tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN May 2, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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just existing, it is incredible. >> yes. >> can't wait to see it. >> it is hard to watch but you need to watch. find out what you're sharing. the "inside man" story. morgan spurlock, thank you so much. good evening, everyone, breaking news tonight, another new development in the search for the accountability at the v.a. and this one is a potential blockbuster. already, president obama has weighed in. yesterday, the head of the phoenix hospital and two other administrators has been put on leave. a doctor at the v.a. hospital, and what she says is shocking, plain and simple. a story of orders coming down to destroy potential evidence. senior correspondent drew griffin has been keeping them honest from the very beginning and has more from the latest. this is even more evidence that
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the people who run the hospital there were trying to hide the fact up to 21 months for a wait to see the doctor. >> and even more concerning here is what the second doctor is now telling us. in just the last recent weeks, an attempt to hide that information from the office of the inspector general which is investigating this. this is a second doctor from inside that the v.a. hospital coming forward to cnn tonight. her name is dr. katherine mitchell, a physician who works right now inside the phoenix v.a. she is confirming what several sources, anderson, have already told us. that in fact, the v.a. kept a secret list. the list was being used to hide the excessive wait from the public, and dr. mitchell also tells us she complained about these excessive wait times as far back as two years ago when the current management first came on board. specifically, she said, she told the new director back then sharon helman that the emergency room at the hospital was
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overloaded and overloaded, anders anderson, for one reason. it was full of vets who were sick and could not get a doctor's appointment. and i just got off the phone with dr. mitchell who said the management she believes was trying to destroy or get rid of the evidence at the excessive wait times. the work was being conducted on the weekends. she herself this past sunday went to the hospital and hid some of the evidence so the investigators would be able to examine it. dr. mitchell said she had the stacks of the new enrollee appointments that took place on monday. an actual doctor in this hospital was trying to preserve evidence she felt was being destroyed, and destroyed anderson for one reason. to make sure investigators could not get it. >> this is just unbelievable, the fact that this is happening at a v.a. hospital for our veterans, i mean, it is outrageous. you have been trying to reach
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the secretary of veterans affairs, eric shinseki. you have been trying to do this for months. >> that is right, we have been trying to talk to him about several different problems at six or so different hospitals. we have been so frustrated by the lack of responses. we have put the story on, why wouldn't secretary shinseki talk to cnn? within just a couple of hours with that going on line we received a statement from the v.a. with a legalized excuse. the statement reading accordingly the v.a. may not be able to respond with respect to specific inquiries that fall within the bounds of the oig, the office of inspector general on this subject. in other words, they are telling us they don't want to tamper with anything going on with the inspector general's reports which i suppose is their explanation of why the director has not been able to talk to us for months and months and months on many different hospitals. and now most recently on our
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request for information on the phoenix v.a. hospital. anderson? >> it -- yeah, it is just incredible. i mean, our vets waiting weeks and weeks and months and months just to see a doctor, a very basic thing. appreciate that. now the lawyer spearheading the approach, the commissioner on veteran's affairs, he is trying to get everyone. congressman, what do you make of this report on just this past sunday that evidence was being destroyed at the phoenix v.a. hospital? >> i'm not surprised. i had actually heard information that corroborated what the arizona republic has already put out. i, in fact, have given a request for a preservation order to the department. and unfortunately, took them eight days before they actually passed that preservation order down to phoenix. i'm very concerned that there is possibly some destruction of
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evidence going on as we speak. >> you know, we have been trying to get secretary shinseki just to sit down and do an interview with us on this program. i know your committee has been seeking information from his office, as well. have they been forthcoming with you? >> oh, not at all. i have been battling the department for a number of years now on transparency issues. in fact, i have on my website something called trials and transparency. i have over 90 requests that are in to the department, some dating back two years. so we are expecting nothing less or more from the department right now. i would expect that they will stonewall us as long as they can. in fact, yesterday, i sent a very strongly worded letter to the sink shooting saying if they didn't have the information we were requesting of them that we would begin to subpoena the information on the 7th. >> it is pretty incredible. because i mean it is one thing to stonewall reporters, another
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thing to stonewall the members of congress. and secretary shinseki is not some faceless bureaucrat. he is a retired general in the iraq war. he obviously knows what veterans need in care and the subsequent years. why do you think this is happening on his watch? >> i think they have put the secretary basically in a box. they won't let him get out and speak. we haven't heard anything from him on this particular issue. unfortunately, all you hear is from people like dr. petzel, who has made a comment like, nothing to see here, move along. when in fact they are not even involved in the investigation that is ongoing. the office of the inspector general that is doing the investigation they came at my request, even though the department continually says they invited them? >> it is also incredible that in this country, no matter what opinion you have or background
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you are, everybody believes the vets should have the best care, they sacrificed their body parts and livelihood for all of us. the idea that they are waiting so long just to see a doctor i just find stunning. >> well, what is even more stunning, anderson, is the fact that the department has the ability to send veterans out into the private sector using fee basis care. so it is not even like the department does not have a tool or the avenue to get the care to the veterans. they're just forcing them to wait in line to go through the department of veterans affairs medical facilities, whether it be a hospital or a clinic. >> the fact that the v.a. put three employees, including the director of the phoenix hospital on leave, is that enough for you? and why do you think it took them so long? >> i have no idea why it took so long. i think it was an appropriate action. they do not need to have the people who are at the top of the
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list of causing the problems still at that particular facility. i think i have heard widespread acceptance from a lot of my colleagues about what has happened. but no, yeah, it doesn't solve the problem. my question is why did it take so long? and i'm anxious for the office of inspector general to get their report out. >> congressman, i appreciate your time tonight. thank you. >> thank you, anderson. just want to give you one quick note. as you know this is not a one-day story for us. people deserve answers on this. our vets deserve answers. we'll keep trying to get those answers keeping them honest. we're not going away on this. and we'll continue to try to get an interview at the very least from the head of the v.a. this guy is a public official and should be transparent and be willing to talk to the american people. as always, make sure you set your dvr for more information. up next, donald sterling has been talking and this time it has been making headlines.
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accusations came out. in the short time, the nba has banned him from the league for life and began proceedings to try to force the sale of his team. also in the short time we learned about his history when it comes to race and lawsuits. we came to know his female companion, the one he was talking to on the tape. she sometimes goes around in a vizer, sometimes in roller skates. also we have heard from his wife, rochelle, who has been supporting him and condemning him. we have more from brian todd. >> reporter: donald sterling tells jason ben quote, i wish i had just paid her off" referring to v. stiviano, reported to be his girlfriend. as he faces pressure to sell his team, those that know sterling say they would be surprised. >> i would be surprised if he doesn't make a battle out of it.
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>> reporter: sterling has a long history of contentious litigation and has been sued for sexual harassment and has given combative depositions. >> do you have an understanding of what sexual is? >> just the word sexual? >> yes. >> well, the word sexual is sexual. >> what does it mean? >> what does it mean to you? >> sterling won that case, and experts say there is one legal strategy that can force him to sell the l.a. clippers, involving his estranged wife, r rochelle. >> he would could require they distribute his community property. >> one divorce attorney says that filing for divorce alone wouldn't fend off the sale of the clippers. they could try to make the two cases related and ask for a court order. >> what he would then do is file for an injunction against the nba to delay any sale until the
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divorce or just to have the family court distribute that property. >> that means more courts involved. another layer of legal complexity which garcia says could stall the forced sale of the clippers for two years or longer. sterling has reportedly stalled an attempted sale before. one incident involved him and a top player. a committee voted to remove sterling. sterling later announced his desire to sell the team. that bought him time. and a few months later according to the l.a. times, the nba official david stern who later became the commissioner said the league would not pursue the matter any further, even said the clippers were operated in a first class matter. >> i wonder if commissioner stern would come forward and tell us exactly why he gave them his blessings in 1993. >> a spokesperson said he was
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traveling and unavailable for comment. as for the remarks of paying her off, we couldn't get comment from v. stiviano, the woman accused of recording sterling's comments. but the spokesperson said she was not the girlfriend and didn't leak the matter on tmz. quite a lot to talk about, we have legal analyst sunny hostin. and sterling says he plans to fight any forced sale of his team. this is the first quote from him that i have seen, reportedly speaking of v. stiviano. the magazine said he expressed remorse for the way the situation is unfurled. that is the magazine's allegations. >> it doesn't surprise me, he sues people for sport. he was a pretty good divorce lawyer.
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and the first rule of thumb is never admit anything. so the fact that he is not admitting anything, that he is showing no remorse, i think that that is indicative of where we're going with this case. there is no question owe. >> we don't know he didn't show any remorse. he didn't show it to this magazine. >> it is pretty remarkable that he said i should have paid her off, rather than anything else. there is something i do want to mention on this topic, because i've been getting so many tweets and e-mails from people really blaming v. stiviano, saying she is a gold-digger, a horrible person. and while she is less than noble in this let's look at donald sterling in this. he is 50 years her senior. people like that, in my view, if there was a sexual relationship here he was very much a predator. >> wait a minute. >> something we need to talk about. >> wait a minute, how do you say
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-- because there is an age difference he is a predator? >> well, he has a history of sexual harassment. and i do think when you have somebody 50 years, someone senior, in addition to having this huge, huge economic disparity, there is no question in my mind he is a predator. and to blame v. stiviano for this relationship is just remarkable to me. >> jeff a, what do you make of that. and the idea that he might force a sale or tie up a sale through a divorce, and through other -- some other strategy? >> well, the romantic life of donald sterling is really well beyond my ability to imagine. however, i do think it is quite possible that ms. v. saw all that money and became a very willing participant in that relationship. i think that is certainly a possibility. but i wouldn't presume to know the intimacies of what went on
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between them. i think the larger point is sterling has less and less of a leg to stand on in fighting this sale. all the nba cares about at this point is getting this franchise out of sterling's hands, certainly what he said to du jour magazine, that can't help him. >> but can they get him out of the door? can they force a huge sale? i know he would make a lot of money based on the initial investment but if he were to sell it he would be hit with the capital gains taxes, which if he were to pass it on to see wife and kids who were adults, part of the trust, they wouldn't be hit in the same way with hundreds of millions in taxes. >> it is out of his hands, and you know what? anderson, my ability for sympathy doesn't extend to people who have to pay capital gains taxes on $600 million in profit. maybe you have a bigger heart than i do. but you know, this is -- he is
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-- he is out the door. >> i don't agree with you on that, jeff. i don't agree with you. i mean, i think when you look -- and rachel you can speak to this. i think when you look at the nba constitution, i don't know that it is that clear. and i also think in terms of sports law we're in uncharted territory here. this never happened before -- >> right, rachel, to sunny's point based on the constitution it is usually for economic issues that there is a history of how to force somebody to sell the team. not for comments they made in a private phone conversation. >> yeah, i got to say you know jeff's vision of this yu -- utopia before he walks out the door i can't see it for the sake of it. i have seen it for donald sterling we talked about it in 19 # 2 in that piece where he was talking about basically tanking games which was against the constitution, they had a recording of him.
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sound familiar. they had an advisory committee meeting, sound familiar. they recommended to the rest of the thab knnba that they remove from the franchise, sound familiar. and guess what? he got to keep the team. we saw him pick up and move the clippers to san diego, without the approval. that is a pretty big deal. just pick up and move the team. >> respectfully. >> they fine him $25 million, he counter sues for hundred million. that was in 1984. it took until 1987 to fix that and it ended up reducing it to a $6 million fine. the point is, obviously that was a much smaller potatoes issue are than this which was mushroomed into a huge issue that has gripped the nation. but it shows a pattern with donald sterling. and if he tells a magazine editor today he is not going down without a fight i'm going to listen to him. >> i don't doubt that he will fight. i just think the legal and
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cultural and political setting is entirely different from 1983. this is a major national story. the nba recognizes that its own credibility is on the line. you have already a unanimous rule. a unanimous judgment of the first nine owners involved to get him off the stage. yes, it is certainly possible, maybe even likely that sterling will fight this in court. but you know in america just because you file a lawsuit doesn't mean you're going to win a lawsuit. and as i read that contract when you see the sponsors fleeing as they did that is a good enough economic reason to get to -- to force the -- the hand of the owners. >> jeff -- >> what about the fact, jeff, that it is owned by a trust in which his wife and his two grown kids are part of? i mean, is there a precedence for forcing the sale of everybody? of forcing the trust sale? there is one thing about getting
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him out. >> it is certainly possible that the nba would say look, we're going to sell this franchise and we're going to put the money in trust and you can fight about who gets it. and that certainly is an easy way to resolve this. but it is not -- it is not you know, the ability for them to get divorced or arrange their internal relationships in such a way to forestall the sale, it is just not going to happen. i mean, the nba is too start and they have too much at stake here. >> guys, there is one potentially explosive -- there is one potential explosive consequence here, too, if this does drag on. charles barkley said this morning, he said let me assure you that if donald sterling still owns the clippers from some sort of legal reason or things are dragging at the beginning of the next nba season, he says no games will be played. he is alluding to the fact that players are not interested in playing in a league where he is
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still owner. and they have held off on a boycott during these playoffs because they feel the nba is taking swift action. if that -- if that stops being swift the players have come out and said they are going to be concerned. lebron james said this morning after practice he said, i'm letting things take their course. we're not talking about a boycott yet. so how long this takes is definitely going to be an issue for the players out there. and if it drags on even just a few months it could affect games. >> we got to go. i think we're going to hear a lot more next week, more to come, rachel nicoles, sunny hostin, jeff toobin. thank you so much. and police say thanks to them, a massacre at a school was thwarted. also coming up, live from the region in ukraine. android plan from tracfone?o onh check the weather. borrow ted's wheelbarrow. post big tomato pics. buy a birdhouse for sparrows. download gardening apps.
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man: we know when parents and teachers work together... woman: our schools get stronger. man: as superintendent of public education, that's been tom torlakson's approach. woman: torlakson has supported legislation to guarantee spending decisions about our education tax dollars are made by parents, teachers and the local community... and not by sacramento politicians. and we need to keep that legislation on track. man: so tell tom torlakson to keep fighting for local control of school funding decisions.
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s in crime and punishment tonight, authorities in minnesota say a 17-year-old planned to kill as many students as he could in a school massacre, involving guns and bombs and would have begun with a plan to kill his parents and sister. the plan was thwarted, thanks to some women some are calling heroes tonight. they say the suspect acted suspicious as he headed for a storage unit so they called 911 and we spoke to one of them this evening. >> he walked right through our back yard full of water. we thought what is he doing? he went to the storage shed. it took him like ten minutes to get into it. we thought he was just breaking in. so my cousin was going to go knock on the door.
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i told her not to. and i just told her to call the cops and have them deal with it because i didn't know what he was doing. so then the cops came and a few minutes later he was hauled away. >> just word on why we're not mentioning the name of the suspect, it is because stories about mass killings and would-be mass killings should not be about the subjects, we believe. it should be about the people who likely would have lost their lives or saved lives. here is susan candiotti. >> reporter: it was right there in a notebook, tucked away in a guitar case. on those pages, police say, plans to kill and blow up as many students as possible at waseca high school. >> we have escaped what could have been a horrific experience. >> reporter: a 17-year-old student is now accused of plotting the attack, carefully writing down his every move starting last july. somehow police say he managed to
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accumulate an arsenal, including explosives, seven guns, ammo and three bombs found in his home, and three more bombs, and even more ingredients in a storage unit. authorities say a friend's mom rented it for him. police say it was supposed to go down like this. the teenager plotting to shoot and kill his parents and sister at home. then go to a nearby field set off a big fire to distract first responders, then rush to his high school to kill as many students as he could with bombs and bullets. >> he intended to set off numerous bombs during the lunch hour, kill the school resource officer as he responded to help, set fires and shoot students and staff. >> originally the planned attack was set for the anniversary of columbine. but because it fell on easter sunday this year, the plot was delayed. the police say the accused teen idolized the students behind the columbine school shooting, even
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though he was only 2 years old when it happened. in the journal, police also found notes on the shootings at virginia tech and sandy hook elementary school. the investigators even recovered a pressure cooker, the same kind of bomb used to maim and kill at the boston marathon. >> we can either believe that this occurred as a result of a lucky break. or as i do, choose to believe that god was looking out for all of us. >> investigators credit two young women who became suspicious when they saw someone wearing a backpack going into this storage shed. and called police. >> he shut the door and i thought it looked funny because normally we see people come here and it doesn't take ten minutes to open up a storage shed. so that is why i called it in. >> reporter: inside that shed, police confronted the teenager, took an array of bombs and other ingredients for even more, foiling the plot. >> it has not really sunk in
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yet. like we have been getting flowers and people are mentioning us on facebook. i'm glad we did what we did. >> reporter: at the time, not knowing they may have saved countless lives. susan candiotti. cnn, new york. incredible. there is a lot more happening, tonight, randi kaye has more. anderson, police in nigeria now say more than 200 girls were kidnapped at a boarding school more than two weeks ago. authorities say dozens escaped from their captors, but over 200 are still missing. and in afghanistan, fears of 2700 dead after a massive landslide. so far the official number of dead is 350. and selling nearly eight million shares of stock over the last couple of days, he now owns roughly 30 million shares, just
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behind the company's ceo, steve balmer, his famous is on his company right now. and the crisis in ukraine, getting much more bloody. in odessa, choppers fought. and president obama and german chancellor angela merkel discussing further sanctions. >> if in fact mr. putin's goal is to allow ukrainians to make their own decisions then he is free to offer up his opinions about what he would like the relationship to be between ukraine and russia, and i suspect that there will be a whole lot of ukrainian leaders who will take those views into consideration. they can't be done at the barrel of a gun. it can't be done by sending masked gunmen to occupy buildings.
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or to intimidate journalists. >> well, joining us now where some of those masked gunmen. arwa damon has more. >> reporter: well, anderson, at this stage it seems that the situation has slightly calmed down. but just a few hours ago the ukrainian forces that were positioning themselves out of the city of slaviansk, that is where they made their push this morning came under attack by pro-russian militants. according to the government at least two ukrainian soldiers were killed. and then of course you have the violence that flared up in what was previously a fairly calm area, odessa in the southern part of the country. clashes breaking out between pro-russian and pro-ukrainian camps. there, at least four people were killed initially. and then a fire broke out in the main administration building. more than 30 people killed because of smoke inhalation, others because they tried to jump out of the windows. but anderson, the situation is growing incredibly grim here by
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the day. >> and just the other day they say they were helpless against the armed separatists. now they seem to be pushing hard against them. does the government have a plan? are they capable of projecting force? >> reporter: well, they have the military troops in position right now outside of slaviansk. it seems as if those troops are under orders to simply hold the outskirts, the perimeter of this city. we need to see if another force may move in and re-take the buildings. that is going to be incredibly difficult, anderson, because of where they're located in the very center of these cities. as you mentioned here where we are in donetsk and luhansk, regaining that in ukraine will prove to be very difficult. and if they do take the military option, potentially very bloody. >> all right, arwa damon, stay
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safe. all right, up next, raphael sollecito speaking out regarding the case of amanda knox and what he has to say about the case, the new allegations. also, a deadly virus believed to have come from the middle east, and we'll talk to dr. sanjay gupta how worrisome this development is and what you need to know about it. you are loved. celebrated. but things have changed since you got into this business. at philips, we're creating led light that people can color... adjust... even make beautiful sunsets. dear sun, you might be number one, but we're getting closer. innovation and you philips and we're here in detroit ent michigan helping folks refinance their homes and save money. does it make sense to refinance right now?
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raphael sollecito is speaking out tonight, publicly proclaiming his innocence regarding the murder of meredith kercher back in 2007. amanda knox was convicted, then freed, then found guilty. he said that knox and meredith kercher argued. >> i -- i did not kill my friend. i did not wield a knife. i had no reason to. i -- i was -- in the month that we were living together we were
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becoming friends. a week before the murder occurred we went out to a class call music concert together. we had never fought. >> well, in the meantime, the judge who tossed out their first trial released a statement harshly critical of the new conviction saying the verdicts were based on fantasy, not evidence. knox and sollecito have 90 days to appeal to italy's higher court. raphael sollecito joins us tonight with his attorney. >> raphael, the appeals court reached a conviction regarding you and amanda. they now say that meredith kercher's murder stemed from a fight over rent money and then turned into a violent sexual encounter, where you and amanda participated in a desire to abuse and humiliate amanda. what do you say to that? >> that is completely a fiction. there is nothing real in what
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they describe. i am a stranger in this case. i have met amanda for less than one week. i didn't know meredith. i met her once, and i didn't speak with meredith. i had no reason to have any argument or have any participation, than really living inside the nightmare. it is very hard for me to go on, to live my life day by day, and live with this burden on me. >> amanda talked to our chris cuomo yesterday. and i want to play you a little bit about what she said. >> right now, me and raphael together are fighting for our innocence. and i -- like i said, i truly believe that that can happen. it is only speculation that convicts us. it is evidence that acquits us.
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>> she says that you and she are fighting for your innocence together. is that true? the way you see is that you're fighting together? or are you saying that you were not barely there, you didn't know her or meredith? >> i am working beside myself in this tragedy. i'm in italy. and she is very far. i appreciate her fighting also for me. but i am dealing with my lawyers and my legal team by myself. >> john, let me bring you in here. from a legal standpoint, do you want to separate raphael's case from amanda's? >> well, i think they have to -- at least the courts have to sit up and take more notice of raphael's case and the distinctions there, and also he is the one that has the exposure of 25 years in jail that amanda
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does not have. and you know, the circumstantial evidence is different between the two. raphael never accused somebody of being involved in the murder. he didn't engage in questionable behavior that cast a suspicion on him. all of these things were attributable to amanda. and to think he took up with somebody he never met, along with a girl he knew for less than a week to torture, mutilate and kill a woman he never met for even more than five minutes is just beyond the pale. there is no evidence to support it. it is rank speculation, a horrific tragedy that he is in this position right now. >> do you have any regrets about returning to italy to face these charges? >> no, i already said, i came back because i have nothing to hide. i have a clear conscience. i am open-minded. there is really nothing against me. i didn't do anything wrong.
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i have really nothing to hide. >> seven years of your life have been spent in this legal limbo. i mean, are you able to have a regular life on a daily basis? or is this always in your mind? are you always dealing with this? >> i have always to deal with this. my family is completely destroyed. psychologically and tragically inside their own lives. and my life is completely stolen. i cannot take a step farther, because i am still in this situation. just the future is only a dream. it is not real. >> raphael, i appreciate you being on, john kelly, as well. thank you. >> thanks anderson. up next, a deadly virus now arriving in the united states. we'll check with dr. sanjay gupta and details on the threat. and the former anniversary of a kent state shooting this weekend. a cnn special report ahead. [ female announcer ] there's a gap out there.
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states. the cdc confirming the first case of it. the symptoms are fever, cough and shortness of breath which can lead to pneumonia and kidney failure and also fatal outcomes in about one and three cases so far. now, an american patient traveled to london and chicago where he caught a bus to indiana. he is now stable. the question is what does mers pose to all of us, let's talk to chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta? >> reporter: well, this is a health care worker working in saudi arabia in that capacity. he flew back, went from saudi arabia to london, then chicago by plane and then took a bus to indiana. it was three days later that he started to get sick, with fever and difficulty with his breathing. it sounds like he is in stable condition. he is not on a breathing machine
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and just getting oxygen. and most importantly he is in isolation. they confirmed he has the virus so the isolation is part of the treatment. >> and they believe that camels are the reason for the outbreak? >> yes, for two months they have been looking into this, anderson. in the past two months they examined the camels and their blood. they found that 3/4 of them had anti-bodies of the virus, meaning they had been exposed. in the past week they found the actual virus in the camels, identifying it as the same strain. so camels are a good source, they don't know how, is it the droplets, the meat, milk? they're just not sure right now. >> and that is in saudi arabia. how easily is the virus spread? i mean, now that it has come to the united states it is something a lot of people are concerned about. >> reporter: yeah, and i think
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there is justifiable concern. obviously, people think of sars, for example, these are similar viruses. but sars probably spread more easily from human to human. we just don't know if that is the case with mers yet. so far it has been health care workers, family members, people who spent a lot of time with the particular patient. and i think that seems to be the most at risk. same sort of thing we talked about with ebola, usually the person is quite sick. and as a result it is the health care worker or family members who are most likely to get the infection. >> so what is your advice for travellers who want to reduce the risk of getting sick or coming in contact with this? >> reporter: you know, right now we monitor this very closely and talked to the folks at the cdc. i think the best advice, people are still traveling to saudi arabia, obviously. what happened here was not unexpected. you have global air travel and people are going to get on planes and move around.
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i think you know, avoid camels is probably a good piece of advice. avoid the milk and meat, that may not sound good, but is pretty popular in parts of the world. if you are in that part of the world, and get sick get it checked out. this may not be something that just develops on a plane. it could be more serious if you have been in that part of the world. >> all right, dr. sanjay gupta, thank you. >> you got it, anderson, thank you. up next, witnesses to the massacre at kent state back in 1970, now working to preserve accurate historical information that led up to the shootings of the four by the ohio national guard. we'll be right back with more. dave, it's been a while.
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so you can. pasteurized mi well, sunday marks the 44th anniversary of the deadly shootings at kent state university. may 4th, 1970, where students gathered to protest the vietnam war were fired on by the national guard, and four students were killed. sunday, we'll hear from people who saw what happened and have worked to try to preserve that moment in history by creating a may 4th visitor center on the kent state campus. here is a preview in the journey. >> i thought this was going to be perfect for my photography class. went out and saw the kids on the
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common and heard the bell. and saw the guard, who sent out the jeep, to tell everybody it was an illegal gathering. >> and that was the part where i really started to get angry. because it was on the campus. and nobody was doing anything but standing in a group. >> he said okay, we're going to have to disperse them because it is an illegal assembly. and with that i called the grenadiers forward and we fired tear gas onto the hill and in front of them. i never imagined that the national guard would determine that they had to break up the crowd. that we were illegally on the hillside. and that we needed to get out of there. and so i didn't like that. i thought you know, man you guys are not even giving us a chance. >> i was about 150 feet away.
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about 50 yards away from the national guard. i was shouting at them. mostly anti-war slogans, but perhaps a few insults if i remember correctly. i saw that they were aiming at me, they had their fingers on the triggers. i felt my life was in danger, but still i felt it was unlikely they would shoot. we all ran away over the hill, and were surprised to see the guardsmen come up over the hill and chase us. >> and when they reached the top of the hill, being a farm boy and country boy i saw them wheel with their rifles and knew what that intention was. >> i saw them lift their rifles together and start to fire. [ gunfire ] >> witnessed the killings at kent state is sunday night here
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on cnn, a powerful interview. we at cnn produced the interview, very powerful. we encourage you to watch it. that is it from us on cnn. "smerconish" starts now. and good evening, i'm michael smerconish. and tonight, donald sterling is breaking his silence. as if he had not done enough talking already. he is not apologizing for the racist remarks caught on tape which ignited the storm. no, the man who still owns the l.a. clippers is blaming the woman heard on the tape with him. v. stiff anvianstiviano. and said i wish i had just paid her off. stiviano, the woman behind the mark said they were just good friends. when asked why sterling gave her
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