tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 16, 2014 6:00am-8:01am PDT
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>> didn't think twice. >> would you have picked me up? >> i would have picked you up. i don't think i could carry you the entire lap right now. i'm just kidding. i would carry you anywhere. >> carol costello, a little baby talk. i was talking to the baby. >> i'm coming to new york, chris cuomo. you are in trouble. i'm standing up for my kate bolduan. "news room" starts now. good morning. i'm carol costello. thank you so much for joining me. in california every inch of the state is in a period of drought and danger. in san diego county winds whipped up dozens of wild fires. at least one person has died. the "l.a. times" quotes one terrified homeowner saying the
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i understand they have made two arrests, right? >> reporter: that's right. carol, they have made two arrests, two teenagers accused of trying to start some brush fires. because we have seen so many fires at once there has been immediate speculation that perhaps we are looking at arson here. they are going to investigate to see whether the teenagers are involved in starting some of the bigger fires. we are seeing the first day light here. it was a long night of firefighti firefighting. you can see some of the debris behind me. we are in a neighborhood of escondido. just a tough night for firefighters. and so in terms of what we are seeing today, who knows? raging on overnight at least eight fires in san diego county consuming home after home. smoke even visible from space as the blazes ravage over 10,000
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acres. evacuations now called for nearly 16,000 residences as the flames turned fatal. fire crews discovering a badly burned body in a carlsbad encampment. the unseasonably erratic winds gust up to 50 miles per hour spreading flames rapidly. >> i have never seen the santa ana winds in the month of may. >> reporter: winds whipping in multiple directions causing terrifying fire tornadoes. watch this flaming vortex atop a hill spin wildly nearly engulfing the house in front. thousands of firefighters and military crews bombarding the blazes from all sides. still no match for the swift moving flames fuelled by acres of dry brush. >> came down the hill. once we started seeing black smoke it was upon here within 15
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minutes maybe. >> reporter: with so many wild fires erupting one after the other speculation of arson on the rise. two teens 30 miles north of san diego in custody being questioned for two smaller brush fires. >> we have developed reasonable suspicion, probable cause that they were involved in setting fires. >> reporter: unrelated to eight fires reducing homes to ashes. >> it was absolutely gorgeous. now it is all gone. >> reporter: fortunately, not everything was destroyed. sophie's family saved salvaging a few photos. and their dog, rocky found alive after being trapped in the house. >> after all of the devastation and the house is on the ground we are praying at least we can find our little dog here. >> reporter: the flames are obviously very dramatic. one thing you really feel here on the ground is the smoke. you really feel it all
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throughout san diego county. it is kind of tough being here hours on end. the weather is a factor, of course. the wind has really kicked up the fires over the last 48 hours or so. right now it is a bit calmer. the temperatures are cooler. humidity is rising so that is good news. hopefully that will allow firefighters to get the upperhand today. still eight burning fires so there is concern that we haven't seen the end of this. >> dan simon reporting live this morning. you have seen the video courtesy of dan. if you are like me you cannot turn away from this. this is a firenado. it is mesmerizing and ferocious. why are we seeing so many? why are they so dangerous. indra petersons joins us to explain this. really weird. >> carol, this is something people cannot take their eyes off. you have to have dry fuel for a firenado. california is experiencing one of the worst droughts in
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history. we are talking about the majority of the state already in extreme drought conditions. why does that matter? you have the dry fuel and drought conditions. you think about a firenado. you already have the fire creating its own eddies or winds at the bottom. it is like invisible funnel going up. now counter act that brush. brush releases carbon. carbon is combustable but doesn't combust within the funnel because there is no oxygen. only when it gets to the top and encounters the oxygen up here does the entire thing combust and that is where you get the firenado. when you talk about the fire lines take a look at the animation. these things can shoot up to 1,000 feet high and you cannot combat these flames directly not within the firenade oitself. it doesn't startn supercell.
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it can produce winds as damaging at 120 miles per hour kind of 24 equivalent of an ef-2 tornado. that is the problem of what is so tough on the fire lines. when you talk about temperatures being 25 degrees above the record, above the record here, not above average, along the coast line, that is what they have been dealing with in california. conditions are improving. you have had the dome of high pressure. the winds are squeezing through the canyons. that's the problem. the good news this high pressure is breaking down finally. it is not really about the temperatures but all about the humidity. they are seeing a hint of recovery today. once the marine layer comes back and you see the winds switch from off the ocean that is where we have the huge change today seeing the humidity helping them out. in through tomorrow you see the huge drop in temperatures, near average and they could start to see the marine layer. throughout the weekend conditions are going to
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drastically improve. this was coming. donald sterling told the nba he will not pay a $2.5 million fine and he is threatening to sue the league. as he told anderson cooper why should he pay for one mistake? >> am i entitled to one mistake after 35 years. i love my league. am i entitled to one mistake. it is a terrible mistake and i will never do it again. >> never, ever, ever. sterling is going on the offensive as the clippers season came to a close. the clippers lost the second round playoff series to oklahoma city last night, their season now over. with me now hln legal analyst joey jackson and stephanie ilan. welcome to you both. i'm glad you are here. joey, according to the nba's bylaws sterling's ownership could be terminated if he doesn't pay the fine in 30 days.
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is this sterling's way of holding on to his manhood while losing his team? >> i'm not feeling like joey jackson. i'm feeling like paul calen. jackson is going to get a real laugh over this. >> i'm so sorry, paul. let me apologize. i know you really well. i just didn't look at the screen. >> i got to say, carol. this is a stunning development in the case. he went out last night with an announcement that sterling hired an anti-trust expert, one of the most famous in the country to defend him. this means he is going to take an approach that every owner in the nba was terrified of to say this is a monopoly, it's illegal under the sherman antitrust act, that law used under teddy roosevelt to break up u.s. steel and standard oil and a lot of big monopolies.
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this could throw the league upside down, on its ear and change everything. it is a really big development in the case. >> it is and stephanie, lebron james threatened a player boycott. you were at the clippers game last night. did any clippers address the controversy? >> after the game was over, yeah. their voices were very low and quiet. they were hurting over the loss, obviously. when you take a listen to what they say they pointed out to the fact that this was really about basketball at the end of it and not about sterling. >> tell you the truth, we don't think about that. that is the least of our worries right now, him. we just lost. i'm sorry. we don't care about that. >> we have gone through a lot of stuff over the last three or four weeks. i don't think that was why we didn't win. i don't think we should use that as an excuse.
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we are a team in process. i believe we are good enough to win it this year. oklahoma city told us we were not. >> and it was also interesting because chris paul also said he is not thinking about sterling. doc did mention this could have played into it but all in all it was about the thunder winning and didn't want to take away from their win. a lot of fans wondering how much it did distract them when we talked after the game. the whole thing was to focus on taking the high road here. it was admirable to listen to them say that. >> i bet. paul, in the end let's go back to the legal matters at hand. the nba is a private club that sterling willingly belonged to. he knows the rules. so do the other owners. do you think the other owners can convince sterling to stop fighting? >> this could be a ploy obviously to get out and get the best price possible for his team. obviously, if he is talking
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about breaking up the league under the sherman antitrust act a lot of owners will say we will negotiate the best possible deal for you and let you get out with your dignity. this could be a negotiating ploy. all of sports has been terrified for a long, long time that the federal government is going to look at them as a big business like car companies and everybody else. you have to picture a situation where if all of the car companies got together and said we don't like electric cars so we will form a voluntary association and anybody who tries to make an electric car we will throw out. that would be considered a restraint of trade anticompetitive. if you apply that rule to sports they have common deals about how to do tv contracts, about how players get drafted from college into sports teams. all of those rules could be thrown out if the sherman antitrust act is applied to them
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like other big businesses. so owners are going to be afraid that the courts might say the time has come to regulate the sport more closely. ironically the donald sterling case could be the case that makes the courts do that. >> that is an interesting twist. >> one other point about those, too, is that now that we have seen there could be the litigation going on the idea of this being a quick fix also goes out the window which means the idea of boycotting becomes crazy because you are talking about years before this is settled. for players whose life goal may be to play for the championship it throws into question. the players for the clippers weren't thinking about that. they were thinking about showing up in october and playing for the clippers. >> because they have class. stephanie elam thank you so much. a pro business leader claiming victory in india. votes being counted after a
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five-week general election. becky anderson is following it all from new delhi. >> reporter: an historic election day here in india. why the new prime minister isn't very welcome in the united states at least it seems not yet. unlimited cash back. let that phrase sit with you for a second. unlimited. as in, no limits on your hard-earned cash back. as in no more dealing with those rotating categories. the quicksilver card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase, every day. don't settle for anything less. i'll keep asking. what's in your wallet?
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where the little things mean everything. checking top stories. already awaiting trial for the 2013 murder of oden lloyd, aaron hernandez faces two more charges. six weeks after the shooting hernandez signed a $40 million contract with the new england patriots. eric shinseki said he was mad as hell about allegations of cover ups at v.a. hospitals. shinseki was grilled on capitol hill yesterday. his testimony followed cnn reporting that at least 40 veterans died waiting for appointments at the phoenix v.a. health care system. there was a new question at the center of the flight 370 investigation. who has the satellite data that
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shaped the search? the satellite company says the raw data has been released to investigators but officials from malaysia and australia say they don't have it. big change is coming in india. people in the world's largest democracy have voted for a change at the top. more than half a billion people voted to kick out the ruling party and put a pro-business leader in power. and that could be good news not just for india's economy but also for the united states economy. cnn's becky anderson is in new delhi to tell us why. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. this is a man who is really having extremely good day, historic election day here in india. he is, as we speak, speaking and addressing his own home crowd, as it were, in one of the western states here in india. he hasn't said what he will do on foreign policy. he hasn't said what his
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relations will be with the united states going forward. let me tell you, they are fractures at present not helped by the fact that he doesn't have a u.s. visa. it was revoked in 2005 after allegations that he oversaw antimuslim riots in his home state back in 2002. those allegations he has always denied. if washington wants to improve things there are going to have to be some hands extended because at present this is not a friendly relationship. back in 2010 obama talked about india and the u.s. forming the defining partnership of the 21st century. india hasn't felt supported by the states particularly on things like pakistan and the states haven't felt supported by india across the board on a
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number of issues not least not supporting the u.s. on the referendum with crimea, for example. took a back seat stance and just hasn't spoken up in support of washington in the past couple of years. this is a difficult relationship. this is a $2 trillion economy. it is not reaching its potential at present. modi says he can make that happen. there is clearly a lot of investment opportunity here. there are american companies already here and there will be others who want a bit of this action. it remains to be seen where we go at this point. as i say he is currently addressing his home crowd and really talking local politics at this point. still to come beyonce, jay-z and solange commenting on the elevator scuffle caught on security cameras. michelle turner has the scoop.
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oprah winfrey, katie couric and robin roberts who tweeted this photo of the group. walters spoke about what the moment meant to her. >> it was truly a historic moment when the biggest women came out here all saying that they stand on your shoulders. you said they are your legacy but what were you thinking as you saw each of the faces showing up? >> the fact that they had shown up made me feel very proud. these are busy women and women who have accomplished so much. and they all came. i can't tell you how proud that makes me. >> on the show that aired today you sat with your original cohosts that have been on "the view" with you. did you take a moment and look around the table? >> i did. the good thing is that i like them so much still and that they came. you work with people and you don't always end in the best of
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terms. they all showed up. i still can't get over it. >> we'll talk more about barbara walters, her legacy and the current state of women in media in our next hour. jay-z, his wife beyonce and her sister solange breaking silence over the leaked hotel video. still unclear what triggered the scuffle but the trio released a statement saying at the end of the day families have problems and we are no different. we have put this behind us and hope everybody else will do the same. fat chance of that happening. >> why did you have to crack up laughing? >> senior media correspondent brian stelter joins us, as well.
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everybody wants to know what happened. >> we are not crazy. this was their kind of carefully choreographed way to try to tell people to move it along. the video is so insendiary and so bad it doesn't stop people from wanting to know what led up to this. that statement didn't do much to quell anything. >> you have to agree. i'm like amazed that so many people are interested in this video. it's gone more than viral. >> really? >> i am. >> i spent more money than i should say on their concerts. these are some of the biggest stars in the world. it might sound silly to say, it is not just a story about celebrities, it is a business story, also. these are giant stars caught on camera doing the kind of bad
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behavior that maybe all families have these problems. rarely do we see it involving a-list stars. i think it is a giant story. >> i think it became bigger because beyonce's image is so carefully controlled. here we see her in maybe a setting -- >> and because there was no audio on the video. ontimes we hear the audio. this was like make up your own story about what was happening. >> this is a couple who makes $95 million a year combined. they are number one on forbes list. they are the cream of the crop. and so when you see things like this on a couple that is deemed in the music world as hip hop and r&b royalty as the standard, you see that, how can you not watch it and want to know more? we have such an appetite for celebrity these days, good, bad
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or indifferent. >> you have to believe once beyonce starts doing interviews again which she will everybody will ask her about the video and that statement doesn't do anything to stop that. >> if i were them i would have really wanted -- if i was their pr advisers i would be saying give some context for the fight. until there is some context provided by them we are all going to have rumors. there have been lots of claims and made up stories about it. until they explain it there will be questions. >> any scuttlebutt? >> there has been lots of maybe who knows, there are allegations that maybe solange was yelling at other people throughout the night. there were reports that solange was intoxicated and those are not true.
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really, let me tell you. jay-z, beyonce, that family is such a vault. i have been trying to find out. there has not been a single peep about what actually happened. i said this earlier on "new day." i think solange should go on "saturday night live" this weekend and make fun of herself. be the musical guest and sing "kung fu fighting". just make fun of yourself. she has to do something to repair her image. >> she might as well do it herself because you know "snl" is going to do it anyway. >> they have their african-american woman now. she can jump back and forth. >> thanks so much. still to come in the news room. terrified homeowners running for their lives leaving behind almost every they own. we will take you out to california to get the latest on
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the wild fires raging against southern california. we asked people a question, how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going to have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagine how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪
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[ bleep ]. >> oh, my god. oh, my god. [ bleep ]. >> oh, my god, dude. >> it's right there. >> one person is dead and at least eight separate fires are still burning. also, overnight two teenagers are in custody. they could be charged with intentionally starting two of the firefighters. firefighters and military trying to hold lines on the ground,
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part of the strategy turns to the air. >> reporter: inside the cockpit of the bae-146 air tanker firefighter pilots ryan hails and peter bell prepare for takeoff. >> clear left, two to the right. >> reporter: during the fire this plane is capable of dropping up to 3,000 gallons of retardant from as low as 150 feet above the flames. >> when there is a fire you know where to aim because you are talking to the guy on the ground. >> reporter: i'm only allowed to ride along because this is a training flight, a water drop for ryan's annual certification. the target, just to the right of our camera crew on the ground. neptune aviation based in
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montana is a handful of tanker companies. planes and crews are staged at airports throughout the united states and can be in the air minutes after getting the call. >> it is critical to get there before it gets big. >> reporter: once it gets there the adrenaline kicks in. >> you are so hyperfocused on what you are doing. it is coordinated chaos over a fire. >> reporter: the largest air tanker in the world is this converted dc 10 which can drop an incredible 12,000 gallons. >> right now the fire that could call us is in west texas. >> reporter: we caught up with the plane and the man who helped design it at the interagency fire in phoenix. >> is it too close to get to the fire? >> that is a common question. >> reporter: says it is the ultimate aircraft because it carries four times more retardant than any other plane. the tank is mounted to the bottom of the plane. the white you see are two doors
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controlled from the cockpit. meanwhile, the area where up to 280 passengers used to sit is completely gutted giving driver more maneuverability. >> there is no room for fear. >> reporter: there is danger. over the years there have been several accidents including this 2002 crash in california that claimed three lives. then two years ago pilots todd thompkins and chambliss died in a crash. while there are some critics who believe tankers are too dangerous and too expensive the men and women flying, maintaining and risking lives on the planes believe their role is critical. >> it is like artillery or air in the war. it isn't the only thing you need but it is a vital part of a coordinated effort. >> the ultimate goal is to put out the fire.
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our little piece of the pie i enjoy knowing that we helped. >> speed checks. clear to land. i want to bring in captain mike molar with the california department of forestry and fire protection. welcome, sir. >> good morning. >> good morning. i want to talk a little bit about these firenados. these look so frightening. i know they are dangerous for firefighters and people who live in the neighborhoods. can you describe what causes fire to do this? >> absolutely. in fact, yesterday a perfect example of critical fire weather and explosive fuel conditions. what happens is the fire creates its own atmosphere, its own weather. that is where you see the swirling winds. when a firefighter is on the line and sees one of those fire tornadoes that is a situation we say is shout, watch out. you need to watch out because
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you will have extreme fire conditions. when you get fire tornadoes not only extreme fire conditions but embers will carry up to a mile away that could start another fire. so very, very serious action when those happen. >> so there is nothing you can do except wait for the firenado to die down? you can't fight the fire at that point? >> no. we will still fight the fire. we will still be on the line. it is something if you make notification to all of the ground resources what is happening in the area. we will continue to fight the fire. we have to be very heads up as always. >> so eight fires are still burning as far as you know? >> yes. right now i am on the san marcos here in san diego. still have active fire. yesterday afternoon critical fire growth. overnight the weather cooperated. the crews made a lot of progress. we are hoping today, cautiously
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optimistic to turn the corner on the fire. >> sadly, california is used to wild fires like this. have these come early in the season in your mind? >> yes. we haven't seen fire conditions in may like we have in probably a decade at least. we are seeing critical fire weather, santa ana winds in may which we would normally see in the month of august, september, october. and then we have the draought o top of that. our fuel conditions critical. fire weather critical. this is very early for this type of weather. >> as you said, summer is not even here yet. what are your concerns for the coming fire season? >> we never predict fire season. i can tell you that california not only cal fire but agencies throughout the state have increased resources and increased personnel. if this is a precursor to what will come later in our summer months, unfortunately, it could be a very, very busy season. >> i hope it is not.
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thanks so much for filling us in. we appreciate it. >> thank you. still to come j.c. penney riding the wave of a big increase in sales over this time last year sending the company's stock soaring this morning. wow, alison kosik. >> j.c. penney has had a rough couple of years. now it has apparently gotten its act together and customers are giving the retailer a second look. what is its secret weapon? i will have the answer after this 6789.
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they boasted a model this week. the company says it would try to set the data limit at a point where it would not affect most customers. the proposed cap would be roughly equivalent between 70 and 125 movies per month. when was the last time you shopped at j.c. penney? now apparently shoppers are coming back. j.c. penney stock soared, alison kosik, it was crazy. >> it was up 17%. it is up 15%. i know that sounds good. it is still under $10 a share. it is still up today because it looks like j.c. penney is kind of making a comeback here because it brought back coupons. they are like a magnet for customers. sales rose 6% last quarter. this is a retailer that has really been struggling. there have been jokes about how
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disorganized the stores have been. shoppers ended up leaving in waves a few years ago when it got rid of promotions and coupons and offered lower prices. coupons and sales signs are like a psychological thing for customers and help us feel like we are getting more of a deal. with all of this out there, though this does seem like a turning point this is just the beginning for j.c. penney. this is a bigger problem at the mid range retailers like macy's and sears under pressure, as well. the fact of the matter is people still aren't confident to spend as much these days. >> understand that. alison kosik, thanks so much. still to come, back lash brewing over the turkey mine disaster. why there are growing calls for the prime minister to resign. i'm m-a-r-y and i have copd. i'm j-e-f-f and i have copd. i'm l-i-s-a and i have copd,
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for in that deadly mine explosion in turkey. so far 284 bodies have been pulled from the debris, and hope is dwindling that any more miners will be rescued alive. the disaster is prompting protesters across turkey. one miner tried to confront the prime minister as he visited the site. video shows what appears to be the prime minister's security guard hitting the man. diana is live in turkey with more. hi, diana. >> reporter: hi, carol. that video has shocked the nation along with a still image of someone from the prime minister's entourage kicking someone in soma. two separate incidents where cow see the prime minister and his
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entourage or the prime minister's entourage appearing extremely heavy-handed in their dealing with a tragedy. this is the image they're projecting to the nation. and offside very crass comments which the prime minister himself made when he came to visit the site where he said this is just to be expected in the mining industry, it is not an accident-prone industry. so those comments have gone down and they have added to the anger that this accident happened in the first place, which has spread to demonstrations across this country, istanbul and others, and especially demonstrations across other cities called by trade unions yesterday, demonstrations which have been equally met with response by police, tear gas, water cannons, all of which has
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been marked as a political dimension. it's unraveled behind me, carol. >> that's awful. diana magnay reporting live. still to come in the newsroom, see the girl in this picture? there she is. she's a 34-year-old girl posing as a high school sophomore. this is truly a bizarre story and cnn's rosa flores is following it from new york. lucky you, rosa. >> carol whork needs hollywood plots when you've about got news stories like this, how a 34-year-old woman who allegedly used faith to pray on a good samaritan next.
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for pretending to be a girl in her teens. take a look. these are her high school pictures, and this is her arrest photo. there you go. officials say she lied her way into a texas high school and talked her way into the home of a woman who felt sorry for her. cnn's rosa flores is following this strange, strange city. tell us more. >> you know, we've been asking about a motive, carol. why, why would someone do this. while we don't have a motive we did talk to a clinical psychologist and he tells us that because the things this woman is doing are so strange, there could be a mental health issue. charity johnson claims she was 15 years old, posing as a high school sophomore in east texas, but police say she's actually 34, and they've charged her with giving false or fictitious information. >> everything that she was doing, it was all planned. >> the facebook pictures, the
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good grades, and the supposed backstory. >> being abused by her biological father. then he passed away, and her biological mother did. >> reporter: the double life. she allegedly pretended to be a sweet teenager, but now she's behind bars. >> i sympathized with her and invited her into my home. >> reporter: psychologists say those who impersonate younger people put minors at risk. >> the danger is ever present that you may manipulate these much younger people, that you can take advantage of them. >> reporter: in 2012, 24-year-old karissa hads was arrested for posing as a 17-year-old boy online and sparking a relationship with a 15-year-old girl. high school basketball star or international impersonator. this 22-year-old man was arrested after passing as a 16-year-old high school student from haiti. both pleaded guilty and were
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arrested. in this latest case of adult turned high school student, school officials say charity has been enrolled since october. so how does a good samaritan fall victim in cases like this? you know, i talked to tameka lincoln, and she tells me she met charity johnson at a fast food restaurant. charity asked her about her church, then asked her about going to her church, and then asked her about moving into her house. carol, i've got to tell you, this woman i talked to -- i just got off the phone with her a little while ago -- she said this is an emotional issue for her because she trusted her into her house. >> i have so many questions associated with that story. rosa flores, thanks. the next hour of "cnn newsroom" starts now. happening now in the newsroom, raging infernos, firenadoes, and now comes the first arrests as
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firefighters fight. fighting back, donald sterling is not about to walk away from the los angeles clippers just yet and a trip to divorce court could put the court on press to kick the sterlings out. if you think a political debate can be boring, you have not seen what's going on in idaho. >> you have your choice, folks, a cowboy, a curmudgeon, a biker, or a normal guy. thank you very much. we're leaning it up for you. >> a debate for the ages. "newsroom" starts now. good morning. i'm carol costello. thank you so much for joining me. in california every inch of that state is in drought and in danger. in san diego county winds have whipped up nearly a dozen wildfires and chases thousands
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of people from their homes. at least one person has died. the "l.a. times" says one homeowner said the approaching flames looked like armageddon. others cannot believe their eyes. >> wow, there it is right there. there it is right there. [ bleep ]. >> oh, my god. >> oh, my god! [ bleep ]. >> holy [ bleep ]. >> oh, my god! >> oh, my god. it's right there. let's close the store and come back.
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>> scary, right? dan simon is in escondido. good morning, dan. >> reporter: good morning, carol. it was a very long night of fire fighting. very dramatic moments. this was the latest area to get hit. this is escondido, california. this is one of the homes in the neighborhood that was leveled. you can still see some flames back there. we believe that was either a bedroom or a living room. you know, the flames obviously very dramatic, but, you know, the smoke is tough as well. everywhere you go, basically in san diego county, you feel the smoke. in terms of the fire-fighting effort today, fortunately it's a bit cooler, humidity a little higher. so hopefully that will enable firefighters to get the upper still, eight wildfires out of there. so many burning at once, they immediately turned to arson.
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two teenagers were taken into custody for being accused of starting brushfires. they're going to question them to see if they're involved with some of the bigger fires, but the immediate course is getting fires under control. the most worrisome fires in san marcos, california. they had to cancel graduation ceremonies. still trying to put out hot spots and still dealing with the situation in escondido, california. it seems like out of nowhere this community got hit as well, carol. >> it's unbelievable. dan simon live for us this morning. my next guests are thousands of people who have fled their homes. alicia joins us from san marcos. how are you in. >> good. how are you. >> do you have any word on the condition of your home? >> my home is fine. we're evacuated wednesday.
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we tried to get back into our howze yesterday. my husband is there with the dog. my kids and are still evacuated in carlsbad. right now things don't look to bad. we just -- it's hard to know as a homeowner. you're just look for the black smoke and trying to decide how things are based on whether or not you see black smoke near your home or not. unfortunately that's the best we can do with nine fires. news crews are spread everywhere. our house is standing fortunately. >> good. that's a good thing. i know you've lived in california for years. have you ever seen a california wildfire season like this one? and this is just the start, right? >> yeah. you know what? we have lived through -- just in ten years we've lived through apocalyptic firestorms, and right in this area, some of the places that are burning have
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burned before. so this isn't something new, and residents who have lived here lie myself for a long time, unfortunately it's something you grow accustomed to. and when you're in a severe drought like we are right now, this isn't something they anticipated. my husband works for sg & e. we don't know what's caused all the fires, which is kind of the buzz going around right now. everybody's wondering -- at least on the street, how are all the fires starting. when you look behind our crew here, there's just a line of firemen, firefighters. we've got l.a., we've got santa monica. these guys have been working all night. they're sitting on the sidewalk just waiting to hear what's next. >> let me ask you this question. >> we're so grateful.
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>> i bet. elisha, let me ask you this question. there have been two arrests. police have arrested two teenagers for setting brushfires alongside the road. when you hear something like that, what goes through your mind? >> i can't even tell you what goes through my mind. i can't articulate it, partly because i'm so tired right now. this city, san marcos, we are -- we just have so much. we have a new high school, we have tons of communities of families. this is just -- we're desperate to keep our city intact, and one thing i just want to point out is these -- these men and women who have been fighting the fires, picking up with helicopters, all of that water, and the drops and the fearless work, they have saved thousands and thousands of homes. so if this is an act of arson, someone has not clearly thought through how many lives are
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affected, in particular the families who lost their homes but these men and women who are working on their feet. it's -- it's unbelievable. >> yeah. >> what they're going through right now, just trying to get ahold of all this. so i would really hope that's not what's going on. we're hoping's not what's going on. yeah, we just don't know. we deponeon't know yet. >> elisha exon, thank you so much and stay safe. unfortunately for the team and their fans, there is no cinderella finish this year. the oklahoma city thunder sent the clippers into the off-season winning the second round playoff series last night, but no sterling excuses from the clippers players or the coach. >> to tell you the truth, we don't think about that, you know what i mean? that's the least of our woes right now is him. we just lost the damn series. i'm sorry, but we don't care about that. >> we've gone through a lot of stuff over the last three or
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four weeks, and i don't think that was why we did win. i don't think we should use that as an excuse. we're a team in process. i believe we're good enough to win it this year. you know, oklahoma city told us we're not. >> there's more to come. donald sterling now says he will not pay the 2 fnt 5 million dollar fine the nba slapped on him last movement espn and "usa today" reports that sterling has hire add lawyer and vows to sue the league but this is more than just about donald sterling. his wife's ownership in the team is also a factor. suzanne malveaux has more for you. >> reporter: shelly sterling has got the ball in her court. she drops the bomb when she files the divorce paper. and that's because the case, including all of the sterlings's vast amount of money becomes the
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jurisdiction. because california is a community property state where things are divided 50/50, figuring out who gets, what including the clippers, could take years, leaving shellingly sterling in a strong position and she know it. while she want as divorce, she's strategically holding offer. >> i wanted the divorce, i signed them, i was advised by my attorney and financial advisers now is not the time. >> reporter: not the time because analysts say delag could give shelly the leverage she needs to negotiate with the nba. >> i think the nba will try to offer her as much as they can to get her to not file the divorce papers or get her to give up the interest in the team. they could certainly give her the opportunity to be a passive
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owner. >> reporter: that would strip her of her rights to manage or deal in the day-to-day moves of the team. she does not want to sell the clippers. >> money is not what i i'm interested in. >> what are you interested in? >> i want to show all the people who are associated with basketball and the world i'm not a racist. >> reporter: he supports his estranged wife's fight to get something out of this mess. >> she loved the team and always helped me with everything. if for some reason i can't have the team, i think she should have her interest. f she didn't do anything. i brought this all on her, the poor girl. >> she wants to remain a passive owner and doesn't want to manage
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the team. owner mike bass put out a statement saying under in t the nba constitution, the interest is terminated by a 34s vote, all other team owners' interests are terminated. it's made clear here she doesn't have a standing. >> still to come in the "newsroom," former nfl star aaron her nan dez awaiting his murder trial. susan candiotti is following that story. good morning, susan. >> good morning. that's right. aaron hernandez is charged with two more murss. more on that coming up after the break. avo: waves don't care what age you are. take them on the way you always have. live healthy and take one a day men's 50+.
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checking some top stories for you at 15 minutes past the hour. protesters are calling for turkey's prime minister to resign. resign over the mine disaster that claimed nearly 300 lives. a video has surfaced showing one man trying to confront the prime minister. it appears that man was then beaten by who is believed to be the prime minister's security team. six people now recovering from injuries after narrowly escaping an explosion in indianapolis late last night. firefighters aren't shoe assure what caused this apartment complex to blow up. everyone is expected to survive but the building is uninhabitable. all the residents need to find new places to live. he did it for 13 hours last night -- or last year rather. now he plans to do it again.
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kentucky senator rand paul will filibuster. he says he opposes him because the harvard law professor wrote opinions just fig use of drone strikes against american citizens. already waiting on trial for a 2013 killing, former nfl star aaron hernandez is now facing two more charges from a separate case. he's expected to be arraigned next week. six weeks after that shooting hernandez sign add $40 million contract with the nerngd patriots. cnn's susan captain yoty is in new york to tell us more. good morning, susan. >> good morning, carol. it's investigating harder and harder to understand how such a promises player could fall so far. he stands accused of stalking
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and ambushing two young membership, complete strangers after a chance encounter in a nightclub. the 2012 uninvolved murder coming together only after a murder of another man. hernandez pleaded not guilty in that kay, but lloyd's death let to a tip that the two cases might be linked, and now the families of the two boston victims are struggling to make sense of it. investigators promise answers. >> this case was never about aaron hernandez and his notoriety. this case was all about all our cases, about the victims, accountability, and getting justice. >> after those two murders in july 2012, hernandez signed a new contract telling the reporters he was propsing to change his was. now he's accused of three murders, the attempted murders
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of three others and being accused for shooting a man in the face. carol? >> that's unbelievable. do you expect to learn more about the motive behind the double murder? >> we do. we expect to hammer more next week and in this case authorities say they have veiled citizen who was stalk them. no solid motive. carol? >> wow. susan candiotti. thanks so much. still to come in the newsroom, these are not the kind of people you expect to be running for governor. i don't like political correctness. can i say this? it sucks. it's bondage. and i'm about as politically correct as your proverbial turd in a punch boel. >> why it suddenly has the whole
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debates, i will bet you a mortgage payment nothing will top what happened last night in boise as candidates for the governor of idaho squared off and it started predictably enough with an opening statement by the income bent, butch otter. >> we have a clear path before us and i'm committed to honoring that pass. >> thank you. your remarks? thank you very much. i'm a fourth generation idahoan from a delaware farm. >> good to meet you. to the credit of governor otter, he insisted that all gentlemen get to debate, including a gentleman named walt baze. i went to jail for home schooling. my kids turns out pretty good. >> then there is mr. harley brown. >> you know, i was filling out my taxes a couple of months ago and i thought to myself, thank
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got we don't get all the government we pay for. anyway, i got out of the service and several hours later i was at the low point of plief. i mean things were bad. and i cried out god. i said, god, how about putting me back on active duty request and making many a battalion commander. long story short he said, no, son, i've got a higher rank for you, i'm going to make you commander in chief. i stagger at that, i promise. don't think i'm crazy because i'm not. >> no, no, no, we would never, please. go on. >> i don't like political correctness. can i say this? it sucks. it's bondage. i'm about as politically correct as your proverbial turd in a punch bowl. >> that's when i knew it was going to be good. they debated a lot of things. >> when you start redefining
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marriages you start impacting other laws throughout the state. >> when you redefine marriage you redefine the whole idea of family and likewise, men, burned in their lust, one toward the other. >> that's walt reading from a very, very tiny bible. and thekt up harley "punch bowl" brown. let's see where he comes down on gay marriage i used to drive taxis for 20 years at night and i picked up my share on the the guy community. they have true love. i tell you they love each other more than i love my motorcycle. they're just as american as a medal of honor winner. >> did not see that coming. bra bravo. >> you have your choice.
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a cowboy, a curmudgeon, a biker, or a normal guy. >> there you go. we have a new version of the village people and they live in idaho. >> i don't know what to say that, but i did enjoy it. still to come in the "newsroom," the department of transportation announces a huge settlement with general motors over the faulty ignition switches. we'll have a live report from washington right after the break. okay, listen up! i'm re-workin' the menu.
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costello. thanks so much for joining me. we do begin with breaking news. they're announcing a major fine. gm has agreed to pay between $10 million and $50 million. those ignition defects have been linked to at least 13 deaths in the past decade. rene mash is live. welcome to all of you. >> well, carol, according to a source in just about another 45 minutes from now, anthony fox will make this major announcement that a settlement has been reached with gm. you said it. the automaker has agreed to pay anywhere between $10 million and $50 million. again, this is for a violation of laws.
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you may remember they had issues with their ignition switches linked to at least 13 deaths, so now we expect we will hear this announcement again in another 45 minutes from now. again, that fine expected to be anywhere from $10 million to $50 million, carol. >> they haven't decided on one exact price because i was wondering why the spread between $10 million and $50 million. that's a big spread. >> it's not what they decided. that's what we heard. i'm sure we'll hear the actually number but my source telling me it's anywhere between 10 and $50 million. >> understand. christine, how bad is this for gm? >> this is gm trying to get ahead of this and to resolve what's been a very bad public relations year in terms of its recalls.
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13 million cars were recalled. i reported to you about 24 hours ago. the company is trying to resolve this because this has been a problem and an outstanding issue for the company. this particular recall is one that has really angered a lot of consumer protection advocates because this is something that the company knew about for some time for a period of years. there were 13 deaths that have been tied to accidents with the ignition switch problem. some 2.6 million of these cars recalled. this in particular is the cobalt issue, the car that started it aurl. so resolving this with the government very important. there's going to be other lawsuits and they even got to move forward and show they're being more aggressive, not just putting out technical bulletins but recalling cars where people could be hurt. this is an important turning point how gm manages this. >> let me ask you this question. somewhere between $10 million
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and $13 million. is this a large penalty for such infractions? >> you know, the source that i spoke to when they were telling me about the amount here, they categorized it as a pretty hefty amount. some might argue, 10 to $50 million for 13 lives lost and the fact that this company knew about it and didn'ting at right away, some will argue that that slim is not enough. again, carol, we expect to hear what that concrete number is shortly, but i'm sure there are people out there when they hear this, they will say that is simply not enough. >> and i'm sure the lawsuits are coming from these families as well. they're still to come.
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a alison, i wants to ask you. >> the fact of the matter is people are still out there buying gm cars. sales are up in march and april as well. this is despite 11 million recalls happening and here's part of the reason why. one analyst tells us, you know what, people don't put two and two together. the other part of it is most of these cars that have been recalled, they're older, they're not still being sold, so people feel confident buying other gm models. also there have been so many recalls happening people may have become immune to it. you see what happened to toyota a few years ago with its recalls. its sales and stock price tanked. you're not seeing that happen with gm at this point. a good part of it is because a lot of these models aren't made
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anymore. >> thanks to all of you. in southern plains california people say they've never seen anything like it. ferocious winds spinning off tornados of fire and pushing flames across more than 10,000 acres in san diego county alone. listen to these terrified residents being chased from their homes. >> wow. there it is right there. holy [ bleep ]. >> oh, my god! oh, my god! . holy [ bleep ]. >> oh, my god. >> oh, my god. it's right there.
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>> close the store and come back. >> at least eight separate fires still burning in san diego county. two teenagers could be charged with intentionally starting two of these fires, but so far -- well, actually the greatest single threat right now is the wind. cnn's gary tuchman is at the front of those tonightually shifting fire lines. >> reporter: the scene is frightening, the sky blood red. the heat and smoke so intense, it's challenging to see. >> we're out of here. >> go. >> reporter: this is a neighborhood north ofl san diego. it's the most intense time during the wildfire. the frantic efforts to stop the flames from burning down houses. incredibly a short time before this video was shot there was
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relatively little fire. we saw some flames but the winds started to pick up. this area right here, 10 minutes ago, nothing at all. now we're seeing the smoke and the flames start to form. it's very likely that within the next couple of hours, these trees, this vegetation will be gone. right down the hill from where i'm standing in san marcos, california, this has been around for a quarter of a century. it's now evac yatd. within this area of a five-minute walk there are hundred of homesnd binss. choppers swoop in, 30 degrees higher than the normal may highs in san diego county. then trouble. >> the winds continue to increase. the fire's getting bigger. it's moving closer to us and closer to the houses in the
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neighborhood. the neighbors we're talking to are getting most concerned. >> it's getting scarier by the moment. i worry about the embers jumping into the grass and the homes. >> it's frightening. >> it is. >> then we see a bizarre spectacle of nature achlt fire tornado caused by the turbulence and the intense heat. seconds after we see it the fire starts blazing in new spots. >> grave concern as the fires are close to the houses and we've witnessed the fires gallop in a matter of seconds. more fors are called in. fire personnel on the ground make sure they have an escape route. tl blaze started to diminish. at leaf where we are.
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the fire's burning here but nothing like it was before. the firefighters have appeared to have done a good job saving the neighborhood right next to where we've been standing. >> reporter: the situation still way too volatile. the people who live here, well aware that their neighborhood could end up looking like this one. gary tuchman, cnn, the news room. eric schenn seeky is mad as hello because of the delays hchl e is he he says he's not resigning. tim has more. >> president obama is angry but does anger equal action. we'll have a live report coming up.
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embattled v.a. secretary eric shinseki is mad as hell but he's not retiring. getting hammered by the veterans affairs committee. they're demanding answers following a cnn report following dozens of v.a. patient deaths in phoenix because of long treatment delays. jim acosta is live at the white house for reaction there. good morning, jim. >> reporter: good morning, carol. white house officials say president obama is angry and wants answers after learning about those allegations facing the department of veteran affairs, but the veteran in charge of the department says he does not want to leave his post until he finds the problems affecting his agency have been resolved. as public outrage mounts over reports that dozens of veterans died waiting for care from the v.a. system, secretary of veteran affairs secretary shinseki announced he's just as
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furious. >> any allegation, any adverse incident like this, makes me mad as hell. >> reporter: but that wasn't enough for lawmakers who wanted to know if he knew about it, there some used secret waiting lists. >> isn't there evidence here of criminal wrongdoing, that is falsifying records, false statements to the federal government? that's a crime. >> should be, yes. >> reporter: unlike other investigations on capitol hill these day, this grilling was bipartisan. >> do you believe that you're ultimately responsible for all of this. >> i am. >> rick is going to get to the bottom of this. denis mcdonough told cnn's jake tapper, mr. obama lashed out when he first heard the story. >> nobody is more mad than the president and i have the scars to show it. >> reporter: they maintain
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accusations of long wait timen fs and poor care system are nothing new. saying there's plenty of responsibility to go around. >> they boenlt bare the responsibility of these problems. for now, the general of secretary -- says he wanted to write the wrongs of the system he leads. i i'm going to continue to write the wrongs until i'm satisfied, either that goal or i'm told by the commander in chief that my time has been served. >> secretary shinseki also testified that he's only found is lated cases of officials cooking their books and falsifying records. and they say they have not found a connection but they also cautioned that federal prosecutors are now working on
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the case, carol. >> jim acosta reporting live from the white house this morning. i'll be right back. mine was earned in korea in 1953. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection. and because usaa's commitment to serve current and former military members and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. ♪ (woman) this place has got really good chocolate shakes. (growls) (man) that's a good look for you. (woman) that was fun. (man) yeah. (man) let me help you out with the.. (woman)...oh no, i got it. (man) you sure? (woman) just pop the trunk. (man vo) i may not know where the road will lead, but... i'm sure my subaru will get me there.
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checking a top story. two employees were killed while another was critically injured. they say the person entered the bank with a knife and a handgun. the investigation is ongoing. >> the lawn of a russian satellite failed the morning when a rocket carrying it veered off course. it triggered a key emergency propulsion system to shut down. beyonce, jay-z, and solange knowles say, quote, they're a united family and they're putting elevator clash way
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behind them. it went viral sparking widespread speculation about the cause. in a statement the carter-knowles clan is not talking about it but the most important thing is they all worked through it together. it's been one of the most important part into the investigation of the malaysian flight 370. the satellite data that's searching for the missing jet but some 70 days after the plane disappeared, there are questions about who has that data and why the public has not seen it. cnn's jim clancy tried to get some answers. >> reporter: what happened to flight 370 is the biggest mystery in the history of modern aviation, but the raw data gleaned from satellite handshakes as the plane flew thousands of miles off course is not a mystery. it may instead being a controversy. >> the raw detail is with myself, not mals or the ntsb. if there's any request for it to
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be made available to the public, it must be made to myself. >> reporter: they tell cnn they don't have the raw data either. but the company that owns the satellites insist that data has already been released. >> we shared the information that we have and it's for the investigation to decide what and when it puts it out. >> reporter: the truth it seems somewhere in between. malaysia as a country in charge of the investigation is supposed to control the release of any information but in this case the conclusions were shared in a presentation on a laptop computer. malaysia's transport minister insists he doesn't have the raw data itself. malaysia and everyone else have the conclusions. that's the sequence of maps produced that show the jetliner was somewhere along a huge arc. further calculations aided by boeing, malaysian airlines and
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others, played 370 in the southern indian ocean, nearly out of fuel, and far from land. is a reassessment of raw satellite data in order? well, n has asked the malaysian government if it could ask for the information from marssat so they could look at it. some of the world's best experts are confident it's correct but even he doesn't rule out some kind of review. >> they've set up a new committee to help streamline the commission tees involved in the search and the families that are supposed to be ininvolved in that as well. we'll keep you posted. i'll be right back.
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an apron is not quitting until you've made something a little better. what does an apron have to do with car insurance? for us, everything. we have more information on the federal government leveringy a fine against gm for the faulty ignition. what's the fine? >> well, we now know that it it is maximum penalty possible, carol. $35 million. we were just talking about this a short time ago. you said, you know, is anywhere between $10 million to $50 million enough, now we know it's $35 million and we know it's the
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maximum penalty they could levy against gm for their failure to act quickly as far as recalling the chevy cobalt. also within this bulletin that we just received from the department of transportation, they're urging support for their mission to get congress to pass the growl america act which would increase the penalties from the maximum of $35 million to the maximum of $300 million. so that is the latest that we have here. just to reset for you we got word that the u.s. department of transportation, specifically the transportation secretary anthony fox would be making an announcement and that would be happening around 11:15 in which he'll be talking about this major settlement made with gm and, of course, this all stems from their delayed reaction to recalling the chevy cobalts once
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they realized there was a problem with the ignition switch, carol. >> they instituted five more recalls. you have to wonder what's going on in the ought knowive industry. >> absolutely. they did just put out a press release today. 'll give you a little bit of it. they have a timetable or schedule in which they'll get all the parts needed for this specific chev yoko battle recall to ensure they have the products in place and repair the vehicles that need to be repaired and that is linked to the announcement that we're going to hear in another 15 minutes because not only do they have to pay the money, they have to make sure they get these parts in a timely fashion and get these vehicles fixed in a timely fashion as well. and so we have word from gm that they have a plan in place to do
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just that, carol. >> okay. i'll let you go because i know you want to do some more reporting on this issue. again, the federal government levying gm with a $35 million fine for the faulty ignition switches. you would think it would affect gm's stock, but it has not yesterday so far. thank you so much for joining me today. i'm carol costello. "@ this hour with berman and michaela" starts now. raging infernos scorch more than 10,000 acres in california's san diego county. mandatory evacuations are ordered as houses go up in flame. what will the weather hold up for the firefighters? >>. donald sterling has been playing defense since his racist rambling went public, but now may be switching to offense. reports at this hour that he doesn't plan to pay his fine. he might take the nba to court. then, isn't it awful that it's quite evident somebody is lying here? somebody is lying.
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