tv Forensic Files CNN April 9, 2014 12:30am-1:01am PDT
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didn't hear this during his bail hearing -- but that reeva steenkamp had talked to him moment before he got out of bed. that's key to events because it lays the foundation for why he wouldn't have checked where she was. in his version, he didn't check because he had just spoken to her in bed and, therefore, assumed she was still in bed. the other key point he put on the record was his level of emotion during the time. the fact that he was screaming hysterically. of course we know that it is an essential part of the state's case that ear witnesses claim to have heard a woman screaming. and he is suggesting that in fact what they heard was his own voice, not the voice of reeva steenkamp. this is a pivotal point in the case because without that the state doesn't have a claim for intentional murder. the screaming is what lays the foundation for the claim that he must have known he was shooting
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at steenkamp rather than a suspected intruder. >> now again, we are waiting for oscar pistorius to resume his testimony. as soon as that happens, we will bring that to you live. kelly, talk to me about him holding -- getting ahold of his emotions and completing testimony today. you said earlier, this is something that has to be done. will his lawyer have in some way prepared him or convinced him? how can you assure that he won't be overcome with emotion today? >> reporter: actually, i think it's likely that he will be overcome with emotion again today. especially if you look at the points he got to in his testimony. he only got to the point where the shooting had occurred and she was lying bleeding in his arms. we haven't yet got to the point where he carried down the stairs and the moment where she actually died. i think it is likely that he will be overcome with emotion again. perhaps the break overnight has at least given him an opportunity maintain some composure. today if he does get overcome
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again, you're likely to see much shorter adjournments. the judge will probably say, look, take a five minute or ten-minute adjournment to compose yourself and come back. we certainly expect that by the end of today he will have got through his full version of events, in fact if not earlier. >> how is south africa in general reacting to the details emerging from this trial? of course this is on everyone's minds there in south africa. but around the world, curious what the court of opinion opinion seems to be saying as we watch this unfold. >> reporter: i think the court of public opinion is becoming a more complex arena, particularly in the last few days. up until pistorius' testimony, there had been quite a strong gut response publicly against him. and i think it's much easier to essentialize a person as all good or all bad until you see
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them in front of you speaking, and that human element gets injected into it again. it causes people to re-evaluate their stance, their opinion. the other very controversial thing that comes out through his testimony, of course, is levels of cripple and violence in south africa, and south african society's relationship with guns in general. both legal and illegal. this isn't new in terms of public debate in south africa. these are commonly recurring debating that -- that occur in south african society all the time. but this case provides yet another conduit through which people with focus on this and debate these issues. >> kelly phelps, stand by there. we have development. >> we want to go live to pretoria's high court where oscar pistorius is resuming his testimony. let's listen. >> thank you. mr. pistorius, yesterday the last part of your evidence was with you entering the toilet.
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can you start there? if it's possible to speak up, mr. pistorius, and maybe lean a bit forward. >> my lady, after i entered the toilet, i leaned over reeva. she was sitting -- with her weight on top of the toilet b l bowl. i checked to see if she was breathing, and she wasn't. i put my arms underneath her shoulders, and i pulled her weight on to me. i sat there crying for some t e time. i had her head on my left shoulder, and i could feel the blood was running down on me.
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at some point, i heard her breathing. so i immediately put her weight on top of me, and i swivelled around. i sat back with my -- with my bum against the floor and my back up against the wall where the door is on the left-hand side of door, and i pulled her weight on me and turned so i could get her to the -- to the door of the toilet so that i could pick her up. i could see that her arm was -- i could see that her arm was
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broken. i placed her in the -- i couldn't pick her up, but i kind was on my knees and on my -- one of my feet. and i was pulling her into the bathro bathroom. i placed her down and brought one of the carpets down and placed her down softly one of the carpet. i saw that her cell phone was in the toilet, so i grabbed her cell phone, and i tried to use it, but it had a passcode on it that i couldn't access.
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>> i was trying to pick reeva up, but i couldn't pick her up. i pulled her arm over on to her body, and i tried to pick her up. >> if i may just stop you there, mr. pistorius, i see from the record at 3:29:01 -- >> that's correct. >> could you tell the court about that? >> i was trying to pick reeva up, and i didn't know what to. do i could see that she was breathing, struggling to breathe.
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i phoned -- i phoned 911 -- 911. i don't recall speaking to the operator, but i remember him telling me that i needed to get reeva to the hospital. that i must not wait for him. >> i all see from the records at 3:21:33, you phoned security. a call lasting nine seconds. >> that's correct, my lady. i don't remember phoning the security, though. but from the phone record, i see that there was a call made from my cell phone to the security.
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i then ran back up to my room. on the way into my room, i tried to force the door open -- there's two doors to my bedroom, m lady. the one i use just locks with a key. then the other one's got a latch at the top and at the bottom. so i ran into the door, it didn't break open. and you unlatched the bottom latch. when i unlatched the bottom latch, the door opened. the house or the doors at the bottom of the house and most of the doors at the top are double doors. if one door is open, you can walk through it, but i've got the doors made so that the house
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is wheelchair-friendly, so if you want to have a wider passage, you have to open both the doors. i went back to the bathroom, and i picked reva up. i don't recall carrying her some of the way, but i remember getting to the second flight of stairs. and mr. stunder and his daughter, miss stunder, arrived.
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at that point, i was shouting and screaming it help get her to the -- screaming to help get her to the hospital. when i got down to the bottom of the flight of stairs, either mr. stunder or miss stunder told me to put reeva down. they said that the plans was on its -- the ambulance office its way. before i put her down, i said we need to get her to the hospital. they said, just put her down. the ambulance it on its way.
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>> who was with you that's time? >> mr. stunder and miss stunder were at my house at that time, my lady. >> could you explain the presence of plastic bags at the scene. >> i was trying to hold reeva's hip with my hand to put pressure on it so it stopped bleeding as much miss stunder asked me if i had any tape or any rope or anything so that she could tie reeva's arm so it wouldn't bleed
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as much. i don't remember -- i don't remember if i went to collect the -- there's a cabinet in my pantry that's got all type of utility things one would use in a house like tape and bags and things. i don't know if i went and fetched them or if mr. stunder went and fetched them. >> did you do anything with the bag bags? >> i don't remember, my lady.
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>> did the paramedics arrive at the scene? first off, the -- >> there was a person that arrived at the house. chris came in, and she said to me that there's a doctor, and i immediately felt relieved. i looked up and saw a person who walked in to my house who was later -- i later found out it was the doctor. still don't remember his face or what he looked like. but he came in the house, i remember. i cried for him to help me, to help reeva. he didn't seem lake he knew what
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he -- like he knew what he was doing. he seemed overwhelmed by the situation. everything highway told me to do i was already doing. i was already trying to stop the bleeding. i was already trying to help reeva breathe. he kneeled down on her right-hand side for a couple of minutes, i think. and then i don't remember seeing him. he walked outside. he was outside. i was shouting for him to come back in the house and help me. when the paramedics then arri d
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died by the time the ambulance arrived, so i knew that there was nothing they could do for her. >> did you at some stage go to the kitchen? >> i -- i stood back when they left, and i stood a couple of meters away from them -- it's an open-plan home, so i stood a couple of meters away where the dining room and kitchen kind of meet. then the lady paramedic came it me and said that she'd like to inform you that reeva has pas d
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passed. the paramedic asked me for identification. if there was some form of i.d., so i went, and i got reeva's handbag and -- in my bedroom. i didn't go through her handbag, i simply picked up her -- went to the room and brought it out. miss stunder was waiting then on the first floor outside my room, and i gave her the -- i gave the
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handbag to her. >> could you move a little bit forward, if you don't mind, mr. pistorius. >> i then went with miss stunder downstairs to -- where the paramedics were. i sat in the kitchen on the floor crying. there's an island in the kitchen, serving counter, and i sat there. and then i don't know how much time passed, but at that point the police -- some police
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officers arrived shortly thereafter. >> do you know who it was -- auto -- there were two officers that were dressed in police -- that weren't dressed in police clothing. they were dressed in civilian clothing. i think the one officer had short on, and the other one -- they were just both casually dressed. then it was -- then arrived at more or less the same time. he came up to me and introduced
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himself. i was at that point unable it speak with him. i was just sitting on the floor crying. some time had passed, and the police officer asked me to just stay in the kitchen. i saw the one police officer was standing nearby at the bottom of the stairs. another police officer asked me if there was anybody else in the house, and i -- i just motioned that there wasn't. he proceeded to check the bottom of the home. he then went upstairs, and then he came downstairs. i didn't have my head up much,
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and i wasn't in sight of the staircase. at times i couldn't sit -- at times i stood up. and i was -- every time i looked up, there were more people in the house. there were more policemen. there were people going up and down the stairs. i was standing in the kitchen against the -- where the far side of the kitchen is away from the dining room where there's a small sink, and i asked if a policeman if i may wash my hands because the smell of the blood of making me throw up. and he said he'd ask. and -- mr. rensberg came back and asked me if i washed my hands -- i don't remember
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washing my chest. i just remember washing may hands and washing my face. at that point, i was -- i was still standing in the kitchen, and i saw mr. hilton arrive. he came in straight from the front door -- >> difficult to watch at times. you have been watching live testimony of oscar pistorius at his trial. >> those of you watching in the united states, "early start" is next for you. for everyone else, we return you to live testimony underway. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] with five perfectly sweetened whole grains... you can't help but see the good.
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>> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. breaking news this morning. new signals detected in the search for missing malaysia airlines flight 370. overnight, investigators revealing two new transmissions heard from man made devices that they could be could be from the black boxes. the batteries on those black boxes could be going dead any day now. we have a team of reporters covering every ainge of this story. and another huge story happening right now, the olympic hero acc
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