tv Wolf CNN May 19, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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is the talk of the town, but could all the attention now spoil her prospects for later? we'll discuss. hello, i'm wolf blitzer reporting today from new york. first, the justice department has filed charges against a handful of chinese government officials. they're accused of hacking into american companies and entities to steal secrets. among then, u.s. steel. the steelworkers union. and westinghouse electric. >> this is a case alleging economic espionage by members of the chinese military. the range of trade secrets and other sensitive business information stolen in this case is significant. and demands an aggressive response. the indictment alleges that these pla officers maintained unauthorized access to victim computers to steal information from these entities that would be useful to their competitors from china, including
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state-owned enterprises. >> china, meanwhile, responded to the charges saying they are, in their words, absurd. jim sciutto, our chief national security correspondent, is covering the story for us. the first time this crackdown against another country has occurred. what could be the cost if the chinese precreciprocate? >> they called these charges absurd, canceled this u.s. cyber working group. one example of u.s./china cooperation. they canceled that. it does have consequences. china does not like to have these things publicly exposed and this public shaming strategy in effect here is something the u.s. in the past had been reluctant to do but basically ran out of patience. the costs are estimated to be $100 billion a year in losses to u.s. businesses for cyber spying as a whole, with china being the leader there.
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500,000 lost jobs. people back home watching this think this is a distance problem. it really reaches into everyone's pockets here because it has real costs. when you talk about these issues, you know, in china this is not an issue of bad behavior, this is government policy. it's got the approval of the senior leadership. it's got the involvement, in this case, of the people's liberation army. it is something that happens with the full knowledge and direction of the chinese government. >> so clearly, jim, these were by no means isolated incidents? >> they are not. i spent a couple years in beijing. this is really arguably, if not the top issue, one of the top issues of disagreement between the u.s. and china because it has real economic cost to u.s. businesses and our trading relationship with china is principally a trading relationship. so many companies have faced this, dozens of american companies. in the past, they've been rue electricant to highlight it too much. one, because they worry about
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advertising that some of their pricey technology's been stolen. two, they also fear that if they come out and say this and kind of complain from the rooftops, some companies looking at this as a cost of doing business in china. trouble is, it's a big cost. it got to the point where it's too much of a cost. really you see in these charges here, u.s. officials and those companies involved running out of patience. >> it's a big deal indeed. jim sciutto, thank you. also, arrests in another hacking crackdown. the software gives hackers access to hundreds of thousands of home computers, being able to access webcams and to steal credit card information. >> we now live in a world where for just $40 a cyber criminal halfway across the globe can, with just a click of the mouse, unleash a rat that can spread a computer plague not only on
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someone's property but also on their privacy and their most personal spaces. in such a world, the law enforcement community must be committed to fighting cyber crime with creativity and that is what we have done here. >> the fbi, along with police in around 20 countries, carried out the year-long investigation. we are now less than a week away from the presidential elections in ukraine. they're scheduled for saturday. in the meantime, russian president vladimir putin has once again said he'll pull back troops from eastern ukrainian border areas. our matthew chance is in moscow. matthew, so what was putin's order as far as the troops, 30,000, 40,000 russian troops along the ukrainian border, on the russian side? >> right, 30,000 to 40,000 accord to nato estimates. the russians aren't confirming that. vladimir putin in a meeting with the russian national security committee saying he's giving the
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order to pull those troops back from the ukrainian border, where he says they're on a routine training exercise that's now come to an end. it sounds very convincing of course. if it's true, wolf, then it could be a major step towards deescalating the crisis in ukraine. the problem is of course this is the third time that vladimir putin, the russian president, has issued this order publicly. these troops to go back. so far, there's been no movement on them. saying it's seen no substantial movement of troops since this third order has been given. so the whole order at this stage being treated with some skepticism, but perhaps it gives the impression that vladimir putin is taking a softer stance perhaps towards the crisis in ukraine. >> as they say, actions speak louder than words. we'll see if the troops are actually pulled back, especially in the coming days leading up to the presidential elections in ukraine. as you know, matthew, the russian foreign policy, sergei
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lav rlove, he had some words fo the united states, european union. tell us what he says. >> that's right, sergey lavrov speaking in slovakia with his counterpart saying the whole relationship between russia and nato, russia and the european union, should be re-examined. there's been this huge fallout over the crisis in ukraine. these two sides, the old cold war battle lines perhaps being drawn. they're just not seeing eye to eye, west, the european union, nato and russia on this issue. what the west wants, it seems, is a federal constitution in ukraine. that means they will control large area, of the country. that would mean it could prevent ukraine from joining nato. i think we'll see more trouble between the east and west in the future. >> i think you're absolutely right. all right, matthew, thanks very
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much. let's go to the white house right now. our correspondent there michelle kosinski is standing by. what else are they saying about this latest announcement from the russian president? as matthew chance says, the third time he says those troops are moving away from the border. >> in three words, not buying it. senior administration officials today saying there's no evidence russia is moving any troops away from that region. russia has said they're going to do so several times in the past. few things really come to light here from what administration officials were say. first of all, no evidence of any movement, and secondly, no evidence that russia has actually been conducting these military training exercises at the border, which is the excuse russia gave in the first place for moving those tens of thousands of troops there by estimates of the ukrainians and also western countries. the u.s. isn't the only one who think, so at this point. the nato secretary-general is
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also saying they see no evidence of any movement. today, the white house said that officials are watching the situation, they're tracking it closely. but that they need clear firm evidence that russia is actually doing or going to do what it promised to do in geneva last month, and that was take real steps to deescalate the situation. so they really say they don't see anything to indicate that russia's changing course at this point, wolf. >> we'll see exactly what russia does in the coming days. as you and our viewers know, the u.s., including the president of the united states, has made clear if the russias do interfere in these upcoming elections, that will result in even harsher u.s. and international sanctions against russia so the stakes are clearly enormous. everyone assumes hillary clinton will run for president in 2016. a lot of people do. that certainly does make her a prime target for some political
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attacks. one gop strategist warning that going after her now could actually backfire, though, on the party. later, the long, often deadly wait times at veterans hospitals across the united states. alleged attempts to cover them up. other hospitals now added to the list. are the largest targets in the world, for every hacker, crook and nuisance in the world. but systems policed by hp's cyber security team are constantly monitored for threats. outside and in. that's why hp reports and helps neutralize more intrusions than anyone... in the world. if hp security solutions can help keep the world's largest organizations safe, they can keep yours safe, too. make it matter.
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now you could have done it twice. this is awkward. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. hillary clinton hasn't said if she'll run for president of the united states in 2016 but a lot of people believe it's inevitable. that's exactly what concerns the massachusetts governor duval patrick. he spoke with cnn's candy crowley on "state of the union." >> when you look at 2016, is this hillary all the way, do you think? >> well, i don't know. i guess i worry a little bit. she's an enormously capable candidate. and leader. but i do worry about the inevidenceability thing,
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inevitability thing. because i think it's off-putting to the average voter. that was an element to her complain the last time. i would just as an enthusiastic democrat, i just hope that the people around her pay attention to that this time around. >> clint beons enemies are alre gunning for her. hinting she may have suffered a brain injury in 2012. federal republican strategist alex castellanos warns that kind of attack could wind up hurting republicans. he write, right now, the gop is a cause few are proud to join. we are a dark and purposeless confederation, known for primarily saying no and telling people not what they can be. but what they should not do, we seem to employ our principles with only the darkest and the most offensive intentions.
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this assault on hillary clinton will only aggregate that perception of the gop and the moment couldn't be worse. let's bring in our political d analyst. let's talk, should hillary clinton be worried about all the attention she's getting now? >> a major test for her is going to be when this book comes out next month. >> her book. >> "hard choices." her retrospective about her time at the state department. then we will see what the fire in the belly level is. what the inevitability level is something she's riding along on. last time, barack obama was already known to be sort of waiting in the wings. i'm hard pressed to wait for another candidate as strong as obama this time around who could challenge her from the left. i think duval patrick is right, voters want to see you work for it. >> joe biden, there's been a whole bunch of other news. a lot of folks, the elizabeth
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warren, they're not going to run. >> elizabeth warren says she's not going to run. i actually take her at her word. i believe andrew cuomo will not run. if she does, joe biden is a question mark. she's very formidable this time in a way she was not in '08. >> let's talk about the new jersey governor chris christie. he seems to take a swipe at her tenure as the secretary of state. let me play this little clip. this is chris christie, the new jersey governor. >> we are and have become a dysfunctional government. but even our own people snicker, laugh at, ignore and our disgusted by. it was a time in this world when america's government was something to emulate. >> so is that an attack more on hillary clinton or barack obama? >> a little of both. equal opportunity. you're seeing a lot of
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republicans taking aim at her state department tenure these days. rand paul has been doing it. you'll see a lot more. it's also something republicans are attempting to keep the element where she can carve out some distance from obama. >> her book that's coming out, the book coming out in june, basically is a strong defense of her record at the state department as secretary of state. >> as we understand it, yes. there's supposedly a whole chapter about benghazi or a substantial section about benghazi that's going to be her laying out her defense just as her hearings are going on. i think you can expect to hear a lot about that in the lead-up to the book. she has a section about iran. a section about a lot of different things. she'll have to articulate clearly for people what she accomplished as secretary of state. that is something where republicans see a gap where they can take aim at. >> i assume she'll explain what she meant when she said was difference does it make, that clip you keep hearing over and over again, referring to the
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view of what happened at benghazi. >> her people saying she was being taken out of context. she was talking about the specific motives about how this came to be. i expect you'll hear a lot more about that. >> thanks very much. we'll be hearing a lot more from you as well. reporting for us. up next, the outrage over the v.a. hospital scandal. that outrage is growing. our drew griffin, he broke the story. he's got more. the latest developments coming up. later, are we ready for a possible outbreak of the mers virus in the united states? we're going to see what hospitals are doing to prepare.
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outrage is growing in the scandal over the long, sometimes deadly wait times that veterans are, at hospitals across the country have to endure. cnn first reported as many as 40 veterans died while waiting for appointments at the phoenix v.a. hospital alone. the white house has come under increasing pressure from veteran groups to take action. senior investigative correspondent drew griffin broke the story it he, he's been foll up for several months now. "the washington post" reporting that the obama administration was put on notice more than five years big these problems. what can you tell us? >> you can find evidence back to 2007 when senator barack obama was on the campaign trail, and at thing the vfw he is going to end these wait times. saying no veteran should wait months and months or years to get an appointment.
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now they're reporting in the transition period the incoming obama administration was not only warned about these wait times but specifically warned the v.a.'s data is unreliable. that's something we've been reporting. quite frankly, the government accountability office has been reporting for up to a decade now. >> we've not yet matched that reporting, is that right? >> "the washington times" claims it has those documents. we've gone to the v.a. and asked for that information and have not gotten it yet. >> also the national so-called secret list in phoenix. the allegation that somehow records were destroyed. what's the latest? >> the house veterans affairs committee subpoenaed the v.a.'s top brass. that subpoena is due back today to congress to find out exactly
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whom in the v.a. was doing any kind of e-mailing or passing back information on this quote/unquote secret list, and specifically to your point, wolf, whether or not there was any prior knowledge that the evidence of this list was being destroyed. the house veteran affairs committee claims they've been stymied by the v.a. brass, getting information, that's why they had that subpoena. that subpoena is trdue back tod. we're waiting to hear what evidence has been accumulated from that request. >> there's another story out there on the daily beast, this one that another hospital has been linked to the scandal. the report suggesting that veterans with heart conditions, even brain tumors, were forced to wait for months at the v.a. hospital in albuquerque, new mexico. what do we know about that? how extensive are these problems, not only in phoenix but elsewhere? >> as we're finding more and more whistleblowers come forward, more and more whistleblowers are finding the
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courage to come forward. this latest coming forward to the daily beast. we've reported lately in gainesville, florida, in heinz v.a. center outside chicago, in san antonio, texas. currently ten different sites where investigations are going on. we've also reported there have been 23 deaths linked to delays in care in these nine states. so this is reported deaths confirmed by the v.a. due to delays in care. so you can see this is a widespread problem not only in delays and care but also as we move forward now, ten different sites are being investigated for what we've called cooking the books to try to hide these numbers from not only us and the veterans but also apparently from v.a. headquarters in washington. >> and as you know, the veterans affairs secretary, eric shinseki, he's promised to get to the bottom of all this. how are the veterans responding?
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i guess, in short, how much credibility does he have with these organizations? >> he's gotten a lot of leeway in the five years he's been in office because i think he is a respected war general. the groups are running out of patients. the american legion called for his ouster. our groups aren't sure if his ouster is going to do anything. the big question for the obama administration is who's next who will come in and lead this organization and try to change what we believe is the culture, the bureaucracy, that is allowing this stuff to happen over and over again? >> drew griffin reporting for us. excellent reporting indeed. thank you. for the first time ever, a case of the mers virus was transmitted right here in the united states. we're going to find out in the health care system is ready to cope with an outbreak. cnn travels inside the strong hold of boko haram inside nigeria. when someone joins the terror group, they never leave. we'll have a live report.
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in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. remember, all medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay and could really save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose your own doctor or hospital as long as they accept medicare patients. and with these plans, there could be low or no copays. you do your push-ups today? prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] don't wait. call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. welcome back. i'm wolf blitzer reporting from new york. a third american has now tested positive for the mers virus. for the first time, the person contracted the virus right here in the united states. in this case, it was passed from a patient in indiana who had previously been in saudi arabia
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where virtually all of the recent cases originated. this case may also have come from casual contact which was earlier thought to have almost been unheard of when it comes to mers. but are u.s. hospitals ready for some kind of outbreak? brian todd is joining us. he's been look at this part of the question. how vulnerable is the u.s. health care system to this potential disaster out there? >> it certainly could be vulnerable in some places. hospitals in the u.s. are ramping up. with this new case, the fir one believed to be transmitted within the u.s., in addition to the existing two cases inside the united states, we went to some hospitals to look at how they prepared. serious new warnings from disease specialists on the potentially deadly virus. >> we definitely should expect more cases. >> reporter: experts say the explosion of air travel between the middle east, where mers originated, and the u.s. makes
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that likely. are hospitals ready? they've been rn whatted for at least a year, been instructed by the cdc. here's a first line of defense. a negative pressure isolation room where mers patients can be treated. it's got a special vent that moves virus exposed air into a super filter. >> the idea behind it is not circulate any germs or viruses to other parts of the hospital. >> reporter: american health care workers have been told to heavily screen patients who have mers sim tops like coughing and fever to ask them whether they've to the middle east recently. they're making care workers wear protective gloves, gowns and -- >> this is the mask our workers wear. >> reporter: a mask that provides more protection. some small towns might not be as prepare because their health departments have been hit with budget cuts. >> we might not have the number of epdeem idemiologists or othe
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the public health field responsible for investigating these cases or monitoring the surveillance systems in place. >> reporter: in small towns or big cities anywhere, medical staffers are at higher risk. >> simple a thing as just washing hands. with water and soap. it really, really essential. >> reporter: this doctor has battle mers in the middle east and sars in asia and canada. he says sometimes the procedures they use to treat patients are what make health care workers vulnerable. >> to open up airways, to put a lot more virus into the air and the shared breathing space that health care workers have with their patients. >> reporter: dr. lucy says during the sars outbreak it got to the point where health care workers treating patients had to be monitored to make sure they were being changing gowns
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between each patient and doing it in the proper sequence. it's possible that may have to happen again during this. >> the two individuals came back to the united states from saudi arabia. this third case is very different. explain. >> reporter: this is different, because this is the first case transmitted actually on u.s. soil. the other two cases, the previous two cases, those two gentlemen, got it in saudi arabia, flew to the united states and potentially exposed a lot of people. those tests have come back negative. so far, there's some pretty good news there. with this first case transmitted on u.s. soil, that's what makes it different. now officials are going to have to track that person's contacts. >> very, very worrisome. although this third individual is apparently in very good shape. >> that's right.
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he did not feel sick at all really during the time he had it. but, again, he may have been infectious at some point, so they've got to try to track the people who he came in contact with. >> good point, brian, thank you. up next, the ties that bind a congressional candidate in tomorrow's pennsylvania primary. some major family political connections to the clintons. what will that make? will that make a difference? gloria borger standing by. and two nigerian informants tell cnn they know where boko haram training camps are located but they say no one will listen. a live report from inside the prime recruiting ground. our arwa damon.
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there's a democratic primary race in pennsylvania for a house seat that attracted a lot of nationwide attention. some very high-profile campaigners including bill and hillary clinton. one of the congress candidates is chelsea clinton's mother-in-law. the ties between marjorie margolies and the clinton family date back more than 20 years to the clinton presidency. our chief political analyst gloria borger explains. >> i would be here if her son was not my son-in-law. >> reporter: she is marjorie margolies. her son happens to be married to chelsea clinton. chelsea is now expecting a baby. >> marc and i are very excited.
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>> reporter: and her mom may be running for president. your son has married into a political dynasty. what's that like? >> it's surprisingly normal. >> reporter: that depends on how you define normal. because the back story of the two families is anything but. >> i'm not coming here saying vote for her because 20 year ago she saved the economy. >> reporter: she also saved clinton's presidency. it was 1993. clinton's defining economic plan was on the house floor and about to die. >> the republicans were high fiving, saying it's going down. >> reporter: she was a holdout. a philadelphia freshman who had won by just over 1,000 votes. >> a lot of democrats were talking about changing their vote. >> reporter: that's when the president called. >> i said, i will only be your last vote. i know how important this is. >> reporter: he hung up and then watched her from the white house. >> we all gather around this little one-foot, you know,
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13-inch screen and watch the vote. marjorie walked down the aisle to cast the vote and republicans stood there and taunted her. they said, bye-bye, marjorie, bye-bye, marjorie. >> the vote was needed. i gave him the 218. >> i'm quite sure he knew that was a political death nell. >> reporter: and it was. >> i do not regret my vote, nor do i apologize. there was a lot of hostility in that room. >> reporter: that would send her packing after just one term. fast forward 20 years. and now her old seat is open, with one big difference. the district has been redrawn and it's solidly democrat. so she's at it again. locked in a tight primary as an advocate for abortion rights and the middle class. is this a little bit the politics of redemption to agree? >> i'm not sure. i think it would be more
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resilient. i don't have any retirement skills. >> reporter: she spent the last two decades on women's europeans both outside and inside politics. >> sexual harassment on capitol hill, is it there? >> do you think women have a harder time still running? >> when i was running in the '90s, i always got questions as to who's taking care of your question. even if the questions aren't asked, they're there. >> reporter: in this campaign, she started as the big-name front-runner. and has been attacked on campaign finances for coasting early on and for her use of a valuable asset, the clintons. >> he seems like a great guy. but everything he's talking about happened in the past. >> we always knew that if they came in too much, we would be blamed for their coming in too much. if they didn't come in enough, that people would say, they didn't come in enough.
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you're kind of damned if you do and damned if you don't. they have done everything we've asked them to do. and i am running on what i have accomplished in the last 20 years. and not on my affiliation with the clintons. >> but she's not exactly running away from them either. >> this district will be well served if you elect her. >> reporter: did she consult with the former president about running? >> i called and he said, i think it's a good idea. but that's pretty much it. >> reporter: she's even more guarded if you dare to ask some personal questions about life in the clinton family. >> it's just, it's an area that i will not get into. they are lovely. the clintons couldn't be any nicer. >> reporter: are you going to talk about what it's going to be like to be co-grandmother in chief?
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>> no. >> reporter: after four decades in the public eye, margolies knows how to stay on message. >> she has said she has made up her mind and i take her at her word. >> reporter: so? >> she has said she's making up her mind and i take her at her word. she has said -- >> gloria's joining us now from washington. so how does the race tomorrow shape up? is she going to win? what's it look like? >> well, you know, there's a four-way democratic primary. as we said in the piece, this is now a democratic seat, not a largely republican seat. whoever wins the democratic novemb nomination, sort of the odds-on favorite. she does have some stiff competition. the poles are kind of unreliable. as you know. she seems to be up by a handful of points. she's got one main challenger.
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she is not a shoo-in by any stretch. that is why she's had to call in the big guns, which are the clintons. >> good work, gloria. good work on that report. you know what else is even more important, gloria borger received an honorary degree from her alma mater colgate university this weekend, gave the commencement address. there you are, gloria. you'll see her up there. we've got a great picture of you at colgate university. we know your husband lance was there, your boys were there. an kitie in exciting time for et colgate. not only she worked to get her actual degree but now she's got an honorary doctorate as well. >> wolf, thank you. >> congratulations. congratulations to colgate university an excellent school in new york state. up ahead, nigeria's borno state is a prime recruiting ground for boko haram. cnn went there, met with two informants who say they know where the terror camps are
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about 200 nigerian schoolgirls are still missing five weeks after they were abducted in the middle of the night by the boko haram terror group. our senior correspondent arwa damon went to the region. she met with informants who say they know where the group's camps are located. >> reporter: we meet in a safe house, just speaking to us could cost them their lives. already at risk. >> this is the only way. >> reporter: mo hamd and osama, not these two men's real name, are government informants on the feared terrorist group boko haram. thieve se
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they have seen the group's influence spread and lure in their friends. >> they take you. once you move to their training camp, that is the end. you won't come back again. >> reporter: recruiting from among the poor who tend to make up their rank and file fighters, and drawing in the educated, trained in explosives. the two informants we met described their links to boko haram as being to midlevel fighters. they're not from the same state, where more than 200 schoolgirls were kidnapped. that is here, that is here, boar know state where boko haram's radical ideology was born. unchecked by the government. the group grew more violent and ruthless, kidnappings becoming common. >> take them to the bush and force them to join or kill you. >> reporter: the informants have heard of shadowy links to al qaeda.
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their friends who joined trained in sudan and somalia. they claim to know exactly where boko haram's camps are in their area but they say the government has failed to act. similar to the accusations that nigerian forces were warned in advance about the attack. >> they will use them. they will use them to negotiate with the government about those of their members that have been detained by the government. or the use them as human shields. >> reporter: they've seen their friends slaughtered and they know the group will show no mercy. >> reporte a major, major report on your part. does the nigerian government take this intelligence seriously or not? >> reporter: well, that's been one of the key problems these
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two informants were telling us about, why other people are reluctant to come forward with information that they may have because they feel the authorities either don't take it seriously enough or quite simply aren't acting upon it. plus there's the risk that's involved so if an individual is going to come forward with this kind of information, risk their lives the way these two men are they want to know at that at the very end of it there's going to be some sort of measures that are take on the make that risk they're undergoing worth it wolf. >> arwa damon risking her life that do amazing reporting to cnn. let me point out to our viewers in the united states and around the world that you are going to be receiving the courage in journalism award in october for all the amazing work that you have done over nears years. a lot of us remember when in your opinion baghdad during the war in baghdad during 2003 and all the other dangerous spots you've gone in, risking your life on so many occasions as you are right now so on behalf of
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all of us at cnn, all of our viewers around the world, thanks very much. job well done, well deserved courage in journalism award for arwa coming up here in new york in october. we will be there with you, arwa, to celebrate. congratulations. up next, anthony bourdain has a change of heart about the u.s. state he once said he wouldn't even want to visit. coming up, he tells anderson cooper about his newfound appreciation for his latest destination. ♪ [ male announcer ] if you can clear a table [ sneezes ] without lifting a finger, you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®
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anthony bourdain admit he is had pre-conceived notions about life past and present on the mississippi delta. then he went there for the latest episode of "parts unknown" and came away with a whole different perspective. he talked with anderson cooper about what he learned. >> you go to the mississippi delta. my family comes from mississippi, my dad's side of the family were poor farmers there. >> i like that challenge my pre-conceptions and prejudices about a place. i grew up in an environment and a world at a time where mississippi was looked down on and looked at with contempt and der ration. it was the place, you know -- i grew up thinking mississippi, they shot dennis hopper and peter fonda in "easy rider." i'm not going there.
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they're all racists and hicks. but it's such a deeper story. so it -- you know, when you're -- when you grow up with a prejudice like that it's increasingly interesting me to challenge that. >> in the wake of kat kathurric sandy i went to biloxi one day, mary mahoney's and the owner came out and said "hey, anderson, welcome back." i said "what do you mean?" he said "you were here with your father in 1975" when i was seven years old or eight years old or something and he showed me the table where i sat with my dad. i just -- there's something about mississippi that, i don't know, there's a memory there. there's a -- there's a history there. >> it's beautiful. physically it's a beautiful place. look, i like going to a place where i sort of blunder about, a yankee where a place has nothing to hear or learn from yankees.
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>> how was the food? >> awesome. great. i went down there for the first time and my friend said "everything's cover in sugar and fried." >> that's not true also. where did the food that we call southern down home old school southern cooking, where did that come from? who created that food? what we're calling southern food now on tv, how is that different than the -- is it the real thing or is it a mutation? you know, the traditional southern cooking in its purest, earliest form and over time was a very different and often healthier thing. >> you can see more of anthony bourdain later tonight, 9:00 p.m. eastern. he takes on bolder flavors, bigger adventures, he's exploring punjab, india, for "parts unknown." 9:00 p.m. eastern later tonight. now the story that had a lot of people holding their breath. would a three-year-old colt about to make history be allowed to wear a nasal strip next month
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at the belmont stakes? now we have an answer and the answer is yes. new york racing officials deciding california chrome may use it. good luck. that's it for me. thanks very much for watching. i'll be back at 5:00 p.m. eastern in the situation room. newsroom with brooke baldwin starts right now. wolf blitzer, thank you. great to be with you this week. i'm brooke baldwin. you're watching cnn. got a computer? pay attention. we have to begin today with this international crackdown on this massive separation of privacy involving half a million computers worldwide. so these victims were allegedly terrorized without ever leaving their homes. the fbi says more than 90 people have been arrested. see all these count please? all the green? 19 countries for allegedly using a program called black shades which apparently can turn your web cam into a spy cam and it gets worse from there. cnn obtained this exclusive look
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