tv Wolf CNN June 9, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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congratulations, bryan. no one more deserving. thanks for watching, everybody. wolf starts now. right now, bowe bergdahl is still in the hospital in germany. officials say he's continuing to improve but he's not ready to travel back ton the united states, at least not yet, and he hasn't yet talked to his parents either. also right now, las vegas police are investigating a brutal shooting spree. it was carried out by a couple who allegedly shouted "this is a revolution" before killing two police officers at a restaurant and a woman outside of a walmart. and right now, president obama's getting ready to make an important announcement on student loans. he's expected to provide some relief to the millions of young adults struggling to get out from the massive amounts of debt. hello, i'm wolf blitzer reporting from washington. we begin with breaking news. a new report has just been released on the scandal
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involving delayed care at u.s. veterans hospitals across the country. our senior investigative correspondent drew griffin and his team broke the story. he's following all the latest developments. more shocking developments in this report, drew. >> the facts just get worse and worse. this is from the va itself. it's found 57,000 veterans are waiting for care. they're waiting to be scheduled for care. but another 63,000 over the past ten years, they've enrolled in the health care system but never had an appointment. now the va is trying to reach out to all these veterans who are on the waiting lists or apparently on nobody's waiting list. 13% of the scheduling staff across the country indicated they were told, as we've been report, to cook the books, to hide the fact these veterans have been waiting so long. this is not going to sit well with them, but the va is now trying to take aggressive step tossing get these vets into the system, try to clear up this
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backlog, and then move forward with how we change the va. >> these numbers are very shocking. there's a lot more than at least i anticipated. >> we thought 40 here, 100 here. now we're talking about 57,000, plus a potential nother 60,000 who have never even gotten to see a doctor, wolf. >> when you say cook the books, because the suspicion has been -- there's many members of congress who want the fbi, the justice department, to investigate if there was criminal wrongdoing. the allegation being some bureaucrats cooked the books to make themselves look better so they would be eligible for bonuses. >> that doesn't seem to be the allegation anymore, that seems to be the fact. now, what is the point of moving forward? is it going to move forward criminally? is the department of justice going to go in and find who was steering this cooking of the books, this manufacturing of data, simply to make performance reviews and potential money bonuses? that's what a lot of senators want to hear about it, the
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congressman want to hear about it. we know there is coordination going on between the office of inspector general and the department of justice. will it lead to criminal prosecutions? we have to wait and see. >> the president's looking for a new secretary of veterans affairs right now. he's got an acting secretary but he needs full-time secretary on the job who's going to have to get confirmed by the senate. >> yes, absolutely. >> all right, drew, thanks very much. i know you're going through the report. other news we're following. the firestorm over the deal that freed sergeant bowe bergdahl heats up this week. up first, a closed door briefing for house members today. also, new details are emerging about bergdahl's captivity and his condition. a senior u.s. official says bergdahl describes being kept in a small box after trying to escape and that he suffers from psychological trauma caused by physical abuse. doctors in germany say bergdahl is in stable condition and continues to improve but he's not yet ready to return to the united states. the fbi is investigating threats against bergdahl's parents. no word on the nature or the
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severity, though, of the threats. let's bring in our correspondent, barbara starr, at the pentagon, nic robertson, in doha, qatar. nic, what more have you learned about bergdahl's time in captivity, those five years? >> yes, wolf, i talked to a taliban source, someone woz familiar with some of bergdahl's captivity, not all of it. this is someone who's had information that's proven accurate in the past about westerners held by this same group of taliban inside pakistan. he said when bergdahl was first captured he was held in a house that had very loose security run by an old man. bergdahl, he said, was able to escape. he was on the run for three whole days. the fact that he wasn't able to get away was quite simply because the taliban controlled the whole area. they policed him up and they took him and put him in a much more secure location, where the taliban say it was clear to bergdahl he wasser in goi er in
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get out of that location. he learned to speak the local language, pashtu, he became proficient at it, he was able to tell the taliban he didn't like the food, saying he didn't like the lamb he was getting every day, that he didn't like the smell, that he wanted fresh fruit, fresh vegetables. which they say they provided. they also say that he wanted to celebrate christmas, wanted to celebrate easter, which he did clearly there, sticking with his christian roots. the taliban say they provided him with reading material, gave him a chance for exercise, even playing soccer with the taliban. the takeaway from this here is that second location he was taken to and subsequent ones were one, according to taliban, he knew he was not going to be able to break out of, wolf. >> barbara, what do we know about the fact, apparent fact, he still has not, nine days following his freedom, he has not yet spoken on the phone with his parents, what's going on here? >> look, wolf, i think we have to take a step back.
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this is a man who was in captivity for five years in isolation with no other americans around him as far as we know, no other prisoners with him. total isolation. the taliban, the haqqani network that held him for much of the time, these guys are not nice people. this is someone who has suffered psychological trauma. i think the reports that the taliban are putting out about giving him vegetables, soccer ball, letting him practice his faith, that is coming from the taliban. we will have to wait and see what bowe bergdahl has to say about all of this, but he is, according to our sources, telling officials that he was physically abused and kept in this small isolated chamber, if you will. so psychological trauma. what we're being told is he will call his parents when he feels ready. no one is stopping him. no one is telling him to do it or not do it.
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as part of the repatriation process, a captive moves through every step and moves when they feel ready. >> what do you know about these five taliban prisoners freed in the exchange? what kind of status do they have where you are in doha, kwater? >> well, we understand they're waiting to be housed by the qatari authorities in some kind of longer-term housing. they're not allowed to leave the country. we don't know how that is being implemented. the usual procedure for a government in this situation would be to take their passports away. the qatari authorities promised the united states they will mon tem them and make sure they don't return to the battlefield. this sort of 24-hour monitoring-type responsibility for an intelligence or police agency of five people in any country would be a stretch of resources, but the assessments here are people familiar with what the qataris can do is they certainly can go a long way
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there. however, it would be very, a stretch of anyone's imagination, we're told, to believe they could effectively completely police these five men out from connecting with the taliban back home either through family, through friends, through phone, these sorts of things. but very clear, secretary of state john kerry made it very clear, if they try to get back, they can face the ultimate sanction, that is, death. so at the moment, we just know they're here, they're not being allowed to leave, they will be allowed to roam freely in this country, wolf. >> let me play that clip. this is the secretary of state john kerry speaking to our own elise labbette over the weekend. listen to his warning. >> they're not the only ones keeping an eye on him. >> the u.s. is going to be monitoring them? >> i'm just telling you they're not the only ones keeping an eye on them and we have confidence in those requirements, and if they're violated, then we have the ability to be able to do things. >> what kind of things? >> i'm not -- elise, i'm not
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telling you they don't have some ability at some point to go back and get involved, but they also have an ability to get killed doing that. >> barbara, that sounds like if they get back into the battlefield, afghanistan or pakistan, or wherever, the u.s. will try to kill them. what do you make of that? >> well, look, i think that everyone understands the u.s. military, the cia has the technical capabilities to do just that. if a president of the united states orders it to be done. there's two ways you can monitor these kinds of people. visually basically. keep eyeballs on them. watch who goes in and out of where they live. and monitor their electronic communications. i think it's potentially, i don't know, but potentially safe to assume the qataris and the u.s. are trying to do that visually, electronically, and we will have to see how it happens. i think there's two periods of time here.
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there's one year where they don't -- they're not allowed to leave the country of qatar where they are. and then there's what happens after that. >> barbara starr, thanks very much, nic robertson, thanks to you as well. up next, the very latest on the cold-blooded killings of two las vegas police officers and the other person. the shooters apparently left behind materials that might be a motive. also, hillary clinton's book coming out tomorrow. will it affect her plans for 2016? we'll have a full discussion on that and more, coming up a little bit later.
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turning now to las vegas, the entire city is now in mourning over the senseless killing of two police officers and a third person. a so-called manifesto found at the scene could reveal the motive of the gunmen, a husband and wife who killed themselves as police moved in. a law enforcement source tells cnn the couple held extremist views towards police. according to witnesses, the shooters went into cici's restaurant shortly before noon yesterday, shot and killed two plice officers in cold blood, as the men simply were eating lunch. the husband and wife then went to a nearby walmart where they shot and kill a third person before then killing themselves. our dan simon is covering this story for us, he's in las vegas. also joining us, our senior washington correspondent joe johns. in new york, retired nassau county police officer lou
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polumbo. dan, the shooters, they left behind some important potential evidence. what are you learning? >> well, wolf, first of all, cnn is reporting that we can tell you the fame of the shooting suspects. they are amanda and jared miller. they're both from indiana, believed to be in their 20s. they came to las vegas within the past six months. it's very clear based upon things they wrote online that they espouse anti-government and anti-law enforcement views. in fact, they were part of that cliven bundy movement we saw play out a few months ago up in northern nevada. this is bundy, the renegade ranch, also known for his anti-government views. according to jared miller and the postings he had online, he was kicked out of that movement. i can tell you, i spoke to mr. bundy. he's not familiar with mr. miller in any way. but what's clear, wolf, the narrative that's emerging is these people were anti-law
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enforcement. why exactly, we're not so sure, but we can tell you that mr. miller seeped to have a lengthy rap sheet, and based upon these online postings, had a deep hatred of law enforcement. >> joe johns, what are you learning about this couple? >> what we do know is jared and amanda miller apparently have some kind of connection to the state of indiana. they apparently were married in 2012. apparently she was employed and the indications we have right now is he was not. some of the key questions of course are whether these shootings were politically motivated. if so, in what way. it's clear the shooters had some type of dislike for law enforcement especially since two police officers were targeted initially. one of the biggest questions is why the officer's bodies were reportedly covered with some type of cloth that apparently reacceptabled a revolutionary war era flag. police are said to be
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investigating whether this couple has espoused other anti-government views. from what we can tell, this couple appears to have been active on social media. these people apparently had pictures on facebook pages of other people and themselves, we think, wearing various costumes, batman motif in there in some ways. sources tell cnn they left some sort of written manifesto, but details on that so far are limited. >> let me bring joe -- lou into this conversation. how significant is it that a couple was involved in this killing as opposed to a lone gunman, shall we say? >> well, a lone gunman in most of these instances that we've experienced lends itself to some type of mental or emotional problem. in this instance, this lends itself potentially to a larger group that they might be attached to. and that's one of the things that law enforcement is looking into right now. were these just two people who were politically aligned, somewhat deranged in their outlook of government and
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society? or are they attached, in fact, to a larger group that's now going to make this somewhat a regular occurrence? >> if it was a larger group, then police have some serious investigation to undertake right now to see if they're in some sort of pattern here potentially connected with other of these kinds of incidents. >> that's correct, wolf. if you revisit the late '60s, in new york, for example, we had a pattern of the bla for example assassinating police officers. foster and laurie. i mean, it was an ongoing effort to do exactly what we're speaking to right now. it's very important that they discern as to whether or not this is an association with the larger group with this agenda or were these just two random individuals that are taking u.n. their own cause in an attempt to be validated or accepted by a larger group.
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>> it's an important subject that we're all going to have to learn a lot more. wish the police good luck in their investigation. lou, thanks very much. don't go too far away. dan will be with us. the las vegas police, they've now scheduled a news conference for 1:30 p.m. eastern, about 12 minutes or so from now. we'll have live coverage of that. we'll get an update on what las vegas police have to say so, everyone, stand by. up next, hillary clinton reveals her time line for deciding on a possible presidential run. life with crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis
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the talk is about the author's possible plans for the future. our senior political correspondent brianna keilar has more on what hillary clinton is now saying. >> wolf, hillary clinton has said she has a decision to make, but if you are looking for clarity on exactly when she'll do that, you won't find it in this interview, because she is keeping her options open. on the eve of her headline grabbing book rollout, hillary clinton shares with abc news her timetable for deciding whether she's running for president. >> i just want to get through this year, travel around the country, sign books, help in the midterm elections in the fall. and then take a deep breath and kind of go through my pluses and minuses about whether i will and will not be thinking about as i make the decision. >> pushing back her personal deadline to 2015. >> i will be on the way to making a decision by the end of the year, yes. >> but she's already in the political spin cycle. clinton didn't rule out appearing before a republican
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led house committee investigating the benghazi attack. >> we'll see whether or not this is, you know, one more travesty about the loss for americans or whether this is in the best tradition of the congress, an effort to try to figure out what we can do better. >> only 37% of americans approve of her handling of benghazi but a majority still approve her overall performance as secretary of state according to a new abc news/"washington post" poll. clinton gets very high marks for leadership qualities. as she prepares for a demanding book tour some see as a dry run for 2016, clinton also answered questions about her 2012 blood clot and concussion that she says caused her to suffer dizzy inness and double vision. >> so no long iring effects? >> no lingering effects. >> you would release your medical reports if you ran -- >> i would do what other candidates have done, absolutely. >> she had a serious health
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episode. >> for the first time, she personally responded. >> what would you like to say to karl rove about your brain? >> that i know he was called bush's brain in one of the books written about him, and i wish him well. >> this is all part of a big rollout for her book. there will be other interviews. there are speeches, book signings. all of it designed to sell books and keep her well positioned, should she decide to run for president in 2016. >> joining us here in washington, sally quinn, contributor for "the washington post," the founding editor of on faith, sally, thanks very much for coming in. how does this book play into the possibility, very strong possibility, she's going to run, again, for the democratic presidential nomination? >> i think she would have written the book anyway. she just finished as secretary of state, that's what you do, you write a book. i think this is laying the groundwork if she decides to run.
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whether shaes going to run or not, nobody knows. i think this is her time. you know, hillary's main passion now is women and has been for years. women's rights, human rights. and she's made such headway, i think that that's going to be the area she needs to decide what she wants to focus on and where she will be able to do the most good, wihether she wants t spend the rest of her life dealing with women's rights or whether she thinks she can make a bigger difference as the first woman president of the united states. even though what she's going to be dealing with is something i can't even imagine, because the republicans are going to vilify her. once she announces, if she does, she is just going to be the object of attack. they hate her. she's not going to have a honeymoon if she gets in the white house. that's something she has to decide if she wants to do.
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i think she wants to also think about is the people who surround her. in the last election, we both know she was surrounded by at lot of people who were toxic, who were arrogant, and who did not have her best interest at heart. and they made a lot of enemies for her, the people around her. i think this time around, she really should survey the landscape. i mean, she's got people like huma abidine who are good, decent people. what she needs to do is make sure the people she has around her represent who she really is and not these toxic people -- >> that's a fair point. listen to this exchange she had with diane sawyer on abc news, on going out to the lecture circuit and making a lot of money. this is interesting. watch this. >> -- the white house not only dead broke but in debt. we had no money when we got there. and we struggled to, you know, piece together the resources for mortgages for houses, for
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chelsea's education, you know, it was not easy. >> she said she was in debt, dead broke when she and bill clinton left the white house in january, what, 2001. >> i once made a remark that they were homeless and, in fact, they were. i mean they really didn't have any money. i don't think that making money after you've been in public office is anything new. and i don't think -- >> in the eight years he was president, he was making $400,000 a year as president of the united states, which to most americans sounds like money. >> yeah, well, i think that they -- look it, i think ronald regular be weagan went off and a couple of million dollars on a speech right after he got out of office. he went to japan and made a huge amount of money. i don't think that's anything new. i think why shouldn't they -- we do live in a capitalistic country. >> isn't anything wrong with making money. certainly bill clinton has made a lot money speaking in other ways since he left the white house. speaking of first ladies, listen
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to michelle obama. she was at a memorial service honoring maya angelou over the weekend. let me play a little clip. >> words so powerful that they carried a little black girl from the south side of chicago all the way to the white house. >> what do you think, this harvard law school grad, very successful lawyer in her own right, you think after she leaves the white house, she'll follow in hillary clinton's foot steps and run for political office? >> i think she's been a great first lady. i think that she's had a lot of criticism for being the wife and the mother. but i think she's played it absolutely right. because she has not been an issue for him and she's not been a distraction. i think now is her time. as it is hillary's time. if she wants to run for office, i can't see why not. i think she's be a great senator. >> she probably would have a
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clear shot to get the democratic nomination, see what would happen. although there is a republican senator, senator kirk right now, so we'll see what happens. >> i think she's got some cards to play. >> yes, se certainly does. programming reminder. hillary clinton will join us next week for a very important town hall meeting. hillary clinton, cnn town hall live, comes your way on tuesday, june 17th, at 5:00 p.m. eastern. up next, once considered to be the most culturally rich in the middle east, we'll take you inside a city that now sits in total ruin. later, we're expecting to hear from president obama as he unveiled new plans to try to change the rules on student loans. we'll bring it to you live.
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welcome back. i'm wolf blitzer reporting from washington. we're waiting for a live news conference from las vegas. police there getting ready to brief us on the horrible shooting. two police officers and a third person yesterday by a couple who then apparently killed themselves. we'll have the latest on what's going on. we'll have live coverage. stand by for that. other news we're following, in just the past few hours, the airport in karachi, pakistan, once between opened, following an attack by the taliban last night. the military says 28 people were killed in the attack. according to the pakistani government, terrorists entered the airport with the intension of destroying as many planes as it possibly could. the taliban said this was revenge for a u.s. drone strike that killed a taliban leader last year. a remarkable meeting between the palestinian authority president
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mahmoud abbas and the israeli president peres. they met at the vatican this weekend and prayed together for peace in the middle east. saying it was a response to people who want to live as brothers and sisters and not as enemies. less than a week after he was re-elected, syrian presiden he called a general amnesty today. only if they surrouender within month. the amnesty covers deserters. as civil war wages on, the city of aleppo, once the country's crown jewel, its cultural heart and soul, that city is now all but been demolished. our nick paton walsh report. i want to caution viewers, some images are disturbing. >> reporter: to aleppo and the
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scale of its catastrophe quickly dawns. the future purged from it. today, something you just survive. this is what the edge of humanity looks like. ground, dust. the smell of burning plastic at every turn. the syrian regime is trying to encircle those remaining area, of aleppo still held by the rebels, but months of pounding, by heavy artillery and barrel bombs, mean that in streets like this, life has already been extinguished. here's how. this building was hit in the dead of night by a barrel bomb. huge, crudely made with scrap metal and tnt, randomly dropped from a helicopter. survivors look up, fearing them, and look through what they have done. when there is so little left to live from, even the remains of
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murder are prized. seven died here, we're told. hours can pass before rescuers arrived. because over the months, the regime has learned to bomb twice, as this footage of an attack on a hospital shows. the second time, to catch those who come to help. here, the helicopter again. aleppo is dying. a city of 2 million now in rebel areas, down to mere thousands. we meet a british doctor, working in syria for two years. now with severe burns to his leg from being bombed six weeks ago. >> we ducked down, and it just hit us with a bomb. i didn't feel anything. next thing, i was waking up. and i couldn't feel my leg. everything was burning around
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me. they took me to a hospital. and next thing i realized that i lost the whole skin, the whole leg. >> can you describe the pain? it's unbearable. i can't sleep, i can't do anything. the attack, we cannot bear it anymore. there's no people anymore. if you go around the city, you find there's no people, no cats, no insects, there's nothing left. >> some are so young, this will be among their first memories. why a sniper shot 5-year-old mohamm mohammed, he will never know. he was sitting, watching t ing cartoocartoon s on tv in itself home at the time. [ speaking foreign language ] what can his mother say? "what's wrong with the sniper's eyes," she says. "is he blind?
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could he not see this is my child?" on the outskirts, trash burns. the smoke of a city rising. leaving behind those who cannot leave, who must find life in its embers. >> nick is joining us now live from beirut. amazing report, i think you're the first reporter to get in there, see what was going on. this sham election they had a few days ago in syria, now the so-called amnesty that the government of bashar al assad is putting out, is that really going to change anything, especially in a city like aleppo, which at one point was such a beautiful historic city? >> well, it won't change the immediate prospect of those people you saw trapped in rubble hell barriers which could soon be encircled by the regime. but that electoral victory, if you call it an election at all, and this amnesty are part of a broader narrative. damascus on the ground doing
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better. they've shunned peace negotiations internationally and it seems they're trying to impose their own negotiation. that's basically a policy called starve and surrender. isolate an area. make sure the people inside it leave. the rebels have nothing to eat. they will eventually yield. that's what many fear is happening soon to aleppo if they cut it off finally. to boost that whole thing, to speed it up, is that campaign of barrel bombing. hard to understand what it must be like to be beneath helicopters as they pass and just randomly push huge amounts of explosives and shrapnel out into civilian areas, purely targeting crowds of people if they see them gathering below. once the first bomb has landed, dropping another one to kill those on the scene to rescue. simply horrifying, life for those people, in what's really a ground to dust parts of the city held by rebels, wolf. >> it's a shocking, shocking scene. one of our courageous reporters. nick paton walsh. he is now back in beirut.
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we'll have much more on syria coming up. i want to alert our viewers, we're standing by for a news conference in las vegas. live pictures, police getting ready to brief us on a horrible shooting incident there over the weekend. two police officers brutally shot down in cold blood. third person killed as well. we'll have an update on what is going on. stand by for that. we're also waiting to bring you president obama live. he's getting ready to announce a new circumstance order designed to save people thousands of dollars on their student loan. when it comes to good nutrition...i'm no expert. that would be my daughter -- hi dad. she's a dietitian. and back when i wasn't eating right, she got me drinking boost. it's got a great taste, and it helps give me the nutrition i was missing. helping me stay more like me. [ female announcer ] boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. all with a delicious taste. grandpa! [ female announcer ] stay strong, stay active with boost.
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what's your policy? here's a look at this day in history. senator joe mccarthy meets his match during the anti-communist hysteria in america. the focus is whether communism had infiltrated the u.s. armed forces. army special council joseph well, had countered everyone of mccarthy's charges during weeks of hearings. this confrontation was the beginning of the end of mccarthy's power. listen. >> let us not assassinate this land further. you've done enough. have you know sense of decency, sir? >> have you no sense of decency, sir? famous, famous words. let's get a quick look at the mark markets, the dow up by 12 points, modest little gain. today, most of the attention appears focused on merger activity on wall street.
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we're watching it. president obama announcing a new initiative on student loans today. in an executive order to lessen the burden on borrowers. let's bring in our chief business correspondent christine romans. how will this impact students now, graduates who are still paying off their student loans? >> so this is for people who took out loans, 2007 to 2011, for example, and it will be another 5 million people, student borrower, who will be able to limit the amount of payments they make every month, something called income--based repayment. 10% your take home pay essentially is what your student loans would be, wouldn't be allowed to gobble half your income, so you could actually have money to, you know, get a lease on a car, to buy an apartment or to rent an apartment. you would have a little more breathing space, a little more financial freedom. we've had income-based repayment plans for a long, long time. this is the president and the white house trying to make sure they're available to more
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students, to more graduates, rather, and help really get some flexibility for families suffering is from these big student loan debts. >> the president wants new legislation on the interest rates for those student loans. what would that look like? >> that's interesting. democrats are pushing for this in congress. and republicans are against it because it would be paid for in part by raising taxes on wealthier americans. that would allow people to refinance both their private and federal student loans at lower interest rates. senator warren has said many times why can the banks borrow money for next to nothing but students have to borrow for moran that the banks have to, that isn't fair, so they'd like to lower those student interest rate, essentially let people refinance those student loans to those lower rates. >> the president is getting ready to speak. he's being introduced right now, christine. i'm sure he's going to thank a lot of people before he gets to the substance of his remarks. this is potentially, christine, let's talk about what this potentially could to, because there are so many students out
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there taking this -- these enormous loans because college isn't cheap, as all of us know. >> and college tuition is up 540% since 1985 to today, 540%. there's pretty much nothing in your life that has increased at the rate of college tuition at a time when we all know college is worth it. in fact, more important than ever, the unemployment rate for somebody with a bachelor's degree is 3.3%. you want to be in the group with the lower unemployment and higher lifetime earnings. but the amount of money you have to borrow to do that is crippling. about a third of families, wolf, they don't borrow any money. they save their money, they live below their means and send their kid to a state school. or some people send their kids to private expense itch colleges. but two-thirds of people are borrowing money for college. two-thirds. they're graduating with on average $29,000, more than $29,000, in student loan debt. we have to figure out how to
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keep the debt to a minimum in the first place and then secondarily figure out how to help people cope with the big bills once they graduate. that's what this piece is the president is announcing today. >> we'll take a quick break, listen to the president on the other side. the soul.yes may be tho but in the case of the lexus ls... ...which eyes? eyes that pivot with the road... ...that can see what light misses... ...eyes designed to warn when yours wander... or ones that can automatically bring the ls to a complete stop. all help make the unseen... ...seen. and make the ls perhaps the most visionary vehicle on the road. this is the pursuit of perfection. one of our favorite things to do is going to the dog park together. sometimes my copd makes it hard to breathe. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function
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why. for 51 months in a row, our businesses have created 9.4 million new jobs in total. we have averaged over 200,000 new jobs every month. that's the good news. while those at the top are doing better than ever, average wages have barely budged. everything i do is aimed towards reversing those trends that mutt a greater burden on the middle class and are diminishing the number of ladders to get into the middle class. the story of my life and
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michelle's life is this is a country where opportunities should be available for anybody. the idea that no matter where you are or what you look like, if you're willing to work hard and live up to your responsibilities you can make it. and in america, higher education opens the doors of opportunity for all. we have got community colleges, technical schools but we know that some higher education and additional skills are going to be your surest path to the middle class. the typical american earns over $28,000 more per year than somebody with just a high school education. 28 grand a year. and right now the unemployment rate for workers with a bachelor's degree is about half
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of those with just a high school education. so you know this is a smart investment. your parents know this is a smart investment. that's why so many of them made such big sacrifices. at a time when higher education has never been more important it has also never been more expensive. the public tuition has more than tripled. at the same time the typical family's income has gone up just 16%. michelle and i both went to college because of loans, grants, and the work that we do. i'm old, i have got to admit. but when i got out of school, it took me about a year to pay off my entire undergraduate
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education. that was it. and i went to a private school. as recently as the 70s and 80s, when you made a commitment to college, you weren't anticipating that you would have this massive debt. now when i went to elementary school, it was a different story. that made sense because the idea was if you got a professional degree like a law degree you would probably be able to pay it off. i didn't feel sorry for myself or any lawyers who took on law school debt. compare that experience just half a generation, a generation ago to what kids are going through now. these rising costs have left middle class families feeling trapped. let's be honest. families at the top, they can easily save more than enough money to pay for school out of pocket.
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families at the bottom face a lot of obstacles but can turn to programs that can help them handle costs. you have got a lot of middle class families who don't qualify for support, feel like nobody's looking out for them. as andy described, heaven forbid that the equity in their home gets used up for some other family emergency or as we saw in 2008, suddenly home values sink. >> there you hear the president making case for major changes in how student loans are administered. this is a huge, huge problem for so many graduates. >> if you're paying all of this money to your student loan debt you're not starting a business, not able to buy a house, not able to move to a dimpb part of the country because you don't have the cash on hand. you to ear really stuck in that student debt. the government has this planned income base repayment to limit how much you're spending out of
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pocket to about 10% of your discretionary income. the idea is to give you financial plexability. the president is announcing expansion of that for about five million more american graduates who have student loan debt. >> a lot will be grateful for this new initiative. thanks very much. we will continue to monitor the president. that's it for me. i will be back.
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