tv Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN April 6, 2014 7:00am-8:01am PDT
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union. i'm candy crowley in washington. if you missed any part of today's show, find us on itunes. search state of the union. fareed zakaria, gps is next. this is gps, the global public square. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. i'm fareed zakaria live in new york. we'll begin today's show is yesterday's election in afghanistan. will it change anything? what will happen to the taliban and terrorism as american troops leave? >> we'll talk about ukraine and the middle east peace talks with a great panel. then, i sit down with michael lewis. he says wall street is rigged. but some traders have an unfair advantage skimming money out of your pockets and into your own. but is he right? watch and find out. also in the wake of the ft. hood
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shoot, we'll introduce you to an army general with the solution to the problem of mentally unstable soldiers with guns and we'll tell you why he can't get his way in washington. finally, a shakespearian tragedy related to syria. but it's not what you're thinking. this one will actually make you smile. but first here's my take. for those of you tired of the coverage of malaysian airlines flight 370, i want you to try and experiment. when you're with a group of friends whose eyes might rollover when you bring up the issue, ask them what they think happened to the plane. very quickly you will find yourselves in the midst of a lively discussion with many different competing theories. each plausible, each with holes. the plane was hijacked each will say. but then why no demands. it was an accident someone else will say. why were there no distress
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signals? this mystery of what actually happened is at the heart of the fascination with the story and the mystery has now morphed into an ever-increasing number of conspiracy theories about what actually happened that fateful day last month when the aircraft disappeared. there are you-tube clips suggesting that aliens are involved. blog posts accusing the iranians of hijacking the plane and many who believe the passengers and crew are alive perhaps on an island somewhere like on the show, "lost". >> i was thinking of these theories the other day while looking at a book. it's tied ld "conspiracy theories and other dangerous ideas." . the lead essay in the book explains why conspiracy theories spread and flight 37 o is a perfect example of his logic. the conspiracy theories, he treats them seriously. he doesn't believe people are crazy to believe them. he argues that so many people in so many countries believe such
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theories that we need to understand why and how. a key condition that helps fuel conspiracy theories is a lack of information. when information is scarce, conspiracies abound. we don't actually know a lot of things about what happened to that plane. now, the trend is heightened when there is distrust of politics, politicians or people in authority. one can see that in opaque political systems like malaysia and china. but one can also see that in the united states, a country famously distrustful of its government. when there's intense feelings and emotions, people in a state of fear or rage find it easier to believe in far-fetched ideas. an assassination, like that of jfk, a terrorist attack like 9/11 or an airline flight produce high emotions and a certificate. for something or someone to put the blame. it takes over when the people affected or interested tend to
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gather, talk to one another and communicate in isolation. their convictions tend to get hardened. if everyone you talk to and listen to and watch believes that president obama is hiding his birth certificate, you get even more sure about the secret plot over time. the most important overriding reason, however, is that we human beings don't like to believe that things happen for arbitrary reasons. we search for a pattern. and if we see one, no matter how implausible, we prefer that to the idea of randomness. sun stein said that the philosopher said that human beings like to believe in intention. that an event is caused by specific human intention and action. we exaggerate the competent of people or governments or big banks because someone must have directed things. sometimes there are conspiracies. but my own sense of the word, things happen because of
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mistakes, bad information or unintended consequences or as he put it, never a tribute to malice what can be better explained by incompetence. perhaps the biggest driver of event is something truly mysterious, chance. things go well or badly because of luck, sometimes good luck, sometimes bad luck. much more than we'd like to admit. and the combination of chance, ignorance and incompetence often produces something that looks like a mystery and feels like a conspiracy. let's get started. ♪ on saturday in afghanistan an estimated 7 million people went to the polls to vote for the nation's next leader. the war torn nation and its international protectors were bracing for terrible violence. the taliban, after all, vowed to
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disrupt the vote in any way it could. and there was violence. the ministry of information says there were 140 attacks or attempted attacks and almost a thousand polling stations had to be closed for security reasons. one out of every six. cnn's anna joins me from kabul. anna, the numbers when you put them in the context of afghanistan's history in the previous elections, actually quite a success, correct? >> yeah, absolutely, fareed. there is no doubt about it. doesn't matter how you want to tell this story. it is a success story and the people of afghanistan are certainly celebrating. as you say, they turned out in the millions. 7 million in total. that's more than 50% of the voting population. compare that to back in 2009. it was only 35% of the voting population. and the other thing, really important thing fareed, to take into account is that a third of
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the voters that wound up at the polling stations yesterday were women. this is a country that in some parts of it treat women like second-class citizens. so to see the enormous turnout of women was just -- it was truly heartening. this country just has so much promise, so much potential and those people who lined up want to see that change. that was something that came from every single person that we spoke to yesterday, fareed. they want to see change and they want a president who is going to bring peace, bring stability, bring all those things that they'd hoped that president hamid karzai would have brought in the last 12 years. they're relying on the next man to do that. either ashraf ghani, dr. rassoul. we won't have the preliminary results until the 28th of april and even then, fareed, it's likely that will will lead to a runoff. that second election probably won't take place until the end of may.
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anna, i know you were with the americans who were training the afghan national army and this election has been a success largely because of the security measures put in place. we don't have a lot of time. very briefly, what's your sense of what happens when the americans lead? do you think the afghan national army can stand on its own and deal with things like these elections? >> well, they certainly had an enormous test yesterday and they passed with flying colors. yes, all 350,000 of the afghan national security forces were out to protect the people at the polling stations, but earlier this week, fareed, we sat down with commander general joseph dun fi. he's in charge of the military operation in afghanistan. he said that the afghans are now running the show. yes, the u.s. is withdrawing at the end of the year, but those three top presidential candidates, all of them have agreed to sign or at least they have said they will sign the
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security agreement and that, of course, fareed, as we know will ensure that they have presence post 2014 and that is critical. the general believes that it will happen, there will be an enduring force of perhaps after 10,000 american and coalition troops -- >> we've got to go, anna. >> ensure that this doesn't become a safe-haven for al qaeda in the future. >> we've got to go, anna. fantastic reporting. thank you so much. we'll be right back with a panel to discuss afghanistan, russia and middle east peace. fantastic panel. stay with us. when folks in the lower 48 think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. thousands of people here in alaska are working to safely produce more energy.
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but that's just the start. to produce more from existing wells, we need advanced technology. that means hi-tech jobs in california and colorado. the oil moves through one of the world's largest pipelines. maintaining it means manufacturing jobs in the midwest. then we transport it with 4 state-of-the-art, double-hull tankers. some of the safest, most advanced ships in the world: built in san diego with a $1 billion investment. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. and no energy company invests more in the u.s. than bp. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills.
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♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. ♪ hooking up the country whelping business run ♪ ♪ trains! they haul everything, safely and on time. ♪ tracks! they connect the factories built along the lines. and that means jobs, lots of people, making lots and lots of things. let's get your business rolling now, everybody sing.
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welcome back. we're going to go around the world with a great panel. richard haass is the president of the council on foreign relations. peter beinart is a columnist and coe let a gall is a reporter. 2001-2014 which will be in bookstores on tuesday. brett stevens is the foreign affairs columnist for the "wall street journal." carlotta, the elections in afghanistan, do you think that this resolves anything? you know, what is the likely political orientation of afghanistan going forward? kind of post karzai world. >> for starters, we see the three frontrunners will all sign the bilateral security agreement with the states. >> allowing american troops to stay? >> and yeah and to have a plan
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forward. because at the moment there is this drift with president karzai refusing to sign, talking of dealing with the taliban. i think the next -- the three frontrunners are very clear on their plans. i think we will have clarity and a better relationship. >> that's good news. richard, americans are tiring of this war for the first time the numbers show that majority of americans think the afghanistan war was a mistake. are we going to keep troops and what will they do? >> sure. if the afghan government will agree to keep, 10,000, 15,000 american troops, we'll do it. the president enjoys, as you know, enormous latitude when it comes to these decisions. interestingly enough, last month was the first time in six, seven years when no americans died. they'll be doing training and advising. the sort of thing we should have left in iraq. i think we'll get it right in afghanistan. >> do you think there should be
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a much larger force? a lot of people feel 5,000 or 10,000, which seems to be the number talked about, is too small to do much. >> you want to make sure there's an american guarantee that the taliban is never able to come back to major population centers in kandahar, southern afghanistan. you also want an american presence because it's from the u.s. bases in afghanistan that we were able to get bin laden and conduct vital counter terrorism operations and make sure it doesn't become again the locus of international terrorism directed at europe and the west. >> peter, a lot of people on the left don't feel like obama is -- sort of reneging on a commitment to end wars and innings like that. what do you think? >> no, i don't think so. i think what most americans care about is what you said. no americans have died in afghanistan, iraq. when you think about what happened at ft. hood, it's not
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the number of americans who die but the extraordinary number who are injured both in body and soul in terms of post-taumatic stress disorder. this is one of his major accomplishments as president. he said he was going to do it. he's doing it. it's been pretty clear, not that controversial domestically that he's moving towards a counterterrorism strategy as brett said and i don't hear a lot of republican objections to that. >> carlotta, what is going to happen to afghanistan given this one crucial factor? this was always my point of contention with david petraeus when he would talk about it. how can you succeed in a counter insurgency, even counterterrorism when the neighboring country, pakistan, is actively providing safe-havens, assistance, training? you had this fantastic piece in "the new york times" magazine which basically outlined the ways in which it seemed very
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likely that the pakistani government knew about bin laden. what do you think pakistan's role will be once we start pulling out? they're going to try to fill that vacuum probably. >> i think it's already clear they're determined to see a resurgence of the taliban. they're supporting them. they're encouraging them. there's been a spade of attacks. i was in kabul two days ago. we had suicide bombing almost every day that i was there in the last week. and that's all coming from pakistan. they're all going in. that's clearly what needs to be looked at very strongly because the pakistanis have not finished their war and what they want is through a proxy force to dominate affairs in afghanistan and they're going to continue. >> that of course, is the taliban for pakistan. >> the taliban. >> and actually al qaeda have shown they were protecting and hiding bin laden. al zawahiri who took over as
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head of al qaeda, he's in pakistan. i have a passage in the book which shows that certainly in 2005 they were hiding him, the pakistani government. >> they think the government knows where al zawahiri is? >> yes. >> the pakistani military is sustained by american military aid. >> we should never use the word ally or partner when it comes to pakistan. we're not. we're operating across purposes. the reason we've had so much trouble in afghanistan is because of more than a decade of pakistani policy. they are going to use the taliban as an instrument. i think you can expect the taliban to gain significant ground in the south of pakistan where they had the connection there. the north will not be under their control. the real battle will ultimately be for kabul, whether a functioning central area. pakistan will continue to be an enormous problem and we're limited simply by the fact that we can't do too much against them because we don't want pakistan to fail.
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it's got the largest -- the fastest growing nuclear arsenal in the world. in a funny sort of way, as bad as they are, we're immobilized by the fear that things could get worse. >> do you have any ideas how to handle pakistan? >> no. i any what's interesting is the great game that follows. some of the alliances could be interesting. what role does russia play? they've historically been closer to the u.s. side as -- >> i notice on that front, india did not vote to condemn russia on the ukraine issue in the u.n., presumably because they want russian support in the great game that will follow in afghanistan. >> right. it shows how american interests and alliances on that sphere, how different they look from ukraine. >> all right. we're going to come back and talk about what happens in ukraine and the middle east peace process when we come back. ♪ norfolk southern what's your function? ♪
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the shenanigans have told us, jonathan pollard, maybe we're not. the peace talks are going to fail. that we're not going to fail. what's going on. >> in the long run, it's irrelevant for the purposes of peace, whether mr. pollard is in prison or not. it won't affect the basics. the real question, is the situation right? are the leaders involved willing and able to make peace, i'm skeptical. let's say for a second i'm wrong. so what? right now, we have to admit that the israeli palestinian peace process is important to them. it's become a local dispute. it won't affect the dynamics in the middle east, it won't affect the trajectory of the civil war in syria or what's going on in egypt between the government and the muslim brothers or what's happening elsewhere. this is a local dispute that quite honestly, is not worthy of the time and attention the secretary of state and the united states are giving. he should be spending more time, i would think, on our next subject, dealing with the mechanics, if you will of
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ukraine, strengthening the government there, and he should be spending more time in asia where, for example, american diplomacy really could do a lot of good, saying keeping china and japan away from one another. >> america also sees itself and i would support this, as israel's protector with an obligation towards israel. if the peace process is over, america's capacity to protect israel will be significantly diminished. >> why? >> we'll move into a sphere in which international pressure comes to the foer, both the palestinians to the united nations and the boycott dee vestment sanction which is an end around government because it goes through universities, labor unions, church organizations. we won't be able to stop that. it may be in our interest but the end of the peace process is going to be a bad development forever is ream. >> what do you think? >> would it be bad for israel? >> no, the peace process won't end. it will go into abeyance. it always be there at some
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strike that um. it doesn't need to be the first priority. richard was right. john kerry was chomping on a green banana here. it's no surprise that he ends up with indigestion. it was predictable from the start. you wouldn't find an agreement between israel about the broader course of the middle east and a pal standian authority that's hopelessly between two factions that won't reconcile with each other much less with israel. the focus, the attention, the pursuit of this was just squandered american political capital in a region that needs u.s. attention in syria, in egypt, iran, elsewhere. >> carlotta, what do you think of this broader premise that the palestinians for so many years, people said if you solve the palestinian issue it will help the united states and ease tensions? you lived in pakistan and afghanistan. how important was that palestinian issue in their perception of the united states? >> it was in the background.
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that's why i think as a background thing, it's really important because it was part of every sense of grievance, every sense of we must fight, every reason for al qaeda starting. it was a palestinian who started al qaeda. i'm now in north africa and all the countries, it's an underlying theme. it's not -- i agree, today's immediate issue perhaps. but it would create an enormous change in general atmosphere in the air ab world, i believe and the muslim world if there was a way forward. because it feeds and fuels the youth and you can feel the resentment when you talk to people on the street. it's always there. >> i know we could talk about this the whole time. but richard, could the administration do much more than it has done on ukraine? it feels like we're in a situation where putin has taken
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crimea, but he's paying a price with the reaction of the ukrainians, other neighbors, nato, the european union and the united states. could it -- could we have actually reversed this course? >> no. real estate history rules location, location, location. sort of strategy. geography, if you will, favors the russians. in terms of crimea, no. the europeans simply would not have been there, russian support for what putin did was robust. where the administration could have and still could do more is to make sure it doesn't go beyond this. the sanctions that would hit russia in it did more, we should line up the europeans and be explicit in saying here's what will happen if you do this. here's, by the way, the cost to your economy mr. putin and potentially to your political position at home. we could do more potential tloi strengthen other parts of nato. we should be really trying to make sure this ukrainian government does not go the way
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of previous ones and fail. yes, there's more we can do. >> let me ask you this. there's a lot more that has happened than when putin invaded georgia, fair? >> yes. because nothing happened when putin invaded georgia which was a shameful climb-down by the bush administration in its last days in office. sanctioning, what, 20 russian individuals, one russian bank is simply insufficient and sends a signal to putin that essentially he can get away with this kind much thing. it whets his appetite, even the baltic states. where would he go next? this is especially the case because this is a vote winner. this is popular among the russian people. he sees himself legitimizing his role because taking crimea has raised his popularity. >> quick thought. >> the most important thing for ukraine as they go towards elections, they have a government with some degree of internal legitimacy especially in the east. we need to help this government be economically strong enough
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and be savvy enough to basically be able to win over loyalty, especially of ukrainians in the eastern part and that takes away russia's biggest card to play to destabilize that part of the country. >> last thoughts. >> i wouldn't trust putin an inch. i saw him in chechen. he has to invade and is prepared to use brute force. do a lot more to warn him off. he's -- i think he won't stop. >> on that sobering note, thank you all. pleasure to have you on. up next, is there a solution to the military mental health problems? a way to stem the bloodshed? well, there is at least a partial solution. one advocated by many generals. i will explain. >> announcer: fareed zakaria gps brought to you by charles schwab. own your tomorrow.
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being treated for mental health issues. mental health issues, many believe to be caused by duty in afghanistan and iraq are a scourge upon our military. in 2012, a record 350 soldiers killed themselves. that's more than died on the battlefield. between 2008 and 2010, nearly 2/3 of all suicides in the united states military involve firearms. one former military heavyweight whom i talked with last year said, enough. >> you're a general, an army man. you've spent your life around guns. you're comfortable with them. you know they can be used responsibly. you also feel that when people are at risk in terms of mental issues, it is very dangerous for them to have access to guns. >> it is very dangerous for them to have access to guns. i believe that. >> general crowley will discuss the report and the suicide prevention efforts in the army. >> general peter carell i, now
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retired took over as the army's vice chief of staff in 2008. the army suicide rate had doubled since 2001. >> this is an area that we have to, in fact, attack. >> and he was tasked with battling the epidemic. >> as soon as they go -- >> i would be very, very careful in not underestimating the impact of 13 years of war on an all-volunteer force. i think we were seeing in those suicide numbers some of the effect of repeated deployments and high stress and trauma. >> to better understand the issue, carelli was bleriefed on every suicide that occurred during the four years that he was the army's number two officer. in 2010, a eureka moment. >> i do want to express our thoughts and condolences. >> admiral michael mullen, then
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chairman of the joint chiefs of staffs sent an article to the pentagon's top brass. >> it showed how this particular medical organization working with a high risk number of people who could commit suicide had lowered their suicide rate to zero for a three-year period solely by recommending to people who were in crisis to separate themselves from their privately owned weapons. that was striking to me. >> another striking example. israel. in 2006, the israeli defense forces tackled the rising suicides among their troops. they forbid soldiers from bringing their weapons home on weekends. on weekends, the suicide rate dropped by 40%. the weak day rate remained flat. >> it's hugely powerful. you don't have to just look at israel. so many studies. >> what do you say to those who say, well, there is the second amendment and that's why you
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can't go much further with your efforts? >> i don't buy that. i don't believe the second amendment was put in place to take a person who is at high risk for hurting themselves and put in their hands a weapon in an impulsive moment at a time when they're not thinking straight, they can end their life. >> what happened when general carelli tried to institute it in the army. he said pentagon lawyers told him it was a no-go. >> his freedom is under attack like never before. >> that the rifle association would try to block him. they tried but didn't fully succeed. the national defense authorization act passed in january 2013 now allows military leaders merely to ask troops about private firearms if they believe service members are at risk of harming themselves or others. not the strong law carelli asked for but a start. we don't know whether a stronger law would have made a difference in the ft. hood shootings, the
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semiautomatic pistol was not registered with the base as rules require. but many senior military leaders believe that if there were in place a system by which soldiers identified as at-risk from separated from their guns, we'd see many fewer of these kinds of shootings. when we come back, michael lewis, the best selling author, explains why he believes the stock market is actually rigged. he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap.
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when you picture wall street traders, you probably imagine the new york stock exchange and guys, it's almost always guys, in brightly colored jackets buying and selling stocks by making indecipherable hand gestures. even though the guys are still there, they really exist mostly for photo-ops. according to michael lewis, it's computers, literal black boxes that rule the roost and make the trades on wall street these days. he said people with access to the black boxes have rigged wall street and not in your favor. lewis, the best selling author of the blind side and "moneyball" has a new book. flash boys, a wall street revolt. welcome back. >> thanks, fareed. good to see you.
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>> everybody knows your basic assertion that wall street is rigged. let me ask you to start by telling us about these amazing fiberoptic lines, the building of these lines and why and how you figured out that they had to be straight, straight, straight. >> so what's happened in the last few years in the american stock market and actually foreign stock markets, too, some traders have a speed advantage on everybody else. they're willing to pay vast sums of money for a tiny increments of speed. and the speed with which they can get a signal from the chicago futures exchange to the stocks exchanges in new jersey is important to them. up until 2007, 2008, the fastest line that was available was like a verizon wireless line and the cable, the fiberoptic cable went like this from chicago to new jersey. a trader on the chicago exchange sensitive to the fact that people will pay a fortune for a tiny bit of speed realizes if he laid a straight line from
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chicago to new jersey, he could do it four milliseconds faster. and he did it in complete stealth, dug a tunnel from the chicago mercantile exchange in chicago to building outside of the nasdaq stock exchange and laid this straight fiber. and without knowing exactly what the market for it was or anything. he goes in to high frequency traders and says if you don't have this, you're out of business. the fact that someone could dig a tunnel, i mean, it was evolving -- a project involving thousands of men, cost $300 million, $400 million. ran through states, public right-of-ways in states without anybody knowing what it was improve. >> to improve speed by -- >> three or four millisecond. which is about the time it takes for the chicago s&p's futures to be sent to new york. so the s&p goes up -- >> so the point of the line for the speed traders, the market
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movements, whether it's going up or down by a lot register first in chicago in the futures exchange. they're making, supposedly making markets in 4,000 individual stocks in new jersey. if they can get the signal first, the market is going down, they can get out or even sell to other people. so it gives them advance news on price movements in the market. >> so let me take you back, step back and if you look at what you're describing, it seems to me what you're talking about is more technology, more information, price information and more competition. and if you look over the last 20 years, haven't those three forces powerfully helped consumers and finance. that is to say, if you you go back 20 or 30 years ago, it was much more expensive to buy and sell stocks. there were many more intermediaries, fancy brokers who you have to go to and that all these forces have been
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powerful kind of forces for the future. >> that's absolutely true. the information technology, what has happened is essentially made, put certain businesses on wall street out of business. it made certain functions that wall street used to serve, bringing buyers and sellers together. a human being bringing together unnecessary. the problem is that, though a lot of the games of the technology have been shared with the consumer, in this case the investor, and it's truce that it's cheaper now to trade stocks than ever before, unnecessary rents have been captured by wall street. they have created a role for itself, for wall street to sit between buyers and sellers. completely unnecessarily and tax. essentially levy a tax on the investor. it's sort of like 20 years ago when i lived in london and i had to make a call to my parents in
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new orleans. i'd pay $3 a minute. if i lived there now, what is it, pennies a minute, right? it's as if the technologist who arranged that, gave me most of the gains but charged me 20 cents a minute now. now i feel great, i can make the call for 20 cents a minute rather than $3 a minute. that's not the right comparison. it should be cheaper and more frictionless. there should be less of a role for wall street in the middle of stock market transactions than there is. >> the "wall street journal" in an editorial says the reason you have these complexities that you describe, that you just called the kind of intermediaries where wall street has been able to put itself in the middle of transactions between consumers and stocks is because of regulations. there are a whole bunch of regulations that require a lot of this to happen. and that in other words, if you were -- >> they enable it. >> if you ask like who the culprit is, i don't think -- it's an interesting story
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because it isn't a conspiracy that was cooked up in advance. it's an -- it looks like one in retrospect. but it was. nobody knew the consequences of regulation that was passed. basically in 2007. it isn't just high frequency traders. they aren't -- i mean, they aren't the villain in any way, really. they're taking advantage of a system that's broken. >> what do you think of the characters you met in this you've spent time there. a lot of the people seem like they're really kind of scientists of a kind. mathematicians, engineers. >> this is what's happening on wall street. it is happening in every market and the stock market in a way has gotten there first. technology is supplanting traders. the technologists and the traders are merging. they used to be in days when i worked there, the people who handled the computers were like i.t. geek this is the basement. their status was low.
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one of the reasons it has grown up outside of the big banks is the banks have trouble giving status to the technologists and this is all about technologists. it's all about the software. >> so i guess my sort of conclusion from this, the part that i have a little bit of difficulty with is understanding it seems to me, again, maybe as somebody who grew up outside the united states. the great thing about american markets is that they are open, they're transparent, they're fast, they're well-regulated. and that the faster they've gotten, the more technology, the more transparency, the more competition has been great for consumers, for people like me. it feels like you're almost saying that that stuff is bad? >> no, not saying that at all. there's a distinction that needs to be made. and that's between computerized trading and computerized scalping. the problem is that when technology hit wall street, wall street figured out ways to use it for its purposes that were not in the interest of
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investors. a lot of what happened was very good. what we need in a way is -- i mean, the computerization is fantastic. the technology is a force for good. we just need to remove wall street from the process. i think the technology is sort of telling us, you don't need these services that they're trying to provide you. you don't need all this trading, this unnecessary intermediation. goldman sachs has come out and said that. the system, as it's structured, the problem is not just that people are getting scalped. they are. but that's not the big problem. the bg problem is that the system to -- that generates the scalping is so complicated that it is unstable. and the worry is that the system is, the flash crashes, nasdaq, technology failures in the markets are a result of an overly complicated system and it's there by design. it's there to disguise the
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scalping. >> michael lewis, pleasure to have you on. >> thanks for having me. up next, why you will say bravo to a shakespearian tragedy in syria. we'll explain. planned, as usual, by this guy. nature lover... people person. ♪ and you put up with it all... because he also booked you a room... at this place. planet earth's number one accomodation site: booking.yeah! you know how painful heartburn can be. for fast, long lasting relief, use doctor recommended gaviscon®. only gaviscon® forms a protective barrier that helps block stomach acid from splashing up- relieving the pain quickly. try fast, long lasting gaviscon®. [ matt ] the only thing better than the smell of fresh-cut grass is the smell of perfectly level, fresh-cut grass.
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this week the eiffel tower celebrated its 125th anniversary. when it was completed in 1889 for the world's fair in paris, it was the world's tallest man made structure measuring almost 1,000 feet. what landmark was the first to eclipse that height? a, the statue of liberty, b washington monument, c the chrysler building or d, the empire state building? stay tuned, we'll tell you the correct answer. we have an exciting new way for you to get more of gps even after the show is over. it's our flip board page which has all of the great expert analysis you've come to expect as well as insights from me. check it out at the book of the week is david runs man's the consummate trap. if you think -- you have to read this well-written book.
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he starts with world war i and takes us through the recent financial crash showing how democracies and american democracy in tickler much from crisis to crisis muddling along, but somehow surviving and outlasting enemies and even thriving. now for the last look. this month marks william shakespeare's 450th birthday and people around the world are celebrating from stratfordians to syrians. yes, syrians. 100 syrian children performed an adaptation of king lear in one of the largest refugee camps located in jordan. the camp is home to over 100,000 syrian refugees over half of whom are under the age of 18. many of the children are not educated and have not read or seen any of shakespeare's work
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but are not -- this particular play, a story of exile, a ruler losing grip with reality, a tale of human cruelty seems especially relevant. while the refugee camp may seem like the unlikeliest of places to discover shakespeare, the playwright himself, mentioning far away places was commonplace. in macbeth, he mentions aleppo in syria. another reminder that syria is one of the oldest centers of human civilization, which makes the current violence there seem even more tragic. the correct answers to our challenge question is c, the eiffel tower looked down on the competition for over four decades when the art-deco masterpiece, the chrysler building was completed. the chrysler building only enjoyed a year at the top bested by its neighbor, the empire state building in 1931.
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today in dubai, it reigns supreme. it's higher than the eiffel tower and the chrysler building put together. thanks to all of you for being part of my program this week. i will see you next week. >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. hello everyone. i'm fredricka woodfield in atlanta. reliable sources will begin in a few moments. but first our top story at this hour. the latest on the search for flight 370. we're following two major new developments in the search for the missing plane. brand new details about the potential flight path of the plane after it dropped off malaysian military radar. a senior malaysian government source tells cnn it appears the plane went north and then around indonesian airspace. the source says that move may have been intentional to avoid radar
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