talking
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about compared to the indian ocean. 260,000 square kilometers, roughly the size of romania is the the search zone. so when you go in for a closer perspective, the areas we're talking about beneath the sea's surface, this is what we're looking at. depths as low as about 20,000 feet. ping detection, 14,700 feet. getting down towards, really, the lowest points of this portion of the indian ocean. so we know the officials there saying this is doable, it certainly is possible to find this. they have the technology to do so. but it is a very challenging setup based on what we know and what we don't know about going down this low to the ocean floor. >> we'll know more about all of this part of the ocean in the next couple days as the ships head there to see what they have uncovered. thanks, pedra. coming up, more on our top story as we continue to follow these latest developments in the search for malaysia flight 370.
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welcome back. again, we are following some important new developments in the search for malaysia airlines flight 370. a senior malaysian government source tells the cnn that flight 370 flew north of indonesia and around indonesian air space during its journey to the southern indian ocean. according to this senior government source, the boeing 777 may have been deliberately flown along a route designed to avoid radar detection the. also, new developments in the search area. pinging sounds have been detected by two ships in the southern indian ocean. those sounds could be from the missing flight data recorder's, but it could be days before that is confirmed. those developments were discussed earlier by angus houston, the head of the australian agency coordinating
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search operations, cnn aviation analyst michael kay, a retired royal air force pilot, former adviser to the uk defense ministry was listen to go this news conference that happened a few hours ago and he broke down some of the key points of what houston had to say. >> i think this was a calm, measured, and supremely effective response by air chief marshall houston. what he did in this press conference, he hit a number of critical points and i'm looking towards the family and loved ones at this point. number one, he confirmed that the ping from chinese news agency wasn't verified. i think that's very important just to reduce everyone's expectations. he then said that he was actually talking to the rcc in china, the rescue coordination center in china. i think that's important because we've been talking about the importance of establishing that communication with china, bringing in that information. he then said -- and i think this was aimed towards the families, all credible leads will be
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followed up. that reassures the families they're not going to gloss over this. finally, the importance of this came through when he said he was going to redeploy those assets and i think that's what he's doing. that to me places a real importance of just how significant this ping is. >> well, up until this new information about these under water pings, perhaps the most important lead so far, there have been mainly questions, so few answers to this baffling aviation mystery, perhaps w wasbiggest ever that has been investigated. jim clancy has been in kuala lumpur almost from the beginning. >> the story of flight 370 began at the arrival gate in beijing where it was listed as delayed some six hours after it disappeared over the south china sea. >> and we have breaking news right now. malaysia airline confirms it has lost contact with the plane carrying 227 passengers and 12
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crew members. flight 370 was headed to beijing from kuala lumpur. it was expected to land at 6:30 a.m. local time. it's almost 9:00 in the morning in beijing right now. that means that plane is the 1/2 hours late. >> the confusion, concern at that hour is completely predictable, everyone dreaded the worst, terrible accident. >> we confirm that this flight mh 370 lost contact with super air krafk control at 3:40 a.m. this morning. >> most people thought it was a straightforward crash and that you have come down somewhere south of vietnam and that the wreckage we found very, very quickly. so a lot of people took that approach. >> malaysia awaited details of its own military radar the plane
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had deliberately reversed course, flying back on a heading towards the indian ocean. >> how much of a turnback it made, 20 kilometers, 10. >> referee: suddenly, anything became possible, wild and intricate internet theories, a plot led by two iranians who boarded with stolen passports. the only problem, they weren't terrorists, just trying to begin new lives in europe. suspicions soon shifted to the only people capable of flying the boeing 777, the pilots. capital shah had suspected some practiced the changes in altitude on his home flight simulator. but analysis of the fbi's data turned up nothing, no claim of responsibility, no known ties to terror groups among passengers or crew, no motive supported by evidence, incident country cat analysis of satellite handshakes took the search to an area where
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it likely ran out of fuel. with the plane, all evidence of what really happened on its flight data recorder's. >> we cannot be certain about success in the search for mh-370. we can be certain that we will spare no effort, that we will not rest until we have done everything we humanly can. >> reporter: who steered the mistaken off course and why? what happened inside the cock t cockpit? where did the aircraft go down and when will we find a trace? there's an abundance of theories colliding with the evidence. after four weeks of search, i have only questions and no answers. >> we might be getting a trace with these new developments. we'll have more about it right after this. that's a man interviewino.for a job. not that one. that one.
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the one who seems like he's already got the job 'cause he studied all the right courses from the get-go. and that's an accountant, a mom, a university of phoenix scholarship recipient, who used our unique --scratch that-- awesome career-planning tool. and that's a student, working late, with a day job, taking courses aligned with the industry he's aiming to be in. ready to build an education around the career that you want? let's get to work.
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as we first reported to you minutes ago, a senior malaysian government source tells cnn that flight 370 flew north of indonesia and around indonesian air space during his journey to the southern indian ocean. this new information comes from a review of radar track data from neighboring countries. we'll told the malaysian airlines did not fly over indonesia or its air space after making a left turn in the south china sea. according to this senior government source in kuala lumpur, the boeing 777 may have been deliberately flown along a route designed to the avoid radar detection. rather astonishing information that we just received within the past hour. but it's not the only dramatic news we have for you. right now, we've learned in the past few hours search planes and ships are heading for an area where chinese searchers have now
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twice detected electronic pulse signals in the southern indian ocean. that word came from australian authorities who said the australian ship ocean shield has picked up some kind of acoustic noise. here is part of the announcement made by australia's head of search operations. >> this morning, we were contacted by the chinese authorities and advised the haixun 01 had yesterday afternoon redetected the signals for 90 seconds within just two kilometer thes of the original dethe tekz. this is an important and encouraging lead. but one which i urge you to continue to treat carefully. >> so we'll continue to bring you analysis of these developments that we're learning. to our viewers in the u.s., thank you for joining us for our continuing coverage. to our viewers around the world, i'll be back with rain shower
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headlines. i'm natalie allen at cnn center.
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a high tech aircraft, an
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experienced crew, and 227 passengers. what began as a routine flight for malaysian airlines 370 became the total opposite. leaving behind unending grief and unanswered questions. flight 370, the final hours. here in the cockpit of this malaysian airlines plane, the captain trains this copilot to fly the aircraft. calculations, notes, and a rare towering storm to avoid. >> we see it on our radar and penetrating. but yellow and red. >> adjustments made, the trainee touches down moments later. a perfect landing.
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it's february, 2014, and the trainee is hamid. weeks later, he would again be in the right hand seat this time as first officer of malaysia airlines flight 370. >> in kuala lumpur, malaysia, millions of people are on the move. thousands of miles away in beijing, the day begins as usual for his partner, sara bejack. >> i get up early, i drink coffee in front of the window next to the sunrise. we live next to an apple orchard. i do yoga every morning and eat my oatmeal and go to work. >> in the early morning hours, phil will take the red eye home
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to sara in beijing. the airport, paul meeks needs to make it thousands of miles inland to mongolia. >> it was his dream job. >> weeks is an engineer, husband and a father to two young boys. >> he spends so much time with his kids, take them to the zoo, lincoln was his little shadow. >> in fact, preparing the boys was a major issue before paul left for his 28-day assignment abroad. >> we cried when he left. i mean, this is a big change for the family. we prepared lincoln, you know, paul had gone and bought him a map where daddy was going to be. >> he told his wife he was leaving a few things behind. >> i'm going to leave my wedding
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ring and my watch and should anything happen to me, i want the ring to go to the first son that's married and the watch to the second. and i -- i said something to him like, don't be stupid, just come back and i'll give it back to you and you can give it to them. >> hours earlier, pilot hamid and capital zaharie shah were at the the airport. >> they'll talk about the route, they'll talk about the winds aloft, they'll talk about turbulence. with that all in mind, they will come to an agreement how much fuel to load on to the airplane. >> hamid and shah load enough fuel to get to beijing plus 45 minutes to spare. hours later, phillip wood, paul weeks and 225 other passengers
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arrive for the flight. bags checked, boarding passes printed. among them, a group of chinese painters and calligraphers heading back from their work, a family heading back from vacation with their toddler, two iranian men traveling on fake passports, passengers flying for business and pleasure as well as the flight crew. in the cockpit, the captain and first officer make their final preparations. >> oxygen, check. instruments, check. >> in a 777 simulator, commercial pilot mitchell casado shows the preflight prep. >> so it's going into this system here. >> the pilot loads the route, programming the aircraft to fly to its destination. >> and it's essentially step by step going to take this plane from kuala lumpur all the way to beijing. >> the plane is ready. before taking the off, paul
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weeks sends a message home. >> the last line is this is one day, so that means it's only 27 days until i see you all again. >> around 12:30 a.m., malaysia airlines 370 pushes back from the gate and gently eases towards the runway. the aircraft is cleared for takeoff. >> let's go. >> all right. so the brakes are off and everything is set. >> the captain boosts the mass i have engines. the plane roars into the sky. its altimeter tracking its climb through 5,000 feet then 10,000 feet. now airborne, air traffic controllers pick up the flight. >> they're going to see you on their radar because you've got what's called a squawk code in your transponder, which turns your simple radar return into something that has a lot of information on it. it includes the flight number
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and the speed and the alty the attitude. >> coming up to 17,000 feet. >> this is malaysia here. here is cambodia on the left side. >> as the plane reaches its cruising altitude of 35,000 feet, the pilots can relax a little. so can the passengers like paul weeks and phillip wood. it's 1:119 in the morning and a voice from the cockpit addresses air traffic control. good night, malaysian 370. for flight 370, it's been a routine evening. coming up, an aircraft with 239 people aboard vanishes. completely. >> it's got to be some practical joke. and then it stayed missing and it stayed missing.
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march 8th, just before 1:00 a.m., malaysia airlines flight 370 and its 239 passengers and crew are 35,000 feet above the gulf of thailand, cruising comfortably in a boeing 777. >> the 777 was a pivotal aircraft for boeing. and it 777 has a sterling safety rating. >> it's extremely safe. it's triple redundant. there's at least three backups for every system, electrical, hydraulic -- >> in the cockpit, zaharii amad shah, a stellar reputation. >> he's the kind of guy i want to fly with, the quintessential airline pilot. >> seated beside him, 27-year-old first officer fariq
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abdul hamid who has just under 30,000 hours in the air. >> an airline pilot in his mid 20s with the experience he had would never be flying a 777 in the u.s. that would be unheard of. so this guy was doing well. >> doing so well that fariq hamid had just finished training on the 777 and this is his first time flying the the plane without a check copilot. nearly 30 minutes after takeoff, all seems well according to the another one automatic message sent from the aircraft's communication system. that's kind of like a little text message that is just checking in. everything about that indicates a plane, air crews, everything is fine, everything is normal. >> 12 minutes later, at 1:19 a.m., handoff with air traffic control. >> what happens during these handoffs is the controller in the station that is giving an
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airplane over to another sector gets on the phone to the next sector and says, hey, i've got malaysian airlines 370 domg coming your direction. do you see it? okay. i'm going to give him a checkoff. >> someone in the aircraft signs off with malaysian airlines, good night malaysia 370. >> everything goes quiet in a hurry. >> at 1:21 a.m., the plane's transponder goes silent. >> when you turn that off, it's like lights are out. so there's no more voice communication. >> and no signal to air traffic control with the mraep's location, speed and altitude. >> it could have been physically turned off. it could have been -- there could have been a circuit breaker pulled or there could have been some sort of
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catastrophic failure on the plane which caused an electrical disruption. >> then the 777 makes an unexpected left turn heading west, way off course. >> what we see is a quick turn, almost 180 degree turn back towards land. >> according to a source close to the investigation, military radar then shows the plane dropping and flying as low as 12,000 feet. >> the controller at the other end is expecting a call from that aircraft. >> but the call never comes. >> there was repeated attempts to reach the aircraft. not ohm on the 120.9 frequency, which is the frequency they were assigned, but also on an emergency frequency. >> there is no answer. >> they're going through their checklist for a missing aircraft, an aircraft that has apparently fallen off the radar screens and is not communicating.
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you know, what's going on? >> at 2:40 a.m., a worried air traffic control tower alerts malaysia airlines. they've lost contact with the plane. flight 370 has disappeared. by 6:30 a.m., the sun is rising over beijing. the same time, flight 370 is scheduled to land. but there is no plane and no sign of phillip wood, paul weeks and the 237 other passengers and crew members on board. coming up, the news no one could prepare for. >> after more than 30 hours without any contact with the aircraft, we believe that the family members should prepare themselves for the worst.
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a large 777 jet is missing and the news quickly makes its quay arou way around the world. >> malaysia airlines has reported it lost contact with -- [ speaking foreign language ]. >> families begin to gather at information centers set up by the airline in cue all la lumpur and beijing. by 12 hours, disbelief started to set in like, this can't be happening. it's surreal. >> it soon becomes apparent that it's going to be difficult for families to get clear information. and anxiety turns to anger. this woman is telling families
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she kaencan't get them an answe until noon the next day. no, answer us now, this manuals. >> we're not getting any information and whether they know anything or they're not telling us. at this stage, i'm -- it's just blank. just blank racing and praying. >> just north of perth, australia, danica weeks waits for news of her husband, paul, with her 3-year-old lincoln and her 11-month-old jack. >> the good news is, malaysia hasn't had to deal with this before. the bad news is, malaysia hasn't had to deal with this before. we're in a situation where we're watching them learn how to do this and it's unfortunate. >> we go back to square one where we had something catastrophic 2457d. >> with a lack of clear communication, speculation and theories abound. >> kite have been mechanical, structural failure that caused a rapid decompression?
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it's possible. i would say when you weigh all the evidence, the balance is now moving towards some sort of intentional act. >> but what kind? a road crew intent on hijacking or murder/suicide or maybe a terrorist organization? that theory gets a boost by two passengers traveling with stolen passports. it's later determined those men are seeking asylum, not trouble. but that talk of terrorism, surprisingly, gives sara beijack hope. >> if i was a terrorist, what would i do snpt i want want to protect those very valuable assets of the people on the plane. >> as the family press for answers -- >> china has deployed two ships to search the south china sea. >> investigators are scouring the seas. the problem is, they don't know where to look.
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first they concentrate near the malaysian peninsula. but then they expand east towards vietnam. and west towards the andeman islands. but there's another problem -- >> the way the international investigators have been working together is kind of like a bunch of teen age girls running around a locker room all trying not to show each other what they've got. >> who is in charge? it has to be managed better than it is in order to get those answers. >> taens begin to come fast and furious with the discovery of on several satellite ping else sent from the plane, referred to as handshakes. >> so there is a box on the plane which gets you to the satellite. that box was still alive. so it's not unlike your cell phone. when your cell phone is on, even if you're not making a call, it's constantly checking in with the nearest cell tower.
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>> and those handshakes or satellite pings give the satellite company enough information to reconstruct the plane's likely flight path. surprisingly, the data shows the 777 flies for several more hours after disappearing from radar. and ends in the south indian ocean. the constant, changing, conflicting news puts families in a tailspin. >> it's a roller coaster ride. i felt that, you know, i had some positivity, that, you know, he was coming back. ♪ we're right here waiting for you ♪ >> on march 24th, that positivity is dashed when malaysia airline sends families they have not been able to
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contact this text, malaysia airlines regrets that we have to assume beyond any reasonable down that mh-370 has been lost and that none of those on board survived. a short time later, malaysia's prime minister makes an announcement. >> like image 370 ended in the southern indian ocean. what was the hurry to make that statement? if the malaysians thought that was going make people feel better and go home and be happy, it didn't work very well, did it? >> and sara bajc is still trying, deaf prattly, to cling to hope. >> i'm coping through it. there's just this huge vacuum, because, you know, it's not only that phillip is missing and by
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any reasonable person's calculations he's most likely permanently missing, and i can't quite accept that because, you know, what my head is telling me and what my heart are telling me are two very conflicting things. >> as she hopes, the data is fine tuned, the search area shifts again and the world waits. >> we can't stop thinking about this. and wondering. because how could it be in the 21st century that modern airliner could go missing? how could that be? and here we are with a missing airliner. and i think that just -- that boggles people's minds. we just need to know what happened, don't we? >> a mystery unsolved, clues scattered, questions unanswered, and heart broken families left
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to pick up the pieces. we are following several breaking developments in the mist are ri of malaysian flight 370. they concern the search for the missing airliner and the investigation into the disappearance four weeks ago. first, breaking news we've received from a force in kuala lumpur. an official tells cnn flight 370 flew around indonesia air space during since journey march 8th. according to


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