tv Wolf CNN June 25, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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wi. i got it back because of me being a superer hero. >> and that she is. she is an incredible superhero. 4-year-old abby says it was the worst day her life. the baby-sitter and alleged accomplices could face robbery, burglary and perjury charges. you're never too young to fight back. thanks for watching. wolf blitzer starts right now. right now, the crisis in iraq becoming more complex, as syria seems to be getting directly involved. warplanes accused of striking targets in western iraq and killing iraqi civilians. while in baghdad, iraq's prime minister takes a rather defiant stand, rejecting u.s. calls for a more inclusive government, one that might not include him. and right now, the primary results are in. this time around, mainstream republicans trumped the tea party. but the race everyone is talking about is in mississippi. did the six-term senator win?
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his accuser says he was selling out. and right now, the house speaker john boehner says he'll sue president obama over his executive orders. is that even legal? hello, i'm whole repoolf bl reporting from washington. the first wave of u.s. military advisers getting ready to work today. they'll start making assessments on iraqi military strength and the movements of military north of baghdad. meanwhile, the iraqi prime minister, nuri al maliki, addressed the nation today, telling the iraqi people the new parliament would help form a coalition government. but he firmly rejected calls for an immediate emergency government. >> translator: it is no secret to all iraqis the dangerous goal
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behind the call for the formation of a national salvation government as they call it. it is simply an attempt by those who rebel against the constitution to end the young democratic process and confiscate the opinions of the voters. the call for the formation of a national salvation government is a coup against the constitution and the political process. >> in western iraq, syria's now being blamed for launching air strikes in the anbar province near the iraq/syria border. officials there are saying more than 50 iraqi civilians, including a lot of women and children, were killed. for more on those syrian air strikes against isis targets in iraq, let's bring in our senior international correspondent arwa damon. she's joining us from erbil in northern iraq. arwa, what can you tell us about this syrian attack inside iraq? >> wolf, cnn spoke to the head of the anbar governing council, the provincial council, who said
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that the syrian air force struck at least three locations inside iraq. all of them along the iraqi/syrian border. the vast majority of casualties were civilians. we spoke to an eyewitness, a resident of one of those areas. the town of al qaim. he describes how he saw the first plane flying overhead. very surprised because they had been watching air strikes happen on the syrian side of the border for a few days. very surprised when he said that plane flew over into iraqi airspace, launching one attack, the first, he says, struck an area where refugees from the iraqi city of fallujah had fled to. the second air strike happening inside a fairly busy marketplace. now, all of this is also interesting, wolf, because the syrian government, for quite some time now, has known exactly where isis positions inside syria have been, and yet for the last few months, its response to then, its actions against those isis positions within its own borders has been fairly
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negligible. what we have been seeing over the last week is an intensified effort by the syrian regime to launch multiple air strikes against isis strongholds, especially focusing on their headquarters, and that is the city of rukka. all of this coming about perhaps because of the strength isis has been garnering inside iraq, concerns perhaps with all the military equipment isis has reportedly been moving into the syrian battlefield. it seems what we're seeing right now is the interconnectivity of these two battlefields growing even more. what we're unclear of at this stage is how much coordination there has been between damascus and baghdad when it comes to these most recent air strikes. again, we are seeing the seemingly intensified effort by the assad regime to go after isis targets inside syria, but also across the border in iraq, wolf. >> very quickly, arwa, the reaction among iraqis to these reports that as many as 50 iraqi civilians were killed, women and
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children, and many, many more were injured in these syrian air strikes. there must be outrage. >> there is outrage, wolf. there's horror. there's desperation. this eyewitness i spoke to is someone who i've known for quite a few years, so we're not naming out of concerns for his own security. he was describing how he went to the marketplace and he was saying, you know, you can't imagine what i saw there. there were women, there were children. some of them were missing limbs. he then went on to the hospital and described even more horrific scenes. in fact, he went so far as to say, he knows this very well firsthand, when the americans would bomb al qaim, he said their strikes were more targeted. this bombing by the syrian regime, he described as being indiscriminate, seemingly a deliberate effort to target the civilian population. >> outrageous when you think about it. thanks very much arwa. let's go back to the comments now by the prime minister nuri al maliki. apparently rejecting any notion
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of an emergency government in baghdad. let's bring in our senior international correspondent nic robertson, in the iraqi capital. the secretary of state john kerry was there earlier this week. he had intensive talks with nuri al maliki about creating some sort of more unity government. is this a direct reburr from maliki to kerry? is this a direct rebuff from maliki to kerry? >> it's certainly repositioning the governor a little bit here. certainly a little bit different than what he said to secretary of state john kerry. that he was committed to forming, along constitutional line, a government of unity that respected the aspirations of all iraqis. what he is pushing off is saying that he doesn't want, you know, an emergency government to be put in place, which some people are calling for. he says that's effectively a cure against the constitution. but more broadly, he wasn't striking a very conciliatory tone. he was going back to what he's
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been saying over the past couple of weeks. that the rise and the movement of isis here has been part of a conspiracy by not only the sunnies, he didn't say it directly, and the kurds, but he thinks they conspired with isis to allow them to move so quickly across the country. so it's not the reachout across the sectarian and ethnic divide that really secretary of state kerry hoped for. what he might have hoped was some words from the prime minister saying that, you know, we need to work across all boundaries, you know, i'm ready to reach out, you know, we're ready to make compromises. but that wasn't the language today. it still had very sectarian overtones, wolf. >> so the new iraqi parliament is supposed to convene, what, july 1st. basically, where do we go from here? >> yes, you have july 1st it convened. they determine who will be the speaker. then the constitution says 30 days to nominate a president. then 15 days to nominate a prime
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minister. and then another 30 days for that prime minister. that prime minister has to form a government. however, having said that, it could be done faster. the track record in iraq is it could take months and months and months, go way beyond what the constitution allows. what secretary of state kerry made very clear, that there is an immediate threat, an existential threat to iraq, and the politicians have to grasp that issue now. every day isis gets a chance in iraq to get stronger, it's going to be so much harder to force them out. that's the threat and the danger. and, again, the language from the prime minister didn't really encourage anyone to believe that sort of thing was going to happen quickly, wolf. >> there were not a whole lot of high expectations to begin with as far as nuri al maliki is concerned. nic, thanks very much. last week, president obama announced as many as 300 u.s. military advisers would be heading to iraq right now. the first wave of those
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advisers, that wave getting ready to start some work. let's bring in our pentagon correspondent barbara starr. what's the latest? these military advisers, i assume they all wear boots, they're on the ground, what are they doing? >> about 130 of them on the ground. another 150 on their way in, in the coming days. their first job will be to assess. assess iraqi forces. assess the isis forces. see what everybody's got. what the state of play is on the ground. the strengths and weaknesses on both sides. and report back to the pentagon. the idea is that they will determine what the u.s. might be able to do to help the iraqis get back in the fight. but if you want to assess isis, that assessment pretty much is already done. according to the u.s. intelligence community, the fighters, there are about 10,000 of them now, wolf, across the borders, between syria and iraq. you heard arwa talking about how we're seeing the air strikes across the border.
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maybe about 7,000 isis on the syrian side still. 3,000 on the iraqi side. what the big concern for these u.s. military advisers is to get a sense of the situation in baghdad. could isis make that run for baghd baghdad? do they have the manpower and the weapons to do it? right now, they are very stretched out across northern and western iraq. but the goal is -- the military goal, right now, is to certainly make sure they can't get to baghdad. wolf. >> all right, barbara, thanks very much. barbara's at the pentagon watching what's going on. so u.s. officials certainly would like to see iraq moving toward a more inclusive government, but there are a lot of experts out there who think that is no longer possible. in fact, some are suggesting a partitioned or divided iraq could be even more sustainable in the long run. we'll take a look at the possibility of a so-called three-state solution. and later, the establishment strikes back. the sequel.
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and if you switch, you could save up to $423. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? the u.s. has called for iraq to adopt a more inclusive government. the future may be more better suited, a lot of experts think, for a permanent division of iraq. brian todd is here in washington. we heard a lot about what they're calling a three-state solution back in 2003 after coalition forces went into iraq, toppled saddam hussein. is that back in discussion? it's being business cussed for the first time in almost a decade. the reality is as bad as it's ever been. isis militants are advancing. the iraqi military, in many
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areas up here in the north, has collapsed and retreated. you've got a sectarian war brewing. some media reports reviving that idea put out there almost a decade ago dividing iraq into three regions. it would be the shia region here in the southeast. probably divided somewhere in here where the mix sunni/shia region is in the southeast. you've got the sunni region here in the west. and the kurdish region here in the north. now, that's kind of close to how the country is divided right now. the most popular idea would be to make each region semiautonomous. that means they'd each be responsible for their own internal laws, their internal security. but a central iraqi government in baghdad would control the borders, would control foreign policy, would divide oil revenues between each of the three regions. that idea was proposed back in 2006 at the height of the insurgency, when so many u.s. troops were dying trying to keep the sectarian tensions down. the main proponents of the idea,
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then senator joe biden who was preparing a run for president, along with former u.s. ambassador peter galbraith who's now an adviser to the kurds. we called the vice president's office today. we've not heard back from the vice president's office. we assume that mr. biden is not straying from the obama administration's position that each of these three groups should be unified. and that this should not be divided, wolf. >> the kurdish region up north of iraq already has proven to be extremely capable of handling its military, economic affairs on its own. for all practical purposes right now, especially since it's taken over the oil-rich town of kirkuk, it looks like an almost independent kurdistan has already developed. >> that's right, and of the three groups, wolf, it is functioning the most as an independent state. it's got a well-trained, well-disciplined military force called the peshmerga. that force has been able to hold parts of mosul where the iraqi army was not able to do that.
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isis militants have not clashed seriously yet with those kurdish forces. the kurdish troop, as you mentioned, they've been able to capture the oil-rich city of kirkuk, also in the north. they've been able to develop their own oil resources over the past decade anyway, even before this started. some experts believe it's only a matter of time before this kurdish region becomes independent on its own as a nation. >> brian todd reporting, thanks. just ahead this hour, we'll have more on iraq, but also other news, including this, can police search your cell phone without a warrant? a ruling today from the u.s. supreme court answers that question. we have details of the court's unanimous decision on a major cases about privacy. also coming up, they call him the lion of harlem. congressman charlie rangel declares victory in a very tight race. we'll recap the marquee political matchups. [ male announcer ] this is the cat that drank the milk... [ meows ] ...and let in the dog that woke the man who drove to the control room
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check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business. built for business. you could call it the establishment strikes back again. mainstream republicans won big in the latest primary and runoff elections. we're taking a closer look at what all this means going forward. first, a recap of some of the marquee races. in mississippi, six-term republican senatored that cochran survived a strong tea party challenge. cochran got help from some democrats, african-american voters, in his win over mcdaniel. in new york, democratic congressman rangel is celebrating today after another close call. rangel's opponent, though, the state senator adriano espaillat, is not ready to succeed, at least not yet. in oklahoma, endorsements from
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palin and cruz were not enough to help former speaker of the house shannon. and help from outside conservative groups actually may have backfired. representative james lankford easily defeated shannon in the republican senate primary. we may not have heard the last word from the bitter runoff in mississippi. the tea party candidate mcdaniel is hinting at a possible court challenge. after his loss to senator thad cochran, mcdaniels said he wanted to make sure, quote, the sanctionty of the vote was upheld, and he blasted cochran for courting democrats. our chief congressional correspondent dana bash has more on the race. >> reporter: wolf, voter turnout is usually way down in runoffs, but not here. this has been such a high-profile, nasty and bizarre republican fight, people were fired up. 60,000 more voters turned out in the runoff than in primary day three weeks ago. that's in part because cochran supporters aggressively tried to get out democrats to support him.
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much to the chagrin of his conservative challenger. >> so much for bold colors. so much for principle. >> reporter: a nasty finish to a tough race. mississippi tea party candidate chris mcdaniel with a not so conciliatory speech after losing in a close race to incumbent senatored th ed thathad cochran >> there is something a bit strange, there is something a bit unusual, about a republican primary that's decided by liberal democrats. >> thank you, all, for being here, to help celebrate a great victory. this is your victory. >> reporter: cochran, who trailed mcdaniel in the republican primary june 3rd, spent the past three weeks courting voters outside the gop base, including african-americans. pointing to federal funds he secured throughout his 36 years in the senate. and to those who say, you know what, you have been re-elected time and time again, your opponent says it's just been too much, you've been there too long? >> i'm the choice the people
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have made, freely and openly. >> reporter: in a largely african-american precinct we visited, turnout was up three times what it was for the primary, and it was higher elsewhere. who did you vote for? >> cochran. >> have you ever voted in a republican primary before? >> i have not. >> i guess they can take some consolation in the fact they did something tonight by once again compromising, by once again reaching across the aisle, by once again abandoning the conservative movement. >> reporter: conservative and african-american groups both sent observers to the poll, fearing impropriety from the other side which did not materialize. in the end, it was just over 6,000 votes that separated the two. >> we all have a right to be proud of our state tonight. thank you very much. >> reporter: mcdaniel talked about voter irregularities and refused to concede the race, making it abundantly clear he is seriously considering challenging this in court. whether he has a case, that remain to be seen, but it would
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make this nasty and bizarre republican fight last even longer. wolf. >> dana, thanks very much. he is very bitter and angry right now. other races we're following, they call them the lion of harlem, the democratic congressman charlie rangel came roaring back. he's claiming victory over the challenger adrienno espaillat. he says this election will be his last, and his focus is on his constituents. >> this was your victory. this is your congressman. and you can rest assured all i will be doing is thinking about you and bringing these resources home. >> well, rangel was certainly celebrating. his opponent was not yet ready to give up. >> we think it is prudent to wait for the final result before we make any announcement. but i do want to thank all of you for the efforts that you put
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into this race. this is an historic race. and one that we should all be proud of. >> this is the second showdown between these two. espaillat came within 1100 votes of beating rangel two years ago. let's get some perspective on these election results, what they mean. joining us, our chief political analyst gloria borger along with mark preston, cnn politics executive editor. let's go back to mississippi, gloria. you saw mcdaniel, angry, it's abouter, not conciliatory at all. he wants to fight this. >> he believes he was robbed. he believes that if it were just the republicans who had been counted, that he would have won, and i think he's probably right about that. but what cochran did and his organization with a lot of money and a lot of state-wide clout, they organized these crossover
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voters who were allowed to vote in the republican primary, particularly in african-american communities, and that made the difference. and, as you saw him say, you know, they crossed the aisle, how dare they, that's terrible. he may want to challenge it, but he'd have to find some fraud, right? i mean, he couldn't just sort of say -- >> there's no automatic recount in mississippi. you got to go to court. you got to find the legal challenge in order to make that. i don't know if he's going to do that. we'll see if he does. a lot of the experts, after eric cantor lost to his tea party challenger, just assumed that thad cochran was going to lose just like cantor it, that didn't happen. >> i was one who assumed cantor would lose. a lot of people did in this town. what's interesting about the tea party, we thought the tea party was left for dead at least for this election cycle before the cantor loss. then we thought perhaps that would boomerang into a victory for chris mcdaniel in mississippi. what's interesting about this,
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it that it was just a few years ago, the establishment seemed afraid to take the tea party on. they were trying to koco-op the tea party in some way. we've seen the likes of haley barbour in mississippi come together and say, we're going to fight back, because we don't want you to take over our party. >> in 2010, the republicans believed they lost about a half dozen seat because they had unqualified challengers representing the tea party who lost to democrats. they didn't want to see history repeat itself. cochran's race became a proxy battle for the fight within the republican party. there was a ton of money and all kinds of resources on the ground that were put into it. >> you surprised charlie rangel eeked out this victory? >> i know he's a survivor, right, it was only a couple years ago where he was censured by the house which is very rare and he fought back. look, back in 2012, he barely won by 1,100 votes. charlie rangel's a fighter. clearly, the machine win, right, the machine wins.
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>> in the rangel race, bmarack obama stayed out of it. remember, rangel endorsed clinton early on in his campaign. he was censured on the floor, stripped of his chairmanship of the powerful house ways and means committee. obama said that he ought -- that rangel ought to retire with dignity. while the president did not come out and endorse his opponent, he was really, really absent from this race. >> he didn't endorse rangel either. >> right, but if he had endorsed rangel's opponent, i think it might have made a big difference. >> only a couple thousand votes separating them. >> not many but enough for rangel to at least get another term. still to come, the house speaker john boehner now says he will sue, sue, president obama for not doing his job. can congress really sue a sitting president and make it stick? also coming up, the u.s. supreme court hands down a number of high-profile rulings including preventing police from
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right to marry and a state cannot deny couples the right based on sex. utah officials could ask the full appeals court to review the decision or proceed directly to the u.s. supreme court. also today, a federal judge in indiana struck down that state's ban on same-sex marriage as well. here in washington, a blunt and unanimous message to police from the u.s. supreme court. get a warrant. when it comes to searching cell phones, smart phones, other mobile devices of criminal suspects without probable cause. let's bring in george washington university law professor jonathan turley. first of all, on this decision, saying that these laws banning same-sex marriage in utah, indiana, they were really unconstitutional, what do you say? >> the trend is becoming overwhelming across the country. it's not just more liberal or democratic states, as you can see, with states like utah. the judges across the country are finding unanimity in their view of these bans.
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and they're falling almost on a monthly basis. the result is that if the supreme court's going to consider this issue, the pressure is building for them to do so. there are people on that court, including justice scalia, who are opposed to this type of analysis. >> what do you think, do you think the supreme court will take up this -- >> the thing is, these justices do count heads. they count votes. i think scalia may view this as the best time to do it. it's only going to get worse, if the supreme court goes the way of these lower courts. i think there will be pressure for them to accept the case. the thing to remember, they have steadfastly avoided this issue. even if the same-sex marriage cases that they just resolved, they were very careful not to commit themselves on this ultimate decision. >> what about this other major decision today, unanimous decision, 9-0, saying if you're arrested, you can't automatically -- police can't automatically take a look at your cell phone, go through it, looking for evidence, they need
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a warrant to do so? >> wolf, a lot times these cases get very es cotarik. this is one that touches the lives of citizens. cell phones have become the sort of holding place of electronic files. they're the computer people use the most in terms of electronic collections. this decision's important for citizens. the requirement of the government is really not that high. they have to get a warrant. the fact the obama administration was arguing against these privacy rights is further alienating civil libertarians from the administration. the fact their position would bring unanimity to this court shows how extreme it was. that both the state and federal law enforcement were arguing that you don't have privacy protections. even though those phones now hold family pictures, intimate messages. it's a very important privacy win. >> as you point out, the liberals on the court, the conservatives on the court, on this specific issue, they all agree. that doesn't happen very often,
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does it? >> no, president has brought unanimity to the supreme court. it's not the way he wanted. >> this is obviously an issue that affects everyone. if you have a speeding ticket or whatever -- >> including the media. the media entered this case and said this could be very, very bad. reporters could end up losing confidential sources. it would have blown a huge hole in privacy in america. >> major decision. we'll continue this conversation. jonathan turley, thanks very much. thousands of immigrant children are crossing the border without their parents. undocumented. how the obama administration plans to deal with this growing number. the republican's fiery response. that's coming up. also, presidents have a lot of leeway in how they carry out their job. mostly by issuing executive orders. all presidents do so. now some in congress want to sue president obama over his use of these executive orders. the speaker wants to sue the president. a republican lawmaker standing by to discuss. ♪
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on this day in history, june 25th, 199 of 6, a massive truck bomb explodes outside a billion housing u.s. military personnel in khobar, saudi arabia, killing 19 u.s. service members. those responsible escaped, but investigators later blamed hezbollah for the attack. the president of the united states is largely immune from lawsuits over actions he takes while in office. the u.s. supreme court decided that more than 30 years ago. so why are the house speaker john boehner, some other house republican, now vowing to take president obama to court? they say it's because this president is using executive orders to illegally side step congress. could be a tough case to make. president obama's executive orders are nowhere near as numerous as some of the other past presidents. less than half of those, for
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example, by ronald reagan, during his eight years. when asked this morning about that, the house speaker john boehner explained why he intended to pursue the matter in court. >> the constitution makes it clear that a president's job is to faithfully execute the laws. in my view, the president has not faithfully executed the laws. we have a system of government outlined in our constitution with the executive branch, the legislative branch and the judicial branch. congress has its job to do and so does the president. and when there's conflicts like this between the regulative branch and the administrative branch, it's, in my view, our responsibility to stand up for this institution in which we serve. >> the republican congressman luke messier of indiana is joining us live from capital. congressman, thank you very much for coming in. i guess a lot of people are
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asking a fundamental question, do republicans really intend to sue a president of the united states, or are republicans trying to make an important political point? >> no, i think this is very serious. this is about restoring the balance of powers. as the speaker eluded to in your clip, the constitution is very clear it congress makes the laws. it's the executive's job to implement them. you referenced, wolf, that this president maybe doesn't have as many executive orders as some other presidents, but it's the type of order. so implementing a federal minimum wage contrary to the law. not deporting folks who are here in the country contrary to the law. extending deadlines on the obamacare bill in ways that are contrary to the law. we really have very few options, as members of congress, particularly in this world where harry reid won't let bills from this -- from our house be heard on their side. so this lawsuit's the last choice we have. >> if you go back, though, and take a look at some of the executive orders, not all of
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them by any means, earlier american presidents, ronald reagan, i assume you're a great admirer of ronald reagan, almost 400 executive orders. there are executive orders and executive orders. but if you study some of those ronald reagan on george h.w. bush or bill clinton executive orders, you'll find that some of them are very similar to what this president is doing. so the question, the question has to be asked, if there's a republican president down the road, and you would like to see a republican president in the white house, if you go forward with this, are you concerned you would be narrowing the prerogatives, the executive authority, of a republican president down the road? >> yeah, to me, this isn't politically at all. we need to rein in and bring back the balance of powers. congress makes the law. the executive should implement them. you're right, i mean, listen, this president isn't the first person to stretch the bounds of what executive orders should be. but i think this is an important
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power of congress. when the president does more than just implement the law, when he starts to change the law in a way that is contrary to the constitution, congress ought to have the authority to step in and challenge that. frankly, i think we need the supreme court here to call balls and strikes and tell the american people the kind of implementation we've seen from this president really is more than we've seen it prior times in history. hopefully, that will be result of this lawsuit. >> you went to vanderbilt law school. do you have a specific legal brief that you're preparing right now? how far down the road are you, if you're seriously going ahead with a lawsuit? >> well, i think you will see a lawsuit that is serious. i'm not the one drafting the brief. but you're right, this is about more than the current political debate. it's about more than this president. it's about having a healthy humility, as our founding fathers did, about the importance of the balance of powers, and hopefully this suit
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will be successful. >> we'll see if it actually goes forward and what it does. just to remind our viewers, so far, during his almost six years in office, president obama has signed almost 172 executive orders. ronald reagan during his eight years in office signed 381. bill clinton, by the way, 364 during his eight years. so as all of us know, these executive orders signed by presidents, nothing new. we'll see if the lawsuit goes forward. congressman, thanks very much for coming in. >> thanks again, wolf. >> there's a tense partisan fight going on right now over the fate of thousands of immigrant children, undocumented, uncompanied here in the united states. many are being held in hot crowded detention facilities after crossing in the united states illegally. so often without any parents. the growing problem, the fiery debate over their status. that's coming up.
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security secretary jeh johnson holding a news conference now to address what many are calling a major hugetarian crisis at the border. secretary johnson is at the border of arizona right now filled with children who crossed into the united states from mexico, most originally from central america. the issue has sparked tense political debate in washington with some republicans accusing the obama administration of simply doing too little too late. polo sandoval has been following the story for us, with analysis
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of finger-pointing going on. the house judiciary committee about to hold hearings on all of this. what is the latest? is this a real humanitarian tragedy that's going on. >> it really is. and that's the emergency that secretary johnson and really the rest of the administration is trying to put forward and a busy 24 hours for the secretary. just yesterday, here in washington, speaking before some lawmakers there, and he is really pressing and really talking about his potential solution here. the administration solution, public relations campaign they have launched, trying to send their message to families in central america, not to really brave that danger, because chances are you won't be abe to stay in the country. and also pushing for more immigration attorneys for immigration judges, as well. and also the other issue he's trying to drive home, one of the reasons why he's in arizona right now, to try to open more facilities to try to really accommodate this overflow of so many border patrol facilities. we know of at least one place, one warehouse, aluminum warehouse, 55,000 square foot warehouse being adapted right now in the city of mccallen,
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texas, on the border, expected to provide some relief. and we expect that to happen much, much more. one of the reasons why the secretary is on the border yet again. >> you and i have discussed there are different rules regarding unaccompanied minors, kids who cross over, come to the united states, as opposed to adults who cross over illegally and come to the united states. >> remember, some of these children have to be released to hhs, within 7 2 hours. and that's one of the reasons really the republicans are really firing off and really responding with some critique of their own. also with respect to the potential border security issue, in fact, yesterday, during one of those hearings, congressman michael mccaul making it very clear, they need to try to provide some relief to border control agents who are busy in detention centers, instead of along the border. >> thanks very much, polo. a lot more coming up later in "the situation room."
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and don't miss the story of a pulitzer prize winning journalist living in the united states illel legally, about to risk everything by coming forward, telling you and all of us his story. watch "documented" sunday night, 9:00 p.m. eastern, only here on cnn. still ahead, keeping time at world cup matches. you may have seen sideline officials holding up this sign. when does the soccer game really end? well, one person knows, only one person. and we're going to tell you why soccer officials have more power than any other sport. she's still the one for you.
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negro citizens of alabama denied the right to vote. >> we're willing to have democracy. >> we are confronted primarily with a moral issue. >> do you think you can keep birmingham in the present situation of segregation? >> i may not be able to do it, but i'll die trying. >> i without thought we were going to be arrested. and he said troopers advance. i thought i was going to die ♪ stop hey what's that sound >> i believe the time has come for the president to step in. >> it's all of us who must overcome the crippling legacy of bigotry and injustice. >> i strongly, strongly recommend this documentary, the entire series is really, really excellent, excellent tv. take a closer look at what's going on at the world cup in brazil. there is a huge soccer mystery that's continuing. one that both players and fans have a hard time answering.
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when is a match over? there is no giant score board clock ticking down the time, like you see in american football game, for example. instead, only one person, only one person knows when a world cup match is going to end. andy scholz explains. >> reporter: hey, wolf. in america, we like to know, when our games are going to end. we love last-second field goals, buzzer-beaters and time-outs where we can get up and get a cold beverage. the rest of the world doesn't subscribe to our way of clock management when it comes to soccer. there is only one person, one, who knows when a world cup match is going to end, and that's the head official. now we know each half is supposed to be 45 minutes, but there is this time that's added on known as stoppage time or added time. right before the clock gets 45 oar 90, a side official holds up this sign and let's everyone know what the suggested amount of time added is going to be. how do they come up with this number? here are the fifa guidelines.
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time lost, assessment and treatment of players and time wasted from any other causes. time wasting is what hurt usa against portugal. originally the stoppage time, four minutes, but because grand suze took his sweet time walking off the field, the main official gave portugal a little more time and that extra money allowed foreign oldo to get the ball, and portugal scores the tying goal and we ended up looking like tim howard when everything was said and done. now, that was likely portugal's last chance at scoring, because in extra time, when it's nearing its end, officials not going to blow the whistle he will while a team is attacking on the other team's end. they're going to wait to clear the ball out. unfortunately, team usa not able to clear the ball one more time and ended up tying the game. and wolf, found out firsthand that soccer officials have more power than any other sport, because they and they alone
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decide when the game is going to end. andy scholz, thanks very much. we're learning a lot more about soccer. that's it for me. thanks very much for watching. i'll be back 5:00 p.m. eastern in swgs "the situation room." >> wolf, thank you so much. i'm brooke baldwin. thank you for being with me on this wednesday. we have to begin with these new details in this tragic story of a georgia toddler who died, whose lifeless body was pulled from his father's sweltering suv. so that child, here he was, 22-month-old cooper mills harris, died last week. cooper's father told investigators he forgot his son was in the back of his car and that rear-facing child seat didn't take the child to daycare, now this dad's story is falling apart. police say 33-year-old just it tin harris knew his son wasp in
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