tv CNN Tonight CNN June 30, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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-- captions by vitac -- this is cnn tonight. tonight parents all across this country are asking how could it happen? is it possible that anybody could leave a toddler in a boiling hot car by accident? it turns out it happens far more than you might think. but who is responsible for this little boy's death? my team of legal experts will weigh in. from justin bieber to shia labeouf. and on the eve of tomorrow's make or break game against belgium, i'll talk to clint dempsey's family. as always, we want to know what you think about all this. we'll begin with the latest on
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that tragic death of a georgia toddler who was left in a hot suv for seven hours. cnn's martin savidge has shocking news. >> reporter: the new revelation is stunning. according to investigators, the mother of 22-month-old cooper harris said she also researched on the internet how children die in hot cars. it follows a similar jaw dropping admission by the boy's father. both stories summarized in police search warrants over the weekend. he stated he recently researched over the internet child's deaths inside vehicles and what temperatures it needs to be for that to occur. justin said he was fearful this could happen. it did happen less than two weeks ago. the father said he forgot to
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take the boy to daycare. police say harris was seen at lunch time returning to the vehicle and placing an item in the front seat before going back to his office. dad is being held without bond charged with felony murder and second-degree child cruelty. so far no charges have been filed against boy's mother. police made the documents public saturday, the same day hundreds gathered for little cooper's feeling. witnesses say his tiny casket was red. his favorite color. no cameras were allowed but reporters could attend. the emotional service included the family's public statements. leanna defended her husband during her child's eulogy. saying am i angry with ross? absolutely not. it has never crossed my mind. cnn's reporter was in the church. >> what got reaction was when she said ross harris is a wonderful father. and everybody stood up and started clapping. it was an unprovoked moment. >> then cooper's father spoke via phone from his jail cell.
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>> you could hear him sobbing over the phone. trying to catch his breath. that got very emotional for people in the crowd. >> do you remember what he said? >> he said thank you. he thanked those in the crowd for not only supporting him but also supporting his son. >> what was to be a service to remember a child also became a defense of the father charged with his death, leading even those attending torn by anguish and allegations. >> he could have gone to his car and not seen the little boy if the boy was sleeping. it could happen. he could have been distracted. but i do have questions about it. >> martin savidge, cnn, marietta, georgia. >> thank you very much. as tragic as this story is, it is far from the first time something like this has happened. every year dozens of children
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die in hot cars. jean casarez has more now. >> reporter: it is shocking but much more common than you might think. children left in cars when temperatures are soaring. >> this ham to the most loving and caring parents. literally we've had a veterinarian, a doctor, a dentist, a professor, a school principal and even a rocket scientist. >> daniel gray was just extensioned to four years in prison, pleading guilty to manslaughter after leaving his infant in a car for three hours during a hot arizona summer. and the woman from scottsdale left her child in the car in march with the windows cracked open while she went on a job interview. she is being charged with felony child abuse. she has pleaded not guilty. >> they're an average 38 per year children who die in a hot car. 38 children too many. it is tax of a tragedy for these families. >> according to the san francisco state university study, since 1998 there have
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been 619 heat stroke deaths of children left in cars. more than half were forgotten by their caregiver, while 18% were left on purpose. another 29% were playing in an unattended car. >> one of the messages we tray to get across to parents is that no one is immune to this. it really truly could happen to anyone. >> how quickly does a temperature rise inside the car even if it is not that hot outside? the journal of the american academy of pediatrics could understand ducted a study and the results are stunning. even on a cool 73-degree day, the temperature goes up an average of more than 3 degrees every five minutes. faster in the first 30 minutes as it quickly shoots above 100 degrees. even in relatively cool vehicles, temperatures reached upward of 117 degrees. this might surprise you. even cracking the window didn't
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help much. the temperature continued to rise. some believe the answer is technology. there are solutions intended to solve this problem. one young aspiring inventor created a strap to remind parents there is still a child left in the car. but will parents buy in? >> the biggest challenge with the technology is convincing parents they need it. no parent wants to believe this could happen to them. >> a crucial warning the hottest days of the year still to come. >> just terrible. thank you very much for that. joining me now, former federal prosecutor kimberly priest johnson. mark o'marra, and legal analyst mel robins. thank you all for joining us. it is important, i want to point this out. leanna harris has not been charged with any offense. cnn has no independent knowledge that she is under investigation.
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however, cnn has confirmed that she has made similar statements to police regarding researching in car deaths as her husband ross has admitted to. we don't know when these alleged searches were made. and i think the timing is probably pretty important. what else do we need to know? >> i think the big question here is motive. when they talk to the relatives, the family members, the people that attended that funeral, everybody says the same thing. this was a couple who loved little cooper. he was the center of their lives. this guy has no criminal record. so there is absolutely no motive in this case as of yet. that will be key moving forward. i personally don't think there is a case here at all. that the guy needs to go home. >> when i said it will be key if they researched when they were about to have a kid or the day before. do you know what i mean? the timing is important. >> you're 100% right. let's hope jean casarez didn't do any internet searches when she was putting together a
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package about how fast a car can heat up. they're taking what i think is very normal behavior of a first time parent, to be concerned about something that might hurt their child, and trying to turn it into something that is very sinister. the timing is key. >> the other lawyer here, mark o'mara. what do you make of that? >> first, i agree. we need to not rush to judgment. we want to fill in the blanks with speculation and come up with some result. let the investigation take its part. realize one thing. there is no middle ground here. either this man is an intended first-degree murderer of the worst sort, or it was simple negligence and a mistake. we should not call him the first when the evidence seems to support, it was probably the second. let's just wait to find out. >> i have three questions. the first is kimberly as a federal prosecutor. question number one, cooper harris was only 22 months old.
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it isn't hard to imagine that he was making noise in the back seat? >> possibly. i think it depends what kind of child you have. i myself have 5 children. some of my children immediately fell asleep when we put them in the car and started driving. others screamed the entire way. i think we have to assume, it is plausible that he could not have heard his child if his child were sleeping the whole time. >> number two, i'll ask it to you again. they had just been to a fast fad restaurant. how could ross harris have forgotten about his son that quickly? >> well, we don't know that. i think we have to know that we are extremely distracted population. and he could have simply forgotten. he could have been thinking the million things he was going to do once he got into work. we don't know at this point whether he forgot or whether he intended to kill his son. we simply don't know. >> all right. i'll ask you this.
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his daycare was on site at ross's workplace. wouldn't that trigger something in him? does it hem or hurt the population? does it make it easier to do something like this because it may be even more normal that he was at work and thought his son was in good hands? >> well, the issue is that the chick-fil-a and the work and the daycare were all so close to each other. it isn't likely that the baby would be so quiet right after you put him into the car seat after going to chick-fil-a. but the thing that is the most concerning, first, yes, it is very important to know when they looked these things up on the internet. in any case, even if a parent looks that up, there is a question. are they unconsciously thinking about doing that? not just preventing something that may happen in the fought. are they really thinking about that? and really the, i think he is protecting his wife. i think it is the wife behind
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this. when he got out of the car, apparently he was -- apparently he was saying, oh, my god, look what i did. the way of's remarks at the funeral, that is what is the most disturbing psychologically. when she talked about -- >> i'm going to talk about that. you're getting ahead of me here. listen, again, as we still have no knowledge that the wife is being investigated for anything or has done anything. but mark, you seem outraged that she is making that assumption. my concern is that there is no evidence whatsoever to support the idea that he was protecting the wife or that he was trying to protect something that she did wrong. this is the type of speculation that all of a sudden becomes the fodder for a story that the way of is doing something. i think we need to calm down, relax and notice we know very little about this case thursday. let it work its process. >> quickly because you mentioned
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it, leanna harris that, am i angry with ross in absolutely not. it has never crossed my mind. if we have more children, ross will be a wonderful father, as he wonderful daddy and the leader for our children. do you find that suspicion? >> yes. she's not angry with him. i think they were in this together or that he was protecting her. the things that she said at the funeral that were more serious were, when she talks about, now he won't ever have to have a broken heart. he won't ever have to mourn the death of his loved ones. things like that. >> that's a mom trying to find solace in what happened. >> it is amazing to me that a psychologist would sit here and lecture america on the -- psychiatrist would lecture america on the appropriate stages of grieving. you have a woman that not only lost her 22-month-old but her husband is now in jail.
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and there is another explanation for this. a huge mistake. he realized halfway through day and it is in his cover-up of the mistake that it makes it look intentional. >> very quickly -- >> carol? >> i think there are so many comments that she made. we don't have the time to go through all of them. she didn't really seem to be appropriately grieving. that's really the most suspicious part of it. >> stand by. still not evidence of anything and that's in your estimation. when we come back i want to talk about other things that are going on. oscar pistorius, the blade runner, charged with murdering his model girlfriend. plus young hollywood behaving badly. and countdown to teen usa. we have everything you need before you watch the match.
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lots of big cases in the news to talk about, and who better to get their feedback. kimberly priest johnson, mark o'mara, mel robins. kimberly, you wanted to talk about the comments made by the mom at the services for the little boy. you said it had tad with religion. i cut you off earlier. >> one of the things we know about this couple is that they were a very religious couple. when we put some of the wife's comments into that context where she truly believed her husband was the head of her household. she was supporting him because that's what she believes in her faith, that's what she is supposed to do. also her comments that her child
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was in a better place and she wouldn't bring her child back, even if she could. that would be selfish. those remarks, while they may seem odd out of context, very much fit within her religious beliefs. >> you are a former federal prosecutor, a former federal prosecutors, i should say. would you try this case? >> not with the evidence we've seen thus far. i think the investigation should be continued as it is, but with what we know thus far, no. >> i'm looking at mark and mel. i know you said earlier, you wouldn't. mark, would you tray it? >> right now we don't know enough. they have the computers. it would be nice to know whether or not they gave that information about the computer searches voluntarily or in response to a question. like you said, if it is recent in time it is a lot different. if they look up choking and measles and other childhood illnesses to put it in context. right now we don't know anything about the case. >> let's move to another big case here. after a month-long adjournment, oscar pistorius's case was
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adjourned again. that he was of sound mind at the time of the reeva steenkamp death. was this the right decision, do you think? >> i think it was the right decision. i think that this can be really explained about his whole child hood of being born, having to have his legs amputated, that he was not a real man, fearing that she was with him only for the fame and worried that she was going to leave him. and his parents were divorced, his mother died. if you trace back his childhood you can see the explanation for why, especially on valentine's day, he would be so fearful that she would leave him and he would do this. there was this question of whether she got a text from someone. he had love rivals and so on. and it could be explained, there is a logical reason. not that he has to be crazy.
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>> now that the defense can't use mental capacity, who do you expect to see the defense call to the stand? >> it's a great question. keep in mind they haven't been in court since may. they've had a major break. i think they'll resume testimony and probably to go character witnesses. this is a major blow. they cannot argue that generalized anxiety or a diminished capacity to understand right from wrong and they can't argue it in the sentencing phase. remember, the big thing here is that halfway through the trial, he changed his theory. he went from saying he was shooting at an intruder to saying he didn't know what was going on and he had a momentary loss of even knowing what was happening. so i think that's the bigger issue. to nail down the theory of the case for the defense. >> i disagree that this is a major blow to the defense.
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i don't know that anyone ever expected that he was going to be found mentally incapacitated, and thus prompting a not guilty verdict by reason of insanity. i think the defense is still going to use the fact, all the testimony, the general anxiety to argue that that is why he acted the way he did. and he is still going to be able to make those arguments. >> don, you may remember i said this. it was a huge blunder by the defense to raise the issue of his anxiety. in doing so, they were trying to seek some type of sympathy from the judge. some type of diminished capacity. the problem is that the prosecutor jumped right on it like i said he would do and demand a psychological evaluation. and he gutted the argument that there was a mental incapacity here and i think it hurt the defense. i think it was a huge mistake. knells gets promises from me for having caught that mistake and capitalizing on it.
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though they may still have what we call mitigation of sentencing, they cut out their own legs. now they have a month-long evaluation that says this guy is wrong. >> you were front and center for this case. today a court dismissed george zimmerman's defamation suit against nbc. what's your reaction? >> i'm not a civil lawyer so i don't do it but i was very surprised in a summary judgment matter, which means there is no way that case could last, it was done before the first bit of discovery was done. i'll leave it to the civil lawyers to look more into it. i would have thought, let the discovery continue so you know what's going on. >> here's what happened. they aired the 911 tape from zimmerman. it didn't say that it had been ed it. many people thought they did it on purpose to make george zimmerman look guilty. >> you've got that right. you take out 45 seconds in
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between and it says, is he black. it would seem they're jumping on the bandwagon of sensationalism. if i can add in -- >> quickly. >> the reason they were able to dispose of the case on summary judgment, they disposed of on it a legal issue. they found george zimmerman was a public figure. and florida law like a whole host of issues has some water things around that that required him to show actual malice as opposed to just a regular liable, slander case. >> as people would think there's weird things around stand your ground ago well. >> everything else stick around. it is an good sign when beyonce uses you as a public symbol.
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jay-z and beyonce showed a montage. it is not a good thing to find yourself in a montage of mug shots, celebrity or otherwise. joining me to talk about it, vanessa writes about justin bieber in this week's new york magazine. vanessa, you first. you wrote a long piece about justin bieber in the latest issue of new york magazine. fascinating. you tried to capture why he holds such a fascination for all of us. why do you think that many people are so interested in justin bieber? >> we're watching him grow up in
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front of our eyes. he is really just a little boy pop idol who now has decided he wants to be a gangster. and we're sitting here in real-time watching this happen while he feeds us images of himself on social media. we're all kind of running to catch up. >> you write in there, you say he sees himself in the mold of a brando or steve mcqueen or james dean. okay. something of an outsider and a rebel and an artist. is he really? >> he is taking pictures of himself as james dean. the famous picture with the cigarette drooping from his mouth and the white t-shirt on. no question. he takes pictures in front of bugattis and every beautiful luxury car made on the market. he thinks that he is a male sex symbol. look, he is, to many, many women. >> who is that saying he is? >> that was me, don. the woman with no manners.
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>> i couldn't see who it was. >> here's the thing. you know how you go to somebody's house and they have a dog that has really misbehaved and it jumps on you? get off me. and the people are like, i'm so sorry, i'm so sorry. but they never train it. the bottom line is, we created justin bieber. he is a wildly talented kid who was rewarded with 80,000 women and girls screaming at him. why do you think he would be anything other than a pompous kid who thinks that he is a sex symbol? >> you created justin bieber. i didn't. >> i bet if i look at your phone, there is some bieber fever. >> go ahead. more that somebody really has insecurities about themselves, that's the more they have to go out and show themselves in front of cars and looking like james dean.
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if he really felt deem down peace of sex symbol, that all these girls still were after him, he wouldn't have to do this. the problem is that he like a lot of celebrities who start out young, get this fame all of a sudden. and it is on a baseline, a basement so to speak of something with their family that is not very secure. so when things start to happen, like with justin. his popularity has gone down. and when all of a sudden, that's all shaken up, then the cracks begin to show. >> he still has 52 million twitter followers. >> he is the second largest followed person on the planet. he also has mastered social media in terms of manipulating it. >> she does have a point that his popularity has gone down. it is still gargantuan. >> but it scares him. plus, he doesn't have -- his
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love life is all messed up. selena was like a second mother to him. >> a 20-year-old's love life isn't messed up. this is a guy who has lived his teenage to his young adult layoff under the make row skoem of the media. the paparazzi, social media. of course he is responsible for it. if we had been followed around when we were 15, canada is, 17, 18, we had been putting out stuff that we thought was cool at that age when our brain is not fully developed. >> when you look at it, you see the masks. it is kind of shades of making jackson. i think you make an interesting point. the adage that famous people become psychlyly stuck at the age they become famous has justin bieber remajor stuck at 14 years old? arrested development? >> absolutely. i think everybody who works with
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famous people will tell you, famous people get stuck at that age. for him, yes. now he's 20. but he is still a kid inside. and he has a million yes men around him. it is just a typical thing that happens to so many of these stars. the thing we need to find out is why we are so obsessed. it has made us adopt the lindsay low has notes, the maily cyruses. >> we're obsess with the watching them fall apart is what it is. it is so frustrating. because nobody steps in to rescue them. they sabotage themselves. >> she was the biggest star in the world. four months ago, miley cyrus was the biggest star in the world. >> if you look, when he turned 18 he basically got rid of his mom and had a recent break-up with scooter who was the guy who
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was instrumental for his contrary. >> you know way too much about justin bieber. >> have you not seen the documentary? >> no. i never thought i would be on television discussing this much about justin bieber. vanessa, i've got to run, carol, everybody, thank you very much. coming up, winner take all. loser go home. the u.s. faces off against belgium tomorrow. we'll have a alive report from brazil. that's next. ♪ the last four hours have seen... one child fail to get to the air sickness bag in time. another left his shoes on the plane... his shoes! and a third simply doesn't want to be here. ♪
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house. they're boycotting belgian waffles. for team usa, preparing for the match-up tomorrow. joining me now live from brazil. i have to speak very loudly hear because she is at a soccer sponsor event. shasta darlington alive. it is hard to imagine fans around the world getting more excited than they are. what is the feeling ahead of tomorrow's big game? >> reporter: well, i have to say this has been a long and exciting party with people getting ready for the big game tomorrow. they are just getting more and more excited. a lot of these people didn't think team usa would make it this far. the fact that they have, they've extented the tickets. they're determined to enjoy their time here while they can and confident that team usa will come out ahead against the game against belgium tomorrow.
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>> i love that they were channelling cnn. i'm going to ask you another question. the u.s. has already made it through quarterfinals, rate? the game is the last in this round. any other news? any other news on other teams or u.s. injuries that you can tell us about? >> reporter: yep, if i heard your question correctly, basically, we're in the middle. brazil has made it through. in the last couple days we've had france make it through, wave had costa rica make it through. every day we get two new teams making it through. tomorrow it is team usa's turn. if they do make it through, they will likely face off against argentina. that means lionel messi. i give them the last word.
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>> shasta darlington. appreciate that. clint dempsey is team usa's top goal scorer leading by example as the team captain. i can only imagine what may next guest must be feeling. joining me now, brother and sister-in-law of u.s. national team midfielder clint dempsey. what did you think of the crowd there? >> it sounds insane. >> it sounds exciting. they were excited. pumped up. >> wish we were there. >> that may not the expectations are really hey for your brother. he has a lot on his shoulders tomorrow night. can he deliver? he seams to handle pressure very well, doesn't he? >> yes. these are the moments where he is bold and he'll put a stamp on game. i'm hoping he comes out like did he in ghana.
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it is like a brand new start for the tournament knockout stage. >> here's what your brother had to say about the usa team and how much they want to win. take a listen. >> aware not satisfied getting to the group stage. for some of the guys, the last opportunity. so you want to make the most of it. i'm sure if we play to the best of our ability, we'll get a positive result. >> so is this what will come down to who wants it the most and can i get a prediction from you? >> i'm predicting we're going to win. may goal is that we just get out there. we go strong, excited. i think clint is excited and pumped. i think that the team works well together. i think the more excited he is, when he gets out there, i think the team follows suit. i think they work really well together. i think aware going to win. >> lance?
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>> i appeal the exactly the same. i have faith in may team, i have faith in my brother. we've had a friendly against belgium so we know how to match up. aware ready. it is just down to the players and capitalizing on the field. i believe they'll deliver and we'll win. >> so i'll see you hear tomorrow night. you'll celebrate with us. >> oh, yes. we'll be here to celebrate. >> how is work on those abs going? >> i've just been sitting on the koux. >> it is a slow process during the world cup time. there are too many games to watch. >> thank you. appreciate it. good luck. we'll see you tomorrow night. >> joining me now, someone who might have divided priorities. the son of belgian immigrants.
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he grew up a belgian chocolate and belgian soccer. are you belgian or american? who are you rooting for? >> oh, i'm conflicted, i'm torn up. i'm an american citizen but i'm 100% belgian. for a long time i would watch the belgian soccer team do its thing. i would root for the americans to do well. i was there screaming in 2004. i don't know where my loyalties lie. i haven't decided who i'm rooting for. i'm guaranteed a team in the quarterfinals. it is amazing. in my lifetime my two favorite teams have never played. >> who do you think will win? will you be happy no matter who wins? or are you going to be devastated no matter what? >> i think i'll be thrilled no matter who wins because i'll get a team in the quarterfinals. i'll say this. last summer belgium played usa.
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the belgian team was red hot. they've cooled off on offense and for that reason i think the united states can pull out a squeaker. i can see a 1-1 game. maybe solved by penalty kicks. both teams have great goalies. belgium has these international stars, leading the group. company of mann city. the united states has a lot of no names on the international scene but they're scrappy. >> are you doing face painting, half one, half the other? >> i don't know. how much trouble would i get in at work if i showed up with face paint? can i say don lemon told me to put on the belgian flag on one side and the u.s. flag on the other? >> that and like $5 will get you a small cup of coffee at starbucks. do you remember we were working together in new orleans and we met a friend who talked like this? >> of course, of course. >> don't you have some welsh
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descent? did i get that wrong? >> i don't know where you're going with that. >> i thought you were. i was calling you tom jones for a while. i thought you were welsh. >> i don't remember that. i remember him saying, it was all don lemon. let's get don lemon on the bayou. do a story on the corruption, don lemon. >> get that boy over here now. good luck tomorrow night. i guess you win either way. appreciate it. coming up, america has world cup fever. is soccer here to stay? world cup soccer has never if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, like me, and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic...
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world cup soccer has never really been an obsession. not until now. the president and ceo of u.s. soccer foundation. heather is a midfielder for u.s. women's soccer. in brazil, matt is a soccer writer and creator of the site away and to you first. there's no question that this world cup has captured the attention of americans. you wrote an article for cnn and you said this time it is not a passing fad. why? what's different now? >> i think a number of factors. number one you have the, so much soccer is available in this country. we have a whole generation of americans who grew up playing soccer in the united states. the millennial generation. this is a game they've known from their childhood. it is part of who they are.
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they have a relationship with the game. and they have a passion for the game. but you have the fact such as, there is so much soccer available on television. you have the expansion of major league soccer. into 22 markets. there is so much opportunity for the game in this country and so many people have developed a relationship with the game that it can't help but grow. >> so it is starting to stick here. i want you guys to listen to what the u.s. coach said about the impact. soccer's impact on the world. >> you see where the game is going in the united states. you can't stop it anymore. it is breaking through. the league is doing a great job. it is almost 20 years old. million of kids playing soccer throughout the country. it's growing on every level. >> so you see people gathering by the thousands. outdoor viewing parties, they're packing bars and restaurants. what happens if the usa is eliminated? >> you know, these guys have
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made us proud. they've made their mark on this world cup already. the country has just gotten behind them. and it is just so cool as a soccer player to see the entire world really get behind this tournament and our guys. i think they've made their mark already. i think tomorrow they'll put on another great performance. >> why is belgium considered such a heavy favorite? according to the rankings, belgium is ranked 11. the u.s. is ranked 13th. >> i think they have some very experienced players. they have company in the back. he is a veteran, a very strong defender. a lot of players you see in the english premier league that american players are very familiar with. i think there's a lot of experience on the belgian side. that americans know. i think we have the spark, the enthusiasm of the nation behind us and we'll perform well. >> what did they have to do well
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to perform well to win? >> i think they need to be brave in their attack. i think they need to sort of go for it. the transition moments are so critical. they need to expand when they have the ball and kind of go for it. they can't sit back for 90 minutes. i don't think they'll win that way. >> okay. so matt, to you and the noisy bar, the noisy plays. you had been traveling around the world writing about soccer. the u.s. is the most supported foreign team in brazil. the american outlaw fans really an factor tomorrow in the game against belgium? >> reporter: man, i feel like i'm talking to you from a frat party on the last day of senior year. so forgive me if i can't hear you 100%. the answer is yes, they believe they can have an enormous impact. they're throwing around numbers tonight, 10,000, 20,000, maybe a million americans will show up tomorrow for the games.
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they think they will outnumber the belgians. if the fans are louder than the belgian supporters, anything can happen. we've seen anything happen already. so if these fans can be as loud and proud as they have been the whole time, based on what's happening tonight, i think it is going to be that way tomorrow. >> if you can hear me, my other guests said they believe this time it will stick. especially ed said that. what's different about this time? you've been writing about it for a long time. can you feel it? >> i think what's different for maybe this generation of soccer fans is that we grew up playing soccer in the united states, in suburbs, now we're old enough now to go to brazil. we can go to games. we can follow major league soccer game or other clubs in other countries. now it is our time as semi
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adults or want a be adults, we don't want to watch football and baseball and basketball all the time. it come through when the u.s. plays in the world cup. i hope it translates back home. i hope this lingers and sticks around. millions are watching back in the u.s. and it would be great if that sort of thing continues. that is what is different. >> i never thought in a million years i would hear what matt said. especially when you consider american football. that's the holy grail. >> of course football. a lot of hard work has been put in the last 30 to 40 years to create the infrastructure, to give children the opportunity to play and learn the game of soccer and enjoy the game of soccer. local clubs, state associations have been building infrastructures so there is a pipeline of players coming up through the systems.
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the u.s. soccer federation and major league soccer have ensured that we have the highest quality play at the top of the game. so everything is in place. it is not an overnight successful it is work that has been going on for 30 to 40 years and it will continue. the u.s. soccer foundation, its mission was created after the 994 world cup. and our mission is to help grow the game. we've invested over 60 million in all 50 states to build programs and infrastructure for soccer. >> before i let you go, i want a prediction from you first. >> i believe that we will win. no other answer. >> the score, are you going to give me a score? >> no. i'm not going to give you a score. this is crazy. but i believe we will win. >> all right. heather? >> making bradley will have the game winner. 1-0. >> 1-0. all right. matt? >> i don't know, man.
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i think it will be, i'm going to say penalty kicks. i love penalty kicks 2. -2 draw. the u.s. will win in the pks. >> i'm going on say 3-2, usa. i'm just saying. i won't be like ed. we'll come back tomorrow and we'll see if i was right, which i will be. thank you. matt, appreciate it. have fun. come back tomorrow night and we'll check it out. hi, i just signed up for your credit report site and i have a problem. i need to speak with your fraud resolution department. ugh, we don't have that. what should i tell him? just make that super annoying modem noise... ( ee...dong...shuuuhh...) hello? not all credit report sites are equal. classic. members get personalized help plus fraud resolution support. join now at with enrollment in experian credit tracker. hey, buddy? oh, hey, flo.
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one of the stories you'll be talking about, israel launching air strikes against hamas after the killings of three young israelis. their bodies were discovered in the west bank. and israel blames hamas in no uncertain terms. benjamin netanyahu says, quote, hamas will pay. may not while, hamas spokesmen warn against escalation saying if netanyahu brings a war on gaza, the gates of hell will open to him. israeli military spokesman tells cnn, aircraft carried out precision strikes against 34 targets in the gaza strip following rockets fired at israel since sunday evening. the idea?
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conconfirm the idea of strikes, nor number killed, nor whether they were direct hits. thank you for watching. i'll see you back hear tomorrow night. i'm don lemon. that's it tonight. even though hunters wear bright orange vests and hats, accidents still happen. the problem is trying to figure out which shootings are accidents and which are not. in colorado, investigators used forensic metallurgy, a piece of string and geology to see if one man's death was an accident or murder. each year thousands of big game hunters flock to the uncompahgre national park in western colorado.
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