tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN June 17, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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moment. thanks very much. this lass beenhas been a really special event. i'm so glad all of you have been watch. from the night studio at the newseum in washington, d.c., the news continues next right here on cnn. >> next, our exclusive interview with republican senator ted cruz. we'll ask him about hillary, iraq and why members of his party are calling him a fraud. plus the suspected benghazi mastermind arrested. an exclusive report on how cnn tracked him down before the fbi. and tv star dr. oz grilled on capitol hill. is he deceiving his viewers? let's go out front. good evening, everyone. i'm erin burnett. the former secretary of state of taking questions right here on cnn. for the first time on television
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since the release of her new memoir "hard choices." the format was town hall, our moderator chrisris christiane a started with benghazi, the attack that killed the american ambassador and three our americans. the former secretary of state had this to say. >> i took, as you know, ten years to bring osama bin laden to justice. it's taken more than two years to bring this perpetrator to justice. there are still some unanswered questions. it was, after all, the fog of war. but i'm absolutely convinced that the united states and all of our various agencies with all of our professionals, including the congress, is, you know, piecing together the best information we can find. >> and she was asked the question. >> are your competitive juices flowing for the chance to be the
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first female president of the united states of america? >> you can see why she's an experienced journalist. i've been asked this a million different ways. that was very clever. i didn't really see that coming. >> radical candor. >> radical candor, yes. you know, i am thinking about all of the choices i face. and i'm trying not to get into the decisionmaking mode where i'm doing pluses and minus and the rest. >> joining me now is christiane amanpo amanpour. it was great to watch this, so many different topics. what do you think was the most newsworthy thing she said? >> i thought she was very newsworthy on syria. she drew a clear line between her and president obama on wanting to arm and train the moderate opposition. i kept pushing her on that. i said if terrorism is the top
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national security threat and priority for the u.s. government, the obama administration, then surely you should have pushed harder when you had that plan a couple of years ago. and so we went back and forth on that a little bit. you know, given the reality in iraq right now where you have across the border, the porous border of iraq and syria, this al qaeda offshoot statement for the first time having gained so much control and is lightning speed attacks in iraq. so i was trying to push her on that. so she did have some division with the president on that. about afghanistan, i said aren't you worried about a politically timed withdrawal from afghanistan given what's happened in iraq? and she said, well, there must be u.s. troops to stay there. they hope that whoever is the new president there will sign the status of forces agreement and that there will be a contingent of u.s. troops potentially for the foreseeable future. and on guns, we asked her about guns, and she was very clear that that had to be reined in. she talked about a small
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minority and she used terrorizing the majority in the u.s., she talked about the majority of people here who wanted to see some sensible legislation on guns. and also we're talking actually about things that are very important to women. maternity leave, paid maternity leave, something that you and i have benefited from, but many people in the united states don't. and how that does really affect women and their ability to stay in the workforce and to be mothers. and of course, the united states is one of only three countries in the world none of which are developed countries, by the way, which does not have mandatory paid maternity leave. then, of course, i asked her about -- i kept trying to ask her about the running for president thing knowing that she wasn't going to make a big announcement on this program, but i did ask her something that many women ask. why did she not get more personal run as a woman so to speak in 2008. and she gave a very interesting answer about how she was so conscious about being in a man's world and not being able to
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really play what would have been a natural role for her and how she felt that that was a mistake potentially. >> you know, it's interesting of all the things you said. you also talked to her about iraq and what the administration is going to do and should do and that key question, which is incredible that we're even having this conversation in so many ways, whether the united states and iran should be working together to do something in iraq, here's how the exchange played. >> so the question is does iraq fall or do you go in for a tactical reason in this case? >> i'm not prepared to say that we go in with iran right now until we have a better idea what we're getting ourselves into. >> did you get the feeling, christiane, she was dodging the question because she could because she wants to run for president and why would you put your stake in that ground right now? >> well, potentially, but frankly, the administration hasn't made up its mind and she's not going to get out in front of the administration or what such cooperation would be. there seems to be a very dynamic
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going on that the administration wants to see the political maliki the prime minister make some concessions before getting in militarily. which on the ground it looks like you need a military effort to stop the advances of isis and try to get some political unification as well. >> christiane, thank you very much. christiane with that interview with hillary clinton. and joining me now is republican senator ted cruz. joining us exclusively. and great to have you with us, senator. i know you heard some of that. but i wanted to play a bit more for you about what hillary clinton said about an issue you've talked a lot about, that, of course, is benghazi. >> there have been, as you know, a number of investigations including the independent one that the state department commissioned as well as many in congress. there are answers, not all of them, not enough, frankly, i'm still looking for answers because it was a confusing and difficult time. >> it sounds like you and the
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secretary agree, that you are both still looking for answers. >> well, i was certainly encouraged when she said that. and i hope that that means secretary clinton will support the resolution that i filed in the u.s. senate along with 24 other senators to have a joint select committee to investigate what happened in benghazi. the house has created a select committee. i've asked the senate to do so. and indeed just a few weeks ago when i stood on the senate floor and asked for unanimous consent for the senate to do our job, to answer the questions that secretary clinton rightly noted are still there, bob menendez, the senator who is the chairman of the senate foreign relations committee stood up and objected. his response was striking. in the course of objecting he said, i have no idea whether president obama was awake or asleep the night that our americans were under attack. and he went even further, i have no idea whether there was anything president obama could have done to saved the lives of those four americans. but we don't need to answer
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those questions. well, with respect, i think those questions are important to all the men and women serving in our nation and we ought to get to the bottom of the truth. >> it is truth, of course, on benghazi, that there need to be answers, people need to be held accountable regardless of the politics around it. but the politics have taken center stage. you've been a big part of that. as you know, hillary clinton reisn'tly in an abc interview said republican criticism, a lot of it coming from you -- she didn't say that, but i'm noting for our viewers, you've been very critical. her handling of benghazi has incentivized her to run for president. do you think you're emboldening her by continuing with these investigations? >> you know, erin, the truth isn't partisan. they're basic questions that haven't been answered, and she views it as criticism. to ask what happened that night, why were we attacked by terrorists? why didn't we prevent it? why didn't we have assets in place to save those four americans? and why did the administration tell the american people a story that was demonstrably false?
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now, what we do know is even though secretary clinton today is telling cnn there are a lot of answers that need to be answered, we know in the aftermath of benghazi her chief political aid cheryl mills told career foreign service officers don't talk to reporters, don't talk to congress, don't talk about what happened. and it is not partisan to simply say we should get to the truth. that should be a bipartisan objective, but unfortunately, secretary clinton from the beginning has stonewalled on this rather than acting as a partner getting to the bottom of the what happened. >> well, i mean, you have to understand they were saying part of the reason they didn't want to talk to reporters is they wanted to understand more about what happened. they didn't want it to be politicized, they wanted to come out with a more accurate story. maybe that was a poor public relations way of handling it. but it makes sense. if she says i still need answers, isn't that enough for you? >> we don't have the answers, though. >> she's admitting i don't have them all. i'm not trying to say i'm
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blameless. i'm trying to get answers. >> but she's not trying to get answers. she's trying to block the answers from ever being answered. her most famous comment on this is, what difference does it make? she views this purely through the lens of partisan politics. we owe our men and women serving this nation, our diplomatic corps. ambassador stevens was the first ambassador killed in the line of duty since 1979. we owe it to the men and women serving this country to get to the bottom, not to play politics with it. >> how has she played politics with it? >> by having her political aide instruct career foreign service officers do not talk about what happened. do not answer questions from congress or the media. and indeed, the white house, erin, lied to the media. you'll recall the white house told the media, we did not change the talking points at all about what happened in benghazi. >> there are still questions about where those talking points got altered.
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as we both know. >> there are no questions, there are 11 edits that she admed th they did change. >> whether it was about tone or honesty. i want to get at this point, though -- >> i wasn't tone or honesty. what they did specifically -- there's a broader point. the edits they made is they edited out every reference to al qaeda and radical islamic terrorism. and the problem with the obama/clinton foreign policy -- you know, throughout this town hall, secretary clinton said everything was a hard choice. this was a hard choice. that was a hard choice. there's a reason everything appears to be a hard choice because -- >> yes, let me just make this point. i know neither i or you want to have a whole interview about benghazi, but al qaeda itself is a controversial term. maybe they took the words out because that took from directions from al qaeda to the pakistan border. there were reasons to take those terms out that made complete
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respect. >> with all respect, no, they didn't. they didn't just take out al qaeda, they took out any reference to radical islamic terrorism. the most consistent error of the clinton/obama presidency is the failure to understand the nature of our enemies. it is striking that neither president obama nor hillary clinton in this discussion tonight are willing to utter the words "radical islamic terrorists." they do not understand the radical religious extremism of individuals committed to jihad who had pledged to murder americans and they leads them to keep making mistakes over and over and over again whether it is releasing five senior taliban terrorists without understanding that these individuals will likely return to active warfare against the united states, whether it is in the case of iraq, not understanding the threat posed by is is. i'll tell you a great question
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we ought to be asking right now is whether the obama administration has armed isis, these radical islamic terrorists, whether they've armed them in syria. we know they've armed some of the rebels. we haven't had an answer which they're arming and which they're not. you cannot win a battle against radical islamic terrorism if you're unwilling to utter the words "radical islamic terrorism." >> if you believe this is an essential threat, as you do, you're putting that out here right now. let's talk about isis in air can, if this as much an existential threat that means that you would then be willing to talk to iran to work together because the u.s. and iran are on the same side as seeing isis and the radical islamic terrorism. >> absolutely not. that was the most surreal moment of secretary clinton's entire interview when she suggested that the united states could partner with iran. >> i don't understand why you would rule it out. >> let me explain. >> we're on the same side, if
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you're not willing to work with them, then you must not see it as a central issue. >> that's not true. isis declared their intention to murder americans, israelis -- >> that's right. >> to attack jordan. they're our enemies, but the regime? iran is an enemy as well. they refer to israel as the little satan and american as the great satan. and this goes back -- what was astonishing on a 20, 30 minute discussion of foreign policy, secretary clinton did not once mention the greatest national security threat in the world to the united states, which is the threat of the nation of iran acquiring nuclear weapons capability. that's a stunning omission. so the idea -- >> that is a fair question, that the iranian nuclear issue but i want to understand you're saying even though iran and the u.s. may agree on isis and isis is such a huge threat that's still not enough for you to have a conversation with iran. not just hillary clinton. lindsey graham said he would do. >> under no circumstancesiran.
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i agree with benjamin netanyahu that the current deal the u.s. administration is negotiating with iran is a very bad deal. the reason they're making the mistake, the person leading the negotiationses is a negotiator named wendy sherman, an old clinton hand. she was the lead negotiator for the clinton administration with north korea, and we're making the same mistakes we made in if 1990s. in the 1990s in the clinton administration they relaxed sanctions against north korea. billions of dollars flowed in and north korea used those billions to develop nuclear weapons. we literally brought the same negotiator back who had failed in the prior deal to negotiate the same lousy deal. and now with what's happening in iraq, the danger is, i think, even greater that we'll see an extension of the obama/clinton foreign policy to cut a deal with iran that only accelerating their progress towards nuclear weapons capability.
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>> i will note i'm not saying you're defending george bush at all. george bush also contributed to relaxing some of those sanctions against the north korean regime. i want to talk to you, if i could, before we go, about domestic policy as well. >> sure. >> you're seen as the leader of the tea party. no question about that. there's a big division in the gop right now. peter king was on this show last week and i asked him about you because he was talking about how you and rand paul were rising in power, how that frustrated him. and here's how he responded. >> first of all, by showing that ted cruz, for instance, is a fraud. last year he induced the congress to shut down the government, and after they did it, he couldn't deliver at all. basically he said if the house shut down the government, that he would be able to deliver in the senate the ending of obama care. >> he's correct. you did not deliver that. what do you say when he calls you a fraud? >> you know, erin, i don't know mr. king. i've never met him. to be honest, i don't think i'd ever heard of him until he
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started getting on television to attacking me. he's welcome to express his opinions and he is entitled to them. i think there are far too many politicians in washington in both parties that spend their time attacking each other rather than focusing on the substance. i'll tell you what the substance is that matters to the 26 million texans i represent and to americans all across this country is that we're trapped in a great stagnation. we have the lowest labor force participation since 1978. millions of americans are hurting. you know the people hurting the most under the obama economy, they're young people, hispanics, african-americans, single moms. it was striking in the whole course of secretary clinton's interview, she didn't talk at all that i could see about the economy -- >> to be fair, she wasn't really asked about that. i think that's important to say that. you're right, it didn't really come up, but she wasn't asked. >> what i can tell you -- >> i want to ask you about you. you have spawned a whole group of people that people say this is the next ted cruz.
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some of those people are being flattering of you, some are saying that in a very derogatory way. but some are frustrated including highly respected members of your own party. you know what i'm talking about, they say you're hurting the party, hurting the country. here's lindsey graham who just won his party against the tea party challenger talking about you during the shutdown. >> i think the tactical choice that he embraced hurt our party. we helped president obama when he needed our help the most. after this debacle called a shutdown our party's been hurt, our brand name is at the lowest ever. obama care actually got a bump in polling. and we got in the way of a disastrous rollout. >> he is not alone in blaming you for that. and those in your own party who say it's a tone of anger, a lack of wanting to compromise that you bring to washington but is exactly what this country does not need. >> i would note, erin, that you pulled up a clip that's nearly a year old. >> well, it was from last fall right after your big moment
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where you became the guy everybody wanted to be the next ted cruz regarding the shutdown in obama care. it was an important moment. >> erin, i agree it was a very important moment. it was a moment when millions of americans across this country stood up against the disaster that was obama care. the train wreck that is obama care. and i think as a result of so many americans standing up, we elevated the national debate over the enormous harms. millions of americans have lost their job, millions have lost health care, have lost their doctors because of obama care. millions of americans have been forced into part-time work. very interesting, if you want to talk about the impact on the national political discourse, right now democrats are running scared because it is likely the republicans will retake the u.s. senate. we'll retire harry reid and majority leader. the reason is because of obama care. an albatross around the necks of democrats. i would suggest to you that millions of americans standing up last fall highlighting the harms of obama care played a very direct cause in the
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electoral success we're seeing. there are too many politicians in washington who worry about bickering back and forth. the biggest divide in this country is not between republicans and democrats. it's between entrenched politicians in washington in both parties and the american people. we have to bring back jobs and economic growth. stop the bickering in washington. >> we'll see what happens with obama care. it is obviously inextricably tied to your own fate. thank you very much for your time tonight. >> thank you for having me. >> the entire town hall with secretary of state hillary clinton reairs here tonight on cnn. another critical city could be about to fall. plus the alleged mastermind of the benghazi attacks is in american custody tonight. you may remember in our documentary, cnn tracked that guy down before the obama administration. a secret picasso painting hidden away for more than 100 years. what it look like, tonight.
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tonight iraqi forces are trying to prevent another major city from falling into terrorists' hands. it's the city of baqubah, 3p miles from the capital. we're told parts of the city is under isis control. that's the brutal group known as the islamic state in iraq and syria. for the first time we're seeing the aftermath of these extremist
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surges. new video from mosul, these are cars and trucks, as you can see, burned, trashed abandoned. and new disturbing video showing what appears to be a young child armed in the midst of the militants. nick robertson begins our coverage out front live in baghdad today. isis militants just 37 miles away from where you're standing. how concerned are people about whether isis is going to try to take baghdad? >> i think the security forces here have been put on high alert. this is their sort of -- they've got rings of defense around the city. the reality is isis are not going to be able to take baghdad. we've seen them move down from the north pretty quickly. why are they able to do that? they're sunni fighters moving through sunni areas. it's not just isis. it's sunni tribesmen in iraq that have risen up against the government. other rebel sunni groups fighting with isis. where are they at the moment? baqubah, around this province
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just north of baghdad called diala province. you've got a lot of towns that are sunni and shia. that's where they're running into deeper problems. that's why the fight is slowing down. doesn't mean they can't win, but the security around baghdad is tight. but what isis wants to do is to circle the city, cut the roads, take the airport, put pressure on the city and even start shelling into the city. look, it's not clear that they can even achieve that at this time. taking the city, that's unlikely. putting pressure on it, that's their goal. and they're still pushing towards achieving it. >> and is there -- how much fear is there, nic, where you're standing? we'll show some of these horrific videos, these executions. are people afraid? >> yes and no. look, late last week when isis was on this really rapid roll towards baghdad, there was real concern here. we talk about checkpoints, we
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talk about security in the city, the faces of some of these checkpoints are changing. what that means is the more dependable, reliable security forces, the guys that won't put down their weapons and take their uniforms off are being put in place. people see that. they know that's happening. that said in the lst couple of days there's more traffic on the streets. people realizing they're not about to be overrun at the moment. we talk about bad stuff that's happened. we talk about these execution videos that isis is putting out there. but we heard today the government here saying that isis had killed 34 prisoners. at the end of the day we found out it was the iraqi police that killed those prisoners in the jail because they were sunni prisoners and isis wanted to free them. there's some barbaric stuff going on both sides here right now. >> thank you very much, nic reporting live from baghdad tonight. as the terrorist group isis continues its march through iraq we've seen chilling videos of
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executions by the group. we've not independent i confirmed these videos, but what you're looking at are horrific. these thirsty, tired people, then you do actually see physical executions. in this case it's that policeman that ends up being executed. then another one of the child. this was reportedly filmed in mosul, armed with what appears to be an automatic rifle. executive officer of general david petraeus during the surge in iraq. good to have you with us again, sir. the best way to describe this video is it's propaganda video from isis shows militants training, detonating explosives, it shows executions, we're not able, obviously, as i said to independently confirm it, but what do you make of this? is this really how they operate? or is this just their one little pr blitz. >> it's not just little pr blitz. this is information operations.
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they're very savvy to their audience. what they're trying to show the world and to the sunni people of iraq is that they're predominant, they're capable and that they're on the rise, and that their cause is spiraling upward. so i would suspect you're going to see more of this in the future. >> so i want to just, in terms of where we are right now, a very brief clip of a discussion i had last night with the former ambassador to iraq, paul bremer. here he is. >> we basically had defeated al qaeda in iraq, the sunni extremists, by the end of 2009. in fact really by the end of 2008. our departure at the end of 2011 was a signal to the iraqis that we were leaving. >> the signal you talked about is a crucial one which i think everyone can agree on, which is when u.s. forces would leave iraq. that was a decision made by george w. bush and the stat us of forces agreement he sign in 2008. he said all u.s. forces would be
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out by december 2011. >> all combat forces. >> but that was a decision made by -- >> combat forces. combat forces. that's an important distinction. >> colonel, i just want to point out ambassador bremer was technically incorrect on that one issue, the status of forces signed by president bush did include withdrawal of all u.s. forces by 2011. there's plenty of blame to go around. when you look at this, given it was part of the surge, does the fault lie to you more with the bush or the obama administration? >> first, i have to commend you on the interview quliew yesterdh i watched in full. i don't know what kind of alternate universe bremer is living in that he had no responsibility when it was his decisions to to be baath-ify iraq that created the military basis for the insurgency is just a fantasy world. you know, most of the blame goes to the bush administration for getting us into iraq in first
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place. it was a war of choice that didn't have to be waged. but having said that, once we were there, i think it was incumbent upon us to get out in a responsible manner. the status of forces agreement that the bush administration inked with maliki, it was the best agreement that they could get in 2008, but they fully suspected that there would be negotiations over a follow-on agreement. and the problem with the obama administration is they waited until six months before the withdrawal deadline to begin negotiations for a follow-on status of forces agreement. it's not enough time. it took the bush administration 18 months to negotiate the first s.o.f.a. i've been in on those negotiati negotiations. they're tortuous. to wait until six months before the withdrawal deadline and then to not offer the iraqis that much, fewer than 5,000 american soldier, they really didn't provide the iraqis incentives to
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overcome their biases and put their futures on the line to keep american troops in iraq. >> colonel, thank you very much. good to talk to you again. >> thank you. >> still out front, the alleged mastermind behind the benghazi attack in custody tonight, american custody. why was cnn able to find him before the obama administration? our exclusive report. dr. oz fighting back against claims he's pushing phony cures. we have his response tonight. into the air...
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ahmed ab buy khatallah a man interviewed for this program last year was captured over the weekend. officials say this included luring him out of the city to a checkpoint. no shots were fired even though he did have security with him. he will head to the united states within days. president obama says he'll face the full weight of the u.s. justice system for an attack in which four americans lost their lives. >> when americans are attacked, no matter how long it takes, we will find those responsible and we will bring them to justice. i want to make sure that everybody around the world hears that message very clearly. because my first and most solemn duty as president and commander in chief is to keep the american people safe. >> we first told you about abu khatallah in our out front documentary the truth about benghazi. it was his only reported
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interview with any television network in the world. our arwa damon spoke to him in ben gadzy in 2013 and she's out front tonight with this exclusive. >> reporter: the suspected ringleader of the u.s. attack in benghazi captured by u.s. forces working with the fbi. u.s. officials had often suggested that they would be interested in speaking to a man named ahmed abu khatallah about the events the night of the attack. he really wasn't that difficult to find. we met with ahmed abu khatallah in public at the coffee shop of a well known hotel here in benghazi for around two hours. he seemed to be confident. his demeanor most certainly not that of a man who believed that he was going to be detained or targeted any time soon. and he agreed to let us film audio but not video of our conversation. he doesn't deny that he was there the night of the attack. can you describe in detail that night for us?
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what time did you get the news? when did you arrive and what did you see? >> translator: is this a journalistic interview or an investigation? >> reporter: it's a journalistic interview. >> translator: the way that you are asking is like an interrogation. >> reporter: what time did you arrive? >> i can't tell you exactly. >> reporter: he claims he didn't even know the americans had a consulate in benghazi. never mind having any information about a specific location. >> translator: i didn't know where the place was. when i heard, we went to examine the situation. >> reporter: his narrative is unclear and at times seems to be contradictory. he says when he arrived at the perimeter of the compound he saw men carrying rocket-propelled grenades and medium guns and the gunfire prevented him from entering. by the time he managed to get
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inside the compound, everyone, he says, had withdrawn. khatallah claims ambassador stevens suffocated because he was trying to burn important documents. should anyone from the libyan or government side try to get in touch with you? >> translator: never, never. >> reporter: no american official or libyan official ever tried to contact you? >> translator: even the investigative team did not try and contact me. >> reporter: are you talking about the fbi? >> translator: yes. >> reporter: and if they tried, are you ready to meet with them? >> translator: yes, no problem. but not as an interrogation. as a conversation like the one we are having with you now. >> reporter: but in a long rambling interview, he also accuses the americans of using al qaeda as a boogeyman whenever it suits them and adds -- >> translator: al qaeda is nothing to be ashamed of.
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al qaeda is people who are devout. protecting their religion and people. america is the terrorist. >> and erin, a lot of questions as to why it took u.s. authority so along to get their hands on him. part of that is the political atmosphere that existed in libya a year ago, not necessarily conducive to this kind of an operation. right now we're seeing a growing sense amongst the libyan security forces themselves movement against those types of extremist groups that carried out the attack that may have allowed u.s. forces to move in, grab him without causing the massive political fallout that was of great concern, erin. >> arwa, thank you very much. you can catch the special out front investigation, the truth about benghazi, any time, it is on our blog, earlier i spoke with admiral john kirby. i mentioned arwa damon's meeting with abu khatallah at a coffee
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shop last may and i asked him why it took the united states 21 months after she had that conversation to capture him. >> look, these operations, they're pretty complicated, erin, and they can take a long time to develop. i can tell you that we have been focused on this individual for quite some time. and there were months and months of planning that went into this. in order to do this safely, effectively, efficiently, nobody got hurt, by the way, that takes time to plan. that takes a lot of information gathering, it takes the gathering of resources and it takes stealth. and we did this in a very stealthy way. and again, now he's not sipping drinks at a cafe. he's in a secure location and he's going to face trial. >> and he's the only person now who has been arrested. we talked about this a lot. but no one has been held accountable. obviously a lot of people were involved. how important is he? was he the mastermind, the main person you hold responsible? others will be taken into custody?
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>> a couple of thoughts. i wouldn't characterize him as a mastermind but a key figure in the benghazi attacks. and the justice department certainly has enough on him to go ahead and make these charges public, which they did today. and on your second point, we never lost focus on the benghazi incident and on the perpetrators of it. it is something that we're constantly working on. without prejudicing the potential for future operations, i can tell you that we've not lost focus on that incident, those perpetrators and on counterterrorism worldwide. >> all right, now let's use the word "perpetrator." i understand there will be other. you say he's going to be tried. a lot of people have said he should go to guantanamo bay. is that a possibility? >> right now he's going to -- he's going to stand trial in a criminal court. and that's the approach that we're taking here in this case. and we had precedent on doing this before. and it is an effective way to
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deal with this particular kind of threat. >> so you don't think you need to go that military route? >> that's not the route that we're taking. >> so before we go, i want to ask you about the growing crisis in iraq. of course, today joe biden said urgent assistance is clearly required. i know you're going through all of the options and you're presenting the president with possibilities, when are you going to be making an announcement? >> that's up to the commander in chief to do, erin. i can tell you that the interagency, the national security team, continues to meet and discuss these options. not all the options are military, by the way. those are the ones that get a lot of attention. but it's really important that the president has the time and space to make that decision. and frankly, these decisions are done in a deliberate, measured way, that it's the right decisions not rushed decisions. >> thank you very much. admiral kirby, for your time tonight. >> my pleasure, thanks for having me. >> a lost picasso painting
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discovered sitting right in front of us the entire time. isn't that like all the important things in life? staring you in the face and you don't see them. dr. oz responds to accusations like this one. >> why would you say that something is a miracle in a bottle? ♪ [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪
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dr. oz is pushing back against claims he's peddling phony cures. the celebrity doctor was called before a senate committee this afternoon. he took a lot of heat for protesting so-called miracle weight loss products. dr. oz stood his ground even as the senators piled on. elizabeth cohen's out front. >> reporter: this is standard fare on the dr. oz show. >> now i've got the number one mish akle in a bottle to burn your fat. >> reporter: today senates asked really? >> three weeks ago i quote you, fbx literally flushes fat from your system. in january you called forskulin lightning in a bottle. i don't know why you need to say this stuff because you know it's not true. so why when you have this amazing mega phone and this amazing ability to communicate,
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why would you cheapen your show by saying things like that. >> i actually do personally believe in the items that i talk about on the show. i passionately study them. i would give my audience the advice i give my family all the time. and i have given my family these products. >> reporter: 70% of american adults are overweight or obese and last year consumers spent $2.4 billion on weight loss products and services. senator claire mccaskill asked about all the online ads that use dr. mehmet oz's name and image. >> this little bean has scientists saying they found a magic weight loss cure for every body type. >> reporter: he says he's gone to court to stop them. but the senator still wouldn't let the doctor off the hook. >> when you feature a product on your show it creates what has become known as the oz effect, dramatically boosting sales and driving scam artists to pop up overnight. >> reporter: oz acknowledged that these advertisers may have been inspired by his flowery
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language. >> i used language that was very passionate but ended up not being helpful but incendiary. i'm second guessing every word i use on the show right now. >> reporter: oz conceded that oftentimes the claims he made about some products wouldn't withstand the scrutiny of the food and drug administration. but they don't have to. supplements don't have to have their claims approved by the fda. mccaskill's see all that passion about the beauty of a walk at sunset. >> okay. >> too shay. >> how you feel when you get off the bike in the morning. >> elizabeth, you know what is amazing to me, when you were showing pictures with these supplements, they use dr. oz's words, the miracle cures. they are taking them like medicines. the fda knows it. it is crazy they don't have to run those cliaims by the fka.
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>> they lobbed for it to be this way. the government can go after them once its on the market, shelves, they ki k say these are bogus claims but the reality is they don't have enough time or money to go after the folks so most products stay on the shelves. >> and they can't say you can't sell them without the approval? >> they don't have to get approval. they are allowed to put them on the market and say the studies and later, the government can go after them but they don't have the resources to go after most of them. >> thank you very much. an early picasso uncovered. a first glance how this new classic came about. that's not it, everybody. that is hiding it. we'll be back. [ male announcer ] it's one of the most amazing things we build and it doesn't even fly. we build it in classrooms and exhibit halls, mentoring tomorrow's innovators. we build it raising roofs, preserving habitats and serving america's veterans.
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to figure the mystery man. experts say we'll probably never know. which brings me to 25, that's the number of years since a man was discovered under picasso's paintings. they used infrared to reveal this early portrait of a man and 25 years later, we still have no idea who he is. we'll be right back. are the largest targets in the world, for every hacker, crook and nuisance in the world. but systems policed by hp's cyber security team are constantly monitored for threats. outside and in. that's why hp reports and helps neutralize more intrusions than anyone... in the world. if hp security solutions can help keep the world's largest organizations safe, they can keep yours safe, too. make it matter.
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and tomorrow, it's one of america's biggest allies in the middle east, and what is the new haven for terror funding? it's a crucial question and we have an answer. an out front special investigation tomorrow. investigation tomorrow. "ac 360" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- good evening. it is 3:00 a.m. here in baghdad and for many reasons, a lot of people in the city are likely not sleeping easy tonight, not with sunni extremist fighters less than 40 miles to the north of the city battling to add another city. secretary reprisals and terror attacks playing out there and right here in the capitol, not with bodies being discovered and road side bombs going off and the prime minister not holding it together.
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