tv CNN Tonight CNN May 27, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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retribution. tomorrow is the day of retribution. the day in which i will have my revenge against humanity. >> my kid died because nobody responded to what occurred at sandy hook. >> the anguish of parents. good evening, everyone. this is cnn tonight. i'm don lemon. as the uc santa barbara community mourns, six young people slaughtered on friday, america asks what can we do to stop another dangerous loner from going on a rampage. tonight we want to know what you think. tweet us using the #askdon.
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donald sterling is apparently not going to go quietly. the clippers' owner sent a 32-page response that i hold here in my hand that promises to fight for the clippers and says efforts to terminate his ownership violate his rights. i'm joined now by cnn's senior legal analyst and that's jeffrey toobin. i want to look at some of the responses from donald sterling before you and i talk. first, this is from page 2 of his response. it says, because the conversation that v. stiviano invades mr. sterling's rights under california constitution and cannot be used for any purpose, these proceedings must be terminated. and it says that it was a lover's quarrel and in which he was clearly distraught, he did not take or support a or action. >> it a very impressive document. it's 32 pages of tightly argued legal pros which basically says
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two things. one, this was an illegal act, as you just quoted, that cannot be used against don sterling and even if you consider these statements that v. stiviano recorded, they are not a violation of the nba constitution so he cannot be stripped of his ownership. i think there are a lot of problems with this argument. i think he treats the nba as if it's the government, not a private association, which gets to choose which members are in and which members are out but it is a legal argument that is certainly a serious one, though i don't think it's a winning one. >> let's talk about the one that you and i have been talking about, which is the moral clause because it says that article 2 cited by the league against him is not meant to oversee morals and ethics in the home. it is meant to governor morals and ethics in conducting the sport of basketball.
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does he have a point? >> well, one of the themes of his argument is that the only way you can take away a franchise is if there is some financial misconduct, if you don't pay the bills, don't pay the players. so the moral clauses, the statements to his girlfriend, what ever she was, certainly are not financial impropriety. again, i don't think it's a winning argument because the nba can decide what's financially damaging to the league and they have filed extensive affidavits with the league saying, look at all of the sponsors who have left. look at all of the players who won't play. that is a financial implication of sterling's comments. >> all right. let's go to page 8 now of the document, jeffrey, where he references anderson cooper's interview here, cnn. he says the interview does not violate the constitution and talks about v. stiviano's
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interview with dr. phil saying she was enjoying the limelight. >> so what? v. stiviano was enjoying the limelight. she's obviously an eccentric character. >> okay. page 9 he says -- he claims to have been prevented from conducting his own investigation because mr. sterling is locked out at his office at staples center, he cannot do his own investigation or research as a materiality of the impact of the illegally recorded leaked tape and he claims that he's been pro diversity on page 11 saying that he was instrumental in fostering the diverse body of players, coaches, general managers employees, and fans on which the nba. what do you think about that? >> he doesn't mention that the
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general manager ended up suing him for racial discrimination, though that was a case that don sterling won. there are individual arguments that make a certain amount of sense, that he couldn't get to his office to assemble a response. he had to respond to a thousand pages of the documents that the nba filed in five days. those are arguments that are somewhat sympathetic if you view this as a sort of governmental procedure. but this is a private association with its own rules. i don't think any judge is going to get involved with this. >> we have all said -- it's been maintained that he's not going to go down without a fight, taking others down with him. a gay slur by kobe bryant saying that he was only fined a thousand dollars and comments that magic has made against gay marriage.
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has sterling been singled out in ways that others haven't, jeffrey? >> i think those are phony arguments. an outburst on the court is very different from the owner of the team expressing a racist sentiment and opposing same-sex marriage, the president of the united states used to oppose same-sex marriage about two years ago. millions of people in this country oppose same-sex marriage. that clearly is not grounds for any sort of misconduct. certainly, there is nothing comparable to the racist statements that donald sterling made. the argument that everybody does it just -- it doesn't fly here. >> let's talk about this, about -- you know, i think he paid 11, $12 million for the team back in the day. is this all about money? because he claims the sale will cause him to take egregious actions and meanwhile shelly
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sterling says she's authorized to the sell the team and is considering hefty offers. so what do you think will ultimately happen here? >> i think what is happening is a two-track strategy. the franchise is up for sale and they -- they are very likely going to go ahead and sell the franchise for a great deal of money but they want to protect their legal options so they filed this document. but ultimately i think that they recognize that the writing is on the wall here. they are going to be out. they are going to sell the team because you have to say the argument that he may pay a lot of taxes, i mean, talk about a heartbreaking argument. here's a guy who bought this franchise for $12 million, he's going to sell it for over a billllion and the poor guy is going to have to pay taxes. doesn't that make you want to cry? >> woe is me. you should read the response. donald sterling to the nba.
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jeffrey toobin, thank you very much. we appreciate it. now i want to turn up to the events that led to the explosion of deadly violence in california in a college town there and the warning signs that something bad was going to happen. cnn's stephanie elam has the latest for us. >> reporter: friday night in isla vista, california, college students enjoying the start of a long holiday weekend. but one disturbed young man is seeking revenge. >> if i can't have you girls, i will destroy you. [ laughter ] >> reporter: rodger's parents know of their son's mental health issues. he's been in and out of therapy since age 8. nearly a month before the shooting, his mother finds videos on his youtube channel. her 22-year-old son elliot complaining about women. >> i should be the one with the girls. i mean, look at me. i'm gorgeous. but you girls don't see it. >> reporter: his mother contacts
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his therapist who calls a hotline. deputies check on him at his apartment. >> they determined that he did not meet the criteria for an involuntary mental health hold. he was, as i said, courteous and polite. >> reporter: a determination that turns out to have grave consequences. on friday, just before the shooting, rodger e-mails a 137-page diatribe to his parents and one therapist. in it, he thought his plan was busted when the police showed up writing, "if that were the case, the police would have searched my room, found all of my guns and weapons along with my writings about what i plan to do with them. i would have been in jail and denied the chance to exact revenge on my enemies. i can't imagine a hell more than that. rodger's mother finds the alarming new video.
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>> i am going to enter the hottest sorority house of ucsb and i will slaughter ever single spoiled, stuck-up, blond [ bleep ] i see inside there. >> reporter: she calls 911 and rodger's father. they rush from los angeles to santa barbara, but they are too late. >> we need three ambulances here. >> reporter: the shooting began around 9:30. rodger had already killed his roommates, stabbing to death george chen and cheng yuan hong and weihan wang and then rodger heads to the sorority house. he beats on the door but when no one answers, rodger shoots three women standing outside, seriously injuring one and
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killing veronika weiss and katie cooper. >> there was a young girl laying right here and she was -- i could just tell immediately she was gone. >> reporter: a couple of minutes later, rodger drives to a nearby deli and kills christopher martinez. surveillance cameras capture the attack. >> he was the most warm, loving, kindhearted kid you could ask for. i mean, it's just -- if you talk to people that know him, they would tell you he's a great kid. >> reporter: before the spree is over, rodger speeds off in his car firing at bystanders, driving down the wrong side of the road to get closer to his targets, hitting a bicyclist with his car. one woman records part of the rampage on her cell phone.
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he fires his gun at various pedestrians before shooting at sheriff deputies. >> three of the four sheriff deputies were able to return fire at the suspect, striking the suspect's vehicle and we believe shooting the suspect in his left hip area. >> reporter: in one last wild turn, rodger hits another bicyclist with his car. the force knocking in his windshield. his bmw then careens into several parked cars before police pull him out dead of an apparent gunshot wound to the head. it's the end of the shooting spree that lasts ten minutes but leaves all of the parents, his and the victims with a lifetime of agony. >> my kid died because nobody responded to what occurred at sandy hook. those parents lost little kids. it's bad enough that i lost my 20-year-old but i had 20 years with my son. that's all i'll ever have but those people lost their children
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at 6 and 7 years old. how do you think they feel? and who is doing anything for them now? >> reporter: stephanie elam, cnn, los angeles. when we come right back, we have asked dr. xavier amador to look at the manifesto. also, police went to his house less than a month before the shooting spree and left. what more could they have done to stop the rampage? one man's madness but it's prompted more than a million women to go public with their stories of harassment, discrimination, and worse. what can i do on a $7 a month android plan from tracfone? check the weather. borrow ted's wheelbarrow. post big tomato pics. buy a birdhouse for sparrows. download gardening apps. answer my wife's texts.
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back now with more on the deadly university shooting in california. i want to bring in a man who knew elliot rodger and said he had concerns about him. he knew rodger through two of his school friends and joins me now. thank you so much for joining us here on cnn. how did you get to know elliot rodger? >> thank you for having me, don. i met elliot rodger from a group of my former students once they became adults i stayed in touch with them and he was -- he was not one of my students himself,
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though. >> what was your first impression of him, mr. shaw? >> my first impression of him is that he was very shy and awkward, also intelligent, though. he was stand-offish. he would not really talk to you unless you talked to him. >> did you think he could be dangerous at any point when you met him? >> not when i first met him. but -- and no one can conceive of anything like this happening. but about three years ago i did mention to the mutual friends, if i ever met someone who fit the bill of a mass murderer, it was elliot rodger so it was surreal when it was confirmed that it was elliot rodger. >> not to put you on the spot, why didn't you do anything about it? >> i really wasn't in a position to. i didn't know his family at all.
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you know, i knew him but i only saw him about seven, eight, maybe ten times at the most and, you know, i didn't feel like it was my place to. i wasn't close enough to the situation. there were a lot of adults in his life, older adults that were in a much closer position. so i didn't feel it would be appropriate for me to step in. >> okay. so you say he fit the bill of a mass murderer? i don't want to put words in your mouth. what did you say? >> yeah. he fit the bill of the type of person that would lose it? >> so what were those occasions? how would he fit the bill? >> as i said, when i first met him, i found him as shy and awkward and standoff-ish. i thought he might be on the autism spectrum. but i had one conversation with
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him, just a casual conversation at a public street event, you know, in nearby venice where he was going on about some of the same things that we've heard and some of the same things that were in his manifesto and his feeling that women were inferior and at that point i knew that he may not have been violent but that this wasn't just the wild musings of someone in late adolescence who just wants to impress people. his methodical way -- he was very articulate and very intelligent and spoke very clearly. did not stumble over words. and his certitude is, frankly, what creeped me out. >> and i've got to clarify here, not everyone on the autism spectrum are violence. >> correct. the majority are not. >> you were his facebook friend and then you blocked him. what made you do that? >> sort of the proverbial straw. there wasn't any one thing.
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there was a thread that i posted and in it he made the statement that teenagers who had premarital sex, fornification, should be given the death penalty and i knew this was -- i knew -- at that point, i mean, and for some time, you know, a facebook -- having a facebook friend is rather casual extent of a relationship but at that point i defriended him and, of course, blocked him because i, frankly, didn't want other people, other ones of my facebook friends who i knew better saying, who is this? who is this creature? i didn't want it to be a circus. >> lenny shaw, i appreciate you very much for joining us here. >> thank you. >> i want to know what my next guest thinks of all of this. xavier amador is part of the leap institute. i appreciate you joining us here on cnn as well. dr. amador, we asked you to take
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a look at rodger's so-called manifesto. give us your expert take of his writings and state of mind. >> first of all, i don't think it's a manifesto. it's a delusional streed. what i see are delusions, clear-cut delusions, grandiose delusions. he believes he's divine. not god-like but actually god. he also expresses suicidal ideas, a suicidal plan. we know that people with delusions and other psychotic symptoms, like the ones i've just described, tend to be more violent with the general population than when not in treatment. let me emphasize, as you did about autism, people with autism spectrum disorder are no more violent than the rest of the population, people with schizophrenia disorders are no
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more violent except -- and this is a caveat and difficult for those that care about schizophrenia, except when they are not in care and that team seems to be the case. >> he writes, all of those beautiful girls that i have desired in my life which i can never have because they despise and loathe me i will destroy. all of those popular people that lead hedonistic lives of pleasure i will destroy because they never accepted me as one of them. i will kill them all and make them suffer just as they have made me suffer. it is only fair, he says. dr. amador, in your opinion, what is really behind what happened here? this seems a pretty violent take here. >> well, it seems violent and it seems that he's picking on particular people that have insulted him, that have hurt him, that have rejected him. and i don't mean any disrespect
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to you or your producers but when we cherry pick statements like this, it sounds a little bit more cogent and rational than it does. when i look at the bigger picture he writes, why do things have to be this way? people are going to ask why i did this and he says, humanity struck humanity. not an individual, not a sorority sister. humanity. the entirety of humanity struck at me first i didn't want this. i didn't start this war. i wasn't the one who struck first but i will finish it. that is a quick cherry picking on my part of a lot of the writings that indicate very deep, deep longstanding pair know prosecutorial delusions that really reflect a broken brain and i mean that quite literally. a brain that is not functioning properly, neurochemically as well. >> i want to talk to you about the parents and the police say
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rodger had been planning his revenge, doctor, for at least a year now, maybe longer. we know his parents were concerned enough to have him in treatment and to report his youtube videos and through a therapist to authorities. that's the parents -- and then the police came out. could the parents have done more? >> no. no. they did -- they did -- look, from what i've read, what i've seen, they've done what millions of american families do. i had a friend who was schizophrenia, by the way. i had to have the police check on them and only to have been turned away because there were not enough inpatient beds. congressman murphy's helping families well mental crisis act teaches police officers how to do better evaluations. i'm not faulting the santa barbara police department. i don't know about the training that they had. but if they had crisis intention
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training, cit training, the likelihood that they would have been able to pick up the warning signs, the red flags, not the yellow signs, the red flags, is much, much higher because they learn about mental illness. they learn to not only talk to the person but to go online, look at what the person is posting and talk to the family and detect what is being hidden. >> i want to talk after the break about what more, if anything, police could have done and why someone like elliot rodger is to articulate in one instant and does what the doctor says is delusional things in the next instance. we'll be right back. ups is a global company, but most of our employees live in the same communities that we serve.
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elliot rodger made no secrets of his rage. he posted videos on youtube, promising to hurt those that had wronged him, especially women. >> i've wanted sex, love, affection, adoration but you think i'm unworthy of it. that's a crime that can never be forgiven. >> so why did no one stop elliot rodger? an expert on the stresses of college life is joining me. also, sally kohn, casey jordan is a criminologist and
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xavier amador is joining me again as well. elliot rodger's mother asked the police to check on her son and the sheriff said they only found out about the videos after the murders. what should the police have done? did they do the right thing? >> i'm not going to second guess these particular officers without knowing their training but, no, in terms of the standard of practice when dealing with mentally ill persons, not enough was clearly done. and i'm not just monday morning quarterbacking here. what you want to do is look at other sources of information. talk to the parents. if they say he's posting, make sure you look at the postings, someone get online before you leave the home, find out what
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he's posting. if the information is there, you can act. and real quick, back to congressman murphy's bill, one of the things he's talking about is changing the standard for involuntary transport to a hospital for evaluation and treatment. from imminent danger, which is what they said, there's not an imminent danger, we're going to let him go, to need for treatment. and it sounds like they had need for treatment pretty well demonstrated. >> doctor, i want you to get in there because his parents knew their son was trouble. they knew it. he had been seeing a therapist since he was 8 years old and according to a family friend, you know, again, they said the family friend had been seeing a therapist since he was 8 years old and the parents were very aware of it. what could the cops have done when they got to the home? >> well, there seems to be a disconnect and a lot of gray area in terms of what they can do by law and what they should be able to do by commonsense. so you've got to remember that
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there is leakage, the signs that someone is extremely disturbed. we talk about it with school shooters, the youtube videos, and the people that blog and say to their friends. and we need to take this so-called leakage very seriously. the problem is, there is so much of it that cops are going to suffer from battle fatigue with every parent, every teacher, every neighbor calling and saying, the child said this, the kid said this but when the parents, i would say that when the reporting factor is someone very close to the subject, you have elliot rodger's mother calling the cops and saying, you need to see these videos. i'm very scared about my son's safety and his ability to hurt others. you need to take that very seriously. i think what happened and what could have happened differently, the police needed to see those videos and they needed to go with somebody, like dr. amador, a mental health professional who is well-trained and properly trained to make a better diagnosis than cops are trained
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to do. it should not be the cop's responsibility. >> casey, i've got to disagree real quickly. police officers are doing this every day. and i agree with what you said in spirit. but we train police officers in cit and the data are abundantly clear, they can do the job. but you need specialized units within sheriff departments, highway patrol who know about mental illness, who know how to do what you just described. >> i think what you guys are you can talking about is that the system failed. a tweet from dorothy says, the system failed but the parents tried to prevent this strategy. was it a system failure or do you think it was a parents' failure? what went wrong? >> blaming the parents at all in this situation seems sort of adding insult to what is their misery as well as the parents of the victims. the part that sort of gets me the wrong way after these shootings is we pick apart what
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happened in these individual cases as though we got this formula right we could have prevented it, the broader systems issues here. there are patterns. it's not just mental health although i think adequate mental health treatment in this country is essential but it is also about guns. in this case, it's also about misogyny. we have this idea that we can individualize these cases. we can deal with the trends and the commonalities. >> elliot rodger was clearly mentally disturbed in many ways but he directed a lot of his anger to women. what role, if any, do you think misogyny played in this crime? >> is a guy that took part in rejection denial. of course, the doctor said his brain was broken.
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these are people who hate women not because what women have done but they hate themselves and it's much easier to hate everybody else than it is to actually look in the mirror and see why it is that i hate myself. >> you don't think he's misogynous? >> of course he is misogynous. his behavior and writings, yes. when it comes to the police, knowing who is a danger, who is not, depression, rejection, this anger, college campuses are filled with students who hurt themselves and hurt other people. it's really difficult for them to know who is a bigger risk and who isn't and this is where the parents, this is where the school, this is where the infrastructure needs to play a greater role so that we can
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monitor the emotional health and well-being which is something nobody talks about. >> let's talk about the infrastructure. especially college. college is such a key time for transition and kids are on their own and they are learning to deal with challenges and this is a time where they should be monitored even closer, harlan. so what can we do to fix that? is there something that we can do to help make the transition independent? >> this needs to start before kids even go to college. this needs to start in high school. we work so hard on the academic side of the college experience. but you don't see students going on rampages because they are getting an "f." rarely is that the situation. it's been students who have shown signs. so before you even get to college, should you struggle in college, how can a student have someone they are connected with so when they show the warning signs, they will be there. the residents life staff. this is another place where we can help.
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who is in contact with these students, the teachers in high schools, elementary schools, let's educate students in dealing with rejection and finding their places and ways. >> it's not just emotional adversity and rejection. it's about understanding mental illness. the age of onset for major illness, like schizophrenia, is exactly when you start to attend college. >> i want to talk about that and the development of the brain and, again, why someone can be so articulate and then have delusional habits and thoughts like you talked about, doctor. thank you. harlan cohen, thank you. everyone else, stay with me. i want to talk more about mental health and what about guns as well. when we come back, a man who said the second amendment, the right to bear arms, may not say what you think it said. [ male announcer ] your eyes. even 10 miles away... they can see the light of a single candle. look after them with centrum silver.
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second amendment and what it really means. joining me now is an expert and an author of a biography of "the second amendment." after sandy hook and again this weekend, we heard grieving fathers say to gun supporters, why is your right to carry a weapon more important than my son's right to live? how can that question be answered? >> well, you know, it was really quite striking that the father was so eloquent and was able to crystallize that debate so powerfully in the first awful hours. as i watched this unfold, to me, as we look at this evil young man doing what he did, what i want to hope for is we don't have a situation as we grapple with what to do with the idea that somehow the second amendment will prevent us from
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taking the steps that we need to take as a society of this new book that i've written is a biography of the second amendment and that's because the way we look at that provision of the constitution has changed over and over again throughout the years. it's really a function of what we think at any moment about freedom and government and so, once again, we can have that kind of conversation about the second amendment now to make sure that we can do what we need to do as a society. >> the second amendment has been relied upon by pro gun lobby and arguments against more gun control and in your book you say this may not be the interpretation that the framers of the constitution intended. explain. >> i think they would be rather surprised by the misuse that later generations have put to the second amendment. the second amendment is one of the bill of rights. it was coming out of the grand debate over the constitution when it was ratified. it was above all else designed to protect the 13 state militias
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that were the citizen soldiers, the military force at the time, were all adult men, eventually all adult white men, in the militia for all of their life and they were required by law to own a gun. it wasn't an individual right but to fulfill the civic duty to participate in the militia. obviously it's a very different world, a very different approach than what we have now and over time, as the militias faded away, the meaning of the second amendment changed. it became more focused on individuals and we've had guns throughout american history and we've had gun laws side by side. it was not until recent decades when the national rifle association and other gun rights advocates sort of made a constitutional crusade out of it that people have thought that the second amendment prohibited anything but a completely unfethered individual right. >> how have they been involved
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in deciding the meaning of the second amendment? >> it's really kind of a classic constitutional law crusade. until a few decades ago, as chief justice berger, warren berger, the conservative justice appointed by nixon put it, the idea of an individual right was a fraud. that was the consensus view. starting in the 1970s, the nra fashioned itself around the second amount right. they backed scholarship that some of it was good, quite good, and some of it wasn't so good, i don't think, that purported to show that this is really what the founding fathers had in mind. they really worked hard to shake public opinion. they fought hard to move political actors and change the position of the justice department and then eventually gun rights advocates went to court. you know, the supreme court of the united states did not ever rule that the second amendment to the constitution recognizes an individual right to gun
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ownership for self-defense until 2008. really recently. and other than that, they have ruled otherwise. >> i want you to hold that thought because we have to get to a break and we have to remember as well, there were knives involved, he stabbed people and he used his car as a weapon. it's not just guns. michael waldman, stay with me. when we come back, which is a harder problem to tackle, is it guns or mental health? ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews.
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uc santa barbara, sandy hook, back with me to discuss all of this is michael waldman, xavier amador and the question is how can we get people like this committed. this is going to be, you know, a mental health issue, obviously, but how do we do that? >> i am a big supporter of the murphy bill. i think you have to lower the threshold and empower those crisis intervention teams. the key is that you need to
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intervene when a person needs mental health treatment, not when they are an implement danger to others, how do you define that and who is going to make that determination? it's really difficult. we need a team approach to intervening in these particular cases. >> michael waldman, can we talk about -- because he didn't just use a gun. he stabbed people, he also ran them down with his car. if someone wants to commit a mass murder, are they going to find a way to do it no matter what? >> it's an interesting analogy and it's actually quite telling. you know, next year is likely to be the case that they will be more people in the united states who die from guns than from cars. that's the first time ever. now, why is that? it's partly because we've made cars safer. you know, who could drive, we've lifted the drinking age to 21 so people wouldn't drive recklessly, we changed car design. in other words, we changed cars and made them safer and, you know, the question is, are there ways to do that also with guns and, again, i think it's
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important to understand that if the answer is yes, if there are technologies and all kinds of ways where you can have both gun rights and gun laws and gun safety, the second amendment ought not be seen as an obstacle to that and i'll mention, he also did not have an assault weapon which in some places he might have and that would lead to worse carnage. >> don, it's worth pointing out that the same day that the sandy hook massacre happened, there was a stabbing at a school in china. the difference is in china, no children died. we are talking about the speed and the severity with which people can commit -- commit these crimes and the easy access to guns. we can restrict access to guns. we can make sure very simply that we have background checks, that we fix loopholes, that gun owners report without restricting the ability of law-abiding gun owners. it's pretty simple.
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>> doctor, he had a history of mental illness but was still able to buy multiple guns. how can we follow up on that following what michael said? >> i think there's a lot of controversy in terms of background checks being more thorough but i will say this. my first forensic case was ted kosinski, the unibomber. he didn't use guns. he used bombs. untreated mental illness creates violence. much more often the person commits suicide. the violence is perpetrated against themselves, not other people. one other quick comment. you know, michael waldman, i'd invite you to think about this and other people who are thinking like you are, that he elliot rodger was evil. in the 1600s we believed that people with serious mental illness, the experts believed they were evil and possessed by demons.
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we know better. we need to understand mental illness. we now need the policy in place, in washington, in our state and local governments, let's get it done. i've been listening to this debate for 30 years. 30 years. >> it's entirely possible to walk and chew gum at the same time. there's no reason why we can't address gun policy and mental illness. >> and let's talk about misogyny, too. >> thank you, michael, xavier, casey, sally. donald sterling is fighting the nba. when we come back, what the league has to say about that. olive garden's latest inspiration?
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this is cnn tonight tomorrow. the stories you'll be talking about tomorrow. that's when the president heads to west point for what is being billed as a major foreign policy speech. it follows his surprise visit afghanistan over the weekend and his remarks about the upcoming end to the forces being there. and we have an update for you on the never ending donald sterling saga. the nba has received the sterling response and they will
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meet next week. the clippers will be sold, that's their response to donald sterling's lawyers tonight. that's it for us. i'm don lemon. "ac 360" starts right now good evening. it is the end of the day of mourning at the university of california, santa barbara, thousands coming together at the campus, the soccer stadium and at other campuses around the state. people may not ever know what happened on friday. but that is not so important tonight. that honoring a lost friend's life matters more or supporting a wounded classmate. comforting a neighbor, showing up just to prove that there are far more good people in the world than gunmen. which is why our focus tonight will not be on the one who killed six people before he killed himself friday, it will be on the lives taken. none of that requires saying a
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