tv New Day CNN May 5, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. >> welcome to "new day." it is monday, may 5th, also known as cinco de mayo. 6:00 in the east. and we have breaking news overnight. terrified us airways passengers orlando-bound plane to kyra phillips yesterday. six people were injured including two crew members. what happened? >> this was heart pounding moments for the more than 200 people on board. >> shoes were flying, cell phones were flying, people were screaming. it was very, very, very scary. >> a frightening scene as passengers were jolted around injuring six people, sending
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five including two fight attendants to the hospital. >> i thought we were going down. >> reporter: the orlando-bound flight hit severe turbulence. passengers say the drop in altitude came out of nowhere. >> we were going and there was a drop like you were going down the bottom of a roller coaster. >> reporter: one passenger reports seeing a woman flying out of her seat. >> the lady three rows in front of me bashed her head to the plastic. the plastic was broken. >> reporter: this photo shows cracks in another overhead compartment after a passenger crashed into it. >> it was crazy, lifted out of our seats. >> if this sounds familiar remember just back in february we covered a united airlines
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flight with severe turbulence. a number of people were injured in that case. as for this particular case here we know the faa is investigating. there is also continuing to be the search for flight 370. an expansive new search in this area is underway now and search teams will need more scientisticated equipment to get a closer look. overnight a new direction was announced. will, what's up with the new search area? >> reporter: kate, the international team of experts that met here in the initial days after flight 370 disappeared will be meeting once again going over their data to make sure they still believe they are looking in the right place after more than 4.6
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million kilometers has been searched. on wednesday of this week this team will get back together and go over their new data and refine the search area and try to figure out if this 23,000 square miles in the southern indian ocean is still the right place to be looking. they will also be meeting to go over the technology they need to bring in. the blue fin 21 in the 18 dives have only searched about 154 square miles. they need to search 23,000 square miles. there is not a lot of technology that can do that on the planet. you can old up the number of devices that exist with this search. certainly a lot of work ahead. >> appreciate the reporting. we will be back to you this morning. we want to talk about blood shed growing as nothing seems to calm the situation in ukraine. russian troops continue to line the border. the word invasion looms large.
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almost 70 separatests were released from headquarters after protesters violently stormed the facility. they had been detained after protests left dozens dead as kiev struggles to limit. on the ground arwa damon. >> reporter: it's increasingly grim picture emerging despite the fact that the central government has beefed up troop presence and launched the anti-terrorism. the pro-russian camp is the one that is the ultimate authority by all indications. gun fire erupts. pro-russian separatists attack forcing ukrainian troops to evacuate. where are the gun men, someone
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shouts. the weekend violence the bloodiest since the conflict began potentially pushing the nation. about 40 people were killed in a blaze in the trade union after riots broke out on friday. another six people were killed in clashes. in odesa over the weekend protesters stormed the police headquarters demanding release of comrades arrested during the unrest. the pro-russian demonstrateers smashed windows and security cameras. ultimately dozens of detainees were free. the escalating violence heightening the fears that russia has a reason to invade. >> our nato allies, they are scared to death. they think if putin gets away with this they may be next.
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>> reporter: and those fears are not unfounded. those former soviet nations have their own russian-speaking populations. of great concern here is how the ukrainian government is going to be able to regain control over these various areas and avoid a russian invasion which many will tell you at this stage feels like it might be unavailable. >> arwa damon on the ground for us. to the chaotic and frightening scene as a circus performance takes a terrible turn in providence, rhode island. this morning authorities are trying to determine exactly what caused an apparatus holding acrobats in the air to fail sending them plunging to the ground. nine performers were injured in the fall.
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>> their act is dangerous by nature but never expected this to happen. >> certainly you see impressive stunts. these acrobats were 25 to 35 feet in the air when they all crashed to the stage. some of the 4,000 people in the audience thought it was a stunt but then quickly realized it was real. >> reporter: a circus act goes horribly wrong. eight acrobats suspended by their hair suddenly plunge when the apparatus holding them fails. 11 people injured, one critically. >> at this point it doesn't appear to be life threatening. they are serious injuries. >> reporter: the fall, a frightening sight for the thousands of spectators. >> at first people thought it was part of the show.
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>> it came on top of everybody. it was scary. >> reporter: promotional video shows what the stunt is supposed to be like. a spokesperson tells cnn the apparatus has been used several times since the show launched in february. >> all of the equipment used by this group of performers as well as all other performers is carefully inspected. we take the health and safety of our performers and guests very seriously. our company has safety departments that sends countless hours making sure all equipment is safe for continued use. >> the after math shows were cancelled yesterday and more cancelled this show. officials tell us it is the
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circus responsible for permitting. so they will have to answer the questions here of what went wrong. >> so many questions this morning. >> we will speak with someone who used to perform with the ringling brothers coming up on "new day." new pressure mounting on the government of nigeria to find girls kidnapped by a islamist militant group. thousands of people rallying around the world pushing for greater action. nigeria's president responded vowing to bring the girls home. >> reporter: here is what we know. the president making a speech, the first speech he has made in the country about this incident, this horrifying incident that took place three weeks ago today. in the middle of the night girls in one of the least educated
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regions asleep in the dorm rooms, armed attackers storm the campus, shootout with the guards guarding the girls, carting the girls away after burning the school down. the militant group who believes western education is a sin is believed to be responsible for this brazen attack. in the past they have attacked churches, mosques, schools, government buildings. this time their target is young girls. the president saying he feels confident he will find them and also admitting that he doesn't know where they are. >> eventually finding them. that is the words the parents don't want to hear. they must be desperate. how are those families holding up? >> the agony is something that i or most people can't imagine. you send your child to school -- people ask how is it that the parents are doing. if you think about how you spend the child to school for boarding
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school and in the middle of the night they are taken hostage by armed attackers, taking them to this forced area that is considered to be a strong hold of a terrorist group and you still have not heard what your government or military is doing to bring these girls home. parents that we have spoken to of the children say they have taken sticks, rocks, machetes to get into these towns to do what they say the military is not doing. they have been turned back. they are angry and heart broken because they don't know if they will ever see their kids again. >> add to that many other schools are closing out of fear that something like this could happen. >> exactly what they wanted. >> and now you need three weeks in international help to start coming to the grips of this. you know they weren't taken gr good reason. you know there is no plan for release. we all know what happens next.
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let's look at the latest forecast. >> nice and calm. really nice weekend especially in the northeast. a couple of light showers here and there. upper midwest and northeast a couple of light showers out there. the big story this week is going to be the heat. just take a look at some of the record-breaking temperatures yesterday. this is going to continue to be the story. what is going on? jet stream continuing to lift to the north. we are only getting warmer and warmer. the only place we see relief is the northeast and pacific northwest where we see light showers. that will be a problem because you get cool air next to warm air by the middle of the week. we have the potential for severe weather. take a look at the temperaturs s chicago into the 50s. by tomorrow 26 degrees above normal. chicago to the 60s. this heat spreads all the way north so by the middle of the
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week you are looking at 80 degree temperatures. that will be hot. that will set up the threat for severe weather by the middle of the week. generally kind of mild but things can change quickly. >> as we have seen last week. >> weather just changes on you all of a sudden. >> what is it? >> i don't know. coming up on "new day" the worst violence we have seen in ukraine yet. does the u.s. and its allies have an answer? we have a military expert to take us through the possibilities. a plane rocked by severe turbulence moments after takeoff from philadelphia. i always say be the man with the plan
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this is where we bring together reliably fast internet and the best in entertainment. we call it the x1 entertainment operating system. it looks like the future! we must have encountered a temporal vortex. further analytics are necessary. beam us up. ♪ that's my phone. hey. [ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system. only from xfinity. tv and internet together like never before. welcome back to "new day." dozens are dead in ukraine after three days of some of the worst violence we have seen yet. riots in the southern port city of odessa. thousands of russian troops remain just across the border. the threat is all too real. let's figure out what is going
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to happen here and why. we have cnn military analyst major general james marks. can we start with odessa and explain why this is going on. i thought this was going to be a slow boil in the east but odessa is in the west. >> in the soviet union odessa was one of the largest ports used for commercial trade. it is not unusual there is a lot of activity there. this is not necessarily a harbinger of this moving over to ukraine. >> so i get aberration in terms of troop movement and swell of violence. is it a coincidence that it is happening at the same time or a window into the dynamic?
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>> that is a good point. i would say nothing -- primarily in south ukraine where someone would take advantage of a situation. this is clearly instigated by russia. >> we are going to go to a second animation that shows the buildup that is creating tension here. a little bit of context first. one of the points you have been making seems needs to be screamed loudly right now. this is not about pro russian militias doing this on their own. people saying they are getting support. russia saying to u.s. and allies to quiet down the violence. they are causing the violence. why isn't anybody calling putin on his role in the insurgency?
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>> clearly that must be done. this is instigated by russia. russia has invaded and took crimea. this is a violation of international law. what you see here in the east is the president is trying to calm what is taking place inside his borders. on the outside of his borders in russia putin has amassed this very large force, 50,000 incredible fighters with skills and training. >> so ukraine is moving stuff. it is a complete mismatch. >> we are showing it on the board and it looks like a bad setup and risk game. >> they are in a tremendous disadvantage. this is not a game. this is serious business.
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what the president of kiev needs to be doing is concentrating in his borders. he has this large force looming. it is difficult for him to take care of this business when he is concerned about that business. >> people said ukraine has a standing army. they know what they are doing. they are having a hard time holding back protesters with sticks and stones. is there an illusion of integrity of the security within capabilities here? >> not at all. the protests that you see in east ukraine are really -- this is a tender box. it can really spin out of control. this is already an international incident of tremendous mag ninude. these are not a significant number killed. however, one is sufficient to have a big concern. so the ukrainian military is clearly not up to this task. this is also a government in
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turmoil. they are not getting sufficient support to stop this violence. the economic sanctions are wonderful. economic sanctions provide value when you do it. this is in response to this problem. >> so you are saying sanctions work when you do it to keep you from doing anything like what is going on here. >> so now we have had shaped conditions so are sanctions the most effective thing sth. >> of course not. if you are willing to allow this type of violence inside a country that can tip in a terrible direction keep running down the path of sanctions. >> we thought it would be political. then they took crimea. now you have odessa which is a metaphor to the legacy. and you have huge troop buildups. sanctions don't seem to be scaring anything. >> absolutely not. you are not going to get the result of everybody to back off
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and de-escalate. if you are not showing some degree of strength to putin that you must not interfere as this interim president tries to do his duty to his citizens and he can't because he has the power of russia's military looming over the border. >> the big concern is back here at home you ask why am i paying so much attention to this? everybody has problems in the world. they are going to need help and help usually means the u.s. in one form or the other. i foresee a future where you talk about nato troops on the ground. >> you will be reporting. it is exactly correct unless this stops. >> thank you very much. appreciate the perspective. coming up next on "new day" turbulence on flight. six on board were hurt. passengers describe what it was like. a group of circus acrobats
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20 minutes into the flight all of a sudden we feel this boom and the plane felt like it dropped 20 feet down. shoes were flying, cell phones were flying, people were screaming. it was very, very, very scary. >> to say the least. passengers describing their terror saying they thought their u.s. airways flight was going down when it hit severe
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turbulence. six people were hurt. the plane had been bround for orlando and turned back where it began to philadelphia. cnn safety analyst and former faa inspector, david, good morning. this is a picture from a passenger on board showing how bad the turbulence is. it is obviously a grainy iphone photo. it looks like someone or something hit and cracked the overhead bin. >> you are dropping quite a ways out of the air. whatever is not tied down, whoever doesn't have their seat belt on is going to go up. >> can you put this in a little bit of perspective for us? how violent is severe turbulence? we all have felt a rumble or shake. people are describing this as a boom or like as the plane dropped and rocked violently from side to side.
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>> moderate turbulence is fairly common. you can have 10,000 flight experience and experience this two or three times. it is very severe. moderate it is ten to 20 feet. in this you can drop 100 feet or more. >> let's move on and talk about -- the altitude. i want to know if this plays a factor. they said the flight had been still on its ascent. typical cruising altitude is 39,000 feet. does this play a factor? >> it does because there could have been much more severe injuries. at this point everybody has their seat belt on. they are still getting to altitude. below 18,000 feet typically the seat belt sign is still on.
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hopefully people are still in their seat belts. >> is it unusual that severe turbulence would happen around this altitude or is that actually more typical? >> it depends on what region of the country you are in like the rocky mountains. >> let's talk about that. this is the flight path from philadelphia to orlando. it had only made it to about delaware when that happened. >> this is an area in here that has some severe turbulence activities. there is a jet stream that comes through here typically. probably a weather person could talk more about that. they are like rivers going through the sky. >> you might anticipate this as an area where you might get more turbulence. what can a pilot do? >> it is called clear air
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turbulence. it sneaks up on you. you are relying on the previous flight saying we had moderate turbulence and this problem or that problem. they will speak to each other and the control tower will give instructions. severe turbulence had not been warned in this area. no one experienced severe turbulence at all other than this aircraft. the fact it happened at that phase is fortunate. >> is there something a pilot can do. is there any corrective maneuver? >> no. if you are an auto pilot mode -- there is a mode called turbulence mode. it kind of slows down the reaction time. your wings are reacting and bouncing like this. this would be more of a moderate turbulence situation. the wings are flexing. they are designed to do this. if they didn't they could break.
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you have to ride it through. avoidance is the best thing to do. seat belts is critical because that is what happens here. the only time we had fatalities and injuries, we have had fatalities with severe turbulence. >> they did not have a warning about the severe turbulence. >> that is why they say now when you are in your seat even if seat belt light is off keep your belt on. let's take a look at more of your headlines now. authorities say a fire started as a controlled burn however wind and dry conditions whipped it into a wildfire. several homes and other buildings have been destroyed. the man who died apparently refused to evacuate his home. fire crews will go back into
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battle at day break. this morning federal investigators on the scene of a deadly plane crash during an air show event sunday. a plane crashing upside down into the tarmac into a daring maneuver. the 77-year-old veteran pilot was killed in the crash. officials are asking witnesses to come forward. the l.a. clippers emotional playoff run continues tonight. game one of the western conference semifinal series against the oklahoma city thunder. in the meantime donald sterling's wife giving a thumb's up to the plan to find a new executive. the league is trying to force sterling to sell the clippers but appears shelly sterling may want to hold on to the team. at least one harvard medical school professor says this could be a game changer. scientists found blood from
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young mice reversed the aging process from old mice. the research could lead to better treatments for alzheimer's disease, heart problems and other human health issues that come with aging which happens to us all. >> happens to us all. doing it gracefully was the key. >> that was one old looking rat. >> that was a mouse and different from a rat. >> the black one. >> i'm uncomfortable with vermin. >> berman? >> vermin. we take a short break here. up next on "new day" we have been telling crow about this circus stunt that went terribly wrong. it was all caught on camera. what exactly happened here? we will speak to a circus
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performer. >> i saw the truth that morning. that is what a key witness is saying about one of the first calls pistorius made. what did the witness hear that night? we will take you live to south africa for this key testimony. you know what he brings? any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a's! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at! frequent heartburn? the choice is yours. chalky. not chalky. temporary. 24 hour. lots of tablets. one pill. you decide. prevacid. ♪ 24 hour
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a circus act went horribly wrong in rhode island on sunday during an afternoon performance of the ringling brothers and barnham brothers legend. nine performers were hurt in the accident and fell between 25 and 35 feet. the cause of the accident is under investigation. joining us now is a circus performer who is very familiar with the hair act seen in that video and she joins us in las vegas where it is the middle of the night. i want your reaction to seeing this video. tell me what you see and what you felt when you saw this. >> well, i mean, there is an initial starling surprise of when it actually goes down. but i was also kind of glad the
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way they fell looked like no one was going to be killed and no one was so that is good. >> that is very good news. we know one of the performers is in critical condition. the other performers are injured. we know you worked for ringling brothers and were actually supposed to perform this very act. i want you to give us an idea of how it is supposed to go. we have video showing what it is supposed to look like. i want you to tell us what you think went wrong here. >> i wasn't there so i don't know what went wrong. i know the hair act, the concept is one of your strands of hair will break easily but when you combine them together it is a strong rope and spread out over your head so it can withstand the weight. it wasn't anything to do with that particular part of the act, the entire rigging came down. >> you -- we reached out and we
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know they say they work very hard to take care of safety and take care of the performers and make sure everybody is going to be safe in the performance of the acts. give us your sense. you worked for the company. did you feel safe or feel corners were being cut or was there concern about your safety? >> i feel like i would trust the rigors that i worked with more than i would trust a bus driver or pilot in an airplane. you don't know how much sleep they have had or how many flights they have taken that day. with the ringling brothers a lot of the people are generation acircus people. they were born and will live and they will die in the circus. they know more than anyone how to rig something. nothing is ever 100% sure. there can always be mistakes. there can always be failures in the rigging, nothing is for
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sure. >> nothing is for sure but, you know, you are hanging by your hair from the roof of a tent. i think many people wonder what makes somebody want to do that. there is obviously inherent risks in what aerialests do. obviously you know the risks but still take them. >> they don't call it death defying for nothing. as a circus performer it is our job to do the impossible, to stare death in the face and conquer it. we don't just do it for entertainment. we do it to inspire people, to inspire them to conquer their own fears or overcome their own obstacles. if you are the office worker and you have a deadline or trying to make ends meet or feed your hungry children you can come to the circus and be reminded that nothing is impossible.
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and human beings are amazing. >> we human beings really are amazing. we hope that these performers that were injured have a speedy recovery. we hope they recover from their injures. thanks for joining us and giving us a little perspective into the life of an aerialest and the challenges you face when you hang by your hair. from tragedy to triumph. the nba playoffs are already making history and we are only through the first round. let's bring in andy scholes. one of the best first rounds we have ever seen, true? >> i would say it is by far the best first round we have seen. we know if the rest of the nba playoffs are like this round we should be in for one awesome game of basketball. toronto down one. check out this heads up play by
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tarrance ross. the raptors get one last shot but the nets play great defense. kyle lowery's last second attempt blocked by paul pierce. nets get the win. they will play the heat in the second round. trending on bleacher report. top seeded spurs needed seven games to take down the mavs. san antonio winning the series clincher by 23 points. the spurs play the trailblazers. second round tips off tonight with two games. wizards and pacers at 7 eastern followed by clippers and thunder. you have a headache this morning? i guarantee not as bad as this. cuban missile trying to make a game-saving play. he slams into the wall. the wall bounces off of the wall right into puig's face.
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puig passed a concussion test and is considered day to day. >> i think it hit his head first. >> and then the pole. >> i have taken a ball to the face before and it hurts. >> no thank you. >> i just look like i have taken a ball to the face before. >> how many have you taken? >> too many. i feel andy overplays puig. >> thanks. >> what a playoff in the nba. worth watching. coming up next on "new day" it is back to court today. the former olympic sprinter oscar pistorius long break is now over as the defense argues why pistorius is not guilty of murder. we will take you back live next. wondering what that is?
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steenkamp. let's get to robyn curnow. >> reporter: it was warm and stuffy in terms of the atmosphere inside that court this morning. the defense beginning its last few weeks of evidence by calling two very important witnesses, the estate manager and his daughter who were, of course, if you remember, the first people on the scene. >> i saw the truth that morning. i saw it and i feel it. >> reporter: in an attempt to prove reeva steenkamp's death was a tragic mistake oscar pistorius's defense team calling the manager of the igated community. he was the first person pistorius called the night he shot and killed his girlfriend. >> come to my house, please.
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i shot reeva. i thought she was an intruder. >> reporter: he ppistorius the first to walk inside the home. said pistorius had the expression of innocence. >> expression on his face, the expression of sorrow and pain. >> reporter: pistorius heads in hands. >> he was begging me. >> reporter: the defense team attempting to bounce back from a grueling cross examination two weeks ago. >> your life is about you, what is important to oscar. >> reporter: grilled by prosecutor for five years. >> you shot and killed her. won't you take responsibility for that? >> i did. >> reporter: the olympian frequently overcome with emotion. >> why are you getting emotional now? >> i did not fire at reeva. >> reporter: nel pressing the
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athlete on his version of events. >> reeva doesn't have a life anymore because of what you have done. >> reporter: stander's daughter also gave emotional testimony describing how she and pistorius tried to stem the flow of blood from the wounds by applying towels and saying how pistorius was pleading for her to stay with me. the defense says they weren't able to lineup anymore witnesses. this is because they say there have been quite a lot of public holidays in south africa. >> very interesting play by the defense to portray the regret as evidence of mistake. is it working? let's bring in legal analyst kelly phelps.
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kelly, good for you to join us. you are getting attacked by a green cable there. if we can get that green cable off your neck. there you go. don't want you getting -- that some kind of tree snake attacking you? tell us this. >>. >> reporter: the dangers on the streets. >> the key determination here is whether the judge will take testimony like this as proof of mistake versus the emotion of regret. how do you think it plays? >> well, it is to whether she considers pistorius's version to be a plausible version and consistency with his version but it is also very important in terms of the reasonableness of his conduct. you will notice both of the standers spoke about incidents.
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she thought there was an intruder in one of the homes, that an attack was happening. that evidence is being put in to allow the judge to infer his belief was a common one and reasonable to have. >> i understand what you are saying. we have to distinguish between reasonableness of what happened after which is what we are hearing in testimony that is the truth he was so upset with the reasonableness of what he did before. he has been forced to change some details in his story recently in the last few days of trial. how important are those changes? >> well, if you take each of those changes in their own context they are all very small and petty. things like not having mentioned a blue l.e.d. light and one
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saying he wasn't on the balcony. it wasn't like the inconsistencies or changes are necessarily fundamental in and of themselves. what nel was trying to do was create a number of inconsistencies so the judge can consider them all in light of each other and therefore draw the inference that the only reasonable way to explain the track record is that he must be lying and therefore is guilty. this has been done in other cases before. though in those cases the inconsistencies have usually been fundamental to the substance of the story itself. so what the judge chooses to make of the track record of inconsistencies will be very interesting to see a verdict. >> so what do you make on that score of the judge consistently asking pistorius why he is making mistakes, whether he is tired? what do you make of her questioning him?
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>> reporter: she is almost certainly protecting herself in the court against a possible appeal. it would be grounds for his team to appeal for them to argue that his testimony was fundamentally unreliable because he was badgered by nel in such a state of exhaustion and emotional break down that the court shouldn't and shouldn't possibly have taken anything of reliable value from the testimony. she is being very cautious because she is protecting the court against that allegation being made later down the line. >> that is a key insight because back here we interpret her behavior as sympathetic. maybe she is just checking her boxes and showing completeness of testimony. we will be back to you for sure. so we have pistorius but it is not our only big story. we have violence raging in ukraine. we have the next phase in the search for flight 370. and in moments we have a
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passenger who was on the terrifying flight that hit severe turbulence. they are speaking out about what happened. we are going to get after all of it right now. the plane felt like it dropped. shoes were flying. cell phones flying. >> the escalating violence heightening the fears that russia could say it has a reason to invade. >> they fell from anywhere between 25 and 35 feet. >> a dallas district judge handing down what some say is an inappropriately light sentence in a rape case. >> i was shocked a judge would go behind my back. i ended up being trapped in a small room and that is when he put me on the wall. welcome to "new day." panic in the sky. passengers terrified as the flight from philadelphia to
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orlando hit severe turbulence. a passenger on the flight is mark pensiaro joining us by phone. can you hear us? >> i can. >> the moment things change, what was that like on the plane? >> we were still climbing and had gone through light turbulence. it was kind of cloudy and stormy in the area. all of a sudden the airplane dropped, obviously hit a strong down draft. the airplane kind of rotated a little bit. everybody kind of let out a collective holy crap what was that. it lasted no more than four or five seconds maybe. and then the plane was recovered. you could clearly tell that we were no longer climbing. i think the pilot kind of decided at that time to settle things down. that's what it felt like.
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>> as we all know it is not about the time but the intensity. we were just looking at a picture of a crack in the ceiling near where you have the overhead storage. what did that? >> that was funny -- not funny, but that was about three rows from where i was. i believe that was a passenger who must not have had seat belt on. i didn't see it happen but i certainly noticed it. that person when we were deplaning the aircraft, that person had a neck brace on. >> how many people in terms of like you said the seat belt, how many people had the seat belt on. were people flying all over? >> no. certainly not. it had been bumpy. it was pretty much light turbulence the whole flight.
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and frankly i was surprised to hear anybody was injured because i don't know who would have had their seat belt off. we were not in smooth air at any time during the flight. >> and how did it wind up resolving itself? did they come on and tell you everything is okay now? when did you get a sense it was going to be all right? >> what they did was right after the incident they asked if there were any medical personnel on the aircraft. they said please remain seated. if you are hit your call light. a couple of people raised their arms. they took them to the back of the airplane. i believe that is where the stewardess was. i didn't see that happen but i was chatting with some guys after the incident. they said it happened right in front of them and literally all you could -- her feet were at their eye level. she hit the top of the aircraft.
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>> obviously you don't know. you didn't hit anything? >> it was definitely turbulence. i just remember the sky was very dark. we were not in clear air. it was definitely going through clouds when it happened. >> it is so good that you are able to tell us what happened and you are okay. good luck going forward. thanks for joining us on "new day." >> my pleasure. search teams ready to renew efforts to find malaysia airline flight 370. they are now looking for more sophisticated equipment to help with the task. officials are meeting today to to coordinate a new direction insisting they believe they are looking in the right place. let's go live to kuala lumpur and bring in bill ripley with the latest.
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this search area is expanding greatly now. >> reporter: radically expanding. the blue fin 21 has gone on 18 missions and searched a total of 154 square miles. this new under water search area is 23,000 square miles. clearly the blue fin needs backup. in just a couple of days some of the best experts including ones from here in kuala lumpur that helped with the investigation will be heading to australia, sitting down and figuring out looking over the data and making sure they think they are searching in the right place and the most effective way to coordinate resources. they need to bring in more technology to assist the blue fin 21. it could be two months before that happens. you have a limited number of technology available. you can count on one hand the number of devices on the planet that can do this job. they will be coming up with a
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strategy to keep on searching for the plane. as you know this is a very remote area of the world. so far so much searching has turned up nothing. >> search continues, though. to a different story we are watching. it was a very violent weekend in ukraine as the pro-russian movement picks up team. ukraine suffers the deadliest day in nearly three months. many of those arrested were free after police headquarters was stormed. what is next in this region? what can shift the balance and bring some calm? let's bring in peter, a cnn political caommontatecommontate it is helpful to see what we are
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looking at. this is the region. we have been talking about eastern ukraine. this is where a lot of the violence has been. over the weekend it moved into odessa. why is this so important? >> this is such a big deal because previous idea had been putin's interest was really in this area. >> give you a color you can see. >> that if it was a split the east was the area close the russia but odessa is far to the west of the areas that have previously seen violence. it is also very close to an area here which is a pro-russian break away area from moldova. there are sujszs that russians may have an eye on the larger area. this region from the east down
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south connecting to this area where there are russian troops stationed. >> if we would have been having this conversation three weeks ago i would have said there is no way you are talking about a region this large that russia might be targeting. we have seen the violence here in the east. we have seen the deadliest violence, dozens killed in odessa. why was this such a target. we know there are historicical ties with russia in this port city. >> we don't know what russia's end game is here. >> does putin know what his end game is? >> i think we know what putin does not want. putin does not want a united pro-western ukraine. it looks like that is probably not in the cards. when you see the reporting and what you find is amongest the militias that are emerging there seems to be a lot of divisions even among them about what they want. do they want to be a part of
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russia. do they want a division? it reminds me of a little bit of the balkans. these are mixed cities. you can see people are killing each other in the streets. it wouldn't be easy at all to partition this country. >> which is to the exact point i wanted to get to, why it is difficult to figure out how to help it seems. president obama and the european union have taken any kind of military intervention off the table. we have put about 600 u.s. troops in the baltic states, estimated to be 40,000 russian troops on the border. what do you think at this point can tip the balance even in the immediate to stop the blood shed, to calm the violence? >> the only tool that the west has been using has been sanctions. >> it is a mixed review. >> and sanctions take place
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slowly. it seems so far vladimir putin's actions are quite popular. so it is right now very hard to see what leverage there is from the west in order to stop this. and you seem to be spiraling towards a very frightening circumstance. the violence in odessa was terrible. it produced a tremendous amount of anger and a spiraling of violence we are likely to see in a whole set of cities. the ukrainian government doesn't have the capacity, it doesn't have strong soldiers or police forces in many parts of the country. it doesn't seem to have the capacity to keep control. >> it makes you wonder if it has to get worse before it gets better. thanks for trying to lay it out where things are right now. inspectors don't know what caused a frightening accident during a circus performance. it is scary to see the performers fall.
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an apparatus holding a group of female acrobats by their hair fail. they all plunge to the ground. >> everybody wants to know what happen here. we know these stunts are high risk and this one went horribly wrong. this is raising really serious questions about the kinds of stunts you see in the performances and what is being done in advance to protect the acrobats. they were hanging by their hair when they fell 25 to 35 feet to the ground. it is part of the performance of the legend show. the apparatus has been used for performances every week since january. a spokesman for the circus says safety is a priority and equipment is properly inspected. officials are joining the
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investigation into how 11 people were hurt. what could have been done to prevent an accident like this from happening. >> it has been used every week since january. >> we know the acrobats, a lot of them spend a lifetime training for these sort of stunts. performances yesterday were cancelled right away and another were formance this morning cancelled. >> we will have a spokesperson on. when you look at the track record here considering what they do, nothing is really jumping out at us. we will talk to them and test how they are responding to this and test how they respond in general. sometimes accidents happen when you do dangerous things. >> we know they had proper permits in place. the l.a. clippers return to the court tonight following their emotional game seven victory against golden state. the next series in oklahoma city.
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donald sterling's estranged life says she is on board. so far sterling has given no indication he is willing to sell. ted rolands is live in los angeles. will he be forced to sell? >> reporter: absolutely. it is interesting, kate. this is the best season the l.a. clippers have had. their season continues. now it looks like maybe both mr. and mrs. sterling will try to keep the team. with the win this weekend the los angeles clippers are moving on to the next round of the nba playoffs. meanwhile off the court the drama surrounding team owner donald sterling continues to grow. in an interview with barbara walters the woman heard with sterling on the now infamous recordings defended the clippers owner and claimed she is still
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close with him. >> is donald sterling a racist? >> no. i don't believe it in my heart. >> what is his state of mind right now? >> confused. i think he feels very alone. >> meanwhile sterling's wife says she thinks the nba's plan to hire an executive to run the team is a great idea, releasing a statement that seems to indicate she would like to hold on to the clippers which is part of a family trust. the statement says, in part, as a co-owner i am fully committed to taking the necessary steps to making the clippers the best team in the nba. >> she is saying you can do what you want to my husband. he is a racist maybe. you can strip him of his control as the board of governor. but this is a piece of family property and you can't just take away our property.
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we didn't do anything or say anything. >> reporter: as for the next move it is unclear if he is willing to sell. los angeles mayor on "face the nation" says after speaking with sterling he doesn't think he will go down without a fight. >> i think he thinks he will be the owner for a long time and he wants to stay the owner. i say this will be a long fight and a painful thing for a city that is a great american city. >> reporter: the nba is expected to move forward with a push to have the sterlings sell the team. the ten-member committee that voted unanimously to move forward is expected to meet this week. >> thanks for that. let's take a look at more of your headlines. under intense pressure from around the globe the president of nigeria is vowing to rescue girls abducted by islamist
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extremists. with protests erupting around the globe president defended his response sunday asking for more u.s. help and pledging to bring the girls home. in japan a 6.2 magnitude earthquake shook the heart of tokyo. more than a dozen people are reported injured but thankfully there are no reports of major damage. this is the strongest quake to hit the area since the one in 2011 which striggered a tsunami. at least one person died as a fire in oklahoma burned out of control. several homes and other buildings have been destroyed. the man who died apparently had been ordered to evacuate his home but refused. fire crews will go back and battle the fire when the sun
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comes up. controlled burn gets out of control real quick when the wind is the worst enemy of the fire. >> you hear it on the video. >> one of the misnomers, controlled burn. let's take a little break here on "new day." a little head scratcher here. that is why i am delaying. a texas sized outrage. a young man pleaded guilty to sexual assault and wound up getting what a lot of people think is a slap on the wrist. you will want to hear why the judge decided what she decided and the things that she says about this young woman seems like a throw back to the 1980s, this case. we'll take you through it. kentucky senator rand paul shows up to the derby with an interesting and unexpected guest. that and more on "inside politics" ahead.
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now, you don't hear that a woman asked for it often anymore in rape cases especially when the victim is 14 years old. but that seems to be what is happening in texas. here is why. a judge sentenced the admitted rapist of a 14-year-old girl to probation. the judge sparked anger and recused herself after calling the girl, quote, not the victim she claimed to be. and then assigning the boy involved to probation at a rape crisis center. the center said he is not welcome there. for more on the story we have young's defense attorney standing by. let's give you the background story from cnn's nick valensia.
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>> reporter: a judge handing down what some say an inappropriate sentence in a rape case. young pled guilty to raping a classmate in a room in 2011. he was sentenced to five years of probation and a 45-day stint in jail. >> we are certainly concerned about the message being sent to victims of sexual assault. >> reporter: it wasn't just the sentence that shocked the community. judge howard publicly implied the 14-year-old girl was promiscuous and said she based the sentence in part on medical records which indicated the girl had three sexual partners and had given birth to the baby. she stands by her ruling telling
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the paper young was not your typical sex offender. >> i was shocked that a judge, someone that i trusted with this case would go behind my back and make these allegations that she knows nothing about. >> reporter: adding to the fire storm, young was ordered to serve 250 hours of community service at a rape crisis center, a condition that changed after the center said he was not welcome there. >> just having a criminal defender in the office could be a trigger effect for many of our clients. it is not appropriate. >> reporter: following back lash howard recused herself from the case. a new judge will see the case moving forward. young is serving his 45-day jail sentence. >> our thanks to nick.
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we are joined by scotty allen, the defense attorney for sir young, the young man convicted of rape and admitting it himself. it is good to have you. the timing here not great. why? for your client. there is a lot of awareness about on campus rape and failure to report. now we hear about this case where it seems like a young woman comes forward. the young man involved admits he did things that were unwanted and wrong and seems to get a slap on the wrist. explain it from your perspective. >> well, i think sir young, the defendant in this case got everything except a slap on the wrist. here is a situation where this kid was not your typical sex offender. we have an 18-year-old high school student who was very
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talented, gifted, has scholarship offers to a couple of universities who had a relationship with this young lady and found himself in a position at school where he had previous discussions with her about having sex. she had agreed to that. she just didn't want to have sex on the school premises. immediately upon making this bad judgment he admitted that he proceeded over her objections to stop. and he admitted that to the police. we don't think that he qualifies as your typical sex offender. this is not somebody who has preyed on some young kids or unsuspecting people. we feel the sentence he ultimately received was a fair and appropriate sentence. >> this is difficult. you don't want to see a young life ruined. i don't think people suggest he
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lines up as a monster serial rapist. imagine if it is your daughter involved. she keeps saying no. there is some kissing that resumes by his own statement after she says no. there is a lot of no. he seems to be very shocked and embarrassed and worried and scared afterwards. what part of that seems right or normal to you? >> well, here we have a situation where the kid was obviously in a situation where he made a very, very bad judgment, a very bad judgment. what i submit to you that the sentence he received was anything other than a slap on the wrist. a five year probated sentence requires 45 days in jail, report to jail every year on the anniversary of this incident. in addition to that, this kid who had a very promising future will have to register as a sex offender for probably the rest of his life.
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we submit that is not a slap on the wrist especially under those facts and circumstances. >> when you lay it out that way i understand there is punitive value going towards him. what do you think about the judge's disposition adding fuel to the fire where she seems to do the old school blaming the victim. she is not your typical victim. she had other lovers and a baby. the victim's family says isn't true. do you think she made it worst for your client? >> i think the judge was put in a very uncomfortable position. the judge has the responsibility to fashion the terms and conditions of probation to satisfy the specific needs of this particular defendant. i believe she did that. the judge did not have the opportunity to fully explain sending him to community service at the rape crisis center.
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i believe a fair judge would have explained to her probation officer that she did not intend for him to be overengaged in counseling sessions with victims but wanted for him to be in an environment mopping floors or cutting grass that would allow his sensitivities heightened that he knows he made a bad judgment and there are ramifications for all of that. >> i got that. certainly the crisis center has made it an issue. the idea of defining her sexual background. it does seem that the judge was running this victim down who was 14 at the time, i guess 17 now, as a way of making this a less severe assault. do you understand the problem with that? >> yes. yes, i do. i think what the judge was ultimately trying to do was to
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explain why she treated this defendant differently. the judge had access to the facts and circumstances. the judge reviewed the medical records. i don't think this was an attempt to run down the victim in as much as it was to explain why this defendant should not be treated as your typical sex offender because he is not. >> this is a very tough case to handle. two young lives involved. we have to encourage young women to feel confident coming forward because they don't do it enough in situations like this and much more harsh than this. please stay with us on "new day" going forward. thank you for your perspective this morning. obviously this is a very important issue because of what we are learning all the time about under reporting of sexual assault especially by younger women in campus situations like this.
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let us know what you think about this controversial case. do you believe it was fair punishment? do you believe it was right what the judge did or not? coming up next on "new day" she survived a nightmare in cleveland's house of horrors. michelle knight is talking about how she survived it. on "inside politics" politicians make fun of each other and journalists who cover them. we take a look at hits and misses. >> the house republicans give john boehner a harder time than they give me which means orange really is the new black. i'm randy and i quit smoking with chantix. for 33 years i chose to keep smoking... ...because it was easier to smoke than it was to quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it's a non-nicotine pill. chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. it actually caught me by surprise. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while
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welcome back to "new day." let's take a look at your he headlines. breaking overnight people hurt by severe turbulence on a flight heading to orlando from philadelphia. the airline is not revealing the nature of the injuries. most passengers were able to continue on their way to orlando. fears of a russian invasion are growing after deadly clashes in sugern ukraine. 67 people detained. nearly four dozen people were killed in fighting in odessa friday when a street battle erupted. the search for flight 370 is entering a new phase which will be more expansive.
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officials in malaysia and china say a key phase will be mapping the ocean floor. the next phase is estimated to cost around $60 million. those are your headlines at this hour. we have the news going on. we have the politics and then the political news and how it all comes together. that is where you find "inside politics" on "new day" where mr. john king. i heard they did not take shots at you at the white house correspondents dinner. >> i was home watching "the bubble guppies". >> a lot to cover "inside politics". with me on this monday morning six months to election day to show reporting. let's start six months out. there is a sobering new poll for democrats.
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who are you going to vote for for congress. six months out the republican candidate has the advantage. that doesn't seem like much advantage, when you look back in history, the huge tea party year in 2010 if you are the democrats and see the numbers now what are you think sng. >> you are very concerned. republicans have been anticipating or saying they anticipate a wave year. democrats will point out the mid terms are not solely about ob a obama. he has enough going for him. in certain places they hope to make this state by state. >> there aren't as many competitive house districts this year. if there is a way there aren't as many seats to pick up. another part of the poll is the 2016 question with 2014 ramifications. what do you want in a president
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in 2016? two thirds of americans are thinking i want something different than obama. we will see if that holds up in 2016. it tells you the electorate wants change. >> 2006 is a good comparison here. the numbers aren't as bad as they were in 2006 for president bush but they are close. you mentioned 2016. this is also an interesting issue not just for hillary clinton, probably worse because she was part of the obama administration. if she runs she will have to answer questions and face questions about the obama administration policies. george w. bush faced this issue when he was leaving office and republicans had to answer on his administration. the poll numbers there almost as bad for president obama. >> an interesting foot note. if you are a serious democrat and want to mount a challenge to her today you assume she is
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running, if you see the number and you are a liberal and you think i want to get to the left of hillary clinton because she will be viewed as obama, as a third term by many and will have to try to distinguish herself. does a number like that concern anybody? >> in theory those are great numbers. you have to have somebody to beat somebody. it is not clear who that person will be. she is susceptible to a challenge on the left. her folks know this but they are acting incumbent. she can't separate from obama. she is not just going to get questions. she knows it is a losing proposition. let's look at a potential 2016 republican candidate who will be in north carolina. a lot of people are wondering about his judgment. rand paul will be in north carolina. tomorrow there is an important senate primary. the establishment candidate is
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till is. what is the risk for rand paul? the establishment put a lot of money behind tom tillis. millions of dollars will be saved to focus on the democrat. if rand paul helps pull thom tillis below 40 won't this work be flushed? >> this is fascinating on several levels. if he forces a runoff here that will aggravate a lot of establishment republicans. the chamber of commerce is down there. he has the sympathies. if the candidate forces republicans to have 2 1/2 months of extensive infighting after all of the commentary about how rand paul courted the republican establishment. a lot of republicans are asking questions about rand paul's
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judgment here because greg brannon is the kind of candidate that rand paul you would expect to support but he was recently found liable by a jury for misleading investors in a company he led. a lot of people are wondering why he is doing this. there could be a runoff which would sully his brand a bit. >> a lot of people will watch that today. more people will remember rand paul's date to the kentucky derby. look at this picture in the "new york times". rand paul, this i view is brilliant by rand paul. >> rand paul it was reported had a private meeting with rupert murdoch. he knows murdoch is influential
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and skeptical of him. he is going to need some help from murdoch. murdoch is influential. the role fox with play in republican primary is interesting. >> joel mchale was the entertainment. governor chris christie thinking about running for president in 2016 in the audience. joel mchale couldn't resist. >> tonight will be amusing and over quickly just like chris christie's presidential bid. i have a lot of these tonight. buckle up governor christie. >> there were more and more jokes, probably over the top. it probably got under his skin. look at this from an after party. he takes a picture with joel
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mchale and tries to post all is fine. >> the whole goal was to say nothing is getting to me. i'm fine. i'm here. i'm back. he was the butt of many, many, many jokes, probably too many. the bridge gate one was devastating and important for christie to say nothing is bothering me. >> a lot of us in the room are watching christie during the president's speech and mchale's speech. he was laughing and trying to show i can take a joke and i'm ready for this. >> joe biden speaking to a latino group. watch this. >> the immigrant community represents something special we never talk about. >> stop deportation. >> if the administration wants
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to get this community to turn out in november still a lot of skepticism. >> and the president is very well aware this is problematic. it is problematic for his legacy and his party. it has caught a lot of democrats by surprise, the extent of the anger. what we came out of in the 2012 campaign was the sense the republican nominee had not done what he could. >> president made a lot of promises. i'm sure while we were talking all of you did extensive research on the bubble guppies. >> i did not. >> you will know soon. >> i am starting to understand dora. i have a long list. i ask you for assistance. so far silence. i have been looking for the hits. >> you grow together. you discover them together. >> john doesn't want to give you a hint of what is coming your way. he doesn't want his relationship
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with you affected by what is about to come. >> john would give me a hint because he is kind. >> he is being kind by not giving you a hint. believe me. bubble guppies are the least of your worries. >> snot bubbles coming out of the nose. coming up on "new day" the sterling family drama heating up. the wife of the clippers owner speaking up. donald sterling says he is not going anywhere. is it his choice? we will bring you the very latest. could be a victim of fraud. most people don't even know it. fraud could mean lower credit scores, higher mortgage rates... ...and not getting the home you really want. it's a problem waiting to happen. check your credit score, check your credit report, at america's number one provider of online credit reports and scores. don't take chances. go to
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welcome back to "new day." now to the latest in the l.a. clippers saga. the team has advanced to the semifinal. the nba announced it will appoint a new ceo to oversee the team. is that a step towards taking it from the current owners. sterling's wife and female companion broke their silence over the weekend. let's try to get some perspective on this. thank you for being with us. let's start with the most obvious situation. sterling says i'm keeping the team. is it his choice? >> it is not. it is the choice of the 29 other owners in the nba. and at the end of the day the end of this process will be that
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donald sterling no longer owns the los angeles clippers. the question is how many hurdles he will make everyone jump through to get to that point. at the end of the process he won't own the team. >> i think without an antitrust claim he can't stall it. his wife says he isn't a racist and says she agrees with silver they need someone new to run the team. does she have any say? >> she doesn't. she has endorsed the commissioner's decision to appoint a ceo publicly endorsed that. she has also indicated she agrees with the commissioner's ultimate decision to suspend donald sterling and to begin the process to take the team away from him. >> they seem to beat this rap the last time by soft pedaling that they will go along and do the recognize things and avoid losing the team like they did in
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1982? >> i don't think so. i don't know what the nature of their relationship is. i believe under california law absence of agreement to the contrary she would be interested in seeing this team be turned into money, being monetized and sold because she would get money out of the deal. even if she wanted to fight this process it is like rearranging the deck chairs orthe titanic. the end of the process will be donald sterling does not own this team. the 29 owners are likely to vote unanimously to terminate the franchise. the league can take over it and operate it while a sale a pending and distribute the proceeds of the sale to donald sterling and move on. it is a relatively simple process but will be difficult to get to the end depending on the extent. >> he beat it last time but had a new commissioner coming in. maybe he didn't want this dirty
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laundry. it was largely of a financial nature and soft on the proof side. they couldn't show he wanted the games to get the first legit 7'4" guy out of virginia on his roster. this is much uglier allegations which takes us to the woman who gave us the introduction to all of this. has nothing to do with the law but we must indulge. what do you make of the fact that she says who he is and where his head is being the one who threw him under the bus in the first place if not by releasing the tapes, certainly making them. >> donald sterling threw himself under the bus in his own minds. i don't mean to be disrespectful to this lady but when she shows up with a visor and people next to her with her name on their caps i tend to dismiss it and not pay too much attention to it. i let others focus on that. at the end of the day she is the
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conduit to opening the window to seeing who donald sterling is. the prior situation is different because you don't have as many at play. his status is on the line because he has challenged the owners. the players association has gotten behind the commissioner because he said he wants donald sterling out of the league. if this thing falls apart the apparent partnership between the league and players association falls apart. adam silver loses his stature. this is not going to go in a different direction because donald sterling wants it or because this young lady says he is not as bad as he sounds like. >> you make a strong point that it is bigger than sterling. if this doesn't go the way silver laid it out, if the owners don't follow through it is a slap in the face to the
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players because it is a predominantly black league and this is the wrong language to have around that environment. stay with us on this on this story. it's going to be tougher to achieve than to say. thanks for being with us on "new day." kait? >> coming up next, she spent ten years of her life trapped in ariel castro's house of horrors. now michelle knight is talking about her life in captivity, and her new life today. a preview of her conversation with anderson cooper, next. when sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! a "selling machine!" ready for you alert, only at mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants,
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tomorrow will mark one year since three young women were rescued from what came to be known as cleveland's house of horrors. for over a decade, they were held captive, repeatedly beaten and raped. michelle knight was the first to be abducted. in a new book, "finding me," she opens up about how she found the courage to survive it all. and in a new interview with cnn's anderson cooper, she talks about the day her life changed forever. >> what did he tell you to get you inside the house? >> in the car, he said that he had puppies. so when we got, like, a quarter down the road, he's like, that's my van right there. and it says puppies for free. of i really didn't think nothing of it until we got into the house fully. that's when it it dawned on me this was a mistake to get into the car. >> that was august 23 already,
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2002. 21-year-old michelle knight had been approached by ariel castro. he offered her a ride but said he had to pick up something on the way at his house on seymour avenue. >> you knew by then, this is wrong. >> yeah. and then i ended up being trapped in a small room, small pink room. that's where he proceeded to tie me up like a fish and put me on the wall. >> when you say tie you up like a fish, what do you mean? >> my legs and hands were bound like this. and i was that far from the floor. >> michelle, who is later joined by other kidnap victims, amanda berry and gina dejesus, would spend more than ten years, tortured inside that house of horrors, often left without food, beaten and raped. >> you know, people who haven't been through this situation think, oh, i would try to escape, i would do this, i would do that. but in reality, very quickly, your mind starts to adapt to your new environment.
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>> yeah. >> can you explain that? >> what happens is hard at first. you don't really want to adapt to it. but then you find yourself saying, "why not? i'm here. just let him get it over with." >> but one year ago, the women were freed when amanda berry seized an opportunity and escaped from the house. she ran across the street and neighbors helped her call 911. >> i've been kidnapped, and i've been missing for ten years, and i'm here, i'm free now. >> all three women were rescued. their tore mentor was arrested and pleaded guilty to 937 counts, including kidnapping, rape and assault. at his sentencing, michelle knight bravely faced her captor in court. >> from this moment on, i will not let you define me or who i am. >> he was sentenced to life in prison without parole, plus 1,000 years. days later, that house of horrors was torn to the ground. just months later, the man who
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had kidnapped and held captive three women was found dead in his jail cell. he had hanged himself with one of his bed sheets. mchelle knight is trying to move ahead with her life. she has changed her name and is focusing on new beginnings. >> and anderson's two-part interview with michelle knight airs tonight and tuesday, tomorrow, on "ac 360." 8:00 p.m. eastern. right here on cnn. all right. coming up on "new day," a plane is badly damaged by a passenger's head. we're going to tell you about the terrifying turbulence. it literally turned the flight around, back to pittsburgh. it was going from philadelphia to orlando. can't keep it straight. that's how bad the turbulence was. we're going to talk to the passengers and find out what happened, why did it have to turn this flight around? a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, this can be difficult.
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what happened? we're going to hear from those on board. bloody battles across eastern ukraine. dozens killed as the violence gets even worse. fears of a russian invasion grow. what will the u.s. do next? terrifying plunge. a horrible accident caught on tape. ringling brothers performers dropping from two stories high, nearly a dozen injured. what went wrong? we talk live to the company behind the show. your "new day" continues right now. this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. >> it's monday, may 5th, 8:00 in the east. the pilot was forced to it turn back after eating severe turbulence. the plane was headed to orlando from philadelphia when the cabin started bumping violently. several people were injured, including crew members. cnn's rene marsh is following the developments from
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washington. good morning, rene. >> reporter: good morning, kate. heart-pounding seconds for people on board usairways flight 735. 17,000 feet in the air, above delaware, when all of a sudden, a violate mid-air shakeup. listen to them tell it. >> shoes were flying, cell phones were flying, people were screaming. and it was very, very, very scary. >> reporter: a frightening scene on a usairways flight as passengers were jolted around, six people, five, including two flight attendants, went to the hospital. >> i thought we were going down. >> reporter: the orlando flight hit severe turbulence shortly after taking off from philadelphia international airport. passengers say the drop in altitude came out of nowhere. >> we were going and all of a sudden there was a drop like going down the bottom of a roller coaster and things flew up in the air. >> reporter: one passenger described seeing a woman flying out of her seat. >> i saw the lady three rose in
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front of me, she bashed her head like all the way up to the plastic, and to describe it, the plastic was broken. >> reporter: this photo shows cracks in another overhead compartment after a passenger crashed into it. >> it was crazy experience. we were just up in the air like lifted out of our seats. >> well, pilots depend on other pilots ahead to report turbulence. there were some reports of light turbulence in that area. but nothing as severe as what the plane actually ran into. we should tell you that turbulence injuries are most common in commercial aviation. there are about, according to the faa, 32 per year. but the injuries are virtually nonexistent when people have their seatbelts on. back to you, chris. >> thank you very much for that. boy, some people say turbulence, not a big deal. it is when something like that happens, you can be sure of that. let's turn to the search zone for flight 370, because it is getting dramatically bigger. the three nations that will lead
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the next phase of the search say it will take months, more advanced equipment, and $60 million or more to find the plane. they also insist, though, they're still looking for the plane in the right place. let's go live to kuala lumpur and bring in will ripley. will, how can you be expanding the search zone but still think you're in the right place? >> reporter: i'll tell you what, if what was said overnight is any indication, they're reexamining the data. the team of experts that met here in kuala lumpur is heading to australia, going over everything they know so far about the disappearance of flight 370. everything from the satellite handshakes to the underwater pings. and any data that was collected during the massive search, 4.6 million square kilometers searched so far. they're going over all of that, just to make sure their educated guess, because let's be honest, that's what it is, where this plane is, to be sure it's
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accurate. use the words dramatically bigger, and you're absolutely right. think of it this way. in all of the "blue fin-21" missions, it has searched less than 200 square miles under water. this new search zone, 23,000 square miles. so while looking at the data, they're also taking a look at the resources available across the world to be able to get to this area and start searching. still a long process. could take up to a year and cost $60 million. kate? >> search continues, larger area, needing more help to cover it all now. all right. will, thank you very much for an update from australia -- from malaysia, actually. let's turn to the horror in providence, rhode island, this morning after a human chandelier of circus performers came crashing down. the apparatus holding a group of women of female acrobats by their hair collapsed, sending them plunging to the ground. let's bring in cnn's alexandra field, joining us now with much more. everyone recognizes, when you go to see these acts, there is danger and risk.
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but there is also a lot of safety apparatus involved to make sure this doesn't happen. >> and a lot of people whose job it is to make sure this equipment is working properly. so a lot of questions will be asked about what was done behind the scenes. you go to the circus, you expect to see something stunning, but not shocking. and when this happened, the curtain went up, everyone saw these women hanging by their hair. and then the devastating sight of them falling 25 to 35 feet down to the stage. ♪ >> a circus act goes horribly wrong. eight acrobats suspended by their hair more than two stories above ground suddenly plunge when the apparatus holding them fails. 11 people were injured. one critically. >> at this point, it doesn't appear to be life threatening. but there are serious injuries from that height and fall. >> the fall, a frightening sight for the thousands of spectators, including many children. >> everybody didn't realize at first it was an accident. thought it might be part of the
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show. but then soon realized it was an accident. >> the whole metal came on top of everybody. it was scary. >> promotional video shows what the stunt is supposed to look i can, one of the highlights of ringling brothers and barnum and bailey's show. they're working with officials to make sure this doesn't happen again. >> we will do whatever it takes to come to the bottom of this, make sure that when the show goes -- to perform again, it's safe. >> all right. naturally, that show was stopped after the accident happened. two more shows were cancelled yesterday. we're told that another show has been cancelled this morning, and the circus says this act will not be performed again until they can make sure this show is safe. >> that's the -- everyone can understand that. no one can understand exactly what happened. they're done this so many times since january. you said they have done it every week. >> something for local investigators, the circus and even federal investigators to look at now. >> alexandra, thank you so much. now we keep saying in ukraine, well, you know, this is probably as bad as it will get. but it keeps getting worse.
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it's now months of simmering anger over there, and boiling over, stoked by russian interference. almost 70 pro-russian separatists released in the southern city of odessa after protesters violently stormed the facility. riots have already left dozens dead. and many are wondering if an outright invasion by russia is coming. arwa damon is live this morning. what's the situation? >> reporter: there is something of an uneasy calm right now, but what is especially disturbing is that this violence is coming at a time when the central government has sent additional troops to the eastern part of the country to try to rein these separatists in. we see the pro russian camp asserting its authority. gunfire erupts as pro russian separatists attack this military recruitment center, forcing ukrainian troops to evacuate.
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where are the gunmen, someone shouts. the weekend violence, the bloodiest conflict began. potentially pushing the nation to the brink. about 40 people were killed in a blaze in the trade union building in odessa, in the south of the country. after riots broke out there on friday. another six people were killed in clashes. in odessa over the weekend, protesters stormed the police headquarters, demanding the release of their comrades who were arrested during the unrest. the pro russian demonstrators smashed windows and security cameras. ultimately, dozens of detainees were freed, and the crowd erupted in cheers. the escalating violence and pro russian supporters heightening the fears that russia could say it has a reason to invade.
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>> our nato allies, the ones who are the former soviet-blocked countries, and former eastern-blocked countries, they're scared to death. they think that if putin gets away with this, they may be next. >> reporter: and those fears are not unfounded, despite everything. there are still plans for a referendum to be held in parts of eastern ukraine. not scheduled for may 11th. and the more kiev tries to assert its control, the more we're seeing people here turning towards russia. >> arwa, thank you so much. arwa damon on the ground in eastern ukraine. let's continue the conversation with fareed zakaria, host of "gps." what arwa was talking about, there is this fear now, dozens of deaths in odessa over the weekend. there is this fear that vladimir putin might make that step to say, ah, we now see a reason to invade. i do wonder, though, is russia
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really wanting to invade further? do you think vladimir putin is just happy with the instability that's already being created within ukraine right now? >> that's the million-dollar question, kate. is he doing this to create an atmosphere of instability, which allows him to prove his point, which is, you can't solve ukraine without me. you can't hold elections there. and this is -- you know, this is all about the run-up. we're 20 days away from the elections and he is trying to prove, it seems to me, that nothing can happen in ukraine, unless he decides it's going to happen. now, the west has made several offers of diplomatic meetings and solutions. right now, he doesn't want to take them, because i think he still wants to continue to prove that he can destabilize the place much more than we think. now, the danger is, things can go out of control. we don't entirely know what his calculation is. but you know, the back of everyone's mind, the big question is, could you imagine russian troops and american troops in some way being locked
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in a military confrontation? remember, the entire cold war, that never happened. but we seem to be getting a little bit closer to what is still a very unlikely event. but we're getting a little bit closer to it. >> well, and we consistently, though, despite where the fact that the violence is ramping up, we continue to hear from the administration. military intervention is not on the table. but we are also hearing more and more calls from republicans here in the u.s. saying that we need to do something. light arms, defensive weapons, to help ukraine. is there any suggestion that that could help tip the balance? >> my fear about those kind of gestures, military gestures, is you want to do something that would actually work and would make a difference, and where the threat is real. one of my old professors, international relations, said two things are very dangerous and expensive in international relations. threats when they fail and promises when they succeed.
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so be very careful when you make threats and promises. i think it would be very hard to muster a military threat that will be meaningful, other than presumably a very -- a lot of air power. but again, you would be talking about an american-russian direct confrontation. remember, two countries, each have 3,000 nuclear missiles. we always stop short of that during the cold war for fear that what if this escalates. >> it's really hard for anyone to imagine it would get to that point, when you use the context of the cold war. what has been done to this point, it's kind of a bit of a split decision on if it's been effective. the use of sanctions. over the weekend, you spoke with the man at the u.s. department of treasury who is in charge of applying that pain to putin and to his inner circle. how are they defending the sanctions, especially the unilateral sanctions, the u.s. has put in place? because many experts don't think they have worked -- they have been effective enough. >> the interesting question, kate, what does one mean by
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work? so if you look at the sanctions, there's no question, of course, the russian stock market is down 13%. russia was going to grow at 2, 2.5% this year. estimates are now it will grow zero. they tried to borrow money last week. they tried to do a bond offering. they had to con sell, because there was no demand. >> does vladimir putin care? >> right. the question is -- there is no question, there is pain. the question is, is that pain meaningful to the only guy that matters? my guess is in the short term it doesn't matter. because putin is -- he's actually up maybe 10 or 15 points in the polls because of this. this is nationalism, he wraps himself around the russian flag. but eventually, any ruler has to care, especially in an oil-rich country. remember, the way these oil-rich countries survive, they give subsidies to people. they dole out a lot of money, and russia is no exception. so if the money starts running out, my guess is it will make a difference, and he will want to cut a deal. still a deal that proves, you
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know -- at some level, he's won by proving and reinforcing the idea that russia needs to have enormous influence in ukraine. and part of the reality is, the reality on the ground. those pictures we saw, that report from arwa shows, in that part of eastern ukraine, they are pro-russia. they may not all be, they may not want independence, but it's very clear that the kiev government is not very popular there, and that these local separatists do have some backing. >> and that the government cannot do it by -- cannot quell this, calm this, by itself. >> and if they can't do it by the elections, we have a real problem, because will the elections be held in eastern ukraine or not? we're on a 20-day clock here, where things can get much worse. >> for the first time there really is a clock. may 25th, when things change one way or another. fareed, thank you so much. good to see you. >> pleasure. let's take a look at your headlines at this hour. we start with breaking news. the ceo of target has just
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resigned this morning. greg steinheffle is stepping down after the massive data breach of as many as 110 million customers. he had been with target for 35 years. cfo roxanne austin will take over immediately as the interim chief executive. so shakeup there at target. claiming responsibility for the abduction of 200 school girls. president goodluck jonathan vowing to bring them home. the social media campaign has gone viral. jonathan admitting sunday he does not know where the girls are. back here at home, crews in oklahoma are attacking a fire that has claimed at least one life and forced 1,000 people from their homes at one point. authorities say it began sunday as a controlled burn. but hot, dry conditions and high wind, you can hear right there, whipped it into a wildfire that's burned about 4,000 acres and destroyed several homes. officials tell cnn, the fire is
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about 75% contained. we're told the fire containment line is holding. so that is good. obviously, they want to make sure there is no flare-ups with that wind whipping around. that's really a problem. >> a problem they face as the sun comes up today. coming up next on "new day," severe turbulence on a plane, tossing at least one passenger into the overhead bins, many thinking the plane was going down. what happens when turbulence gets out of control? we'll show you. plus, a daring circus act goes terribly wrong. acrobats fall 40 feet. freak accident, or prove the circus is not safe? we'll get perspective from ringling brothers' representative, live.
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20 minutes into the flight, all of a sudden, we just feel this boom, and the plane felt like it dropped 20 feet down. shoes flying, cell phones flying, people were screaming. and it was very, very, very scary. >> back to "new day." as you just heard, terrifying moments aboard a us airways flight sunday. six people were injured and forced the orlando-bound flight to turn back to the philadelphia airport. how can passengers brace for a bumpy ride? here to break it down, david susie, former faa inspector. really good to have you with us. i think this is the kind of thing most people have hit, some kind of turbulence at some point. this was extreme. in fact, we have a cell phone picture somebody snapped, david, and you can see. somebody -- it looks like somebody's head? >> it's possible. it's over on the side, so it could very well be that. anything loose. a loose bag, someone that didn't put their bag where they'r supposed to. we kind of take these things for
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granted when you hear it over and over, especially frequent flyers. and you get complacent about it. >> but you've got to keep that seatbelt fastened. this was soon after takeoff. some people saying 20 minutes after. >> right. just as they were taking off, 17,000 feet. >> in fact, let's move on to that. so they were at 17,000 feet. >> right. >> this point is when they say you can turn on your cell phone -- not cell phones, your automatic devices, mechanical devices or whatever. >> actually, it's 18,000 feet. >> so here, 17,000 feet is where it happened. >> right. right as you're coming up, still fliming, aircraft still climbing. interesting thing about this, it was not reported. moderate turbulence reported by previous aircraft, but no severe turbulence reported in the area at all. so it's just a matter of where that particular pocket of light air is. what's called clear air turbulence. you can't see it, you can't sense it, you don't know where you're going to find it. and if an aircraft had not been through that very specific same place, it wouldn't have known that severe turns lens --
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>> is that generally how it works, the previous flight before you reports back and let's you know the turbulence -- you can expect it in a certain area? rjt . >> yes, a lot of communication. you can change altitudes, because turbulence looks like a wave sometimes. is what people think of it as. but it's really a river. it's like a river of air going knew, and there is a big one that typically -- >> oops -- messed it up. my bad. there you go. >> there's an area here which has a lot of air going through it, kind of more common refer up there. of course, over the rockies here, colorado. >> so this isn't unusual, then. >> no. >> but the fact that it hadn't been reported -- generally, you have a bit of a warning, though. this seems to come out of the blue. >> well, with severe turbulence, it's extremely rare. in 10,000 hours of flying, in my experience, being in the cockpit and flying, observing pilots, i probably only experienced it may be two or three times in all those hours. so it's very uncommon to have severe turbulence. we're talking about dropping
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more than 100 feet. >> right. what can the pilot do? let's move along. what can the pilot do to prepare or to react properly? >> well, the best thing to do for a pilot is not to react. >> okay. >> because if he does -- remember, these wings, i used to work in a facility that would test wings. and these wings were pushed up, we would push them up. this is at cessna, on a smaller aircraft on a jet. but these wings will flex a great deal. and as they come back down, reactively, they're coming back down and can tough amplify. >> you don't want to react too much. you don't want to move too much, fly through it, slow the aircraft down, if you're anticipating it. >> my producer and i are white-knuckle travelers when it comes to turbulence. these planes are built to withstand tush lens. >> absolutely. these planes would go up and nearly touch each other before they break. it's made to do that. made to flex. there is fuel inside of this wing. there are skroints and
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everything inside wing designed to bend and flex. because then the center of the aircraft in the middle will stay as stable as possible. the wings are designed to take most of this kind of -- >> i did that for all of you at home like me. when you get nervous -- we would never fly again if we didn't think these things were built to with stand. david, we appreciate it. it does make us worry when we see this happening. >> nothing to worry about. turbulence is turbulence. >> bumps in the road. but this kind of situation, chris and kate, that would have left ice in my belly. >> keep your seat belts on, though. >> absolutely. keep your seat belts on. >> planes built to take it, but your head isn't. that's the problem. the plane will be fine, but that's why you have to keep that seatbelt on. coming up on "new day." disaster at the surface. a stunt goes terribly wrong, injuring nearly a dozen performers. question is, how did it happen? another important question l it happen again? we're going to hear from ringling brothers, live. [ male announcer ] hey, look at you! you're an emailing, texting, master of the digital universe.
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get lifelock protection and live life free. and i felt this horrible pain on one side of my back. i saw this red, blistery, rash i had 16 magic shows to do. i didn't know how i was going to be able to do these shows with this kind of pain that i was in. i told my wife what i had. she went on the internet and said "i think you have shingles." i could feel the shock in my back and it was like "wow its got to get better than this or i'm in big trouble."
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he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. when sales rep steve hatfield books at, so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? and that's how you'll increase market share. any questions? can i get an "a", steve? yes! three a's! amazing sales! he brings his a-game! la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta! welcome back. time for the five things you need to know for your new day. at number one, six people injured, including crew members, after severe turbulence caused a us airways flight to return to philadelphia airport moments after takeoff. the faa is now investigating that incident. 67 people have been freed by ukrainian police after separatists stormed their headquarters. the detainees were arrested for their roles in clashes in odessa
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friday that killed almost 50 people. inspectors are trying to determine what caused a circus apparatus holding a team of female acrobats by their hair to collapse. plunging them to the ground during a performance in providence, rhode island. nine acrobats were injured, one critically. the next phase in the search for missing malaysian airline flight 370 is set to cover an even wider area. officials in malaysia, australia and china say the next part will be detailed ocean floor mapping. and the ceo of target has resigned this morning. he is stepping down in the aftermath of the massive data breach involving as many as 110 million people. cfo john mulligan will take over as interim chief executive. be sure to visit newdaycn for the latest. chris? >> let's talk more now about this daring circus act called the hair hang that went horribly wrong in rhode island on sunday. we've got a warning for you. the footage of the accident in
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real-time, a little scary to watch. nine performers are hurt after falling as much as 40 feet. the cause of the accident under investigation. we have with us steven payne, spokesman for ringling brothers circus. mr. payne, thank you very much for joining us. let's deal with what matters most. how are the performers? we know the injuries are serious. are they going to make it, are they going to be able to perform again? what do you know? >> right now we know that though the injuries were serious, none appear to be life threatening, which is a relief to everyone involved. all of the performers received medical attention in providence, rhode island, promptly after the incident and have been resting comfortably. their families are with them, as well as circus cast and crew at the hospital to support them. >> the hair is a freaky thing to watch but it's not about the hair, it's about the rigging. what do you understand about what happened? >> we don't know what the cause of the accident was yet. we are cooperating with local providence officials, as well as with the occupational safety and health administration to determine what went wrong
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yesterday. because we want to make sure that an accident like this never happens again. not only for these performers, but for all of our performers at the three touring units of the greatest show on earth. >> has this ever happened before? >> an accident of this level is unprecedented. and we have never had an accident like this with this number of performers injured. it really is a testament to, you know, their physical fitness and skills, that the injuries were not more severe than they were. and again, our thoughts and prayers are with them and their families for a speedy recovery. >> obviously, you can't leave it up to the performers to have it be safe. it's about what is set up around them. what is your injury rate per performance? >> we don't really have an injury rate per performance. safety is clearly our number one priority, not just for our cast and crew, but also our customers. clearly yesterday was an unfortunate incident, and we're going to do everything we can to find out exactly what happened, what went wrong, so we can make sure that our cast and crew are safe and our audiences know they're going to be able to experience family-friendly entertainment when they come to
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see the circus. >> that is certainly the expectation. what does that mean, we don't have an injury rate per performance? what does that mean, you don't track it? >> our performances are actually very, very safe. we have an entire safety crew that's dedicated to traveling to all of our unit to make sure that steps are taken. all of our equipment is inspecteded, each and every time we load into a new arena. all of the gear that's -- most of our customers see on the performance space, the rigging above us, all the apparatus, all those materials, are traveling with the circus, and are installed by our crews and inspected by our crews before any performance begins in a new building. >> not to take you down a false corridor here, and i understand what you're saying about that you are mindful of safety. but anyone who is mindful of safety tracks injury rates. any business concern does. you're saying you don't? >> again, it's really not about tracking injury rates at this point. this is really about making sure what happened yesterday, so that we can go forward and make sure something like this doesn't happen again. we're not only inspecting the are apparatus involved in
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yesterday's accident, but everything involved in the show and everything on all of our shows. again, this is a redoubling of efforts to focus on safety. >> i got you and i got that you cancelled the 10:30 a.m. show yesterday, and thinking about the 7:00 p.m. today, because you want everything to be safe. you have to understand, it's curious you say you don't track safety. why wouldn't you? is. >> well, again, this is not about our safety record overall. this is about this one particular incident. >> of course it's about your safety record. >> and we have decided to cancel our -- >> right. >> cancelled our performance this evening out of an abundance of caution, as well. as well as the fact that most of our staff and crew are clearly shaken up over an incident of this nature. >> and well they should be. i totally understand that. and everybody is most interested in making sure that they're okay. and, again, i say false corridor, because i'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. but you do have to understand that in a business, especially like yours, it's all about risk. one would think that you would track injury rates very carefully so you know whether or not you're doing everything you need to do. am i saying something that's unreasonable? >> well, again, these performers, as well as all of our performers, they spend their
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lives perfecting, a small period of time, an act, that they can bring forward and show to our audiences. they check their rigging, they check their rigging, we do everything possible to make sure each and every performance is as safe as it can be. >> totally understand that. do you understand why i'm asking whether or not you track injury rates per performance? >> yes, i understand why you're asking me that. i do not have that information readily available. but i can tell you that we have an excellent safety record. and that an accident like this has never happened in our history. >> and i've looked into it. it is very difficult to find them. you have to go back to like 1998, where you find anything. but i just didn't understand why you seemed to be a little evasive about that, when it seems that if safety is your concern, it would be something that's at the tip of your fingers what the injury rate is. >> again, this is not about our injury rate, in our minds. it's about making sure that we get to the bottom of this incident and that everything is done for these performers who were injured yesterday, that they are taken care of and their families are supported in this time. >> and mr. payne, no question you're a big part of the culture. i know my family enjoys it and
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everybody wants to know it's going to be safe. thank you for making best efforts on that. we'll obviously be tracking the story about what you learned about why this happened in the first place and send our best to the performers. have a good day. >> thank you very much. kate? >> the situation in ukraine is dire. fears russia is going in next. if that's the case, what can the u.s. do about it? our military expert weighs in. also, a texas judge under fire for the sentence she gave to an admitted rapist. the judge also facing outrage for saying that the 14-year-old who was attacked, the victim here, was not, quote, the victim she claimed to be. we talk to a legal expert about it. so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? that's right, no hidden fees. it's just that i'm worried about, you know, "hidden things." ok, why's that? well uhhh... surprise!!! um...
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of public education, that's been tom torlakson's approach. woman: torlakson has supported legislation to guarantee spending decisions about our education tax dollars are made by parents, teachers and the local community... and not by sacramento politicians. and we need to keep that legislation on track. man: so tell tom torlakson to keep fighting for local control of school funding decisions.
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welcome back to "new day." dozens dead in ukraine after three days of violence in the southern city, odessa. and in the eastern pro-russian militant groups going on there now, just continuing to operate with impunity, while thousands of russian troops sit just across the border. what is going on here? is it going to get worse? we have the giant map to show what's going on and cnn military analyst and former commanding general of the u.s. army intelligence center, major general spider marks. thank you, as always. first, one big question. we have all these great things popping up for you on the map. one thing we don't have should be a big light that says bs under it that should be blinking, because it seems that there is just this obvious kinnard going on here that russia is making this happen for these militias, whether arming them or encouraging them or saying don't worry, we've got your back. and the whole dynamic is russia saying, hey, west, you better
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make sure this violence doesn't get worse. >> pull us out of this problem. >> that's right. the hypocrisy to me is baffling. and yet i'm not hearing anything about it. >> i know. and why the united states administration is not talking vehemently about that, i just am not sure. what has to happen, it's clearly putin has the authority, and he has the ability. he's got the power to pull these forces out and really cut back on the violence occurring in east ukraine. and also, and we'll talk in just a little bit, over here in odessa, away from east ukraine, we now have incredible violence taking place. and there are historical tieses with russia and the former soviet union in odessa. but this is a notion of moving this violence a little further, and clearly putin is pulling the strings in this regard. >> and look, you see the hot spot there. it matters. there is a lot of history there as the general is telling us. it's also metaphorical, because it's not going on in the east, where we think all of the problems are supposed to be, because that's where the russian sympathizers are. this is proof it's not just
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about russian sympathies, it's about disruption of stability, right? >> chris, it is, absolutely. putin has forces involved in what's taking place. >> let's show the tanks. >> i think there is really -- the point we're trying to show with the tanks here in east ukraine, is that there really is a mismatch. ukrainian forces are a raid and they have the capability. this is sovereign territory. but what russia has is an overmatched capability, and clearly a military that's exceptionally well-trained, for eclipsing any capability that exists in ukraine right now. >> all right. so look, nobody wants to get ahead of this. the reason it's so important for us to have you is to keep us in balance. because the media has a tendency to hype. >> no. >> right, it does. might as well be honest. but this is my question. if they are there, not just as posturing, if something were to happen, where does it go in a scenario that does not involve nato or the u.n., and any of those configurations, the u.s.? >> there are no scenarios where
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the united states, nato, the united nations, are not involved, unless they consciously decide, this is not in national interest, it's not in our international interests, even though the international law has already been violated and crimea has been annexed. if we don't care about this overt, blatant, misuse of power and the violation here in the near abroad as we call it, as russia calls it, this is a tremendous challenge for not only the united states, but the international community. and with this military capability north of ukraine, without a common military response putin would understand, he could very easily do that. i doubt he will, because this is a huge commitment. this would suck away a huge number of his forces to bring them across the border and try to occupy this. >> and they say some good/bad news is that it would take a lot of resources, period, for him to run ukraine. so basically, he may have an interest just in instability he has to therefore weigh in on. and another good piece of news here is that you have said, it's
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not about military surge being brought in. but you believe in a sanctions surge. you do believe sanctions can work to help quiet this down. but they have to be done right, and that is? >> they have to scale up, there has to be some immediate pain. but i think simultaneously, you need to have the military picture that gives him a clear hesitation to do anything further. >> the question is, did the president get from angela merkel what he needed. angela merkel, in charge of germany. they're very key in terms of bringing europe in on these sanctions. did he get what he needed from her in their communications. >> i think not, only because these have to be teed up. i don't know why they're not in place right now. there should be no more trigger events. what other trigger event do we need, other than the killing and violation that started taking place? >> one last piece of scary information as we go back to u.k. it's not like russia is not feeling the economic pain, already. the ruble is dropping, people are divesting money out of there, but it hasn't stopped this yet. the question is, what will? >> that's a good question. and some are wondering, does
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vladimir putin at this point even care about any economic impact on thinks country, when his approval rating is skyrocketing at the same time. coming up next on "new day," a texas judge under fire, not just for the sentence she gave an admitted rapist, but also for the comments she made about the victim. could the backlash against the judge impact the case? our legal expert is here and weighing in. ♪ led to the one jobhing you always wanted. at university of phoenix, we believe every education- not just ours- should be built around the career that you want. imagine that.
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only 45 days in jail, and five years probation for raping a girl who was 14 years old at the time. afterward, the judge stirred even more outrage, by defending the sentence, saying that the girl wasn't the victim that she claimed to be. here now, legal analyst and cnn commentator, mel robins. i think we should -- there are two things we should deal with, maybe you tell me if they're one and the same or deal with them separately. the sentence and also what the judge said. >> yes. >> the sentence, fair? or an outrage. >> you know, i don't have as much of a problem with the sentence, and i know a lot of people are going to think i'm crazy. you have to take things on a case by case basis. and there are lots of facts around this case pertaining to the defendant that makes, i think, her sentence okay. that said, it is absolutely insane that this judge spoke to the press -- >> right. this was an interview with the dallas paper after the fact, defending the sentence.
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and she said in part that this is not the -- the victim wasn't who -- the victim wasn't who she claimed to be. what? >> i mean, this is absolutely absurd. the only thing that matters in this case is what the defendant did. and what we know is, in the state of texas, first of all, the age of consent is 17. already statutory rape. >> consent doesn't even matter. >> doesn't even matter. and the other thing that is an issue here, you have a signed written statement by this defendant. >> let's throw that up. i think we have that. so we can see that. so consent isn't a problem, because she was 14, number one. and isn't a problem, because he admitted it. he wrote here, she kept saying "no and stop" but i just didn't stop. eventually i stopped, and i just said sorry numerous times, because i just couldn't believe i did that. that was his voluntary statement to police. >> correct. so we have a case where you have an 18-year-old that rapes a 14-year-old, admits it, admits she said no and stop beforehand, admits she said no and stop during the attack. and then you have a judge that
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then faces outrage, and defends the sentence by pointing to the victim and honestly, kate, the mother has come out in this case of the victim to say none of this stuff is true. she is has now said that a 14-year-old girl had had prior sexual -- and was pregnant. >> pregnancy previously, prior sexual partners and the mother said none of this was true. and i would even stop before then. when, if ever -- >> never. >> thank you. >> i know where you're going with this. >> when if ever should a victim's previous past sexual -- >> it doesn't matter -- >> -- acts matter. it doesn't, right snrjts not at all. in fact, it's not admissible in court. so for this judge to utter to the press that she was considering the victim's past in this case -- you know what she could have said? she could have said hey, this was a kid with no criminal record. this was a kid that felt horrifically horrible about this. he admitted it, he's not a serial rapist, he's got to show up in jail on the anniversary.
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he's going to be in jail for 45 days. but this is a justice system, not a revenge system. so we're going to try to rehabilitate this kid. and the victim is okay with it. had she said -- >> and the victim -- twice. >> there is a case in the news now where there is a high schooler who is accused of allegedly raping 18 girls. this is the kind of message -- >> when they don't report. >> yes. >> we've got to wrap. what can the victim do now? the judge has recused herself from this case at this point. can the victim do anything? >> i think the victim is going to do two things. she is probably going to cooperate with the prosecution as they go forward with the new judge. and secondly, i would hire an attorney. if what the judge said about this 14 isn't true, i would be suing that judge for slander. >> really unbelievable. and makes it worse when you consider the age of the victim. that really hits me, when you think about it. mel, thank you for being here. let's talk about something less of an outrage next time, if we can. thanks. coming up, we have a very different story coming out of texas. neighbors there have a seat for
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a neighbor who has trouble walking. actually, it's dozens of seats. we're going to tell you about the chairs for charlie. it's the good stuff. when la sends sales rep steve hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. you know what he brings? any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a's! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at! they're the days to take care of business.. when possibilities become reality. with centurylink as your trusted partner, our visionary cloud infrastructure and global broadband network free you to focus on what matters. with custom communications solutions and responsive, dedicated support, we constantly evolve to meet your needs. every day of the week. centurylink® your link to what's next.
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time for the good stuff. charlie george from garden oaks, texas, loves nothing more than to walk his dogs in his neighborhood. but the 64-year-old's battle with leukemia is making that tough. >> i've recently had a setback with my leukemia treatment, and it's made it difficult to walk. >> that sucks. so one of his neighbors came up with an idea to help charlie on his way. >> i thought i would put a chair in the yard for him, and then i thought, well, maybe the neighbors would want to put chairs in the yard. so i just sent an e-mail to everyone on the treat. >> that's what i'm talking about. before you knew it, charlie's neighborhood lined with dozens of chairs, adirondack, wrought iron, rockers, called "chairs for charlie." charlie is, of course, overwhelmed by the generosity. >> they put these chairs out for me. i think it's incredible. i didn't expect this at all. i intend to walk to the end.
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>> isn't that beautiful? of course, it's not medicine for the leukemia, but it's medicine for the heart and allows him to live his life. it's neighbors just stepping out, making the ordinary extraordinary. that's why it's the good stuff. >> i was thinking he was going to walk the dogs for him, but he gets so much joy walking his dogs. >> i like the idea of the chairs in the yard, anyway. >> i do too. >> it's the little things, right? >> it is the little things. >> in texas, big front porch culture down there, too. very nice. hospitable people. everything is bigger in texas. including their heart when it it comes to their neighbors. beautiful good stuff. starts off the week the right way. i like it. there's a lot of news, as well. so we have to get you to the newsroom, and ms. carol costello, the human equipment of a chair for everyone to rest while they get the news. >> okay, i'll take that. you guys have a great day. thanks so much. "newsroom" starts now.
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>> this is cnn breaking news. and good morning to all of you, i'm carol costello. thank you for joining me. we begin with breaking news. there is a horrifying turn in the case of those 200 nigerian girls abducted from their school last month. a man claiming to lead the terror group that abducted those girls from a rural school has issued a chilling warning. he will sell those girls. the statement issued just minutes ago says, quote, there is a market for selling humans. alla says i should sell. he commands me to sell. i will sell women. i will sell women. unbelievable, right? cnn's slad dutyier with more. it's just mind boggling. >> reporter: it is, carol. but, in fact, this has been what boek aram has since 2009. rights groups say they have killed thousands of people,
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