tv CNN Newsroom CNN April 21, 2014 6:00am-8:01am PDT
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stuff." >> renaissance man, he still went to his date. love it. >> respect for that. a lot of news this morning. let's get you to the "newsroom" with ms. pamela brown. pamela, good to see you. >> good to see all three of you. i'm take it from here. i'm take it from here. "newsroom" starts now. -- captions by vitac -- good morning. i'm pamela brown sitting in for carol costello. we're following a busy morning of news. minutes ago vip joe biden arrived in the ukraine. new arrests and blistering condemnation in south korea's ferry disaster. that country's president says the failures of the ship's captain and crew are, quote, akin to murder. within the last hour the death toll has jumped dramatically from 65 to 87 and
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sure to be climbing. south korea's coast guard says they have found a bulk of bodies. those victims will not be added to the death toll until they are brought to shore. for the divers, the task is almost too much to bear. >> translator: finding survivors is the strong desire of the whole nation. our position is the same as the missing people's families. we're all volunteers. we're in the same position. we cry every day and search for the missing people. >> cnn's paula hancocks is in jindo, south korea with the latest developments. paula? >> reporter: pamela, we are seeing more boats coming into shore. it is possible they are bringing more bodies into shore. as you know, they have increased significantly the death toll in just the last hour alone. so even though there are bodies coming ashore and no survivors
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being found at this point, we understand from officials it is still a search and rescue operation. they said they haven't found air pockets yet but there's a possibility there may be because the ship hasn't completely sunk. this morning the investigation into what went wrong is ramping up. four additional crew members arrested overnight as the country's president blasts the ship's captain directly calling his actions, quote, akin to murder. he is now charged with negligence, though he was not at the helm his third officer was. prosecutors still accuse him of failing to slow the ship down, causing the ship to make an excessive turn. newly released calls between an unidentify crew member and boat traffic control shed new light on exactly what happened. our ship is in danger he says. the ship is rolling right now. by that time the ship had already tilted too far for the majority of passengers to move or to deploy life boats. five minutes later boat traffic control urged the unidentified crew member on the radio to
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prepare for evacuation saying, please put on the life vests and get ready as people may have to abandon ship. after 30 minutes, boat traffic encouraged the captain to take charge and make the final decision to escape. the creigh member questioned the retreat, asking if passengers would immediately be rescued. and mao the grim task of retrieving the dead continues as families angry and anguished wait for news. over the past hour just behind me at jindo harbor we've been hearing one official on a loud speaker describing the people who have been recovered from that ship. they are talking about the gender of the bodies, the height, the weight, what clothes they are wearing. families have been crowded around him trying to see if they could recognize the sound of their child. pamela? >> just heart-wrenching, paula. obviously the search and rescue crews have their work cut out for them there.
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can you tell us about the conditions of the search site? >> reporter: conditions have definitely improved over the last 24 hours. on the weekend they were not particularly conducive to allowing the divers to get inside the ship where they wanted to. we know from the joint task force spokesman that they are trying to get into the cafeteria at this point. this is where they believe there may have been many passengers. this did happen at 8:55 a.m. that is breakfast time. they believe there may have been a lot of people within that area. now, i spoke to one civilian diver a little earlier today. he tried on saturday and on sunday to be part of the search. he went all the way out to the site. he said the visibility and conditions were so bad, he couldn't even get into the water. he said it was the hardest to come back knowing he was coming back empty-handed and he could not look at the families. the official from the joint task force tells us it's something like 30 to 40 centimeters, the visibility.
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the divers can barely see their hands in front of them. not only is it a very grim task for them, it is an extremely difficult and dangerous task. pamela? >> unimaginable. as you pointed out earlier, it is still a search and rescue operation. thank you very much, paula hancocks. moments ago vice president joe biden touched down in kiev, a day before a high stakes meeting with the acting ukraine president and other top lawmakers. the purpose? to help reduce tensions in the region after two deadly shootings in the last several days including this attack at a check point near the city of slavyansk. they say six people were killed in the resulting shootout. important to point out, cnn has been unable to confirm the number of dead. while both russian and ukrainian groups are denying responsibility for the incident. ukraine's prime minister had this warning about russia's actions going forward. take a listen.
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>> putin has a dream to restore the soviet union. and every day he goes further and further. god knows where is the final destination. the world has a reason to be concerned about putin's intention. what russia federation did, they undermined the global stability. i want to bring in white house correspondent michelle kosinski in washington. michelle, tell us, the vice president is the latest in a series of u.s. lawmakers visiting ukraine. obviously diplomacy the focus. what happens if diplomacy doesn't lead to a resolution? >> reporter: that's a good question. senior administration officials have been very careful to say repeatedly that they do not see a military solution out of this crisis, that there should not be one. thus far the u.s. has not provided any military support at all to ukraine. diplomacy is still the route
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taken here, and the administration sees this one-day visit by the president as a very important high-profile show of support and commitment for ukraine at an extremely critical time. so far u.s. support has been economic, it has been political. what we might see, though, in the very near term is an expansion of those sanctions that the u.s. has really led the world in imposing on russia, because up to now we have not seen any visible sign that russia has taken significant measures to deescalate the situation in ukraine even though it signed an agreement to do so last week. in fact, russia is now blaming ukraine for not deescalating. last week we saw secretary of state john kerry in geneva at the signing of this agreement. he said the u.s. would wait and see through the weekend what russia did before imposing those sanctions which, by the way, are ready to go at any time. that sounded a lot like a deadline, right? soon after, the president
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himself expressed not much optimism that russia would do much to deescalate. national security adviser susan rice didn't want to put a time frame on it. she said the u.s. was watching and waiting in coming days to see what happened and still continued to urge diplomacy in this extremely tense situation, pam. >> absolutely. you mentioned geneva, michelle. i want to talk more with frederick pleitgen in kiev. frederick, obviously another source of tension here. calling for russia forces to vacate buildings and disarm. this agreement is not being followed. russia's foreign minister putting the blame on ukraine. any response from the other side? >> reporter: the ukrainians say they believe what's going on in the eastern part of ukraine right now is being steered by the russian federation. they say russia is looking for a pretext to invade eastern ukraine. they've actually threatened to
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continue a military operation that they started last week but which was put on hold over the easter holidays if, in fact, those buildings are not vacated soon. it's interesting, when you speak to people on the ground here in ukraine, a lot of them when you ask about the visit of the vice president that's going to start here today, they're very realistic about what the u.s. can actually do at this point. there's many who say they want moral support first and foremost. they think it's a very good thing the u.s. is moving troops into poland and estonia as part of the military exercises. they say at this point they're perfectly fine with not getting any military aid, with the u.s. not threatening to put boots on the ground. they do like the idea of additional sanctions against moscow is there is no movement. i was able to speak to the prime minister last week and asked him what do you want america to do? he said he feels at this point the u.s. is doing anything it can. any additional help would be
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welcome. i asked him what he meant by that. he said he didn't want to further elaborate. he said he's satisfied with the way the u.s. is handling the crisis at this point in time. >> michelle, i want to go back to you quickly. we have this high stakes meeting in ukraine tomorrow with leaders in ukraine as well as vice president joe biden. can you tell us what we can expect in that meeting? >> we don't expect to hear very much. it is a very short meeting. first biden will meet with american staff of the embassy there in ukraine. then he'll be meeting with ukrainian leaders. i don't know that this is much, much different than the meetings we've seen in the past as well as the phone calls and other contact that has been happening, especially with secretary of state john kerry and the leaders of ukraine. what it is is high profile, that the u.s. wants to send a message to not only ukraine but russia that the u.s. is serious, that the sanctions are imminent if russia doesn't do more. that the u.s. is ready and continuing to stand behind ukraine in this. we've been talking about
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diplomacy, diplomacy, diplomacy. what is interesting is last week we did see a vis sit by cia director john brennan. two days later we saw ukraine starting to roll tanks, taking part in their own military -- although not with a lot of force, but their show of military movement toward the border. was that backed or sanctions by the u.s.? the u.s. isn't going so far as to say that. but the u.s. says it's clear that they feel ukraine's response is appropriate and necessary based on russia's actions, pam? >> all right. michelle kosinski, frederick my kin, thank you. boston strong. what may be the most important boston marathon ever kicked off. a record 1 million spectators are amassed along the 26.2 mile route where 36,000 runners are proving that last year's
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ruthless acts of terror can't define this iconic tradition. john berman and brooke baldwin are live along the starting lineup. good morning. >> good morning. we're in hopkinton. 36,000 participants of the boston marathon. right behind us is the wheelchair division which starts in about ten minutes. >> less than ten minutes. this is my first trip to hopkinton. to think of 36,000 people, you don't see a lot behind us because they'll go in waves. 36,000 people in this beautiful quaint new england town. we have to talk about security. i've been watching the state police helicopter. even to get here, to get oven a bus, to get to the starting line, wanted. zero bag policy along the race route. even if you're coming to spectate, a million people, they're saying leave your hand bags at home.
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watching liquids, nothing more than one liter. nothing covering your face, no bulky clothing. >> 3500 security personnel will be lining this 26.2 mile route. 100 additional cameras than they've ever had before. you heard the race officials saying over the last few days, they say this race course today is the safest place on earth. it certainly today i think is one of the happiest places on earth. a celebration. >> can i just say, pam, we were here for weeks. you were here for weeks covering the story. it was such a trarnlg difficult for the nation, but really for boston. it's just awesome being back and seeing smiles in the city and ready to report on smiles as they cross the finish line. >> we saw back then, brooke and john, how resilient the city is. thank you so much. still to come on "newsroom," 45 days in and still no sign of
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missing malaysian airlines flight 370. will a high-tech underwater robot be able to locate the missing jet? why search crews may have to come up with a plan b in the next few days. [ male announcer ] this is the cat that drank the milk... [ meows ] ...and let in the dog that woke the man who drove to the control room [ woman ] driverless mode engaged. find parking space. [ woman ] parking space found. [ male announcer ] ...that secured the data that directed the turbines that powered the farm that made the milk that went to the store that reminded the man to buy the milk that was poured by the girl who loved the cat. [ meows ] the internet of everything is changing everything. cisco. tomorrow starts here. the internet of everything is changing everything. at your ford dealer think? they think about tires.
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eight missions down and still no sign of debris. right now the bluefin-21 is carrying out its ninth search. today's search zone is more than 18,000 square miles. that's about the size of maryland and massachusetts combined in case you're wondering. as many as ten planes and 11 ships are also helping out in
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today's search. malaysia's acting transport minister says the next few days are critical. that's because the bluefin-21 could be done scouring this part of the motion floor within a week. for more on this, i want to bring in thomas art schule her from teledyne marine systems. great to have you here with us. first i want to ask you, obviously, as we mentioned, this is the ninth mission for the bluefin. how many more times should officials send it down before considering another device? >> if you look at the system, it doesn't cover a lot of area. if you have a well-defined search area, which i think they defined about 300 to 400 square kilometers to search, this is a good way to search. after that, you mentioned the
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18,000 square miles, it will take too long for this instrument to search that. you'll have to start reassessing, do you bring in other types of towed systems to try to find a wreckage field. >> a lot of people are asking why don't we send more bluefins in there. but there are some pitfalls that could come with that, right? >> there are a couple of things. first of all, there aren't that many of these types of systems around. so trying to find enough to really change the problem is going to be hard. adding a second bluefin or a third bluefin or some other type of system that does the same as the robotic system, is still going to take months or years if the search area grows a lot. it's going to lead to different times of towed systems that might allow you to search if you can ever actually search a large enough area. officials said the bluefin-21 has returned with clear and sharp images of the ocean floor. this part of the ocean is for to experts. is it possible that the bluefin
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could pass over wreckage and miss it? >> it's unlikely. the bottom has a soft layer on it. it's not that deep. these are large pieces of wreckage, you would assume large pieces of wreckage coming from an air frame as big as the 777. chances of something that size being missed is very, very slim. the image quality coming out of this type of sonar that's on the bluefin is quite good for large objects like this. >> you think about other situations where a similar device was deployed. air france, for example, it took four extensive underwater searches. i believe it was nine days into the fourth search before wreckage was actually found. in light of that, here we are, the ninth mission for the bluefin in this case. how long do you think this could take. are you surprised it hasn't found anything yet? >> actually, i'm not surprised. the first thing is in air france there was a wreckage field.
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so already, although they didn't find the pingers, they had a well-contained area they were searching. they had a pretty good idea what they wanted to look for. here we had potential pings that have defined the search area. since the search area is so large and there's a risk that the pings that were heard were not from an aviation pinger or maybe it hasn't defined a small enough area, it's not surprising they haven't seen anything yet. >> thomas art schule her, thank you very much for your perspective. >> thank you. still to come, a massive assault in yemen targeting one of the world's most dangerous terror groups and the u.s. believed to have a hand in it? cnn's alleys lav disis following it. >> reporter: what u.s. officials call the biggest threat to the u.s. homeland.
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what's being called a massive and unprecedented assault is under way targeting al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. it's considered to be the most dangerous branch of al qaeda in the world. a yemeni government officials tells cnn at least 30 suspected terrorists have been killed. this comes after ten militants were killed saturday in a suspected drone strike in a neighboring province. cnn foreign after first
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correspondent elise labott has been following the story. how much do we know about the u.s. involvement in these strikes? >> reporter: we understand the operation is still on going. all the yemenis will say is this was a joint u.s.-yemeni offensive. the u.s. is the only country known to conduct drone strikes in yemen. although the u.s. as a general rule won't comment on these strikes, we understand they're involved. the u.s. is very concerned about this group aqap. they're the group responsible for every recent attack in the u.s., including the underwear bomber in 2009 and the effort to put bombs in printer cartridges. i was speaking to officials who said aqap is the group they're most concerned about attacks on the u.s. homeland and believed to always be planning attacks. >> are we seeing the u.s. and yemen turn ag corner in trying to destroy al qaeda,
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particularly this branch of snit. >> in a word, no. this comes a week after the release of the videotape that shows the leaders of the group and 100 operatives in plain sight, comfortable in their meeting talking about future plans. that was seen as a huge embarrassment with regard to the joint u.s.-yemeni counterterrorism efforts to go after aqap. you might say is this propaganda to recover from that. these operations are unprecedented. it will take time to determine with dna what leaders were killed. they hope this will make a dent in the strength of the group. >> elise labott, thank you. cnn national security analyst peter bergen calls this president obama's war. peter, tell us why is this president obama's war? why do you think that?
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>> under president george w. bush there was only one. under president obama there have been add least 90. it's something, a campaign that president obama launched, as elise mentioned. it came in the context of the failed plot to bring down a plane over detroit, the underwear bomb plot, and u.s. officials are very concerned about this group which keeps trying to build bombs that are very hard to detect and trying to get them onto american aircraft. >> peter, what do you believe is behind the acceleration and how is it different than the drone strikes in pakistan under president bush? >> the acceleration has been going on really since 2011. this has been a sustained campaign. the fact that we've had two confirmed drone strikes over the weekend isn't that unusual. we've seen drone strikes even happen in different parts of the country in yemen on the same day. so what i think is different is this large-scale u.s. yemeni
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operation that we've seen at the same time that we've seen two confirmed u.s. drone strikes on the weekend. >> obviously, peter, these drone strikes can be controversial because of the civilians that have been killed. how much are these strikes building up resentment toward the u.s. do you believe? >> i think there's certainly some resem lance. it's not off the charts as it is in pakistan where the drone campaign which is now being suspended. it is deeply unpopular. in yemen we've seen some protests and, in fact, this weekend we've had three civilians who have been confirmed killed. every time that happens, it certainly doesn't help the united states. >> peter bergen, thank you. >> thank you. still to come right here on "newsroom," in south korea the death toll grows and anger explodes. we'll have the latest on the criminal case involving the ferry disaster and talk to an attorney who specializes in maritime accidents. stay with us. salesperson #1: so, again, throwing in the $1,000
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that submerged vessel. south korea's president says the failures of the captain and crew to protect lives is, quote, akin to murder. indictments come as four more crew members are arrested making for a total of seven crew members now charged. last hour on cnn's "new day" we heard from a cargo ship captain who serves as a mayor time safety consultant and. let's take a listen to what he says. >> captain, at what point when you're clearly in an emergency situation like this should it be suggested to put your lifejackets on and get ready to abandon ship? >> in initially when the ship was at ten degrees, if she didn't come back to up right -- >> just at ten degrees. >> at ten degrees they should be very concerned why she wasn't coming back. when she continued to go on, it should have been given immediately to launch the life rafts. the concern from the captain is
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the water was in swift current. a very valid concern. but still no reason for not putting the life rafts into the water at that time. even if the people had to go into the water, they would have had something to go to, they would have had the life rafts. >> it's been suggested that at some point the life rafts were under water or couldn't get to them to deploy them. >> on the port side, they were probably very close to the water, maybe under water. there's still no reason why the life rafts could not have been deployed when she first started to go. that should have been the first command was to get the life rafts ready. get everybody mustered outside so they would not have been trapped inside that vessel. >> that's the big question. why weren't those life rafts deployed in the first minutes. the growing list of criminal charges raises a number of legal questions about the ferry sinking and the crew's immediate response to the unfolding disaster. for more on this, i want to bring in jack hickey who specializes in maritime accidents who joins us from miami. and john kimble, also a maritime
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attorney in new york. jack, let's begin with you. we have seven crew members charged. do you expect more arrests to happen? >> i don't know if more arrests will happen, but certainly the koreans are making a statement that they are treating this very seriously. they had a disaster in 1970 which killed several hundred people as a result of a ferry that went under. and so they are treating this very seriously. and, you know, really it's a string of failures here, not just one failure, but one failure after another starting with the captain not being at the helm in a navigationally sensitive situation and then going on to the mixed signals to the passengers and then, of course, the captain abandoning ship long before his passengers were in safety. >> and john, i want to sort of
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hone in on that. the captain not being at the helm. can you help give clarification, was that a violation of the law? there have been some mixed reports about that. >> it's not a violation of the law to have a third officer at the help. but when the ship started getting in trouble, the captain should have gotten to the bridge as quickly as possible and taken over and taken command at that moment. that seems to have been a failure. >> jack, we established the captain was not at the help. he's charged with causing the ship to sink by failing to slow down and for making a turn excessively, even though he wasn't at the helm. can you explain that? >> you know, and i agree with john, i don't fault the captain for not being at the helm for the entire 123 13 1/2 hours it took to get from incheon to jeju eye lantd. but captain should be at the helm if there's any -- when the
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ship is in a navigationally sensitive situation. we saw that with the exxon valdez, when the ship is leaving or navigating through prince william sound, that's when the captain should be at the helm. and the captain was not at the helm here. it's not a violation of law for him not to be at the helm, but certainly should have been number one if the ship is in navigationally sensitive situation and number two, and i agree with john on this, that when there's an emergency situation, when there's a severe list, and ten degrees, one of your maritime experts said ten degrees. ten degrees is a huge list. that's a leaning of the ship. so ten degrees is like this, and that's when things go to the side and cargo gets thrown around and containers get thrown around within the vessel that is going to affect the stability of the vessel.
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yes, the captain should have made his way right then and there and then should have really taken charge and made the communications to the passengers very clear. >> regardless of whether or not he was at the helm, that ferry was his responsibility. john, south korea's president spoke bitterly of the crew's failure saying they were akin to murder. what are your thoughts on that? >> well, as a lawyer i tend to be a little more cautious about saying such things. i think there's a lot to be learned from the timetable we've seen so far. clearly the captain was not performing his duties and did not take command when he should have done. he did not order an evacuation as soon as he should have done. but i think there's a lot still to be told about the events that led up to the capsizing, and i think we have to reserve a little judgment just to see and give the captain a fair shake to understand exactly what was going on. >> as we said, it wasn't just a failure of one person. there was sort of a ripple effect it seems of issues.
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jack hickey, john kimball, thank you, we appreciate it. >> pleasure. >> thank you, pamela. still to come, search crews are desperately trying to find wreckage from missing malaysian airlines flight 370. so far a high-tech robot scouring the ocean floor hasn't come back to the surface with a single lead. cnn's erin mclaughlin has the latest from perth, australia. >> reporter: hi, pamela. the under water robot has scanned two-thirds of this narrow search area. still no signs of missing malaysian flight 370 prompting many to ask what next. i'll have more on that after the break.
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narrow search area. [ male announcer ] this is the cat that drank the milk... [ meows ] ...and let in the dog that woke the man who drove to the control room narrow search area. find parking space. [ woman ] parking space found. [ male announcer ] ...that secured the data that directed the turbines that powered the farm that made the milk that went to the store that reminded the man to buy the milk that was poured by the girl who loved the cat. [ meows ]
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airlines flight 370 for the ninth time. it's been 45 days since the boeing 777 vanished. search crews have been unable to uncover a single piece of debris despite weeks of exhaustive searches. at least ten planes and 11 ships are helping to search an area more than 18,000 square miles today. cnn's erin mclaughlin joins us from perth, australia with the latest. hi, erin. >> reporter: hi, pamela. officials warn this could be a slow and painstaking process. with the majority of this narrowed search area now completely ruled out, all eyes still on the bluefin-21 as people here are watching, even praying that it finds the missing plane. the search for flight 370 is at a critical juncture. investigators say now, only days away, from completing the targeted search area with no sign of debris. >> i appeal to everybody around
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the world to pray and pray hard that we find something to work on over the next couple of days. >> reporter: the bluefin-21 back in the water this morning. the search area six miles in radius, represents the best guess as to where the plane may be. if nothing is found, that search area is set to widen dramatically. >> whatever the outcome of the next few days, we need to regroup and reconsider the operations. it doesn't mean that we're going to stop the operations. >> reporter: over the weekend, investigators also amending crucial information about how they now believe the plane flew. investigators say once flight 370 made its initial left turn, deviating from the planned route, the aircraft climbed to 39,000 feet for about 20 minutes over malaysia, dipping in altd tude over the indian ocean. malaysian officials believe the plane flew for about another six hours before crashing.
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officials say the bluefin could be finished with its current search within the week. pamela? >> erin mclaughlin, thank you for the latest there. still to come right here in the "newsroom," more special live coverage from the boston marathon where cnn's john berman and brooke baldwin are at the starting line watching some 30,000 runners hit the streets amid tight security. >> reporter: it's amazing, a beautiful boston day. we're in hopkinton, this is where the whole thing begins, unprecedented crowds, unprecedented security today. >> we'll talk to the man in charge of everything right here, the chief of police from the town of hopkinton, edward lee, when we come back. you, my friend are a master of diversification.
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♪ and the home of the brave goose bumps. national anthem here in hopkinton, massachusetts. it all starts here. that's the town motto. this is where the boston marathon kicks off. the elite women left a few minutes ago. this is a small town. population 15,000. a little bit less. some 36,000 runners have come in here, taken over this town and prevents so many security issues. joined by the chief of police here. great to see you. >> good morning. >> great to be here. thank you very much. >> so thank yous of people. looking at them, seeing the
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people in your town to start this 26.2-mile race. the biggest race, the oldest race in the country. at what point -- you're a new chief in town. what point did you start talking security for this year's race? >> security was planned the day of the bombings. men and women of the hopkinton police department and state agencies working on it. it's like i said as soon as the day after the bombings. a lot of planning and preparation and coming together today. >> what's new? what are we seeing that we have never seen before? >> you're seeing an increase of the law enforcement officers out there and a security check point they never had on the common before. people are screened to make sure there's no backpacks or things of that nature. the road is more narrow. more of a buffer between the runners and the spectators. >> i was reading the police presence is double. i have seen everything from secret service to federal, local, state, helicopters,
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bomb-sniffing dogs but it's also what you don't see. right? >> absolutely. there's quite a bit of personnel out there that you won't see and won't know about it. they're out there. >> they're looking. >> making sure people stay safe. >> what about the crowds? the crowds, are you asking them to do anything differently this year? no backpacks, correct? >> absolutely. one of the biggest things is the stay vigilant. if you see a little something that looks a little out of the norm to you, say something. see something, say something. >> chief, best of luck to you. >> thank you. >> hopkinton looks great today. never better. >> okay. >> don't miss a cnn special tonight 10:00, "back to boston." some of the sights from a year ago and some of the wonderful sights we're seeing here today. >> we'll be broadcasting throughout the day. i'm about to hop in a car to
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head more closer to the finish line and will be there. i was talking to runners saying we'll be wearing sunglasses and not because of the sun. >> some people back there will beat brooke into boston. run to boston faster than it takes to drive there. >> not surprising. all right. thanks. great work out there. >> thank you. >> thanks. and still to come right here, get this. a teen says he stowed away for hours with no oxygen after hi h hitching a ride on a plane. dan simon is following the story. pamela, you know, this is mind boggling on a couple of levels. you have a 16-year-old who hops a fence at the san jose airport and gets on this major airliner. he's a stowaway and then survives. we'll tell you about it coming up after the break. i'm j-a-n-e and i have copd.
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i'm d-a-v-e and i have copd. i'm k-a-t-e and i have copd, but i don't want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. that's why i asked my doctor about b-r-e-o. once-daily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. and breo helps reduce symptom flare-ups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. breo is not for asthma. breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. breo won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. breo may increase your risk of pneumonia, thrush, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking breo.
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so a california teen says he hitched a ride and survived as a stowaway in the wheel well on a flight from san jose to mau, five hours with no oxygen and temperatures well below 0. a miraculous case of survival or something else? dan simon is live in san francisco with more on the story. dan, do officials believe what this teen is saying? >> well, they have no reason to discount it at this point. there's video of him at the san jose airport hopping a fence and then apparently getting on this airplane. we are talking about a hawaiian airlines flight san jose to maui. pamela, first of all, you have the security issue. how this boy hops a fence and is undetected and gets on this plane and then, of course, the survivability aspect of this. he gets in the front landing gear. this is the wheel well of the
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plane. going halfway across the pacific ocean. we are told that temperatures can dip somewhere about 80 below 0 and limited oxygen. he apparently became unconscious in the flight and then even after it landed, he still remained unconscious for approximately one hour. and then apparently just climbed out of the wheel well of the plane and seen wandering around the tarmac in maui. this is one airline official or how one airport official described the situation. >> i would imagine flying at 35,000 feet, that would be very cold. one thing. also, you know, 35,000 feet in that wheel well, not pressurized or temperature controlled so it would be a miracle to, you know, to survive. he looks pretty good from what i could see. you know, again, young juvenile. he didn't appear to be dirty or all greased up from claiming to
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be in a wheel well. >> well, there have been other situations in the past where people have tried this before and have not survived. in fact, it happened a year ago, february in washington, d.c. a man hopped on a plane in africa and found dead at the dulles airport and so this is real really, really amazing the fact he could survive. we are talking about a runaway situation. he told the fbi in maui he got in an argument with his family and decided to pull this stunt, pamela. >> 80 below 0 in there. a bizarre story. dan simon, thank you for that. and the next hour of cnn newsroom begins right now. good monday morning. i'm pamela brown. thank you so much for being here with us. we're following a busy morning of news chris crossing the
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world. in south korea, the death toll climbs in the ferry disaster and about to surge higher. officials tell us that divers have found a number of bodies clustered in that sunken vessel. target al qaeda. the u.s. launches a massive offensive against high level terrorists and officials tell us the operation is ongoing. and what may be the most important and most emotional boston marathon ever. this hour, 1 million people en masse along the route. and we begin in south korea where divers have found, quote, a bulk of bodies on board that submerged ferry. the victims will be added to the death toll as the bodies are recovered and returned to shore. paula hancocks is in jindo, south korea, with the latest
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developments. hello, paula. >> reporter: we have been hearing an official on the loudspeaker announcing the gender of the victims and the height, the weight, what clothes they were wearing. with family members crowded around listening to see if they could recognize what is their child so it is a very heartbreaking scene here. the death toll now 87 and, of course, the investigation and the search continues. this morning, the investigation into what went wrong is ramping up. four additional crew members arrested overnight as the country's president blasts the ship's captain directly calling the actions, quote, akin to murder and now charged with negligence and not at the helm. the third officer was. prosecutors still accuse him of failing to slow the ship down, causing the ship to make an excessive turn. newly released calls between a crew member and boat traffic control shed new light on exactly what happened. our ship is in danger, he says.
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the ship is rolling right now. by that time, the ship had already tilted too far for the majority of passengers to move or to deploy lifeboats. five minutes later, boat traffic control urged the crew member on the radio to prepare for evacuation saying, please put on the life vests and get ready as people may have to abandon ship. then, after 30 minutes, boat traffic encouraged the captain to take charge and make the final decision to escape. they asked if passengers would immediately be rescued. and now, the grim task of retrieving the dead tonights. as families angry and ang wished wait for news. >> one official says this is still a search and rescue operation. they are still working under the ajumpgs there's survivors under the water. official tells cnn even though they haven't found air pockets, it is not beyond the realm of possibility because the ship has
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not sunk any further. it is about 30 to 50 below the water now and keeping that same depth and not sinking to the bottom of the sea. pamela? >> the death toll as you said, 87 and climbing. thank you for that report. with criminal charges piling up and south korea's president firing off that blistering indictment of the crew one question is almost muted by the outrage. what's the captain's duty when disaster strikes? alexander field has some answers. >> reporter: the captain of the sunken south korean ferryboat under arrest. lee joon seok is facing charges and fierce criticism. >> the real question is why did he not stay on board and go down with the boat and super vise until every accounted for passenger was off the vessel? that is a crime under korean law and that is arguably a violation of international law.
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>> reporter: among the captain's charges, failing to do the right thing to guide the passengers to escape. yes, there's the old maritime adage that the captain goes down with the ship but it doesn't always happen. captain of the kosta concordia is standing trial for abandoning ship. 32 people died after the cruise ship slammed into rocks off a tuscan island. >> i don't think you can rely on the training necessarily of the people on board. but rather, those in charge of directing the people on board. >> reporter: captain rick smith trains cadets on a 565-foot long vessel, "the empire state." he says saving lives depends on quick thinking and clear communication from the captain and the crew. bottom line, i think where you find people are amazed how quickly things escalate or how fast a ship could sink. >> reporter: women and children first was the evacuation order first heard on the sea in 1852.
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the command referred to now as the berkenhead drill coming from the captain that went under with it. and most famously on board the titanic where 1,500 passengers perished. so did the captain edward smith and never left the supposedly unsinkable ship. alexander field, cnn, new york. and still to come, time is sticking away in the search for missing malaysia airlines flight 370. up next, we'll look at the high-tech underwater robot scouring the ocean floor and who officials will do if it can't find the plane's wreckage. we'll be right back. the conversation about her mortgage didn't start here. it began on her vacation in europe on the day she arrived in london. someone set up a bogus hotspot, stole her identity and opened some credit cards in her name.
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♪ helping this big country move ahead as one ♪ ♪ norfolk southern how's that function? ♪ right now, a high-tech underwater robot called the bluefin-21 is scanning the ocean flight for missing malaysia airlines flight 370 for the ninth time. it's been 45 days since the boeing 757 vanished. at least ten planes and 11 ships are helping to search an area more than 18,000 square miles today. cnn's erin mclaughlin joins us with the latest on this story. looking ahead here, how many more times will the bluefin-21 go down, do you think? it's on the ninth mission as we said earlier. >> reporter: hi, pamela.
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that's unclear. i think it really depends on how long it takes for the bluefin to continue searching or finish searches, rather, this very narrowed area that's really critical to rule in or rule out this current search area because it's been identified by officials as the most likely place that they're going to find the black box based on the albeit very limited information that they have. they're focusing in on the second ping that was picked up by that towed pinger locater on april 8th. it was the strongest of the four signals detected so what they're doing right now is scanning a 6-mile radius around the point of that detection. we know they have searched about two thirds of that area so far. australian officials saying that it could be within the next week that they complete that search.
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but that's depend ent on the bluefin-21's performance, also dependent on the weather and we know that there is a cyclone named jack currently to the north of the search field making the way south although forecasters say they expect it to break up before it hits the search field but it could lead to heavy winds and rain and not seeming to have an impact on the bluefin-21's operations today. as you mentioned, it was on the ninth mission and still waiting to get more information on if it found anything today, pamela. >> about one third of that area is still uncovered but what will happen if it doesn't find debris? what's the plan "b"? do we know? >> reporter: something officials in sfral and malaysia are already starting to talk about and said once this search area is completed, if no signs of the missing plane are going to stop and reassess and talk of broadening out the search area
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along that so-called arc between the half hand shake between the plane and the mrsat satellite and broaden out that search area, perhaps introduce more underwater submersibles but the search will continue. pamela? >> erin, thank you for that report. joining us now to discuss the challenges, rob mccallum and ma mary schiavo. mary, they said the outcome may force them to reconsider the search. what do you expect the next phase to look like? >> well, i think the next phase probably won't be the search phase. they'll finish up in this area because these were the best leads they had so far and they still do have a significant
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amount of work to do here. i think they'll then regroup in terms of needing to expand the search area, bring in different equipment, equipment that can go deep beer the water, maybe different capabilities and then, also, decide whether they need to search in areas beyond this. not just an expanded area here but look further up and down the arc that the satellites predicted that the flight might have traveled. >> of course much larger area. rob, in your opinion, how many more times do you think search crews should deploy the bluefin-21 in that specific area and how do they determine it's done all it can do and make that determination? >> well, it's an interesting question because, you know, in this business it's actually as important to know where you have searched and where you can rule out as it is to know where you have left to search. they'll be wanting to look at the data they have collected so far from the bluefin-21. they will have gone through that
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data after each deployment. they'll now go through it again to make sure they haven't missed any places, any places in the -- where the bluefin turned. sometimes you can miss data or canyons or overhangs. you can miss data. so they'll be wanting to check that and once they have done the entire area, it is time to pull out. about another week. >> and the search is really honing in underwater. the focus for crews but mary, up to ten planes, 11 ships participating in the visual search today. do you think it's possible search crews find floating debris or officials are wasting resources? >> well, i don't think it's likely they'll find floating debris in the area where they're searching for the emergency -- or excuse me, the black boxes. were the pings were, i think now with so many days, wreckage is
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far removed and they search and something else freed up, break through, come to the surface and the air search is a much broader search than the underwater search for the black boxes and looking in areas where it might have floated so i don't think there's much hope for finding floating wreckage at this point. >> and rob, the bluefin-21 on the ninth mission as we said. are you surprised not a single piece of debris is found or is this to be expected? >> you know, this is the first time that i can think of where no debris at all has been found. and debris is very, very important to anyone that wants to commence an underwater search for the definition of an area. we have no tangible evidence at all to deal with and makes it very, very difficult for the search controllers. >> right. you think about air france. they had debris of the wreckage to kind of give them an area to
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search and i believe it took four extensive searches over four years to find the wreckage at the bottom of the ocean. mary, want to go to you now and talk about the emergency locater transmitters on the plane. they're designed to show the plane's location in the event of a crash and now learning that none of those four elts activated. how unusual is that? >> that's right. well, it's fairly unusual but it's not unheard of. because even small planes have these devices on them. planes, you know, small planes go down in the mountains or bermuda triangle and sometimes when they go off, they are not picked up. battery operated. the planes delivered to malaysia i think in 2002. so we need to know when they changed the batteries. were they ever upgraded? where did they store the batteries? also, some of these elts sent the signals up to certain
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satellite systems not monitored or no longer operate also we would want to know which satellites they were sent to and monitored and sometimes the plane down and under very quickly, it would be so far under the water you wouldn't pick up the elts and reasons why the signals weren't picked up. 4 for 4 is unusual. >> certainly curious. all right. mary, rob, thank you so much for offering your insight and perfective. still to come, right here, vice president biden touches down in kiev as a top european mediator meets with pro-russian acceseparatist separatists. live reports from the white house and ukraine when we return. [ female announcer ] for a brilliant smile there's a breakthrough in whitening. from crest 3d white, new brilliance toothpaste and boost. after brushing, our exclusive boost polishes your smile and whitens with 3x the stain lifting ingredient for a smile that dazzles. new crest 3d white brilliance.
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vice president biden is now in kiev as tensions between ukraine and russia escalate. biden set to meet with top lawmakers including the acting ukrainian president and unveil a new round of economic aid and the visit amid a new round of deadly shootings in eastern ukraine. a gun fight at a roadblock manned by pro-russian forces. let's bring in white house correspondent michelle kazinski in washington for us. tell us about the aid package and what it involves. >> reporter: the u.s. just now we got word from the administration that there will be an announcement of this additional aid, not necessarily meaning more u.s. money going to ukraine but technical assistance
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in four different areas. security, governance, more energy independence for ukraine, a real worry, not only for ukraine but the region since most of the natural gas comes from russia, and also, the economy. and the administration also said that already there's some treasury department staff on the ground to help in that process. also, though, we know that this very high profile visit to send a message not only to ukraine but to russia that the u.s. is continuing serious commitment and support throughout this crisis for ukraine. also, we know to urge the immediate implementation of the agreement signed in geneva last week that russia signed to de-escalate the situation but there's no sign they have done so. you mentioned the escalation and violence just yesterday. but right now the administration is saying that they themselves don't have enough information coming from the ground because that information has been hard to come by. it's difficult to get monitor g
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monitorings in there. as usual, each side is blaming the other. that's something the u.s. wants to know more about, as well. also they're working on the same kind of indefinitely time frame coming days they say before the expansion of sanctions that we know have been prepared against russia. pamela? >> michelle, biden isn't the first u.s. official to visit ukraine recently. it appears that diplomacy is still the focus but what happens if a resolution isn't reached with diplomacy? what's next? >> reporter: it looks like sanctions are really the only method on the table now to punish russia, to send a message and to try to work as a deterrent. the administration has made extremely clear, repeatedly stating that there is no military solution in this. they feel that there should not be a military solution. that said, they've also supported what ukraine has done militarily. even though that's been on a small scale and there hasn't been violence or battles
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breaking out, thank goodness the administration said at this point, but we did see a visit by cia director john brennan to ukraine and then rolling tanks and the u.s. said that was necessary and appropriate but there is no military assistance even on the table for the u.s. toward you yan at this point, pamela. >> michelle, thank you. still to come, yemen and the u.s. joining forces to go after one of the world's most dangerous terror groups and a massive and unprecedented assault is not just limited to airstrikes. we'll be right back. this is the sound that struggling to save a small delta town. decades ago, the music was born out of fields and plantations. >> it used to be cotton country. now it's blues country. >> to get a firsthand history
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lesson, i'm meeting up with blues legend. you have probably seen clarksdale change a lot. what was this like? >> shoulder bumping on both sides of the street. so many people out here. all of the shops were open. it was a town that was alive, went to sleep. woke back up again. >> what do you think is keeping it afloat, keeping it going? >> the blues. the blues. if you got the blues you can make it through anything. >> now, restaurants, record stores and blues museums are trickling in and the tourists including me are lining up. >> did you get it? awesome, lady. when super chicken isn't on the road, he is home often jamming at the blues club which opened in 2001. >> uppest west side manhattan new york. >> it's owned by the mayor and morgan freeman. this business was one of the first to spark the town's economic rebirth. >> i'm on the clarksdale revitalization board and our
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7:31 am
well, good morning. i'm pamela brown. thanks so much for being here with us on this monday. it is being called a massive and unprecedented assault under way targeting al qaeda in the arabian peninsula, considered the most branch of al qaeda in the world. yemeni government official tells cnn it's a joint operation with the u.s. of a region in southern yemen, a hotbed for the terror group. mohammed jemjun is live in washington for us. you just learned new information about this operation. >> reporter: the big question all along after learning about the operation is have any high-value targets from the al qaeda in the arabian peninsula group captured or killed? because clearly the yemeni government wants their hands on the core leadership people there in yemen. well, i spoke with a source of mine a few minutes back saying that last night there was an
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operation involving yemeni special forces that they ambushed a bunch of vehicles that were carrying militants suspected of being aq a pi militants and they were killed and after that a yemeni special forces helicopter landed on the scene there, whisked the bodies away the try to commence the dna testing. officials speaking with yemen believe there's a good possibility that the very high-value targets may have been killed. but the dna testing will take several days. so that's what they're trying to do as quickly as possible now. there have been a lot of rumors that perhaps the top bomb maker may have been killed in the attacks. far from substantiated. everybody wants to know where he is and who they have been able to kill and makes a difference as far as degrading the
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structure. as many analysts say the most dangerous wing of the al qaeda network in the world. pamela? >> mohammed, we have a government official saying this is a joint operation. do we know how involved the u.s. was with this? >> reporter: it's unclear. we know that the cia was involved in planning. that is not a surprise because the cia is often involved with trying to plan the drone strikes. it's operational assistance. sometimes from the air. but not on the ground. what i have been told from yes, ma'am -- yemeni officials, the boots on the ground are only yemeni boots and commanders and shows how significant the operation is. i've been to yemen many times and never get to the areas. these are rugged, mountainous areas considered a real hotbed of militancy. they house some of the most dangerous members of the aqap network and a weak central government in yemen.
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very hard to try to get to the areas and the fact not only carrying out air strikes and now sent in troops shows how serious it is and how seriously they're going after the targets. >> follow it is video recently released showing the gathering of aqap members. mohammed jamjoom, thank you for that report. peter bergen calls the campaign president obama's war. i talked to him last hour and asked why. here's what he said. >> under president george w. bush there was one drone strike and under president obama at least 90 and also additionally some cruise missile strikes and so it's really something campaign that president obama launched as it's mentioned. came in the context of the failed flot to bring down a plane over detroit, the underwear bomb plot and u.s. officials are very concerned about this group which keeps trying to build bombs hard to detect and trying to get them on to american aircraft.
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>> the new america foundation says drone strikes in yemen killed between 700 and 1,000 people, most of them militants and at least 81 civilians also lost their lives. and still to come, searching the cold, murky waters for victims of south korea's ferry disaster, we'll hear from a rescue diver who struggles with the bleak and daunting mission. when it comes to good nutrition...i'm no expert.
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trwith secure wifie for your business. it also comes with public wifi for your customers. not so with internet from the phone company. i would email the phone company to inquire as to why they have shortchanged these customers. but that would require wifi. switch to comcast business internet and get two wifi networks included. comcast business built for business. welcome back, everyone. taking a look here at first lady michelle obama making some live remarks at the white house lawn. it is the 136th easter egg roll.
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the biggest annual event at the white house and there are several kids there and a big group gathering for this tradition and a beautiful day in the nation's capital. >> have a great time! bye-bye. shifting focus now to other news this morning. south korea, the death toll from the ferry disaster has jumped dramatically from 65 to 87 and sure to keep climbing. south korea's coast guard tells cnn the divers found a bulk of bodies on board submerged vessel. for some divers, the grim task is almost too much to bear. cnn's will ripley has their story. >> reporter: for these divers every day is a race against time, a race to find survivors of the sunken ferry marked by only these two buoys. >> translator: there must be survivors. we must find the air pocket. that's why i have hope.
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>> reporter: that hope is fading quickly for choung who leads volunteer divers. >> translator: we cry every day and search for the missing people. i cry whenever i think about it. >> reporter: a heavy burden as divers brave dangerous conditions underwater, strong currents and almost zero visibility. >> translator: if you go down 10 meters you can only see about 20 centimeters. divers can barely recognize their own palm. >> reporter: searching for the living, they find the dead. each day more and more victims are pulled from the water placed on the ships and taken to shore. >> translator: all the families of the missing people and hundreds of volunteer divers are focused on searching for the survivors. we're willing to risk our lives for this. >> reporter: each day, they fight to find survivors. they fight the pain of knowing there may be nobody left alive.
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>> translator: let's stop here. >> reporter: body after body, day after day these divers don't give up. they say they can't give up. will ripley, cnn, south korea. and checking other top stories today. officials in northwest wyoming trying to stabilize a landslide that's devouring one hillside town inch by inch. the once slow-moving landslide doubled in speed and split a home apart. it's about the size of two football fields and not clear why it's happening and officials say it's unlikely the ground will collapse like in washington state last month. and what a story here. the fbi investigating whether a 16-year-old boy may have flown from california to hawaii hitching a ride in the landing gear wheel. according to officials, the boy
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appeared dazed and confused in maui on sunday. experts say the teen wouldn't have been able to survive the freezing temperatures outside the jet's cabin. kraft is recalling hot dogs. there's a mix-up with labeling and some have cheese. the mislabeled packages in march distributed throughout the united states this month. robin "hurricane" carter died at 76. the former boxing contender spent 19 years in prison for three murders he didn't commit. the case drew international attention in 1976 when bob dylan co-wrote a song declaring the innocence. the 1999 film "hurricane" of denzel washington. he lived in toronto after freed from prison and reportedly died this weekend from complications of prostate cancer. general mills backtracks. looked like you were giving up
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the right to sue the company with coupons or a sweepstakes but now making changes. zain asher is at the new york stock exchange. hi there, zain. >> hi there. general mills is scrapping a change to the fine print. the company posted new legal terms to the we believe site appearing to say if you joined any of the online communities or if you interacted with the company in a broad number of ways you would not be able to sue them. you would have to go through informal negotiation or arbitration and needless to say, there's a degree of outrage and that prompted the company to void the new terms. if i agreed to a discount on the cheerios am i giving up the right to sue? they said it was a big misunderstanding and didn't apply to people liking the facebook page but maybe for a coupon or entered sweepstake and check the box agreeing to terms and conditions. so bottom line is you have to
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read the fine print. we see the pages with terms and conditions online. a lot of people don't read. so people don't know what they're signing up for. companies include arbitration clauses and common in the corporate world. if you have agreed to arbitration, you can still pursue a claim and won't be heard by a jury and it does eliminate class action lawsuits, as well. limits the amount of information the side gets from the other side and it is virtually impossible to appeal and bottom line, pamela, you have to read those terms and conditions. pamela? >> yep. take the time and read the fine print. all right. thank you. and still to come, her husband was on flight 370 and now she is struggling with the possibility she may have to tell her three children their father may never come home. up next, hearing from the wife of one of the plane's crew members after this break. are you ready grandma? just a second, sweetie.
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as the search drags on for missing flight 370, families continue to demand answers from government officials of what happened to the missing jetliner. for one woman, the wait is especially painful. her husband was a flight attendant and she says she doesn't know how to tell her children they may never see their father again. cnn's nic robertson shares her story. >> reporter: for the past six weeks, layla has been waiting. >> emotionally is up and down. you know?
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sometimes i'm okay. sometimes so-so, sometimes always very sad. >> reporter: the worst was three weeks ago when malaysia's prime minister said flight 370 ended in the sea. >> really hurts. when we hear that they have ended there. >> reporter: her husband was one of the cabin crew. they met 19 years ago when she, too, was an air stewardess at malaysian airlines. a conversation they had a week before the fateful flight helps her get going. >> i said i was going to celebrate the tenth year. he said it was the best for him. i said will we have ten years together? of course. >> reporter: also helping her coper, their three children. >> they have faith their father coming back. >> reporter: two boys, 10 and
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12, a girl, just 8 years old. >> they don't want to show their emotion much in front of me. but for me i'm trying to hide my emotions as much as i can. try to cheer me up. i'm the one who have cheer them. >> reporter: after six weeks, her hardest moments finding a way to tell her children they may never see their father again. >> i was telling them also, to accept if the father have gone forever and they said they will try as much as how i can accept it. >> reporter: in your heart, what do you tell yourself? >> he's there. that's what i think of. he is just -- he will be there. wherever i go, whatever i do, he'll always be beside me.
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>> reporter: nothing could prepare a family for this. waiting without knowing. a wife, a mother coping one day at a time. >> i smile but it's not from my heart. i'm smiling because of, you know -- but i was sad inside. i believe everybody was feeling the same. >> reporter: nic robertson, cnn, kuala lumpur, malaysia. thank you so much for joining me today. john burrman is live from boston after a quick break. awesome, amazing, and that's epic, bro, we've forgotten just how good good is. good is setting a personal best before going for a world record. good is swinging to get on base before swinging for a home run. [ crowd cheering ] good is choosing not to overshoot the moon,
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in hopkinton, massachusetts. this is the starting line for the boston marathon. 118th boston marathon is under way behind me. they have been starting for about an hour and a half in steady waves. you can see a pack of people right there. they're getting ready to begin the elite women, the elite men. the people who will win the race are on the course right now making the mad dash toward boylston street in downtown boston. of course, this race, this year is really a year like none other. 36,000 runners will be on the course. security like we have never seen before. unprecedented. some 3,500 security personnel, cameras, dogs, really much more intense than ever seen for obvious reasons following what happened here last year. but today, very much a celebration. and i'm joined here in hopkinton by two of the 36,000 participants in the boston marathon. brian hurr and mary murphy.
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brian, you have run 24 boston marathons. today's your 25th and starting in five minutes. mary, you have run several marathons yourself. great to have you here. brian, let me start with you because it's such an interesting story. you were on the course last year. you didn't finish the race last year because of what happened. >> yeah. that's right. i got to 25.5 and shut us down right there. it was about 20 minutes of concern and chaos until we figured out what to do next. >> why does that make today so important to you? >> i have been doing this for a long time an i run for a charity, we raise a lot of money and do a lot of good things for our world and the charity for the world and what happened last year is simply wrong and it's important for us to come back this year and do good again. the boston marathon is all about doing good and happy to be here. >> mary, you took last year's race off. last year was a trying time for you because your kids there to watch the race, of course, you thought they might be near the finish line when everything
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happened. >> right. i was actually cheering at mile 20 and my two older kids went in with dad to run the race and finish with him and as things started unfolding, we didn't -- there was literally 90 minutes and no idea where they were and what had happened exactly and it was as a mom tricky. >> toughest 90-minute period anyone in this period have seen. it was terrifying for so many people. today is important to show that that's not what the marathon is about. this is what it's about. the celebration and the running happening right behind us. >> that's why we're back. >> now, your preparation for it, do you think at all about the security in we have been talking about unprecedented security. you put any thought into that? i know you are involved in planning the security here. but as runners, do you know that's going on around you? >> no. but it feels like the safest place on the planet actually
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because there's everywhere coverage and police and checkpoints we have had not. we're from hopkinton and it feels very normal but not normal. >> brian, you have a selectman here and involved in planning the security. were there concerns balancing the security with the festivities, the celebratory nature? >> the first major concern is security. the second is security with a balanced approach. so we worked very hard to make sure to feel the festivities today, the carnival-like atmosphere, the feel the positive energy and same time make it very, very secure for everybody here. >> the positive energy is everywhere here. this is a great little town. roughly 26.2 miles from boston. all starts here. this is where the marathon begins. such a wonderful time to be here in this town. how -- what was the reaction here immediately after the marathon last year? >> we were shocked, saddened, very upset. we a put a lot of time in the
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marathon and we know the organizered very well. the citizens believe in the marathon and what it stands for and hurt us a great deal but like people in massachusetts we went through the process. we got over it and started to plan for this year and ready to go. >> crossing the finish line roughly 3:30 from now? >> sure. >> what's going to be going through your head crossing that finish line? >> just excitement, excitement to be back in, back running. we run across together and hopefully we can do that. just take it all in. >> i get the sense of what's going on on is everyone is doing it. 36,000 people out there doing this together. >> that's true. you definitely whether it's someone behind you or next to you, you form an alliance you run for. >> guys, good luck. hydrate. mary, brian, have a great race. pulling for you. appreciate you being with us. >> all right. thank you. >> that's it from hopkinton right now. let's go back to new york with
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miss makaila. >> plenty of sweat and cheers for all of the racers there, john. so glad you're there. thanks so much. we'll check in with you from the boston marathon and go back live. thanks for join us. at this hour, divers on a desperate search to find anyone who might have survived that ferry disaster off south korea. death toll is rising. devastated families getting the most unbearable news. it is mission number nine for the underwater drone on this 45th day of the search for flight 370. no sign of the missing plane. nature is about to whip things up in the indian ocean. and al qaeda is on the run in yemen after drone strikes killed dozens of militants. we start at this hour in south korea where another day brings more heartbreaking loss
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