tv Wolf CNN May 7, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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he used a breathing device to help him overcome it. >> that basically keeps my throat open so i can breathe continuously. the result has been my kids get their daddy back. my employers get a good employee back. my wife gets a good husband back. >> reporter: dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, reporting. >> and thanks for watching, jerry o everyone. my colleague, wolf blitzer, starts right now. right now, another horrible attack in nigeria. this one killing 150 people. and it was carried out by the same terrorist group that's still holding more than 200 schoolgirls. also right now, the monica lewinsky factor. will the former intern's reemergence hurt hillary clinton's 2016 prospects? nearly half of the people surveyed think searchers are looking in the wrong place.
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hello, i'm wolf blitzer reporting from washington. in nigeria, they just want their daughters back. the parents are speaking out about the horrifying ordeal. in an swlexclusive interview, a father described looking for his two daughters and realizing they were gone. >> when i went into the school compou compound, nobody will ever stand it. you will see their dresses cut out all over. and everything was burned into ashes. so the watchman told us they have gone with our daughters. >> we're not revealing his identity because of concerns for his safety. says the community is living in fear since the abductions. >> life is very dangerous in
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chibok right now. since the 14th of april, to date, we don't sleep at home. in the evening, from 6:00, it will be the same people coming into the town but around 5, 6 people will disappear to the bush because there is no security. there is no security. we looked in the bush with all our little ones. >> the terrorist behind the kidnappings unleashed a new and deadly attack in northern nigeria. witnesses say boko haram militants attacked the town killing at least 150 people. they say the attackers tossed bomb, tossed grenades into a crowded marketplace and fired into buildings where people tried to take cover. comes as the u.s. military begins work on a plan to try to help search for the kidnapped girls. our pentagon correspondent barbara starr has details on that. also, our correspondent is joining us with a personal perspective on the kidnapping. let's start with you.
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what is the pentagon planning? >> what pentagon is looking at is assembling a team of about ten people, military personnel, expected to fly to nigeria in the next couple of day, part of a broader administration effort, including law enforcement and possibly intelligence personnel. the key, the key here is, they are going to offer assistance and help to the nigerians. but pentagon officials flat-out say, don't look for a u.s. military rescue operation. this simply would be too difficult to do at this point. why would it be difficult? well, look, first you've got to have nigeria's agreement to take the help. those girls may be across international borders. you would have to have every country's permission. but the bottom line is you have to have perfect, iron-clad intelligence. where are they, who is holding them, if they are dispersed now in multiple locations. how do you strike those
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locations simultaneously so you give the terrorists no warning that someone is coming after them? the problems just mount up, wolf. >> enormous problems. there are calls though, barbara, as you know, for a direct u.s. military operation in nigeria. listen to what republican senator susan collins of maine told our own dana bash. >> more can be done by this administration. i would like to see special forces deploy to help rescue these young girls. >> so what do the folks over there at the pentagon say about using special forces to go in there? how feasible is that? >> well, let's say you could solve all the problems and you even had perfect ironclad intelligence which is extremely unlikely at this point, then you are really talking about assembling a major operation. it would have to be a helicopter assault that is the only way you're going to get into these remote areas quickly in, quickly out. but think of this problem. you go into a village.
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you go into a town. how do you know in advance who is boko haram and who may be simply innocent villagers who are not going to take very kindly to u.s. military helicopters descending upon them. and what if some of these girls, as we just said a moment ago, are dispersed? what if they are in major city, in different building, different locations. so many days have gone by now, the opportunities may, may be slipping away. wolf. >> all right, hold on for moment, barbara. za zain, i want to bring you in. you actually grew up in nigeria. give us a sense, first, what the nigerian government is up against in this battle against boko haram. >> yes, so one of the ways you destroy a group like boko haram is of course through cutting off funding. part of the problem with boko haram in nigeria is the way they raise their money. aside from drugs and illegal
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activities, they raise their money through kidnap and holding people ransom. huge source of income for them. they might hold someone ransen for a few hundred thousand to several million dollars. now you have the conversation whereby the cause of that boko haram can be better funded, better armed than the nigerian soldiers themselves. that's one issue. another issue is this is a third world country. they don't have the same surveillance capabilities as the americans. plus, their hideout in the zambista forest, the size of that forest is three type time size of new jersey. it's not as if you can just walk through the forest and look for these girls. they certainly do not help. wolf. >> tell us about your personal experiences in nigeria, zain. i know so many nigerians. i know many who live here in the united states are so angry, they're so upset about what's going on there. but what about your family members, situations like these
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kidnapping, how are they dealing with all this? >> right. so i'm actually from the southern part of nigeria, it's on the opposite end of the country from where boko haram has their strong hold in the north. kidnappings in my section of the country is extremely rife. it's for a different reason, it's for terrorism. i have a personal experience with it. my uncle three years ago was coming home late at night and he was kidnapped. he was driven five hours into the middle of the night. the car they used broke down. the kidnappers panicked and they let him go. but in nigeria, for westerners, nigerians who are westerner, who sort of live in the western world and come back to nigeria every christmas, there's a general fear about kidnapping just because it's so rife. a lot of nigerians come back to nigeria every christmas. and that is a huge sort of source of revenue for the kidnappers because they know there's a lot of nigerians coming back and that's when
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kidnappings start to increase. >> zain asher in new york, barbara starr at the pentagon. zain, give our best wishes to your family over there. a very personal story for you. becoming personal for so many of our viewers here in the united states and around the world. guy, thanks very much. these nigerian kidnappings are highlighting the problems for girls around the world trying to overcome barriers to education. you can help make a difference. go to you will be able to impact your world. cominge ing up, ukrainian t claim victory in one overrun city but their declaration may be a bit premature. also, hillary clinton and the monica lewinsky effect. we'll discuss what it could mean for a posable presidentable run.
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shame and survival. that's the title of monica lewinsky essay in the new issue of "vanity fair." in it, she talks about her, quote, consensual affair with president bill clinton. some are questioning her timing of her entry into the spotlight. thinking the clintons are behind it. monica lewinsky says that's not true. our political commentator ana navarro. what do you think about the assertion by lynne cheney the clintons are behind this, some sort of conspiratorial theory to get it out the way before hillary runs, if she runs? >> sounds like a vast left wing conspiracy, something like that. i think it sounds crazy. i think anybody who's known anybody or been through the pain
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of a spouse that had an faffair would know this is not something you drug up willingly. i don't think it's being drug up by the clintons. i think this is 40-year-old woman. 40's a big number for women. it makes a lot of us take stock of our lives. who has decided to take back her narrative. we've heard more about monica how win ski this year between the question that got asked of senator rand paul, between her 40th birthday, and now with this, and the possible election of a nomination of hillary clinton than we have in the last ten years. so i think she wants to tell her story and her side of the story. >> is it smart for someone like senator rand paul who is a potentially presidential candidate, republican, talking about bill clinton, as a sexual predator, or other words he used? >> in fairness to rand paul, he was answering a question posed to his wife. he was asked to respond to what his wife had said. it was not something he brought out pro actively.
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i think it's toxic politically. i think it's run its natural life. it is, what, 15, 16 years ago. we haven't seen it harm the clinton s politically in all of that time. hillary clinton was re-elected since then. bill clinton is the most popular democrat out there today, the most popular democrat surrogate certainly. i think that horse has been beat to death. certainly, hillary clinton if she runs needs to be scrutinized. she needs to be scrutinized for her record, and she's got one. she does not need to be put over the coals for something her husband did decades ago. >> a lot of us remember barbara walters interview with monica lewinsky years ago after the scandal broke. here's what she said today on "the view." listen to this. >> the republican party loves her story because she can attack hillary. hillarybehaved with dignity, she has not talked about it. if they want to dredge this up
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to hurt hillary -- not do this now because she's trying to help or hurt hillary. >> what do you think about what barbara walters is saying? >> i think there's little evidence regarding barbara walters statement that it's been a republican motivated thing as there is behind lynne cheney's statement that it was a hillary thing. i think this was a monica thing. she has been quiet for all of this time, monica lewinsky, i think she's chosen this time, in part, because she's anticipating a hillary nomination, a hillary candidacy, and she wants to get this out of the way for herself. and, you know what, wolf, if it helps her move forward, if it helps her as a person, if this gives her some sort of closure and she can let go of this emotional baggage, girl, get it done. everybody else has to move forward. bill clinton has. the country has. let's get it past. >> when you read that excerpt of "vanity fair" that was released
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yesterday -- an additional chunk is going to be released tomorrow, what was your -- did you feel sorry for monica lewinsky? what was your immediate gut reaction? >> my immediate gut reaction was we probably haven't thought enough of the effect of her. we've thought of the political effect on bill clinton and on hillary and on his legacy and the country and what it means for history. but, you know, how many of us really have stopped to think what did this mean in the life of this 24-year-old girl who is now 40 and how has this affected her life long term. i think it's something she needs to come to terms with. she needs not to let it define her. bill clinton didn't let this affair define his presidency. hillary clinton didn't let that affair define her as a woman, as a wife, as a senator. monica, don't let it define you. >> i was very moved when she writes very emotionally she was so publicly, internationally humiliated that for weeks on end
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she really maybe once or twice thought about suicide. but her mother was so worried that she might try to commit suicide, she watched her at night every single night. that's a moving segment right there. it speaks a lot about what this woman has gone through. >> i thought it was very introspective and very honest and frankly very revealing. i think she, you know, put her soul and feelings out. >> anna navarro, offering good advice to monica lewinsky. >> move forward. >> all right. that's it. our thanks, ana, thanks very much. up next, ukraine, and an offer from russia's president, vladimir putin. but will he follow through on promises peaces? we're going live to ukraine and to russia.
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white house correspondent michelle kosinski now. new information on that driver who caused a nearly more than one hour lockdown at the white house yesterday. michelle, tell us what you're viewing. remind our viewers what happened and what's the new information. >> this was such a weird situation. people who have worked here for decades say they've never seen anything quite like it. this car in the middle of the k day was able to follow a motorcade into the white house secure area. to make matters worse and more alarming at the time, it was the obama daughters' motorcade. lock down the area for more than an hour. but it turned out to be this 55-year-old man who worked for the irs. so everybody questioned, was he
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trying to cut through to the treasury building which is on the other side of the white house or what was he thinking? well, now a source inside the secret service explains this. says he was at an appointment in the afternoon and he usually isn't downtown. he's try to get on a major roadway after his appointment. he's confused by the d.c. traffic around here, to which many of us have to admit can relate, he missed his turn. he panics in traffic around one of those traffic circles and cuts a hard turn right behind the traffic in front of him. he has no idea, according to the secret service, this was an official motorcade, let alone the obama girls. so he's traveling directly behind these cars. the barriers that block off the street in front of the white house are down. and he's able to roll right in behind the motorcade. so the question is, well, why didn't those barriers go right back up? i mean what would happen in the case this was a real, say,
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terrorist? the secret service says it was really a timing issue. first all, the agents on duty has to react and decide whether to try to put those barriers right back up. but it does take a second or two. secret service says it did react immediately once the car was inside. they stopped it, they arrested the man. he's now charged with a misdemeanor. they do think this was an honest mistake, wolf. >> does underline the potential problem. two cars, two vehicle, going into a secure area, a third car just starts following them. i v could covered the white hou long time. i don't remember an incident like this. it would be pretty terrify. they had to spend an hour just going through that car to make sure there was no bomb inside. >> this could be fused man outside, you have to feel for him, just making this mistake. you think about it, really, any of us might have done that. you're following traffic. you don't even realize maybe that the barriers are there in
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the first place and they happen to be down right at that moment. but we did ask that question. what if this were some kind of malicious intent and they follow the motorcade? you have to expect if a car, an unidentified car and the secret service did see, it was very obvious in this case this car was not part of the motorcade, all they can really do is react immediately. if that car did have a malicious intent and tried to speed through, you know they would have taken more severe measures. but it is now, you know, something that's being looked at, that there is a timing issue there, clearly. this makes it very clear to the public that those barriers can really only react so quickly and there's a human having to react behind that sort of technical side of things. >> at least it was not a big issue this time. let's hope they fix it to make sure if there is a malicious intent it doesn't succeed. michelle, thanks very much for that update. i myself was curious overnight
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what exactly was this guy doing following that motorcade into the white house. other news we're following. let's go to ukraine it the russian president vladimir putin says he's ready to help defuse the situation. he's urging them to postpone a referendum on withdrawing. he also says he's pulling troops back from the ukrainian border but the white house says they've seen no evidence of withdrawal. the fighting continues between government trues and pro-russian forces. our own carwa damon, matthew chance, on the scene. troops are going or already have started moving away from the border? they've had 40,000 to 50,000 accord to u.s. officials. what is the latest information you're getting there? what's he doing? >> yeah, it's interesting, isn't
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it, because the west is -- the united states and others are treating this with a large degree skepticism. in a meeting with the swiss president earlier today, after that meeting, vladimir putin came out and said he understands there's lots of concerns about the tens of thousands of troops that have been stationed along the ukrainian border on the russian side. because of those rn soconcerns, he's ordered them back to their regular training grounds in order to deescalate the situation. vladimir putin isn't particularly known for his flip-flopping, but he has undertaken what seep seems to significant u-turn. saying for instance he now supports essentially a presidential election to take place in ukraine on the 25th of may as a step in the right direction. he spoke saying it was absurd for presidential elections to take place given security election there. he also called on the separatist pro-russian groups in eastern
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southern ukraine to postpone their plans for a series of referendums on independence over the course of the weekend. that's significant departure as well. it seems this is the first possible sign we've seen things may be deescalating. >>anctions are beginning to bite and bite personally for putin and his top aides and maybe that's one of the reasons we see this blink coming from vladimir putin right now, beginning to sound very, very different. we shall see in the coming hours what unfolds. arwa damon is in eastern ukraine for us, as she has been over these past several weeks. what are you seeing, arwa, on the ground? overnight, ukrainian troops had tried to move in and they crashed are pro-russian
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militants on outskirts according to a spokeswoman, killing five of them. they did manage to regain control of city hall after pro-russian protesters evacuated. when we arrived this morning, it was the ukrainian flag that was flying. with no reason given to anyone whatsoever, the russian troops occupying the building evacuated it and within seconds that ukrainian flag was down it the russian flag and the regional one right back up. the crowd there moving to the police station where they were trying to free detainees it the police firing shots over their heads to try to disperse them. we've been seeing this growing anger at a checkpoint that is along one of the routes from mariopol to the russian border. there people gathered yelling at the military, at one point even forming something of a human chain to try to prevent military armor from moving forward. it's still a very tense and volatile situation. >> the assistance secretary of
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state testified if elections were hold today, they would go off without a hitch. based on what you're seeing, arwa, you think that's accurate? >> to be held today, that would be very difficult to fathom, wolf, because the ukrainian government has little to no authority in large parts of eastern ukraine. nor do they control key buildings like the main administration centers. like their main security services buildings. and also, the access, the list of voter, the locations of polling sites, all of those vital documents, they're in the hands of the pro russian camp. difficult to see if an election were to be held today, a presidential election, that is, it would be even feasible in this part of the country. >> arwa damon be in eastern ukraine, thank you. matthew chance in moscow for us,
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thanks to you as well. a meeting of the minds in australia over the next big phase in the search for flight 370. you'll find out what officials are considering as they map out the unprecedented new mission. [ male announcer ] this is jim. a man who doesn't stand still. but jim has afib, atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts jim at a greater risk of stroke. for years, jim's medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but now, with once-a-day xarelto jim's on the move. jim's doctor recommended xarelto. like warfarin, xarelto is proven effective to reduce afib-related stroke risk. but xarelto is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem that doesn't require routine blood monitoring. so jim's not tied to that monitoring routine. [ gps ] proceed to the designated route. not today. [ male announcer ] for patients currently well managed on warfarin there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare
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officials from malaysia, china and australia, they're all reviewing all the data collected so far to try to figure out what is going to be needed in this new phase of this search. let's bring in our panel of experts. peter goelz is a former managing ntsb director. and tom fuentes, former assistant director of the fbi. they've got a lot of underwater activity they've planned for the next six months to a year. >> you're right, wolf. they've searched just the smallest possible area around the ping. they're going to be looking at an area the size of the state of connecticut. it's going to take them a long time. >> this is a slow meticulous process. the bluefin alone cost about $40,000 a day to operate that. it's going to be expensive as
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well. let's look at the new poll. we've asked americaned their opinions of what's going on with the search, the plane's mysteriousious disappearance. should the search continue for flight 370? yes, 69%. no, 30%. think forget about it, you're not going to find it. >> two thirds say keep it up. >> you surprised by those numbers? >> no, that's about what i would expect. i think probably because of the frustration level of not finding anything up until now, i think if you were to ask people 45 days ago about the search, that we will likely find something, you'd have a bigger majority want to support it. >> do you think flight 370 is located in the indian ocean where the search is taking place? 51% say yes, 46% say no. why the skepticism? >> because we haven't found
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anything. it's not clear whether those pings really came from the -- >> really, they had those handshakes of the satellite. >> the handshakes are a hard thing to get your head around, to put it mildly. that's a pretty complex equation. >> you're not surprised by the skepticism that they're looking in the right place? >> no, i think we've got to prove the investigators are in the right place. it's going to be a long time. >> the disappearance of flight 370, tom, due to accident or mechanical failure? accident or neck can kale failure? likely 52%. not likely0046%. did that surprise you? >> no, because that's a guess either way. you could say 50/50. we still don't know the cause. that doesn't surprise me. >> the next question, does the disappearance of flight 370 due to terrorist or hostile government?
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57% say likely. 41% say not likely. significant majority think it was due to terrorists or hostile government. >> well, i think there's been enough evidence that says something was going on in the cockpit. the plane was not changing direction on its own. that leads you to believe something nefarious. >> whether it was nefarious, whether it was suicidal. a lot of people believed someone as opposed to catastrophic mechanical failure. >> exactly. in the modern era, since 9/11, something bad happens to an airplane, people think terrorists had something to do with it. >> will the general public ever find out what happened to flight 370? yes, 52%, no, 46%. i'll ask you. if you were being polled and they said to you, tom fuentes, do you believe that this -- we
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will learn what happened to flight 370? you will say? >> i think if you ask me today, i'll say yes. when you ask me five years from now, i might not say yes. i think i'd say yes, it's going to take time. the answer is, they cannot give up the search. >> what if it takes five years? >> it will be greatly reduced. there will be some people that will still be searching. >> flew to some land, flew to some island, and people are going to believe that, until they find some hard evidence and wreckage. >> we've also got the limitations the bluefin. those first two-hour pings were heard was deeper than they expected. the bluefin-21 couldn't be that deep. maybe when they bring in the right equipment and go deeper they might have better luck. he survived what many may not have survived. flying across the ocean in a jet
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that teenager who managed against all odds to survive a trip to hawaii apparently inside a wheel well of a boeing 767 soon face charges in california. meanwhile, new surveillance video is being released of the stow away jumping out of the plane after it landed. brian todd has been covering the story for us in "the situation room." start with the new video. show us, walk us through what it shows. >> i'll play some of the video. it's spot shadowed. you can see in the spot shadow there. right there, a figure seemingly drop from the rear area of the plane. he's out of picture for a little bit it then you'll see images of him walking erratically toward the front. this is who authorities believe
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is that 15-year-old stowaway who rode fom san jose to hawaii in maui. there's -- there you see him, walking back and forward erratically. authorities now believe he did stow away in the wheel well of that plane from california to maui on april 20th. the san jose police told us over the phone they want to interview the teenager. they are going to determine whether criminal charges are going to be filed against him. if criminal charges are filed, it will probably be criminal trespass, but that has not been determined. again, we've said this in our reporting, he did hop the fence at san jose international airport on april 20th. shortly after 1:00 a.m. a lot of security questions being raised about how he was able to do that. so that is another question. >> he's only 15 years old too. >> that's right. >> so it does raise a lot of security questions.
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how a 15-year-old could do this. >> what's striking, he hops the fence apparently about 1:00 a.m. accord to sources and stays on the ground in san jose for about six hours before he even gets on that plane. how is he able to stay on the tarmac inside the perimeter of the fence in san jose for six hours? granted, he does hop the fence in pitch black and maybe he goes to a corner and stands there are sits there for a while. still, where's the surveillance video? where's the layers of security? sometimes a fence is not going to be quite enough to stop a terrorist. so these are the hard questions being asked right now. >> all right, brian, thanks very much. we'll hopefully learn from all this and move forward. appreciate it. >> a win in a primary election in north carolina could have payoff for the gop. our political panel getting ready. a closer look. who won and who lost. that's next. cut! [bell rings] jane. her long day on set starts with shoulder pain... ...and a choice take 6 tylenol in a day which is 2 aleve for... ...all day relief. hmm.
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turning to politics right now, a key senate election in north carolina. in a race pitting the old republican guard, the establishment as it's called, against the tea party, the statehouse speaker tom tillis won a three-way gop senate primary yesterday. tillis takes on democratic incumbent kay hagan in november. she's considered vulnerable. let's talk about the importance of the tillis win. joining us, our chief political analyst gloria borger and dana bash, our chief congressional correspondent. gloria, how big of a win is this for the establishment republican as opposed to the tea party -- >> the establishment fights
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back. you've had the chamber of commerce and other establishment republican groups putting millions of dollars into this race because they're sick and tired of nominating candidates that are going to lose in general elections. this was a very important win for them. rand paul, as you know, was on the other side of this. he endorsed the guy who lost. and it took him about what, a nano second, to turn around and say, okay, now i'm -- >> because he went in there, rand paul, to endorse the tea party candidate. >> tea party was split though. >> if there would have been a runoff, would have been good news for kay hagan, the dimmic incumbent. >> she would have loved that because the republican fight would have gone into the summer, ticking away from her. i think when you talk about kay hagan, you talk about tom tillis, people who might not cover politics the way we do might go, huh, who are these people, we don't know them. this is why it matters. because north carolina of any state is going to be the
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microcosm for what happens in 2016 because of demographic changes and just because of what happened with the obama presidency. he surprisingly won there in his first go-around, in 2008, barely. and then he lost in his re-election campaign. >> and it's also going to have, you know -- it's so important because it's going to be who wins control of the senate. >> exactly. >> you know, they need six seat, the republicans, to take over. if kay hagan is considered one of the most vulnerable democrats, tom tillis is, you know, a very credible challenger, and that's exactly >> she effectively won on the coat tails of president obama when he had the surprising end, she was on the ballot, too. she won by 53% of the vote. >> and a win in north carolina in 2008. he didn't carry north carolina in 2012. listen to last night.
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>> we need to be clear. it's not the end of the primaries. it has been a mission all along. that is to beat kay hagen and make reed irrelevant. >> how vulnerable is kay hagen? the democrats have her on top of the list of people they are very concerned about. because of the fact that president obama isn't as popular as he was a few years ago. some of the issues that are front and center are not necessarily on her side. >> let's just say if she could pick a year in which to run, this probably would not have been the year she picked.
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>> the president of the united states has just landed in little rock, arkansas, and the two of them are going to be together. he just got off the plane and you see who is there receiving him? >> let's see if there is a hug. been trying to stay away in their home states from the president. but not prior. >> exactly. it looks like the senator. it should be the case times 20 in arkansas where president obama never came close to his republican -- >> so it's a sufchallenge ahead
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of him? especially this young congressman. >> but better chances. i think he would have generated more controversy if he had held back and the president wanted to go and is giving funding for tornado relief and all the rest if he would have stayed back and watched him through that. >> helping people is not a partisan issue. but one thing that again, i just want to point out these statistics. president obama lost 60% -- 60% is what mitt romney got in arkansas. he didn't even come close. if you look at the polls from prior, although he is definitely
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an endangered democrat, he is actually doing quite well. >> just ahead, kevin durrant's tearful speak. he says the real mvp is his mom. you're going to hear it. you need to hear this. stay with us. it starts with little things. tiny changes in the brain. little things, anyone can do. it steals your memories. your independence. insures support. a breakthrough. and sooner than you'd like... ...sooner than you think.
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10:58 am
>> janet yellen won't raise interest rates any time soon. >> kevin durrant has won the nba's most valuable player award. we talk about the incredible season on the court. he thanked his team. he thanked the city for their support but he saved the best for last offering these words for his mother. >> and last, my mom. i don't think you know what you did. you had my brother when you were 18 years old. three years later i came out.
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the odds were stacked against us. single parent with two boys by the time you were 21 years old. we wasn't supposed to be here. you made us believe. you kept us off the street. you put clothes on our backs, food on the table. when you didn't eat, you made sure we ate. you went to sleep hungry. you sacrificed for us. you the real mvp. [ applause ] >> how powerful is that especially on the eve of mother's day. she is, is, is the real mvp and he's an mvp as well. on this programming note we will hear from kevin durrant's mother when she joins us live here on
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