tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN June 20, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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wolf. >> you have the best assignment in broadcast journalism right now. we'll check back with you on monday. thanks very much and join us monday in the situation room. i'm wolf blitzer reporting. erin burnett "outfront" starts erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- the president gives a warning to iraqi leaders. and a showdown on capitol hill. paul ryan tells the head of the irs that, quote, nobody believes you. and is the pope wrong when it comes to pot? he speaks out. let's go "outfront." good evening, everyone i'm erin burnett "outfront" breaking news. president obama taking to kate bolduan moments ago about the effect lates chaos and violence in iraq. he delivered this warning to the
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leaders of the country. >> if they're not able to use this moment where there has been an election that has been certified to form a government that is unified and focused on not maximizing any one group's power but rather keeping the country together in dealing with a crisis, then there's no amount of american fire power that's going to be able to hold the country together and i made that very clear to mr. maliki. >> but still, fire power perhaps going in. 300 military advisers set to arrive in iraq in hours. as the military strikes, isis is make gains and today this new propaganda video from isis. this isn't the blurry video that you expect to see. it's high-definition and highly produced. they have multiple cameras,
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edited, cut together and it's in english, calling on western muslims to join the fight. that's obviously a crucial development when you think about recruiting in the united states and europe. how involved will the obama administration get? kate joins me now from washington. what else did the president tell you? >> following up on his warning to iraqi leaders i asked him by going into the country and supporting the iraqi government and iraqi forces, isn't there a real threat that he's going to be seen supporting one side, the side of the shia that could inflame the tensions there and do what the isis terrorists want. here's what he said. >> the terms in which we are willing to go in as advisers is to initially do an assessment of do they still have a functioning chain of command and is their military still capable particularly in the western and northwestern regions of the
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country but it's what we've also say is that is in a joint operations center that we might set up in any advising that we may do, if we don't see sunni, shia and kurd representation in the military command structure and sunni, see yeah and kurd political sport for what we're doing then we won't do it. >> i asked him to give me his gut if change can come to iraq. he said i think we'll see soon enough but he seemed skeptical at best i guess that's what history has proven all along that political reconciliation has been so elusive. we have more on iraq of course. we talked very interesting conversation about issues facing families that they struggle with the balance between work life, family life. it's all ahead of a summit for working families.
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he gives advice to first-time parents like me. >> i'm looking forward to seeing that. that is monday with kate on "new day." but on this issue of iraq what happens next. the president said no amount of american forces can solve the problem. what is he going to do? jim sciutto reports. >> reporter: iraq is a country at war. today, isis militants gained ground, attacking an air base at tal afar at mosul while iraqi security forces regained control of a crucial oil refinery at baiji. the shia dominated government has furthered a deep sectarian divide between the sunni, shia and kurds. tearing the country apart. >> we cannot defend iraqis from
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themselves only if the leaders show unity can we help them. >> reporter: though few see maliki as an art ticket of unity, they are not calling for his ouster. not so for the -- when he called for an inclusive government without mentioning the prime minister's game. >> translator: it is also important that open a dialogue to help form a government largely acceptable to all in order to surmount past mistakes. >> reporter: isis militants now control this age chemical weapons site. the u.s. officials say it is not a threat. the american troop presence this iraq will build up very quickly the first to come from forces already stationed at the u.s. embassy there. others to follow very soon from inside the region. their mission to deploy to iraqi
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baa italian headquarters to help coordinate iraq's military response. >> we not been present inside iraq without any mass since 2007. there is a lot to gain here. >> they will look at what security measures might be needed to keep the troops safe. the pentagon has identified two preliminary locations in baghdad and northern iraq for joint u.s.-iraqi operations centers. but they are not saying exactly where they are. it's the early start of a long process here. >> of course it makes people think back to what was a long war. and joining me now, a form you director of the cia, former director of the nsa. general, let me start with this issue as jim and i were talking about. up to 300 military advisers some on the ground atmy moment.
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there is an issue of is that boots on the ground, a distinction without a difference. isis is taking over huge swaths of the country. how are 300 people going to stop it? >> they're not. the president is spot on, i think. you need an assessment of the situation not just an assessment of the enemy and isis. it's an assessment of the iraqi government and the iraqi armed forces. are they going to live up to the description that the president laid down in unified, national government? and frankly there were times when i was in government we thought the iraqis were 0 for 3 on those attributes. >> if they still are what will this president have to do? he has said that dealing with this isil, as he called it, is in the essential national interests of the united states. >> we also have an interest in
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making sure we don't have a safe haven that continues to grow for isil and other extremist jihadist groups who could use that as a base of operations for planning and targeting ourselves, our personnel overseas and eventually the homeland. >> so if he's right and iraqi troops could be 0 for 3 on what they need to fight how does the u.s. avoid a larger entanglement in iraq. >> the best way to prevent a terrorist safe haven is to have a healthy iraqi government. and jim said that the president is skeptical about that. and frankly, i am too. this is not my wish, erin. it's certainly not the plan. but i can see iraq permanently fracturing into three parts, kurdistan, what i'll call a
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sunnistan and the remnants of the current iraq which is a shiastan. that's not good. >> but at this point why does america need to care? why does america need to put lives at risk to prevent iraq breaking up into three? >> because one of the threes parts will be a safe haven for the most violent terrorist movement alive today and it will be only a matter of time before that sunnistan which is the territory of both countries now, before that sunnistan represents the kind of threat to the west and to the united states that we saw in afghanistan pre-9/11. >> so does the president if troops are needed, boots on the ground, we're not putting them in but kind of are, if that is necessary, he should do it? >> no, i think what he is doing right now is spot on, as i said,
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we're assessing the situation. look, we cannot reunify iraq. that can't be done. it has to be done by the iraqis and as i suggested it's not a high probability shot. if that fails we have to consult our own interests. how do we deal with that sunni, fanatic state that is going to exist in western iraq and eastern syria? and there, there we might have to act on our own. will it me be slightly overdramatic here, erin. we may have to treat the sunnistan the way we have been forced to treat we jeer stan -- >> with drone attacks. and what is happening here and isis or isil is described as a splinter group of al qaeda. they agree on things but a
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different command instruct. and you wrote about the fight against al qaeda on balance we are doing pretty well, near strategic defeat of al qaeda in iraq and significant setbacks for al qaeda globally and as lot 06 the islamic world pushes back on their form of islam. things changed dramatically. what went so wrong? >> what went wrong and it's tied to the arab awarening or arab spring that unleashed forces in the arab islamic world. but fundamentally in iraq we took the training wheels off too early with the maliki government. when we were contemplating the surge we knew that nuri
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almaliki -- that's why president bush had video conferences every two weeks, doing coaching and mentoring. we stopped that in '09 and cut maliki loose and he cut us loose in 2011 and frankly what's happened probably wasn't inevitable but it was certainly predictable. >> in the run up to the iraq war a question of what we know right now, at that time you saw the intelligence, you supported that war. we all know that intelligence when it came to wmd was dead wrong. how do we test the u.s. intelligence now on isis and what risk they pose when we are considering putting american lives at risk there. >> sure, and i understand the question. we give it our best shot then and we got it wrong. and frankly i don't regret so much getting it wrong. i certainly regret. that i regret we didn't communicate our ambiguity to
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policymakers. they came away with a higher confidence level in our judgments than frankly was warranted. so this intelligence policy dialogue is manager that happens every day. intelligence gives the policymaker its best estimate but it needs also to communicate to the policymaker any shades of doubt that intelligence still has. and frankly, i think that's going on now. >> general, thank you very much. good seeing you as always. "outfront" next, new isis recruitment video targeted at english speakers. we'll show it to you. could bowe bergdahl have been freed without anyone leaving guantanamo bay? and this eccentric tycoon wants to buy lunch for millions of americans.
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offensive in iraq. supporters of the jihadist group has released videos on facebook, twitter and youtube with their extremist message. their latest salvo, a slickly produced recruitment video shot in high-definition and camerawork and editing to rival a professional production. it shows a group of isis fighters, five young men claiming to be from britain and australia speak english and urging people to join their cause. >> all my brothers living in the west; i know how i used to feel when i lived there. you feel depressed. >> reporter: the footage appears to have been shot recently in syria as the circle of men talk about waging war in iraq.
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there are other videos of support too, some in different languages like this french speaking militant who calls on muslims in france to join the jihad. experts say while isis isn't the first extremist group to build support online they may be the most savvy to date as social media is an important tool for extremist groups. >> 95% of terrorist groups today use facebook, use things like twitter, so this is a huge, huge way for groups to collect information. it's a huge way for them to finance and get people to provide assistance to recruit members. social media is where it's at. >> reporter: how can social media sites let this happen? beth stone is one of twitter's founders. while he is no longer with the site he believes that twitter has to remain neutral. >> if you want the freedom of
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kprens for hundreds of millions of people around the world you have to take the good with the bad. >> reporter: on friday isis supporters aimed to get 1 billion muslims posting to support the islamic state. while there were thousands of posts, many supporters tweeting photos of themselves holding up signs of solidarity at landmarks in spain, france, and the uk, they did fall dramatically short of their goal of a billion. and many other muslims took to sites like twitter to voice their opposition with the #notoisis. >> the propaganda, is it a dangerous recruitment tool? joining me is james spyder marks. i guess they are using the internet to recruit. that makes sense. it's easy to do it and post it. but how effective is it?
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>> i think it's pretty effective. absolutely. not only is the packaging awfully compelling, certainly the message goes to lead generation. there is a huge population of individuals they're going after. so they've got some leads. they have a compelling narrative. now they just have to close the deal and get them on board. it's like any other recruiting operation that exists. so it's effective. but what i'm seeing when this is this is a message that's intended for us. it's a forum to give us pause and a furthermore of intimidation. there is enough recruiting taking place organically. >> they don't need the videos, right. >> there is enough of a compelling narrative to join the ranks. >> it's not so much targeted as english speakers joining up although there are some of those, but more at policymakers
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and lawmakers and media? >> well, absolutely. and you look at the demographics. i mean, these are 18 to 26-years-old and in many cases they are disenfranchised and now they are mad as hell and they've got brothers and they've got a shared goals. it's an organization that coalesces. >> we have been doing a lot of reporting on this. it's amazing what you can find. they are using twitter, facebook, whatsapp raising money for jihad. this stuff is not hard to find. what about these companies? michael holmes, the co found over twitter said you have to take the good with the bad. do these companies have a responsibility not to post these videos on youtube? >> that good the bad comment is total bs. i see big red lights going off. there are editorial boards that exist everywhere and stuff hits the floor all the time because
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it doesn't pass muster. it doesn't have the intellectual content or match the story line they provide. you is to be kidding me that the co-founder of twitter thinks there is a good with the bad. he's got some moral dilemma. are you kidding me? he has to do his level best to cut that out and make it absolutely not available to be used. clearly, it's not going to be a complete panacea. but they need to work at this. i just -- i don't get it. i don't get this editorial freedom that he is speaking about. where else does that exist in medi media. >> you have google with do no evil and -- >> thanks, erin. >> the deal to swap five taliban commanders for sergeant bowe bergdahl may not have been the only option that the white house
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was considering. the "wall street journal" reports there were other option include just paying a ransom. >> burg call is eating and sleeping on a normal schedule. he is interacting with a small staff of fewer than 12 people and speaking to a group of professionals about his years in captivity. key information could be used to determine if bergdahl did desert his platoon. and bergdahl is not the only one who has got a hero's welcome after being held in captivity. >> reporter: on january 5, 1965, charles jenkins made what he would later call the biggest
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mistake of his life. that night the 24-year-old army sergeant chugged ten beers and went on a security patrol on the korean demilitarized zone. >> he wasn't thinking rationally. but he fuelled up on ten cans of beers and his plan was simply to walk across the dmz and give himself up. >> reporter: the army was about to send jenkins to the vietnam war and he said he couldn't handle the pressure. so he deserted the u.s. army and walked into a kaeld war nightmare. as crazy as this might sound he thought he could walk into north korea, turn himself over to the russians who would send him back to the united states to face a court-martial. instead he spent 40 years as a prisoner in the north korean regime. >> that was his plan and it made sense to him.
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>> reporter: jim frederick met charles jenkins after his release from north korea. >> it's out of a bond movie. it's unbelievable but it happens to be true. >> reporter: jenkins was forced to read the writings of north korean leaders eight ours a day and forced to teach spies english. he met and married a japanese woman. she was abducted off the streets of japan to also teach spies. and in 2004 the north koreaen released the couple and their two daughters. jenkins turned himself in to face charges. but the release made a minor splash in the u.s. when he returned to north carolina for the first time. >> i feel very happy. >> reporter: the u.s. army sympathized cutting a plea deal, he was dishonorably discharged and spent less than 30 days in jail. >> it wasn't a heroes welcome.
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he was never celebrated as a hero. but he was gone for 40 years and most people understood he suffered mightily and made this gigantic mistake. >> as you know i have made peace with the u.s. army. >> they said time served. 40 years in north korea is time serve bud you have to do 30 days here in this jail and go live your life and have a good life. >> whether he is charged as a deserter or not, bowe bergdahl is coming home to a highly politicized atmosphere after years of captivity, will bowe bergdahl find the peace that charles jenkins found late in life. >> and i want to let you know that charles jenkins after his time in the u.s. jail now lives with his wife on an island off the coast of japan. still to come, what the pope thinks about legalizing pot.
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kevin savat are all here. great to have all of you with us. father beck let me start with you, this pope not afraid to break with convention and savvy in terms of his weighing in on issues that people are talking about right now. drugs and marijuana are one of them. why put his foot down here, though? >> he is a moral religious leader and sees it as deleterious to societies and individuals. addiction is destructive. he has seen what it can do and doesn't want it to advance any more than it can. 4.7 million people in this country say they are marijuana addicted or dependent. that increases the health care costs. that increases all of the addictive behavior that we see and increases crime as you begin to legalize it in places like amsterdam. he says as pastor i can't say yes to this. why would we legalize this?
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>> and brian, you heard the number. the 4.7 million in the u.s. but it is still considered -- still an illegal drug. a schedule one controlled substance. does the pope have a point? >> the pope is dead wrong on this. but fortunately for him i think it's a sin of ignorance. if the pope cares about the least among us he should understand it is drug laws that do enormous amount of damage to the least among us through arrest and families that are destroyed. a modern pope should understand that sins should not always be crimes. and the same what that they have made peace with alcohol he should make peace with marijuana and should not discourage ruining the lives of the least well off in this crusade against drugs. >> kevin? >> i think the pope realizes
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this is a bad policy. i was struck about the comments beyond the evil quote him talking about how this has not worked out well in places it has been tried and talked about the negative effects from a congress convertible point of view. he sees this as the next big tobacco industry for our country and world. and talk about the least among us it's the massive corporations starting the funding groups and wall street groups putting these edibles and cookies and candies on the market in colorado that are copying major brand name to look like cookies and candies that are preying on the least among us. if you look at minority neighborhoods in this country taken talk about deleterious effects why are there eight times as many liquor stores in poor communities in this country an upper class communities?
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these industries prey on the least among us. >> marijuana can help people who are very ill and to the point that brian made there are a lot of people who end up in jail for these kind of infractions who might otherwise might not end up in jail and have productive lives. >> medical marijuana is different from what the pope is talk about. he is talk about legalizing it for recreational use. i had a mother die of lung cairns. 50 of the ingredients are the same as in tobacco smoke. you are killing people more quickly by legalizing marijuana. it leads to harder drug use. i have seen in the my ministry. i think that the pope is on target. >> and -- >> there have been studies about leading to harder drug use. but are those people who would go in that direction anyway or more likely to be addicts. but there are studies that do
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show that. >> i mean, look, the issue is this is not a question. this does not have a to be a choice between incarceration, and i share his concerns. we don't want to incars right our way out of a health situation. let's see what the medical components are valuable in neighbor, deliver them at a pharmacy with a well-known composition so we know what it is. we don't need to incarcerate or legalize to have sensible policy. >> i want to play something for you, brian. this is an interesting thing, chris christie is dealing with in the state of new jersey as are governors across the country but it's he was talking about this issue between medical marijuana or having medical marijuana was a slippery slope to full legalization of marijuana which is a big question. here's what he said back in april. i want to compare them. >> what there is a huge demand for is marijuana. not medical marijuana, see,
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because when we run a medically based program you don't see the demand. see if you want to live in colorado where there are shops in ercorner and people flying in to get high. it's not quality of life that we want to have here in the state of new jersey and no tax revenue is worth that. >> while we have dozens of states now that have legalized medical we have two that have fully legalized. but if it is a slippery slope it should be. because colorado and washington have both recognized there is nothing to be gained by keeping the drugs illegal and a lot to lose for countries like mexico who are in chaos over the violence that illegal drugs create for the millions of lives ruined by arrests for something this stupid. i hope that christie is right and the rest of the world realizes that the war on drug is not --
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>> what about christie's points -- >> for every dollar -- >> the tax revenue will pale by comparison to the cost. for alcohol and tobacco for every dollar in taxes it costs us ten in social costs. the lottery and other things are the same thing. >> and the trial we have spent on the war on drugs. >> we can work on the -- the worst parts of those, we have to have drug treatment course and reentry programs and increased treatment and prevention. but you are giving us a false choice -- >> and what -- >> or legalization on -- >> but what about -- >> it's not the two extremes. >> but what about what it says morally? the pope says that happiness and fulfillment is not going to be found here. they there are deeper issues you is to get to. recreational drug use is not going to solve your problems. >> in the pope's own words, the
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deeper issues are justice, the values that build up life and giving people hope for the future and arresting people for drug use destroys all those values. i think it's a sin of ignorance for the pope and i hope he learns better. still "outfront." a cnn reporter roughed up in the middle of a violent protest. and a shouting match on capitol hill. this one was pretty great to watch. >> i don't believe you. this is incredible. >> i have a long career. that's the first time that anybody has said they do not believe me. >> i don't believe you. [ male announcer ] this is kevin. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. >> i don't believe you. ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve.
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>> reporter: in the annals of white hot moments on capitol hill this irs hearing ranks high. >> this is a pattern of abuse, a pattern of behavior that is not giving us any confidence that this agency is being impartial. i don't believe you. this is incredible. >> i have a long career. that's the first time that anybody has said they do not believe me. >> i don't believe you. >> reporter: former republican vp candidate paul ryan is usually a policy wog not an attack dog but not case here. >> you can't keep six months worth of employee e-mails. >> reporter: he was pushed on irs claims that two years of e-mails from lois learner vanished because learner's hard drive crashed e-mails from the
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same time that the irs targeted the tea party and other groups. >> the hard drive after it was determined to be dysfunctional was recycled and destroyed in the normal process. this was -- >> so was it physically destroyed? >> that's my understanding. >> was it melted down? >> i have no idea what the recycler does with it. >> reporter: the irs commissioner says that learner worked with i.t. and an irs criminal forensics lab to restore the e-mails but they couldn't. beyond the question of what happened to the e-mails was whether that the irs kept congress in the dark that e-mails were lost fueling accusations of coverup. >> there is no attempt to keep at secret. my position has been that when we have provided information we provide it completely. >> reporter: it was testy right out of the gate. >> what i didn't hear in that is
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an apology to this committee. >> i don't think an apology is owed. >> reporter: he tried to give as good as he got. >> could the witness answer the question? >> reporter: they mocked the republicans for obsessing over conspiracy theories? >> all that is missing is area 51. have you ever had custody of the president's birth certificate? >> no. >> reporter: when the irs sc scandal broke it was both parties but no more. this is something that really energizes them. erin? >> amazing to watch all. that. tensioning running high on the streets of the west bank. we want to show you this. just incredible that this happened and is on tape. you will meet the chinese
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millionaire who plans on giving away a portion of his fortune. and is this man too good looking for jail? hundreds of woman say yes. [ male announcer ] it's one of the most amazing things we build and it doesn't even fly. we build it in classrooms and exhibit halls, mentoring tomorrow's innovators. we build it raising roofs, preserving habitats and serving america's veterans. every day, thousands of boeing volunteers help make their communities the best they can be. building something better for all of us. ♪
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kidnappings of three israeli teens on june 12th. ben was there covering the hamas affiliated protesters when all of a sudden, the crowd turned and a news crew found themselves getting roughed up. he was out front in jerusalem and ben, what happened? >> erin, we've gone to the southern west bank city nearby where on the 12th of june those three israeli teenagers were kidnapped. we went to cover a protest by hamas members and sympathizers in solidarity with palestinian pr prisoners, some of whom have been on a hunger strike for 150 days. as we were filming this protest, there was a large security presence by the palestinian authority, and at a certain point, i heard one of the plain clothes policemen on the scene saying to another in abbic, grab that camera and grab that camera man.
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i ran up to our camera man and told him it's time to go then all pandemonium broke out. >> he's going to take your camera now, go, go, go, go! [speaking foreign language]. >> we eventually got our camera back after quite a struggle. the crew is fine, just a few bruises and scratches, however, the camera is in pieces and is not going to be seeing service again, erin? >> all right. ben, thank you. crowds can turn just so quickly. now to a much lighter story, jeremy meeks apparently the hottest thing on the web today if you look he's on the trending list. i'm looking right now. you don't know the name, you might have seen his face. this mug shot of meeks received more than 75,000 lakes and 10,000 shares since it was posted online. meeks is currently in custody on
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felony weapons charges. so you know, we don't know how serious or significant that is, but it has not stopped thousands of adoring women and men from lusting after him. >> blue eyes, full lips and a strong jaw line. >> this guy's eyes lips and chiselled face were a hit with the ladies. >> wow, wow, come to mama, he's hot, all that stuff. >> matt likes him. which brings us to tonight's number, 87, that's the number that have donated online to help spring meeks from jail. most of them anonymous. there could be a matt lauer among them. his mother launched a facebook page to help lunch his million dollar bail. could be a serious infringement but his fans kicked in only $1500. the singing tycoon that wants to give away millions in america. ♪ ♪ ♪
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4:58 pm
while holding a bicycle. i know, doesn't make much sense. singing is his stick, this a new york press conference when he announced he wanted to buy "the new york times." the times say thanks but no thanks. he took out a full page ad to announce he's not only buying lunch for a thousand homeless people in central park's boat house restaurant but giving them $300 each. yes, there is a free lunch and it comes with a large tip. you are a friend of chen. >> yes. >> reporter: he is helping chen organize the lunch. he says it will cost more than $8 million and says more than 2,000 people have already rsvp d yes whiez does he want to buy lunch for 1,000 homeless people?
4:59 pm
>> translator: his style unique, the recycling mag innocent worth over $800 million. he gave millions to earthquake efforts in china that killed more than 80,000 people, even carrying some victims on his back. his business card made him even more famous when it made the rounds online, among other things it claims he's not only the most charismatic phila philantropist of china. his face on every can in beijing. i'm making an exaggerated point he says, if we don't start protecting our air, our descendants will all have to ware gas masks. no gas masks here, he partnered with a mission for the lunch where no donation is ignored.
5:00 pm
>> partly, it seemed like a crazy idea but i like crazy and we felt our philosophy really is we'll work with anyone for the right cause. >> reporter: the cause most definitely right, but with the new york post calling his idea fortune cooky, he's made a splash, now he has to swim. >> that's just a fantastic story. thanks everyone for watching. have a wonderful weekend. anderson starts now. good evening. john berman sitting in for anderson. battling and about to get american help. >> back home it's about saving homes. people in the midwest getting more rain in hours than they usually see in weeks and watching their waterfront property take a dive. also tonight, we were told they were the faces of the future. we were told to be terrified of wolf packs and wilding and young
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