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tv   New Day  CNN  June 6, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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good morning. welcome to "new day." it is friday, june 6th, this morning, the world remembers the day the tide turned in world war ii. hundreds of veterans commemorating 70 years since d-day, the allied invasion on the beaches of normandy france. >> we're also following other big news of the day, including a deadly shooting on the campus of seattle college. but let's first turn back to president obama who earlier this morning reflected on d-day during a special ceremony at the american cemetery there. he honored the 4,500 allied troops who lost their lives in the invasion. >> we don't just commemorate victory as proud of that victory as we are.
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we don't just honor sacrifice. as grateful as the world is. we come to remember why america and our allies gave so much for the survival of liberty at this moment of maximum peril. we come to tell the story of the men and women who did it so that it remains sered into the memory of a future world. but it was here on these shores that the time was turned in that common struggle for freedom. what more powerful manifestation of america's commitment to human freedom than the sight of wave after wave after wave of young men boarding those boats to liberate people they had never met.
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we say it now as if it couldn't be any other way. the world had never seen anything like it. and when the war was won, we claimed no spoils of victory. we helped europe rebuild. we claimed no land other than the earth where we buried those who gave their lives under our flag and where we station those who still serve under it. but america's claim, our commitment to liberty, our claim to equality, our claim to freedom and to the inherent dignity of every human being, that claim is written in the blood on these beaches and it will endure for eternity. omaha, normandy, this was
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democracy's beachhead and our victory in that war decided not just a century by shaked the security and well being of all posterity. whenever the world makes you cynical, stop and think of these men. we are only on this earth for a moment in time. and few of us have parents and grandparents to tell us about what the veterans of d-day did here 70 years akboe. as i was landing on marine 1, i told my staff, i don't think there's a time that i miss my grandfather more, where i'd be more happy to have him here than -- than this day. so we have to tell their stories for them. we have to do our best to uphold in our own lives the values that they were prepared to die for.
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we have to honor those who carry forward that legacy, recognizing that people cannot live in freedom unless free people are prepared to die for it. may god bless our veterans and all who serve with them, including those who rest here in eternal peace and may god bless all who serve today for the peace and security of the world. may god bless the people of france and may god bless the united states of america. >> president obama spending most of the time in his speech talking about what happened there because the significance of that day still carries us in very real ways to where we are. let's bring in kenneth c. davis. he's an author. we also have chief international correspondent, she's joining us from the landing area on d-day.
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and michelle from omaha beach. ken davis, the americans led the way in this invasion. that's part of the significance. the heaviest loss is there. when we're listening to the president, it is easy to get overwhelmed by the e norty of the numbers involved. the numbers don't even tell the story, do they? >> it's true. there were so many men and the losses, every one of them precious. we saw several presidents speaking there of course. president lincoln 150 years ago saying that we should remember that these dead shall not have died in vain. that's what this day is about, remembering that the sacrifice was for something so much bigger. >> let's bring in michelle on the ground traveling with president obama on his european
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tour. we have been looking at a live picture, i believe, michelle of president obama and french president francois hollande. give us a sense of what it was like to be on the ground, that moment to everyone stood to applaud the veterans there. >> you mention the magnitude of this. we're surrounded by it. you see all of these crosses, row upon row, all the way out to the water. 9,000 dead here. it's more than the soldiers fallen in iraq and afghanistan together. you're right. it's not about numbers or relating it to something in the modern day. you look at the faces of those soldiers surrounding president obama. i think the part of the speech that you played was the most powerful in words, talking about the struggle for human freedom and dignity, written in blood on these beaches that will endure. but the most rousing part was
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when he asked the veterans around him to stand if they could and people applauded and he said, you sacrificed so that we might be free. listening to the words of the speech, it's tough for many here to not be choked up by that. at first, not trying to make his lofty statements or trying to equate it to modern days, but really talking about the visceral today tails and what these young some engineers were feeling at the time. still very stoic, keeping it together. we know over the years in interviewing, you talk to them on on one and that emotion of that day is still there. >> and let's bring you in as well. we talk about the enormity of the day and significance of the day, but you also see the
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presidents heading off to their diplomatic lunch which says the work is not over yet. this has been a significant and important trip for president obama in meeting with g7 leaders. >> reporter: that's exactly right. he is now leaving and he's going to come over here eventually this afternoon with all the other world leaders, kings, queens, presidents, prime ministers, representatives of all the nations that were in world war ii. including germany obviously and including vladimir putin. and that brings us to the today crises that president obama has been connecting to what happened 70 years ago. because we do face right now for the first time since the collapse of communism, a real possibility of a war break out in europe. and they are determined to try to get vladimir putin to pull
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back, to stop the advances on ukraine. i think president obama's speech was one of the best ones in recent. let's such a good speech maker. he spends so much time meeting and greeting and shaking hands with those people that really choke all of us up, the sacrifice that those men made 70 years ago is beyond almost human imagination to even compute what they went through. he called normandy democracy's beachhead and he called these beaches from utah all the way up, those five beaches that were critical on d-day. he said that this was that tiny sliver of sand on which the entire course of human history hung. the entire course of our history would have been completely different if these people had not succeeded that day and if
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general eisenhower hadn't taken that massive gamble. today, we have beautiful weather here. the terrible weather in the beginning of june. they gave him a 36-hour window to make the operation. and he took that gamble. he risked everything. if you haven't as a commander, who knew what would have happened next. remember, 10,000 people died that first day, chris. 10,000 people died, were wounded or went missing. >> it is something that bears remembering. no small irony that you had back in 1944, russia, such a key ally on the eastern front. for the u.s. today, an adversary. germa germany, the obvious enemy then. now a huge ally in creating peace and pressure on rush.
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that brings us back to you, mr. davis. we all say d-day. it's so interesting to me that a phrase that means nothing, it's just a designation of time, has come to mean everything in defining not just that moment, but who america is. we were really born in a way from our leading that charge. >> it's very true when you think about the fact that the war had been going on since late 1939, the united states was not involved obviously until pearl harbor in december of 1941. and then it's the might of america coming onto the world stage in a way that it hadn't been before in its history. roosevelt said we would become the arson of democracy. and that was proven on d-day. when the germans wake up and see 5,000 ships coming towards them. that was the america arsenal of
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democracy. those are, again, just the numbe numbers. the first thing i keep coming back to when i hear the president or anyone speaking about the men, it's a reminder that these were kids for the most part. >> children. >> the average age in world war ii was 24. but by the time of d-day, teenagers were serving. so these were really kids coming ashore in the most horrific of services. the most ironic is that of vladimir putin. they were fighting the germans on the eastern front in numbers that are beyond our imagining. we talk about the losses on d-day. millions, tens of millions of soviets and soviet civilian russians died in the world. people reduced to cannibal lichl. that was the horror of war that too many americans --
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>> just as we were shaped as a world leader on that day, part of the deep russian psyche is born as well and that desperation for survival. >> you're completely right. that's why it's so important to understand history. we have to see without excusing anything that the russian view of what happened 70 years ago shapes what they are doing today. and that's an important piece of understanding what history is in terms of connecting to the present. >> thank you so much. you're going to be with us throughout the show. we're going to commemorate today's events. thank you so much, my shil traveling with the president as well. let's turn back to other news we're watching here at home. a student guard is being called a hero this morning after he tackled and subdued a gunman who opened fire at a christian university in seattle. one student was killed, three others were injured.
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investigators say the suspect is not a student though, and are trying to determine why all this happened, why he started shooting. we're live in seattle with the latest. what more are we learning about this? >> reporter: good morning. at this point, authorities say they cannot determine a connection between the alleged shooter and the university or any of his victims. why we came remains a mystery. thanks to a very quick-thinking student, this tragedy could have been a whole lot worse. it's happened once again. >> we heard a shot. we thought it was an experiment at first. but then we heard screaming. >> reporter: this time, a scoot shooting hitting seattle pacific university in washington state. >> we had a young male enter the hall on the seattle pacific university campus. was armed with a shotgun. >> reporter: it was just around 3:20 in the afternoon when the first calls came in. >> we saw blood on the carpet,
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bullet shells, blood splatters on the wall. >> reporter: police responding to reports that a man, later identified as aaron ybarra, was firing a shotgun at students. one of the professors inside the campus' science building witnessing it all. >> i heard a shot outside and i saw a man laying face down on the ground with another man holding a shotgun over him. >> reporter: the shooter injurying four and killing one before police detained him. one of the victims, a 19-year-old male, died shortly after arriving at the hospital. the one female shot now rekovrg from a five-hour surgery. ian bishop was at the scene. >> we were trying to reassure her that everything was going to be okay. >> reporter: police say the shooter's rampage ended thanks to the bravery of a few
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students. the first who stepped in, john mease. >> a student monitor was able to stop the individual at that point, pepper sprayed that person, then got them to the ground. >> reporter: students left reeling just a week before their final exams. >> so today should have been a day of celebration at the end of the school year here at seattle pacific university, instead it's a day of tragedy and of loss. >> reporter: well, it is another heartbreaking situation. but everyone is so thankful that that student had the presence of mind to grab the pepper spray. that is the person who everyone is calling a hero. we'll send it back to you. >> he absolutely is. the death toll could have been much higher. i'm sure there's still a lot of mourning going on for the ones
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injured and the button that died. thanks if that report. breakover night, north korea announced it detained another american. north state run news agency identified the man as jeffrey edward fowle. there are now believed to be three americans being held in north korea, including ken knit bae. >> also break over night, a man hunt over. a deadly shooting rampage in canada. justin bourque is accused of committing one of the worst shootings in royal canadian mountain history. he managed to elude capture for nearly two days. he is accused of killing three police officers and injurying two others. >> new details about ser janet bowe bergdahl proof of life
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video that was shown to senators. senator tom coburn says he is convinced the soldier was drugged in that video. u.s. officials have told cnn that bergdahl may have tried to escape at least twice during his five years in captivity as a taliban prisoner. they are hoping to learn more when they're able to speak directly with bergdahl. he is recovering at a hospital in germany. he is able to speak and more actively involved in his medical care. so this is going to take time. >> yet to speak with his family. >> want to do that very carefully and slowly too. >> and often the case, we're trying to get information, but people are racing to conclusions about how he disappeared, about how he was captured, whether it was a good deal. need a lot more information. let's take a quick break here on "new day." what can we learn about hillary clinton from her new book? experts are trickling out in the
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well orchestrated rollout plan for this. plus, her biggest regret in her time in politics. what is it? you'll learn right ahead. [ male announcer ] this one goes out to all the congestion sufferers
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welcome back to "new day." there are some surprising revelations from hillary clinton in her book "hard choices." now, it's not out yet. it comes out next week, but these excerpts are being trickled out. in there, we see clinton talking about her relationship with president obama, her concerns about negotiating for bowe bergdahl. so let's talk about that with our senior political correspondent. what do you make of the bowe bergdahl references in the book? >> this is actually fascinating because this happened before the transfer was secured. so i think she's being careful. but it also reveals where she stands on the issue. for hillary clinton, all of this is a delicate balance between driving the sales of books and keeping herself well positioned for a possible presidential run. she'll need to distance herself
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from some of president obama's decisions and this position may provide the road map to the message. in her much-anticipated memoir, hillary clinton details her role in the negotiations to secure bowe bergdahl from taliban forces in afghanistan. >> that's not how war works. >> the controversy surrounding his release likely does not surprise her. she writes, i acknowledge that opening the door to negotiations with the taliban would be hard to swallow for many americans after so many years of war. her starkest difference of opinion with president obama is on syria's civil war. she says she pushed him to arm rebels but he disdpreed. she said, i respected his deliberation and decision. clinton offers her strongest opinion yet for voting in 2002
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to authorize the use of force in iraq. i wasn't alone in getting it wrong, but i still got it wrong, plain and simple, she writes. she speaks warmly of her relationship with obama which grew out of a bitter primary battle. she describes their first meeting. we staired at each other, she says, taking a few ships of wine. we had long lists of grievances. it was time to clear the air. but she didn't go to bat for obama right away. describing a request from his campaign to knock sarah palin when john mcccain picked her as his running mate, i didn't think it made political sense and it
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didn't feel right, so i said no. perhaps an appeal to women voters. and as you read them, you can't ignore how this book rollout is key for positioning her for a possible presidential run. not just the substance of what she says, but even the logistics of this. it looks very much like a campaign, guys. >> so it begins, or already has begun. stay with us. let's bring in our cnn senior political analyst at the "national journal" to discuss. brianna laid it out in that piece. her thoughts on the release of bowe bergdahl, what would be involved in any kind of an exchange. we know from reporting that she wanted to push for a tougher deal, if you will. that she was skeptical of an exchange early on. we don't really get a sense yet,
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though it seems a little muddy, if she would have backed this deal, right? >> right. and i'm not sure we're going to know. i'm really struck by the kind of bookending that the book offers. on the one hand, she did the mea culpa on iraq. on the other hand, she says she would have been more hawkish in terms of intervening in syria and presenting a tougher deal on this. it's kind of an indication of where she is going to be, i think, in 2016 on a lot of issues. not clearly trying to be pinned down on the left or the right of the party and maybe reviving some of the third-way thinking of her husband in the 1990s. >> are we falling victim here of being tand liezed of what's
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coming out in this book? her putting out why she didn't intervene with palin. do you think this is a convenient rewriting of history for her? the obama campaign felt she didn't want to get involved because she didn't want to help him. what's your take? >> first of all, i think there are interesting revelations. if what cbs produced are the most dramatic discoveries in the book, it's more a tremor than an earthquake in terms of her presidential campaign. i don't see a lot of what they put out yet that is going to be front and center. it's going to be whether she can convince people she can produce better economic outcomes. you're right, a lot of this is foreshadowing of not so much the way she will attack specific issues, but the broader way she will present herself to the e electric trait. i think it's a seasoned,
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manager. it's more of managing her state department than the policy choices she made. this is about the 3:00 a.m. phone call ad from 2008 and confirms she can still use that argument in 2016. >> let's look at the background. her vote on her iraq war vote, the way she lays it out very plain and simply, i wasn't alone in getting it wrong, but i still got it wrong, plain and simple. that's further than she was ever compared to go when campaigning back in '08. >> that's right. she was very fearful in 2008 of being a flip-flopper. of saying she was for the war before she was against the war. something that got john kerry in trouble back in 2004. she would be very measured about it saying that if she'd known more, obviously her decision would be different.
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she said that president bush overused the authority he was given, but she never came out like this. it's her cleaning that up. and much stronger than we've heard her say before. >> i am just haunted by the obvious question. why would you be doing any of this if you weren't running for president? and i get that the tension, the anxiety is kind of what drives the news cycle. we're caught in the media. we have to drive this because it is before us, yet it seems pretty obvious as well. >> sure. but in fairness, when you look at the rollout of the book and the way it's come out, you know, if you have a bad story and you want it to go away, then you just kind of come kwleen with it. this is for her, kind of a good story. and you see it coming out in measured little bits. it's such a coordinated rollout. this is very much -- maybe not this book seems like it was obtained by cbs news.
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a lot of this is very much where her camp wants it to be. i know you say, oh, this has to be about running for president. it's also about book sales, we can't forget that. >> that's absolutely right. briann brianna, thank you very much. >> didn't know the clintons were hard up for cash. >> what's that line, you never can have enough? >> money or power. coming up on "new day," startling new information about bowe bergdahl. reports that the soldier just freed from the taliban had walked off the battle field before, maybe twice. we're going to talk to a friend of the bergdahl family. how are they dealing with all of the backlash surrounding the freedom of their son? ♪
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welcome back to "new day." here's a look at your headlines. president obama and other world leaders are in france this morning marking the 70th anniversary of d-day. president obama said the world must continue telling the stories of d-day. after a speech, the president met with veterans who stormed the beaches of normandy. in moments, world leaders will attend a diplomatic lunch. we can see the queen there. it will be the first time president obama and russian president vladimir putin will be together since russia annexed the crimea region. a 26-year-old man opened fire on the campus of seattle university on thursday. they have identified the gunman
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as aaron ybarra. authorities say he is not a student at the school. they do believe he acted alone. police say ybarra was stopped by a student guard. his quick thinking led to him tackling and subduing that gunman. beat the heat taking on added vance in game one of the nba finals. the spurs beat the heat. tim duncan, 21 points, ten rebounds. lebron james had to leave before the end of the game. here's where it took on even more poet ik significance. the air-conditioning went out. yeah, that arena felt like a big old sauna we're told. game two sunday night. >> can you imagine? . it's already warm. >> especially when you're crowded in there. >> the spurs were feeling cool, though.
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>> there we go. >> and you can stop now. coming up next on "new day," we're learning more about sergeant bowe bergdahl's time in captivity. did he try to escape from the taliban and did he try to do it more than once? a family friend of the bergdahls will be joining us to talk about his release, recoveries and the political uproar that has surrounded it. ine express deals. hey you know what man, these guys aint no dragons. they're cool. these deals are legit. yeah, we're cool. she's cool. we're cool. priceline express deals are totally legit. check this, thousands of people book them everyday and score killer deals. now, priceline is piling on even more savings with its summer sale. so grab your giant beach towel and enter code summer14. look at me enjoying the deals.
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welcome back to "new day." is army sergeant bowe bergdahl is recovering at an american military hospital in germany, we are learning more from u.s. officials about his time as a taliban prisoner, including attempts to escape.
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barbara star is following all of the developments. what are we learning? >> good morning, kate, there are a lot of new details about what may have happened to bowe bergdahl, but as you say, there are are also a lot of questions. bowe bergdahl may have tried to escape his taliban captors on at least two occasions, a u.s. official tells cnn. bergdahl may not yet have talked fully about his five years in taliban captivity, but he is recovering. the pentagon now says he is speaking english to the medical staff treating him and is resting better. administration officials insist they didn't tell congress about the prisoner swap in advance because bergdahl's health and safety were at risk. they didn't even know the precise location of the handover until an hour before it
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happened. >> at ever step along that process, if the fact that we were doing this exchange had come out and become public, there was a real risk that bergdahl would have been killed. >> the secret december 2013 video of an ailing bergdahl u.s. officials showed senators wasn't a slam dunk for some. senator tom coburn told cnn he has a different explanation. >> fist of all, very sleepy. having trouble focusing, concentra concentrating. was staring at a card they were making him read. you could see his eyes moving back and forth. that's a side effect of some of those medicines. you know, he was obviously drugged. >> an afghan security official who was on duty near where bergdahl was captured in 2009 told cnn when local villagers
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spotted bergdahl, they tried to get him to leave the village telling him the area was dangerous. the official said bergdahl appeared to be under the influence of drugs. cnn has spoken to several u.s. officials who could not independently confirm those accounts. and a pentagon official tells me they have looked at the allegations that six u.s. soldiers were killed during mission searching for bergdahl. so far they say they cannot confirm those allegations. >> certainly that is one point of the controversy. let's get different perspective on it from a friend of the bergdahl family. captain, thank you for joining us. >> thank you, chris. >> how is the family doing, specifically how are they balancing the joy of knowing that their son is alive and safe with so much of this white, hot heat that is coming around the
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controversy? >> you know, they're doing as well as can be expected. i want to make it clear i don't represent the family. i have been in contact with them. i actually saw bob and jan just two days before bowe was released. they are devoted parents. they are committed right now to getting bowe back home. i think like most people, they are just overwhelmed with the lack of compassion and sanity in this debate. in fact, that there is even a debate about it. as well as what i can only describe as a spirit of blood lust among certain members of the political establishment, the media. and really sadly, among elements
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of the american population. >> now, a lot of it centers around two key aspects, right? one is the trade and whether it was a good deal. and the other part of the circumstances surrounding the disappearan disappearance. understanding the military the way you do and the facts on the ground, do you believe that bowe bergdahl left of his own free will and maybe deserted? >> i don't know. i don't know and nobody knows. bowe is the only person who knows that. and, you know, there's this rush to condemnation before the facts are clear. you know, reuters today is reporting that bowe had left the base previously and come back on the base. so was he just going out there to take photographs? you know, seems to me is that he made a mistake, a mistake that 22-year-olds are prone to do.
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i certainly made a ton of mistakes when i was 22. but certainly, you know, this rush to condemn him, this rush to demonize him. you know, i want to say to my fellow veterans, i understand your anger and frustration, and i understand your grief. but bowe and his parents are not to blame for the deaths of american soldiers. your frustration and your anger is appropriate. i understand that. but please direct that towards the politicians and the generals who have kept tis war going. the people actually responsible, who make the policy. they're the ones we should be holding accountable. >> but you understand captain, that some of it goes to just, you know, why this happened in the first place. >> sure. >> and then, you know, whether or not men killed in action were
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actually on search mission or it was just part of the compromised mission there after. americans died and that's going to make people angry, especially people like you who sacrifice and put their lives on the line. but i do think it is relevant to understand what happened with bowe bergdahl. one of the things is we know about the e-mails he was sending home. does the family understand him as someone who is turning against america or who is struggling with being at war in general. >> the latter, the latter. >> it's an important distinction. >> i'm glad you're bringing that up. because lots of people, lots of men and women i serve with, guys and gals just getting back right now even, are dismayed, they're confused at the war. the author of the piece in the daily beast, who really came out against bowe, even he said that
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the war was absurd. chris, this is the most unpopular war in american history. about 83% of the american public is opposed the war. and about half the population thinks that putting american troops into afghanistan in 2001 was a mistake. so that's the debate we should be having right now. almost 7,000 americans have not returned home to their families in these wars. why are we not rejoicing, why are we not celebrating that bowe is back home or he's coming home? why are we not appreciating and helping the bergdahls as this terrible five-year period where he was a prisoner of war is now coming to an end? i've seen a lot of grief and suffering these past 13 years, a lot of people have. but when i have dinner with his
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parents two days before their son was released, i've never seen a look in a mother's eyes like i saw in her. as her -- her son was being held by the enemy. you know, and -- i try not to get emotional here. but, you know, i want to say -- and people who know me know that i'm not a fan of this president, but i do want to take this opportunity on my behalf seeing what my friends were going through to thank the president for doing this, thank his team for bringing bowe back to his parents. you know, and i just wish people would stop and there be a degree of compassion and sanity to this conversation. >> especially where the family is involved, what bowe bergdahl did he's going to be held accountable or not one way or the other as the facts come out. but to hear people bringing the
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family into the political fire storm and the guy on msnbc charging them with being bad parents for what happened here. thank you for joining us this morning. send our regards to the family. we wait for bowe's side to come out. kate? >> thanks chris, coming up next on nu"new day," a u.s. marine hd in a mexican prison. he's been there now for more than two months. he says he has done absolutely nothing wrong. he describes it as a living hell. our interview with him coming up. at that is? that, my friends, is everything. and with the quicksilver card from capital one, you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase. not just "everything at the hardware store." not "everything, until you hit your cash back limit." quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you could possibly imagine.
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this morning, a decorated u.s. marine is behind bars and in legal and personal limbo in mexico. his name is sergeant andrew tomaresi. he is being held in some of the worst conditions the mechanics san system has to offer for more than two months. why? he drove his truck with guns in it across the border he says by
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accident. he was in a hard way before all of this. he told me of abuses so terrible that while hogtied to a prison bed, he used his one free hand to attempt suicide with a shattered lightbulb. >> i had one hand above my head. not both, just one. i was laying on a bed. one leg was on one opposite wall and the other on the other wall above my head maybe 2 feet. yes, i did, when i got the opportunity, i decided to stab myself in the neck with a lightbulb. >> why? >> i was paranoid. i had been abused. i was thinking they were going to come and abuse me more and torture me and get information about my family from me. so i said, i'm not going to allow them to do that. >> now, i want to ask you about something else, sergeant. you're dealing with pts.
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we know that's one of the reasons you went to the west coast. are you supposed to be taking medications now? do you have them? >> i'm treating myself, yes. i think i'm doing just fine. >> is it your claim that the only reason you wound up in mexico this time was because of a couple wrong left turns correct? >> yes, that is correct. >> a newspaper has put out reporting that they say they have proof that you actually had crossed the border intentionally several times and that you stayed at a hotel earlier during the day in question. is any of that true? >> i did -- i stayed in a hotel earlier in the day. i -- earlier in the day, i parked my truck at a parking lot on the american side across from the -- across from mexico. and i walk into mexico with a backpack with extra clothes and
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hygiene supplies, passport, wallet. and i decide to go hang out in mexico for some good mexican food, inexpensive place to stay and to hang out. i was in mexico four times previous to the time that i got arrested. i went with my friend a couple times to mexico just to hang out. >> you know what the authorities are going to say, sergeant. they're going to say that these frequent short duration stays in mexico are proof not only that you knew where you were and where you should have been going, but that you may have been there trafficking weapons as opposed to just visiting. how do you respond? >> i know what they're going to say. they're going to say a whole bunch of lies. they're already saying a whole bunch of lies. i just know that the truth will set me free and that -- i'm not worried about the officials. they've already been caught in
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lies. they've already been caught in their lies. >> so let's just correct the record then from your perspective. were you in mexico trafficking benefits? >> no, absolutely not. absolutely not. >> had you been making trips there that weren't just visits but were for some other specific business purpose? >> negative. not at all. >> did you know where you were going when you were caught in mexico this time? were you there on purpose? >> no, absolutely not. i would like everyone to know that i'm an innocent man and that it was just a big mistake and that i had no intention of bringing weapons into mexico or committing any crime at all. unfortunately, i wasn't treated right at the border and my rights were violate. >> we understand sergeant. we want to make sure that justice gets served. all of us at home are watching what's going on with bowe bergdahl. obviously, it's a big political
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discussion about what was done to get him back and whether it was a good deal. as you're hearing about that, does it make you think about the u.s. and what they're going to try to do to get you back? >> it makes me think a little bit. i don't know what they're going to do to help me. if they do help me, it's probably just going to be behind the scenes and the public isn't going to know about it. >> do you feel confident they're doing what they can? >> i don't get to see what's going on, so i don't really know. i'm just anxious to get out of here and be with my friends and family again. >> there are no abuses that you want us to know about now? >> no, sir. no abuses. everything's been good since news coverage. >> there's one good thing about the media, i guess. let us know of any developments that you think deserve the attention. >> okay. thank you, sir. >> obviously, you judge for yourself what you know about the
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situation and what you hear in his voice. what i hear is somebody who is emotionally flat because they're struggling. they're not just struggling because they're in a mexican prison which is about as bad a place you can be. we're talking about bowe bergdahl. we're make ting this case. i get it's a different situation. but the guy needs help. and it's a story that we have to follow here because part of the job -- the case doesn't make a lot f sense. >> it is not clear how this is going to go. >> and we don't know what the state department is doing. we had secretary kerry on the show. the guy seems like he's a little bit out there on his own with his family and he needs support. >> his mother has been his only -- >> he's got pts. you heard him say he's not taking the medication. >> important to get his voice
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out however possible. we're also going to be taking a look, we had them just a moment ago. this is happening right now. these are world leaders arriving for a diplomatic lunch. this all comes as we've been following the ceremonies in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the d-day invasion. you see francois hollande welcoming world leaders right now. notable, this will be an opportunity where president obama and russian president vladimir putin may be having a face to face of some sort. this is one of those opportunities that has been kind of avoided throughout this european trip that the president has been making this week. we're going to continue watching these arrivals as they happen. earlier, president obama spoke at the american cemetery. he honored allied forces who stormed the beaches where thousands lost their lives, including 2,500 americans. >> if prayer were made of sound, the skies over england that
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night would have deafened the world. here, we don't just commemorate victory, as proud of that victory as we are. we don't just honor sacrifice, as grateful as the world is. we come to remember why america and our allies gave so much for the survival of liberty at this moment of maximum peril. we come to tell the story of the men and women who did it so that it remains seared into the memory of a future world. >> so those are the president's words. and obviously, he is hoping that the lessons of the past carry into the present in discussing the situation with putin as we look at a very likely civil war going on in ukraine and maybe spreading through parts of
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eastern europe. we are present on one of the beaches that was pivotal on d-day. and now in a political setting that is once again relevant as we look at the brink of hostilities and the two men that can hopefully control the situation. set some perspective to all of it for us. >> reporter: as you're watching the pictures of these world dig tears going to lunch, behind me is the practices for the international celebration that's going to take place just over an hour from now. that is again where president putin, president obama, the german chancellor are going to get together and probably have another opportunity to talk if they care to after lunch. obviously some of these leaders have met already with president putin and their message is that he must stop supporting his surrogates in eastern ukraine. despite their official denials,
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nobody believes that moscow is not in some way enabling those very well-trained, well-armed and well-fighting forces in eastern ukraine. so they want them out or else they're going to put more sanctions on. but many people have said it is really very close to being a tipping point right now. if it doesn't work out now, it's going to be hard to see how to bring it back from the brink. and president obama made such an eloquent speech. and did link it to the bringing of democracy to europe and that we still have to fight to maintain the democracy. this part of europe, ukraine/russia is in a very bad situation right now. >> absolutely. stick with us. phil black is also joining us from moscow. the message from president obama and western leaders essentially to vladimir putin, you need to
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stop supporting your surrogates in eastern russia or else, or else you're going to feel more pain in terms of more economic sanctions against you. the question is, is that message going to be sinking in? vladimir putin is there while he has been kicked out of the g7. he is there on the sidelines. >> yeah. he has paid a price. been kicked out of the g7. the russian economy has taken a big hit. other european leaders have been meeting with putin around this event. president obama is not ready to do so. he has been strongest in pushing for russia's isolation and pushing for the toughest possible punishment. european leaders have been more willing to engage. so hard to go in with the sanctions. but the message they say is united across the board. russia must do more than it has done already.
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it has to actively help to settle things in the eastern ukraine. even though they have pulled back troops from the borders. >> seems that economic realities are doing the most to make the russian leaders rethink his position. on this day, you would think as we see here, vladimir putin getting out attending the lunch a good sign to be present on d-day. russia not part of the allied invasion that day, but so pivotal to the ally's attack against the germans. hopefully these two men can talk and bring sober minds to the situation. let's bring in kenneth c. davis. the lessons of history and on how things get out of control, what should they remember? >> one would hope that it is resonating to see those rows and rows of crosses, of course, and to think about the sacrifice and
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loss. war is a terrible thing. we sometimes forget that, especially a lot of americans today, and our younger generation, very, very disconnected from war, from service, unlike 70 years ago when the second world war touched every american home. and so i think it's very, very poignant that on this day that we are honoring this tremendous loss and sacrifice that these men are finding some way to do this peacefully. >> we're also nearing a time where we'll no longer have the voices and the faces of that generation because they're about -- nearing 90 years old. we're nearing a time when we're not going to have them anymore. >> it's true. sadly, we don't know much about history unfortunately in this country. when we lose those voices, it is a big loss. 2012 was quite a turning point in presidential history. it was the first time that none
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of the four major candidates had military experience before world war ii. that's again that generation l shift away from the sense of sacrifice that being in the military has. and that's even reflected in things like the crisis with the da which we've had many times in the past. we like to talk about honoring our service men and women, but we don't always do a good job of it historically in this country. >> well said. >> absolutely right. phil black in moscow for us, thank you for watching events from the ground. ber going to continue to follow all of the events surrounding d-day commemorations. we'll be getting back to that. >> but back here at home, a student is being hailed this morning a hero after tackling and subduing a gunman on a seattle college campus. one student died in the attack. three owes were injured.
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at this point, we know that the suspect was not a student at the school. so what could have set him off, the question we're always left with, is why, dan. >> reporter: authorities say at this point they've not been able to establish a connection between the alleged shooter or the university or any of his victims. what they do know is shortly before 3:30, the man identified as 26-year-old aaron ybarra came here to this hall behind me and began opening fire. at that point, his shotgun -- he ran out of ammunition was was tackled by somebody working behind the student security desk. he took out his pepper spray and immobilized the suspect. he was aided by several bystanders. turning out the suspect had more am my anything's and was carrying a knife. a 19-year-old male was declared dead at the hospital. one victim apparently in critical condition, a
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20-year-old female. a very tragic situation, but of course everybody is crediting this student hero for saving many more lives. they had he had the presence of mind to grab that pepper spray. >> concerning situation. thank goodness for that quick-thinking student. let's take a look at your headlines right now. an american tourist has been detained in north korea. the state-run news agency identified the man as a tour ris, jeffrey edward fowle. he reportedly had been detained in mid-may after allegedly leaving a bible in the hotel where he'd been staying. he is the third to be held there. also breaking over night, a 24-year-old suspect in a deadly shooting rampage in canada. justin bourque is accused of committing one of the worst mass shooting in the police history there. he had been spotted several times following wednesday's
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killing spree, but managed to elude capture for almost three days. he is accused of killing three police officers in a small town in new brunswick. hillary clinton's new memiry not due out until next week. clinton expressing regret for voting to authorize military force in iraq. she also raised her concerns in negotiating for the taliban over releasing bowe bergdahl. let's talk weather on this friday. indra petersons is watching all of this. we've had some severe weather this week. >> in the northeast, yeah, maybe scattered showers yesterday, but it was nothing compared to the rest of the country. look at all these reports of hail again and also a lot of straight-line winds that were out there. the good news is that it's going to get better in the northeast.
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high pressure is building in there. really, the rest of the country still dealing with the same threat in almost identical region. nebraska all the way down through georgia looking for more of this severe weather, including the threat for tornados. they're going to be talking about it throughout the weekend. we're talking about heavy amounts of rain, flooding concerns are already out there. 3 to 5 inches of rain in the south. notice the northeast, dry, right? we're getting a huge change out here. it's going to feel a lot better because high pressure is moving in. if you're in denver, st. louis, memphis or oklahoma city, look at this, rained out all weekend long. enjoy it if you're in the northeast. you're one of the few places where high pressure is going in. it's keeping it soupy in the southeast. we're talking 70s and 80s into the northeast. d.c. about 85 degrees on saturday and sunday.
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so everyone else is complaining, enjoy it, it is good all three days. and yes, friday count as part of the weekend. >> thank you so much for that. coming up next on "new day," many answers remain elusive surrounding the circumstances of bowe bergdahl's capture and now his release. what is the pentagon saying this morning. we're going to talk to the spokesman for defense secretary chuck hagel. back right after a break.
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welcome back to "new day." president obama's offering no apologies for the deal he made to set free sergeant bowe bergdahl. this as criticism of the deal only seems to be growing louder. let's try to get some perspective here from what's going on with bowe bergdahl. he was held captive for five years. we're lucky to have joining us from paris, president gone press secretary admiral john kirby.
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>> thanks for having me. >> what do we understand about the current condition of bowe bergdahl, physically, mentally, what are you getting a sense of? >> the doctors are telling us that he's in stable condition and improving steady every day. they're of course working very hard to bring him through this reintegration process carefully, in a measured deliberate way. we do hear that he is improving, that he's engaging with the medical staff there. that he's talking. so the signs with are in a boss direction right now. >> to be clear for people who don't understand these types of situations, how could we really, this is not the end for bowe bergdahl just because he's now free, right? the process of recovering is only beginning in. >> i think that's exactly right. more importantly, the process will only go as fast as he and
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his doctors are willing to let it go. we're going to take our time. he's going to take his time. you have to remember. he was gone for five years in captivity, which i'm sure was harsh in all kinds of different ways. and he's going to need the time and space to reacquaint himself, to get a better handle on his emotions and memories. eventually he'll be reunited with his family. everybody is going to have to be patient. >> let's see if you can help us with the circumstances surrounding his disappearance and eventual capture. do you believe he left of his own free will? is it considered a desertion? >> the army has not declared him a deserter. there was an investigation done. it's a classified investigation. i think as many have said, the army is going to do a
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comprehensive review. they're going to look at his situation again, the circumstances surrounding his disappearance. a key to that is going to be talking to sergeant bergdahl himself. there's really only one man that knows what happened. >> what can you tell us about these points of reporting, the speculation that taliban radio traffic says that he was taken from the actual op, suggestion that he supposedly tried to escape captivity, and the suggestion that he disappeared twice before? can you address those points? >> well, actually, what i can say is we're going to do a review. the army is going to take a look at the circumstances surrounding his disappearance. i don't want to get ahead of that. i don't think that would be fair to the arrest more. it certainly wouldn't be fair to sergeant bergdahl.
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>> the suggestion that he tried to escape, do you know if that is true? >> i don't have any facts pertaining to his time in captivity. we have to get a chance to talk to sergeant bergdahl before we can prejudge about the specifics of his captivity. >> of course, incident reports are done, painstakingly in the field. people who served with him have come forward. they are distressed. they believe that men were killed in action searching for bowe bergdahl. the field reports seem to contradict that. what is the army's position? >> we do not have any indication at this time that there were specific casualties caused by his disappearance or the search for him in the aftermath. but again, the army is going to review this. they're going to take and look and we'll see where it goes. i think it's really important that we don't rush to judgment here. one of the things that everybody in the military fights for is the right of being innocent until proven guilty, a fair process, a due process, a chance
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to be heard out. and i think it's really unfortunate. and frankly, i don't think it does anybody any favors for folks to be out there speculating and criticizing him when he hasn't had a chance to tell his own side of the story. we need to be patient in terms of his reintegration back into society and the due process that he derves. >> what do you make of the criticism of his participates by -- parents by some in the media, judging them in this situation kind of helping and coopera cooperating bowe bergdahl? is there any basis for any of that? >> there's no basis, chris, that i've seen. i think it's reprehensible, frankly. i think they have enough on their plate. i think they're right any worried about their son and we need to give them a little bit of space. >> amen to that.
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we know these are bad guys, we know they're putting them back, we know there's no real ways to make sure they never enter the fray. all of that has to be accepted as a reasonable assumption. why was this a deal worth making? >> secretary of defense has said it many times. he was comfortable with the decision that he made. he was comfortable with the assurances that we got from the emir of qatar and that the risk of substantially mitigated. is it eliminated? no. you said that yourself. it is substantially mitigated. while i can't go into the details of aassurances, the secretary believes that his concerns were satisfied and that this was in the national interest. >> just yes/no me on this last one. this decision, doing it without
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notifying congress wasn't so much about the feelings of bergdahl's health but the sensitivity of the circumstances surrounding the trade that it could fall apart and timing was of the essence, yes or no? >> yes, timing was of the essence, chris. >> thank you very much for helping us advance the perspective on this. obviously there's a lot of speculation out there. when we can nail some of it down, it's important to do that. enjoy your time there on a very important day for america's history. >> it is a very important day indeed. thanks for having me, chris. >> always good to have him. coming up next, new excerpts from hillary clinton's new book offering a rare insight into her decision making. her thoughts on bowe bergdahl, benghazi and iraq. that's coming up on "inside politics."
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just about half past the hour, welcome back to "new day." we'll give you a look at headlines. president obama has just arrived at a diplomatic lunch in france where they are marking the 70th anniversary of d-day. we're looking at a live picture right there. there's veterans along with the world leaders. it will be the first time that obama and russian president vladimir putin have been together. earlier this morning, the president delivered a speech saying the world must keep telling the stories of d-day to
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uphold values of soldiers who can no longer share them. a gunman opened fire on the campus of seattle pacific university late thursday. killing one student, three others were injured. police say aaron ybarra walked into assigns hall and opened fire. that is until a student guard was able to restrain him. they say ybarra is not a student at the school. pentagon officials say the u.s. will send military advisors to ukraine to assess its need for defense reform. they say it's being reviewed as a first step to establish a l g long-term program for the ukrainian military. president obama says russia faces the prospect of new sanctions because of its aggression in ukraine. all eyes on the belmont stakes tomorrow. california chrome could be the first horse in 36 years to
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capture the triple crown. if he does, it will be one of the greatest underdog stories in any sport. richard roth is at the track where racing history could be made. >> california chrome has been training fast for the triple crown. even at 6:30 in the morning. >> i'd love to see it. it's history in the making. >> california chrome was quickly installed as the heavy early betting favorite for the third leg in the triple crown. he has already won the first two pieces in the crown. >> california chrome sign shines bright in the kentucky derby. >> he will start from post position number two. the same which another horse shot out of to a triple crown romp. >> i expect him to win saturday, i really do. >> california chrome and his
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connections are not kentucky blue bloods. the horse was bred for $2,500 in california. the 77-year-old trainer grew up in brooklyn. >> it would be a dream come true for me. >> dreams of a triple crowned have been crushed in the home stretch at belmont many times before. seven times in just the last 17 years. >> it's going to be very close. here's the winner. it's too close to call! >> it's been 36 years since the last triple crown in 1978. >> you have to have speed to win and stamina. it's rare to have that packaged in one horse. >> california chrome also loves cookies and media attention. there are competitors who will try to spoil the party. >> we tried to spoil the last two races.
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>> california chrome will earn much more of the $600,000 share of the belmont. a jackpot of future breeding rights for his offspring which will make his small business owners california blue bloods. now the belmont is relatively quiet here on friday morning. there are at least expected to be over 100,000 people on saturday. there are 11 entered to contest california chrome who will be the heavy betting favorite. back to you. >> richard roth putting a jinx on california chrome. >> no jinx. >> he could never be a jinx. >> he's obviously a good luck charm. this horse has had so much going against it. now we're talk about history in the making. this is certainly history ber seeing right now. this live picture from france. this is the lunch that follows
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the commemorative ceremony about d-day. it's tough to see on the screen, but we believe that president obama and vladimir putin will be just a few people from each other. >> just walked up to get into position. looks like he's next to francois hollande. >> the woman in blue next to her would be vladimir putin on her left and we see president obama to the right of the queen. >> the only other woman would probably be merkel. we'll continue to watch and see if they can zoom in for us. they call it the family photo, if you will. this is -- they get together be these grand large gatherings of world leaders. it takes a lot of coordination to get these people in place. and where they stand in relation to each other is actually very important. you see president obama next to queen elizabeth.
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this is important. this is significant. and then they'll go into this lunch. this would be the first -- is the first time that president obama has come face to face with vladimir putin since the annexation of crimea. >> let's see -- they seem to be take separate routes. >> i misspoke earlier. the woman in blue is the queen of denmark. >> so putin kind of left in an opposite direction. the men aren't next to each other right now. this is worth on saysing over as detail. a lot of politics this at level comes down to gestures and proximity. >> looks like we need another photo everyone. we didn't actually push the button. maybe that's what's happening right now. >> apparently one more. >> let's blame it on someone. someone blinked. who sit? they're setting back up it appears for another take. about 18 world leaders gathering
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together for this lunch commemorating d-day events. the 70th anniversary. you talk about present and future. these are -- this is an important moment going forward western leaders gathering together with the g7 leaders sending a very clear message to russian president vladimir putin to back off in ukraine and now they're sitting down for lunch. >> we struggle sometimes with what the meaning of events are. something like d-day is so enormous. hopefully the perspective of the tolls of war and -- and the history of alliance through difficulty with help obama and putin try to make sense out of the ukraine. it is going in the wrong direction very quickly. you don't hear about it as much in the news these days. >> this could be a turning point in those discussions, if you will, if they can get any kind
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of discussion going at this lunch. we have correspondents on the ground. we'll be following that throughout the morning. >> let's take a quick break here on "new day." what can we learn about hillary clinton from her new book? talking about political history here, a look at the past and the potential future. there are excerpts trickling out in the well-orchestrated rollout of hillary's message. would she have made the bowe bergdahl swap and what does she say is her biggest regret in her time in politics, so far anyway? we'll tackle all of this coming up. ♪
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a lot to talk about in the world of politics, that's for sure. we have past and present coming together in a big commemorative ceremony for d-day. let's get right to "inside politics." >> it's a busy day. let's get straight to it. with me this morning, we will discuss it. the president, he's in france for the normanly 70th anniversary. we'll find out later in he is
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vladimir putin exchange any words. the president paying tribute to the heros of the greatest generation. also what would it have been like if we had the technology, facebook and twitter and the like. what would it have been like if that was available back then? >> in this age, the invasion would have swiftly and roundly been declared as a debacle. such a race to judgment would not have taken into account the courage of free men. >> a tribute to the brave soldiers there. also a bit of a reflection from the president on his daily life. >> obviously he's feeling a little raw after the bergdahl scandal this week and the way that that story has played out. it's been at such light speed the way things have developed here. obviously he's under a lot of pressure. >> and this is a president also who i think we've seen is constantly reflective on his
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place in history. especially in his second term, he talks a lot about putting himself on his continue continue wum with other presents and trying to remind people that thinks may look different after the fact than they do in the heat of the moment. george w. bush when his approval ratings were tanking, they frequently said this will all look different in ten years' time and that's true. >> he paid tribute to the veterans at normandy today. there is a bipartisan agreement in the senate we want to note to move forward on veterans affairs reforms. some new money and authority to hire and fire people. we'll see if that one can pass the house. but washington is sort of working at least on one issue this week. we'll see how that goes. let's move to what would be a big day for our economy and the
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history of the obama presidency. when the jobs report for last month comes out this morning, we will have finally recovered all of the jobs lost in the financial crisis and the recession from the beginning of the obama term. and yet, and yet, we have a brand new poll out this morning that shows people are still so pessimistic when it comes to the economy. how long will it take? if you look at the pessimism of people, will there be another financial crisis, 69% say it's likely. why are people still in such a funk? >> it's amazing when you're out there in these states that people just feel this deep sense of anxiety and sort of the feeling that things are going to fall apart at any moment. they also don't seem to give president obama credit for the economic recovery. it's going to be really hard for the democrats to convince voters that they should get some credit
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for that and we'll see how that plays out in a lot of those races. that might end up being the biggest factor. >> wall street looks strong, the unemployment rate is down. part of it i think is because they don't trust politicians, they don't trust the banks, sometimes they don't trust us. even when they see good statistics, they don't trust it's real. >> that's not really a good statistic. that's obviously not deeping up with population growth. not keeping up with the people that are retiring. it's actually an example of how little we've crecovered. the number of people who feel like we're headedfor another crash, i think that's a new thing. i think there were people who felt this wasn't good enough and now there's a feeling maybe looking at the wall street numbers that we may be headed for another bubble of some sort. so i think we're feeling a return to that white knuckle
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feeling that it all could come crashing down. >> drives conversations in people's homes and what they think about politics. hillary clinton's book due out early next week. media organizations got an early copy of the book. let's go through the highlights here. starting with her views on the taliban and negotiations about releasing bowe bergdahl. she talks about whenever there were conversations about should we negotiate with the taliban, that bowe bergdahl was always part of her equation. we know that she thinks that president obama perhaps could have gotten a tougher deal. she says that opening the door to negotiations with the taliban would be hard to swallow for many americans after so many years of war. she's setting the table saying the book is "hard choice." if you do this, be prepared for a backlash. >> this is a very defensive book. so much of it seems to be aimed
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at rebutting criticisms. the failure to bring home bowe bergdahl is a potential foreign policy failure. so she's trying to defend herself, we couldn't have gotten it done, here's why and that looks different now that it has gotten done. we'll obviously be hearing her perspective on that. >> at the same time, the way her allies and advisors just got right out there and said she would have pressed for a tougher deal is yet another example of what we're seeing her do in this book, distance herself from president obama on foreign policy. that could be very important for her in 2016. >> here's another example of that. how do you set yourself apart from him when you think it's to set yourself apart from the president but do it in a respectful enough way. she says she returns from one trip convinced it was time to
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give more assistance to the syrian opposition. she says the president's inclination was to stay the present course. no one likes to lose a debate, including me, but this was the president's call and i respected his deliberations and decision. is that the way to do it? we disagree sometimes, we he also listened to me. >> yeah, i mean, this is not very surprising, right? we've always known that she was a relatively hawkish voice in the mrgsz administration. so to hear her say herself that that was the case is not too much of a surprise. but it is going to be difficult for her in a larger sense if and when she does run. this is always the difficult for any candidate following a two-term president. and it's the reason they so seldom win is you can't really run on change when you're implicated in the last eight
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years of the administration. >> here's one other one. i find this delightful. flash back 2008. mccain picks sarah palin as his running meat. they reached out to me. i wouldn't. i wasn't going to attack palin. i didn't think it made political sense and it didn't feel right so i said no. >> well, i mean obviously that was smart politically certainly. and it also gets to what she's trying to do here which is to broaden her appeal to, you know, beyond democrats and to independent women. she's talked a lot about her experiences being in the spotlight in politics. how there's a double standard. so being a little bit protective of palin makes her look warmer and more charming. >> kinder and gentler. >> and i look forward to the sarah palin endorsement. >> you might be waiting a while
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on that one. thanks for coming in. back to you guys in new york, i want to show you the front page of the drudge report this morning. i believe to be not true, but a great talker. suggesting that no illinois democratic candidate could be as good for an upcoming senate race than obama. i think not, but there you go. >> the president has said that and she has said that more ways than one. not going to happen. >> aren't they talking about maybe moving to new york? maybe she really wants to follow hilla hillary. >> she's got a while until she can move into the "i want a grandchild phase of her life". >> how do the locals say that? forget about it? >> forget about it. >> sorry, john, it does sound better coming from him. coming up on "new day," she's the only living head of state who served during world war ii. we're going to tell you how
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welcome back to "new day." we're marking the 70th anniversary of d-day this morning. several who served during world war ii went on to be great leaders of the 21st century. they've all left or passed on except one. do you recognize this young woman? that was queen elizabeth ii. back then 18 years old, mechanic in the british army. of course now she is 88 years old. she's the monarch and the only living head of state who actually served in world war ii. quite significant that she is there today and in such an honorable role, kate. >> absolutely. a fascinating story in how she actually did work during world war ii. thank you so much. coming up next on "new day," much more on d-day celebrations, commemorations, we also have this. a student put his life on the
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line to stop a gunman, and this morning he's being haled a hero. you know what's happening this sunday at 9:00 p.m.? "parts unknown," anthony bourdain accepts a food challenge on brazil, dining on a poisonous blowfish with an unexpected side effect. take a look. >> what do you need to know about salvador? ♪ >> it's a feast of the senses. you've got your color, your music, great taste, a level of just magic and sensuality and --
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if prayer were made of sound, the skies over england that night would have deafened the world. i am honored to return here today to pay tribute to the men and women of a generation who defied every danger. gentlemen, we are truly humbled by your presence here today. they left home barely more than boys and returned home heroes. whenever the world makes you sin curveball, stop and think of these men. we have to honor these men who carry forward that legacy, recognizing that people cannot live in freedom unless free people are prepared to die for it. may god bless our veterans and all who serve with them, including those who rest here in eternal peace and may god bless all who served today for the peace and security of the world. may god bless the people of france and may god bless our united states of america.
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>> good morning and welcome once again to "new day." it's friday, june 6. that what you heard is president obama, this morning marking d-day, paying tribute to allied forces who stormed normandy's beaches now 70 years ago today, shifting really the momentum of world war ii and the world at that moment. right now the diplomatic lunch is in progress. president obama arrived just moments ago. another interesting item that you'll see right here is this picture, president obama and vladimir putin, russian president just feet from each other during what they call a family photo. from what we see they made no obvious effort to embrace. this is the first time they've been in such close quarters since russia began its aggression on ukraine. >> we don't need them to hug. we just need them to talk. that's what we're hoping, that they use the momentum of this moment today to remember how urgent situations can be and how important strategic alliances are. let's get a little insight. we just got the seating plan at the lunch.
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remember, it may seem irrelevant, but it is. everything is negotiated. presidents putin and obama are just seats away from each other. the men could have chosen to be farther apart. is the message that they're going to be close but not too close? we'll see what comes from it. certainly they're closer in this picture and at lunch than they are on the issue of the ukraine right now. we'll give you pictures of that lunch and developments as we get through throughout the morning. let's bring in christiane amanpour. she's joining us from one of the landing areas from d-day. remember it was a 50-mile stretch. she's on sword beach. we're also joined by chief national security correspondent jim sciutto and senior white house correspondent jim acosta at the american cemetery at omaha beach. that was the site of the big push that the american led on the allied charge there and took the biggest losses. christiane, set the stage for how we are hoping that the
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leaders, specifically obama and putin take the meaning of a day like today and use it as momentum to fix a situation before it leads us into more violence. >> reporter: as you say, i'm at sword beach which was 70 years ago, the british landing place. what you can see behind me are preparations, military bans for the big international celebration that president obama, president putin, the queen of england, president holla hollande that will turn up in the next hour. i've seen one of the pictures broadcast live from inside the castle not so far from here where they're having that lunch. they are sitting very close to each other. they're sitting on different tables, but both sitting towards the top of their tables. president hollande is standing in between giving the opening speech. the idea here is that maybe they'll talk.
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they probably will. president obama has said he has a business-like relationship with president putin. the hope is to get him to stop the flow into ukraine and bring this to a political resolution. that is the objective and that is what they have to do. already world leaders, angela merkel of germany, british prime minister david cameron have spoken to privately and individually with president putin. that is the mission and the message they are transmitting. apart from that, of course, president obama has clearly tied in not just the tribute and the remembrance and the commemoration of so much sacrifice that took place right on these beaches 70 years ago to the very real crises and troubles that need to be resolved right now. he talked about normandy as having been the beach head of democracy. he talked about this sliver of sand, as he put it, this tiny sliver of sand that became not just the fate of this war, but
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on it turned the course of human history. so the past and the present very much in these leaders minds today. >> absolutely christiane. what we're looking at is the video christiane was mentioning of french president francois hollande speaking as this lunch gets under way. you see president obama sitting close to him. across the way, russian president vladimir putin. >> separated by two queens and a president. >> you said it absolutely perfectly. let's bring in jim sciutto to continue this conversation as christiane just wellpointed out, they're looking back, they're looking to the present and the future. this could be a consequential day, jim. who knows what can happen when world leaders get together in one room to break bread. the message from western leaders has been vladimir putin needs to back down. you need to recognize the ukrainian government. you need to begin talking to the ukrainian government. the question is will the message actually sink in, jim?
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>> it's interesting, kate, we're commemorating a war, an invasion that took place 70 years ago today. we're talkth about a war, a low-level war, but still a war going on today inside europe, in eastern ukraine, one that u.s. officials blame on russia. it's remarkable. who would have thought that in the year 2014 we would have a conflict like this under way. it pits two super powers, u.s. and russia against each other ones again. now, the president gave president putin an opening in his comments yesterday, not only saying that he would be willing to meet with him today and talk, and there we see them in those pictures feet from each other. it's almost hard to imagine how they don't talk, but also a larger opening saying in temperature's words, it is possible to rebuild trust with russia. that's the carrot. the stick, though, the president mentioning again if russia continues to support these rebels, these separatists in the east and does not recognize the new government in ukraine, then those much spoken about sec
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tropical storm sanction on the russian economy will come. the president said they will look at russia's behavior for the next several weeks. the time frame as always with these things uncertain, leaving a lot of wiggle room, but i think the bigger news yesterday was the president opening that door saying not just we're willing to talk and we want to talk, but we can actually rebuild this relationship or begin to rebuild this relationship which is something, speaking to administration officials at the height of the ukraine crisis, that is something they weren't quite eliminating but they were saying this relationship will never be the same again. now you have the president at least giving an opening there. we hear this morning that president putin did meet with the new president of ukraine, petro poroshenko at events today, perhaps a sign, maybe a step moving in the direction of recognition of this new government. >> jim, thank you for that. obviously we're trying to get a melding here of what the past will be used to harness the significance of the presence and the future. let's bring in jim acosta, he's
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been traveling with the president, and obviously pressing issues right now for the president to be dealing with, and a key adviser for him is, of course, susan rice. you had a chance to speak with her. what do you know, jim? >> reporter: i did have a chance to talk to the national security adviser susan rice. we talked about the chance encounter that the president might have with vladimir putin. she reminded that they have had several chances to speak over the phone. she wasn't entirely sure whether they would speak face-to-face. if he does have a chance to speak to putin at length, she said he will emphasize, as jim sciutto was saying, that the united states would like to see russia stand down and have the separatists in eastern ukraine stand down. she said when i asked her is the president letting putin off the hook by some of this talk earlier this week of rebuilding relations with russia, and she said absolutely not. the threat of sectoral sanctions
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for russia still exist. chris and kate, as you know, all this week the president has been somewhat distracted by this controversy surrounding the release of former p.o.w. bowe bergdahl who was freed in exchange for those five taliban prisoners releasd from the u.s. detention center at guantanamo. i asked susan right about that. as you recall, on one of the sunday talk shows she described bowe bergdahl as having served in the u.s. military with, quote, honor and distinction. that rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. there are fellow soldiers who say bowe bergdahl may have been a deserter, although that has not been proven. i asked her about those comments. she sought to clarify those comments during our interview. here is what she had to say. >> let me ask you about comments you made last sunday on one of the talk shows. you say bowe bergdahl served with honor and distinction. it's come out since then that some of his fellow soldiers say he was a deserter, he may have
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wandered off the post there in afghanistan. did you misspeak? did you get that wrong? >> jim, i realize there's been a lot of discussion and controversy around this, but what i was referring to is this is a young man who volunteered to serve his country in uniform at a time of war. that is itself a very honorable thing. >> but honor and distinction? >> jim, really. this is a young man whose circumstances we are still going to learn about. he is, as always americans, innocent until proven guilty. >> reporter: susan rice went on to say in that interview that bowe bergdahl deserves to have the chance to sell his side of the story and we'll be hearing that in the coming months. we also talked about syria and whether or not the u.s. is missing an opportunity to stop bashar al assad in that bloody civil war. we talked about that conversation. potentially that might take place with vladimir putin.
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a lot of other issues to tackle. >> jim, thank you so much. we appreciate it, jim acosta speaking with the president's national security adviser susan rice. much more on that throughout the show. back at home, one student put his own life on the line to save fellow classmates, tackling a man who opened fire on a seattle college campus. one student was shot dead while three others were hurt. right now we know the 26-year-old suspect was not a student at the school. so what could have been his motivation? why would he have done something like that? dan simon is live in seattle. >> reporter: good morning, kate. police at this point had not been able to establish a connection between the alleged shooter and the university or any of the victims. thanks to a very quick thinking student here, this situation could have been a whole lot worse. >> reporter: it's happened once again. >> we heard a shot. we thought it was an experiment at first.
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then we heard screaming. >> reporter: this time a school shooting hitting seattle pacific university in washington state. >> we had a young male enter otto miller hall on the seattle pacific university campus armed with a shotgun. >> reporter: it was around 3:20 in the afternoon when the first calls came in. >> we saw blood on the carpet, bullet shells. blood splatters on the wall. >> reporter: police responding to reports that a man, later identified as aaron yabara was firing a shotgun at students. police say he was also carrying a knife. one of the professors inside the science campus building, the site of the shooting, witnessing it all. >> i heard a shot, looked outside and i saw a man lying face down on the ground with another man holding a shotgun over him. >> reporter: the shooter injuring four and killing one before police detained him. one of the victims, a
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19-year-old male died shortly after arriving at the hospital. the one female shot now recovering from a five-hour surgery in intensive care. ian bishop was at the scene. >> we were trying to reassure her trying to assure her everything was going to be okay. >> reporter: police say the shooter's rampage ended thanks to the bravery of a few students. the first who stepped in, senior engineering student john mees, a volunteer at the security desk. >> he saw the guy and got his pepper spray, sprayed him and tackled him. he stopped him in the lobby. he didn't get any farther than that. >> reporter: students left reeling a week from their final exams. >> today should have been a day of celebration at the end of the school year here at seattle pacific university. instead it's a day of tragedy and of loss. >> it is another heartbreaking situation, but everyone here is so grateful that that student had the presence of mind to grab
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that pepper spray and immobilize the suspect and tackle him. who knows how many lives he may have saved. john mees is the person whoever one in this community is calling a hero. >> and that is the name to remember and to congratulate. let's hope they can get to the bottom of why this happened in the first place. dan simon, thanks for that. anger growing in congress, but president obama is making no apologies for the bowe bergdahl prisoner swap saying congress wasn't informed because bergdahl's life was at risk. we're learning more details about bergdahl's time as a taliban prisoner including attempts to escape. cnn's barbara starr live at the pentagon with all this. good morning. >> good morning, michaela. a defense official says they do have reason to believe, they do have information that bowe bergdahl may have tried to escape his captors more than once. now, why do they say some information? because until they can talk to bergdahl and really find out from him everything that
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happened, they don't know for sure. and when will they talk to bergdahl? that's unclear. he is continuing to recover, they say, and getting better. he is talking to the medical staff treating him, now talking in english. he is assisting more in his own recovery and he's sleeping better we are told. but the psychologists treating him, his team of specialists still has to determine that he's in good enough mental shape to make that trip back to san antonio, texas. and still that's where he's expected to be reunited with his parents. chris, kate? >> barbara, thank you very much. coming up on "new day," it's not out until next week, but somehow excerpts of hillary clinton's book making it into the media. who knew? we're going to tell you some of the things that are interesting in here. would she have made the bowe bergdahl swap, and did she want to help the now president during his campaign? we'll tell you.
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when we arrived at our hotel in new york, the porter was so incredibly careful careless with our bags. and the room they gave us, it was beautiful. a broom closet. but the best part, / worst part, was the shower. my wife drying herself with the egyptian cotton towels, shower curtain defined that whole vacation for her. don't just visit new york. visit tripadvisor new york. with millions of reviews, a visit to tripadvisor makes any destination better.
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for bowe bergdahl. let's discuss some of those. joining us is cnn senior political correspondent candy crowley, also host of cnn's "state of the union." candy, good morning. >> hey, kate, how are you? >> great to see you. i found it fascinating. hillary clinton wrote this book far before any talk of bowe bergdahl was back in the headlines. i find it interesting that she writes about it. in part, she writes this. "there would not be any agreement about prisoners without the sergeant coming home." she goes on to say "i acknowledge as i had many times before that opening negotiations with taliban would be hard to swallow for many americans after so many years of war." what do you think of her response, what she writes and her response after bowe bergdahl's release? >> reporter: i think her response has been very cautious since the release. it's basically been, this is good, we have a policy of leaving no man behind.
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we had to bring him home, and in the future we'll see just what kind of deal this was because you don't want to put anybody back on the battlefield. that's not exactly, yea, this was perfect. it was a cautionary tale of what everybody says they're worried about, what about these five guantanamo bay prisoners that have gone to qatar. that was cautious. we have known these negotiations were going on for some time and years, in fact, as susan rice said as much last week. so it has been going on. we know hillary clinton, the secretary of state, was involved in that and that she did voice some caution, and at that point which was a couple of years ago, thought there ought to be stages at which you learned to trust one another, enemies on the battlefield. so she had a different viewpoint then, but much has changed including we know exactly when u.s. troops are coming out, so this administration felt it was running out of leverage. so what she felt then and what
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she cautioned about then, would they be the same things now, we'll never have any idea. >> and inevitably if she would run, she'll clearly be asked about that and any distinction in those policies. but cautious is the way to describe it. another interesting part about this book, the excerpt about kind of the difficulty of being a woman and being in politics, quite honestly. the obama administration -- pardon me -- the obama campaign at one point asking her to take on sarah palin when sarah palin was announced to run. and hillary clinton says this in part, i was not going to attack palin just for being a woman, appealing for support from other women. i didn't think it made political sense and it didn't feel right. so i said no. >> hillary clinton is the most prominent woman on the national scene probably at least competitive on the global scene. it seems to me that this had a hint at the time to her of, oh,
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let's let the girl go after the girl. that will be a cool idea. and that didn't feel right to her. and somehow, i think she has always struggled with this. when we were in iowa and she was struggling against even then barack obama, hillary clinton's main goal at that point in the caucus area was to show a as a woman she could be tough and take on osama bin laden and this and that and did not spend a lot of time on the women thing, like i would be history. when we left iowa, all the polling showed the campaign that when it came to young women -- the younger you got as a female, the less big a deal you thought it would be to have hillary clinton be president. she's got to again learn how to balance this. i'm running as the best candidate. yeah, i'm a woman and that would be historic and that's always a balance that i think she struggled with, i know she
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struggled with what will be eight years hence and she will likely struggle with it again. >> you can definitely add that in to maybe the lessons learned category, maybe why that part of -- many people say the motivation of this book, a lot of the excerpts released prior to this were about her mother, about becoming a grandmother, about the happiness of seeing her daughter be married. a lot of stuff that voters did not see in 2008 as you point out. >> they did not. >> they tried to turn that corner. it doesn't come naturally to her. she has a midwest reserve. coming from the midwest i think i kind of understand that. she's not a big emoter. we saw that thing where she skr cried in new hampshire and everybody was, oh, my god, she choked up. that kind of microscope will still be there for a woman. they have come to believe that, in fact, this will be history and there's some way to play that that doesn't make it all
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about being a woman, and that's the balance they're trying to strike. >> you're not necessarily weak on foreign policy if you say i'm a woman and i'm running, this will be historic. real quick t book is coming out on tuesday, a lot to discuss on that. i also want to know what's happening on sunday. who is coming up on "state of the union"? >> we'll have some brass on, as they say, to talk about the dilemma of bergdahl, the things that have been said since news of his release came out. we'll be talking about that and some of the things that have come up in politics over this week. >> candy, it's always great to see you, happy friday. we'll see you on sunday. be sure to watch candy crowley on "state of the union" sundays at 9:00 a.m. and noon eastern right here on cnn. chris? >> coming up on "new day," we have something you don't ever see, a different side of stephen colbert, he breaks down while talking with jake tapper. find out what got him so emotional coming up.
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time now for the five things to know for your knew day. number one, today marks 70 years since d-day. president obama spoke this morning at the american cemetery in france. a diplomatic lunch is under way right now with obama and vladimir putin and obama sitting kind of near each other for the first time since the ukrainian crisis began. army sergeant bowe bergdahl
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may have tried to escape the taliban at least twice during his five years in cap hit. he's currently recovering at a hospital in germany. investigators are trying to determine what exactly prompted a 26-year-old man to open fire on a christian college campus in seattle. authorities say aaron ybarra killed one student and injured three others. as new details from hillary clinton's new book are revealed, also being released, nearly 2,000 previously classified documents from bill clinton's presidential library including papers detailing affirmative action and gays in the military. big weekend. california chrome could make history for the first time in nearly 40 years at the belmont stakes. tomorrow the horse is raising hopes for a triple crown winner. can he do it? i don't know. we'll be watching. we always update the five things to know. be sure to go to a lot to do this weekend, the hot game tomorrow night, california chrome. we've got big stuff right
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now. breaking news into cnn, is the economy really growing? the job number helps tell the truth. christine romans, chief business correspondent is here. >> 217,000 jobs created in play. the unemployment rate unchanged at 6.3%. that's a 5 1/2 year low. again, 217,000 jobs created in may. that's a little more than the consensus estimate. people thought maybe 200,000. what it confirms to you, that it was a snap back from this slow start to the year. we saw this slow weather problem in the beginning of the year. the under employment rate still too high, still double digit. we'll be digging in to see the labor force participation rate, still too low. >> good news first. >> you're above the expected number. you tell me that the magic number was 113,000 jobs. why did that number matter? >> there's history made here today. that is we have finally regained all of the jobs lost in the recession.
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8.7 million jobs lost. now we have finally regained all of them, but population grew. we had five, six years of kids graduating from college. six years of immigration. there weren't jobs created for all of those. so that's the asterisk on the good number, that we finally got back all of the jobs lost in the big great recession, but this is still the longest recovery in history. it has taken 51 months to do so. for those of you who say it doesn't feel better for me, that's why. it's taken a very, very long time. i can tell you we're seeing the gains in jobs more broad based than before. that's encouraging. there are talent wars in some parts of the economy, science, technology, engineering, math, high-skilled machinists, things like that. silicon valley, a lot of money in silicon valley. like to see more construction jobs coming back, more skilled, mid-skill-level jobs coming back. it's a turning point many economists are telling us now
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that you're get 2g00,000 plus jobs created. the dow is only 165 points away from 17,000. your 401(k) has been doing well this year as the jobs market -- >> can finally start looking at it again. christine was saying for a long time, just don't even look. >> 401(k) is doing well but you're making less money. >> you're right. very true. christine, thanks so much. a lot of news coming out this morning. up next on "new day," stephen colbert as you have never seen him before talking about his family with cnn's jake tapper. we'll show you a really touching interview. could you one day pay 15 bucks for a cup of coffee? what! i hear you. we'll talk with founder carlos watson. he's going to start our new summer series, "what's new and what's next?" 15 bucks for coffee possible. he'll tell us why.
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♪ ♪
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welcome back to "new day." it's a side of stephen colbert you've never seen before. the host of "the colbert report" soon taking over david letterman's seats is honoring one of his relatives of d-day. colbert's uncle. this is part of the interview with jake tapper that you can see later. jake is joining us on "new day" with a preview. you do not ever really see stephen colbert out of character. but this is the real stephen colbert sitting down with you talking about his mother who passed recently and his uncle
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who served in world war ii. >> that's right, first lieutena lieutenant edward andrew tuck, his mother's younger brother. he was a very important part of the colbert family growing up. it was -- we thought it might be interesting to talk about normandy and the sacrifices made by the greatest generation by just looking at one soldier and his experience in world war ii. he was paratrooper who went into normandy during the d-day invasion. here we are talking about the colbert family. >> this is eddie and the family. it looks like a hollywood photo. >> it really does. >> there's the stern dad. >> there's the stern dad. >> sweet mom. that's popsy, mimi, my mom lorna, my aunt col and that's
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eddie. >> he looks like wally from "leave it to beaver." >> that sweet boy right there in the middle, there are letters in here that say, dad, thanks for the stiletto you sent me. what they were doing at night was going into enemy camps and killing german officers in their sleep. >> it's really remarkable, kate, when you think about what these young men were asked to do in world war ii and the affection that colbert has for his uncle is very moving, and the way he talks about him, it's a side you've never seen. >> also, and you get to it in the interview, just how young these -- you can even call them boys, were going into world war ii and what was expected of them and asked of them is truly unbelievable. his uncle died years before colbert was even born. did you get into kind of the connection that colbert feels and why he feels such a strong connection with him? >> uncle eddie, he survived so
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much in world war ii, but he did not get out of europe alive. his mom, stephen colbert's mom who you referred to died recently. stephen colbert was very close with his mother. she kept his memory alive, so much so that it was almost as if uncle eddie was a living, breathing member of the family. take a listen. >> a lot of these letters start when he's 19, and he's dead by 23, and you see higgs maturation process in the letters. he starts off as someone very proud to be serving his country, wants to get the job done, and by the end of it, he is someone who has seen terrible things, but is absolute steel in his conviction that it was the right thing to have done and wants to
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keep going. he lives all the way through the war in europe and then wants to go over to japan, but unfortunately dies before he gets there. >> a lot of people might know the 101st airborne division because of "band of brothers," kate. that was easy company. edward tuck was in fox company, but they were together the entire time. so it is a story that i think a lot of people might find familiar if they watched or red band of brothers. >> i think even president obama mentioned in 101st airborne in his address in normandy. a different side of stephen colbert that you were able to speak to, jake. fascinating. thanks so much for bringing that to us. you can see much more of jake's interview with stephen colbert on "the lead" every weekday at 4:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn. to this week's cnn hero. it is in the honor of 70th anniversary of d-day, zain bus
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by stumbled upon a forgotten generation, still struggling with world war ii's effects, elderly holocaust survivors living in squaller. she took it upon herself to become their lifeline. >> as a child i ran from the killing squads three times. our entire little town was burned. my mother and father were killed in the mass graves. i cry at night. your letters are for me like medicine. >> these are the last survivors of the holocaust in eastern europe. they don't have extended family. life is so hard in these places. they don't have anything. i saw it with my own eyes. no one was helping them. so i wanted to reach out and help them. we provide them with direct continuous financial aid for food, heat, medication and shelter. >> okay. stay healthy and write to me. >> and we let them know they've not been forgotten. we get stacks and stacks of letters every week, mostly in
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russian. they're sent out to translators and we start answering them immediately and sending money. we're now helping 2,000 people in eight countries. the money is lifesaving, but the connection equally lifesaving. >> i'm going to come back and see you. >> we can really write a more hopeful final chapter to the holocaust, this time one of kindness and compassion and what they deserve at the end of their lives. >> what a beautiful licne. did you hear about how the money matters but the connection matters the most. if you want to nominate a hero go to coming up next on "new day," how do blind people dream? details behind a fascinating new study coming up next.
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fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yeah. everybody knows that. did you know there is an oldest trick in the book? what? trick number one. look-est over there. ha ha. made-est thou look. so end-eth the trick. hey.... yes.... geico. fifteen minutes could save you... well, you know. (vo)cars for crash survival,ning subaru has developed our most revolutionary feature yet. a car that can see trouble... ...and stop itself to avoid it. when the insurance institute for highway safety tested front crash prevention nobody beat subaru models with eyesight.
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♪ we could talk with carlos watson about literally anything. so why don't we? we're going to kickoff a new series with him this summer. the co-founder and editor of "ozzie," a new online magazine. good to have you back on the show. >> good to be here. >> he survived the abuse from the first time. >> coming for more. >> let's talk about another
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radar potential presidential candidate. >> i think there's a good one on the republican and democratic side. jeb bush, rand paul, ted cruz are getting a lot of the energy, but the governor of michigan, historically democratic state, rick schneider ran as one tough nerd, gateway computer company. now he's got michigan, big comeback. they've gone from 14% unemployment to 7%. the biggest story of all and the story i think if he ever has a chance as president would be what happens with detroit. there's been historic animosity between the rest of michigan and detroit. this republican governor has led a bailout of detroit, putting some $350 million estate money to work. if something good comes out of this, i don't know. >> not particularly charismatic, though. >> that's kind of his thing, though. he is under the radar. he's very policy focused. but for many -- if you're really going to get into it, if he wants to do something bigger in the future, that might be a problem because he doesn't throw
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that red meat to the right that would help him win a primary necessarily in a national election. >> fair enough. so pro life, pro gun, flat taxes, 6% tax. you're right charisma is not his story. so that could end up being an issue. who knows? the economy could be a big issue. they may want someone who proved some cross-over appeal. on the democratic side hillary is the favorite. if for some reason she doesn't run, who knows, governor of colorado, former geologist, pub owner. >> and do we need to bring up the pot? >> 420 happened in colorado. >> let's move on to a topic that will get between the two of us. >> just say the man. >> no, do not. >> coffee, we know it's kind of expensive. but $15 coffee, carlos watson? >> you're talking california.
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>> don't blame my state. >> california is always on the cutting edge. there's a wonderful set of shops there called verve. a couple of young guys started it five, six, seven years ago. what they said is coffee is special, just like the best wines. >> only because we make it special. >> only because coffee -- >> we make it special if we give it such importance, right? >> they would say, yes, we give it importance, we love it, the same way we do with wine. they would say they travel a couple dozen countries a year. they do special things with the farmers there in terms of how it's grown and how it's ultimately roasted. >> artisanal. >> look at you. >> 15 bucks for a cup of coffee. you better give me lotto numbers. >> from ethiopia. >> i want to help ethiopia as much as the next guy, but 15 bucks for a cup of coffee, i'll send a check. >> by the way, a big check. >> you think we're going to
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drink this much coffee if it's 15 bucks a cup, 1,131 the number that the average coffee drinker drinks each year. >> they've got smaller price cuts as well. for those of you, especially chris, uncomfortable with the big checks -- another popular, l.a., san francisco, they're getting calls from everywhere. >> like craft beers. >> pay attention. they're kind of fun. i have to say they're fun. they're fun young guys. the stores have a different vibe for them. santa cruz near the beach -- >> let's put it this way, as long as not every cup of coffee is $15 -- >> not every one. but enough. >> last but not least, a fascinating study about dreams and people that are blind. >> terrific study out of denmark, copenhagen. they looked at people who were born blind, people who lost their sight after about a year and people who have always been able to see and compared the two. what did we learn? we learned that when people who are blind dream they use other
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senses, they smell more, they taste more. we just spoke about coffee, right? >> their other senses come alive. >> all the other senses come into play, usually about double the amount. obviously the visual element that many of us think about in dreaming. >> immediately after you wake up, these folks have a log and they were asked a series of questions and they took that over a month. it was a month-long survey. more nightmares, unfortunately by the blind, fears of falling into potholes, losing your guide dog, those sort of things. >> so it's not so much connected to blindness as the practical considerations of being blind that drives the nightmares. >> very well said, especially for people who believe dreams are often the way of practicing how you'll deal with threats. so you're playing that out. >> carlos watson --
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>> i dream about you coming after me with knives. >> i don't need a knifed to take you out. >> a great series to participate with and having you here. if you want to read more about the stories that we just sort of dipped into, go to y >> you'll now be called ozy. >> call me ozy watson. i like it. >> good guy. good to have someone here. >> a little balance. >> remember i'm the brother of three sisters. i'm prepared to be helpful. >> he's helping me and michaela. here is a tease. if you oerned a precious piece of history, would you keep it for yourself, put it under glass somewhere, hide it away? not these guys. the extraordinary gift they're giving our world war ii veterans ahead in "the good stuff."
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♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities.
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and that's epic, bro, we've forgotten just how good good is. good is setting a personal best before going for a world record. good is swinging to get on base before swinging for a home run. [ crowd cheering ] good is choosing not to overshoot the moon, but to land right on it and do some experiments. ♪ so start your day off good with a coffee that's good cup after cup. maxwell house. ♪ good to the last drop so we're following the events for the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of d-day
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going on on normandy beach right now. this is sword beach, the main first landing area for british troops in the massive invasion that spread out 50 miles, 160,000 men, 200,000 in support, 13,000 aircraft, 5,000 ships. remember how dangerous eisenhower decided to take the beach despite bad weather which had sunk a lot of the amphibious vehicles that were supposed to give cover of the beach. the tide had a full moon. that meant so much beach was exposed, it made it even harder for the men to rush up against german posts. obviously important to commemorate. we are waiting for the world leaders to show up and take their positions and then we will dip back in through out the morning to show you the moments of significance. >> president frn swa hollande will be speaking, xhem rating the longest day. >> a very important day and also we'll end our day with a little
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good stuff for you. we'll tie the two together. it's a d-day edition. the american plane that helped end the war and men keeping it alive, the p 51 mustang. it met and conquered every plane. it was the first allied plane to penetrate germany and the first to fly over berlin. many say turned the tide of the war. very few survive today. a new york doctor and his business partner were lucky enough to be able to buy one. >> it's part of what makes us americans. i never thought at that time i'd ever even have a chance of being able to afford or fly a mustang. >> the truth is many would realize the value of this, restore it and wind up making money off it. they meticulously restored it. named it the never miss. and now they never miss an opportunity to honor the men who flew it by taking veterans, as many as they can find for free rides. >> that's so great. >> if you own a piece of
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history, we're just caretakers of this airplane, and to be a caretaker of it is to share it with the people that we're honoring. >> that's cool. >> it really hits home. >> powerful. really powerful. >> especially when there are viewer and viewer veterans that we can honor still today. >> you're married to a veteran and you know how much it is for people to remember them this way, especially the greatest generation. a beautiful gesture. thank you for being the good stuff. a lot of news this morning. let's get you to carol costello in the "newsroom." tgif. >> tgif to you. thank you so very much. "newsroom" starts now. good morning to you, i'm carol costello. we'll go right back to france to the beaches of normandy, sword beach in particular, where a moving ceremony is going right now to honor so many soldiers who really -- this was the start of the win in world war ii, these soldiers fought so hard and so


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