tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 2, 2014 11:00am-1:01pm PDT
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investigating that. they ought to have more information than they're reporting now. >> still no clue, at least they're not telling us why this happened. thanks very much for coming in. that's it for me this hour. i'll be back 5:00 p.m. eastern in the "situation room." "newsroom" continues right now with brooke baldwin. >> wolf, thank you so much. hi, everyone, i'm brooke baldwin. i want to begin in the town of minnesota, just about 80 minutes south of minneapolis. and people there today are in shock, in fear, but not in mourning after a tip led to a future school shooter being caught. that is what investigators say about 17-year-old john david ledeux here, playing guitar,
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appearing as a regular kid. this young man was allegedly plotting to kill each and every one of them in this elaborate scheme involving a move to distract first responders. >> i think it's fair to say that we all have that same sick feeling. i do think that people are quite disturbed and shocked. i know the staff is, i know that i'm sure students are, as well. >> an affidavit shows ladue had a huge stash of bomb-making supplies, including some 60 pounds of ball bearings. he had practiced setting bombs off, he had apparently experimented with how to even make them deadlier. he allegedly told police he first wanted to murder his sister and his mother and father to begin. >> start a diversionary fire to
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distract first responders and travel to the junior/senior high school. once there, he intended to set off numerous bombs during the lunch hour, kill the school resource officer as he responded to help, set fires and shoot students and staff. he planned to be killed by responding law enforcement officers. >> so all of these plans, these materials, he appeared to be ready, the big question, you're asking, what led police to catch him? well, two women, two astute women noticed ladue's strange behavior when police say he was taking a little too long coming and going out of the storage unit. >> he shut the door and i thought it looked funny because normally we see people coming here, doesn't take ten minutes to open up the storage shed. that's why i called it in. >> we'll be talking to one of those young women who called it in in just a minute here. but the big question why. why would he have allegedly wanted to do this? we don't have that answer yet. let me read this here from the
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court documents. quote, in his journal, ladue made references to other school shootings such as columbine, virginia tech and sandy hook. ladue idolized eric harris and made several references to klebold. told officer schroeder he wanted to carry out his plan to kill on april 20th, the anniversary of the columbine shooting. joining me now is the author of "columbine." dave, thank you so much for coming back on the show. nice to see you. >> thanks for having me. sorry to be on your show, again. >> at least this time it seems to be a different ending, thank goodness. but columbine, as you well know, happened in 1999, this young man, ladue would have been a toddler, yet he says these killers were his heroes. how does that happen? >> you know, i've been thinking about that this morning, so far today.
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well, i've been thinking about this for a while with these guys. and it seems to me that it's not just about columbine but more the columbine effect that he's crediting them with. >> how do you mean? >> well, people -- for instance, at virginia tech, he killed more people than at columbine. but he didn't create years and years of killing. he didn't set that in motion. columbine did. all these others, 15 years of this horror show was really set in motion by those two boys at columbine. so they're the ones who -- it wasn't just those, you know, 13 other people they killed and the people they injured and the, you know, the horror those families went through, it's the 15 years of all of these others are kind of on their shoulders, too. >> but the two to the young people are sort of like these poster children of this horror show that we have been enduring for so many years since. and i guess my next question would be, though, and you wrote about this, dave, isn't so much about this publicity being famous? you wrote this article -- let me
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quote you from buzz feed last fall. you wrote, there's no single cause for mass shootings, but we have an opening. the killers share four crucial traits. nearly all are men, nearly many experienced a recent failure or loss. most had easy access to gun. all were seeking attention. but the question you really hammer home is why do we keep encouraging them? how do you mean? >> well, i do, i think that's a crucial thing they have in common. i think most of -- most people -- having been on this for 15 years like i have, don't have a good understanding of what's going on here. and there's a couple things to really keep in mind. nearly all of them were deeply depressed in some ways and they're really sort of distraught in their own life. hostage negotiators refer to it as the combination of helplessness and hopelessness. the next thing is, even when you do all sorts of planning, they don't have clear goals. or, you know, to put another
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way, it's sort of like, well, i was thinking about this weekend when i was at a conference and coming up there was a kid, a toddler having a tantrum. and he was unconsolable. and i've talked to moms versus nonmoms. you get a different reaction. single people like me go, why don't you do something for him? and the moms will tell you, there's nothing you can do. he doesn't want anything. he's angry and he's just going to scream. and he wants to -- he wants to cause a scene and let it be known. and that's a version of what's going on with these kids. they don't have any specific thing they're looking for. they want to lash out and they want to be heard. >> but, dave, have you read this probable cause statement? i don't know if he had specifics as far as what he wanted from this. but in terms of -- this young man crossed his ts, dotted his is. ladue conducted experiments to determine which chemicals and components would provide the most flash, fire capability,
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cause the most death, debated which chemicals would stick to the walls and floors of the school so the fires would not go out but would continue to remain ignited, grow in size. debated which type of metal shrapnel to include in the explosive devices to cause the most physical injury and property damage. for nine months this young man plotted this down to every detail. >> right. and that's just -- just chilling to read. >> it is. >> and he's much more -- he was much more meticulous than most of them. although, most of them do plan to some degree. the thing to separate and understand, though. there's a difference between planning to make an event happen and planning successfully to have this event come off. and then step two is what you want to accomplish with that. what you want to happen. and i think the really telling thing is in the fairly unusual circumstances when we foil them in progress and you have the person held alive, and when they
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sort of inadvertently get hostages because they start shooting and everybody hits the deck and have hostages. >> or stabbing as we've seen recently, as well. >> particularly when you have hostages, the fbi has a field manual in what to do with those cases. they call them nonhostages. i would call them inadvertent hostages, when the person had no intent to capture hostages and now doesn't know what to do with them. so they plan out this bombing, shooting, what have you. gets in progress, they had to wait for it to start and a way for it to go off. they didn't have any plan for getting out of it. they assumed they were going to die. while they were still alive, they literally don't know what to do. and you have these situations with these stand-offs, which is occasionally rare it happens that way. we had one in wisconsin a few years ago, went on for hours and hours. hep didn't know what to do. he wasn't planning. >> hadn't thought that far ahead. >> right. >> and that takes you to the thinking -- most of them are entering this way. i'm going to blow up the building, have people dying and bleeding, then what?
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and what am i going to get out of it? nothing, except i'm going to be heard. i'm going to have an impact. people are going to know my name and what i look like and i'll have shown them. so if we deprive them of that, then i think that's the biggest tool at our disposal. >> thank goodness for these two women who saw something that looked a little odd. and we'll talk to one of those women. always love having you on and your perspective. thanks very much. >> thanks very much, brooke. also today, president obama speaking at the white house revealing a new trigger point for the next round of sanctions against russia for this crisis ongoing in ukraine. until now, president obama has set the bar at a russian invasion for ukraine here. but after meeting today with german chancellor angela merkel, he moved it up a tad because the president here is hanging on to a possibility of a diplomatic resolution. and angela merkel agreed with
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that. although he punctuated that with a very big "but" today. president obama speaking at a news conference with the german chancellor a little more than an hour ago. >> but as angela merkel said, if, in fact, we see the disruptions and destabilization continuing so severely that it impedes elections on may 25th, we will not have a choice but to move forward with additional more severe sanctions. and the consultations have been taking place over the course of the last several weeks about what exactly those would look like and would apply to a range of sectors. the goal is not to punish russia, the goal is to give them an incentive to choose the better course, and that is to resolve these issues diplomatically. and i think we are united on that front.
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>> michelle kosinski who attended the news conference. and michelle, talk to me about the significance here of this change and a trigger. first it was invasion, now sounds like it's the president -- these sanctions go against russia. and also, can we just be specific, explain sectoral sanctions. >> we keep mentioning this. it does bear explaining. so what they've sanctioned and targeted up until now are individuals and companies, basically a ban on them traveling, doing business with the u.s. and also, of course, the eu where their sanctions have coincided with ours. so they'll take somebody and say, okay, you can't come to the u.s., nobody can do business with you. but to impose sections on a whole -- sanctions on a whole sector of the russian economy, say arms dealing, manufacturing, that would be kind of shutting it out entirely from business with a whole other chunk of the
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world. but today president obama did mention that it wouldn't be realistic, for example, to at this point, at least, impose those kinds of sanctions on something like gas and oil. because to ban other countries, for example, the eu from importing those, well, that's going to hurt everybody, essentially. and angela merkel, i think, put it well today by saying, the last thing that people want are these sweeping sanctions. because even as the u.s. has emphasized, that could affect the global economy. so nobody, of course, wants to hurt the economy, but they feel like that would put appropriate pressure on russia. this is a big deal hearing this is coming possibly much sooner than russia full-on invading ukraine, which is where they've kind of benchmrked it in the past. >> that's right, presidential elections happening third weekend in may. could see something more severe coming down the pike. we wait. michelle kosinski at the white house for us this afternoon. just ahead here on cnn as the nba bans donald sterling for
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life, the l.a. clippers owner is apparently suffering from cancer. all of this as the front offices is about to air some dirty laundry. we'll explain what that could mean for them. also ahead, hundreds of schoolgirls disappear, kidnapped by armed terrorists. we will speak with one woman who is asking why isn't the world paying attention? it's time we do. stay here. hey kevin...still eating chalk for hearburn? yea. try alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heart burn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. alka-seltzer fruit chews. enjoy the relief! and i felt this horrible pain on one side of my back. i saw this red, blistery, rash i had 16 magic shows to do. i didn't know how i was going to be able to do these shows with this kind of pain that i was in. i told my wife what i had. she went on the internet and said "i think you have shingles."
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welcome back. i'm brooke baldwin. you know, one of donald sterling's big battles may actually have nothing to do with basketball or the nba, or even his racial views. espn is reporting the 80-year-old clippers owner is battling prostate cancer. cnn has not been able to independently confirm that report. the new york post first reported it. sterling is banned from seeing his team gear up for the crucial playoff game 7 tomorrow, if the clippers lose game 7, eliminated from the playoffs. sterling might exact legal revenge on the nba. after racist comments recorded by his mistress surfaced. and sterling has a long history of filing lawsuits. let's focus on his legal options to make a possible end run
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around a forced clippers sale. joining me to discuss is sunny hostin, former federal prosecutor, and also joining us, michael mccann, writer for "sports illustrated." welcome to both of you. and michael, reading your piece here, i want to begin with you. because you say this will be an epic fight. the battle between sterling and nba no longer seems frivolous to a bunch of people you talked to. bhi why do you think he has a case here? >> well, i think one possible avenue for donald sterling is that the bylaws don't necessarily authorize evicting him from the league. and the specific language goes to willful conduct. donald sterling could argue, comments made privately in his house with no expectation of being made public, comments that may have been recorded illegally, shared illegally with the media that that's not willfully ntrying to hurt the nba.
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saying they don't authorize this ultimate sanction. and he'll also argue to the extent an owner's going to get kicked out, it should be more than for comments made in his own home. something more egregious or more public. whether or not that works remains to be seen. and the nba has latitude in interpreting the rules. adam silver, the commissioner really is the final say. so sterling has his work cut out for him, but i think we will see a fight. >> reading a piece, i didn't even realize there was no morals clause in the constitution. i found that interesting. but sunny, let me pick up with the point of the private conversations recorded. we know that the mistresses or maybe we should be saying the ex-mistress's attorney saying she recorded this but then gave this to a third party, to a friend for safekeeping? >> sure. yeah, i mean, there are two issues in terms of the recording. i think certainly one of the issues is how did it get
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disseminated? we don't really know at this point. the larger issue is california's a two-party consent state. both parties have to have agreed and consented to being recorded. she said she had his permission to record the conversations. that sounds like a stretch to me. but even if, brooke, even if it's determined that the recordings were illegally gotten, i don't know that really changes the analysis in terms of the nba trying to oust him from the owners' group. i don't think that is going to be a big deal. but i will tell you and i agree with michael, this is just uncharted territory in sports law. we just don't really know how this is going to shake out. but he uses -- this guy uses lawsuits for sports. >> yeah. >> there is no question about it. he's going to sue. >> so when we talk about how this is unprecedented, people in the front offices, michael, are
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saying uh-oh, one of your colleagues at "sports illustrated" said the front offices are fearing a lawsuit. they're worried that sterling wants executives to testify, might be airing their dirty laundry. what specifically has them worried? >> well, a real worry for the other owners is that the premise behind ousting donald sterling is essentially that he's really racist. sterling could argue those grounds should not be made if other owners themselves are racist or bigoted or politically incorrect or however way you want to put it. and there, the issue of pretrial discovery becomes a factor. if he files a lawsuit and it's not dismissed, it would move toward pretrial discovery where he would make owners testify under oath. they would be deposed or they would be asked sensitive questions about their thoughts on race, whether or not they made similarly insensitive comments.
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unemployment rate fell to the lowest level we've seen since 2008. what kind of workers companies are hiring. hey, christine. >> brooke, a strong jobs report, 288,000 jobs reported net new jobs in the month of april, and an unemployment rate at 5 1/2 year low. when we look within these numbers, you can also see broad-based jobs gains. professional and business services, 75,000 new jobs there, these are accountants, lawyers, i.t. professionals. these are jobs that tend to pay a little bit more than we've been seeing in other sectors like retail jobs. again, job creation there and leisure and hospitality. those have been the sectors that have been driving jobs gains. we want to see jobs created in places like construction. we did this month. manufacturing, mining, those tend to be higher paid jobs, those are the kinds of quality jobs you want to see driving a recovery. again, brooke, bottom line here, you had some better numbers earlier in the year. a freeze in job creation.
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remember when all that cold weather. looks like we've seen the thaw. brooke? >> we'll take the thaw, christine, thank you. and watch christine this weekend on "your money" for a breakdown of jobs and the economy. coming up here, police say a teenager had a storage locker full of guns and bombs and detailed plans to attack not just his family, but his high school.
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>> this teenager learned to make bombs set fires as a diversion, go to school,. and i want you to listen to this here. this is the police captain talking about the boy. this is what he says the boy told investigators when officers first approached him when he was spending a little too long at a storage unit. >> he did tell us in an interview if he had had a firearm with him, he would've shot at the officers who responded at the storage unit. >> what led police to the storage unit in the first place? that is where my next guest comes in. on the phone with me now, one of the two women who helped police arrest ladue. so thank you so much for calling in, and we need more of you in the world, astute, paying attention, call police. just begin with the first thing
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you saw. your friend came to you about someone outside behaving strangely? >> yeah. she was upstairs, i live below her. and she saw the kid walking through our backyard full of these puddles, she called me and was like, come up here and watch this kid. so we watched him go over to the storage units and tried to get into them for like ten minutes. we thought for sure he was breaking in. and he had a backpack, we thought he was going to stay in there. so he finally got it open. and he quick, shut the door. my cousin chelsea, she was going to go knock on the door. and i told her not to. so she called the cops and then ten minutes later, he was being arrested. yeah. >> and that was that. and now all the details are coming out about this very intricate plot he apparently was planning. so just so i'm hearing you. so you and your cousin are thinking he's breaking into this
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storage facility, and that's what made your gut, that antenna go off, is that right? it wasn't something about what he said or the way he was dressed. you thought he was breaking in. >> yeah. it took him so long to get in. >> so now that you have heard, katie, everything that was found inside of this storage unit and these journals that were kept under lock and key inside his guitar case and everything else, how are you feeling when you hear that? >> it's scary. we're both really glad we did call. if we just shrugged it off. we both have little brothers that go to the high school, we know a lot of kids that go there. it's scary, it's sad. >> your little brother attends the high school where he was planning to potentially use these rifles, use these bombs. >> yeah, yeah.
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my brother's a senior and my cousin, he's a freshman. >> have you talked to them? how have they reacted to hearing the news? and especially your involvement? >> they're just happy -- happy that we were paying attention and called. >> i think many people beyond you and your cousin and your brother are happy you did. katie hardy, thank you so much. see something, say something. we hear that all the time and you did exactly the right thing. thanks, katie. malaysian officials now say they may send a ship to the bay of bengal to search for mh 370, although they're confident they won't find anything there. this is after that australian company says they spotted what they think could be an airliner, could be this 777 in those waters. let's talk about with this cnn aviation correspondent richard quest. and richard, you know this, a lot of questions around this country's credibility,
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georesonance is the company's name. one saying, quote, i cannot think of any way that someone can use that approach to see through meters and meters of water to locate a boat, plane or satellite. why take a look? why waste their time? >> oh, because you dare not -- we would be the first people to be shrieking if we didn't go and have a look at what was there. yes, the acting minister for transport in malaysia's made it quite clear he thinks it's a waste of time. he's also said he's, you know, when they go and they find nothing. and people will be questioning them why they bothered and what have they lost by doing it? but they have no choice. if somebody comes up and says we've got 23 scientists, including 12 ph.d.s and we believe that this is -- we've found the plane. you've got to go and investigate.
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and you've got to go and do it in as damage limitation way as you possibly can. >> even though this may be another huge false positive for these families? >> it's even worse than a false positive. may just be false. >> yeah. >> but what's the alternative, brooke? the alternative is for the authorities to say that we think this is a load of total nonsense, it's absolutely no way and we're not going to. and what happens when the families in beijing, right now they're being sent home. but the families in beijing say how dare you not at least go and have a look. so what i'm guessing, and what i know is they are doing the barest possible necessary to go and check this out. >> we'll see what they find, if anything, richard quest, thank you, sir. >> thank you. coming up next, the king of pop, michael jackson. he died almost five years ago. but now, a brand new,
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never-before-heard song first recorded some 31 years old is out. we have it. we'll play it for you. you be the judge on how you think it is. we talk to a former mtv vj coming up next. (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. [ chainsaw buzzing ] humans. sometimes, life trips us up. sometimes, we trip ourselves up. and although the mistakes may seem to just keep coming at you, so do the solutions. like multi-policy discounts from liberty mutual insurance. save up to 10% just for combining
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only from xfinity. tv and internet together like never before. it has been now nearly five years since michael jackson died. but there is a new album by the king of pop featuring never-before-heard songs. and so how is it? you be the judge. roll it. ♪ and the night is gonna be just fine ♪ ♪ got to fly i can dig it ♪ ♪
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♪ >> i know, it's hard not to like move your head a little bit. i still can't believe he's gone, five years ago. >> i can't believe it. >> i should formally introduce you, forgive me. brian mcfadden, welcome to the family, by the way. former mtv vj is how we all know your face. awesome having you on the show. >> thanks for having me on. >> moving and grooving. what's the back story? because this recording is like 31 years old, right? >> well, yeah. the new album "escape" is dropping may 13. it's been a long, long time. the backstory is this. he wrote the song in 1983 and produced it with paul anka. and you never heard anything like this before. >> wow! >> you've got that same '80s
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vibe. you remember that '80s sound mixed in with what kids are listening to today. this will be a song you'll hear all the time in the clubs. i can ask my son, who's michael jackson? but he knows who bruno mars is. oh, yeah, that sound. >> if we're talking about recordings from the early '80s, we're talking specifically about this one album, brian, could we have more albums? we all want a little bit more m.j. >> yeah. you know, the chairman of epic records, he signed a long-term deal with the michael jackson esta estate. and we're going to be hearing -- i guess there's hundreds of hours of recorded music we've never heard of before. >> what? >> i'm so stoked to hear a little bit more. and there's eight songs on this current album that none of us have heard. and i'm looking forward to hearing that, as well. >> what did you think of the song? and i appreciate usher's moves, but i love they let the song breathe. >> it's a feel good song. one of the songs if you want to be in a great mood, why not
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throw it on? i was jamming out to it in the green room and right when you played it now. i'm digging it. that's definitely a song we all can hear and listen to. >> awesome. thank you so much for popping in front of a camera for us. nice to have you and welcome to the family again. >> thank you. i can't wait to come on your show again. >> i can't wait. brian, thank you so much. still ahead here on cnn, amanda knox reveals what she and her roommate did the day before meredith kercher's murder. also ahead, hundreds of schoolgirls studying for exams when suddenly they vanish, abducted in the night by armed men. why isn't the world paying attention? my next guest is begging everyone to listen during the race to find them. that's coming up next. what can i do on a $7 a month android plan from tracfone?
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armed terrorists storm the secondary school in the middle of the night forcing 276 girls to board a convoy of trucks. those trucks were last seen driving into the rugged jungles of northern nigeria. some of these girls have managed to escape, but 223 are believed to still be missing. and now, a sickening development because we are hearing reports from villagers in the area. they say they are being sold as child brides for $12 apiece. the men who took them some 18 days ago, members of al qaeda, one of the most brutal terrorist groups around, predominantly based in the unstable northern
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part of this country, they ascribe to sharia law, they have a hatred for the west. in fact, just learning here their name boko haram translates to western education is sin. they've killed hundreds of students by attacking and burning schools. a nigerian student spoke to cnn. >> it's disheartening to know that young girls like you, like us were being held captive somewhere. and just the idea that western education is wrong. the situation is very critical. and it's getting worse by the day. and because they know that nothing is being done, more things are being done. >> joining me now to talk about this, researcher for amnesty international and world affairs columnist for the "miami herald" and world politics review. welcome to both of you.
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and frida, you wrote this very candid, very appropriate opinion piece on and your lead line is, it would have happened anywhere else, this would be the world's biggest story. i agree with you, i say shame on us. we need to change the conversation starting today. tell me why americans need to care. >> we have more than 250 girls now. there's been so little attention that we're not even sure how many girls are still being held by these terrorist kidnappers. the world has been absorbed with the story of the missing plane. fine, it's a legitimate story, there are other things happening in the world. these lives are at stake right now, these are human beings, there are great geopolitical repercussions. but the urgent need is to save these girls, to rescue them. they are lost, it's been almost three weeks. their families, you can imagine, their families are desperate. >> can't imagine. >> and the government of nigeria is really not doing a very good
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job. we need to have international pressure and international assistance to save these girls. >> i want to get to that and how someone needs to step in. clearly, it's no the that the government there, nothing's changed. we know last night they reportedly struck again, this group, blowing up this bus station, 18 killed. you say they are getting increasingly sophisticated. what demands are they making? and how are they getting this money? >> well, they're making a lot of demands. thank you very much, first of all, for having me on this program. the islamist group in nigeria have made lots of demands. one of the major demands, it's for the nigerian states to use sharia law. and formally, many of the states in the north are sharia law in practice. they also want their members who
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have been detained to be released and for those officers who legitimately kill their leader and to be brought to justice and tried. but that's just one of the -- a couple of the demands. there are a lot of other issues. there are a lot of issues on social political problems that are being experienced by people in the north. there's a huge problems of poverty and corruption and social injustice. >> but this isn't new. this group has been around for quite a while, yes? >> they have been around for quite a while. they were formed in 2002. and they became more radical in 2009 when their leader was killed in police custody. and since then, the attacks have been deadly and sophisticated a and -- international human rights organizations have made demands to ensure the suspected
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gunmen in nigeria are brought to justice. >> with the government, they had apparently told the world they'd rescued most of the girls. that's not the case. so who needs -- who else is helping? other than, let's put the nigerian government aside. who else is stepping in? >> well, we heard that the united states has made vague offers of assistance. but i think it's useful to think about the contrast with the malaysian airplane. the international community put enormous pressure on the malaysian government and moved in there to do everything that could be done. here we have these girls that are as far as we know, we think they're still alive. it's true nigeria has so many problems. it's a country of enormous, enormous problems, especially in this northeastern region that has boko haram. so many issues to deal with. but right now, right now the issue is saving lives. and if we focus on all the other
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problems that nigeria has. it would be like saying a plane has crashed, the passengers are trying to swim ashore. and we're worrying about aviation safety. right now, we need to get the passengers that are still trying to survive. we need to help get them out of the water. right now, these girls are still alive. the united states needs to step in, offer drones, intelligence, strategic advice, technical advice, tactical support and try to save these girls. after that, there are a lot of things that need to be done in nigeria, a lot. the government, as you noted, it has made incorrect reports initially said that it had rescued all the girls, and that was not true. it had said a while back it had killed the leader of boko haram, that was not true. i think it is a government that should feel international pressure to take action. >> i feel your passion across the table. and i promise we'll have you back, stay on the story. thank you so much. read her op-ed on
11:55 am thank you so much, sir, as well. we appreciate it. we will stay on it. coming up next, amanda knox makes some candid statements about the night her roommate was murdered. plus, inside a teenager's alleged plot to carry out one of america's worst school attacks. we will talk live with a serial killer expert about why the suspects are usually male. it's how i look at life. especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. i was taking warfarin but wondered, could i focus on something better? my doctor told me about eliquis for three important reasons. one, in a clinical trial eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. and three, unlike warfarin there's no routine blood testing. [ male announcer ] don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke.
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amanda knox, the young american studying abroad who was accused of murdering her roommate in 2007. she was tried in italian courtroom convicted of that crime, but that conviction was overturned by a judge in 2011. a free woman, she returned to the united states where she now lives, but her legal troubles are far from over. the italian court has launched
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yet another retrial, and now knox has one final appeal. she says there is nothing that puts her at the scene of the crime that night. no hair, no footprints, no fingerprints, no evidence at all to show she was there. all she wants, she says, is peace. "new day's" chris cuomo sat down with amanda. >> if the case is affirmed by the supreme court, if you are found guilty in final fashion but the united states decides not to extradite, your life goes on, you can live here, you can be in the united states. but will you ever really be free? >> no. absolutely not. no. that's not a livable -- that's not -- especially, since right now me and raphael together are fighting for our innocence. and i -- like i said, i truly
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believe that can happen. it's only speculation that convicts us. it's evidence that acquits us. and i'm holding -- i'm holding firm to that. in hopes that what you're suggesting might happen doesn't. >> you're holding out hope? >> yeah. >> hear the entire interview with chris tonight, 10:00 eastern, cnn special report, the trials of amanda knox. and here we are, top of the hour, i'm brooke baldwin. and i want to begin with this story here out of this town of waseca, minnesota. people in shock, in fear, but not in mourning after a tip led to a future school shooter, according to police. ♪ a future school shooter, so says police, this is what investigators say about this young man, 17-year-old john
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david ladue seen here in a facebook video. he's playing guitar, appearing as many now describe him, just a regular kid. but unknown to his fellow classmates, teacher, sister, mother, father. for the last nine months, ladue was allegedly planning to kill each and every one of them. in this elaborate scheme involving a move to distract first responders. he allegedly told police he first wanted to murder his sister and parents first. >> started a diversionary fire to distract first responders and to travel to the junior/senior high school. once there, he intended to set off numerous bombs during the lunch hour, kill the school resource officer as he responded to help, set fires and shoot students and staff. he planned to be killed by responding law enforcement officers. >> what led police to this 17-year-old? well, they say they got a call
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about a person acting suspiciously outside of this storage unit. they say they discovered ladue on-site with bomb-making supplies. but the real question here is still, why. it's not quite clear why this 17-year-old allegedly wanted to do this. but court documents say he idolized the teens who planned the columbine shooting. so let's broaden out the conversation, bring in jack levin. nice to see you. >> sure. thank you. >> given everything we know, and i don't know if you've read. i've read this probable cause statement. all the details, the plans, is there any doubt in your mind that without these two young women who were pretty astute and called police after this guy looked a little suspicious. is there any doubt in your mind this man would've carried out this murderous plot? >> you know, there are lots of young people who have been bullied and tormented in school. they want to get even, things aren't going well at home.
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and they have thoughts of committing murder and that's the end of it. this suspect went way beyond that. he had the weapons, the explosives in a storage facility but also at home. there's a very good likelihood he would have gone through with this. >> explaining how he would carry this out. but here's the thing, because when we talk about columbine which happened back in 1999, ladue would have been a toddler, and if he idolized these killers, how does he even know about them? how did that happen? >> columbine is part of our national vocabulary. it's legendary, and it's not just in the united states. there are killers and would be killers in australia and finland, germany, brazil.
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who have used columbine as an inspiration. and it's all that publicity that columbine got. the columbine killers they decided they wanted to feel important. and they sought revenge. revenge against their classmates who bullied them. maybe against all of society. and it seems to me that is the motive in this case, as well. >> i know -- i know it's revenge, i know a lot of it is notoriety. how could one not know about columbine even if you were a kid when that happened? i've heard a lot of folks say we, the media, we the public shouldn't be uttering the suspects' names because that then, of course, raises them to a level and elevates them to a level we shouldn't be doing.
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but do you think that would take away, you know, and some of these other potential school shooters' minds. the troubled minds, the intent to kill? >> first of all, the reporters have a duty to tell the public. and also, the idea of making them into big shot celebrities, putting them on the cover of celebrity magazines. but keep in mind that the copycat factor is inspired by all of this attention. during the late 1990s, there was columbine but also a mass killing at schools in many obscure, out of the way communities very nice communities, by the way, that had a sense of community.
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but if you were not in the in group. an outsider, you didn't have options and a lot of the kids had been bullied. they became a role model for people in 2014 who are sick and tired of feeling they're unimportant and powerless and out of control and they're going to get even. i think that's what happened here. >> role model for all the wrong reasons. thank goodness for the two young women who called police. who knows what conversation we'd be having if they'd not. >> i want to say one more thing. >> sure. go ahead. >> that is, if you want to prevent these murders, the way to do it is to make sure we break the culture of silence. make sure these young people at school don't think it's cool when they don't inform somebody. let them inform on those when they hear a threatening event in the hallway or the cafeteria. that's how we can put a stop to
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this. >> tell someone. agreed. thank you so much for coming on. now to the crisis in ukraine. president obama is drawing a new line for more sanctions, additional sanctions against russia. if russian president vladimir putin keeps meddling in ukraine, president obama today warns, do not mess with ukraine's elections. >> if, in fact, we see the disruptions in the de-stabilization continuing so severely that it impedes elections on may 25th, we will not have a choice but to move forward with additional, more severe sanctions. >> with me now, chief national security correspondent jim shudo. and we heard something new from president obama standing alongsi alongside angela merkel that
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there's this new trigger in the sanctions against russia. can you explain those to me? >> it is new. up until this point, the understanding had been that sector wide sanctions. these are the the steps, going after their energy industry, for instance, which is really, you know, forms the bulk of their national income. you know, it had been understood to this point that the sector sanctions would not come, unless there was a formal, visible invasion of eastern ukraine, you know, those 40,000 to 50,000 russian troops, all the tanks we've seen massing on the board, actually driving across the border invasion style. what's new today, what we heard from the president is that they don't need that to happen. that they -- they're looking forward to these elections on may 25th, crucial national elections in ukraine and saying, if the kind of disruption we've been seeing so far, right? these masked gunmen. they're not wearing the uniforms of russia, but u.s. officials, european officials say they're under the direction of russia. that disruption, if it continues, if it escalates as it
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is now, that will be enough to trigger these greater economic costs for russia. and that is a step forward. >> so we look for that possibly in a couple of weeks here in may. but so far, without the, you know, the different sanctions, the sectoral sanctions. president obama says the goal isn't to punish russia, but we've heard this before. how far does russia get to go into ukraine until something, you know, motivates putin to pull back? >> it's a good point. and we've heard that before. and angela merkel, the german cha chancellor said the same thing. that remains their preference, they want to keep this kind of olive branch out there. but, of course, they're watching like we are the situation on the ground in ukraine. real escalation. two helicopters shot down today, and the president made the point
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in the news conference that's not peaceful protesters taking it down, that implies real arming of these militants with, you know, something you can fire from the ground to take down a helicopter. and that's, of course, something that the u.s. and europeans blame on russia. so they're also fighting back at this russian narrative, which you heard at the u.n. today that russians are under threat, peaceful protesters, we want to protect them. you still have the two competing, you know, world views, which are diametrically opposed. >> right. jim schiutto, thank you so much. let's move along, breaking news here on cnn. we are getting word of the first case of deadly virus from the middle east here in the united states. dr. sanjay gupta will be here to explain what this is. that's coming up here. also, one of the strongest statements yet by an nba player on the donald sterling controversy. he wants every player in the league to stop playing until the
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clippers' owner sells the team. but will the players actually listen? will they follow through with that? rachel nichols knows a lot about this. knows a lot of the players, going to join me live to discuss that possibility next here on cnn. and it feels like your lifeate revolves around your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira adalimumab. humira has been proven to work for adults who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief, and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened.
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were more like friends. also the attorney says stiviano did not leak recordings of racist comments to the media. the commissioner gave sterling a lifetime ban and pushing for a for sale of the clippers as a result of those comments. one of donald sterling's battles may actually have nothing to do with alleged girlfriends, basketball, racist views. because according to a report that appeared first in the new york post and later on espn, sterling is battling prostate cancer. but cnn has yet to be able to identify or confirm that report. let's get you to that breaking news we reported before the break. we are just learning that a deadly virus from the middle east has turned up for the very first time right here in the united states. it's called mers, which is an acronym for middle east respiratory syndrome. apparently been found in camels. health officials don't know how it's spreading to humans. and cnn chief medical
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correspondent dr. sanjay gupta hopped on the phone line with us. so sanjay, what is mers? tell me about this first u.s. case. >> well, this is a virus we've been keeping an eye on for some time, brooke. as you mentioned, middle east respiratory syndrome started in saudi arabia. most of these viruses, you know, you and i have talked about this recently with regard to ebola, most viruses make a jump from animal to human, that seems to be what happened here, specifically with camels. literally just identifying the source of the virus over the last few days. so this is a sort of developing story. one of the concerns with these viruses is that someone is exposed and becomes infected and fly around the world and take the virus with them. we live in that world, and that appears to be what happened here. a health care worker, someone who traveled from saudi arabia
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and went through heathrow and to chicago and is now in indiana has been diagnosed, is in stable condition we hear, but it's concerning, obviously. we talk about these viruses spreading around with this particular virus. you have over 300 people primarily in saudi arabia who have been infected. about 100 of them have died. about a third of the people die from the virus. and that's obviously got a lot of people's concerns raised. this was not the first time it's left saudi arabia. it's gone to countries in europe, even malaysia. but as you point out the first time now in the united states. >> this person is now in indiana getting treatment. i know you have to go, sanjay to give a speech. and we appreciate you getting on the phone. how concerned should americans be with this news? >> we don't think this virus spreads very easily between humans, like the flu or the cold or even that sars bit. but, you know, i think given how potentially lethal it is, it's
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going to be important to find the contacts this person came in touch with and see if they have any signs of infection. and this person needs to be isolated so they can't infect anybody, as well. i don't think there's need for any concern, but we could anticipate this was going to happen. but i think this is the first time now you have a virus that people have been focused on for a couple of years in the middle east made its way to the states. >> dr. gupta, we know you're busy. we appreciate you picking up the phone and explaining this to us, mers, the one case now in the u.s. thank you. coming up next, back to our conversation about basketball and about donald sterling because this nba player is of the opinion he wants every player in the league right now to stop playing until the cl clippers owner sells the team. we'll talk more about that coming up. ♪ and now it powers our latest innovation. ♪
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welcome back to cnn, i'm brooke baldwin. i want you to listen here to what an nba player wants to see happen on the court in the wake of these racist comments by l.a. clippers owner donald sterling. coming from the cleveland cavs guard. he's proposing a different punishment starting right now. let me read this for you. this is from jack's radio interview with san francisco's radio "the game." jack says quoting, the thing i would propose is that nobody plays another game for the clippers as long as that man is in control, period, point-blank.
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and we don't play another game until that man is removed. it's not a clipper issue, it's a league issue, and we should all take a stance on it. rachel nichols, you've been all over this for us. he doesn't say his name, he keeps saying that man. is that even possible? just not play? >> it's possible. it's not going to happen. you use boycotts to get people to spur action and the nba is acting. they are actively and as they said yesterday, quote, expeditiously going through the process of trying to remove sterling. some of the players were talking about boycotting in between when these recordings first surfaced and before adam silver made his announceme announcement. and they decided to wait and see if the league punishment was. and if it wasn't strong enough, if the league wasn't acting as much as they wanted them to, then they would be talking about a boycott. however, the league is saying they're doing everything in their power to get this guy away from basketball. so there's really no need for a boycott right now.
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however, charles barkley said something interesting today. he said if donald sterling still owns the team in the fall, he said, no basketball games are going to be played. now, charles, of course, a former player, not a current player. so he can't dictate that either. but he is articulating what a lot of players are saying right now, which is that they're willing to let the league play this out. but if people start dragging their feet, get mired down in too much legality if it takes too long, the players are watching. lebron james said something similar this morning. he said, i don't want to talk about any kind of boycott yet. >> yet, yet, dot dot dot dot. what about a fight? we all keep using the wordi litigliti litigious. >> well, these leagues because of the constitution, the fact that donald sterling signed on to the constitution, he doesn't have too many legal avenues
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because most of the courts will throw things back into the arbitration process between him and the league. however, there are a couple of loopholes. one of them is for him to fight an anti-trust suit. then all of a sudden, you go outside of that league parameter and maybe he says, hey, i'm going to have a bunch of depositions about all the other bad behavior of all the other owners. so we can see i got kicked out but they didn't. i can't imagine a lot of owners will be happy about that. how about another loophole? we know that he and his wife have been separated. >> right. >> if either one of them files for divorce, all of a sudden, guess what, they live in california, that is community property. then this goes to the california family court with the idea of a judge there having to adjudicate exactly who the team belongs to. we know that divorces can take months or years. >> years. >> sometimes, right? great stall tactic. >> it could take years? who knows? and who knows even if the players will be okay if it's
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ultimately shelly sterling who owns the team. this story has a lot of -- however sort of tone to it. rachel, thank you so much. coming up next, we have talked a lot about this australian company that says it has evidence of a possible plane at the bottom of the bay of bengal. well, for the very first time today, malaysian officials responded to that. we'll tell you what they say. also, as tensions grow in ukraine, president obama meets with one of his biggest allies, the chancellor of germany here speaking in the rose garden this afternoon. he made an important announcement about sanctions against russia. is it the right move? we have our host here to debate that coming up next on cnn.
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welcome back. bottom of the hour, you're watching cnn, i'm brooke baldwin. at least a dozen people were killed today in this ongoing conflict between ukraine and russia showing how high, how real these stakes are for president obama and his visitor to the white house today, german chancellor angela merkel. the world leaders had just held this news conference in the rose garden just about an hour or two ago. >> so the ukrainian forces are trying to push these pro-russian separatists who have taken over buildings in several ukrainian towns. today obama and merkel said that the united states and germany are united in getting russia to end the crisis there before the presidential elections in just about three weeks in ukraine. >> if, in fact, we see the disruptions and the
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destabilization continuing, so severely that it impedes elections on may 25th, we will not have a choice but to move forward with additional more severe sanctions. the goal is not to punish russia, the goal is to give them an incentive to choose the better course. and that is to resolve these issues diplomatically. >> let's discuss with our "crossfire" host. wonderful having you back on, "crossfire" is back. newt, i want to begin with you. we heard the president say the goal isn't to punish russia, it's to have the incentive to change. but how far does russia get to go into ukraine before something really happens here? before, you know, motivates putin to pull back. >> i don't think there's any serious sanction that is going to affect vladimir putin. the chinese aren't going to participate, the indians aren't going to participate, the
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japanese aren't going to participate. the fact is, he has lots of markets around the world. he is fully prepared to ride this out. and i think it's troubling that he is doing a better job of arming the pro-russian militia than the u.s. is of helping the ukrainians. >> so even -- >> you know, this total imbalance of force, and i don't see any evidence that talking about the next layer of sanctions has any serious meaning. >> even with possible sectoral sanctions with this may 25th election? >> you have to recognize, he gets a vote, too. if we have a sectoral sanction and angela merkel commented on this, there are countries in the european union that get 100% of their natural gas from russia. what happens if he starts putting sanctions on the people who are sanctioning him? we get all of our major rockets to launch satellites from the russians. there's a very complex situation here. and i think what we're doing is lots of words and almost no
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serious impact. >> okay. >> that may well be true. i think we may have to be clear. it's not like we could go and arm ukraine in a way that would be meaningful either. what kind of weapons could we give ukraine against putin? nuclear weapons? we're dealing with a situation where -- >> no. >> the military options aren't great. the economic options are not great. so we have to use the diplomatic options. that's what the president's doing. i keep hearing republicans saying we should do more to arm people. what kind of arms that's going to do anything with putin? >> i'd like to actually -- let me turn the page from ukraine. there was something that wasn't mentioned today. obama was of course asked about ukraine multiple times, made mention of the boxed execution in oklahoma, asked about the nsa. but the elephant in the room, i'm shocked he wasn't asked about benghazi. it was the biggest political story of the week with the e-mails that showed the obama administration developing this p.r. push in the days after the
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attack. wasn't asked. >> well, because it's really been asked and answered. for people who want to whip this thing up. listen, under george w. bush, we didn't have four americans that died in embassies, there were 88 people, 11 died, nobody turned it into this big controversy. look, the administration voluntarily released some stuff later on, realized they left stuff out. i don't think that's big news. the big news is what's going on right now in ukraine. i'm glad the president's focused on that. >> realized they left stuff out? >> yeah. listen. they -- there's obviously no news here. it turns out the talking points were the same talking points the cia pushed over, the same ones that susan rice read. what is the news here? literally, this is one of these things where they are grasping at straws to try to hurt hillary clinton or whatever. you can see the global media doesn't care. >> we saw the general testifying yesterday, getting emotional saying, you know, it could have
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been prevented had the state department really sort of tipped them off. and so my question at newt. let me throw this at you, you know, if hillary clinton does run in 2016, how does she answer those questions about what her state department did or did not do? >> she has a real challenge because last month, for example, more tweets about benghazi than there were about hillary clinton. this isn't going to go away. it's really about honesty and about accountability and transparency. but i do want to say a word and praise the white house press corps. this was the wrong place to raise that issue. it's a big deal. i think they focused on ukraine correctly. >> okay. let me end with this, something the three of us were talking about at commercial break. i do want to talk about basketball with you two. and newt, i know you are the ideas guy and i know you have an idea when it comes to the ownership of the l.a. clippers. spill it, sir. >> well, i own a share of green bay stock, green bay is the only
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community owned sports team, professional sports team in the big three. i think the people of los angeles should be given a chance to bid against the billionaires and let the people of california have the right to buy in common stock just exactly like green bay. it would be very healthy for america to move professional sports back to a community-based system instead of a billionaire-based system. and frankly, it's the taxpayers who provide all these sports arenas anyway. so why shouldn't the taxpayers actually have a chance to own the team? >> care to weigh? >> bravo. i hate to agree with you, newt, on anything. but as i live in los angeles, my family and i, we're in california. >> yeah. >> this is the best idea i've heard out of this whole mess. i hope that everybody in l.a. takes him up on this. i think it's a brilliant, brilliant idea. i'm for it. >> i should tell everyone that mr. gingrich here will be talking about this on facebook in a couple of minutes. check that out. also tonight, "crossfire"
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don't miss it, 6:30 eastern here on cnn. gentlemen, thank you. >> thank you. coming up next, back on it. hundreds of schoolgirls disappear, kidnapped by armed terrorists. why isn't the world paying attention? we're changing that. stay with me. ♪ oh-oh, oh, oh, la, la-la, la-la, la-la ♪ ♪ na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na some things just go together, like auto and home insurance. bundle them together at progressive, and you save big on both. ♪ oh, oh-oh, oh, oh hey, it's me! [ whistles ] and there's my dog! [gasps] there's my steps! i should stop talking. perfectly paired savings. now, that's progressive.
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here is this week's cnn hero. >> when i'm running, i feel limitless. being in motion makes me feel free. when you're really pushing yourself, that's when you really feel alive. but there are millions of people around the world that are facing severe physical limitations. they can't be independent, they can't live their lives. i spent years training olympic athletes, football players, body builders. one day a young guy newly spinal cord injured came to the gym asking for help. at first, i didn't know what to do. but worked together and made tremendous progress. take a breath, reach out, reach out. bring it back. before i knew it, my phone rang off the hook. people asking for help. i opened a gym designed to fit their needs. ready to go to work? for the past 25 years, i've provided strength and conditioning training for people with disabilities. push, stretch up, nice job.
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people come to me when they're at their lowest. up, up, up, up. hold it, rack it. you come to the gym and all of a sudden you have a natural support network. >> in 1971, i broke my back, and i've been in a wheelchair ever since. >> that's it, tom. >> thanks to ned, i keep my upper body strength at a maximum. i've been able to live a full life. >> i never worry about what they can't do. i worry about what they can do. >> i can do it, ned. >> yes, you can. good job. >> i did up to ten. >> i'm building them stronger so they can go out and live life like they're supposed to. >> thank you, ned. and each week we honor a new cnn hero. if you know someone who deserves recognition, tell us about them. hop online and go to coming up, a chance for comedians to make fun of the president and top politicians to their faces.
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>> these are my birth certificate jokes. so thank you for the timing on that, mr. president. now unusable. we were working on these jokes for months, one of my guys said, are you worried we're a little heavy on birth certificate jokes. what if he releases it before the dinner? and i was like, why would he do that? he's not going to wait three years and then release it before the dinner. notice that camera cut to donald trump. well, this guy, joel mchale is hosting this upcoming dinner. we'll talk to jake about his interview next. new car! hey! [squeals] ♪ [ewh!] [baby crying]
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so this is the chance when politicians get to rub elbows with celebrities, celebrities get a little taste of the washington scene. it is the annual white house correspondents dinner. it is tomorrow and cnn's live coverage starts at 8:00 p.m. eastern there on the red carpet. last year, you had katy perry, kim kardashian, paula abdul, even one of the stars from "duck dynasty" in attendance. but the highlight, of course, the lighthearted jabs at the president himself and his response. >> they never caught you smoking, but they somehow always catch you with your shirt off. i know you into this transparency thing, but i don't need to see your nipples.
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is there a beach at camp david? you know, there was never a nipple portrait of lincoln. i'm sorry. >> the jonas brothers are here. they're out there somewhere, sasha and malia are huge fans. but boys, don't get any ideas. i have two words for you, predator drones. >> congress, there are a lot of things you want us to be impressed by that we are not impressed by. we are not impressed you sat next to each other at the state of the union. you know what the rest of americans call an evening spent politely sitting next to a person with wildly different political views? thanksgiving. >> of course, the white house correspondents dinner known as the prom of washington, d.c. a term coined by political reporters who clearly never had
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a chance to go to an actual prom. >> who doesn't love c-span? seriously, c-span, an entire channel shot with the backup camera on a ford explorer. congratulations to c-span for winning the bid to broadcast this event. they narrowly beat out hgtv 2, qvc south america and the hilton hotel how to check out channel. >> i love going. we call it the nerd prom. it's happening tomorrow. i know you got to sit down with joel mchale, this year's funny guy. how was he? >> he's good. he's good. we're going to run the whole piece coming up later. but, you know, i've interviewed a few of the entertainers before the event, and to a person, they all are a little bit nervous -- because as joel mchale said that all the other entertainers, seth
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meyers and jimmy kimmel told him, it is one of the weirdest events in history. joel . so i asked him how he prepared. take a listen. >> okay. >> you're probably known, at least among a certain audience, for making fun of kim kardashian more than john boehner. so how does one prepare for the white house correspondents' dinner? do you just watch c-span? >> no, i just won't do any political jokes at all. i'll stick strictly to kardashians, a lot of single mom stuff from mtv. i think the crowd will get it. >> you think the crowd watches the reality -- >> definitely. i think they watch "the real housewives of atlanta." everyone can relate, don't you think? >> no. >> he has a lost jokes at the
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expense of the media. i'm h i'm hazarding that cnn will take a couple of licks as well. of course, it's all in good fun. >> have fun. i won't be attending but enjoy it, mr. tapper. >> wait a second. you were my date. you're not coming? >> i will be on a beach in mexico. >> we'll talk about this afterwards. >> awkward. bye, tapper. see you at the top of the hour. let's move on. 276 girls are abducted from a school in nigeria, taken from their beds in the middle of the night, forced at gunpoint to get on a truck. some of these girls have managed to escape. 223 are still believed to be missing. cnn's erin burnett has been following this story. so incredibly closely.
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we talked, erin, about a week ago and i say props to you and your show for really being on this from day one. but you have talked to sources in the country, you've been to nigeria a couple of times. what are they telling you about these girls' whereabouts? >> what is interesting, brooke, this has been a transformational moment for nigeria. they've had this insurgency with bo bo boca haram. i guess the best way to describe it is they viewed it with disgust. all of a sudden the story the girls has changed the country. i was talking to someone in nigeria where they say that people in the north and south do their own business. you meet in the center of the country. two days ago, of course, there was a bomb and 75 people were killed. there hasn't been attack in the
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capital area in more than two years. the one person i was talking to said, all of a sudden i was scared. this changed it for me. this brought it home. a couple of people that i spoke to said, what we need right now is nigeria needs help. the government has proven so far at least not able or unwilling or not competent to take the children home and take on the insurgency. one senator said, how about the international community providing the same resources and time they did in locating the plane to locating these girls? >> i had a conversation with someone in the last hour and it was precisely that. so let me ask you the question why not? two years ago we gave security assistance to nigeria but what is the u.s. doing to help find these girls? >> at this point, nothing. the boko haram is seen as a
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threat with ties to al qaeda. they have seen it as a regional nigeria type of threat. so not something that directly threats the united states. that's why they have not put money into defeating this insurgency before. i've talked to sources at the pentagon. they say, look, we're not offering any assistance because nigeria has not asked for any assistance. so at this point, there isn't any assistance. when you think about it with the lord resistance army and it's been a decade trying to find joseph coney and still he has not been found, it shows you how difficult this can be and sort of the operating model in terms of recruiting young boys who don't have education and don't have opportunities, that there are some similarities between some of those young boys who are joining boko haram.
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it would seem at this point perhaps something can be done. in the past hour, brooke, 7,000 tweets have come out with the #bringbackourgirls. this is what it has taken to get the int ter national community to focus on this atrocity. it's horrible. >> erin burn yet "outfront," you're staying on this story, we'll stay on this story. >> thanks, brooke. coming up, 6.3%. that's the new unemployment rate announced today. that's the lowest we've seen since september of '08. how are the markets doing? skyrocketing, presumably. not exactly. we'll explain, next. and that's epic, bro, we've forgotten just how good good is. good is setting a personal best before going for a world record. good is swinging to get on base before swinging for a home run. [ crowd cheering ]
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just this morning shows 288,000 jobs were added last month. so that translates to an unemployment rate that is down now to 6.3%. folks, that's the lowest level we have seen now in more than five years. but -- there is a bit of a but. not all good news. alison kosik is live at the new york stock exchange and walk me through the numbers. >> so the headlines that you mentioned, they are great in this april jobs report as the economy continues to thaw out from the polar vortex. the jobless rate dropping to 6.3%. the unemployment rate falling was for the wrong reasons. fewer people were out looking for jobs last month and almost 1 million people completely dropped out of the labor force because they got discouraged about looking for a job. here's the other harsh reality in this report. workers are being paid and those wages are stagnating. average hourly wages from march to april did not budge.
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the economy is going to grow and grow strongly, workers need to make more money to buy stuff. >> alison kosik, thank you so much. thank you for being with me. i'm brooke baldwin. have a wonderful weekend. "the lead" with jake tapper starts now. president obama today vowing to come down harder on russia if moscow does not quit meddling in ukraine. i'm jake tapper. this is "the lead." the world lead. as pro russia protesters shoot helicopters out of the sky, germany's chancellor angela merkel talks about squeezing more sanctions on russia. >> jeb, if you need some advice, give me a
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