tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 26, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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>> all of the civil rights, all the marches, all the people who have died in the civil rights struggle will have died in vain if once the opportunity, once the doors are open, no one is prepared for it. i know there's got to be several young people here who are like 5 years old, right? it's now becoming a possibility that that young man by the time he is 50 could be running for the president of the united states. hey, good evening. thanks for joining us. we begin with breaking news, breaking news and a story that many people in the country have been talking about, the death of a toddler locked in his car seat outside of atlanta, georgia, left in the car by his own father. the child, 22 months old, is named cooper harris. cooper was left in the back of
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the family suv for seven hours in the hot georgia sun and died. police in cobb county, georgia, charged the father justin harris with murder in the death of his son. tonight we know more about the chain of evidence that may have led them to arrest him. authorities have apparently seized computers from his father's office. it allegedly has a search history on it that raises concerns and suspicions. martin savidge joins us from outside atlanta. what do we know now, martin? >> good evening, anderson. a source close to the investigation has spoken to hln's nancy grace and says as you point out there, there were a number of computers, work computers for the father that have now been seized, and apparently investigated. and that source says on one of those computers there was a search that specifically was looking for how long it takes for an animal to die in a hot car. now that would seem like an electronic smoking gun. however, it's quite clear to authorities they already felt that the father's excuse or explanation that this was an accident was unraveling.
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they felt that because just one look at the route he claims to have taken would show you that. we found that ourselves. according to the investigative narrative, the day that the baby dies begins here when the father and son are seen at this restaurant, and the father is seen placing the 22-month-old baby into the back seat of his car into a child seat. they don't say how investigators saw that, whether it's by closed circuit television or some eyewitness. the clear point here is father and son are interacting. the father knows he has the child. and he is going to drive to work. let me point out something. those white buildings just in the distance, that's work. so let's do the drive. so what i've done is reset the odometer so we can basically see how far a drive is it.
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all right. we're just about at his work space. we can't drive on the property. it's .6 miles, obviously just over half a mile, and less than five minutes. that's the building where justin harris works, and apparently, what police are trying to imply here is that, well, how did you now you had a child just down the road, but apparently less than five minutes later you forget you have a child? instead, the father goes into work. the next time authorities say that he is seen, they don't say whether on video or whether it's by eyewitness, he is coming out and opens the driver's door of the car, but then goes back into work. and then the next reference they make to him is when he gets in the vehicle and leaves. we don't know the exact route he took after he left work but we know where he ended up, and it's just a little bit down here.
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all right. so this is the last stop and this is really the horrible realization. we've gone 2.3 miles, again, we don't know the specific route but it's taken us a little over ten minutes to get here. this is the shopping center where according to authorities, the father pulls over. it's also where the witnesses say it became very obvious that something was terribly wrong. >> hopped out of the driver's
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one, we don't know if someone else had access to that computer. we don't know when the search was conducted. was it days before? was it weeks before? was it months before. then on top of that, the other thing is i should point out there are other famous cases in this computing searching has been used against somebody in a courtroom and it hasn't necessarily worked out in a conviction. and casey anthony would be one prime example of that. >> all right, martin, stick around. i want to bring in our legal analyst, a former federal prosecutor and criminal defense mark geragos, also
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abuse. i need to hear about child abuse, prior child abuse. >> because this does happen. and this does happen? >> it does happen. i looked up some stats. i know mark is going the make fun of me because have i some notes. if you look at the survey on, which i questioned, nearly one in four parents of a child under three has forgotten a c 25%. i've done that. i admitted that yesterday. >> i've done it. >> you've done it. wow. >> i'm telling you, i can't tell you the number of people who watched the show last night who called me afterwards and said i've done the exact same thing. >> it happens. >> in panic, you absolutely panic when it happens. you just, i know martin did
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that, the piece, the setup piece and talked about the five minutes. you can forget that quickly. you -- >> and we're going to have woman coming up right after this panel who actually had done this and her child died. and one of the things that a reporter who we're also going have from the "washington post," you actually create false memories sometimes if you're really stressed, and you think you dropped off your child or you think you have done something, but in fact you haven't and the child is still there. >> no question about it. >> i've had, i can't tell you how many cases where it's been -- something has been reported about a search history. then when you go and cross-examine and take a look at it, it turns out it really wasn't a search history when it comes to the search page there may be those things at the bottom the sponsor links and popp pop-up. >> or someone else could have done it. >> riva, your more skeptical. why? >> in most of these cases, these are toddlers.
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they're infants. they're infants who are under one years old. in this case, we're talking about a 22-month-old boy. at 22-month-old, you're talking, you're making noise. so i have some concerns about what was going on in the car. oftentimes parents, we have these routines. we're singing with our child. we're engaging with our child. we're playing i spy. we're not just in the car. >> or they fall asleep. >> reev vethink about how many is know put their kid in the car and drive up and down the driveway to put them to sleep because that's the way they get them to sleep. >> in this case, what is different is this guy went back to the car a second time. it just wasn't getting in the car one time and driving that little short distance from the restaurant to work. he went back at lunch and went into that car. so i just am concerned about the child in this case. 40 kids die in a year from being left in car. somebody has to stand up for these kids. that's too many kids dying from
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these incidents. >> i don't think there is anybody saying this is a good thing or not standing up for the kid. >> and it happens far too often. i think the discussion needs to be what do we do about this. i've mentioned this before. when this happened to me for years, and this may not make sense to a lot of people, i drove without shoes. i put my shoes in the back seat with my children because i knew i would never walk to work or walk anywhere barefoot. so i knew i wouldn't forget my kids. we need to talk about prevention instead of punishing the victim. >> let's make it not criminal. >> let's get back to the case. >> i think we're talking about potential child neglect, negligence that rises to some kind of criminal negligence. i don't think we can just dismiss this as an accident. i get very concerned about all the people that say because this is so horrific, we should ignore it. the father already has enough
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guilt. there are lots of crimes where people are guilty after it occurs. and i'm very concerned about the kids in these cases. and i think we do have to reaffirm the right. >> i want to address that, though. >> and the obligation of parents to be responsible. >> i want to address that. >> we don't need to yell. we don't need to jump on each other. one at a time. sunny? >> i want to address that. as a former prosecutor, i know that you want to put people in jail. you do want to hold them responsible. if they can be rehabilitated or perhaps as a deterrent. punishing a parent for an accident is never a deterrent. it's certainly not going rehabilitate. and no one is now going to say i'm going to put my kid in a hot car and leave them accidentally because i'm going to be put in jail. >> calling it an accident, that the right word? an accident is something you cannot prevent. this is more than an accident. this is not an accident. >> legally, an accident you can still attach criminal liability to it. what they've charged here is an intentional act. they're not charging that it's
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accidental, could be a lesser. but they are preceding accidents can be criminal viable. they have not determined motive. that's one of the things obviously investigators are looking at. >> right. and sunny brings up a key point. i've wondered that too. what is the motive here? what would be the motivation if in fact this is some kind of murder whom. gains from that. and that hasn't been explained. but i will point out of course the chief of the cobb county police department put out his own message, and you had it last night. and that is he has apparently evidence, and he has testimony that indicates to him this is more than just a tragic accident. and what that is we don't know, but it's been indicated that there is a whole lot more to this case yet to be revealed. that includes the mother. >> mark, you're a defense attorney obviously. but you're skeptical of this. you say a lot of this is based on the police officer's sort of perception of this man?
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>> right. and i also take great exceptions to the police putting out an amorphous tainting of this guy, you know. you arrest him. fine. i understand. go take your case over to the d.a. slanderous stuff out there into the ether to taints the jury pool. >> it is extraordinary, reva, given the number of kids this happens to each year. i've read upwards as many as 40 kids died that way this year or last year alone. are there steps? sunny had an idea. she puts her shoes in the back therefore she is always checking in the back. it's a clever simple solution. are there other things to prevent this from happening? >> you know, anderson, i don't know why the automobile manufacturers and car seat manufacturers haven't figured out how to put an alarm on these car seats. the car goes off if you leave the door open. the car goes off if you don't put on your seat belt, if you don't turn on your lights there are so many instances when you drive that alarms go
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>> this would be a death penalty case. >> areva martin, thank you so much. sunny hostin, mark geragos. it has a lot of people watching. make sure you set your dvrs so you can watch "ac 360" whenever you want. coming up next, meet a woman who left her child in the car and sadly did not notice in time. and a pulitzer prize winning writer who has come to the conclusion this can happen to nen anyone. later, iraq. what it is like in the areas held by the extremist group isis.
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that he wasn't there. and finally after the third time she said no, lynn, you didn't drop him off. >> you really created a false memory of having dropped him off? >> absolutely. absolutely. and i did it every day. it was part of my routine. and because i had a change in my routine, and i had already made one stop that i didn't already make, i thought he was already at day care. i even remember, which is something that memory specialists now coin a misremembering,off. i remember having a conversation with her that i never had. >> wow. >> because it was part of the routine every day. >> jean, in your research in this topic, the article that you published in "the washington post" is just extraordinary, and i recommend everybody will put a link to it on our website. it's incredible reading. she formed this kind of false memory that she thought she had dropped bryce off at day care.
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the father in atlanta is apparently claiming the same thing. in your research, how common is that? >> basically, this has been extensively looked at by neuroscientists and what seems to be the case in almost all of these cases is that this turns out to be a failure of memory, not of love, not of bad parenting. it's something that happens under a certain set of circumstances. they tend to be the same. lynn's case was very much like this. there is stress involved. there is a change in routine. you're not doing things the way you usually do. and it creates this horrifying hiccup of memory. >> and you wrote about, i believe it was a father who the alarm in the car went off three times when he was at work, and he just from his desk turned it off, correct? >> absolutely. he had had -- he was so distanced from the notion that
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he hadn't dropped his child off at day care that that didn't even give him a clue. imagine having to live with that for the rest of your life. >> it's just incredible. lynn, how do you -- i mean, i don't know how to ask this question. how do you survive something like this? as a parent? >> well, i will tell you that it's something that you -- it's not like the death of a child where it was an accidental death or something happened like cancer or a family member. when it's your fault, it's something you live with every single day. i have this support group that other parents have formed under these circumstances. first-time parents that deal with this, i tell them straight out, it never goes away. the pain will never go away. it never gets any less. it's something that you live with every day. you just learn to live with it. and then you try and figure out why and how it's possible.
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and then often these parents, if they feel compelled to talk, they become advocates for educating people. i'd like to add that i heard during the earlier discussion one person say, well, this could rise to a criminal -- criminal negligence. but i argue that plenty of domestic accidents happen every day, every year, all across the country. a child gets out the back door that was supposed to be locked and accidentally drowns in the pool. a child falls down their stairs and breaks their neck and dies or becomes paralyzed. and those parents are not charged because it was an accident. but people do not understand or can't conceive and within gene's article that it could ever happen to them. and i was one of those parents. i've heard of stories of this happening before hi son died. and the first thing i said that was an irresponsible parent because there is no way you can
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forget your child until it happened to me. and when i began to look into the research and talked with -- i actually found a memory specialist out of florida, dr. david diamond and started wanting to know more or less holding myself accountable, i imagined $47 million in iraq with every penny accounted for, was awarded a bronze star for it and i can forget my own child? how is that possible? i understand medically and understand logically how it's possible, but it still doesn't mean that i don't -- i don't believe it myself that i could actually forget him in the car. >> and gene, it seems like prosecutors, it really depends on the local prosecutor whether or not a parent is charged in a case like this. >> yeah, absolutely. in fact, in most jurisdictions, the laws are essentially the same. and in most of these cases, you have almost identical fact patterns. but it turns out that roughly half the cases are prosecuted as
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a crime, and half are -- they're dismissed as what they really are, which was a terrible, terrible accident. >> lynn, just briefly, do you have recommendations for parents to prevent this from happening? >> absolutely. one of the things that we are now educating a lot of parents thanks to organizations and corporations like pet smart, provide little toys or stuffed animals that we put cards on. we tie around their neck, and we give them to newborn parents. we give them to grandparents. we give them to aunts and uncles who don't have the children very often. and it has a set of rules on how to ensure that you don't accidentally forget your child. but what i learned is when my children were born, i baby proofed my house, just like everybody. you have learned. you put plastic safety devices in the electrical outlets. you put a baby gate up so they don't fall down the stairs. but we don't ever baby proof our vehicles. and outside of domestic
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accidents within the home, nonvehicular accidents are the highest of any other death of children. >> right. >> accidental backovers, accidental frontovers, accidental window strangulations. all of these things that could be prevented if we would have only known. when i became an advocate for kids in cars, i went to their website and i read all of these tips and ideas oin order to make sure that my car was baby proof. >> that's kids in >> kids in >> i appreciate you being here. gene, your reporting is extraordinary on this. we'll link to gene's article on "ac 360." there is always for more on the story and others go, to up next, more breaking news. why the stepmom of the missing boy found alive in his basement is now in custody. and on the ground in iraq. an exclusive look at what life is like now where isis is in control. care what age you are.
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comcast business. built for business. a lot happening in iraq tonight. 50 more u.s. military advisers have arrived. a shia attack killing 13. separate bomb blasts in a shia area of baghdad killing 19. local officials say syria is now carrying out air strikes on the border, targeting isis. iraq's prime minister al maliki says he welcomes that. cnn obtained video what life is like under isis in mosul. here is arwa damon. >> reporter: isis is also distributing much needed cooking gas to families, even selling it at a cheaper price than the iraqi government used to. in the nation where the day to day basics are such a necessity for survival, act likes this do garner good will.
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but isis is also implementing its harsh interpretation of islamist law. obligatory prayers for all, and banning women from movements outside their home without a male guardian. >> arwa joins me now from baghdad. and alli sufan. iraqi military officials are claiming they have been able to make some gains today against isis. that for real? they seem to make a lot of claims that are hard to actually verify. >> and that's still the case, anderson. very difficult to actually obtain accurate, independent information about what is taking place on the ground. now, according to state television, according to the government, they have managed to make some gains in tikrit, saddam hussein's hometown. the government is saying that they launched air strikes and then actually air dropped special commandos into the tikrit university premises. in all, they're claiming to have killed 40 militants. when it comes to the oil
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refinery in baiji, the government claiming to have control over it. but at this stage still conflicting reports about that. and the front lines in al anbar province to the west of the capital still existing there. but at this stage, the government very much seeming to want to present an image of being an entity that is under control whose security forces are actually beginning to take the fight to isis, to those who are fighting alongside isis, rather than the image that has been portrayed thus far of an army that has abandoned its weapons and runaway, anderson. >> whether or not that's really happening now, we'll see. a ali, you said the threat is unlike any jihadi threat western europe and the united states has faced how so? >> we have about 12,000 foreign fighters. most of them are from arab world. they come from about 81 different countries. other like jihadi wars that happened before, most of these people went knowing exactly who
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isis are, knowing exactly who al qaeda is and joining them. >> it wasn't like pre-9/11 maybe with some other ideas? >> exactly. and they were recruited using social media tools. they have their own bubbles in social media. they are communicating with each other. now the situation in iraq is a little bit different. yes, there are some foreign fighters, especially from tunisia and from england and stuff like that. and both in syria and in iraq fighting with isis. but the situation in iraq is more complicated, because isis was able to build the strength in the sunni areas because of the sectarian policies of al maliki government. >> right. >> most of the sunnis feel they are not involved in the political process. and the very first thing that need to be done in iraq today is to bring them to the fold. bring them to the presence of iraq and make them feel that they are part of the future of iraq. >> and that can only be done with the change of leadership in iraq? >> absolutely. i mean, maliki is not going to be the guy who is going to do this.
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maliki already won the election. his coalition, political coalition won the election. but there is many different politicians in his coalition that can take over. and it seems to me that al sistani or the grand ayatollah who holds significant power among the shia, he is the pope to the catholics is indicating for al maliki to be changed. >> in terms of life in mosul, have they already -- i know they posted new rules. women can't go outside. no smoking, no drinking, no music, have they actually started to enforce that, or i've read that often, you know, there is kind of a honeymoon period where they're consolidating gains. they don't necessarily reveal themselves as draconian as they ultimately will become. >> they have begun to a little bit. and you hear from people who were living in mosul that more and more women are wearing the
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niqab, the full-on black covering. but also interestingly, anderson, they have opened these centers, certain mosques as designated centers where people can go and repent. so if you are a member of the iraqi security forces, if you're anyhow affiliated with the maliki government, you can go in and repent, and you're actually given a piece of paper that then clears you when you go out into the streets, just in case you run into another member of isis. but what they have also done is taken areas where people used to go out and have fun. so the main entertainment district in mosul, this main street that used to be filled with cafes and restaurants now isis has turned into a stage where they can launch their public preaching. so they really are beginning to implement their own version of what they want to see the city become. >> arwa damon, appreciate it. stay safe. a bizarre story. the stepmother of a missing militia boy found safe last night is now in custody.
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custody. charlie bathle has been gone for 11 days when he was found alive and in his father's basement. the father, also named charles, learning the news last night from nancy grace on tv. >> charlie, we're getting reports that your son has been found in your basement. sir? mr. bothell, are you -- >> what? >> yeah. we are getting reports that your son has been found alive in your basement. >> what? >> yes. that's -- if you can hand me that wire very quickly. yeah. we're getting that right now. from -- from -- how could your son be alive in your basement? >> i -- i -- [ bleep ] -- i
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have -- i have no idea. >> bizarre to say the least. police have talked to the boy. we're learning new details about some of the physical evidence, and of course the arrest of the stepmother. susan candiotti is reporting on it. she joins us now. what is the deal here? what happened? >> that's what they're still trying to sort out. police, however, were able to talk and to interview charlie today, and he told them what happened. >> charlie the child? >> charlie the child. that's right. and this was after he was checked out at the hospital. he is okay. and a child psychologist also spoke with him as well. but now investigators are saying that because of what charlie told them, they're making progress, and they're taking that information. they're not done yet, to the prosecutors to decide whether charges will be filed. >> but that basement i understand was searched multiple times by police during this? >> that's what is so strange about this. they went down there several times on different days. they found this weird contraption down there.
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it was either like a trap, a makeshift trap. maybe it was a hiding place. they don't know. a big 55 gallon drum. he was behind that as well as a dresser and some boxes. >> but they don't think he was there the whole time? they think this is relatively recent? and they don't think he could have built that contraption. >> yeah. because it's just so big. it just doesn't make any sense. but on the other hand, they're trying to figure it out. he wasn't there before. they were in the middle of a search just yesterday afternoon, and in the middle of it, they won't tell me why, but something they said made them stop and go back down to the basement. >> so why was the stepmother arrested? is that known? >> they're saying for now it's unrelated, that a warrant was issued for her on monday. >> they're saying it's unrelated to this? >> at this point. at this point. because it's a parole violation on a weapons charge. and there was no rush to pick her up on monday. they're still trying to -- there might be a connection. we just don't know for sure yet. >> bizarre to say the least. up next, a preview of our
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special series "the sixties." tonight's focus, the fight for civil rights. this is a great episode tonight. we're joined by congressman john lewis who joined martin luther king and others in the fight. he was 15 years old when he heard martin luther king for the first time and decided he was going get involved. we'll talk to him ahead. d innov. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. sea captain: there's a narratorstorm cominhe storm narrator: that whipped through the turbine which poured...
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at the top of the hour, don't miss cnn's six-part documentary "the sixties." this week's episode focuses on the long march from segregation to civil rights. here is a sneak peek. >> do you think you can keep birmingham in the present situation of segregation? >> i may not be able to do it, but i'll die trying. >> bull conner has a well-known identity as one of the hardest hard-liners in defense of segregation. he encouraged the hiring of klansmen on his police force. >> king assuming that bull conner is going to provide the pictures and the footage they need to outrage the country. >> safety commissioner bull conner use mass arrests, police dogs to break up the demonstrations. >> the civil rights leader john lewis was a key part of the movement. he is featured in this week's episode of "the sixties." the georgia congressman joins me tonight. it's great to have you on,
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congressman lewis. i think for a lot of young americans watching that, it's hard to imagine a world where bull conner could publicly say that he would die trying to uphold segregation. was there a moment for you that propelled you to join the civil rights movement? was there a moment where you decided -- you were a young man, that you decided i've got to get involved? >> i made a decision very early to old in when i heard the words of martin luther king jr. on the radio. when i heard about rosa parks, and martin luther king jr. was speaking directly to me, saying john lewis, you too can do something. you can make a contribution. i grew up 50 miles from montgomery, and growing up there, i saw the signs that said "white men, colored men, white women, colored women. i didn't like it. and dr. king provided a way out
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for me. it was not easy. we were beated, yes. we were jailed, and we lost some friends. lost some relatives. some colleagues. but we didn't give up. we didn't give in. we kept the faith. >> what is it like to confront hate? it's one thing to, you know, to talk about it. it's one thing to kind of see hate on a massive scale. but individual hate, someone looking you in the eyes, you know, punching you, looking you in the eyes and saying horrible things to your face, what is that -- what is that like? >> well, during the '60s, i had people who would pour hot water, hot chocolate, hot coffee on many of us. put lighted cigarettes out in our hair, down our backs. pull our lunch counter stool, spit on us. but we were trained to look straight ahead and to be as orderly and peaceful as possible.
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when i was beaten on that bridge by a state trooper, i thought i was going to die. i thought i saw death. but i was prepared. and i was ready to do all i could to end segregation and racial discrimination. and gain the right for all of us citizen to participate in the democratic process. >> i've heard you say that you hope that this next generation will be inspired to get in trouble, good and necessary trouble. explain what you mean by that? >> my mother and my father, and especially my mother told me over and over again, whenever i asked about the signs that i saw growing up, saying white waiting, colored waiting, white men, colored men, white women, colored women. she would say don't get in trouble. don't get in trouble. don't get in the way. that's way it is. but martin luther king jr. inspired me to get in trouble,
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good trouble, necessary trouble. and it's my hope and my prayer that the next generation of young people will stand up and speak up and speak out and confront the injustice, confront the evils that we see around us. and be bold and be courageous. >> it is important i think to have documentaries like this and to remember the stories and remember the names and remember the struggle because this was in our lifetime. this was not some distant past of america. this was -- this is, you know, this is the '60s. this is the '70s. and the ramifications of this are still being felt. >> well, we have today in america, when it come to the right to vote, the right to participate in the democratic process, there are forces trying to make it harder, more difficult. so another generation must stand up. must push. i knew two of the young men and
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had met one of the third young men that was beaten, murdered in mississippi, two young white men and one young black man, went out to investigate the burning of a church, just 50 years ago. and i tell young people and i tell students all the time, these three young people didn't die in vietnam, they didn't die in the middle east, eastern europe, or in africa. they died right here in our own country. that's why it's so important for young people, for young children to understand that when they become 18, they must register. they must go out and vote in every election. >> representative john lewis, it's always a pleasure to talk to you. thank you. >> well, thank you, sir. >> we'll be right back in just a moment with the ridiculist.
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[ male announcer ] ...because a good thing like this... phew! [ male announcer ] ...won't last forever. see your authorized dealer for an incredible offer on the exhilarating c250 sport sedan. but hurry, offers end soon. share your summer moments in your mercedes-benz with us. this is kathleen. setting up the perfect wedding day begins with arthritis pain and two pills. afternoon arrives and feeling good, but her knee pain returns... that's two more pills. the evening's event brings laughter, joy, and more pain... when jamie says... what's that like six pills today? yeah... i can take 2 aleve for all day relief. really, and... and that's it. this is kathleen... for my arthritis pain, i now choose aleve. get all day arthritis pain relief with an easy-open cap.
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time now for "the ridiculist." tonight we're adding anyone who doesn't love older ladies. now, you might recall over the years, especially during my reality show superfan phase, we showcased some of those supposed music videos. i can't believe i just did this. anyway, the music videos from various real housewives of wherever. now along comes a video that truly deserve ours support. ♪ well i ain't 20 either and i don't care neither and my hair is gray and i like it that way ♪ ♪ and if that's the way you don't love me, maybe that's not
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love ♪ . >> oh, we're just getting started. the song is called "older ladies." and in all seriousness, it is a wonderful ode to aging and self-confidence. it was written by donna lou stevened and friends. let's just say rihanna does her thing. these ladies do theirs. ♪ i got sag by breasts that droop from my chests on the way to my nest, and if there is a reason you don't love me, maybe that's not love ♪ . >> catchy, right? a couple of things. first of all, we actually have a similar band here at cnn, a senior band. they're available for birthdays, weddings and reception. they do a mean total eclipse of the heart. secondly, that last verse was great. not just musically, but also as a nod to one of my favorite t moments. >> now, if you'll excuse me, i'm going to take a long, hot steamy bath with just enough body to
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barely cover my perky bosoms. >> you're only going to sit in an inch of water? >> zing! back now to the sing older ladies. ♪ i guess cellulite and aching feet, and if that's the reason you don't love me, maybe that's not love ♪ >> maybe that's not love. i love this song. i love this band. at one point in the song they even use the phrase hoochchy coochie. i have a something concession for someone they may want to consider adding to the group. >> my name is sally oh mally. i'm proud to say that i'm 50 years old. i'm not one of those gals who is afraid to tell her real age. and i like to kick, stretch, and kick. i'm 50. 50 years old. >> i can't tell you -- there is probably not a day that goes by that i do not quote sally o'malley. i could watch that clip really for the rest of my life.
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congratulations to donna lou stevens and her all people should obey just laws, but i would also say that an unjust law is no law at all. >> i say segregation loud and segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever. >> america is not living up to the dream of liberty and justice for all. >> we are confronted primarily with a moral issue. >> if we had trouble here. >> would you be willing to go on a demonstration again? >> yes, sir. >> we want our freedom and we want it now. >> open hostility toward the civil rights demonstrators. >> black power! this is the wrong way!
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