tv Wolf CNN May 6, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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multiple times before land on its roof. rescuers airlifted hopkins to a local hospital where she is in critical but stable condition. according to a spokesperson, her feet had to be amputated. >> thanks for watching, everyone. my colleague wolf blitzer starts right now. right now, armed men abduct eight more girls in nigeria as the world outcry grows over the hundreds of schoolgirls already being held by terrorists. also right now, massive floods, record droughts, dangerous wildfires. these are some of the warningings inwarn inings in a major new white house report on climate change. and right now, time to bury the blue dress, those words from monica lewinsky, now speaking out after a decade of near silence.
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hello, i'm whoolf blitzer reporting from washington. terrorists kidnap more girls in nigeria, adding to the nightmare playing out there. a witness tells cnn armed men stormed a village in northeast nigeria overnight and abducted eight more girls. this follows the kidnapping of more than four weeks ago by 200 girls. snatched from their school by the terrorist group boko haram. anguished parents are calling on the government and the world to do something. on twitter, #bringbackourgirls is a reflection of the growing international outrage. our correspondent isha sesay is in the nigeria capital of abuja right now. what can you tell us about these latest kidnappings? >> reporter: hi there, wolf. we continue to work this story and get more details. what we're learning is boko haram militants stormed a village in northeastern nigeria.
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we're told they went door to door. a local source telling us it was in search of girls and went away with eight of them, aged between 12 and 15. in addition to taking these girls, we know they collected goods, they collected money and they took livestock before disappearing into the night. this nightmare continues. also getting word, wolf, in the last few minutes, that today, today, tuesday, in the afternoon, at around 3:00 p.m., there was another attack in another village in that same vicinity where at least two people lost their lives. this coming to us from local residents. it was seen that despite all the international attention on nigeria right now and the nigerian government saying they are clamping down on boko haram, the attacks continue. wolf. >> isha, we saw that video yesterday apparently from this leader of boko har many ra, this islamist terrorist organization, threatening to sell the girls who were kidnapped from their
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school. has there been any word on the status or their whereabouts, more than 200 schoolgirls held? >> wolf, that is the big question here. it is a question we continue to put to the nigerian government, to shed more answer, shed more light, tell us more what they're doing to find these girls. when president goodluck jonathan spoke on camera for the first time on sunday, he admitted, we don't know where these girls are. he did say they were following every lead and working flat out to find them. but we still don't have enough detail, wolf. we still don't know what this operation looks like. we have no leads that have been shared with us by the nigerian government. as we speak to people there on the ground in chibok, families of these girls, they say the nigerian government's response, until last couple of days, had basically been inadequate. so we continue to push for answers. there's still many, many questions that need to be answered. wolf. >> we're just getting this in. i think this will be news to you. it's news to me and i think our
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viewers. just learned from the state department that the state department reporting that nigeria's president has now accepted a formal u.s. offer of support for nigeria to rescue these hundreds of girls kidnapped by boko haram. secretary of state john kerry according to the state department spoke with president goodluck jonathan earlier today. the u.s. embassy in nigeria ready to create what's called a coordination cell to provide intelligence, investigations, hostage negotiation, expertise, in addition to provide victim assistance. all this according to the state department spokeswoman. this is going to be potentially an important piece of information for the folks watching in nigeria. >> yeah, no doubt about that. there's been a growing call here in nigeria and, quite frankly, around the world, for nigeria to get international assistance. the very fact the president said three weeks on they don't know where these girls are, you know,
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basically has raised the specter of the nigerian government needing help. to have this today, that we have this word confirmed now that the american government will be lending assistance to the nigerians will come as very welcome news. we spoke to the finance minister on cnn yesterday and she admitted they need help, they're asking for help, and they which willingly accept it. it appears now the next step has been taken and that help is on its way, wolf. >> isha zsesay, on the scene for us in nigeria. let's get it's latest on ukraine. foreign ministers from across europe met this morning to discuss the unrest in ukraine. meeting included representatives from both ukraine and russia. among the headlines, germany now says ukraine is on the brink of an all-out war. russia blamed ukraine. britain is blaming russia. today's meeting comes on the heels of a deadly crackdown in the eastern ukrainian city of
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slavyansk. as many as 30 people briwere kid in fighting over the past few days. joining us now from near slavyansk is our own nick patton walsh. where does the anti-terror operation, as the ukrainians call it, stand right now? >> wolf, bizarre scene really here in slavyansk because yesterday we were talking about the intense battles on the highway leading to that particular town. we went down that road today which had been heavily fought over. a spokesperson for the pro-russian militants telling me they lost ten militants during that fighting 30 injured, but there was no sign of the ukrainian military there at all. they were simply not there to hold the ground they fought over earlier on. they pulled back from their previous position the day before which they'd been holding. we're in this bizarre situation where we see this violence, we see the toll it takes on civilians living in the area. one woman we saw had been shot in the head, perhaps by a stray bullet.
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but after all that, the ukrainian military don't seem to hold that territory. they may not want to face the potential for being attacked by those pro-russian militants on unfamiliar territory. the real question is where does the anti-terror operation go now? lots of barricades being re reinforced inside the city now. they're deeply worried about a full-out onslaught. many people in this town, too, very worried about what the next few days ahead hold, wolf. >> nick, there are a lot of reports out there, you've seen them, that pro russian forces are using heavy weapons, including artillery and mortar, in their clashes. are you able to confirm those reports? >> i have to say, from what we heard of the clashes yesterday there wasn't a lot of heavy weaponry being used. i may have missed something, but we've seen videos of ukrainian helicopters used, firing rockets, in one instance.
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that may explain one of the loud explosions we've heard. we know the pro-russian militants themselves, many carry on their back rocket-propelled grenades, attached to their ak-47s. taking out helicopters in the last few days. i saw two of them abandoned from their first position when the clashes happened. they do have heavy we'venry. whether that extends to artillery and mortars, i've not seen much of that. they seem to be relying more on small arms, sniper rifles. they certainly know what they're doing. whether or not they actually have the full force of the armor being used by the ukrainians here is not clear. they do have some tanks they've captured. i saw one man cleaning the barrel of a tank gun on one of those lighter armored vehicles outside of one of the pro-russian militants, suggesting perhaps it had been used recently. so, yes, intense clashes here. interesting to note how the pro-russian militants seem able to reasonably hold their ground
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yesterday, sustaining substantial loss, but we didn't see the ukrainian army move in and hold anything you might consider to be a valuable piece of territory, wolf. >> nick paton walsh, thank you. a new white house report says millions of americans are now threatened by climate change and why from the coast to the plains. stand by for a full report. and monica lewinsky's name was synonymous with scandal in the 1990s. what she's now saying about her regrets as she breaks her nearly decade-long silence. [paintball noises] the annual company retreat. planned, as usual, by this guy. nature lover... people person. ♪ and you put up with it all... because he also booked you a room... at this place. planet earth's number one accomodation site:
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a white house intern caught up in an affair with president clinton. all led up to this infamous statement. >> i did not have sexual relations with that woman, miss lewinsky. >> the president was eventually impeached by the house of representatives over the scandal and for perjury, later acquitted by the u.s. senate. through it all, monica lewinsky has remained largely silent, especially the last ten years. until now, that is, in this month's new issue of "vanity fair," monica lewinsky writes candidly about the affair. she talks about her relationship with president clinton and about her role in the affair and even about whether the relationship was an abuse of power. she says, and i'm quoting, sure, my boss took advantage me, but i will always remain firm on this point, it was a consensual relationship. any abuse came in the aftermath when i was made a scapegoat in order to protect his powerful position. lewinsky also writes that she's had some major problems finding jobs over the years, adding, and
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i'm quoting, because of what potential employers so tactfully refer to as my, quote, history, was never quite right for the position. in some cases, i was right for all the wrong reasons. she says she even turned down jobs that could have paid her as much as $10 million. i'm joined now by suzanne malveaux and gloria borger who, together with me, we all covered this story in 1998, '99. we remember it very well. so gloria, why do you think she's speaking out right now? >> she's turned 40 years old. first, i give her a lot of credit. i think she's struggled with this. largely in silence. and i think she wanted to kind of clear the air in her own words. and start a new chapter in her life. as she wrote, you know, it's hard for her to get a job. she does have this history. and people just don't forget the monica lewinsky story.
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i also think, for example, you've had politicians out there, particularly someone like rand paul, who's called bill clinton a sexual predator. she said, you know what, this was consensual. it was completely inappropriate but consensual it i think she wants to get on with her life. i give her credit for it. >> she's gone through a very difficult period over these years. this is only an excerpt from a much longer article that will come out in a couple of weeks. she went to the london school of economics. she got a masters degree. but she has really had major problems over the years because her name is monica lewinsky. >> she certainly has. you take a look at those tapes. i mean, we were the ones who were behind the camera. there were always producers, always reporters who were staking her out. we used to do that when i covered the story 16 years ago at the hotel, at the watergate. she was very gracious. she was friendly. but clearly she went through a very troubling time. and it was traumatic for her. she's never really said anything
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disparaging about hillary clinton. she's always acknowledged in some way that she did play a role in this. i don't know if you guys remember, when the star report came out, i mean, it was literally like phone books thick, like four or five. you read it and it was kind of a pathetic and mutually dependent relationship between these two individuals. >> i think she came out with this at this point. she remember referred to the 18-year-old rutgers student whose sexual liaison was caught on tape and he killed himself, right, and she portrays herself, and i think she might be right, she said she was possibly the first person whose global hue mi mill humiliation was driven by the internet. >> she writes her mother was worried about her potentially committing suicide. >> this whole clemente situation, when he was caught on tape kissing another man, sort of brought it all back to her.
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looking back on lewinsky and that was in the sort of nascent days of the drudge report and everything else. i think she's right about the characterization of her humiliation. the first time the internet kind of exploded with this. >> she writes she's doing this now to help others who may be publicly humiliated, especially in this new age of social media, move on and learn lessons from her experience. >> she says she hopes that's something she can accomplish. she really wants to find some sort of purpose out of the past. i agree in what she says as well that she was branded by the media. everybody played a role. all of us covering that story, there was vigorous debate within our own news organizations about how we would handle certain things, what would be in the public what would be protected during that time. but, yes, she largely walked away as the person who really was tarnished by this. and, you know, bill clinton now has established a robust relationship certainly outside of the presidency.
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>> gloria, how's this going to impact hillary clinton? assuming that she runs for president of the united states? >> you know what, i don't -- i honestly don't think much. i think this is history that's been out there. she did say that this was a consensual relationship. so it might counter some folks who talk about bill clinton in another way. it was completely inappropriate. she also says that. but the one thing she says about hillary clinton, we were talking about this in the makeup room, was about that she was sort of surprised that hillary clinton actually blamed herself in a way about this. >> and she found that troubling. i mean, she put herself in the same position, that both of them suffered because of this. >> that's right, that's right. and hillary clinton would say maybe she had been emotionally neglectful and she said, you know, don't blame yourself. >> you were working for cbs. you were working for nbc. i was working for cnn. all of us remember those days very, very vividly, thanks guys, very much. millions threatened by floods and wildfires and massive
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storms. the warnings coming in a brand-new white house climate change report. you really love, what would you do?" ♪ [ woman ] i'd be a writer. [ man ] i'd be a baker. [ woman ] i wanna be a pie maker. [ man ] i wanna be a pilot. [ woman ] i'd be an architect. what if i told you someone could pay you and what if that person were you? ♪ when you think about it, isn't that what retirement should be, paying ourselves to do what we love? ♪ cut! [bell rings] jane. her long day on set starts with shoulder pain... ...and a choice take 6 tylenol in a day which is 2 aleve for... ...all day relief. hmm. [bell ring] "roll sound!" "action!" narrator: these are the skater kid: whoa narrator: that got torture tested by teenagers and cried out for help. from the surprised designers.
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i would email the phone company to inquire as to why they have shortchanged these customers. but that would require wifi. switch to comcast business internet and get two wifi networks included. comcast business built for business. brace yourselves for more floods. monster systems, droughts and massive wildfires. no part of the country will be immune. those are the dire warnings contained in a brand-new report on climate change just released by the white house today calling for urgent action. as cnn's white house correspondent jim acosta explains, this is also a report with deep political pla cations. implications.
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>> reporter: from monster storms to raging wildfires, all a result of climate change. according to the obama administration's new national climate assessment, sea levels will rise up to four feet, more intense heat waves will hit the southwest and the arctic ocean could have ice-free summers by midcentury. >> hundred of the best climate scientists across the u.s. not just in the public sector but in private sector as well have worked over the last four years to produce this report. this assessment is about presenting actionable science. >> reporter: president obama has promised action. but critics within his own party complain he hasn't lived up to his complain vow from 2008. >> this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal. >> reporter: with his climate agenda stalled in congress, the president has taken steps on his own, seeking new limits on power plant pollution and setting tougher fuel efficiency standards for cars and trucks.
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the gop has fought the president on the issue. some republican lawmakers question whether humans are actually behind dramatic changes in the climate. while others say mr. obama is mounting an all-out assault on energy sector jobs. take this ad from senator minority leader mitch mcconnell's re-election campaign. >> mitch fights for kentucky miners. >> reporter: the natural gas and oil industries are booming. even as the administration is taking its time on a decision on the controversial keystone oil pipeline. some of that project's supporters in congress are calling for a vote to bypass the president to approve it. >> we believe strongly that that's not an effective or helpful way to bring that process to a conclusion. >> jim akocosta is joining us n. chad myers in the severe weather center. the president clearly making a major push on this report. he has an event scheduled for later today. talk about the political
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implications of what he has done today. >> well, i think there's some pretty substantial political implications, wolf, you're right. there's an event happening here at the white house, kind of unique, kind of not unique. he's going to be talking to a series of meteorologists flying in from all across the country, some at the network level, who will be talking to the president in the rose garden about the climate change. the crack political staff at cnn has discovered that president clinton did almost this very same thing back in 1997. so it's interesting to see the counselor to the president who used to work for the clinton white house now advising the president on climate change. they're sort of pulling the same trick here in trying to ratchet up attention with the public. but it is tricky politics for the president. because while this does rev up the democratic base, environmentives in the democratic base, there are a lot of endangered red state democrats who are nervous about this, who would rather see this president approve the keystone
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pipeline project, a project that has been sort of delayed by this administration, and one thing that we should note, wolf, is later on this week, the president's going to be doing some fund-raising out in california. obviously, the subject is not hurting the fund-raising department when you're out in california. on friday, he's doing yet another event designed to raise awareness on climate change. so the president is really pulling out some of the stops that he hasn't done in a very long time to raise awareness on this issue. >> let me bring chad into this conversation. the report emphasizing, chad, no part of the country is going to be immune from significant effects of climate change. walk us through some of the more dire warnings this report contains. >> i think when you look at your local weather man and you see his almanac page and it says the average high for today is 72, the high that day isn't going to be 72, it's going to be 62 or 82. the extremes are what we're talking about. extreme heat waves in the northeast.
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extreme flooding in the northeast. flash flooding and also coastal flooding. because the ocean obviously is rising. and it's going to continue to rise if we melt the glaciers. to the south, water issues, fresh water issues, because it isn't raining as much and now there's more people. also if you put the levels of the ocean up a little bit, any tropical system that hits the southeast will make a bigger dent, make a bigger impact of course. now, to the midwest, yes, we're going to have fires, but we're going to have droughts, we're going to have floods. we could also have a longer growing season. that's one possible positive of this. but if you have a heat wave and a drought in the middle of the growing season, your season is gone anyway. or if it flash floods through your land you're trying to grow things on, that's a waste of time as well. into the southwest, there's your wildfire increase. fresh water may become more scarce than it already is. to the pacific northeast, the snow is going to melt earlier it the rivers may be lower in the summer. alaska, the sea ice is receding. the permafrost, if it thaws,
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there's going to be a methane release that's even worse than carbon dioxide. methane in the air will produce more of the greenhouse gas and greenhouse warming than even co 2. the oceans are absorbing this co-2. they're becoming acidic. carbonic acid. and this is leading to a lack and a death now of some of the glaciers around the world, that water coming in, and also seeing the coral reefs die. we're seeing some of the other things around here. and some of the marine ecosystems, as they get in trouble that could be all the way down the food chain, eventually up to us. if we kill the oceans, we kill the world. >> chad myers, thanks very much. one major mistake that i'm sure jim acosta will agree with me that the white house did make today, they invited some of the nation's top meteorologists to the white house, they should have invited chad myers. arguably the best meteorologist on television today, bar none. >> thank you, wolf. >> maybe they can fix that down the road. >> he's welcome any time from my
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point of view, wolf. >> i totally support that statement. all right. thanks very much, guys. up next, the call for countries to help rescue schoolgirls kidnapped by a terrorist group in nigeria. i'll speak live with a former cia operative and human rights expert about what, if anything, the united states can do to help. and new fallout after our reports about veterans dying while waiting for medical care at v.a. hospitals. the secretary of veterans affairs is now under growing fire from groups that represent veterans. [ male announcer ] if you can clear a table [ sneezes ] without lifting a finger, you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. ♪ zyrtec®. muddle no more™. [ female announcer ] and now introducing children's zyrtec® dissolve tabs for full 24 hour allergy relief.
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welcome back. i'm wolf blitzer reporting from washington. the nigerian president has accepted an offer of u.s. support to rescue hundreds of schoolgirls. parents have demanded the government do more to resolve the crisis it eight more girls were abducted from a village today. that's in addition to the more than 200 still missing from kidnappings at a school last month. nicole lee is a policy expert with transafrica. bob barr is a former cia operative. guys, thanks very much for joining us. what's your response, first of all, president goodluck jonathan nigeria accenting this u.s. offer for all sorts of assistant including intelligence, military, other technical assistance? >> think it's welcomed but frankly not enough. i think people want to see
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tangible results first. for 2 1/2 week, the parents, the mothers, fathers, felt like they were ignored by their government. now the international community has come together to back up what nigerians are say, they deserve a solution to this. i think until they see something tangible, we're going to continue to see mounting pressure. >> practically speaking, bob, what can the u.s. do? this group, boko haram which is a muslim extremist group, they kidnap girls and sell them, any girl that's even getting an education, they want to kidnap them and sell them off for marriage or whatever. what can, practically speaking, the u.s. military intelligence community do? >> well, first of all, we can start turning the big ears of the national security agency on northern nigeria, start intersending phone calls. there's somebody who's seen these girls, even if it's accidentally. that will be very important help
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to nigeria. we can do things like turn on satellite coverage, thermal images. the united states has no sources in boko haram but once we start focusing on an issue like this, it's hard to hide 250-plus hostages. and i think the united states can contribute to this and i hope does. >>cy hope it does too. the international outrage is really feeling here in washington, but you're feeling it all over. >> no, absolutely, and i think it's amazing. this really started because nigerians went to twitter. when they couldn't get a response from their own government. it then grew. the whole idea of the hash tag is so powerful this idea of "bring back our girls." when i tweeted from washington. london, ja london. people around the world. the world is now claiming these girls for their own. i don't think the protests are going to end until really we see these girls returned safely
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home. >> #bringbackourgirls. it's really resonating out there. boko haram. tell us about the relationship it has with al qaeda affiliated groups not only in africa but elsewhere. >> well, wolf, they're not really al qaeda, they're fellow travelers. they take some of the ideology from al qaeda, from bin laden. it's an part of the chaos that comes in africa. the problem is they're well armed. they make their money from raiding villages, stealing oil, kidnappings, ransom and the rest of it. so it's a difficult -- it's going to be a difficult group to suppress. we don't even know the size of it. is it in the hundreds or the thousands? and it's operates in a part of nigeria which is cut off from the rest of the world. so it's going to take a long time before we get to the heart
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of this thing. >> one of the heartbreaking parts of this is that the parents of these girls, they're afraid to release pictures of these 14-year-old, 15-year-old, 16-year-old girls because they're afraid there will be retribution, if these pictures of these girls are seen on television, these terrorists will go out and punish them even more. >> they're afraid of retribution. they're also afraid of retribution when they return home. it's the whole idea, do we publish the names of rape victims? no, we often don't in this country. we want to bring them home. the parents want them home. at the same time, they want to keep them safe. it's every parent's worst nightmare it the idea that your child is out there the. and for them, in nigeria right now, no one has actually been trying to find then, so it's been very concerning. >> what do these girls do? they wanted to get an education. their parents wanted them to get an education. this group boko haram says these girls should not be allowed to get an education. they should only be married and that's it. nicole, thank you very much. bob, thanks to you as well.
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up next, options in ukraine. while ukraine's troops move in, russia starts flexing even more military muscle. we're about to take a closer look. it starts with little things. tiny changes in the brain. little things, anyone can do. it steals your memories. your independence. insures support. a breakthrough. and sooner than you'd like... ...sooner than you think. die from alzheimer's disease. ...we cure alzheimer's disease. every little click, call, or donation adds up to something big. alzheimer's association. the brains behind saving yours.
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check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. here's another important development. a top u.s. general says russia has gotten more active in the pacific by flying long-range bombers all the way over from the california coast. it's believed it's a bit of posturing with the u.s. strongly backing ukraine
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flights approaching the u.s.? >> i think you're establishing a parity between the united states and russia. this is a way of building up russia and suggesting that russia is america's equal. clearly putin is someone with a lot ofs s no stanostalgia for e this is something the ukrainian government, the military forces needed to do. >> well, perhaps, but it's also very frightening. i mean, we are really seeing these may go down as the early days of the ukrainian civil war. certainly russia is a
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whole range of groups that are emerging there that are hostile to the government in kiev. the blood has started to spill terribly in odessa. now quite a lot of people killed in the east, in slavyansk. the harder it's going to be >> as you point out, odessa, that's not eastern ukraine, that's more central ukraine. and the fact that there's a deadly confrontation going on there between ukrainian forces, pro-russian demonstrators, that's is extremely worrisome. tell our viewers why. this was mostly being discussed as a problem with eastern ukraine. with the idea they were having trouble keeping control in one part of eastern ukraine. as you said, odessa is really in the center of the country, quite far south.
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if the government in kiev cannot control odessa, you're talking about a much larger swath of sp control. also there's the possibility of russia creating an entire swath of ukraine, all the way cutting across to a breakaway region ue control of the government in kiev. >> can they have free and fair elections on may 25th as they're now scheduled, given the violence exploding around the country? >> well, this is really the tragedy. it seems to me if there's going to be some kind of reconciliation in kiev, maybe some kind of greater autonomy for those regions where do is he express their points of view so you can have a political process. yet this violence is making those elections very difficult
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in the aernt paeastern part of which makes it harder to have a ukrainian government in a country. >> thanks, as usual, for that excellent explanation. there's no fallout from our reports about veterans dying while waiting for medical care at the u.s. va hospitals. calling for the veterans affair secretary to step down. we're going to fill you in on latest development. reach ally , but there are no branches? 24/7. i'm sorry, i'm just really reluctant to try new things. really? what's wrong with trying new things? look! mommy's new vacuum! (cat screech) you feel that in your muscles? i do... drink water. it's a long story. well, not having branches let's us give you great rates and service. i'd like that. a new way to bank. a better way to save. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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dominique wilkins, are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza. he said victoza works differently than pills, and comes in a pen. and the needle is thin. victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza is not insulin. do not take victoza if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic
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the white house has just responded to calls by the nation's largest veterans group, asking for the veterans affairs secretary to resign. and it all stems from the story we've been reporting for months. now more fallout to what cnn has uncovered. among other things, there are allegations that a va hospital in phoenix, arizona, up to 40 veterans died there waiting to simply see a doctor. that, according to several sources. and the hospital also allegedly kept a secret list of wait times, that was a list that reportedly tried to keep hidden from the public, and from the va headquarters in washington, d.c. our reporting on the story has garnered quite a bit of attention from members groups, even to the president of the united states. our investigation correspondent drew griffin has done this reporting together with his team. for months you've been working on this.
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i understand there's now new word of this alleged secret list, this waiting list. what do you hear? >> what's happening in phoenix is really begging the question of whether or not records -- these records were literally purged from the system. a deliberate attempt to eliminate the backlog by eliminating the records themselves. the va reported that just in the last year, it cleared 1.5 million backlogged orders for patient care or services, which they call consults. we asked the government's watchdog at the government's own accountability office if there's any way to tell if the va is telling us or congress the truth. the answer is no. >> it's a little disconcerting that 1.5 million records were closed. we can't determine whether they did a review of clinical review, and appropriately closed out the consult. >> if you don't know how these wait times and consults were cleaned up, does anybody?
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does the va headquarters know? >> well, you'd have to -- you know, they did not require these local facilities to keep records of how they were -- how they closed out the consults. so it would be really, as i mentioned, that you'd have to really go back to each individual patient record to see how the consult was -- >> so the va itself, i would assume, does not know? >> no. >> shocking stuff. how could anyone, including the va, confidently tell us that these veterans are getting the medical care, the appointments, the kind of assistance they really need. >> wolf, they can't. draper said the record keeping, the data collection is so bad, and the oversight at the va is so bad, that nobody at the va really knows what happened to this backlog of 1.5 million. these are patients looking for care. they've simply just vanished. we reported in phoenix that at the va hospital, the backlogged
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doctors' appointments were taken off with a secret list that allowed those records to simply be deleted. >> as we've been reporting, the american legion, which is not some splinter group, the american legion now saying the secretary of veterans affairs should resign. he's an important member of the president's cabinet. i want you to listen to what jay carney, the white house press secretary, said just a little while ago. >> the president said last week, we take the allegations around the phoenix situation very seriously. that's why he immediately direct secretary shinseki to investigate. the secretary has also invited the independent veterans affairs office of the inspector general to conduct a comprehensive review. we must ensure that our nation's affairs get the benefits and services that they deserve and they have earned. the president remains confident in secretary shinseki's ability to lead the department and to take appropriate action based on the ig's findings. >> you've been doing all the break-through reporting on this explosive story. i know you have repeatedly asked
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for secretary shinseki to sit down and talk to you, in fact, talk to the american public. you've been denied repeated requests. what's going on there? >> six months now. i was standing over in front of the va again this morning. that's what it's come down to. the answer is either no, or we'll get back to you, or simply they refuse to answer. something that really bothered me that i learned last night, we heard from families of vets who died unnecessarily. who asked for a meeting with eric shinseki. they have not heard back from eric shinseki. you know, you can ignore a reporter, you can tell us to go pound sand. but really, i find it shameful that a veteran's family who had a veteran die in a hospital at one of his hospitals, unnecessarily, isn't even afforded the response to a request. i find that rather shameful. >> he's a retired u.s. military general. he should go out, and speak to you, sit down, explain his side of the story, what's going on.
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and if he can fix it, fix it. otherwise, he's got to move on. >> get out. >> thanks very much. very proud of your work, and veterans all over the country are grateful to you. >> thanks, wolf. aspirin, it has received a lot of attention over the years. so-called miracle drug, to prevent heart attacks, among other things. but now you might want to listen to what the fda is saying about aspirin. our own doctor, sanjay gupta, he's got new information. this is information every one of you needs to know. we asked people a question,
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how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going to have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagine how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪ [ female announcer ] we eased your back pain, you turned up the fun. tylenol® provides strong pain relief while being gentle on your stomach. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®.
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we must have encountered a temporal vortex. further analytics are necessary. beam us up. ♪ that's my phone. hey. [ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system. only from xfinity. tv and internet together like never before. we've all heard that taking an aspirin, a baby aspirin once a day can help prevent a heart attack. but the food and drug administration is saying not so fast. sanjay, all of a sudden there's some new information. what's going on here? >> well, the fda would say this
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isn't new information. it's kind of an interesting back story. the makers of the low-dose aspirin bayer, they wanted to be able to put on this bottle that this can prevent heart attacks, first-time heart attacks. the fda said after looking at the data, over a long time, they're not prepared to say that. they think that a baby aspirin, which is 81 milligrams, can potentially prevent someone who's already had a heart attack or a stroke, from having another one, but not as good necessarily at preventing the first one. so that's sort of the genesis of this whole thing is this labeling issue. but it's re-stirred up this whole question. >> there's one argument that people say, well, take aspirin. they might not help, but can't hurt. but the counterargument, for some people it could hurt, right? >> everything in medicine is a risk/benef risk/benefit analysis. sometimes it can be confusing even in the medical community. how much value to you give to the benefit and how much to the
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risk. the concern is, when you take aspirin, you're thinning your blood a little bit. you're more likely to bleed. if you have ulcers in your stomach, they may be more likely to bleed. that's a potential risk. compared with the small benefit, at least the people who have never had a heart attack or never had a stroke, the small benefit of preventing that from happening. they thought that the risks outweighed the benefits. again, if you've already had a heart attack or stroke in the past or you have significant heart disease yourself, not your family, but yourself, then an aspirin may be good for you. >> the bottom line right now, who definitely should be taking at least a baby aspirin every day? >> it's really -- i'm 44 years old. according to the guidelines out there, next year, i turn 45, they say i should start taking a baby aspirin. that was what you heard from a lot of the people who make up the guidelines. what the fda is saying, sanjay, look, you have a family history of heart disease but enever had a heart attack or stroke, you
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shouldn't take as aspirin. it's only if you've had a heart attack in the past. >> sanjay, thanks very much. that's it for me. see you at 5:00 p.m. eastern in the situation room. newsroom with briana keeler newsroom with briana keeler starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- the first warnings emerged more than 100 years ago, but now a team of scientists said the time for dire predictions is over. that global change is here, right now, and we're all being affected. longer summers, hotter summers, drought, and extreme weather patterns across the u.s. the report concludes, quote, that climate change once considered an issue for a distant future has moved firmly into the present. that is a quote. politics here? you bet. the report was released by the white house, and immediately rapped by republicans. that said, supporters of stronger government action to meet this
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