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tv   New Day  CNN  June 25, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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isis. we're live with the latest. mystery in atlanta. twist in the case of a little boy who died in a hot car. do the police believe the father left him there on purpose. stunning new details on the shocking race. >> your "new day" starts right now. to somebody who an aid
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to chris mcdaniel saying are you going to challenge the results and the response was stay tuned? >> a nasty finish to a tough race. mississippi tea party candidate chris mcdaniel with a not so conciliatory speech after losing to incumbent senator thad cochran. there is something a bit strange. there is something a bit unusual about a republican primary
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that's decided by liberal democrats. >> thank you all for being here to help celebrate a great victory. this is your victory. >> reporter: cochrane, who trailed mcdaniel in the republican primary june 3rd spent the past three weeks courting voters outside the gop base, including african-americans, pointing to federal funds he secured throughout his 36 years in the senate. >> and to those who say, you know what, you have been re-elected time and time again, your opponent says it's just too much. you've been there too long. >> well, i'm the choice the people have made freely and openly. >> reporter: in the largely african-american precinct we visited, turnout was up three times what it was for the primary, and it was higher elsewhere. who did you vote for? >> thad cochran. >> reporter: have you ever voted in a republican primary before? >> i have not. >> i guess they can take some consolation in the fact that they did something tonight, by once compromising, but once again reaching across the aisle
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and once again abandoning the conservative movement. >> reporter: observers were sent to the polls fearing improprietary from the other side which did not materialize. in the end it was just over 6,000 votes that separated the two. >> we all have a right to be proud of our state tonight. thank you very much. thank you for this wonderful honor. >> reporter: chris and kate, because it was not just a few hundred votes, even 1,000 vote, it appears 6,000 votes that cochran does appear to be winning by, or maybe have won by, that's why cochran aides i talked to say that they feel pretty comfortable, really comfortable in this win, despite the threats or even suggestions by chris mcdaniel that he's going to challenge this. in talking to mcdaniel leading into the primary or the runoff, i should say, he was already laying the groundwork for potentially challenging this on a legal basis because the cochran campaign was so overtly
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courting non-republican voters into the republican runoff. as far as we can see, it was pretty legal. >> well, they don't have a runoff law there, and what would you find? votes are equal in this day and age. >> that is mississippi election law. >> they just count them. let's break down the significance of these results with our panel of political experts. take a deep brat, sam hall, assistant managing editor, margaret hoover, john avalon and editor-in-chief of "the daily beast" an errol lewis, anchor for new york one's inside city hall, all in a single breath, who is better than me, no one? >> i heard you breathe. just a big nose. sam hall, let's start with you on the ground down there. is this expected? what do you make of the introduction of non-republican voters? what's your headline? >> i think the headline in heinz county, the largest county where
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cochran with his largest county in the primary, he got more votes in the runoff than there were cast in the primary. it increased almost 50%. there were about 8,000 more votes cast. he took 7,000 of those. mcdaniel took 1,000 of those. that is a majority democratic county, but i think the -- the increase is probably pretty evenly split between the republican or whiter boxes and more diverse and minority democratic boxes so that's going to be the big thing. they flipped a lot of other counties in rural and along the coast, but that big win there in heinz is what buffered him against mcdaniel and secured his win. >> john avalon, and margaret, cochran's win is described as pitching a perfect political game in how he pulled this off and turned around his campaign in three weeks. what did he do so perfectly? what changed from june 3rd? >> first of all, intense focus
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on the part of his campaign to get out the vote. what's different is that the cochran campaign expanded the map to look like a general election, look like a general election as opposed to typically a runoff where turnout is down after a primary. they brought it up. promised to have a diverse coalition and the african-american turnout which obviously is not traditional. they came out for cochran because mcdaniel seemed very unsavory, taking money from an old klan lawyer and also thad cochran delivered to his state, not a popular message with the tea party but pretty favorable for average folks in mississippi. >> this is a perversion of the process. >> he's the incumbent incumbent. >> that's a first. >> but it's because you're talking nice things about republicans for the first time in a little while so i've got to let you go. you win more flies with hon than
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vinegar. we saw the tone and rhetoric of his competitor right there not about unifying the party or bringing people together and thad cochran, people like him in his state. he's a nice guy, also been around for a while. >> i'm all for people liking new politics. help me out here. it's a republican primary and you beat me by courting democrats. yes, the law allows it, but isn't there something not kosher about that in. >> the law encourages it, as a matter of fact. saw the same thing in the cantor primary that seems to have thrown so many people off, but the reality is once you change the rules so that anybody can vote, what you really are talking about is a two-stage general election, and, you know, it's not how we do things in new york and not how we do things probably in most states, but if that's what the rules allow? >> dirty pool, even if allowed? >> different strategy, new strategy so instead of going to the extremes you go to the center, and frankly if we had a lot more elections like that we'd probably be better off as a nation. >> that's the point.
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>> that's the big point. when you heard mcdaniel say -- he said it outright, he said so much for principle. these folks reached across the aisle again. love it. just open about the fact that for him, for tea party folks, principle equates never compromising or reaching across the aisle. >> that's what happened in 2010. that's what happened some in 2012. that's what many tea party -- that's what many voters who vote in tea party candidates, that's what they don't, they don't want compromise. they think they are compromising too much. >> this formula will be the restoration of sanity but for the republican party and as we saw in new york last night as well, sort of a take back of the republican party by the reform republicans pushing back on radical extremes in the republican party. this is going to make for amore balanced congress frankly and more productive congress. >> before we jump off of mississippi, dane ark. i want to get your take on the most basic level. is mcdaniel going to concede? what do you think, or will this have to play out in the courts?
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>> it's really unclear. as i said, their campaign is making very strong suggestions that he might try to challenge it in the courts. it will potentially be an uphill bat. he was laying the groundwork for saying that it is illegal, and the reason is because, you know, chris is a lawyer and i'm sure a lot of you are as well, that the law here does not allow somebody to vote one way in a primary or a runoff if they intend to vote for a different party in the general election. the problem is the federal courts have said that's almost impossible to enforce. you can't enforce somebody to vote one way and get into their mind and think the way that they feel months down the road so it could be potential real uphill climb for him. the one other point i want to make about big picture -- go ahead. >> no, please go ahead. >> reporter: other point i want to make about the big picture, i've been talking to people on the ground who also have a
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national portfolio for the republican party who are hoping that they can use this as a microcosm to grow the republican party which is much need federal they want to win the white house back and so forth. the problem is, as you all have said, thad cochran might be a very unique situation. he has for decades been reaching out to african-american voters, and he has for decades been reaching across the aisle here. that is why he had such a tea party challenge, but in the end it ironically saved him because of the system here. >> let's get to sam hall because perception is often reality in politics. first of all, how is it playing down there where you are in terms of does this look like this was just a good use of the system, or does it seem that this was somehow, you know, a result down there, that this is somehow illegitimate, and do me a favor explain how the law works. have you no recount and an open-ended thing that plays to the intentionality of the voter. explain how the story is playing down there. >> well, i mean, it depends on
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who you ask. the tea party base mcdaniel supporters, you know where they stand, and they are the ones who are the angriest about it. cochran's camp has been kind of couching this in terms of reagan and putting that back on mcdaniel which was he reached out to a democratic base as well to help expand his electorate, but as far as the way it wrorks down here. there is no automatic recount. the only way that he's going to have a successful challenge is to be able to prove that there was enough illegalities or controversial votes to either toss out individual votes or cause recounts in certain counties. he's going to look at heinz county. there were unsubstantiated reports of pros party voting, people voting in the democratic party and talking with the members of the campaign last night and early this morning, already attacking pete perry who is the chairman of the
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republican party in heinz county who is a big cochran supporter and his form was paid to do tv for a cochran pac putting some of the blame on him saying he allowed a lot of people to vote who should not have been able to vote and that's really outside the scope, you know, of what any one person and much less pete perry would do and they will look at the delta and some of the other counties where you saw high increases in african-american votes to see if there were any irregularities that they might get tossed in court, but any challenge has to go through the courts. it's a long shot, and as long as people didn't vote in the primary, democratic primary, then they are allowed to vote in the runoofs, and the only thing that can prove that their intent for the general is what they say. >> yeah. that's the problem. that's going to be the problem going forward. your inability to enforce a law isn't going to be what allows a law to stand or not, that's actually a second issue but when
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a weird law. if you don't vote in the democratic primary you can vote in the republican primary as long as you say you don't think you will support whoever won the democratic primary. >> it's the law. >> that's weird. >> let's move from one incumbent fight in mississippi to another incumbent fight here in new york. the fine state of new york. charlie rangel, errol, what happened here, everyone all but said we're planning his retirement party. >> nobody talked to charlie rangel about that. when he ran two years ago and won his 22nd term, he was actually in a walker. he had had some real serious health problems and still managed to squeak it out. this time around it's like he was ten years younger, all over the place. have him footage of dancing with aretha frank lip. he ran the table basically, sort of like a political clinic on how to do retail politics. shook every hand, kissed babies, ran all over the place and raised more money than his opponents and we called the race
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at new york one. we've been following this pretty intensively. >> cnn still has not. >> cnn, a.p., others are waiting. in fact, there's a couple of thousand vote margin between rangel and his nearest challenger espaillat. on the other hand, the number of outstanding ballots, federal, affidavit ballots cast yesterday, equal exactly that so unless almost every single one of hthose come in for the challenger, it looks like rangel has his 23rd term. new york city's board of elections has screwed up in the past, wants to wait and count every vote, you know, but his supporters after he spoke last night pretty much started taking down the signs. a lot of energy went out of the campaign at that moment. it's a real tough and interesting kind of a race, but, you know, the power of incumbency and in a race that was characterized as african-american incumbent being challenged by a latino sort of
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insurgent in a district mostly latino, that in itself doesn't capture some of the texture of new york politics. charles rangel we think of him as the black politician, his father is puerto rican. his district has always included east harlem which has been heavily latino for decades, so he's been a crossover politician, been sort of a bridge-builder in a lot of different ways so running a straight ethnic campaign wouldn't have worked in this case. you wouldn't have necessarily expected it to. that plus a lot of the usual kind of mistakes that campaigns often make. you -- you size it all up, and it is rational and logical that rangel would have won. >> man, was rangel not anything like eric cantor. he took this as a serious challenge. >> is eric cantor a one-off? >> yes. we do not have a story of dave brat last night. you know who lost last night, sarah palin, sean hannity, all
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the taert folks. the incumbents took their races seriously and insurgents took it seriously and that's why charlie rangel is here tonight. >> poor margaret hoover, two enemies, half her party. >> old republicans are taking it ba back. >> great to see you all, errol, margaret, whatever your name is, john, thanks, you guys. we'll get to some of the very other interesting primaries last night. >> ongoing conversation, and there's a lot of other news this morning as well so let's get that with michaela. good morning, my friend. >> good morning and welcome back to you, chris. we want to take you now to iraq where isis militants are maintaining a stronghold over vast swaths of the country. u.s. officials say isis fighters are functioning as a, quote, increasingly capable military force, and this morning 90 more military advisers are on the
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ground to assess the iraqi forces which have so far been essentially ineffective against the aggressive and fast moving insurgency. right now sunni extremists are fighting north of baghdad. fears growing now that the capital will be the next city to fall. let's go straight to barbara starr who has more for us from the pentagon. good morning, barbara. >> reporter: good morning, michaela. a total now of 130 u.s. advisers on the ground in iraq and about 50 more headed in in the coming days. their main job, to assess, we are told, assess the state of iraqi forces, assess the state of the militant fighters, but here's the assessment. according to the u.s. intelligence community now, there are about 10,000 isis fighters spread out between syria and iraq, about 7,000 in syria, about 3,000 in iraq and about 5,000 or so foreign fighters mixed in to all of that. that border having essentially now been erased. isis moving towards baghdad, and that's the major u.s. concern at this point.
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could isis have enough muscle power to really make a play for baghdad? u.s. military advisers will be centering their main focus in the coming days around the capital, trying to gather intelligence about what is going on. no decision about air strikes by the white house, but if -- if president obama were to make that decision there are already dozens of fighter jets in the region. seven warships in the gulf and about 1,000 marines, but here's the most interesting fact maybe. right now the u.s. military is conducting 30 reconnaissance flights a day over iraq to gather intelligence, 30 flights a day over iraq. we haven't seen that since 2011 when u.s. troops left. chris, kate? >> barbara, of course, the problem not necessarily what they develop in terms of intelligence, but what they do about it when they find what is anticipated to be a list of inadequacies. let's take a quick break here.
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uruguay could be without one of his best players. why? he has an unusual tactic, using his teeth and biting his opponent. the average person will probably eat something or drink something that is acidic on a daily basis. those acids made over time wear the enamel. a lot of patients will not realize what's happening to the enamel. once it's gone, it's gone away for good. i recommend pronamel. it's designed specifically to help strengthen the teeth. pronamel will actually help to defend the enamel from the acids in our diet. if you know that there is something out there that can help, why not start today? when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well:
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i guess this is more like this is the bite felt around the world, only by paceon chiellini. one of world cup stars is facing punishment for allegedly biting another player on the field and by allegedly he's did it. the third time that striker luis suarez is accused of chomping down -- bites the guy on the shoulder during uruguay's victory over italy and appeared to lean down. he bit him. just saw it for yourself. now the question is what's going to happen, and why did the refs do nothing about this? they say fifa, the league is looking into disciplinary reaction. let's bring in greg lalas,
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editor-in-chief of the forensic part of this situation is complete bs. he bit him. saw the teeth marks. >> great reverse angle that shows him chomping down on his neck. >> one, do you think what they did during the match was the proper response, and, two, what will happen now? those are the two big questions. >> the referee is not in a position to see it and i'm thinking he didn't see it. >> he has bike marks on his shoulder. >> if he doesn't see the actual infaction he can't go in and say, oh, yeah, somebody bit you, because this is soccer. this is about the soap opera of all of this. who knows, maybe chiellini says at some point he's a bighter. i put some makeup on. >> you saw the bike mark on his shoulder. >> we see, that sure, but the ref might have missed it. >> what's going on in this moment? like what would have brought about biting? >> what would bring about biting, no idea. this is a situation in my 18, 20
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years of playing and covering like major league soccer, never cbs this before. this is the only guy i've ever seen who actually bites other players. >> he's done it more than once. >> three times, did it in 2003. got a ten-game suspension in england. he did it in -- >> did he ever say i'm sorry, i was angry? >> he just -- no, he always does the same thing. he gets very defensive and doing it this time, no, these things happen where his shoulder hit me in the chest. >> so what's the back story on him because he's a bad boy? said some inappropriate things. been accused of saying some racist things. >> yeah. >> he's a biter which should give him a time-out. chiellini said look, fifa has a big star here. they won't do anything. is there anything to that, that when it's somebody who is a big name they get away with more? >> just like we saw with michael jordan over his career. stars always get a preferential
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treatment. in this situation that's not going to happen. fifa said they will -- they have opened up a disciplinary investigation. >> sure. >> they could suspend him -- right now the fifa regulations say they could suspend him up to 24 games and two years, including world cup play. >> i think most people are saying he's done for this world cup. >> okay. >> which is a good thing. i think fifa needs to come down very hard. forget the star thing. i think he's going to be -- >> they have to have some teeth in this. >> michaela, stop. >> he wouldn't do it. >> another star bites the dust in this. >> it was a nail-biter. >> interesting to see what fifa does some down with in this situation because uruguay plays on saturday, so they have to come down very quickly. uruguay, the national federation has until 5:00 this afternoon to present their defense. >> right. >> to fifa, and fifa has to make a decision very quickly. >> what about all the collusion stuff? >> rank speculation. part of the soccer culture, not like you're talking about a crime or politics where you've got to be careful about your
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rank speculation. >> just go with it. >> what's the chance of any collusion between the u.s. and germany and the second thing is do you put any stock in this oh, they messed up the timing at the end of the u.s.-portugal game and that's why the last goal was possible. >> let me take the second one first. >> like a politician. >> no. >> the timing is what it is. it's always been a little bit vague in soccer, something every player knows about. >> they say they gave portuguese extra time. >> one of the arguments is that the reason they gave the extra time is becaus the american player took a little bit too much time getting off the field. this is such a vague area and it's part of soccer that some people really hate and other people say -- >> so well within the bounds of usually what happens. >> it happens. >> what about the collusion thing? >> no, i think it has no fangs whatsoever in this case. it happened in 1982. there's a famous case where west germany and austria colluded on
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a game. don't see that happening. too competitive. jurgen klinsmann head coach of the u.s. sais said we're not going to be doing this, not colluding, too much at risk actually to be caught or even accused of this thing. >> stakes are too high. >> it would be just like sloppy play or something? >> what will probably happen, if the game is tied with 20 minutes to go, there will be sort of an unspoken thing, the players will look at each other, you know, what we're done. nobody needs to get hurt. we're both through and it's an unspoken thing that sometimes happens. >> not unusual in sport in general. >> heading into the playoffs, that's what this is, you would like to keep your powder dry, if you can. >> we'll see. >> going to be a nail-biter on thursday, isn't it? >> one more, one more. >> one more? >> one more. >> it's only 6:28. >> if the u.s. wins, two very good teams are going to bite the dust. >> sink your teeth into that. keep on coming. >> michaela pereira here all week and chris almost bit me.
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thanks, greg. just too much fun. >> biting is always fun. not in the house though kids. >> let's take a break. coming up next on "new day," a really chilling twist in a story we have to tell you about, the story of a death of a toddler who was left in a sweltering suv for hours. is the father's guilty of murder? the disturbing new details ahead. that's a man interviewino.for a job. not that one. that one. the one who seems like he's already got the job 'cause he studied all the right courses from the get-go. and that's an accountant, a mom, a university of phoenix scholarship recipient, who used our unique --scratch that-- awesome career-planning tool.
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welcome back to "new day." a look at your headlines. six-term mississippi congressman thad cochran celebrating his
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victory over tea party challenger chris mcdaniel. mcdaniel though has refused to concede. in new york 84-year-old congressman charles rangel declaring victory in a democratic primary, but his opponent adriano espaillat says the race still too close to call and the tea party went down to defeat in oklahoma with congressman james langford's win over it. w. shannon in the race to succeed retiring senator tom coburn. house speaker john boehner threatening to sue president obama for a misuse of executive authority. the president has used executive orders to push initiatives without approval from congress. many republicans argue that he's overstepped his constitutional power. now in response house minority leader nancy pelosi called boehner's actions reprehensible saying the lawsuit is doomed no. word on when a decision might come from boehner. homeland security secretary jay johnson heading to arizona today to tour the very border
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patrol facilities that are overwhelmed by an unrelenting tide of minor children. thousands of minor children have been crossed over the borders since october, many coming from central america. this weekend, "documented" about jose antonio vargas who is in the u.s. illegally. that's sunday at 9:00 eastern right here on cnn. a new tool in the fight against breast cancer. 3-d mammography. it uses x-rays to take images from multiple angles and build then a three-dimensional image. the new study in the "journal of the american medical association" says 3-d mammography can increase breast cancer detection and reduce false alarms. however, this new technology is still considered experimental. dr. sanjay gupta will join us later on in our show for more on this story. how does it feel to own a piece of rock 'n' roll history? ♪ how does it feel
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♪ how does it feel >> the original lyrics of bob dylan's classic "like a rolling stone" sold for a record $2 million. an anonymous buyer bought the only known final draft of the 1965 song at a sotheby's rock and pop music auction. the four pages written on hotel citiesry, complete with doodles, look at this, were sold by a fan who apparently bought them from directly from bob dylan himself. >> amaze, amazing stuff. >> surprise that had dylan didn't come ford and said that's mine. >> coming up next on "new day" who left his son in the toddler-ins chis car now being
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disturbing new questions this morning about an atlanta father charged with murder. why? well, he left his nearly
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2-year-old son in the back of a sweltering suv, that we know is true. the question is why? 33-year-old justin harris says he simply forgot his son cooper when he left him there for hours and went to work, but now police say they are finding holes in the dad's story. let's take a look at what we know and why they are asking the new questions. we have tom fuentes, cnn law enforcement analyst and former phebe marr director and mel robins, cnn commentator and legal analyst. the tragedy is obvious. asking these kinds of questions takes it to a new level. mel, do you feel confident in the basis for the speculation that's going on right now because all i read is one of the local cops came forward and said i know things about this case that make me very upset. >> right. >> why are they asking these questions about whether this was intentional homicide, murder and not just another tragic incident of leaving a kid in the car? >> based on what the police are saying, chris, they are saying
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there's holes in his story and the police have a horrible job here because somebody's got to look out for the interest of this dead 22-month-old toddler who isn't here to say anything, and so i think they have an obligation to look into it, but in your cut as a parent you want to believe that it's a mistake and so i have the same caution that you dop even though there are pieces of this story that i find troubling. i want to take one step sideways and bring you in the good news here is forensically they have you had be able to tell what happened with this child, yes? >> they will be able to tell when the child was actually strangled or poisoned or died from something other than heat stroke in the back of that car if. they find out that the child did die of heat stroke and the father left him in the car all day still doesn't tell you whether he did it intentionally
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and that may be the difficulty part of this case so i think there's more to it than just guessing what was on the father's mind because the police in any case like this, the death of any person, a death investigate is required. they have to do the autopsy, all the forensics and interview family members, friends, colleagues, workmates and try to determine if there's something suspicious. has this parent been accused of child abuse in the past? has there been other cases when someone came forward, a neighbor, a babysitter or friend and called police and said you need to look at this more closely for whatever reason, more to the story than what first appeared of an accidental leaving a child in the car. >> at least we're being told atowards may think there's more. >> they charged him, chris. >> sometimes they can get ahead of themselves and we don't know why and it's probably good we don't know why.
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investigators should should up more than they usually do. of what we understand what questions do we have now? >> we're talking about a 22-month-old and talking about a long period of time, so first of all, you know, when he pulls into work at 9:00 -- >> supposed to drop the kid off at the day care center. >> and most day care centers will call. because they want to know is the kid sick with a virus, is he coming for staffing reasons, so, you know, there's the concern that i have that there is no phone call made that we know of. >> secondly it's a 22-month-old, not a 3-month-old. if that car is parked in the employee section at home depot for seven and a half hours, you're telling me not a single person walks by? >> the kid is big enough to be seen, and finally the other thing i find the most troubling about this he doesn't find the child when he comes out from work which is what you typically hear, and when you think about it from a common sense standpoint, walking up to your car, and you walk up in the door and there's a dead human being inside and they have been
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basically cooking for seven hours, something is not going to smell or feel right to. say that he got in that car and then drove several miles and only then noticed, something doesn't seem right to me about that fact scenario. is it plausible that it's a mistake, of course. >> it happens often. >> i mean, it's amazing how often. it doesn't jump to mind as a way to intensionally kill a child. >> correct. >> there's also speculation about his reaction. witnesses there on scene saying he was disconsolate and every kind of upset in this situation and now there's this question that maybe that doesn't square with other things about his disposition and other things he's said. what does that mean to you? >> not much. what his behavior or attitude is at this point. maybe he did kill the child and is distraught about it. that doesn't tell you one way or the over. it's an indicator but not
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extremely significant compared to the forensic evidence, the evidence of other witnesses and acree with everything mel just said and the one thing i would add to that, police don't just bring murder charges in a case that's highly suspicious alone. more to this story, we don't know it yesterday but for the police to bring murder charges, prosecutor's office to bring murder charges, they know something in this situation that's beyond suspicious or snushl. >> there can also be charges brought that don't stick. unusual sensitivity in this situation because of what you're dealing with. >> right. >> if, god forbid, these charges are not based on some strong fact and don't stick, imagine this does to the couple with what they are dealing with already. with that said you do want the truth and if anybody is going to be sensitive to this the investigators would, mel. >> you wouldn't somebody taking
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care of the child and staking up for the child's rights here which is what the police and prosecution is doing. >> the mother is quiet because she's been told to be quiet. investigators don't want her out there. there's nothing to be read into that. >> i, of course, read into that, but that's human nature. >> i know she's being told to be quiet, but if this was purely an accident and i'm not saying it's not an accident, one would think you'd be out there in the public defending your husband, out there grieving and talking to the press, i get that people tell -- she is a victim in this. it's her child who has died. so i understand the caution and look into it and say wow. >> we'll stay on this because it's the kind of case that matters, it happens a lot and has to be prosecuted the right way. mel, thank you very much. tom, appreciate the insight as always. kate? >> coming up next on "new day," a long time senator wins his primary challenge in mississippi. his opponent may not be ready to give up the fight though.
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what's going on? we'll look at all the races that happened last night. some of them still undecided. police the rise of drones in our daily lives. they seem to be everywhere now, including in our studio. what does it mean for your priva privacy, and what about safety concerns? a live demonstration right here. big questions. we're going to be talking about t. ♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. (vo)cars for crash survival,ning subaru has developed
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well, apparently the skies will get a lot more crowded with the arrival of these things, small drones. growing concerns about safety with many worried about close encounters with things like commercial airlines. others though are worried about privacy. just this past week a seattle woman claims that this drone was spying on her in her own apartment. take a look at this. >> it was freaky. i mean, you don't expect to be walking around in your apartment and have this thing out there potentially recording you. >> the owner of the drone, however, says he wasn't spying, that he was actually use the drone to study views for a planned building. joining us to discuss all of this, jeff wise, cnn aviation and drone analyst, science writer and author of "extreme fear." mel robbins is also here, cnn
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commentator and legal analyst which is so important. let's start with you, mel. that seattle story, i think, if you were living in a skyscraper and tall building and see one of the drones go by and got out of shower or getting dressed or whatever, that's a real privacy concern. >> well, absolutely, here's what's interesting. when the technology advances we always think the laws need to advance, too, but the truth is the privacy laws are pretty simple. if you have a reasonable expectation of privacy and for anybody that lives in a high rise. if you're in a room where the shades are up and they face out, you don't have a reasonable expectation of privacy, believe it or not. >> we have an expectation but it's not reasonable. >> but if you're facing a river, absolute expectation. >> absolutely. >> if this woman is in her apartment and the window and shades are open and a neighbor could see her that lives in an adjacent building, the fact that it's a drone is creepy as heck,
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but it doesn't mean it violates her prif. >> i needs to be a creepy as heck rule. another story from connecticut where a woman attacked a kid who was operating a drone because she -- they believe that the drone and the kid were spying on her and her daughter while they were sunbathing. you're on a beach. jeff wise, i know people are fascinated by this technology and, again, it's the creep factor. >> this is technology. can you go to a store, lay down $300 and you've got this package that has the capability that 20 years ago only the military would have and it takes ten months to learn how to fly t.streaming via way if i right into your ipad. technology is incredible and we haven't yet dealt with the potential for mayhem and mishap. >> what's interesting also about that case on the beach is thankfully he filmed her because the police report -- >> the assault. >> the assault, because when the
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police showed up, that woman said he started it, but he had it all on film so they ended up arresting her and charging her. >> don't we have enough laws, nuisance laws and privacy statutes and guidelines that go community to community. most of the applications of this, i think it's the government's use of drones that deserves the scrutiny. most people are getting themselves surfing or family events. >> or businesses using it to monitor infrastructure in far off places that would otherwise be expensive like pine lines. there are the commercial benefits, i guess, the good side. how do you balance though especially the privacy issue before we get to safety? how do we -- is there a sfwhl. >> we live in a google earth right now. while it looks fancy, just the latest edition of a remote-controlled airplane that you can snap a go pro to.
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>> g-mail monitoring your conversations. >> they are. >> and sending you ad space. >> drones other in the studio while i ask you about this aspect of it. you saw me crash and burn the drone a minute ago. the practicality of having a lot of us yahoos out there with droebs drones adding already to the busy skies. that's a concern for the faa. >> they have been working for years to figuring out how to integrate the unmanned vehicles by the airplanes. >> there have been crashes and accidents. the "washington post" did a study on it. >> the rules, hobbists playing with remote controlled airplanes, under 400 feet, can't be within 300 miles of an airport. now the capabilities are such that people are building radio-controlled planes that can go 200 miles an hour and be 8
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feet long. not just a toy paper airplane that's harmless. you can really cause a crash. >> we should add to it that cnn is working with georgia tech to study drones for news gathering and speed up regulations that would allow -- >> that's what this thing is on my desk, a cnn drone. pretty cool. >> a practical application. >> one application, think it was used u.s. government, or military had a drone flying over some of the destruction in a recent -- in a recent natural disaster, showing the destruction when a plane couldn't get there. people couldn't walk through it. >> in the philippines. >> that's exactly. >> fire fighters can use, it law enforcement, search and rescue. >> the benefits that could impact science, technology, media so far outweigh any concern over privacy. if you go outside and you're in a public point you're being taped, you are. right? >> the last thing i'll say look
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what happened when they had that one in l.a., the crowd brought it down so people aren't completely comfortable with the notion. i don't feel like this is the last conversation or last demo. come back and we'll talk about it another time. jeff wise and mel robbins. >> people get angry about things they don't have any reason to be angry about either. online during the conversation, people are very excited about the possibilities of the drones, you know, so whatever it's worth. they are listening to our discussion. >> progress and fighting progress. >> just one story starting off your "new day." there's a slew of important primary results to tell you about, and we're going to take a bite out of the world cup. that means more than you think so let's get to t. >> this is your victory. >> so much for bold colors. so much for principle. >> a nasty finish to a tough race. >> whenever i can act on my own i'm going to. >> boehner is consulting legal scholars about possibly suing
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president obama. >> the spread of terrorism has increased exponentially under this president's leadership. >> i don't think you're going to hear much pushback if the president has to act. >> delicious controversy at the world cup. >> certainly not again. >> must taste good or why would this guy keep biting people? >> it was a primary night for the ages. bick implications for the gop, and that means also for the tea party, and who controls your government in general? so let's start with mississippi. cnn projects six-term senator thad cochran defeating tea party challenger chris mcdaniel in a republican senate primary runoff but mcdanielle at this point refusing to concede blasting his opponent for reaching out to democrats to vote for him in a republican primary. listen. >> there is something a bit unusual about a republican primary that's decided by liberal democrats. so much for bold colors.
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so much for principle. >> and in new york city 22--term congressman charlie rangel appears to have survived a challenge in the recently redrawn 13th congressional district in harlem. a confident charlie rangel telling cnn he was comfortable declaring himself a winner. >> did you consider waiting for him to concede before declaring victory? why declare now? >> never entered my mind. the frustration of all of these people in a hot room and the vote was so close it would have reached a point that i was more concerned about them and the press than i was about anything else. >> rangel's opponent adriano espaillat claims it's still too close to call. >> colorado may boast the best names in congress, congressman bob beap re-z within over immigration hard liner tom
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tancredo and he gets to face john hicken lo eenlooper and t. shannon was defeated by james lankford. >> and lieutenant governor anthony brown won the state's democratic gubernatorial primary and in florida republican businessman curt clawson won the special election to replace former republican congressman tray raidle who had to resign after his arrest earlier this year. more now on the big primary in mississippi. let's get to chief congressional correspondent dana bash in jackson, mississippi. dana in, mississippi, that race probably the premium race, the highlight race that everyone was look at. what does it mean going forward? chris mcdaniel, he's suggesting that this fight isn't over yet for him. is he going to succeed -- is he going to concede? what's the next step? >> reporter: we don't know. he hasn't yet, and when i talked
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right before going to bed about a few hours ago when i talked to one of his aides about that, and his response was stay tuned, but this is something, kate, that chris mcdaniel was laying the groundwork for already in the days leading up to the runoff, knowing full well that thad cochran was actively courting non-republican voters. listen to what he told me on monday night. >> do they want a party whose nominee has been selected by liberal democrats, or do they want one that's been selected by reagan conservatives? we are the conservative side of the equation. i think the primaries should be for republicans. >> reporter: you're saying it's wrong when it comes to the spirit of the law. >> according to the law it's illegal. >> reporter: now he bases that on the fact that democrats or people who vote in the democratic primary can't then vote in the republican runoff, so i suspect that they will be looking to see if there are any questions about that, but other
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part of the law, kate is that if you vote in the republican primary and intend to vote for the democrat in the general election in the fall, that's not legal. however, it's completely not enforcible, and the federal judges have today that it's not enforcible so therein lies his problem but it doesn't mean he's not going to at least try. >> very good point. that had cochran, it appears he got an unusual assist as you've been talking about democrats, many african-american voters, many turning out to vote for him. a lot of this in the primary election is what does this mean in the broader message? what does this victory -- what message does it send the republican party, do you think? >> well, a man by the name of henry barber, the former governor's nephew and also a republican committee man, he was the one in charge of the super pac trying to get out those non-republican votes, and in the days leading up to the runoff he
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was saying if we succeed here this could be a mold for the republican party nationally because they have to broaden the party or else they are not going to win back the white house, and so that certainly is going to be their goal. here's the big but. the big but, kate, is that thad cochran, you know, this you've covered him. he's not your typical republican. the fact that he is a republican in mississippi and he was able to get, it appears, some traditionally democratic and african-american votes is a testament to the fact that for three decades he has had a relationship with him so in this case it really is personal. they understood him. they like him. they know him. they understood what he has done for mississippi so it's unclear if that's really transferrable to the broader republican party. >> so interesting. you even heard in chris mcdaniel's speech at the very end, almost criticized thad cochran for reaching across the aisle, for compromising. you can see two very different campaigns that they were running. dana bash in mississippi for us. thanks, dana. much more on the primary results, of course, coming up on
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"inside politics" later in the hour. >> what do lawmakers do when they can't control an outcome through compromise? they sue. that's what they do. house speaker john boehner threatening to sue president obama over executive actions. the argument is this. republicans say the president is breaching his constitutional power by pushing initiatives without approval from congress. let's turn to michelle kosinski who has more on this from the white house. political tactic, or do you think it's going to be a real litigation? >> reporter: this brings that difficult relationship between the president and congress to a new level. we've been hearing repeatedly from the administration we're not going to wait for congress. we're going to use our pen. don't have to wait for congress. well, now house speaker john boehner is saying congress may not be able to pass much right now, but that doesn't mean you're going to be able to do it all yourself. looking into suing the president to prove it. everyone made nice for an event at the white house. the president joking that house
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speaker boehner is one of his favorite golfing buddies. >> you got criticized a couple of times for playing the game of golf. i'll note that the list of people who criticize you did not include speaker boehner. >> that's the only thing he doesn't criticize me about. >> reporter: yet as this was happening, the news was spreading that boehner's consulting legal scholars about the republican-controlled house possibly suing president obama for acting alone. >> america cannot stand still and neither will i. >> i've initiated over 20 executive actions to try to tighten up some of the rules and the laws. >> reporter: the famous executive actions, dozens and dozens of them, tweaking regulations and making moves on some of the most controversial topics, things he knows congress won't or can't touch. gun control, climate change, minimum wage, gay marriage, power plants, health care, immigration. >> whenever i can act on my own, i'm going to. we are not just going to be
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waiting for legislation. that's what i'm going to do, with or without congress. >> the president will announce new concrete actions that he'll take using his pen. >> i've got a pen and i've got a phone. >> reporter: that phone outraging congress. things like not consulting them on the deal for releasing bowe bergdahl and allowing hundreds of thousands of immigrant children brought to the u.s. illegally by their parents to stay. other modern patients have not used executive actions over more legally binding executive orders. boehner spokesman says the president has a clear record of ignoring the american people's elected representatives and exceeding his constitutional authority which has dangerous implications for both our system of government and our economy. and while moves to limit the president's authority have not made it through the democratic-controlled senate, boehner feels a lawsuit might just do it. the white house hasn't responded to this specifically, but they have repeatedly slammed congress for failing to act on issues that affect the american people. if this plan were deemed feasible and house leadership
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agreed to it, this would mean the legislative branch suing the executive branch for taking away some of its power and leaving it to the judicial branch to decide it all. chris? >> the irony, michelle, is that when you look at the division of power between the executive and the legislative, nowhere has it been arguably more overstepped by the executive when it comes to declaring war, like iraq, but there congress often cedes authority to the president. which leads to the question does congress get angry when it is beneficial to them? now to iraq. 90 military advisers have arrived on the ground to help push back isis. there's now as many as 10,000 sunni extremists on the march in iraq and syria gobbling up cities on their way to baghdad. could the capital be the next city to fall? that is what the major concern s.philip mudd is a cnn counterterrorism analyst and a former cia counterterrorism official. he joins us now.
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mr. mudd, always good to have you here. not going to talk about constitutional extension of authority with you. we're going to talk about what's happening on the ground. first, let's start with what's seen as a threat which you may have a different take on. isis moves through the northwestern aspects of iraq. it starts gobbling up small places. the kurds come behind them and take kirkuk most notably. people say the kurds are moving through, it's a threat but many on the ground there say this could be a good thing. is it good or bad to have the kurds asserting themselves? >> if you're looking for the continued integration of iraq with its three major populations, shia, sunni and kurds, the kurds are starting to create facts on the ground for separation. and the leadership of the kurds has been very direct about this in the past few days. look, the bottom line is that the kurds forever have wanted their own separate entity. they see chaos in baghdad between sunnis and shiia, and they say, hey in the midst of
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chaos let's take advantage of this and not only harden the separation between kurds and the rest of iraq but take those kirkuk oil fields because if you're running an economy in northern iraq let me give you one good way to make some cash and that's pump oil. >> let me take the pro side and you can say what the threat side is this. i say if the kurds come in and they get their land, one, they have a great historical argument that they should have had all along. two, they create a buffer for turkey. turkey very vulnerable to what's going on in iraq. three, they are a significant population of iraq. they are a quarter of the population there, and they will actively fight sunni insurgents. they have done well against isis and they have a very developed fighting force, and if they have their own land they would be more likely to be cooperative with the iraqi sovereign in general. what's the other side? >> well, let's look at a couple of facts here that might change over time and that might suggest that you're wrong. the first is the kurdish populations, particularly in
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turkey and also in iran. the concern of the iranian government, the turkish government for years is if you get more independence or autonomy for iraqi kurds what, happens if there's a movement for a greater kurdistan, a lot of instability. the second is let's say, and i think this is highly unlikely, maliki says things are pretty tough. i'll try to put together a coalition government and i'll try to pull in sunni tribes because if i get the sunni tribes in maybe they will start to isolate isis. what happens when the sunni tribes say, hey, excuse me. you gave a lot more autonomy to the kurds, how about us? the kurds are starting to say you can fight if you want down in southern iraq and anbar proves but we want out. >> we'll have to see how the facts play out but right now it's a situation that could play to advantage and not depending on the politics on the ground which gets us to the on-the-ground aspect. now there's 90 advisers on the u.s. side on the ground. we're told they are there to assess the capabilities of the iraqis and what they can handle?
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isn't this a bit of a joke? don't you think they know the capabilities right now. this is the same force that it was often commented on whether or not they were wearing boots or barefoot during the meat of the war. do you think there's really any question about how capable iraqi forces are? >> absolutely not. if i'm sitting in my old chair at the cia the first question i have when those folks get no baghdad into the operations centers they are going to create across iraq is what is your assessment of the tactical capabilities of the iraqi military today? i'm not talking about whether they have got great leadership. clearly they do not. i'm talking about, for example, at this oil facility that's been fought over in the past few days, what are the iraqis snig what are hair tactics and what weapons are they bringing to bear? how are they thinking about attacking insurgents day to day? to me that's an interesting question and the answer sun known. the first question isn't assessing isis necessarily, it's assessing the partner and i think it's an open question. >> do you think it's an open question and the answer is obvious and the reason they have
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been dropping arms and running aw away, the reason they have been turning over arms to isis and can't hold the oil refinery because they don't have what it takes so what are you going to do about their incompetence? >> let me take you into my old life for a sec. may be obvious from a high level. we know maliki is being difficult, and he's going to be more difficult. he's signalled in the past day or two he's not that interested in what secretary kerry is saying. he represents shiia interests, not iraqi interests, but if you're a practitioners and the president of the united states says go into an operation center in baghdad i don't care if the scenario is ugly. i don't care if it looks like the partner is incompetent. the mission i was given by the elected representatives of the american people is figure out what your partners are trying to do at that oil facility and figure out how to help. i don't care if it's ugly, make it better soy so i understand strategically this looks ugly.
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as a practitioner you throw out window and figure out how to execute what the president said. >> at this point better chance we least situation there to play out among the main players or that the u.s. has to get more involved? >> i would say leave it pretty much as is, because if you intervene you start appearing to be the army, the military on the side of a sectarian dictator, that is nuri al maliki, one major problem that we have to look at over time. insurgent groups, if they get comfortable, start or terrorist groups that have adopted the al qaeda al qaeda start to say our target isn't only baghdad, it's potentially boston. if we see a small -- even a small sliver of isis that starts to focus specifically on european or american targets, those advisers better have enough of an intelligence picture of iraq to start telling the president and the congress if you tell us to act we can start hitting the sites where they are training kids to go into cities like london or paris or new york.
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>> this sounds exactly what i heard in 2003. it's good to have you here. hopefully we come to a different set of answers that we did that time. good to have you, as always. >> a look at your headlines at 13 minutes past the hour. the irs failed to follow the law by not reporting a hard drive crash that destroyed thousands of e-mails. that's according to the nation's top archivist testifying before congress tuesday. also on the stand, a former irs lawyer who now works at the white house, jennifer o'connor was hammered by republicans over the missing e-mails which were sought in connection with claims that the irs targeted conservative groups. the no-fly list violates the constitution. the secret list was established in the aftermath of the september 11 attacks and bans people suspected of links to terror from taking commercial flights. the judge said those people have no real way to contest their
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status. and they were ordered to overhaul the system. bill clinton insisting hillary is not out of touch. the former president is defending his wife who has been criticized of late for comments about her personal wealth. >> she's not out of touch, and she has advocated and worked as a senator for things that were good for ordinary people, and before that all her life. >> during the clinton global initiative meeting bill said hillary is committed to reducing poverty in america and can relate to average americans. hillary clinton, of course, for her part has not yet said whether she will or will not run for president in 2016. >> a follow-up for a story we brought to you on "new day," a pennsylvania pastor defrocked for officiating his son's same-sex wedding. he's being welcomed back into the fold. frank schaeffer will have his ordinary nation restored and receive back pay dating back to december. that's when he was stripped of his duties after united
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methodist trial found him guilty of violating church law. schaeffer refused to promise not to preside at future gay weddings. the 52-year-old has since joined a church in california. i like when we're able to give a follow-up to a story. remember he sat here and told us how conflicting it was because his own son. >> evolution within himself. >> absolutely. >> a good result because he's back doing what he loves but it will be troubling because of the reason he got his job back is because he said i won't do it again. >> he refused to promise, that by the way. >> refused to promise that. >> that's better. >> coming up next on "new day," on "inside politics" we'll go to mississippi. how a longtime republican senator got out the vote in black church es in one place fo a primary win against a tea party challenger. >> plus, in the case of suarez verse chiellini, i submit not just the video but one fact. he's known as the cannibal.
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why did officials overlook the fact that this man clearly took a bite out of crime during this world cup match? we'll get into the controversy and what it could mean for the matches going forward. what does an apron have to do with car insurance? an apron is hard work. an apron is pride in what you do. an apron is not quitting until you've made something a little better. what does an apron have to do with car insurance? for us, everything. [anngood and close.ose- help keep teeth clean and breath fresh. with beneful healthy smile food and snacks.
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advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. (water dripping and don't juspipes clanging)ncisco. visit tripadvisor san francisco. (soothing sound of a shower) with millions of reviews, tripadvisor makes any destination better. welcome pack to "new day." one of uruguay's star players could be out of world cup for what we'll show you on video. this is what he did. you judge. what does that look like you to? that's luis suarez leaning down and apparently biting an italian play, not first time. at least third time. the man nicknamed the cannibal has been in this kind of
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situation. let's bring in cnnlara from bra. explain to us how this isn't so painfully obvious, excuse the pun, that the ref didn't do anything about it then and what do you think happens now? >> it's pretty incredible considering that this -- this ref managed to see pretty much everything and a lot of things that i don't think existed and one incident he didn't see and the incident everybody is talking about. even though nobody saw this incident it will be reviewed by fifa's disciplinary panel which they are doing right now. if suarez is found guilty, that means an automatic two-match ban, minimum two-match ban for luis suarez and can also bring a maximum of 24 matches, so if it is the minimum that's a pretty big blow for uruguay and the world cup squad especially if
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they continue to move forward and a two-year ban, that could be huge. there isn't really that conclusive of evidence on the camera angles that we've seen because you only see the back of luis suarez's head going into chiellini's shoulder. not like the incident we saw suarez when he bit the chelsea players a couple season ago where we saw him go in n and grab the player's arm and bite the player's arm. we're not seeing that so there will have to be a lot of evidence reviewed before we actually find out what this was and what fifa is going to do about it. >> doesn't look that vague to me, baldesarra, looks like a clean cut case of the chomps. let me ask you something else while i have you. you're down where the big game is between the u.s. and germany. what do we know about what the u.s. side is doing? >> arrived last night pretty early in the evening. they had some dinner and i assume they went to bd bed.
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when they arrived, a lot of fanfare around. i didn't know that so many people show up outside the hotel waving their american flags and cheering. i was up, many floors up because i'm staying in the same hotel as them, and could i hear the screams, sounded like little girl screams. thought it was justin bieber arriving but everyone was there as they watched them get off the bus. today they will be heading out to the stadium that you can see behind me. we'll hear from a couple of players and jurgen klinsmann ahead of the match and then we'll get to see a little bit of open training and go from there so actually tomorrow i'll have some interesting comments to bring you, i'm sure, because we are very interested in the whole german-usa connection for this game and what it's going to mean, chris. >> seeing how you started a lot of the speculation about this collusion, you know, i was down there with you, baldesarra, don't run away. good to know you're in the same hotel with the team, expect some real good skinny information.
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i know you're working. >> now a look at today's weather with indra petersons. >> a lot of rain. a huge chunk of the country is looking for rain but it's not the question. it's about how fast because take a look at chicago yesterday. closed in both directions thanks to an inch of rain that all fell in the early evening hours so that's key. so many of you expecting rain today and that same system making it way into the northeast so there you go. you can see the radar right now already pushing in. as we go towards the evening hours you'll start seeing that rain in towards new york city, boston, even light rain out towards d.c. it's in the overnight hours. that's when you'll see the heaviest rain. tomorrow morning, yeah, still can see a scattered shower and commute time on the back side and still light showers picking up in the afternoon tomorrow. kind of a quick system, again, how fast will that rain fall and that will bring the concern over the next 24 or 48 hours. who is getting the most, 2 to 5 inches, several inches back
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towards new york city and maybe towards d.c. light scattered showers and a he have thunderstorm can still be out there. that's the concern and it's hot and muggy. you know it feels ugly out there and not story in the northeast. all the way in the southeast. look at hefty rain right around the give. same story for them temperature-wise. still talking about 80s and 90s. it is hot and it is summer and it is staying hot. at least for the next week. hello, no weekend. no game again. >> thumbs up. >> thanks, indra. >> coming up on "new day," "inside politics." republicans wanted to crush the tea party. did they? did they succeed? may not be so clear. >> lebron james, is he taking his talents somewhere else? he's already decided to opt out of his contract in miami so what's next for the superstar? break out your crystal ball.
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welcome back to "new day." it's almost 30 minutes past the hour. let's take a look at headlines starting with the situation in iraq. iraqi officials say that 57 civilians have been killed by air strikes carried out by syrian warplanes in the anbar province this morning.
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this as militant numbers in iraq are growing as they continue to seize key cities across the country. u.s. officials estimate about 10,000 isis fighters are in iraq and syria. 90 more u.s. military advisers meanwhile have arrived in iraq joining 40 already on the ground. a sudanese woman sentenced to death for refusing to renounce christianity and later freed has now been charged with traveling with falsified document and giving false information. miriam ibrahim was at the airport when she was re-arrested tuesday on her way to the u.s. with her american husband and two children. sudanese officials say she presented south sudanese travel documents despite not being a citizen of that country. her husband is now being held as an accessory. officials have summoned u.s. and south sudanese ambassadors to address this issue. western powers are warning russia about new sanctions after new violence has tested a crease
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fire in ukraine. fighting overnight near the russian border and pro-russian rebels shot down a military helicopter killing nine ukrainian servicemen, but russian president vladimir putin seems to be taking steps to end the violence by cancelling a resolution that allowed him to use force in ukraine. back here at home, it would appear chicago is george lucas' kind of town. the "star wars" creator announcing he's chosen the windy city for the city of his much anticipated mo ed museum of art movie memorabilia. los angeles and san francisco were also vying for it. lucas plans to have the museum of native arts opening in 2008 and, yes, it will have a scale model of the millennium falcon. >> a married man, i go with the influence of the wife from chicago. >> you don't think mayor rahm
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emanuel might have been doing some lobbying? >> it's in the middle of the country, both coasts, equal flights. >> close to soldier field. 2018, put it on your calendar. >> done. >> a lot of politics last night. what does this all mean? one man can tell us. he runs "inside" politics on "new day." his name john king and his face to the left of the screen. mr. cuomo, hope you had a nice trip south to the world cup. kate, michaela, very good day to go inside politics. wow, let's just start in a word, wow. in a runoff election, traditionally the base turns out and overall turnout drops. instead in mississippi last night thad cochran, the establishment candidate wins, turnout overall goes up. he wins, peter, by 6,300 votes, no question, we don't have a debate this morning. thad cochran is the republican nominee for senate in mississippi beating a tea party
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challenger because african-american democrats turned out in this primary. chris mcdaniel, let's listen to chris mcdaniel, a guy who maybe skipped charm school. lost the race. he's not happy and he lashes out. >> there is something a bit strange, there is something a bit unusual about a republican primary that's decided by liberal democrats. >> he says so much for principle there, but it's a lot about rules. if you don't want democrats voting in your primary, then go to the state legislature and change the rules. mcran did nothing wrong here, but -- >> them's the rules, and they totally, you know, to use a cliche disrupted how mississippi politics is run in this runoff. you have to give a ton of credit to the congress ran team for what they did in this runoff. >> and the outside interest, congress, other groups came in with a lot of money, expanded the field. >> and a lot of people are talking about the brett favre ad that the chamber of commerce ran.
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i think all of us were surprised if you talk to cochran in the week winning up to this. thought they were still in the game. got a call with 20% in from a source of the chamber who said we're going to win this thing, but you're right about african-american voters. look, i think turnout crept up across the board. the cochran people say that, but look at hines county right to the west of jackson, you know, that's a 60% african-american county, and thad increased his vote margin there by 7,000 votes, a great indicator what have happened. >> the question is he needed these votes to win. >> yes. >> the question is now he's republican nominee, overwhelming favorite to keep this senate seat in republican hands. what does he do, say thank you and forget or might this be a turning turning point, an elder statesman republican senator, mississippi has the highest percentage of african-american voters, lock around elsewhere in the state where african-americans are often left out. would thad cochran come become and tell his republican leadership let's have an open conversation say about voting
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rights >> you know possibly so, and that's kind of how he ran this campaign and certainly the way he sounded during his victory speech. this was all mississipians when he was running ads in african-american newspapers, talked about money that had gone to historically black colleges and universities so perhaps he could do that, could have a partner in someone like rand paul who has talked about restoring voting rights to felons but possibly but it doesn't seem like that's where the republican party is right now. >> cochran has never been a spotlight seeker but it would be pretty cool. >> there's an opportunity here, to just not have this i needed your vote, thank you very much, forget about it, but to come back to washington and god forb forbid, actual competition and conversation for all voters ais kro the country would be a god thing and let's keep the mississippi race in mind as we look more broadly last night, the establishment won and tea party and other insurgent in the republican party got trounced, in the colorado governor's race, congressional primary in new york and in a big high-profile
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senate primary in oklahoma where the tea party organized around the former state house speaker t.w. shannon, james lankford, a congressman won that race, didn't just win but won huge. so much so, ted cruz and sarah palin invested in this race. sean hannity says if you're guys keep losing, should we start a third party? >> if republicans are going to act like democrats, then what's the use in getting all gung-ho about getting more republicans in there, so, yeah, if republicans aren't going to stand strong on our planks and platform, then it does no good to get all enthused about them any more. >> her guy lost the republican primary. in oklahoma no democrats voting in that party. >> here are the limitations that have argument and we've heard the third-party talks. >> she's been talking about it for a while. >> she talks. >> mostly true. in oklahoma the guy who won, james lankford, is no squish.
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>> right. >> this guy was a member of house leadership. voted to increase the debt ceiling in 2013, the main thing that shannon and cruz and lee and freedom works and sarah palin were hitting him on. he's a baptist, conservative, probably more conservative than tom coburn so when you hear an argument like that that he's going to vote like democrats, i just don't see that. >> this morning mitch mcconnell, the senate republican leader who famously said he'd crush the tea party this year everywhere has to wake up mad at one guy, eric cantor, the former house majority leer. that's really the only hoe-profile race, the big one, that the tea party has won. the establishment's got to be feeling overall pretty happy. >> they have a pretty fantastic record, and you can look at that race in virginia and sort of blame eric cantor for not being present enough in that district but they have run a pretty masterful campaign, the establishment has. >> that result looks even worse for cantor, the one outlier, the run guy who didn't run a
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campaign and not liked at all in his district. >> he didn't do the work. >> thad cochran did. >> let's move on to something else fascinating. talked about this before. republicans in the house are pressing the obama administration, what happened to the e-mails of the central figure in the irs investigating trying to crack down allegedly on the tea party? last night they called up a white house lawyer who used to work at irs as a witness and i want you to listen hear to this exchange. congressman jason chaffetz, republican of utah, trying to get the witness to name somebody at the agency who might know why the-m i didn't actually interac directly with people in the i.t. arena. there was somebody whose name was -- i can't even remember his last name. his first name may have been ben. >> a guy named ben, dude named ben. who else? >> i don't recall. >> you were there six months. had you people around you that would jump at your very presence. what -- who are these people? >> nobody ever jumped at my very
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presence, i can assure you of that. >> the contempt you hear from the republican lawmakers and back from the irs commissioner, john kosiken, not getting anywhere in the fact-finding realm. >> and politically speaking i don't know if they need to, this is like shooting bambi, anything easier than punching the irs in the face and also with the e-mail thing i just think it doesn't pass the smell test for a lot of people so you have chaffetz there who is a showman and likes the spotlight, this is a win for republicans to keep hammering on this. >> it's very much working for them, and you're right. i mean, how can you believe that the irs, which makes ordinary folks keep what seven years of records, that somehow they have misplaced, destroyed these -- these e-mails. it is -- it is very surprising. >> i'm interested to hearing from ben, the i.t.bro now. >> the committee will issue a
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subpoena for the dude ben in i.t. peter, nia, thanks for coming in this morning. >> we played yesterday michelle obama saying the country is ready, ready now for a woman president. listen to conan o'brien who thinks she's got something in mind. >> michelle obama said she wants americans to elect a woman president, quote, as soon as possible. yes, yeah. she says it should happen as soon as possible. yeah, man, so even she's had enough of president obama. >> a little family humor there. >> that's exactly right. i don't think that's what she meant. >> chance she runs? >> no. >> who? >> we need to all stop this insanity. she's made it so clear, even her husband said she's not going to run. >> chance she runs? >> no. she's going to help build the barack obama museum right next to the george lucas museum, very, very busy and maybe move to new york and give you guys grief. >> thank you so much, john.
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busy night for john king and busy morning for john king. coming up next on "new day," michael jackson remembered. today marks five years since the king of pop died but his music continues to live on. we know that oh, so well what. more have we learned about the icon since his passing? we'll discuss. >> plus, big news in the nba. some of the biggest stars, maybe certainly the biggest, is hitting the open market but others are at well. king james opts out of his contract. what does it mean? how good a chance is it that he winds up with the knucks? very good. there's more to this than you may think. we'll take you through it. ♪ they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ (dad) we lived... thanks to our subaru.
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welcome back to "new day." nba stars lebron james will become a flow agent on july 1st. after four seasons with the miami heats he's exercising his early contract termination option. basketball fans are in a frenzy everywhere and so are the appetites of pretty much every team in the league, it appears. what's going to happen? what's lebron james' next move and will he announce it with such fanfare the past time? let's hope not. joining us to discuss, slate podcast host and former npr sports correspondent. mike, great to see you.
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>> great to see you. >> goes without saying this is a big deal. why is this such a big deal? >> one of those big deals that we knew was going to happen, but like we know the word cup is going to happen. that's still a big deal f.lebron wanted to change teams, he has to opt out, but if he wanted to stay on the heat and make the heat better he also has to opt out. there's no way he doesn't opt out. >> any chance he stays in miami? >> huge chance. >> really? >> probably the most logical ops, but would i say the last time when he left cleveland that caught everyone by surprise and i would caution you to remember what a nightmare that was. sources say every team in the league, including like real madrid and places that don't exist, so this time let's maybe calm down. i don't think the media is going to listen to me. the point is that if he needed to opt out of the heat because he has to change his contract, he doesn't have to. he could get the maximum money allowed. >> shower. >> but that would preclude them from getting other free agents to allow them to win an nba championship and that's the number one thing. he needs the team to build more than they have in the last couple of years to add extra
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talent to especially -- lebron james can do everything on the basketball court. the one thing he can't do is stop another team's center so they need at least a good defensive big man for someone like tim duncan. >> the idea of him going to another team in all the cities around the nation saying we want him, we want hip. we should pump the brakes on that. >> don't pump the brakes. >> more of a strategic situation. >> i think it's a logical move. not only is the best basketball player in the world, he becomes the most important gm in basketball, de facto gm. >> of course. >> he'll take meetings with all these teams and will say what are you going to do for me and who are you going to pair me with? here's my list of i need you to pair me with. if they say, trust me, we'll get a big man. he has relationships with all these guys. >> the problem with cleveland, refused to build the kind of team. yes, the heat, they won the championships but don't have the team to do it anymore.
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>> because chris bosh is out. >> maybe he can convince chris bosh to be the under-the-basket center that he was in toronto. >> you don't think bosh goes? >> they could keep the big three. >> do they all have to take less money? >> absolutely. >> can you get this agreement between all three of them? >> they would do it. these guys have made so much money in their life. >> bosh who do it, who is going to pay up for him? >> dwyane wade could make the maximum money if he does something called opt in which is the weird trick the owners play on. the guy is being selfish if he says pay me what you agreed to pay me and there's a salary cap and lebron james is extremely underpaid, the most he could get paid is $20 million, definitely worth $40 million, $50 million. >> speculation that they are headed back to cleveland. lebron james' wife had an interesting instagram that said home sweet home. the countdown is real. i thought when he left there
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were pretty hurt feelings among the cavs fans. >> isn't the owner problem mat snick. >> that's a big thing. you know you watch basketball and they say, kids, pay attention to this. kids, if you have any dreams of being in the corporate board room, pay attention to what dan gilbert did, got very frustrated and lashed out and four years later he might want to woo back his prize employee. >> they don't have the team. he wants a team that can win. >> what you'd be looking for the cavs to do with the number one pick in the draft. if they turn that into established players that's a signal they are going for lebron or draft a really highly touted player like wiggins. other teams would say they traded someone for nothing. may be trading players for cap space to rao lebron. >> other than miami where could he go? >> l.a. clippers. >> that's what i'm talking about. >> they have space, i don't see exactly how he fits.
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i would say l.a. has absolutely everything. chris paul is his best friend. he would love to pair with ballmer. what a statement it would make. lebron was making big statements early on. it would totally rebrand that team. the one big negative to that logically, he doesn't want to be in the west. then you have to go through the spurs. the east is pretty safe for him. the heat didn't even have the number one seed. they cruised to the finals. so 2 would be smarter to stay in the east. >> the only more physically dominating player in the league than lebron james is on the spurs, leonard is the most physically dominant guy >> this is so much more complex. i thought he was just requesting to choose weather. >> choose new york, if you want to be in the best play in the best city. >> you should not use the phrase "taking my talents, too." he needs to come up with a better phrase. >> dramatic music, i love it. where are you taking your talents? >> to slates the jest, my
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podcast i talk about lots of things other than sports. >> thanks so much, mike. great to see you. you knew where i was going. maybe a little cyst. >> i slight the slooieight of h. this morning we learn more about michael jackson's untimely death and we'll tell what you we've learned in just a second. ♪ thoughtful combinations,
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been five years since michael jackson was found dead at the age of 50. from los angeles pa-to-spain pla fans are planning a vigil. stephanie elam is in from l.a. here to remember the king of pop zblptsd . >> it's one of the things you all remember where you were when you heard michael jackson passed on. since his death we've heard so many things he kept from us. it was supposed to hb his farewell tour but michael jackson would never perform for his fans again. the entertainer with the iconic moves and unmistakable sound died in 009 while the "this is it" concert tour was still in rehearsals. since his passing, we've learned much more about the pop icon. first, m.j. sounding like we never heard him before during the trial of conrad murray, jackson's personal doctor who was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the singer's death, audio was played of m.j.
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speaking, his voice graveled and slurred. >> when people leave my show, i want them to say, i've never seen anything like this in my life. >> reporter: shocking details about m.j.'s appearance, revealing his lips were tattooed pink and like his eyebrows tattooed to blend with his wigs. third, jackson's addiction to pain killers. for 60 nights he was injected with propofol, a strongance nesia only supposed to be administered in medical settings. the drug deprived of star of sleep two months before his death. doctor testified if it were not for the propofol overdose he could have lived. before he died his three kids were kept covered up in public.
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since his death the children have shown their faces. paris, prince and blanket honored their father in a hand and footprint ceremony outside chinese theater. prince even embracing his fame, appearing as a guest correspondent for "entertainment tonight" in 2013. >> i know how to keep my cool. >> reporter: as one of the most famous men in the world, the king of pop fought to give his children a normal childhood. after all, he gave his to the spotlight. and one of the other topics that a lot of people thought about michael jackson as his skin changed color he was bleaching his skin. he had vitaligo, a skin condition and wasn't something he was doing on his own. >> i think a lot of people thought he was doing it purposely. steph, great to have you in studio. >> nice to be in person and in a normal hour. >> tonight, don lemon will sit down and talk with dr. conrad murray, his first interview since he was released from prison, tonight, 10:00 p.m.
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eastern. tune in, that will be interesting conversation. come up, long time congressmen coming close to losing their jobs. what will it mean in the battle for the gop? we'll break it down. hey! so i'm looking at my bill, and my fico® credit score's on here. we give you your fico® score each month for free! awesomesauce! wow! the only person i know that says that is...lisa? julie?! at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card and see your fico® credit score.
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good morning and welcome to "new day" once again. it is june 25th, 8:00 in the east. two veterans of washington's political wars survived the primary challenges, or did they? six-term mississippi senator thad cochran narrowly defeated chris mcdaniel in the republican primary runoff but mcdaniel may not be giving up the fight yet. and in new york charlie rangel declared victory in a democratic house race but his opponent is refusing to concede defeat. dana bash is live in jackson, mississippi. what happened in mississippi last night? >> reporter: so many things unusual with this race. it's hard to know where to start. let's start with how many people came out for the runoff last night. 60,000 more people voted in the
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runoff than in the primary, incredibly unusual. what is even more unusual is that it wasn't just the people in the party. >> so much for bold colors. so much for principle. >> reporter: a nasty finish to a tough race. mississippi tee party candidate chris mcdaniel with a not so conciliatory race after losing to thad cochran. >> there is something a bit strange, there is something a bit unusual about a republican primary that's decided by liberal democrats. >> thank you all for being here to help celebrate a great victory. >> reporter: cochran, who trailed mcdaniel june 3rd in the primary spent the past three weeks courting voters outside the gop base, including african-americans, pointing to federal funds he secured throughout his 36 years in the senate. >> and to those who say you know what, you have been reelected
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time and time again, your opponent says it's just too much. you've been there too long. >> well i'm the choice the people have made freely and openly. >> reporter: in the largely african-american precinct we visited, turnout was up three times than the primary and higher elsewhere. who did you vote for? >> thad cochran. >> reporter: have you ever voted in a republican primary before? >> i have not. >> i guess they can take consolation in the fact that they did something tonight by once again compromising, by once again reaching across the aisle, by once again abandoning the conservative movement. >> reporter: conservative and african-american groups sent observers to the polls fearing impropriety from the other side, which did not materialize. in the end, it was just over 6,000 votes that separated the two. >> we all have a right to be proud of our state tonight. thank you very much. thank you for this wonderful honor. >> reporter: 6,000 votes it's actually a little bit more than
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that, kate and chris, is much bigger than the primary, much, much bigger and certainly makes it look pretty hard for chris mcdaniel to wage any kind of challenge to these results, but it doesn't mean he's not going to try. i guess it was just a few hours ago before we went to bed, mcdaniel aide said to me when i asked is he going to challenge this? the courts "stay tunetuned." >> it is time to analyze, scrutinize and hypothesize. dana, stay with us and we bring in errol louis, anchor of new york one's "inside city hall." let me drag you into the analysis side of this. he's upset because he lost a republican primary because of democratic voters maybe. maybe it was just more voters overall. i say he should be angry. it's supposed to be intraparty. >> if you didn't like it, you should have fought when you have
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a closed primary. primary is a mini general election, this is what you're going to get. it creates a different dynamic. i think the lawmakers in their wisdom styed to set up mississippi for a particular reason for this reason to keep out the extremists, the people who are going to run on a platform of keeping people apart. so cochran if he wins will be a vindication of that system and what kind of politics it leads to remains to be seen. >> dana of course the question is, on a runoff especially, what is the big take-away? what is the message that you think republicans are taking from this race when they wake up this morning? i would argue maybe brett favre is the deciding factor. >> the favre factor. >> reporter: the fash factor. the favre factor, he could be. side note, he's famous and has a lot of input here because he's a famous quarterback and a native son but also has come back to the state and he's been a teacher, a coach here, so the whole question about education, which has been a big one here,
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federal funding for that, which thad cochran has promoted, that fed into that, but in terms of the national takeaway, the people who helped thad cochran win are people who have an eye to the national republican party, the barber family, hailey barb barber, the former governor of the state, two of his were involved in the campaign, the barbours ran the superpack here. they thought this would be a model for the party to grow on a national level. whether that's transferrable is a question that we don't know yet because thad cochran, historically for 30 years has been somebody who has reached out. mcdaniel is right, he has reached out across the aisle, he has compromised and specifically reached out to democrats in this state. he's considered himself a senator for everybody in the state no matter the party and in this open primary, that helped him tremendously. >> the republicans need to be more like democrats to win going
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on a national level. >> i don't think that's what republicans are going to take from this. >> not at all. dana, let me get one word from the ground. mcdaniel says i may sue, but i'm not going to concede. how far-fetched is that, that he can sue and win in this situation? >> reporter: it depends what evidence they can find. chris, you're a lawyer. you know this a lot better than i, but the law is here that two things, one is if you voted in the democratic primary, you're not allowed to run, to vote in the runoff and i prnlly saw with my own two eyes three people turned away the at the polling station where we were for that very reason, so the question is whether if they found somebody who did that, if that's grounds for suing. the other is a lot less possible to enforce which is, if you vote in the republican primary and intend to vote for the democrat in the general election, that's not legal, but federal judges have said it's really very difficult to enforce. if they can somehow find a way
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to combat that, who knows. i talked to mcdaniel on monday about this issue and insists he believes it's illegal. it's clear there were things churning already for them to figure out a way to challenge this if they need to. >> dana is on the ground in mississippi. great reporting as always. errol, what is going on in new york? charlie rangel, a lot of people talking about the changing demographics of his district. >> an incumbent who has been there for 22 terms, not years, so 44 years in office, wanted two more and he happened to be in a district where there is demographic change where what had once been sort of the central seed or central harlem was the basis of the seat and it was an overwhelmingly black district is now majority latino and not just puerto ricans. >> should he change his strategy or did he just run a bit of a different campaign? >> ran harder. >> he ran the same campaign and did it a little bit more
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energetically. the district, although largely black, also always had a large puerto rican component to it. now there are dominicans, mexicans, it's a much more diverse district in a the lolot. he gets it as far as how you play ethnic politics in that part of new york. he did it very energetically. he twisted lots of arms, he called in lots of favors. he shook lots of hands and it looks like he squeaked out a victory just under 2,000 votes separate the two of them. on the other hand, you know, almost all of the affidavit ballots and the overseas ballot also come in, in the next week. >> a little bit we'll see but not so much. >> we're waiting on call it but i get your rationale. >> unless every one goes to the challenger, it looks like rangel has been reelected. >> new yorkers, hillary clinton said some things during the book tour whether she's well off, not well off and it's spawned this out of touch, not out of touch. >> tone deaf. >> so bill clinton comes out, do we want to play this or explain
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it? this is what the former president had to say in defense of his wife. >> it is factually true that we were several million dollars in debt. everybody now assumes that what happened in the intervening years was automatic. i'm shocked that it's happened. i'm shocked that people still want me to come give talks and so i'm grateful she's not out of touch and she advocated and worked as a senator for things that were good for ordinary people. >> i felt that it was a cheap shot saying when she said the we pay ordinary income tax like a lot of people who are very fortunate, i felt it was a cheap shot to say she meant that she wasn't really well off but in general the idea that she's out of touch, do you think this was an effective defense? >> well, first of all, the guy was going to have to defend his life. we married people understand this is what you have to do. i do think there is a sort of a bit of a blind spot there. when president clinton says oh, i'm shocked that people want to pay me lots of money, this is a guy who has done i don't know
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how many multimillion-dollar fund-raisers in his career. i think he gets it. >> also a bit of a blind spot for voters if they think anyone elected president isn't wealthy in today's day and age. >> that's right. look. the amount of extreme wealth at the upper end of the spectrum i think is not really understood by a lot of people, and i can understand from the clinton's point of view that they are merely millionaires who pay a lot of income and they earn the money and pay out half of it in taxes. >> what is wrong with making money? >> that's different from their well-healed friends who own corporations and own stocks and own mansions and jets and so forth. you know, within the upper 1% of the income distribution and the wealth distribution, certainly those at the bottom end of the 1% are millionaires and they're doing pretty well by everybody's standards, but they look upward at what some of the billionaires are doing and the centamill nairs are doing and it's a different kind of a lifestyle. >> that's why the politician running for major office but has no connections to anybody who is wealthy or any corporation is
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going to raise their money themselves is liked by so many. what is her name again? they don't exist, this person, they don't exist. >> errol, great to see you. thank you so much. >> thank you. n the crisis in iraq this morning. iraqi officials say 57 civilians have been killed by air strikes carried out by syrian war planes in the anbar province, this as more u.s. personnel arrive to help slow the isis surge. 0 military advisers are joining 40 others who are already in iraq to guide the military, but as the u.s. deploys more help, isis keeps on growing. the u.s. now estimates 10,000 militants in iraq and syria with more joining the fight. lot to discuss. let's get to barbara starr who is breaking the news for us live from the pentagon. >> good morning, kate. you talk about the fight in anbar in iraq close to the syrian border, western iraq. this is the border that now is so contentious, virtually erased
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by the fighting. so what did we have? we have now 130 u.s. military advisers on the ground, several more, about another 50 expected to arrive in the coming days to assess the situation, but isis already putting their mark on what the situation is right now, about 10,000 fighters spread out between iraq and syria, about 7,000 on the syrian side, about 3,000 or more inside of iraq, about 5,000 foreign fighters. why are those numbers so important? because this is the capability that the u.s. may have to address. right now the u.s. military advisers are focused on baghdad. their primary goal is to make sure they understand what isis is up to and whether isis has a plan to mach a rub for baghdad and could they get it? will the iraqi forces hold up against any isis onslaught onto baghdad? that's one of the top concerns.
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if it gets to the point where president obama were to order air strikes and no decision has been made about that, what the u.s. has assembled in the region can get that job done, officials say. they have ships. they have planes, and they are now conducting about 30 reconnaissance flights a day over iraq to collect more intelligence about isis. michae michaela? >> barbara, thanks for the rundown of what's happening there right now. cnn will continue to monitor the ongoing situation in iraq. president obama meanwhile could be facing a lawsuit from house speaker john boehner. he is taking issue with the president's use of executive action. the president has used it to push initiatives without approval from a bitterly divided congress. republicans argue obama is breaching his constitutional power. the homeland security chief is headed to arizona today, jay johnson will tour border patrol facilities, the very one struggling to keep up with the
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crush of child imgrabts. thousa immigrants. thousands of unaccompanied minors have been caught crossing since last october, most from central america. cnn films presents "documented" the story of jose antonio vargas, also an undocumented immigrant. a settlement in another church abuse scandal, the seattle archdiocese will pay over $12 million in a suit claiming repeated sexual abuse at two schools run by the order of christian brothers. the 30 men who brought the suit ranged in age from 42 to 68. they say the archdiocese failed to protect them from known abusers. i thought there was no biting in soccer. someone should probably tell that to uruguas's suarez. not the first time he sunk his teeth into an opponent in the field of play. he's facing suspension. that very well could keep him
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out of the rest of the world cup tournament. what will uruguay do? >> question that uruguay never thought they'd have oto ask, what do we do with b a player who bites people? >> he's called the cannibal. it's over. the italian guy is running around screaming "my shoulder, my shoulder" and ramirez is trying to push his jersey back up. >> that's nothing. just a little cream. >> like a novella on the grass. very good, very good. coming up next on "new day," are 3-d mammograms a better way to detect breast cancer? dr. sanjay gupta tells us why not everyone agrees on the technology. we always talk about what could have been done to stop it, an alleged school bombing was stopped in the nick of time. how did authorities do it? what did they learn about this kid? we have information for you just in a moment. are acidic. all eat foods that most of the time people are shocked when we show them
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this morning a new study suggests 3-d mammograms may be better at detecting breast cancer than regular scans. the study published in the "journal of the american medical association" found 3-d scans turned up 15% fewer false alarms, but medical experts are questioning the expensive technology and how much radiation it uses. let's get over to cnn's chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta, for a bit of a truth check on this. >> good morning. >> good morning, sanjay. what do you make of it? what does it do? how is it different? >> this type of technology has been around for some time. it is exactly what it sounds like. you get a three-dimensional sort of image as opposed to a
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two-dimensional image which is what the standard is right now, this digital mammography. you can look at the images, the newer sort of technologies on the right of your screen there, and it may be hard to tell if you're not used to looking at mammograms but it's easier on the right side part of the screen to find certain abnormalities, and that's sort of the key. this is a screening test, so what they found is they studied this over time, they followed about half a million women, half of them got the standard mammography. the other the 3-d mammography and the standard. the women who got both they were more likely to weed out things that were not cancer, and more likely to find things that were cancer. those are the two things you want and that's what prompted the study. >> it says it turns up 15% fewer false alarms. we've talked about this previously, the false positives is a big criticism that a lot of the medical community has for why so many people are getting screened, it's turning up more
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false positives, creating more of a problem, unnecessary problem for many women, but the new study says it is better. is there a downside? >> i think the biggest, there's a couple of downsides. one is you get more radiation right now the way this is done and that's not a small concern. you are getting that dose of radiation every year, that could potentially be a concern. it's also more expensive, about four times more expensive than mammography and that's always when you're measuring public health sort of risks, something you want to take into account. the biggest thing, kate, and this is a more nuanced issue, it's not just about finding cabber ises early. it's about finding cancers that are going to misbehave and cause a real problem. not all cancers do. how do you find the ones that are problematic? the question that they're really going to need to answer is despite all the potential advantages here, does it make a difference? do women live longer? are there dangerous cancers found earlier and does it, you know, add to survival. we don't know the answer to that yet. it's a difficult standard for
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these screening tests to meet, but that's what they're trying to find. >> what would your recommendation be? what type of patient is this a better option for? >> i would say this, and just looking at the images and looking at the technology, if you're a woman who has had mammograms in the past, you hear the mammograms aren't very good, you have particularly dense breasts for example. you may be a better candidate for 3-d mom mog fee. if you had 3-d breast surgery, it may be a better option for you. eventually, we talked about it could become a wider screening test but for now that's what i would tell my family members and what a lot of oncologists tell their patients. >> when it comes to breast cancer the more options that you have, because every patient is different, i think that sounds like a good thing, sanjay. >> yes, i think so. there's a lot of messages back and forth, abandon screening tests, don't worry about them. i think that's the wrong message. as a general finding of some of the cancers early is making a
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big difference and we need to find out which ones will misbehave over time. >> sanjay gupta, great to see you, thanks. >> thank you. >> sanjay will be talking to former "good morning america" cohost joan lunden about this big issue, her own breast cancer diagnosis, that will be on "sanjay gupta m.d." be sure to watch this saturday, 4:30 p.m. and sunday at 7:30 a.m. eastern only on cnn, of course, and sanjay you're pulling double duty, you also have our "human factor" of the week. >> excited about this story, incredible video you may have seen of a man who was playing guitar while he was having brain surgery. it was incredible video. it went viral last year. brad carter. he hoped that procedure would cure his debilitating tremors. unfortunately they wouldn't quit but neither did carter. here is his story. brad carter is an actor. he's been on shows like "true detective" "csi" and starred in
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this viral video. ♪ playing guitar while undergoing deep brain stimulation. what led carter to the operating room, a condition called the central tremor. >> the slower i try to play the harder is becomes. >> reporter: for years before that diagnosis, he was told nothing could be done. carter spent years being misdiagnosed. meanwhile tremors began affecting his ability to act and play music. deep brain stimulation was his best chance. >> as scary as that is, i'm going to take that chance rather than keep living my life in misery. >> reporter: and get this -- weeks after the viral video, carter's tremor came back. he had to prepare for yet another brain surgery. >> still tremors, but you got to admit it's a lot better. >> reporter: the second surgery did work. perseverance, fighting to be well, overcoming, led to this, an album, due out this fall.
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>> i think i've got something that's going to be really, i'm going to be really proud of. ♪ >> reporter: dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, rorng. reporting. >> i just love watching that video and it's incredible you see a guy playing guitar in the operating room but that's part of how the surgeons are getting feedback in how much of an impact they're making on his tremor. the string and the guitar are hooked up to the accelerometers and movement indicators. it wasn't just listening to how good the music was but how much was he having a tremor while playing. it was amazing video. >> unbelievable and unbelievable his perseverance going through two of the treatments like that, sanj sanjay. that was amazing. >> that was like a scene in the movie in "orbocop" or "silence of the lambs" you feel that could never happen in real life. coming up a minnesota teen ainger plots to bomb his school. the police stop him at the last
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moment. what does it show what can be done around the country, and what went wrong with this kid? answers ahead.
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police in minnesota just prevented what could have been the next school massacre. listen up to how they found out about the plot and what it teaches about preventative policing and continuing the struggle to identify deranged potential killers. cnn's miguel marquez joins us with this story.
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very interesting they were able to do this >> very interesting and it's a peek into a very, very dark mind. this is a kid who says he had no targets in mind, that he was not bullied but comparing himself to adam lanza who killed elementary school students. he told police "one has to have some dignity." >> i really want to get out of this place. >> reporter: in a chilling interview with investigators, 17-year-old john ladue is heard revealing why he wanted kill himself, his family and as many victims as possible at his high school in minnesota. >> i was not bullyed at all. i don't think i've ever been bullied in my life. i have good parents, i live in a good town. i think i'm just really mentally ill. and no one's noticed and i've been trying to hide it. >> it is his parents and older sister he wanted to murder. >> i wanted as many victims as possible. >> reporter: he calmly detailed
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step by step plans to set off bombs inside the hallways of his school. >> then my plans were to enter and throw molotov cocktails and pipe bombs and destroy everyone and one s.w.a.t. comes kill myself. >> reporter: he said he would be different than adam lanza, the 0-year-old who fatally shot 20 children and six adult staff at sandy hook elementary. >> i didn't want to prove that i was a wuss like all of the other recent shooters like adam lanza who shot himself. i wanted to get taken down by the s.w.a.t. just to show that i wasn't a wimp and not like willing to fight with equal force. >> reporter: he tested possible material explosives, someone saw him acting suspiciously and called 911. in this interview ladue claims his father had no idea what was going on. >> he thinks i'm a good kid
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because i can lie pretty well and persuade him i'm just ordinary. >> reporter: he said he planned to shoot students with guns he stole from him. >> i don't think he wants to lie. i think he wants, he knows he got himself in a strange place and he wants out. >> reporter: now that 911 caller saw ladue what he thought was breaking into the storage facility when police showed up there, it looked like somebody was living there and from then, the entire plot rolled out just absolutely chilling and thank god they got him. back to you guys. >> and how, how becomes so important, miguel, thank you for that. somebody saw something, they said something, and what could be dismissed as a cry for help was taken more seriously and wound up potentially stopping, because it started to look more and more like a plan. >> thank goodness for that. time for the five things to know, mississippi senator thad cochran defeating tea party challenger chris mcdaniel in the gop runoff and in new york,
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charles rangel declaring victory in his primary race, both opponents refuse to concede. this morning iraqi officials say 57 civilians have been killed by air strikes carried out by syrian war planes in the anbar province. house speaker john boehner threatening to sue president obama for misuse of executive authority. the president has used executive orders to push initiatives without approval from congress. a federal judge says the u.s. no fly zone violates the constitution. the list as you know bans people suspected of ties to terrorism from commercial flights but the judge said it gives them no real way to challenge that designation. and at number five the original lyrics of bob dylan's "like a rolling stone" sold at auction for how much? $2 million. that say record. they bought the only known final draft of the 1965 classic apparently written on hotel
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stationary. we always update the five things to know, go to for the latest >> pretty cool. coming up on "new day," this man's almost 2-year-old child died, died because he was left in a car for hours while the man went to work. his father. the question is, was it an accident? the police don't think so. but why? we'll tell you. when folks think about what they get from alaska,
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we do have breaking news this morning about the economy. we just learned the u.s. economy declined at a rate of 2.9% in the first quarter. that is steeper than previously reported. it is believed that the nasty winter weather is responsible for much of the line it. if you want to know more we'll develop the story throughout the morning. go to we turn to a troubling story. new details this morning in the case of an atlanta father charged with murdering his son, justin harris, he says he mistakenly left his toddler inside his suv for hours while he was at work. the boy died as temperatures outside the car approached 90
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degrees. that's outside the car. now police say they have reason to doubt his story. victor black klwell is at the cnn center with much more on the story. >> good morning, in just a few hours we're expecting to learn the manner and cause of death for the child from the medical examiner's office and now there are reports this father actually had not forgotten about his son. evidence shows justin ross harris knew his 22-month-old son was in his sweltering suv, sources tell cnn affiliate wsv and two search warrants have been issued for harris' home address a court county official tells cnn. they trying to determine what or who killed this little boy one week ago. harris told investigators he had forgot on it drop the toddler off at a day care center and realized the boy was still strapped into his car seat while driving home from work more than seven hours later. much has changed about the circumstances leading up to the
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death of this 22-month-old since his first reported. the sergeant would not give specifics citing the ongoing cession but tells cnn "what i know about had case shocks my conscience as a police officer, a father and a grandfather." a woman who claims to be the child's mother has been told not to speak to the media. >> hopped out of the driver's seat, opened the back door, pulled his child out, laid him on the concrete, tried to resuscitate him. >> reporter: but it was too late. cobb county patrol officers were in the area when the 911 calls came in. questions began to be asked about the moments that led up to their arrival at the scene. some of the answers were not making sense to the first responders. pierce tells cnn harris began cursing and screaming at officers. harris was then handcuffed and placed in the back of a patrol car, he was questioned and
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arrested and charged with cruelty to a child and felony murder. >> he's fully aware of what he's charged with and he'll be entering a plea of not guilty at this time. >> reporter: calls to harris' attorney has v mott been returned. he is being held without bond. if harris is convicted on the child cruelty charge he could face 5 to 20 years. on the felony murder charge in georgia if you're found guilty of felony murder there's a minimum of 30 years behind bars although this could be upgraded to a death penalty case. chris? kate? >> the question will be, victor, did they tell you what the felony murder is? >> we're hoping to find out exactly what that is today f there's a narrative released with this autopsy, if the full autopsy report comes out and we get more from investigators in an incident report we'll be able to report that as well. >> i appreciate it, victor. it becomes important because felony murder is different than regular homicide. it's that you committed a crime let's say like burglary or kidnapping, and it wound up resulting in a death. so it suggests a theory that
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something else was going on and the kid died as a result of it. it's an important distinction in terms of what police think happened in this situation. >> seems like police think there is something more going on for sure. >> we'll have to know what that predicate felony was and we'll tell you as soon as we find out. let's take a break here on "new day." when we come back, a year after bursting on to the national stage, wendy davis is looking to raise her political profile, she's running for texas' governor. she'll sit down for an in-depth interview with the one and only gloria wornborger. don't mess with this 4-year-old. how she stopped her babysitter from pulling off the perfect crime. that story is ahead.
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welcome back to "new day." her defiant campaign catapulted her to political stardom and now a year later, wendy davis' abortion rights fill buster in texas is being brought into the national spotlight. you remember she became a national figure pause of it. now she's trying to harness that energy in a new challenge to recapture the spirit because she wants to become texas's next governor. cnn's gloria borger has an in-depth interview with the gubernatorial hopeful. take a listen. >> i could hear literally the capitol roar. >> reporter: wendy davis knew it might be the longest day of her life. >> i intend to speak for an
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extended period of time on the bill. >> reporter: what she didn't know was that her first against an anti-abortion bill would go viral. >> wendy davis -- >> reporter: and make her a democratic phenom. >> wendy davis almost killed the vote single-handedly. >> a lot of people knew the name wendy davis. >> reporter: even her pink sneakers would become iconic. >> i almost didn't wear them and at the last minute i ran back in and grabbed my running shoes. >> reporter: it was war. davis was the target and opponents maneuvered mightily to shut her down. were you angry when you saw what was going on? >> i started becoming angry, yes, and that anger strengthened my resolve quite honestly. it helped me to be able to really focus on the issue that we were fighting for. >> reporter: davis' fight was about stopping a bill that would
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end late term abortions and impose stricter guidelines that could close clinics. she won. >> when you brought the house down. >> reporter: the victory was short-lived. republicans undid it a month later. but davis herself had been launched as a potential governor, like another famous texas democrat who took on the good old boys, ann richards. davis has none of richards' brava bravado. >> poor george. he was born with a silver foot in his mouth. >> reporter: davis is a careful lawyer. >> i'll also share observations. >> reporter: she does share some of richards' grand ambition. >> i wish she were still with us because i'd have her on speed dial. >> reporter: because richards was the last democratic governor in the state of texas. >> i've yearned for her advice
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because i know obviously she went through a really tough race and she was subjected to some very unfair scrutiny, but she survived it. i am proud to announce my candidacy -- >> reporter: davis' plan? not running on what made her famous, but on her memorable life story told by her daughter in this campaign video. >> she was raised by a single mother with a sixth grade education. she married young and by 19 was divorced and raising me as a single mother. >> davis and her people had figured that the best way to introduce her was as the sort of quintessential texas bootstrapping story of a young woman who by of hard work moved from the trailer park of ft. worth all the way up to cu cum laude of law school with two daughters on the side. >> reporter: draper is a long time observer of texas politics. >> all of that happened to be true. it just wasn't the full truth.
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>> reporter: the dag lass morning news" found the errors, raising questions about just how much help davis got in footing the bill for harvard or the exact age at which she got divorced, which was 21. >> by 1 was divorced -- >> reporter: would you just say there were mistakes, oversights? >> you know, most women, and i've had so many women say this to me, the date of their divorce is the date they ceased to live together as man and wife with their husband. i was a struggling, single on my way to being a single mom when i was only 19. >> reporter: what do you say to those who say you were shading the record to play into your overall narrative? >> what i say is that i'm proud of my story. my story is my story. >> reporter: another part of the story is the struggle of a young mother whose chirp were in ft. worth as she commuted east to law school. >> it was very difficult, as i
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was commuting back and forth from school, there were some pretty tough nights leaving my girls, but i was doing what i felt was best for them, and for me. >> reporter: is there some undercurrent about a woman's appropriate role particularly as a mother? >> i think were i a man, this would not be a topic even of conversation. >> reporter: davis' battle is uphill. her opponent, attorney general greg abbott, has a double-digit lead in the polls. >> our path to victory -- >> reporter: trying to turn out her voters and turn a bright red state blue makes wendy davis a guarded candidate. she can't be too liberal, can't be too feminist, she can't be too conservative. >> it's extremely difficult. she must as well speak to suburban mothers and to single women and these are people who routinely when they voted have voted republican.
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>> reporter: what if you don't win? >> i just don't think like that. i went into this race believing that i would win it and i have been accustomed to being counted out before but i would imagine a lot of folks would have counted me out way back when i was living in that trailer on my own, wondering how i was going to survive. i'm a fighter. thank you for standing up for me. truly. i really appreciate. >> fascinating interview by gloria borger. you haven't heard much from wendy davis. this is the one year when she had that famous filibuster, haven't heard much from her. she's been on the campaign trail. good to hear from her. >> and interesting interview for sure. >> much more to hear from her to be sure. coming up next on "new day," this little girl is 4 years old. she's also a crime fighter. how this brave little one stood up to the bad guys and got 'em. police are calling her a hero.
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the average person will probably eat something or drink something that is acidic on a daily basis. those acids made over time wear the enamel. a lot of patients will not realize what's happening to the enamel. once it's gone, it's gone away for good. i recommend pronamel. it's designed specifically to help strengthen the teeth. pronamel will actually help to defend the enamel from the acids in our diet. if you know that there is something out there that can help, why not start today? ♪ i need a hero ♪ i'm holding on for a hero if you're holding out you got one. out of the mouths of babes indeed.
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very special little girl just foiled a robbery and cleared her neighbor at the same time. abby dean right there, gorgeous, 4 years old. her babysitter, 17 years old, along with her boyfriend and another man, rip off the house while they're supposed to be babysitting. ab abby, listen. >> they told to us get out of the house because they wanted to steal stuff. the bad guys stole my piggy bank and they stole my ipod. i thinked about, that was really her being bad. she's not a good babysitter. >> that is exactly right. who does the babysitter say robbed the house to the cops? abbey's neighbor. she says he did it. the cops bought it, cody oakes was put in handcuffs, questioned. that's when abbey took the stand as she told the cops cody couldn't have done it because -- >> it wasn't the right skin color. >> she saw the guys who were doing it, who were friends with the babysitter, they were white.
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so the babysitter story quickly unravels. she confesses and as for all the stuff they stole? >> they got it back because of me being a superhero. >> duh she's a superhero! >> well stated. first of all i got one of those at home. that is a smart 4 years old. >> like the show "are you smarter than a fifth grader?" try a 4-year-old. >> she is 100% right. hee is a superhero. >> carol costello, she was a bad babysitter. >> not you, carol, someone else. >> i understand. gotta go. thanks, you guys. "new day" starts right now. happening now in "the newsroom," thad cochran winning the mississippi primary. the tea party challenger refusing to concede this morning.


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