tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN May 22, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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this is the greatest day ever. >> when's the last time they let you out? are you kidding? >> he's stilt peeing. that's why he's biting people. they never let him go out to the bathroom. there. he's done. good boy. >> holy cow look at that golf ball hail! home video of the hail storm that ripped through southeastern pennsylvania, some places got an inch of it. and in conditions across the mid-atlantic and beyond, the conditions are ripe at this hour. chad myers is following it all right now at the weather center. >> it has been just an unbelievable day. a good news is a lot of it has calmed down. no more tornado warnings, this started and rolled towards the
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southeast, up here towards the north of scranton, another big one through burkes county. hit hard with the hail. all the storms are going in a curious direction, a direction we never see from the northeast to the southeast. now they're still moving to the southeast and a future of them towards hampton roads. there is the bridge tunnel there on the way up to the delmar, finally, things calmed down. i looked at the video. it is not that far from dover, delaware, to the southwest there almost near river view. we had a helicopter shot flown over during the hour with wolf blitzer. i could tell, the tops of the trees, there is the video there. the trees around it really indicate what happened. some fell to the east, some to the north, some to the south. when that happens it is not a straight line wind. it is definitely some type of twisting and the tops of the trees were twisted off as well
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and the stump is still sticking there, even ten or 20 feet high. but all the tops of the trees completely ripped away. obviously a tornado there. this is not the same type of tornado we get in texas and colorado, but there are so many people in the way of the weather like this. obviously so many downed trees and power lines, because the population density is just so great. >> chad, appreciate the update, thank you. and the story of a 15-year-old, who reportedly vanished and turned up ten years later with sexual assault and kidnapping and drugging. all this with the mother who never thought she would see her daughter again. some say her story is impossible to believe. the attorney joins us shortly. first, the facts as we know them and allegations from kyung lah. >> i'm so happy and -- god bless to be with my family.
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>> a woman, now 25. who says she spent ten years as a captive, telling cnn affiliate that she was sexually assaulted and then kidnapped by her mother's boyfriend, isidro garcia, and could not escape. >> i tried two times but i can't do it. i can't do it. he always -- >> hit you? >> yeah, hit me again. >> bail is set at a million. >> garcia, in a close circuit there facing multiple charges including felony rape. prosecutors say there were no physical chains but the mental torment bound her to her assaulter. >> convinced her that her family was no longer looking for her and didn't care about her and that she had nowhere to go. and over the course of the decade he continued to physically and sexually abuse her so that she felt like she had nowhere to go. >> she spent the next decade less than 30 minutes away from
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her mother and sisters. in 2004, the girl's mother filed a missing person's report and did television interviews with local reporters about her missing child. with the fake identity the girl eventually married isidro garcia, they had a child together. and a facebook page, all the signs of a young, happy family. it was through facebook that police say the victim first found her sister and got the courage to get in touch with her mother and eventually the authorities. >> the missing persons case started to unravel here at the police department. the victim walked into the police station carrying her own child. she spoke with officers here inside the lobby. she told police that she was a victim of a domestic violence case. she reported her assailant as isidro garcia, also having the alias of tomas medrano, while she spoke with the officers she got on her cell phone who was in santa ana, and she told the
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officers she was a victim in a ten--year-old missing person's case in santa ana. she even gave the police her own missing person's case number. and now the happy reunion. >> oh, my goodness, god is everything. happy, happy, happy. >> but for some, something just doesn't add up. we spoke to several friends and neighbors who tell us the story is just not shocking, they don't believe it is true. >> you lived right here? >> yes. >> maria sanchez is more than just a neighbor, she is a close neighbor and baby-sitter of the victim's child, even attending the baptism ceremony. in five years, she never said anything, says sanchez, she was a loving husband and she lived freely. sanchez says she had a job, her own car and even her own cell phone. garcia's defense attorney believes his client is being railroaded because the couple is
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splitting up. >> every couple going through a divorce may say things and often times say things that simply are not true. it appears that is probably what happened in this case. ten years have gone by and she never ever told one person that something was afoul, whether it be a neighbor. why is it that she never said anything? >> we'll hear more from that lawyer in a moment. kyung lah joins us in a moment. so you talked to a lot of people in the neighborhood. is there really widespread doubt about her story among the neighbors? >> very widespread, we were very surprised about that. when you come upon a story like that, somebody says yeah, yeah, there may have been suspicions. all the people say he was a nice dad who seemed to give this woman everything she wanted. she had a nice apartment, car, cell phone, they doted on their daughter, they say he was somebody who was always there and prov >> all right, the fact this began ten years ago, it was
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reportedly when the woman was 15. it is both legally and otherwise a very awkward fact for the accused. the attorney, who you saw a moment ago in kyung lah's report will be back to join us. charles, i know you said your client has done nothing wrong. what is your client's defense against the charges? >> he didn't do this. it is that simple. anybody who has come in contact with this couple has seen that they have had an ideal marriage. they have -- you could talk to the neighbors. you could talk to the employers. you could talk to the employees. you could talk to friends. you could talk to anybody who has come in contact with this couple. >> this woman, though, says that she was afraid to report your client or get help from neighbors because he was so popular. everybody thought he was a good husband to her, that basically she was afraid she wouldn't be believed. >> no, anderson, that is the way
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the man lived his life. he had no criminal record. he was a hard worker. he held two jobs. he is modest. he is pleasantly simple. he is religious. there is -- there is nothing to substantiate anything of her claim. he is -- there is nothing there. it is just what she is saying. and think about what she is saying. she is coming forward ten years after the fact? ten years, anderson? >> so what do you think was happening? what are you saying was happening? why would she suddenly say these things? >> evidently they were having marital problems. she has her own motives, perhaps. we all know what happens when people break up. the marriage falls apart. people get angry and say things that are not necessarily true. one of the people that -- were interviewed said that he treated her like a queen. >> that was one of the
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neighbors. but i mean, when she first was with your client, wasn't she just 15 years old? california law says there cannot be consent at that age. he was allegedly the boyfriend of her mother, and -- >> from what i understand she was not getting along with her mother. >> but wasn't that statutory rape? >> anderson, we don't know the facts, i was supposed to get discovery from the district attorney, it has nothing to do with the district attorney, they have always been stellar with me. >> but what is your reason -- >> because i have listened to the office, i conducted my own investigation. >> you don't know if she was 15 years old when the relationship started? >> i wasn't there. i need to find out what they have on him. i haven't gotten the discovery. >> it is a little hard to say on the one hand that you have done an investigation and talked for the investigating officers and
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gone on the internet and yet you can't say for sure that woman was 15 years old when your client began whatever there was. >> anderson, i have not talked to the investigating officer, evidently the investigating officer talked to everybody else. >> so you really don't know anything about their relationship other than what the neighbors have said? >> other than what my client has told me and law enforcement has said orally. other than what i have read in a number of news media sources. that type thing. >> okay, but you've read also news media sources that she was 15 years old. if she was 15 years old that would be statutory rape, correct? >> theoretically, if that is what he did and they can prove that would be the case. >> all right, charles frisco, thank you. >> all right, joining me now, ernie, this attorney says the neighbors saw a happy couple that they kissed, they had
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parties. that she was on her own a lot, that she could have escaped or could have said something. does that mean to you that she was not held against her will? >> not at all. the taking of kids under these circumstances are more psychological than physical. there were lots of examples, jaycee dugard in northern california was kept for 18 years. she went out in public and was seen in public with the abductor. shawn hornbeck was abducted when he was 10 years old, kept for four years, rode around the neighborhood on his bicycle. the human brain can only tolerate so much trauma. what these kids do in these situations is adapt. they figure out how to survive. so it is not unusual that a kid would not attempt to get away from a situation like this. >> compounded with that, the situation with the young woman at the time. she recently had just come from mexico and had been in the
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united states for six months at that point. so she really didn't know much about the united states or where to go, things like that, correct? >> well, exactly, and reports indicate that part of the threats used against her were threats of deportation against her family. so how aggressive is a family going to be under circumstances like that. plus, the fact that the abductor was someone known, someone who lived in the home and she was 15 years old. in this country we still deal with the runaway presumption. nobody looks very hard if they assume that the kid left voluntarily. so all of these factors combined to make it very unlikely that she was going to be found. >> you know, it is really amazing when you think about this case assuming this is as she says it is. if she was in fact held captive for basically the past ten years, kidnapped by this man and yet she was only some 30 minutes from her mother's house. i think back to the situation in
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cleveland of the three women held for some ten to own 11 years in the case of the first woman who was held. relatively close to where they were kidnapped from. relatively close to their families' homes. i mean, do we -- when people go missing do we know the right places to look? it just seems an awful lot of times people are held very close. or the perpetrator was very close to where that person lived. >> anderson, the world forgets. we've done a great job in this country in emphasizing the importance of speed. we have amber alerts and rapid distribution and information. but because there is so much information on rapid response there are a lot of people who assume if you don't find a child quickly they're not going to be recoverable. and there are so many examples from elizabeth smart and jaycee dugard to the cleveland girls to so many other cases in which the kids are relatively close by. so we hope the message that
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comes from this is that there is hope of for long-term missing children and the public really needs to be alert and aware and pay attention to these kinds of cases. >> and so often the kidnapper, the captor, the abuser is somebody they knew. somebody the family knew in some capacity. ernie allen, we appreciate you being on. we obviously will continue to follow this story. a quick reminder, set your dvrs so you can follow this story and others, come up next, eric shinseki says he is not quitting. later, what it is like trying to hold the line on a fire that is zero percent contained right now and still growing. look at those flames. we'll be right back. you for $1. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms... let's close.
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eric shinseki sent out a message to veterans, in it he praised what he called the vast majority of hard-working employees pointing to a nationwide audit of every v.a. facility, in addition to the investigations going on in phoenix and elsewhere. his statement went on to say if any allegations under review are substantiated we will act. he goes on to say that president obama ask that the veterans do our duty. and as does ours, we uphold our secret duty. republican congressman jeff miller who appeared last night on the program says to expect serious new developments that well make what we now know look like kindergarten stuff. this coming on a day when rob neighbors arrived at the v.a. hospital in phoenix which has become the sort of ground zero of the story. and that is of course where drew griffin has broke the story. drew, we mentioned the white house officials arriving in
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phoenix. what do we know about the visit? >> well, he arrived a little before 9:00 a.m., and he was supposed to leave now. this was supposed to be a one-day fact-finding trip in which rob nabors met with the veteran staff and the service organizers. most importantly if this happened, roamed that hospital and was able to ask anyone about health care, health care delivery and hopefully he did get some honest answers. we don't know. i reached out to the white house and the v.a. to find out if there was any reaction or statements coming out and we have not gotten anything yet. anderson? >> in the white house, they called on the officials to appear. did they show up? >> no, they did not. they stumped congress again, especially that house veterans affairs committee. congressman jeff miller who you had on last night is chairman of that committee.
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he tried to explain to what happened to wolf blitzer today. but listen to this answer because it just shows the frustration he is having with the v.a. >> last night at 2:30 a.m., we got 3,000 e-mails from them in the dark of night. we had asked earlier in the evening if they would please come and explain to us why it is taking so long. we got a letter back that said we can't come because you have asked us 15 hours ahead of time. the general counsel said he would come to the hill today at 4:00, and so i cancelled my flight home so that i could be here for a brief. we called him and said you're welcome to come up for the brief but only if it is open to the public and the press can be there. we waited all day long. we called nine times for them to tell us whether or not they were going to come. and he never came. we got a call at a quarter to 4:00 from three low level staffers that basically said he didn't want to brief members of
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congress. he wanted to brief the staff and not in front of the press. >> so what is next? i mean, are they going to appear in front of this committee? >> they have given them until wednesday to show up. and if not, anderson, i am told there is going to be a subpoena that forces them to show up by friday. >> so drew, stay right there. i want to bring in the ceo and founder of iraq and afghanistan veterans of america. paul served as a first lieutenant in the infantry rifle platoon leader in the iraq war. paul, you had some tough words for the president. that there needs to be bold change. you don't want to see shinseki resign, correct? >> well, our members right now are furious, we have been talking to them and spent the last couple of days to get a really good sense of where they are. right now they are upset, disappointed, universally outraged. this is nothing new. cnn has done a great job of
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bringing to the front this scandal. and the problems at the v.a. are not new. that is what our members know. they are somewhat happy that the country is finally paying attention to what we have been struggling through for years. >> paul, do you feel like the veterans are being heard through this? that their voice is being heard? >> no, the white house has not reached out aggressively enough. we have not met with the president. i finally got a call from mr. neighbors just moments ago but we haven't heard from the president for four weeks and only recently heard from the secretary. so it is really understanding the full scope of it and the depth of it and frankly understanding that it is not new. if you were not outraged about it before, it is because you were not listening. it goes back to other scandals, hearing after hearing, ig reports, gao reports, so maybe much of american is finding out about it but our veterans have
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known about it for years. >> drew, what are you hearing from veterans? >> i hear the same thing, i'll articulate it maybe a little differently. what the president doesn't understand, this is not a political issue or crisis. the vets i'm talking to see this as a health care crisis and nothing the president has been doing so far is going to make these lines for doctors appointments any shorter. i just talked with a vet who waited two and a half years to get a biopsy. he now has half of his nose and can't pronounce shinseki, let alone if he cares whether shinseki stays or goes. >> beyond the phoney lists and the way people have been trying to cover themselves for not being able to get care for this two-week window, what is the core reason for these delays? is it mismanagement? is it that the v.a. is under-funded and they can't get good doctors and personnel because they're not paying as well? the people gaming the system. what do you think? >> here is the core issue.
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it is well documented that the bush administration was apparent. it is apparent that the obama administration didn't plan well for what happened afterward. this goes to the beginning of his term, there has not been leadership or accountability or a national strategy on veterans. it is a miracle these issues were not politicized. it is a miracle it has not happened sooner. if the president hasn't addressed it earlier because he didn't understand or because he was not listening because veterans have been trying to tell him for years. >> and paul, we interviewed a doctor last night who talked about ten-month waits from iraq and afghanistan with severe ptsd.
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with traumatic brain injuries, with ied blast wounds. i mean, that is unbelievable that a vet who has recently returned has to wait ten months? >> what our members want is a system that works. they don't care about the politics in washington or the chest thumping in front of government hearings. when they step forward and ask for care they want to get it in a timely way with high quality. and unfortunately it has not been the case universally enough and you have been hearing it for years. you've done stories, you have had me on your program in the past few years numerous times to talk about how it is coming to a boil. now, maybe the country understands and we can get the care. especially we need to get it now as afghanistan winds down because it won't get better any time soon. demand will continue to climb as vets come home week after week. >> yeah, drew, thank you, and paul, good to have you on, you
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can find more about the story on up next, the high stakes fires in arizona where the wildfire is raging out of control. plus, a colorado mom trapped inside the wreckage of her car for nearly a week. her car crashed. she was broken, bloodied. all alone, no food or water and no intention of dying. an incredible story of survival. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology.
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sedona and slide rock park. since then it has become an inferno, the evacuations have started. just look at them, thousands out of control. and like them in southern california the fierce wildfire is getting a jump on the fire season threatening lives and property. ana cabrera has more. >> reporter: zero percent contained, ominous words by the firefighters. called the slide fire the blaze near sedona, arizona has already scorched nearly 5,000 acres, the tender dry region is textbook for fires to get out of control. >> fire gets into that steep terrain with heavy fuels and it is wind-driven, it is a bad combination and the potential for a catastrophic wildfire. >> reporter: planes and choppers swoop in, spraying water where hundreds of firefighters are on the front lines battling the fire that is threatening over 3,000 residents. >> it is my home, property and livelihood, everything. >> reporter: frank garrett owns cabins in the area, a popular tourist destination.
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>> we were able to get the employees out. my family out and guests out. >> reporter: residents are bracing for the worst. >> i'm getting ready to get the hell out of here. >> reporter: rushing to grab whatever belongings they can before evacuating. >> i hear it is close, coming, zero percent contained at this point so we have some -- trying forget ahead of the game. >> reporter: one woman desperately trying to find all of her cats. >> we're just trying to round them up and get them to a safer place. so i have three right now and we're looking for about six. >> reporter: authorities say the cause of the fire is under investigation. but that it was probably started by a person. >> it is a big fire, a bit of a beast. >> reporter: a beast at the beginning of a fire season that authorities fear could be long and destructive. >> ana cabrera joining us from flagstaff, so what is the latest, have any structures been damaged?
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>> reporter: the good news, no honests have been damaged. so far no injuries and at last check the fire was some three, three and a half miles. the side where the firefighters are concentrating their efforts. the northwest flank of the area where they're doing dropouts or burnouts, dropping the fire retardant, we're not out of the woods yet. the next three hours will be crucial. mother nature is the big x factor and the winds are still not predictable. you see the huge plume of smoke that is really magnified because the sun is setting, here behind me showing the fire activity that is still burning hot. we're told if we can get through today then fire crews will feel a lot more confident about getting the fire under control, anderson. >> all right, well, we wish them the best. >> anderson, actor michael jace who played a police officer on "the shield" has been formally charged with one count of murder of his wife. april jace was found dead after her husband called 911 to report she had been shot.
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the u.s. agency that investigates air crashes is calling for better testing of lithium ion batteries on the dreamliners and need better standards, here is why, this is what can happen when the batteries short circuit and overheat, which led to a fire on a dreamliner a year ago. and look here, a baby in china falling from a window ledge. wow, do you believe that? he catches the baby. he was a street vendor, anderson. he was just standing there and was able to catch the baby. that is amazing to see. >> and how is the camera right there? >> i know. it looks like maybe surveillance video.
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it is moving a little bit. but he said look, it was human instinct, i'm not a hero. i say he is. up next, one woman's incredible story of survival. did doctors tell you how much longer you could have survived? >> what my parents told me that they were told was probably another eight hours. >> eight hours. >> and then i would have passed. >> her name is kristin hopkins. she survived a terrible car crash. that is how her car ended up. she was stuck in that car for five days. her body was broken, her will to live could not be beat. when does your work end?
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a colorado woman has an incredible tale of survival to tell for the rest of her life. last month, kristin hopkins was traveling from denver, her car ended up in a ravine, she not only survived the crash, she was trapped for nearly a week, with no food or water. her injuries were severe, her feet had to be amputated. she suffered serious injuries and never thought she would die. she was not about to leave her kids. kristin hopkins joins us. kristin, so glad to have the chance to talk to you, first and foremost, how are you doing?
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>> well, i'm doing great, thank you. >> now, i understand you don't have the memory of the actual crash, so at the end of last month you were driving just outside of denver, investigators said you went airborne 120 feet before rolling some 200 feet. does it surprise you you were able to survive that kind of crash? >> yes, i'm very amazed that i survived the crash. >> what is the first memory you have? >> i just remember waking up in the car. it was daylight. and you know, i realized the car had flipped over and i was in some sort of accident. because you know first the car was upsidedown. and all the windows were smashed and broken. and i was kind of hurt. >> so what did you do? >> i just -- tried to survive. i tried to you know, find some how to get out of the car.
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i tried to you know, with my -- thinking and everything, flag down somebody. and i had a red and white umbrella in the car. and i found a sharpee, and i kind of tried to write some notes of please come help me. i need help, 911, you know, jaws of life. and i was able to open one of the doors a little bit so where i could push it out the door and i opened it up and set it outside the car. hoping somehow -- i didn't know where i was but i hoped somebody would see me and come help me. >> but you yourself were trapped in the car. >> i was able to move around, i was not stuck in the seat belt, i was able to move around from the front to the back. >> i heard at one point you tried to start the car? >> yeah, i didn't know where i was going to go with the car
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being upsidedown, but yeah, i saw the keys in the ignition and tried to start the car. >> it is one thing to go on for hours, but this went on five days. nobody had seen you or your car. did you start to lose hope? >> no, no, i didn't. i never had the doubt in my head that nobody would find me. i just figured that it would be okay, tomorrow, somebody would find me or later today somebody would find me. i never you know had the woe is me, i'm going to die at all, never had. >> how would you pass the time? >> i took a lot of naps. i went unconscious quite a bit. and you know, i don't know -- just from the few memories that i have of what i did do during that time i think i was only awake maybe three or four hours. the rest, i was sleeping. >> and finally, andy and hope lumbard spotted your car from the highway. do you remember when they found you? >> no, i don't remember anything of that at all.
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i don't remember the flight for life. the next memory i have from the car to you know, the next one, was waking up in the hospital. but i was -- still kind of semi-unconscious. i could hear the nurses talking and they were warming up my body because it was so cold. >> gosh, did doctors tell you how much longer you could have survived? >> what my parents told me that they were told was probably another eight hours. >> eight hours? >> and then i would have passed. uh-huh. >> wow, to have survived something like that and come so close. i mean, what is the feeling? >> i am very, very thankful for
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my angels, andy and hope lumbard for finding me. and i'm very thankful that i'm able to see my kids, you know, grow up. and you know, move on with their lives and stuff. >> you had to have both feet amputated. how is your recovery going so far? >> it is going really good. i -- you know, going through physical therapy and everything every day. and it is going really good. my therapists are very happy with my progress. and i'm very happy with my progress, so. all that matters. >> i know on facebook you have a page, kristin hopkins recovery for anybody who would like to contribute to your recovery, because this will be very expensive and costly. i wish you the best. >> thank you very much. and it only took 81 minutes for thieves to commit the greatest art heist in history. now two decades later the fbi says they may know who did it. the night watchman speaks out. you will only see it on "ac360" next. (mother vo) when i was pregnant... i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born.
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greatest art heist in history. 20 years later the trail has not gone cold. the fbi is releasing names that may know something about it, and that the art may have been sighted. randi kaye has more on the television interview given with one of the guards that night. >> reporter: it is a beautiful and priceless collection. hundreds of millions of dollars worth of art housed inside these walls. the isabella stewart gardner museum in boston, visitors from all over the world come to see these masterpieces. but that is not all they're looking at. they're also looking at a crime scene. in fact, a crime scene from the biggest art heist in history, still unsolved. and this is all that is left. >> come in, clock in. there would be two guards. >> rick abbott was one of the guards on duty the night of the theft.
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>> they say boston police, we have a report of disturbance on the premises. so i buzzed them in. the cop that was dealing with me said don't i know you? don't i recognize you? i think there is a warrant out for your arrest. can you step out from behind the desk. >> he steps away from the security desk and away from the panic button, his only way to contact the outside world. his only way to prevent what was about to happen. in a matter of minutes the two thieves had both night watchmen completely under their control. >> finished cuffing me and he cuffed my partner. and very dramatically said gentlemen, this is a robbery. >> reporter: the thieves lead rick and his partner document to the basement to different areas.
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it all happened so fast he never had a chance to hit the one panic button by the guard desk. he knew no one was coming to help. did the thieves know that, as well? it appears they did. since they were in no rush to get out. >> half as interesting, they took the guards after they handcuffed them and taped them and brought them into the basement. about 24 minutes elapse, though, before we see them again. >> reporter: motion detectors placed throughout the building picked up their trail for nearly an hour and a half. but that didn't matter. those motion detectors were not connected to police outside. they only alert the guard sitting at the computer by the entrance. a computer that was now
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unmanned. >> it is in this hallway where you see the first motion detectors go off so that is how we know it was 24 minutes. so it is about 1:48 and they're walking down this hallway together and they enter the dutch room. >> which is right there? >> exactly. >> and from the dutch room they took six piece. >> including the rembrants and the chinese vessel. >> the real work had begun for the thieves, but as they get ready to take rembrandts only sea scape, they are alerted. they do this to keep visitors from getting too close to the rembrandt. >> that seascape, even if you look at it now you will see a vision of him himself. the art specialists, common folk knew that, and they would come up and put their finger close to, to point out the image of rembrandt. and if they got too close the alarm would sound. >> like the motion detector, this alarm was not connected to the outside world but did the thieves know that, as well.
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because they didn't pack up and leave at that point. they continued on with their crime. and they took their time. >> same path backwards goes to the early italian room, the raphael room. all the while passing incredibly priceless art. >> reporter: at 2:41 a.m., the door to the museum opens and closes. the thieves were gone. >> once they leave, they're never heard from again. >> randi joins us now, this is really one of the biggest
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mysteries in the history of the art world. they finally have a lead on what happened? >> that is what they're saying, the investigators say they have seen the art work and have confirmed sightings of the artwork and this is a really big deal, as you said. because this art work is at least $500 million. and for years, they feared some people who took it put it in the attic or basement and it was never to be found so this is a really big break. >> i remember last year that investigators had said there was a break. they had identified the suspects. they didn't actually name them. what are they saying now? >> they are naming them now, two of the suspects are dead. one of them is carmello marlino,
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who said he had some of this art work, include the rembrandt. and that he was going to return it and ask for a reward. the other person is robert gentile, who always said he had nothing to do with it. they searched his home regarding drug charges and say they found items that linked him. hand cuff scanners, two-way radios. >> was there a third name? >> there was a third name, but that person is also dead, yes. >> fascinating stuff, randi, thank you very much. the ridiculist is next. marge: the tasty side of fiber. from phillips. ♪ [ jim ] when my grandson grows up, it's his. but it's all mine now. [ male announcer ] that's how we run,
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tonight, we have a story about a high school senior in georgia, who used her year book to go out with a bang. the caption reads, when the year gets tough, just ask to bury uranium phosporous, which doesn't seem like a lot until you write them out with these symbols to get this. a much more meaningful way to sum up one's high school years, back that ass up. it is a time honored tradition. everybody thinks it is a gas, the metal, paris's mom had this to say. >> my first reaction was you are such a nerd. >> well, when the high school administrators found out it really got a reaction. paris received an in-school suspension and was told she was not allowed to give the speech that she was supposed to give at graduation, which really meant only a giant fu, she blinded them with science. >> i think their reaction was beyond what it should have been. because nobody understood it. basically that was just me saying start all over again.
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>> see, it was just a message about backing that arsenic sulphur up and starting all over again. and as paris' mom points out she is a great young lady. >> she is not a class cutter or a gang banger, drug-free, she was truly an inspiration. >> i agree, anybody that uses a table of elements, they came up with a solution. >> we looked at the totality of her high school experience, she is a member of the national honor society, the beta club, vice president of the senior class. and i think she was deserving of another opportunity. >> so the story has a happy ending. paris will be allowed to give her graduation speech and is heading off to college with a valuable lesson learned. >> what i learned was, never
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give up. strive for what i want. and just be more careful next time in the future. >> well, congratulations, class of 2014, especially to paris who i am sure has a wonderful bright future. thank you for definitely supplying all the elements for tonight's ridiculist. that does it for us. the cnn's film documentary "black fish" starts right now. tai lapped after the coupe. u crane's military suffers a deadly attack. how that can affect the elections. >> a wombatless her family after her disappearance. some say she was held against her will but some say her story just doesn't add up. >> you are watching "cnn newsroom."
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