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tv   CNN Special Report  CNN  May 6, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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that's all for us tonight. cnn special report with don lemon starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- this is a cnn special report. i'm don lemon. tonight, an iconic face of the 1990s resurfaces after years of silence. monica lewinski speaks out. also, a legal word brewing in the donald sterling saga. the reported owner is on the hunt for an all-star legal team. we could be in for a long hall. tennessee state senator refuses to apologize for comparing obama care to the holocaust. and rushes to apologize for -- well, you just have to see it. >> in the hunt for flight 370. a new poll suggests a large majority of americans believe the plane was taken down by terror. we're going to begin tonight with monica lewinski. just think about the news lately, right?
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we have spent a lot of time covering people who fall from grace and become social pa ryas. donald sterling is just the latest example. america loves a good redemption story for almost everyone. to hear a few names, bill clinton, charlie sheen, paula deen, martha stewart, kim kardashian, bill o'reilly, david letterman. vanessa williams, rob lowe, hugh grant and on and on and on. why not monica lewinski? she is back in the news after writing an article in "vanity fair." martha stewart went to prison. charlie sheen lost his job. paula deen lost millions of dollars. monica lewinski he retreated from the public eye and is now trying to change that. many empathize with lewinski after her relationship with clinton because it was clear lit ultimate imbalance of power. but most realize that at the same time, she was a grown woman. old enough to make her own decisions. and she decided to have a sexual relationship with a sitting
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president. in my humble opinion, she has also decided in the 15 years sense to hide and largely run away from it and not to own her own story. hear me out. monica lewinski by her own admission has had plenty of opportunities in business and otherwise to right her own story and navigate a new court for her life. she has chosen not to. while the public has largely moved on, it is her who has not, until now. and it is about time. in fact, it is past time. so joining me now is sunny hostin. charles owing eltree a professor in law. michael la been founder he of la been communications. i will start with you professor ogletree. have you a connection through the case through one of lewinski's attorneys. what makes this case different from all of the other cases of scandal and redemption in american life? >> i don't think it is either
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one. i don't think it is scandal or redemption. my boss was her first lawyer. i knew very much about the case. i was involved in this as well. i think the reality is she was mistreated. no question about that. i think we can't forget that. i'm not at all surprised he she was out of public view for a long time. she has is a college degree. graduate degree, at london institute there. i think now she is coming forward. and not being vindictive. she said the sex was consensual. i don't think it was. president clinton was a grown man, president of the united states, it may have been consensual that they growth agreed to it. but he he had an enormous amount of four -- >> i said clearly there was an imbalance in power but he she was 22 to 25 when it happened. >> i think you are so wrong.
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>> am i being too hard? >> we always blame the woman. there was such a disparity in power. >> it was an imbalance of power. but she is in her 20s. >> she has been hiding. she is a grown woman when this happened. but you can't -- you've got to realize that she was a young girl. she didn't know her -- >> she wasn't a young girl. a young girl is 12 years old. 13, 14, 15. she was 23-year-old woman -- >> sorry. 23-year-old intern when your boss takes advantage of you. and your boss is the president of the united states within there is a disparity in power. and she became unemployable. she became a a pa rya, don. >> she should have had the presence of mind as a 2 3-year-old woman to not sleep with her boss.
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>> i would hate to look at myself when ways 23 and some of the decisions i made. >> when you were 23 years old, you didn't know who and who not to sleep with? >> i didn't know who i was at 23 years old. am i not right, professor ogletree. >> you are definitely right. i think the reality is -- no question about that. don, if you look at the history of this, a lot of women have been dominated by men. no question about that. i think the only fair inference is that this person, president of the united states, used an enormous amount of power to have this relationship. and i appreciate the fact that his wife gave him -- but remember, at martha's vineyard, the real catalyst between him and hillary clinton was their wonderful daughter, chelsea. you could see them in the white house, she in the middle, him holding her hand and her holding her hand. >> many have gone through public scandal and managed to move
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forward. why does monica lewinski seem unable to do that? >> i think that your guests referring to a 25-year-old being a young woman, and it was either was consensual or not consensual. this is a new standard for a young woman, a 25-year-old should have a modest understanding that when a man is married and the president of the united states, perhaps you're heading into some tenuous grounds. >> and that's blaming monica lewinski. >> i'm not blaming her. >> let's take a look at her comments, all right? she said, because she said it was between two consenting adults. sure my boss took advantage of me. but i will always remain firm on this point. it was a consensual relationship. she's never been able to move on with her career because of what
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employees refer to as my history. i was never quite right for the position. so son sunny -- >> she is in kbland. her own life and she says it is consensual. you are making excuses for her. >> the point not whether or not the contact wag consensual. when you have the disparity of power -- >> agree. >> i completely agree with you. >> at the end of the day she is the person to blame. she becomes the scapegoat. everyone else moves on. hillary clinton becomes secretary of state. president is revered. and she can't even get a job. even though she was trained at london school of economics. i think it is once again a woman -- >> i don't believe she can't get a job. listen, not many people -- it is an honor, a privilege to be able to get a degree, a master's from the london school of economics. >> she is not a stupid woman. >> she is not a stupid woman. if you can get a degree, you can
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get a job. i'm not buying she can't get a job from there. >> there is an enormous imbalance of power. clinton shoes have known, you don't use or therefore abuse that type of power have you. 22-year-old, 18-year-old, 30-year-old, when you have the power that president of the united states has. the real question you asked to begin with is why aren't we givinger h the same credit we are giving everybody else from michael vick to any one of these people. we love a down troddened story to come back. i think the problem is in order to do that, we almost have to attack the presidency itself. we will give monica lewinski a chance. and she certainly deserves one. while he was a sitting president, we couldn't do it and she went into hiding. even since she was a former president and his status is almost grown, as an elder statesman, if we give plon ka lewinski a chance, it seems as though we are attacking bill clinton. i'm glad she is coming out and
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talking about this as a 40-year-old. she should have done this as a 30-year-old and not in hiding as she was. >> why is she having to write an article in "vanity fair" to do this. >> however she decides to come out, she should. >> yeah. >> i agree with that 100%. but it seems like after 15 years, i think for the -- i think it has been -- >> at the beginning of this blame -- >> i did not blame her. i said for the most part she has been the one that has not moved on pt. the public has largely moved on. >> what i don't understand, don -- >> mark first, then professor. >> sure. >> or michael, sorry. >> i don't understand your guests saying she was the only one punished. being impeached as president of the united states, some people would regard as a rather lasting and significant punishment. is being impeached not a punishment? >> i didn't think it was punishment that had any --
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>> professor, before you answer, let me read this. here is what monica lewinski says about the impact of the spotlight on her. in the aftermath i was made a escape coat to protect his position. the clinton add palestinian strags is special prosecutors's minions the political operatives on both sides -- able to brand me. and that brand stuck, in part, because it was imbudded on me. >> i speak now. >> yes. >> i want to say this. her first lawyer was my first boss, frank carter, public defender's office. if is very clear that she was somebody who had no idea she was walking into this wonderful experience but in a tragic experience with the president. and you have to think about, he is the president of the united states of america. she is an intern at the white house. somebody has power.
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he does. and i think it is wrong to talk about women if they are 13 or 15 or 23, 24, 25, 30, that they have more power over a man -- >> they are women having power over men regardless of their jobs, that is not true. i don't believe that. >> you are so way off base. and you know i love you don lemon, but you are so way off base. >> when i was 23 years old, i knew what i wanted and i knew when i wanted it. i knew what i should and should not do. and when i was 25 years old, i knew even better. >> no one is excusing the fact she had a relationship with married man who was the president of the united states. there is a special place in hell for women that sleep with other women's men. as an intern in the white house, being abused by her boss.
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>> i also knew not to sleep with my boss when i was 23 or 25. thank you. everyone stay with me. donald sterling's lifetime ban. is it merely a battle in the war. that next. ♪ ben! well, that was close! you ain't lying! let quicken loans help you save your money.
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known for his court battles. >> reporter: if he has any chance of keeping this, clippers only donald sterling has it fight this. and he's going to need a go for the jugular no-holds-barred lawyer. the kind who defend client, like paula deen. after she was caught using a racial slur in 2013. >> i want to apologize to everybody for the wrong this i've done. >> reporter: that lawyer, according to tmz sport, a patty glazer. who would not confirm she was working for sterling but is a logical choice. she got the words that nearly destroyed deen's career thrown out. the frazier star in 199 5 was accused of having sex with 15-year-old girl. >> he doesn't want to be treated
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special because he he is a celebrity, or taken advantage of either. >> how can i get nbc to screw me over. >> if she represent the interest of the trust, i think she is on much more more solid legal ground than just coming in and representing sterling. >> reporter: sterling is talking it a number of high-profile numbers. one of the first orders of business for any loyal sterling hires in the nba action will likely be figuring out whether the tapes were recorded legally under california law. secondly, whether it is legal to force the sale of such a valuable team. >> the players association for the league needs to start thinking about the contingency plan. what are you going to do for those clippers players who no
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longer want to play for a man profiting off of their abilities, skills, and talents. >> reporter: some expert say sterling's lawyers could hire investigators to dig up dirt on the opposition. one-time friends, now potential enemies. >> these owners may have to give up information that they may not want out there in the public. that's why part of any litigation is whether or not donald sterling will win but also, what do the other parties have to lose if this case goz to litigation. >> deborah, thank you very much. now kenneth, sports attorney. sarah stockman, columnist at boston globe. back with me now, charles ogletree, and sunny hostin in the hot seat. she is bringing it tonight. so a little by trade, reputation as a litigator, does it surprise you he doesn't plan on going away quietly or quickly? >> it doesn't surprise me at
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all. he learned how to play the game and hired some of the best people. he owns a lot of money. has a lost impact and i think that at the end of this, he is going to be successful as lawyer and turning this whole thing around. and i think a lot of things will come out about a lot of people, a lot of owners and i think that people need to understand that donald sterling may be the first person caught saying the things but what he will show is that i'm not alone. anybody who is owning a franchise like i do says things they don't expect to be recorded. and i think that people will have a hard time tying this to him and anything that you say privately will forever be used gns you, even though what he said was racist, inappropriate and should be condemned. >> how is this case unique? >> well, grace is a good lawyer an she will do a good job. but the question she has to take on or try and answer is in the court of public opinion, he is
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guilty. sterling is now the poster child for what you are not supposed to say in private or in public and be that racist. so what she's got to do is decide how she will try and show this guy, don sterling, to be, what? something more normal? if he going to do it by taking on 29 other billionaires by saying they are insensitive, or stupid speaking on occasion, great. i hope that someone with think in his 80th year that maybe he should start acting reasonably, rationally and not destroy the nba because he he happened to be shown he was the person that he is. >> i asked that question earlier. and they said, unless he gets a personality transplant, don, that won't happen p. we are talking about his wife, the co-owner, does she have a chance of keeping ownership here? >> absolutely. i'm glad you brought this up. she is the player that no one is talking about. she came out with a statement, i
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have it in front of me, as co-owner, i'm fully committed to take the necessary steps to make the clippers the best team in the nba. she says, that's been my aspiration since 1981. that says, i've been the owner since 1981 and i will still be the owner. the clippers are in family trust. adam silver said this is not about anyone in the sterling family, just about donald sterling. and i think shelly sterling is the player that people have to look at. she is not going anywhere. and the family will retain control. >> it is not going to happen. there's an old saying in law. with closing argument, when you take out a piece of meat and it is rancid, or a piece of stew, you don't look around for a good piece of meat, you throw it all out. she has stayed with him since 1981. she knew who he was during discrimination lawsuits. she knew who he was during the
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affair. she is tied to him through death due them part. >> but she is a co-owner. what do you do with that? >> she goes with him. >> you're right. but she needs to go with him, like don just said, they need to leave and leave the nba alone. learn a lesson from acting the way he did. and not use all of his money to destroy the nba. the rest of us now know who he is. >> amen. >> move on. go somewhere elsewhere it is okay to be where you are. not here. >> if this drags on and they play under a sterling ownership, do they have any legal rights here? >> i think they do. i think that's really the key that sterling may have to hang on to. not so much concerned about what nba constitution says and the other issues, what can really be the key is if the business can't continue to operate. sterling has little power to overcome something that silver tries to do.
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if he says, i'm doing this in the best interest of the game, these team can't function any more, these players won't play, so we have to sell. >> you wrote an article in "boston globe", called becoming white. tell us about sterling's background as a lawyer. >> so he grew up very poor. in a section of l.a. called bora heights. a mixed race section of l.a. he worked in a furniture store at night. it was his wife's father's furniture store. then he went to law school. and he became a lawyer. he became a personal injury lawyer and divorce lawyer. because that's all you can do at the time if you were jewish. there were white law firms at the time discriminated against jews. did not hire jews. sew saved his money and bought a an apartment building.
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>> of all people, he should know better. >> my mother is half jewish. my grandfather is jewish. i it is so shocking that given the fact he is jewish and has experienced bigotry and racism, that he would hold these views. it is almost as if there is self hatred going on. >> hold that thought. everybody stay where you are. up next, a gallery of influential figures in sports who made ugly racial statements and lost their careers. we will take a look at what happens when sports and race collide. that's next, don't go anywhere. woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days.
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and we're back. race and sports in america. you have inspiring heroes like jackie robertson and roberto clemente and people like donald sterling building them up. >> sterling's hate filled comments are hardly the first to hit the world of sports. >> i think this makes the controversies all the more striking. >> former cincinnati reds owner was reportedly overheard saying, never hire another n word. i would rather have a trained monkey working for me. in 1996 on espn she says this about adolf hitler. >> everybody in history know he just went too far. >> with a history of offensive
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comments, she is forced to sell the reds three years later. >> it took a long time for baseball it drum her out. this is not have the swift throw-day justice of donald sterling. >> in 1987, then dodger general manager makes an outrageous comment about african-americans on abc's "nightline." >> there's still that much prejudice in baseball today? >> no, i don't think it is prejudice. i think they truly may not have some of the necessities to be, let's say, a field manager or perhaps a general manager. >> he later tries to explain he was talking about the lack of african-americans with
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experience. within days, he's gone. >> what stood out to you about ted koppel's questioning of al campanis. >> ted koppel giving him the opportunity to back track his statements and this man is unapologetically saying, no, this is how i feel. >> sports media has its own troubles, in 1998, then football
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>> here is the thing, i'm looking at stats here, in 2013, african-americans comprised about 40% of all nba head coaches, and a much smaller percentage of owners. what dynamic does that cause? >> it is not too different from the rest of america, if you think about it. people of color, increasing the number of places in society. but when you look at the top in sports, if you look at
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ownership, the absence is stark. and it is not any special prejudice in sports. the economic don't allow people of color to participate at the highest levels. now where there could be greater progress, is as the president level, is at the ceo level, is at head coach level. those are places where there's been modest progress but we still have very strong evidence that there are issues that still permeates for it. >> you have to own the team, though. i think what is remarkable about the facts is there is so little ownership about teams with people of color. >> that's the opportunity here for some -- >> i don't think you can call the progress we've made an illusion. we've made progress over the last 40 years. with jackie robinson. we have a long way to go. the numbers that don is talking about. it will take a while to get there, but we are on our way. >> does that mean players become somewhat of a commodity to the team and i'm putting that nicely
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using that word commodity? >> commodity is a good word. i have a slight disagreement with mark here. there are glory days. when jackie robinson integrated baseball, that was a great move. in the 1980s, you saw african-american players almost everywhere. if you look now, mark, what's amazing is that most players don't have a lot of african-american players. they have one or two. i'm not talking about other people who might be black in complexion but other parts of the world. black boys are not playing base paul. they are not involved in major league baseball. they are involved in football, basketball, other sports but not baseball. i think we need to change that. i took one of the 1921 tulsa race ride survivors it a boston red sox baseball game. he said to me, professor ogletree, this is strange. i said, what are you talking about, mr. clark? he said, i'm looking at the audience. i said, yes, just throw the
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pitch. he says these are white folks. for him, over 100 years old, been to all the ball parks. remembers the 1928 teams playing all black, he was amazed this is a majority white audience at a white stadium. that made an impact on him. i think we have to figure out what we do now to make sure that what happened in the 1928s, 40s, are happening again in the 2 1st century. >> but history does not repeat itself. you wrote an interesting piece in boston globe where it says, donald sterling wasn't born white. explain that. >> i think it is important that donald sterling is an old man. he is 80 years old. when he was born in the '30s, jews experienced huge racial discrimination. and a lot of people, huge portion of america did not consider them to be white. they were considered to be separate.
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and so how did donald sterling react to that? he changed his name. was originally born donald tokowitz. he became very wealthy. he moved out of the ghetto. he had lived in a mixed-race neighborhood. he moved out and never looked back. i think that's what this whole thing is about. he expected his young friend to do the same. because she had a lot in common with him. she grew up in the same neighborhood. she went to the same neighborhood he did 50 years later. she changed her name. she changed her face. that is not the nose her momma gave her. i think that this is about a simulation. >> you're talking about v. stiff anna. >> yes. >> what is remarkable in some of his comments is he said to her, why can't you just be a delicate latina. why can't you just be a delicate white. i can tell you, even in my experience, i'm a latino and black.
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i call myself a black tina. and i'm jewish. people say, why do you broadcast the blackness and not the latina. it is unbelievable that he said, don't be who you are, try to pass the other. that opens up a whole other can of worms. in society, that's what people do. >> so the blackness is the worse the part of you that you can be. is that what he is saying. >> i guess so. >> he just showed his true colors, no pun intended, when he suggested she deny blackness. >> i wish i could say some things on television that i can't. but starts with a blank you, don sterling. coming up, life from a microscope from the privacy of your home to the campaign trail to the television screen. how much do you have to watch what you say. ♪ [ male announcer ] your eyes. even at a distance of 10 miles...
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back now with a very hot panel of experts tonight. and they are not letting anything get by me. okay, so it is easy for people to quickly find themselves in hot water for the words they use and things they say. just ask donald sterling. yesterday, on cinco de mayo, nbc's early program offended some while trying to make light in the way some celebrate the holiday. take a look at this. >> cinco de mayo, celebrating
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mexican heritage an pride and commemorates the mexican army over the french horses in the battle of puebla in 1862. also an excuse to drink tequila on monday morning at work for lewis. you have to drink the whole thing and eat the worm. >> oh, thomas is a friend. i like him. sonny, as a black-tina, what is your reaction? >> when i saw it, of course, like everyone else this morning, i immediately thought, they don't have any latino producers. they don't have anyone in the newsroom telling them that this is ill advised. it was a problem for me. diversity o in the newsroom, diversity in the nba. different points of view so people can be -- >> here's what people think about that. i've often said that, and i don't mean to beat up on msnbc.
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it is not just about diversity of color, it is diversity of thought. you can't just have a course of agreement with people -- >> i inform agree with anyone. >> there you go. >> go ahead. >> what i love about that -- >> go ahead, mark. >> here is what i love about that. we have become and we are teaching our children, if you look at it with the silver lining, with this idiocy happens, we have sterling out in throw or four days. even this thing this morning, i think what is good about this is that when these inappropriate insensitive occurrences happen, we are reacting to them quickly. very well and very openly. and our children may be are learning that behavior is not going to happen, won't be tolerated, and if it happens, you are embarrassed on national tv and maybe it will filter down into the classroom. maybe a silver lining. >> i have to read this from msnbc. after complaints from national association of latino aalliance. so charles, what do you make of
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that? >> it is very troubling because you have this cartoon about those celebrating cinco de mayo. but every single game, whether it is a basketball game or baseball game or football game, you see people out tailgating and drinking hours before the game. drunk, throwing up. some of them getting arrested. that doesn't make the news. because that's expected. and i know someone who just went to see the great marathon here. an 11:00 game with the red sox. talking about people were drunk at 10:00 in the morning. my daughter experienced that same folks at the dorms at columbia when she was in college a long time ago. it is amazing. we need to figure out a way it address these issues.
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and think to people, you don't drink at 10:00 in the morning. you don't drink at midnight. >> you mean cinco de mayo or in general? because what was friday night. >> well, the reality is everybody is drinking in the lot and getting sick. and we only talk about cinco de mayo as if it is the only time people drink anything. >> just quickly, i don't have a lot of time. do you think it would have been different if it was during a comedy show, not during newscast some. >> certainly. >> "saturday night live" episode would be the slavery incident. so there have been negative reaction even if it was a comedy show. we just need to be more careful. sunny is right. inclusion of the newsroom, greater diversity and where the decisions are made is so important. >> i imagine msnbc has a diverse newsroom. >> not own that show. i would think anyone that really had the opportunity to say
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something would have. >> you look for the on air and what they are about. we don't know. i don't know what it is like in the newsroom. i haven't worked there in years. i worked there about 10, 15 years ago. so let's move on now, a tennessee state senator likened obama care to the holocaust on his blog. bragging about the number of mandatory sign-ups for obama care is like germans bragging about the number of sign-ups tore train rides for jews in the 40s. i invited him on the show. he cancelled. should this type of comparison be off limits, you think? >> it is just -- it is so whacko. the front page of boston harold showed that the care has saved lives. this is what weird rhetoric --
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>> ask sterling if he is upset about that comment. >> good point mark o'meara. >> mark o'meara on fire tonight. thank you. the flight of 370. what do you think happened to the plane? there's a new poll. that's next. of complete darkness.
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with phase two of the search for flight 370 under way, new polls show a vast number of americans think criminal activity brought the plane down close to two months ago. i will bring now any guests. jeff wise, mary. and mary, we will start with you. mary, many people that the disappearance of flight 370 is terrorist-related. mary, why do you think people believe that. >> well, the events of 9/11, underwear bomber and shoe bomber, they tend to think this is the same as that.
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but malaysia 370 doesn't have any of the hall marks of a terror attack and we know the malaysians are not treating it as a terror investigation. i will give you a couple of examples. last week was the first we heard they rounded up any terrorist suspects. 11 people or questioning. but made it clear they didn't think they had anything to do with 370. compare that with the united states after 9/11. airports closed. equipment seized. flight schools examined. not once, but twice. some cases, four times. pictures of the suspects flashed across the country. fbi had rewards for information. the two most important pieces of evidence that the case that spent 11 years litigating 9/11 showed up in plane brown envelopes in my desk. the people world over wanted to help with clues. and clues poured forth. we don't have any of that here. it is very quiet. >> jeffrey thomas, 66% say it is likely flight 370's disappearance was due to actions
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by the pilot or flight crew. do you believe this was an intentional act? >> yes, i do, don. and going off the back of what mary was just saying in the absencof any terror-related finger presents if you like, i think the pilot is the cause of the disappearance of flight 370. and so do most of the investigators on the case. and that's the message coming out, is that the pilot input is the likely cause. >> jeff wise, roughly half think the search is being conducted in the wrong place. do you? >> you know, don, i think the more times goes on and we don't find anything in the southern ocean and the more evidence
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accumulate, that the shorts might have been barking up the wrong tree with this search area. i think there's a good chance -- i don't know he what happens to this plane, nobody does -- but i think there it is realistic it may be in the north. >> mary, officials are not holding out any hope that there are any survivors. >> no, they are not. if the plane managed it land on the watt are, to ditch on the water, there would have been some hope for a if you days. there's the slides turn into life rafts or life rafts on board there. all sorts of emergency equipment. we didn't have any elts. i think that window passed with the lack of an immediate search. >> jeffrey thomas, as we speak, an international panel of experts began to reexamine all of the data in the nearly
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two-month hunt for flight 370. do you think this needed to be looked at earlier? >> look, no, don. i think it is that they are just pausing because, the ocean shield is coming. they recognize they have to go deeper. we know they have to go deeper to get to down in the area around ping number one. and what i'm told by experts in cambra, they said the one week reexamination of the data is simply a refinement just to absolutely make sure they haven't missed anything. and angus houston says this is only a refinement. we are looking in the right area. >> thank you. when we come back, experts will answer questions about flight 370. randy and i quit smoking with chantix. as a police officer, i've helped many people in the last 23 years. but i needed help in quitting smoking.
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can they go. can someone clarify? >> yes, on the north side of ping 1 it drops off rapidly to
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5,500 meters, well which is why they are bringing in orion. >> why use the same team? nothing like throwing good money after bad. >> good point. when investigators come to a dead end, they can't make sense of what the data they've got, it is natural human tendency, when you lock at data, you tend to form hypotheses and it is a great idea to bring in new ideas, to people to have fresh ideas. >> quickly, mary, short. why is the u.s. an others playing for the search when the plane doesn't belong us to. nobody played for the twa 800. let malaysia pay. >> we have invested $4 million. whether we will spend additional sum will remain to be seen. they are going to ask countries
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and boeing and others to contribute. we'll see. >> that does it for us. thank you. thank you. ac 360 starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- good evening. tonight breaking news on disturbing allegations that veterans died waiting for care at va hospitals. first veterans groups, now isn't senators say veterans affairs secretary should lose his job, should resign. also tonight monica lewinsky breaking her silence about her relationship with president bill clinton. why she says it's finally time to bury the blue dress. we begin with another breaking news story. new video that seems to prove a story that sounded unbelievable at the time. that a teenage boy somehow managed to travel from san jose to hawaii, a five-hour flight in below freezing weather in the wheel well of an aircraft. here is the video just released by the hawaiian department of transportation. its surveillance video at the airport showing what seems to be the boy getting of


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