tv CNN Special CNN April 25, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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i love celebrity magazines because they're easy to read, they're fun. >> i like looking through their personal lives. >> all the juicy gossip. >> i like reading about someone whose life is a little more glamorous than mine. >> i want a little less drama. >> my favorite train wreck is lindsay lohan. >> i was rooting for her. >> and miley cyrus is like -- >> i like that kanye west guy. >> anything with ryan gosling -- >> and the kim kardashian chick. >> it's definitely a guilty pleasure. >> guilty pleasure. >> guilty pleasure. >> but i still watch it and buy it. >> little juicy gossip never hurt anybody. >> in fact, these days, celebrity gossip is an industry unto itself. and it's one worth about $3 billion. today, consumers want more juicy gossip than ever. we want access to every part of
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celebrities' life. 24 hours a day, seven days a week and that's where these guys come in. >> can we talk to you kanye? >> the paparazzi. the paps will do almost anything to get the 1 in a million shot. they've been blamed for everything from high-speed chases to aggravated assault and even death. >> princess diana was killed when photographers were pursuing her car. >> they're the gears that keep the great celebrity gossip machine running. so this week, i'm going inside the machine and becoming a paparzzo. i'm actually on my way to meet a guy named giles harrison, a paparazzi that's been making a living chasing celebrities around los angeles for decades. giles? >> hey! >> hey, man, i'm morgan. >> nice to meet you. how you doing? >> nice to meet you. >> do you want to hop in, because i don't want to draw a bunch of attention to myself. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> over his 17-year career, giles has had his pictures appear in hundreds of major
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magazines, newspapers, and websites. he's known as one of the best, if not the best celebrity spotter in the business. and he's going to teach me the ins and the outs of the business of celebrity. so, what are you doing today? >> i specialize in more the candid celebrity quote/unquote paparazzi shots. these are the type of things i take. i'm not working on big, huge expose stories, but stuff that's going to fill a page. you know, the stars are just like us section of a magazine. >> that section is amazing. >> so i drive around l.a. and i'm just looking for different celebrities all day. i'm looking out for celebrity-type, quote/unquote disguises, so ie, baseball cap and sunglasses. one of the other things i'm looking for is expensive cars. >> and you have your camera ready to go? >> my camera is sitting here at the ready, locked and loaded. >> so what does a paparazzi make per week? >> i mean, i make a lot of minimum. if the minimum i make per a photo i shoot is $100, if i
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shoot 300 pictures in a year, that's $300,000. >> that's a lot of money. >> yeah. but i've been doing this almost 20 years. >> if i was just starting out, for someone just starting out, like a rookie, what would that person probably take home? >> i would say about $750 to about $1,000 a week. that's your average paparazzi. >> it doesn't seem that difficult. i think i could make 700 bucks in a week. >> it's not as easy as it looks. >> it looks pretty easy. >> you could make nothing. i've gone weeks and not seen a thing. >> that's my goal for this week, i'm going to make $750 this week. >> everybody's got to dream, right? >> ha-ha! >> who is it? >> ashley tisdale. >> that's ashley tisdale's mercedes? >> yeah. >> and how do you know that was her car? >> i was following her car the other day and i took a picture of the license plate. >> that is creepy. that's some creepy [ bleep ]. >> it is a bit, but also a bit like investigative work. >> do you ever feel creepy?
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>> yeah, sometimes. to sit there and wait for somebody to come out of a building, it has an element of stalkerism to it. >> we're just two creepy guys in an escalade sitting outside. >> yeah. >> if we get this picture coming out of pilates in her exercise gear, how much will you get out of that? >> probably about a thousand bucks. >> you know what celebrities need, berkas. >> her we go! >> thank you, ashley! >> gotcha! >> done! >> nice. she looked right at you at the end. she was not happy. >> no, she wasn't. but here's the thing, i wasn't intrusive. i wasn't in her face. >> good job! let's get some lunch.
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how many days a week do you shoot? >> as a regular 9:00 to 5:00 as a job, pretty much five days a week, but there's never a moment my camera isn't in my car. >> how'd you get started doing this? >> a friend of mine owned a photo agency and i was between jobs. i'd just gotten a divorce. and it just kind of snowballed from there. >> yeah. oh, [ bleep ] -- >> who was it? >> sugar ray leonard. >> was he walking or driving? >> right here. he's sitting right there. >> how much would sugar ray leonard getting a manicure or pedicure be worth? >> couple hundred bucks a bank. there we go! there we go! >> how you doing, mr. leonard? looking good, pro. that was easy. that was pretty good, right? >> yeah.
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got him looking right at you coming out of the nail shop. nice! >> what do people think about you? >> most people think we're a bunch of degenerates. >> and are you? >> the thing is, it's a job. we are journalists, and just because you don't like the subject matter, you can't blame the paparazzi for capitalizing -- >> for capitalizing on it. i understand the inherent annoyance that comes from celebrities towards us. but then, unfortunately, you know, that's kind of the price you pay. >> so once you become famous, privacy's gone? >> kind of, yeah. it comes with the territory. >> okay. >> one of the things they claim to get upset about is the stories that are wrote, but we're not the ones who write the stories. we take the photos. but it's the magazine that bought it. you can't blame us for taking it. >> so what's really driving the celebrity gossip mill? the magazines might say it's the celebrities themselves. after all, a celebrity you don't know about won't be a celebrity for long.
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they crave the publicity and magazines are in the business of giving it to them. so when a paparazzo spots a celeb doing something, practically anything, he takes a picture of it and uploads it to a website, where magazine editors can sift through the thousands of shots and choose which photos they want to buy and pay anywhere from $40 to $500,000 a snap. but big paydays for paps are few and far between. so to be a successful pap like giles, you have to be ready to shoot all day, every day. >> talk to me, what's up? >> khloe kardashian's at stanley's with her mom. >> i'm on my way. >> he just got word from one of his scouts that khloe kardashian is at a restaurant with her mom. so what is the story of khloe and lamar? >> allegedly, lamar odom has an addiction. and khloe is on the verge of
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leaving him. whether that's true or not, nobody actually really knows for sure. but inside of every magazine this week, there's some story pertaining to khloe kardashian. so it's a big one to get. >> should i try to stay back or get out of the car? >> it draws too much attention to yourself. it's better to just sit in the car. >> i'm looking, i'm looking. >> coming out the back door! >> back door! >> oh, wait! >> how's it going? >> get out of the way. >> now, come on, back. >> go. >> [ bleep ]. >> i'm new to this thing. >> i don't give a [ bleep ]. you tried to hit me in my head. i'm a [ bleep ] citizen, okay?
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idiot. >> first day on the beat, and my cameraman is already getting harassed by the bodyguards. turns out celebrity bodyguards don't make the distinction between paparazzo and documentary cameraman. this week could get a little hairy. >> so, you saw the craziness. >> a little crazy. >> i got something, nothing special. it's not completely eulls. see, i should have been in a different position, was i ended up running into the back of the car. but, it works. >> it'll work. >> i made about 500, 600 bucks today, at least. so i'm not complaining. >> yeah. >> all right, giles, thank you for today. >> you're welcome, my friend. >> tomorrow, first day, first official day, me as a paparazzi. >> you think you can handle it? >> i'm going to be like an ambush predator. i'm going to kill it. thanks, brother. see you tomorrow.
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i live in a luxury penthouse overlooking central park. when the guests arrive, they're greeted by my butler, larry. my helipad is being re-surfaced so tonight we travel by more humble means. at my country club, we play parlor games with members of the royal family. yes i am rich. that's why i drink the champagne of beers.
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>> yeah, you got way too much on, though. not the vest, nobody uses those. >> okay. >> you can use this one. just this. let's see what you got? that's all you need, that's pretty much all you're going to need. so just this. >> just that? >> just this. >> okay, i'm ready. >> let's rock 'n' roll. >> so morgan, you scan one side of the street and i scan the other. so that way we can have eyes in both places. >> tag team it. >> yeah. >> okay, anybody, anybody. there's a guy with some glasses. nope. thought he might be some sort of an old rock star. who's that, who's that? nope. just somebody who looks like somebody. >> is that robin wright? >> no. no way. is that somebody? >> yep. >> i take it that's nobody. >> yep. >> that's the problem with this town, everybody looks like they could be somebody. and that's why they're all here. >> yeah.
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>> you ever see a celebrity on a celebrity tour? >> no. >> we're going to check out gold's gym, just in case we see somebody walking in. >> just be ready, right? >> still, you never want to lift the camera until you have to, because they'll see you immediately and then you -- >> then i've lost it. >> it looks like ray liota working out. >> it is. >> there's people right there. and they'll probably see me. i can do it. >> i'm going to be really stealth and really quick. >> just do it. >> come on, man! [ bleep ] work out, all right? >> got it. >> ray liota not to happy. he's like, come on, man, i'm just trying to [ bleep ] work out. >> but we got enough. we got some pictures.
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i got the shot. >> see, it's straight through, but it's clean. >> yeah, it's great. >> yeah, it'll work. >> he's like, come on, man! he looks good, he's sweaty. >> we got it. >> yeah. >> a picture lake that, what do you think you'll get for those? >> i'll make probably about 200 bucks a pop. maybe about a grand. >> for each photo? >> yeah. >> that's amazing. >> whoever thought ray liota sweaty would be worth so much money. >> people want to see them in normal circumstances. >> just like us. they sweat just like me and you. nice! let's go make some more money. i didn't have my camera ready to go, so those ray liota shots are giles' score, not mine. but i'll be ready for the next one. what's the best day you've ever had, the most people you've ever taken pictures of? >> the most i've ever done is 19 in one day. >> whoa! that's 19 just driving around like this? >> yep. >> that's a big day. >> [ bleep ] sorry. >> who was it? >> affleck.
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>> ben affleck? >> yeah. >> no [ bleep ]. >> i'm 99.9% positive. i've just got to manage to keep up with him. come on, come on! it might not be him. no, it's not. >> it's not? >> oh, well. better to check it out and be wrong than not check it out and be right. >> why do you think it is that we've become so obsessed with celebrities and fame? >> it brings something to our lives that might not necessarily be there. >> like what? like glamour? >> well, you know, if all your life is is kids, work, or home, you want some form of escapism. because people, you know, they like the train wreck of other people's lives, or in some case, these people have a life better than mine and it gives you some kind of aspirations, fantasies. it's always been the way, but now the digital shift changed it, because now the internet is so accessible.
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all these images are bombarded at us every single day. jamie lee curtis. >> where was she? >> in the tesla. >> i'm pretty sure it's her. >> it's impressive you can see that from the other side of the highway. it's amazing. it's her. that is absolutely her. >> how you doing, miss curtis? have a nice day. these are my first paparazzi photos ever. i did not get great shots. so where we headed to now? >> we're going to check the santa monica steps, so we're going to see if anybody's working out. all right, morgan, got your camera ready? i think i saw johnman huntsu, the actor from "armestad." >> when he comes to the head of
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the stairs, we'll have him. >> the bodyguard is coming right over. >> here he comes now. >> here we go! lean out, just lean out. >> cool. how was that? >> pretty good. so you can tell me how these are. here we go. these are like the best ones right there. >> yeah, those are good. >> that's a good one. that's the best. >> yeah, that's great. >> great. nice job. >> way to go, man! >> it looks like i may have actually gotten some usable shots. next up, giles will show me how to sell my photos to an agency.
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>> so, morgan, i think you did very well today. >> great. so what i'm going to do is i'm going to pick a selection of -- >> the ones you think are best. >> the ones i think will work. >> jamie lee curtis, it's a little bit soft, but we can zoom in to it. but that's the frame i would use. and you've got your full length, you've got the context of what he's doing, he's working out. you've got the fashion shots, so even if you say, he wears adidas -- >> or crazy five-toed shoes. >> the caption is going to be, he's dressed very fashionably from head to toe in x, y, z. that's a frame i could see seeing in magazine. that's a pretty decent set. >> if you had to guesstimate, if we put these out on the wire tonight -- >> it's not going to make a lot, a lot of money, it's not like it's brad pitt. if it was brad pitt working out and you had 15 frames, you would be making 10, 20 grand. especially if he had his shirt off, you would be making even
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more. it'll be a couple hundred bucks, if you're lucky. >> so how long will it take to know who picked them up? >> generally most magazines come out once a week. >> on my first official day as a paparazzo, i got a few official shots of some celebs. but to make some real money, tomorrow i'm going after some much bigger fish. when the guests arrive, they're greeted by my butler, larry. my helipad is being re-surfaced so tonight we travel by more humble means. at my country club, we play parlor games with members of the royal family. yes i am rich. that's why i drink the champagne of beers.
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you want a loan to build you can't do that.ica? nobody builds factories in the us anymore... you can't do that. using american raw materials makes no sense... you can't do that. you want to hire workers here in the states? they're too expensive, you can't do that. fortunately we didn't listen to the experts. at weathertech we built american factories, we use american raw materials and we hire american workers., proudly made in america. quality like can't do that.
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so we're on our way to meet frank griffin. he is a former paparazzi, really well-known here in l.a., who went on to start his own agency called the bower griffin agency. and i'm going there, hoping that he can give us some info on what the big shot of the week is. the one that could be the big, high-money picture of the week. >> hey. >> hi, there. >> i'm morgan. >> nice to meet you. >> come in. >> my pleasure. >> i'll just show you around the place a bit. a couple of our famous pictures of there. jennifer aniston is always big news. a couple that have made covers on that. there's a very well-known one, barack obama in hawaii just after he was elected, but before he was inaugurated. bower griffin is responsible for some of the most famous celebrity images of the last decade. and frank's been shooting the rich and famous for years. he knows better than anyone what sells, and today he's going to help me figure out how to shoot it. >> the question is, what decides
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kind of the value that's put on people's heads. what makes someone more valuable than somebody else? >> the demand. simple economics. there's a tight handful of maybe a dozen that will always sell. the absolute demand is for brad and angelina, jennifer aniston, jennifer garner and her kid, and the biggest star in the world, actually, is kate middleton. but kardashian have somehow manufactured themselveses into that position. kim, where is she? she's on every damned cover. look here, dumped. and falls apart, kenya ditches her, leaving her all alone with a baby. don't you just want to read that? >> yeah. now, i'm ready for an assignment. where could i go? >> i'm going to send you to l.a.x., the airport, because kim kardashian's coming in on american airlines flight from paris. you're going to meet up with one of our best photographers, then you're going to follow his lead. >> okay, great. thank you very much.
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>> thank you. >> i'll see you in a bit. >> gavin? morgan. nice to meet you. >> nice to see you. >> what are we in for today? >> we're going to run over and shoot kim kardashian. >> she's flying in? >> yeah. >> and how do you know that? >> um, little birds told me. >> so there are people who like let you guys know when folks are on flights? >> yes. and sometimes these people are the folks on the flights. >> no way? >> yeah. >> so they let the paparazzi know themselves, i'm coming into town on this flight. >> sometimes, some of them. >> like kim kardashian. >> yeah, like she has an account with paparazzi. >> what does that mean? >> that means when somebody shoots her, she gets paid. >> no way! she splits it with whoever that agency is? >> yeah, she gets a percentage. >> that's ridiculous! that's amazing! do you like what you do? >> i do. i love it. >> that's pretty great.
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>> a lot of people are stuck in dead-end jobs at walmart, and this economy, it's really hard. >> yeah. so why do paps get such a bad wrap? >> everybody takes this view where it's like, oh, they killed princess diana and they did all this stuff. and they never really look at things and think about what's really going on here. >> yeah. >> i'm here, sometimes, because the celebrity told me to be here, you know? they want that publicity and that's what peep don't understand. of course, there are some who absolutely do not need that publicity. >> yeah. >> but does somebody like kim kardashian still need it? >> i think she does. this is her job too. >> yeah. what is she in every week? the tabloids. >> yeah. >> she doesn't act, she doesn't sing, she has a reality show, but what's she in every single week is the tabloids. >> that's her job. >> yeah. >> yeah, her job is getting in the tabloids. >> right.
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>> the minute she's not in the tabloids, she's irrelevant. >> right. that's a lot of it. >> how many do you think will be there? >> maybe 30. >> 30? >> that's what happens when you tip out people, you know? >> right. i love that you guys have all this inside information. you guys are like the cia. >> see, there's already people here. >> do you ever feel guilty for what you do? >> no, not at l.a.x. this is, in many ways, like a red carpet. see, you're getting it now. this is going to be very aggressive. >> very aggressive? >> these guys don't fool around. >> yeah. >> you might get pushed. >> yeah. that's all right. i push back. >> yeah. really? really? >> she's already downstairs? >> yeah.
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>> go! >> there's nothing going on. what the hell? >> get back! back! >> easy, easy! >> guys, get back! >> give her room, give her room! let her out, let her out! let her out! >> you've got to push. >>. >> whoa, whoa, whoa! >> hey, hey, hey! >> whoa! >> did you get one? >> i think i got a couple. >> so, there we go. >> come this way? >> all the paps.
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>> so we got -- >> now we've got to sell these pictures. >> all right, let's just have a look at it. who is this? >> this, i think this should have been kim kardashian. >> it is kim kardashian. >> is it? you can't really tell. you can sell that photo. >> i could play with that all day long, but it's crap, really, isn't it? nobody would buy that. >> i was not in a very good position. >> that's your fault. what are we going to do with this one? this is just disastrous. look -- >> so nobody would buy that ever? >> no, not for a magazine, not in a million years. because he's in focus, but she isn't. >> no. that's my style. soft focus. >> they're absolutely dreadful. you need to learn how to use a
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flash, you need to learn how to calculate the balance. >> i didn't know i would need a flash. >> that one's not terrible. >> um, it is. what's good about it? >> she's, you know -- you can see her coming out. you can see that she's arriving. >> yeah, the arrivals info. >> it is, because she's hiding -- there's nothing there. she's out of focus. it's just [ bleep ], okay? and that's the best one. >> my best one is just [ bleep ]. the rest are worse than that. >> so if you had been relying on this to pay your rent, you would have been homeless, right? >> i would be homeless. >> you'd be homeless. do you want to look at gavin's pictures? there you go. that's what i wanted. i would have rather had that. >> great. >> it's not going to work, because there's not enough of her, but a great one of the bodyguard. i think what you should have done is stepped back and got the wide, get -- now i'm looking at a story.
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>> and how much money are my pictures are going to make? >> mine are going to make money. in fact, i think you owe us money for wasting our time. >> i took some pictures today that were completely overexposed and many of them out of focus. in i'm going to make $750 this week, it's just not going to be possible with pictures like that. like, what i did today is not going to help this cause. and i'm have to do infinitely better from here on out if i'm going to try to make that happen. when the guests arrive, they're greeted by my butler, larry. my helipad is being re-surfaced so tonight we travel by more humble means. at my country club, we play parlor games with members of the royal family. yes i am rich. that's why i drink the champagne of beers.
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i've been on the paparazzi beat for the last few days, but i'm taking a break from the hustle to learn more about the flip side of this celebrity business. so i'm headed to meet chris her zag, former bodyguard to dozens of high-profile stars like britney spears, lindsay lohan, and jessica alba. he's seen his fair share of paparazzi, all from the celeb's point of view. >> chris? >> that's me. >> hey, man, morgan. nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you. come on in. >> thanks, man. >> well, the bodyguard of
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beverly hills was founded in 1967 by my father and friends of him who were korean and vietnam veterans who wanted a free job placement service for elite u.s. veterans returning from combat. >> so what is the hardest part of your guys' job? >> the hardest part in our 47-year history is the paparazzi. they are a stalker that picks up a camera and now he's protected by freedom of the press. very simply, they ruin people's lives with the sole purpose of making a buck and entertainment. >> what makes them dangerous? >> here's what makes them dangerous. >> from your point of view. >> paparazzi trying to evoke a dangerous reaction, because you want them to turn around and hit you on camera. if they can get this on camera, they'll sue you and press charges. it's gotten much, much, much more aggressive because we've become less aggressive.
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and the paparazzi act as camouflage for any real assailant. i've heard many a-list celebrities say this. an actual assailant, before they show up with something like this, all they have to do is show up with something like this. >> that's crazy. >> yeah, it is. >> what should change? what should be done? what should be different? >> all the celebrities out there need to grow a pair of balls and say, we're not leaving until you pass a constitutional amendment that says, freedom of the press does not apply to paparazzi. it only applies to people not breaking the law, harassment is breaking the law, not trespassing on private property, and not interfering in the private lives of public people. >> yeah. >> that's what will change it. period. >> so is legislation the answer? celebrities like halle berry and jennifer garner have been pushing for anti-paparazzi laws for years. >> they cause chaos, they cause fear. >> and i don't want a gang of shouting, arguing, law-breaking photographers who camp out
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everywhere we are, all day every day, to continue traumatizing my kids. >> on september 2013, they won a small victory when california passed a law, outlawing harassment of celebrity children. but more comprehensive laws have all been quashed in the name of the freedom of speech. so some celebs have taken the law into their own hands. >> what'd you say? >> you [ bleep ]! >> the battle's ongoing. >> you don't have to be so aggressive! i'm with a little kid! >> but for the next few days, at least, i'm going to make my living on team paparazzi. >> so i'm nowhere near my goal of making $750 and time's running out. i'm going to need to score a big photo to make up for it. >> we're actually on a lamar odom hunt. this is the big picture of the week. this picture is thousands of dollars, it's huge. and this is what everybody's chasing. lamar odom and khloe kardashian have been prime tabloid fodder for over a month.
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it's been widely speculated in the media that lamar has a drug problem, but who knows if these allegations are even true. and lamar's been stay stg out of site, so photos of him have been going for top dollar. if you're talking to chris, the bodyguard group, about this stuff, i don't feel great about doing this, but if i'm going to make that money, it's what i've got to do. we're going to hole up here for a second, outside the gates that go to khloe kardashian and lamar odom's house. it's like we're on a stakeout. >> we've been here three plus hours and have seen absolutely nothing. but i think the car behind me has a paparazzi in it. so i'm going to go and talk to him right now. so how long you been out here? >> here on this job?
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>> yeah. >> ever since the khloe kardashian and lamar odom story broke. >> a month. >> where is lamar right now? >> not sure. he's kind of mia. >> do you ever feel bad for doing what you do? >> no, if i felt bad, i wouldn't do it. i try to do it in a respectful fashion. if you get a picture everyone wants to see, you get paid some hefty money, whatever it is, and that's why, you know, guys do this. >> so when you look at celebrities, do you see dollar signs? >> that's all it is, man. it's a photo. >> yeah. >> a photo's worth money to me, that's all it is. >> no emotion. >> this is not my fantasy or like, you know, i grew up as a kid and said, i'm going to be a paparazzi, it just kind of fell in my lap and i went with it. >> so to you, this is all just a job? >> it's all a job. >> the people who are really to blame are the magazines, the tv shows? >> i don't think anyone should be to blame. it's always a circus. no one's the good guy, no one's the bad guy. we're just a big part of mayhem. >> yeah. >> of the machine.
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>> and it's not going to stop. it's not going to stop. >> i've been out hunting for lamar for about four hours now. he wasn't at his house, so now i'm heading to the hotel where she was supposedly holed up for a little bit. >> can i ask you a question? you seen -- has lamar odom been around? >> who? >> lamar odom, basketball player? >> i don't know. >> you don't know? haven't seen him? >> no. >> you know if he's been here in the past -- >> i couldn't tell you, even if he was, i wouldn't tell you. >> you wouldn't tell me, even if he was? >> even if he was. >> all right. thanks, man. so i've been here now for about two hours. nothing's happened. i think the thing now is to move on to the last location and see if we can see anything there. i'm on my way to the last location, which is the house
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absolute lowest point just to get that moment where they break, i mean, you just can't help but think that this is all just continuing to poor gas on the fire. ...all day relief. hmm. [bell ring] "roll sound!" "action!" i live in a luxury penthouse overlooking central park. when the guests arrive, they're greeted by my butler, larry. my helipad is being re-surfaced so tonight we travel by more humble means. at my country club, we play parlor games with members of the royal family. yes i am rich. that's why i drink the champagne of beers. and we're here in detroit ent michigan helping folks refinance their homes and save money. does it make sense to refinance right now? a lot of times we can lower the monthly payment, we can consolidate debt. we just want to make sure that you know your options, and we're here for you.
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11:50 pm
it's my last day as a paparazzo. this week, my goal was to make $750. i started trying to find any pictures. none of my pictures are on the internet, anywhere. none of my jamie lee curtis pictures got picked up anywhere. looks like day one with jamie lee curtis was a wash. i haven't had one picture get picked up. oh, here you go. here's the images for kim kardashian at the airport. look at that tool bag. that's it. kim kardashian airport, and there's a picture of me taking a picture of kim kardashian at the airport. so not only did i take bad pictures, now the only story that's come out of this and the
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only pictures are pictures with me in them. of which i don't get a penny. so right now i've got to try to figure out some way to up my game, because as of now, i've made -- hold on, let me calculate this -- zero dollars. today's the last day to get pictures to the magazines before they close the issues, so i'm doing everything i can to try to just get a few more pictures that might actually make me some money. i just got a tip there giles that reese witherspoon is at a house in brentwood so now we're booking over there right now. another very exciting day, as you can see. hanging out with 15 of my closest friends, waiting for reese witherspoon to come out of
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that house. see, we know she's in there, because some of these -- that guy drove by and said, you guys, go home! yeah, somebody's coming! here she comes. [ cameras clicking ] >> so she's driving away. all these guys are following her to get more pictures of her. look at this, all these guys have gotten in their cars and are peeling out, they're all going to trail her to the next place. i got some pictures, probably the best picture i've gotten the whole week right there. but it's one of those pictures that's not going to be worth a lot, because there were ten other guys here. let's look at the pictures i
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took of reese today. these aren't bad. >> no, very good. >> you think i'll be able to sell these? >> definitely. >> like that one where she's yelling back, she's going, get out of the street! >> you wouldn't make a lot, because there's a lot of paparazzi photographers there, but either way, you'll make a few hundred bucks, easy! >> right. so a couple hundred bucks right there. >> considering that's all i probably would have made all week. >> and you're a third of your way to $750, right? certainly better than the first day. >> that's not saying much, though. >> yeah! so how was your week? >> it was a lot harder than i thought it was going to be. >> harder how? >> for me, i start to feel like i'm part of the problem. when you're sitting in the car just waiting and chasing around this elusive thing, you know? >> i try to have respect for myself. which is why, you know, i pick them off as they're doing their daily things. >> it seems to me like you have to disconnect yourself
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emotionnaly, you have to look at it for what people are, as dollar signs. >> if you have a healthy dose of respect for the people you're shooting, you can find a simple amount of balance. >> find a balance. >> find a balance. >> find a balance. drove to the m [ woman ] driverless mode engaged. find parking space. [ woman ] parking space found. [ male announcer ] ...that secured the data that directed the turbines that powered the farm that made the milk that went to the store that reminded the man to buy the milk that was poured by the girl who loved the cat. [ meows ] the internet of everything is changing everything. cisco. tomorrow starts here.
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it's been three weeks since my paparazzo experience in l.a. plenty of time for my photos to get picked up. if anybody did pick them up. um, so, giles called me. told me that i've actually sold some photographs, which is pretty amazing. so we're going online to see exactly what i sold and how much money i made. this is the photo that i sold, right there. this photo of kim coming into the airport. pretty exciting. and -- here's how much money i made. $3.19. as if it doesn't get any better than that, so they ran it again,
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they ran it a second time, and i got paid a second time for that, boom, 64 big ones. that's 64 cents. so in total, i cleaned up, about $3.83 worth. so take that, frank. you said i wasn't going to sell anything, and look at that! official paparazzi right here! it's not a magazine, that's all right, it doesn't matter. you know where it went? right there on the worldwide internets. i took that picture. thank you, kim kardashian. okay, so maybe i'm not going to make a career out of being a paparazzo, but the job's not going anywhere. because whether we like the way they work or not, we all keep buying what they're selling. >> now, the scandal is, woof, that miley cyrus, oh, she is too much, honey. >> i think justin bieber's working his way down. >> wagging the butt, that's a
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bit much. >> tom, chris, and katie holmes, i never miss one of those stories. >> her father should have got up on the stage and pulled her down by her ear. >> she was like america's sweetheart and then she was like under his wrap. >> but she's still cute and she's very talented, yeah. >> morgan, how long do you want to live? >> long as i can. >> three, two, one. >> hello? >> hello. >> how long do you want to live? 100 years? 500 years? how about 1,000 years? it sound crazy, but a growing number of people believe in the future death will become a thing of the past. >> how does it feel to be immort immortal? >> they believe that one day with a little luck, and more than a little science, you might actually be able to live forever. but is the dream of i
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