tv Reliable Sources CNN May 25, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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united states and the nation known for the index ranked a disappointing 82nd. the putin is reported feeling well-rested but not well-respected. thanks to all of you for being part of my program this week. ly si will see you next week:god morning and welcome to "reliable sources." i'm brian selter this week. the ugly smear campaign against hillary clinton and how democrats should fight back and i'll talk to the only reporter that interviewed the embattled >> let's begin with a story that rocked the white house this week. it came out of nowhere and
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started with a phone call with the a doctor that retired from the veteran's affairs department. >> a new twist in the national outrage about those allegations that some veterans hospitals delayed care and covered up the consequences. >> today we learn that the bush white house was so concerned about this back in 2008 that it warned the incoming obama administration. >> another whistle blower is claiming she witnessed the same delays and incompetence at the va that may have cost dozens ocho v of veterans their lives. >> how does the media decide what is and isn't a story? in a moment, i'll talk with drew griffin but first, let's bring in the whistle blower himself, dr. sam foot to explain what led him to make the one call that led to countless headlines. dr. foot, thank you for joining me. >> thank you for having me on your show.
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>> i'm so eager to hear your story as a whistle blower. so many times he hear the news coverage. so tell me when you first saw a problem at the va in phoenix. >> started to see things going funny in december of 2012. we had about 13,000 patients without primariry care providers and over a year backlog and then as things progressed, they started to go to the secret waiting lists and i didn't think too much about that, you know. they played with that stuff all the time. >> you had personal experience with these patients that were dying, didn't you? >> i had -- later i did. i had two very near misses, one that would have waited 21 months, waited 14 months before we went to the emergency room before you couldn't get an appointment and went in with chest pain having several time as week and he ended up getting an appointment after he came in january in october and it wasn't
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until my medical administrative officer pointed out in june maybe that was too long for him to wait. i said you're certainly right about that. >> at the end of last year you decided to retire. when do you start to think about speaking to the media about what is going on? >> well, i started to think about that when it was such a long delay in november and december and i basically told san diego if they weren't here before the first of the year on the second, i would be in the arizona republics office. so they did come over and put a team together and did come over. i said i would wait another month and if nothing happened, i would think about doing that again and what i did was wrote another letter and then when there was no response to that, i went to the republic. >> how do you decide who to call once you decide that you want to blow the whistle? >> well, the arizona republic, there is an excellent investigative report with a long
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track record and i knew he would be friendly and he was magnificent. >> how did you find him? his phone number on the website? >> he's opinion reporting on the va as long as i've lived here. he's been a reporter for i think 31 for the republic. he's very well-known locally. >> who do you reach out to at cnn? when did cnn get involved? >> i got scott's contact information at the -- on the veterans affairs committee. he referred me to the videos that cnn had done. >> scott, he's the producer drew griffin on the investigative unit. >> that's correct. >> we're here on cnn. i'm bias in favor of television i suppose. was it television that magnified this in a way that a local newspaper couldn't? was the dynamic between the local story and cnn story?
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>> the arizona republic is read by people in arizona. it was pretty much a local story. the television networks got on it, sorry, the local tv stations, media has been fabulous along with ktar and there was no national exposure to it until cnn and the three networks, fox got on it quickly. abc and nbc until a week or two ago with cps had not hit their radar. it wasn't until the hearings and started -- events started to go within the beltway that they started to pick up on it. >> what have you learned from this experience, how the media does or doesn't work? >> well, you just have to be persistent and they work pretty well once you get to it, and it was interesting, because people started picking up the arizona
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republic article and i got calls from the wall street journal and from "the new york times." if you told me a month ago my picture would be on the second page in color of the wall street journal i would say you're crazy. that's what happened. >> what's been the reaction to people that you confided in, people that you told you were planning to do this? whistle blowing can be a controversial thing to do sometimes. >> 95% of the people have been thrilled with it, and i go to a restaurant and people will come up and say i want to shake your hand and thank you for what you're doing and keep up the good work. >> dr. sam foot, i hope you inspired other people who may feel they need to blow the whistle on something in the future. thank you for joining me. >> thank you for having me. >> let's pick up the story with drew griffin. thanks for joining me. >> my pleasure. >> you're an investigative reporter so you get lots of tips, some you pursue and some
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you didn't. why did you decide to pursue this one? >> i think we decided to purr s pursue this story because of the tips people were dying and dying because of delayed care issues. we didn't feel that was right. we did an initial search and found records of this in the past and that kind of created the spark that this was a very, very big issue and bigger than just the initial hospital we were looking at, brian. >> tell me how you vet someone like dr. foot. how do you check out his story. >> first of all, no disrespect to dr. foot, we try to see if the person telling you is crazy. we look for lawsuits, backyagrod check, see if there is anything in his past that would throw up any kind of red flag. there wasn't in this case. that's when we start checking
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out his information against whatever he had. the biggest problem we had with vetting dr. foot was that there was nobody to vet it against at the va because the va simply would not communicate with us. >> while this was happening, while you were looking into his story, cnn was wall to wall with the missing plane. did that affect you at all? did it take awhile to get the story in the air for awhile because of the plane? >> no, i don't think so. remember, this was a continuing series. this story has broken open because of dr. foot but we've been reporting on this particular issue was last november. we reported in december,, february. we had been working on the stories when dr. foot came along, it was during the middle of our coverage on the malaysian air flight. that gave us time. we made a couple trips up to phoenix and met with him in advance and talked with him and came out and set up an interview. it did allow us time to more
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slowly vet the story and craft the story but it didn't really affect the timesiing of the sto >> was there one story that got to you, really resonated for whatever reason? >> there is one case in south carolina that resonates with me because he's so young. he's 44. maybe 45 years old now. this guy is dying of bladder cancer and you wouldn't know it to look at him. he's real upbeat. he had rectal bleeding and he wasn't getting seen and when he did, it was hit early too late. when you see somebody who is literally dying right now before our eyes at such a young age, so very preventable.
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that caught my attention, and just -- it's just sad. >> one of the media lessons for me, from this scandal, from this tragedy is you need an on the record source like dr. foot and you also need individual patients like the man you're talking about in order to bring the story home. >> and what is difficult about when you're doing medical stories, you have to have those people come forward or those families come forward with medical records because of the federal laws surrounding the health privacy issues, it is against the law for anybody to tell us anything about a patient. we really have to rely on records and then take the records, brian, i'm not a doctor, so you have to take them out to a medical professional to kind of evaluate what you're looking at. it takes a lot of time to determine, okay, was this guy sick because of the delay in
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care? the same types of things the va is tells us they are doing in reviewing the cases. >> congressman jeff miller was on new day on thursday and said this is just the tip of the iceberg. i know there is more to come. i know you don't want to give away any tip to competitors, but do you have more to come? are you pursuing specific leads now? >> we're pursuing leads all over the country. we're getting whistle-blowers coming forward. the problem is each one has to go through that specific process that we've been talking about. it's one thing to get a tip. it takes a long time to develop a tip and now we have an environment where a lot of other media jumped on board. we're not the only ones chasing this. this is a competitive edge going on. it creates a lot of work. i don't doubt there is more to come. i believe this is systemic. >> one more note, how did
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president obama find out about the situation in phoenix? well, white house spokesman jay carney said at a briefing the president learned about it through cnn. time for a quick break here but stay with me for new rev lau lations at the new york times. has arthur did long-term damage to his newspaper? i bought a car, over and tells you, and you're like. a good deal or not. looking at there's no buyer's remorse.
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heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact. and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum... tums! if he could do it again, he would not have appointed jim abramson. now he is under scrutiny for his management or mismanagement of the editor change. in a statement he blamed abramson who was the first female editor of the times for poor communication and public
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mistreatment of colleagues. i worked at the "times" until last november saw i'm saying the comments rang true to me but on the other hand, couldn't this have been handled more gracefully? when i tried to talk to him he declined to comment but gave one interview about this mess and i'll get to that in a moment. first, the worst seems to be over for the times. my former colleagues there say things are slowly getting back to normal but there are a lot of questions and speculation about what abramson is going to do next. we did drop a hint at a wake forest commencement speech. >> sure, losing a job you love hurts but journalism that holds powerful institutions and people accountable is what makes our democracy so resilient. this is the work i will remain very much apart of. >> later in the week, abramson wrote an essay for the
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"huffington post" unrelated. i want to focus on s sullesburger. the only person who interviewed sullsburger since this disaster. >> what was your main take away since you sat down with him? >> he felt very misunderstood through this and the irony of this episode is that arthur has always prided himself on trying to make"the new york times" and news room a more diverse, more humane place. to be accused of sexism and different treatment for women is really, i think quite difficult for him and stinging, so he was trying to correct that impression. >> take back the narrative because for days after jill abramson was fired, it was over
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gender and pay issues. he says that was false. >> what was interesting, to change that narrative from being about pay, he had to make it about her management style and then ended up kind of deriding the way she managed the newsroom, which set off a new controversy. >> for sure. >> yeah. >> isn't it true as soon as she was fired, there were anonymous claims about her management style, things you posted on twitter that night and yet, it hadn't been said loudly until he said it on the record. >> right, someone of his stature, someone on the record changes the formula with allowing people to talk about that directly. >> yeah. >> we had been hearing about jill abrom son and the way she enter agented with senior editors for sometime now, a lot of it, that said, "the new york times" is such an important journal institution. being executive editor is such a plum job every little dynamic is going to be teased apart, law
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magnified simply because of the nature of the institution. >> when me and a bunch of reporters surrounded dean on monday night, we asked do you have any regrets about the way this went down. he said he did but how could i have regrets being given this job, this important job. he's taken over and started right away and my impression from your interview was that he sort of wishes he put dean in charge from the beginning. is that what you took away, as well? >> that's what i took away. he said of course i would have done it differently in the choice begwen dean and jill. i thought that was revealing because to me it seemed like potentially one of the things that arthur wanted to do, give the job to jill because he wanted to name the first female editor of the new york times, no that she isn't a fantastic journalist but of course, he was thinking about that at the time and now, for it to come back and srt of bite him at this moment,
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it seems ironic but seems that was the take away, he was feeling more comfortable with dean and terrified he was going to lose him because of the friction that developed. >> this matters in the long run because questions about the long-term damage to the times. let's get into that there say twitter message, why is arthur having so much trouble keeping editors? he hire asserten kind of person? is it that he creates bad environments, bad workplaces? what are the answers to that question? >> he hasn't lost that many editors. that was a scandal, this wasn't a scandal. so people look at it different. it was judge the over who was working together constructively for the stewardship of the institution and he in a sense is acknowledging to sarah he had made a mistake.
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you can look at the record of the new york times and some of its digital invasions under jill abram some and co abramson. >> there is toxic stew in which the question of whether or not she was treated differently as a woman. she believed she was. that was one ingredient where i think it really was ultimately not palleteble. >> arthur mentioned he had gotten very, very supportive messages from his family, the more under seeing, the more the family rallies around from him. he got beautiful messages and one that morning brought tears to his eyes because they were so supportive and really standing with him. i do -- >> that matters because the
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paper is one of the only family owned papers left and if family frays, it could be sold. >> i mean, this is -- they are the last ones standing. and so i think it is a really important, an important question right now there doesn't seem to be divisions that we've seen in other newspaper families but i think that the interesting thing of this episode, what we'll continue to talk about two things, one is this conversation about women and leadership, which is really what has been ignited by this. >> right. >> and then the second one is the long-term future of the times and i think they have weathered this past week or so and made it out of this part of it but i do think the questions about leadership and the family will continue. >> david, sarah, thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> you bet. let me end with this quote from jill abramson. i was an apleasuation of arthur
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gill who died at the age of 9 o. here is what she wrote. he believe add good story had a thousand angels and a sin to leave them unexplored. now you know where i'm going with this. there is still a lot more to come on this new york times story. coming up here, the smear campaign that just won't go away, and how it relates to an episode of hbo's leap. i will show you right after this . the numbers are impressive. over 400,000 new private sector jobs... making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies to fit your business needs. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york... with the state creating dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. become the next business to discover the new new york. [ male announcer ] see if your business qualifies.
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campaign. the smear goes something like this, hillary clinton is sick. she has a brain tumor. she has brain damage. all of these stories have been whispered about over the past few months. it is quite simply an old fashioned smear because not only is there in evidence to support it, but it's been flatly denied and yet, it keeps popping up. let's trace this back to where it started, to clinton's concussion at the end of 2012 which created the shaky foundation and a tabloid called the globe, reported, getting out air quotes again, here is how ridiculous it is. it claimed that she's well enough to hire at bill and hire a divorce attorney with no mention of the alleged tumor. we can roll our eyes at the tabloids and we should but this bad brain narrative is much bigger. in february, a self-proclaimed
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republican named roger stone wrote this on twitter. hilary will not run for health reasons. you heard it here first. days later, a flurry of stories, rush limbaugh mentioned a campaign she was sick and wondered if that would explain her behavior around benghazi. whispers persist that hilary won't run, health may be worse than disclosed. so that's how it started. i'm sure you've heard how it snowballed. karl rove raised questions at an off the record conference this month and "the new york post" like fox wrote about it and rove went back on fox to defend himself and now there is lots of talk about clinton's health. still in evidence she's stick. we tried to book roger stone for the show this week and he passed but told me, again, she's not running, you heard it here first. so what's the proper response to
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this? joining me now, two political pros, paul, a cnn contributor and s.e. cupp, co-host of cnn's cross fire. thank you both for joining me. >> sure. >> thanks, brian. >> you criticized karl rove's tactics but said there are legitimate questions about hillary clinton's health. what are the legitimate questions? >> yeah, i mean, it's legitimate to ask anyone running for the highest office in the land what his or her health is like and is he or she up to the job. the problem with this smear campaign it's not a very effective one, a smear campaign that has the indirect result or consequence for invoking sympathy is not a good smear campaign. what think karl rove did is just kind of make us sympathetic for hillary clinton that she's getting attacked for claims of
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brain damage. what it does is makes it really difficult for the rest of us to ask those legitimate questions about her health without being lumped in with karl rove and that other line of questioning. >> do you agree with that, maybe what he did backfired? >> i think so. it backfired for all the reasons that se states. let me demonstrate for you, it's a bad political strategy an interesting media story. let me demonstrate. right? what karl said was crazy. people with syphilis say country sea things because it rots your brain -- >> i see where you're going, paul. >> i would never said karl rove has late-stage stds that rot his brain and the headline will be where the show is over, rove syphilis. that's crazy. that's the example of how he tries to put the stuff in the
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blood stream but sc is right. it backfired on him completely. >> i would like to take what you were demonstrating there and play a clich from one of my gnaw favorite shows on hbo. they did the same thing. let me show you. >> this danny tongue torture story, i know governor chung very well and i can tell you these allegations are utterly n unfounded. if you are telling me he condones torture, i'm telling you those allegations are false. false. i mean, the words danny chung and torture, they don't belong in the same sentence, they don't. danny chung torture? come on. >> well, ma'am, by denying that chung and torture are connected, everybody thinks they are
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connected. >> in the fictional world that works. nate silver at 538 ran the data and showed there is a lot of chatter about hilary's health. >> there is but i think s.e. raises -- first off, every candidate wants to be our president, should be completely chan transparent about health records. >> absolutely. >> it under mines the need for transparency when karl does things like that. if his goal, and it is, is to keep hilary from running, i've known hilary for 23 years. she's never run from a fight. >> and for a good -- for a smear campaign to be effective, it has to be plausible for it to be effective. if you remember the smear campaign against sarah palin, questioning whether her son was hers or her daughters, it was so offensive that again, it had the
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indirect consequence of humanizing sarah palin against enemies. let me offer one word of advice and caution to democrats and the media who seem to want to protect hillary clinton from a lot of negative attention. the karl rove stuff i think should be kept separate from her record at the state department because that rush to come in and rescue her against sexism or smear campaigns, i think, makes it look like she's a weaker candidate than she is. >> how is the playing field changed since the '90s when you were defending bill clinton with smears? how we've seen the media react to these things differently oef the years. how is the world changed in the last couple of decades? >> this may surprise you. even thinks it's worse. it might be better. here is why. the democracy of media, as
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powerful is murdoch is, he doesn't have the only microphone or megaphone and i think, i hope, this is me the optimism, if all of the folks can police these lies hutmuch more effectively. in the '90s, we had none of that and on the liberal side we have correct the record and american bridge and folks who really police conservative media. they have folks who police us liberals, which is a good thing, too. >> s.c., are you seeing that, too? >> its easier to go online and find out if for example, john mccain has an illegitimate child and prove that false immediately or to see whether he was having an affair on the campaign trail. >> i love that we're ending on an optimistic note.
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thanks. >> thanks. we found out who won the sweepstakes for hilary's first television interview. every anchor wanted it and barbara walters got it. i have to squeeze in a break here but up next, a surprising mega merger and red news, blue news. stay tuned. l everything, safely and on time. ♪ tracks! they connect the factories built along the lines. and that means jobs, lots of people, making lots and lots of things. let's get your business rolling now, everybody sing. ♪ norfolk southern what's your function? ♪ ♪ helping this big country move ahead as one ♪ ♪ norfolk southern how's that function? ♪
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where can we find a critique of consolidation? left leaning msnbc; right? no. ready to sign up for at&t the day after the deal was announced. >> the deal represents a huge challenge to cable stands to reshape content on everything from mobile devices to tvs to tabloi tabloids. they are eyeing ways to offer customers for a single bill for cell phone, internet and tv. that would be nice. still doesn't -- still needs to go through the fec, but if approved, the entertainment giant would serve 26 million people. >> couple of little mistakes there, two in one sentence, actually, she said fec when she meant to say the fcc and she said 26 million people when she meant to say 76 million people. they conflict the number of house holds the company serves, in this case 26 million with the people they serve, 67. when you say 67 million people, you begin to realize how big
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this story is but msnbc barely touched it. i couldn't find any groups represented on the shows. msnbc is conflicted on this story. right now the parent company comcast is trying to merge with timewarner cable. that would be a combo bigger than at and t plus direct tv. the at&t deal will help comcast and vice versa because regulators will conclude they will balance each other out. so that's msnbc. for real blue news on this story, i looked online and here is a bold headline from salon the other day. this merger is a nightmare, why we should all be very afraid. check out the illustration, a city under attack. usually this is where i turn from blue news to red news, news of the probusiness, promerger bent but this week the place i found the most skepticism and the most proconsumer message was on fox news. >> cable and internet providers
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are among the most hated in the country. >> yay. >> i'm not saying combos like comcast or timewarner are bad. once they are approved. they have less incentive to be good, at least good to us, the suckers who pay the bills because sometimes they are only the game in town, sometimes the biggest, not forall and not forever because technology is changing but sadly, bad customer service usually does not. and nowhere the governments approval of such mergers does it ever add the line and ya better quit treating your customers like garbage. >> i love his end of the show essays sometimes. tear not at&t, direct tv, you have fans, they are just over on cnbc and bloomberg and fox business. keep in mind, cbcpn is joe was concerned that the government might get in the way. >> you would think in a free market, economy, that there would be no problem with either
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one. can we count on that at this point? i don't count on anything anymore. >> i'm sorry, joe, but you should count on a tough review of at&t and comcast plans to get bigger because they are gaining even more influence over what channels we can see and how much we pay to see them. i think this moment from cnn nr nrncnn's "new day" on sunday told us. >> it's not necessarily going to make it cheaper. it may give us more for our money? >> that's exactly right. >> if everything goes perfect. >> if everything goes through perfect. >> and they follow through on every promise. >> that's why we need report r perrepe perrers of all colors. the bids will take a year to review so there is plenty of time for aggressive reporting. let me know what you think about the deals and the program. sent me a tweet or message.
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i love seeing your feedback about the program. my undercover story of the we can is around the corner. it's a massive injustice and how tv might be making it worse. stay tuned. you, my friend are a master of diversification. who would have thought three cheese lasagna would go with chocolate cake and ceviche? the same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. it's a masterpiece. thanks. clearly you are type e. you made it phil. welcome home. now what's our strategy with the fondue? diversifying your portfolio? e*trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. are you type e*?
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stories, stories the news media should take more seriously. it will be undercovered next week and the week after that. it is a systemic problem, a defect with the criminal justice problem matt tiabbi is now at first look media and his latest book is called "the divide, american injustice in the age of the wealth cab." it's easier for the rich to get richer and dodge consequences for the actions while the poor lack the means to fight back ending and up in prison, he says the media should be casting more light on these inequities and joins me here in light on matt, thank you for joining me. >> thank you for having me. >> seems like, in general, a massivelily undercover storedry that you try to tell. why do you think it is? >> well, on the white collar side, i think there are a lot of reasons for that i think many of these cases are way too
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complicated to do, especially on television. if you want to say -- try to describe what municipal bond bid rigging is on tv, it's going to take three or four minutes to do and a lot of television reporters just sort of give up at the start. and the complexity of these cases in general precludes any kind of treatment except for the long form kind of treatment that i was very, very lucky be able to do at "rolling stone" magazine. >> even for daily newspapers, you think it's over their heads, so to speak? >> not over their heads, a very difficult fit, also a very tough sell to readers, too, because it's very hard to make sexy for regular audiences and it's -- you have to do a lot of work to make the stuff interesting. >> so, tell me how you did that. in the book, you go from these white collar cases to these cases of low-income people trying to get by, facing severe situations with courts. how did you try to make it sexy,
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so to speak? >> the other side of it, there's -- that's an easy sell. there's nothing -- there's no problem with making sensational a story about a person like, for instance, here in new york city, who i met a 35-year-old african-american bus driver who gets arrested for obstructing pedestrian traffic, which is basically code for being black on a tuesday night. i mean there are all sorts of incredible revelations in this book about things that happened to ordinary people when they get caught up in the system. >> you write it has evolved this way over time and for 1,000 reasons so that almost nobody is aware of the whole picture, the two worlds so separate that they are barely visible to each other. >> right. >> do you think the press is a part of that? is this on purpose? do the institutions like it this way, that it really can't all be seen? >> i don't think it's on purpose. i think it's accidental. a subtext of this book is that i, myself, who is intensely interested in a lot of these issues was totally unaware of a lot of the things that go on in the criminal justice system, these ridiculous, mindless cruelties that happen on a daily
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basis in the court system. you have to be going out of your way to pay attention to these things and the victims are all behind bars, don't see them. >> a scene you describe being on rikers island, waiting in a room and that one of these courtroom shows is playing on the communal tv. >> right. >> judge alex is blasting. you really don't have any choice but to watch t everybody is having to watch t there's no dial. >> no dial to turn it down. >> these shows very little do with reality. do they do harm? mislead us about how we think our criminal system works? >> i do think there is an element of deception broadly in the entire media/entertainment landscape. >> you say broadly as well as "law & order" as well as "judge alex" and "judge judy." >> yeah, "law & order," i watched that show obsessively growing up. but they present an image of our courts being functioning, fair, evenhanded and the reality is that they are distaupic, they are often stupid, mindless and
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they don't make any sense. people get thrown in jail for reasons that have nothing to do with guilt or innocence. >> tell me what happens. tell me a new york story, since we are talking about "law & order," an example how this is a dysfunctional system? >> for instance, in new york, we have a speedy trial rule. if you get arrested for a misdemeanor, supposed to be tried or leased within 90 days. if you don't make bail, waiting in jail, this he can show up in court, tell the judge they are not ready to proceed, get the thing rescheduled for a few months later and then turn around the next day and file what they call a certificate of readiness, which basically means that we weren't ready to proceed yesterday, now we are ready to proceed today. it's basically just a trick to get around the 90-day restriction. in this manner, they can keep people in jail on bail virtually indefinitely. so you might be in jail awaiting a misdemeanor charge that, if convicted, would you get six months for but you could be in jail waiting for a year, a year and a half, just to get to be tried for that charge. and so people plead out to these
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offenses all the time because it's less time in jail than you would get if you were even convicted. >> matt taibbi, thank you so much for joining me. >> thank you for having me on. >> thanks. and we are going to stein the topic of injustice here and come back after the break with one more big story, one more big injustice you need to know about. stay with me. (mother vo) when i was pregnant...
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finally this morning, you may have seen this sign on air months ago. christian amanpour had it up on camera back in february but unfortunately, it is still necessary. three al jazeera journalists are still behind bars in egypt nearly five months after they were detain and falsely charged with aiding a terrorist organization. this is an afront to journalists everywhere. and it was back in the news this week because the three journalists were back in court for their ninth appearance in what sure seems like a sham trial. the journalists are peter guesty, mohammad family and barra mohammed. family used to work here at cnn. they should not be in those cages. unfortunately, on thursday, the trial was adjourned again, now until june 1st. there is a fourth al jazz year? kra reporter also in prison in egypt, abdallah eshammy, been there since august and he is now on a hunger strike to protest his detention.
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four journalists, for us to keep in our thoughts today and every day until they are set free. now, that's all for this televised edition of reliable sources but our coverage continues all the time on, so check it out. i look forward to seeing you right back here next sunday morning at 11 a.m. and hey, don't forget to set your dvr if you can't watch us live. stay tuned right now for "state of the union" with candy crowley. i'm candy crowley in washington. we are following new developments in that mass shooting near the university of california, santa barbara. six people were killed and 13 injured by a troubled young man who later died in an apparent suicide. the killer posted disturbing videos to social media, prompting a relative to contact police, who did a welfare check on april 30th. police found the future killer
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