tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN May 6, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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and boeing and others to contribute. we'll see. >> that does it for us. thank you. thank you. ac 360 starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- good evening. tonight breaking news on disturbing allegations that veterans died waiting for care at va hospitals. first veterans groups, now isn't senators say veterans affairs secretary should lose his job, should resign. also tonight monica lewinsky breaking her silence about her relationship with president bill clinton. why she says it's finally time to bury the blue dress. we begin with another breaking news story. new video that seems to prove a story that sounded unbelievable at the time. that a teenage boy somehow managed to travel from san jose to hawaii, a five-hour flight in below freezing weather in the wheel well of an aircraft. here is the video just released by the hawaiian department of transportation. its surveillance video at the airport showing what seems to be the boy getting out of the wheel well of the aircraft.
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this happened on sunday, april 20th. hawaii's transportation department said at the time that the teen seemed disoriented, was questioned by a worker at the airport who then called security. a law enforcement official telling cnn that the teen was trying to get to somalia to see his mother. he jumped a fence at the airport in san jose apparently and then spent more than six hours on the ground before the jet took off, according to a government official. he's now back in california and police are planning to interview him about what happened. miles o'brien joins me now and on the phone is dr. robert choene, a high altitude professor at the university of washington medical school. miles, you know, when you see this video, i was certainly one of the skeptics out there about all of this, how was it even possible. now we see this video and it does seem to show what a lot of people thought could not happen actually did happen. >> it really is extraordinary, anderson. when you see -- you can see he's obviously affected by five and a half hours well above 35,000 feet, which is, after all, much
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higher than being at the summit of everest. and people without oxygen are not advised to go up there for any length of time. and he staggers around. he's clearly affected. he stumbles and falls. but there he is coming out of that wheel well. and i was among those skeptics who -- i've been in an altitude chamber where they take you up to what is equivalent to 35,000 feet. you take off your oxygen mask, you become positively slap happy, can't do simple mathematics and then you're about to pass out. and so the thought that somebody could survive this is amazing. >> dr. choene, i know you doubted somebody could survive at such high altitudes for so long but you see this video, this young man staggering around the tarmac and he retains his composure and holds a conversation with someone on the tarmac. is it all surprising to you? >> absolutely. as we talked about when this first came out, anderson, from a physiologic standpoint, it doesn't make sense.
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the thing that i mentioned before was the back end of the story and that's what we see on video that he's walking, albeit stumbling, and maybe talking. we don't know what the conversation said. but someone who certainly would have been hypothermic to a degree and would take several hours to warm up and ambulate. i don't know how he did it. it supersedes anything we know in physiology. >> remind us, doctor, what happens to the human body when it's subjected to the kind of conditions this young man would have experienced. >> well, we talked a little about that before, and i think certainly the cold exposure, and we assume the wheel well is cold. i don't know that for sure, but i assume it is. the body temperature would drop because of all the reasons people become hypothermic with convection and radiation of heat and so forth and that might well have begun to occur in the first
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30 to 60 minutes and after five hours at a temperature that we know would be well below zero his body temperature, who knows, 60, 70 degrees fahrenheit. the other issue, of course, is his brain. and with the degree of low oxygen that he was exposed to, we know from short-term things as well as long-term things, the brain just doesn't do well at all. even if he's cold. i just -- which would protect the brain to a certain degree, i'm still a bit amazed or skeptical. >> miles, we had asked gary tuchman a while ago to demonstrate what it's like inside the wheel well of an aircraft, how you could stay in there. listen to a little bit of that. >> and we're told there's only one place to sit where you could possibly survive because when
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the wheels move in, the two huge wheels, they come right here. there's no room except for right here in this spot. and this is where the experts say you would have to sit with your knees close to you. the wheel well would close, the two tires right here and this is the only place where you could possibly survive. there's nothing stupider in the world to do but this is where you can do it. >> wow. >> miles, i'm told the wheels, i guess, are hot when they first come up but that only lasts so long. it's an incredibly tight space that this young man would have been stuck in for that long a flight to not even be able to move once up -- once the wheels are folded up. >> yeah. it's -- and the fact that he knew that particular spot, you know. there's a lot of questions that come out of this. we could go on and on in our skepticism, but let's not forget that it does raise an important question about security here. you know, we go through security theater on the front end of the airport with the tsa. the back end is pretty porous, let's be honest about it. the fact that he could hop a fence and get to where he got, if this was a terrorist, god
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forbid what might have happened. >> yeah. a lot of questions raised, a lot of questions we still don't know the answers to. dr. robert schoene, miles o'brien thank you. a security situation involving the obama family that caused a temporary lockdown of the white house. joining me now is michelle kosinski. you were at the white house and were locked down along with everybody else. what happened? >> reporter: this is a weird situation. the whole complex was locked down for about an hour with almost no information coming out. and people couldn't leave, so you had people kind of stuck inside in this big group. and, you know, every now and then you do get somebody trying to jump over a gate, trying to climb the white house fence and they're arrested. there's kind of a smaller situation like this. but even some of the people who have worked here nearly 30 years say they have never seen anything quite like this. in the middle of the afternoon while the obama daughters, sasha and malia, were being driven back to the white house in their motorcade, a car, a guy driving a honda was able to follow that
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motorcade in and made it past the security barrier. i don't know if you know for those of you watching outside of the white house on pennsylvania avenue, that's closed off to traffic. foot traffic, people can walk right up to the gate, but cars can't go there ever since 1995. so when a car gets close, there are these barriers there. those barrier that come up out of the pavement. they drop down when an official car comes through and they go right back up. so this guy who it turns out is a 55-year-old employee of the irs, for some unknown reason followed the motorcade in, made it past those barriers. he's since been arrested. right away that car was stopped and uniformed secret service got out and arrested him. he's charged with unlawful entry. but there are a lot of questions here. first of all, he works at the treasury department. the irs is right next door on the other side of the white house in the direction that he was traveling, so did he not know where she was going?
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was she trying to get a shortcut on the back end of the motorcade? the secret service isn't answering those questions now, including was he lucid, was there anything wrong with him that he did this. they're not giving away any detail. but of course the other question is physically, if those barriers go up and come down, how was he able to get past? did the secret service there at the gate not know that this honda was not part of the motorcade? again, those questions aren't being answered right now, but they say they should know something more in the morning, anderson. >> all right, michelle kosinski, appreciate it. set your dvr so you can always watch "360" whenever you'd like. just ahead on the program tonight, after more than a decade of silence, monica lewinsky is sharing new details about her relationship with president clinton. and more importantly, the humiliation that she says made her suicidal and what her life has been like since then. how there's a double standard, the way she has been treated versus others.
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also, one year ago tonight they were freed from hellish conditions. three cleveland women held hostage for years. that was one year ago tonight. tonight one of them tells me about the torture that she faced at the hands of her captor, including helping deliver another kidnapping victim's baby. >> the baby came out not breathing. and at the point in time, i knew what he'd say. if the baby didn't come out breathing, i'll kill you.
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maybe it's been years since you heard her name, but it's not a name you would have forgotten, one that became synonymous with a sex scandal in the '90s and that's a big part of the reason monica lewinsky says she is speaking out now after so long. after keeping a very low profile more than a decade, monica lewinsky is writing for the first time about her
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relationship with president clinton and what's happened since. in a piece for the upcoming edition of "vanity fair" she said it's time to stop tiptoeing around her past in order to give it a purpose. randi kaye reports. >> reporter: from the arms of the president to the pages of "vanity fair" magazine. it's been a long road for monica lewinsky, but she's found her voice, and she has plenty to say. in her tell-all essay for the magazine, she writes "it's time to burn the beret and bury the blue dress." the world's most famous intern, opening up to "vanity fair" about her affair with president clinton. the scandal it created in 1998 and what she calls the global humiliation. now 40, she is determined to have a different ending to her story and hoping to give a purpose to her past. lewinsky says she was inspired to speak out by tyler clemente, the rutgers university student who jumped to his death in 2010. he was humiliated after being
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caught on a webcamera kissing another man in his dorm room. lewinsky tells "vanity fair" his story brought her to tears. that after her affair, she too had strong suicidal temptations. she's hoping to help others in their darkest moments. in her essay, lewinsky dishes on the affair and the ugly aftermath. i myself deeply regret what happened between me and president clinton, adding, it was a consensual relationship. that she was made a scapegoat in order to protect his powerful position. at the time, the president tried to protect himself too. >> i did not have sexual relations with that woman. miss lewinsky. >> reporter: but seven months later, president clinton spoke to the american people again. this time a different story. >> indeed i did have a relationship with miss lewinsky that was not appropriate. in fact it was wrong.
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>> reporter: monica lewinsky spoke with abc's barbara walters about that. >> i felt like a piece of trash. i felt -- i felt dirty and i felt used. and i was disappointed. >> reporter: we haven't heard much from lewinsky since then. this interview with larry king on cnn in 2002 was one of her last. >> was there a little, like, you know, flirtatious thing going on? >> sure. there had been this flirtation and that really was where it began. and that's where it started. and from there is sort of the -- >> took off. >> that's -- the match lit. >> silent for more than a decade, she's quick to note in her essay that the clintons did not pay her off to keep her quiet. though she's done little professionally over the years besides promote her own handbag line, it wasn't for lack of trying. in fact, she can't even get a job.
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after getting her master's degree at the london school of economics, she told the magazine because of what potential employers so tactfully referred to as my history, i was never quite right for the position. randi kaye, cnn, new york. joining me now is john king, chief political analyst gloria borger and jeffrey toobin. the real story of the sex scandal that nearly brought down a president. >> gloria, i thought it was interesting a lot of the things monica lewinsky said in these excerpts in "vanity fair." it does seem to me there is a tremendous double standard. >> yeah. >> that she hasn't been allowed to move on from this and she's still the butt of jokes and lines in songs this many years after is kind of extraordinary. >> it is extraordinary. that's why i give her an awful lot of credit for writing this piece, because she's a 40-year-old woman now. she admits that what she did as a 24-year-old was wrong, but
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she's got to try and figure out a way to get beyond it. i mean this very often happens with power relationships in which women are kind of the ones who end up on the wrong side of it. i mean if you look at military sexual assault or workplace harassment issues, it's the women who often pay the price. and i think that's what happened with lewinsky here. not to excuse her behavior, but every time she tried to put this behind her, she found herself the butt of jokes or people wanted to put her on display like she was an animal in some kind of a zoo. and it's -- it's offensive and that's why i give her all this credit for writing this piece. >> john, seems like the men are allowed to move on, not defined by a sexual, you know, indiscretion whereas the woman is defined by that. and again, she's -- you know, this has been how many years later. what do you make of her speaking out, john? >> there have been four
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presidential elections since this happened, that's one way to put it in the political context. the question is will this somehow be part of the conversation in the fifth presidential election should hillary clinton run. i think she makes an important point and writes a remarkably candid piece here and i give her credit for that. i think she's dead right, that all of washington turned on her. the special prosecutor, team clinton and the like. she makes the point that she thinks it was because those who turned on her were imbued with power and there's no question about that. bill clinton was the president of the united states. bill clinton came out the winner, if you will, with the upper hand in the impeachment battle, in the fight with ken starr. he survived all that and has gone on to have a very thriving post-presidency and she was run out of town so you can understand her resentment. in the piece she sounds more reflective than resentful. >> jeff, it's interesting. she could have made a lot of money. she was offered many millions of dollars for interviews. she could have, you know, continued to speak out.
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she's remained quiet through a lot of presidential elections. you know, it seems like fair enough for her to be speaking out now and kind of trying to define herself in the way she really is. >> you know, i did a lot of reporting about monica lewinsky for years. you know, this is a woman who wanted one thing out of life. she wanted to get married and have a family. and she hasn't been able to do that so far. and it's just sad. look, she made a mistake when she was 23, 24 years old. you know what? a lot of people make mistakes when they're 23 or 24 and go on with their lives and they're forgiven and people forget about it. she did -- made a mistake in such a high-profile setting that it hasn't been possible for her. i'm totally sympathetic to her. i hope she can move on with her life. but if she hasn't moved on at this point, it shows. it's a big, big burden. >> you know, and young women are easy targets. you know, she -- she wrote in this piece, and it really made me think about it.
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she said that she was perhaps the first person whose global humiliation was driven by the internet. now we're used to things going viral, you know, in a minute. and monica lewinsky suffered something we really hadn't seen before. suddenly within the span of 24 hours, she was world famous, she was reviled. she had a huge media machine against her, a white house machine against her, whispering that she was some kind of a stalker and a crazy person. and now, you know, looking back on it, you can only imagine what she was going through. and in her piece she tells us what she is still suffering as a result of this. and she needs to move on. >> imagine going for job interviews and people -- and her gradually realizing over the course of the interview that, you know, they kind of just want to gawk at her basically or use her. and i want to read a quote that was released by "vanity fair" in regards to some of the released
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archives that, quote, hillary clinton telling a friend that she partially blamed herself and that she regarded monica lewinsky as a, quote, narcissistic loony tune. monica writes, yes, i get it, hillary clinton wanted it on record that she was lashing out at her husband's mistress. she may have faulted her husband for being inappropriate, but i find her impulse to blame the woman, not only me but herself, troubling. which is an interesting layer to all of this. >> it really is. because monica lewinsky is clearly somebody who's thought an awful lot about this. i went back to those archives and looked up what hillary clinton had said to her friend, diane blair, and what she said was that maybe she wasn't smart enough or maybe she wasn't sensitive enough to the problems bill clinton was having. when you go back and look in that day, women blamed themselves. we still blame ourselves. but you go back to the '90s, what hillary clinton was doing then was saying maybe this affair was my fault and what monica lewinsky is saying today
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is, you know what, it wasn't your fault. it wasn't your fault, it was a consensual relationship. but hillary clinton, don't blame yourself. and it's an interesting way of sort of one generation reaching out to the next generation and say, you know, you had nothing to do with this. >> john, you mentioned sort of the president -- how this might get involved in presidential politics yet again. it does seem like an opportunity for, again, for monica lewinsky to be used by various players in this, by the right, you know, to use this as something against hillary clinton if hillary clinton runs. but it does seem at least that monica lewinsky herself, you know, does not want to be used by anybody anymore and just kind of wants to define herself. >> she makes clear in the article that one of the reasons she went underground, that she got very quiet back in 2008 was because she knew hillary clinton's presidential campaign was playing out.
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now she says what am i supposed to do, be quiet another five years? she's clearly wrestling about it. if she wanted to be more active and more public, she could have been. she made a conscious decision that's not the way she wants to live her life. will others try to take advantage of this? just today rush limbaugh described monica lewinsky somehow as collateral damage in hillary clinton's war on women. the right needs -- you know, the right should study history. it went after bill clinton about this many, many years ago and did not succeed. the impeachment -- yes, he was impeached by the house, but the senate did not convict. will some on the right try to use this again against hillary clinton? of course they will. that is the history of this saga that goes back 16-some years. if hillary clinton runs for president, this and other things that the right believe they can drag up every now and then, they will. >> i certainly hope that she's able to forge a life moving forward that, you know, is one that's beneficial to her and that she's able to define herself exactly as she wants and not as something that happened -- that she was involved with back when she was in her early 20s. gloria, thank you, jeff and john, thanks.
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for more on the story and others, go to up next, more breaking news tonight. who should pay the consequences for claims that u.s. veterans died while waiting for care at va hospitals. how about the veterans secretary. there are new calls for him to resign tonight. more from drew griffin ahead. later, it's been one year since three young women were finally freed from the house of horrors where they have tortured and raped for a decade. tonight more of my interview with michelle knight who tells me why it was so important that she showed defiance to her captor. >> for the first time in my life, i stood up to a person that was a demeaning person. and it felt good to stand up for myself. i never did before. live in the same communities that we serve. people here know that our operations have an impact locally. we're using more natural gas vehicles than ever before. the trucks are reliable, that's good for business. but they also reduce emissions, and that's good for everyone.
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more breaking news tonight. more voices calling for the head of the veterans affairs department to resign over disturbing claims of what's going on at the va hospitals in this country. last night we told you that both the american legion and the concerned veterans of america are demanding accountability from eric shinseki. the secretary of the department of veteran's affairs. now two united states senators are also calling for the secretary to resign over claims that were revealed for the first time in a series of reports on this program. claims that va hospitals are making vets wait months to get care. they're keeping secret waiting lists hidden from the public in va headquarters in washington as well and that veterans are dying while they just wait to see a doctor. senior investigative correspondent drew griffin has been keeping them honest from the beginning. he joins me now live from washington. so, drew, what's the latest on this? >> reporter: well, the chorus is
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growing here in washington, anderson, especially from republican senators who want eric shinseki, the secretary of veteran affairs, to resign. even the senate minority leader, mitch mcconnell, weighed in today. here's what he had to say. >> i wish the white house instead of traveling around the country talking about the urgency of climate change would talk with equal urgency about this failure of leadership and incompetence at the va. >> obviously a change in leadership might be a good step in the right direction. >> today i am demanding accountability and true transformation within the va system and its culture from top to bottom and all across the country. secretary shinseki seemingly is unwilling or unable to do so and change must be made at the top. >> what does the white house say about it, drew? >> reporter: well, white house press secretary jay carney addressed it today in a briefing. what's interesting is what happened when our own white
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house correspondent, michelle kosinski, asked him why eric shinseki isn't coming out of this building and talking about this crisis. here's jay carney's answer. >> the president remains confident in secretary shinseki's ability to lead the department and to take appropriate action based on the i.g.'s findings. michelle. >> going along with that, i know that some have been trying to sit down and talk with shinseki, including cnn. they have been asking him for an interview since november. why won't he just come out and speak about this or talk -- >> you're asking me for an interview? >> and yes, can the white house direct him to -- >> i'd refer you to the department for the director's schedule. >> reporter: look, anderson, if the white house wanted shinseki to come out and talk about this, shinseki would be out here talking about this. we've been asking for an interview for six months. we've been here all day today, and, yes, we asked again today to the public affairs office
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here at the va and have gotten absolutely no response. >> it's not just reporters, it's important to point this out, who are trying to get information from shinseki. he's also been ignoring requests from family members of veterans and there are people on capitol hill complaining about accessibility. >> yes. and i was surprised to find out about that after our story last night. it's much more infuriating that the va just ignoring cnn. i don't know if you remember this, but i heard from the family of a veteran we told you about back in 2012, a guy named bill nicklas. a world war ii vet. an airman in the navy. whose job as a young sailor in world war ii was to rescue downed pilots in the pacific. in 2012 he died of legion ella illnesses from the bacteria he contracted within the water system of the pittsburgh, p.a., hospital. the management at that hospital knew it had legionella in the water, didn't tell the patients or the staff. many people were exposed and bill nicholas is one of several vets who died.
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nobody has ever been held accountable for that. the family wanted answers. the family sent us an e-mail last night saying how could shinseki and obama allow this to keep happening without any accountability. i will never understand how they can just turn a deaf ear. and listen to this. the worst part. when we request a meeting where we can look shinseki in the eye, he simply does not respond to our requests. do these people have no conscience? anderson, that is from a family of a vet who died unnecessarily in a va hospital. they can't get a meeting with shinseki or any answers as to why that took place. >> that's amazing to me. drew griffin, appreciate it, thank you very much. just aheads, in her own words. a remarkable survivor. cleveland kidnapping survivor michelle knight describing how her captor favored one of the other prisoners, while heaping abuse on michelle. >> she was the wife type of person. i was the punching bag.
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>> plus the texas judge who said that she based a rape sentence in part on the 14-year-old victim's sexual history. the rape victim's sexual history. she also said the admitted rapist isn't the typical sex offender. we're digging deeper tonight. ♪ build! we're investing big to keep our country in the lead. ♪ load! we keep moving to deliver what you need. and that means growth, lots of cargo going all around the globe. cars and parts, fuel and steel, peas and rice, hey that's nice! ♪ norfolk southern what's your function? ♪ ♪ helping this big country move ahead as one ♪ ♪ norfolk southern how's that function? ♪
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built for business. today marks exactly one year since michelle knight, amanda berry and gina dejesus escaped from the house on cleveland's west side where they were held prisoner for about a decade, raped and tortured repeatedly. shortly after being captured, he killed himself in prison. michelle knight has written a book, while finding me a decade of darkness, a life reclaimed. she is a remarkably strong person. here is my interview with her. on the outside no one knew the horrors of what was happening inside. for months michelle knight was all alone, chained, starved, brutally beaten and raped by her captor. >> i take myself outside of myself and look at a brighter side. at least i'm not dead yet.
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>> then on april 21st, 2003 -- >> if anybody knows anything about my daughter, i wish somebody would come forward. >> michelle saw tv reports that a young girl called amanda berry had gone missing. >> when you heard that, what did you think? >> the first thought in my head is he did it. >> you knew right away? >> yeah. >> the man she's referring to, ariel castro, had in fact kidnapped amanda berry. even though they were held in the same house, michelle and amanda rarely saw each other. when they did, they were not allowed to talk. michelle says one thing was clear to her. in that house, though they were both captive, they were far from equal. >> and you got the feeling -- you still have the feeling that he did not like you? >> yeah. >> but he treated her differently? >> always. >> always. how so? >> she got better food. she got clothes. she got blankets. she got basically whatever she wanted.
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except for home. >> why do you think that was? >> he had a fascination with her. more than me. >> was that physical? >> it's more likely she was the wife type of person. i was the punching bag. >> michelle's captor often talked about getting yet another girl, and almost a year after amanda was taken, he did just that. >> gina's family spent the last three days posting these missing flyers. >> on april 22nd, 2004, he abducted 14-year-old gina dejesus, and soon after, michelle and gina were chained together in that boarded-up room. >> when we were sad and we got knocked down by things that he said, we would tell each other, you know, it's okay. that one day it would be over. we'll try to encourage ourselves to keep hope that we will go home, even though sometimes we
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didn't feel like we were. >> hope was hard to come by, until december, 2006, when michelle was forced to deliver amanda berry's daughter, jocelyn. >> it was just so amazing to actually bring a new life into the world, but it was also traumatic at the same time. >> you write that you saved the baby's life. >> yes. the baby came out not breathing. and at the point in time, i knew what he'd say if the baby didn't come out breathing. i'll kill you. >> he told you that he would kill you if the baby didn't survive? >> yes. >> he wanted that baby? >> yes. >> who did he consider his family, all of you? >> yeah. but i was like the traitor of the family. >> the tough one. >> yep.
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>> you smile when you say that. that was important to you to remain defiant? >> yeah. >> and now it's a source of pride. >> yeah. >> that you remain defiant? explain that. >> all my life, i was made to feel insecure, like i was worthless. for the first time in my life, i stood up to a person that was a demeaning person. and it felt good to stand up for myself, because i never did before. >> for the next seven years, michelle, gina, amanda and her daughter, jocelyn, were prisoners inside the home. >> were you able to roam around the house? >> no. never. any time he would leave the house, he would lock our doors. >> so was -- i think a lot of people imagined you were just
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all three living in this house, wandering the house, cooking, doing all this stuff. >> oh, no. >> you were trapped -- you were locked in this room? >> we were locked up in our room. we wasn't allowed to walk around the house. and if we did walk around the house, he was there. and he made sure we didn't do anything. >> their tormentor had locks and alarms on every door, mirrors on every corner. the windows were boarded up so no one could see in and no one could get out. he would occasionally let them out in the backyard to play with jocelyn but only under his supervision, and the threat that he would shoot them if they tried to escape. >> when you were in the backyard, did you see other people? >> yes. >> you would see neighborhood people? >> mm-hmm. >> did you ever think of saying anything to them? >> huh-uh. i didn't want to get shot. >> he told you he had a gun? >> oh, i know. he had one. kept it everywhere he went.
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>> unable to escape from the hell she was living, michelle's only solace was a pencil and some paper. >> what did you do with that? >> i would write songs, poems. i would draw anything and everything. >> that was a way for you to escape? >> yeah. >> who would you write to? >> my son. i would write songs about what happened to me, i would write poems about things that i never had, things that i wanted. like just random things that you never got to do because of the way your lifestyle was. >> she is an incredible survivor. tomorrow night we'll have part three of my interview, the real story of how they were all able to escape. just ahead tonight, what we've learned about the judge who went easy on an admitted rapist while implying that his 14-year-old victim was promiscuous. plus new outrage over the abduction of eight more young girls in nigeria and new cause for authorities to find them.
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jail, five years probation and 250 hours of community service at a rape crisis center. the judge's name is janine howard and she told "the dallas morning news" that she based her ruling in part on the sexual history of the victim. of the victim, who was 14 years old at the time. judge howard implied the girl was promiscuous and wasn't the victim that she claimed to be. as we reported last night texas has a rape shield law making a victim's sexual history inadmissible in court. that did not stop this judge. we wanted to give her a chance to explain her ruling and her remarks. gary tuchman spent the day trying to track her down. he joins me down. were you able to find her? >> reporter: it was a wild goose chase of source but we felt we it would be important to give her the chance. at 2:00 we were told she would come back. her aide would consider whether to talk to us. 2:00 turned into 2:30. she never showed up. the courtroom was empty. we were told she ended up going to the doctor's and she wasn't going to come to work today. after a couple of hours, we went to her house, knocked on the door.
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a man answered the door, slammed the door in my face. i heard him say hell, no. he opened up the gate in the kitchen with the big dog was and the dog started running toward the door and we left the house. we went to the district attorney's office who did want to talk, very upset at some of these newspaper quotes, including one quote where the judge said she wasn't the victim she claimed to be, implying she was promiscuous. the district attorney says he's outraged, it's absolutely inappropriate for her to trash this victim. >> we are here to protect victims. unfortunately, this judge made a determination to defend herself and to call into question a victim. and what that does is a disservice to all the other victims that are out there that may have to experience what this victim experienced. and then the question becomes do they come forward.
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>> reporter: the d.a. wanted this perpetrator to get ten years in prison. he was willing to settle for five years in prison, but the judge decided five years probation and only 45 days in prison. anderson. >> and the judge has now recused herself from the case. the d.a. has requested another hearing. is that going to happen? >> reporter: yes. the decision has been made by the new judge to hold an additional hearing this thursday to hear more about the case. now, they cannot change the penalty. he still gets the same probation and jail time. that cannot change. but the district attorney's office wants sir young to not be allowed to be around any children, not be allowed to view pornography and to get an evaluation. those were all things that judge howard said were not necessary. now this new judge on thursday morning can decide to do all of that. listen. >> this judge who recused herself said he did not need an evaluation. you're saying, though, it's the law for someone found guilty of this crime to be evaluated? >> texas code of criminal procedure says that if you are a sexual predator, a sexual offender, that you have to be evaluated.
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and this judge waived that requirement. it's the law. >> reporter: the d.a. says he's especially angry that this judge said that this 14-year-old girl had once given birth to a child. the d.a. says that's totally inappropriate. it violates all medical hippa laws requiring confidentiality for juveniles when it comes to medical information. and the mother says it's absolutely not true. anderson. >> gary, appreciate the reporting. thanks very much. up next, a terrorist group suspected of kidnapping more girls at gunpoint in nigeria. the leader of the group has claimed responsibility for abducting 200 school girls last month and is threatening to sell them. he says they should get married, not get an education.
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now you could have done it twice. this is awkward. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. chilling new development out of nigeria tonight. at least eight more girls between the ages of 12 and 15 were abducted from a village at gunpoint. a witness says the armed men are suspected members of boko haram, a islamic terrorist group. the same group that abducted 200 girls from a school at gunpoint last month. more than 200 girls kidnapped for daring to do one thing, just get an education. in a video released monday, the leader of the terror group said he planned to sell the girls. he said they should get married, not get an education. it is outrageous. the world is taking notice. there are growing calls for the safe returns of the girls with
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new demonstrations in nigeria and elsewhere. the nigerian government is under pressure to rescue the girls. one senator says u.s. special forces should help out. president obama said the u.s. will provide military support to nigeria and we spoke with one of the parents of the girls. he joins us live with that. let's start with the new abductions. what do we know about them? >> reporter: anderson, just giving you further insight into how the people in the northeast of this country are being terrorized, seemingly at will by boko haram, attacking again in a town, taking eight girls, taking them into the bush, same story that we heard three weeks ago on april 14th. 200 plus girls taken. but this is what boko haram has been doing for years. since 2009 they have killed thousands of people, abducted dozens of girls. this year alone rights groups say they have killed 1500 people, anderson. they seem to be able to do this
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at will. the country, the three states in the northeast that can be under a state of emergency are consistently being attacked by boko haram. and the military doesn't seem to be able to do anything about it, anderson. >> you sat down with the parents of one of the kidnapped girls. a lot of parents have been too afraid to speak out. what did they actually tell you? >> reporter: some very chilling details. first of all, they talked about what happened the night that these girls were taken. they say that the girls had just finished their exams and he said he was at home about half a mile away from where the school was. he said he heard a loud explosion, such that he had never heard before, and he and other people raced to the school. when they got there, there was a huge fire and gunfire happening and they tried to stay away from the school. they couldn't get close enough to see their daughters being taken away into convoys. he said drove off into the bush. what i found really interesting about what he said and very chilling in fact, anderson, he
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said -- i asked him if he knew, there are many people who speculate that boko haram members live within the community. and he said that of course they do. he says boko haram knows who they are. they just don't know boko haram. in other words, they don't know who these terrorists are amongst them, but they say that they are known to the terrorists. and that was very chilling. i also spoke to the mother, and i asked her about the video that was released yesterday where the supposed leader of the group says that he is going to sell these girls in a market and she broke down in tears, telling me that he must have a heart, he must understand that these are girls just trying to get an education. and that they could be doctors, lawyers, teachers, and she hopes that he releases them. but then she broke down in tears, anderson. >> appreciate the reporting, thanks very much. let's get caught up on some of the other stories we're following. pamela brown has a 360 bulletin. >> ukrainian forces have launched their biggest offensive yet as they try to remove
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pro-russian militants from the southern and eastern parts of the country. they have reportedly seized dozens of buildings across the region and say 30 heavily armed militants have been killed in recent days. south korean police say too much cargo and failure to tie it down properly contributed to the sinking of a ferry there last month. authorities say the cargo weighed more than twice the ship's limit. at least 268 people died in the disaster. 34 others are still missing. and los angeles clippers president andy rosier began an indefinite receive which the nba says will give a new ceo the chance to start with a clean slate. the nba is in the process of forcing owner donald sterling to sell the team after reporting surfaced of him making racist comments, as you'll recall. >> thanks very much, pamela. many people weren't surprised about sterling's comments. maybe least surprised was elgin baylor who sued sterling five years ago alleging racist behavior that went back decades. tomorrow we'll have my exclusive interview with baylor.
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we planned to have it tonight but ran out of time. he's speaking for the first time since sterling got banned from the nba. that does it for this edition of "360." cnn tonight starts now. waiting for word. we hear from the parents of two of the nigerian girls abducted in a mass kidnapping and the u.s. is detailing how it's going to help. we want to provide whatever assistance is possible in order to help for their safe return to their families. it could be the biggest tech ipo ever and it's coming soon. we'll take a closer look at ali baba. climate change is not a distant
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