tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 17, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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out. right? right? am i right? >> no one here seems too bitter about that. >> get a taste of mississippi with anthony bourdain tomorrow i night at 9:00 p.m. eastern time. you are in the "cnn newsroom." i'm miguel marques in for don lemon. in san diego the firefighters say they have the advantage over a wave of ferocious wildfires. that doesn't mean the fires are out. far from it. thousands of acres north of san diego are still burning. dozens of homes and businesses are gone. and this western wildfire season has just gotten started. paul vercammen is in california. this is not a good sign for the rest of the fire season. they could use some rain out there, yes, paul?
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>> joo they could. i remember a piece you did when you were walking the central valley in california. extreme, exceptional or severe drought throughout california. the good news this san marcus fire is 70% contained and most of the san diego fires in the right direction. the drought is getting worse. when you look at the vegetation they say it's stressed. the vegetation can come back. but you need? rain. we are just not getting any rain in the west. i was talking with a top federal fire official and they said where are the areas of concern? almost all of california, almost all of oregon and parts of nevada. of course, if they do get any rain you look down in the canyon and there is a house that miraculously survived this fire. but if they get some precipitation, some moisture, look how exposed the hillside is and the next thing they have to think about in the winter is mudslides.
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>> much of the west under fire threat this fire season. what is it like there? are they essentially saying they have to treat this as though it is october/november right now? >> reporter: that's exactly it. they are looking at this at a summer or fall phenomenon. the other term you hear being thrown around, but they are not throwing it around lightly you're hearing it on the federal, state and local level. i just talked to a pio today, public information officer, and he said all of these conditions, these drought-like conditions, this early start, this makes for what they think could be one of the worst fire seasons ever. as i said, they don't like to toss around that term lightly at all, miguel. >> paul vercammen, thauches. over ta fast moving wildfir the wind twisting the flames into immense heat.thauches. a fast moving wildfire and the wind twisting the flames
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into immense heat.hthauches. a fast moving wildfire and the wind twisting the flames into immense heat.athauches. a fast moving wildfire and the wind twisting the flames into immense heat.thankthauches a fast moving wildfire and the wind twisting the flames into immense heat.sthauches. a fast moving wildfire and the wind twisting the flames into immense heat.uches. a fast moving wildfire and the wind twisting the flames into immense heat. a fast mo the wind twisting the flames into immense heat. here is tom foreman. >> one of the most dangerous circumstances for wildfire fighters is the day when the weather and the winds are unstable and fires can be pushed one way very quickly or they can be pushed back the other way. but how does all this come together to create a fire whirl or some people call it a fire tornado? essentially, the fire burns into a very hot source of fuel, 1,500 to 2,200 degrees fahrenheit would be typical. and then in this changing environment, a pocket of cold air appears overhead. and all of that heat starts rushing up toward it. and as it meets the cooler air, it does what they do in tornado situations, the two types of air start swirling around each other and you get that circular motion. meanwhile, it starts sucking in more combustible gases from the ground and as they rise up, they burst into flames. it tightens in and gets faster and there you get your fire tornado. it's not actually a true tornado in that a tornado would be hundreds of miles an hour and it
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would be much more powerful than this. they do occur that way but very, very rarely. this is more like a dust devil with fire in it. but it's still dangerous. because it can go horizontal at any moment and basically start spraying out across the ground like a blowtorch with thousands of degrees very dangerous for firefighters nearby. but even if it keeps going straight up, along with those combustible gases, it pulls in tiny bits of particulate, bits of plants and things, which can also burst into flames up there and in this rapidly swirling environment, be thrown out and carried by the wind starting other fires. so, if you're too close to the fire whirl itself, you can be trapped between that and the other fires that are started and imagine those fires going all the way around. that's one of the reasons why these have to be treated with so much respect and kept at such a distance as fascinating as they are. we have just learned for the first time that middle east respiratory syndrome known as
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mers has been passed within two people in the united states. cnn's senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen says someone has been affected on u.s. soil. >> the first two persons went from saudi arabia to the united states. now one of those people has now spread mers to someone else within the united states. one man has been identified to be an illinois man. so, it tells us a little bit more, you know, this virus isn't incredibly easy to catch. it's not like the common cold, but now we know it appears that it can be spread just from a 40-minute business meeting. 53 health care care workers have been tested and a business
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associate who came into contact with the infected indiana man. "the new york times" made some explosive headlines of its own this week after abruptly firing its top editor. jill abramson was fired. they say she was earning less than her male predecessor. "the new york times" is firing back telling its side of the story. senior media correspondent and host of "reliable sources" brian is here with us via skype. what is the statement, brian? >> the statement is from the publisher that he announced that brahmson was fired who is the most influential newspaper in the company and said it was over a management issue and wouldn't say what he was talking about and said he would not speak any more of it. that has proven to be
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impossible. people close to brahmson has suggested it had to do with unequal pay and because she complained about being paid less than the man who was in her job before her, she was pushed out. well, here is what the statement said tonight. we will put part of it up on the screen. it says she was fired because she lost the support of her colleagues and could not win it back. the statement goes on to say it into hnothing to do with pay and one more quote from the statement that says he dismissed incorrect reports that jill is not comparable to her predecessors and basically said "the new york times" stands up for equal pay for women and he will torialized in famp of this and not hypocritical by dismissing jill brahmson and say it was her style. >> is the paper overreacting on this point or hitting the right tone here? >> this is proven to be a pr nightmare for them.
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jill abramson daughter is posting to instagram saying this store isn't over any time soon. that makes people wonder what is jill ab abrahramson going to sa? she is fired from a job after less than three years. now "the new york times" accomplisher coming out in public saying that she was hostile to her colleagues, saying that she had lost the support of the newsroom. now this is in her camp for her to comment and i have a feeling that will happen at some point in the days to come. >> she doesn't seem the type that will back down. i think this is probably going to get more interesting or worse or whatever -- >> say to you that you publicly mistreated your colleagues and made decisions arbitrarily. it shows how ugly this will become. >> brian, thank you so much. you'll be on top of it for us. >> thanks. ahead, a crucial clue in the
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flight for 370. it's a fierce argument over who has their hands on it and what could happen to it next. then then he had a shorter meeting celebrities are used to this treatment. cameras following their every move but now it seems like hollywood stars aren't the only ones getting caught in their most embarrassing moments. is this the end of privacy?
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♪ woooooah. ♪ [ male announcer ] you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen. zillow. the hunt for malaysia flight 370 is turning into a battle who holds the most valuable clue. the inmarsat data used to determine every search area off the australian coast and it includes handshakes between flight 370 and the satellite. desperate families are pushing malaysia to release the data so other experts can take a look. days ago, malaysia's top transport official said loud and clear, his country does not have the data. >> the raw data is with inmarsat
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and not with malaysia and not with us and not with the -- if there is any request for this raw data to be made available to the public it must be made to inmarsat. >> inmarsat said it gave all relevant data to malaysia and up to them to decide about any public release. clearly someone is not being completely truthful but who should we believe? malaysia or inmarsat? i spoke with paul ginsburg who worked with the fbi and homeland security department and the cia about the controversy. >> it ourturns out the malaysia government has a poor history. they changed what they reported as the aircraft's altitude direction, the transcript. they said that the last
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transmission was, all right, good night. where clearly it wasn't. the release of the transcripts was first withheld, then it was -- then they were released. then the actual communications were released. and, in fact, i looked at those transmissions, and what they released was edited. in fact, there's even a very low voice. neither pilot nor tower in that released audio that they gave us. as far as who has the permission or the authority to withhold or release the information, really, whoever -- i don't care who it comes from, we need the data. and as far as i'm concerned with respect to the malaysian government, i would not buy a used car from them. >> right now, officials are determining the next search phase based on inmarsat satellite data. the incredible california chrome is two-thirds of the way to horse racing's triple crown. within the last hour or so, the horse added to its dominant victory in the kentucky derby with a win at the preakness stakes. california chrome becomes the 13th horse to win the first two
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legs of the triple crown since affirmed, the last triple crown winner in 1978. all that is standing in the way of california chrome is one little race in the belmont stakes coming up on june 7th. you can call this newly discovered dinosaur the littlest of the giants. appe paleontologists have found one of the largest land creatures in earth's history. it lived in north america for about 140 million years ago but is the first of its kind to be found in south america. 60 years ago today, distort changed the country with a unanimous ruling in the case of brown versus the board of education striking down racial segregation in public schools. yesterday evening, michelle obama delivered a high school commencement address in the city
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where the case started, topeka, kansas. erin, what does the first lady have to say? >> part of the reason why this speech is getting so much attention is because michelle obama described how brown v board impacted her own life but she also was relatively outspoken in asserting that segregation still exists. listen to her describe that here. >> many young people in america are going to school, largely, with kids who look just like them. and too often, those schools aren't equal, especially ones attended by students of color which too often lag behind. with crumbling classrooms and less experienced teachers appear and even in schools that seem integrated according to the numbers. when you look a little closer, you see students from different backgrounds sitting at separate lunch tables or tracked into
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different classes or separated into different clubs or activities. >> reporter: now the first lady didn't exactly have a policy prescription. she just said there needs to be some cultural change. as it turns out attorney general eric holder was giving a commencement today at morgan state university and he sounded some similar themes. he said chief justice john roberts has argued that the path to ending racial discrimination is give less consideration to the issue of race altogether. this predisposes that racial discrimination is at a leb ebb it doesn't need to be actively confronted. this is all interesting in light of the l.a. clippers fiasco with donald sterling, miguel. >> erin mcpike in washington, thank you very much. if you're fighting with your sister-in-law, maybe you would think an evidelevator is a safe place to do it. if that is what beyonce and
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jay-z thought they were wrong. is this more proof that privacy for the rest of us and jay-z and beyonce, is it really dead? (man) that's a good look for you. (woman) that was fun. (man) yeah. (man) let me help you out with the.. (woman)...oh no, i got it. (man) you sure? (woman) just pop the trunk. (man vo) i may not know where the road will lead, but... i'm sure my subaru will get me there. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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solange? we may not know for sure but the family has issued this statement. moving forward or not, cnn's jeanne moos has some theories of her own and a rundown of online chatter. >> reporter: it started out as a nice night. beyonce dropped her ring. ♪ >> reporter: her husband put it back on her finger. but on the way out of an after-party, fingers gave way to 50s. round one! beyonce's sister solange started hitting jay z but a bodyguard pulls her off. beyonce stays out of it.
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round two. solange tries to kick jay z and he grabs her leg in defense. round three. round four the door open. solange whacks jay z with her bag. online commentators had a feel day captioning the after picture. did that just happen? smile through it. bring it, says solange. something jay z really pushed is a her buttons since the video a has no video, encouraged guessing. this elevator music better than any song you ever made and a reference to solange's singing career. the first hit she's had in years! everyone had a theory. >> solange heard jay z say something to her sister that she didn't like. >> yes. >> reporter: one online analyst even quoted dickens. >> it is a medicalyears ago sol
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seemed to be putting distance between hearrself and jay z. >> good morning. i have to say that was not a very professional introduction before. please don't talk me into family and my brother-in-law's establishment. >> reporter: someone put the elevator fight to jay z's own song. ♪ jay z's 100th problem is what they are calling solange and jokesters are dressing up and recreating the fight and making fun of everything from the late grab to the handbag turned weapon. >> like a sandwich bag. >> reporter: one day you're grabbing your sister-in-law's leg in self-defense and then caught on camera caressing your wife's leg. just a week in the life of a rapper. ground floor, ladies bags.
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jeanne moos, cnn, new york. it's not just jay z and beyonce losing their privacy. it's all of us. can it be stopped? or are we moving into a sometimes terrifying world where nothing is secret and people like harckers or the government find out anything about us. coming up we will ask if your private life is going public, whether you like it or not. ♪ ♪
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i know i do. things we don't want anyone to know. maybe a password or your e-mail account or pictures of that night that you would like to forget. maybe it's something more scandalous than that but these days it's harder to keep things private. is this the end of privacy? celebrities know they can't go outside without facing the paparazzi but now it seems like getting caught on camera is a risk we all face.
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not just on camera. donald sterling's words on audiotape cost him more than his reputation and could lead him to lose his billion dollar sports team. our don lemon talked to the man who taped some of those conversations, his so-called pimp and he had no reservations about taping something that was supposedly private. >> i didn't feel like sit him up. i really don't. when i first called him, it wasn't recorded and when he started dwelling, just drilling me, i hit the record button. i don't know. i hit the record button and i didn't care at the time. >> so is this a sign of the end of privacy for all of us in the next 30 minutes? we are going to figure that out. first, jean casarez looks at why some think privacy is already over. >> reporter: from a private conversation. >> if you don't feel it, don't come to my games. don bring black people and don't come. >> reporter: to an alleged elevator brawl. is nothing private any more? >> there may be a right to
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privacy but there is no relate to privacy any more. >> reporter: donald sterling says he had no idea his conversation with v. stiviano was being recorded. >> did you know you were being recorded? >> no, of course, not. of course, not. no. i just wish i could ask her why? and if she was just setting me up, i think people say she was taping me for two years. >> reporter: sterling's fellow nba owner mark cuban says the red light of the camera is always on no matter where you are. >> first of all, you have no privacy. you know, from the lilttle thins like license plate cameras and walking down the street, cameras everywhere. >> reporter: case in point. what seemed to be a private elevator ride in new york's standard hotel turns out to be anything but when tmz post the security video purportedly showing beyonce's sister solange
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attacking jay z and kicking him several times. entertainment attorney jeff beaterman says expectation of privacy in a elevator may not be warranted. >> you raise the in a home which an elevator is a public place. many elevators in modern buildings do have cameras. >> reporter: security cameras are ubiquitous capturing our every move. the right to privacy is often trumped by the public' appetite for the tape. but mark cuban says celebrities have learned to expect this kind of exposure and now you should too. >> i'll give you another perfect example that should terrify you, right? if you tweet. if you post on pinterest or on facebook all of that footprint knows more about you than you know more about you.
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>> jean casarez joins me now. first question. is mark cuban right? do we really have no more privacy? >> we really don't have too much privacy. yes you have the expectation of privacy but because of the iphone, digit is forever. it's not only the invasion of privacy on a celebrity level but a simplistic level. there could be blackmail. they record something for you and decide to put it on the internet it's there forever. >> celebrities should be used to this. the paparazzi isn't new is it getting worse for them as well? >> i think it is. because the paparazzi, any type of iphone technological advice can record and that is why the responsibility is on the celebrity. how they lead their life is demonstrative. >> it has to be personal
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responsibility. which may be is a good thing at this point how you lead your life. the experts i spoke to said the people they represent, they tell them assume somebody is recording you every single time you're in public and, remember, who you invite in your home can also be suspect because donald sterling, he says he didn't think he was being recorded and that was someone he apparently trusted. >> there are laws recording people if they don't know in some states. >> that is another thing. if you sue, if you begin to go into the court system, that fuels the fire and becomes even bigger. >> the documents and everything comes out. >> then it looks like you're in the wrong. >> stay right there. >> okay. >> don't leave. we will have you back in a second. coming up, think you can update your password and keep your account safe and secure? it might not be that easy. is it too late for people to steal your vitamins? secrets? secrets? secrets? sec? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
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well, maybe you're watching this and thinking i've got to do something. how can i protect my privacy or is it already too late? every day, we have got more drones in our skies and more hackers trying to steal our passwords to get into our computers and more people with smartphones and shooting videos and catching possibly every intimate moment on camera! what can we do?
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julie enguin is author of "drag net security." and a senior reporter for pro public. is it too late to protect our privacy if i go off line completely? does it even matter any more? >> oh, dear! we will try to get you back. your skype seems to be breaking down. jean casarez, fortunately, stuck with us here. can i ask you that same question? is it really too late? can you wipe out your social media, you know, persona completely but it's still there? >> isn't it true that it's not you? it's the other guy? many respects? it's the person thats the picture of you. it's the person that puts the video on the internet that they have shot? so you can do everything but
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what about the other guy? just sort of like when you're driving, you know, you can drive defensively. what about the other guy? >> right. >> it's a good point. i want to raise this now with julie who is now on the phone with us. the old school phone. sorry. the internet let us down there. julie, i don't know if you heard my question. even if you erase your public persona online completely, is it too late? >> you know, i think that it's never too late to try to protect your privacy. i mean, yes, you can't really erase your past but you can quickly make it obsolete, right? the longer that it is out there, but isn't being used and you're living a private life, you will eventually you'll it will become less useful to people. >> i want to run some quick poll numbers for our views. 55% of internet users say, yes, they have taken steps to avoid online detection by specific people, organizations or
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governments. clearly most people want to control their digital footprints. is online control, though, just a myth? >> the thing is i try in my book to opt out as many services as i possibly could to see if we have any control. the truth is we don't have as much control we would like. you can try to get out of the online ad tracking that follow you around and it's easy to get out of, but things like -- buy and sell your name and address i was unable to get out of most of those. >> a lot was made of the nsa spying scandal. should americans be more worried about the nsa than they are about hackers? look. if you're not doing anything wrong, why worry? >> well, i think it's worth pointing out that nsa is actually using a lot of techniques that we really only thought criminal hackers were
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using. in fac in fact, the defense against hackers is the same against the nsa. the one thng we found in the snowden documents was that they were intercepting unencrypted communications on the internet. previously to this we basically thought if you were in a coffee shop and you used your computer and you logged in and you weren't encrypted, you should worry about hackers getting your information. we didn't realize you should worry about the nsa getting your information. >> there are various degrees we are talking about here. i take a lot of it comes down to us and what we personally put on these sites. i am sometimes shocked what you see friends posting on the sites. is this part of the problem? >> i think it's amazing. i think the key, one of the keys is personal responsibility. what you put on and the trust you have in others that are close to you. and this is the age of internet. it's just easier to put something online. maybe just going back to the old fashioned ways gives us more private sane more security? >> julia, is there any agency or
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groups, i guess -- who is out there looking out for the little guys and for privacy? >> well, you know, the thing is there are some companies starting up in the wake of snowden. there has been more and more companies starting to offer privacy protecting services and i'm hopeful that maybe there will be a market for services in the future that we can actually buy privacy protecting services, but it's also putting out that some things can you do to protect yourself cost nothing. for instance, i agree, people post stupid things online. but my point of view is you can't prevent people from writing things stupidly but you could actually create a fake name. for my kids, i have them have a fake identity online so if they write something down, they don't have to worry about it later because it's not under their name. >> right. you've written that passwords are -- your passwords are 30 to 40 characters long. i'd forget that in an instant.
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is that what it takes simply things like that to stay safe? >> it's true. yes, passwords is another thing we can do to stay safe. i know 30 or 40 characters is dauntsing b in daunting but those are only for e-mail. i use an automated program to come up with all of the rest of my passwords so there is a bunch of software out. a lot of it is is free that will make all of the passwords for you and store it on your computer for you. >> it is amazing. the first time we have all gone through this and feels like it's been around forever but it's just been a few years. julia and jean, thank you both very much for sticking around and please do stick around because we will talk to you more in in a few minutes. first if you've had an account hacked or an embarrassing pictures posted on the internet, you might act a little differently in the future. so how is the end of privacy changing us? and can the laws get ahead of the hackers? or will we always be playing catch up?
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psychologist jeff gardere and criminal defense attorney holly hughes. are things changing too darn fast? >> they are changing too darn fast, miguel. the reason is the technological companies are businesses and private individuals so they are out there creating this latest, greatest technology and flooding the marketplace with it and then, of course, the brilliant people who are thieves and have in fairious motives how to work on the latest technology to victimize someone else. the legislature is for ever playing catch-up. we have to write a bill and put it up for committee and then it's got to get voted on before you can pass a law. no, the law is always going to be running behind the technology. unfortunately. >> yeah. jeff, there's so many people have had their identities stolen. let's take a look a few numbers here. 21% of internet users say they
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have had an e-mail account or social networking account taken over pout their permission. are we changing our behavior because of this and becoming more paranoid and accept that nothing is private? >> i think we are becoming much, much more paranoid but it's a healthy pair a nranoia. it is happening. i think what people are doing, more than anything else, they are being much, much more careful as to who they are talking to, what it is that they are saying, what they are saying on the telephone and putting on the internet and what they are posting. you said you had some friends that put shocking things there. i think the people are getting much smarter about this because they know whatever is on the internet, whatever they say on the telephone, it may be bugged. people have access to it. you just have to be careful. and people are angry when they are victimized in this way and like they are robbed >> it's extraordinarily personal when this happens and you feel like you've been violated on a
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very basic level. >> and it is an emotional violation. >> holly, when we're hacked or identities stolen, how hard is it to go after the crooks? >> it's very hard. but the first thing you need to advise people to do is file a police report. people when they get hacked don't think to call the police because they think it's out there in the ethernet, we don't know who to go after. but you have to call, the non-emergency number, don't call 911, but call the emergency number, put it in writing, get a police report. the other thing we're seeing that's a huge violation. people are going into the irs online and filing with your social security number and getting your tax return back. because it can now be loaded on a debit card. so they don't even have to mail a physical check to an address. what you need to do when that happens, call your local police department, make the report, notify the regard company, the
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loan company, whoever it is that's being fraudulently connected and saying it's you getting it and start that paper trail. these people know what they're doing. it's the anonymity, we talk about this a lot in the law. the anonymity when you're getting stalked on twitter or facebook. somebody will make up a fake name. we see it all the time. today i had a friend call me and say, somebody's impersonating my husband and friended you on facebook. true story. she said it's not us, it's something trying to get at us, so please unfriend them. so yeah, it happens all the time. in this instance, we knew who it was, but very hard to find that person. >> we are a security conscious nation to begin with. you talk about good paranoia. doesn't this make us more distant, less trustful of each other? doesn't that start to tear away at the bonds of the society itself? >> well, it's very interesting.
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when the nsa scandal broke out, we said snowden was not a patriot, he's a bad guy and so on. i think people's opinions are starting to change and they're realizing now, this is the march into the future, that, to have ironically some sort of security in our lives, that we have to open up our lives in this way and allow ourselves to be bugged, to have all this information coming in. but i'm more concerned and i think holly would agree with this, i'm more concerned in the commercial people, you know, actually coming after your information. and that, to me, is a real violation. the government, i can understand. the commercial people -- >> i always think of minority reports. >> that's right. >> with tom cruise. >> you two are not dismissed. stay with me. after the break, do you think you have any privacy in the future? no one can say for sure, but that's what we'll talk about coming right up.
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so where do we go from here? if you're online, you want to stay online, we can't cancel our e-mail addresses, facebook, or twitter accounts. some of us don't have a choice, we use them for work. so here's the question. is it just the beginning? whatever privacy we have left, is that going away too? jean casarez, holly, jeff. julia, is it going to get worse? what are we looking at in the future? >> i wish i could be optimistic, but i think it's going to get worse. i'm very worried about facial recognition technology. right now it's not quite good enough, but pretty soon, everyone's going to be able to hold up their iphone on the street and you'll be identifying
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them, and i being bring surveillance to a visceral levels. >> any upside? >> there is. videotaping can help solve a crime. so the right person is prosecuted and charge. eyewitness identification can be falty. when you have it on videotape, a jury can see it and it can solve many things. and by the way, there's no expectation of privacy in public. >> and police agencies around the world say it deters criminals as well. >> it does deter crime. >> but are we opening ourselves up to just sort of accepting, giving away so much of our privacy every day? >> well, remember, what jean just said, you don't have an expectation of privacy on a public street. i was just in court this monday arguing that because someone was trying to take a restraining order against my client because she stood in her own front yard and took a picture of the street. and they said she's stalking me. no, under the law, that's not stalking. when you're on a public street,
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you don't have that right, that expectation. and jean hit the nail on the head. i've been a prosecutor. i'm a defense attorney and i also do family law. and the first thing you're going to hear a divorce lawyer say, take down your facebook page, get off the twitter. because that's exhibit a in the courtroom. what do you think prosecutors use, when a guy gets on the stand and goes, i'm not a member of a gang? i swear, members of the injury, never in my life. exhibit a is the facebook photo of you flashing gang signs, wearing the colors and holding an ak. so it has positive uses. you just need to be smart about what you put out there. >> and let's also be aware that as the technology gets better, yes, it's going to get worse, but there are also benefits. technology does cut both ways. so, yeah, there will be less privacy, but we will have more rewards, as far as our lives and making things easier. but unfortunately, it also makes
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things easier for the thieves too. >> it's how you lead your life. >> so how much of it is us putting ourselves out there and our own doing? >> i think that's an excellent point. some of it is beyond your control. but it's the company you keep. because if your friends post what you thought couldn't be publicized, you have a problem. digital is forever. >> are there ways to carve out private spaces for ourselves online, or should the expectation always be there is nothing private online? >> i think the most prudent approach is to assume that even if you think you're protecting your privacy, that you're probably not being completely successful. and so try to act as if you don't have privacy. that said, i do think some very simple measures can make a difference. using a different identity -- if you want to write stupid things on facebook, put it under another name. if you don't want google to know
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what you're doing, use a different search engine. i switched to one called duck duck go, and those things make me feel better. >> thank you all for joining us. anthony bourdain finds out the true meaning of food in lyon, franz, coming up now. this is the story of one man, one chef, and a city. also it's about france and a lot of other chefs. and a culinary tradition that grew up to change the world of gastronomy. it's about a family tree, about the trunk from which many branches grew. it's about food, lots of food. great food. some of the greatest food on earth.
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