tv Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN June 29, 2014 7:00am-8:01am PDT
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"state of the union" i'm candy crowley in washington. be sure to watch us each week at this time or you can set your dvr so you don't miss a moment. fareed zakaria "gps" is next after a check of the headlines. this is "gps" global public square. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. i'm fareed zakaria. let's start today with sky high temperatures, hundred year floods and severe storms. a terrific new report tallies up the costs to you and me and everyone from climate change. i will talk with two of the many high-powered people behind the study, two former treasury secretaries, one republican, one democrat. hank paulson and bob rubin. then a cleric and his army. why the familiar face of multada
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elle fatah may face trouble in iraq. also, an assassination 100 years ago sparked the outbreak of world war i. something 2014 feels a lot like 1914. we'll explore. washington d.c. is broken, that's a fact, but america still works and works very well. i will take you somewhere that succeeds where the federal government has failed on immigrati immigration. but first here's my take. in recent days much of the political chatter inside the beltway has been about hillary clinton and her wealth or lack thereof. mrs. clinton's problem is not her money. despite the media flurry based on a couple of awkward remarks she made, most people will understand her situation pretty quickly. she wasn't born rich but has become very rich and are unlikely to hold it against her. mitt romney did not lose the
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last election because of his wealth. hispanics and asians did not vote against him in record numbers, for example, because he was a successful businessman. hillary clinton's great challenge will be to decide whether she represents change or continuity. mrs. clinton will make history in a big and dramatic way if she's elected as the first woman president, but she will also make history in a smaller, more complicated sense as well. she would join just three other non-incumbents since 1900 to win the white house after their party had been in power for eight years. she would be the first to win who was not the vice president or the clear protoge of the incumbent president. only three candidates who were not running as incumbent presidents have run a third or fourth run since 1900. william howard taft, herbert
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hoover, and george h.w. bush, bush sr. six others tried and lost. james cox, addly stevenson, richard stevenson, hubert humphrey, al gore and john mccain. even the three successful ones only had one term in office, but the challenge for hillary clinton can be seen through the prism of her predecessors. should she run for change or continuity. the three who run all ran firmly as proto guys of the president, promising to extend his policies. they also ran in economic good times with popular presidents. that's not always a guarantee. james cox promised to be 100% behind woodrow wilson's policies. since wilson was wildly unpopular, as was the league of nations, cox received the most resounding drubing in the popular vote in history. today the country is on a slow
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recovery and president obama's ratings are low. that might make hillary clinton to distance herself from her boss. remember, the three people in her shoes who have won all ran on continuity. now, mrs. clinton's recent memoir suggests that she has not yet made up her mind as to what course she will follow. the book is a carefully calibrated mixture of praise and criticism, loyalty and voice such that she can [ applause plausibly go in whatever direction she chooses. history does suggest that choosing change or continuity, that will truly be her hard choice. for more, go to and read my washington post
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column this week. column this week. let's get started. -- captions by vitac -- >r >p according to dramatp dramatic ndramatic e could bebleak. $23 million worth of property will likely be underwater literally in florida alone. crops in the midwest will be down 50 to 70%. americans will experience two to three times as many days with temperatures above 95 degrees as they do today. all this the report's authors say if we don't do something about climate change now. the report has serious pedigree. it was released by an organization called risky business. joining me now to talk about it are two former treasury secretaries, one from either side of the aisle, who are both heavily involved in the risky business organization.
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hank paulson is a co-chair of the group. he was the 74th treasury secretary serving under president george w. bush and robert rubin is a member of the organization's risk committee and was the 70th secretary serving under president clinton. we'll talk about the u.s. economy in a moment, but let's start with this report. gentlemen, thank you so much for joining me. the most interesting thing about this report is the sort of idea of the cost of inaction and what would be the cost of doing nothing. and you say it's pretty high. >> yeah. i think the cost of inaction is quite high because it's actually radical risk taking. there's a tendency for people to say let's wait until we get more information, but the longer you wait, you get to a dangerous position where the only things you can do then is to adapt to these adverse consequences as opposed to being able to prevent
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them because one of the facts that i think is pretty clear is that if we act soon, we can avoid the most adverse consequences. >> in the maritime speech they make an analogy between not doing anything and allowing these risks to grow to the situation before the financial crisis where the united states may have done too little to be aware of these risks and then the whole thing explodes. do you think that analogy works? >> well, i think it was a terrific op ed piece. i think the analogy tells us something, fareed, but i think the distinction it seems to me, the financial crisis, nobody saw the excess of a megacrisis. here we see it and we know it can be catastrophic. we must act and we're not acting except in a limited way. >> as you know, one of the principle reasons why very little is happening in washington is much of the republican party really does not -- would not agree with
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virtually anything you've said and virtually anything you wrote in that op ed. how to think about this. what to do about it? >> well, fareed, i think there are a lot of fellow republicans, my fellow republicans business leaders and political leaders, that are ready for a serious discussion about the science and the risks that come out of the science, and i think the resistance to doing some of the things we need to do is much broader than just republican party. >> but you have a solution which is a carbon tax which is completely against republicans at least on capitol hill. >> what i said about a carbon tax, if some people that oppose it are opposing it because they don't like the government playing a big role, and, you know, the perverse aspect of that is frankly those that are resisting taking action now are guaranteeing that the government will be playing a bigger role
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because we're seeing now and we're going to see an increasing number of natural disasters, mother nature, actually, we have forest fires, we have floods, we have big storms and storm surges, we have killer tornadoes, and what happens? when those events occur, one part of society gets hit particularly hard and government comes in. and that's a role of government. government should come in, but we all pay. >> so a number of people who support the general idea say, look, we're not going to get a carbon tax in the united states and let's be real. let's accept the fact that we're going to have to deal with a lot of second best solutions which are fuel efficiency standards, net metering. do you think that's the better path to go or is it worth holding out for what seems very probable. >> i wouldn't phrase it the way you did, fareed. if you have the view which hank and i have that the risk is catastrophic and catastrophic to life on earth as we know it, that's a risk we cannot take.
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once you start with the recognition that this could be catastrophic, then it seems that you do a full-court press on all fronts. >> a lot of people will listen to this and say we can do all that we want here in the united states. the chinese and the indians are building cole fired plants all week. the chinese by some measures, one cole fired power plant each week and that's going to change the climate no matter what happens in the united states. what do you say? >> fareed, i think the answer is not complicated. this is a trans national issue that will affect all of our countries. it is of enormous importance to all of us, as i said catastrophic risk. i think the way the united states can best contribute is, a, get our own house in order and by get our own house in order to put ourselves in a better position to work with the chinese and those around the world. >> i'll be back with much more from these two former treasury secretaries. they'll give us their sense of the american economy and the outlook ahead when we come back.
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reaching constantly evolving threats before they reach us. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. the last four hours have seen... one child fail to get to the air sickness bag in time. another left his shoes on the plane... his shoes! and a third simply doesn't want to be here. ♪ until now... until right booking now. ♪ planet earth's number one accomodation site booking.yeah!
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hank paulson is back to talk about the economy. >> i think it will be fair to say that in general the american people feel like the american economy is out of the recession, that we're back to employment levels that the united states had in 2007, but nobody feels satisfied. what is your sense of the picture of the american economy? >> yeah. i think my reaction a little bit is to differ with the premise as you've stated it, fareed. the unemployment rate doesn't reflect our labor situation unfortunately. there are all kinds of other groups of people that are not included in the unemployed. >> stop looking for work? >> stop looking for work.
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or people that are part-time employees and would like to look for full time. the unemployment rate is probably higher than the reported rate. it might be headed to a little bit better or it might not be. i'm a little less inclined to think it is only time will tell. there's so much we can do. you can put in place fiscal program, government of the sequester that had an up front stimulus and real fiscal discipline that deferred the implementation -- >> spend money now but do some structural budget reform -- >> exactly. >> -- later? >> exactly. >> that would have substantive effect. >> there's so much we can do. the problem is our political system is, as you well know, in dysfunction. congress is unwilling to act. i think fundamentally our future depends for the short term and the long term on a recovery of effectiveness and our political system which fundamentally means a willingness of people with different views to engage in
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principled compromise. that is how our system works. >> we would have a stronger recovery if we could enact the bob rubin program stimulus now, cuts later? >> i would say this. i agree with almost everything bob said, that we have a very small recovery, that there are structural problems that, you know, don't come out in the unemployment numbers. they are more significant. again, i believe that the solution is bipartisan compromise to get some structural things done. i think we need a new tax policy, a tax policy that gives us the revenues we need and lets us be competitive. i think we -- i think trade policy would help. i think that immigration reform would make a huge difference and so as we focus on the budget, we need to do it in a way in which we -- you know, we don't cut so
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much we hurt the fledgling recovery and that we don't raise taxes. >> the chairman of the fed says the stock prices are within historical norms. do you agree or do you think they're too high? >> fareed, i have no idea with all due respect to the chair woman of the fed who i know well, she doesn't know either. we've had enormous increases in stock prices. they may or may not be in excess. whatever the evens is to that, they'll correct. markets that are over price will correct. >> final question. hank, listening to you on climate change, i think you are talking about the need for immigration reform, stimulus up front and structural reform later, it's difficult to see a -- meet a lot of elected republicans who agree with you. are you feeling lonely in the republican party? >> well, let me tell you, i am a republican and i think you're seeing a growing number of republicans that favor
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immigration reform. i will bet that republicans are very interested in having a very serious conversation about the risks -- economic risks associated with climate and with a number of economic issues. and, remember, when it -- when it came to, you know, the sorts of things i would be suggesting that are structural reforms to have to do with health care and social security, i think those are major -- major structural reforms that are necessary. i think immigration reform is necessary, tax reform. so i think the republicans are interested in those things. >> draft you for president. gentlemen, thank you very much. >> thank you, fareed. coming up next on "gps" we
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world" segment. it seems that everyone, president obama, john kerry, nato, grand ayatollah sistani, even the iranian government has the same advise for prime minister in our ri al maliki. reach out to the sunnis. that would take away some of the sense of the grievance that fuels their support for radical sunni groups like isis that are threatening iraq's ability to exist. why is he refusing to do this? he's a hard line shiite himself who is not particularly disposed to the notion of being nice to the sunnis, their former overlord, but it's probably at least as much because maliki needs to worry about radical shiites as well as radical
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sunnis. he has his own tea party, and this one has an army of its own. they're called the peace brigade and they paraded by the streets of baghdad by the tens of thousands displaying their readiness to protect holy sites and shrines. the leader is a well known figure in iraq and dock naminate region. remember muqtada al sadr. back then they were responsible for some of the deadliest days of the war, then he overplayed his hand. the u.s. got others to turn on him, issue an arrest warrant and in 2007 he fled to iran. when he returned in 2011 his followers remained loyal to him
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and he wields real political political power. mall la mall lack can i kept his power because offal sadr's help. since then he's called him a dictator and recently added pressure on him to step down by calling for the creation of a new emergency government right after mall lack can i rejected the idea. al sadr urged the iraqi government to incorporate moderate sunnis who have been quelled to stop the bloodshed. he's trying to become the new power broke injury of iraq condemning isis and the sunni terrorist groups. whether or not he succeeds we are probably witnessing serious splits in the shiite coalition and that can only mean more
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chaos in an already chaotic situation. a peace in foreign affairs says this is a ri ignition of the 2006-2007 iraqi civil war. they fit a pattern. over 1/3 of all ethnic civil wars flare-up again within five years. what's more, approximately 1/3 of all power sharing arrangements borne out of those conflicts fail within that time period. it's true of angola, afghan nis stack and sri lank ka in history. now it's true of iraq. when we come back, something to cheer you up even more. world war i started 100 years and 1 day ago with a problem in the balkans. can a similar spark in the middle east spark the same conflict today?
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(train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. 100 years and 1 day ago arch duke transferred nand heir to the austrian empire was being driven down the streets of sarajevo when he was assassinated and other serbian nationalists. exactly one month later austria
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hungry declared war on serbia and thus began the first world war. today some people are pointing out geo political similarities between 1914 and 2014, similar dynamics of rising powers, falling powers, new technologies, and dangerous tinder boxes. i wanted to explore that. joining me to do so are former cia deputy director john mclaughlin who had a new piece on titled how 2014 is strikingly similar to 1914. historian jeffrey radlo author of "a mad catastrophe, the outbreak of world war i and the collapse of hapsburg empire." john, why don't you start us off. what do you see as the principal similarities between 1914 and today? >> well, there are two or three. we had a tinder box in 1914. it was called the balkans. today we have a tinder box in
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the middle east, a situation which could easily spin out of control in exactly the way that the balkans took things out of control in europe in 1914. we also have a geopolitical rivalry that looks similar in some respects today, it's between china and the united states. back then of course it was between brittain and its empire and a rising germany. today we are lulled by the prospect of globalization will somehow save us from catastrophe because we are so interdependent. back then they had the same illusion. they thought the steam engine, telegraph, air power would save them because they were becoming increasingly interdependent. >> walter, when you listen to these similarities, where do you come up? >> biggest similarity is that the same problem that helped
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drive world war i and the balkans, the bad fit between state boundaries and nationalism, the popular forces of identity, culture, language, we see that all over the middle east today and that's driving a lot of conflicts. >> the -- >> the sunni/shia divide and kurdish question. nationalities whose identities are weak. syria and iraq are both multi-communal states and they're not holding up well. we see these forces ripping them apart in the same way they were ripping apart the great empires at the start of world war i. >> and yet there's a kind of indifference on the part of the great powers regarding the middle east that didn't apply in the balkans. the balkans were a hotly contested area in 1914. they saw their future spreading down to mascedonimacedonia. they were getting control of the balkan peninsula controlling the
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eastern mehdi tditerraneamedite. we have eastern fatigue. they have echb energy, securedy, courts on the case and yet they're not willing to go all in in the sense they did in 1914. i think that's a key difference. >> i'd like to push back on that a little bit because i think there's a similarity there, too, in the sense that in 1914 there were certain things that great powers couldn't tolerate. brittain couldn't tolerate russia mobilizing. today i don't think in the end the united states can tolerate a terrorist state occupying territory in the middle east which is where this situation is going. i don't think iran can tolerate in the end a shiite power next to it that is defeated and i doubt that the saudis can tolerate in the end a shia crescent which stretches across that part of it. >> so this is a very important point.
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i was struck, as geoffrey was, that the big difference that strikes me is then the great powers were really eager to get involved in jockeying for advantage. right now the great powers are almost trying to stay out but you say they will get sucked in in the end? >> i'm saying that i think the prospects are good that they get sucked in in some way. it won't look exactly the same as 1914 because it is 100 years later. the weaponry is different, the ways of influencing people are different. we have social media and cyber. they can bring surprises just as machine guns and air power brought surprises. >> the other powers were dead set against a balkan inception of the war. the only ones eager to have a balkan inception were the russians. they didn't see anything in the balkans as being worth the war. they got in basically to maintain their alliances so i think this is where the parallel is somewhat forbidding because, you know, it could be a case
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where we feel we need to back somebody to show -- to demonstrate credibility. demonstrate strength and not to lose influence over that client or not to lose influence over adversaries. that's sort of how brittain and france and germany got involved in the war in the balkans. >> would that apply to iraq, that we would get in because we wanted to show the iraqi government? >> it would be less the iraqi government than the saudis in a sense because the sense that the sunni/shia war is a proxy war between iran and the saudis. the biggest difference though that i actually see is in 1914 you had germany, a rising power and then all around it every other power in europe was in decline. you look at asia today, japan doesn't really feel that it's declining. vietnam is a rising power. there are a lot of rising powers in asia. it's a different kind of dye ma' dynamic. >> asia is the most retilent.
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you have a rising china that reminds one of germany, sea power and also its imperial reach and this is an area given the u.s. pivot putting troops into australia making alliances with vietnam, the philippines. germany goes to war in 1914 because they feel encircled. there you see the tensions. >> last word to you, john. we may not be interested in the middle east but the middle east is interested in us. repair a phrasing. that's your concern, right? >> yes. what starts in the middle east never stays in the middle east. there's an important aspect of the decision making now that i think needs to be highlighted, and that is to a greater degree than any other situation i can recall, there are no good choices in the middle east. every choice you make has a very serious down side which demands a great deal of political courage to make a choice, but the problem of not making a choice is that you are making a choice. >> we're going to have to leave
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it at that on that ominous note. gentlemen, thank you very much. fascinating discussion. coming up next, washington is broken, everyone agrees on that, but we are going to show you where america is working and working pretty well. where the two parties cooperate, government and business team up, and good results follow. we're going to kick off a brand-new "gps" with america's likely capital of immigration when we come back.
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everyone knows that washington is utterly polarized, but we focus on washington, too much. it's focusing in a crucial zone, america's cities. for the next five weeks i'll take you to cities where america works. here's our first city. eric cantor's stunning defeat. the first time a house majority leader lost in a primary may have killed any chance of overall immigration reform from washington, but many states are finding a way to make immigration work for them. and despite being in a state with a 1241 mile border with mexico, houston, texas, is attracting, integrating, and celebrating immigrants, defying many stereotypes in the process.
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in houston in the 1930s a big factory reportedly had a sign over its hiring office, it said, no mexicans hired here. in 1967 racial tensions between whites and blacks led to a riot. in 1978 another riot, this time the dispute between whites and hispanics. and then everything in houston changed. >> the decline in oil prices and demand is having a bad effect on the overall health of the golden city. >> during the 1980s the liquid gold that surrounds houston plummeted in value. from $34 a barrel to less than $10. rice university's professor steven clyneburg said houston suffered the worst regional recession that had been seen anywhere in the u.s. since the second world war. >> 82% of the jobs were tied into the oil business.
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>> that industry town was very white. more than 65% white. african-americans accounted for less than 1/5 of the population. the houston metro area was less than 1/5 hispanic despite being one of the biggest cities next to the mexican border which is approximately 350 miles away. the asian population was barely a blip, under 2%. now what does houston look like today? >> we tell people outside of houston, this is the most ethnically diversity in america. you're crazy. this is texas. this is george bush country. >> but it is possible. take a look at that graphic of houston's demographics in 1980 again and now look at it today. it's a preddy even breakdown. minorities are the only majority. blacks are 18%, hispanics 41%, other ethnic groups make up about 8%, and whites are 33%.
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>> and it's biracial southern city dominated and controlled throughout our entire lives by white men has become the single most ethnically diverse regions in the country. >> and as the demography has shifted so dramatically in the last 30 years, what happened at the same time with the economy? it's gone from bust to recovery to bust but now once again it is booming. of course, oil prices have quadrupled over the last decade, but the growth is also thanks in part to immigration. >> we may have the largest economy in the united states. clearly we have a very hot job market right now and we're doing well in job creation. >> thank you. >> houston's current mayor is understating the facts. houston was the first city to
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regain all of the jobs it lost in the 2008 recession. it actually created more than two jobs for every one it lost. that job creation has been a driving force behind the changing face of houston. >> in order to fill those jobs, we attract some of the best and the brightest from around the world. >> and the city has done just that. today 1 in 5 houstonians was born in another country. but those immigrants, of course, don't come here and realize the american dream on day one. many immigrants land in houston right here in gulfton. what some call the city's ellis island, the most densely populated 3.4 square miles in the whole city. >> i tell people, the way you know who's coming to gulfton next is look at the world. where are the points of pain and unrest. they'll be here. they're coming.
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>> the tired, poor, huddled masses that came to gulfton needed help integrating into american culture. some arrived with striking education deficits among other tough problems. >> so the meeting we had -- >> and angela blanchard, the president and ceo of the non-profit neighborhood centers says gulfton was a place to be avoided. >> you drove around it. the police said, gosh, we hate to even go there. and that was the story on the street about gulfton, nothing good happening there. >> but the whole of houston seemingly came together to try to transform gulfton. the city government, private enterprise, and the civic community. it was 2008 in the midst of a national recession and election. >> we have to secure the borders first. >> every night on tv there was another diatribe about immigration, about how horrible it was, and then every day i would go back out again to raise money. no, that's not true.
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here's what these folks can do. here's what they've figured out on their own and the gains they've made, the businesses they've started. this is how enterprising and industrious they are. then in true houston fashion, people got interested. >> neighborhood center ceo angela blanchard was able to cut through the partisan rhetoric and get democrats and republicans on board. together they raised $25 million to build a baker-riply neighborhood center which opened in 2010 and this five building, four acre complex offers services from tax preparation, low-cost banking and a clinic. >> will they be on time for english class? >> and even classes in english as a second language. >> these children won't know any better. this is the world they'll know and remember. now that is a powerful way to make a community safer.
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belonging is the most powerful medicine. >> since the center opened, crime has decreased 11% in gulfton. in houston overall, crime is down 4%. one final point on demographics. remember that pie chart of houston's racial and ethnic makeup today? well, it's not too dissimilar from this census projection for the entire country. in 2060, about 52% of americans will be minorities and no single ethnic group will have a majority. rice university professor steven kleinburg. we're 25, 30 years ahead of the country. all of the americans are in a transition. as they navigate, it will have enormous significance not just for the houston future but for the american future. this is the way the american
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future will be run. >> it's worth noting that in addition to being the most diversity in the country, houston is one of the most segregated communities both by ethnicity and income. it still has work to do. up next, what's wrong with this picture? we'll tell you after the break. it's data mayhem. but airlines running hp end-to-end solutions are always calm during a storm. so if your business deals with the unexpected, hp big data and cloud solutions make sure you always know what's coming - and are ready for it. make it matter. the last four hours have seen... one child fail to get to the air sickness bag in time.
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this weekend yeah's newly elected prime minister surpassed the white house twitter account in number of followers when he reached 5 million. in the short time since his election, his victory tweet, india has won! was retweeted more than 70,000 times and favorited more than 4,000 times if that's a verb. who is the most influential world leader not but followers but rates of retweet, barack obama, pope francis, dalai lama, or narenda, moda. this week's book is david
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ignatius' thriller, "the director" it's set in agencies like the nsa. it reads from the front pages and it brings you vividly into the strange world of hackers. absolutely fascinating. now for the "last look." take a look at the bolivian congress. does something look amiss? look closely and you'll see the numbers on the clock are reversed on purpose. you see modern-day clocks reflect the way that a sun dial travels in the northern hemisphere. this clock was reversed to reflect bolivia's position in the southern hemisphere. the foreign minister said that this clock of the south was installed so that bolivians would embrace creativity and question the status quo. a symbolic change like this isn't unique to bolivia, of course. hugo chavez changed his country's 200 year old flag by
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adding an eighth star. he changed the direction of the horse from right to left declaring that the horse had been freed. critics at the time pointed out it was costly to free the horse from passports, currency, other government documents. in africa the former president changed the flag's rising sun to a sun that had fully risen. he wanted the flag to imply malabi wasn't developing, it had developed. these may be clear symbols, but what doesn't seem clear to these leaders, you can change a horse's direction, a sun's position, or even what clockwise means, but your country's successes will still be based on the substance of your policies, not the style of your symbols. the kwekt question is b, pope francis. barack obama's personal account has the most twitter followers at 43 million but according to a
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recent study, pope francis is retweeted much more frequently. @barackobama is retweeted and the pope's are retweeted 10,000 times. thanks for being part of my program this week. i will see you next week. good morning. i'm aaron mcpike. cnn just learned that the boy's mother told authorities she also previously researched child deaths in hot vehicles and how they occur. just yesterday search warrants revealed that the boy's father had conducted a similar search. police say the father stated he was fearful that this could happen. he is charged with murder in his son's death.
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near record rainfalls in minnesota continue to cause widespread flooding. another one to two inches of rain is expected later today in the twin cities area where residents continue to battle rising waters. some 40 homes in the city of pryor lakes have been inflooded. new orleans police are looking for a suspect following a shooting on bourbon street that sent seven people to the hospital. at least one person is still in critical condition, the other six are in stable condition. the shooting happened in a very busy area of the french corridor. i'm erin mcpike in washington. "reliable sources" starts right now. good morning and welcome to "reliable sources." i'm jeffrey toobin. we have a lot going on this week. in a few minutes i'll talk to dan rather on the big changes in network news this week. first, did you see this? matt lauer's interview with the
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first female ceo of general motors, mary barra. check out these questions and answers. >> i'm going to tread lightly here but you've heard this. you got this job because you were hugely qualified, 30 years in this company, a variety of different jobs, but there are some people who are speculating that you also got this job as a woman and as a mom because people within general motors knew this company was in for a very tough time and as a woman and a mom you could present a softer face and softer image for this company as it goes through this horrible episode. does it make sense or does it make you bristle? >> well, it's absolutely not true. you know, i believe i was selected for this job based on my qualifications. >> you're a mom i mentioned, two kids. you said in an interview that your kids said they're going to hold you accountable for one job, and that is being a mom. >> correct. >> given the pressures of this job at general motors, can you do both well? >> you know, ink
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