tv Wolf CNN May 27, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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i do still want my privacy. >> i want the unsubscribe button to really work. i am so tired of unsubscribing, only to have 30 more vendors e-mailing me the next day. like, hello, i'm alive. okay, lori, brett, thank you. that's all the time i have. i'm done ranting. but good luck, ftc. thanks, everybody, stick around, my pal wolf starts right now. right now, president obama's getting ready to make an important announcement about the number of u.s. troops that will stay in afghanistan after this year. we'll talk about what this means for afghanistan's future, what it means for u.s./afghan relations and the u.s. troops who will remain in that area. also right now, we're sorting through 47 pages of newly released data on the disappearance of malaysia airline fright 370. the data includes communication logs between the plane and satellites, but leaves most of the big questions very much unanswered. also right now, another sneak peek inside hillary
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clinton's memoir. we're going to hear some of her thoughts on president obama, on marriage and on the times in her life where she's, quote, followed her heart. hello, i'm whoolf blitzer reporting from washington. we start with president obama ready to set troop levels for afghanistan. the president was in the country over the weekend, talking with american troops. today, in just over 90 minutes or so, he'll announce a major step. joining us from the pentagon is our correspondent barbara starr, from the white house, our senior white house correspondent jim acosta. jim, to you first. are you getting indication of precisely what the president will announce? >> well, we won't have an advance preview of his remarks, wolf, but we do expect, from hearing from a senior administration official, that the president will lay out basically the plan for u.s. forces in afghanistan, post-2014. the president is going to come out and say that the u.s. combat
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mission in afghanistan is coming to an end by the close of 2014. we've heard him say that before. he said that over the weekend. and on memorial day that he wants to bring that war to a reasonable end. but what happens after 2014, the administration, frankly, has been very reluctant to say exactly how many troops they want to keep in that country. but now the president is going to lay that out. 9,800 u.s. forces, armed forces, personnel, in afghanistan, for 2015. that number would be reduced by half by the end of 2015. by 2016, the plan, according to an administration official, is to have the u.s. force presence in afghanistan reduced to embassy personnel, security personnel only at the embassy in kabul, a very similar situation, a very similar drawdown to what took place in iraq and what the administration is saying at this point, wolf, is that those forces who will remain in afghanistan, and barbara will be able to lay this out better than
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me, but those forces will be there for counterterrorism operations and to train the afghan security forces. all of this hinges on the next afghan president. hamid karzai is getting ready to leave. the next afghan s s in, signing security agreement. absent that signature from the upcoming afghan president, the u.s. has said there will be no u.s. forces at the end of 2016. that's the threat hanging over afghanistan. the two men who will likely be the president of afghanistan have both said publicly they're willing to sign that security agreement just as soon as they take office. the administration is taking some comfort in that. that is giving the president the ability to come out and lay out this plan we're going to hear at the white house. >> stand by, because i have some other questions for you, jim, but let's bring barbara into this conversation. the military mission for these nearly 10,000 u.s. troops, 9,800
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u.s. strotroops, backed up by a thousand nato forces, there will still be a very dangerous environment there. the combat mission may be other, but these u.s. troops will be in a combat zone, presumably very endangered at the same time, barbara. >> absolutely, wolf. nobody thinks peace is coming to afghanistan any time soon. when you have 10,000 troops there. plus, as you just pointed out, a few thousand additional nato troops. one of the big jobs is how to keep them safe. so some number of those troops are going to be devoted simply to security. the forces will be on just a couple of bases in afghanistan. those will have to be kept secure from the taliban, which still have plenty of capability to fire shoulder fired weapons, grenades, lay ieds out on the road, that sort of thing. the u.s. troops, it remains to be seen how much they will go out and about.
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their job will be to train, assist, advise afghan forces. you'll recall, in the final months of iraq, u.s. forces went out less and less. they stayed in their bases. stayed inside the wire, so to speak, in an increasing amount. and at the end simply packed up and went. this proposal may begin to follow some of those lines. some of that precedent. here at the pentagon, no one is really surprised by what's been laid out. this is the option that u.s. military commanders tell us they wanted. wolf. >> barbara, just to be precise, the reason the u.s., the administration says the reason the u.s. troops all evacuated from iraq was because the iraei government refused to profit immunity to those u.s. troops as a continued military presence in iraq. this bilateral security agreement with afghanistan, i assume, gives u.s. troops immunity from afghan prosecution, if you will. i think that was the major sticking point with iraq. >> absolutely.
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and this, clearly, if they get this agreement signed in the afghanistan case, they hope it will solve that problem and that they can keep some troops. perhaps the bigger picture to look at, at the same type, as you've pointed out, wolf, what difference will it make? in iraq, u.s. troops left and the country has fallen into a good deal of violence in iraq. if afghanistan, if you have 10,000 u.s. troops stay for maybe the next two years, what happens after that? are the taliban just going to wait for everybody to go? it's going to be a real question whether afghan military forces can maintain security around the country and perhaps even more important afghan police forces. the afghan police in individual towns and cities across that country. they have huge issues with corruption, there's no question about it. that is the basis for security on a local level in many remote areas where the taliban would very much like to get back in. wolf. >> let me bring jim acosta back.
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will the president go into specifics in terms of funding, keeping 10,000 u.s. troops next year, 5,000 the year after, that's not cheap. it's going to cost several billion dollars. is the president going to explain to the american public when he goes out there and makes this announcement how much taxpayers will have to shell out to keep those troops in afghanistan? do we have any clue on that? >> i don't think we're going to hear dollar figures from the president at 2:45 this afternoon. i think he wants to lay out this case that the u.s. needs to continue this presence in afghanistan and, keep in mind, this is a presence the president is reluctant to have there. he campaigned in 2008 that he wanted to bring the wars in iraq and afghanistan to conclusion. what he is doing here, as you look at this plan, wolf, is this war in afghanistan is coming to a full stop by the end of his administration. because the next president will have already been elected by the end of 2016 and will be taking
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the oath of office in 2017. president obama's plan ends the war in afghanistan at the end of 2016. and, i mean, if you want to talk about dollar figures, we do know from independent studies, congressional budget office, it's about $200 billion in the last couple of years in afghanistan, albeit at larger force levels. you're right, this is not going to come cheap. there are about 30,000 now. you can sort of, you know, divide by three and get to a dollar figure perhaps. but certainly this is going to cost them money. and the other thing we should point out is this announcement from the president comes one day before his big foreign policy speech at west point. he was supposed to address a lot of issues in his foreign policy speech at west point by getting this out today, getting this news out today, it does give him some more space to talk about some of these other issues. he's come under a lot of criticism, as you know, wolf, as his critics say, for being too soft on syria, for not going far enough in dealing with the russians and ukraine, and so by moving this off the table somewhat, he'll talk about
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afghanistan somewhat tomorrow, he'll have more space to talk about other big items on the foreign policy agenda. >> at the commencement ceremonies. we'll have special coverage of that. also, stay with us, later today, 2:45 p.m. eastern for at president's announcement on troops staying in afghanistan, 2:45 p.m. eastern. i'll anchor our special coverage around that. other news we're following, it's the reason searchers have been focusing in on the indian ocean, the southern part of the indian ocean, looking for malaysia airlines flight 370. today the malaysian government released data from communications between the missing plane and private satellite company inmarsat. critics say the 47-page document is missing some key elements needed to verify inmarsat conclusions. so what do the numbers really show? what don't they show? tom foreman has been studying the data for us. is it accurate to say, tom, that the information includes a lot
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of technical information but leave, out plenty of stuff? >> that's right, wolf. here's what you have to remember about this set of documents released today from inmarsat more than anything else. remember the number 14. because out of these 47 pages, the only numbers you really care about are 14 of them. and those are these, right here, right here. it's what people have wanted to see all along. they don't really tell us a whole lot. these are the readings of the frequency of this exchange between the ground station, the satellite and the missing plane and then back to the ground station. these are the numbers recorded in this critical period of time when the plane seemed to be gone. the frequency numbers here help give them some idea of whether it was going north or south. that's where they got the direction. and the burst time offset. not going to explain all about what this is because that would take a half hour. it's really difficult to get through all of this. but look at the numbers
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themselves. 11500. 11740. you see the pattern. this, as you went through time, was all getting greater, until you have this final tiny little burst at the end, which is much bigger. that is what convinced them that this plane was steadily moving away from the satellite. so the satellite's somewhere over in here. and with every one of those bursts, they knew that it was moving further along these rings out here. now, how did they know that it was headed this way, which is what they believe in, instead of up this way or out this way? because you could make the times work elsewhere. that's when you have that second set of numbers i was talking about. the first one's over here. that indicates what direction it's going. but yes, wolf, what this is some raw data people have very much wanted. what it is not, from inmarsat, is a clear explanation of how they worked that raw data. the australian government released another pact of
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information which helps explain it in greater detail. but still not to a point where independent analysts can simply pull all the numbers in themselves and say do we reach the same conclusion? all of that information and free access to the algorithms they used to create that arc, i think you're still going to have critic, out there who are unsatisfied. wolf. >> it's an important step. they released this information, but the families of those aboard that malaysia airliner, they want more information released, so outside third party experts can take a closer look. tom, we're going to have more analysis on this later this hour, thanks very much. the u.s. supreme court was busy today. a couple of new rulings, including one that involved a high-speed police chase. she formed an unexpected partnership with president obama. now hillary clinton talking about that. a nsneak peek of her book.
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we're following some new developments out of the u.s. skour supreme court today. the first has to do with this high-speed chase that ended with a police shooting and killing both the driver and the passenger of the car they were chasing. the family of the driver wanted to sue the police over the death. with us now is our senior white house correspondent joe johns who's heard the argument. what did the court say about the use of deadly force in this speed chase? >> this was a case that is essentially closely watched. because it was expected to clarify the rights of police officers making snap judgments involving force when there's a high-speed chase and a passenger in the car. there's video of the tragic circumstances that put this case in the courts. west memphis, arkansas, 2004.
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the court ruled unanimously that officers in arkansas were within their rights when they fired 15 shots at point blank range into a car on a rampage, killing both the driver and passenger. it's a victory for law enforcement because the court ruled that officers acted reasonably. >> it was a good day for u.s. secret service as well. the supreme court siding with the secret service involving the president's detail. >> another interesting case. another unanimous decision for law enforcement here. this is a first amendment freedom of expression case dating back to the administration of george w. bush. on a re-election campaign stop in oregon and went to dinner where there were protesters on one side and supporters of the president on the other side of the street. the secret service moved the protesters out but let the supporters stay put. the question was whether they did it to keep the protester's viewpoints from being expressed. the court held the secret service officials had qualified i munt from being sued because
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there did appear to be a potential security risk to the president. >> there was another major decision on i.q.s being a factor in executions. as far as intellectually disabled people are concerned. >> right, a very tough case. the court's been struggling with how to measure the point when a person is so intellectually disabled they don't know what they're doing when they murder someone. this was a tough case for the court. a 5-4 decision that says it's not okay to apply a rigid i.q. cutoff in determining who gets the death penalty and who doesn't. the law in florida took a person's 70 i.q. score. the court essentially said there needs to be wriggle room there. >> give them flexibility. joe johns, thanks very much. there's more fallout from the outing of the cia top intelligence chief in afghanistan. the mistake could put the life of the spy and family members at least potentially in danger. it's also raising the question of whether he can even continue
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working in afghanistan. a white house media report sent to about 6,000 journalists inadvertently included the intelligence officer's name. so far the white house and cia officials have declined to comment publicly on the story. we'll have a lot more on this story coming up later today in "the situation room." still ahead, she says she didn't write her book for the followers of washington's long-running soap opera. so why did hillary write her new book, "what's it all about," we'll talk about that. the day we rescued riley was a truly amazing day. he was a matted mess in a small cage. so that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. from contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angie's list. we found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angie's list. join today at
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she made decisions, she, quote, listened to both her heart and her head. the former secretary of state reflecting on her long life in politics in her brand-new book that's soon to be released, hard choices. that's the title. some excerpts of her upcoming memoir were released today. >> these years were also a personal journey for me. both literally, i ended up visiting 112 countries and traveling nearly 1 million miles, and figuratively. from the painful end of the 2008 campaign to an unexpected partnership and friendship with my former rival barack obama. i've served our country in one way or another for decades. yet during my years as secretary of state, i learned even more about our exceptional strengths and what it will take for us to compete and thrive at home and abroad. >> our senior political correspondent brianna keilar is here. our chief political analyst
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gloria borger is here. some are already suggesting this book, for all practical purposes, politically speaking, is an introduction of her 2016 campaign. >> certainly i think one of the -- coming at it from that perspective, it's sort of an opportunity for her to cleanse in a way, right, because the last a lot people aren't familiar with her state department tenure. we've heard republicans saying a lot about it. her 2008 campaign went terribly. this is kind of her highlighting her state department years so she can kind of slough off some of the bad stuff from 2008. >> i want to play another audio clip. they've released this, the book publishers and hillary clinton, talking about her life not so much as a diplomat but as a wife and mother. listen to this. >> all of us face hard choices in our lives. some face more than their share. we have to decide how to balance the demands of work and family,
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caring for a sick child or an aging parent. figuring out how to pay for college. finding a good job. and what to do if you lose it. whether to get married or stay married. how to give our kids the opportunities they dream about and deserve. life is about making such choices. our choices and how we handle them shape the people we become. >> you know, everybody's going to focus on the words whether to get married or stay married. >> that's hillary clinton's bow to the lewinsky mess. republicans have already talked about it. but in a larger sense, wolf, that paragraph was about women. it's about women voters. women take care of their parents. women take care of their children. women make decisions like she made about staying married, in her particular case, to the president of the united states. i think it's her way of saying i
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understand what women go through. it's very clear when she runs this time, she is going to talk about the hard choices women face. when she ran in 2008, she didn't campaign as much as a woman. she talked about her experience. clearly, as brianna says, this book is about her experience as secretary of state, but she's also going to talk an awful lot about women because they're going to make the difference in the election. >> it's fascinating how the publisher and hillary, they're rolling out -- the book isn't even out yet. i don't remember a time where a publisher has released audio excerpts of a book before the book is out there to get advance sales. i assume this is going to be a huge best-seller. this is something pretty extraordinary. this new technique they're using to get sales of this book. >> yeah, and this isn't -- this is done obviously closely in coordination with those close to her. this isn't even the excerpt that we've heard.
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there's one we had around mother's day, and it was about hillary clinton's mother, talking about that. these are really sort of i think friendly topics. their very soft. they paint her in a more humanizing light, which has been something she has struggled with. so i think that's part of it. i also think that soon we'll be reading the excerpts from the book, which frequently do define a book. then we'll see her going on a book tour where she's going to be talking about what she wants to talk about and not just benghazi, which so many reports will focus on. >> but she'll do a whole bunch of news interviews and she'll be asked a lot of those serious questions as well. >> when you do though rollout, don't forget, she's making money here. this is not a not for profit enterprise. this a presidential rollout. they know what they're doing, okay. even the way they're rolling out the book, i would argue, is in could concert with a presidential campaign. as brianna says, this is kind of
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the rollout that gets people to say, oh, maybe we'll learn more about hillary clinton, the person. what i guarantee will be in this book also is a very full-throated defense of hard nosed policy and things like benghazi. >> about her four years -- >> she's already made a ton of money in speaking engagements and this book. she's made many millions. >> we haven't heard a lot about benghazi at this point. >> no, and when i said tons of interviews, i really meant tons of speeches. she has made a lot of money. she left the state department and really sort of took a break but also has gone very much on the speaking circuit, as so many folks do when they leave a position like that. the estimation we think for a speech, for her speaking fee, about $200,000. that's been reported. those in the no say that's about right to cnn. he's done many more speeches. when you look at how much she's done probably since leaving,
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she's made several million dollars on the speaking circuit. remember, her as vance for living history was $8 million. i suspect this was more. she's not really hurting for that, sure. >> guys, thanks very much. up next, malaysia releases data from satellite communications with the missing jetliner. critiitritics say it's not enou. we'll speak to experts about what the inmarsat data means for the investigation going forward. later, the next step in the donald sterling saga, with the deadline day. shelly sterling is now moving ahead with her own plans for the team. we'll update you on what we know. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief.
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welcome back. i'm wolf blitzer reporting from washington. coming up in a little over an hour from now, president obama will lay out his future plans for u.s. troops in afghanistan. cnn has learned the president planned to keep 9,800 u.s. troops in afghanistan past the end of this year. and to draw down all the way to the end 4, by the end of 2016. all this comes after he met with top officials in afghanistan over the weekend. cnn will bring the announcement live from the white house 2:45 p.m. eastern, later today. malaysia today released satellite data from the missing jetliner mh-370.
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the data from the private company inmarsat led to the conclusion the plane is in the indian ocean. the 47-page document includes communication logs between the plane and inmarsat satellites. authorities say it's not the complete picture but a readable summary. critics say the report does not provide enough information for independent outside experts to test and verify inmarsat's conclusions. the company says it's willing to provide the model and the procedures it used to analyze the data but the ceo says it's up to the malaysian government whether or not to release that information. let's bring in our panel of experts. peter goelz is a cnn analyst, former ntsb managing director. tom fuentes is a law analyst, former assistant director of the fbi. what's your take on the release
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today? >> it's basic data. the investigators will also tell you they've already brought in outside experts. this was done not just in inmarsat, the brits, the american investigators and the malaysians. they brought in outside satellite experts who confirmed independently their conclusions. i'd say they're pretty comfortable with there this data drove them. >> what the family members want, they want that other information, how everyone looked at this raw data, which has now been released so they can have a better appreciation. i want you to hear what the ceo of inmarsat told our own chris cuomo on "new day." earlier this morning. >> we have absolutely no problem putting our model in the public domain. that is a decision for the leading country to put out there. it's clearly information, materials and workings that we've contributed into the investigation. so the proper decision making around that lies with the malaysian government.
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>> you buy that, it's up to mallish sha to release everything so the family members will get peace in mind if the conclusions are accurate? >> it is up to the malaysian government. >> why don't they release it? >> that's a good question. i think they could. i just have the feeling they could release more volumes than the warren commission and it wouldn't satisfy everybody. i think at this point, there's just about nothing they can do. >> any legitimate reason why malaysia would not release that information? >> only that it would contribute to confusion. i can see them releasing the information, having a panel of experts sit there for four or five hours, answering every question. that might satisfy 90% -- >> what sense of information could there be -- why wouldn't they transparentally release it all? >> it's not sensitive information. it's how so-called experts analyze data. they'll cherry pick information. people are still trying to sell the idea that twa 800 was shot down by missiles.
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and the idea is, this data is hard to analyze. they brought in outside experts. they came to the same conclusions. now, should they defend it publicly? they should. >> you agree? >> yes. >> what about the search, because now australia's suggesting, you know what, the actual search in the southern indian ocean, not necessarily going to go forward with government assistance, private companies are going to get involved. it looked like the search situation in the area where they thought they heard some pings from the black box, that might be going away at least for now. >> i think the australians were a little enthusiastic at the beginning. >> where they said they woulder in end that search, they would go forever? >> also about their optimism about the pings. this is very hard work. it's going to take a very long time. and the bluefin did not have the capabilities to get the job done in all aspects of this search. >> they still haven't found -- just to be precise, remember,
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239 people are still missing. a u.s.-made boeing 777 that cost about $250 million, disappeared. there are about 1,200 of them flying around the world right now. we don't know if it was an individual or terrorism. we don't know if it was a catastrophic or mechanical failure. we don't know anything right now, do we? >> no, but what we do know is they had a location that had over two hours of pings and that location has yet to be searched because they don't have the right equipment, did not have the right equipment on the search. that bluefin can't do everything. it cannot go deep enough to do the one location that had the strongest pings and the best information. >> they haven't found a tiny piece of wreckage. >> they aren't searching in that area until two or three weeks later after the disappearance. they had typhoons, all kinds of bad weather. >> all right, guys, thank you. a top nigerian official claims to know the location of the
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missing schoolgirls kidnapped by boko haram. he said there are limits to what can be done to get those girls back. arwa damon is in abuja. the was a truly amazing day. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. for over 18 years we've helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today at
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switch to comcast business internet and get two wifi networks included. comcast business built for business. for more than six weeks, the parents of the kidnapped nigerian schoolgirls have been waiting for word on the children. this is what they got from the government. >> the good news for the girls is we -- okay, we cannot tell you military secrets. leave us alone. we are working. we gill get the girls back. >> our senior correspondent arwa damon is joining us from the capital abuja. you just heard it, they say they know where the girls are but they can't rescue them. what's going on? >> well, we've been trying to figure that out ever since that comment was made about 24 hours
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ago, trying to reap out to various nigerian authorities unsuccessfully. some sources telling us they don't know where the girls are but they do have credible leads they're following. the u.s. for its part saying it does not have information as to the specific location of the girls, specific evidence as to where they may be, but they do have information as well. the defense taking the military option off the table. launching the kind of military operation it would require to bring them home safely would be incredibly challenging, if not impossible, for even the best of armies, given the terrain that boko haram is keeping the girls in, and that they are most likely not in one group. they've been spread out over various cells. negotiating with boko haram is something the nigerian government at this stage says it is unwilling to do. even that would pose great challenges. this is not necessarily a top-down organization.
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the different cells presumably holding the groups of girls all have different kinds of leadership. so while those comments do seem to create an aura of optimism that perhaps the girls may be located, once they are located, getting them back home safely, that is going to potentially be the even bigger challenge, wolf. >> as you know, a lot of nigerians have criticized their own government for the slow response to the kidnappings. how have they responded to the latest statement? what's the mood over there? >> well, there's been quite a lot of skepticism because they heard their government waffle when it comes to what happened to the girls, how many of them were missing, exactly what kind of military operations were under way. people want to see that concrete evidence that the military is actually doing something. especially those that are living in the three states in the northeastern part of the country that are most affected by boko haram. because since this kidnapping has taken place and boko haram
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has been thrown into the spotlight, even though they've been terrorizing that part of the country for years, we've seen them launch even more brazen, even more numerous attacks with that sense of insecurity growing, despite the fact the government says it has put all this military into place to try to hunt down the girls. people at this stage really wanting to see the government do more, really wanting to see the military do more, and also looking towards the international community for that critical support that the nigerian government and military may be needing, wolf. >> arwa damon in abuja for us, watching this important story. let's hope they find these girls and bring them home to their parents soon. up next, ukrainian troops squaring off against separatist forces, but what role is ukraine's new president playing in the continuing crackdown? we'll go there live for a closer look. [ man ] look how beautiful it is. ♪ honey, we need to talk. we do? i took the trash out. i know. and thank you so much for that.
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four international on searchers have gone missing in eastern ukraine. a monitoring team were patrolling when they were last heard from. donetsk is a stronghold of separatists. others were released after a week. bodies piled up in the morgue. that's the result of a major battle in eastern ukraine between government troops and separatists who stormed the
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donetsk airport. payton walsh is on the scene for us. first of all, who controls the airport right now? >> reporter: it's pretty clear, i think the majority of it is held by ukrainian military personnel at this point. the separatists seem to be moving around, trying to block some roads. we heard earlier occasional heavy exchanges. i think now they went back and forth, it seems to be settling into the ukraine military's favor here. we saw this morning, the extent of the violence yesterday, going to the more dignified pile of bodies simply brought in, bullet wounds, some unrecognizable through the damage caused by heavy weaponry. two trucks were torn to pieces by heavy weapons. the ukrainian military resorting to the heaviest firepower they have in taking the airport.
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there was always a red line for them in many ways. the numbers of dead, according to the mayor here, 40 dead, 2 civilians. one woman's head was basically blown clean off, in the morgue as well. this city really waking up today to assess the level of violence yesterday, the damage, and also brace itself for what it appears as a war. >> is the newly elected president of ukraine calling the shots now in the crackdown in eastern ukraine? >> reporter: well, it's curious timing, that the most consistent and forceful move by the ukrainian military occurred the first day in power of pachenko. he gave a speech suggesting he would like some reconciliation. it was strange to see this level of military might so shortly after. the airport has always been a red line here, the governor
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saying they wouldn't let it fall in the separatists' hands. are tle negotiating or more fighting ahead. >> nick payton walsh on the ground for us in the ukraine. stay safe, my friend. earlier today president obama called the newly elected president offering congratulations, extending an offer of assistance and cooperation. but an interview with cnn just a little while ago, ukraine's deputy foreign minister challenged the u.s. to do more. he said, and i'm quoting now, i do believe we have to exercise more sanctions. the international community has to exercise stronger influence on the russian authorities to convince them to get back to the civilized relations with other nations. up next, the next step in the donald sterling saga, shelly sterling, his wife, seemingly moving ahead with her plans for the clippers' future. what if a photo were more than a memory?
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today is the deadline for donald sterling to respond to the nba in the charges related to his racist comments, all caught on aid yo tape. as reported last week, sterling has backed away from the fight and now it seems his wife is moving closer and closer to unloading the team. brian todd is following the story for us. what do we know about shelly sterling, the point person actually trying to sell the clippers? >> giving indications this is moving very fast. cnn learned that shelly sterling met over the weekend with former microsoft
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>> magic johnson may be in the running for the clippers at this time. oprah winfrey is out of the running for the ownership. the nba is not commenting on any of this. shelly sterling's rep is also not commenting on this. we talked about what the team could be worth. the latest reports, about $1.5 billion, maybe even more. >> there's a huge bidding. i'm hearing a huge bidding war already under way. let's give some perspective. the sterlings bought the team in san diego for $11 million. when this whole saga came up, they thought they could go for
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$700 million or $800 million. i suggested at the time $1 billion. given the media market of los angeles. but now, i'm even surprised to hear that there are bids coming in, as you point out, for $1.5 billion. and it could go higher. some experts are saying it could go for $2 billion. >> could go for $2 billion. one thing to remember, it looks like the nba wants to get this done quickly, maybe before the june 3rd vote by the nba owners, whether to oust donald sterling or not. we're getting a strong sense that the nba does not necessarily want to come to that vote. >> nice consolation prize for the sterlings. thanks very much, brian todd. president obama got a science lesson from some kids today at the white house. the fourth annual science fair. listen to 12-year-old payton robinson explaining his invention, sandless sandbags.
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>> this is what polymer looks like. but then when you add water, it straightens out. and expands, like this. you want to try it? >> i do. i actually have one of these. but they're very cool. sometimes i just stare at them in space. sometimes in the oval office i just look at one of these. >> payton already has two patents pending, and at just 8 years old he attended classes at the university of mississippi. good work, payton. coming to cnn, a new series from check tiff producer tom hanks and gary getsman, the sixties, the decade that reshaped americans' lives that still affect all of us today. to go along with it, a brand-new museum style at grand central station in new york city. today, cnn teamed up with the smithsonian affiliates to curate an exhibit that brings the series to life. the new york governor, andrew
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cuomo, and jeff zucker cut the ribbon just a few hours ago. be sure and watch, or set your dvr, for the premiere of the '60s, this thursday night 9:00 eastern and pacific on cnn. that's it for me. thanks very much for watching. i'll be back 2:45 eastern for a special coverage of president obama's announcement of u.s. troop levels in afghanistan. newsroom with brooke baldwin newsroom with brooke baldwin starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- shall 45 minutes from now, president barack obama is expected to lay out his vision for u.s. military forces in afghanistan. and we will be hearing a number that a lot of people have actually been waiting to hear. the number is 9,800. that is the number of troops who stay in afghanistan, by the end of the year, which means more than 22,000 americans will be coming home. under the president's plan, just
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