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tv   Wolf Blitzer Reports  CNN  April 20, 2014 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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clothes. all have been banned following last year's bombing that killed three and wounded hundreds more. i'm fredricka whitfield. a new special popes and presidents begins right now. they are two of the most powerful offices on the planet. one elected in secret ballot by a handful of leaders in the sistine chapel. the head of 1.2 billion catholics seated on the throne of peter. barack obama will become the 44th president of the united states. the other put in power by an electorate of citizens in a gruelly nationwide election. all for the right to sit at the oval office at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. >> tonight is your answer. >> the pope and the president.
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for more than 200 years the politician behind the desk of the oval office and the bishop seated on the throne of peter have marked history together through war and peace. at times working hand in hand to rewrite their own story. >> you can imagine when the declaration of independence was signed, when america was founded, the papacy must have been very worried. >> he said i'm going to be president obama, i'm not going to be the catholic president of the united states. >> they were looking for any way back from the brink. >> those shared convictions that communism could be overturned. the time in the 1980s, that was a radical notion. >> because of the relative weight and power of these significant institutions, the vatican and the united states of america, they're going to want to find some areas to move forward together. >> president barack obama and pope francis. >> i have been really impressed so far with the way he's communicated what i think is the essence of the christian faith.
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>> no one thought except barack obama he was going to be president. and not even cardinal berollio thought he was going to be pope. . >> when pope francis and president obama met at the vatican, it was based on centuries of history in a place that has been equal parts political and spiritual. >> that pope has the authority of god on earth to tell his flock what to do. and that means both religious authority and for a long period of the papacy's history, political authority as well. >> the relationship between the white house and the vatican stretches back to the founding of the united states. in 1776, the declaration of independence sent shock waves around the world reverberating even at the vatican. >> and it seemed like a sort of
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rejection of the papal authority. >> pope iv took the matter to benjamin franklin, the u.s. ambassador to france. congress responded by saying, being purely spiritual, it is without the jurisdiction and powers of congress. >> the vatican was able to select bishops in a foreign country without consulting the government. this is a remarkable moment. and you can imagine that the papacy was deeply disturbed by the declaration of independence and then unimaginably cheered about how it played out for them. >> from there diplomatic relations between the holy seat and the united states ebbed and flowed during the civil war. >> they write to the vatican seeking legitimacy. for the vatican this is a very difficult situation. here they have one part of a fractured country seeking their support.
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and they write back legitimatizing the confederacy. it's a scandal all over the union newspapers. and this moment leads to the complete breakdown in ties between the u.s. and the holy sea. >> that breakdown would last for almost a century. >> it's worth remembering for decades people in the united states were deeply suspicious of any relationship between the u.s. government and the vatican. >> why do you think there were these long periods of a lull in communication? >> there was a pretty deep period of anti-catholicism through most of the 19th century. >> the reason many are suspicious of the catholic church is it makes a claim on people's lives. so you have the vatican, this foreign undemocratic, completely secretive organization making purchase on the hearts and souls of your citizens. >> the relationship remained icy until the presidency of woodrow
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wilson. while traveling across europe during the first world war, wilson had the first presidential papal audience meeting at the vatican in 1919. >> it was woodrow wilson with the first meeting. it was 40 more years before there was a second meeting. >> in 1928, al smith, a popular democrat and governor of new york became the first catholic to win a major party's nomination for president. his campaign was dogged by anti-catholic attacks. >> it was not a democratic moment as we see how sometimes these things develop. >> the tension between politics and personal piety became an issue. >> because i am a catholic and no catholic has ever been president, the real issues in this campaign have been obscured. >> john f. kennedy's catholic
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faith nearly derailed his presidential bid. to quell fears, he gave a major address to the greater houston minist ministerial association in texas. >> he had to make peace with parts of our country. >> i am the democratic party's candidate for president who happens also to be a catholic. i do not speak for my church on public matters and the church does not speak for me. >> he gave such an eloquent explanation of how you can be a patriotic american and a catholic and you could serve as president that he took a great deal of the poison out of the water. >> kennedy won the white house and became the first and so far only catholic president of the united states. he kept a careful distance from the vatican, but when the world was on the brink of nuclear war, he turned to the pope for help. in october 1962, the soviet union started stockpiling
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nuclear missiles in cuba. u.s. navy ships formed a blockade around the island. kennedy was in a stalemate with the soviet leader nikita khrushchev. >> i call upon chairman khrushchev to halt and eliminate this clandestine and provocative threat to world peace. >> through a back channel, the kennedy white house reached out to the vatican for help. the pope agreed delivering a message to moscow and taking the microphones of vatican radio in french. >> i beg heads of state not to remain insensitive to the cry of humanity. peace, peace. >> i've heard that got to khrushchev, he said the pope is looking for peace and why don't you be the man of peace. he said, okay, i'll be the man of peace. >> days after the address, khrushchev withdrew the missiles. uting an ends to the crisis.
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kennedy went on to meet with pope iv. kennedy said the clear message shaking hands with the pope instead of kissing his ring. >> i think he felt that was a symbol that would be misinterpreted. >> because people would have said is he more loyal to the pope or to the united states. >> exactly. >> that nod toward diplomacy would loom large over popes and presidents for more than a decade. but all that changed with the papal election of a young polish cardinal ready to take on the world. yeah. i heard about progressive's "name your price" tool? i guess you can tell them how much you want to pay and it gives you a range of options to choose from. huh? i'm looking at it right now. oh, yeah? yeah. what's the... guest room situation? the "name your price" tool, making the world a little more progressive.
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as the world was locked in the cold war, the vatican picked
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an unlikely selection to lead the masses. signaling to the world the cardinals had elected a new pope. up to the balcony came cardinal vitula taking the name pope john paul ii. >> it's the first non-italian pope in over 400 years. it is somebody from behind the iron curtain in a soviet-dominated country. and it was one of the most charismatic members of the catholic church. >> john paul ii had a flair for the dramatic. the former actor lit up the world stage. in 1979 he traveled back to his homeland poland which was under an oppressive communist government. newt and callista gingrich produced a documentary about that trip. >> in 1979 is the event which
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shatters the communist grip of poland. here's a slovak-pole who is pope and he is reminding them that you have not been forgotten. >> how pivotal was pope john paul's visit to poland? >> he gave the people of poland a chance. they saw a chance maybe to get out of this. the change of communism. >> the pope arrives in warsaw, there are 3 million people at mass in a public square. they look around and they say, there's more of us than there is of the government. why should we be afraid of them. that's the kind of impact john paul iv had on his home country. >> the pope's visit helped strengthen the solidarity movement in poland and a union leader. months later he arrived in washington. >> this afternoon pope john paul and i met alone in the oval office and discussed the future. >> that future included a shared foe for the president and the pope.
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communism. >> carter realizes he cannot himself as president interfere in poland. john paul ii was deeply concerned. it was that shared concern of u.s. interests and payal interests aligning that lays the ground for this lengthy papacy of john paul ii that extends the cold war and allows to essentially put aside other differences and work together for the undermining of communism. >> president carter wrote in his notes during a private meeting, in poland the church is stronger than the government. >> president meets the pope. there is a gift exchange. >> patrick kelly is the director of the john paul ii shrine. >> he is able to lay that groundwork and tell president carter about the situation in poland which he was intimately familiar with. and then president reagan comes to office and that relationship blossoms. john paul ii and president reagan shared convictions that
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communism could be overturned in central and eastern europe. >> central message of all time is not hatred, but love. >> the election of ronald reagan marked the beginning of one of the closest relationships between a pope and a president. >> these great issues, they were very much on the same page. this great country and this great church are going to try our best to bring freedom. >> what was it about the relationship between john paul and ronald reagan that made it work so well? >> i think they genuinely liked each other. and i think they had a deep sense of mutual commitment to freedom. >> both of them loved life. they loved people. they love the outdoors. both had been actors. they were both underdo igs, you might say. >> having convinced john paul of
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that, he was able to get john paul not to oppose and speak out. >> they met four times often alone and speaking in english. for the first time the u.s. opened an embassy to the holy sea and stationed an ambassador there. as close as diplomatic ties were between the two countries, they were bound closer by something few can relate to, an assassin's bullet. >> both had been shot and nearly killed within weeks of each other in 1981. >> reagan was struck in washington. >> several shots rang out. >> john paul in st. peters square. >> i think they felt very strongly that god had spared them for some larger mission. i think there's this very weird moment in the summer of '81 when both these guys had been shot. and they both survived. and i think that really drew them close together.
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>> their efforts were often in parallel though not explicitly working together. >> i don't think the relationships between the holy sea and the united states can really depend on personalities. there's too much at stake. >> there was no alliance, but there was a shared conviction born out of a sense for the dignity of the human person, the priority of human rights. both saw poland as key to the struggle against communist oppression. the church is very careful to stay away from any alliance. but i think there are certainly shared principles. >> in poland the communist government fell in the solidarity movement. in germany the berlin wall came down. somewhere in vatican city and washington, two leaders were cheered by the role they played individually and together. >> in the long view, it's a mistake to think that popes and presidents will always get along. you cannot have a military power
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that will always get along with an institution that is essentially pro-peace. and to an extent we've been spoiled by this relationship between john paul ii and reagan. >> in the coming years the relationship would be tested again with the united states facing another war. co: sometimes you don't know you need a hotel room until you're sure you do. bartender: thanks, captain obvious. co: which is why i put the mobile app on my mobile phone.
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global figures that -- his papacy spanned five u.s. presidents. >> they would typically meet alone. and of course john paul ii spoke
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english, so there didn't need to be a translator. >> they saw eye to eye on many issues. but when it came to war and peace, the president usually got an earful from the pontiff. the united states was bracing for war with iraq. there was a letter to president george w. bush and a strong message. stand down. >> the president was under a lot of pressure and he did not welcome the fact that the holy father was so strongly against going to war. >> cardinal mccarrick worked in washington at the time. >> i was going to go into the meeting with him, but we got a sense the president would not be happy with the meeting. >> john carra worked for the catholic bishops. >> he went in and tried to make the case and handed the letter to the president.
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and the president gave the letter to an aide. and in that letter were the warnings of the holy father to what might happen if the united states invaded iraq. and sadly almost all of those things have happened. >> the impression we got was that the president was a little short with him. >> he was told when he left the meeting that he could not meet with the white house press corps to explain what the holy father asked him to communicate. and that he thought was very unfortunate and really unprecedented. and he set up his own press conference to deliver that message. >> he came to the national shrine. i was with him. and he made a statement then. it was very clear statement. he was very disappointed. as the holy father would be very disappointed. >> i think that george w. bush had enormously deep respect for
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the church and in particular for john paul ii, but he also felt as president that he had an obligation to do what he thought was right. there was a genuine disagreement, deep disagreement. >> despite their deep disagreements over the war, the president and pope john paul ii maintained a close relationship. a year later the president awarded the pope with the highest award. john paul ii and pope benedict xvi welcoming benedict to the white house. >> you were there on the south lawn of the white house when pope benedict was there. what sticks out in your mind to this day about that historic moment? >> my overwhelming memory at the white house is really how joyful everybody was and how happy and proud the president and mrs. bush were to host the head of the catholic church. >> pope benedict seemed to
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relish his time in washington. >> he loved america very much. i think he still does. >> he made stops at the basilica, the shrine, and the catholic university of america where i met him. in 2009 president obama brought his family to the vatican to meet pope benedict. >> sasha was still pretty young at the time. they see the sistine chapel and they're going through these various chambers. each time she'd see somebody dressed up in the cloth, she'd say, is that the pope, is that the pope. how about that guy over there? we said no, no, you'll know when it is finally the pope. >> pope benedict's resignation paved the way for a new pope in 2013. pope francis took the world by storm. everywhere had he went he was mobbed by adoring crowds. president obama hoped for a kindred spirit in pope francis
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with his emphasis on the poor and the marginalized. josh dubois was part of his faith based and partnerships. you think there was a shift going on with the former pope and the current pope. >> i think they have a deep, mutual concern for issues related to the poor, economic inequality and making sure people can live lives of dignity. >> but there are sensitive issues in which these men will disagree. >> very important issues. president obama supports marriage equality. pope francis does not. however, these are the type of men who are not going to let disagreement on two issues even those two very important issues prevent them from collaborating on many other things including addressing economic inequality in the united states and around the world. >> i've been incredibly moved by his compassion, his message of inclusion. i was grateful to have the opportunity to speak with him about the responsibilities we
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all share to care for the least of these, the poor. >> pope francis is a very clever man. he's pretty good at dealing with politicians. there are very, very big differences between the obama administration secularism and where the pope is. >> while their meeting was taking place at the vatican, u.s. groups were fighting the administration in court over the contraceptive mandate in the affordable care act which they said violated their faith. >> we actually didn't talk a whole lot about social schisms in my conversations with his holiness. in fact, that really was not a topic of conversation. >> instead the president and the pope focused their time on global conflict, poverty, and the president extended an invitation. >> i invited and urged him to come visit the united states. >> simple words for a president in his second term and a pope just beginning his.
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but words that build upon a long and complicated relationship between church and state, prayers and politics, popes and presidents. hello, everyone. you're in the "cnn newsroom." we're getting details on the sinking of the ferry in south korea from a crew member who was on board. a radio transcript was released a short time ago. it reveals a dramatic conversation before the ferry sank with 475 people on board. most of them students and teachers on a class trip. according to the transcript, an unidentified crew member said passengers aboard the doomed ferry could not board lifeboats because the ship had tilted too much too fast.
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that may have caused at least 58 deaths so far. search crews brought more than a dozen bodies to shore today. police were said to be crying as they watched families grieve. with at least 244 people still missing, this heart breaking scene is expected to play out over and over again. cnn's will ripley is on a boat nearby with more. >> reporter: another day of searching. another day of grim discoveries. body after body from the sunken sewol ferry. we watched as several bodies were pulled out of the water from the coast guard ships. they have been going out in groups and teams and use five different entry points into the
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ferry. hundreds of divers, ships, and dozens of aircraft are searching. we know the divers are facing very grueling conditions right now. the underwater currents are very strong and they're constantly shifting. plus visibility is limited partly because there's an oil slim coming up from the ferry. there's also equipment here that will be used for a salvage operation including a crane that could help pull the boat out of the water, but that is not being used right now. it is only the divers. because these families do not want anything done that could disturb the ship and could potentially disturb an air pocket if there's a slim chance somebody may still be alive under there. but sadly as we see each body found, it appears this search mission is turning more into a recovery mission, but still they're holding out hope. will ripley, jindo island, korea. >> no bodies have been found since the 174 people were found on wednesday.
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still ahead, i'll speak with an expert on the korean culture and what the families might be going through. a second deadly air strike targeting al qaeda hit yemen today. a suspected drone strike killed at least a dozen people including a number of al qaeda militants in the southwestern province. that's according to a yemeni government official. yesterday another strike in a neighboring province killed ten suspected al qaeda members. saturday's strike was targeting three well-known operatives linked to a terror training camp. three civilians were also killed in that attack. we're following the story from washington today. do we know specifically today's target? >> reporter: well, it's still unclear if any of the hits today were high-value targets. yemeni government officials confirms to cnn's mohammed jamjoom that it was an operation targeting what this official calls a core of one of the
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strongest al qaeda affiliates. this one out of yemen. the attack took place in abyan. as you see this wasn't all that far from saturday's atrack in the al bayda province where ten al qaeda militants were killed and three civilians. it isn't unusual to have strikes close like this. chairman mccaul has been briefed on this today and he called this group the greatest external threat to the united states. >> they're the one who is are involved with bomb-making devices to go undetected on airplanes. they are the ones who create the magazine that inspired the boston marathon bombers. i think it is a positive sign given the prior narrative that al qaeda's on the run and this
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is all over. >> now, the white house never comments about strikes like this, but to note this is the ninth strike in yemen this year alone. >> thanks so much in washington. as you heard there, there's no word from the white house on these strikes, but lawmakers see them as a strong sign. tom, the white house isn't taking responsibility. yemen is saying, however, it's a joint mission with the u.s. so who will get credit or blame for this? >> hi. obviously the u.s. has the equipment and yemen has provided for many years. people forget the first attack between u.s. and yemen was in october of 2000. and the u.s. has been launching drones in yemen for more than a decade. 2002, an al qaeda leader and another couple of leaders that were riding in a car got into a
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traffic accident with a hellfire missile fired by a predator drone and they were killed. so the assistance to yemen to the united states has been ongoing for a long time. then in the recent past, we have the underwear bomber on christmas day 2009. a year later in 2010 we had the attempt to mail printer cartridges with petn, a powerful explosive. and the same explosive that the underwear bomber had. and those were destined for the u.s., specifically a jewish community center in chicago. so this has been a continuing attempt now in what has been in the peninsula to attack the u.s. they've probably been the most aggressive al qaeda affiliate in the world that actually goes after the u.s. rather than just local attacks against their own country. >> so let's talk more about this terror group, al qaeda, in arabian peninsula and how it
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continues to pose a threat. is it intensifying in strength? >> i don't know that -- i don't know that it has to intensify in too much strength, because it only needs a few people to carry out these attacks to try to get on an airplane with a petn-based explosive or attack other u.s. interests around the world. so it doesn't take a lot. you see in that video about a hundred people. there's many people speculating about that video and why nothing was done at the time to fire a drone. my guess and it's just a guess is that there were probably intelligence agents among that crowd that the united states and saudi arabia did not want to have killed and sacrificed by attacking that group. but wait until they're in smaller pockets and go after them. and that may be what we're seeing now in the latest two attacks back-to-back that have identified a smaller group of
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people and, you know, go after them. >> okay. tom fuentes in washington, appreciate it. >> you're welcome. bostonians are ramping up for what's expected to be the biggest crowd ever at tomorrow's boston marathon. but after last year's deadly bombing, security will also be at historic levels. we're going live to boston for a look. hey. i'm ted and this is rudy. say "hi" rudy. [ barks ] [ chuckles ] i'd do anything to keep this guy happy and healthy. that's why i'm so excited about these new milk-bone brushing chews. whoa, i'm not the only one. it's a brilliant new way to take care of his teeth. clinically proven as effective as brushing. ok, here you go. have you ever seen a dog brush his own teeth? the twist and nub design cleans all the way down to the gum line, even reaching the back teeth. they taste like a treat, but they clean like a toothbrush. nothing says you care like a milk-bone brushing chew. [ barks ]
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new details today about the sinks of that ferry off the coast of south korea. according to a radio transcript that just came out, a crew member says passengers could not board lifeboats because the vessel had tilted too much too fast. a lot of people who were on
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board said they were told to stay put. sometimes they heard it over the loud speaker like ten times. and many did just that. followed those orders. i want to bring in steven norper, senior vice president of the korean society. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> so we know hundreds of students obeyed those orders to stay where they were. some did abandon ship and they were the ones that were told this story. so is there something in korean culture that can kund of explain that. obeying what many thought was authority giving them instructions. >> sure. a great question. i mean, first of all a sad easter for the south korean people. but there is a confusion on those who respect elders. household expenditure goes to education and means students are trained and taught to listen to
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authority. it could have been in terms of them remaining in cabin. >> and then i don't know if there's a cultural difference or any real comparisons to make, but when you hear so many of these children's parents who are expressing their grief and talking about how they want to return to the sea themselves, sacrifice themselves out of the sheer agony that is coming with the loss of their children, do you feel like this is indicative of, you know, the korean culture. or is this simply just human response? >> it's both. one, it's agony for any parent and any of us to consider. but i think in korean society where the birthrate is particularly low at the present time of industrialized countries, it's among the lowest at 1.2 children per mother. so most families may only have one or two children. again, so much is put into their upbringing and education. and many of those parents feel just terribly sad.
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in korean culture there is something called a han or a grievance which is a feeling nationally of the deep sadness that a century really of shardship, most of the 20th century saw either colonial occupation of division which is still the case on the korean peninsu peninsula. and this type of tragedy just drives that all the more home. >> and shame and honor. very high principles in the asian culture really broad brush kind of way. and they learn about the suicide of the vice principal who was working to escort the high school students. and do you think that speaks to culturally the shame that was coming with the fact that so many kids died under his watch as he explained in his suicide note. >> sure. and he did explain it that way. and he probably considered that a ritual suicide in that manner. he certainly felt an obligation. he expressed in that note a
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desire to hopefully teach them or meet them beyond. but it certainly caused a tremendous amount of grief. one of the interesting concepts is there's an expectation that teachers and officials have a responsibility downward as well. so that's one of the reasons why you're seeing such public displays of grief and some anger towards officials at this time. >> all right. stephen noerper, thank you so much. our thoughts going out to all those involved. it is just universally painful to watch and empathize with what they're going through. it's tough. thank you so much. >> our condolences. thank you. >> appreciate it. back here tomorrow on u.s. soil, is the boston marathon promises to be bigger than last year. we're k looking at e unbreakable spirit and the security measures that will be tighter than ever. quiet! mom has a headache! had a headache!
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just over a year ago, twin bombings killed three people and wounded hundreds more at the boston marathon finish line. but the city's spirit of perseverance survived and grew even stronger. in fact, tomorrow's race will have more runners than last year and more spectators than ever. brooke baldwin is in boston. brooke, overall are people excited or nervous or both? >> reporter: i think probably a little bit of both, fred. nice to see you. but i think the excitement is really palpable here. less than 24 hours to go, of course, until the big race tomorrow morning which begins and makes its way to boylston street. it is absolutely gorgeous here. we're live in boston common on this easter sunday. just talking to some runners this morning, they were saying this really reminds us just even the weather of marathon monday on patriots day one year ago.
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and you know it's really, you know, marathon time when you walk all around the city as we have for the last day or two and you see people in their turquoise and yellow jackets, their marathon jackets. it's this badge of honor. especially those from last year. 36,000 people will be running this marathon. that's the second biggest in the race's history. this is the 118th running of it. and there will be thousands of people who will be, of course, running. those of whom were injured last year and many of whom who couldn't finish because of those bombings. i talked to a man from massachusetts. his first marathon running boston last year. and you're about to hear from him -- we spoke to him this morning because he was right there. he and his family. he was running on boylston, took a look to the left and that is when that first bomb went off at 2:49 people right as he was crossing the finish line. he remembers it like it was yesterday.
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>> all of a sudden everything changed. it was this huge flash, incredibly loud noise. i felt my foot get knocked sideways. i was pushed sideways. and it felt like i'd been hit by a truck. and as i turned, i turned to my right, and i looked back to where i had just seen a whole lot of people standing there cheering and it was just complete devastation. >> reporter: so his injuries to his right foot, lost a lot of his hearing in his left ear. but he will be back out tomorrow morning with the 415 strong group. several dozen who were injured or couldn't finish last year. just quickly on security, you know it's going to be tight this year. they have doubled the police presence. there is a no-bag policy.
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no backpacks or ruck sacks. no bulky clothing. be extra careful given what happened one year ago. but the final note just in terms really of the spirit in the air and people showing up, it will be the biggest race as far as spectators, 1 million people are expected to line this race route all those 26.2 miles up into the finish line. >> incredible. boston strong. all right. thank you so much, brooke baldwin. we'll be watching we know you'll be there tomorrow as well. all right. christians around the world pausing to celebrate the resurrection. coming up, we'll go to rome where pope francis has delivered his easter message for peace. it's an invention embraced by tennis players worldwide. known for accuracy and cutting edge technology. allison maa works around the
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christians around the world are celebrating easter sunday. in his second easter message, pope francis prayed for an end to conflicts around the world. here's more now from outside the vatican in rome. >> reporter: over 100,000 people joined pope francis this morning
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in st. peters square for easter mass. this is the culmination of a week of activities leading up to today. and the people here received a special blessing and message from the pope called urbi et orbi which he gives looking out over the square. his message today was go out and be with the needy. he said leave yourselves behind and be with people who are crushed by life's difficulties. this is something we've seen the pope himself do. on thursday he went to a home where there are disabled people and he washed and kissed their feet. on friday while he was at the coliseum for the stations of the cross, he instructed one of his priests to go hand out money to the homeless at the train stations around rome. so this is the pope's message for easter. in addition, of course, he prayed for peace in countries of conflict around the world. in particular he mentioned
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syria, the ukraine. he mentioned venezuela. he mentioned countries in africa which are suffering from disease and poverty. and a special prayer for peaceful negotiations between israel and palestine. today marks the end of easter celebrations, but the celebrations will continue next week on sunday at the vatican for the canonizations. cnn, rome. hello again, everyone. i'm fredricka whitfield. new video showing the intense effort to find victims of the south korean ferry disaster. families are waiting, heartbroken as bodies are brought to shore and today some of the stunning last words from the crew that escaped is impossible. also today, a


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