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tv   Inside Politics  CNN  June 15, 2014 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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birthday to him and the whole family who i am sure is celebrating. a special thank you to all of you for sharing your morning with us. happy father's day, of course. >> it's been a pleasure. "inside politics" starts right now. the tea party scores a giant victory, toppling the number two house republican and demanding seats at the gop leadership table. >> i will be stepping down as majority leader. >> compromise was already near impossible in washington. is there any prayer now for deals on issues like immigration and spending. >> what's going on is the republican party going even further to the right. >> i've worked with all 434 other members of congress before. i can work with whoever gets elect sgld plus the hillary clinton book rollout hits a few speed bumps. dead broke, really? >> that may have not been the
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most artful way. >> does $200,000 a speech make it harder for hillary to understand the middle class crunch. >> bill and i have gone through a lot of different phases in our lives. >> "inside politics" the biggest stories sourced by the best reporters now. >> welcome to "inside politics." i'm john king. happy father's day. it was a wow week in politics. with us to share their reporting and insights, politico's maggie haberman, david mashers in at "the washington post," jonathan martin at "the new york times" and npr's wanda summers. >> the number two house republican was sent backing tuesday by an underfunded economics professor who said that majority leader eric cantor was too cozy with the big banks and too open to immigration reforms. a huge win for the tea party. huge evidence of the tug of war for the republican party. here is the big question. will the tea party get what it wants, more say in setting the
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agenda. jonathan martin, let me be a bit of a contrarian. could the biggest winner be the house speaker john boehner? the tea party doesn't like him. eric cantor who was angling for boehner's job is gone. it looks like kevin mccarthy is going to be number two. >> kevin mccarthy also angling for boehner's job. >> not as quickly or as openly. if john boehner wants to keep his job after this year it's certainly good news for him. that's still the open question. is john boehner coming back next year? beyond that, how long does he want to stay? that's the question that still looms around john boehner. i'm so struck by this paradox where you see how, if a member of congress does not take care of home, regardless of who they are, they can lose a primary. so that happens, and obviously it sends shockwaves as it should
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throughout washington. at the same time, washington has not changed that much itself . and relationships still matter here. that trumps everything which is why kevin mccarthy is on the verge of being the next leader. this political earthquake was not felt in the capital itself. >> that's the interesting question. can they continue to ignore what happens at the ballot box. this is 70,000 voters in one congressional district in virginia. i think jonathan is right. we can attribute this more to eric cantor losing touch with the district. this is an indigenous thing from the district. there is one tea party candidate raul labrador of idaho who emerged at the end of the week who said he would run as majority leader. he says we need a leadership team to ignite and grow the party. now is the time maggie. he was encouraged by rand paul, ted cruz and mike lee, the tea partiers in the senate. why run to lose?
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to make a point? >> to make a point, force the side to where you want to be. the interesting thing about labrador is he is pro immigration reform. these are people pointing to the david brat victory as an example that immigration reform is still toxic. this is less about winning against mccarthy than it is about holding mccarthy and boehner accountable. the vote is only a few days from now. very hard to see him pulling this out. >> are there other big winners and losers here, david? ted cruz, it seems like especially if they don't get a voice in the house leadership, they'll continue to go to cruz to get a voice in the senate. mitch mcconnell beat his tea party challenger back home. it's got to hurt. he wanted to say, look, they're loud, but they can't beat you. >> they just took out the number two in the house. >> that's all true. there's a temptation to make too much out of this at this point i really think.
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i think forever, politics has been a combination of personality, idology and institutional power. it's always fluid. this just showed the fluidity. in two days you saw kantor mess up, and you saw the institutional power come back and take care of it because of the personality of mccarthy to save something. i think that's always going to be there in those ways. >> i think that's a great point, wanda, does this change the letterhead of the house of representatives or does it change america? when the leadership changes, if there was a big ideological shift, is this leadership, for example, more likely, less likely to do education reform, more likely, less likely to do immigration reform or to have a big drama dust up with the president the next time we have to raise the debt ceiling? >> i think it's premature to say this is going to change america or be the house of representatives actually function. what we are happy to see is look at that time priorities kevin mccarthy has had. he talks a lot aboutism grags,
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talks about the keystone pipeline. some of his priorities and the policy issues he's raised are likely due to him moving up in a higher leadership post, likely will play a big role in seeing what policy does move forward. >> fair to say the tea party has won even when it loses. you don't see an open effort to compromise with the president. anybody see that happening between now and the election. >> ted cruz is a big winner coming out of this. the fact that kantor lost sent a message that people are boiling angry at a lot of members of congress, especially leadership in washington and secondly, the fact that the response internally among house republicans was not to respond but to basically move up kevin mccarthy in the ranks. the combination of those two things gives great fodder for ted cruz to say, see, they're still not listening to you. >> if you look at the result of this election, the general
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election in florida in 2013, cochran in mississippi, you are seeing a lot of republicans turn out. there is -- this is not necessarily a wave. these are district-by-district contests. it's going to be tough for democrats. >> i think it's a big win for 2013, but i doubt it for 2016. >> one of the big conversations african tore loter kantor losesg to nudge jeb bush to run. does jeb bush say that's one congressional race in a small district in virginia, i don't care. >> i don't think it will factor into it. maybe it will factor into whether he can do it joyously, as he put it. i think that's more the top line. i think overall what is happening this year is going to be problematic for the republican party going into 2016 based on demography. >> up next, hillary clinton on being dead broke and changing
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her mind about same-sex marriage. the big book rollout veers off script. first, chris christie in "the tonight show" dance-off. ♪
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communicator, more like her husband or former rival and boss. the question is about her speaking fees since leaving the state department. many people think this was whine any. >> we came out of the white house not only dead broke but in debt. we had no money when we got there and we struggled to piece together the resources for mortgages for houses, for chelsea's education. it was not easy. >> not easy. some, even friends, were comparing her to this guy who occasionally sounds detached, out of touch with mainstream. >> if you've got a business, you didn't build that, somebody else made that happen. the internet didn't get invented on its own. government research created the internet so all the companies could make money off the internet. >> the problem is, and maybe it's not fair, this guy, her husband is viewed as the gold standard. ask him about anything, even a personal character crisis, a big
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controversy and he becomes mr. empathy. >> i have seen what has happened in the last four years when in my state, people lose their jobs, a good chance i'll know them by their names. when the businesses go bankrupt, i know them. >> maggie haberman, that is the big question. these comparisons are unfair. we always compare politicians that those that came before them. is she rusty, sometimes testy, maybe detached. >> mostly how struck by how bill clinton's voice sounded. i think she's rusty. this is a trial run on this book tour. she has a long runway assuming she starts early enough next year. i don't think there's any doubt in anybody's mind that she's running. still a chance she doesn't. she did overall in that interview with die ahn shaur good on tone. she seemed pretty rested. talked about the age question and turned some jab about the golden girls back at mitch mcconnell, about it being a long-running show. that's not the way the media
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works. she had two gaffs, the one about what you heard which i believe is lingering defensive about the legal bills and anger about the legal bills. that's why they were in debt, about all the investigations going on. they were in debt, but dead broke to them doesn't mean the same as to me or other people. the bigger issue is how she handled this interview with terry gross last week on gay marriage which her supporters thought was fantastic. i heard them say she wasn't test stay, she's pushing back. this is an unfair line of questioning. you heard other people, mostly political operatives, saying this sounded off. she will need to figure out what the right road is. >> let's listen to that. she was speaking with terry gross of npr. the conversation was about same-sex marriage. terry was trying to get at when did you change your mind? did you think otherwise, were you a same-sex marriage supporter for a long time and willing to say so publicly. after being pushed and pushed,
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secretary gets a little tess stay. >> that's one for you changed your mind. >> i have to say, i think you're being very persistent but you are playing with my words and playing with what is such an important issue. >> i'm trying to clarify so i can understand. >> no. i don't think you are trying to clarify. i think you're trying to say i used to be opposed and now i'm in favor and i did it for political reasons. that's just flat wrong. >> what do we see there about her, david? she was annoyed. she thought she answered the question. as maggie notes, some of her supporters think she did. clearly the interviewer wanted her to say it in a different way or be more specific about when and how she changed her mind. what did we learn about hillary clinton there? >> this is a complex issue for me because i've been interviewed by terry gross, too. i know the reaction hillary had and i understand it in that sense. but i think that basically she was nailed and that in her heart of hearts, hillary has always supported gay marriage. that was the point. she's never going to acknowledge that. but it was a political decision
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on her part. i think that's the annoy ans there. >> these criticisms, jonathan, dead broke, do you understand the crunch of the middle class, talking about same-sex marriage. i don't think the republicans can use this against her. is there an opening -- have we seen anything in the book rollout that gives a challenger an opening, or is this somebody pulling up to an aircraft carrier, a couple of dings in the paint, but she's still an aircraft carrier. >> she's still an aircraft carrier. the history of this country's political process is such we have primary challenges. when it comes to the white house campaign, i don't think she's going to get off scot-free. i think if you're in either party, thinking challenger, democrat or republican, after this week you'll see someone who is not in midseason form plight think. and you'll be more tempted to run than you were a week ago. is it a massive shift in the calculation? no. i think it is a reflection of somebody that has not faced tough questions for years.
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her big challenge probably won't be the primary. look, i think that answer "i'm dead broke" is the kind of thing that if you're someone in the republican party that can do a populist-type campaign, if you're from the midwest, you're going to look at that sound bite and more enticed to run against her. >> let's listen -- one of tests of any politician is when you make a mistake, how quickly you clean it up. it was to diane sawyer in a taped interview when she said she was dead broke, then on "good morning america" she changed her tune. >> let me just clarify that i fully appreciate how hard life is for so many americans today. bill and i were obviously blessed. we worked hard and we've been blessed in the last 14 years, but i want to use the talents and resources i have to make sure other people get the same chances. >> it's that last part that hillary clinton was so good at. pivot, and whatever the
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question, make it about trying to help people through their daily struggles. >> that's exactly the part that resonates, what jonathan said, if there's a populist person in the midwest can emerge. that's how hillary clinton combats this in 2016 frngs she makes it not about her and her struggles, about what we can do for the people who are struggling. that message works really well. that's the hillary that has to emerge to do well in 2016. >> bill clinton will say this is not about my past, it's about your future. >> that is the problem. this is something that was so with mitt romney especially in 2012. forget about the gaffs which really related primarily to his inability to relate based in part on policy decisions and how they would affect people. you heard romney, and this was something his aids would talk about privately. he couldn't stop putting the camera back on him and put it back on the voters. she's selling a book ultimately. that's what this is about. the book is about her time at state. but she does have an opportunity here in the coming interviews, especially on fox news, to turn this into something else.
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>> that's what's interesting, david. i've talked to people who are very friendly. they support her, like her, they think she needs work here. they say when she should be talking about herself like the same-sex marriage question, when she should make it personal, oftentimes she doesn't. and then you ask her about whether she should make it about voters or an issue, she makes it about herself. >> she does the opposite of what her husband did. dead broke never bothered me. that's a colloquialism. it was the struggle, that was the gaff. going to las vegas and getting $300,000 for a speech for 40 minutes is not struggling to make money. >> also the houses. it's true. members of the senate, many of them do have two homes, but that was oh. >> she has the bitterness over lewinsky and white water legal fees. she got a big book deal before she left the white house. bill clinton made tens of millions within minutes of leaving the white house. she's hardened by those battles.
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does she need to let that go to be an effective presidential candidate? >> to the ex-thaent a lot of millennials who will be voting don't remember the rawness the democrats had over those fights. they're not going to nod their heads and say, oh, i understand what she's angry about. it doesn't sound like they understand that. >> her husband will never let it go either. he has the capacity to transcend that. the public doesn't know that. >> maybe it's the voice that helps him do it that maggie noted. up next, our reporters get you ahead of the big political news. her vo) when i was pregnant... i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born. simple is good right now.
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as always, weigh close by asking our great reporters around the table to share something in their note boorks. maggie haberman? >> andrew cuomo, new york governor seen as a potential 2016 challenger of hillary clinton has been running into liberal headwinds in his own state and is potentially facing a primary challenge for the democratic nomination, a woman named zephyr teachou, looked at as an alternative for a third party ballot line. she contemplating circulating petitions to get on the ballot. she has almost no chance of winning. the amount of earned media she will get, because people will be looking for this fight, will be uncomfortable for cuomo.
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>> david? >> i've been hanging out in wisconsin and watching a pretty fascinating governor's race on fold where it's dead even between mary burke and scott walker, the governor who is an incredible survivor, one two races out there in a purple to blue state. he's now caught in this vice because of the ruling last week on gay marriage in wisconsin. in wisconsin, being against gay marriage is not going to help you, so he's tried to waffle and say his opinion isn't important. his attorney general is challenging it. he's trying to figure that out, at the same time he's losing some of his support in the "wall street journal" editorial page because he's trying to protect himself against some other things. so he's in this vice. and it will be interesting to see if he can find his way out again. >> great race anyway, but 2016 implications as well. >> one person watching eric cantor's loss closely was lamar alexander, former governor in
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tennessee who has got his own primary coming up. senator alexander has done a good job the last two years. his reaction of watching kantor's loss was, my race is going to be more of lindsey graham's win than eric cantor's loss, comparing himself that, like lindsey graham, she spent a lot of time in his home state. he spends over half his nights sleeping in tennessee, not washington, d.c. an aide told me after mitch mcconnell won in kentucky, the tea party opponent to lamar alexander pinned the blame for that loss in kentucky on the tea party groups in washington. the tea party groups in washington saw that and are probably unlikely to help the guy in tennessee who is challenging senator alexander. >> virginia was a surprise. we'll wauch tennessee in case.
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juana? >> earlier this week, tenured teacher and tenured laws are depriving students of their constitutional right for a good education. what's really fascinating is if you dig into this ruling, the judge made solutions to brown versus the board of education which turned six years old last month. we're expecting to see a lot of copy cat lawsuits on teacher tenure out of states like colorado and new mexico. we'll be watching for a ripple effect and see how the powerful teachers union plays it. >> fascinating. i'll close with chris christie, scheduled to be in new hampshire for a fund-raiser later this week. i'm told by state republicans he's also now trying to arrange a visit a month from now, to come back in july as well. the stated reason? to raise money for the republican governors association and for the organization's favorite candidate in the new hampshire governor's race. make no mistake about it.
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he wants to come back so quickly. new hampshire state republicans think it's about 2016. it's not about 2014. that's it for "inside politics." thanks for sharing your father's day. we'll see you soon. "state of the union" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- this morning on "state of the union," for the first time eric cantor tells us the inside story of an epic election fail. what brought down one of the most powerful men in washington and what does it mean for the republican party? >> obviously we came up short. in iraq, desperate days. a state of emergency and an urgent search for next steps. >> the united states is not simply going to involve itself in a military action in the absence of a political plan by the iraqis. >> senator lindsey graham on the nightmare scenario, a bloody conflict that could drug i


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