tv Crossfire CNN June 11, 2014 3:28pm-4:01pm PDT
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certainly one of the biggest sporting events on the planet. the world cup. it's about to begin. officials in brazil are scrambling to get everything ready for tomorrow's opening match amid concerns about delays, protests, maybe possible violence. cnn's fred pleitgen is joining us from rio right now. how does it look, fred? >> reporter: looks very good. the the atmosphere is absolutely amazing, wolf. the past couple of days we've been here.
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we are, of course, right on the copa cabana, most famous beach in rio. see people coming in from all over the world. a lot of americans, people from argentina, uruguay, all over europe have been coming in here. you're absolutely right. the big question is, is brazil prepared for this world cup? and there i would say it is actually still somewhat of a work in progress. we scan still see construction. there's some -- >> all right, unfortunately we're losing some audio from fred pleitgen. we're going to check back with him obviously tomorrow. this is a huge, huge sporting event. the world cup. we'll have full coverage clearly, hopefully everyone in brazil and elsewhere in brazil are ready for what is about to happen over the next several, several days. that's it for me. remember, always follow us on twitter, go ahead and tweet me @wolfblitzer. certainly tweet the show @cnnsitroom. please be sure to join us again tomorrow in "the situation
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room." always watch us live or dvr the show so you won't miss a moment. thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in the "situation room." now let's step into the "crossfire" with stephanie cutter and s.e. cupp. >> wolf, it's an historic day. republican party in the middle of taking yet another giant step out of the american mainstream. >> let's not get ahead of ourselves. this is one district in one state. the debate starts right now. tonight on "crossfire." the takedown of eric cantor. >> this is a miracle from god that just happened. >> is the tea party winning the republican civil war? on the left, stephanie cutter. on the right, s.e. cupp. in the "crossfire." kiki mcclain, a democratic strategist, and tim phillips, a republican strategist. will the republican establishment crumble? what message does it send to democrats? tonight on "crossfire."
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welcome to "crossfire." i'm s.e. cupp on the right. >> i'm stephanie cutter on the left. in the "crossfire" tonight, top democratic republican strategists. eric cantor is the first majority leader ever defeated in a primary. it's hard to feel sorry for him. contribute to the first ever downgrade of america's credit rating, orchestrated the government shutdown and has been a thorn in speaker boehner's side any time he tried to compromise with the president. here's the scariest news. apparently he wasn't conservative enough for today's republican party. the tea party's purity tests are changing the very definition of what it means to be a republican and now with cantor's defeat, republicans have moved so far to the mainstream they are in danger of making themselves a permanent minority party incapable of winning back the white house. as a democratic operative, i might think that's good news. but as an american, it's not. because it means washington's dysfunction and republican obstruction will only get worse. >> well, i'm going to agree with you on one thing that evric
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cantor was plenty of conservative. i wouldn't write off a republican white house just yet. in the "crossfire," kik i mcclan and tim phillips. i'm sensing giddiness on the left. take a look at this e-mail from the dccc today. one of a couple i got. good-bye, eric cantor, and good riddance. i would caution against getting a little too excited. the people who ousted eric cantor are the very people who will turn out in november times ten to bring republicans into the senate. i mean, aren't you -- isn't this kind of more bad news for democrats? >> times ten is sort of pushing it. let's take a look at what happened in this race. i've heard people talk about this unbelievable final push over immigration is what really put it over the edge for cantor and brat. that at the end the mailer that supposedly went out and the defense and it all happened in the last four, five days. you and i both know that not how
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these things go. that happens if somebody is in striking distance. brat got in striking distance because of something cantor was doing wrong all along, that is i think taking a position. either be the guy who's going to deliver on solving a problem, or be the guy who draws the line on what he thinks. the reality is cantor was doing neither but only fomenting his own attempted personal again and as a result didn't have a relationship with his district, didn't have a relationship with the people who were going to show up at the primary. >> fair enough. turnout and enthusiasm on our side, not yours. >> no, turnout in this case, remember, primary. virginia has a history of low primary turnout. these are not numbers that demonstrates what happens across the nation. these are numbers that demonstrate when a few extremists get themselves organized and take over a party like has happened with tea parties in the republican party. >> 34,000 virginians are extremist? >> that's more than he's gotten in any other primary. >> let's talk about who is an
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extremi extremist. >> finally about president obama. about time, stephanie. let's get started here about the president. >> now, tim, kiki had a good point that cantor was trying to have it both way. he was trying to be mr. new republican party in washington, but go back home to the district and be mr. obstruction. now, he allowed himself to be defined by talk radio. let's listen to some of this. >> if eric cantor gets in and is re-elected, we are going to have amnesty. >> cantor reversed himself over and over and over again on the issue of amnesty. >> how do you think barack obama, nancy pelosi, want to win this primary? they want eric cantor to win because eric cantor is an ally in the biggest fight that will occur in the next six months to maybe even sooner. in washington. which is a fight for immigration amnesty. >> now, those people are giddy today. >> they're not in the district. >> but they basically drove the
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election in the district. and if there was anybody the democrats would call an obstructi obstructionist, it would actually be eric cantor. they were lying about eric cantor's position on immigration reform. but there's a bigger question here. are you worried about how talk radio is basically driving a wedge in your party? >> not at all. it's helpful in building a vibrant conservative movement. >> that was helpful? what happened last night was helpful? >> i did not say it had an actual impact on the race with regard to immigration. this race was about one thing. people are sick and tired of washington, d.c. and 34,000-plus virginia republicans and conservatives were able to register their complaint with what's happening in washington, and i know you -- i'll tell you something, there's a whole bunch of democrats. if you're kay hagan in north carolina, landrieu in louisiana, so many people are looking at washington, d.c., going i'm sick of the va scandals, obamacare, everything else, i can't wait to register my frustration. >> people are sick of people not doing their jobs. a congress that gets something
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done, all right? now we know we're going to -- >> that's crazy. shows a complete lack of knowledge of the folks voting yesterday. >> maybe the folks voting yesterday, but most of the country. >> like obamacare, that's a good thing? >> come on, have manners. let me tell you how it goes. >> go ahead. >> the reality is most people want to see congress do their job and be at work, right? so what happens is now the republican party in virginia has now nominated a guy who's going to be even more obstructionist. >> that's right. >> than eric cantor. right? now, hopefully my team is going to beat him. i don't know, that's kind of a borderline district. we're going to -- you know what, but we're going to fight for him. i think last night proved upsets happen every day. >> they do. >> in politics you don't give up. that's why some of us love being in politics because you can make change when you show up at the party. but at the end of the day the reason republicans will begin to lose on this curve and already have is because they continue to obstruct and obstruct and obstru obstruct. and this challenger in a primary
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was able to move where he was because there is a vacuum in leadership and vision in the republican party. and to his credit -- >> i agree with you on that. >> -- to his credit, he showed a vision. my question is, did the people of virginia nominate laura ingraham? did they nominate brat? who did they nominate? they're tired of washington, but laura -- >> republicans are going to do pretty well in 2014. they're slated to do pretty well. democrats are on defense right now. tim, i have a question for you. i want you to take a listen to what eric cantor said just a few hours ago about who might succeed him. oh, sorry. we don't have it, but basically he was talking up kevin mccarthy who is the majority whip. look, i like kevin mccarthy. i'm a big fan of the majority whip. i'm wondering if you think that would be in the spirit of, if we ushered the next guy in line along, if that would be in the spirit of what happened with dave brat yesterday in virginia? >> i think it's the most fluid situation within a republican caucus in more than a
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generation. i don't think anyone has a clear path to this leadership position. mccarthy -- >> is it up for grabs? >> i think it is. i think it's good for the party and good for the movement. have a good, vigorous, healthy debate. i honestly hope there are new faces. >> you think that's possible? >> i do. because i think in the old days you might have one or two blocs within a caucus that were fighting each other. this -- this republican caucus is fragmented dramatically. i think that's a good thing. i do. i think it's healthy to get bubbling and movement going on in this. one thing back to -- we keep mentioning or some folks keep mentioning immigration. to pretend this race is about immigration is to ignore what really happened. let's have an honest discussion. >> how many people were lying about immigration? >> i want to say two things. the sad part -- >> very quickly, let me wrap this thought up. it was a registering of disgust and irritation with washington, d.c. in this case a chance to show the republican leadership that they don't like what's going on. that's what this race was about. to pretend it's one issue like immigration or any other issue is someone trying to build a --
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>> i have to say, one of the saddest thing about this loss, to me, his family may feel there are sadder things of it than this, he lost because he didn't stand for anything. right? he -- you know, when i look back in history at those surprise elections, a great democrat in the house back in the 90s who lost in a primary long before primaries were challenges 20 an incumbent. because of the vote he took on the brady bill. he was from tulsa, oklahoma. he knew the vote he was taking. it was principled, believed in it. he knew he had to fight his way in to win the nomination. he didn't. he did it because he fought for something he believed in was right for the country. join look at eric cantor, take a position. if you're going to be an obstructionist, have a reason for doing it. this guy was an obstructionist for no reason and guess what? he lost over it. >> i think that's too harsh. i think that's too harsh on eric cantor. i think in the end -- >> what did you just say? you don't think his loss was about him? >> i think it was about him but also about washington, d.c., that people felt he's a part of
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and going to hurt democrats this fall in the united states senate. you can chuckle if you want. wait and see. >> i'm not chucklchuckling. >> the va scandals, obamacare, so much more. and this is a symptom of that from the right. >> i'd like to see congress work. >> all right, well, i actually know eric cantor and he was deeply concerned about something i don't think the republican party should walk away from. i'll tell you about that next. today's "crossfire" quiz, what was the voter turnout in eric cantor's primary? 13%? 24%? 47%? we'll have the answer after the break. did you know, your eyes can lose vital nutrients as you age? [ male announcer ] that's why there's ocuvite to help replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. ocuvite. help protect your eye health.
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our crossfire quiz. 13% of the voters turned out for yesterday's primary. there is valid criticism of eric cantor that he might not have taken his challenger seriously enough. the criticism that he was too focused on national politics is late l unfair. his job as majority leader was to expand the party. i had the pleasure of working with him on some of that in some capacity. he was deeply committed to reaching younger voters, women voters, middle class voters. it was a priority of his and should have been. now, eric cantor is moving on and new blood is coming in. and that's part of politics and a good thing. i fear the takeaway will be a narrowing of the party. republicans shouldn't lose sight of cantor's important mission which is expanding the party. in the "crossfire" tonight, strategist kiki mclean and tim phillips. kiki, someone else who wants to expand the republican party maybe to his peril is jeb bush. i know you probably appreciate his position on immigration, but
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as a hillary supporter, aren't republicans like him who are open to immigration reform and pushing it, kind of your worst nightmare? >> well, not necessarily. now, i'm from south texas, so live looked at immigration and heard about immigration issues my entire life. and the fact of the matter is that as the map moves forward from the cycle of '14 to '16, to'18, the makeup, 2, 3, 4 cycles into redistricting of these districts will change dramatically. the fact you may have a republican running for president that believes in immigration, i say bring that on. that's good for the country because there's also going to be a right way and a wrong way to do immigration and that's going to be what the debate is. i'd love to have immigration in the debate. >> but, tim, jeb bush may never make it through the republican primary. and there are many republicans who are actually concerned about what happened last night. listen to congressman pete king. >> we can't allow eric's defeat
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last night allow the ted cruz es or rand pauls or disciples to take over. >> according to pete king. >> ted cruz was rejoicing this morning saying it was finally the people speaking back, taking back their government and that type of thing. you know, i do think this is going to -- i'm not an expert in the republican party. you and i both know that. >> you're pretty good. you dissected it a couple of times. >> i read a little data. . i do believe -- >> dissected it a couple of times. >> a couple primaries under normal circumstances move everybody to the right. under current circumstances, they're going to move so far to the right they're going to fall off the cliff. >> i think that's horrifically overblown hyperventilating rhetoric, stephanie. it really is. >> how do you really feel? >> your leader just got -- >> it's not my majority leader. >> not now, but today. >> think about governor martinez in new mexico. win elections just fine. governor sandoval in nevada,
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governor jindal in louisiana. >> so can ted cruz win a national election? >> he could. absolutely. >> rand paul can win a national election? tim, come on. would you put money behind them? >> i think the -- >> you guys put a lot of money in these races. >> i'm not a betting man. i think the 2016 field shaping up for the republican party is the best since 1980 when it produced ronald reagan and think it's going to be a deep and strong fill with a lot of accomplished governors. >> can we have your cell phone number to talk to you on iowa caucus night? i want to at 10:30 that night be able to talk to you. >> we'll see how hillary clinton, some of these other folks do once the spotlights -- it's a good republican field shaping up in 2016. >> primaries that produced mitt romney and john mccain. i mean, let's just -- >> forced mitt romney to take positions -- >> kiki, let me put this another way. i don't think that -- i'm on to something else. i don't think this is
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anti-republican establishment, alone. the mood of the nation is anti-establishment. >> i think you're right about that. >> folks on the left are facing that same kind of discord as well. and i can't think of anyone more establishment than hillary clinton. and just ask brian schweitzer. he is happy to tell you how establishment folks like hillary clinton and barack obama are. >> sure he is. >> there's going to be a challenge from the left on some of those candidates. >> listen, should hillary clinton decide to run for president, let me be very clear, as far as i know, she hasn't. should she decide to run for president, that's what happens in open season. in an open primary. lots of people get in and run. you know, look at the -- it's really funny, the best way to learn about what can happen in a field is to go back in history. you know, people think bill clinton walked into the nomination. i was his press secretary at the democratic leadership council. he didn't walk into that nomination. there was a big field. the field mattered. the field is what will drive the debate and how the debate goes. i will tell you if she chooses
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to run for president, she will work hard, she will make her case and any predictions today about where that debate is two years from now won't have anything to do with what happens two years from now. >> what about sort of her wall street ties, the >> what about one person's allegations versus a lifetime of working for the middle class, a lifetime of fighting for the poor, a lifetime of helping support, create jobs, i can give you a list of accomplishments. anybody can throw out one line. but that's what a campaign does. >> well, she does. >> but the -- but the point of the campaign is that's a conversation. >> right. >> and voters will make decisions after a conversation, not a one-line stand. >> right. >> okay. we can't have this conversation about eric cantor's loss of his seat without actually talking about the guy who defeated him. listen to what david brat, an economist who defeated eric cantor last night said about the minimum wage today. >> should there be a minimum wage in your opinion?
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>> i don't have a well crafted response on that one. all i know is if you take the long-run graph over 200 years of the wage rate, it cannot differ from your nation's productivity, right? so you can't make up wage rates. >> so by his logic, he is basically saying that we shouldn't raise the minimum wage because productivity is at an all-time high. but that's not the position i'm sure of your organization or your party. is this guy -- he is an economics professor, and doesn't have a position on the minimum wage. >> well, he is a brand-new candidate who just won a nomination that most folks didn't think he was going to win, probably even himself. i think he gets a little slack cutting for a few weeks there. furthermore, oh, i think we do, especially in this district. and i also think that, well, in this district he -- >> you should be ready for congress and have a point of view. >> he is an a professional politician. and i know the left wants to go out and kill a half million jobs
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according to the cbo by raising minimum wage. are you kidding me? half a million jobs, gone. >> i agree with my friends on the left. he should have been ready for that question. all right. stay here. we want you at home to weigh in on today's fireback question. will eric cantor's loss make the republican party stronger or weaker? tweet stronger or weaker using #crossfire. we'll have the results after the break. we also have the outrages of the day. i'm outraged what planned parenthood's version of sex ed is. you know that dream... on my count. the one where you step up and save the day? make it happen. (crowd) oh no... introducing verizon xlte. hey guys, i got it right here! we've doubled our 4g lte bandwidth in cities coast to coast. so take on more. with xlte. for best results, use verizon.
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it's time for outrages of the day. planned parenthood talks up the services it provides millions of women every year, things like mammograms and family planning. they're also proud of the sex education programs they provide, programs that teach, quote, teens how to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infectioned and then some. a shocking new video by live action shows a planned parenthood counselor in indianapolis encouraging an actress posing as a 15-year-old girl to engage in s & m, watch porn, try graphic sex acts, have older friends buy her sex toys, and lie to her parents. if you're outraged like i am that young women are getting that kind of sex ed from planned parenthood, i'm sorry to add insult to injury, your tax dollars are paying for it. planned parenthood got $500 million just last year. money well spent. >> well, before i go into my outrage, i just want to show a little outrage over that. >> bring it on. >> i do some work for planned parenthood. and i think the millions of
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women across this country who rely on planned parenthood for their basic health care would have a big problem with that description. well don't have any context behind that video or the high jinks that went into making it. but -- >> i'm sure we'll get the story behind it. >> i'm sure we will. barely a day goes by without images like these, kids with their hands over their heads surrounded by police cars and ambulances. i'm outraged because gun violence has become so common, we're desensitized. yet we're still doing nothing about it. why? because fearmongering by groups like the nra have shut down legislative action. too few elected officials have the courage to stand up to them, and too few americans are acting to hold those elected officials accountable. there are common sense solutions like simply keeping guns out of the hands of criminals or the mentally ill. yet any actions on these no-brainers are stymied by lies like claiming the second amendment is being abolished or the government wants to take your gun away. obviously neither of those things are true. as the president said yesterday, we're the only industrialized nation who suffers from this much gun violence.
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we should all be outraged and do something about it. >> let me take a little outrage with your outrage. >> go ahead. >> and just agree, fearmongering is the problem and getting in the way of solving gun violence and gun crime. and unfortunately, it's the fearmongering of anti-gun groups like every town that muddies the conversation and stops the debate. let's check back on our fireback results. will cantor's loss make the republican party stronger or weaker? right now 37% of you say stronger. 63% say weaker. tim, i'm curious for your take on that. what's your reaction? >> i don't think it has any impact either way for the long-term. i think it registers the initial sense of where the country is heading this november. americans are sick of what they see in washington, more government, more spending, v.a. outrages, obamacare, and they're going to take it out on the democrats and the senate this fall in the same way that obama nemesis cantor was last fall. >> i think they're probably right. it's weaker because nobody knows what the republican party stands for, what they want to do for
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this country. and frankly, it shows that there is no real vision or backbone in the party. >> thanks to kiki mclane and tim phillips. the bait continues online as well as facebook and twitter. from the left i'm stephanie cutter. >> from the right, i'm s.e. cupp. join us tomorrow for another edition of "crossfire." "erin burnett outfront" starts right now. next, breaking news. a stunning victory for al qaeda today. plus, one of the biggest political upsets of all time. how did an unknown professor from virginia take down the house majority leader? and paula deen's comeback after using the "n" word. this is her savviest business move yet. let's go "outfront." >> good evening, everyone. i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, breaking news. a stunning and deadly defeat in iraq, and victory for al qaeda. al qaeda-inspired
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