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tv   New Day  CNN  May 19, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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>> nor "new day" starts right now. >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. >> that's better. monday, may 19th, 6:00 in the east. and there is a major merger in the works that could rescape the television industry, really how you watch video anywhere. could also end up costing you more. here's the deal. at&t has struck a nearly $50 billion acquisition with satellite tv giant directv. the sale is this. it's good for you, you'll be offered more content. >> but it's also prompting a familiar question. should so many customers be covered by so few companies, especially with comcast and time warner already looking to join forces. chief business correspondent christine romans is here. >> hi, guys. the landscape is changing fast. and the companies are trying to keep up with it. it's a huge deal of 25 million
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television subscribers. it would make the media conglomerate the second largest. and worrying some in a rapidly changing tv world. >> reporter: nearly $50 billion. that's the hefty price tag at&t agreed to pay for directv. america's largest satellite tv provider, this deal, just the latest in a wave of media consolidati consolidation. comcast revealed plans to buy time warn werer cable for $35 million in february. and soft bank has expressed an interest in sealing a deal with t-mobile. the new video and internet powerhouses could take more control over your screens. all of them. >> with that consolidation and reduction in competition, we see fewer things happening and prices mostly going up for consumers and subscribers. >> reporter: potentially good for consumers, at&t and directv said the acquisition could mean
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new bundles that would bring tv and internet options across all of your screens even those in cars and airports. the fate of the new alliance rest it's in the hands of the fcc. >> federal communications commission has a role to look at all of these and say are these mergers in the public interest. >> so if both of these deals pass regulators, at&t and comcast would control nearly two-thirds of the u.s. tv market. now comcast declined to comment on the merger, chris. >> let's bring in brian steltzer and buy/sell christine romans. we know why they do the deal, right? more reach, better costs, better profit margins. but the two things for them, competition and what happens to the consumers. give us the architecture of the deal. is it the same thing as we're seeing with the comcast deal? >> look, it's two very big
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companies getting together. what i see here is at&t offering regulators a lot of olive branches if you will. directv would say the same thing for three years. exact same price, exact same service. offering speed. at&t is saying they're going to expand the 15 million underserved household which is a direct appeal to the obama administration. they're trying to apiece regulators. look, the landscape is changing so quickly, they have to find new ways to deliver television to us. >> they're going to stick it to us, brian, how? >> we sat down, you're holding a phone. i'm colding an iphone. >> i'm holding a couffee cup. >> we have to figure out what the strategy is. >> future is second and third screen. you watch us on tv, also your computer and handheld device. >> it's not just cnn. but let me use it as an example. i'm going to pull out my phone,
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watch cnn live on my phone. it's difficult to get that done. there's reasons for that. it's partly this company, time warner's spot. everybody's got to work together. part of the reason we're seeing companies consolidate is because they have to work together. >> is that cnn axis is pretty good, by the way. >> everybody is trying to figure it out. there's lots of reason for delay and this could be progress. >> here's the thing we're seeing the future. however, what we're also seeing in the future, there are going to be a small number of people with infrastructure to deliver video on all three screens. so what does that mean for pricing? >> well, pricing has been going up. nobody's saying you're going to pay less. bottom line, budget in your bill for watching television to go up and up. at&t says it will do home security and wireless plan. maybe broadband plan, too. so life would be better, but you're going to pay for it.
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>> but i want to pay less. the whole point is we should be able to pay less because of competition. >> we're doing much more -- we're expecting more and fast and a lot. do we pay for that and how much do we pay for that. >> and the only hope for paying less is for a smaller bundle. right now, bundles keep getting bigger and bigger for tv. but these are mostly on the margins of the industry. cable believes people are willing to pay quite a bit of money for 200 or 300 channels. i don't see that going away. >> here's what i don't get. they keep telling us you're going to be able to watch wherever you want, whenever you want. it's going to change business. it's all about the consumer. it's going to be so easy for them. when does that happen? where it's so cheap and easy for you to watch things -- >> yeah, between the idea and the reality, there's a gap of what we experienced today. i think the future is coming. i hope the mergers if there's one thing that is good for
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consumers that future will come a little sooner. but it's not right away. it's going to take a while. >> give me some odds. do they approve this deal? >> i think they do ultimately approve the deal. regulators are going to try to rest whatever they want from both of these two. >> will both of the mergers go through? >> well, big consolidation -- >> you agree? >> yeah. at&t wouldn't have done this if they didn't believe it would go through. they spent weeks and months preparing the groundwork for this. they wouldn't be going forward if he didn't believe it would not pass washington. >> i don't like it. >> he's a skeptic. >> we need skepticism about these deals and we need consumers to speak up. >> it's good for them, i don't know how it's good for us. brian, christine. a lost news. what do we got? we're starting in russia looking at headlines. russia says its military drills in ukraine have come to an end.
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the kremlin said that president putin has ordered troops to return to their bases. but as has happened before, nato said there's no evidence that they have left. let's get to matthew chance in washington. sounds like we're hearing arguments from both sides of the story here. >> that's right. you might think there's a command and control problem from russia. because this is the third time that vladimir putin the russian president said he's ordering troops back from the ukrainian border to their bases. we'll see what happens, nato so far has not seen sfasubstantial maneuvers. but if it's true, mikaela it could mean a step towards the de-escalation. everybody is watching this extremely closely. >> matthew chance, thank you so much. breaking overnight. south korea's president park
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geun-hye crying on tv as she apologizes for the ferry disaster that killed hundreds of students on a field trip. it was the first time she teared up paying tribute to heroes and others who died saving others. park also said she would dismantle the coast guard as a result. another major recall, kraft recalling 1.2 million cases of cottage cheese. the company says the cheese was not stored properly. many varieties are tubs between 4 and 16 ounces stamped may 9th through the 23rd. some of the music awards brightest stars on board at the billboards music awards, justin timberlake the biggest winner. got seven awards.
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jennif jennifer lopez took home the icon award. and the biggest, a hologram of michael jackson. what do you think? unbelievably realistic? did that freak you out, do you like it? >> no, you know what it is. i loved when they did it with tupac also. >> this seemed more realistic, this hologram than tupac. >> we may use a hologram -- >> i'm not even here right now. coming up next on "new day," concerns mounting about the mers virus for the first time that the virus has spread in the united states from something as simple as a handshake. now, the cdc is in a race against the clock to find out what they need to be effective. also, did you think that
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karl rove was going to back down in his comment about hillary clinton's health? well, he didn't. we'll tell you what he's saying now, what other republicans are saying joining the fray. ♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities.
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new fears this morning that mers is spreading a third case of the potentially deadly middle east respiratory syndrome has now been confirmed here in the u.s. but unlike the first two cases, health officials say this one, this was the first time it was transmitted on u.s. soil through simply a meeting and a handshake. senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen is at the cnn center with much more. what more are we learning, elizabeth? >> good morning, kate. kate, we're learning that this third case is different in many aspects from the first two. in some ways, it's more concerning. >> reporter: the first two cases in the united states were people who got infected in saudi arabia. the men got on a plane and came here. those cases were reported in indiana and florida. now health officials say an illinois man who had a business meeting with the indiana patient has also tested positive for mers. >> this potential person that is maybe the third case, it was
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transmitted, had just basically business transactions. no unique travel history of their own. and no travel history since. >> reporter: the cdc says during a meeting on april 25th, the two men were sitting within six feet of each other talking. the only physical contact they had was shaking hands. the next day, they had another meeting, this one shorter. this was a week before the indiana patient was confirmed to have mers. a cdc doctor says the illinois man was never really sick. but now the cdc wants to test people they came in contact with. because even without symptoms, it's possible he could have spread the deadly mers virus. >> now, all that we know about this meeting again is that it was 40 minutes and that the only physical contact that the cdc knows of was his shand shake. so it's not clear was it spread because the men were close to each other and breathing on each other, or was it spread because of that handshake? kate? >> elizabeth, thank you so much. let's get insight from the
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clinal emergency professor of emergency development and chief at medical hills. doctor, thank you for waking up early. >> thanks for having me. >> as elizabeth described it seems as described by health officials, it's less of that extensive person-to-person contact that was required necessary for contracting the virus. they shook hands. it was a face fo tace meeting if you think about the people you encounter in the workplace, that's dozens of people. that concerning for you? >> there's no ke it's more concerning but the gateway or entry for me is that handshake. we do get exposed to viruses all the time. we do have antibodies to fight those viruses. the question here, this is a new virus we don't have these antibodies for. the handshake for me, that's
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where i would put my money in this transmitting itself. >> so does this lead you to believe that it is more easily contracted than originally thought. or is every case different? in how someone could contract this? >> both great questions. i wish i could answer them with 100% confidence. but i would assume it's actually a little bit more easily contracted or transmitted. and also, that handshake, if that handshake didn't happen, i believe that this probably would not have been transmitted. >> one thing that i found interesting is that the virus in this case, in this newest case, this third case, seems to have presented itself differently than the previous couple cases. this illinois man only suffered mild cold-like symptoms not even requiring medical care. is that surprising? what should doctors be kind of be taking from that? >> that's the good news. that's the one thing i like to walk away from. knowing that this may be
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transmit more easily, there looks like that key and lock phenomenon where this virus is records as a high fatality or 30% of people getting this are dying may not be true. we may just be getting reports of those in severe condition and those numbers may be skewed. so the fact that somebody in the united states got this virus and didn't actually have symptoms is reassure to get fact that it actually may not be as bad as we think it should be. >> still troubling to me, the incubation period of 14 days. you could travel around the world in a couple times in 14 days. what does that tell you? >> it makes it more difficult to control. because you have that incubation period, think about all the hands you could shake. considering you could spread this virus when you're really not coughing or virus or a lot of symptoms, that becomes a bigger problem to try to contain something like this. >> and of course, there's no
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vaccine, no treatment that we're talking about. how do you minimize the severity of this illness? otherwise making sure that you wash your hands, how do you protect yourself? >> the best way to protect yourself is being as healthy as possible. keeping your immune at peak by eating healthy, exercising. and handwashing, let's not negate that. sometimes, something like fist bumping can make a humongous difference. i'm on the front line every day, i'm and people every day. and i'm not sick. i use caution. >> the cdc is looking into this, looking into any other contacts that this illinois man may have had to show if anyone else is showing symptoms. but the guidelines that the cdc offers is that this virus is not easy to pass on. do you think that needs to change in light of this latest case? >> i think the guidelines can stay the same. but we are definitely open to
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knowing about this may start behaving a little bit more like sorry viruses where you do not have to be in close contact for extended periods of time. this is a 40-minute meeting that they had. again, for me, it doesn't come -- the thing that seals the deal is that handshake. being close to somebody for 40 minutes is not the answer. >> dr. armand dorian, thank you for the advice. chris? coming up on "new day," democrats are worried hillary clinton's not yet announced presidential run is already at risk. we're going to take a look into the warped world where you want to be in. but you don't want to be tested. republicans, of course, aren't waiting, they're doubling down on comments about her health. also a fascinating custody case out of chicago. a judge says a woman controls her embryos despite an agreement stating both she and her boyfriend had rights. so what control does a man have over an embryo he helped to make. we're going to speak with the man involved live.
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welcome back to "new day." let's give you a look at your headlines at this hour. it is a $50 billion mega million dollar merger. at&t set to acquire directv. there are concerns that the merger will leave too many customers on the books of -- too few companies. especially if comcast and time warner planninging to merge. both deals, of course, still need federal approval. new reports this morning of fighting in libya after a weekend of deadly violence. you hear it there, gunfire broke
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out in benghazi. at least two people killed and dozens others injured when armed gunmen stormed the government building in tripoli. the government says it's still in control, however, of the country. get ready to pay even more to take your kids to the happiest place on earth. disneyland once again, raising ticket prices. it will now cost visitors 10 and older $96 to enter both disneyland and california adventure. and, of course, park will go cost a little bit more. a dollar more, too. this is the fourth increase in the last four years. >> i was thinking, i'm having deja vu. here's the question, do the laughs and smiles increase? i want to know if i'm paying more, i'm enjoying myself more. >> exactly. >> it's a small, small world -- >> you sound like you could be working at disney world? >> i can't help it. >> it's cute. hillary clinton, you know she atlanta announced yet?
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>> what? >> oh, yes, everybody knows. she's clearly the demes choice. >> i'm not questioning the health what i'm questioning is whether or not it's a done deal she were running. she would not be human if she did not take this into consideration. he'll be 69 at the time of the 2016 election. if she gets elected and serve it was terms she'll be 77. >> age isn't slowing him down, that's for sure the democrats are laughing him off as an attack dog. there's some worries that hillary is getting too much heat so soon. richard sockerry, he's a former senior adviser for bill clinton a writer for the new and sherri jacobis.
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what are you dems worried about, you want to make the case, so often. >> i'm not worried. >> you look worried. >> i don't think i'm worried. we're excited we've got someone who a lot of people support and who the country is excited about in hillary clinton. >> address-wise, some of the demes are saying she got out too soon jp. >> first of all, i don't think she's doing this by choice. we're talking about karl rove pushing about this nonsense about her health so we're all talking about it. i think it's true, to a certain extent, nobody likes to be told who to vote for, right? primaries are a good process. a good whittling process. i think if she decides to run, if she decides to run, and she still has to make that decision probably at the end of the year, i think there will be a competitive democratic conscience for president. i think she will have to make her case and do so brilliantly.
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>> what will she do? what can she do? >> i think she'll have to ask for every vote. the criticism last time was she took it a little bit for granted. >> the correlation -- >> she will definitely not make that mistake this time around if she decides to run. >> what do you think, sherri, you're going after her early and often. what do you do here, damage and chinks in the armer? >> she's run for president before. she's got 100% name i.d. there are candidates, potential candidates that would kill for that. you can't have it both ways. she's hillary clinton, her health, her age, family history. everything she's said, done, not done, lack of accomplishments, at you fair game. to pretend she is who she isn't, and to pretend she's not running, come on, we all know she's running. it's not just the inevitability
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factor. they may not want her. >> talk about having it both ways, is karl rove trying to do the exact same thing, in terms he wants to talk about her health, he wants to make it an issue. but then he says, yesterday, i'm not questioning her health. i'm confused? >> her health, it's fair game. i don't think he should be apologetic. >> the game is more toxic all the time. that's how win. at some point, it's getting to smell a little bit like the obamacare debate. obamacare sucks, hilly sucks, where are the better ideas? >> well, we have a deep bench. i think we're going to have a very robust primary. >> it could be paul ryan
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throughout saying here's how i think about fiscal management. here's how i thing it should be done. it's not being done. >> i think they're not paying attention right now. >> should you pander to people's fears? and oh, she's going to die, she's so frail. >> she's are legitimate questions. it's also up to the hillary clinton camp to try and control the agenda and talk about what she wants to talk about, but she doesn't have anything to talk about. >> should they be surprised that this is coming at them? maybe it's a problem of timing so they can't be surprised later when she's actually running. but should we be surprised that the issue of health came up? it was part of a discussion when she was in the fight for congress? >> i think that this should surprise no one. and as chris just said -- >> yeah. >> -- this is what politics has come down to. especially now in the
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preliminaries when there aren't subsan tiff issues being discussed. it's all this negative stuff. i think they'll try to make up a lot of stuff. throw a lot at her, signing if she decides to run, she'll be ready for it. >> let's talk about the republican field for a millisecond. jeb bush at a commencement speech at the christian college. he said this in his speech. >> if you feel inspired to serve your fellow citizens don't let thie ugliness keep you from running for public office. >> sounds like he was urging hillary clinton to run. >> his family has been through -- they've run for office successfully and unsuccessfully. and they know what it's like. but i will say when you concraft a jeb bush, as the bush name is very well-known just like clinton. and you talk about going out there and trying to control the agenda and saying what you want
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people to be talking about, he's controlling it. he went out and made a speech. and we're talking about it not his health or anything. that is how you do it. >> but, cherie, he has also said that his decision to run will be can he do it joyfully? he very much understands the impact on a family. when you see how dirty things are and where it gets, is there any way to joyfully run? >> i think it makes a difference as it does to a lost candidates now that this children are grown, i think he feels that the family can take it a little bit more. but that's what anybody running for public office has to keep in mind is their family. >> he said something that you could argue that is inconsistent where he's been add as moderate socially when he said to this -- he had to offer red meat to this christian constituency. and him saying hold on to the fate even when the federal
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government is trying to deliver religious-free expression. we know where that's going. it's interesting to see if jeb bush can live up to that part of politician. and if he can't, he can't make it through the primary. >> he does not usually use that line in his standard talking points. and it's really a -- you know, a bow to the right, so i think he's very seriously considering running. i hope he does run because i think, you know, i think he's got a lot of good credentials. he's certainly qualified by, what he's done previously, to be president. but i think the republican party will not be able to nominate a jeb bush because i think they have moved so far to the right. and i think it will end up helping the democrats. if jeb bush runs in a republican primary, he will not get the nomination. and the american people will see -- >> give us -- >> i think half are always wrong when this far ahead.
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>> i disagree. republicans, they run to the right in the primaries, just like democrats run to the left. and you come to the center. and republicans obviously do nominate right of center but not far right candidates. we've been doing it. we did it last time. we did it the time before that. i think he's got a few problems but that's what primaries are. >> at least he wasn't asking to pray for hillary because she's sick and old. >> we'll hear that next. >> cheri, good to see you. coming up on "new day," a brand-new custody battle. two exes. boyfriend and girlfriend. they're battling over an embryo because she says she still wants to have his child against his wishes. we'll speak to the ex-boyfriend. it's what the real story, what might she say in a college commencement speech that's happening this morning. with centurylink as your trusted partner, our visionary cloud infrastructure
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we have a landmark custody decision to tell you about. it vessels frozen embryos and who has the right to use them to conceive a child, even after a relationship ends. here's what happened. a state judge ruled a woman can use the embryos created with her ex-boyfriend four years ago, even though he says they were both told that he would have to
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agree before anything can happen. joins by jacob szafranski and his lawyer. >> jacob, how do i say your last name? >> szafranski. that's always most important. a little bit of background. were you dating someone. she was about to have treatment for cancer. she was worried because of what doctors had said that she wouldn't be able to conceive after that treatment. so you agreed with her to make some embryos, correct? >> the initial discussion between miss dunston and i was to both make embryos and e s an. kind of provide us the opportunity in the future to see where the relationship would go. and give us the option of deciding how to go about her desires to potentially become a mother. and mine to potentially assist her in having a child if that were the case. we did plan on making eggs and embryos.
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>> okay. so you signed a document at that time, what did the document say as far as you knew? >> well, the document was fairly clear. when we went to the fertility clinic, our situation was very unique. our time lines were very small. she immediately needed to undergo her treatment. of course, we were not married and only dating a few months. the documents said the embryos were equally ours as far as genetic material in that we weren't a married couple. it was very clear that both parties must consent for their use. that is something that both miss dunston and i did sign, in fact. >> there's also a co-parent agreement that going forward, you two agreed to raise a child together. you did not sign that, why? >> i did not sign that, that is correct. after meeting with the fertility specialist at the clinics, we were encouraged to develop any type of ancillary agreements or
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any further contractual language that would further guide us in how we were to use the embryos if they were to come to use. and we did make declaration of dispositions in the case of my untimely death or karla's untimely death and what were to be done with the embryos if we were in fact to use them. but they encouraged us to seek legal advice. and there were a lot of discussions. we did meet with attorneys, but ultimately, no document was signed. and the discussion went back between either co-parenting or being sperm donor in that case. >> obviously, there were some legitimate questions about what the long-term prospects were of this relationship. you say you were motivated by the exigent circumstances. this had to be done right then because she was going through treatment. but if you agreed to make the embryo, didn't you do that as kind of an understanding that they may be used? >> in part, i don't.
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we had discussed, and karla had attested to that we would both make embryos and eggs because even she had reservations. you know, whether or not she wanted me to be in involved in any future children that would come about as a result of this. and she felt, and i agreed that both eggs and embryos would be a good decision, where if she did not want me to be involved, there were would be the eggs to use on her own without any consent by myself. this was something that would provide us that opportunity to make that decision down the road. unfortunately, when the egg harvesting was completed, the number the eggs that the physicians expected to get was virtually half. and they made the recommendation to create all embryos. in my understanding of my documents and as far as my rights, it was very clear to me that my consent would be needed for use of any embryos that i was genetically responsible for and i don't feel -- >> so the judge says.
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>> go right ahead. >> i'm going to lead you into your next point. the judge then takes a look at it and says, okay. i get it, that you had some rights here and she had some rights. but i believe her rights outweigh yours because the right to have the child is bigger than your right to consent to that. because she doesn't want anything from. you she says she want no, sir support. she doesn't want your involvement. that's not good enough for you, why? >> just to say that you don't want money or support of services and having a child i think is kind of dismissive to the grand ramifications of everything. neither karla nor i have ever been married nor did we have children up to that point. and this is something that we needed to give consideration down the road. to say just because somebody doesn't want money from you that they should be able to force my hand and bring children into this world. time has passed and i'm
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unfortunately had to doeal with personal conflicts on this matter. and given the time to consider this, which is what creating the embryos allowed us to in thinking about this. i don't want to be forced to having a child especially when i'm not ready for that in my life. it's something that transcends money. to reduce it to financial support is insulting to both miss dunston and i. >> the idea that this is going to be your child. it's half yours and it's going to come into the world and it's not a decision that you allowed and it's fundamentally wrong. so what did the judge get wrong? >> the judge in my understanding felt there was a verbal agreement that was reached that superseded any written agreement that we signed which i think is not necessarily accurate. to say i was asked to create embryos, absolutely.
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to say that i consented to that creation, i did not. secondly, we planned on making eggs and embryos allows us to separate out where she could make a decision about the autonomy without me. when it comes to the two of us together, i think we have an equal say. i'm not asking anything from the courts that i feel that karla should have in a equal decision. we both equal rights. how can you force something to do that against the law. >> especially when the person is the man. we have the famous actor jason patrick had a similar situation. different circumstances but the same issue came up about the rights of the father in a situation where birth is found this way. through this type of embryo making. so we're going to follow this case as it goes forward.
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jacob szafranski, thank you for being here. brian schroeder, you were quiet on this because we weren't arguing legalities. keep us in the loop. big implications for you and a lot of couples throughout. thank you. >> we certainly will. thank you very much. coming up next on "new day," ousted editor of "the new york times" set to speak publicly for the first time since she was fired from the paper. has this debacle now turned into a public shaming? the paper's new response next. also, california chrome is one win away from taking the triple crown but the most closely watched horse in the world might not even run at belmont. and it's all about nose strips. meatball yelling c'mon, you want heartburn? when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast, with tums. heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact. and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum... tums!
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quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you could possibly imagine. say it with me -- everything. one more time, everything! and with that in mind... what's in your wallet? it's special when it comes to the nba playoffs. >> yes. >> home court advantage is big. and the indiana pacers used it to strike first in the eastern conference finals. let's bring in brian mcfayden. he's got this morning's "bleacher report." now, they're starting to look like the team they're supposed to be. >> in the beginning not too much. but this what they do.
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indiana had not won a series opener yet in the playoffs but they led wire to wire in this one. pacers get that monkey off their back by winning a game one. their score, their highest point total of the postseason, pacers win 107-96. game two is tuesday night. tonight on tnt, game one, spurs host the thunder. california chrome won the preakness stakes this weekend setting him up with a chance to win the triple crown on june 7th. he's the odds on favorite but may not get a chance to race. he wares nasal strips to keep his airwaves smaller. that's a no-no. california chrome's owner will have to make a formeral request. trending on, we're calling this young man the player of the week. check him out as he gives the souvenir ball to the pretty girl behind him. wait, he pulls the switcheroo.
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yes, he keeps the game ball but gives her the other ball in his hand. that guy's got game. >> back to you guys. i'm not sure if we should be proud or we should be upset. >> that's proud. >> i think it was pretty slick. very slick. >> only if the girl got the joke. >> what joke? >> that he wasn't being kind -- >> that blew up his spot. >> i'll take the blame, it's my fault. >> that was slick. >> thanks, brian. >> i liked that. >> i know. i know. today, we're set to hear from jill abramson the fired former editor of "the new york times." she's actually delivering a commencement address at wake forest university. this amid questions over what exactly led to her departure. there are claims that abramson was paid less than male predecessors. was fired because she dared to speak up. but the newspaper insist that is not true and in fact put out a formal statement, blaming her short comings as a manager,
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including quote, inadequate communication and the public mistreatment of colleagues. we want to talk about it all with mr. brian stetler. happy monday, and it continues, brian. what do you make about the news statement from sulzberger, i just read it. talking about her weaknesses. >> 475 words about why she was fired. you can imagine if someone wrote that -- we've all been fired but not 475 words tab. >> what do you make about it? >> when i read the words public mistreatment of colleagues. isn't that what the publisher is now doing, putting a statement out about her? on the other hand, when i read this description, it rang true to me. i worked at the times and jill was the editor. she was not always a people person. she was a beloved editor but a
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feared editor. >> but that is media. >> editors have to be tough sometimes. >> i'm not in the business of defending the "times," i think we should get more heat from things. this was a clear case of gender descripti discrimination. >> by abramson. >> and they've been rebutting it on the points but the perception is you did this because she's a woman. is that true? >> i don't think it's that simple. i don't think that is true. but i do think there's a gender context for these things. it's possible for her to be a poor manager. it's also possible for people to be more critical of her. or to challenge her in ways because she's a woman that they wouldn't if she was a man. it's possible there's unfair treatment about her. and sexist language about her and also about her job. both of those things can be true. >> what is very surprising about this, on face value, many people
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are saying, why do you care about this? uneditor being fired. one media company that's dealing with this? why is this such a big deal? why does this speak to something larger? it may. carver wrote an interesting piece in the "times." part of it, he said he's lived through the jason blair debacle. the plagiarism debacle. so real. the lack of decorum that happened last week was stunning. >> and the "times" does not behave that way. not that any media company does and it's very unlike the "times" to have about abrupt firing. the reason why it matters in the broader construct, because the "times" still sets the news agenda for much of the country. and the editor and chief is seen that way for the "times." jill abramson is one of the most powerful people -- >> it the "times" suffer under jill abramson? >> no, it got better.
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but it was in spite of her, not because of her. it's complicated. i would say she brought a lot of great things to the table and she also had sour qualities. and that's what's come out in the statement. >> there's a couple of things that i'm concerned about. because of this perceived notion of equality, et cetera, what is the reality there for women working there now, the rising stars? and also the new guy who has been well respected, dean barkette, an african-american -- >> we have very few women at the top of major news organizations and few african-americans at the top of major news organizations. it's a very big deal for him to goat promoted. you were talking about women at the "times" in the newsrooms i've heard whether this will create concerns in the newsroom, people feel tense about it.
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because jill abramson was very smart about promoting women, grooming women and retaining them. and people do wonder if this is going to be a setback. >> real quick, what do you think we'll hear from her at wake forest? >> one of the crazy thing abramson hasn't spoken but her daughter by instagram. is he says, tomorrow, she's going to show them what she's made of again. and the #high road. i think she'll take a few jabs at the "times" but be respectful and stay above the fray. >> that would be wise. brian, thanks for being with us. this is one of several big stories that will start your "new day." there's a media mega merger between at&t and directv. is it good for the bottom line? probably. is it good for you? maybe not. then, the mers virus, it's
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now spreading in the u.s. and you're never going to believe how. and the story of a vietnam vet who has been for decades how could he not be a citizen. at&t is buying directv in a deal worth $50 billion. >> with that consolidation and reduction of competition we see prices mostly going up for consumers. an illinois man who had a business meeting with the indiana patient has also tested positive for mers. this whole area was nothing but fire and smoke. >> what do you need to do to prepare for the season that still lies ahead? >> we're expecting extreme conditions month, fires this year. california chrome has won the preakness! >> you have to have a very good horse to win these three days races, and i'm hoping i've got one. new this morning, a corporate shake-up that could affect millions of tv watchers. at&t has reached a deal to buy
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satellite tv company directv for almost $50 billion with a "b." after the comcast/time warner merger that could leave true companies to choose. let's bring in christine romans. what do you see here? >> i see the land scape changing so quickly for these companies. they want scale and being able to do it. they want more money from the customer, more revenue out of your pocket. $49 billion. at&t and directv. directv customers will see no changes for about three years. same pricing, same service. but after that you'll see at&t try to bundle pay tv, wireless, home security, broadband over your land line all of these things being bundled together. at&t makinging it sound, chris, like it's a good deal for you. because you're going to have more choices under one roof.
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but consumer groups are saying wait a minute, when you've seen your bill going up with inflation over the past few years and you have fewer players how can that be good for you. in terms of that bill, let me show you, chris, we've run the numbers. this is what it looks like in terms of tv premium rates. they're running much faster than inflation. no question, those films as we use more stuff and bundle more stuff with big new companies those bills will keep rising. >> good for you as long as want to pay more. more choices. we're joined by basically the perfect guest, senator al franken, the democrat from minnesota. he's been vocal about the media mergers. senator, it is good to have you. it will be about what the future will be. how this plays first into this screen, then the computer screen and the handheld screen. what does this mean for the internet? who wins and loses? what do you see when you look at
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this merger? >> well, i'm very skeptical. i'd like to see some hearings on this. i think christine was exactly right. that this usually leads to higher fees for consumers. and less choices, usually. we need to keep as much competition, let's face it, this is going exactly the wrong direction, you know, during the comforecast/time warn cable. not time warner. time warner cable hearings, comcast said well, this is going to create more competition. and all of these big companies -- there's going to be a dog fight, and you know, they're just buying each other. and the fewer players there are in the space, i believe the worse it is for consumers. and employ constituents in minnesota will be paying more for cable. this is a bad trend. and you're right, it has implications on sorts of things
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like net neutrality. >> i want to talk about net neutrality. it's something that you care passionately about. on this merger, you fought the comcast/time warner cable merger. were you against that. what can you do to stop it? >> well, as a senator i can make comments to, and we can have hearings. and we does that on comcast/time warner. but it's ultimately up to the fcc and the department of justice. >> i mean, look, we've seen it before in history, when the railroad were doing this, back in the days when the guys with the names of the banks were doing this, you created the antitrust companies on how businesses can get. and how much they can control the marketplace. especially and almost primarily, when it impacts on the ability of the consumer to get more for less.
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and it seems like in both of these cases, the future is looking like we pay more when the businesses grow. but you can effectively stop business from growing? >> it's not about stopping business from growing. look at the internet has just exploded. and it's exploded with competition and with net neutrality, which we're going to talk about in a moment. there is a proper role for the department of justice to look at this as an antitrust matter. and for the fcc to look at this, is it in the public interest. and i say, no, it isn't in the public interest and yes this is a violation. >> when you roll it into net neutrality, and how does the concept transfer? >> net neutrality is that all content travels at the same speed. >> it should. >> well, and it has. it has from the beginning. people should understand this, net neutrality is not something
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new. it's the way it's always been. and we've had this tremendous innovation in the internet and growth in the internet. we've had tremendous growth. we net neutrality. and not just with it. but because of it. i'll give you a perfect example. before youtube, there was something called google video. and google video wasn't very good. so these guys developed youtube above a pizzeria in san mateo, california. now, because the data from the -- from youtube traveled as fast as google video, people were allowed to sample it. and said i like this better. and that's what the whole reason we've had -- why this neutrality, this net neutrality has created such innovation in space. now what's happened is, last
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week, the fcc voted for a preliminary rule saying that we're going to create a fast lane. we're going to allow a fast lane and a slow lane. this means deep-pocketed corporations are going to be able to get their content going fast like google would have before youtube. >> how much faster? what are we talking about here? >> the fcc itself has said if you allow a fast lane in other times they've spoken, that it will be faster, people will go to that. and that the slower frames will allow bed to generated. >> what do you care so much about this issue? i'm sure you've gotten this question before, when the job landscape is not where anyone wants it to be. when congress is fighting about everything and some would argue doing so long about it fighting most of the time, why should voters, consumers care about net neutrality? >> well, it's the free speech issue of our time. a viewer can do a blog about
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what i'm saying right now, it will travel the sale speed that "the new york times" will travel or fox news will travel. so this is essential for free speech. and if you have just a few and fewer and fewer big corporations with the same kind of interests, controlling the space, we've got a big first amendment problem. we've got a big free speech problem. and a big democracy problem. also, it is about paying more. it is about the consumer -- >> is it debatable? >> yes, it's going to be pay to play if you get in the fast lane. so you're going to see the big players, big corporations, deep-pocketed corporations, controlling the information. and you'll see less innovation. and it will be bad for very small -- it will be bad for small business. so if you're the local hardware store and you want to get your,
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you know, people to see your advertising on the internet, they won't see as fast as ace hardware. >> yeah. it's a real issue. >> it goes to growth. economic growth. it goes to innovation. which is about growth and jobs. and it goes to free speech. >> that's huge. >> what a discussion to be having especially on the heel s of the news of this merger. >> we'll follow it. senator franken. it's great to have you today. we got lucky on the timing of it. >> thanks for calling me. >> for this, you've been outspoken on it. it's good to have you here. >> it's a high bar. >> it's a high bar, yeah, it could have been tom wheeler or chairman of the fcc but i'm better than him. >> there's no question. today, you're perfect. >> great to see you, senator, thanks so much. all right. let's take a look at more of your headlines at this hour. for the third time, russia said it's pulling its troops back from the ukrainian border.
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more than 40,000 amassed along the border. the kremlin says, though, troops will head back to their bases. south korea's president is planning to dismantle the coast guard, her response to the ferry accident that left hundreds of high school students dead. through tears park geun-hye apologized for the third time saying the coast guard failed in its duties to rescue everyone on board. she's building a monument to the victims. and crooner jerry vale has died. he and his music were featured in several martin sorchese films including "good fellows." firefighters are making
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progress in the fires in california. alexandra steel is there ins don dee escondido. >> we're coming to you in a place called harmony grove. it's a spiritual community center. 117th anniversary a week ago on wednesday. they were evacuated with an hour's amount of time to gather their belongings. and then they had a wait, a language wait, until that saturday or sunday, until they were able to return to this. 25 out of the 30 of the structures that were here, completely lost out of the ground. very hard to see what's even left. maybe this was a garage door that was here. you take a look farther to the east, and you can actually see, all you have left are several mailboxes. and this is the sight all across southern california from just devastating wildfires in the last week.
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>> reporter: erupting one right after another, san diego plagued by dozens of wildfires, speculation of arson on the fire. >> the way cal fire operates, a lot of the firefighters are on the fire, law enforcement comes in and does an extensive investigation. >> reporter: three men are now in custody. two teens 19-year-old isaiah silva and a 17-year-old arrested after witnesses reported seeing two people set small fires. in oceanside, one 57-year-old man now charged for setting off a smaller 100-acre fire pleading not guilty facing up to seven years in prison. all arrests for the eight blazes reducing 40 homes to ashes. a week-long battle in san diego county with over 25,000 acres burned. thousands of evacuees returning to what looks like a war zone. the nightmare still fresh in their mind. >> right as we finished packing our suitcases, we heard a
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helicopter overhead said saying get out, get out you now. you could see a plume of flames coming down the corridor. >> reporter: >> reporter: escondido is now leveled by the flame. >> i have my family and my dog. that's what's important. >> reporter: blaze is contained after thousands of firefighters banded together. one firefighter showing them exhausted in san marcos as thousands expressed their gratitude. >> the crews did a lot of hard work. those of us in the fire service are very concerned. we're very prepared to try to deal with any fire that breaks up. >> here's the good news. we're starting to see a low-pressure system just to the north of california. over the last several days, we've seen the marine layer turn. the humidity come up, temperatures go down. even the chance for humidity is possible this week. the fire danger has shifted farther to the east. places like arizona or new mexico today, do you have the red flag warnings and the
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heightened fire danger. there is rain somewhere in the country. again, we're talking about the pacific northwest and upper midwest and plains, we're starting to see the rain make it's way through. say one 0 two inches spreading to the northeast by the middle of the week. temperaturewise, it's going to be on the cool side. hot and muggy but northeast is going to feel good there. 60s and 70s. but if you're in the south, temperatures going up. meanwhile finally on the west coast where we need it, the relief is here. temperatures back to where they should be. no longer are we talking temperatures 25 degrees above the record. that is what we were dealing with a week ago a week, chris and kate. >> indra, thank you for the update. good for-to-know they're getting a break. coming up next on "new day," new urgency over the spread of mers after an illinois man gets sick after just a meeting and a handshake. what you need to know ahead. and is there concern among
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the democrats? one prominent democratic governor telling cnn he's worried about hillary clinton's presidential bid. find out with on "inside politics." hey, razor. check this out. listen up, thunder dragons, it's time to get a hotel. we can save big on killer hotels with priceline express deals. somewhere with a fitness center? hey you know what man, these guys aint no dragons. they're cool. these deals are legit. yeah, we're cool. she's cool. we're cool. i'm cool. hey, isn't that razor's old lady? not anymore. priceline savings without the bidding.
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welcome back to "new day." this morning, a new fears about the deadly mers virus now that a man from illinois has contracted the illness on u.s. soil through meeting and a handshake. that's the first time this has happened and that's leading, of course, to new worries about how easily the virus can be transmitted. let's bring in dr. william schnapper, he's the chairman of preventive medicine. doctor thank you for being here. >> good morning, kate. >> good morning. so this latest case, it's very interesting. this man contracted mers through two meetings 40 minutes long, cow say. that's what they're describing it as. they're within six feet of each other and through a handshake. i was thinking about it, it seems like i come in contact with dozens of people every day. and so does everyone else in the workplace with something like that. it seems requiring less of that close contact than originally had been thought. does this surprise you? >> well, it it surprised us
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somewhat, you know, we knew this virus could be transmitted through prolonged contact within families. but this is a little bit more, shall we say, casual, but they were two 45 minutes. within six feet of each other, we call that within the same breathing zone of someone. owe public health is doing exactly the right thing. they're testing everyone. they're defining thousand this virus can spread. but at the moment, i don't think there's any need for panic because there hasn't been any need for evidence that there's sustained transmission over time. but we're watching this and the cdc is doing a good job. >> when you talk about sustained transition over time, what does that mean in practical terms? we know they're trying to get in contact with everyone that this man had been in contact with that 14-day incubation period that he could -- before he had been showing signs or symptoms. but they also wonder if now they expect it will be spreading
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further on u.s. soil? >> yeah, surely. and that's what they're looking at but let's contrast mers and the spread of what we know of it now with influenza which we know can spread easily from person to person to person and we have large outbreaks. there's no evidence that mers spreads that rapidly in a sustained fashion at the present time. but we all need to stay tuned as the investigative work goes on. >> you do wonder if the virus itself is changing, if you will. because this latest case, he seems to have shown much less severe symptoms than we've seen in previous cases. because they say it was deadly in a third of the cases -- a third of the cases have proven fatal. but this man only showed mild cold-like symptoms. >> so there's reassurance there, too, from the middle east, the studies there, we've known there are people who have had no symptoms, mild symptoms, but most of them very severe
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symptoms. so we'll see what the spectrum of illness is and that's in part why the investigations are ongoing. for the most part, transmission occurs when people are very, very ill. for example, in the setting of health care, where health care workers, of course, use infection control precautions in order to prevent their getting sick. and that enables them to provide good health care in a safe fashion. >> so then, doctor, what are the factors that would go into terming whether the virus is something that looks like mild cold-like symptoms or a virus that becomes fatal? >> well, for many infectious diseases, the infectious agent can produce a variety of symptoms. and it depends a little bit on the host. if you're older, if you have underlying illnesses you're more likely to get a severe case than if you're young and you're strong. and you also asked about the virus itself. at the moment, there's no evidence that the virus has changed in any way. so it's not mutating to a more
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rapidly transmissable fashion. at the moment. but we are watching that very closely. >> how quickly can that change? because the cdc as it stands now, the guidelines, it maintains that this virus is not easy to pass on. kind of how we originally -- it had all originally been described what mers was. it seems there's more to mers than maybe we had originally thought. do you think those guidelines need to be reconsidered? >> well, the guidelines are being looked at very carefully. and i think what we hear is exactly what we ought to be doing. observe care but not panic for sure. this is an emerging infection. and in every instance where we had a new infection, ongoing studies are necessary to help us define exactly how transmissable the virus is and whether -- whether it will make everyone very sick. so all of us need to stay tuned and just watch what's going on.
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>> stay tuned. anytime, though, i'll tell you as i think i'm battling a cold right now, anytime you hear about a new emerging infection, it is something that does raise your eyebrows and get your taekz. dr. william sheaffer, great to see you. hernandez served in vietnam and a then a federal employee, a prison guard after half a century found out he's not a citizen. he's going to join us live. then the price of popularity. hillary clinton getting too much heat too soon. the ghost of 2008 is conquered on "inside politics." tion to ge. because it offers a superior level of protection. and because usaa's commitment to serve current and former military members and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote.
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welcome back to "new day." here's a look at your headlines. a huge deal that could shake up the world of tv. at&t and direct tv set to join forces. the price tag, $50 billion. at&t says it can offer better content on more platforms to customers but red flags are being raised about overconsolidation within the industry. to turkey, four people have been arrested in the deadliest mining disaster in history. manager and the two years all taken into custody. operations at the mine are over. government officials say 301 miners perished in last week's fire. investigators are trying to narrow down a cause. a new kidnapping threat against the children in nigeria. boko haram terrorist organization is now reportedly
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targeting a new boys boarding school. the search for 200 girls abducted last month is so far coming up empty. the more time that passes the more concerning it is. >> absolutely. with more targets going forward. thanks for that. you know what it's time for, time for "inside politics" on "new day" with john king. boy, you've got really hot topics today, my brother. happy monday. >> sometimes, it's hotter on monday and not today. you guys take the rest of the day off. we're going "inside politics." back to you guys in a few minutes. with me to share the reporting and insights, robert costa of the "washington post," onthan martin of "the new york times." let's start with 2016, the inevitability of hillary clinton. with deval patrick in the chair, our candy crowley asked this question. >> when you look at 2016, is this hillary all the way, do you think? >> well, i don't know. i guess i worry a little bit.
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cease an enormously capable candidate and leader. but i do worry about the inevitability thing. because i think it's -- i think it's offputting to the average voter. i think that was an element of her campaign the last time. and i would just -- as a enthusiastic democrat, i just hope that the people around her pay attention to that this time around. >> was he trying to say there, jonathan? i saw him a couple weeks ago, he said i'm not running. my life said go into private sector for a while. there's speculation maybe he could be talked about it. what's he trying to say there? >> i don't think he's running but he does seem like his former consultant david axelrod there who i think would make more points. but i think he's expressing concerns of a lost of democrats who do not want a coronation. who want to see her actually come up with a more compelling message than it's my turn slash,
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i am ready for this. and i i think also he wants to make sure she does not repeat the mistakes of 2008. >> it's really my turn, that's what he's going to write this time around, is that it? >> when is some democrat going to step is in the opening. there's a major opening for a hillary rival. when is andrew cuomo, elizabeth warren? is it bernie sanders on the side on the left complaining about clinton's candidacy? i just don't see any energy from governor patrick or other democrats to really step in the ring. >> this is the other side, somebody we know wants to step in the ring. we've been wondering whether the bridgegate scandal would force him out or how big of a cloud. more and more recent days, chris christie reinserting himself in the national conversation among republicans. listen to him talking about how a commander in chief is defined in the world and how he doesn't think much of the current president. >> what's happened now in our country and in america's role around the world in my opinion
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in of the last five years has been that missing element. no one understanding any longer who america stands with or against. no one really understands exactly what we'll stand for. and what we are willing to sacrifice to stand up for it. >> a bit of an outline of a christie doctrine, if you might, robert. a criticism of the current president, a democrat, barack obama. but is it not a shot at rand paul and ted cruz? this is one of the defining debates? >> certainly, john. it's the policy of licking his wounds standing under a bridge in trenton not looking towards 2016, but with that speech last night, it's looking at christie looking at a comeback run. he's taking on rand paul's point of view. >> taking on rand paul's point of view, going after the incumbent president, republicans
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don't like, smart? >> it's a twofer. as much as barack obama, he wants to be this unapologetic interventioner in this politics. someone that's going to stand up bold as a foot prints in the world. i think in his class, his neck of the woods, it makes sense. when it comes to authority, i think that's a whole other question. that is his bid right there. talking about himself, and sort of his view in a way that's bigger than bridges over the hudson river. >> we've talked to mitt romney's role after losing in the national politics. he's playing a role in local politics. i want to compliment him. the 82-year-old police chief, the town in new hampshire where mitt romney owns a home. he used the n word describing the president.
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he said the vial epithet used and confirmed by the commissioner has no place in our community. he should apologize and resign. do you think he should resign? >> i agree. it's his vacation home, it's a home of sorts for him. and we've seen romney with this minimum wage comment and urging republicans to index it to inflation with this comment about the wolfeboro police officer. we see him stepping back slowly. and being a guide for republicans saying if you're going to move forward, you have to appeal to a broad range of people and not make incendiary comments. let's move on. a half dozen of big primaries tomorrow. i want to start in georgia. there's a big senate race there. most people expect there will be a runoff. two candidates. they talk about politics, spending america's role. and in a debate, they also talked about this. >> yes or no, if you are elected and if he is re-elected will you
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support mitch mcconnell in kentucky as the leader of republicans in the u.s. senate. >> the answer is no. >> i don't know. >> the answer is no. >> absolutely not. we need new leadership there. >> mitch mcconnell is expected to survive his primary. we'll see what happens in november. jonathan, what is that? why are they anti-mitch? >> i was struck by that, you have david purdue who is one of the favorites in the early poll in terms of in that race, saying he's not going to support mitch mcconnell for a leader? it's posturing for a lot of grassroots conservatives who don't like mitch mcconnell saying he's too conservative to compromise here in washington. what's interesting one of them will get the nomination, one a u.s. senator, and have an opportunity to vote in closed doors. >> it's so true. whenever i'm out at a senate race, they always ask this question almost all of them have
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evasive comments about senator mcconnell. who do they always cite as their hero or model? ted cruz. >> i don't think he's go to be a republican leader. pennsylvania is another one of the primary states tomorrow. jonathan, a front page story tomorrow. how difficult it has been in the northeast and industrial states that you think of as liberal. allyson schwartz is a candidate. you point to massachusetts where not only have they not elected a female governor in the primary, but they don't nominate them. why? >> the democrats in those states historically are grounded in industrial and big machines. the party lend themselves to male-dominated leadership. labor is changing. but that is still very strong in the democratic family. and we've combined the fact that
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the office of governor carries so many jobs by its very nature it's a job that the old boys don't want to give up very easily. it's striking, frankly for the democrats, it's embarrassing. they can't break through in flagship states in america. >> when you look at allyson schwartz in the primary, the congresswoman from the philadelphia suburbs is it because she's a woman she's losing? >> it's philly. >> but the real challenge for her is if tom wolf came -- >> $10 million of his own money on tv. you talk to folks in philadelphia and they will say privately, they will say she didn't reply soon enough. >> appreciate it. i want you to guys answer this one, is jeb bush saying, do as i say or do as i do? >> if you feel inspired to serve your fellow citizens don't let the ugliness of politics keep
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you from pursuing public office. >> hmm. appropriate, long-drawn out silence. >> less into students or less into self? >> it's hard to tell whether he was giving that red meat about free expression, the hobby lobby reference there. the idea that you should serve and run for office. >> one thing for sure, every time he speaks, we'll be looking for hints. >> what should we do now? >> we should start discussing his health at his age immediately. >> thanks, john, not old and healthy. >> and handsome. coming up next on "new day," he risks his life for our country. now a vietnam vet is in limbo after finding out he was not a
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u.s. citizen. the king of pop rocked the stage at the billboard music awards. obviously, he wasn't there five years after his death. was michael jackson, a hologram, is it a history making performance? check it out. that helps prevent the urge to smoke all day long. help prevent your cravings with nicoderm cq.
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captain: and here's a tip. bellman: thanks, captain obvious. that helps prevent the urge to smoke all day long. when you save money on hotel rooms, it's just like saving money on anything else that costs money. like shoes, textiles, foreign investments, spatulas, bounty hunters, javelins...
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welcome back to "new day." so, he spent most of his life serving his country. he was in vietnam. he was a federal prison guard. the problem is, technically, this isn't this country. at least that's what he's being told by the government. after 50 years, mario hernandez just found out he's not technically a citizen. even though he passed numerous background checks and voted for years. he's in limbo with immigration
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reviewing his case. with us is mario hernandez and his attorney elizabeth ricci. thank you for being here. this is the back story. tell me if i got it right, mr. hernandez. you immigrated here from cuba when you were 9 years old. there's a special process from cuba before you go through different phases of getting the ability to get citizenship. but they require paperwork. you didn't fill out that paperwork, do i have it right? >> yes, sir, you're correct. i filled it out now. but when i went into the service i was taken in front of an immigration judge which showed now i know was the parole paperwork. and he basically gave me the information that, you know, changed my name. i'm from a latin country where you use your mother's name and your father's name. and shorten it out. and that's when he told me, hey, i went in, and then i took the
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oath. and i left california for a train. and here i am, 50 years later. and i am a vietnam-area vet, so let's get that correct, please. >> and you volunteered in 1975, one of the hottest periods in that war where really only those of the strongest conviction were getting involved, right? >> yes, sir. i've always felt that i'm here to serve this country. they gave me an opportunity to come here. we came with nothing with the clothes on our back when we came here to the united states. and we've been very fortunate that we have worked hard. to get ahead. our children have been educated. my wife and i have worked very hard to raise upstanding citizens of the united states of america. which is something that i owe myself personally a lot. i didn't join to become a citizen. i joined because i wanted to serve. and i feel it is my duty to
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protect this country. that gave me the opportunity. >> now, i can tell that this is weighing on your heart. the things that we say to call ourselves americans, you check every box. you served your country. you risked your life. you worked for the government. you raised your family, you worked hard and you pay taxes. now, they're telling you, maybe, that you don't belong. what does that do to you inside? >> i feel like i've been punched in the stomach, but i've also felt like the carpet's been pulled from underneath my feet. it's something that we hold ourselves to a higher standard and we tell our children -- i have two children. i've always taught them you that need to do right. educate yourself and then go forward. and bring something to the people that you -- what you believe in, in yourself, that you can do better. than his mother and i, our children, my wife and i did.
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>> how do you feel in terms what this does to you emotionally that now people in your life or around you may look at you differently or somehow feel that you're not who you've been all these years? >> i feel like i've been betrayed. but i've also betrayed other people who have betrayed my trust. as you can see, i'm at a loss for words. it's something that i've infer lacked. it's been tough. i hardly can face my friends. when i see them on the street, i try to avoid them. it hurts. >> miss richie, let me bring you in here. mario used the term "parole." that's not an art. it's a term where there were different phases of allowed citizenship, yes? >> right. thank you for pointing that out. cubans who enter the united states they receive a cuban
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parole document. has nothing to do with the term in a general sense. that document allowed him to have a social security number and driver license. allowed him to be here legally. it's also something that you can use indefinitely or having having for one year, allows the cuban who holds it for file for permanent residency as a springboard to citizenship. and obviously that didn't happen to him, he's been a parolee unbeknownst to him his entire life. >> he was vetted by the military, he was vetted by the federal government. he was working in a corrections department for years and years every other agency that takes a piece of us has looked at him and overlooked this. what do you think about immigration putting another standard on him? >> well, the law is clear on the matter. and the law is clear if you served during a designated period of hostility which
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vietnam was, you can jump straight from a parolee to naturalization which we hope for in the coming days. he's also eligible because he made christians to national security. he supervised timothy mcveigh and other individuals. he supervised and rescued people from a burning bus. he's able to be naturalized right away. the law is clear on that. >> is there any chance this goes the wrong way? >> yes. and i'm prepared him for that. we are looking at going for a second interview on wednesday. and are hopeful that we walk out of there with a naturalization certificate. but i have prepared him for the possibility of arrest by immigration and customs enforcement. he has held himself out as a citizen for the last 50 years. and he's registered to vote and
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voted. and those are deportable offenses. ironically, we can't deport him to cuba. but he could be arrested. or worst case scenario, held indefinitely. we're hoping that the worse for him fob an order of supervision. but we're hoping are for the former scenario with all our hearts. >> he voted and paid taxes and now he may get arrested. mario, i know this is anguish for you and your family. miss richie, please keep us informed what happens in this case. mr. hernandez. you know how to get us. let us know if this goes the wrong way, let us know if this goes the right way. we're going to stay on this. good luck. >> appreciate that. >> we got to have rules but sometimes, the system does not make sense. this is one to follow up on. absolutely, chris. coming up next on "new day," michael jackson's signature moves captivating audiences. once again, the mixed review on
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bringing the king pop via hologram back to life. the legend a little unsettling. ♪ passenger: road trip buddy. let's put some music on. woman: welcome to learning spanish in the car. passenger: you've got to be kidding me. driver: this is good. woman: vamanos. driver & passenger: vamanos. woman: gracias. driver & passenger: gracias. passenger: trece horas en el carro sin parar y no traes musica. driver: mira entra y comprame unas papitas. vo: get up to 795 miles per tank in the tdi clean diesel. the volkswagen passat. recipient of the j.d. power appeal award, two years in a row.
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spatulas, bounty hunters, javelins...
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for those of you who didn't have your first cup of coffee yet, you're not seeing things. that was michael jackson on the stage at the billboard music awards via hologram. making classic moves nearly five years after his death. a little controversy here. bonnie fuller is the president anded tore in chief of first off, what was your take?
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were you there? >> i absolutely loved it. i wasn't there, but i had a team from hollywood life on the red carpet and in the audience. the audience reaction was just incredible. you could hear people roaring. first they were stupefied and then they were jumping up and clapping. >> what part of it? was it how lewd krus, the host of the show, how he introduced it. he simply said live from the mgm grand michael jackson. not, by the way, it's just a hologram. >> it looked live. >> even from the audience? >> yes. there were 16 live danners. they were mixing live action with this hologram. they had a special stage constructed just for this performance. >> which shows how far they've come with these holograms since elvis presley and celine dion on "american idol."
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instead of a cloud and a ghostly shape appear, it looked as if he was on stage. the question is should they just because they can? >> absolutely. >> you think so? >> i think so. i think michael jackson would love this. he loved spectacular performances, he loved to shock in a good way. i think he would think this is fantastic to have his music and his image out there. >> what's the pushback other than the intellectual property thing that cropped up, but that's a legal issue. what's the pushback, you respect the dead and once you're gone, you're gone. what's the other side? >> the other side is some people think it was creepy. our polls were that 86% of our audience loved it. i've seen polls where a lot of people thought it was just weird and creepy. >> does it go to kind of the treatment, how it's handled, that it would kind of -- if the line is crossed on creepy or celebratory? >> i think that's a really good
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point, if it was something that felt exploitive? in this case it felt like a total celebration. there was michael. he was wearing an outfit from his "dangerous" days. he did sing this song. it was recorded in 1991. it's not like they tried to have somebody else recreate his voice. >> but someone recreated his moves, there was someone doing the dance moves and the hologram played on top of it. >> just a newer version of when natalie cole sang with her dad. this is the newer version. i guess you could look at it that way. >> exactly. the thing is, they started work on this apparently six month ago and were inventing the technology to do it. they actually worked with the choreographers that michael jackson worked with for many years. >> that wasn't michael jackson dancing? >> no. they had a performer dancing using his moves and then they had his image on top. >> that's why he looked a little
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meatier than i remember. >> has there been any reaction from the jackson family? >> they were really supportive of it. the estate thought it was fantastic. the estate is fully behind this. why wouldn't michael jackson's family love it? his estate has gained $600 million since he passed away. >> i was going to say, another song from his album, "love never felt so good" with j.t., justin timberlake is out. people are still enjoyings his music. it's as though he's here. >> kate makes a good point. how much is too much? do you think there's a tour with m.j. to push his album -- >> that would be very interesting. he does have a new album out this week, "escape." >> probably fits into the category of genius marketing tactic. >> bonnie fuller,, thanks so much. coming up on "new day," we have breaking news, the u.s. is charging chinese officials with
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breaking news, chinese government employees charged with cyber espionage, hacking u.s. companies and stealing secrets. the new cold war over computers. new fears that the deadly mers virus could now spread within the united states. an illinois man contracted it by shaking hands. now the cdc wants to test everyone he came in contact with. we have the very latest. by a nose, the horse with the rags-to-riches back story one win away from the triple crown. will he not be allowed to race because of a nasal strip? his owner joins us now. your "new day" continues right now. -- captions by vitac --
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breaking news at this hour, major charges of cyber espionage for the very first time five chinese state officials now face charges of hacking into u.s. companies and attempting, at least attempting to steal secrets, trade secrets. justice reporter evan perez is here with the latest. details are just coming in at this hour, evan. what more do we know about this very big deal? >> this is a very big deal. we're talking about five chinese military officials. they're at stachd to this part of the people's liberation army down in shanghai that specializes into hacking into u.s. companies to try to steal u.s. industrial secrets. >> is that the specifically the charge? what exactly are they charged with? >> it would be cyber espionage which obviously is a crime in the united states. what we're talking about here and the big concern for the u.s., obviously u.s. jobs are at risk every time somebody hacks
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into these companies and steals their secrets. we're talking billions of dollars in damage to the u.s. economy. >> we don't yet know what companies we're talking about? >> no. we haven't been told that. the attorney general is having a press conference at 10:00 where we're expecting to learn more. >> so what more -- this isn't new. this is something that has been a concern of the administration for years, a concern on capitol hill, when i was covering capitol hill it was something i heard about. also, what does this have to do with edward snowden? >> this is an investigation that's been going on for a couple years. people have been voicing concern about chinese hacking for years. last year, after edward snowden made threes accusations about the nsa cyber spying all over the world, the administration decided they had to put this thing on hold, simply because, obviously, it would be a little bit difficult for the u.s. to be accusing other countries of
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spying when obviously the nsa has been doing the same thing. obviously t difference is the u.s. would say the nsa is not trying to steal industrial secrets which is what the chinese are accuse dollard of d >> no response yet from china on these charges. >> they typically deny these things and say the u.s. is exaggerating the problem. >> all right. we'll see. evan, thank you so much for bringing this to us. health officials have idea 2350id a third case of middle east respiratory syndrome or mers here in america. this is different, the first case believed to be transmitted from person to person on u.s. soil. how? through a close meeting and a handshake. senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen is at the cnn center with more. what do we know? >> we know it's not just disturbing that this virus has spread on u.s. soil, but in
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particular how it spread. >> the first two cases in the united states were people who got infected in saudi arabia and then got on a plane and came here. those cases were reported in indiana and florida. now health officials say an illinois man who had a business meeting with the indiana patient has also tested positive for mers. >> this potential person that is maybe the third case that was transmitted had just basically business transactions with this individual. so no unique travel history of their own and no travel history since. >> the cdc says during a meeting on april 25th the two men were sitting within six feet of each other talking t. only physical contact they had was shaking hands. the next day they had another meeting, this one shorter. this was a week before the indiana patient was confirmed to have mers. >> a cdc doctor says the illinois man was never really sick, but now the cdc wants to test people he came in contact with, because even without
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symptoms, it's possible he could have spread the deadly mers virus. >> health authorities have been saying mers spreads through prolonged and close contact. for example, people who might live in your household with you. well, what's happened now sort of makes people question that. maybe it doesn't need to be all that prolonged or all that close, but it is important to keep in mind that this patient did not get sick which is leading some to think, well, maybe this virus spreads more easily than we thought. maybe it's also less deadly than we thought. >> that's the part that makes it particularly mystifying, that that person wasn't even feeling sick. elizabeth cohen, thanks so much. let's take a look at more headlines this morning. russia is saying its military drills near ukraine have come to an end with president putin ordering forces to return to their bases. nato says it has no evidence that what the kremlin is saying is true. matthew chance is live in moscow. matthew?
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>> reporter: thanks very much. it is absolutely crucial, the presence of these 40,000 russian troops on the border. they're there as a sort of threat. they could invade, could move into eastern ukraine because of the security situation there. the fact that vladimir putin has ordered the troops back to the barracks could be an important step towards military deescalation in the region. the problem is he said this three times before, three times. each of those times the western military alliance, nato, has said they've seen no substantial military movement. they haven't seen anything happen. haven't seen any troops move back to their barracks. it's a process. it could mark a major step towards deescalation, so they're watching this very closely indeed. >> matthew thank you. major changes promised after a ferry disaster she said the
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government will dissolve the coast guard, now transferring duties to other departments. new concerns the libyan government may be close to losing control. gunman stormed the building on sunday. that, the culmination of fighting that left two people dead and dozens more injured. the government insists it is still in charge. general motors, a little hot water again after it is revealed the company gave employees a list of words not to use when documenting safety issues. among the terms or words on the list, defect, grisly, death trap, widow maker, hindenburg, kevorkian-esque and rolling sur kof gus.
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the government fined gm $35 million for not reporting a deadly flaw. >> rolling sarcophagus. i didn't believe that memo was real when it first came out. >> one has to wonder. >> they say it's real. it's interesting, the irony, we're going to tell you not to say these things. >> rolling -- yeah, that is confusing. >> rolling sarcophagus. crews are making headway on the wildfires burning in california. cooler temperatures, calmer winds helping in the battle to temper the flames. officials say the threat is not over yet. meteorologist indra petersons is just north of san diego with the latest. indra? >> reporter: it's so tough this morning. we're standing here in one of the hardest hit areas. this is the harmony grove spiritual community area where they used to have about 30
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structures here. th this morning, only 175 structures left. residents were only given about an hour to evac eight. they had to wait about four days to see what the status of their homes were. it's very easy to see this morning all the destruction here. i keep searching the rubble here to find something i can recognize. really it's almost impossible. that is how hot these flames were. looks like to me this might have been a garage. i see maybe a chandelier here in the distance. really that's about it. i can't find any of the comforts of home, any of the frames, plates, maybe some mailboxes over here to the side. this is what they're dealing with this morning. so sad. i did hear not too far away from here, there's actually a coy pond and that's really all that survived from this unbelievable blaze. the concern is, this is so early, guys, for the fire season. if you're in southern california, you know fire season doesn't peak until the fall, so around october and november. unfortunately this is when it's may gray, when you have the humidity. that's when these fires broke
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out. the concern is this is going to be the story as we go all through out the summer and eventually with the fall next season. >> good to have you out there monitoring it. obviously we'll have to monitor it going forward. thanks for joining us this morning. we'll take a little break on "new day." more on the big merger, at&t and directv. at&t says it's going to mean better service, but it could also send prices skyrocketing. we'll show you the numbers. also ahead, hillary clinton's health still a hot topic in the 2016 discussion. karl rove doubling down on his comments targeting her health. and more about who could potentially potentially be a republican opponent. we'll discuss that ahead. i'm k-a-t-e and i have copd, but i don't want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. that's why i asked my doctor about b-r-e-o. once-daily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs
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a big shift could be on the way for millions of directv subscribers thanks to a merger in the works that could reshape the industry and many fear eat into your wallet even further. at&t agreed to pay nearly $50 billion to acquire the satellite tv giant. the company says it will offer better content on more platforms for viewers. what does that mean in terms of price for you. chief business correspondent christine romans is here with the details. >> good morning, kate. one thing is clear, what we've been paying to watch tv has been going up for several years now. the number of providers is going down. nearly $50 billion. that's the hefty price tag at&t agreed to pay for directv. america's largest satellite tv provider. this deal just the latest in a wave of media consolidation. comcast revealed its plans to buy time warner cable for $45 billion in february.
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and sprint parent company softbank has been expressing its interest in ceiling a deal with t. mobile. the inevitable concern, these new internet and video powerhouses could take more control over your screens, all of them. >> with that consolidation and that reduction of competition, we see fewer things happening and prices mostly going up for consumers and subscribers. >> potentially good for consumers, at&t and directv say the acquisition could mean new bundles that would bring tv and internet options across all of your screens, even those in cars and airplanes. the fate of the new alliance rests in the hands of the fcc. >> the federal communications commission has a role to look at all these mergers, both individually and against the landscape and say are these mergers in the public interest. >> if both deals pass, regulators at&t and comcast would control two-thirds of the
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business. craig moffett senior research analyst, you are widely renowned with how you understand this space. let's start with the up and down for at&t. why is this good? why is there risk? >> well, i think the good is this is a company that pay as very large dividend. unfortunately they're cushion in cash flow is not that good. they're looking for access to more cash. this helps stabilize the dividends. the challenge is it's hard to find the strategic rash name in this deal. >> explain that. >> well, ten years ago when they first started looking at buying a satellite operator satellite was still in its ascendency. you could make a good case that there was a real business benefit here. now at&t about seven years ago got into the tv business themselves. that covers about 25% of the country. and satellite is just starting to decline. it seems a very odd time to try
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to tether a satellite business to a phone company today. >> sounds like a short-term strategy to you? >> certainly a cash generative stat strategy. how do you make hay out of this conversation? is there something strategically that's different than what these companies can do apart? >> complete integration of content, at&t had that already. the question is is it taking a step backwards and thinking it's goings to go forward. >> that's right. people were saying the cable industry was dead. as it turns out, cable is gaining background. the reason is they have a two-way infrastructure. you can interact, watch what you want when you want to watch it with a real two-way digital infrastructure. satellite is a pure one-way broadcast distribution model that seems out of step with the way people are watching television today. >> the big concern is this is going to cost me more money. while it is true, you have cox, charter, dirks verizon and
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others. how much of the market will they control and is there a real concern about prices? >> well, there's two questions about pricing. one is that in about 25% of the country where at&t offers television service, you're reducing the number of competitors from four to three. that typically would have an upward bias to pricing. they've promised to use national prices so that prices that are set in the parts of the market where competition will discipline pricing as a way to make sure that they don't gain any market power there. that's soft to regulators if you will. >> can a cox, can a dish, can they compete once you get the mergers with comcast and now at&t? >> that's a different question. the other question is with the sheer scale of these two companies, will they have such an advantage in negotiating programming agreements, that is, the content they buy from disney and and time warner,
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will other companies be materially disadvantaged, companies like cox, like charter? that's a real question. the department of justice will look at that carefully. >> remind me of the deal that happened, the merger where our prices wound up going down in this business. >> that's right. typically these things have an upward bias to pricing. in this case, though, i don't think this is really about trying to take a competitor out of the market. as i said, it does happen in 25% of the market, but that's not really what this transaction is about. and i think the department of justice will view it the same way as well, that there will be scrutiny and there will be some concern about that 25% of the market. but in the rest of the country, they're going to be trying to figure out what does this do? does this actually give at&t the ability to offer consumers something they otherwise wouldn't be able to get. >> it's not designed to stick it to us in terms of higher rates, but it's not necessarily going to make it cheaper for us. it may give us more for our money at best. >> that's exactly right.
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>> if everything goes perfect and they follow through on every promise. >> there are a lot of promises here. that's the concern from consumer groups, they're looking at this transaction, the comcast transaction, the proposed transaction between sprint and t. mobile which would reduce the number of competitors everywhere. each one is analytically completely different. but broadly speaking, the guess at that time you get from all this is media consolidation. >> craig, thank you very much. the bigger it gets and all the possibilities are getting bigger. number of players getting smaller. komth up next on "new day," hillary clinton's health now a bigger question than whether or not she's going to run. is there such a thing as being too inevitable? the discussion ahead. by a nose or at least a nose strip. could the best chance to win the triple crown in years before over before they even hit the track? one of the owners of california chrome is joining us ahead.
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the united states postal service will get it there on time with priority mail flat rate shipping. our priority has always been saving the day. because our priority... amazing! you! the amazing spider-man 2 delivered by the united states postal service. i use my citi thankyou card to get two times the points at the coffee shop. which will help me get to miami...and they'll be stuck at the cube farm. the citi thankyou preferred card. now earn two times the points on dining out with no annual fee. go to nehey!r! [squeals] ♪ [ewh!] [baby crying]
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the great thing about a subaru is you don't have to put up with that new car smell for long. the versatile, 2015 subaru forester. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. honestly, the off-season isn't i've got a lot to do. that's why i got my surface. it's great for watching game film and drawing up plays. it's got onenote, so i can stay on top of my to-do list, which has been absolutely absurd since the big game. with skype, it's just really easy to stay in touch with the kids i work with. alright, russell you are good to go! alright, fellas. alright, russ. back to work!
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captain: and here's a tip. bellman: thanks, captain obvious. when you save money on hotel rooms, it's just like saving money on anything else that costs money. like shoes, textiles, foreign investments, spatulas, bounty hunters, javelins... time for the five things to know for your new day. breaking news, the u.s. has filed criminal charges against five chinese military officers, accusing them of using cyber espionage to steal u.s. trade secrets, the first ever crackdown of its kind. a third case of mers, middle
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east respiratory syndrome, raising worries about how easily this illness can be transmitted. the patient contracted mers through a meeting and handshake. at&t will pay nearly $50 billion to acquire dircectv. the deal does raise questions. south korea's president is furious over the ferry disaster that killed hundreds of students. she plans to dismantle the country's coast guard and is promising to reorganize her government. at number five, yep, that's michael jackson, at least a hologram of him. justin timberlake took home the billing guest award of the night, top artist. >> i'm really surprised. >> we're not. hillary clinton not in the presidential running yet, but some republicans certainly acting like she may be.
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karl rove is among those doubling down on whether she is fit to serve. >> i'm not questioning her health. what i'm questioning is whether or not it's a done deal that she's running. she would not be human if she did not take this into consideration. she'll be 69 at the time of the 2016 election. if she gets elected and serves two terms, she'll be 77. >> some democrats laughing those comments off. but they're also urging caution, concerns her front-runner status could hurt her in the long run. joining us to discuss, cnn commentators will lame mant clark. mr. will cain. >> ma'am. >> that's the funniest thing i've heard all day. karl rove, i am not questioning her health. what? can he have it both ways? >> no. he was questioning her health. that being said, he didn't say
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she had brain damage. >> true. >> he didn't say she had brain damage. he said she was wearing glasses that someone would wear if they had brain damage. >> traumatic brain injury. >> i think he brought up a valid point. it took six months to recover from a concussion. second is her age. we brought it up with john mccain, with bob dole, why is hilly exempt? 69 when she's inaugurated. >> number one, karl rove didn't seem to have that concern when he engineered -- was the architect of a presidential campaign for dick cheney who was strapped to a machine for eight years. the patron saint of republicanism is ronald reagan, the oldest president in the history of the world. >> you should ask the question. nobody is saying you can't serve if you're 70 years old. but if you are, we should ask
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questions. >> should hillary clinton be surprised at all that this is going to come her way? >> the clintons are not surprisedality anything. they are ready for this. because she's a front-runner and entered the race by proxy so early, she's going to take hits that no one else does. >> is it more of a timing thing, do you think it will backfire against republicans? i don't know why karl rove keeps talking about it. that's one of my questions. number two, is it a timing thing? she hasn't gotten into the race. why are we talking about her health? >> she's running a presidential campaign. every time she's criticized, she can go behind the curtain and say i'm not even running. right now the democratic presidential front-runner. what was your second question? >> i don't remember. timing. >> shadow campaign. it sounds so -- >> is it going to backfire? >> we talked about this in the green room. you think it's going to think republicans look mean. i don't.
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i think it's legitimate in most rational americans. >> republicans bristled when the dick cheney questions came coming up. they said, my gosh, the guy's heart is fine. now suddenly it's fair game. i agree, it is fair game. it's the hypocrisy. >> it is fair game in the end. >> it's fair game. took a while to get here. >> i was there from the beginning, pointing to the hypocrisy. once we ask it, let's leave it alone. the problem is, republicans will double down on this and keep doubling down on it. that's what's going to make them look mean and insensitive. >> why are you even worrying about it? it might help you. >> i'm happy. >> this is you happy? you need to breathe. >> it's will. he does this to me. >> deval patrick, massachusetts governor coming out to say she's a little too inevitable. do you think that's a real concern? >> no. i think that was a reasonable concern in 2008 because there was a dark horse who could win. there's no one right now who can
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win. >> it's a problem, kate. watch this. who is your second point? >> that's the point. >> that's a problem with her electability. if, by chance, for whatever reason, hillary clinton decides not to run, you better have an answer to that question i just asked you. >> which you say is impossible because she's already run ag shadow campaign. >> is it her fault people are talking about her as the front-runner? what can hillary clinton do to fight back this inevitability? >> there's nothing she can do. that's the downside of being a superstar. she's a global icon who is running for the presidency by proxy. >> let's be honest. good problem to have i guess. >> let's talk about someone who may run, may not run. it's the season. are they going to run or not run? jeb bush speaking -- making a commencement speech. part of the speech, this is what he said. we don't have the sound bite. i will read it to you.
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he essentially said there's room for, if you -- you do have it now? let's listen to it. here we go. >> if you feel inspired to serve your fellow citizens, don't let the ugliness of politics keeping you from pursuing public office. >> john king said it perfectly. is this a little bit of jeb bush listen or do what i say, not necessarily what i do. >> that's exactly what it is. that makes me feel like he's priming for a potential presidential run. >> we know he's considering it. >> we all think we have tea leaves and can read into every single statement and parse it, are they going to run. he was giving a commencement address. jeb i don't think has given us evidence that he really wants to be president of the united states, he really, really wants to run. in order to win, he's going to need to want it. >> how do you show i really, really want to win, i really, really want to run? how do you show that? >> he could have made a different stance on immigration, one that might speak to the base of the gop right now, as opposed
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to a more moderate position which he has taken. >> if he changes on immigration at this point. >> like every republican nominee for the last 20 years. >> "washington post," from edgily badger, what you need to know about julian castro, the likely next head of hud. what are you laughing about? >> we were giggling in the green room, this guy's chances of being president one day, not going to happen. >> why do we need to know so much about him? the moment this was even hinted out, the next sentence is, could he be vice president? >> julian castro is extremely charismatic, also the mayor of the seventh largest city of the united states. the resume is a little thin right now. that's why the attempt to opinion point him to hud to see if he can potentially be vp in
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2016, it's a little early. >> eight years too early. >> we finally reached a line where it's too early to talk about that. on that we take a break. coming up on "new day," california chrome, one step closer to making history. could the shine come off the chrome because of nasal strips? the horse's owner joins us live. plus who is "jeopardy's" winningest female? it could be our next guest. now just a few days away from the title. what's the secret for "jeopardy's" newest superstar next. [ laughter ]
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you know you're a big deal when you've got the boss introducing you with a song. california chrome is certainly that. big win saturday at the preakness stakes, could be the first horse in 36 years to win the triple crown. but now his owners are warning california chrome may not race at all. the issue here is right here. take a look at that. that's a nasal strip. it may not be permitted at the belmont stakes. joining us is steve coburn, co-owner of california chrome. congratulations to you. thank you for joining us. tell us that your horse will race. >> well, thank you for having me, first of all. but i think art sherman is already on top of that, our trainer. this horse has been running with these nasal strips. if i'm not mistaken they don't do any enhancement at all. what they do is help the horse
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cool down after the race by keeping the nasal passages open because the horse that runs, all the blood capillaries in the nose are fully developed or out there where they're supposed to be. it's actually -- if you read the package, it helps the horse cool down after the race. >> what if they say to you, you slap them on right after the race is over so the horse can cool down? will you put him in there? >> i don't know. we want to run. we really do. i think the people in new york want us to bring this horse there. i think they want to see him run. >> so what are you telling us? if they say to you, hey, we don't allow these strips, how serious are you about maybe pulling the horse when you've got a triple crown right there, just an arm's reach away? >> well, i can't answer that honestly. this is a question that i'll have to take up with my other partner, perry martin, and art sherman.
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he knows what's best for the horse. that's why we pay the man, to make sure this horse is where he needs to be. we just have to take it one day at a time, from here to there. i know the horse is scheduled to ship out, but we're going to wait and see what happens. >> is there a legit health concern? has anybody told you that something bad could happen to the horse if it doesn't have the strips? >> no, nobody has told me anything like that. >> so what's pressing your concern? what's driving it? superstition that this is the way the norse knows to run? >> that, and the fact he's run with them for quite some time now. if i'm not mistaken, the standard breds, you see a lot of those horses with the nasal strips on. so i don't know when the rule came into play, but i know i've seen horses with these nasal strips on before. it could have been different tracks. i really don't know. i can't be honest about that. we've seen them on the standard
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bred trotters and pacers in new york. >> so what happens if they allow them to race or they don't allow the strips and you race him anyway and he wins the triple crown. are we going to see california chrome brand nasal strips made for humans? >> i don't know. >> that's a good idea. come on. that's a good idea right there, steve. if you got nothing out of this interview, you got that. that's a good idea. >> that might happen. it could happen. it probably will. i don't know the truth about it, but it might happen. >> one of the compelling things is, it's such a story. this horse was never supposed to be here. this isn't the way race horse breeding is done. you were never supposed to hold on to them when you got offered a big payout, 51%. yet you kept doing the improbable all along the way. did you ever think you would have gotten to where you are today? >> yes, i did.
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>> how so? >> i've been saying it since the day i saw him. i saw the colt. i saw him when he was a day old. i saw him in a dream three weeks prior to that. i told my wife, i said this horse is going to do big things. i don't know what yet, but he's going to do big things. he's proven us right so far. we believe in our horse. we believe in our trainer. he is proving to america right now that he is america's horse. i just found out this morning he got a 105 buyer for the breekness yesterday. that's six races in a row this horse has won. he's going to be tested if we go to the belmont stakes because he does have a target on his back. he'll be tested. there's fresh horses coming in, new players in the game. we're just going to have to wait and see how the chips fall where they may. >> you think he has it in him? >> i know he has it in him. >> can you tell anything about the horse, that there's any sense that the horse knows what's coming?
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or is that just something we project on to the animal? >> no. this horse, he's very, very smart horse, very intelligent. he knows when he gets on a new track, every horse, they put them on a track to get a feel for the dirt. believe it or not, they can actually feel the dirt. and get him on the track, get him trotting on a track and gallop him on the track so this horse can get a feel. willy delgado, our exercise rider, he tells art what kind of condition this horse is in. when this horse goes to the track, put the blinkers on him, he knows it's the real deal. my wife and i see it with the horse every day before. we give him his treat, the pasture horse cookies and we see him the day after the race. when he sees us show up, he knows it's the real deal.
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when the blinkers go on, he knows it's the real deal. time to play. >> now it's easy to justify the decision. just to remind people, on april 5th after he won the santa anita derby, you were offered $6 million, 51%, a controlling stake. you turned it down. how hard a decision was that at the time? >> not at all. not for me, not for our partner because we believe in our horse. we believe what we did was right. >> the big prize. history, you'll be joining not even a dozen horses in history to get this done. when do you get the word from the officials on whether or not your horse can run with the strips? >> i really don't know. art sherman, they had to leave here very early this morning to catch their flight home. i'll probably know in a day or two what the situation is. we'll go from there. >> all right, steve. hopefully we see chrome in it. it would be great to see some
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history made, certainly great for you, but the rest of us as well. good luck going forward. >> thank you, sir, very much. >> hope to see you again. kate? >> i like that guy. coming up next on "new day," it has been quite a run on "jeopardy" for julia collins. in fact, she's the longest running female champion of all time. she'll join us next to talk about what the ride has been like and how she's done it. what's in your ear? oooo! a quarter! check for more! well, i guess i can double check... my watch! [ male announcer ] it pays to double check, with state farm.
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♪ >> an eight-day total of $170,610. that makes you the new "jeopardy" champion. a tn desch day total of $220,610. >> that's a sound our next guest has gotten very used to hearing. yulia kol slins a "jeopardy" superstar. ten games. she returns to try to set another record. she's only about $2,000 away from becoming the winningest female in "jeopardy" history. julia joins us this morning from chicago. are you getting used to being called that yet, a "jeopardy" champ? >> i don't know if you get used to it. it never stops being excited. >> only three other people in the history of the show that
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have won as much as you have. that is quite an honor. >> thank you. it's been a lot of fun. i feel like i've been very lucky to be able to be on the show as long as i have. i think everybody who watches the show or wants to be on the show just wants to play. i've been really lucky to get to do that so much. >> you've been darn good as part of it. i don't think luck has much to do with this one, julia. i don't know if this is a trade secret. what is your strategy? what is your "jeopardy" strategy? >> there are a lot of strategies out there. mine is the first one, try to be the first to answer the question correctly. i don't do anything too fancy. i try to keep control of the game board. that's the real key. >> how do you know all this stuff? >> exactly, and can you teach us, please? >> are you constantly studying? >> i read a lot. i think that's the biggest
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thing. i read a lot and i have a really good memory. i loved to read when i was growing up. i still read a lot now. i read "us weekly," i read "the new york times," i read cnn, novels, non-fiction. that's a big part of it. i think i'm lucky to have a good memory. i've trained that part of my brain to work as well as possible. i was an art history major in college. i did a lot of memorizing and learning facts and information. that's really where i excel. i'm happy i found a great outlet. >> the one-two punch. if you absorb the information and it goes in one ear and out the other, it's not going to be of use. i'm curious, what do you do for a living? >> right now i'm between jobs and just enjoying my time on "jeopardy." i've been working in supply chain in various areas professionally, i was a management consultant for a few
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years, and i got a masters in management. i worked in inventory management and planning. >> interesting. >> pretty wide range. >> we love firsts. we personally together, we love busting through the glass ceiling on anything. does it matter to you that you are -- can be the winningest female in jeopardy history? >> it's very exciting. i do like to focus on that i'm right now in fourth place overall for all jeopardy winners. i think that's -- that i fall in the ranks of people who are really great at this no matter what their gender. that to me is the bigger deal. but i'm a proud product of single-sex education. i'm a big promoter of women being the best they can be. it's exciting to have my own
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little tiny place in that. >> nothing makes the case vor gender equality like achievement. so by actually winning, you say everything you need to say. >> are you one of those types that yells at the tv when you're watching "jeopardy?" we all do at home. >> it would be the one question i know the answer to. >> absolutely. i've done it -- i've even done it at the gym which is very embarrassing. >> do people try to stump you all the time? are they like what is the capital of jib beauty? >> a little bit. i won a bottle of wine at work by knowing the capital of djibouti, it's djibouti. >> we're very pleesd. we cannot wait to see the outcome of today. we don't want to put any undue pressure on you. we expect you to win because you're representing all women all the time. >> thank you for the vote of confidence. >> i want you to win so you're
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the champ and i can say i talked to you. >> that's a great reason, too. >> longest running female "jeopardy" champ from the chicago area. thanks for joining us on "new day." >> what is the name of the "jeopardy" song? >> we can all sing it. >> we'll figure it out in the break. up next, we have a very special young man, becoming the newest member of the new orleans saints. how? by refusing to being defined by his limitations. devon walker. "good stuff" coming up. that's why i got my surface. it's great for watching game film and drawing up plays. it's got onenote, so i can stay on top of my to-do list, which has been absolutely absurd since the big game. with skype, it's just really easy to stay in touch with the kids i work with. alright, russell you are good to go! alright, fellas.
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[ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system. only from xfinity. tv and internet together like never before. captain: and here's a tip. bellman: thanks, captain obvious. when you save money on hotel rooms, it's just like saving money on anything else that costs money. like shoes, textiles, foreign investments, spatulas, bounty hunters, javelins...
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c'mon, you want heartburn? when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast, with tums. heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact. and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum... tums! ♪ julia actually does know the answer to the question. again, the "jeopardy" theme song. the name and composer? >> it's called "think" written by her v griffin. >> that is correct. what was it originally titled? >> that i don't know. you stumped me. >> well, well, well. >> here is the difference. julia knew it and chris googled
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it. >> she googled it in the break, and i knew it. good luck, julia. >> i want a pop-up video of julia throughout the show. we ask all these questions and we never know the answer. >> she could be saying, chris, you're wrong. time for "the good stuff." today's edition is devon walker, starting safety until he collided with a teammate, paralyzing from the shoulders down. he demanded to stay with his studies and keep supporting his team. >> i've always been a person not to start something and not finish it. >> over the weekend, two very important things happened. first, he graduated. >> devon walker, congratulations. [ cheers and applause ] >> one of those guys that -- so special, so inspirational. you know that he is destined for so many great things in his life. just blessed to know him. >> drew brees was there for an
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on rare degree. devon can call himself something else, teammate of drew brees. the second thing that happened is that he signed with the new orleans saints. >> you see the leadership. i think it permeated through the team. i think all of them became better for having been around devon and the inspiration he's given. it just rubs off. it can't help but rub off on you. >> strong move by the stants. great for devon. good stuff and more good stuff, a double dose today. there's a reason for a double dose, the "new day" family is growing, senior producer lauren welcomed ryan max and benjamin chase into the world. born a minute ap past. the competition already begins. congratulations, lauren and max. >> brian max and benjamin chase. >> strong names. >> no chris in there. >> so excited for josh and
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lauren. >> and that's how it should be. time for the "newsroom," carol costello. also known as chris. >> what? >> and every show, carol. just take it, please, and run. >> i will, kate. such good advice from you this morning. have a great day, tie goois. "newsroom" starts now. many in a massive worldwide string, hundreds of hackers accused of gaining control of your home computer and secretly snapping pictures of you without your knowledge. you might remember the story of cassidy wolf, ms. teen usa, a hacker got control of her webcam, snapped nude photos of her in her bedroom. she had absolutely no idea this was happening. then the


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