tv New Day CNN April 16, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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the ocean floor? breaking overnight. ukraine strikes back. the government moving town by town, taking on pro-russian demonstrators as vladimir putin warns a civil war is coming. what will the u.s. do next? your "new day" starts right your "new day" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- good morning. welcome to "new day." right now a massive rescue operation is under way after a ferry carrying 459 people sank off south korea's coast. actually in the process of sinking as you can see. take a look at this incredible image. the ship is almost entirely submerged and sinking very quickly. >> it is huge. officials say at least three people are dead and nearly 300 unaccounted for at this hour. most of the passengers were high school students. a lot of that vessel, as chris
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says, under water with many people fearing -- with many fear that people could still be trapped. let's get to pauline chiou live in hong kong with the latest deta details. >> the high school students you mentioned were on their way to a resort island for a four-day holiday. at 9:00 a.m. this morning the ferry sent out a distress signal and then two hours later that ferry was just about gone. a desperate rescue after a crowded passenger ferry suddenly began sinking off the coast of south korea. more than 450 people were aboard the ferry. 325 of them high school students from just outside seoul on a class trip to a nearby resort island. one student told the korean news network ytn he heard a loud bump before the ship started to sink. shortly after the ship issued a distress call helicopters and boats including a ship from the u.s. navy seventh fleet scrambled to assist the overturned vessel rushing to rescue the frightened
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passengers, clinging to railings, wait for help. these two passengers were lifted to safety in a helicopter basket while dozens of others were pulled out of the frigid water by rescue boats. ones passenger told ytn that they were told to jump into the sea as the ship began to sink. within hours the ship was almost completely submerged. only a small portion of the hull was visible above the water. the weather was clear at the time and authorities are still not clear on what caused the catastrophe. and that is the big mystery because this is a pretty busy sea route. any rock or obstacles should have been very well charted. many of the stungts actually lost their cellphones in the ocean, so they had to borrow cellphones from rescuers to call their parents. now, the parents of the students still unaccounted for have gone down to that port city near the accident. and still, chris, as you can imagine, just being torn apart wait for word for what has happened to their child.
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>> pauline, thank you very much. the bump could have been a lot of things that happened on board. we mentioned the u.s. navy is joining the search and rescue operations. with us on the phone is the public affairs officer for the u.s. naval forces in south korea. it's great to have you with us. what do we understand? we're hear that the reports of a bump and then they were told immediately to jump into the water. that's unusual. what's the best guess right now as to what the situations were on board? >> good morning, chris. thanks for having me. first i want to say that our thoughts and our prayers go out to the pass jersz of the korean ship, if "sewol" that sunk today. our hearts go out to the families of this unfortunate incident. >> point well taken, lieutenant. as we discuss what's actually still ongoing out there what's the best sense so far of what the situation was? >> well, we're still trying to find out that ourselves. we have the uss amphibious
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assault ship. and the ship is operating in the vicinity t of the waters near where the ferry sunk. and we are on stand by awaiting request from the republic of korea government to support and the ship is -- the crew is ready to support as requested and as needed by the republic government. >> so far they haven't asked you guys to do anything? >> no, sir. we have not -- we have not -- at this time we are still awaiting the request from the government toss a zest but we are standing by and we are ready to support as required. >> as you well know, there are often a lot of air pocket nsz a vessel like this that's that still has a little bit of the nose up there on the bow side. do you have the capabilities to get under there, the 50 or 60 feet or so that you will need to to get inside that vessel if there's an opportunity? >> our ship is equipped with the
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mv-22 osprey as well as search and rescue helicopters, mh-60 helicopter and we do have that ship does have the ability to provide small boats and divers on the scene if that was requested by the government. >> best information so far, do you believe that the 300 unaccounted for, is that still the number or do you think one of the reasons that south korea is not asking for your help because they have accounted for everybody? >> well, i don't think they have accounted for everybody yet. i think -- i want to say that the republic of korea has done a great job in their rescue efforts thus far. and they arrived on the scene quickly. and have been working tirelessly to locate the missing passengers so they're doing a superb job. and our forces that we've been in touch with the on-scene commander and our forces are ready to support if requested. and we are in the vicinity of the area and prepared to support. >> what's the latest word on how much of the vessel is still
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above water, if any? >> that, can't tell you. i'm here in seoul. the republic of korea government, the ministry of national defense, could probably provide you a better answer on that with regards to the vessel and how much has been sunk. >> so best hope against hope right now is that they are using divers to get under there because people could be in air pockets, right? that would be the best hope. >> yeah, that's our understanding. and we are -- like i said, we're standing by and we've been in touch with the on-scene commander on the scene. and we're prepared to assist as necessary. >> and it's also important, it had to be a very fast response because the sea there, the yellow sea, very cold and people are describing the conditions as they jumped in unusual to be told to immediately abandon ship that way. to get there quickly enough to rescue them is no small effort. thank you for the update, lieutenant. let us know if you guys are brought officially into the
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search and we'll stay on top of this story. thank you for joining us, lieutenant. >> thank you, chris. glad to be here this morning. to the search for missing flight 370 this morning. the bluefin-21 submersible is back in the indian ocean this morning looking for any sign of the plane's wreckage. earlier it was forced to return to the surface to fix a technical issue. erin mclaughlin has the latest on the search live from perth, australia, for us. erin, have they given any information on what that technical glitch was? >> not at the moment, kate. we're still trying to get more information on that glitch that forced the bluefin-21 up to the surface. we understand that they brought it back onboard the "ocean shield." they downloaded the data and saw no objects of interest. one of the important things here is that they were able to get it back into the water and back searching. no word on when we can expect it to resurface again. now, we're still waiting the test results of an oil slick
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that was found in the vicinity of the "ocean shield" near where it detected the pings. they went to great lengths to bring a two-liter sample, traveled by military ship, traveled by helicopter, traveled by jet. it was expected to arrive here in perth this morning. we understand that malaysian airways has supplied samples of its boeing 777 jetliner fluids to be able to be compared. so we're still waiting for those results. some speculating that this liquid could potentially be from the missing plane's engine, but that's pure speculation at this point. authorities are saying they're treating this as any other lead, that neither needs to be ruled in or ruled out. kate? >> the latest from the search from perth, australia. let's bring in mary schiavo, form er inspector general for te united states department of transportation and david soucie to talk about the latest
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developments. good morning again to both of you. it probably seems like one long day for you guys since you're on air so much. david, first let's talk about what could possibly have been this technical glitch this time to bliring it back up to the surface. first time it had to return to the surface quickly, it was because it reached its max depth. this sounds different. >> it probably is. i'm not specifically related to what is going on. what i suspect is that because they brought it back up and they adjusted parameters to allow it to push the limits, to be a little bit lower, is probably going a little lower which can cause some technical difficulties with it. they probably expected that. >> mary, what does this also re-enforce for us that the challenges that the bluefin is facing down there? >> i think it re-enforces that this could be a long time. in so many investigations, you know, sometimes you're able to find these black boxes just right away like the other one in the indian ocean, the south african airways was two days.
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but the other was several months. who knows which end of the spectrum this will end up on. the australians believe they are in the right place. this will take a long time and lots of patience with the crews. >> lots of patience for everyone involved, especially the families waiting for an answer in some way, shape, or form here. at the same time as this could be a long process, david, we're also hearing from angus houston that the air and surface search could be wrapping up in two to three days. what does that tell us, the fact that -- what does that tell us about where this search is moving because it seems like now it's all under t water. >> yeah. well, in my mind that means two different things. one, it's just so disburse that they are having a hard time finding anything. and that's possibly at this time because of all the weather that's gone through and everything else. they just don't see a return on investment there as far as time goes. so that's one possibility. the other is that they're so certain that aircraft is is where they think it is because of those pings that they're just going to focus the search on
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that. there are some clues found by the floating debris but i think they're kind of think that it went down in bigger pieces than originally they thought. >> while this search has been going on for a long time now, mary, do you think it's smart to be giving up the air and surface search at this point? >> well, i do. i have to go with what a australians think they have under water because at some point they have to give up the search, the assets, the people, the human effort that's going into it. they really need to put their efforts elsewhere. if they believe, as they certainly have every indication that they are on the right spot, but if they believe they will soon be finding the plane they have a lot to do. they're going to have to get different crews in place. they have to shift their whole mot tiis operandi. they have to have the recovery and many human lives were lost. they have to switch gears to do that as well and those are huge
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jobs and they probably need the manpower for that. you have to retool and probably reship. >> i'm just beginning to learn, david, what that process is going to entail. we've been so focused on finding the black box, detecting the pings. the point after that is an arduous process of bringing the debris back up to surface and it quite dangerous, dangerous part of that operation when you get it on surface and move it on to dry land. right? >> it is. on a land investigation you corder it off. when you're doing a recovery effort t from the sea it's very easy to damage critical evidence that could tell us why this happened, what happened. so they have to be extremely careful, plus they're going three miles down. it's like looking down from an airplane that you're in and saying that's where we're getting this thing out of the ground. that's how far we are. >> i want to also get both of your takes on the following, that the malaysian cabinet announced they agreed to set up and in their words an
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international investigation team. and the investigation team will include three groups, airworthiness group, medical and human factor group. what does this tell you, mary? >> well, this is very similar to what's said up in the united states by the ntsb. in fact, we set up far more committees than that. and the way we deal with an investigation of an air crash is anybody who can potentially have played a role in it, you know, boeing, the airline, air traffic control, they are partys to the investigation and they set up working groups. and here since malaysia has said they don't have the technical expertise, for example, to deal with the black box, it's going to have to be an international team. so this is a very good development. you know, frankly, these teams are usually set up sooner than this, these committees. the fact they said it's going to be an international investigation and include many other countries bodes well for me because, one, they're going to call on the experts they need prks and, too, it will help with
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transparency. criticism to them about how secretive they've been and information has come out in dribs and drabs. with an international task force addressing it and many committees they will be much more transparent and that will help them in the long run. may be painful now but in the long run people will be able to have faith in their investigation. >> thought on that david? >> i see more on that mary. i understand that's what they're looking at is the approximate cause and this this accident. but i see that they're reaching, what did we do systematically wrong, what kind of latent precursors can we prevent in the future? what's wrong with us? some way we can improve? that says a lot for the malaysian government understanding the problems they had and understanding how -- what it's going to take to fix those problems. >> important thing to happen in tandem with this plane at this time. david soucie, mary schiavo, thanks, guys. kate, we're monitoring the situation in south korea right now. we're going to have much more on the ferry disaster there. it's sinking. it's far deeper under water than
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what you see right there right now. rescuers are t battling currents that's keeping them from getting inside the submerged vessel. they believe people could still be alive inside. we're going to take you from that story to ukraine because we're being told it's on the brink of civil war. a standoff in eastern ukraine between pro russian militants and ukrainian forces. how long before tensions do boil over? we'll break it down with a former u.s. assistant secretary of state.
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welcome back to "new day." we're following breaking news. a look at the pictures. the pictures are telling the story. massive rescue operation is under way in south korea after a ferry carrying 459 people sank off the coast there over night. most of the passengers were high school students. officials say nearly 300 are still missing. let's bring in david gallo. you know him. co-leader for the search for air france 447, director of special projects of oceanographic institution. not your area of specific expertise but the dynamics are familiar. they did get 164 people out of the water so far. that's good. there have been three confirmed deaths. those numbers are very early. we're going to avoid them
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because this is says that's still ongoing. here's what we understand. people on board say they heard a bump. sounds like they must have hit something. the water here is very well charted and very deep. that's unusual. they believe it could have been an explosion on board that gave that sensation. they were almost immediately told not to get into the rescue boats but to get into the water. the yellow sea very cold. quick-moving currents. there was a quick response from the south koreans. they brought amphibious vehicles out there. the water we're told is 40 degrees fahrenheit. very limited amount of survivoribility. u.s. navy in the area brought an amphibious ship there. they've been told the stand down currently. from this point the ship then submerged. let's start with the initial dynamics. something like this happens. it's balance ability is lost. it's capsized. >> horrific. inside the ship, some people may be the first time on a ship. trying to navigate inside the ship to get out is not easy.
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>> that's right. because everything, all of your orientation changes. >> positively. sliding around, furniture, people are panicking. just absolutely positively horrific. >> the first good piece of nfgsz is they do seem to mostly have life jackets on. how big a difference will that make? >> sure, that will help you in the water but in really cold t water it will keep you afloat but not necessarily keep you alive. i hate seeing something like this. it's horrible. >> we believe in lapsed time we're trying to figure out how long it took to go from this position and where we believe it is right now, which is really just the underside of the bow is the only thing visible anymore. how long have you stay in water like that, 40 degrees, quick-moving current. >> quick-moving current, 40 degrees, adrenaline quicks in. i don't know the numbers. it's not awfully long. so it's certainly not hours. that's for sure. >> now, the task in a situation like this as we learned with the coast of concordia that the italian cruise ship there is to be able to get underneath.
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there are tons of air pockets in a vessel like this. the south koreans are saying the currents are keeping their divers from going underneath if current is very dangerous for a diver, especially under water as you go deeper. they don't want to get swept into the boat. >> make things worse. it looks like the ship is completely capsized here but they've got this open up into the very base of the hull. >> well that is a bor thruster port for a side moving engine. the good news is they still have that, means there's still air in the boat, something there for them to work. cranes are on the way. they believe they will be able to salvage this vessel but not in time to help with the actual rescue. the downside of it being in this position is that you now have to go much deeper to get inside. >> exactly right. you've got to get in the water, down deep and then back up again. and just for the passengers that -- on the inside that's got to be horrible. positively horrible.
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>> and now you have to start making assumptions. obviously it's easy to perish in a situation like this. it's hard to survive but people often b find that will in these more urgent circumstances. because of the circumstances of the ships is it safe to say as long as there's enough air to keep buoyancy there could be air in the pockets inside as well where people have air pockets? >> positively. one question is how stable is the ship in this position? is it going to be stable floating like this or if the water depth is great enough, is the ship going to -- >> they believe it's deep enough to take the entire vessel. it will go underneath, completely submerge. how much of a risk calculation is it in sending divers in something like this? what is the calculation to save a life versus risking your own? >> good question. that's where the heroes show up, right, when times are like this that you're going to take those risks to try to get people -- people out but certainly not an easy task because some of the divers, too, don't know their way around this vessel. >> they were saying that even
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though initially when it was just at 45 degrees roll it does make it almost like scaling a mountain to go down and come back up. it's not as easy as jumping on the boat and rescuing people. >> right. because the pathways, the hallways, doorways, everything is now different and -- they've lost power. it's dark on the inside of the ship so it's just one situation that's not -- not, you know, incredibly unpleasant to be in a place like this. horrible. horrible. >> 300 eunaccounted for at last report. people on board felt a burch, a big movement in the vessel and it had to be massive. we're calling it a ferry but really it's a ship. they were told almost immediately to put on their life vests and get the water. very unusual. vessels is like this have rescue craft and different types of rafts and stuff like this type of situation. >> sure. the only thing i can think of the they knew the ship was going to do a roll and sink it's
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better to get out and take your chances on the surface than stay in the vessel itself. >> a lot of heavy equipment on deck as well. things fell off and surrounding the water p that creates another obstacle to staying alive and not getting hit by something. we're going the take you through the information as we get it. 300 souls as we often say in air and sea situations, lives are at risk here. we'll give you the latest as we get it. south korea seas. this is the yellow sea. trying to find 300 people after this ferry capsized. we'll give you the latest when we have it. david gallo, thank you very much. coming up next on "new day" we're going to continue to follow this situation as we monitor the search for the missing in south korea. but up next, the situation in ukraine is being described by vladimir putin as a country on the brink of civil war. that's in his words. pro russian supporters riding on tanks through city streets as the ukrainian government in the midst of what they call anti-terrorism operation. what's the next move and what can be done to calm the tension? ♪ norfolk southern what's your function? ♪
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breaking news out of ukraine. tensions with russian sympathizers reach a dangerous point. we've just learned two ukrainian soldiers, an officer and sold r soldier, have been kidnapped. armed protesters have taken over a mayor's office in eastern ukraine. and witnesses say pro-russian forces surrounded an army column this morning. this as ukraine is launching that what it calls an anti-terrorist operation. international correspondent phil black is in northeastern ukraine with much ore the developments. what are you seeing at this
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moment, phil? >> kate, where we are is on one of the roads to the town of where a town where pro-russian militants and protesters have really consolidated their control in recent days. more so than other towns around here. late yesterday we stau ukraine kran military move in closely to this town taking back a nearby airfield. where i'm standing now there is a heavily armed well dug in police checkpoint. checking all the vehicles moving through here. the contents of the cars and just around the corner what appears to be another ukrainian military staging point. a large number of ukrainian soldiers, armored personnel carriers. military helicopters coming and going from this location including attack helicopters. the question now really is what is the intention of the ukrainian military. are they planning, thinking about moving in and trying to take back this town by force because all the noise coming from within the town is of these pro-russian forces are prepared
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to fight back in a sign of just how complicated all of this is we're now seeing images from within to show armored vehicles advancing forward under a russian flag. how is this possible? well, according to ukrainian media, pro-russian forces have taken control of these vehicles. according to russian media, the ukrainian officers an soldiers have effectively flipped sides over to the pro-russian side. so all very fast moving, very murky, very complex as we wait to see precisely what the next stage will be in this military operation against these pro-russian forces. chris, back to you. >> phil, thank you very much. joining us on the giant map is farmer u.s. assistant secretary of state, jamie, thanks for being with us. let's do a little demystifying here first. pro-russian forces. what is the chance that pro-russian forces are really just thinly masked russian forces on the ground? >> there's probably two types of russian forces on the ground.
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one are the kinds of groups that went in the way they did in crimea several weeks ago without russian insignia on their shoulders but are russian, moscow generated special forces. the second category, which is what's making this complicated, is that over the years russia has infiltrated ukraine's army. and so there are russian supporters inside ukraine's army. when ukraine tries to conduct this operation they're finding that some of their soldiers are not loyal to ukraine but are going to flip over t to the russians. that's why it's complicated. >> that's different than organic rebellion going on and ukraine i don't knows who just want b to return to russia. >> correct. those are one of the reasons why ukraine's military is so week and one of the reasons why they have chosen up to this point to avoid a real firefight with russia. in crimea they didn't fight. they did some amazing things. they stood back and allowed the russians to take it over.
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what we're seeing now in eastern ukraine is that the ukrainian military are l. fight for its territory. if they do we fear the russians have 40,000 forces on their border, will come in and have a proper war which we haven't seen in europe in a decade. >> mot much of a fight at that point, to be sure. let's look at the current state of play. we believe that this operation that's going on that's being called intelligence operation but they have reclaimed two major cities, donetsk and the one that's next to it. this is where they've been able to get a semblance of control but others -- two other major cities, let's show those now, that are supposedly under russian control. what does that mean that these places are under russian control? >> what it means is there are russian speakers in the town who support moscow and have now been russia, moscow, we believe, i believe, have sent special units inside the country. they've infiltrated the way they did in crimea. and are trying to stir up trouble, trying to create a
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situation where there's an imagined threat to all russian speakers in eastern ukraine. these are false claims. the u.n. has just come out with a very important report yesterday, the united nations, an objective body went in to see whether is it really true that russians are at risk inside ukraine, are russian speakers being discriminated against, killed or anything. they discovered that there is no systemic repression of russians. so moscow's basic charge that they are defending russians by doing all this has been rebutted by the united nations. there is no threat to russian speakers. >> fundamentally what russia is doing is saying there's a concern here and they're right because they're creating it and getting the ben at this time of being the good guy in a situation where they're creating it. politics. why do we care? several reasons. there's a human rights issue that will be going on here, sovereignty issue. also, we look at the responsibles of nato. ukraine not in nato but let's look at who is. there are some surrounding
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sister countries here, astonia, poland, latvia, they are all members of nato. they would be under the direct protection of that treaty. what do you believe the concern is? i think it's very important to show these three country because what we're seeing is that had they not been brought into nato, these three countrys,es tonia, latvia, and lithuania. they would be subto the same kind of preright now. putin is trying to do across the former soviet union is take back as many areas that used to be part of the former soviet union as possible. we allowed estonia, latvia to join nato and we encouraged that. if we had not done so i believe the work that is being done now would be occurring in those countries. so people criticized nato enlargement but the truth is the more countries we enlarge, the less they are at risk because i don't believe putin will risk a
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confrontation with nato. >> one last quick political question here. many ask why now, what has emboldened putin. in 2008 he went in jordan and killed people. that was under president bush. is it fair to look at this situation and say, the weakness or perception of weakness of t president obama has given a window of opportunity to putin. >> i think what's fair to say is that over time the russian/u.s. relationship has broken down and the commitment of the west, not just the united states, but all of the west to these crucial princip principles, will borders be changed by force, can a slaughter occur in syria with no response, all of these crucial principles of international affairs have been weakened over time of general willingness of a country in the west. >> do you believe economic sanctions can end this at this point? >> i believe economic sanctions will make a difference over time
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but not unless we're willing to do things that hurt ourselves. if europeans are not willing to risk their own businesses and we're not willing to risk our own exports and business with russia then we're not going to be able to cause any pain to russia. we have to say to ourselves, this principal of borders being changed by force is what world war ii was fought about. there is no higher principle in the international affairs. and if we're not prepared to give up something for that, we're never going to be able to turn the russian policy around. >> jamie reuben, thank you. kate? >> coming up next on "new day," the urgent rescue operation under way off the coast of south korea. hundreds of high school students who were headed to a resort when their ferry sank in frigid waters. searchers racing now against ts also ahead, it's believed to be the biggest al qaeda gathering in years. the story behind this video and the threat made by the terror group. all stations come over to mission a for a final go.
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nearly 300 people at this hour are unaccounted for. and most of the passengers were high school students. reporter andrew has the latest. he's joining us. he's been on this story since it broke overnight. andrew, thanks so much. this is developing minute by minute. what is the very latest you're hearing on the numbers. 300 uncatt unaccounted for is absolutely terrifying. >> we yeah, no, you're entirely correct. the latest -- i'll give you the good news first. we have 167 persons rescued. this was confirmed to us by the coast guard. the bad news is, we have another figure to add to the body count. four people now are confirmed dead. but most frighteningly, there are now 291 persons still unaccounted for in this breaking tragedy off the southwest coast of the korean peninsula in the yellow sea. >> andrew, the reason that is of course also -- additionally
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terrifying is that the waters where they are right now are absolutely frigid. so if they are in the water, they are in grave danger and we have just been learning that rescuers have not been able to actually get inside of this ship because the currents are so strong. can you describe, have you gotten an update on how the rescue operation is going on right now? >> it's ongoing so it's changing minute by minute. what we do know is this. yes, the waters are very cold as many people know, hypothermia is generally a greater killer than drowning in maritime accidents. that being said, it appears that the unt accounted persons are more likely to be inside the ship rather than outside it. there are so many vessels, fishing vessels, coast guard vessels, navy vessels, commercial vessels on the scene. there are aircraft, there are drones, there are helicopters above the scene. so anyone the water has probably
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been picked up. bare in mind the situation has been under way for about 11 hours now. so if people are t in the water, i suspect they will have been fished out by now. the real worry is there are people trapped inside the hull and, again, the ship as we know, unknown reasons, was listing very, very, very heavily, then capsized and now all that's left of her is just the bow protruding belove the water. so navy divers, 174 guy, korea's best young man, s.e.a.l. teams, salvage teams are diving with lifelines under and into the submerged hull. whether anyone feasibly could be alived trapped in an air pocket, your guess is as good as mine. fingers are crossed. >> it's our understanding that this is a very, very busy waterway. this is a typical route. this was a ferry vessel, albeit a very big one, that was on the
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water. but as we can see right now, a very dangerous and urgent rescue operation happening as we speak. andrew, you've been on top of it all morning. thank you very, very much. chris? kate, the good news is some of the vessel is still above t water, meaning that there's some air buoyancy there. quick moving currents, the situation is moving rapidly and it's difficult to get inside the ship to see if there's anyone to rescue. let's bring in former inspector general mary mary, ferries are not usually what you would be covering but you do have experience in what can happen in these type of situations. let's go through big points. we hear from on board that there was a big bump. the ship started to list quickly after that. we're calling it a ferry but this is a huge craft. it really is a ship. there were almost immediate call toss abandon ship and jump in the water despite its temperature, 40 degrees out deeper into the channel, 50 degrees nearer shore. dangerous temperatures. your take?
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>> well, when you hear a report of a bump and then also that water came in very fast. on a ferryboat what you think and it's a busy shipping channel but it's easy to get outside the channel if you're not paying attention. that's what happened in valdez and other ferry accidents. and if it hits something and given the volume of water coming in you would expect that perhaps the doors through which cars and other vehicles can get off the ferry had failed. a couple ferry accidents that's what happened. they hit something and then as a chain reaction. usually not just one thing. but that the doors failed and allowed a lot of water to come in after some other hit or problem happened first. >> we do know that this ferry was carrying as many as 150 vehicles. you're talking about the door used to allow passengers to drive on? those doors are not as strong as typical hatches? >> well, the very strong but what can happen is if you have
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some other kind of a mishap. here it sounds like they hit something. t got outside the channel and hit, you know, rocks or, you know, like the concordia, remember the ship in italy? as long as you stay in the channels there, dredge, very busy shipping lanes. if it did hit something i it could have damaged. not that they're not very strong. there are ferris all over the world. often when that happens, yes, that's what happens, the doors fail. >> you mentioned the "costa concordia" in italy. we covered that one extensively. there there was an issue that they couldn't access certain life boat s because that was th side that was listing. what do you think of people were told to don their jackets and jump into the water? >> well, it could be one of two things. one that they didn't have any life boats or rather life rafts. they wouldn't have life boats on a ship -- a short haul ship. most likely they lad life rafts.
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whatever happened happened quickly which makes me think they hit something that had an actual tear or hole in the boat or these big doors had failed and water was coming in quickly because to tell people to abandon ship, they had to fear the ship would go down so fast the people stayed on would be sucked down with the ship and would drawn. it appears since so many people are missing and they're not floating in the water that that's what may have happened. in other words, it's going down so fast and the water is sucking in that you can't fight your way out. that's why they might have told them to abandon ship. >> mary, thank you. again in the interest of optimism with hundreds still unaccounted for the physics of the situation are still in the rescuers' favor and those people who may be trapped on board because there is some boat still above water which means there's still air displacing it. against them is time, it's sinking quickly and in quick currents. we'll let you know the latest when have it. kate? coming up next on "new day," more on this breaking news as
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rescuers are desperately searching for hundreds of missing and trapped passengers off the coast of south korea. we'll be live on the scene of the disaster. also ahead, the video, a terrorism calls extraordinary. dozens of al qaeda fighters and a top leader coming together and promising to destroy america. what does this mean about the future of the terror group? we're going to the pentagon in just moments. ♪ led to the one jobhing you always wanted. at university of phoenix, we believe every education- not just ours- should be built around the career that you want. imagine that.
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unusually cold weather happening and, yes, it's spring. i think it is at least. overnight snow fell in parts of the country. let's get to meteorologist indra petersons with the latest. >> typically march is the last time we see flurries. what month is it? april. i do not think so. we saw flurries in new york city this morning. even in boston. you can see all the cold air and snow out there. it's finally making its way offshore this morning. that is the good news. it was such a long winter some people can still argue still winter with this last snowfall we just saw this week. detroit, michigan, flint, michigan, now ranked number unfor the snow yes seasons ever. breaking records with this past winter season. the cold not only do we have snow but cold temperatures and
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the cold air filled to the south, even record morning lows. michigan back down through texas, freeze warnings in effect down even into the southeast. yes, i think you know if it's cold in the morning it's cold in the afternoon. temperatures going almost 20 degrees cooler than we saw yesterday. still okay. we're talking 50s. d.c. not beautiful in the 70s. about 53 as we go through the afternoon. keep in mind another system is going to be out there. we're going to track this guy. it's not expected to be as cold unless you're in the upper midwest. we are going to get heavy sfloe. south end of it they're looking at heavy rain filling in by the gulf by friday or so. yeah. a month later, still talking about snow. you didn't warn me about this. tough new york. >> surprise this morning. hopefully a blip. >> a lot of cars covered, too. impressive. >> impressive, yes. >> another adjective. >> point of fact, it is your job, science, to tell us, to warn us about what's coming, not our job to warn you. >> minor details. >> you know? science, all the degrees and all that. you tell us. i don't know what's going on
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until i walk outside. right now intelligence officials are pouring over a new al qaeda video of what could be the terror group's largest gathering in years. cnn first broadcast news of the video's existence. it shows more than 100 fighters meeting in yemen. at the center, al qaeda's second in command, brazenly vowing to destroy america with a report on this, cnn's barbara starr. she broke the story. she's at the pentagon this morning with more. barbara? >> good morning, chris. these fitders in yemen belong to the most dangerous al qaeda affiliate, al qaeda group that has vowed to attack the united states. it's the largest and most dangerous gathering of al qaeda in years. and the cia and the pentagon either didn't know about it or couldn't get a drone there in time to strike. u.s. officials will not say. but every frame is being analyzed. in the middle, the man known as
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al qaeda's crown prince, nasir al wuhayshi, brazenly out t in the open, greeting followers. man who says he wants to attack the u.s. seemingly unconcerned he could be hit by an american drone. >> this is quite an extraordinary video. the leader of al qaeda on the arabian new, nas iral wuhayshi, number two with al qaeda worldwide addressing over 100 fighters somewhere in yemen taking a big risk in doing this. >> reporter: in his speech al wuhayshi makes clear he is going after the u.s. saying -- we must eliminate the cross, the bearer of the cross is america. u.s. officials believe the highly produced video is recent, with some fighters' faces blurred, there is worry it all signals a new round of plotting. >> the u.s. intelligence community should be surprised such a large group of al qaeda is assembled together including the leadership and somehow they didn't notice.
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>> reporter: there's good reason to worry. al qaeda in the arabian peninsula, also known as aqap shs is considered the most dangerous al qaeda affiliate. the cia and pentagon have repeatedly killed apqa leaders. >> the main problem about this group is that it has a bomb mmar who can put bomb on planes that cannot be detected. >> reporter: that bombmaker is believed to be responsible for several attempts against the u.s. including the failed 2009 christmas day underwear bomber attack. awrite ham is the master bombmaker of this al qaeda group, said to be behind several attempts to attack in the united states. you don't see him on this video. he remains in hiding, according to u.s. officials. chris? >> who he is and what he is planning is something that certainly will be on everybody's radar now.
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thank you, barbara starr, for breaking that story. we're following breaking news this morning of rescue operations under way right now after a ferry sank in south korea. hundreds are missing. also, the bluefin is back looking for flight 370. a lot of news to tell you about, a lot of news to tell you about, so let's get to it. -- captions by vitac -- a desperate rescue after a ferry sunk off south korea. technical issue brought it to the surface. they downloaded the data. no found objects of interest. appears to be the town which is now focal point to dislodge pro-russian militants. these patients are fighting one of the deadliest diseases in the world, e. coli. good morning. welcome back to "new day." we welcome our viewers across the u.s. and around the world. we do have breaking news. nearly 300 people are feared missing.
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four dead. after a ferry carrying 459 people sank overnight off south korea's coast. many passengers were high school students. take a look at the video here of the ship. it hit something we're told. there is a sound of some type of bump. then on its side and slid into the freezing waters there. cnn's paula hancocks joins us from south korea just miles from where the ship went down. >> chris, it's really a heartbreaking scene here. we're seeing all the families basically of those that are still missing assembling here outside this auditorium. parents absolutely beside themselves. they're looking on this list behind me to see if their names of their children are on that list. that is the list of those who have been rescued. at this point, 162 have been rescued. 291 still missing. when they don't find their name on that particular list, then they break down. it is a devastating scene here.
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it is really very upsetting for these families. darkness has now fallen and with darkness fallen so do the hopes that many more survivors if any could be found. 291 still missing, still possibly in the water, still possibly in that ship itself. we understand divers have been drying to get inside the ship but the strong currents have been preventing them from it getting inside. the search and rescue operation are still very much under way. one of the uss navy ships from the u.s. seventh fleet is also helping out. helicopters are trying to look to see if there are any other survivors. but at this point there are great concerns about those almost 300 still missing. chris? >> paula, what are the families being told about how this happened, where the ferry was? what details have they been given? >> well, with know that the ferry at this point is 20 kilometers off the mainland. 20 kill meres from where we are now. it was on its way to a tourist hot spot, jeju island, the size
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of south korea. we heard from one of the students who was on board and managed to get off the boat that he said he felt a bump and then many people fell over. then the ship started listing. and then it started to sink. they were basically given life jackets an told to jump t in the water. it is cold water. and we are hearing that really the chances of survival are really about two hours in that water. it's about 11 hours since the first distress signal went out. chris? >> paula, one last quick question. any word about whether there were life rafts on board? is there anything to do with doing that? >> this is a question we've been trying to find the answer to. but i think one of the things that's worth mentioning is the fact that this ship listed very quickly and it tilt very quickly and within a couple of hours that it tilted over completely and all you could see was the blue hull off the ship. so it completely turned over. it really was a quick sinking,
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that could have been part of the reason why they jumped in the water. but we don't know about the life rafts. we didn't see any from the pictures. doesn't mean they weren't there. >> paula, listing, solid rationale there. let us know what you learn there from the families. horrible waiting gim game for them. as this rescue operation for these nearly 300 missing continues, they are facing a lot of variables there. there are the currents, very quick there. and the water temperatures themselves are going to be a major concern. let's bring in meteorologist indra petersons for this. good information from paula. she said the ferry was said to be 20 kilometers off the mainland. >> unfortunately that's not good news. the water is cooler. the water temperature, sea surface temperature. when you're closer to south korea it's, those temperatures are very cold. we're talking about just in the range of the 40s. they do quickly rise up to the 50s by time you get to the island just offshore they were trying to get to but being closer to the shoreline the temperatures are cold and people will not be able to stay warm
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for long periods of time if they are in the water. another thing are the currents and the wave heights. generally lower in this region. that is a little piece of good news but keep in mind it's the undertow, the strong currents that a lot of people are concerned with. what we're afraid of is the currents could be stronger farther down south. but just around the tip of the island, the currents are not that strong even undernoot tnoot the water. it's the water temperatures they're going to have to deal with first. kate? >> thank you. let's talk more about really i think what's important to talk about here is the challenges that the searchers are up against at this moment. let's bring in david gallo who is co-leader of the search for flight air france flight 447 and director of special projects. we're all watching this unfold all together. one of the most urgent situations right now is the rescuers. >> right. >> one of the big problems they're up against right now is
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the currents. indra was talking about the challenges of the water temperatures as well. they have not been able to get inside the vessel yet because of the strong currents. what are these rescuers up against? >> there's that. there's how to get into the vessel and then how to work with the dournts get into the vis sell and the vessel sinking at the same time. they're up against every sort of obstacle. you know, not knowing exactly their way around the ship, too, they have to worry about that. once they have access to the ship, then what? it's dark on the inside, it's just an absolutely, positively horrific situation. it's nightmarish for anyone who has been on a boat and spent time on a boat. nep especially in a case like this where people are stuck inside. the ship is sinking. inside people are now standing on the ceiling rather than on the floor. >> david, when something like this happens with such a big vessel, you would think that this would happen slowly, gradually, allowing for time to deploy rescue craft and to get
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everything kind of -- get off in an organized fashion. it sounds like that is not what happened here. people were given their life vest and told to jump into the water and abandon ship as quickly as possible. we haven't really seen any life boats out. where are they? >> i saw some video earlier that showed life boats still on deck about 12 of them still, life raft sglsz what does that tell you? >> it's hard to say because the crew, hopefully, heapfully leadership on board to tell you what to do. i heard there was an order to abandon ship, jump in the water. not to move because it's dangerous to move. some people were told to stay still. that doesn't help the situation when you've got people in panic. they need to have someone to say this is exactly what to do. and the crew, you don't know if the crew is experienced, if they're just relatively new to the ship. so have they practiced this is life boat drill before. this kind of situation is one of
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the worst situations you can be in, where the ship is on one side. it's tough to get off the other side because it's under water. this side you're way up in the air and the ship is on its side. >> dealing with abbreviated time frame. they probably don't assume they have to get out as quickly as they did. >> that's right. >> we have no information yet really about what happened, how this all unfolded. trying to figure out what's going on in the little bit. first of all they need to find where people are. >> right. >> from your experience, what is the deciding factor in how to successfully escape a horrific situation like this versus the opposite? >> sadly, it's all having a plan ahead of time and normally ships do, especially ferries. but having the passengers that have -- they always tell you where the life rafts are, where the life preservers are. these are the doors you go out. but often, people normally don't listen to that. they're more to focused on where am i going. >> anything working in their
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favor at this point? >> no, it's horrific. getting off the ship and now you're in this water which is deadly as well. >> the cranes we were told they are going to be brought in to right to ship and get it out of the water they're not going to be able to get there until friday. >> that's not going to help. it just seems like that too long. so whatever rescue has got to happen has got to happen right up front in the next few hours. it's not -- as i said, it's just a horrific situation. >> unfolding right before our eyes. david gallo, thank you. chris? let's take a quick check on the search for flight 370. right now turn manned mini sub, the bluefin-21, is back in the water scanning the indian ocean floor. that's good. but it has had issues. that's bad. it had to be pulled back out of the water for what they're calling, quote, technical trouble. let's bring in former faa inspector david soucie. they anticipate having problems here. they don't know what they're dealing with under water. what do we know about the problems they're having? >> literally uncharted territory
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here. they are in an area that may not have been designed for necessarily. they knew when they exceeded the limits. remember yesterday we were talking about they had to bring it out because it was too deep. now they've said we've reprogrammed it, changed our r paramet parameters. now they're operating in a touchy area. i think they're anticipating they would have mechanical issues or experience something new. >> people don't understand how easily also and damaged, especially that depth, if you hit anything, the pressure is so great that it immediately damages the vehicle. you lose it and who knows how long it takes to get another one. >> that's right. >> something came out that to me is more of an advance of this story than anything going on with the bluefin. word from the malaysians that they will put together an international investigative team to look into the 777 itself, what is known, take a second look at all the data, do fresh analysis about why this may have happened. that's good news, isn't it? >> it is to me. you know, after the air alaska
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accident and after the airbus 300 in the northeast, the -- nick sabbatini was the associate administrator aft faa and decided, we need to look at ourselves. faa, how did we contribute, is there something we could do better within our organization. and that's what this is about, i believe. there are teams already set up to talk about what happened on this particular accident, the approximate cause issues, things that could have prevented the accident before it happened, things like absb, could have prevented it at the last minute. but what made it happen in the first place? what kind of vulnerabilities are we looking at systematically. and that is really, really advanced thinking. it's really advanced. the faa only recently started doing? >> part human nature, part how thin vest gators frankly have spun this story. we are drawn to conspiratorial. but isn't it the case that more
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often than not what makes a plane go down is the plane itself? that it's not going to be about the pilots or something nefarious, it's going to be about more likely these warnings that were out about the 7 77 that you guys have been talking about from the beginning about different structure cracks and problems with the wings, et cetera. >> right. people will fault me for saying this because everybody thinks pilot error is the single most common cause and it is for the approximate cause. because they're the last person that could have prevented the accident before it happened. >> approximate cause meaning the last thing in the chain of causation. >> right. lat tent causes are the causes that are way up the chain. management, reducing training budgets. well, that's going to have an affect. it's going to put a pilot in a vulnerable position. these are the kinds of things that i say that malaysians are now working on, malaysian government. they see their faults. it's always more important, i think, people make mistakes. it's part of learning process. but to then re-evaluate yourself and have the hutzpah to say,
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here, international community, we can learn more, we know we can learn more about you about how to do this better. >> defects in aircraft, bad handoffs in towers. all relevant. david soucie, thank you very much. appreciate it. kate? following breaking news also out of ukraine. tensions with pro-russian supporters hitting a new high across the country. ukraine is now trying to secure the release of two kidnapped soldiers and armed protesters have taken over a mayor's office in eastern ukraine. also this morning, tanks bearing russian flags rolled into the city of slaviansk. that's where we find nick pay torn waon the walsh with the latest. nic? >> kate, behind me what you are seeing is one of those many pro -- sorry, ukrainian-armed vehicles which seem to have changed hands a few hours ago. that has now had ukrainian soldiers go into it, take out their stuff and now loading up with pro-russian militants.
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let me tell you how we got here. we saw ukrainian troops move around in armored vehicles. some moved into the town south of me. met a lot of low cat resistance. and then some lou pretty fast those armed personnel carriers changed hands. then they came in slaviansk with the russian flag and ukrainian parra troop unit from ukrainian soldiers defected or surrendered, not sure, are inside the building behind me being fed lunch. some have come out to the vehicle behind me, taken out the staff and now you will hear a chant in the crowd, pro-russian crowd, as the armor we personnel carrier begins to move away. these pictures are the worst nightmare for the kiev central government. they're we seeing here the force they sent in to take on these pro-russian militants effecti effectively giving up their armor within hours of being here. now these pro-russian militants moving this vehicle out. let me tell you a little bit more about who they are.
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some of them extraordinarily well trained, good modern weapon weaponry. serious modern repry. some of them. others seemingly more local, less well equipped. one of them telling me in fact he's from crimea, the part of ukraine moscow now considers part of russia that changed hands a manner of weeks ago. seems here quite we remarkable because people have been wait f ukrainian government response. feels very calm here. we wouldn't have been able to do this broadcast like this to you a couple of days ago. people i think really feel now the tensions has past. perhaps a moment over. really what happens now, does this stay part of ukraine or a separate republic or part of russia. those are the big questions. but this armor changing hands without violence quite a nightmare for the kiev central government. >> that was going to be my question for you, nic. it's unbelievable that you can be broadcasting standing right
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there and this tank changing hands right behind you. this seems really unbelievable. but not a-typical i guess from what you've been seeing on the ground, right? >> well, i mean, this tank was already under control of pro-russian. but you saw him go in and take his stuff. it shows the relations between the two sides here are reasonably relaxed. certainly the ukrainian soldiers, we saw them yesterday going around the countryside, the farmland here, they're not particularly well equipped at all. so much more last decade to the new stuff the russians have been given. noting looking like it's possible there will be a ukrainian/russian cooperation. it seems to have happened here, this town is calmly now it seems in the hands of these pro-russian militants. we spoke to the mayor outside the office here, the new mayor. he said the ukrainian soldiers had in fact not defected by surrendered. being fed inside this building
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here. it's bizarre how the new reality is taking grip here quite so fast and quite absent the ukrainian government here. >> nick paton walsh, thank you so much. we will check back in with you. let's get over to christine romans for the top stories. >> a disturbing scare in boston on the anniversary of the marathon bombings. ples arrested a 25-year-old man carrying a backpack containing a rice cooker. you may recall pressure cooker bombs killed three, injured more than 260 last april. the backpack was detonated as a precautionary measure. police say it did not contain a bomb. a second unattended bag also sparked a scare. it was destroyed and cleared. it belonged to an unnamed media outlet. defense expert is testifying right now in the oscar pistorius murder trial disputing a pathologist findings about wounds reeva steencamp sustained. the olympian says it was an accident but he mistook his
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girlfriend for an intruder. prosecutors say he killed her in a rage after an argument. after tomorrow's session the trial will adjourn until may 59. the nypd is debanding a commercial unit. it started after the september 11th terror attack sent undercover monday offiofficers . advocacy groups have long criticized these tactics. the department says community outreach could yield the same results. chris and kate? >> thank you very much. let's take a break. coming up next on "new day," we're monitoring the dramatic search and rescue out of south korea right now where some 300 people, many of them high school students, remain missing after a ferry suddenly began to sink. i'm beth...
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what's your policy? i'm glad i'm with you. this weekend away, was long over-due. be a weekender at hotels like conrad and hilton. book now at welcome back. extraordinary dwon m developme. reports armed kidnappers have taken two ukrainian officers hostage. tanks rolling under russian flags. how much of this is due to russian sympathizers or just russians themselves? joining me now is a host of "in the now" and senior political correspondent for "russia today." there are two battles going on. one b on the ground and there's one in the air. by that i mean in the media about what's going on on the
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ground. what is your take about who is causing the trouble in ukraine? >> absolutely. i agree. the media war is rampant. it's really difficult most of all to confirm what's coming from the ground. anymore moscow myself. there are lots of video. lots of accusations on social media, especially. it's really hard to confirm. last night we had video of tanks rolling across ukraine towards the east. we had reports of gunfights, four people reportedly killed. that's really difficult to confirm. but the rule of the game that's been set up is basically that everything that comes out of russia is automatically deemed russian propaganda. everything that's coming out of kiev is automatically takings a fact. that's where it becomes really difficult, because certainly the for reason ministry here in moscow and even the kremlin, some of their statements have been very calm, to the point, yes, but they try to base them on facts whereas the stuff coming out of kiev is also
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really difficult to verify. and you're very own reporter i was listen on the ground talks about that, talks about how much misinformation and different information is coming out of eastern ukraine at the moment. >> yes. and take that point into context, not painting you as a sympathizer of russia, necessarily. you're a new york native. you're from america even though you're in russia now so your perspective is going to be an interesting balance of what your influence is. cnn has the benefit of so many assets on the ground. we as reporters have the benefit of the u.n. high commission on human rights. what we get is the picture that's that what's coming out of russia about what's causing this tension is either inaccurate or, by russia's own hand. either by infiltrating ukraine army or having these pro-russian sympathizers that may be thinly masked russian military. it seems that blame should be on the russian side, doesn't it?
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>> there's absolutely no evidence that those so-called masked infiltrators are russian. first of all, our reporters on the ground spoke to many of them. they showed us their ukrainian passports. yes, they associate themselves closely with russia because they speak russian. they don't speak ukrainian. they have ties to russia. nick patton walsh on the ground yesterday, he's saying that there are no signs. cnn's very own correspondent, that these people are russian or even affiliated with russian any more than the sense that they speak russian and that they feel like their rights as a minority in the country, even though in the east they're basically the majority, are being undermined by the illegal government in kiev. >> you have two counter points. one, most of the country speaks russian for purposes of what happened while they were part of the soviet union. so who speaks russian isn't dispositive on who is sympathetic to russia, necessarily. and from the beginning -- >> well, kiev and russia were
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one country for 300 years. wasn't just the soviet union. 300 years, it was one country. >> right. but the point stands, speaking russian is not a great indicator of whether you're sympathetic with russia. it could be because of these 300 years of history. from the beginning, our reporters when asking these people who had weird uniforms on that just seemed to be missing a russian insignia, they were identifying themselves as russia. we also know that a lot of the reports about, and it's here in the human rights report from the u.n., unless you want to say the u.n. is also wrong, that reports were exaggerated, that things were wrong, that it was misinformation about what russia was putting out about what was causing civil tension. do you dismiss the human rights report from the u.n.? >> yeah, i read those reports from the u.n. i thought they made some good points. they pointed out that the attacks on people who do associate themselves with russia were happening. they were not as wide spread as some of the russian journalists were reporting. perhaps that's true.
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but let's not forget that the right sector in kiev, they would have never been able to take over the government without their help. first of all. second of all, the party in the government right now, openly associates itself with hitler, openly has slogans saying that russians should burn in hell. for a country that also 30 million people fighting fascists in world war ii, any kind of indication that ukraine is going there is is scary to them and they're not going to sit by and be silent. >> understandable point of why russia would have a very specific and sensitive interest in what happens in ukraine. but do you understand why that's a very different posture than saying we will influence what happens in ukraine sfl we will put our troops on the border, we will take crimea? you know, there's a difference between fearing what ukraine does as a sovereign and then deciding to invade ukraine because you're afraid of what's going to happen. big difference. >> let's not forget that russia
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has not invaded ukraine. russia does have a border with ukraine and there are military fields, military warehouses right on the ukrainian border. yes, there are military hardware there. they haven't crossed the border. i think it's important to not misinform people that some kind of invasion is taking place at the moment. that is not happening. what is happening -- what happened in crimea? >> you have nato just todays are muse sensaiing that nato is sending more fighter jets to romania, you have fighter troops in romania. you have f-15s in the baltics in the north. if you want to talking about military build-up, we should look at both sides, is what i'm saying. >> absolutely. that's what we're doing. but when you look at crimea, it's hard to see something short of an invasion. when you talk about why there's a military build-up, well, certainly the west doesn't want one. it fears having anything that stops the flow of natural gas and the economic exchanges that are going on with russia right now. they don't want it. that's why sanctions have not
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been put in place sooner. certainly you know as a u.s. person in your background and as journalist that the u.s. is war weary, certainly the u.s. doesn't want an armed conflict here. so you must come to the conclusion that any -- >> war weary? the u.s. spends more money on military -- on its military than 16 biggest military budgets in the world. i wouldn't call the u.s. military weary. but if you want to -- want me to answer your question about crimea. i don't think it's fair to label it invasion. that's what the mainstream media did. i think it was misinformation. again, i watched cnn the day before the referendum. there were reports on your very own channel object how majority of the population there wanted to peacefully vote to become part of russia. no violence occurred. >> listen, i understand what you're saying. as you know, the leader of russia or the de facto leader of the ukraine says he's open to a referendum but it's got to be done on their own terms as a sovereign. and the real concern is this. we all remember what happened in
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2008 in georgia. the only real material difference right now between georgia and here is that georgia decided to fight back and when they did it gave an opening for russia to go there n. and there was a lot of bloodshed. this time the ukraine kept its hands up and said we will not use force. hopefully that holds because we do not want to see more bloodshed. i think going forward we have to be very careful in seeing what is propaganda and what is in the influence of russia versus just trying to give the benefit of the doubt to the unknown on the ground because we all know the next couple of steps down the road could be very dangerous ones. that's why this conversation is important. appreciate you having it with us, anissa. >> thanks so much for having me. >> kate? coming up next on "new day," it's a race against time truly. rescuers desperately trying to find nearly 300 missing people, many believe to be teenagers after a ferry in south korea sud difficult sank in frigid t
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waters. we'll look at what challenges rescuers are facing. we're going to look at mitt romney, why he has political insiders raising their eyebrows. (vo) you are a business pro. maestro of project management. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. and only national is ranked highest in car rental customer satisfaction by j.d. power. (aaron) purrrfect. (vo) meee-ow, business pro. meee-ow. go national. go like a pro.
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"today" show and said they were going to tike antigun groups and merge them into organization. he will spent $50 million or more if that's what it takes to promote new laws for more background checks and more gun control measures. let's listen to the mayor moments ago. >> and if you want to know how tough this is, go to one of the funerals and you look at the parents, look in their eyes and you will see what real tragedy is and why we really have to do something. >> that is his answer to how hard it will be politically to take on the nra. michael bloomberg saying we need to put fear not just into the nra but the politicians to get these into laws. he's going to learn a lesson, he spent a lot of money on tv ads in the last generation. success? >> i'm not convinced. if you're taking this message back home to folks who really see gun ownership as part of their culture, tried into tradition, things that they share with their families, it's a hard argument for people who
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see this seriously. there's a political argument to be made in washington but convincing foe ining families a going to be tough for mayor bloomberg. >> more background checks is the safest part that even more gun owners say they're open of that conversation. as mayor is evolved in this fight, do they get that midtown manhattan is not the same as west virginia or arkansas oral has a? >> he does in his head but obviously in his heart he wants to make change on thissish and that's why he's putting more of his fortune in. people will be fascinated to watch this year, does his money have adverse impact on democrats and could that potentially hurt the democrats in their attempt to keep the senate majority. the tension between harry reid, michael bloomberg could be a fascinating story line to watch this year. >> watch where they get involved and how high profile they get involved in criticizing democrats. you started this conversation a
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few weeks ago. what is mitt romney up to? now all of a sudden not only do we see a lot of mitt romney, interviews especially during the ukraine crisis, but a lot of buzz in political circles that said i got a call from a mitt romney fund-raising, leaving the door open to 2016. look at mitt romney here. this is not is surprise. mitt romney appearing in a republican primary ad in the state of idaho supporting congressman mike simpson. let's listen to this. >> the stakes are very high in this election because washington spending is out of control. you can take it from me, the conservative choice for congress is mike simpson. >> now, a bit of a risk there in the sense that he has a tea party challenge so mitt romney is getting involved in a republican civil war. let's look at this. josh, romney tweeted this out yesterday. it was tax day yesterday. we are led to believe here that that's mitt romney, a very wealthy man, i don't begrudge
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him his waeltealth, he earned i. in line at the post office dropping off his taxes on tax day. i'm going to guess he's got a tax preparer, what is this about? >> mitt romney, i think if you take all of these things together what you're seeing is mitt romney searching for a way to define himself after the 2012 election. i think that's probably not a question but he's trying to figure out how does he define his legacy and what does he do to define any potential political future for any of this children who might be interested there. >> i was just in touch with somebody close to romney who said this is part grudge. remember in the last campaign the senate majority leader harry reid raised questions about does mitt romney pay his taxes. part grudge and part fun they say, that he just want to get this out there. when you talk to republicans, every now and then, a weird undercurrent going on. >> he wants to stay in public life. probably not going to run for
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office again. but i think he wants to have a role in the part. he does not want to be a nominee who becomes disappear and sort of a soviet style way from the puck chur after they lose a national race. i think he will stay in the conversation. and in idaho where the ad was cut he has a strong following. idaho is a heavy mormon state. romney can do good there for mike simpson. as more him standing in line at the post office, maybe he had stamps to get, too, sglon and picked up stamps. let's call this one a clean-up on aisle 5. rand paul, a potential 2016 candidate as well, the son of ron paul. so because of that, because of his libertarian leanings, because he's the son of ron paul, just about anything rand paul says on foreign policy gets extra scrutiny not just from democrats but from republicans. there's a big debate in the republican party right now. here's rand paul talking about sanctions on iran with abc's john carl a while back.
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>> i've repeatedly voted for sanctions against iran. i think all options should be on the table to prevent them from having nuclear weapons. people who say, by golly, we will never stand for that, they are voting for war. >> that's april 13th. pick up "the washington post" today, and this is what you read, op ed from rand paul trying to clean this language up again. to be against a we will never contain iran resolution is not the same as being for containment of a nuclear iran. if foreign policy is complicated and doesn't fit neatly on a bumper sticker, headline, or tweet. why does he get such immediate scrutiny? >> you're right that he is defined so strongly on this particular area by his father ron paul and what he has said and done and, frankly, rand paul is an outlier in a lot of ways from the modern republican party. i think he makes a smart point there by saying this is something you can explain in 140 character or a bumper sticker topic. in order to appeal to voters at a time when foreign policy is a
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more dominant force in the news, what's happened in the ukraine and syria, he's going to find out how to make his views accessible and intelligible for people when we have a passing sense and don't follow it as closely as the three of us do. >> he makes news and criticized and irably coming back and making point of clarifying his point. in rand paul's defense, part of the reasons why his words are scrutinized so much because the hawkish wing of their party two years agay whey from the next campaign is rarely being aggressive with him and coming after him in ways that are visible and in ways that are not so visible. >> building a threat, building an organization. >> absolutely. >> yesterday morning we talked about this ad, mary landrieu in a tough re-election battle. i pointed out the ad because she's bragging about her political clout in washington. well, some others have scrubbed the ad more closely and realize not everything you see is real. mary landrieu using a senate
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hearing in the new ad, you're not allowed to do that by senate rules. look at this. >> do you think that there are a bunch of fairy godmothers out there that just wish a magic wand? >> that's the senate hearing. do we have the actual ad? >> do you think there are a bunch of fairy godmothers out there that just wave a magic wand? >> she wished a magic wand at the hearing, she waved one in the recreation. i get the fact that senate rules prohibit you from using the actual footage. if you're doing to recreate it do you have an obligation to put a little re-enactment or something up there? >> interesting because the average voter doesn't know about the senate rules change or all the back story behind this. she's criticized for using actors in this ad. she's trying to show her clout. harry landrieus is running on washington, so to speak, is actually blowing up in her face because there are so many details that are not true. look at the name placard in front of her.
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not what we are youed to we soing in a senate hearing. >> like mitt romney may be trying too hard? >> for the folks back in louisiana who will see that ad they will probably never know there's a flub there. >> we all want to do that, right? when we're done with live television, fix our hair, get the makeup just right. >> i was going to say the same thing. i don't think it's fair for us to criticize because many moments on live tv we would like to wave or wish a magic wand and row recreate. >> even in context with all the disassemb disassemblying correcting a grammatical mistake in a commercial,s that okay. a lot of other stuff to deal with. >> and misdemeanor, not a political felony. >> none. the arbiter of justice. thanks, john. coming up next on "new day," the latest on this rescue mission. just look at this ship. rescue mission is under way to find hundreds of people still many believed to be teenagers who are missing after a ferry sank overnight off south korea's
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coast. and the ebola virus, it's ripping across west africa. we're going to take you to a treat ward there. we're going to check in with sanjay gupta. he's live in guinea. then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going to have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagine how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪ what do you mean? your grass, man. it's famished! just two springtime feedings with scotts turf builder lawn food helps strengthen and protect your lawn from future problems. thanks scott. [ scott ] feed your lawn. feed it.
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now almost 300 people missing after a ferry sunk off south korea's coast overnight. four people are now confirmed dead so far. and that number is expected to rise. tragically many of the 459 people that were on board, just look at this video, many of them were high school students. the ship on its side sliding in to the freezing water. let's bring in former inspector general for the united states department of transportation, mary schiavo to discuss really what we're seeing unfold before our eyes. i want to go over, i just saw this on reuters. one passenger described the impact like this to reuters. it was fine, then the ship went boom and there was a noise of cargo falling. does that suggest that they hit something under water or that something malfunctioned with the ferry itself? >> well, it could be either. another passenger described it
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as a bump. so if they hit something that would have meant they were out of the channel which is quite easy to do while it's a vast expanse of water. what people don't see when they look at the glassy expanse is underneath there are intricate and detailed channels maintained. if it got out of the channel it could have hit something. it's also very common to have an engine failures, explosions, those kinds of things on the ship particularly in the engine room. and it would have sounded like some kind of a boom or an impact sound. but that probably alone wouldn't account for the sinking this quickly. it probably was something else then happened off and on ferryboats when you have quick sinkings or taking on water, the doors through which vehicles can enter the ship sometimes fail. and it's not that the doors are weak per se, it's just that often when you have some kind of an event on a ship, and they turn sideways or they have any kind of damage to the hull, that those doors can then be damaged
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and can fail. some of the ferry accidents in the united states have involved that. >> some kind of a chain reaction, not just one thing happening but catastrophic domino effect because according to the "new york times" there were some 150 cars on this fe y ferry. >> right. and it sounds like it was, of course, very heavily loaded. so if you had any kind of a breach in the hull and it started taking on water, that would also account for the order for them not to get -- to get the life rafts out or to take time to get in life boats but to immediately jump ship because if you have some kind of breach where water is coming in quickly the physics of the event are such that you may not be able to get out. once it starts taking on water there's a sucking, there's a motion that just makes it impossible to fight. so the order to abandon ship might have indicated that that -- this event was occurring. it's almost like a suction that occurs when the water starts
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coming on. and you can't fight it. it's hard. >> it's not unusual when you're dealing with such a catastrophic situation, there seems to be still conflicting reports what passengers were told. told by some passengers they were told to jump in the water, abandon ship, take on their life jacket. i also see reports of some passengers saying that the onboard announcement told people to stay put and this passenger believing that the people who stayed are the ones who were trapped. >> yes. and there may have been both. the problem with an -- i don't know anything about this particular ferry company. but if they haven't practiced and they don't know the commands and they aren't coordinated then you get conflicting commands. some will say put on the life vest and stay put. some will say, go back to your assigned area, your passage area, wherever you're assigned. and so there can be a lot of confusion in an event like this, particularly if what happened was so catastrophic, you know, for example, say the doors did fail or the hull was breached and it was taking on water
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quickly. you know, a lot of people instead of following the set rules, lots of different people giving lots of different orders. and that is pretty common when things are happening quickly. >> it does definitely suggest that things happened very quickly, mary. we're looking at some of the video that was coming in and you see some of the life rafts still on deck in the early moments before the ship had really completely submerged under water. so many questions, mary. stick with us. we will check back in with you as we get new details coming out let's take a quick break. on "new day," a silent killer on the move in west africa. the ebola outbreak hitting the city of guinea, a city of 2 million. our dr. sanjay gupta is there. w milk-bone brushing chews. whoa, i'm not the only one. it's a brilliant new way to take care of his teeth. clinically proven as effective as brushing.
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ebola outbreak creeping across west africa has taken 121 so far in liberia and guinea. most of the 200 or so confirmed cases are in guinea. the deadly virus has spread to the capital city home to more than 2 million people. cnn's dr. sanjay gupta is there with the latest on the desperate fight to contain a killer. >> reporter: you're about to go inside an isolation ward in guinea. there's a reason you may not have seen images like this before. these patients are fighting one of the deadliest diseases in the world, ebola. it has disarmed their immune system, shut off their blood's ability to clot. up to nine out of ten patients
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will die. but this horror is isolated in kin in that casery guinea. we found traffic busy, markets full, children, lots of children still smiling. as scary as ebola is, it's not particularly contagious. it doesn't disperse easily through the air and people don't typically spread it until they are sick, really sick. when that is the case, the patients are not up walking around on the busy streets. they are down in bed, in hospitals or worse. even the dead are highly contagious. >> the story unfortunately, always the same. >> reporter: dr. pierre rollin has helped trace ebola outbreak for 30 years. >> the risk is not the people doing with patient not thinking of ebola. >> reporter: it only takes a small amount of the virus anywhere on your skin to cause
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an infection. as i learned, no precaution is too small for the doctors who care for these patients. >> nothing gets in. nothing gets out. >> reporter: tim jacque jag tech is one of the doctors without borders. he's from canada, comes into these settitings weeks at a tim. not married, no children. that would be a job liability he tells me. multiple pairs of gloves and masks. the head is completely covered. a multilayer gown, boots and an apron. it's positively suffocating in the 100-degree weather. preparing to treat a patient with ebola is like preparing to land on the moon but you're their only visitor, the only person helping them survive. they do this so people outside these wards, the people on the streets will never know what it's like to be inside. >> amazing reporting by sanjay
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in west africa. we'll continue to get reports from him. let's take a break. coming up next on "new day," a race against time as crews search the ocean for hundreds of people still missing after a south korean ferry sank overnight. we'll have the latest on the rescue effort live from the rescue effort live from the scene shortly. -- captions by vitac -- her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn't fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today...and tomorrow. so let's see what we can do about that... remodel. motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people talk, great things happen. make a my financial priorities appointment today. the was a truly amazing day. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. for over 18 years we've helped people take care of the things that matter most.
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5:00 am
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a dire rescue operation now as a massive ferry is sinking after capsizing off the coast of south korea. hundreds are missing, many of them high school students. the u.s. navy helping the search. we will go there. back on mission. bluefin in the water once again after a technical glitch forced another abbreviated search overnight. we have the very latest. happening now, ukraine on the offensive battling back pro russia demonstrators as vladimir putin warns a civil war is coming. what will the u.s. do next. your "new day" continues right now.
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breaking news this morning we've been tracking throughout the morning, a massive rescue operation is under way after a ferry carrying 459 people went down off south korea's coast, just off the coast really, dramatic video showing the ship on its side, slipping quickly into the water. officials say nearly 300 people are unaccounted for at this hour and at least four people are dead. most of the passengers on board were high school students. let's get to paula hancocks in engine dough, south korea with the details. >> reporter: i'm standing outside the auditorium which has turned into the staging point for the rescuers bringing the survivors, at least earlier this morning when the survivors were still coming. this now is where we're seeing heartbreaking scenes of parents arriving of those hundreds of students who are still missing. there is a list behind me that
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you can see. if we have a look at it now, it's basically showing the names of those who have been rescued. parents are turning up here desperately scouring those names, looking for their child's name. of course, when they don't see their child's name there, they are breaking down in tears. an absolutely heartbreaking scene that we're seeing here. we know at least 74 students that did survive were brought to this auditorium. some were taken on to hospital if they were injured. many have gone home. but 291 people are still missing. we do know the search and rescue operation is on going. the coast guards tell us nothing has changed just because darkness has fallen. they're still intensifying their efforts to try and find anymore survivors. of course, it is a worrying situation at this point for those trying to find survivors. we know those waters are very cold and we know from the coast guard earlier on on this friday when it was still light and there was still hope, they said
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people could survive up to two hours in the water itself. kate? >> you can only imagine how desperate parents are behind you trying to find the name of their child. they're waiting there for any news. are you hearing anything at this point about how this happened, what may have caused such a huge ferry to start sinking, paula. >> reporter: what we've been hearing from a student on board is that he heard a loud bumping sound. he said many people fell over on impact. that's when some people were injured. he said then the ship started to list. they were given life jackets and told quite quickly to get into the water. it was only a matter of hours before this very large vessel actually started to sink. it listed dramatically to start with. for a couple hours, all you could see once it flipped over was the blue top or bottom of
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that ship, the rest submerged. we know o divers have been down there trying to get into the ship to see if they can recover anybody. there are strong currents down there. they're finding it difficult to try to find any survivors. we know there were a lot of navy ships plucking people out of the water. also local fishermen were getting in their boats and trying to help the effort. we do know there were life boats as well. we could see that had people filled. the worry is some people couldn't get to the deck in time before that ship sank. chris, back to you. >> paula, thank you very much. as we're seeing from the videos, the orientation is all off. they're literally having to scale it like a mountain in the yellow sea. joining us is peter boynton, a retired captain from the u.s. coast guard. can you hear us, professor? >> yes, i can.
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>> so just to review this current situation: one on board says they feel a bang, they're told to abandon ship. it sound like they hit something. fair appraisal? >> i think so. initial report that some type of a load impact, so either hitting something or something very significant inside the ship going wrong, whether that was shifting of cargo or some other internal damage. but it does sound from initial reports it was more likely that something was struck. >> was somewhat overcast. we were told this portion of the yellow sea, the channel that's dredged is very deep. but alongside that channel there are shallow areas where there could be structure that could damage the ship. is it easy to lose the channel? >> it certainly has happened before. we've seen incidents in the last several years with well equipped ferries and cruise ships that go
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out of the channel. the other indicator, and there's initial reports and we always have to be careful because the information can change. but the speed with which this ferry began to list and then roll oever on its side suggests significant damage to cause flooding, that would cause a vessel over this time to quickly roll onto its side. that's a result of significant damage. >> 500 feet long. we're calling it a ferry. but really it's the same size as many cruise ships. we also no complicating its ability to take on water could be these inventory doors because it carries cars. we're told as many as 150 could be on board and they, once breaches, can dump water inside very quickly. yes? >> also with auto ferries, it's typical that there's a large
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auto deck, and once that area is breaches, it's typically open to very significant flooding. again, we're still going on initial reports here. but that could explain why the ferry in just a matter of hours began to roll onto its side so quickly. the other thing that i think is notable here, again, based on initial reports is that there appears to have been a very significant and rapid response with scores of boats, many helicopters out there quickly. and i think with the very cold temperature of the water, that will likely prove to have been a big factor in the lives that were saved. >> right. they are dealing with low water temperatures. we're told about 40 degrees in this area, 20 kilometers or so off the mainland. it gets colder as it goes away from land. and they're also hampered by very quick current there is which is making it difficult for
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divers. the opportunity would be to get inside and find air pockets that must exist if they're able to sustained some buoyancy as some of the ship is still above water. how does that compromise your ability to dive if you're dealing with those currents? >> it's a number of factors. the cold water temperature is a challenge for the divers as well. the currents make it extremely difficult. earlier reports are that water visibility is very low. it's not going to be helped by the fact that it's nighttime there now. so the underwater challenges are very, very significant and pose i would think tremendous risk for the people who i'm sure are doing their best to help under very challenging conditions with the current, the low visibility and the low temperature of the water. >> among the missing, we believe hundreds are students. on the upside that means you'd have young, healthy, strong people. on the downside people more
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prone to panic. i guess the best hope is that there are a lot of air pockets in there. if the ship can stay up, maybe there's survivable space inside? >> that's certainly a hope. i know everyone is hoping for the best outcome here. it is possible that there are air pockets inside some of the compartments. the temperature will lead to hypothermia quickly. the other thing to keep in mind is that once the ship goes on its side or flips over, it's tremendously disorienting, everything is sideways or upside down. you're no longer walking on decks or floors, you're walking on bulk heads or walls or even trying to move along an inverted ceiling. it's most likely that either the emergency power is shorted out. if that's the case, then it's darkness inside. so tremendously disorienting
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conditions and enormous challenges for the people doing their best to respond. very, very challenging conditions. >> with maybe as deep as 100 feet or more under water. there are a lot of challenges. we'll keep optimism as the priority in the absence of reporting to the contrary. thank you very much. the search for flight 370, right now bluefin-21 is skinning the indian ocean floor looking for any sign of plane debris. earlier the device was forced to resurface because of technical issues. let's get to erin mclaughlin with the latest developments on the search from perth, australia. good morning once again, erin. >> reporter: good morning, kate. we've been pressing authorities here in perth for more information about the nature of that technical glitch which forced bluefin-21 up to the surface early. authorities have been pretty
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tight lipped about it. we do know they brought bluefin-21 on board the ocean shield, downloaded the information. they didn't see any objects of interest. crucially they were able to put it back in the water to continue its mission. there have been lots of questions about whether or not bluefin-21 is up to the task at hand given it is operating in the upper reaches of its depth capacity, capacity that has been revised. engineers analyzing the equipment. they now believe it can operate at some five kilometers beneath the ocean surface, instead of the original 4.5, but it would need to be reprogrammed. i think it's important to realize here that operating in waters this deep is a very difficult task under any circumstances. there's a tremendous amount of treasure exerted on the under water submersible. there's not a lot known about the floor of this particular ocean. they believe it's rolling, possibly flat, but they're not
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absolutely certain. then you have the silt complicating the picture. there's a lot of pressure on bluefin-21 both literally and figuratively as it continues its mission. kate? >> a slow, painstaking process playing out before our eyes. let's bring in cnn safety analyst and former faa inspector david soucie. good morning once again, david. as erin was pointing out, forced to resurface after two -- let's not call them failed attempts. let's call it two abbreviated missions down there. how do you adjust? >> you have to rely on your preparedness. there is no checklist for what they're doing here. you look at the navy's research and recovery manual. it talks about the equipment. talks about how it should be used, what's best, what's most preferred. the training they have individually is very important. now you're talking about strategy. you have to be adaptable, have to be able to see what's going on and use that information to change it again. that's what it looks like to me,
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that they're being adaptable, changing the game plan. i'm pretty impressed with their ability to think out of the box and figure out how to get this thing -- >> all happening in an environment that could easily be described as hostile, that is very much unknown to most -- the smartest experts on how to handle a deep sea expedition, expedition like this. so u.s. navy official said the engineers believe they're making an adjustment to software, if you can believe it, to allow bluefin to dive even deeper, to safely breach its maximum depth, to go down to some 5,000 meters. how key is that? what will that mean for them? >> well, what that allows them to do is to not have these interruptions that aren't really threatening to the mission. you have safety factors, obviously. in the aviation world we call it ten to the minus ninth safety factor. that's a lot of zeros.
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that means your odds of failure are extremely low. they're saying let's go to ten to the minus three safety factor. nonetheless, we're saying this is a unique situation, as i was saying before, adaptability, flexibility. how do you change this? what can we do? they're turning off those alarms. they're turning off the alarms so it doesn't automatically turn around when it says we might have a problem. now it's going to wait until it does have a problem before it surfaces. >> that issue of flexibility speaks to some of the concerns that have been raised by some experts. why not bring in some of the other types of vehicles, under water vehicles that have a little more capability in terms of their maximum depth? there are examples, the u.s. navy has, other nations have. why not bring those in -- would you suggest moving down that road at this point? >> well, the strategy that they have, and i'm not in the planning, obviously. the strategy it appears they're using is more isn't always better and more doesn't make
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things go faster. i think that's where they are with this. they have a real clear idea of where it is. all these other ones, like with 447, the reason they had so many was to narrow the field, to say here is where we're going to look. because they have that big long ping, they're very confident from what i can tell -- they haven't told me this. but i can speculate they're probably very confident about it. there's no point in bringing in search -- it just seems like to me they've got a really definite place to go. >> it seems like at this point it will take a long time to get these larger under water vehicles even to -- we already know it takes forever to get out there. >> look how long it took to get the oil back to the shore. that's two liters of oil. can you imagine you've got to get these other subs out there. >> that's exactly right. i want to get your take on one part of the investigation just to better understand why they're doing it. the malaysian cabinet announced they're going to create an international investigation
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team. is that common for every kind of investigation like this and search like this? what does this mean sdm. >> the same words are used to describe two different things. it's just a matter of scale. the first team, the joint committee that was formed, that includes boeing and includes manufacturers of all the different parts of the air aircraft. they're all involved at some level or another. they want the most knowledgeable people in the room when they have to find out what's going on. that's that. this is different. this is not, from what the malaysian transport minister, what he was saying is we're going to look at what we're doing. we're going to look at what boeing is doing. we're going to systemically look at these interrelationships. they're all interdependent on each other. everything we do here has an effect on what we do here. this is deeper, bigger. much better in the long term. our safety system is incredible
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already. 23 million to one is the chance that you would have any fatality on an airplane accident. you'd have to fly 63 years, 24 hours a day to have those odds. >> that's a lot of frequent flier miles. >> this is going beyond that. >> david, thank you very much. the search continues and now we can see they're doing some sort of an internal review at the very same time. david, great to see you. when we come back, are they rescuing any of the hundreds unaccounted for, many believed to be high schoolers on the ferry rapidly sinking this morning. the search is continuing. we have the latest. ukraine teetering on the brink of armed conflict. diplomats scrambles for a peaceful solution. is the obama administration doing everything it can to stabilize? we'll examine it. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, like me,
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anti yanukovych in ukraine. paul, let me start with you. give me a quick take. how has the u.s. handled this situation to date and what does it need to do going forward? >> first off, the president has answered this aggression frankly much more robustly than his predecessor did when putin moved into georgia. even dick cheney was calling for strong, strong action and nothing happened. he's got to use the tools short of military, even the most hawkish republican there is the state are not saying we should put boots on the ground and fight for eastern ukraine. he's ratcheting up sanctions. rounding up the ollie arcs. i'm for stronger sanctions. i think we can do a lot more. the problem is the we. you have to keep europe united. the more you sanction russian financial interests, the more you punish european and london-based banks which is fine with me.
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it's not going to be easy to get the -- >> a lot of wall street with their money in russian markets and the u.s. government doing a lot of business with russian contractors of the military variety. they'll have to cancel those contracts. mr. crystal, what is your take? do you agree president obama performed better here than president bush did in 2008 with the georgia situation? >> no. i think he's performed equally badly. the bush administration was exhausted in september of '08. candidate obama attacked candidate mccain for calling for more robust response. talking about red lines in the case of syria and to do nothing, that was a terrible signal for putin. now we have very weak sanctions. he's ruled out ahead of time boots on the ground. the first sentence -- first thing he ever says is of course we're not sending any troops to ukraine. in fact, we probably should send
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abrigades. that's what american troops have been doing in korea, asia, japan and europe for years since the end of the cold war. that's helped preserve the peace. i don't believe putin understands, thinks that weak sanctions and talking a lot with the europeans is a serious deterrent. >> paul, do you believe boots on the ground is a sign that we mean to keep the peace or sign of aggression is? >> it's not the same as well. i think bill oh, a terribly bright guy. i think you're wrong about this. you send american troops into ukraine. the ukrainians aren't asking for it. it's not the same thing as south korea where we have had troops for half a century. thank goodness the president isn't sending american troops in. by the way, the war in iraq is one of the big reasons we have fewer options, right? we spent $2 trillion there, lost 4,500 troops. it weakened america. now you're seeing a function of
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that weakness. i don't think even if we had no iraq war, i don't think wise people would want to be sending troops into ukraine right now. >> i'm not saying that's the first thing we do. i'm saying you don't rule that out ahead of time. you don't rule out doing anything tough and don't have secretary of state saying enlessly we sympathize where the russians, we're very aware of their concerns. you have to be tough with putin. putin understands toughness, doesn't understand sympathy. >> let me ask you this, bill, when you look at what happened in georgia. this isn't about being boring and looking back. it's a straight analogy to the current situation. georgia took the defensive, it led to a lot of bloodshed. here ukraine has kept it hands up. some see that as a sign of weakness. do you think encouraging resisting force as long as possible is the right thing to do here? >> that's obviously up to the ukrainians. they're being as tough as they can be with little support from us or the europeans. no one wants to encourage us.
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this will be like the '30s. we'll say don't fight, don't fight. at the end of the day, there will be fighting somewhere. putin will keep going until he's met with strength. the idea that we can tell the ukrainians to keep their hands up as putin takes little chunks of ukraine and not so little chunks of ukraine every week, every month. there's an election coming here in ukraine. paul and i will agree america can do a lot, europe can do a lot to ensure fair elections. america needs to be forward leaning over the next month in a half. >> you put boots on the ground, paul, there's going to be violence. that's almost always what happens. >> that is not true. that's not true. there's not violence when there's boots on the ground. there's violence when you don't have boots on the ground and you signal weakness. >> where do you have an example of where the u.s. came anywhere there was on going aggression going, how would the u.s. avoid them if they were on the ground? >> do you think it was a mistake
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to intervene in the balkans, in '98 in iraq, when bill clinton used force -- >> mass general side that was going on. we don't know if that's the case here. >> when we bombed iraq we didn't put boots on the ground. when we drove back aggression in the balkans we didn't put boots on the ground until the situation was stabilized. as you noted, i worked over in ukraine. it's not about america. so much of our analysis here is, understandably, american centric. as if putin is sitting around kags lating these moves based on america. there was george w. bush who i thought was far too trigger happy on wars. my god, he was waterboarding people, for goodness sakes. that didn't stop putin for moving into georgia. dwight lies eisenhower was a strong president. that didn't stop soviets from moving into budapest.
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the russians do what the russians do because they have this long expansionist history. they're a serious threat in the region. putin's entire military budget is $88 million. ours is $650 billion. russia is doing what russia does. they're not calculating the moves based on whether they perceive the current president be strong or weak. >> bill is shaking his head because the concern, is paul, if he takes a step into estonia, latvia, lithuania, now you trigger nato. you have to stop them before an all-out conflict. maybe a show of strength sooner winds up averting that. >> i appreciate the perspective from both you. love to have you back on this going forward. coming up next on "new day," the hunt for flight 370 relies on a single 16-foot drone scanning an area more than 40
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times the size of los angeles. we're taking a look at the challenges of that massive effort. the desperate effort to find close to 300 people on that sunken south korean ferry. coming up, the dangers that rescue crews are facing right now. life with crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis is a daily game of "what if's". what if my abdominal pain and cramps end our night before it even starts? what if i eat the wrong thing? what if? what if i suddenly have to go? what if? but what if the most important question is the one you're not asking? what if the underlying cause of your symptoms is damaging inflammation? for help getting the answers you need, talk to your doctor and visit to connect with a patient advocate from abbvie for one-to-one support and education.
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and rescue effort is undare way in south korea after a ferry carrying 459 people abruptly started to sink. many people on board are high school students. as many as 300 are still missing, four are confirmed dead, but those estimates are early. we'll bring in inspector general for the department of transportation mary schiavo, but i want to show you how quickly this happened in a matter of hours. this was the ferry, immediately listing, very suggestive something catastrophic happened on board. this ferry carries cars, as many as 150. they felt a big bump and a lurching and the ship started to list to one side. within a very short order of time, it's all the way on its side. this makes it almost impossible to get out because you have to climb as much as 150 feet like you're on the side of a mountain. now this is all that's left. now we bring in mary schiavo. this last picture as dramatic as
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it looks may be a cause for hope. if the bow of that ship is still able to be above water that means there could be displacement of air underneath it? >> yes. and the united states coast guard has encountered many rescues where they cut into the bottom of the ship, the hull of the ship and found people alive. it is possible, absolutely. >> now, the concern is you have darkness and you have cold water, they believe 40 degrees fahrenheit, 20 kilometers or so off the mainland and you have fast-moving currents. what does that do for the ability of divers to go under water and essentially enter a matrix of caves? >> well, it's tough on the divers. obviously not only for people in well, searching for air pockets, of course. it's a tough dive duty and tough to get in. they have to maneuver their way
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through the ship. the rescues i mentioned with the coast guard, sometimes they eat cut right through the hull. granted they have been able to send people in and get people out from ships. it's tough. it's dangerous. they have lost rescuers that way. but that's the only hope at this point, is to go and get them out or go through the hull. >> ferry is a nis leading term. this is a 500-foot-long ship, like a cruise ship. how does something like this go down so fast, so fast that they have people jumping off for their lives. >> because of the speed and a the sound reported by a couple of ear witnesses, it leads me to believe that it must have had a breach in the hull, that it struck something under water which means it's probably out of the channel because those channels are well maintained in shipping lanes. when you have an engine fire, you usually don't mind that kind of scenario. that's probably the second most
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commonplace thing, to have something explode or a fire in the engine room. that doesn't usually breach the hull. that causes other problems. one would assume based on other ferry accidents that it hit. one of my suspects to check out would be one of those big ferry doors through which the vehicles enter the ship. >> they have cranes coming. they believe they're able to salvage the ship. they're not going to be there in any amount of time to help with the rescue. this comes down to what they're able to perform in those boats through the darkness, right? time is against them. >> right. in the boats in the darkness, either divers getting on the ship and going through the various passageways of the ship or literally going through the hull of the ship. if they're intent on salvaging it and redeploying the ship, refloating the ship, i don't know if they'll go through the hull or not.
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>> thank you mary. we have a rescue operation where there's hundreds of families waiting for word on loved ones. this time many of them believed to be teenagers. kate? >> chris, thank you. coming up next on "new day," ukraine's dissent war. former u.s. assistant secretary of state joining us next to discuss. i'm j-a-n-e and i have copd.
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ukraine. tanks carrying russian flags moved through several cities. separatists seized a mayor's office. all this happening a day after ukraine's military launched what it's calling its anti terrorist operation against russian sympathizers. let's break this down with jamie rubin, former assistant secretary of state and visiting scholar from oxford university. let's talk about the positioning of where a lot of this conflict and clashes are happening and put it in the broader context of what this means going forward. this is in the region of done k donetsk, specifically the northeastern part of this region. we've learned in the city of come tore ris, there's an airfield, the area of a first military operation that ukraine put in place to take on pro russian separatists. why is this area, these cities, this region so important in to the acting government in kiev? >> in the case of crimea, the
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ukrainian government made a decision, and i think it was the right decision, not to resist a russian essentially invasion and takeover of crimea. they put their hands up, allowed their military to be taken over and eventually shipped back to ukraine itself. what they're saying now is, if you want to come into ukraine, the rest of the country, the part that goes attached to russia that we're looking at and all the way to kiev, we're going to fight you. we're not going to give up the rest of our country. so when they take these buildings back, when they send in troops now, they're trying to do it without a lot of loss of life. russians tend to exaggerate everything that happens and claim that hundreds of thousands of russians are at risk when they're not. they're trying to take back their territory, make sure the russians don't take it over but do it with the minimum loss of life. >> there are some successes. also, we're seeing more and more cities taken over by pro russian
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separatists. we have two cities that i want to also put up in another animation, harkiv and lou hansing. these two cities are being maintained right now by pro russian separatists oopsz. if you had to, and it is impossible to try to get into the mind of vladimir putin, why are these cities in this area so important to whatever plans there are? >> all of this portion of ukraine, eastern ukraine tends to have the largest proportion of russian-speaking citizens, people who would be most likely to agree or accept or believe the phony propaganda that we've seen moscow put out and that a former guest just a few minutes ago from russia today, they just put out things that are flatly not true to scare these russians living in this part of ukraine into believing that they are under some threat, and the only way they can be protected is from moscow. it's a classic playbook.
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it's the movie we saw in crimea. it doesn't have a happy ending. in crimea we saw russia take over part of another country. let's remember what we're talking about. this isn't just a rooej nall conflict. this is the basic principle of the international system that countries don't take over other countries by military force. >> if you look at where ukraine is positioned, you can easily understand why what happens here is so critical and be watched so closely elsewhere. take the baltic states right next door, they're not under threat, obviously being part of nato, part of the eu. but why are they watching the outcome of this so closely? >> the baltic states, fortunately for them, were brought into nato. that means the united states, germany, france, britain, they're all part of an al eye ans. we would go to war to defend the baltic states. they're also part of the former soviet union. if they were not part of nato, they would be subjected to the same kind of treatment because
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there are a lot of russian speakers in the baltic states. so a perfect example of why russia maybe wants to move into ukraine right now before it goes that route. >> they want to get as much territory as they k it looks like, before these countries develop in the west. let's not forget the basic principle here. it's usual that people understand it, europe is a place we've gone to war twice to defend, world war i, world war ii. they were about the idea that one country doesn't get to take over another country just because it has a stronger military. this is a very big deal that's going on. >> vladimir putin can call it the beginnings of a civil war all he wants. at the moment everyone wants to watch to see if they're heading toward a proper war, not a civil war, or if there is any diplomatic off-ramp. that's why the four-party talks this week are so critical as we watch this play out.
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jamie, thank you so much. up next, the hunt for flight 370 now relies on a single 16-foot drone scanning an enormous search area that could take months. we're taking a look at the challenges of that massive effort ahead. there is a frantic effort on going to find some 300 people on that doomed ferry in south korea. the latest on the search for survivors. co: sometimes you don't know you need a hotel room
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let's bring in daiftd gallo, director of special projects at woods hole oceanographics. you had three bluefins. we hear about these other things. the remiss that goes faster than bluefin. >> bluefin is operated by phoenix international. they're the team on the spot with the u.s. navy. very capable of doing the job. it's just that a different organization is doing the work. >> does remus have sonar? >> sure. same side scan sonar. >> would you argue this would be better? >> i can't say that. the most important thing is you have the right kind of technology. you're using side scan sonar and the right team with the right plan. that's the most important thing, as long as that can get to the depths, so far, so good. that will get the job done.
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>> tactic and strategy more important than the tool itself? >> sure. you have to put your faith in the team. you don't want everyone showing up with their own instrument. >> how hardest to use the different ones. here you have the orion -- this one is towed which means it has to be tethered. it can go to 20,000 feet, it has the side sonar. i sound like i'm trying to sell the thing. would it be more effective than what they're using? >> as captain matthews said, they're throwing the dart. they believe the tpl got them close with the ping to the actual spot. they have one vehicle and they'll go right to that spot. if it's a broad area search, orion would make more sense and several autonomous vehicles would make more sense. >> that last point, several. you used three bluefin when you were looking for 447. >> that's right. >> only one here. why? isn't it more suggestive of need that you have a bigger area to cover?
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>> let's start much wider than the debris field would be and cover the whole area with incredible detail. if there's aircraft in there, it's going to show up. their area is we think we know exactly what it is. their plan is we think we know exactly where it is. let's go right at that spot. >> even though you did it differently and did find the ship, you're not criticizing -- >> absolutely not. >> you're okay with the technology. >> they have the technology, the team, the plan. we have to put our faith in what they're doing and hope for the best. >> thank you very much. coming up next, a utah man loses his job. that's bad, of course. newly found free time, that's the good stuff. hear his story straight ahead. who drove to the control room [ woman ] driverless mode engaged. find parking space. [ woman ] parking space found. [ male announcer ] ...that secured the data that directed the turbines that powered the farm that made the milk that went to the store
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c'mon, you want heartburn? when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast, with tums. heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact. and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum... tums! time for the good stuff. what would you do if you lost your job? look for another one, take time off, blame obama. one man decided to spend a month committing random acts of kindness. >> today we're at great steak in provo, utah. today we're paying for people's
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lunch. >> is it going today? here is this. that is actually covered today. someone in here is paying for meals. >> really? >> someone, not him. daniel smith wasn't identifying himself. he is from utah. he gave out free gift cards at a walmart parking lot. earlier he made and distributed care packages for the homeless. these videos were shot by his wife an got a lot of attention. so much so that daniel now has a job giving donations. they were flooded in to him. so now he can continue his work paying it forward and giving donations on his own. he's going to add another month of acts of kindness. we'll let you know how he does with that. >> wow. >> not a wealthy guy. lost his job but still had some means. he decided to do this. the lunches, about $150 or so. the gift cards, $15 each. so it wasn't about how much was coming out of his pocket, it was about how much is coming out of his heart. >> so easy to get down on yourself in that situation and to feel like someone needs to
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help you. he reached out to help other people. that takes a big man. >> definition of optimist. instead of playing the pity-me game -- >> and the domino effect. the little things he does, they'll pay it forward. >> can you imagine if you had enough that you can spend your time doing good things for other people. >> let me know. >> what a dream. what a dream. you have to move to utah. that's not so bad either. that's it for us. a lot of news. you have the ferry, the search for 370, the situation in ukraine. we have the latest on all of it at the newsroom with ms. carol costello. >> i absolutely have all of that. you have a great day. thanks so much. thanks so much. "newsroom" starts now. -- captions by vitac -- desperate rescue. >> more than 450 people an board the ferry. >> the huge ferry sinking into the frigid waters in just hours.
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passengers being airlifted. >> that's the actual search area. >> that is one of the search areas. >> aboard an american supply ship in the hunt for flight 370. cnn giving you access like no other. >> you're here for the foreseeable future. >> it's a 24-7 operation. breaking news from ukraine. armed protesters taking over a mayor's office. russian president putin saying the country is on the brink of war. >> this amateur video purports to show ukrainian tanks and one local risking his life to slow their advance. america watching with laser focus. you're live in the cnn newsroom.
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