tv Wolf CNN May 29, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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sure. joey jackson, thank you. >> it's been a pleasure. >> for you all, great to have you with this program. i'm flat out of time and that means the most incredible man on television, wolf blitzer, starts no now. >> right now the outrage over v.a. health care is expanding, calling for v.a. secretary's resignation and pressure on president obama to do something to control the damage. the white house secretary is about to take questions for the first time since the inspector gener general's preliminary report came out. you're looking at the briefing room and you'll have live coverage once it gets under way. also a bungled search, officials saying the area they focused the search for flight 370 is wrong this after a u.s. navy official tells cnn those infamous pings did not come from
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the plane. right now a horrifying story out of pakistan, a pregnant woman stoned to death by family members after she refused to marry the man they had chosen for her, all this coming just days after an american doctor was brutally gunned down in front of his wife and young son. hello. i'm wolf blitzer reporting from washington. the scandal is growing bigger and calls are growing louder for the v.a. secretary to resign. we first reported preliminary findings from the inspector general's report on the v.a. scandal. that's when senator john mccain for the first time, called for secretary erik shinseki to step down. since then, events have unfolded at a furious place. the white house says secretary shinseki is quote on thin ice with president obama. the administration says the president found the report on the scandal quote deeply
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troubling. the scathing report says at least 1700 veterans waiting to see a doctor at the phoenix v.a. hospital were never scheduled for appointments and they were never put on a waiting list. members of the house committee went ballistic at a hearing last night. >> how you can stand in a mirror and look at yourself in the mirror and shave in the morning and not throw up -- >> unforgivable. >> a question about destruction of documents and you don't know who did it or their motive. >> this is nearly a decade of excuses. >> the house is on fire and nobody is going to survive. >> all of you, i think, have to find something else to do. >> one person still not calling for secretary shinseki's resignation, is the house speaker, john boehner. here's what he said just a little while ago. >> i will continue to reserve judgment on general shinseki. the question i ask myself, is him resigning going to get us to
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the bottom of the problem? is it going to help us find out what's really going on? the answer i keep getting is no. the real issue here is the president is the one who should be held accountable. >> how long can secretary shinseki survive? what happens next? the widening v.a. scandal, joining us, gloria borger and drew griffin, who first broke the v.a. story. gloria, what's the latest? how much longer can shinseki survive? >> i don't think much longer. you heard the white house official say he's on thin ice, on probation. john boehner would rather blame president obama than blame general shinseki. i think what everyone is looking for is an exit strategy. shinseki is going to deliver his own evaluations of the problem to the president in the very near future. if i had to guess, they're looking for some way for him to
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resign. don't forget, general shinseki is a decorated war hero. i think there needs to be a certain amount of dignity assigned to this. this is a president probably looking for that way but they've given every signal starting with the president himself when he said he was holding him accountable and starting with signals from the white house it's clear he's probably going to have to leave. >> you spent time going through this preliminary inspector general's report on the phoenix v.a. facility. what's your take? >> my take is phoenix is worse than we thought and the problem nationwide is bigger than we thought. when we're talking about four different schemes that people in the v.a. were using to manipulate data and trick veterans into thinking they had an appointment when they don't. and then we're also talking about 42 facilities now that are being investigated by the office of inspector general, i think you do have, as the v.a. said, in this preliminary report, it is a systemic problem.
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>> not just phoenix, the presumption is this is happening all around the country. >> far wider than we thought. we've gotten whistle-blowers from several different hospitals. two weeks ago, 10, then 26 then 46 hospital hospitals. this is getting large. >> we're waiting for the press conference for press secretary jay carney. you're looking at live pictures. he will be pounded with questions about shinseki and the v.a. we'll have live coverage of that. one of the criticisms of the president, not just critic js and supporters, he's often such a nice guy, reluctant to fire people. he gives them a lot of time and for his own benefit or political benefit he should fire people more readily. >> politically, it would be easier for him to have just said, shinseki's gone because then you wouldn't have had all these calls for shinseki's
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resignation and makes the story even bigger. as you know from the history the way this president operates he didn't fire kathleen sebelius when the health care website didn't work well and didn't fire someone for bp oil and irs didn't fire people. this is somebody, according to this white house source, this is not a president who looks for scapegoats, wants to get to the bottom of the problem first and find out what's going on and then take action which is why i think he will allow shinseki to file a report and then allow him to resign. it would have been easier to do it immediately. >> and from shinseki's point of view, to make it more palatable to him. you've been saying some of those individuals who were cooking the books were doing it because they stood to gain personally
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financially as a result of book keeping maneuvers that understood mine health care for these veterans? >> that was a very very contentious point of the arguments being made last night in this congressional hearing i was telling gloria before we went on, packs, democrats, republicans, overflow congress people from different committees coming in to do the questioning. they wanted to know. the explanation is there were performance targets in the v.a. to meet these appointment dates. dr. thomas lynch the underassistant secretary said, we lost tight of the fact -- in trying to reach performance targets we lost sight of the fact we were supposed to care for veterans. he did not directly tie it to bonus, but we all know performance goals are tied to bonuses. there seems to be some link what they are getting monetarily and whether or not they have long or short wait times >> this isais a larger problem the president because it goes to
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the core of his presidency which is a question of competency in big government operations. he's brought us health care reform and you saw the incompetent health care website. he has made veterans care an important cornerstone of his presidency and you see the incompetence or malfeasance over at the v.a. this is a larger problem for the president what i think you heard john boehner talking about and what you will hear republicans talking about. and senators and democrats and republicans, senator blumenthal and mccain calling for an fbi criminal investigation into criminal allegations potentially. >> that's right. >> down the road. we're standing by and wait for the press secretary jay carney to head to the microphones. we'll monitor that briefing and monitor as soon as it starts. he will be asking a lot of questions of what's going on. at the bottom of the hour i will talk to the executive director
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of the american legion and his reaction to these developments. the search for flight 370 hits a dead-end and we will tell you why and the stunning revelation of the origin of those pings. how television changed the world. taking a closer look at the turmoil of the united states in the 1960s brought right into your living rooms. even when we cross our t's and dot our i's, we still run into problems. that's why liberty mutual insurance offers accident forgiveness if you qualify, and new car replacement standard with our auto policies. so call liberty mutual today. and if you switch, you could save up to $423. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy?
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have been heard. they have been searching where the pings were heard and now say the pings are believed to no longer have come from the so-called black boxes. let's talk to former ntsb managing director and tom fuentes, former fbi assistant director. it's pretty shock iing, when yo think about it, early on, everybody talking about the four pi pings coming from the black box, voices saying, not so fast. they weren't the same megahertz or ping boxes supposed to deliver. they said, well, maybe the ocean changed that a little bit. they were pretty insistent those were the pings for the black boxes. >> they were the only thing they had. there were questions phrased, the wrong frequency and even distribution where the pings were heard was questionable. they had nothing else.
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the reality is if they said we don't think this is it, they were obligated to search. they've done it. it's not there. we're in this for the long haul. >> now, they're suggesting maybe those pings came from the vessel that was searching and it was emitting some song and that's where it was coming from. you would have thought technical experts could determine that. even at the time, i remember reporting skeptics saying these may not be from the black boxes, it may be from another vessel or that vessel itself conducting the search. >> that's true. people were criticizing at the time the chinese ping locator and saying they're probably hearing their own boat. you would think, these are the most professional searchers available, they wouldn't know better than this? this sounds incredible to me they didn't consider or realize the possibility at the time they're listening to their own boat or a nearby boat.
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>> how does a blunder like that occur? you would think the greatest ping experts in the world would be able to determine, does it come from the black box or coming some place else, may not necessarily be a natural sound from the ocean, maybe a man-made mechanical device. you would think they could determine that without spending so many weeks, so much money and effort raising the hopes of these families all-for-naught. >> they were under enormous pressure. the clock was ticking on the life span of the battery. they had to get the device in the water. when they heard something they did not take the time to examine it as closely as they could. they recorded the ping and said, this just doesn't ring true. there were questions raised but they were under pressure and there was a little bit too much enthusiasm. >> i always thought it was very coincidental on that arc, the
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southern arc, the satellite handshakes shown the southern indian ocean, where it may have gone in the ocean, the pings from the black box only go out a mile or two, what a lucky break that they heard those pings. there were thousands and thousands of miles out there in that southern arc. >> right. at the time you recall you had oce oceanographers, other experts saying, oh, no, that's not true, the thermal layers of the ocean, pings can carry thousands of miles and other ocean sounds can carry thousands of miles. >> all the experts we spoke to said a ping from a black box goes 2 1/2, three miles. >> 2 1/2, three miles >> that's it. it was a break to all of a sudden hear four pings along that southern arc. >> at that depth you have to be almost over it to hear it.
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it could have been extraordinary lucky but should have been more skepticism by the australians. >> what a blunder. up next, military scoring a victory. and then later, problems at the v.a. i'll talk to the head of the american legion about the findings and future of the v.a. secretary, erik shinseki. ♪ honey, we need to talk. we do? i took the trash out. i know. and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan. right now? [ male announcer ] whether you're new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. it's up to you to pay the difference. so think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. i did a little research.
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latest bloodshed between the pro-russian militants and the government. joining us in eastern ukraine, nick, we saw troops fighting back militants at the airport there earlier in the week. this helicopter attack, is it linked to much ofratiothat oper? >> the conflict death toll rising rapidly. 14 dead and one of the missiles the militants have in their possession and showed me man pads, they're known and they showed me and tubes of them have take an helicopter out of the sky. a general among the 14 dead possibly the worst single loss of life the ukraine military have had since the start of this crisis. two, separatists admitting today in this town of donetsk that monday in the onslaught against the international airport which
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they had briefly taken over with 33 russian citizens. a big admission when it said it was staffed by ukrainian, very little foreign involvement at all, actually saying there were 33 russian citizens who come from russia to assist them and admitted the death toll in total could have been as high as 70 in that one day. that's the most deadly day since the starts of this crisis. also today, remarkable scenes in central donetsk. a large administration building separatists claims being their headquarters. today, it was surrounded by their own militants and said they were cleaning it looking for looters and thrown everybody out and dismantling it with a bulldozer and a new set of militants have come in that are chechen and means they might have some links to russia and they're just cleaning out ramshackle guys, often hard to understand who they worked for,
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if anybody and trying to instill a new order. today a fundamental new change as russians said, yes, we have russians in our ranks and sent che chech chech -- chechens in to clean up this large scene. wolf. >> thanks. nick walsh on the ground in eastern ukraine. egypt has elect add new president in a landslide, el sisi projected to get 90% of the vote only 40% of the population cast ballots, less than what was hoped for. he resigned in march as chief of the army to run for president of egypt and now been elected. the assessment from investigators in a new report, i'll get reaction from the executive director of the american legion.
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later, a new twist of the drama surrounding donald sterling and the sale of the l.a. clippers. for holdper poligrip because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it's clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip. those little cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache.
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seventh senator to call for shinseki to step down all because of problems at the v veterans administration. general shinseki called the results reprehensible. and family members lost loved ones while waiting to be seen. >> in october of 2013, i remember him telling me he was going for an appointment and very excited and finally going to get seen. he ended up showing at my hoist that morning. he beeps and dad, what did they do? what did they tell you? what's going on. he said, they didn't see me again. three months later is as soon as he had an appointment. there's no questioning why it was taking him so long to get him in, in three months, as soon as she had, no questions ors, and or buts >> he daytona make that appointment? >> he didn't make that appointment. >> the executive director of the
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american legion, thanks for coming in. as you know yesterday on this program, john mccain, when he heard about this preliminary report he called on shinseki to step down, the first time he did so. the american legion, your national director has been saying it for three weeks. nancy pelosi, the democratic leader in the house just a little while ago said this. >> we have to be careful about thinking that just because you remove the top person means you've changed the systemic problem that exists in the organization 10 years before shinseki or five years at least before shinseki became the secretary. >> all right. so with a change at the very top, shinseki gone and the american legion saying he should be gone for weeks, would that really make a difference? >> if the fear is if we take shinseki out will things fall apart at the v.a.? i think there's irrefutable
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proof the leadership in place now is not effective. the failures you're seeing are attributed not only to middle management leadership but it goes to the top. that's what the national leader dan dellinger have said for the past three weeks. when we heard initial accusations, we said, let's hear what happens. when fort collins came out it was proof to us this was systemic. the results of this latest ig report were beyond anybody's expectations. 1400 in the initial list recorded. the 1700 you referred to aren't even recorded in the v.a., separate. the i.g. reports these 1700 in addition to 1400 could have been lost because they weren't on official lists. we're letting our veterans get lost in the very health care system created to treat their unique needs >> senator mccain told me yesterday on this program 24 hours ago he thinks there should be a criminal investigation.
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the fbi should be brought in to look for potential crimes. senator blumenthal of connectic connecticut, he told me that earlier what does the american legion think? >> he made a decision, along with leadership that the american legion is calling for criminal investigations in phoenix at the phoenix v.a. medical center because of accusations in this document are criminal. if v.a. employees are capable of manipulating wait times and manipulating federal documents v.a. appointment sheets are that is a crime, not only resulting in bonuses for v.a. supervisors, resulting in delay of care and delay of care for america's veterans who have worn the uniform of this country is denial of care >> creating false numbers to say i am doing great job and get a bonus, that's a crime >> a crime. a shame on us as a country. this isn't a veteran issue, this
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is an american issue and every american should take stock. that's what the american legion is. we want to partner with v.a. and get the leadership >> is nancy lohse right when she says this problem existed 10 years ago? >> it would be another fault of ours if we spend time 10 years ago. today, veterans are waiting. we don't have a problem 10 years ago, we have a problem now for those who have worn the country's uniform and sacrificed for all of us. we have veterans watching this circus saying when will it improve my situation. the american legion is focusing on improving veteran's situation >> your message to president obama and shinseki is? >> make an effective change to those across this nation, father, wives, sons, daughters who have won the uniform of this nation, let's tell them when they come back they will receive
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the thanks of a grateful nation. >> peter, thanks for coming in. we hope this works out because our veterans deserve only the best. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. the white house press secretary set to begin any moment now just been told jay carney the press secretary will be out. i expect there will be a lot of questions on the v.a. scandal when we come back. and also a two track strategy for the sterling, donald sterling may be preparing to slap the nba with a lawsuit while his wife shelly is moving quickly to try to sell the team. the interest is high. we'll have the latest developme developments coming up as well. , anyone can do. it steals your memories. your independence. insures support. a breakthrough. and sooner than you'd like... ...sooner than you think. die from alzheimer's disease. ...we cure alzheimer's disease. every little click, call, or donation adds up to something big.
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questions, i assume. there will be a lot of questions about v.a. secretary shinseki and the aftermath and the v.a.'s affairs outlining enormous enormous problems at the veterans facility in arizona and we just heard -- in addition, we heard there is all sorts of other problems, systemic problems elsewhere around the country at v.a. filts. he is making some other announcements right now. once the questioning starts we'll go there and hear what he has to say. this is the first time we'll hear from the white house since that interim inspector general's report has come out. in the meanwhile i want to get an update in the latest developments of the donald sterling saga? will the team be sold before the dead line comes up, june 3rd? >> his wife shelly is working feverishly towards that and i just got off the phone with donald sterling's attorney.
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he said donald sterling is considering a lawsuit against the nba but no decision has been made yet. they're weighing their options. bleacher said donald sterling gave him marching orders to fight this effort and what he will do. what maxwell bleacher will tell ktla, why would he change his mind from last week when he said he would not fight this? >> now back to jay carney about to answer questions about the v.a. scandal. >> i think you saw the statement i put out yesterday reflecting the president was extremely troubled by that preliminary report. when it comes to the overall issue, as you know, from what the president has said and others have said, we are focused ongetting to the root of the problem and full scope of the
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problem so we can get most importantly veterans care they deserve and they need and they've earned. as the president said last week, this is very important, the v.a. should not and must not wait for current investigations of v.a. operations to conclude before taking steps to improve care. you have seen a reaction to that insist steance in reactions the v.a. has taken this week, when it comes to moving more quickly to reach out to those veterans who have been identified as having been on waiting lists for far too long, and allowing for greater eases when it comes to, if there is a need to having veterans receive care from private or nonprofit hospitals. earlier this week, as i -- this is repeating what i just said,
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they're redoubling their efforts on this issue to take steps at national and local levels to ensure timely access to care. this is very important. it's not enough but it is a step in the right direction. when it comes to accountability, t the -- i think the best way to describe the president's view, is to recall what he said when he stood in this room and spoke to you last week, he believes that secretary shinseki has served his country as a soldier, he believes that he is committed to his fellow veterans and is passionate about serving them. as the president said, rick shinseki has performed overall well as secretary on issues like homelessness, on the g.i. bill, the 9/11 g.i. bill and on
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working with us to reduce the backlog. he's put his heart and soul into this thing and taken it very seriously. that's quoting the president. when it comes to the current situation, the inquiries and investigations and some of the allegations, the president wants to see the results of these reports and he, as you know, made clear he believes there ought to be accountability once we establish all the facts. >> but the facts leave open the question whether secretary shinseki can continue to lead this department? >> i think the president identified last week he expect add preliminary report from secretary shinseki's internal audit very soon. when he receives that he'll be able to evaluate those findings along with what we received from the interim report from the inspector general and assess where we are at that time >> is it fair to say the white house has moved from the point
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you from this podium said the president has confidence insects sh shinseki to the point you are evalua evaluating whether he -- >> i think the president himself more than a week ago made clear his views on that specific matter and on how he will assess the issue of accountability when it comes to the accusations of mismanagement and misconduct at the v.a. he order ed up the internal audt secretary shinseki has undertaken, an audit that is involving more than 200 people and he expects to receive a preliminary report very soon. as he mentioned last week from the podium. will be very interested in the results. >> is it your understanding that the president will wait until the back review and whatever rob neighba nabors is working on until making a complete decision at
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the v.a. >> i'm not going to speculate about personnel, i almost never do. what matters most to the president is making sure we're not waiting even for preliminary or interim reports from these inquiries to take action to ensure our veterans are getting better care and better service more quickly. that's why you've seen the steps already undertaken by the v.a. and he expects further action to be taken, so that the most important mission we have here, which is providing benefits and health care to our veterans, is being performed more effectively. >> there you hear it, jay carney, the white house press secretary saying the president is ready to give eric shinseki, the secretary of veterans affairs more time and not calling for him to resign yet. let's get more reaction from the white house. peter gayton, the executive director of the american legion.
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>> the american legion's point is how much do we have to wait for? jay carney says they have to meet their goal to provide health care and meet the needs of veterans. that's been their goal since they became a cabinet agency. what we need to see now is the failures that have come to light because of these i.g. investigations have to be fixed. he's right the important thing is deliver timely health care to america's veterans. it's obvious every level of v.a. were unaware how bad this system was we've gone from 26 facility s to 42 facilities from an interim report investigated. if that has grown that broad in terms of infecting the entire system, leadership either they didn't know about it, poor leadership or they knew about it and didn't do anything about it, that's even worse. >> peter, from the american legion, thanks very much. you have called for secretary
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shinseki to resign. you did that three weeks ago. >> more news coming up. are you ready grandma? just a second, sweetie. [ female announcer ] we eased your back pain, you turned up the fun. tylenol® provides strong pain relief while being gentle on your stomach. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®.
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was stoned and beaten to death by her own family. it happened at this high court on tuesday because she refused to marry man in an arranged marriage and married the man she loved. in stead, the cost was 100,000 rupis to staying alive. he has admitted to killing his first wife six years ago in yet another honor killing. for more on this, i'm joined by the former pakistani ambassador of the united states. this is awful. how often do these kinds of so-called honor killings occur in pakistan? >> unfortunately a little too frequently. what is really bad is that the police and the judiciary do not seem to sympathize with the victims as they ought to. that has really become pakistani's problem. the country is divided between those who would like to lead it into the 21st century and those who would like to drag to it the
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eighth. in stead of standing by the victim, they tend to look at these things as cultural crimes rather than recognize them for human rights violations they are. >> that's truly a horrible story. i want to turn, ambassador, to another truly horrible story that unfolded recently in pakistan. an american >> as he was visiting a local graveyard to see the graves of relatives. he was shot and killed by two men right in front of his wife and 3-year-old son. many believe he was killed for his faith. he is a member of the muslim community. this isn't a first time that a member of this muslim community has been gunned down in pakistan. is there state support for these kinds of murders? >> the constitution declares this group as non-muslim. i can understand people in the
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united states members of one sector or another as not sufficiently christian. there are many laws that discriminate against this group. there is a hate campaign against them. one came on television and said we must kill this group and the guy said i was inspired by the television preacher. for example, the country has a very young population, 60% of pakistanis are below the age of 30 but almost 32% of children who should be in preschool or primary school don't go to
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deca decade. all of this stuff. the vietnam. entire way that the united states used to live and television was on a nightly basis. never seeing the same things at the same time. there were three networks. during the time of extreme change. >> televised presidential debate. the nixon kennedy debate changed the way we all cover politics as all of us have come to learn.
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then the tragic assassination, all of americans deemed the world glued to tv sets. and of course walter cronkite, reading the body count at the end of the cbs broadcast during the vietnam nightly news show started reporting the daily body counts. that changed public opinion dramatically and had an enormous impact, didn't it? >> it did. using disposable lighters to light these thatched houses. an editorial that came back from vietnam that said this is a war we can't win.
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it is reputed to have said, i'm glad you brought up the kennedy nixon debate. september 26th, and the show that was supposed to air that night on cbs was the debut of the andy griffith show. and instead we get the first of four kennedy nixon debates. in many ways that tells us two things about 60s television. >> it certainly and everyone knows how tv chaked the way all
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of us i guess exist as a result of what happened in those years in the 60s. thanks very much. be sure to watch it live. 9:00 p.m. pacific, "the sixties". "newsroom wi "newsroom" with brooke baldwin starts right now. >> we begin with veteran affairs and some news we have today. he now according to the white house may be on thin ice. now you have this growing list of senate democrats already having him in hot water.
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