tv Your Money CNN June 21, 2014 11:30am-12:01pm PDT
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titans of business and the economy defending their realms. i'm christine romans this is cnn's money from the nation's capital to wall street to cannes, france. it was the week of the titans, but titans sometimes have a lot to ask for. marissa mayer bombing. in cannes. mayer, the poster child for women and tech, the company's internal diversity report finds 37% of yahoo!'s workforce is female. 15% have tech johns, 13% are in leadership roles. far from france, gm's ceo
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mary barra grilled on capitol hill. a company spokesperson not convinced that general motors has done enough. >> when i go through this, it looks like a lot more than 15 people should have been terminate. >> it's not clear to me that any senior level manager has been held responsible for the gm corporate culture that allowed the ignition switch defect to go unaddressed for years. >> mary barra wants to focus on the new gm but many not ready to turn the page. that as janet yellen turns the page on the company, wall streeting hearing her tirades. but as the fed winds down, it's bond buying we are in uncharted waters. and no one knows what it looks like on the other side. cristina leesh.
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and cristina, welcome. usually the presentations are fun they're lighthearted, there's a certain tone, a tone she did not take. check out this yahoo! tweet, am i at a sales pitch? marissa mayer doing a hard sell on yahoo!. know your audience. is this is a marissa meyer who is not up for it? >> remember, owning a large stake in alibaba. let's put this into context she has been criticized for not having a great reputation with madison avenue for a long time. >> right. >> and earlier this year, she fired the top executive in charge of that relationship,
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assuming it for herself. then this presentation at cannes, it seems to indicate that she's going to have trouble with madison avenue. they're not giving her an easy right there. >> results, you're right, a presentation is one thing. easy to be criticized when you're delivering results. in yahoo! trying to capture cool. these kind of the fashion conscious ceo. she got a lot of attention for that. it say bunch of dudes running the place. it's a bunch of programmers. does that hurt what she's trying to do? >> from her standpoint, she's got to boost advertising so she's focused on that. as far as the programmers go, she's got to change that. the problem with industry sources as you know, there say limited supply of female programmers, right? not much has been said about that at all. >> to be fair, this is an industrywide problem. google has also said their corporate culture is not one
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where they have women. they have even fewer women in leadership roles. you look at facebook, their ceo, cheryl sandburg and google is struggling with that lack of diversity from a gender perspective. >> let's talk about another woman running a big company, mary barra on capitol hill, he runs gm. company sales are surging. its stock is up since the recall. let's talk about mary barra for a minute. has mary barra done enough to help gm drive on here? >> i think she's done enough when you look at wall street and the average consumer, even though there's all the this outrage about the recall. i mean, let's be honest, i think the congressional hearings, it's a bit of a dog and pony show. >> no? here, in washington? >> i know in washington, the circus and the capitol, big surprise there. i think barra's been acting tougher in her presenting as lately. she's taking accountability.
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the problem, though, is, because she was a gm insider she was there when all the problems are going on, it's going to be very difficult for her to escape the criticism. but as you point out, it hasn't really impacted sales yet. it hasn't really impacted the value, resell value of the limited cars recalled. and this could change the game. and actually force carmakers to really get serious about recalls. >> last titan, paul, and the titan is not you. it's janet yellen. wall street loved her messages. the job market is and it's different for janet yellen. >> a lot of things she said was greenspanesque. you didn't have a clue what she was talking about. >> you had to listen to it three times. >> i think that's great.
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from the press conference, someone asked hear wat a considerable period of time you might see price hikes. she actually put a number on it and wall street freaked out. now, everyone tried to goad here into doing that again. she said there's no mechanical form plan. >> it's nice to see both of you, paul and christina. the fed said the job as a matter of fact improving. the s&p 500 at a record high. and fedex is shipping stuff like crazy these are all good signs for the economy. okay. so why aren't you feeling it? that's next. it's just the strangest thing... the warning signs of alzheimer's disease, may be right in front of you. it's alright baby. for help and information, call the alzheimer's association or visit
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[ female announcer ] stay strong, stay active with boost. grandpa! [ male announcer ] it's one of the most amazing things we build and it doesn't even fly. we build it in classrooms and exhibit halls, mentoring tomorrow's innovators. we build it raising roofs, preserving habitats and serving america's veterans. every day, thousands of boeing volunteers help make their communities the best they can be. building something better for all of us. ♪ the federal reserve says economic growth has rebounded in recent months. that's not to say there aren't a few storm clouds, of course. the situation in iraq has rattled markets and pushed oil prices to nine-month highs.
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inflation is creeping high. may consumer prices rose at their fastest pace in more than a year. and the housing market could be slowing. construction on new homes slid 6.5% last month. so you're telling me you're not feeling an economic recovery. but when i talk to business leaders, they tell me the economy is better than you think, just ask commercial secretary penny priscle. she said some of challenges are some of the biggest opportunities. >> immigration to me, it's a moral imperative and economic opportunity. and something that we need to get done. and if you look at the economic opportunity there, estimates are $1.4 trillion positive for our economy. and bring 11 million, you know, individuals out of the shadows into our economy. think of the impact on housing. think of the impact on consumer confidence.
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>> do you think the economy might be a little stronger than we think? could things be strong than our post psychology might admit? >> i think it's a wonderful time to invest in the united states. great rule of law, intellectual property protection. stable financial markets. access to capital and extraordinary workforce. low cost and abundant energy. so we have a lot going for us. but we do have to do some things. we do have to invest in infrastructure. we are at some point -- we're on a trajectory to have 100 million travelers, foreign travelers, to the united states. which also creates good jobs. >> right. >> in this country. but we need to have airports that can handle that. we need to have roads that can handle the growth in goods and services. >> as a businesswoman, as someone who understands how business works is it a good idea to have the government mandate a higher wage? i know the official position of
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the administration is $10.10. some workers are asking for $15. from the business owner perspective, is it a good idea? >> you know what's been interesting, i have not heard from any business leader about this issue. so i think there's a recognition that where minimum wage is today is insufficient. and that something needs to be done. and i think if -- if you thought about, if you go to $10.10, that's 16.5 million people would benefit from that. 900,000 out of poverty. that's got to be good for our economy. all right. let's talk about this ken rogoff is a halve area professor and our friend greg valair. ken, research group said the economy is better than we think. the fed is predicting 6% unemployment by the end of the year. why aren't people feeling it
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yet? >> well, it's been for so long, we're not rebounding where we hoped to be. the wages haven't grown that fast. a lot of people are in part-time work, et cetera. >> it's recovery with a very big asterisk. >> absolutely. >> greg, the secretary called that a moral opportunities. eric cantor lost his primary bid in a shock defeat, largely because he was painted as pro-amnesty for illegal immigrants. i ask you, this optimism i'm hearing from the administration on immigration reform, is it warranted? >> no, i think it's not warranted at all, christine. here's what happened in my opinion about cantor. the republicans are not totally sure they suppressed the tea party insurrection.
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until they're sure, they're not going to do any compromising with democrats in the white house because they feel this would portray them as weak mongs the base. >> economists yesterday called washington a content-free zone for the next ten years. do you agree? are we risking a content-free zone? or is this president, greg, able to add to his economic zbaend da? >> i think it's content-free. there's highway, there's budget issues, there's tax extenders and there's a really big one at the end of the march. that's the debt ceiling that has to be raised. and already people are talking in a confrontation way about that. >> i refuse to listen to you say the words debt ceiling. i can't even go there yet. i'm going to pretend i didn't hear that. ken, let me ask you about janet yellen, she said inflation is evolving. if you're looking at the grocery store where you're buying your hamburger meat for the weekend or the gas prices. these things are rising.
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a little inflation good for the fed's point of view but not good for people whose wages aren't rising? >> i think the fed is saying things are going to be much better. but they have been wrong and again and again and again. they've been too optimistic. and i think they want to be very careful and she's trying to project that in one way saying inflation, we can live with that for now. we're not going to raise interest rates because the rates are picking up. >> and since the federal gas tax, you heard secretary of commercial pritzker talk about infrastructure. the gas tax funds the highways does this go anywhere? >> all you need to know, christine, the two senators who proposed this are not up for re-election until 2018. so they don't have to worry about getting re-elected this fall. people who do worry about it are
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almost entirely opposed to any new tax. >> nice to see both of you. have a great weekend, guys. thank you. coming up, the crisis in iraq is going to cost you at the gas tank. just in time, of course, for your summer drive, your summer vacation. i'm going to tell you how high prices might go. that's right after the break. okay, listen up! i'm re-workin' the menu. mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants,
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this is the storm. usly lowered its price and tipped off the house which used all that energy to stay warm through the storm. chipmunk: there's a bad storm comin! narrator: the internet of everything is changing how energy works. is your network ready?" no question when there is turmoil in the middle east is almost always plays not energy prices and that is happening right now. let's take a look at what's happening in iraq. you can see already this year a major oil pipeline has been shut down. you can see the advance here of
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isis. within some 37, 35 miles of baghdad, you see the fields have been taken over by the kurds now. some taken over by isis. a major refinery completely encircled by isis. iraqi officials tell us the southern oil-rich and exporting part of the country is safe for now. but this is a major oil producer. a major oil producer the world thought would be producing more oil the next few years and this causes real concern with oil prices. these are what it looks like. these are oil prices, actually this spring, just this month, oil prices up 4%. when oil prices rise, gas prices rise. last year in june, $3.60 a gallon. may, the spring, already $3.64. today, about $3.68. that is the most expensive june for gas in six years. and if the unrest keeps up, you're talking about $3.86
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potentially for the price of gasoline that you're page. now, the world needs crude oil right now, no question. but alternative sources of energy may be the future. in london, engineers are changing the energy landscape. the region's windy weather is helping the city farm a massive source of energy. cnn's rachel crane takes us there. >> reporter: this is the london array. s the world's largest offshore wind farm. and this is what it helps power. the farm has 175 giant wind turbines. capable of generating enough electricity to power 500,000 homes. and it's quite possibly the answer to london's growing energy. >> so we expect about 900,000 tons to be saved per year to be saved. that's equivalent of 300,000 taken off the road.
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>> reporter: approximately 8.3 million people live here. and by 2021, that number is expected to climb to 10 million. a growing population means a growing need for energy. london, one of the most historic cities in the world, knows that in order to keep up with future energy demands, they need to update and diversify their energy portfolio. >> it's really about how to get a more cleaner future, reliable energy source. and that's really what it's about. moving from that old gas nuclear, to more the new offshore winds. >> reporter: the uk is one of the world's leaders in offshore wind power. there are over 1,000 turbines dotting the waters. these things are massive. each turbine is larger than the london eye. and it takes a 10-mile-per-hour gust to spin these. until recently, the array was said to expand by 50 more
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turbines. but construction was hulted to save a rare breed of bird called the red diver. >> they come down in the winter and they feed there. >> reporter: the fear is that construction of the second phase would displace the birds. is that a bit of a disappointment it's not in the near future four? >> i think as an engineer, i always like to build things, of course, i would like things to go ahead. having said that, you got to be realistic. i hair about the environment. >> reporter: the future will present more obstacles than a bird. but one thing is certain, more of these means more of this. >> another fixture in a city of tomorrow, drones, "cnn money" got a look at a drone delivering drugstore items in san francisco. but these airborne delivery men are till in testing.future of pharmaceuticals is going to need approval. coming up, the world cup. king of social media. billions of people around the
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world obsessing at its most popular player could be spending time on the sidelines. but that shouldn't hurt his business ventures. we're going to open up christrio rinaldo's wallet next. ♪ ♪ bundle ♪ mm, feel those savings, baby and that's how a home and auto bundle is made. better he learns it here than on the streets. the miracle of bundling -- now, that's progressive.
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the u.s. men's national team plays portugal tomorrow. hey, it's good for business. many americans won't be at work on sunday so there's fewer lost hours of productivity for the big game. but portugal's star player cristiano rinaldo might not be as productive as usual. he's battling a knee injury. even if he doesn't score goals on the field this weekend, oh, he's scoring plenty of cash off of it. ♪ >> reporter: the world cup is finally here and being cristiano rinaldo, arguably the biggest star of the biggest sport in the world is very big business. now, the most bankable soccer
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star, rinaldo made his name at manchester united where he reportedly brought over $238,000 a week. that made him the highest paid player in history. but he became the most expensive footballer ever when he moved to real madrid, a transfer worth $132 million. he's currently signed to a five-year, $206 million deal. >> a lot. >> reporter: rinaldo won soccer's highest individual award last year for the second time. go ahead and ask him who's the best in the business. >> i think it's me. >> reporter: he's been named the most marketable soccer player. he has a nike deal worth millions. plus deals with samsung ♪ emirates. armani. toyota. and many more.
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rinaldo brought home $28 million in endorsements last year. add that to the $52 million he made on the field. that's 80 million bucks making him the second highest paid athlete in the world. >> definitely, yes. >> reporter: rinaldo's brand has made him the sport's most famous star. he's known a stunning 84% of the world's population. that's according to sports marketing company repacon. has nearly 27 million twitter followers. he started his own line of underwear. [ whistle ] >> reporter: his own magazine. and he's hoping the business of being cristiano rinaldo is the best in the world. >> i live like a dream. >> 84% recognition around the world. unbelievable. thanks for watching "cnn money" you can find us every saturday at our new time, 2:30 p.m.
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eastern. you can find us all the time at follow me at christine romans. tell me know what's working in your personal economy, what's not and what you'd like to see on the program. we're all about the money matters the most to you. have a great weekend, everybody. hi, everyone. you are in the "cnn newsroom." i'm deborah feyerick in today for don lemon. well, soon, that's the word. that's what defense officials keep telling us, soon, talking about the arrival of u.s. military advisers in iraq. not just yet, but almost. they're not going to be combat troops. but military advisers, eventually, about 300 of them. and their mission is to figure out what is going on on the ground and how best to stop ji
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