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tv   CNN Special Report  CNN  April 6, 2014 10:00pm-12:01am PDT

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top of the hour, everyone. i am don lemon. i want to welcome in our viewers in the united states and around the world. we're following breaking news here on cnn. and we have just learned the u.s. navy's towed pinger locator has detected two signals consistent with an airplane's black box in the search for this flight 370. this ship, the ocean shield first detected a signal that lasted approximately two and a half hours, two hours and 20 minutes, i should say. and then lost the signal, turned back around, and again, the pinger locator picked up another signal. this one lasted about 15 minutes. but the head of the search task
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force as air chief angus houston, well, he says until they have evidence, they cannot be sure that it is a plane. take a listen. >> i need to be honest with you. it could take some days before the information is available to establish whether these detections can be confirmed as being from mh 370. in very deep oceanic water, nothing happens fast. >> and when he says deep in the water, he means really deep, 2.8 miles, almost 3 miles into the water. a u.s. underwater drone, the bluefin is now being readied for the job of scouring the ocean floor near where the latest pings are located. i want to bring in now my panel of experts about this breakthrough announcement. and also, i want to get back on the phone now with commander william marks from the u.s. 7th fleet public affairs. he is from the uss blueridge.
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michael kay had a question for you. michael, if you can repeat your question, then he can answer it for you. >> hi, commander, my name is michael kay again. fascinated and hopefully that you will be able to pick up this signal on the rerun. i'd be absolutely curious to know how you fix the position once you receive the signal. >> sure. the way the process works is it's called triangulating through lines. for the navy, this is from -- i did it way back in high seas at the u.s. naval academy. the way you do it is you get a line of bearing. that's just a simple direction. for example, 090 might be a direction. then you have to continue your motion in order to get another line of bearing. and it needs to be a distance
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away from the first one and then when you get that second one, it creates an x. then you have the two. where the x crosses in the middle is your indication of where the point may be. you then continue on, hopefully get a third. and if that third line of bearing crosses in the middle of the first two, you now have three lines of bearing all meeting in the same spot, then that's a pretty positive indication of where the signal is coming from. so that's the goal as this towed pinger locator moves across the water. >> so commander william, just to clarify, you pick up the signal, and you basically run three times to triangulate, and then you can confirm that you have an unequivocal position? is that correct? >> sure. and the more the better. so three is usually the -- what we use as a minimum. and if you can go along that same long as long as possible,
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the more lines of bearing you have, the better. >> do you set visual markers? >> no markers or anything like that. it's just a line. so a direction. so, for example, 000 would be north. 045 would be northeast. so if lines of bearing on a compass. >> do you have an exact time for us, commander, when the first one you spotted which was two hours and 20 minutes? >> i don't have that in front of me. sorry. >> but it was within the last -- it was after the last press conference at midnight 24 hours ago, correct? >> yes, that's correct. >> okay. how long to do the three runs? how long does it take to do the three runs? >> so we need to be very cautiously optimistic here. it takes a long time just to turn this thing around. so we're towing it at one to
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three knots. it's at a depth of a couple of miles. so it's very slow. just to turn the ship around and to get this far enough so that you can get these lines of bearing, it's hours upon hours. i don't expect any confirmation for quite a while if there is any. >> okay. but considering, commander, i've been speaking to you over the wyches on and off here in the evening, during the day. and this seems to be at least the most encouraging bit of news we have had. again, we want to be cautious about it. it may not have anything to do with mh 370. but, you know, as angus houston said, this is the best news so far for him. do you agree? >> yeah, i do. what's really encouraging is look at the team work going into this. on board the ship we have australian navy, u.s., active duty navy and civilians also.
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and that's just one part of the international cooperation. so between our air crews going up, the people on this ship and all the other countries, especially for us here in the 7th fleet, u.s. 7th fleet, we are out here building these partnerships every day. to see it come to fruition is really positive and something we're really proud of. it doesn't matter who finds this thing as long as we eventually do. and that's what counts. >> commander, angus houston said this is going the take some time, even to get confirmation. and even if you were right on top of the signal, it still would take time to get the cables, to turn everybody around. this isn't going to be something that happens overnight or in a day or so. even maybe not in a day or so. this is going to take some time, even if they do find something. if you do find something. >> yeah, that's correct. you know, this is just giving us a spot where the black box may be, the black boxes may be.
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let's say we do find them a couple of days or so or week. go down to the bottom of the ocean floor and get a picture of that. that's another very slow process. bluefin only moves at a couple of knots, which is a couple nautical miles per hour. a very slow, deliberate process. you need it to be that slow and deliberate to get a good picture. so i completely agree. >> thank you, commander. we appreciate your patience and you joining us here on cnn. don't go anywhere, everyone. if the navy pinger locator can reacquire that signal, the underwater drone, the bluefin 21 will be launched. next, details on the u.s. equipment that could help find the black boxes. what you wear to bed is your business. so, if you're sleeping in your contact lenses, ask about the air optix® contacts so breathable they're approved for up to 30 nights of continuous wear. ask your doctor about safety information as serious eye problems may occur.
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welcome back, everyone. breaking news. we have heard now the most encouraging words and news from the man heading this investigation. and to be certain that the pings are coming from the missing malaysian airliner, searchers would send a remote underwater vehicle to take a look at that. let's get more on this device. it's called the bluefin 21. cnn's brian todd joins us now from washington with more. tell us about this, brian. >> well, don, the capability out there is really two vehicles in question. the towed pinger locator that we've heard so much over the past couple of days which apparently located these signals, and also the bluefin 21, which is an autonomous underwater vehicle. they're both made by phoenix international. and we got access to phoenix's facilities here not far from d.c. near largo, maryland. that's their headquarters. that's where they made all of this very sophisticated equipment. the way it works is the towed
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pinger locator goes down and sweeps that area first. the towed pinger locator can go down as far as 20,000 feet below the surface of the sea. it can detect the pinger from up to two miles away, even if it is fading. these developments overnight and mid day in the region are very encouraging. of course, we know it does not necessarily mean that they have found the black box, but it is encouraging. the next step now that they have gotten the signals is to send the bluefin 21 down to that area where the signals were picked up. the bluefin 21 looks like a torpedo. it goes down to significant depths. and it sweeps that area looking for a debris field, looking for black box, trying to take both audio and physical video images of whatever is down there. it's got side scan sonar capability. it's got picture taking capability.
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it will sweep over the area, take a series of still pictures, transmit to it the vessel on the surface so they can see what they're looking at, don. that's the sequence. first the pinger locator finds the location. that's probably what they're preparing to do right now. >> great information. thank you, brian todd. and the commander on board the bluefin backs up exactly what you're saying, that they have to get down there and search for debris using the equipment brian todd talked about. our thanks to brian todd. the breaking news is our search for flight 370 has detected pingers consistent with a flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder. we're going to continue to break down all the details on this right after the break. here are the details, though. they said that it was one-second intervals when they spotted this. and one-second intervals. they said it was at a 300 meter depth, which caused them some concern because it was not deep enough. they said they turned all the noise producing equipment off on
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board that ship, which is the ocean shield, which is an australian ship that is carrying a u.s. pinger locator, towing a u.s. pinger locator. turned off all the noise producing equipment, lowered their device to 1400 feet. and they said they got some stronger and then it faded out because they were moving away from it, which they said was encouraging. then they said they reeled it in and they did a course change. and then when they turned around, once they did the course change, they lowered it to 3,000 meters, and then detected it for about 15 more minutes. and everything that the commander told us and also that the man in charge of this search told us is consistent with what our audio expert says is what happened before we even had this press conference to reveal that. >> it's very exciting. very exciting. i think we are finally found the haystack.
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>> right. >> and we are zeroing in on both of the devices. and remember, he said also that when they made the turn and came back, what they detected had a slightly different frequency, meaning it might have been the second one. so that we may have both in this narrow field at this point. >> allen deale, we still don't know if this is it. we're being encouraged to be cautiously optimistic. we still don't know. but these are pretty positive indicators. >> absolutely. clearly, they don't want to raise the expectation until they really know. but this is -- this is extremely encouraging. and i certainly would expect we'll know within a few more days. it sounds like they're going to do a few more sonar passes before they really want to say they've found that line of position that the commander was talking about. >> details with my panel of experts right after this. [ female announcer ] yoplait greek 100.
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now with the breaking news here on cnn. my panel of experts, michael kay, les abin, paul ginsburg, alan diehl, and rob mccallum. rob mccallum, to you, as we have been pointing out on cnn, the experts and the investigators in the field, we don't know if this -- these signals are coming from the black boxes from mh 370. but this is the most encouraging bit of news so far. >> encouraging for two reasons. one is that it's on equipment
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that is designed to operate at depth. the deeper you are, the better quality of signals that you can expect. and secondly, it's being heard twice by people who are highly trained and actually trying to get the effect that they got. so it's a tremendous achievement when you consider that to get to this very spot to deploy the tpl has taken an awful lot of work by the people in the back room. it's nothing short of miraculous. >> yeah, and i think it was you who said that it was going to take a bit of luck. and maybe a number of people said that, that it was going to take a bit of luck considering just how vast this search area is, even with the mathematical equations that have narrowed it down to this particular location. >> yes, indeed. i mean, i can't think of another search where there has been a complete absence of surface debris. there has been nothing at all on
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the surface, nothing tangible to give a start point to this deployment. and so this is the result of some incredibly clever and very, very thorough analysis by the people in kuala lumpur to get the ocean shield to the right place. and then, you know, it's just been amazing to get that hit in such a short time. >> les abin, usually you find debris first, and you don't get a ping from the black box. >> i think every part of this situation, it's unprecedented. but one of the things that i was considering, assuming that we found exactly, you know, the black boxes is just by position there was an indication from the commander that the position was actually of the two pings was separated by a certain distance, which would indicate how the airplane fragmented when it hit the water.
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in addition, the position of how the airplane impacted the water may also be determined just by the fact of these two black boxes being positioned apart. >> right. brian todd, in your reporting on this, you have been speaking to a lot of experts on, you know, considering what might be found, when it might be found, and if anything would ever be found in an ocean as vast as the indian ocean. this is nothing short of miraculous that they're able to come up with, if this is indeed black boxes from mh 370. >> don, if this is from the black boxes, this is really extraordinary a discovery. what the manufacturers themselves told us about the towed pinger locator was really, it is most effective when you've already found some kind of confirmed piece of wreckage. once you find that piece of wreckage, then the towed pinger locator can narrow the search
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area significantly. but without a piece of wreckage, it's vietnam very limited in its ability. it has other limitations. the weather can affect it. if it's very stormy and the ocean is very rough and the pinger locater is kind of moving up and down with the currents and the tides, then it's less effective. underwater obstacles like hills and mountains can obstruct it. other kinds of debris can obstruct it. if indeed, those limitations, if indeed these are the signals from those black boxes, this is an extraordinary find. i interviewed rob mccallum just a couple of days ago on this. and again, we were going with the knowledge that there was no confirmed wreckage, which there still isn't. and rob then told me this is what he called a big ask of this device. asking it to do something that it may not be quite equipped to do. it has the capability to do it. but it is a shot in the dark. and if this is indeed that kind of a discovery, it is extraordinary. and i think it's unprecedented. >> i'm wondering, do we still have matthew chance who is in
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perth? no matthew chance. thank you very much, brian. we appreciate that i'll get back now to my panel of experts here. so, again, this is miraculous if it is. maybe those who believe obviously are more so in mathematics than miracles will say it all has to do with the calculations that have been brought about by the malaysians, which angus houston said in the press conference that gave them that area, at least an area that was what, about 300 kilometers or so from top to bottom where the plane may have impacted the water. >> at this point -- excuse me, at this point in the game, with the batteries, unbelievable that we just happen to have the stroke of luck to have batteries that outlasted what they were expected to do. >> alan diehl, what happens next with this investigation? where do we go from here?
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al alan? >> yeah, i'm sorry. would you repeat it? >> what happens next with this investigation, this search, i should say. where do we go from here? >> one more time, don. i'm sorry. >> where do we go from here with the search? >> i can't hear you. the audio here is bad. i'm sorry. >> all right. go ahead, mikey kay, where do we go next? >> if this proves conclusive, this will rewrite history in terms of aircraft investigation, if. yesterday when we saw the press conference, i was more cautious than optimistic. today, after hearing what marshall houston has said, i'm more optimistic than cautious. but, and this is a big but, we still haven't found any corroborating debris. i think before we get our hopes up, this is something that we have to find to make the
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unequivocal call and link what we're hearing that makes 370. and only then we can get on this. >> that's true. we have -- we have all indications that we have -- we have all of the different descriptors of the pinger. we don't know of any other aircraft with a pinger that would be going now. >> right. >> so you would expect it's this. and so why isn't there anything? >> anything. we've got to go, guys. thank you very much. i appreciate everyone here. incredible breaking news coming out in the very early morning hours of monday morning in the u.s. i'm don lemon. the coverage of the search for flight 370 continues in just minutes with rosemary church and errol barnett. can be.tburn for fast, long lasting relief, use doctor recommended gaviscon®. only gaviscon® forms a protective barrier that helps block stomach acid from splashing up- relieving the pain quickly. try fast, long lasting gaviscon®.
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this is cnn breaking news. >> hello and welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm rosemary church. >> and i'm errol barnett. our top story this hour brings us new promising leads in this desperate search for flight 370. >> today i can report some very encouraging information, which has unfolded over the last 24 hours. >> the key question is are officials finally getting closer to solving this mystery?
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>> complete coverage straight ahead on cnn newsroom. >> all right. we're going to bring you now these dramatic new developments, rosemary. there is really no other way to describe it in this search for malaysia airlines flight 370. >> we have learned in just the last 90 minutes in fact that a pinger locator has detected more audio signals from the indian ocean, pulses that are consistent with those emitted by aircraft flight recorders. >> and here is what is key. the latest signals are picked up in the northern part of the search area where u.s. pinger locator, that's aboard the australian ship ocean shield. >> two distinct pinger returns were detected, which we're told could very possibly be from the missing airliner's two separate black boxes. but very cautious here. >> yes. and angus houston, the leader of australia's search operation, you see him there, says it could
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take days to confirm whether the sounds are indeed from flight 370. but he says that right now at this moment he is, quote, encouraged that we're very close to where we need to be, unquote. >> and we are covering this story with cnn correspondents stationed at all the key locations. this hour we have aaron mclaughlin at the base of operations in perth, australia, and pauline chu who is in beijing with some of the relatives of the missing flight 370. i want to start with erin mclaughlin right now. erin, this was an incredible breakthrough news conference just 90 minutes ago, or so. let's go over all of the information that we received. because certainly, angus houston, the chief searcher officer here, chief marshal, angus houston was very cautious. he stayed way from saying this was mh 370. but he got pretty close to it, didn't he?
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>> that's right, rosemary. promising, encouraging, extraordinary, all words angus houston used to describe the findings of the australian vessel the ocean shield. he spoke at a press conference just 90 minutes ago. take a listen to what he had to say. >> clearly, this is a most promising lead. and probably in the search so far, it's the -- it's probably the best information that we have had. and, again, i would ask all of you to treat this information cautiously and responsibly until such time as we can provide an unequivocal determination. >> well, the ocean shield detecting not one, but two separate acoustic events. the first lasting a total of two hours and 20 minutes. the second lasting 13 minutes.
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both consistent with the characteristics, houston says, of the cockpit voice recorder and the inflight data recorder. but very promising. at the same time, houston urging caution. these findings still need to be verified. there is still much more at work to be done. in terms of next steps, the ocean shield currently scouring that area with the american provided towed pinger, trying to listen for another signal. if they're able to find one more acoustic event, houston saying they'll be very likely able to narrow down that search field, and then deploy the bluefin 21, the u.s. provided unmanned autonomous vehicle to go down and actually find physical wreckage. only then will they be able to determine if this is in fact from the missing flight mh 370, rosemary? >> and it's interesting, erin, at that news conference, angus houston was asked specifically what else could it be?
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what else in nature gives off a sound like this? and really, he was for a moment at a loss for words, because in essence, he couldn't really determine that there was anything else in nature that gave off this same sort of signal. >> exactly. and that's why officials are characterizing this as so promising. but at the same time, he did mention that the ocean is a very funny place in terms of detecting noise. there is lots of factors at play here, not to mention that the area of this ocean is some 4.5 kilometers deep. so they want to be certain. they want to be sure, especially for the family and friends of all the missing people that were on board that flight. rosemary? >> all right. erin mclaughlin bringing us up to date with this new breaking news coming out of perth, australia on the search operations, being described as the most encouraging information so far. linked to hopefully -- hopefully linked to mm 370.
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erin mclaughlin, many thanks to you with the latest from perth, australia. >> rosemary, you must keep in mind that for more than four weeks now, families and friends of the 239 people missing from flight 2370, they've been anxiously awaiting to find out what happened to their loved ones. many of them have been waiting for word in kuala lumpur where the flight originated, and also in beijing, its destination. that's where we find now our pauline chu joining us live. pauline, first have, you heard reaction from any relatives of passengers on this flight to this new information? >> we have, errol. we touched base with several relatives. and i have some comments from them. there is one man whose wrote was on the flight. he said it is a good development about this latest development with the pings from the ocean shield. but until they can confirm this, we are still holding out hope. another woman who is here in beijing as well, her husband was on the flight.
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and she said she will only react when sees physical evidence. before that, this means nothing. that's what she said. and so you hear that tone of caution there. and that's been a common theme throughout the weekend. even after the initial reports about the pings from haixun, the chinese ship that was announced on saturday evening, we also spoke with relatives, errol. i spoke with one person on sunday. his name is ye lun. his brother-in-law was on the flight. here is what he had to say about the developments over the weekend. >> translator: i feel the news from the press conference could be true, because the area is where the plane should be. it's so strange that there was no emergency beacon signal. i think the plane glided on to the water and sank so the beacons weren't activated. >> now, he was referring to the press conference on sunday. and you heard him mention the emergency beacons. there has ban lot of discussions
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about the four elts. that's the emergency locator transmitter, the emergency beacons. because we know there were four of them on that aircraft. and so a lot of relatives had been asking why weren't they activated? why weren't officials receiving any sort of signal. and the answer from officials over the course of the past couple of weeks is they still don't know why because if the plane made impact, those beacons are supposed to go off. and they're actually supposed to float as well. that's what he was referring to. but you can hear that tone of caution, errol. and many of these relatives are saying these are developments, but they just want to see hard evidence. they want to see images. they want to see something that indicates this indeed might be from the plane. >> and australian officials have said publicly now that they have located the spot of these audio signals, they will attempt to get them more resources there to
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confirm the wreckage. everybody waiting for that major development, pauline. talk to me about how china has viewed this month of mystery. most of the passengers, of course, being chinese. more than half of them on this plane. the chinese government had publicly criticized malaysia at one point. and even now some of the satellite images, a couple from chinese satellites. but we're not clear on how all these nations are working with one another. how does china see things from its point of view? >> yeah, we've seen sort of an evolution in the tone out of beijing. a couple of weeks ago, we did see the chinese government putting a lot of pressure on the malaysian government. in fact, the president sent vice foreign minister to malaysia to meet directly with officials. but it's been interesting this past week, errol, because i have seen a shift in tone interest the family members, even though they've been very critical, we do know that chinese officials have been meeting with them at
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the hotel behind closed doors. and as late as friday, after an official had visited, i had spoken with some relatives. and i noticed a shift in tone, because they were starting to say, yeah, we're individuals. we're tired. we're exhausted. we think at this point maybe we should leave it up to our government to put pressure on their government. we'll leave to it beijing to do that. so that was an interesting shift. but you have to keep in mind that china publicly needs to keep relations good with malaysia, because there are economic and trade ties as well. but at the same time, they have to appear strong, and they have to appear as if they're a major player in this search for the 154 chinese citizens. so that's why they have put in so many assets. they've got the most ships on the sea. they have nine chinese ships there. at one point, they had 20 chinese satellites focused on this area. and they've got several aircraft. so it's sort of a diplomatic, a delicate dance that they have to take. but we have noticed that there
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is a dialing back of rhetoric, a dialing back of criticism. and you can understand why, because there are foreign policy issues as well as this issue, which is very personal to china. >> absolutely fascinating, pauline. we're a month into this now, and we just cannot imagine what it's like for relatives of passenger there's in beijing and of course elsewhere. that's pauline report living from beijing. thank you. rosemary? >> errol, the head of the australian agency coordinating the search operation says as we've been reporting the signals detected by the towed pinger locator may be the best information yet in the hunt for flight 370. greg waldrun is the managing editor for flight global. and he joins now from singapore. thank you, sir, for talking with us. i would be interested to get your reading on this new breaking news coming out of perth, australia on the search for mh 370.
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what do you think? >> as with everything that comes out about mh 370, we need to treat it with extreme caution. there have been a lot of blind alleys in this particular search for this particular aircraft. first there were the satellite images that led to nothing. then there was debris spotted by aircraft three weeks ago that led to nothing. and now we have these pings. it's still a very early stage. until we see imagery of aircraft, of the aircraft somewhere on the bottom of the ocean, or we see some wreckage, we have to be highly skeptical and very cautious about this. >> why do you think we haven't seen any wreckage? as we heard from angus houston, until they find some wreckage, they can't really move this forward too much and make any sort of confirmation. why hasn't anything been seen since they seem to be in pretty much the area you would expect given now that they have located some signals. >> well, even though they have kind of narrowed down the area quite a bit, it's still a vast
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swath of ocean. and you have to recall that the aircraft, if it did indeed enter the water in this area, did so nearly one month ago. there has been plenty of opportunity for anything that was floating on the surface to sink. and anything that was -- that does remain on the surface could have been dispersed a great many different ways by the currents of the ocean and the wind. >> all right. so let's go back to these signals that are being detected. we heard in that news conference, a couple of journalists asked the question what could they be. what would your answer be to that question? >> even though the flight data recorder and the cockpit voice recorder transmit on these frequencies, it does seem interesting that they're handling the fact that these pings have been detected with a great deal of caution. it seems to indicate that they're taking a very cautious approach. i'm actually surprised they released news of the pings as
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well. because i also fear that this could create a false sense of hope that we may actually find something. >> interesting. all right, greg waldron joining us from singapore. many things. we're going to take a break at this point. on the other side of the break, we'll have more information on this breaking news on the hunt for mh 370. >> stay with us here on cnn. we'll be back in moments. ♪
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welcome back. in the search for missing malaysia flight 370, investigators say they have their most promising lead yet. >> absolutely. a u.s. pinger locator aboard the australian ship ocean shield has now detected more signals consistent with those emitted by aircraft flight recorders. officials say the search will now go under water to locate possible wreckage, a key piece of this ongoing investigation now, which has lasted more than a month. brian todd joins us from washington to discuss these new developments, because, brian, what becomes key now are these this pinger locator. and essentially, the search now goes underwater. >> that's right, errol and rosemary. what we've been doing over the past couple of weeks, my team and i have been reporting on the capabilities of the towed pinger locator, the device which detected these signals overnight. and also, the other device on the ocean shield along with the
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towed pinger locator. we're at the manufacturer's facility in maryland, the place which has made this device and also has manufactured the bluefin 21, the torpedo like device that gets sent down. the towed pinger can detect signals from two miles away. it can go down to as low as 21,000 feet below the surface of the ocean. it does have a lot of capabilities, but it has a lot of limitation as well. without a confirmed piece of wreckage, it much more difficult to find a signal. if this is indeed a signal from the black box, it's an extraordinary find for this device. and what will happen next very likely is that the teams will deploy the bluefin 21 which is an autonomous underwater vehicle that look likes a torpedo. it goes down to some depth. it takes pictures of the area where the pings have been found and tries to find the black box, tries to find a debris field that will very likely be the
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next steps. >> and brian, we heard from the chief coordinator as he made this announcement not two hours ago that they stilled -- i think he said this tests the limit of the technology that they're using, that the waters where these sounds have been detect ready some 4,500 meters deep. i think that's roughly 15,000 feet deep. and we're also a month out from when the plane went missing. it's possible that the batteries in the flight data recorder have run down. even with testing the limits of technology, what use will the pinger locator be and these other submersible vehicles be if the battery has died and there is no audio signal? >> if the battery has died, it's going to be tough for them to find anything. but what the pinger locator can do is narrow the search field. can go back to where these pings over the past day were detected. and it can zero in on that area. and at that point, they can
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deploy that autonomous underwater vehicle, the bluefin 21 to go down and actually take some actual picture images of it. it won't be video. what we're told is it will be still pictures and maybe sonar capability that that has. it might be able to detect some other audio signals. and that is really going to be key when they deploy the bluefin 21 to go down to the area where the signals have been detected. it can then take some actual visual images of what whatever is down there and transmit them to the vessels on the surface. that's going to be key. and as you heard angus houston, the search coordinator talk about, that may take some days to deploy that and get it down into the area where they found all this. because it is at some depth. but it is encouraging. and now they can follow up with these additional steps. >> yes, indeed. he said it may take days. it may take longer. but certainly with such a promising lead now, it's good to know that even beyond the limitations of what audio can do below the surface, they will at least try and take pictures
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think f they need to. that's brian todd there joining us live from washington, d.c. thank you. >> all right. we are going to take a very short break right now. but make sure to stay with cnn. >> right. more on the missing plane right after this. what you wear to bed is your business. so, if you're sleeping in your contact lenses, ask about the air optix® contacts so breathable they're approved for up to 30 nights of continuous wear. ask your doctor about safety information as serious eye problems may occur. visit for a free one-month trial. we'll be here at lifelock doing our thing: you do your share spontaneous moments thing, alerting you in ways your bank alone can't. get lifelock protection and live life free. (agent) i understand. (dad) we've never sold a house before. (agent) i'll walk you guys through every step. (dad) so if we sell, do you think we can swing it? (agent) i have the numbers right here
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and based on the comps that i've found, the timing is perfect. ...there's a lot of buyers for a house like yours. (dad) that's good to know. (mom) i'm so excited. welcome back. here now is the latest in the
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search for malaysia airlines flight 370. >> we have learned in the last couple of hours that a pinger locator has detected more audio signals from the southern indian ocean. pulses that are consistent with those emitted by aircraft flight recorders. >> now, these latest signals were picked up in the northern part of the search area by a u.s. pinger locator aboard the australian ship ocean shield. >> two distinct pinger returns were detected, which we're told could very possibly be from the missing airliner's two separate black boxes. but everyone is being very cautious at this point. >> including angus houston. he is the leader of australia's search organization. he said this could take some days to confirm whether the sounds are indeed from flight 370. but he says right now he is, quote, encouraged that we're very close to where we need to be. >> well, investigators looking for flight 370 say they now have a visual indication.
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>> there is new optimism that this could finally pinpoint the whereabouts of flight 370 after more than a month now. >> joining us now from new york, aviation analyst les abin and michael kay. thank you, gentlemen, for joining us, from sticking around from the last couple of hours that you've been with cnn. i want to start with you, michael, and get an idea what you make of this and how cautious you are being and how encouraged you're being as well. >> all of the above. i think the reality of this is what we've seen so far since day one has rewritten the history book in terms of the way that accident and crash investigations will be conducted in the future. we've effectively bypassed the haystack and we're zoning in on the needle, which is unprecedented in aircraft accident investigations. however, we do need to maintain the element of cautious optimism. yesterday during air chief
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marshal houston's press conference, i was more cautious than optimistic. today, having heard what the air chief marshal has said, i'm definitely more optimistic than cautious. and i think there is very good reason for that. however, we still need to identify a debris field, whether it be on the surface, by the p-8s, the p-3s, or with the auvs on the ocean bed. i still think we've got at least two to three days to go, having spoken to commander william marks earlier on about an hour ago. they've got to go and do three runs before they can triangulate and fix this point. and those runs take a long time. >> and les, this question is for you. errol here. what do you make of the announcement that angus houston made? he has not confirmed this is mh 370, the detection, the second detection, the two audio signals, he is getting as close as possible to confirming it,
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would you say? >> as a pilot, we tend to be skeptical. i've been optimistic all along from the standpoint of how many assets have been out there. i'm very encouraged by this. it sounds like this is the airplane. and the fact that we've got two separate si separate signals means that it can become an accident investigation. it's been unprecedented how it's been discovered as opposed to other accidents. >> and michael kay, i want to go back to you, because i want to revisit this idea that one journalist brought up at that news conference. if you can't good ahead and say that this is mh 370, what could it possibly be? >> i'm not sure there are too many natural things in the ocean that could emit these type of signals.
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i think what we're seeing is consistent. and that language was used by the air chief marshal himself. it's consistent with the type of noises that we would hear from two black boxes. and that's obviously the cockpit voice recorder, the cvr and the flight data recorder, the fdr. and i think because this information and the signals are so unique as to what it is we are looking for, underpinned by this very unique analysis from the inmarsat satellites and the intellectual horsepower that has gone into that, i think we're now in a very credible position to really start zoning in on this location and hoping for the best. >> i think you said it best there, saying that they had to first identify the haystack, this expression of finding a needle in a haystack. and they've actually gone around, if this is the wreckage and somehow, some way possibly found it without detecting the wreckage first. we've been listening to michael
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kay and les abin, aviation analysts joining us both from new york. thank you both. i'm here with rosemary church at cnn center. and we will continue to bring you the latest developments as they relate to the frantic search for mh 370. >> we'll have more news, more cnn newsroom on the other side of this short break. don't go anywhere. [ male announcer ] first the cookie at check-in...
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welcome back to our continuing coverage of the search on missing malaysian flight 370. >> thank you for joining us. >> we are following new breaking developments in the search forthwith the missing malaysian airline 370. a pinger locater has detected more pulses that are consistent with those emitted by flight recorders. these latest signals were picked up in the northern part of the search area by the australian ocean shield. >> two distinct pinger returns were detected which could very possibly be from the missing airliners two separate black boxes, but everyone is insisting on caution at this point.
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>> the leader of australia's search operation said it could now take days to confirm that it's indeed flight 370. >> and joining me now at the base of search operations, cnn erin mclaughlin. if the chief marshal described the new signals as the best information they have had. remaining cautious saying that the whole process will take days. let's go over everything that we learned from the conference a short time ago. that is right, rosemary, he said it was an extraordinary find. he tried to characterize the discovery. take a listen to what he had to say. >> clearly, this is a most promising lead. and probably in the search so far, it's probably the best information that we've had, and
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again, i would implore you to treat the information cautiously responsibly until such time as we can provide an unequivocal determination. >> the australian vessel, the ocean shield detects not one by two separate acustic events the first lasting a total of two hours and 20 minutes and the second lasting a total of 13 minutes. both, houston said, is consistent with a cockpit recorder and inflight data recorder. there he is urgenting caution until they have actual physical wreck ed wreckage, the ocean shield
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detected the signal, and trying to pick up on a third signal. if they are successful in doing that, they will try to t triangulate and then put a nonmanned vehicle to go and try to find physical wreckage and then, and only then will they tell for sure if it's in fact mh-370. >> and angus houston said these two were consistent with those emitted from black boxes but would not be pushed further on this, despite what he is it could be. tell us more on this exchange. >> you have to remember it very deep water. some 4.5 kilometers, which is about 3 miles deep and as houston said, there's a lot of
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funny noises that go on in the ocean at this department -- at this depth. >> all right, erin mclaughlin, many thanks to you. >> one thing we know will continue to be key, the weather conditions out there on the southern indian ocean. it has been changing week to week, samantha moore joins us with that part of where we move. it's key that the conditions are favorable to a search. >> absolutely and we have had activity the last few days, rosemary and errol on of a tropical nature. we have bands of clouds that have a search area further to the north and of course, that area has expanded, and in that area, we recently had tropical
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storm jillian that offed on to be the newest search area, that could likely be an impact if there was floating debris. of course, the everywhere is has gone underwaterer. we have another tropical storm, and the last advisy has been written on ivanho, it will move through and whip up the waves a bit and as well as bring in clouds and a band of showers from time to times as we head in to the next 36 hours or so. that will be the immediate impact from what is left of ivanho, a few showers moving through anding, those winds picking up the waves around 3 to 5 meters. so that will likely have an impact on the search efforts as they try to deploy the blue fins. and of course, this was the ping locater that they were using to detect these sounds deep under the ocean's surface. and it is of course, a very deep
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ocean, extending down some 7,000 meters here, which would be equal to 21 eiffel towers. it extends down to 7,000, near here the bottom, of course, is the area that is the most difficult to see, as they can only see so deep down to the ocean floor, so it makes it extra challenging for them as they continue the search. rosema rosema rosemary, errol. >> incredible when you think of the depth of that perspective, that they were a able to get the detection. without any debris and such a vast space. >> extraordinary. what is it 30 eiffel towers? just amazing here when you think about the depth and the area all around that, and of course, they detected the sound at around 4500 meters.
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so, right around here. hopefully there's not a lot below that, where they are actually hearing this device. hopefully it's not at the deepest point. >> all right, we are going to continue to look now beneath the surface. thank you very much, as we have been mentioning, surfaces may be scouring a specific part of the ocean floor, and some of that searching will involve sonar using sound waves to map out the bottom of the ocean. we will look at the technology that makes it all possible. >> the idea of searching the ocean floor is a huge undertaking. we want to show you a different in the couple of technologies that are likely being used in the indian ocean. and he is going to show us first when a hydrophone does. >> exactly, this is a hydro phone, it's an underwater microphone. it's a device like this. either strung together in a tail that they tow behind the boat or dipped over the side, or dipped
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on cables if they are going to listen to the i thipinger. >> this is an example of it, how long and wide can it hear? >> about 5 miles. >> that sounds like a lot, but it isn't underwater. so let's just say, if you do get closer and you are over the field of debris, and you are looking for it after you get closer, you go to sonar? >> yes, you will use sonar to map out the field of debris. this is an example of a sonar. the sonar will emit sound itself, instead of the hydro phone, it will emit sound and as the sound comes a off the floor, it will receive it and build up a 3-d map of what is on the floor. >> let look at the data, start off by taking a look at what is coming in from the hydrophone. that is basically what it's hearing visually? >> right, you could put on a headset and listen for that once per second click or you could look at it visually.
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this is a spectrum of what the frequencies are in the ocean. it's ocean noise. if the pinger is heard, it will see a spike here. >> that is one thing that is helping us. and the other technology is what the sonar is picking up. >> the sonar is building up sound and we are getting back an image of what is on the floor. we have a 3d point cloud and an image and we are building slowly a map of the floor. >> how long does it take? >> it's time consuming. particularly because you have to get these sensors down deep. 4,000 and 5,000 meter of water is difficult. >> it's part of the reason that it's difficult. >> exactly. >> so this is just a bit of a visual of what they are likely doing in the waters, trying to see any debris down there, with the technology that we are looking at here in the harbor.
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>> all right, just one piece of technology there, which will characterize the search in the days to come. now the brother of one of the pilots on the flight -- we have more on families reactions there. the relatives, with this new information. the pingers have been detected twice, what does it do to the relatives hope? >> well, we have been in contact with several relatives and they are still maintaining caution and you know, we call it a positive development, the journalists and the relatives approach it with a lot of a
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sense of bit sweetness. they do want closure, and they want evidence, if there's evidence that actually closes the door on that hope, that maybe they, there are survivors and believe it or not. we've been talking to relatives as late as last week, and some are convinced that had this plane has landed somewhere and there are survivors. we are a month on, but there's relatives that are hanging on to that hope. now, we did talk with a woman whose husband was on the plane after the news conference about an hour and a half ago or so. and she said, i'm not going to react until there's physical evidence. until then, i will not have any comment. before that it means nothing. what we are sensing is that caution from a lot of relatives because they have come across so many false events in the past. i spoke with steve wong, who you are familiar with now, his
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mother is on the plane, we have been speaking with him for weeks now. he talked about his approach to the latest development, the pings. and this is what he had to say. >> this is a time, maybe the next couple of days and next couple of months and years, we will find the ending. but there will be a time that it will end. so, to me, i don't want to that it is -- if it's a fact, i have to face it. >> i asked steve about tuesday, which is the one month mark, april 8th to when mh-370 disappeared and i asked him how he was feeling in approaching that day. and he said, listen, day 29 is the same as day 30, it's the same as day 31. each day is so painful. it's a matter on f getting throh it and trying have some sort of
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answer at some point and he recognizes it may be months, it may be years. errol? >> in the meantime, we know the chinese government has expressed this frustration. we know the jacc has said that they will communicate more openly with china, how does the government view this considering more than half of the passengers were indeed chinese? >> it's very personal, the 154 people on the plane are chinese. and the chinese government has been giving as much resources as possible. they are projecting strength in the search because so many of the people are chinese citizens, they have many ships on the sea. nine vessels and they have several aircrafts and many chinese satellites that have been involved with this. there was a bit of controversy over the weekend because the initial reports about the pings
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came from the vessel, which is a chinese vessel, and it came out of cc tv because a cc tv reporter was on board. there was a bit of controversy because the story came out of beijing instead of australia. they seem to have smoothed it out. the australian head of the search association said there's a chinese liaison in perth to make sure that nothing falls through the cracks. so the flow of information should be more smooth and coming out of australia. >> this point, we will take a short break. >> yeah, and when we come back, our coverage on the new developments in the search for flight 370 continues. you know how painful heartburn can be. a
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. and we welcome you back to dramatic results in the search for malaysian 370, a pinger locater has detected more audio signals from the southern indian ocean, pulses consistent with those emitted with flight recorders. the signals were picked up in the northern part of the search
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area by the ship ocean shield. >> two ping results were detected which could be from the missing airliners two separate black boxes. you can hear in the language that we are using, the caution, we are using, and you see of course, angus houston, the chief, the search ragzs there in australia, has asked that everyone be cautious at this juncture. >> we have an exerpt from angu. houston's comments. let's show you what was said. >> today, i can report some very encouraging information which has unfolded over the last 24 hours. the pinger locater deployed from the australian defense vessel, ocean shield has deequitected signals consistent with those emitted from aircraft black boxes.
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two separate signals occurred in the northern part of the defined search area. the first detection was held for approximate approximate lyly tw minutes t ship then lost contact before attempting to reacquire the signal. the second detection on the return leg was held for approximately 13 minutes. on this occasion, two distinct pinger returns were audible. significantly, this would be consistent with transmissions from both the flight data recorder and the cockpit voice recorder. i need to be honest with you, it could take some days before the information is available to establish whether these detections can be confirmed as being from mh-370. in very deep ocean water,
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nothing happens fast. the satellite has essentially given us this area here as the most likely place where mh-370 entered the water. now, what is significant about this, is that yesterday, or couple days ago, there was an encounter with the electronic pulse in this location here. >> so, chief angus houston talking there, just over two hours ago now, at his news conference. of course, that being said, in the search for missing malaysian airlines 370, it's their most promising lead yet. >> we want to reiterate why it's breaking news. a u.s. pinger locater aboard the ocean shield ship has recorded
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more signals. now they head underwater to locate possible wreckage. brian considering that no wreckage has been confirmed, it's a major achievement to have this kind of strong lead. >> it is, errol and we know this, because my team and i got access to the manufacturer of the pinger locater. that company is called phoenix international, it's head quartered here near washington, d.c., we got access to the facility a couple of weeks a ago, they showed us a model and showed us what it can do. it's extraordinary, this signal detection, if indeed it is the black box from mh-370, they told us without a confirmed piece of wreckage, it's difficult for the pinger to find something. what it's designed to do, once you found a piece of wreckage,
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they deploy that pinger locater in a certain area, they tow it back and forth, long hauls. miles at a time, hours at a time back and forth and it can narrow the search area, because it may be a able to detect the pings. the pinger locater can go to depths as low as 20,000 depths, and it can detect the pinger from up to two miles away and it can detect the pinger's signal when the signal is fading, and ch is a key capability -- which is a key capability now that we are now at this lace in the search. it's really a lot to ask of it. if this is indeed some kind of a signal from the pinger, from the black boxes, from the malaysian airlines flight, it's indeed, an
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extraordinary discovery. >> brian, it's rosemary church here, looking at this, it's quite a challenge, even though it's cutting edge technology and the best they have for this really, but it going to have to go backwards and forwards and now we at least have this area narrowed down, but it's still huge and extensive, isn't it? give us an idea of timeframe here. >> it going to be a very are extensive area to cover, rosemary and the time, as you heard the search coordinator. the chief air marshal angus houston say, it could take days for them to go down and do a search that could come back with credible information on this. there's a long way to go, to confirm any indication at all as to whether this is malaysia flight 3-70, they will deploy the blue fin 21. it does not need to be tethered,
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like the towed pinger locater does. it towed and tethered on a line. the auv, the blue fin 21, which looks like a torpedo, it will deploy on its own, it can rove around and it can go down to extraordinary depths. what it will do is pick up additional signals and it has camera capability, it can take images of the area where the pings were detected and it can scan the area of the bottom there. scan the entire area and go back and forth again and travel not just in a lawn mower pattern but travel in other patterns as well and send visual signals up to the ships on the surface as to whether there's wreckage or debris down there at all. >> okay, brian todd, many thanks to you to bring us the details on how that all works. very important part of this whole puzzle. and of course, you know, it's possible at this point that the submarines will be put in to
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motion as well. we know they are sitting on the sidelines. >> what i'm fascinated, rosemary, we have all these different pieces of technology, it's the most advanced technology and it's various nations putting all their weight together and still one month on, the return blip is the best lead we have yet. the families are desperate. >> as you say on the sidelines here we have seen an incredible coordination between nations and nations that don't always work well together, which has to be pointed out. it a has been incredible. >> much more to get to for you, and then we will take a short break. [ male announcer ] this is karen and jeremiah.
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the ocean shield has detected more audio signals in the indian ocean. >> the u.s. navy 7th fleet is playing a key role in the search. just a short time ago, the fleet spokesman, spoke. >> it was a period of significant detection. we heard a ping at one second intervals, that was the first indication. at that time, the towed pinger locater was only about 300 meters deep. now, that is not as deep as you
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would expect. so, at that point, it was encouraging to get a signal, however, we were not overly optimistic. so, that was at 300 meters. at that point, the ocean shield turned off all the noise producing equipment. you want to reduce any chance of a false alarm. they did that, and then at that point, they held that signal again for over two hours. now at that point, the pcl was lowered to about 1400 meters. so that was deeper and that is more where you would expect to get the signal. the tow pinger locater, the signal should get stronger and then fade as you go past it as you go past it, and that is what it did, it got stronger and faded out. so that was encouraging news. after that, they passed the
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signal, what you do is you reel it back in, and you do a course change. this was the very slow course change that was mentioned in the press conference earlier. then you get on a course change and we lowered the depth to about 3,000 meters. 3,000 meters that is pretty much the optimal depth where you expect to hear a ping from a black box. at this time, we detected about 50 more minutes or so of the pinging. >> 50. >> it was -- now they were at different locations so that is a good point, because remember, there are two black boxes. one is the flight data recorder and then the second is the cockpit voice recorder so it was an encouraging sign that we detected the same frequency at different locations. >> commander william marks talking to cnn just a short time ago. >> and a reminder of the breaking development, signals consistent with the black box recorder have been detected in
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the southern indian ocean. our coverage continues in the search for the missing malaysian airline 370. >> more coming up after the short break, stay with us. [ female announcer ] it's the yoplait greek taste-off. two greek blueberry yogurts, one winner. i love this one. yoplait! it's so much better than chobani. i really have to say yoplait. a winner, winner! [ female announcer ] let your tastebuds decide. take the yoplait greek taste-off!
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welcome back to our continuing coverage on the search for missing malaysian airlines flight 370, i'm rosemary church and i'm errol burnett. >> let's get straight to the search for malaysian flight 370. >> this is the major development, the pinger locater, well, it's finally detected more audio signals in the southern indian ocean. pulses consistent with those emitted by flight recorders. >> yeah, and the latest signals were picked up in the northern part of the search area by the australian ship, ocean shield, two distinct pinger returns were detected that could very possibly be from the missing airliner's two separate black
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boxes, we are not confirming that and the authorities in ayi australia are not confirming that. >> in fact, they said it could take days to confirm whether the sounds are indeed from the flight 370. >> joining us in perth, australia, is erin mclaughlin. we heard from the search chief, over 2-1/2 hours a ago now, so, let's run through for the benefit of our viewers who are perhaps just joining us now from the united states and across the globe. what were the headlines out of that news conference? >> well, they are saying this is an extraordinary find, not one but two, separate events. the first lasting a total of two hours and 20 minutes and the second lasting 13 minutes. both according to the chief coordinator of the search effort indicative of the cockpit voice
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recorder and the inflight data recorder. but at the same time, as you mentioned, they are urging caution. they want to verify the results. a process that houston said could take time, take a listen. >> i need to be honest with you, it could take some days before the information is available to establish whether these detections can be confirmed as being from mh-370. in very deep oceanic water, nothing happens very fast. >> right now the ocean shield is still in the area where it detected these events. it's moving outward from that location in an ever expanding square shape. the hope being that they would detect a third event and from
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there triangualate a smaller search area, to deploy the blue fin 21. supplied by the united states, it will go underneath the water to try and find any physical signs of the wreckage. but the wreckage is 4.5 kilometers under the surface of the wire. about three miles. it's at the limits of this technology. but they are still hopeful had that they will be able to triangulate the location and verify if there's wreckage down there. >> and it was pointed out that it will be a long process. i want to talk about the journalist at the news conference who asked a question a lot of people are asking as well. if it's not mh-370, the signals, what could it possibly be?
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what else could it possibly be? >> well, angus houston did not have an a answer for had that question. the ocean, the depths that we are talking about is about three miles deep, which is extremely deep, when we are talking about deep ocean waters, sound travels in an inconsistent and funny way. they are being cautious, they want to see signs of wreckage, especially considering the hopes and thoughts of the relativess and families and friends of those missing on board the plane. >> all right, it is 2:35 in the afternoon there in perth, australia at this point. >> and off the country's western coast, that is where the search effort has been under way. let's get a sense of the weather conditions there now and bring in meteorologist is a than that moore, i know you have been look engine though that.
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-- you have been looking through that. >> we have had a tropical storm form and now we have a second tropical storm. it weakened just as it entered the search area. heading into the south into the old search area. so, really quite fortunate that it could have been worse in terms of it affecting the search efforts here. we have had a lot of tropical activity here across the western pacific as well. and this particular system here on the solomon islands bringing in incredible amounts of rain. we are talking 250 millimeters of rain over the past three days. so, we could have seen a scenario like this developing. thank goodness we didn't. as jillian formed here off the northern territory and moved on across, just scraping by indonesia and moving to the northern portion of the search area. it's likely, if there was debris
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on the top of the water, it could have cram belled it up a bit here. and ivanho a tropical storm, the moving through we do expect to see from time to time some clouds and showers and large waves, from this system, 3-5 meters or so, that could impact their search efforts as well. >> samantha, thank you to you. and we will stop become in with you again in the coming hours. >> now, the director of the int international search tempered the news of the latest pings with a note of caution. he pointed out that the searchers are dealing with deep water where in his words said nothing happens fast. we have more reaction to this, and jim, one thing that we have not talked about much is the other development from this weekend from the malaysian government, a source there telling cnn, it appears this flight -- what can you tell us about that? >> well the source who we have
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known for some time, has been accurate, a government source here layed out what they have learned over the past weeks. they have shared information. their own radar information and it indicates more precisely where this aircraft traveled and how it stayed in international waters avoided any intrusion in to for instance the air space of indonesia, which would have triggered an alarm. might have triggered the scrambling of jets. that will be seen as going to motive, whoever was at the control in the cockpit, knew and understood the course that they had to go on in order to prevent causing an alert. at the same time, here, people heard the news coming out of perth and they see a whole knew phase in the investigation. they see something on the horizon that says, they will get
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the answers to all of the questions that they have had. or at least most of them. >> and that hope is incredibly meaningful, jim, you have been there for a month now since the story broke, you talked to people, we have talked about the chinese reaction to this, more than half of the passengers were from china, and malaysia had a large number of citizens on the plane, what more can you tell us about the mood of the relatives of the passengers there? >> there's several moods really. in the past month, we have seen them go through it all. they have suffered mightily. not really understanding what happened to their loved ones. this was not announced that this plane was missing until the time that it was supposed to be rolling up to the gate in beijing. now the relatives are being told that the aircraft traveled half a world away. somewhere out over the southern indian ocean and now we have pings from it. we think we do.
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they reacted today in perhaps three differe three different ways. the first was, we accept this, i have lost all hope. that was one way. and another way they reacted is, until it's confirmed i'm not believing anything. i have been through so much in the past month, i want to see them get the side scan sonar down there and i want them to confirm that this is indeed the aircraft that my loved ones were on. and the third reaction and it may seem hard to believe, but some people are still holding out hope. still you know, believing all of the rumors. maybe the plane landed someplace. maybe their loved ones will make it home. they refuse to let go. they too say, they are going to have to see evidence. errol? >> all right, that is jim clancy live for us. >> errol, let's get more analysis now from a navy expert. jeffrey top as joins us from perth via skype, and he is
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editor and chief in airlines you have been following this from the start. you have been with cnn, giving your perspective and analysis on this. i do want to get your reaction to all of this information, this new information we received from angus houston. what do you think here? >> well, rosemary, if this double ping, these two conteact we have had in the last few hours is correct, it's been an on outstanding piece of detective work. it's a real international effort using the satellite. because, we must remember here, the line that the ocean shield and hms-echo the british survey
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ship have been tracking on a converging course, this was the first course they were given by the crash investigators to tow these pingers. and the ocean shield appears to have located what may be the black boxes. if that is the case, this is an outstanding piece of detective work. >> and it's interesting, jeffrey, some analysts have said, that it was premature for them to share this information. with the public. what do you think of that? >> well, that is an interesting point. the global attention to this disappearance is tunprecedented and in the same way, we have not lost a airplane like this in modern times. you think it was a benign flight, and you don't get where
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you are going. you are lost for four weeks. this is unprecedented. so, the interest has been extraordinary across the globe. so, there's been a lot of pressure to get results. there's a lot of pressure to get answers. and angus houston, of course, is still very restrained. he had, look, it has to be verified. we have to be careful to not give false hopes to loved ones that were left behind. but at the same time, there's been extraordinary detective work to bring us where we are today. >> jeffrey, very quickly and of course, all of the attention is on this latest information, but of course, we had heard from a senior malaysian source, the suggestion that there was an effort on the part of the plane presumablily the implication the pilot here to avoid radar detection in indonesia and in
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fact, thailand, what do you make of that? >> look, this is one more piece to the puzzle. because, for instance, if you want to disappear, you turn your transponder off and you do it when you move from one air traffic control zone controlled by malaysia to vietnam air traft control. you then turn to the west, you then dissend, there's various man offeuvers that the plan mad. the fact that it tried on avoid the radar adds more weight to the theory that it was a very deliberate action by someone who was very experienced. either the pilot or someone else who was very experienced flyer. who knew what they were the doing. it's not an airplane out of control. it's a very deliberate course of action. >> all right, jeffrey, thomas, many thanks for joining us from
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perth, australia. appreciate it. >> now the husband of one of the passengers on the flight tells cn the cnn tells us he is still hoping for a miracle. we have to remind ourselves that the loved ones have seen debris, and it turns out to be nothing. and even now, with these possible black box blips, there's no conformati atioation it's 370, many people hoping and praying that the relatives are alive. >> yeah, and there are a few people who still believe as jim clancy was saying, there's a handful of people who really still believe, and they are hopeful, that their relatives are alive. because there has been no debris found. they believe that this might be some sort of hijacking situation. and i know it's hard to believe that, one month in to this.
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but i will tell you, i have been talking to the relatives. there's that group that is hard core in terms of believing that -- that the relatives are alive. there are other people who are, and it's a bigger group, who are a little bit more realistic and they say, listen, we realize where this is heading and we are trying to prepare ourselves for the worst possible news. but, errol, one thing that i noticed, they have been using technology like hopeful, and out standing work, or best possible outcome. you put yourself in the shoes on of the relatives. they can't use those words, they received this information with a lot of tentativeness, because what ever happens is going to be bitter sweet, that is why they are roaching the developments with a lot of caution. >> pauline live from beijing.
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>> perhaps, if this is mh-370, a lot of the relatives need answers. >> and that coverage continues on the new developments for the search of flight mh-370. why relocating manufacturingpany to upstate new york?
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welcome back, planes approximate and -- planes and ships are continuing the search. a pinger locater has detected more audio signals in the indian ocean. >> those latest signals were picked up in the northern path of the search area. the australian ship, ocean shield, two distinct pinger returns were detected. the leader on of the search operation said it could take days to confirm if the signals are indeed from flight 370. >> so the search takes on a new direction and authorities are encouraged but very cautious. and searching for anything but 800 meters of water, it's a complex undertaking and now we are joined by david gallow, it's
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an ocean explorer and he joins us from boston. thank you, ir is, for talking with us. this has been incredible the details that we have been receiving, as we keep laboring, authorities there in australia and of course the globe are not willing to take it further than saying they received and detected these signals. >> right, right, just like you know, it does not make it much easier. you know, it is fantastic. we can be a tiny bit more than cautious. >> and how difficulty will this next part of the operation be a as they try to actually locate the black boxes and indeed the
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aircraft if that is what it is. >> the next strategy will be to try to use the pinger locater. the challenge is that they are close is the operating distance. it's going to be interesting to see you know, what kind of depths they come up with. but the operating depth is 4500 meters. it was 3800 meters and it would be deeper than titaniitanic. it's deep for a wreck. >> what about the submarines, they are assets here, are they of use at this point? >> they may be okay to listen. but in terms of reaching the
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depths, they will not go anywhere near the depths. the navy stays in the upper levels of the ocean. they are not going anywhere near 3,000 plus meters. >> how do we explain, we know the signal has been detected, and what is the distance between the signals? what does that mean? and what does it tell you as an oceanogr amp oceanographer. it's the same area, it's easy enough to understand, that they are just, there's two separate types of voice recorder and the flight data recorder. i don't know how you reconcile one signal from one vessel to another. >> i guess in the days ahead, we will find out more on that.
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. more audio signals deep in the indian ocean. two pulses were detect theed, a -- detected. >> this is a crucial step toward solving the month-old mystery and helping the relatives on board find closure. >> these are precious moments of
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peace, she has few of them since the flight went missing a month ago. she is haunted by the aviation mystery and the mission to try and solve it. >> this area that we are in now, if it's there, they are going to find it. it's the big question that everybody's got, is it the right area? it's a calculated guess. so, this is i think the hardest process for me is understanding that a commercial airline can just go black. >> danica's husband, paul, a 39-year-old mechanical engineer was on the flight on route to a job in mongolia when the flight disappeared. and incredibly the search has moved just a few minutes from her home. >> sometimes i catch myself, you know, seeing the excitement from him coming home and i have to
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get rid of that out of my brain, because i can't let myself go to that level of excitement because it would only, it's only going to make me crash further when i find out the real truth. we are all expecting that it will be that the plane has crashed. so, but this will that point, until i have something concrete, i can't grieve. >> how important is it that they keep looking for him? >> hugely important. as i said, we need something. the families need something. and we need answers. not just for me, but for my children. >> have you started to think about the possibility that paul's sons will grow up, and not know what happened to him? >> plus the ability, to have
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closure. pauley would be fighting and going everywhere and asking every question and trying to find out what happened to me for our sons and himself. i have to do my utmost right now and keep going to find the truth. that's all going to encompass me. completely. >> and they say now it's a measure of comfort to know that the search in the last moments of her husband's life, he is so close to home, so close to the people who love him. >> the family stories, and of course, there's 239 of them to tell. that is just one of many. and another who of continuing coverage on the newest developments in the search for
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the plane is straight ahead. i'm rosemary church, and errol -- if you can, thanks for watching and stay with us. [ male announcer ] it's here -- xfinity watchathon week,
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12:00 am
♪ welcome back to our continuing coverage on the search for missing malaysian airlines flight 370, i'm rosemary church, and i'm errol burnett, thank you for joining us. >> well after a month of frustration, and searching for the plane, and evidence, they could be in the right area. >> the latest signal is that more audio signals in the india


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