tv Wolf CNN May 13, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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right now, donald sterling's denial and accusations continue to stir up deep anger. we'll have more of the interview, including details of a conversation sterling says he had with magic johnson. also right now, hillary clinton supporters are fighting back against karl rove after the republican strategist raised questions about a 2012 health scare that landed the former secretary of state in the hospital. and right now, we're waiting for a brand-new report on missing malaysia airlines flight 370. it's set to release this hour. could change the way flights are tracked. hello, i'm wolf blitzer reporting from washington. we start with more from donald sterling and his exclusive interview with our own anderson cooper. he offered more apologies, more excuses for making racist remarks. those remarks got him banned for
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life from the nba. here's sterling's reasoning for why he can't be considered a racist. >> i think you have more of a plantation mentality than i do. you know, and i think you're more of a racist than i am. >> how so? >> because i'm not a racist and i've never been a race it's and i'll never be a racist. i don't know what that means. to have that mentality. you're asking me that question. what do you mean a mentality? >> plantation mentality is to feel like you own these guys, they're working for you. >> do i own them? >> i don't know. >> my players earn $100 million a year. >> but -- >> do i own them? >> but in this tape -- >> some of them earn $50 million a year. >> in this tape, you say, i support them, i give them food and clothes and houses. >> i create opportunities for them so they can make $100 million. i don't give them anything, believe me. those players could get that same amount of money anywhere else. >> let me bring in our own stephanie elam, in los angeles.
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michael weis, he's been covering the story for "the washington post" joining us from indianapolis. let's talk a little bit about these comments. stephanie, you've been reporting on what's been going on. what's been the reaction in l.a. so far to his latest remarks? i must say, it was much of a rant in the interview he gave our own anderson cooper. >> it was very much -- a lot of people just befuddled that, a, he would go off and contradict himself so many times. and he seep seems to be consta picking a fight with magic johnson. magic is loved here in los angeles. he's also seen as a smart businessman who has made millions of dollars, millions of dollars doing what he does. think he's worth something like $500 million. he talks about there's a lot of love for him. i have seen people say they don't support what he says but they do think he has a right to keep his team. other than that, i've seen no
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one showing any support for sterling. he's sort of just the modern day case of a scarlet letter. everyone wants to stay away from him just because it's just such a toxic situation. >> let's bring in michael from indianapolis. you're getting ready to help the wiz staard wizards/pacers game. let's talk about what's the mood inside the nba. you're close to players. you're close to owners. you know what's going on. how angry are they at sterling right now? >> i don't even think anger is the word, wolf. i think there's almost more of a -- a resigned notion of when do we get him out of here and how long is it going to take to sell the team? i don't think there's any -- there's any possibility, legal or otherwise, that this -- that this will end in donald sterling retaining the los angeles clippers, especially off of
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anderson cooper's interview. >> let me play another clip from anderson's interview. this is sterling obviously. maybe living in a dream world. i'll play this clip. >> the players don't hate me. the sponsors don't hate me. >> you don't believe the players -- >> the fans don't hate me. the media hates. the media. it's all the media pushing it. >> honestly, you really believe -- >> i believe it 100%. i believe it 100%. people call me by the thousands. and it's giving me support. >> you don't think the players -- >> they don't say i shouldn't have said that -- >> you don't think the players don't like you? >> why wouldn't they like me? >> you think they still love you? >> i do. >> you believe the players of the los angeles clippers love you? >> absolutely. they know i'm not a racist. and i'm not a racist. >> why haven't they come forward and said that? >> well, you see, people are intim dated by even the thought of racism. and around the world, they call
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me from australia, from london, and they ask me, different media, are you a racist? i'm not a racist. >> all right, michael, let me go to you first. he seems to be delusional. i don't know how you can react to that. >> to me, it's the sad sick ramblings of an old man. while i will never sit out here and say that somebody asking for forgiveness is a wrong thing and i don't want to question their apology. i still wonder why it took this long. i don't know of any person of a dominant race in this world accused of being a racist would not wait two weeks to clear his name. or at least ask for forgiveness or something. it's unconscionable to me, especially the magic thing. i can't say enough about that. i've known earvin johnson since i was 15 years old. and to say that magic johnson hasn't done enough for
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minorities in this country? the moment november 7th, 1991, was almost a jackie robinson moment for the nba. magic johnson put a public face on the hiv virus. and the way david stern handled that was magnanimous. the way magic handled it. magic went on to fund hiv centers in which people from lower-income neighborhoods could afford drugs that he got when he first acquired the hiv virus. this is a person who led a broader commercial life, returned to many neighborhoods in this country where nobody's wanted to put their business. so for a guy who was seen in a deposition ten years ago, to say that he didn't want black people living in his buildings, to criticize magic and say he doesn't have enough -- it's unconscionable. >> stephanie, let me play the x exchange that donald sterling had on the whole issue of magic johnson and his efforts on behalf of minorities. >> he lulled me into waiting a
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week. you know what i mean, don't do anything, understand -- >> you're saying he told you not to say anything? >> yeah, don't do anything, i know the girl, don't do anything, i'll help you. i'm waiting and i'm waiting and i'm waiting. >> what you're saying is magic johnson called you up or you called him up? >> i don't know his phone number. he called me. >> he called you up -- >> i don't call anybody. i'm loyal to you. >> he called you up when the tape came out and he told you not to say anything, you're saying? >> yeah. >> why did he say don't say anything? >> he said, wait, be patient, i'll help you, we'll figure it out. >> why do you think he said that? >> he wanted me to just do nothing so he could buy the team. he thought whole thing would be resolved in two weeks. what has he done? can you tell me? big magic johnson, what has he done? >> didn't take long, stephanie. adam silver, the commissioner of the nba, released a statement saying i feel compelled on behalf of the nba family to apologize to him that he
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continues to be dragged into this situation and be degraded by such a malicious and personal attack. i assume everyone in los angeles is outraged by all of this, stephanie. >> very much so. i mean, the man has so much love in this city. he's got a big personality. you know it when he's there. take a look at what happened. i think most of us who were around at that time, i remember where i was when we all found out that magic had hiv. i was at howard university at spring practice. i came out and the campus was devastated. magic could have disappeared and just not dealt with any of this. instead what he did is he started his foundation. he became a businessman that is respected among other businesspeople. and he focused on making things better. getting businesses in other places. so he's not the guy you want to target. targeting somebody that's also loved within the nba on top of it is not a very good way of going about this. the other thing about it, donald sterling seems to think of
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himself as the victim. he's been victimized by magic. of course magic wants to respond i'm sure to this because he's pretty much sullying his name in this interview. and then he's saying that v. stiviano didn't really care about him. i think sterling sees himself as a victim. one of the people he seems to think took advantage of him is magic. >> his wife, shelly sterling, keeps saying she think, he has dementia. you buy that? >> i don't buy that. he seemed pretty lucid in that interview. could he think some rambling thoughts that he forgot about? yes. but he was pretty clear in some of his statements. and just a side note, i know shelly sterling wants to keep the team. i can't imagine being married to someone for 50 years and not knowing their behavior and who and what they're about. i think -- i think any inclination she would get the team is patently ridiculous. >> michael, let's hope our
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wizards do well tonight against the pacers, we need a win badly. you can hear a lot more from donald sterling talking about his wife shelly, about the naacp, later tonight, 8:00 p.m. eastern. are mo re of anderson's exclusie interview. also mackmagic johnson to get h take on donald sterling. 8:00 p.m. eastern tonight. let's get to the breaking news. out of us tousen, maryland, tha near baltimore. a man reportedly barricaded himself inside a tv station after ramming the building with a truck. >> we know this is still an active situation. that station, wmar, an abc affiliate, has been evacuated. they're now the story. they're in taped programming. we're getting a lot of information from the staff of that station about what's going on. this is a very densely populated
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ar area. it's near the university, a hospital nearby, and next door there's a school. pre-k through eighth grade. they're on lockdown right now as a precaution. you can see these aerial shots we've been watching. we saw the s.w.a.t. teams come in as law enforcement tries to get a handle on this situation. we're learning from some of the staff who are tweeting from the location. one reporter tweeted, suspect yelled "let me in." this is a person who rammed, this reporter says, rammed a large truck three times into the front door of this station and eventually broke through. the suspect yelled, let me in, he said he was god, he rammed the building at least three timeses. they believe it was a landscaping truck that landed in the lobby. a very large truck that is now inside the station. again, they're in taped programming now. they tweeted they did do a head count. everyone is out of the building and safe, says one of the
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tweets. many are calling loved ones to let them know they're okay. one of the people said look at the side of that building, and so it could take some time to find this suspect. surprisingly big inside, not too many entrances and exits but lots of places to hole up. if you drove a dump truck through the front door of abc 2 news, you'd run smack into a staircase that isn't going anywhere. some color from staffers on the scene who of course are now the news. they're unable to do their usual broadcast. instead that station is in taped programming. we're watching this unfold. wolf. >> we'll continue to update our viewers. let's hope this is resolved quietly, peacefully, and is over with. athena, thanks very much. still to company,e, a niger
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mother's desperate plea to the man who kidnapped her daughter. we'll speak with her and our own christiane amanpour about what options the world has when it comes to rescuing these girls. and karl rove's remarks about hillary clinton, reportedly suggesting she may have brain damage, he's now denying it. we'll tell you what's going on. how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going to have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagine how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪
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people who took your daughter? what would you say to them? >> i told them, i just can't say anything about them, but if they left, if they left, they leave our daughters. we are pleading with them to leave our daughters. we are pleading them to leave our daughters. we don't have power do anything that requires power. but if they like and they are good, then they'll help us to leave our daughters. >> an emotional moment. cnn's nima elbagir, talking to a mother of one of the girls being held captive by nigerian terrorists. now a video released by boko haram, the terrorist organization. some relatives have told cnn it's not quite the case.
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they say some girls in this video were abducted as long as two years ago. it's not necessarily surprising considering the history of boko haram. the u.s. designated boko haram as a terrorist organization. the group is responsible for numerous attacks in northern and northeastern nigeria that have killed thousands of people since 2009. loosely translated, boko haram means western education is a sin. the group has repeatedly targeted places of learning and deadly attacks that has highlighted its fundamental philosophy against education for girls. whether they're christians or muslims or anyone else. meanwhile, the u.s. stepping up its efforts to try to find those girls. the u.s. is now sharing aerial surveillance of nigerian territory both through commercial satellites and manned planes from the defense department. that, according to two senior obama administration officials.
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our chief international correspondent christiane amanpour is joining us from london right now. what a heartbreaking story this is. but there has been in recent hours the arrival of teams from several countries including the u.s., britain, france, china, israel, raising hopes that the girls might be found. what do you think they're going to be able to achieve, if anything? >> honestly, wolf, if all these forces, all these experts are come from all these countries, this is the best chance there is of these girls being rescued. despite clearly the nigerian government has not been able to do that. when we saw this terrible picture, we did wonder when this was taken, were these 200 or so -- 200-plus girls that were taken just last month, and now we understand from relatives, as you've reported, some of them were abducted years ago. and this has been going on for years. the nigerian government has not had the wherewithal or the incentive to go and get them or the ability to do so.
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so they really do need outside help. when i asked prime minister david cameron here in london on sunday, he said, well, we've offered to send teams to explain to the nigerians how we could help. it's pretty unclear, at least to me right now, how much help, exactly what kind of help the nigerian government is actually accepting. >> as you know that video that was released yesterday, the leader boko haram says he will release the girls if members of the boko haram organization, the terrorist organization are freed from prisons inside nigeria. the nigerian government responded by saying all options were on the table. this isn't the demand the group has made before it the government has succeeded at least one. so here's the question. at least here in washington, some terror experts, they say if you negotiate with terrorist, it invites more abductions down the road. what do you make of that argument? >> clearly, that is the case. most people do say that. many countries, many
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governments, have a principle of not negotiating with terrorists. on the other hand, we also know there have been many back door negotiations with various terrorists, kidnappers, in the past. whether it's in nigeria, which has happened with boko haram in the past, not only over certain policer eprisoners but other abductees. certainly in afghanistan with the taliban when they've taken and kidnapped certain foreign nationals from wherever. some of them, we believe, have been released because their governments have paid ransom. so it does happen. the question really is, how straight is this guy, the head of boko haram? the way he appears in these videos, it's really quite a disturbing presence that he's telegraphing. it's very unclear exactly where the red lines are or where his line of negotiational barring ag is. it's clear something needs to be
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done by the government because it's now really enraged the country. after they, for years, have actually been watching this go on and it really hasn't gotten any traction. now that this hash tag viral campaign to get them back has galvanized so many people, they've been forced to look at this problem. even yesterday, you know, the interior minister, very hard line, said we will not negotiate, will not do anything with these boko haram people. then the governor had to say he was just speaking in a personnel capacity. and now all options are on the table. very confusing what's happening inside the government there. >> let's just hope they can find those girls and bring them back to their families. christiane amanpour, thanks very much. the number of cases of mers in the united states appears to be growing. two health care workers who were treating a confirmed mers patient in florida are being
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checked for illness themselves. both were taken to the emergency room after experiencing flu-like symptoms. initially placed in isolation but one since released. a separate case reported in indiana early this month. the florida patient flew from saudi arabia where the disease was initially reported in 2012. health care officials have been stressing mers isn't spread through casual contact. the white house press secretary jay carney says president obama has been briefed on the situation and the cdc, the centers for disease control, taking the lead on this issue. just ahead, did karl rove go way, way too far when he suggested that hillary clinton may have suffered some brain damage in 2012. he's backing away somewhat from those comments reported in the "new york post," trying to explain what he meant. we'll get full analysis. later, should all commercial planes have real-time tracking that can't be turned off? we're going to tell you if it could soon be a reality. of complete darkness.
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we know we're not the center of your life, but we'll do our best to help you connect to what is. how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going to have to rethink this thing.
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it's hard to imagine how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪ republican strategist karl rove now denying he ever suggested hillary clinton suffered severe injury when she was treated for a severe blood clot in 2012. rove said this about clint be last week at a forum in los angeles. quote, 30 days in the hospital and when she reappears she's wearing glasses that are only for people who are traumatic brain injury. we need to know what's up with
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that. clibten camp immediately fired back. quote, karl rove has deceived the country for years but there are no words for this level of lying. as to her health, she is 100%. period. this morning rove was on fox news where he works. he says he only meant the medical episode in december of 2012 deserves scrutiny if clinton seeks the democratic presidential nomination. >> no, i never used that phrase, but look, she had a serious episode, a serious health episode. i don't know about you, but if you go through a serious health episode it causes you to look at life a little bit differently. this was a serious deal. she basically is out of action from -- she's in and out of the office for -- starting on the 7th of december after she returns. she returns on a friday from the czech republic. then it begins other a month-long period where she's got a serious illness, ending up putting her in the hospital. we don't know what the doctor said about, you know, what does she have to be concerned about. we don't know -- she's hid be a
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lot of it. >> let's bring in our senior political correspondent brianna keilar and our cnn political analyst maggie habraman of politico. what do we know about this incident? we also know a more robust statement has just been released from the clinton catch. >> that's right, a rather long one. this coming from her spokesman. from the moment this happened 17 months ago, the right has politicized her health. first they accused her of faking it. now they resorted to the other extreme and are flat-out lying. even this morning, karl rove is still all over the map and is continuing to get the fact, wrong but he doesn't care because all he want to do is eject the issue into the echo chamber and he's succeeding. they are scared watch she has achie achieved and what she has to offer. what he's doing is his own form of sickness. but she is 100%, period. time for them to move on to their next desperate attack. pretty strong statement coming from hillary clinton's camp
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there. what we know about the facts of this case, 2012, then secretary clinton had a stoit stomach vir. she became high dehydrated. she fell. she went to check with a doctor and it turned out it was a blood clot between her skull and her brain and she actually spent three days in the hospital in new york presbyterian. it was very serious at the time. i think even caught some of her aides off guard. many people close to her now will say she is 100%, there were no lasting effects. >> you spent a lot of time covering hillary clinton. this issue all of a sudden coming to the surface. long after she did suffer that blood clot. >> karl rove said something that a lot of conservatives have been buzzing about for a while. questions about whether there were lingering effects from this health issue. i do think this was an effort to put it into the foreground. i don't think it went the way he
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wanted it to go. he is adamantly insisting he didn't use the words brain damage. that is a very serious thing to say. it is justifiable with any presidential candidate. this came up with john mccain, came up with bob dole. it has come up with everyone who has run, you know, whether they are fit to serve. there's a difference between asking that question and stating that somebody has brain damage. that takes it a tad over the line. i do think that the clintons, the statement that came from her spokesman is correct. that this is an effort to try to put it into the atmosphere and get people focused on it. there is -- there are legitimate questions to ask. the w the way this was framed only serves to look like she is being attacked. which is going to rev up democrats very strongly and did last night all over twitter. >> want to move on to another subject. the former florida governor jeb bush. he's long been consider a possible gop presidential candidate in 2016 but some members of the bush family seem
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less than enthusiastic about him rubbing for the white house. maggie, you have a new piece in today's politico. portraying the bushes as sort of a house divided on this issue of a possible jeb bush candidacy. you write this, you write this about his mother barbara, quote, jeb bush seemed stunned by his mother's comments made over the past year. ones he's repeated at a recent george w. bush presidential library event where she declared there have been enough bushes for the country. so you've been doing some reporting on this. i know others have as well. what do the other members of the family say about this? gloria borger spoke with one of his brothers. made it clear he would like bush to run. jake tapper spoke with george w. bush, he said he's open to him run. what's going on? >> open to him run and wanting him to run are different. people would spoke with george w. bush walked away with the
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impression he is not exactly a one-man drafting committee. something george w. bush's spokesman denied, saying he is very much for his brother running and he's very proud of his record, has no concerns about that getting debated in another campaign. jeb bush's father, most importantly, his former president father, would like him to run. his mother has been more tepid about it. people around her and a spokesman for h.w. bush say in part that's because she doesn't want people to think there's a sense of entitlement that comes with being a bush and he has a prerogative to do this. his wife is also another major concern. >> neil bush, the other brother, told gloria yes, he thinks he should run. george w. bush told jake tapper thinks he should run as well. we'll see what happens. brianna, you've been covering the clinton camp. how do they feel about a possible jeb bush run for the white house? >> i don't know how hillary clinton would feel about this. i think there are a lot of democrats who would actually like this.
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they feel like it would be more of an issue-based campaign. i also heard from some who wonder if he's really in fighting form. you know, we've been seeing hillary clinton in a way -- she was out of the political spotlight for quite a while. she's getting back into it. maggie and i have talked about this. sort of flexing those muscles she hasn't in a while. you know, is jeb bush really there? and also, i've spoken with republicans who say of all the potential republican candidates, they would want jeb bush to be the republican candidate, but even they say, you know what, i just don't know if it's possible with that last name. >> we don't know if jeb bush is going to run, don't know if hillary clinton is going to run. but we will find out over the course of the next several months. maggie, thank you. brianna, thanks to you as well. when we get back, we have breaking news. a man has reportedly barricaded himself inside a tv station after ramming the building with a truck. we're taking you to the scene.
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now you could have done it twice. this is awkward. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. want to get back to the breaking news in tousen, maryland, outside of baltimore. a man rammed a truck into a tv station. apparently still inside. larry connie is joining us on the phone, part of the investigation unit at wmar. what can you share with us, larry? >> the man came to the door originally, screamed that he was god. he wanted to get in. our security guard wouldn't allow it. he left.
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or so we thought. he came back, got in his truck and rammed all the way through the lobby. >> do you know if anyone was injured during that ramming of the truck through the lobby? >> no, everyone got out from the crash safely. we believe we have everyone accounted for. we're fairly certain of that. >> the assumption is the man is armed, is that right? >> we know the man had several guns in his car, in his truck. it's more of a landscaping truck. and he is apparently on the second floor of the building somewhere right now. >> so police -- baltimore county police and others are going through the building, is that's what's going on right now? >> that's what's going on. >> everyone is out of the building, so no one -- at least immediately, is in harm's way? >> that's what we believe right now. we believe everybody's accounted pour. in a news situation, crews come and go throughout the day. so getting a hard number is a little bit more difficult.
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>> the assumption is this man took the weapons he had in the truck and ran inside -- in the building up to that second floor and he might be loaded with a lot of weapons and ammunition, that's the fear? >> that is the fear. >> and so what's happening outside? what's it like over there? >> right now, the area is blocked off. we're being kept about 100 yards away. i'm actually with a cnn crew right now. and they have surrounded the building. the s.w.a.t. team is in there right now. >> and they're obviously trying to establish some sort of contact, some communication with this individual. as you say, when he went in there earlier, he said he was god, is that right? >> yes. and we asked him why he wanted to come inside and talk to somebody. he would not tell us. because of that, our security guard would not let him in. >> he left and then he came back with the truck and rammed -- >> -- and got in his truck -- >> no one was hurt. i take it the station -- your
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station, wmar, is in taped programming right now, right right? the. >> we are. >> and -- >> but we're covering it online, and that's how we're handling this in the new age of new media. >> the executive producer of wmar. good luck. we'll stay in close touch with you. let's hope this thing ends quickly and peacefully. that would be excellent news for all of us. thank you very much. we're continuing to follow other important news, including this question. should all commercial airplanes around the world have full-time tracking? we have a new report from an industry watchdog. all stations come over to mission a for a final go. this is for real this time. step seven point two one two. verify and lock. command is locked. five seconds. three, two, one. standing by for capture.
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the disappearance of flight 370 could now have a big effect on how commercial planes are tracked around the world. just a little while ago, the united nations agency that overseas international aircraft navigation was supposed to issue a report. in it, we're told, says that global tracking of airplanes is needed and has the full support of various industry groups to make it happen. again, the report coming out just a few minutes ago. we should be getting a copy of it fairly soon. let's bring in our plane panel to discuss. peter goelz is a cnn aviation analyst, former ntsb managing director, tom fuentes is our aviation correspondent, richard quest is joining us from south africa right now.
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richard what do you make of this new directive from this international organization that we've never should have to go through what the world has been going through with this plane simply disappearing? >> it's classic phrase that you'll be familiar with, a day late and a dollar short. they should have done this after air france 447. that's when it was also called for. what i'm expecting is a short-term solution, an immediate, if you like, this is what is possible, let's get on and do it. and then meetup and long-term solution that will not only encompass real-time tracking, but also some sort of black box in the sky. to put it into perspective, wolf, inmarsat, the main satellite provider of this sort of data, has short circuited the process. they've said there are -- well, you know there are 11,000 planes flying long haul that have
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inmarsat capability, and i would expect to see that incorporated quite quickly into any final proposals. but the fact that it has finally moved itself on this crucial issue will be welcomed. >> richard makes a good point, peter, an excellent point. there were similar calls after that air france plane disappeared in the atlantic ocean off the coast of brazil in 2009, but nothing was done, why? >> well, the industry is slow to react. they see an event like the air france accident like a once in a lifetime occurrence. they don't want to spend a lot of money on what they see as unneeded avionics. they don't want to take a step that has unwanted, you know, consequences. they are simply slow. but malaysian flight 370 is going to change the way we do business. >> on that front, and you're a former -- tom, you're a former fbi assistant director, what
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other lessons should they be learning from this? assuming we don't find the plane for a while. we don't know what happened. there should be other security-related steps that are taken if, in fact, it was a criminal act on the part of an individual or individuals. shouldn't there be some security decisions made now to precluded this kind of event? >> you're right, wolf, but there won't be. my experience in 30 years if the federal government is you can decide all you want that we have to do something immediately and take action, but actually taking that action and implementing the proposals are two different things. so they can talk about these planes are going to get tracked real-time around the world when they go across oceans. when's that going to happen? any time soon? no, we could be dealing with this five years from now. i'm not optimistic. >> richard, we're no closer to knowing whether it was some sort of catastrophic mechanical failure or it was a criminal act on the part of individuals -- an
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individual or individuals, are we? >> i will go further than that, wolf. we are further away from knowing. because now of course we've got this entire canopy of questioning other the inmarsat handshakes and, now, in the last 24 hours, questions over the pings under water. now, angus houston said he's still hopeful. we know they're searching around ping one today. but it just shows the unique nature of this incident and the ferocious complexity to bring it to anything like fruition. >> let's not forget, 239 people were on board that plane. let's also not forget this is a u.s.-made 777. it cost about $250 million. there were about
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if it was a security related problem, they need to figure that out. guys, thanks very, very much. living through constant danger while on the brink of stafbation. how a brother and sister survived for more than 700 days in a town under siege in syria. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. we know we're not the center of your life,
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i would email the phone company to inquire as to why they have shortchanged these customers. but that would require wifi. switch to comcast business internet and get two wifi networks included. comcast business built for business. another major blow to efforts to get some sort of peaceful arrangement under way in syria. the u.n. special envoy in charge of the mediating talks between the government there and rebels has resigned effective may 31st. comes on the same day the human rights watch said the syrian government is using so-called barrel bombs that contain chlorine gas. these bombs are metal containers, filled with explosives. watch the impact of one of these alleged barrel bombs.
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a report released today alleges syria used this kind of a weapon three times in two northern provinces last month. each containing the chemical. that's banned by an international treaty syria joined last year. meanwhile, people are returning to the syrian city where government and rebel troops are holding. cnn's fred has their story. >> reporter: the massive destruction in the old town shows the whole tragedy of syria's civil war. in the middle of the sad scene, some are beaming with joy. zena, one of only a handful of civilians who lived through the nearly 2 1/2-year siege.
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i don't even want to think about it, she says. the last three months were the toughest because we could only grasp leaves all the time. they sealed off homes after it fell into rebel hands. food and medicine quickly depleted. her brother was trapped with her the whole time. he tried to find food and gather firewood for the little stove in their apartment. i took wood inside, he said. it's some of the wood rebels broke out of homes to burn. they used the leftovers. when virtually all their food had run out, they were forced to eat leaves. he said of all places, he found the best ones in a graveyard. he asked me to try one. it's okay. it's okay. every day? >> every day. >> reporter: for breakfast,
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lunch and dinner, he says. and each meal was just a tiny bowlful. for breakfast we cut it up and ate it fresh with one or two spoons of olive oil and spices. for lunch, we did the same thing, but we tried to fry it over the stove. we also put some water on it just to change the taste a little. we always have to keep in mind the people who were stranded here were not only starving, they were also subjected to intense shelling that laid waste to large parts of the historic town. with its use of heavy weapons, and the siege of this and other districts, the assad regime is accused of using starvation as a weapon in the civil war. they say their apartment was raided dozens of times. the rebels took most of their few remaining supplies. they took everything, he says,
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marmalade, honey, tea. they didn't leave anything. after more than two years of hunger, xeina is weak. she weighs only 34 kilos, around 68 pounds. these photos from a family celebration show her before the conflict began. both xeina and ayman are survivors. the siege of homes may have left them frail and thin, but strong in spirit and determination and hopeful about the future. cnn, syria. >> eastern ukraine, six ukrainian soldiers were killed in an attack by separatist forces. the government of kiev calling it a terrorist attack. meanwhile, this man, a separatist leader in one of the two breakaway regions, who voted for independence over the weekend, was shot in a suspected assassination attempt. his injuries are said to be non-life-threatening. in a little more than an hour from now, president obama
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will award an american soldier with the highest military honor. wounded and braving enemy fire, this young man risked his own life to save those around him. here's joe johns. >> reporter: radio telephone operator kyle white, the mission to meet with village elders in northeastern afghanistan had red flags from the very start. they suspected the villagers of collusion with the enemy. >> a lot of us, we had that gut feeling, right before we left, that something wasn't right. >> reporter: more alarms, it seemed like every male of fighting age and above was at the meeting. radio communications were coming in a language the interpreter did not understand. and then when they left, the shooting started. >> one, and then two shots. and then the echo. and then just fully automatic fire. rocket propelled grenades coming in from what seemed like
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everywhere. >> reporter: he was knocked unconscious. when he woke up 10 of the 14 americans were nowhere to be found. among those white could see was marine sergeant phillip box, now severely wounded of the white repeatedly braved enemy fire to drag box to safety. box later died along with five other americans. the medal of honor is being awarded to white for what he did to try to save his comrades and get them out of there, though he said he never expected to make it home himself. >> i told myself from the beginning of that ambush that i was going to be killed. just the amount of fire, i'm not going to make it through this. >> reporter: but he did, along with specialist king shilg of iowa who said he owes his white to life. >> i was probably more excited than he was. it just shows he absolutely saved my life that day, and many others. >> reporter: those who survived wear wrist bands of those who did not. >> to me, the heroes are those that lost their lives that day. because they gave their lives in defense of all of us, and all of
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america. >> reporter: joe johns, cnn, the white house. cnn will bring the medal of honor ceremony live to you. it starts an hour from now, 3:00 p.m. eastern. that's it for me. thanks for watching. 5:00 p.m., i'll be back in "the situation room." newsroom with brooke baldwin newsroom with brooke baldwin starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- a lot to get to here on this tuesday. let's begin with three breaking stories. first one out of baltimore, where someone has crashed some kind of truck straight into this local tv station. evacuations are under way. live from washington. and athena, tell me what we know at this point? >> reporter: brooke, this is a bizarre story and scary story. at 11:45, folks from the station say a man tried to ram a large truck, it's been described by the station as a
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