tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN May 9, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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sing in church? but different words? anyway, you have to watch. "inside man" don't miss it. but right now, anderson cooper, "ac360" begins. good evening, everyone, tonight breaking news, and yet another veteran's hospital. this time in wyoming, where the inner-office e-mail could turn out to be a smoking gun. the scandal that our drew griffin has been leading for months. according to a doctor who used to work there, according to sources many veterans were on a secret waiting list to hide the elements of medical care. in the last 48 hours the investigation has heated up. now tonight, new stunning development, later today, general shinseki told reporters that the administrator was placed on leave after shinseki learned about an e-mail.
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the e-mail suggested shinseki was also fudging e-mails to delay care. shinseki said quote, if true, the behavior outlined in this e-mail is unacceptable. drew joins me now with more, what do we know now? >> anderson, this is yet another hospital that is manipulating the fact that veterans are waiting months to get care. this time someone put it in writing, a v.a. nurse who works as a scheduling coordinator sent this how-to guide to federal employees on how to cook the books. the e-mail describes in detail how the clerks can meet the v.a.'s internal goals, anderson, for scheduling days. the coordinator admits in the e-mail, yes, it is gaming the system a bit. but you have to know the rules of the game you are playing.
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and when we exceed the 14-day measure the front office gets very upset. anderson, late this evening cnn tracked down the new whistle-blower who says she is the one who wanted to make this e-mail public. lisa lee worked for the v.a. in colorado, connected to the cheyenne system. she says she is coming forward tonight for the first time because she is concerned veteran's health care is at stake. >> we were being told to game the system because it made cheyenne look good. we were sat down by our supervisor in the conference room who opened his laptop and showed us just how to schedule so it looked like it was in the 14-day period. so it was all verbal when i was down there. and they would keep track of the schedulers who were complying and getting the 14-day schedule, and those of us who were not doing it. >> it is amazing they were looking at who was and who was
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not gaming the system. cheyenne seems to make it the system, this practice of delaying care and hiding the delays has been a part of the practice in the v.a. system. >> this is the exact system, a clerk working in san antonio told us about it last night where he says he was encouraged to cook the books on veteran's wait times just to make it appear that veterans were getting timely appointments when in fact on your show last night, he said these vets are waiting months. >> so it could be months and looks like 14 days. >> it could be three months and looks like no days, looked like they were scheduling the appointments -- >> so scheduling the books, fudging the books -- >> the v.a. doesn't call it that. they call it zeroing out. >> zeroing out. >> anderson, all of our sources tell us this was widely known what was going on. congressman jeff miller who heads the veteran's affairs committee says that the problems now with the cheyenne v.a. were
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well known that the v.a. should have been on this long ago. and said the late response from eric shinseki to put this in play, while he wrote the e-mail on paid leave, while he wrote the oig investigation. more of a knee-jerk reaction to tough media questions than anything else. >> and let me ask the questions -- you have been asking for an interview the secretary shinseki for six months now. every day he is ducking and diving everywhere. and he responds today? >> they are not even acknowledging my asking for an interview. they simply do not respond. it is like a nether world. >> unbelievable, and yet he gives interviews to people who have not been on this story as much. thank you, we'll keep at it. more breaking news, right now we just heard of a near collision between a u.s. passenger plane and a drone. the two coming so close that the pilot was sure he collided with it.
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apparently it happened in late march as the commuter jet was approaching tallahassee, florida. joining me now, government regulation correspondent miles o'brien. so renee, why is this happening, and why are we just hearing about it now? >> good question, a potential deadly situation, a drone nearly crashed into a plane and could have taken it down. the faa is describing it as a near collision some 2300 feet over florida near the tallahassee florida. of course that is well above the typical altitude of a private drone. as far as what it looked like the commercial pilot described it as a fixed wing aircraft that looked like a model replica of a phantom jet. we do know this sort of near collision is rare. but as far as why it is taking
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so long i did ask the faa just that. we should note that it came to light because the faa official was speaking at a drone conference just yesterday and started to discuss it. so it didn't come by way of a press release. when asked why we didn't know about it before because the incident happened in march the faa could not immediately answer, anderson. >> do we know who was flying this? >> at this point, we don't know, they are still investigating who was operating it. who was behind it. we know it was painted in camouflage, but who was behind it is still a mystery. >> so there are rules in place for this size of drone? >> well, not this size of drone. the faa has been spending time trying to figure out how to put big drones, predator seasons in the international air space. that is a regulatory process under way. now, for the smaller ones we're talking about here there is
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basically a letter of understanding, a circular that came out in 1981 which is circulated among the clubs, saying keep it at a certain level. it worked out fine for years. in case you have not noticed anybody can buy a drone now very easily. they're very easy to purchase and fly. doesn't require a lot of effort to make them work. and this industry has exploded beyond the ability of anybody to regulate. >> right, and these drones, typically they don't have a transponder or show up on radar, is that right? >> no, that is the problem, there is nothing about these drones that fits into the faa system, they don't have the technology to integrate them into their air traffic control system, unlike the bigger drones where they're working on how to figure that out. what you have is a self-regulating industry which worked out when it was small. that is a much bigger drone we're looking at there.
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but with these smaller drones, when you have these many people who own them you're bound to have some very stupid person do something like that that we're talking about here. and it really could have huge consequences. >> renee, have you heard from pilots on how they feel about sharing air space? and do we know the number they're talking about? >> this is the estimate from the faa, they estimate in the next five years we'll see 7500 drones flying into the u.s. air space at any given time. >> 7500, wow. >> yeah, at any given time, imagine all that, fitting that in with the commercial air travel that we have. at this point we know that the faa, they're working on rules so that they can safely integrate these smaller drones that are everything from what these hobbyists use to the larger drones that can be as big or have a wing span of a 737. and they're capable of flying some 60,000 feet in the air. i mean, that is the wide range.
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the rule they're trying to get in place here that can be applied to all kinds of drones. as for pilots, they're really worried about sharing the air space with the drones because they believe it spells disaster. they say the accident rate for these drones are pretty high. >> and the faa that alerted people, they say a jet/drone could be a catastrophe. >> well, would it bring down a plane like the sully flight where they hit a whole flock of geese? yeah, you might very well lose one engine. but the aircraft, with a reasonably professional flight crew could have landed the plane just fine. having said that you don't want these drones above 400 feet as the faa has prescribed. you know, i bought a drone recently, and it just tells you
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to go up and have fun. it will go way higher than you want it to, to be comfortable, the faa does not have the capability to police these smaller ones. >> be sure to set your dvr, coming up, it looks like everything the investigators are relying on in the search for flight 370 could be wrong. new analysis suggests the investigators may have been looking in entirely the wrong ocean. the latest and why some experts are coming to that conclusion next. also ahead, more tape released on donald sterling. everybody seems to be recording this guy. he says he is not racist, he is just jaealouaiealousjealous. we'll explain ahead.
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search for the missing airplane that it seems many in the nation obsessed about for two months, it seems everything we thought about where it went and went down could be completely wrong. that is from a magazine, very smart people using some not so simple math say that investigators may have been looking in the wrong ocean. and that the pings may not have had anything to do with flight 370 at all. scientists and investigators are going back to the drawing board looking at the satellite signals sent by the plane saying it just does not add up. we are joined live with miles o'brien and cnn safety analyst, david souci, author of "why planes crash" and author of safe skies. and you wrote that the inmarsat analysis doesn't make sense, that is a bold statement. can you tell us why you say that? >> well, it is hard to lay it out briefly but basically the
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way i described the satellite pings is that it is sort of like playing a game of marco polo over 22,000 miles of space. you get a little bit of information about where it is every time it sends out the satellite requests to the plane. you can tell how fast it is moving towards or away from the satellite. and that gives you enough information to kind of start to piece together information on the possible flight paths. that is the analysis that malaysia airline released, done by the british company, inmarsat. but there are back pieces you would see in the data. and the data they released doesn't have those characteristics. >> have they released all the data? >> no, they have not released -- basically something they released is sort of down stream. they released their conclusions in a very partial way. they have not released the raw data or explained their model.
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the experts have been trying to figure out basically reverse engineer are the raw data and figure out what model they're working for. and they are very vexing problems. >> david, it is amazing after untold millions in searching that this may all just be completely wrong. do you buy that? >> you know, it is hard for me to buy. but after talking with ari and i spoke also with michael exner and folks who have been a part of this report, these are not people who are just taking a swag at this. these are the pros, people who do calculations like this, devoted to it. to have them come out and say this is wrong, there is information that doesn't make sense. all the reason more now the malaysians need to come out with the information, talk about the satellite delays and things these folks need to do to verify it. have the outside look. >> miles why wouldn't inmarsat just release all the data? >> it is not their purview, anderson, i suspect if they had
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their choice they would. but we've seen the malaysians and their track record on the information. there are customs and rules that go along with the accident investigation. one of the rules is you hold back the information until you have the final answer and release it. that may be the norm. it is time to break rules. this is an extraordinary event and we have great experts the world over who are looking at a percentage of the picture. we don't even know what percentage of the picture, what has been held back. and are coming up with holes. those might be real holes, a fact of the function they don't have the real picture. all the real reason for the malaysians to do what i think is morally, absolutely mandatory at this point to release all this data for the families who are emotionally wrought. >> the passengers released an open letter saying we implore the malaysian government to release and share the information of the inmarsat ping
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data. do the malaysians seem at all inclined to do that? and do you know if the outside experts, they're looking, have they reached any kind of conclusion? are they pointing in any direction they're talking about? >> some of the experts will have different opinions on that. i think -- i've been trying to get information from the malaysians. these experts have been trying to. lots of journalists have been trying to and they just have not been getting anything. i think some of the experts have opinions about where the plane could be. all of those conclusions ought to be put on hold until we can actually understand the data that the malaysians released. it is very baffling. they have been releasing the information in a partial way to sort of give the impression they know what they're doing without the data even being full enough to make sense and verify that they do know what they are doing. >> it is worth noting they said
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the pings on the alleged route this plane took. so what do they now say about the pings? >> i'm not sure what the latest claims are. there are report circulating that it could be data under water. the pings really lend skepticism that it is actually from the plane. >> david souci, do you agree with that? >> yeah, i do, we have been talking about the convergence of facts, the new math, stuff we've never done before. we admit that. you talk about the pings, the frequency is off, the information contends it is the pings. until you can say differently, but as of today i have been taught differently. there are fishing nets, pings that put doubt in me that these
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pings are really from the aircraft at this point. so now we have two pieces of information that together add to their confidence but separately in doubt. >> miles, i saw you shaking your head when ari was talking. >> well, it is highly unlikely this is a ping attached to a marine mammal. any scientist worth his salt is not going to ping repeatedly, you run down your battery and data. whatever happened to that sub, the tireless, was it in the neighborhood doing some sort of sound i sounding at 33 kilohertz, the fact is they have something they're not sharing. do they have defense radar information to lead them where the information went? i would call upon them to release that data now. and what about the chinese who had a ping sounding that they heard prior to this ping sounding that we're talking about? we never really followed up with that one, did we?
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so i think there is a lot of information held back here, sometimes because of secrecy, sometimes because of customs in the case of the malaysians. it is time to lay all of these cards on the table for the sake of these families. >> it concerns me that the chinese releasing the ping, showing a bunch of guys with the zodiac. >> it looked like a photo op. but having said that why don't they release the data anyway? >> it is fascinating, thank you, great reporting, miles o'brien, david souci, thank you for joining us. and the search brings to mind another flight, when it took a year for the mystery to be solved to find a plane in the united states. in the end it came down to not charts or technology but a hiker happened upon the id. randi kaye has more. >> reporter: it is september, 2007, steve fossett takes off
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from the flying m ranch in nevada, promising to be back for lunch. but that is the last anyone sees of him. >> the best way to characterize this is looking for the needle in the hay stack. this is 10,000 square miles. >> within hours a desperate search for the famed aviator is under way. the terrain is rugged. the wilderness between western nevada and eastern california is vast. >> did that plane have like the equivalent of a black box? >> it has an elt, a locater system that can be picked up by satellites. >> radar picks up the plane's track along the crest of the sierra nevada mountains, following the trail that fossett hiked as a teen. >> from they could pursue this evidence they were distracted by another piece of evidence that popped up which was a visual sight out in the desert. that one was very tempting
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because whenever somebody says they saw the airplane, people tend to put a lot of credence in that. >> that visual sight came from a ranch hand in the area who tells police the plane flew over him when he stood on his porch just about 15 miles from where fossett took off. he says the plane was flying pretty low, about a thousand feet. the tip changes everything. >> it was very distracting and they never went back and looked at some of the previous evidence they had. they focused everything on this new piece. >> the search area suddenly shifts dramatically from the mountains about 60 miles northeast to the desert. the search continues for months. still no sign of steve fossett or his airplane. that is until a hiker finds some of fossett's personal belongings. it is now october 2008. more than a year after he disappeared. >> i came across the id card and the other cards. and the -- and the 100 dollar bills in the dirt and pine
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needles and stuff. i went wow, we put it altogether, it is that fossett guy. >> turns out these items are discovered in the part of the original search area. the mountains. search teams quickly change their focus once again. >> just about the time we were going to call off the search the aircraft from the yosemite national park spotted what they thought was wreckage on the ground. >> it is fossett's plane. right along the original radar track. the very spot in play before authorities shifted their attention to the desert. based on a so-called hot tip from a ranch hand. >> they probably could have found him relatively quickly if they had followed up on the evidence they had very early on in the search. >> instead of the plane being located in just days, the search lasted over a year. and cost millions. randi kaye, cnn, new york.
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that was a search not over water. as always you can find out more on the story at up next, just when you thought the shock meter was maxed out. a new recording surfaces in the donald sterling story. if it is really him as it seems to be then he has taken excuses. well, there is a whole new reason he said what he said according to him. also breaking news, the nigerian military firing back, responding to allegations from a human rights group that insists that the islamist terrorists were going to raid the boarding school where 300 girls were kidnapped. my lenses have a sunset mode. and an early morning mode. and a partly sunny mode. and an outside
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well, the hits just keep on coming for l.a. clippers owner donald sterling. richard parsons has been named the new ceo for the team. meanwhile, sterling's estranged wife shelly is in talks to keep her 50% stake in the team. all of this with the new audiotape surfacing, showing donald sterling talking on the phone with an unidentified man. in the tape, he says the racist comments that got him banned from the nba were simply a matter of him being jealous. listen. >> i'm talking to a girl, i'm trying to have sex with her. i'm trying to play with her. you know -- if you ever have sex with a girl and you're talking to her privately, you don't think anybody is there. you may say anything in the world, what difference does it make? then if the girl tapes it and releases it, my god, it is
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awful. >> that is the thing, you have to be careful on that. >> all the -- who thinks anybody is going to tape something? what the hell, i'm talking to a girl. the girl is black. i like her, i'm jealous that she is with other black guys. i want her, so what the hell can i in private tell her? you know, i don't want you to be with anybody else. >> well, joining me now live, our legal analyst, criminal defense attorney mark geragos, and sunny hostin. mark, he is certainly not doing himself any favor there s there. it seems like everybody he talks to is recording him. by the way, i was not recording him. i think we're the only two people who have not recorded conversations with donald sterling. >> i think he has his own private nsa just sort of surrounding him taping him. look, this guy is gone. the nba is getting rid of him.
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the only question now is whether his wife goes with him. and you know, whether they stay married, which may turn out to be legally significant. you know, overnight i was thinking about my concession to mark. and that -- >> it bothered sunny, didn't it? >> and sunny, that i was wrong. but that -- they're going to have a hard time taking the franchise away from shelly, the wi wife, as well. i was right all along, they're going to take it from her, they're wrong and i'm right. >> why do you think that? >> well, because also it is a community property situation. they are not divorced. there is no legally significant difference between her -- shelly's property and don's property. so the nba is just going to take it from both of them. they are both gone. >> spoken like a guy who is still married to his first wife who doesn't live in california.
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jeff, let me tell you what happens in california. community property couldn't be more significant. and the problem is that she -- i'll tell you the one thing i may agree with you on is if they come up with some smoking gun on her and you know they have that health inspector video where she is imitating being a health inspector. >> well, she lies about being a health inspector and it is caught on tape. >> right, it doesn't look good. there are also comments that are totally inappropriate in terms of the housing and stuff like th that. if something comes up she will have real problems but other than that, absent some other smoking gun, and god knows i'm with you jeff, and anderson. if i'm donald sterling i'm not letting anybody come talk to me unless i search them and have some kind of a wand. no way, they're just selling these tapes, the guys talking to them. they go to radar in line, and get 30 grand. it is unbelievable. >> is that how much money they
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make really? >> yes, they're -- i will tell you the amounts of money that they get paid from selling these tapes is astronomical. really, the first tape sold was not sold by v. stiviano. it was one of her girlfriends who v. had forwarded it to. and her lawyer took it and sold it to tmz. you will not believe the six figure amount they made on these tapes. >> wow, so what is interesting about the argument for donald sterling, well, i was just jealous of her. i wanted to have sex with her as he plainly says. i was just jealous of her, he says on the tape, you're with black guys. it is not saying i don't want you to be photographed with anyone. it is i don't want you to be seen with black people. i don't want you to bring them to the game. >> that is why i thought it was
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so odd. i thought he leaked this new piece because i thought he was trying to spin the narrative. but dylan howard told me he did not leak it. so i can't even figure it out. what i'm thinking is that he really believes this will change the narrative. this notion -- >> it will, because sunny, doesn't he want the narrative to be that he is just a horny old guy. >> that he is just a horn dog than a racist. and i have to tell you that given the poll that cnn took, that 50% of the people think he should be ousted. and a lot of guys say well, when i want to get in a girl's pants i would say anything too. >> there is a variety of people out there that would say yeah, i would say anything to get into her pants, too, they relate to her. >> you can talk all you want about narratives and spin. the nba, adam silver has made it his mission as new commissioner
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of the nba to get this guy out. the nine owners who are the sort of leading committee have been unanimously with him so far. it doesn't matter what donald sterling thinks about a narrative. whatever goofy tape comes out next, he is gone. the players will not play for him. >> i would like to address that point actually. >> but what i don't understand about this rationale is how is this sexy talk? how is that -- >> it is not sexy talk. i'm a woman -- >> i am not in the profession where i haven't tried to convince a woman, but how is he saying don't be seen with black guys like enticing sexy talk -- >> men have told me some outrageous things. i have heard some pretty horrible lines. but i think what is just so fascinating about it is that he obviously believes somehow that this makes sense. and perhaps it will make sense
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to some people. perhaps it will. >> not to the people who matter, not to the nba owners. >> but oh, i wanted to address that point. >> well, i don't know. about the players, you know, i've been thinking about that. and i just wonder are the players going to be so noble as to not play for a team that may be owned by shelly sterling? and don't they have contracts? so if they decide not to play i don't know what grounds they have jeff and mark just to decide not to play. aren't they then breaking their own contracts? >> they're bound by the contracts but i'm telling you ultimately what is going to happen here is that the sponsors will weigh in. and when the sponsors pull like they did right before silver then it is not financially viable anymore. >> that is right, it is not about the players. >> it is not about the players, it is all about the sponsors. >> and think about the prospect of the nba, which is run and owned largely by white people fining players for refusing to play for donald sterling? it is never going to happen. the players and the league are
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on the same side. >> fascinating, sunny hostin, jeff toobin, mark geragos. up next, breaking news, the military is responding to stunning accusations that they had four hours notice that the boko haram fighters, some trained by jihadists, were going to kidnap the girls in the school. plus, the attempt to find the girls. and also, the often deadly mers virus. ♪ ben! well, that was close! you ain't lying! let quicken loans help you save your money.
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the group says they left the security to 17 soldiers and a few police officers. and it was all a terrorist group getting training from al-qaeda affiliates and could be connected to more than 2,000 deaths in nigeria in just the past four months alone. today, more help arrived in nigeria from the u.s. but a senior official says they
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have no idea where the girls are being held. more on the developments from the nigerian capital. so the amnesty report alleges the nigerian officials had more than four hours notice, what else can you tell us about the report? >> anderson, well, the nigerian military strongly saying the report is not true. but it echos very closely with what we've heard from families on the ground. they say the night of the attack the nigerian military was nowhere to be found. they say that the nigerian military is out-manned and out-gunned by the terrorists. what is more, in the course of what they were told in the past few weeks, they were unprotected. one official said the threat of boko haram is so great that many prefer to sleep out in the bush instead of their own beds. >> that is incredible that many are out in the bush instead of their own bed for fear of retaliation. a senior official told the u.s. there is no clear idea, a report
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shows that it is possible the girls have all been separated. >> look, finding these girls will be very, very difficult. where they were supposedly taken to after the abduction to a very remote area, a very dense area, considered to be a boko haram strong area. now with u.s. intelligence reports showing the girls may have been split up and trafficked to neighboring cameroon. you're talking about an enormous land mass or any action deployed to the area will make the server challenging. >> all right, let's talk more about this from cnn analyst fran to townsend, and also a former delta force officer. fran, strategically speaking, are they there for an intelligence resource?
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>> no question, no question they will bring all the tools, the assets and intelligence collection, all of that you have eliminate officials and the whole variety of national security tools. there are also there frankly if there is a tactical opportunity, the u.s. military advisers can work with the nigerian military assuming they want that help to talk with them and gain the information on how you would mount a rescue operation. >> let's talk about that, jeff. if these nearly 300 girls were broken up into smaller groups that is a logistical operation. >> it is very, very difficult. it would be difficult for the united states and the nato allies, if you have ten different sites where the girls might have been held. to go after the early warning, to be out-gunned and out-manned,
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boko haram has been very clever. they launched a major attack in the capital city just in april where they killed 70 people with bomb attacks. that forced some of the nigerians to bring some of their best security forces, 5,000 into the capital city to protect the ongoing economic conversation which left really, really very few forces out-manned for sure. left to help out in the north. >> so they actually brought really all of their best forces to guard the capital. meanwhile leaving other parts of the country exposed? >> absolutely, you know, you just have to make choices. when this conversation is over they will be able to re-focus some of those assets. >> do the nigerians have the special forces? do they have groups like that? >> they do, they have some of their own. they have been advised by the u.s. and other friendly u.s. allies in how to conduct operations like this. counterterrorism operations. they are also part of a multi-joint national task force they put together, that consists
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of nigeria, chad, and niger. they clearly are getting training but it is a very small operation, focused on the border. it is so porous with weapons coming in there, there are estimated to be about 15 border points where weapons could be brought to and out of the country. >> and there are huge, vast spaces that are really unguarded by man and nigerian forces. a senior defense official told the u.s. they have no clear idea where the girls are. you say it is unlikely the u.s. would actually send in troops of their own in a rescue operation? >> i think that is right, anderson. i mean, i think it is unlikely. because while there is a compelling moral reason there is not a real u.s. national strategic interest in putting our troops at risk. this is one of the most difficult decisions the commander in chief ever has to make. he has to weigh the risks to the lives of u.s. forces if he is going to commit them against the
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benefit. and what is the u.s. national strategic interest? i think this is a hard case to make here, as awful and compelling as the case is that would have to be a very tough decision. because i think you have to ask yourself is it worth the loss of u.s. life? >> and to your point, jeff, it is a lot more difficult than hitting a one-position like a osama bin laden position. you have multiple positions in an area that the terrorist forces are very comfortable. >> very familiar with. and they have tremendous weaponry. they have armored personnel carriers. >> look at the boko haram videos. it is not like the resistance army in northern uganda. these guys are very weaponed. they have personnel carriers -- >> interesting about the weapons, there are reports with nato, some of the weapons have showed up in boko haram's possession are weapons that have come out of libya. you know, you go into libya and solve the problem there and it
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is kind of like a balloon. you know, you squeeze it in one place and some of these things pop out in other places. >> because there were concerns about where the libyan weapons were. >> and some of them actually made their way to boko haram. >> thank you, fran townsend. and investigators in florida say they solved the mystery of who killed the family of four living in the mansion of tennis pro james blake. details ahead. kles ] i'd do anything to keep this guy happy and healthy. that's why i'm so excited about these new milk-bone brushing chews. whoa, i'm not the only one. it's a brilliant new way to take care of his teeth. clinically proven as effective as brushing. ok, here you go. have you ever seen a dog brush his own teeth? the twist and nub design cleans all the way down to the gum line, even reaching the back teeth. they taste like a treat, but they clean like a toothbrush. nothing says you care like a milk-bone brushing chew. [ barks ]
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in crimea today, russian president vladimir putin took part in victory day celebrations held to mark the defeat of nazi germany in world war ii. as part of the annexation, after russia broke from crimea there are tensions that turned deadly. new today, clashes between the pro-russian forces and southeast region health officials said at least seven people were killed, 39 others injured. relations are at the lowest point since the cold war.
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and anthony bourdain talks about what it was like. >> so you went to russia, you had not been to russia for quite a while? >> i try to space out my trips because i really have a hard time with the drinking. you know, interviewing, making friends in russia, getting people to open up and talk to you requires a lot of drinking, and frankly more than even i can be comfortable with. >> you can drink a fair enough. i have seen your show. >> but a bottle of vodka has an effect. and i need some time in between shows. so it has been quite a while. >> how long has it been since you were in russia? >> a few years. >> you get a sense of what it is like to live in putin russia. >> nobody else's, it is his. did you find it different than where you had visited previously? >> you really feel in earlier trips any notion that this is a functioning democracy is a joke. they kill journalists there. they're happy to do it. and it is okay.
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>> people get killed in business dealings there. >> there is a definite line. everybody we spoke to comes up against a line to -- you can criticize the government. there are certain things you can say. but when you start to talk about corruption and putin's possible connection to corruption, you could see it in their eyes. a real fear. we spoke with you know, one -- one billionaire oligarch who had been stripped of absolutely everything. >> and there are -- >> for expressing his discontent. bad things happen to you when you cross vladimir putin. >> and food in russia? >> food in people's homes can be really good. food in mid-range restaurants where they are doing traditional russian differentshes, can be r
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good. the soups, the best restaurants are sort of like you know, 1989 post disco era. you know, pan/asian fusion horror show. gener generally speaking, it is -- eating in the best restaurant in moscow is kind of the worse case scenario. >> it is going to be fascinating if you have not watched his show, it is great. coming up next, an update on an often deadly virus that has reached america for the first time. lenses have a sunset mode. and an early morning mode. and a partly sunny mode. and an outside to clear inside mode. new transitions® signature™ adaptive lenses are more responsive than ever. so why settle for a lens with just one mode. experience life well lit. upgrade your lenses to new transitions® signature™. visit your local visionworks today. to ask about our new transitions® signature™ lenses with chromea7™ technology. and start living a life well lit.
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this is cnn, the world's news network. upcoming some other stories, susan hendricks has more. >> anderson, authorities in central georgia are looking for help. they say an 80-year-old man was found beheaded in his house in his gated community. they say his wife disappeared. they believe she was kidnapped. the couple is described as sweet as could be. and investigators say the fire that ripped through the house of james blake was set to cover up a murder-suicide. they say he set the fire, killed himself, and authorities don't know the motive. an arkansas judge striking
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down the ban on same-sex marriage. the judge ruled the 2004 voter approved measure to be unconstitutional. and finally, the first patient to test positive for the often deadly mers virus has been released from a hospital in indiana. health officials say the patient is fully recovered and the public is not at risk. and the patient reportedly got it while working in southeast asia. that does it for us, thank you. i'm bill weir. welcome to cnn tonight. well, yet again, donald sterling speaks, someone hits record and america shakes its collective head. this time he gets into the motivational for the racist rant, and it is downright creepy. >> and i'm talking to a girl, i'm trying to have sex with her. i'm trying to play with her. >> uh-huh. well, much the way rob ford
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