tv The Situation Room CNN June 20, 2014 2:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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get his as kicked. >> what about eric dane? >> i've gotten my ass kicked a couple types, yeah. >> erin mcpike, washington. >> don't miss mcsteamy on the last ship" starting this sunday on tnt, part of the turner family at 9:00 p.m. eastern. that's it for the lead. i'm john berman. i turn you over to the captain of our ship, wolf blitzer in "the situation room." >> john, thanks very much. happening now, on the brink, iraq's prime minister cling to power as militants overrun his country and his support at home and abroad plummets. now a potential blow from a top religious leader. can nuri al maliki survive? dangerous assignment. a cnn crew including ben wedeman is caught up in an angry demonstration and roughed up. the frightening incident caught on camera. so what led to this violent encounter? and an unfolding disaster. relentless rain triggers a
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massive landslide, leaving a major hospital precariously perched on top of a crumbling hill. will it go tumbling into the mississippi river? i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." >> we're following fresh and deadly fighting in iraq where the government says clashes between its forces and isis fighters near the syrian border now have left at least 17 militants dead and in northeastern iraq, isis forces launched an attack on a military outpost in the kurdistan region. with isis now controlling huge swathes of iraq including its second largest city, calls for the ouster of the prime minister nuri al maliki are growing louder and louder and some of his most critical support is clearly crumbling. we're of covering all angles with our correspondents and guests, our chief national security correspondent jim sciutto begins.
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what's the latest? >> we'll see the u.s. troop presence in iraq build up quickly. the first teams will come from american troops already in iraq stations at the embassy there. other troops from outside iraq will be sent in, we're told "very, very soon" from elsewhere in the region. and now we have secretary of state john kerry dispatched to the middle east to the carry out the other part of the administration's strategy, a diplomatic and political push to rescue iraq from civil war. the first of 300 u.s. troops will soon be on the ground in iraq. and u.s. air strikes may follow. the military offensive now in place, secretary of state john kerry will tra travel to the region to launch the diplomatic offensive with a goal no less than keeping the country together. officials inside and outside iraq agree prime minister nuri al maliki's shia adopted government has furthered a deep sectarian divide among shiites?
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the south is, sunni muslims in the west and kurds in the north threatening to tear the country apart. >> we cannot defend iraqis from themselves. only if iraq's leaders begin to show evidence of unity can we help them. >> though few see maliki as an architect of such unity, u.s. officials have been careful not to call for his ouster. not true for ayatollah ali al sistani when he called for an inclusive government without mentioning the prime minister's name. >> translator: it is also important that winning blocks open dialogue to help form an effective government largely acceptable to all in order to surmount past mistakes. >> even as violence continues to flair, three candidates are already raising their hand, including one familiar to many americans, ahmed chalabi who lobbied the u.s. to launch the 2003 invasion.
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the challenge for iraq now is finding not only a more inclusive prime minister but also a capital and power sharing formula for the future. >> there are a lot of sectarian problems in iraq. no question. but not every one of them can be laid at the doorstep of maliki. >> after its recent elections iraq is in the midst of forming a new government now. this gives the opportunity for leadership changes. ambassador hill and others who dealt with prime minister maliki closely say pressuring him to leave will require a very difficult, delicate effort in baghdad as in washington, wolf, politicians are loath to be told that they're part of the problem as opposed to part of the solution. this is a problem going forward. a challenge going forward for the administration. >> how serious is this possibility that ahmed chalabi, many viewers will remember him, he was controversial backing in 2002, 2003, bush pushing the bush administration to go ahead and invade, get rid of saddam hussein. many of what the thoughts he was then saying turned out to
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be,able shall we say false. how serious is the possibility he could emerge as the successor to nuri al maliki? >> by a number of accounts, he's one of the leading three. he's a possibility in part because he has some respect among the other groups, kurds and sunnis, something maliki does not have. from an american perspective, it would be an amazing irony someone who underplayed the costs of the war in iraq, he overplayed the risks of weapons of mass destruction but what 11 years later to have him return to political life, that would be an amazing prospect. >> an amazing comeback indeed although he has played a significant role all these years not as the leader. there are fast-moving developments not only in iraq and those fast-moving developments there overshadowing other crises including the one in ukraine. now the white house is issuing yet another new warning to russia. our senior white house correspondent jim acosta is joining us from the white house. what's going on? >> the russia headache is back.
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while officials say there is once again mounting evidence of a buildup of russian troops on the border with eastern ukraine. the kremlin said they're moving in for border security exercises but the white house is not buying that. earlier today, senior administration officials told reporters ukraine is confident that russia is sending thanks and rocket launchers to separatists in eastern ukraine. in the past, the president warned russia further provocations would be met with the tough sanctions on whole sector of its economy. the next step could be more narrow sanctions. i asked jay carney if the president is giving up on sector ral sanctions. here's what he had to say? >> no, sector ral sanctions remain on the table. we've already seen that the sanctions have been put in place so far in a cooperative fashion again with our allies in europe has had impact on russian economy and impact in terms of
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isolating them in the financial financial markets. >> they don't seem to be deterring their behavior though, is that fair to say? >> well, no, i'm not sure that that's a fair thing to say. i think what we are seeing is -- i think we're seeing a lot of mixed signals from russia right now about what their intentions are. >> now, one other big development one day after president obama announced he's sending military advisors to iraq, russian president vladimir putin had his own phone call with nuri al maliki. the readout from the call said putin offered his support to the iraqi government. it's not lost on administration officials that putin may once again be trying to assert his influence in a global hot spot where the u.s. is involved. we should mention that today was jay carney's last day at the white house. josh earnest will be the official white house press secretary start ong monday, wolf. >> i want to bring jim sciutto
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back. is this a situation where putin who support al assad in damascus is going to emerge as a big supporter of nuri al maliki in baghdad even though so many people inside iraq including officials here in washington would like to see malaki move on? >> putin tease a cagey character. he has this phone call today. he expresses support for malaki and knows that others, the u.s. included have lost confidence in him. is that an actual expression of support or is he looking to maintain influence in this debate as they decide and all the many players decide who the next leader of iraq is. it's a possibility. but he's always tough to judge. just as jim was saying there, the administration having trouble judging what exactly russia's intentions are in ukraine, difficult to judge here, as well. >> let me ask jim accost ta. do they have a good sense at the who us what putin is up to as far as iraq is concerned? >> very curious, wolf. i just talked to or tried to
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talk way senior administration official about this asking whether or not this official had any thoughts on putin having this phone call with maliki. obviously, it raises all sorts of questions as we with syria. the white house has deemed russia and vladimir putin to be serious proxies to be partners almost in that country. and what i heard back from this official is no thoughts at this point yet. they don't want to weigh in. they know obviously the russian president can talk with any world leader that he wants to. but to come one day after the president announced this somewhat risky military action in iraq, it certainly got a lot of people's attention at the who us. >> thanks very much. jim, thanks to you, as well. still ahead, a nerve-racking waiting game as a hillside crumbles from underneath a major hospital. we're going live there. stand by for that. but up next, the latest on the u.s. plans to send more military advisors to iraq, the
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pentagon press secretary rear admiral john kirby is here in "the situation room." thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life.
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send military advisors to iraq possibly a few hundred of them is not only controversial, it's highly risky, as well. pentagon planners are well aware of what could go wrong in a deadly danger the advisors potentially could face. our pentagon correspondent barbara starr joins us. what are you picking up over there in. >> well, wolf, now that there's been the big announcement, the hard work begins. the pentagon working out all the details. at the white house podium, it sounds easy. >> we're prepared to send a
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small number of additional american military advisors up to 300. >> but 24 hours later could the plan already be in trouble? the pentagon acknowledging it doesn't have a legal agreement with the iraq government to send in those advisers. but insisting they are certain they will get one. >> we're pursuing something in write package. the secretary is committed to making sure our troops have the legal protections and he would not do that on a nod and a wing. >> for now the first troops will be drawn from those already in the country. as the fighting rages, u.s. officials already know plenty else could go wrong. one senior defense official telling cnn the whole mission is not without risk. if the legal problem is resolved, some u.s. troops will go to northern iraq, the strong hold of isis sunni militant fighters. how much will small numbers of u.s. special forces really be
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able to see? and the big concern? u.s. troops are not supposed to be in combat but what if any are attacked? cnn has learned f/a-18s flying off the carrier "george h.w. bush" would be authorized to drop bombs on u.s. positions if u.s. lives are at risk. plans kah for troops to quickly fly from ships in the persian gulf or nearby kuwait but it could hours to get on scene and nonguarantee any wounded would get to medical care in that golden hour typical in a war zone. >> if somebody gets hurt, we do what we can to get them care as quickly as possible. >> u.s. troops are supposed to be collecting intel on what isis is doing inside iraq but a senior administration official says potential action is not restricted to a "specific geographic space." in fact, united states reconnaissance flights are now
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closely watching the syrian border for movement of isis personnel and weapons as well as the iranian border for their troops moving in. now, wolf, what obviously comes to mind is back in 2011, the u.s. could not get an agreement with the government of nuri al maliki to allow u.s. troops to stay at that point. so they left. now, the question really is, can they get maliki and the iraqi government to deliver and sign on the dotted line on an agreement so u.s. troops can go in at the iraqi request and act as military advisers. >> barbara, stand by. we're going to get answers right now on those two specific questions you just raised, the pentagon press secretary rear admiral john kirby is here in "the situation room." thanks very much for coming in. will these 300 american troops that the president spoke about yesterday have immunity from iraqi prosecution? that's the big issue that prevented the u.s. from keeping
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a residual force in iraq at the end of 2011. >> we're working that very hard right now. they absolutely will have the legal protections they need. the president, the commander in chief and secretary of defense wouldn't order them into these missions without the protections and they'll get them. >> let's talk about that. how long will it take? some of those troops we told as early as tomorrow could be arriving >> the first couple of teams are going to probably be formed from troops that are already in iraq right now. and they have not been formed into assessment teams right now. that could happen very, very soon. i think follow on teams for a total of a half a dozen to start with probably over the next week to ten days. we're working this very hard and we're not concerned we're not going to be able to get the legal protections in place. >> when you say some of the troops are already in iraq right now, an your referring to marines who protect the embassy? >> i'm talking about the folks in the office of security cooperation. >> don't they have diplomatic immunity? >> they do have the legal protections they need so again,
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i don't think this is going be a showstopper at all. >> let's be precise because it's a sensitive issue. the 300 special operations forces, the delta force, the navy seals, the green berets, the president spoking about yesterday, will they have diplomatic immunity or will they have the immunity provided visiting u.s. military personnel as part of a status of forces agreement based on what you know? >> they'll have something different than the protections that are given to state department personnel. but it will be something unique, something different and tailored to their mission and what they're doing in the country. >> nuri al maliki is on board? >> we were asked to come in by the government of iraq. this is a discussion we're having. we're confident we're going to get there. >> will the u.s. also be involved not only going after isis forces in iraq but also in neighboring syria? because there's a lot more isis forces in syria. they're moving into iraq. there's a lot more in syria right now. if you start attacking isis
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positions in northern iraq, will you also go after isis positions in syria? >> the mission is not to go after isil. the mission is assess the state of the iraqi security forces, two assess the security situation on the ground. we need better intelligence before the president can make any kinetic decisions and number three, assess how many advisors total we need, with are do they need to go be an we have to stand up these twos joint operations centers. the mission of these folks is to do good assessment and advice. >> when you say how many, i thought the number was 300. are you suggesting it could go up? >> the president said up to 300. it may not go that high. we'll have to see what they find when they get on the ground. >> are you ruling out attacks on isis forces in syria? >> it's not time to rule anything out. the president is going to reserve that option for strikes in the future. we need to know more before we get to the that point. >> let me read to you what general david petraeus said in an interview in the telegraph in
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london. if isis is seen as a terrorist organization with the potential to engage in terrorist acts beyond the middle east, beyond the middle east, enthat could warrant the targeting of high value targets. is he bon board with you? are you on board with him? >> i think the general is absolutely right in his assessment of isil. the president, secretary of defense noted they're not just a threat to the people of iraq, they are a threat to our own national security. we're going to do this the right way. the first thing is to get on the ground and learn where they are, how they operate and also get a better sense of the iraqi security forces and their capability of countering these terrorists themselves inside their own country. >> is the stay of the 300 u.s. personnel going, military personnel who are going to iraq right now up to 300, is that open-ended or is there i an target date? how long they should be there? >> it's neither. i don't have a deadline for you. but it's also -- it's going to be a temporary a short term
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duration mission but we haven't put a date certain on the end of it. but it's very clear that the direction we've been given is that this is an immediate step a near term step. then we'll taking it from there. >> i don't know if you watched the cnn documentary on the 60s last night airing last night on the vietnam war and how a few hundred u.s. advisors went into the vietnam in the early 1960s. supposed to be a few hundred. as you know, hundreds of thousands of american troops were in vietnam. 50,000 american troops were killed that creeping -- that mission creep as they like to call it. a lot of americans are concerned about that when they hear about these initial 300 going back in. >> the commander in chief couldn't have been more clear, we're not going to introduce ground troops in iraq. that's the direction we're following >> will taxpayers pay for the introduction of these troops or is the iraqi government going to reimburse the united states for whatever the cost will be? >> i don't think there's been discussion about reimbursement.
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clearly we're going to facilitate the movement of these advisors into the country. >> you have the "uss aircraft carrier the george h.w. bush now. is it already in the northern part of the asian gulf? >> yes. >> they're standing by. they haven't done anything militarily yet, right? >> they have flown a few isr, intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance. >> f/a-18s. >> some flights off the carrier, yes. >> what about the support ships because it comes with' whole carrier battle grip. what are they doing? >> there's a cruiser and three destroyers in the arab gran gulf. we have an amphibious ship moved in. they act to help the protect the carrier and can be called on for other missions as required. right now, there is no kinetic, what we would call an active military option being pursued other than these advisors. >> they're on stand by just as
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u.s. troops in kuwait are on stand by if necessary in. >> that's right. we have more than 30,000 troops in the region. the middle east remains a heavy focus for the united states military. weigh well prepared and we've been doing the necessary planning we need to do should the commander in chief need additional resources. >> "the washington post" now reporting more than 400 large military drones have crashed since 2001. u.s. military drones. is that true? >> first time hearing about it, offensively wolf. i haven't seen that report. >> that moved a couple hours or so ago. >> i'll find out and let you no he. >> let us know if it's true. we're on for two hours. rear admiral john kirby. good luck to you and all the men and women involved in this. we're all very, very worried about the worst case fears. we appreciate your coming in. >> glad to be here. >> coming up, the vice president joe viden makes an urgent trip to central america trying to stop the flood of children
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unaccompanied children trying to cross into the united states illegally. and later, an angry demonstration turns to chaos as security forces attack members of a cnn crew were caught right in the middle of it and kept their camera rolling. you're going to see what happens. stay with us. you're in "the situation room." when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs.
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comcast business. built for business. we've all seen the dreadful pictures of children warehouses along the u.s. mexican border after they crossed that border illegally without any parental accompaniment. the vice president joe viden is in guatemala today trying to help ease the kreis. paolo sandoval is here in "the situation room." you're just back from that border area. tell viewers what's going on. >> i can tell you with every day, we see a new chapter and page in the story that continues evolving right now. about 1300 miles from washington. the latest numbers we obtained from sources now showing the situation along the border is getting worse. the concerns in washington. today the president announcing a
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potential fix to help deal with the surge of children crossing the border right now. vice president joe viden meeting with leaders in guatemala today as the obama administration struggles to deal with the growing immigration crisis. thousands of unaccompanied children like the ones we met along the text/mexico border are ringing their lives to enter the u.s. illegally. biden's visit is part of president obama's response to a growing problem -- the administration hoping to quash rumors driving families and children north chasing a dream. >> so much of what we're seeing on the southern border is the result of a deliberate misinformation campaign that is propagated by criminal syndicates in central america. >> nearly 10,000 undocumented and unaccompanied kids are being housed in facilities throughout the u.s., according to new congressional figures. they're concrete holding cells
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constantly full. from october to june, 52,000 unaccompanied children have been caught at the border with mexico double last year. today a two-prong approach from the president. he's ordering the department of homeland security to revamp efforts to process and handle the flow of undocumented kids. there's also promise to tackle the problem at the root of the crisis, the u.s. is pledging to partner up with mexico and central american countries providing millions of dollars in support. >> it is not a good idea for people to make the trek through mexico and to appear at the southern border in the rio grande valley of the united states and think once they are detained by customs or border patrol personnel that they will be allowed into the country. they will not. >> back on the texas stretch of the rio grande, the stream of people seems endless. some of the youngest border crossers come with their families. others by themselves.
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>> and today more indication that washington now recognizing part of the problem, jeh johnson, the secretary of homeland security in the lone star state right now. he toured the detention facility in texas this morning and now currently at lackland air force base, a temporary holding facility. these numbers we mentioned are a small portion of them. our sources at thig us there are so many more that are actually by passing immigration authorities there on the ground. and eventually making it to their relatives up north. they don't want to be on the radar. >> this is a heartbreaking story. i want you to stand by a moment and bring in rosa flores in new york now. she's just back from central america. you were just in honduras. a lot of these kids coming in without their parents, what, they've been told if they make it to the united states, they can stay? give us a little sense of what's motivating this exodus of young children unaccompanied from honduras, other countries, el
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salvador in central america on to texas? we kept hearing the same story over and over again. and there's three prongs. they say first of all, we want to reunite with their families. we kept hearing that from a lot of people on the ground that that is the vision, a lot of them have their mom or their dad in the united states and they want to reunite. and then there's crime. there's violence. there's ruthless violence in central america right now. a lot of it because of the ms-13 gang that is in a lot of these communities. the stories that we heard over and over is that their neighborhoods you just do not go to because if you do go in, you don't know if you have going to cop out. of course, the poverty. there's a lot of poverty in this area. a lot of unemployment. a lot of the people there either work in agriculture or can't find a job. so they are pretty desperate. and then also, wolf, just to add, the rumors that been spread
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by coyotes, these are human smugglers that make a lot of money when people are moved from one country to the other, they're the ones we hear that are disseminating these rumors telling people you know, pay me x amount of dollars and i will take you into the country. once you get into the united states, those gates are open. the u.s. is going to be welcoming you. and do it now before the doors close. and we of course, wolf, know that that is not true. that's a lie. but that's what they're using to fuel this. and, of course, to motivate people to come to the united states illegally. >> hold on a moment, rosa. i want to bring polo back into this. you spent a lot of time on the border speaking to the kids, their parents if there are parents there, they don't necessarily see themselves as illegal immigrants. they see themselves as refugees fleeing that horrible situation described by rosa. >> rosa put it exactly as we heard it in texas which is these people are leaving the drugs,
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the gangs, the guns. what we're seeing now all these people are desperate and so in our conversations that we had along the border is a lot of these people were holding on to faith and to each other. these are the people that the administration specifically wants to address especially with today's vice presidential visit in central america. they want to make sure their message is heard loud and clear at the source of the problem which are families coming from central america that if you do make it into the united states, chances are you will not stay in the country. >> you spoke rosa, with top government officials. do they believe if the u.s. increased foreign aid to their countries, that would make a difference? >> you know, i talked to a lot of people on the ground about that particular issue, wolf. and i heard two things. first of all, i heard that okay, yes, aid always helps. they'd be able to build buildings perhaps whenever they receive the flood of children, they'd be able to house them, they'd have beds and food. and then that would be pretty much it. they say a lot of this is the
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roots are so deep in the problems of these communities and these countries that you would have to tackle the economics. you'd have to provide jobs. you'd have to fix the violent situation in these particular countries and then the parent situation. these families are in two different countries. you know, some family members are in central america. the other ones are in the u.s. so what i kept on hearing was, yes, it will help. will it solve the issue? no, because the other big problem they tell me is that it has created an culture tour. there's this culture of immigration, these kids grow up thinking that in order for you to become something, in order for you to succeed, you've got to the migrate north. until you change that culture, this is going to continue. >> yeah. all right, rosa, thanks very much. rosa flores thank you. polo sandoval, thanks to you, as well. up next, prosecutors the one prosecutor's tie one of the republican party's rising stars
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by hamas members and supporters calling for solidarity with the palestinian hunger strikers in prison. and what happened was the palestinian authorities security did not like our presence there. and as we were shooting this event, i heard one of the plain klose policemen say to another grab that camera and grab that cameraman. so they went after our cameraman joe scheffer. there was quite a tussle as we struggled to keep the camera. but they insisted on taking it away. in the process, they broke the camera. eventually we got the camera back. of course, the footage, as well because one of the most annoying is to lose all those pictures t you fought so hard to get. but certainly, this is indicative of the sort of rising tensions, wolf, in the west bank as israel continues its eight-day operations to try to
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find these three young israelis who were kidnapped on the 12th of june. now, today, in fact, we had an opportunity to sit down in an exclusive interview with rachelle frankel, the mother of 16-year-old naftali frankel, a u.s./israeli citizen, one of those three boys kidnapped. this is what she told me when i asked her if she has a message to those holding her son. >> i have a message to anybody in the world that's listening. they should do anything they can to get our children back home. we just want them back in our homes in our beds. we want to hug them. any decent person would do anything they can to get them back. >> and, of course, this massive operation in the west bank by israeli forces actually the biggest in the west bank since operation defensive shield in 2002 when israeli forces reoccupied the west bank, it's left more than 330 palestinians
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in detention for questioning, two palestinians have been killed so far in clashes. these searches, these operations are not just intendeded to find the three boys but israeli officials are quite clear the other purpose is to crack down on hamas in the west bank. would he have? >> seems to be a real split developing between hamas on the one hand and the palestinian authority of mahmoud abbas, the palestinian authority president on the other hand. what worries me and i'm anxious for your input there on the scene, how worried should we be about the possibility of another all-out war, if you will, emerging between israel on the one hand and gaza, the palestinians hamas for example on other what we saw a few years ago? >> it's a very dangerous situation, wolf, because on the one hand, if these three boys are harmed, there will be hell to pay in the palestinian territories. and given that the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has pointed directly at hamas saying
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they're the ones behind it, there could be a major operation against gaza and against hamas further in the west bank. on the other hand, if these operations continue throughout the west bank and these boys are not found, the level of friction is getting so intense, you have nightly clashes, daily clashes, you have casualties on the palestinian side, fatalities. so either way, the situation is becoming extremely tense, extremely dangerous. wolf? >> ben wedeman on the scene for us as he always is. appreciate it, ben, very much other news we're following here in the united states, a prominent republican governor on many possible wish lists as a presidential candidate is facing legal questions right now. it's only generating bad publicity right now. brian todd is looking into the accusations. >> wolf, these allegations against wisconsin governor scott walker were just unsealed. he has not been charged so far,
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but prosecutors say walker committed some serious campaign finance violations when he was fighting off a bruising recall campaign. ♪ >> his back was against the wall. protesters occupied the state capitol sparking an attempt to boot him out of office in a recall. wisconsin governor scott walker marshalled every resource he coulden an fought it al off. but now prosecutors say he broke the law in doing that. was involved in a "criminal scheme." the allegation? that walker helped coordinate fund-raising between his 2012 recall campaign and outside outside conservative groups. that's illegal because outside groups can spend what they want to help a campaign only if that campaign isn't working directly with them. >> but once they coordinate with a campaign, they lose the freedom to operate without rules as an independent entity. and their spending becomes treated as contributions which would go over the limits. >> prosecutors suggest walker
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not only coordinated but micromanaged. they released an e-mail from walker to gop strategist karl rove in which they say walker is bragging about his office's role in working with those outside groups. "we are running nine recall elections and it will be like running nine congressional markets in every market in the state." a rising star in the republican party, walker is considered a serious contender for president in 2016. with a sniff of legal trouble for the governor, democrats are pouncing. >> he violated the public's trust. he's not the victim. the people he betrayed are and that's the voters. >> walker has not been formally charged. he calls the accusations categorically false and points out that this investigation has been blocked more than once. >> two judges who said that they didn't buy into the argument that has been presented at this point. ity think their words speak pretty strongly. experts say it will be hard to problem the allegations about you they could be politically
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damaging. >> there's no doubt republicans in 2016 competing against walker for the presidential nomination will make hay of this just as they're already making hay of his friend chris christieie in the new jersey. >> analysts say walker's rivals may accuse him of engaging in a pattern of this type of behavior. several of his aides were convicted some jailed for doing campaign work on state time. a walker campaign official told us he wasn't charged in that case either and there's no pattern here, wolf. >> stay on top of the story for our viewers. up next, a landslide right underneath a major shop the following pounding rain. now there's growing fear of flooding and the worst may be ahead for millions of people. we'll take you there live. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family,
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very frightening scene in minneapolis. the hillside beneath a major hospital has been giving way in a massive slide triggered by rain. cnn's anna cabrera is there for us. what's the latest? what are you seeing? >> reporter: well, you can see a break from the rain right now but the rivers are still rising. there's more rain in the forecast and that's a big concern because the ground is so saturated. you can see just on the other side of the river where that hillside crumbled. you can see all of that, about 100 yards of dirt, trees, shrubs, just crumbled and up there on top is the university of minnesota hospital building. right now we're told engineers have take an look, it's stable but with more threatening weather in the near future, no one issic th taking any chances.
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in minneapolis, this entire bluff came crashing down creating a massive hole beneath the university of minnesota medical center. the collapsed hill fell on a roadway. employees in the build that sits on the bluff were evacuated but hospital buildings where patients are remain safe. days of pounding rain have saturated much of the upper midwest, leaving hundreds of homes flooded. >> it's everywhere. that's what makes it complicated a bit to, you know, total all of the damage from everywhere. but it's all part of one storm system. >> reporter: across the region people living in flood prone areas are working around the clock building walls of sap bags to protect their homes. >> all we can do is what we can do. >> reporter: are you nervous? >> no. i don't know. we just have to -- >> if it floods, it floods. >> reporter: the big concern are the rivers that are expected to crest several feet over flood
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stanl. and many neighbors are helping each other prepare. >> we're really close. it's like another block party except maybe a little less fun. >> i've seen the resilience of the people of minnesota and what you see every time you go to these things is minnesotans helping others. >> reporter: and in a bit of ironry, the governor vit vized areas on friday. he's declared 35 counties disaster areas. up to a foot of rain fell in parts of the region this past week, four inches alone yesterday here in the twin cities. and unfortunately, wolf were the wet weather pattern is supposed to stick around. >> unfortunately indeed. coming up, two views on i q iraq, my interview with a former dip lo mays. he accused the administration
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happening now, the terrorists behind the armed siege in iraq are now targeting young americans. we have the latest on the propaganda war and the battle for control of iraq. plus an cnn exclusive, a wanted man risks his life to share secret video, isis terrorists in action. also this hour, a new cnn interview with president obama, a day after he ordered military advisers to iraq. our own kate bald win, she just sat down with the president at the white house. she's heading over to our studios right now. we want to well come our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room."
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the first u.s. militaried a sizers could have boots on the ground in iraq within a matter of hours. the deployment of up to 300 military personnel is getting under way to help iraqi security forces in their battle against isis terrorists and their all s allies. the united states refugee agency is warning than a humanitarian crisis is growing worse by the day as isis works to expand its group. the former iraqi ambassador to iraq is here in "the situation room." our correspondents are in iraq and in the region. let's go to nick in baghdad. >> reporter: spokesman for the country's top clearic in his friday pairs listened to and followed by millions of millions
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of iraqis, he said today that the winning parties in the election should quickly form a government that avoids past mistakes that bring -- that is a good government for all iraqis and that is incluesive for all iraqis in the future. this is a vailed threat to al mall ki that it is time to go. we have taught with iraqi politicians about how he can be convinced to go. they have said that the only way is for the country's religious leaders to tell him that time is up and that ie pierce today to be what is happening. not clear yet that he's going to heed this spiritual guidance. but these are the developments we're seeing here today, wolf. >> in a nationally televised address, a top clearic sought to tap down sectarian tensions calling on the government to ban all militias and clarifying an
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earlier call to arms. >> this call was directed to everybody and not to one sect. it aimed to prepare to stand up to isis that has got the upper hand and strongest presence in many areas. >> reporter: the wild supporters of isis, the islamic state in iraq and syria, under took their vicious sectarian message with a social media blitz featuring a youtube video in english. >> we have brothers from banglade bangladesh, iraq, australia, uk. >> on the ever expanding battle teeld, isis remains in control of vast parts of north and control iraq and is fighting towards baghdad. it is into this that u.s.
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special forces have being set back into iraq, almost three years after u.s. combat troops left. president obama said as many as 300 special forces might be sent in an advisory role. they are set to assess the dangers isis poses and will be forming two joint operation centers with iraqi troops. >> just like in any unfolding situation like that, like nooechb a disaster relief operation, one of the first thing you do is deploy assessment teams to find out what the requirements are before you start flowing in your support. that's what these first couple of teams will do. >> reporter: so far the fight in iraq this year as displaced more than a million people. the u.n. high commission on refugees says. we met the red cross chief for iraq who warned me where isis took control six months ago, the situation is dire and could be repeated in the new conquests in the north. >> it's been blocked since some
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time and the needs are only increasing. >> reporter: iraq can meanwhile looking to embattled prime minister maliki to form an inclusive government wu friday there was no sign of any changes. he told the faithful to be patient while a new government forms. and that patience is clearly something that he perhaps himself, sus stan any and his spoking man are indicating that they are beginning to run out of with maliki. the very fact that they've waded into this deeply political issue and laid a very clear guideline, no mistakes like the past, meaning maliki's mistakes and a government for everyone in iraq. it's a very, very clear message here, wolf. >> certain think is. nick robertson in baghdad, be careful. >> we have a rare exclusive glimpse into isis.
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on secret video smuggled out by the man who's wanted by the terrorist group. our senior international correspondent is in northern iraq for us. she has this exclusive report. tell our viewers what you've learned. >> reporter: well, wolf, isis has already threatened anyone who dares to film them, be it journalist or citizen with death, already implementing its strict rules trying to force them upon the population. but one man risked everything to bring this video out, speaking to us on a condition that he remain anonymous and that we alter his voice. >> translator: look at his clothes he's not iraqi. i's not his real name speaking to us on condition that we conceal his identity. his wife and children are still in the country and could be slaughtered. he's wanted by isis just escaped
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with this video he filmed on his phone. >> are you saying we're going to go from mos l to baghdad to jerusalem and said he was speaking in broken arabic. the experiences and the images give us a rare glimpse into the murky world of isis and how it solidified its grasp. >> the kid is getting the isis fighter a kiss. some of the women were even throwing chocolate on them and shouting, you saved us from the seek tarn army, from maliki's army. it's because the army had harmed the people, put too much pressure on them. it's those actions that turned the terrorists into heroes. the people will be betrayed. already isis is implementing its harsh interpretation of the law. when who wear three-quarter
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pants get lashed, he says. if there was internet you would see the worst of their torture. women can't go out without a male guardian. and he is still shocked his city fell so fast. there were only two to three hundred isis fighters and 40 to 50,000 iraqi security forces. but after fighting for three days, they disappeared, he says. >> this is from the special operations for the anti-terrorism unit. >> after moving through, sleeper cells are activated. they are iraqi. all the groups that were fighting the americans at the start are now back and with isis, he explains. maliki's actions are fueling the fire. american bombing would wreck more havoc than there already is. he pauses, his voice starts to crack. the country is destroyed. it's lost, he says,
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disbelieving. after a thousand years it won't come back. his eyes fill with tears as he adds, the city of moz l, once the city of profits, in a day and night it turned into a city of goets and nightmares. >> reporter: and he believes that there has to be some sort of political change, that maliki most definitely needs to go. but he did not believe that's going to help save his country. but at the very least it could begin to ease some of the tensions, perhaps even cause some of the violence to subside. but at the end of the day he says what people really need to focus on is trying to drive a wedge between isis and the other sunni groups. >> be careful over there as well. let's turn back now to the videos that isis wants you to see. the terror group is widening its chilling recruitment campaign
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reaching out to americans and other werners. our correspondent is doing excellent reporting for us. mohamm mohammed, what's the latest? >> reporter: what we've seen emerge today is a startling tactic. and one that analysts here will only make that group more dangerous than it already is. >> my brothers come to jihad, i feel the happineiness that we'r feeling. >> reporter: this new and very glossy recruitment video which looks professionally shot and edited was produced by isis in english. it's taylor made to appear to americans. it features a 20-year-old british medical student who's traveled to syria. >> the pleasure of your lord, like our own you, sit in
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comfort, ask yourself is this wh how you want to die. >> analysts fear strategies like this may be working. >> it's significant that isis is using english. that means it has ambition to attack western countries. these videos attract certain people, young people who find violence exciting. last month, a 22-year-old from vero beach, florida, became the first american suicide bomber in syria. isis released clips showing the attack, declaring the feat of victory for them. u.s. officials say dozens of u.s. citizens are in syria. they're worried about the americans currently there and more concerned about the ones that might come back and plot attacks against the homeland. to that end twitter has become a front line in the propaganda war isis is touting.
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they tweet updates urging like minded britains to join them in iraq and syria. one asks how can you see pictures of babies blown to pieces and then question us why we come here. another post, families in the villages taken over by isis are slowly returning and settling in and are happy and relieved to see isis occupying. and then there's youtube where a steady stream of clips are posted, like this video, standing in solidarity with a group so brutal even al-qaeda has has disowned them. isis should be seen for what it really stands for. >> it is really important to treat this as you would a deadly virus. if there was a deadly virus anywhere in the world, it is threatening to all of humanity. so it needs to be treated as a virus that causes genocide.
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♪ >> reporter: wolf, it was just last month ep yo you and were discussing a really brutal video showing isis going on a horrific killing spree in iraq. the terrorism experts i'm speaking to today say it's not a surprise that they're shifting tactics. they believe if they show this softer side that they i'm be able to get more foreign recruits. >> reporting from beirut for us. thank you, mohammed. let's dig deeper into the situation in iraq and the threat from isis. we're joined now by the former iraqi ambassador to the united states. can you believe what is happening in your country after all of the suffering, the blood sweat and tears that have been invested, it has come down to this horrible situation right now? >> wolf, this is absolutely heartbreaking. iraq now is like a wagon which
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is right at the edge of a cliff. >> who's to blame? >> before we get into that, the two wheels, the front wheels of the wagon is already over the cliff. it will not take too much effort to push it over. it's right there. iraq could splinter, could dissent grate but it will take a lot of leaderships killing to get it back. >> let's look ahead. what needs to be done, then i'm going to ask you later, why did this happen. >> first, the enemy number one. terrorism is our mortal enemy. it's not only your mortal enemy, it's our mortal enemy. but the only way to defeat them even with 170,000 americans on the ground. the only way they could be defeated the first time around is to get the people on your side. to get the people on your side, you need a political solution. i'm very encouraged today by the
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announcement of grand ie toll la who has been a moderating influence who basically said we need a fresh start. >> let me ask you this question. it's a blunt question. the u.s. trained hundreds of thousands of iraqi security forces, police and military, provided the best reps, spent billions and billions of dollars, did everything possible to give political stability to maliki and his government. there's a few thousand rag tag terrorists come in from syria and they take over a city of 2 million people and the iraqi military flees, they rip off their uniforms and they throw down their weapons? >> here is the thing many american don't get. i was minister of interior in 2004. the americans put a lot of emphasis on training. but you cannot train people who are unqualified. the recruiting was done wrong.
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a lot of eczema lish shah men who were almost ill lit rate were given rank well beyond their capability. then there was corruption, people started buying military i rack for money, for american dollars. when you buy your position with dollars, that's an investment. you want to get that back. we had the or ren douse situation of iraqi army officers effectively kidnapping local people so they can collect money to release them. when you have an army like this, it's not invested in the defense of the country, invested in itself. >> do you have any confidence at all in the prime minister maliki? >> not all of the blame can be placed on mr. maliki. >> a lot of i can be. >> only 99% of it. >> he's got to go, right?
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>> if we have to have a political solution, which we must have in order to -- we have to -- we are right at the -- >> who can emerge as a leader of iraq? ahmed chalabi, his name has been thrown out? >> i'm not going to name a name. maliki is a caretaker prime minister because the government -- his mandate is finished. now the new parliament has to sit and there's got to be a new package agreed upon. we need to accelerate that. and to arrive at the solution -- >> you have confidence in ahmed chalabi? >> no. i'm at the point of saying practically everybody is going to be better than maliki. mali kick must go. but we must walk away, walk back from sectarian politics. as long as we have -- you see,
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maliki, the problem is, he used secretaryism as a tool of his power. we need politicians who walk away from that. who use the strength of the nation, not the weakness. >> you and i have had the conversation over the years. we spoke a lot when you were the ambassador here in washington. iraqis used to be iraqis. now they're sunnis, shee united states or curds. being iraqi is sort of way -- the ethnic religious sectarian split has exploded and i'm deeply concerned, mr. ambassador, that it's not going to be fixed. it's going to go on and on and on. >> i assure you iraqi nationalism is not dead. but what happens is when you have the extreme mists get into grips with the power, they polarize, they thrive on polarizing the nation. and actually the shiite
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extremists thrive on sunni extremists. we need to middle. there's a lot of it. it's just now marginalized. we need to revive it. i'm sure kit be done with the right leadership. >> we've been waiting since 2003. it hasn't been done right. >> with the right leadership and that's really the deficit that we have to make up. >> hope there can be the right leadership. i know you're a true iraqi patriot and you would like to see the country get some symbol and ord. don't leave yeed. >> who's the blame for the current crisis in iraq. we're going to speak to a top spokeman from the bush chaney area about the former vice president's scathing criticism of president obama. but a brand new entire view with president obama. our own kate bolduan has been over to the white house speaking to. president abiraq and other subjects.
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toad. >> sharing his remarks on iraq. we're joined now by dan senior. early on 2003 and 2004 he was in iraq as the bush administration's efforts were just getting under way. e. he was the chief spokesman for the authority. thanks very much for coming in. >> good to be with you? is he right when he said someone like dick cheney who got the u.s. into the war with a lot of bad information back in 2003 really just shut up right now and not give advice to the president? >> i'll say a couple of things, wolf. anybody who has experience dealing with iraq should be weighing in right now. >> even someone who made many blunders making predictions that turned out to be disasters? >> wolf, if senator king is right, that anybody who was for
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the original policy in iraq should quote shut up, he's talking to many of his colleagues in the united states senate, whether it's senate majority leader harry reid, the current secretary of state, secretaries clinton and kerry, it's his vice president joe biden. these are all people who were very supportive in the 2003 iraq war. >> the legislative branch depends on the executive branch for briefings and they were getting these briefings -- you remember that? >> they saw the same intelligence that the executive branch did. they would make their own independent decisions. there were members of the senate that vote against the iraq war. it's not like they were forced to vote for the war. many of these members of congress who are makes the points that senator king just made, i met with a number of them when i was in baghdad, 2003, 2004, there were congressional delegation trips that went over within we met with these members, we briefed them, walked them through the
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decisions that we made. they weren't critical. they were supportive. they were trying to help us out. now a lot of the second-guessing that you're hearing is just second, you know monday morning quarterbacking. >> i'm sure you're frustrated just like everyone to see what's going on. you heard my interview with the ambassador, the former iraqi ambassador here in washington. he sees his country being ripped apart right now, a city of 2 million people, the city of mosul now controlled by the isis terrorists. i'm going to play a little clip. this is back in 2004 when you were the chief spokesman for the coalition provisional authority and you were very optimistic as well. i want to get your reaction to the disappointment you must feel right now. listen to this. >> everyone was concerned about a civil war. it didn't happen. everyone is worried about humanitarian crisis. it didn't happen. in these war situations where
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there's some level of ambiguity to be expected with you have to give credit where credit is due. we're 15 months out of the war where we have a sovereign democratic government in iraq. >> you must be as frustrated, angry and disappointed as anyone. you had such high expectations, a lot of us did. >> the period in which that interview occurred, which is 2004, we then went through an extremely dark period in iraq where really the wheels came off. the bombing, you remember, the mosque in 2006, you had shiite malitia death squads going after sunni communities, sun sni terrorists affiliated with al-qae al-qaeda. the place was out of control. you go in 2006, hundreds of bodies lined up each night. in 2007 and 2008, president bush in the face of incredible unpopularity personally and
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politically, you know, developed a new strategy and powered a general david petraeus and turned this around. and the key lesson, the key take away there is that there is this complex connection in iraq between security and politics, between security and power. and our ability to influence the politi politics, the inclusive politics in iraq is directly connected to our ability to help provide security. you know, prime minister maliki who we're watching with great frustration right now. just a couple of years ago, about four years ago, had taken on shiite militias. and the sunnis had taken on radical sunnis. so we've seen this happen before. now i'm not suggesting for a moment we need anything on the scale of the serge. but if we want to have any influence with the iraqi government and do the sorts of things that the bam bas door
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were talking about, we need to have some security influence. >> all right. dan stein nor, we'll continue this conversation. thanks very much. >> good to be with you, wolf. we've got breaking news. the president has just wrapped up an interview with our own kate bolduan, one of the coanchors of "new day yts she's here in "the situation room." this was a good day after the president made a major announcement about sending u.s. troops to iraq. >> it was important to get the details about what we don't know about what the administration is going to do. i began the interview by asking him about the man at the center of this, prime minister maliki. you know just months ago. president commended the prime minister for ensuring a strong conclusive iraq. none of that has happened. why does the president think that any fix can happen in iraq
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if maliki is still in power. >> we gave iraq the chance to have an inclusive democracy. to work across sectarian lines to provide a better future for their children. and unfortunately what we've seen is a breakdown of trust. there has been a suspicion for quite some time now amongst sunnis that they had no access to, you know, using the political process to deal with their grievances. and that is in part a reason why a petter armed and larger number of iraqi security forces melted away when an extremist group, isis, started rolling through the western portions of iraq. so part of the task now is to
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see whether iraqi leaders are prepared to rise above sectarian motivations, come together, compromise. if they can't, there's not going to be a military solution to this problem. there's no amount of american fire power that's going to be able to hold the country together. and i made that very clear to mr. maliki and all of the other leadership inside of iraq. >> but by going into the country to support iraqi government and the forces now, there's a real risk that you will very well likely be seen as supporting the shiite side. isn't that inflaming the tension further and thus doing exactly what isis wants? >> actually not. because the terms in which we're willing to go in as advisers initially is to do an assessment of do they still have a functioning chain of command and is their military still capable, particularly in some of the
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western and northwestern regions of the country. but what we've also said is in a joint operation center that we might set up in anied a viedsing that we m -- advising that we may do, if we don't see june any, shiite political support for what we're doing, then we won't do it. the terms in which we send in the advisers would be dependent on us seeing that within the military and within the political structure that the there remains a commitment to a unified and inclusive iraqi government and armed forces. >> no matter what happens in iraq, can you realistically protect the national security interest of the united states without also going into syria, where this threat emanated from? >> i think it's important for us to distinguish between a counter terrorism effort that is
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ongoing, dealing with al-qaeda and the remnants that still exist, creating plat forms, taking targeted strikes where necessary, gathering intelligence. all that work has to be done, would have to be done even if the crisis in iraq wasn't occurring. and there's no doubt that the problem in syria is one that we've been paying a lot of attention to over the last couple of years. as you see see had ijihad diss from australia to get trained and then going back into their home countries. this is something we're deeply concerned about. par of the reason we're supporting an effort in syria is to make sure that there are forces that are countering some of the gains that some of these extremist organizations have made inside of syria. but that's different from whether we had the capacity, for example, to send ore own troops
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into syria. that's different from, you know, some of the decisions that we are making with respect to how do we pull iraq together. >> finally, do you really believe in your gut that this change can happen, that they can unify in iraq? >> i think we'll know soon enough. they don't have a lot of time. there's a timetable that is in place under their constitution. the good news is that so far all of the parties have said that we want to ie bide by the constitution. you had the prem eminent shia leader inside of iraq saying we need to follow the constitutional order and form a government quickly. so they had the chance. but, you know, ultimately what i think the vast majority of
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americans understand is that we can't do it for them and we certainly can't redeploy tens of thousands of u.s. troops to try to keep a lid on the problem if the people themselves don't want to solve it. >> kate, good interview. i know that's just part of it. the full interview is going to run monday morning on "new day." i didn't get the sense when you asked him about his gut instincts that he's very upbeat. it doesn't sound like he has a lot of confidence in the prime minister. >> i totally agree. political reconciliation has escaped the down triforever. he said we don't have a lot of time and he even said yesterday in announcing what's going to happen, there's too much mistrust and suspicion in iraqis. how is that going to change overnight with the same man in power. >> last november you and i discuss that. maliki came to washington, went to the white house, sat with the president in the oval office and
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there were glowing comments from the president about how thing were moving in the right direction and all of the sudden, a few months later we see this disaster that has unfolded. >> one interesting detail that i had not heard is when i said aren't you going to be seen as supporting one saide or the othr and he said no. they are going to need to see, he says, sunni representation, shia representation and kurd representation. i have not heard that yet. that sounds difficult to pull off in its. that goes in the wait and see category if that's possible. that is part of the interview. we had a fascinating conversation, wolf, really interesting talking about domestic issues, how to balance work and life and make it work. they're having a working families summit on monday. it gets personal and interesting and offers a lit bit of advice for first time parents.
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>> like you and michael getting ready to be first time parents. >> exactly. >> monday morning, 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. "new day" the entire interview will air. just ahead, a key critic of the bush administration's handling of iraq weighs in on president obama's handling of the current crisis and the deployment of u.s. military advisers. for your sacrifice and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. ♪
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we just heard the president of the united states in that interview with kate bolduan, suggested it's now up to the iraqis themselves. the united states simply can't do the work of what the iraqis need to do to bring some semblance of peace and security to that country. let's get some reaction. joining us is joe wilson, was the former chief admission in baghdad. a war that all of us covered at the time. ambassador, thanks very much for joining us. >> good to be with you, wolf. >> what do you think of the president's strategy right now, deploying another 300 special operations forces, advisers, if you will, to go back to iraq right now to help the iraqis? >> well, i'm not sure what i -- if i understand the mission. as i heard it describe earlier today on your show and then by the president, it's to go in and
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sort of assess whether or not the training that we gave the iraqi military for eight years has taken hold, if they can effectively function as a military service. the problem with that, it seems to me as the mission, is it will be seen by the sunnis as our taking sides against them in a sectarian conflict, something which others on your show have already spoken to earlier today and in other days. >> so what advice would you give in. >> the extent to which we're in there at all, it should be strictly focus tond terrorists mission, the decapitation of isis or isil, whichever you want to call it and stay away from the widespread attacks on the sunni uprising which is backing the type of the spear. >> is it going to make a difference, given all of the
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effort that the u.s. has made going back to 2003, we see the disaster there right now. a lot of folks are simply saying, it doesn't make any difference what the u.s. is going to do. there are hundreds of years of animosity, hatred between many groups. is it going to make a difference, no matter how much the u.s. spends, no matter how many u.s. troops are involved in. >> i think iraq is in a pearless position right now. you're right to suggest that u.s. involvement at any level may not make a long term difference. certainly at the military level i don't think it will make a long term difference. they waited us out during the occupation. i ghuz baghdad in between. it was a powder keg, going through these check points it was so serious my security detail wouldn't allow me to go one block off of the main road to see my old house or my former
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embassy in baghdad. that's how perilless it was then. we still had 40,000 troops there. this has been building for quite a while. we ought to be preparing for the worst scenario, bolstering our alleys in the country, because there may be many more refugees in the next six to 12 months. >> are we on the verge of seeing three new countries develop inside iraq, a sunni, a shia and a kurd? >> i don't see the nelson mandela on the horizon that could bring the three parties that have been irreconcilable for hundreds of years together in a common union at this stage. maybe there's one out there. but i certainly don't see that person, that leadership. >> i agree. i don't see that person either. joe wilson who was the acting u.s. ambassador to iraq in 1991,
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missing e-mails are acting like a gas on a fire heating up a house meeting. dana bash has details. >> the irs scandal had died down but at the hear, it shows that there is still life on this issue. regular order -- >> in the annals of white hot moments this ranks high. >> this is a pattern of abuse. a pattern of behavior that is
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not giving us any confidence that this agency is being partial. i don't believe you. this is incredible. >> i had a long career. that's first time that anybody has said they don't believe me. >> i don't believe you. >> reporter: paul ryan is usually more policy wog than attack dog but not here. >> you asked taxpayers to hang on to seven years of personal tax information in case they are add itted but you can't keep six months of employee e-mails. >> reporter: two years of e-mails have vanished because a hard drive crashed. e-mails from the same time frame that the irs targeted the tea party and other groups. >> the hard drive after it was determined it was dysfunctional and no e-mails could be retrieved was oiked and destroyed. >> was it physically destroyed? >> that's my understanding.
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>> was it melted down? >> i have no idea. this was three years ago. >> reporter: the irs commissioner said that learner, herself worked with i.t. and an irs criminal forensics lab to restore the e-mails but they couldn't. beyond the question of what happened is whether the irs purposefully kept congress in the dark that e-mails were lost. fueling g.o.p. accusations of coverup. >> there has been no attempt to keep it a secret movement position has been that when we provide information we should provide it completely if we provide you incomplete information people are tempted to leap to the wrong conclusion. >> reporter: it was testy right out of the gate. >> what i didn't hear in that is an apology to this committee. >> i don't think that an apology is owed. >> reporter: he tried to give as good as he got. >> the only thing is it missing is oliver stone.
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how about area 51 in roswell, new mexico where the space aliens came. have you had responsibility for that? >> no. >> have you ever had custody of the president's birth certificate? >> no. >> reporter: when this irs scandal broke, republicans joined the democrats at their outrage but no measure. the democrats are brushing this off as yet another republican partisan witch hunt, something that does gin up the base. >> fireworks on capitol hill. thanks very much. just ahead, members of team usa set to play a critical world cup match. did you know, your eyes can lose vital nutrients as you age?
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right now, world cup fans are gearing up for a must-win game for team usa. they play portugal on sunday. it could be a tough match. we are in brazil. set the scene for us. >> reporter: this is what you need to know right now. the u.s. team have left their base in sao paulo and flown to the middle of the amazon rain forest. they have one night and a day to aclimatize to the really crazy humidity they'll have to play in. this is the type of humidity that can be so draining on a player's body. it could come down to a battle of fitness and conditions. that's what we could be seeing. we want to keep our eye on clint dempsey. he is only breathe out of one nostril. he is a key role on this team,
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wolf. >> you have the best assignment in broadcast journalism right now. we'll check back with you on monday. thanks very much and join us monday in the situation room. i'm wolf blitzer reporting. erin burnett "outfront" starts erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- the president gives a warning to iraqi leaders. and a showdown on capitol hill. paul ryan tells the head of the irs that, quote, nobody believes you. and is the pope wrong when it comes to pot? he speaks out. let's go "outfront." good evening, everyone i'm erin burnett "outfront" breaking news. president obama taking to kate bolduan moments ago about the effect lates chaos and violence in iraq. he delivered this warning to t
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