tv Reliable Sources CNN June 15, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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u.s. will play its world cup opener tomorrow against ghana. reliab reliable sources, starts right now. good morning from washington. happy father's day. it's time for a "reliable sources." there's wall-to-wall crisis in iraq. how can we trust the information we're getting. we'll get that shortly but let's go over the river to virginia. the thing about earthquakes there's no advance warning. you never see them womaning. >> this was a political earthquake. >> it's being called a political earthquake in a stunning upset eric cantor lost in the virginia primary. >> yes, eric cantor was crushed by his primary opponent. by dave brat.
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nobody in the media saw this coming. here's another earthquake reference here. he calls the loss seismically large. here's the question we have to ask. actually a friend asked it on facebook. here's what she wrote. you have hundreds of journalists and progressers covering politics and very little evidence they were paying attention to this race. why? that's a great question. so, to answer it, i've assembled an all-star reporter round table. including the editor and chief of "will call." and jake sherman, the congressional reporter for politico, who was in rich mopped covering the upset. >> jake, when you were at the event, i'm guessing you would think it would be a victory party? >> a lot of supporters thought it would be a victory party.
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and they shut off a screen showing the results. that's how surprised they were. they cut it off. the room kind of went dead and all of a sudden canter was giving a concession speech, a 13-year veteran of congress number two republican in washington. >> and you headed over to brat's party instead. >> when canter was done, i went to brat's party and talked to him how surprised he was. he thought it was possible but didn't expect it. here's a guy with no money. >> that was a classic newspaper moment. tell me what happened? >> it didn't stop the presses but we had a front page with nice stuff on it. we had a couple stories not exactly on the new, revealing what we do in journalism. we had pre written stories, eric cantor wins decisively. that's really the races we were watching had nothing to do with virginia. we knew what was going to happen. >> you told me you didn't
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believe it at first. >> i didn't. 7:35 about, we see a tweet from dave becauserman who said, i've never seen anyone overcome such a deficit. so, our politics team, at the hell, e-mailed us. we were proofing the front page saying, we're watching this. then said wait a minute. let me look at these. i went and started looking. i saw numbers, which should have been a stronghold. sow there might be an america, but it's enough to change the front page. we're lucky we have two hours to get it and get it right. one story, and 12 stories from the website. >> and stunner, from the website. 101. i believe. >> you and i live for he's moments but there a collective failure? >> yes an no. we shouldn't engage in too much
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20/20 hindsight. if we had done this or that. we would have seen it coming. i don't think our failure is, oh, wow, if only we interviewed the right person we could have seen this coming. there's no good poles in this face. fund-raising didn't suggest this was going to happen. i don't think that's a big failure. the issue, politics is sufficiently unpredictable. the world is unpredictable. we in the media should have been paying more attention to any race involving eric cantor or john boehner. you were down there, but we should have been paying more attention to him, not because he was going to lose. >> do you agree? >> sort of. it's a devotion of resources. i talked to steve israel he said in a million years i would never have thought this is the race we would have been talking about
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the next day, he thought john boehner might have had more trouble with his tea party that he easily cleared this year. >> one of my reporters said i want to go down to richmond, i said why don't we check out this other race instead because you have to make decisions. now that said, we've been paying attention to what he said on immigration and covering that angle. that's the bigger picture policy. >> i said i said that to my editor on april 27th and i did write the story about canter's race. it wasn't to the sense that canter would use but there's interesting political currents that caught my attention, one he was -- i went down there and spent a day with brat. canter was actually in asia at the time and this was going back almost three months now or two and a half months. and i went to a bunch of events with brat, meetings of the establishment, republican party, that canter should have a grip on and he didn't. brat supporters outnumbered
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canter's supporters 30-1. it's clear there was some anger in the district. >> it was because of moves that canter had. there were no real clear signs canter was losing ground and it's impossible to talk to 20,000 voters. it's impossible to know if the tea party is so fervently for brad that they come out and vote. here the thing we pay attention to mitch mcconnell. mcconnell is probably in better position than most people think. that doesn't mean he's going to win. but i argue we in the media should have taken 10% of the attention we paid to mitch mcconnell and instead devoted it to john boehner and eric cantor's primary. not because we saw it coming but because of marginal story would
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actually serve readers better than the 400th story about mitch mcconnell's race. >> what i love about this, it proves the importance of actually voting and showing up. for the grass the roos activist it's where you come down politically. you can actually do something if you're passionate. i love talking about it. that's why i'm a political journalist. >> there are were some outfits paying attention. split crow. we look at our weekly look how the partisan media is, not covering stories or bending them a certain way. i want to play one from laura ingram. >> this is a massive wake-up call from the republican party if they choose to wake up at this point. >> laura was talking up brat, ewent to a fund-raising rally a week before the election. do you think laura ingram played a big part in his eventual win? >> yes. brat told me election night. they talked about him nonstop.
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they blasted canter on the regular and in the weeks before the election, brat was able to raise 15 thoughts which is peanut compared to what cantor had on hand. >> one of the legsens that we have to pay more attention to, who people like laura ingram are supporting and encourage. >> that said, they've had a lot of misses and pumped up a lot of people people like boehner who have not gone anywhere. brad was successful playing outside canter that he was outside the district. back in the district in richmond they don't care if he's the majority leader they want him at home. >> there's very little polling about this race. they had this headline june 6. shocked poll shows eric cantor struggling.
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even that found him to be ahead by not as much. was the lack of polling a big factor? >> there's essentially almost never good rigorous polling in house races. so there's been a lost attention recently to what can we do to predict races, using polling and models. i think it's worth remembering, you can't do much. in presidential races you get a sense of what will happen. in senate races you get a pretty strong sense what will happen. in house races there isn't good polling. >> we want more data driven polling, you didn't do that if you don't have good data. >> the key is don't pretend you can. the media did as well. you did not see a lot of people out there saying there's a 94% chance eric cantor is going to win. i don't think anybody said that. there wasn't polling that allowed you to say that. you should welcome that. in this area where everything is scripted. these house races surprising. we don't know what will happen. >> we can learn from this. now we look at different races,
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what are the ten races we're mott covering yet that might end up percolating on our radar. you know, we want to be paying attention to -- we don't miss the next one or we're better prepared. >> thanks all for joining me. >> thank you. >> and one more note about the red blues/blue news nature of this story. while conservative media stars are paying attention before tuesday night's election. liberal media outlets paid more attention after. i put the word into a search engine that lets you search awful the words used on words. his name came up 283 times on cnn, on deep blue msnbc 704 times. up next a subject that all but swept canter out of the news cycle by friday, that's the disaster in iraq and skeptical questions reporters must be asking, i'll speak to one of the
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bergdahl. what is is happening in iraq is a disaster. that's how "the new york times" began an editorial. here in the u.s., there's little attention paid to iraq since the troop withdrawal back in 2011. suddenly iraq dominated the news cycle again. here we are were w the map of iraq behind us. think where we're getting our information about the conflict. how the junalists covered it a decade ago see all of this unfold. i know the best person to ask, john burns my former colleague at "the new york times." he was based in baghdad in 2003 and the baghdad bure roy chief in 2004 through 2007. today he joins me from cambridge, england. >> john, thanks for being here. >> it's a pleasure.
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>> how does it feel, as one of the many reporter es who risked their lives covering this war 10, 11 careers ago, to see what is happening now? well certainly most of us were wise before the event. we couldn't have for saw this weeks and moves after the american invasion, but certainly within a year, most of us, almost all of us foresaw this unfolding as a disaster, indeed unfolding much as it has. nothing that has happened in the last 72 hours, for that matter the last two or three years, sin american troops withdrew. i believe has surprised anybody. >> i hear you saying we should have been listening more closely to journalists on the ground? >> seems to be at least my time there that the united states invaded the country to depose a murderous tyrannical president
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which had, in the short term, some, many, in fact, beneficial effects for the iraqi people. but we also discovered too late that this was a deeply fractured society and the sectarian animosities aren't just the ones that have been engendered in recent years but ones that go back 1,000 years, were beyond our management and goodness knows american ambassador, american generals, american presidents, did everything possible to try to bridge those gaps. it proved to bibi yond them. it's just an inevitable outgrowth like that. >> to hear the word inevitable. is striking. watching cable news the last few days, you can hear drum beats for air strikes or drone strikes. how does that strike you? what is your impression of that possibility? >> i think one of the great illusions of all of this has
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been that these events and events next door in syria, or for that matter the events in cairo, or much of the events we've seen under the arab spring are manageable by the uses of american, in particularly western power. >> in discussions in the media over the past few day, have you been hearing echoes of the media mistakes from 2003? >> well, that's a very personal question for me. and for a number of others like me, who were in iraq during saddam's time and in baghdad. >> certainly the mistakes were made in washington. the mistakes were made so much in baghdad so much in washington where reporters were taking too seriously the bush administration line and not seriously enough people who were skeptical. >> well, that's absolutely correct. and new york times itself had a miserable experience with that. i think we learned a lot from
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that p and i think it's not going to happen again and certainly not in anything like that fashion. to speak to the position of people like myself, what mistake did we make? we thought, many of us, that the toppling of saddam hussein to end what he was doing, wouldn't be a bad idea if it was accomplished at reasonable shaft. it was defeated and defeated early on as we looked back by the sectarian entips among the iraqi people. it's impossible to build a civil society on that shaky, fractured foundation. i think the mistake we made was, i'm talking here about myself as well as some of my colleague, not just at "the new york times" but many publications, was not to understand how deeply fractured that society was, how strongly held those animosities
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were, and how they would not likely relent under any amount of american tutelage and encouragement. >> tom burns, thank you for taking the time to speak with "m." >> it's a pleasure. thank you. coming up on "reliable sources" i want to go deeper on this topic. and find out which photos and videos real and which are insurgent propaganda. the answers from an expert right after this.
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phrase, in the fog of war, the first is to be true. it's hard to foe what is really happening in iraq right now. of course it's a country that will always be associated in our minds with bad intelligence. sometimes reporters and tv producers have to rely on primary source, photos and people on the ever-shifting front lines. so the vetting process of this material is critical. many people here at cnn do it every day. we have arabic speakers who watch video, cross reference them sometimes debunk them. a message went out reminding everybody to steer clear of miss labeled photos and misinformation. it calls itself a social media news agency. here's a sign how important this work is becoming. last year rupert burr dock acquired storiful. let me bring in david clinch,
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executive editor. he's a cnn national auditor here at cnn. thanks for joining me. >> let me put two photos. both of blackhawk helicopters. and the title that they are captured. are these real images? >> they are real images now captured by al qaeda or isis. this is what all journalists are doing nowadays. if you're covering a story like iraq and you do not have somebody on the ground who is exactly at the point where things happening, you have to use images that emerge from other sources. that's not an acceptable excuse or reason for using images that emerge from the web that can be verified or in this case, debunked. it may well be isis and other forces captured weapons from the iraqi army as they advance. there's no doubt they did. but there's significant evidence that first of all these
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particular images are old, so therefore not from this particular incident and also evidence these kind of blackhawk helicopters were not supplied to the iraqi army. >> i really want to hone in on where our information comes from. as you said there aren't a lot of reporter there's. it's very dangerous to be working in iraq. a well-known free-lance forecaster was killed in the fighting in iraq this week. we see images and video, where are they coming from? >> there are sources images can come from. these activists or extremists put out their own videos. of course our mottoality storiful is trust but verify. i go further than that. don't trust and verify everything. no matter where the content comes from, whether the iraqi government which is putting out videos of air strikes, whether extremists that post videos and circulate images. we've seen some of those can be
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debunked or u.s. military or local free-lancers, that's all content worth looking at and can play an important part in telling the story. >> tell me what it takes to verify or debunk these images? >> that's the important thing, look at these images and make sure you look at every aspect of it. not technically looking at whether the video is old or images are old or if there's anything in the video that may have been manipulated or does it correspondent to what you have. there's ways you can confirm certain things, geography, weather. >> so, geography, does that mean you're looking at google maps and cross reference images you see from satellites or ground? >> right. absolutely every piece of evidence and available technology can be applied as well as journalism and experience. there's an inherent knowledge in our team where somebody can see that an image is circulating of a helicopter being shot down in ukraine and immediately we're able to say, well. that helicopter was shot down
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and it's syria last year and here's the video and show two images next to each other. technology, plus journalism, expertise and institutional knowledge. >> the pentagon came out and warned about this propaganda war. they saw images copied, paced and photo shopped from the militants. >> this is not a trivial issue. you need to dive in to these things and make sure they're real to tell the story. >> david, thanks for joining my. >> absolutely. thank you. >> we'll have a news update with the very latest on iraq this hour. first let's turn to the latest mass shooting that the press scrambled to cover. here's the question for us, what role does the words set on tv and typed on the web have? could they really inspire these terrible killing sprees? ♪ tracks! they connect the factories built along the lines. and that means jobs, lots of people, making lots and lots of things. let's get your business rolling now, everybody sing.
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are there connections between extreme rhetoric and extreme behavior? that question is being asked, because of the shooting last weekend in nevada where a couple obsessed with radical right-wing politics and conspiracy theaters attacked and killed two police officers as theyate lunch. the killers were jared and amanda miller, they marked the officers bodies with "don't tread on me" flag and swastika. it sound like the rhetoric heard on some right-wing radio shows and websites. are there connections to be drawn? yes, there are. he made the case in a provocative column this week. john, thanks for joining me. >> pleasure. >> you heard about this topic at the deli beast this week.
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you said one of the sheeters, jared miller was a product of his environment the unhinged right wing echo chamber. what is the evidence for that? >> one of the things jared miller left behind and his wife, amanda was a treasure drove of social media likes and shares. that allow you to trace the quote, unquote, ideology as he got more unhinged. what he saw is a steady diet of this echo chamber, really on the fringe of beyond right wing but sprite wing. entrepreneaurs like alex jones, strong affiliation with the arguments made on his show info wars. in conflict between tyranny and freedom and people need to choose size. what led him to clive bundy's frafrm. that kind of rhetoric that gets pumped up. this prospect of apocalypse. you saw him trafficking conspiracy stories, the extreme fringe of media.
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you see him ultimately lead him to action, some sort of dark inspiration. >> are you saying there's a direction connection that there's blood on the hands of people who provide this rhetoric? >> i don't think there's causeality. there's a absolute connection. this stuff does not happen in a vacuum. it's a result of an echo chamber. want to be careful about saying that someone's writings leads another person to commit violence. i don't think that's ultimately true this guy is a should who adhered. he mainlined this stuff and acted on it. >> what we're saying is effective effectively, words matter. words matter a lot. you pointed out this is not an issue on the right. historically there's left-winged violence particularly in the 1970s. we had terrorist incidents that were left wing.
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like the panthers. >> there's research about polarization. partisan media is a big part of it. people need to appreciateta. the number that stood out to me related to this case is a doubling of the number of people who feel the other party is a quote, threat, to the facial's well being. that sense of threat, of not just disagreeing agreeably. thomas jefferson said every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. it can be murder on a democracy, you stop identifying with fellow citizens who have different political beliefs. ultimately a guy like jared miller takes that and moves it across the line to some place very dangerous.
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the environment we're seeing is not just propped up. but by the steady drum beat of professional polarizers, on professional media. even cable news. there's a lot to answer for part and partial media. >> i want to put up a tweet on screen from al jazeera america. he wrote this a terrorist is a terrorist is a terrorist unless he's an angry white american male shooter with emotional issues. should incidents like this be described as terrorism? >> in this instance it does. one definition of terrorism is violence against civilians for a political or ideological purpose. that's what the millers did. when they placed the tea party associated "don't tread on me" flag and then put a swastika on
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top of them. you need to be consistent. we live in post 9/is 11 where most terrorists have a jihadist face. we've seen terrorism in the past. particularly in the explosion of the more row federal building. this is an act of right-wing domestic terrorism. >> another example how words matter. thanks for joining me. >> thank you. and one more note on this topic, words matter. that's the take-away on the conversation with john. numbers matter, too. you may have heard the number 74 this week. that's how many school shootings have taken police in this country since the one in newton. that's 74 too many. scott pelley led the news after that number came out. >> if it seems there is a shooting in a school every week now, a group that keeps count, says there are about one a week
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since newtown. >> cnn and lots of other outlets also shared that 74 number but it required independent fact checking. every town used media to compile the shootings, gang activity and drug deals all terrible events worthy of attention. but not what school shooting conjures up. not what newtown reminds us of. cnn did its own checking and found 15 situations that were similar to newtown. again, 15 too many. and then some claim that cnn caved to conservatives who demand aid recount. that's not true. gathering and double-checking data independently is what we're supposed to be doing as journalists. it need not take away from the horror. we all know there are too many. numbers matter here, accurate
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the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn't i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. welcome back. if you saw abc's diane sawyer interview hillary clinton on monday night, were you one of about 6.1 million people who tuned in. it was the first in a string of tv and radio interviews all part of a well crafted rollout for the potential presidential candidate's new book "hard choices." you probably heard a lot of what the interviewers got her to say.
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we're here to look at how they got her to say it. question not answers. earlier i spoke with politico a and. /*. >> you wrote this monday. three weeks ago, hill rare chose abc because diane sawyer chose to be a softer interview. i was dead wrong. >> i think she's given the best grilling of clinton that we've seen in the media juggernaut she's doing so far. my expectations and expectations are others were upended. >> let's play a couple clips. the first is how clinton handled benghazi. >> did you miss the moment to present this from happening? is there anything you personally should have been doing to make this safer? >> it's a systemic failure. i wonder if people look for the
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ending of a sentence from you "i should have -- >> she didn't answer, she didn't fill in the blank. you call that a fantastic grilling on the blog, why? >> it was a really wonderful thing. i thought what abc had done is made a strategic decision to go after the part of benghazi that preceded the attack, there had been accountability report that was commissioned and talked about failures before the attacks preparing this diplomatic compound for such an event. diane sawyer and abc, i believe, just decided that this was less covered than the after-attack scandal. so, they just decided, let's go four minutes on this. let's go five minute on this. let's devote most of benghazi to this part because people really haven't heard her really grilled that way on the before attack aspect. >> i think what a lot of people are looking for from any
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politician is not defensiveness but a sense of responsibility. that's clearly what diane sawyer was looking for why question after question after question she finally leads to saying, do you think the american people are looking at i should have from you, and it's notable that diane is the first person to say that as opposed to hillary clinton. >> this kept for a couple minutes then got to another question on the topic. >> is that not a reason to run? >> actually it's more of a reason to run. because i do not believe our great country should be playing minor league ball. >> pretty revealing that she says the response to benghazi, the criticism of her, the controversy is more of a reason to run. >> yeah. that was close to a declaration. everybody asked the question, are you going to run for president and she has all of the answers ready and you put it in a different way. i would say that's as close to
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something definitive as we've gotten. >> after abc, nbc's interview. cynthia mcfadden, also about benghazi. >> you write in great detail in the book about what was happening in benghazi as it evolved. did you keep a diary. >> i kept a lot of notes. >> if the committee wants the notes, would you turn them over? >> they can read it in the book. >> sounds like a book plug. >> and terry gross bringing up a topic that had not come up. gay marriage. she asked questions and didn't get an answer. and then this happened. >> so that's one for, you changed your mind? >> i have to say, you are very persistent and you are playing with my words and playing with such an important issue. >> i'm trying to clarify so i can understand. >> no, i think you're trying to say i used to be opposed and now
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i'm in favor, and i did it for political reasons and that's flat wrong. whafrmts do you think terri gross was trying to do here? >> she was trying to get hillary clinton to tell her in the '90s. she supported gay marriage or didn't have the courage to come out that way or she evolved like the rest of the country. i listened to interview, i've read transcriptions. i still don't know. i think terry gross, even though hillary clinton got testy, as news accounts say. i think terry gross would have been justified to have gone another round. okay, miss clinton, did you evolve or did you believe back then. and so hillary clinton responded wonderfully. i don't know whether -- maybe she was battle tested on this one. she said i'm an american. i'm an american, so that resolves it. >> there's more chances to be asked these questions. cnn has a interview with
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christiane amanpour. does it strike you having a town hal format is a presidential stage? >> like candidate >> like candidate obama going. >> what is the takeaway for interviewers, for journalists from the clips we just watched? what's the lessen? >> dig in on one topic. i think with hillary, there's so much you can ask about. terry did cover a lot of ground, a lot of event are you go through the questions, she has anticipates for those questions, if, like terry gross, you hammer home one issue and ask it seven or eight time it is, then you're going to generate a sort of response and you're going to generate some
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news. >> start to get somewhere. >> some ground. right. on somebody who is very ready to not give ground. >> you reported chelsea clinton in her role on nbc news was making $600,000 a year. tell us about this story. >> right, chelsea clinton came on as a special correspondent for the network in 2011 where she produced only so many packages a year. >> fewer than most correspondents. >> fewer than most correspondents. >> and yet made a $600,000 salary which i think, you know, saying probably more than most correspondents. >> definitely some surprise and some shock among journalists when this story came out. >> a point of frustration, other folks that nbc has hired, either for the today show, msnbc include jenna bush hager, bush's daughter, megan mccain, megan's daughter -- mccain's daughter. so, this is -- this sort of makes a journalist in the trade who went to journalism school
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scrapping by to get a six-figure salary if they can, makes them chafe, for good reason. >> reported in a joint story with maggie abram, on a month-to-month contract. why is that? >> the more interesting thing that the salary figure, she -- first of all, she is pregnant. wand she is expecting, and her mother might run for president, certain things going on in her life might mean her nature with nbc -- her relationship with nbc needs to change. >> thanks both for being here. >> thank you. >> thank you. now let's turn from a potential future president to one from the past, a new film about george h. w. bush will air on cnn tonight but you may be surprised by whose money was used to produce it. i will tell that you after the break. are constantly monitored for threats. outside and in. that's why hp reports and helps neutralize more intrusions than anyone...
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i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. finally this morning, you know, here on reliable sources, we examine cnn as well as the rest of the media world and today, it's worth examining 41 on 41, a film about george h. w. bush premiering at 9 p.m. tonight. it's father's day special. the film was funded by bush's presidential library. so you might ask yourself if it's appropriate for cnn to be broadcasting it. the baltimore sun asked that question in a column this week and it was concluded that it is not okay. it was called haig guying of graph
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graphy, not a true documentary. i was told by phone that the bush library had no editorial control over the film. he want it is judged on its quality not financing. the financial connection to the bush library affect the film. how could it not? this is a small example of a big shift in media. sources have more power than to have choose who they speak with. they can make their own media. another thing, cnn is acquiring a lot of program it doesn't produce, some with strongs points of view. it's all part of a business strategy to feature more than just straight newscasts and i believe that make a lot of sense. those are the two sides i see here. as a viewer, i think you should also see both sides, here's what i mean. c. nn's press releases about the film have been up front about the library's involvement. i think the channel should be up front on air as well. cnn spokesperson told me on friday there will be a mention of the library's involvement at
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the beginning of it. here is how boils down, do i want to watch a film about george h. w. bush financed by his library? i do i think it sounds really interesting. do i also want to know the library financed it as i'm watching it? definitely. do i also want to see other points of view about his presidency on tv and online? again, definitely. the viewer in me is very interested. the journalist in me thinks transparency is very important here. i like cnn's pushing the documentary, i think a lot of people do but it's important to know who is doing the documenting and why they are doing it. now, that's all for this tell advised edition of reliable sources, our media coverage keeps going all the time on reliable sources blog on check that out, grab your remote, set your dvr, we will be right back here next week, next sunday at 11 a.m. eastern time. stay tuned for a news update and then "state of the union" with candy crowley. hello, i'm alexandra field.
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here are the big stories we are following this hour. just in to cnn, radio and tv icon, casey kasem, has died at the age of 82. that's been confirmed by a representative for his daughter, carrie. kasem was suffering from dementia. last week, a judge gave his daughter the authority to have doctors end his infusions of water, food and medicine. kasem had said he would not want to be kept alive if it would "result in a mere biological existence." to many, kasem was the world's best known radio host, his voice counted down the american top hits each week for nearly four decades. casey kasem dead at 82. a militant group in iraq appears to be getting closer to baghdad, a city they threatened to storm. according to a saudi intelligence source, eye sis has moved into a city closer to the capital and it's aiming to get near the baghdad airport and the northern suburbs. also today, eye sis released disturbing photos along with
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claims they are capturing and killing iraqi soldiers. cnn cannot confirm the authenticity of these photos. chelsea manning, the u.s. soldier formerly known as bradley manning and imprize reasoned for leaking documents to wikileaks, breaks her silence in a scathing "new york times" op ed. manning accuses the u.s. military of excessive secrecy and controlling media coverage of its involvement in iraq and afghanistan. i'm alexandra field. "state of the union" starts right now. this morning on "state of the union," for the first time, eric cantor tells us the inside story of an epic election fail. what brought down one of the most powerful men in washington and what does it mean for the republican party? >> obviously we came up short. and in iraq, desperate days. a state of emergency and an urgent search for next steps. >> the united st
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